Ely (Olelle. HUN I 1 PA, Wednedday, February 20, 1861 T nws. The President has issued his proc lamation for convening the U. S. Sen ate on the 4th of March, that the ap pointments of President Lincoln may be confirmed or rejected immediately. —On Monday last, Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as President of the Southern Confederacy. —A. statement is published, over the signatures of sonic of the most prominent citizens of Kansas, denying liyatt's statement iu regard to the suf fering of the people. The gentlemen say that there have been no authenti cated cases of death by starvation, and if the contributions continuo as boun tifully as heretofore until June next, there will be none. About a fifth of the people need help from abroad, but the statements that Kansas is a char nel-house, that all classes aro approach ing starvation, that there is one step between 50,000 people and starvation,' are, as they believe, reckless and fla grant falsehoods. The bulk of the pop ulation of the State lies in the coun ties adjacent to the Missouri river, and here there is but little more than ordi nary destitution. There has undoubt edly been much suffering from cold and exposure among those from a dis tance coming from the interior towns to the river for relief, and the winter has been unusually severe ; and it is estimated that about 20,000 people will need aid in provisions and clothes, and in seed to enable them to secure a harvest. WAMINGTON, Feb. 17.—There aro many conflicting rumors in the city in regard to the proceedings of the Peace Congress - yesterday. One, to the effect that therewas a serious disagreement upon the report of the committee, has produced much anxiety. lam assured by one who knows, that the meeting of the Conference was entirely harmo nious, and that the good feeling pre vailing among the delegates justifies the hope that a satisfactory result will be speedily reached. TU E SUUTIFERN CONFEDERACY. Montgomery, Ala. Feb. 17.—President Davis arrived last night. In returning thanks at the depot, President Davis said that he felt proud to receive the congratulations and hospitalities of the citizens of Alabama. Ile briefly re viewed the present position of the South and said that the time for com promises had passed. We are now de termined to maintain our position, and make all who oppose it smell Southern powder and feel the Southern steel.— If coercion is persisted in, he had no doubt of the result. We will maintain our rights and our government at all hazards. We ask nothing—we want . • Fee y come to our terms. Our separation from the old onion is complete, and no compro mise,' no reconstruction, can now be entertained. THE TONNAGE TAX.-By reference to another column, it will be seen that the bill for the commutation of the tonnage tax on the Pennsylvania Rail road has passed the House by what we consider, under the circumstances, a largo majority. And the most grati fying fact in its consideration and pas sage was, that party drill was com pletely thrown out of the question.— Democrats and Republicans voted for the bill because they believed the tax to be unjust—that its repeal in manner and form pres,;ribed, would not only be an act of justice to the Company, but a relief to the tax-payers in the counties through which the road pass es, and eventually bring more money into the State Treasury annually, with out increasing the rate of taxation on improved property, than the tonnage tax now amounts to. We are aware that there is an opposition to the re peal, in mid out of the Legislature ; but to say that the opposition is hon est with every man, would be asserting what we know to be false. Members of the Legislature who are not fit to be there, supposing that a repeal would be unpopular with their constituents for want of information upon the sub ject, cast their political vote, that as politicians they may be re-elected. Such men should not be selected to represent an honest people. A member of the Legislature should first be sure that whatever way - 1m may vote, he can sustain by honest argument, and then go ahead in the discharge of his duties as a man, and not as a petty politician. A Ilion OLD TIME AT HARRISBURG. —There will be a great crowd at Har risburg on Thursday and Friday next. On Thursday the Democratic State Convention will meet, composed of three hundred and ninety-nine dele gates ; and on Friday the 224 the Flag of the Union is to be raised and dis played from the Dome of the Capitol, on which occasion the Military of the State is invited to participate. The six companies of this county will be there. SENATORIAL DELEGATES.-TllO fol lowing named gentlemen have been chosen delegates from this Senatorial District to the Democratic State Con vention : John Scott, Esq., Huntingdon county; Hon. Job Mann, Bedford coun ty, and Daniel Weyand, Esq., of Som erset county. A strong delegation. PRESIDENT LINCOLN TO BE AT HAR alssuao.—President Lincoln has ac cepted an invitation by the Legislature, and will be in Harrisburg on Friday nest, the 22d. There will soon ho but two parties, in the country, Unionists and Disunionists, and we think we know which will be the stronger. The people will save the country, save their honor, and punish disunion traitors and tricksters.