The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 13, 1861, Image 4
T4AST NOTICE.- All who have unsettled accounts with me of six months !standing or longer, are earnestly requested to call and settle op and save costs. I must have money or quit binittems. LLVI 'WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, Jan. 2, 1861. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! C OAL A. Brown sells the genuine " PORTLAND HERO BENE," OR COAL OIL, clear as seater. This Is the only kind of oil that gives entire saliefaclion as en agent for light. Beware of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an offensive smell and smoke. A large variety also of - - COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicket, BLICOMI. Shades, &c., he., sold at the rery lowest prices, at the Hardware :tore, Hunting• doe, fa. TIIE lIORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Storo. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LGNGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES. A VALUABLE BOOK, Tar Bale at LEWIS' Book Store. ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR D °FIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR. Bonk of Plain Rules and Calculations for Business Ope rations, by Martin M. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and Conveyancer. Net° Edition, published by J. B. Lippin cott & Ro., Philadelphia. This work contains 204 pages. and upwards of 500 Rul•s and Examples. entirely and thoroughly practical, such no arise testy day in the common pursuits of Business. It has already passed through a number of editions In rapid succession, and is pronounced by all classes of hostiles , men to be the handiest baok of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book is worked out in full and stated in a plain manner, so that when a parallel case ari ses. those referring to the work will find no difficulty in solving it; In a word, the general arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple. that any one who knows hew to add, subtract multiply and divide, can easily solve any el &nary example that arises in business, or arrive at the true result crony estimate required. The chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy in figures. aiming only at facts and simpli city. believing that business men care little about spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures. deeming it sufficient for their purpose to be able eta moment. by reference, to arrive at the arm' result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all other Arithmetics or the day and kindred works—it is e key to practical business calculations—it le, in the hands of the business man, n hat the key to mathematical notice In the hands of the teacher in the school room—lt facili tates time and Insures correctness. THE WORK TREATS Oh' THE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, or Stone end Stone work, of grain and grain bins, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, square or irregular Tos , els, of cisterns nod vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, painter's. glazier's, paver's, plumb. er's, paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to lusiness, of eimplo and compound interest. and their entire application to business transactions, with the lams and usages governing the sante, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tender. of partial payment on notes, of banking and batik discount, of equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of faxes, Of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square root and its application to business of surfaces, of excavation, and of many other important practical matters not within the scopo of an advertisement to men tion. IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOR THE Farmer. the merchant, the mechanic, the artizan, or the professional man. It has proven A valuable auxiliary to the lawyer, the justice of the peace, the conveyancer. and real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the civil engineer and the surveyor, to the carpenter and bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver nod the tiler, &c., &c.; each and all will Sod it adapted to their va rious wants better than any book published. IR" Price. 50 cents. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. Euntlagdon, Dec. 26, 1860. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TIME OF LEANING OF TRAINS Z.k; inwtr D-C - 121.1Q*71. .1 WESTWARD. I I EASTWARD. g mt 59 f-31 L+ P. PI ig Pt g t„ p. L... LO m ,1,4 sr, .3 ~,o STATIONS. fl fg ' 4 il g g . 4 d z c. el 5. P C :11 2" ..f. .1 4 A.M.I .04 A. 0.1 1 P. 10.1 .M.i PM. 11 05 04 616 Newton Hamilton, ill 32 48 138 11 15 30 623 Mt. Union, 11 2.5 41 1 So 11 85 23 0 36 51111 Creek n 11 28 1 16 11 53 36 6 51 Huntingdon, 11 01 18 1 05 32 10 43 706 Petersburg,. 10 46 03 12 50 12 20 64 7 13 Berme, 10 49 50 12 43 12 30 00 7 20 Spruce Creek 10 34 51 12 SO 12 48 13 7 94 Birmingham, 10 21 38 12 20 32 58 22 7 42 Tyrone, 10 18 SO 12 10 1 10 30 7 60 Tipton, 10 03 21 11 53 1 17 34 7 54 Fostoria, 9 58 16 11 53 123 37 758 Belle Mills,. 954 13 11 49 1 40 50 8 13 Altoona, 9 40 00 n 35 P. M. .sf. 4.51. HUNTINGDON&B RAILROAD.—CHANGE OF SO On and after Monday, Nov, 26th, 1860, will arrive and depart as follows: UP TRAINS, Leave Huntingdon at 7.20 A. M. tt 4 .15 P. M. Seaton " 0.10 A. M. Arrive at Hopewell " 9.45 A. 51. DOWN TRAINS, Leave HoPowell at 10.20 A. M. " Saxton " 10.55 A. M. & 0.30 P. M. Arrive at Huntingdon 32.0 P. 51.21. 8.30 P. AL J. J. LAWRENCE, Sept. Nov. 23,1860 THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. Hale It True You How to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes or dresbing and cooking Beef and Pork ; also the beet and simplest way of nailing, pickling and curing the Ix TELLS You All tho various and mostapproced modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and game of all kinds with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings appropriate to each. IT Tam You How to choose. clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds. and how to sweeten it when taint ed ; also all the Tartan, and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress ings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. Tuts You All the various and most approved modes of preparing over 50 kinds of 51eat,Fish.Fowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews, With the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IT TELLS You All the various and most apyroved modus of cooking Vegetables of every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Moats, Fish, Game, Mushroom, ,tc. It