The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 13, 1861, Image 3
TIE GLOBE. Huntingdon, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1861 LOCAL & PERSONAL .4Cir Every Subscriber to The Globe Is requested to act as Agent to extend its circulation and usentlness.lill Wo aro anxious to publish a first class newspaper, and with the assistance of our subscribers on know %Se can be put in possession of the means to do so. We want every subscriber to interest himself, not only in procuring fur us additional patronage, but also in putting us in pos session of sit the focal news of the county of interest to the general reader. A little effort on the part of all onrpatrons would be ns much to their advantage as to ours, as u lilt increased pattounge oe would be enabled to give a better Palter. We cannot afford to put Tux Gums at less than $1.50 a year, and to enable us to deal honestly with all men we must demand tho subscription yearly or half yearly in advance. Subscriptions can be sent to us through the moil at our risk, the Postmasters witnessing the same. We earnestly and most respectfully ask our friends to make an effort to Increase our patronage. THE GLOBE JOB PRINTING orricE Conneetml with Tax GLIM; we have a Job Odle° fur. Mailed with a more extensive assortment of the latest style of types and materials than can be found In any other county town In the State. Our work compares favorably with any done in the cities. Wo have four presses, which enables us to put out all kinds of Job beak with diyateb and at reasonable prices. Zers A. new stock of reward books and cards for Sunday Schools, just received and for sale at Lewis' Book, Stationery and Music Stare „tein. A. fine assortment of Wallets, Port monnies, Pocket Books and Purses, fur ladies and gentlemen, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. A NEW STYLE OF - NOTE PAPER AND ENYELOPES—"red, white and blue"— for sale at Lewis' Book Store. VALESTIN'ES !--A beautiful assort ment of Sentimental Valentines, for y oung and old. now open, and for sale at Lewis' Book Store. RErautous.----The flu - lend sermon of Benj. Higgins, late of this place, will be preached in the Baptist Church, by Bev. J. L. Holmes, on Sunday the 24th inst., at 10A o'clock, A. X, 'ARIETY ENVELOPES, containinga fine assortment of commercial and ftney note paper ; letter and note envelopes, steel pens, etc., at wholesale prices, for 25 cents. Prepared and for sale at Lewis' Book, Stationery and Music store. :DESTRUCTIVE Flity..---On Thursday evening 31st ult., Col. Lemon's " Blood Searcher" establishment in this place, caught fire and burned to the ground, together with its eontents. The build ing was a large frame, upon which he bad an insurance of $750, he had also an insurance of $lOOO on his stock, both policies in the Blair county Com pany. His loss is estimated at some thing above these figures.—Hollidays burg Register. CURE FOR FROSTED FEET.--It is said that frozen feet can be speedily and certainly cured by being bathed and well rubbed, with kerosene or coal oil, for a few times at night hefoie retiring to bed. Several persons have already tried it, all of whom unite in pronounc ing it an effectual cure, which, if they ;ire correct, is an easy and cheap mock of getting rid of a very sore and trou blesome affliction. Those who have tried it inform us that the feet blio tad be well warmed by a hot stove during pad after the application of the oil, and it will certainly effect a speedy cure. Persons suffering from the pain of frosted feet will no doubt do well in giving it a trial, for it is surely very cheap ointment as one which is very easily applied. TUB BOGUS JENysroiy The numerous advertisements and circulars setting forth the great prizes to be drawn in jewelry and gift enter prises, indicates that the business is profitable to those who engage in it. The absurdity of receiving a gift worth $lO for a ticket which costs but $l, should be a sufficient warning to all sensible people that the plan is a swin dle—that the goods are either stolen or )rorthiess. Bracelets which cost $lO per dozen, being mere composition or brass, are represented to be worth $lO each; and watches, pencils, rings, &c., equally worthless, aro put up at the same proportionately - high figures.— *Every person ought to know this, af ter giving the subject a moment's thought; yet people who are the least able to bear it are bled to the amount of thousands of dollars, and receive lit reality nothing for their money. We caution our readers against these humbugs, whether book, gift, or jew elry enterprises—they are all of the sane stripe, outrageous swindles. BE KIND AND COURTEOUS.-It costs a man nothing to deal courteously with all whom he encounters in the journey of life. A kind look, a- kind - word, a kind act, may seem sometimes to savor of supererogation; neverthe less he that neglects these evidences of the most exalted human nature, will find himself, in the decline of life, a stranger on the earth. His money may keep him surrounded by flatterers and he may appear above the reach of accident. He is, however, only the grovelling animal. Strip him of his 'golden fettering and binding, and he IS a hideous clod or clay. The Al mighty never made An independent man. We are in this world to extend hospitalities toward each other, and he that attempts to separate himself from his fellow beings, prepares, un mistakably, to die their slave. Civili ty is the surest road to the highest honor; the fortunes of men change so rapidly that one even improves his chances of good luck in this world by bowing to a beggar. Be courteous to everybody. IMPROVEMENTS.-WO hear that sev eral new dwellings aro to go up in the Spring. The troubles of our country, and the "tight times generally," do not appear to frighten all our moneyed men ; and it is to be regretted that more of our men of means do not in vest their money in buildings for the accommodation of strangers who are anxious to come amongst us. For sev eral years there has been a scarcity of dwellings—and the coming Spring will find some families houseless. If strang ers come in; they crowd other families out of town to seek a home wherever they can find a roof to shelter them. We hope for a waking up of the spirit of improvement in the " ancient bor ough." RELIEF OF KANSAS SUFFERERS. -A town meeting was held in the Court House on Monday evening, at which a committee was appointed to wait upon our citizens for means to nid the suf fering in Kansas. Cuenca Mustn.