—Animal cf, American. We are for Compromise—rfor the Union. You,'neighbors, are opposed to anything like a Compromise. Com promise means Union; no Compromise means Disufion and Civil War. We have good men to back us. In the formation of our Constitution, Wash ington, Franklin, Madison and Hamil ton said—Compromise. In 1820, when the Missouri question agitated the country, Monroe, Adams, and Clay said—Compromise. In 1832, when nul lification threatened trouble, Jackson, Clay, and Cass said—Compromise. In 1850, when the acquisition of California and other territory gave rise to sec tional feeling, Fillmore, Cuss, Douglas, Clay, and Webster said—Compromise. On all these occasions, Compromise re ' stored good feeling, maintained peace, and promoted Union. We say, Compromise, because we be long to the Union party. Statesmen, great and small, and the people are for Compromise. The Union party is a Compromise. And if the Union is saved it will be saved by a Compromise offered and accepted by the Union party-. The Abolitionists of the North and the Seceders of the South may continue their disunion agitations for a while longer, until the people are fullly aroused, when the Union party will crush out all opposition. The country, the whole country first; party and party platforms only when the peace and prosperity of the country is not endangered by them. We.are for the Union at the.sacrifice of all parties and platforms if necessary. " Nobody is Suffering." At this season last year, says a Phil adelphia exchange, the number of strangers in the city, on business, was large beyond precedent. The Hotels were all crowded. They are now de serted. Their losses are heavy, and there is no prospect of improA - ement• That great and popular hotel, the Gi rard House, is compelled to yield to the pressure, and soon will be compelled to close to avoid ruinous losses. The North American of Friday, in accounting for the ruinous condition of the Hotels, attributes it to "the gloomy condition of mercantile affairs," and says that " there should be many strangers here, and doubtless would be, but for the stagnation of business con sequent upon the political crisis, which has arrested commerce and paralyzed credit." These truthful statements of the leading Republican journal, are beau tiful comments upon the assertions of body is suffering." Important Bills Passed in the House On Saturday morning last, in the House of Representatives, the Bill for the Commutation of the Tonnage du ties on the Pennsylvania Railroad passed finally by the following vote : YEAS—Messrs. Abbot, Acker, Asheom, Austin, Ball, Bartholomew, Blair, Bressler, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Carbon,) Butler, (Crawford,) Byrne, Caldwell, Cowan, Craig, Dougl ass, Dutfield,Du ncan,Dunlap,Eilenberg er,Gaskill,Gibboney,Goehring, Graham, Har vey, Hillman, Hofius, Huhn, Koch, Leisen ring, Lawrence, .Lowther, M'Danough, Mar shall, M'Gonigal, Moore, Morrison, Mullin, Ober, Osterhout, Pierce, Preston, Pughe, Randall, Reily, Ridgway, Robinson, Roller, Seltzer, Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Philadel phia,) Taylor, Teller, Thomas, Walker, Wil dey, White and Davis, Speaker-60. NAYS...-. Messrs. Alexander, Armstrong, Anderson, Barnsley, Bisel, Bixler, Blanch. ard, Bliss, Boyer, Brodhead, Clark, Collins, Cope, Dismant, Donley, Elliott, Frazier, flapper, Hayes, Heck, Hill, Hood, Irvin, Kline, Lichtenwallner, Manifold, Myers, Patterson, Reiff, Rhoads, Schrock, Smith, (Berks,) Stehman, Stoliehack, Strang, Tracy, Williams and Wilson-3S. The bill to change the name of, and for the relief of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, also passed the House filially, by the following vote : YEAS—Messrs. Abbott, Acker, Anderson, Armstrong, Ashcom, Austin, Ball, Barnsley, Bartholomew, Bisel, Blair, Boyer, Bressler, Brewster, Butler, (Carbon,) Butler, (Craw ford,) Byrne, Caldwell, Collins, Cowan, Craig, Douglass, Duffield, Duncan, Dunlap, Ellen berger, Gaskill, Graham, Hopper, Harrey, Hayes, Hillman, Hood, Hams, Huhn, Koch, Kline, Lawrence, Leirenring, Lowther, Man ifold, M'Donough, M'Gonigal, Marshall, Moore, Morrison, Mullin, Ober, Os terhout, Pierce, Preston, Pugh°, Randall, Roily, Rhoads, Ridgway, Robinson, Roller, Schrock, Seltzer, Shafer, Sheppard, Stnith, (Berks,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stehman, Strang, 'relict., Thomas, Walker, White, Wildey and Davis, Speaker-72, Nays—Messrs. Alexander, Bixler, Bliss, Blanchard, Brodhead, Burns, Clark, Cope, Dismant, Donley, Elliott, Frazier, Gibboney, Goehring, lleek, Hill, Irvin, Liehtenwallner, Myers, Patterson, Reiff, Stoneback, Taylor, Tracy, Williams and Wilson—M. These bills will now go to the Sen ate where they will be properly exam ined and acted upon. We have no doubt both bills will pass the Senate and be approved by the Governor. TILE DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. —All the counties of the State will send full delegations to the Convention which will meet at Harrisburg on Thursday