TELLS TOU All the vurloris and most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes. Confectionary, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every deserip flan. IT TELLS You MI the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Musks, Muffins, and Ills• unit, and the beet method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of va rious kinds. Tate Top How to Bet out and ornament a Table, how to Carte all kinds of Flab, Flesh or Fowl; and in abort, how to ao simplify the whulo Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within the evorybcaly's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and upwards of 1200 Re cipes, all of which are the results of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested under the personal sopetintendence of the writere. It is printed in a clear and open type, is integrated with appropriate engravings, and will bo forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of tho price, $l.OO, or In cloth, ex tra 81.25. 5.1.600 A YEAR can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our inducements to al such being very liberal. For single copies of the Itool:.or for terms to agents With other information. apply to or address JOIIN E. POTTER. Publisher, No, BIT tlannors Street, Philadslphta, Pa, 'got. 7.145R-arrk Philadelphia Advertisements. TJ OWARD ASSOCIATION, PHI bADELPIITA . Aevolent inattention estatished by xpecial Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Dietreseq, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especuilly for the Cure of Diseases of The Sexual Organs. Medical Ad, ice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to, all who apply by letter. with a description of their condi. tion. (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extaerne poverty. Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrliceannd other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new Remedies employed In the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR.J. SKILLEN lIOUGIITON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Auociatlon, No. 2 South Ninth Street,PWl• adelphia, Pa. Hy order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTWELL, President. OEO. 'FAIRCHILD, .scerdory. Dec.l9, 1860.—1 y. SOWER, BARNES & CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, AND STATIONERY, N 0.37 North Third Street, below Arch, Cn. 0. &Inn, W. 11. Banns, PHILADELPHIA. P.C. rOTTS. Publishers of Poi ton's Outline Maps and Keys. the lar gest and best Outline Maps ever published, Sander's Neu Readers, Greenleaf 'a and Brook's At ithineties. be. Mon tieties and McNally's Geographies, White's Copy Books. Blank Books, Writing, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall Papers. (Nov. 14, ,60. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT. AGENTS WANTED, In every County of the United States, to engage In the sale of some of the best and most elegantly Illustrated Works published. Our publications are of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer. Mechanic and Mar. chant; they are published in the best et) le and bound in the most substantial manner, mid are is urthy a place in the Library of stars Household in the Land. 454 - To men of entm price and iudustt ions habits, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment 4eldoin to be met with. 141 - 2.. Persons desiring to act as agent" will receive promptly by mail full particulars. teems. &c.. by aderess• iug LEARY. OETZ & Co, Publishers, No. 224 Not th Second Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 14,1&60 CHEAP WATCHES I CHEAP WATCHES!! fLi.i ACOB LADOMUS, e NO. 618. ItiAItKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, lii as on hand and Is constantly receiving large emsorments of American. English, and Swi a Willche.t, which be will sell at lower pi ices than ever offered. J. L. would .11 ',Articular attention to the celebrated AMER/CAN Wsrco, uhich for accuracy of time nod dura bility, and less liability of getting nut of order, is superi or to any other imported notch, made at anything like the same cost. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, of all styles and patterns. ALSO Gold. Si/rer and Steel Spectacles, with glasses for all sights, as ith PATENT. EIE Nell As the old st3lo Ironies. All goods sold nt my establishment are warranted to bon representod. owl ontlAfactiou ttoornn teed to all yurchasers, at NO. 618, Market Street, Corner of Decatur. [Sept. 10, 18G0,—ly. NEWELL'S • PFIOTOGRAPII GALLERY, Ai). 724 Arch Street. Phikzelelphia. One of the largest and most complete Galleries in the States, where the best Pictures, known to the Pho• tographic art, ate taken at prices no higher than are paid for miserable caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Photographer. attends per sonally, every sitting—null allots no picture to leave rho Gallery unless it gives perfect satistaction. Daguerreot) pen and Ambrotypes, of absent or deceased friends, photographed to nay requirfil size, or taken en Canvass, life dim nod pointed in 011 by the best Artists. At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather— as per feet in cloudy days as when the sun shines. Persons visiting the city ale respectfully invited to ex amine our specimens, which for pace and quality duty competition. Wlnetructiona given in the art of Pliotegraphy. It. NEWELL, GALLERY oF ART, 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia. COMMENDATIONS : From lion. Lewis I). Campbell, M. C., Ohio. Fly family and friends all concur in the opinion that the (Nowell) picture Is more life-like than any thing they ever saw. My likeness bas been repeatedly taken by itif. felent Artists in vat ions ways, but I have never yet lad one which presents so true to nature, all the featin es and expressions of countenance as this. From Hon. E. de} Morris, Into Minister to Italy, The exquisite flu/sib beauty and softness of your par traits, conjoined milli their durability of eolot and faith fulness as likenesses, cannot tail to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate flue art. From Col. James Page. Having occasion for n portrnit,l procured one hem Mr. Hobert Need', of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors, under the ?too process disemcred by holt, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction given me, not only by the necuracy of the likeness, but Its artis tic finish in all respects, and recommends him to the pat renege of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 28,1800 Jon. Peas. GREAT WORK. ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., Professor of Pathology and Operative .surgery in the Veterinary College of Philadelphia, etc., de. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History and distinctive) traits of tho various breeds of European. Asiatic, African and American Horses, with the physical formation and pe culiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his ago by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE lIORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking; Stabling, Feed lug, Grooming, Shoeing, and the goner al management of the horse, with th , beet modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Bearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit fug. Restlessness, and other vices t. which he is subject; with numerous ex planatory engravings. TIM HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes,s3 mptonas,and Treatmen of Stranglea, Sore Throat, Distomper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu monia, Pleurasy, Broken Wind, Citron is Cough, Roaring and Whistling:Lam pas, Sara Mouth and Ulcers. and IX rayed Teeth, with other din asos of thu Mouth and Respiratory Organs. ROAD TOP ITEDULE. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the racers, symptums,and Treatment of Worms, Buts, Cholic, Strangulation. Stony Cotten tlons, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice,llepritirrherußloody Urine. Stones in the Kidneys and Blad der, Infiam.ition and other diseases of the Stomach, Bon els, Liver and Uri nary Organs. Passenger Trains THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, and Treat went of Bone, Blood and Bog, Spell'', Ring Bono. SN‘ennle. Shaina, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Cracked Hoofs Sole Bruise and Id ravt I, Canker, Scratches, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megrim, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseases of tho Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the cantos, symptoms. and Treat meat of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit Locked Jaw,lthentnatism.Ciamp.Onlis Diseases of the Eye and Heart, Lo, &e. and how to manage Castration, Blood ing, Trephining, Roweling. Firing Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and oth or surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Rarey's Method of taming Ironies; bow to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a hors° to strange Bounds and Bights, and how to Bit, 6addle, Ride, and lireak him to Harness; also the form and law of WARRANTY. Tho whole being the re sult of lb years' careful study of the habits, pc-culla' Ries, wants and weak- Thebook contains IE4 pages, appropriately illustrated by nearly 100 Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open typo, and will be fomented to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound, $l.OO, or, in cloth, extra, $1.25. $lOOO A YEAR can bo made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above, and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to all each are exceedingly liber al. For single copie.s of the Book, or for terms to Agents, with other information, apply to or address JOIIN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Salami Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 7,1860.-6 m. N EW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. J. A. lIANIOAR, A practical tobacconist, bas opened a new TOBACCO STORE AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St., ono door west of the Broad Top Railroad Office, where he has on hand a largo assortment of prime Cigars and To bacco, which he will sell either wholesale or retail. Store keepers, shopkeepers, and all others who deal in the weed should call. Ilia prices are leer. Call and see. Huntingdon, Nov. 7, MO. ARARE CHANCE.- FOR SALE CHEAP, I e well known Ambrotypo wagon, situated on 11111 street, with everything in perfect order, for carrying on the business. Terms easy and a reasonable credit given, For further information apply soon to the undersigned, on Allegheny street, Ituntingdon, Nov. 21,,1860, QALT! SALT!! SALT!!! Just received from tlio Onondago Salt Company acnso, N. Y., to bo sold on commission, oithov whol. Bale or retail, 200 BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, 1800. FISLIER & SON. CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE of GUTMAN & CO., if you wont a good article 0 Clothing. Store room in Long's now building, In tho Die mood, Huntingdon. Sept. 9, 1857. xiP. GIVIN, , Dealer In Dry Goode, arocerioe, Hardware, queen were, Hera end ropy. Boots end Phnrii. uesses of this noble and useful untrue = WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANE:CROSBY, OP THE PHILADELPHIA BAR IC Tells You How to thaw up PARTNERSRIP PAPERS and gives general lams for AGILLEMENTS of all kinds, thus of SALE. LEASES nod PETITIONS. It MS YOU HOW to draw lip BONDS and MORTGAGES, AP , FID WITS, POISERs of ATTORNEY, NOTES and Thus of rueIIANOE, RECEIPTS and RELEASES. It Mrs You The Ina s for tho CottscrioN of Donna, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT from EXECU TION In eNery S tate. It Tells You How to make tal A8510.7.01E:Tr properly, with forme for COMPOSITION with CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing between GUAR- D] SN and WARD, MASTER and APPRENTICE, and LANDIARD nod TaNANT. It Tells You What constitutes Linn and SLANDER, and the Law tis to MARRIAGE DOITER, the WIFE'S IttOKT IN PRoPERTT, DIVORCE and ALIMONY. It Tolls You The taco for MECHANICS' LIENS in every State, and the NATURALIZATION LAWs of this Coun try, and how to comply with the same. It Tells You Tho law concerning PENSIONS and how to ob tain one, and tho PRE•EMPTION LAWS to Pustac LANns. IC Tellr You The Law fur PATENTS, with mode of proce dure in obtaining Otte, is ith INTERFERENCES, ASSIGNMENTS and TABLE OP PEES. It Tells You How to make your WILL and how to ADMIN. 'sten ON AN ESTATE, With the law and the requirements thereof in every Stato. It Tells You Tho meaning of h.Aw TERMS in general use. and explains to you tho LLOISLAT/VE, EXE CUTIVE Mid JUDICIAL Powers of both the Genet al and State GOVERNMENTS. It Tells You HON TO KEEP OCT OF LAW, by shot, in how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. IQ- Es sty body's Lawyer Is for sale at Lewis' Book Store NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISH MENT IN HUNTINGDON. MRS. L. A. HAMER, 417rAl' Respectfully informs the ladies of Huntingdon and icini ty. that the has opened n 31111inery stole on Hill street. one don nest of Or. Dor,3's I esidence, whets luny Le found every article in her lino of laciness such no Bonnets, Ribbons. Laces Blonds Collars, Under Sleeves, Valls, and a general assortment of Fancy Goods. The ladies use respectfully invited to call and examine her stock. . . Ladies. dresses of all kinds made In tho beet nod most fashionable sty to. . . . Huntingdon, iept. 24,1880 -Om • .. , ,,,, t 71 ' \ EIABOWARIE) , AND .