next. The most of the coun ties, where the party was consulted, have named as delegates their very best men, but in others where small politicians had the power, Small politi cians have been selected to represent the party. We hope the majority of the Convention will, for the present, bury all party strife, and act for the good of the country—the whole people. ' MOVEMENTS OF THE PRESIDENT ELECT. —President Lincoln has at last broken silence. Believing that any thing he might say would be read with great anxiety, we give a numberof his speech es in to-clay's Globe, FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Mr. Howard, of Michigan, from the Select Committee of Five, made the following report to the House, under the resolution instructing them to re port as to the alleged conspiracy to seize the Capitol: "The committee entered upon the investigation under a deep sense of the importance and the intrinsic difficulty of the inquiry. To prove the exis tence of a secret organization, having for its object the resistance to and overthrow of the Government, would, in the very nature of the case, be a dffieult, task, if such an organization really existed. On the other hand, in a time of high excitement, consequent upon the revolutionary events trans piring all around us, the very air filled with rumors, and individuals indulging in the most extravagant expressions of fears and threats, it might well be thought difficult to elicit such clear proof as would enable the committee to pronounce authoritatively that no such organization existed, and thus contribute to the quiet of the public mind and the peace of the country. " The committee have pursued their labors with a determination on their part to ascertain the real facts so far as possible; and if, sometimes, they have permitted inquiries and admitted testimony not strictly within the rules of evidence, or within the scope of the resolutions, it is to be attributed to their great anxiety to elicit the real facts, and to remove unfounded ap prehensions. " The extraordinary excitement ex isting prior to the late presidential election led disaffected persons of high and low position, after the result of that election became known, to con sult together on the question of sub mitting to that result, and also upon the various modes of resistance.— Among other modes, the resistance of the counting of the ballots, and to the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, and the seizure of the capital and the District of Columbia, were discussed formally, in this city and elsewhere. "But too much diversity of opinion seems to have existed to admit of the adoption of any well-organized plan until some of the States commenced to reduce their theories of secession to practice. Since then, the persons thus disaffected seem to have adopted the idea that all resistance to the Govern ment, if there is to be any, should have, at least, the color of State authority. If the purpose was at any time enter tained of forming an organization, se cretor open, to seize the District of Columbia, attack the capital, or pre vent the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, it seems to have been rendered contin gent upon the secession of either Mary land or Virginia, or both, and the sanction of one of these States. "Certain organizations in this Dis trict and in Maryland, that prior to the election seem to have been openly political clubs, have since assumed the character of military organizations, and are now engaged in drilling, and expect to provide themselves with arms, some from State authorities and others from private subscriptions.— But, so fltr as the committee were able to learn their purposes, while they attack either the capital or the Dis trict, unless the surrender should be demanded by a State to which they profess a high degree of allegiance. "Some of these companies in Balti more professed to be drilling for the sole purpose of preventing other mill , tary companies from passing through the State of Maryland. "Whether these representations of the purposes of the companies be cor rect or not, the committee have failed to discover any satisfactory evidence that they have any purpose whatever, as a mere mob without the sanction of State aurhority, to attack the Capitol or any other public property in this District, or to seize the District. If it should he admitted that any one of these organizations was hostile to the Government, or entertained unlawful purposes, they are in no proper sense secret, and are not, therefore, such as are contemplated in the resolution of the House. '"The community are unanimously of the opinion that the evidence pro duced before them does not prove the existence of a secret organization, here or elsewhere, hostile to the Govern ment, that has for its object, upon its own responsibility, an attack upon the Capitol, or any of the public property here, or an interruption of any of the functions of the Government. " The committee submit herewith all the testimony taken upon the sub ject, and ask that the same, and this report be printed, and that the com mittee be discharged from the further consideration of the subject." Mr. *Branch, of North Carolina,from the same committee, presented his views, as follows: " That he concurs entirely with toile majority, that the testimony does not establish the existence of a conspiracy or a purpose, on the part of any per sons, to seize tho public property in the District of Columbia, or to inter fere with the regular operations of the Government. He thinks it has been established, notwihstanding the diffi culty of proving a negative, that no such conspiracy does exist, either in this District or elsewhere. It appears from the testimony of Lieutenant Gen eral Scott, that seven companies of ar tillery, and one company of sappers and miners, of the regular army, have been ordered to, and are quartered in, the city, in close vicinity to the Capi tol, - under a mistaken belief that the public property in the District was, or would be, in danger; and the commit tee being unanimously of the opinion that no such combination, or conspir acy, or purpose, hostile to the Govern ment or its property, exists, the under signed would ask the passage of the following resolution : " Resolved, That the quartering of the regular army in this District and around the Capitol, when not necessa ry for their protection from a hostile enemy, and during the session of Con gress, is impolitic and offensive, and if permitted, may become destructive of civil liberty; and in the opinion of this House, the regular troops now in it ought to be forthwith removed there from." After some discussion, the question was taken on Mr. Branch's resolution, and it was voted clown by 125 yeas to 35 nays. MOVEMENTS of - the PRESIDENT ELECT, [See first page fur Speeches made at Indianapolis, Ind., and Cincinnati, Ohio.] Columbus, Ohio Punctually at two o'clock, the train arrived at Columbus, and the Presi dent elect was received with a-salute. Under a military escort he arrived at the Capitol, and was received by Gov. Dennison in the Executive room. Af ter the introductions, Mr. Lincoln was conducted to the Legislature in joint session, where he was welcomed by the Lieutenant Governor in a short address, to which Mr. Lincoln made the following reply : Mr. President and Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the General Assembly: It is true as has been said by the Pres ident of the Senate, that a very great responsibility rests upon me in the po , sifibn to which the votes of the Amer ican people have called me. I am deeply sensible of that weighty re sponsibility. I cannot but know, what you all know, that without a name—perhaps without a reason— there has fallen upon me a task such as did not rest oven upon the Father of his Country, and so feeling, I can not but turn and look for the support without which it will be impossible for me to perform that great task. I turn and look to the American people, and to that God who has never forsaken them. Allusion has been made to the interest felt in relation to the policy of the new Administration. In this I have received from some a degree of credit for having kept silence, but from others severe deprecation. I still think I was right. In the varying and repeatedly shifting scenes of the pres ent, without a precedent which could enable us to judge by the past, it has seemed fitting that before speaking upon the difficulties of the country, I should have gained a view of the whole field, to be sore; and after all, being at liberty to modify and change the course of policy as future events may make a change necessary. I have not main tained silence from any want of real anxiety. It is a good thing there is no more than anxiety, for there is noth ing going wrong. It is a consoling circumstance that when we look out there is nothing that really hurts any body. We entertain different views upon political questions, but nobody is suffering anything. This is a most consoling circumstance, and from it we may conclude that all we want is time, patience, and a reliance on that God that has never forsaken this peo ple. Fellow-citizens, what I have said has been altogether extemporaneous, and I will now come'to a close. Pittsburg, Pa An immense crowd had assembled at the Monongahela House and the en thusiasm of the crowd displayed itself on the arrival of the cortege, (at 81 P. M.) by a constant succession of cheers. Mr. Lincoln was immediately conduct ed to a •ivato room, his attendants forcing a way through a dense mass which filled the halls and publicyooms_ coin appeared in the hall, and in re sponse to a universal demand for a speech, said : • Fellow-citizens: We had an accident upon the road to-day and were de layed till this late hour. lam sorry for this, inasmuch as it was my desire and intention to address the citizens of Pennsylvania, briefly, this evening, on what is properly styled their pecu liar interest. And I still hope that some arrangement may be made to morrow morning which will afford me the pleasure of talking to a larger number of my friends than can assem ble in this hall. [Go on now; there's enough here."] I have a great regard for Allegheny county. It is "the ban ner county of the Union," [cheers,] and