‘... , . 1141 \ \.. ! l.7titi lid gittin., -51 i i MI 0 / -...0...„.., , „, .. SELLING OFF PUB CASH!! BARGAINS IN HARDWARE As " the nimble penny is better than tho slow otxpence," and small }melts in cash, are better thnn vexing eye-sm e book accounts, JAM ES A. BROWN is now determined to sell oir the largo and splendid stock of llardoare, Potato, &C., which lie has Just brought from the east, at such low prices, as 11d/1/tido. over.) body to crood in fora sham of the bargains. His stock Includes a complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, MECII AN ICS' TOOLS, CTJTLEItY, HOLLOW-WARE, OILS, PAINTS, SADDLERY, . . VARNISHES, GLASS, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, STEEL, IRON, MAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, MOROCCO. LINING SKINS, COAL OIL LAMPS mid COAL OIL. Together with n foil Assortment of ON erytiiing pet Mining to his line of busines, All orileis receive prompt JAS. BILOWN Iluntingdon, Sept. 24. 1300 2,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED NEW GOODS FOR FALL and WINTER. BENJ. JACOBS Has received n fine assortment of DRY GOODS for the Spi ing and Summer semen, comprising a very extensive moon ment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS In general, READY-MADE CLOTHING, For Men and Boys GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac. Ac. The public generally are requested to call and examine my goods—and hie prices. As I am determined to sell my Goode, all who call may expect bargains. Country Produce taken in Exchange Cot Goods. BENJ. JACOBS, at the Cheep Omer. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860. DON'T FORGET, THE 111.19 STORE WALLACE A CLEMENT, Have just received another stock of new goods, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QVRENSWARE, in the store room at the south-east corner of the Diamond in the borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew elry Store. Their Stock has been carefully eclocted, and will bo cold low for cash or country produce. EIDER, FISH, HAMS, SIDES. SHOULDERS, SALT, LARD, and provisions generally, kept constantly on hand on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860. COME TO THE NEW STORE FOR CHEAP BARGAINS. NEW GROCERY FED CONFECTIONERY C. LONG Informs tho citizens of Huntingdon and vi cinity, that lie has opened a new Grocery and Confection ery Storo iu the basement, under Gutman & Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, and mould most respectfully re quest a sham of public patronage. Ills stock consists of nil kinds of the BEST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, &c., &c. Fish can be hail at nholesale or retail. ICE CRNA3I will be furnished regularly to parties and individuals, at his room. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for cheap, at D. P. GI WIN'S. CLOAKING Cloths, Tassals, Cords and Binding, cheap at D. P. GWIN'S. YOU will find the Largest and Best assortment of Ladles' Dress Goods at D. P. GITIN'S. D ARC II MENT DEED PAPER ruled, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WINDOIV SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A handsome assortment just received and for solo at LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. D ARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual ity, only .50 eta. each. FISHER & SON. 00AL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS for 75 cents and upwards, at the Hardware Store 0 J. A. BROWN. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. °WIN'S L ADIES' SKATES are sold by EIMER & SON A fine stook of Ladies' Furs justreedi 11 c 1 at tho cheap store of SON. Alarge assortment of Nubias, Opera Caps, Soutogn, sultablo for Indica and thlldren, by FISHES & SON. r HE largest stock of De :Gaines in town by FISHER & SOll. WRAPPING PAPER! A good articlo for onto at LIMIS' BOOK STORE. BUTCHER -KNIVES and Carvers, in great variety, for sale at the Hardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN. THE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can always bo found at the cheap store of FISHER. & SON. IFyou want handsom e Goods, good Goods, cheap Goods, and sdl kin of Goals, go to D. P. WM' 'S. 101 - 00PED SKIRTS worth 2 50 wi I.X. be, sold for $1 25 at tho cheap store of FISHER & SON. AASplendid variety of Carpets, only . 25 cto. per yard. SHOES & SON. IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. D. MIN'S, whoro you will Had the largeoloi- Aortment In town. rIARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at D. D. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! FOR FALL and WINTER, AT . D. P. GWPN S STORE. D. P. ()WIN has Jest received the largest and most fashionable and best selected Stock of Goods In the mar ket. consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Plain and Fancy, Satinets Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Beavertecns, Velvet Cords, Satinets, Drills, Linen Duck, Blue Drills, and other fashionable Goods for Men and Boys' wear. The largest and best assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods in town, consisting of Black and Fancy Silks, All Wool Helaine, Chants Detains, Alpacas, Plain and Fig ured Brain, Leone, olngliams, Ducals, Luella Cloth, Do Ridge. Ttaveling Deese Goods, and a beautiful assortment of Prints, Brilliants, Sc. Also, Tickings, Checks, Muslins, (bleached and unbleached,) Cotton nod Linen Diaper, Clash, Nan. keen, Ac. Also, a large assortment of Ladies' Collars, Dress Trimtn Inge, Itibbonds, Gloves, Mitts, Gauntlets, Ho siery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Victoria Lawn, Mull Mneilns, Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Bands, Velvet Ribbons, and a great variety of llooped Skirts, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of Spring Shawls. Also, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Shatter Bonnets, Hardware, Qureneware, Wood and Wil- low Ware, Groceries, Salt and Fish. Also, the largest and hest assortment of Carpets and Oil Cloths in town, which nil! ho sold cheap. Call and examine my Goode, and you will ho convinced that I have the best assortment and cheapest Goods in the ariret. 