rolled up an immense majority for what I, at least, consider a good cause. By a mere accident, and not through any merit of mine, it happened that I was the representative of that cause, and I acknowledge with all sincerity the high honor you have conferred on me. [" Three cheers for Honest Abe," and a voice saying, "It was no• acci dent that elected you, but your own merits, and the worth of the causal I thank you, my fellow-citizen, for your kind remark, and trust that I feel a becoming sense of the responsi bility resting upon me. [" We know you do."] I could not help thinking, my friends, as I traveled in the rain through your crowded streets, on my way here, that if all that people were in fitvor f - the Union, it can certainly be in no groat danger—it will be preserved. [A voice—" We are all Union men. " Another voice—"Tha's so." A third, , voice—" No compromise." A fourth —" Three cheers for the Union."] But I am talking too long, longer than I ought. [" Oh, no ! go on; split another rail." Laughter.] You know that it has not been my custom, since I started on the route to Washington, to make long speeches; I am rather inclined to silence, [" That's right"] and whether that bo wise or not, it is at least more unusual now-a-days to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find ono who cannot. [Laugh ter, and a voice—" No railery Abe."] I thank you, sincerely, for the warm reception I have received, and in the morning, if an arrangement can be made, of which I am not yet certain, I may have something to say to you of that "peculiar interest of Pennsyl vania" before mentioned. [" Say it now, we are all attention."] Well, my friends, as it is not much I have to say, and as there may be some uncer tainty of another opportunity, I will utter it now, if you will permit me to procure a few notes that aro in my overcoat pocket. [" Certainly- we will," and cheers. Mr. Lincoln got clown from his ele vated position, on the chair, and re tired into the drawing room to get the desired "notes." A few moments after a gentlemen announced that the President would finish his speech from the balcony, as there was an immense, enthusiastic and impatient crowd of qtizens waiting in the rain to see and hear him. Mr. Lincoln appeared on the balcony he was received with the most tumul tuous cheering and other manifesta tions of delight. needless of the rain which was falling, hundreds lowered their umbrellas, so as to be better able to hear what might fall from the lips of their distinguished guest: When comparative silence was restored, Mr. Lincoln said: Fellow-citizens, I have been pre vailed upon by your committee to post pone my intended remarks to you until to-morrow, when we hope for more fa vorable weather, and I have made my appearance now only to afford you an opportunity of seeing, as clearly as may be, my •beautiful countenance l [Loud laughter, and cheers.] In themorning at half-past eight o'clock I purpose speaking to you from this place. Un til then, I bid you all good night. The President retired from the bal -1 cony amidst the most enthusiastic de monstrations. PITTSBURG, Feb. 15.—The weather this morning opened inauspiciously, a heavy rain falling up to eight o'clock, when it subsided. During the morn ing Mr. Lincoln was waited upon by the Pittsburg Councils in a body, and many visitors called to pay their re spects. In accordance with Mr. Lincoln's invitation to the people of Allegheny county last night, a largo crowd gath ered this morning in the vicinity of the Monongahela House, to hear his speech on the peculiar interests of the country. When he was introduced, and advanced to the railing of the bal cony, be was greeted with vociferous cheering. Mr. Lincoln then addressed the as semblage, as follows : MAYOR WILSON, AND CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA : I most cordially thank his Honor Mayor Wilson, and the cit izens of Pittsburg generally, for this flattering reception. It is the more grateful because I know thatswhile it is not given me alone, but to the cause I represent, yet it is given under cir cumstances that clearly prove to me that there is good-will and sincere feeling at the bottom of it. [Enthusi astic applause.] • And here I may remark that in every short address I have made to the people, in every crowd through which I have passed of late, some al lusion has been made to the present distracted state of the country. It is naturally expected that I should say something upon this subject; but if I touch upon it at all, it would in volve an elaborate discussion. The great number of the questions and cir cumstances would require more time than I can at present command, and I would perhaps unnecessarily commit myself upon matters that have not yet fully developed themselves. [lmmense cheering, and cries of " Good" " That's right."] The condition of the country is an extraordinary one, and fills the mind of every patriot with anxiety and so licitude. My intention is to give this subject all the consideration that I possibly can, before I speak fully and definitely in regard to it. [Cheers.] So that when I do speak, I may be as nearly right