441)—Conntry Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at he Highest Market Prices. D. P. G ~S'IN. Huntingdon, Sept. 24. MO. NEW GOODS AGAIN, =I IS AT G. A. MILLER'S STORE GROCT.RIES, DBP•GOODS, BOOTS L HATS & CAPS. FRESH CONFECTIONARIES, &C., LC AS CHEAP AS TILE CHEAVEST I AND AS GOOD AS TILE BEST! H. A. Miller has now on hand a well selected stock of nosh Gioceries, D,y Goode, Confectionarled, tints & Caps, Boots & shoes, Notions. &c., all of which ho is ready to dispose of at reasonable prices. The public generally are invited to call and examine lux gonad. 'nankini for the patronage ha has received, ho respect fully solicits a continuance of the same. Stora room in the old Temperance Hall, Main street Don't antis the placo. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, ISO(., NEW BOOKS! FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TILE HOUSE: A NEW POCKET M MAE of Rural Arch Roc titre: or, Hew to Build Doe Mega, Barns, Stables, and Out Do slings et all kinds. With a Chapter on Chinch, and Scbool-Houses. Price, 50 cents. THE CARDEN: A NEW POCKET MANUAL, of Practical Hot , ticulturel or, How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and Floweia. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. PI ice, 50 cents. TILE FARM: A NEW POCKET MkNCIAL of Practical Agri culture; or. Lieu to Cultivate nil the Field Crops. 11 itb au Essay on Faun Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A NEW PocELT N I §,NUII, of Cattle. Mutes, and Sheep Husbandry; or, Slow to Breed nod Bear the Vat inns Tenants of the Darn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. HOW TO TALK: A NEW POCKET MANUM of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal St) le, and more than Five Hundred Common Mis takes Cori eeted. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO BEHAVE: A Now POCKET MANACt, of Republi- Coll Etiquette. and Guido to Coned Personal Habits: will, Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative As semblies, etc. nice, 50 cents. 110 W TO DO BUSINESS: A New Pouter MeNUAL 01 Practical /Whirs and Guido to success in Life; uith Collection of Business Points, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Telma, etc. Pile°, 50 cents, BOMAN. NEW CLOTHING FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of tine best material, and made in the best workmanlike manner, call nt 11. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin House In Market Square, Stunting don. [Sept, 24,1860.] COME A.O. H A.INJ ROBERT KING, MERCHANT TAILOR, MU Street, one door west of Carnion's Store, WITH A TINE AABORTMENT OP GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS. Ills assortment consists of CLO IL% - - - - CASSIMERES, and PLAIN AND FANCY YESTINOS, tho neateet and best that could Ito found in the city, all of which ho will taku pleasure In exhibiting, and making up to order. It will cost nothing to call and examine his goods. Call soon. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860.-3 m. G REAT ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WIN PER CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS M. GUTMAN if; CO., M. GUTMAN di CO„ M. GUTMAN& CO Respectfully inform the public generally that they have just received a large and well selected stock of fashionable PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to which they ask the attention of all who are in want of a neat and comfortable Coat, a Veat or a pair of Pants.— Their stock will bear examination, and they respectfully request all to call and see for themselves. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. A good assol [meat of BOOTS AND SHOES, lIATS AND CAPS, LC., AC., will also be found on hand. All of which will ho sold as low. if not lower, than the name quality of goods can be had in ti,o bounty. Call at the corner of the Diamond, Long'e now building,. ISIS OUTMAN & CO. Huntingdon, Sept. 4, IMP. FRXNKLIN HOUSE, IV TILE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, and strangers and travelers generally, «ill find comfortable accommodations at this house. Give us a trial. [April 4, 1860.1 c) or' tn 1.....1 1 C 4 CI ...i r, r ... „ \ s . 11 P 1:1 ' , i \ \ - 4 OW ^ 0 - i - cil = = i = ,/ = P:s / -] ~ U ITI I:, CI .—..., C) i= •—•'' LI 0 E' , '". 1 . 1 .F Pj 0 4MOK ' MI ''. '4III IMI - lill lo ?.. SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., The Gentle Annie Melodist, The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Boole, Aro The Dime Song Book, Aro The Dime Song Book, No The Dime Sony Book, Aro The Dime Song Book, Ko The Dime Song Book, No The Dune Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, The Dime Speaker, The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book. For Olds at LEWIS' Booz, STATIONERY AND MORO STUD. ACARD.- DR. D. 8. HAYS offere hie professional eervices to the inhabitants of Mooresville and vicinity. Office, at the lower bank or Neff 31111 s, opposite Mrs. Myton'e store. April 18. 1.860-tf. NEV AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. 7 „, SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG I VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 A. M., arriving at llarrlsburg at 1E45 noon, only 6 1 ,11 hours be. tween the two cities. Mom Linn leaves New York at 12,C0 noon, and arrives I larriaburg at 8.30 P. M. - - MORNING MAIL LINE, East. leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A M., arriving at New York at 4.10 P. Al. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE. East, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 P. 51., arriving at Now Yotk at 0.00 P. M. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M., with the Passenger Trains in each direction on tho Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad. All mains connect at Holding with !coins for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Manch Chunk, Easton. &c. No change of Proseng,er Care or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A. N. Lino from Now York or the the 1.15 F. N. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, add speed, comfort and accom modation, this route presents superior inducements to the teas cling public. Foie ban ecu New York and Harrisburg five dollars.— For tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, Deneral Agent, Harrisburg. July 18, 1800. pIIILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER MAY 28th, 1860 Two passenger trains leave Harrisbnig Daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 I'. M., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1.25 P. M.. and 6.15 P. 31. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. SI., and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Ilarilsburg at 12 45 noon and 8.30 P. 51 Fares: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cats, $3.25; N 0.2 (in sam train, $2.70) Fares: To Rending, $l.OO and $1.30 At Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners- Mlle, Tamaqua. Catandesa, Or. Four trains leave Reading for Philadelphia doily, nt A. M., 10.45 A. 51., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A. 30,1.00 P. M., 3 30 P. 31., and 5.00 P. 3f. Faros; Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1.45. The mot ning train ft mu Harrisburg connects at Reading ith up train for Willresbat re, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other iufetruation apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. July 18,1860, ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- ROGER G. MeGILL, manufacturer of all kinds of castings, forgo and rolling mill. grist and saw mill, thrash. lug machine, sled and sleigh soles, Aragon boxes, stoves of various kinds, kettles, plough shears to suit all kinds of ploughs; Mos, car wheels and railroad wok, and has a new and improved plough that renders satisfaction to all farmers that have used them. I will keep all kinds of plough shears and ploughs at Messrs. Fisher k trio's, Huntingdon. and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek, and will till all orders promptly. The farmeis will save money by getting shears and ploughs of MeGILL, nt the foundry heed-quarters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produce, old metal nod lumber, taken in exchange.— Itring the pay and save ten per cent, Alexandi in, March I, 1860-Iy. 6 QUICK SALES Anybody in want of FAMILY AND FOCIIET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOORS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OMER VALUABLE AND INTERESTING RODE, CUURCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION DOCKS, SHEET MUSIC for the Piano, Gutter, Sc., POCKET BOOKS, POILTMONNAITS AND PURSES, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Schoole, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, &C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, rommus, &0., Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, SCHOOL BOORS OF ALL RINDS, Drawing and Blotting Paper, Brutal and Clzrd Boards I._ off. INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, BLUE AND 'MACH INES, Arnold's Ilodgson's and Harrison's Wrapping Papor of Different Sizes and Qualities, = NEAP BOON, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square go to make their purchases - o+ ,oo oYl‘ c ? ' _ I = FOR EVERYBODY T"(( GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is the most complete of any In the country, and pos. the most ample facilities for promptly executing in the best style, every variety of Job Piloting, such as HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS LABELS, &C., &C., &O. C4LL AND P,XAMINE SPECIMENS OP WORK, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A MUSIC STORE .TORN SCOTT. ROWEL T. DROWN. fAW PARTNERSHIP.- J. 11. 0. CORBIN has, from this dote, become a mem. rOf tho firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lIUNTINGIDON, in which name tho businearg will still bo conducted Huntingdon, Jan. 2, 1860. HARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, Jugs, Preserve Jars &c., &c., of superior quality. Sold only by JAMES A. BROWN EST IN TIME DEE= AND SMALL PROFITS Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, For Ladles and Oentlemon, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, Proper for Boys and Girls AMUSING GAMES For 'foutig Folks MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, DIARIES FOR 1860 WHITE BONNET BOARD, WRITING FLUID SHOULD CALL AT LEWIS' where all who want to SAVE MONEY, 1= PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS MEGAHAN Sc CO., Miners and Denture in Broad Top Conl. B. L. Megahan, General Agent, MeCounelletown, Huntingdon county, Pa. DAVID BLAIR, Miner and Shipper of Broad Top Coal. Office Stun tinntion Pa. A. MILLER, ‘_A • Dealer in Groceries, Confectioneries, &e.. e T ,It. JOHN MeGULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon an vicinity. Office on 11111 tared, one door castor need's Drug Store. Aug. 28, .55. TS. MILLER, • Proprietor of tho Jacknon House Q S. 5311.T11, Dealer in Drugs, Medi kj. tines, Perfumery•, Dye Stuffs, Oils, de. Aleo—tiro- conies, Confectioneries, ac., Huntingdon, Pa. WM. LEWTS, Dealer In Books, Stationery and Muskat Intro merits, Huntingdon, Pa. T M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. UP • Founders, Huntingdon, Pll JAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Mints, Oils, Lc., Uunt luDlon, Pa. ROMAN, • Dealer in Ready Slade Clothing, lints and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ste. DENJ. JACOBS, 19 Dealer In Dry Goods, Deady Made Ciething. Grocer ice, Quecnswarc, &c. &c. AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready . mad° Clothing. Huntingdon, In. Fislliat& SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. EVI WESTBROOK, Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, etc. TOSEPH REIGGER, Watchmaker and dealer In Watches, Clocks, and Jew 4.lry, he. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. ('WEN BOAT, n nut: TWIN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor, ef Huntingdon, Pa. Office on 11111 street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. . REPERENCES—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Char!. Mickley, Rough and Ready Purdue, lion. Jonathan M'Williains. RICHAItII LANGDON, Miner and Dealer In Broad Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, Pa. [Nov. 3, '5B. AMMERMAN & CO.,Miners and Deal ers in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top, Huntingdon co., Penna. [Nov. 3, 1858. COUNTRY DEALERS can 4 buy CLOTHING from too in Ibuitingdon at WHOLESALE HS Cilollr ne tilOy can in the cities, aa I have a wholesale More iu Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 1858. It. ROMAN. PRY GOODS I—A fine assortment on hand for the accommodation of ctritomers, at BEN.I- ACOBS" , Cheap Corner," Market &pale. (oct2B ) QTONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro• cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place ii town. IT K. PiEF.II, il.l D., 1.1. • • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Omer, Hill street, opposite Dr. Lucien, offer. Ids proles atonal services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity April 13,1859. E XCHANGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA., NEAR PENNE.TLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT. T. H. SIMONTON, Proinie lor. Dec. 29,1859 JACKSON HOTEL, JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor - 13 ALLISON MILLER, .DEVTIS ft', Ilan removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court Rouse April lth 181% - ROOTS and SHOES, the largest and theapeet mot tnient in town, at D. P. (MIN'S. B LANK BOOKS, OP V 401090 sin's, for sale at LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For nalo at LEWIS" BOOK Air!) sra TIOXERY STORK POOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications of any kind uuud to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK If STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! If you want your card neatly printed upon onvel opee, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes suitable for confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. BOOTS & SIIOES.