as possible. [Loud and -continued-iipplomoo.] - T • T nothing in opposition to the spirit of the Constitution, or contrary to the integrity of the Union, or which will prove inimical to the liberties of the people, or to the peace of the whole country. [Vociferous applause.] And furthermore, when the time arrives for me to speak on this great subject, I hope I will say nothing to disappoint the people generally, throughout the country, especially if their expectations have been based upon anything which I may have heretofore said. [Applause] Notwithstanding the troubles across the river, (the speaker pointing south wardly to the Monongahela and smi ling,) there is really no crisis, except an artificial one. [Laughter and ap plause.] What is there now to war rant the condition of affairs presented by our friends over the river? Take even their own view of the questions involved, there is nothing to justify the course they are pursuing. [A voice—" That's so.] I repeat, then, that there is no cri sis, excepting such a. one as may be gotten up at any time by turbulent men, aided by designing politicians. - My advice then, under the circum stances, is to keep cool. If the great American people only keep their tem per on both sides of the line, these troubles will come to an end, and the question that now distracts the coun try will be settled just as surely as all other difficulties of a like character, which have originated in the Govern ment, have been adjusted. Let the people on both sides keep their self possession, and just as other clouds have cleared away in due time, so will this, and this great nation continue to prosper as heretofore. [Loud applause] But, fellow citizens, I have spoken longer on this subject than I intended in the outset. [Cries of "Go on, go on."] I shall say no more at present. Fellow-citizens, as this is the first opportunity I have had to address a Pennsylvania assemblage, it seems a fitting time to indulge in a few remarks on the important question of a tariff—a subject of great magnitude, and one attended with many difficulties, owing to the great variety of interests in volved. So long as direct taxation for the support of the Government is not resorted to, a tariff is necessa ry. A tariff is to the Government, what meat is to a family. But while this is admitted, it still becomes neces sary to modify or change its opera tions, according as new interests or new circumstances arise. So far, there is little difference of opinion among politicians, but the question as to how tar imposts may be adjusted for the protection of home industry gives rise to numerous views and objections. I must confess that I do not understand the subject in all its multiform bear ings; but I promise you thitt I will give it my closest attention, and en deavor to comprehend it more fully.— And hero I may remark that the Chi cago platform contains a plank upon this subject, which I think should be regarded as a law for the incoming Administration. [lmmense demonstra tions of applause,] In fact, this ques tion, as well as other subjects embod ied in that platform, should not be varied from what we gave the people to understand would be our policy when we obtained their Votes. [Con tinned applause.] Permit me, fellow citizens, to read the tariff plank of the Chicago platform, or, rather, have it read in your hearing, by one who has younger eyes than I have. Mr. Lincoln's private secretary then read section twelfth of the Chicago platform, as follows : " That while pro viding revenue for the support of the General', Government by duties upon imports, sound policy requires such an adjustment of these imports as may encourage the development of the in dustrial interests of the whole country; and we commend that policy of nation al exchanges, which secures to the workingmen liberal wages, to agricul ture remunerating prices, to mechanics and manufitcturers an adequate re ward for their skill, labor, and enter prise, and to the nation, commercial prosperity and independence." Mr. Lincoln continued; Now, I must confess that there are shades of differ ence in construing even this platform, but I am not now intending to discuss these differences, but merely to give you some general idea of the subject. I have long thought that if there be any article of necessity which can be produced at home, with as little, or nearly the same labor as abroad, it would be better to protect that article of labor at its true standard of value. If a bar of iron got out of the mines in England, and a bar of iron taken from the mines in Pennsylvania, can be produced at the same cost, it fol lows that if the English bar be shipped from Manchester to Pittsburg, and the American bar from Pittsburg to Man chester, the cost of carriage is appre ciably- lost. [Laughter.] If we had no iron here, then we should encour age the shipment from a foreign coun try, but not when we can make it as cheaply in our own country. This brings us back to the first proposition, that if any article can be produced at home with nearly the same cost as abroad, the carriage is lost labor. The treasury of the nation is in such a low