—OId and young can be fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' store in Market equare, Huntingdon, Pe. (ect2B.) QROCERIES, &c., &c. — Call at the cheap store of ISENJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coon ry produce taken in exchange at the highest market pri ten. (oct2B. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to ho found at D. P. (MIN'S f IUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A \A large assortment nt BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, at D. P. °WIN'S. CALL at D. P. GAVIN'S if you want Fashionable Goods. TA P. GWIN keeps the largest, best assortment and cheapest aloes In town. Call and examine them. • HOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at lakes from 20 cta. to $2,00 at the cheap store of D. P. OWIN. ° - VIOLINS, - ° GUITARS, SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIFES, For !no chenp nt LEWIS' BOOM STATIONERY_. _ MUSIC STORE _ . WILLIAM . AFRICA • lIAS AGAIN EO3I3IENCED THE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S OLOTIIINO STORE. Ms old custontent and the public generally, will Rice him a call. (Illuitingilon, Oct. 20, 1858.] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- . NEW FIRM ! The undersigned respectfully inform the public that they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and will continuo the business, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will be promptly attended to, WM. ROTIIROCK, Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1860. IY3I. N. KIRBY. SCHOOL BOOKS, . FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A MUSIC STORE, HUNTINODON, PA OSGOOD'S Speller...let, 2d. 3d, 4th and sth Readers. M'OUFFEY'S Speller and Readers, (old and now editions.) SANDER'S do do do SWAN'S do do do COBB'S do do do Webb's Normal Reader, No. I. Emerson's Readers. Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Scholar's Companion. Smith's. Bullion's, Brown's and Tower's Grammars. Fltch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's. slontoith and Mt:BMWs Geographies A Atlases Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons in Composition. QllsChenbu's Composition and Rhetoric. Gresnlonf's. Stoddard's, Emmerson's, Swan's,Colburn's and Bay's Arithmetic,. Peterson 'el Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stochlard's Keys to Arithmetics. Chemical's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons In Natural Philosophy, • Parker's Philosophy. Upham 's Mental Philosophy. Willard's llistory of the United States. lierard's Goodrich's Payson, Duuton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Elements of Map Drawing, with plan for sketching maps by trlangulatlon and improved methods of projection. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Bookkeeping. Book (Cooping by Single Entry, by Elmsford &Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Ilanafurd Payson. Other books will bo added and furnished to order. A full stook of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. CONFECTIONERIES of the very best cno ut mutays, e ~ EIS • &fir • ilt• t • t4itrlal••.9 BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and Seim°lt Looks—Foolscap, Letter. Commercial nod Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Mao and Black Inks-- Blank Books of numerous sizes—liens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found hr a Book and Stationery Store, can be htd at fair prices OD LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY B MUSIO STORE. NOTICE TO ALL I! 4zaa l'fie subscriber, who has for more than one year, carries! on business in company with Messrs. Y.I3IIANDY, IL GM, I'. \limns; and Mr. LAOER Been, has this day Wash of partnership with the above firm I All claims against tho old firm will be paid by the subscriber, and all those It, debted to the firm will pay hint. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY willliways be repaired. A good stock of Cioces, WATCHES and JEWEIALZ will be kept on hand for customers who may favor him with a call. Huntingdon, 31nrch 2, 1859. FALL and 'WINTER GOODS Have just received nn unusually large and handsome stock of goods, which they offer to the hispection of our com muOutyni. r line of Ladies' Dross Goods, embrace, tinge variety of Black and Fancy Silks, Printed C11.91t- , meres, Plaids, Poplins. All wool Be tallies, (plain and Lustres, Modell" French and English Merluoes, Aloccluts, Do Laines, Oiughurne, Pt into, Sc, A large and beautiful asnortment ,of Fall and Whiter Shawls, Cloaks. (black and colored,) Cloaking . Cloth, Opera Flannels, Nublas, Fancy Hoods, Chenille awl Tinsel Ilead Dresses, Ac. A fine stuck of richly worked Black Silk Lace Mantles. A full assortthent of Ladles' Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such us Collars, Ciavate, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Skirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts, Drawers, to. We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gaunt lets. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Moss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts; Hoops of all kinds, Su. Also—Tickings, Osnaburg, Bleached and. Unbleached Muslins, all prices; Colored and White Cam bria,. Barred and Swiss Muslim, Vidalia Lawns, Main woke, Tinders], mid many other articles which comprise the line of WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS. French Cloths, Fancy Casslnters, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Litulseys, Comforts, Blank ets, At. Hats and Caps, of every variety and style. A Good Stock of GPOCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS and SHOES, WOOD and WILLOW-WARP, which torn he sold Cheap. We also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, nod all kinds of GRAINS. and possess facilities in this blanch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, free of charge, at the Depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. COME ONE, COME ALL, and be convinced that the Ne bgalitan Is the place to centre fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860, SOUND ON THE LEVI IVESTIMOOK . . lino just opened the best assort ment of Goods in Iris line, ever brought to Huntingdon. Ills stock of BOOTS and SHOES for Ladies, Gentle-, 1 1 1 men, Misses, Boys and Children, comps %On all the latest fashions, and manufactured of the best ma terials. Also. a line assortment of HATS for men. Boys and Children. HOSE in great variety for Gentle men. Ladies, Misses and Children. CARPETBAGS, SUSPENDERS, GARTERS, PANS, Lc., to. ALSO, SOLE LRATIIER, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, LISTS , and SAGE-FINDINGS generally. Thonkful fur past favors, a continuance of the same Is respectfully whetted. N. B.—Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen, re. paired and made to order. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860. F OR EVERYBODY. HUNTINGDON, PA MEM SUGAR and MOLASSES. COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE. FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO. SPICES OF TILE BEST, AND ALL KINDS. and avers other article usually found iu a Grocery Store BEE REST WINE and DitANDY fur medical purposes. ALL TILE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a largo number of articles too numerous to mutton, The public generally will please call and examine for themselves and learn my prices. Huntingdon, May 25, ISM rrIIE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN!—The subscribers take this method of informing their friends and the public; generally, that they have rebuilt the Huntingdon rout,• dry, and are now in successful operation, .Z.,7 1, and are prepared to furnish Ca.stlngit - every description, of best quality and • workmanship, on short notice, and on easonahlo terms. Farmers aro Invited to call and oxen,. hie our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Heater Plough. This plough took the first premium at the thin tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs. which can't be bent—,logether Rh the Keystone ' Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing Sturgis---such an Cook, Parlor, and Office stares for, wood or coal. Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, dc., all of sublet, we will sell cheap for cash or Iu exchange for cum,- try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30, 1856. DR. ESENWEIN'S TAIL AND WOOD NAPTWA PECTORAL, Is the best Best Medicine in the World for the cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma, Difficulty In Breathing. Palpitation of the heart, Diptherir, and for tito relief of patients in the advanced stages of Con sumption, together with all diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which pi °dispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a Practical Physician and Druggist and one of great expveience in the cure of the various diseases to which the human frame is liable. It is offered to the afflicted midi tho greatest cons dance. - - Try it nnd be convinced that dt is invaluable in tho cure of Bronchial affections. Price 00 cents per bottle. A very valuable remedy for Diarrhea Dysentery, Cholera Morino, and all bowel affections. Try it. Price 25 cents per bottle. .KO' The above Medicines are prepared only by DD. A. ESENWEIN & CO., Druggists and Chemists, N. W. Corner Ninth & Poplar Ste., Philadelphia. N.D.—Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicine throughout the State. [Juno 20, 1860.-Iy.] orAIARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens luntingdon and the adjoining coniaties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. lie is prepared to film's!, at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with am, priate di:aims, or plain, as may suit. Building Manila, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be fill nished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish 131:aortal and work manship equal to any In the country, at a fair price. Call god see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on 11111 street, Th 10110614 Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855, 5.0 THE CYTHARA—The Presbyterian Psalmodist—The r=" Shawn—TheJubileo-11unten's and Dertinre enlarged and improved instt tietors—Welland'a New and Improved Method tor the nit ar—Leland'a Amos., deon, Violin and Flute.lnstruotors—Winikere ti,ud Irowa'g Violin Instructore--Dellalt's Melodeon Instructor—Durs rowes' Piano-Forte Primer—do. -Thorough-Base Primer—. llowe's Drawing lioolll Dances—The Chorus Oleo Book—. Tanis Harp, for sate at LEWIS' 1100 K, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE, READY RECKONER. A complete Focket Ready Reckouer, in doltsra and cents, to which are added forms of Rotes, Bills, Re. ceipts, Petitions, &c., together with ft set of useful tables, containing rate of interest from ono dollar to twelve thous. and, by the /duple day, will, a table of unges, and board by the week and day, published in 18i9. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. IQUORS, of the best, for Medicinal purposes, at S. S. 81111.111'S. CILOTHING ! CLOTHING !! Keep 1,_,/yourself warn. Call at M. GUTMAN & CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, in Long'e new building, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. A goad stock always on hand. (0c2.8,) COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for sato by . JAMES A. HEWN QCIIOOL BOOKS, • k - y Generally in use in the Schools or the County, not on Land, will he furnished to order, on application at BEIVIS' BOOK iIKDSTATIONERY STORE. CLOTHING !—A large stock on hand, at the cheap Moro of DENJ. JACOBS. Call and ex amine goods and prices. (oct2S.) rfRACING MUSLIN, DRAYTINO AND DRAWING NEM White and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STATIONERY STORK TF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, 1_ Call at tlio store of . BENJ. JACOBS. 17 4 1 , NIVELOPES- By BID box, pack, or tete quantity, for sale at 4EII , IS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STOB.E. WOSTENHOLMS' Celebrated I X L Wolves slut Razors, for sato by JAS. A. BROWN. PALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want CALL GOOD GOODS. 1= 1861. FISHER & SON FISHER & SO BOOT & SHOE QUESTION TRY ME NEW STORII, On Hal arca opposna Cannon's .sTnre. Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stun, Paints, Varnishes. Oils and Spts. Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol. Glass nod Putty, EKIEBEE ESENWEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM WM. WILLIAMS.