condition at present, that this subject now demands the attention of Con gress, and will demand the immediate consideration of the new Administra tion. Tho tariff bill now before Con gress may or may not pass at the pres ent session. I confess Ido not under stand the precise provisions of this bill. I do not know whether it can be passed by the present Congress or not. It may or may not become the law of the land; but if it does pass, that will be an end of the matter until a modifica tion can be effected, should that be deemed necessary. If it does not pass, and the latest advices I haVe arc to the effect that it is still pending, the next Congress will have to give it the earliest attention. According to my political education, I am inclined to believe that the people in the various sections of the country should have their own views carried out through their representatives in Congress. If the consideration of the tariff bill should be postponed until the next session of the National Legislature, no subject should engage your representatives more closely than that of the tariff— If I have any recommendation to make, it will be that every man who is called upon to serve the people in a repre sentative capacity should study the whole subject thoroughly, as I intend tnrde „~ysetr, taokm to ull the varied interests of the common country, so that when the time for action arrives to advocate, that protection may be extended to the coal and iron of Penn sYlVaniarthe't orn of Illinois, and the reapers of Chicago. Permit me to express the hope that this important subject may receive such considera tion at the hands of your representa tives that the interests of no part of the country may be overlooked, but that all sections may share in the common benefits of a just and equita ble tariff. [Applause.] But I am tres passing upon your patience, [cries of ac No, no," "Go on," " listen,"] and must bring my remarks to a close. Thanking you most cordially, for the kind reception you have ex- I tended to me, I bid you all adieu.— [Enthusiastic applause.] Cleveland, Ohio J. N. Masters, acting mayor, wel comed the President, and Judge An drews did the same on -behalf of the citizen's committee. Kr. Lincoln responded briefly, as follows: Mn.thrAmmAN, AND FELLOW-CITIZENS OF CLEVELAND : We have been march ing about two miles through snow, rain, and deep mud. The large num bers that have turned out under these circumstances testify that you are in earnest about something or other.— But do I think so meanly of you as to suppose that earnestness is about me personally ? I should be doing you injustice to suppose that you did. You have assembled to testify your respect to the Union, the Constitution and the laws. And here let me say that it is with you, the -people, to advance the great cause of the Union and the Con stitution, and not with any one man. It rests with you alone. This fact is strongly impressed on my mind at present. In a community like this, whose appearance testifies to their intelligence, I em convinced that the cause of liberty and the Union can never be in clanger. Frequent allusion is made to the excitement at present existinr , in national politics. It is as well that I should also allude to it here. I think there is no occasion for any excitement. The crisis, as it is called, is altogether an artificial crisis, In all parts of the nation there are differences of opinion on politics, There are clif ferenees of opinion even hero. Yon did not all vote for the person who now addresses you, And how is it with those who are not here ? Have they not all their rights, as they ever have had? Do they not have their fugitive slaves returned now as ever? Have they not the same Constitution that they have lived under for the last seventy odd years ? Have they not a position as citizens of this common country, and have wo any power to change that position, [Cries of " No." What then is the matter with them? Why all this excitement? Why all these complaints? As I said before, this orisis is all artificial. It has no foundation in fact. It was " argued up," as the saying is, and cannot be argued down. Let it alone and it will go down of itself. [Laughter.] Mr. Lincoln said they must he con tent with but few words from him.— He was very much fatigued, and had spoken so frequently, that be was al ready hoarse. He thanked them for the cordial, the magnificent: reception they had given him, and not less did he thank them for the votes they had given him last fall, and quite as much he thanked them for the efficient aid they bad given the cause which he represented; a cause which he would say was a good one. He had one more word to say. Ho was given to understand that this reception was tendered, not only by his own party supporters, but by men of all parties. This is as it should be. If Judge Douglas had been elected and had been here on his way to Wash ington, as I em tonight, the Republic ans would have joined in welcoming him just as his friends have joined with mine to-night. Hall do not join now to save the good old ship of the Union this voyage, nobody will have a chance to pilot her on another cruise. He concluded by thanking all present for the devothin they had shown for the cause of the Union. At the close of the speech Mr. Lin coln was presented with several Splen did bouquets and floral wreaths. The Virginia State Convention. WHAT IS EXPECTED OP IT. The Richmond newspapers are elabo rately discussing the duties and pros pects of the coming State Convention of Virginia, to be held in that city.— The Richmond Whig, which repre sents the Union feeling at the South, looks upon its meeting hopefully, and trusts that it may materially and per manently aid the good work of Union. The Whig says: "" New organizations must then be formed, and these organizations must refer to living ,questions. The salva tion or destruction of the Union is the great question of the day, and the new organizations must range themselves with regard to that vital issue. Old things have passed away, and all things must become new. "Union" or "Disunion" is the issue; and "Unionists" or " Disunionists" must be the party organizations and desig nations. The conservative Whigs and Democrats of the South; and the con servative Republicans of the North, must unite in forming ?t new Union party, while the destructives of all shades of opinions by different modes must co-operate for a common object —Disunion ! " We predict that before the 4th of July this will be the arrangement of parties. The Republicattorganization cannot exist on its present basis.— Lincoln and Seward will have the sa gacity to see this, and they will promptly give the cold shoulder to the extreme men of their party, and try to establish a National party, which will repudiate the wild absurdities of the Abolition school. A political ne cessity will constrain them to abandon not only the extreme dogmas of their party, but to adopt a new name signi ficant of the new party; and this name must be the Union Party. All these things have been brought about by the Virginia elections. The majestic attitude in which she now stands, commands the respect and ad miration of the nation. She has stayed the torrent of secessionism, and she has caused Northern sectionalism to pause in its mad career. Her but firm remonstrances have brought ' the country to its. senses. Madness no longer rules the hour. The sober second thought has begun to operate, and it is to be hoped that-wisdom and justice and moderation will henceforth guide the public councils. As section alism and violence on ono side beget sectionalism and violence on the other, so prudence and forbearance on the part of the South will beget similar qualities in the North. We already have the most abundant evidences of this truth in the - marked change that has come over the Northern mind since the Virginia election. Before that °lotion everything looked dark and gloomy. Within one week after it happened, the rainbow of Hope span ned the political sky." The Richmond Enquirer argues in favor of violence and precipitation af ter this fashion : "As earnest advocates of Union and Southern rights, we submit to the members of the Convention this view of the heavy responsibility of the po sition which they have accepted. The question as to whether Virginia shall be the tail of a Northern Confbderacy or the head of a Southern Confederacy, is one to which our reason, our loyalty and our sympathy recognize but ono reply. Yet this question is not now before the Convention for practical ac tion. Another question precedes it, viz : Does the Convention possess the courage to take the bold stand-now required for the restoration of the Union; or will the Convention, by a temporizing policy of apparent com promise, coupled with actual conces sion and submission to Northern ag gression, strike the last blow for the severance of the bond of Union,-ren. doting dissolution final and irrevo. cable 1" Ricumosn, Feb.l.3.—The State Con. vention assembled at noon in the Capi tol building. Jolt Janney, of Lou doun county, was elected president. On taking the °Lair ho made a speech expressing devotedness to the Union, but also said that Virginia would in sist on her rights as the condition of her remaining in the Confederacy. AN ARMY or FIVE THOUSAND BLACKS IM CANADA.—It is stated, by a corres. pondont of the New York Tribune, that there is an organized body of five thou. sand negroes in Canada West, who only await " the signal of civil war be. tween the North and Smith," before tendering their services to the North. If to gratify the 4 ' nigger," white, black and mixed, civil war is forced upon the country, it would be right that the runaway slaves in Canada and, in the Northern States, and those who have given them 4 aid and com fort,' should be the only ones forced into the ranks of a Northern army.— Their total destruction would be no loss to the white population or to the country.. Poor white men would then receive at least a share of public sym, pa thy. x;e . ..The London Chemical News states that hundreds of,harrels of the clarified rat of horses are imported from Ostend. to Englrnd, and sold in London for genuine butter. Pies and puddings made of such a savory substance must be very tempting to epicures.