—Teachers and others,will be furnished with The Shawn), The Christian Minstrel, The Cytbara, The Presbyterian Psalmodist, The Sabbath Bell, or any other book, by the dozen or singly, at the lowest cash price at Lewis' Book Store. SMIETIIING NEW AND GOOD.—Just received at Lewis' Book Store, a new article of writing fluid. It costs hut a trifle more and is much superior to any writing inks. 12im We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of Art. The testimonials are of the first character, TRIBUTE OF RESPECT.—At a meeting of the Standing Stone Literary Asso ciation held Feb. sth, 1861, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions ex pressive of the feelings of the Asso ciation on the death of its esteemed member, Joseph W. Cunningham.— The committee immediately reported the following, which were adopted : WHEREAS, it bath pleased Almighty God in his providence to remove from our midst, our esteemed fellow mem, her Joseph W. Cunningham. AND WHEREAS, by this unexpected event a deep gloom has been east over this association, and a void created which human power cannot fill.— Therefore, Resolved, That this Association join with the relatives and friends of the deceased, in mourning his early and sudden departure from the busy scenes of this life, and express the hope that our mutual loss may prove his eternal • gain. Resolved, That the Secretary be di rected to prepare and deliver to the friends of the deceased, a copy of these proceedings. Resolved, That a copy of these pro ceedings be furnished the papers of Huntingdon, Lewistown, and Holli daysburg, for publication. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, A. L. GRIM, COM. J. 11. SimrsoN, LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE. OASSVILLE, Feb. c,1861 FRIEND LEWIS :—SCeing communi cations in you excellent paper from other parts of the county, I thought I would give you the most important news, in this section. Times are pret ty dull here, but all hope for better• in the spring. The Seminary and free school in this borough, arc improving very much. The former is under the care ful supervision of Prof. James W. Hughes, who, I believe, as a teacher, can not be excelled in Huntingdon county. The latter is under the super vision of Mr. R. Cahill, and Miss Pris cilla Stever, who are both well qulified to discharge the duties which they perform. Educational interests are looming up in this part of the country. There is considerable excitement here at the psesent time, on account of the secession movement in the South.— The majority of the people are for a peaceable compromise if it will save the Union. There has been excellent sleighing here for the last two weeks. The young folks enjoyed it Hugely and even the little boys called into requisition everything in the shape of a juniper or board that they could get. More anon. OCCASIONAL. Letter from son. 8. A. Douglas The following letter has been ad dressed by Judge Douglas to the edi tors of the Memphis Appeal: WASHINGTON CITY, Feb. 2, '6l. MEssus. EDITORS :-I have this mo ment read with amazement an editori al in your paper of the 30th ultimo, in which you assume that I am favoring the immediate withdraWal of the re maining States from the Confederacy, as a peace measure, to avert the hor rors of civil war, and with the view of a reconstruction on a constitutional basis. I implore you, by all those kind re lations which have so long existed be tween us, and which I still cherish with so much pleasure and gratitude, to do me the justice promptly to cor rect the unaccountable error into which you have been led. In regard to se cession, whether viewed as a govern mental theory or as a matter of politi cal expediency, I have never had but one opinion, nor uttered but one lan guage—that of unqualified opposition. Nothing can be so fatal to the peace of the country, so destructive of the honor and of all hopes of reconstruc tion, as the secession of Tennessee and the border States under existing cir cumstances. You must remember that there are disunionists among the party leaders at the North 4s well as the South— men whose hostility to slaVer3r is stronger than their fidelity to the Con stitution, and who believe that the disruption of the Union would draw after it, as an inevitable consequence, civil war, servile insurrection, and fi nally the utter extermination of slay- cry in all the Southern States. They are bold, daring, determined men; and believing, as they do, that the Consti tution of tho United States is the great bulwark of slavery on this continent, and that the disruption of the Ameri can Union involves the inevitable de struction of slavery, and is an indis pensable necessity to the attainment of that end, they are determined to accomplish their paramount object by any means within their power. For these reasons, the Northern disunion ists, like the disunionists of the South, are violently opposed to all compro mises on constitutional amendments, or efforts at conciliation, whereby peace could be restored, and the Union preserved. They are striving to break up the Union under pretense of unbounded devotion to it. They are struggling to overthrow the Constitution while professing undying attachment to it, and a willingness to make any sacrifice to maintain it. They are trying to plunge the country into civil war, as the surest means of destroying the Union, upon the plan of enforcing the laws and protecting the public proper ty. If they can defeat any kind of adjustment or compromise, by which the points at issue may be satisfactori ly settled, and keep up the irritation so as to induce the Border States to follow the Cotton States, they will feel certain of the accomplishment of their ultimate designs. Nothing will gratify them so much, or contribute so effectually to their success as the secession of Tennessee and the Border States. Every State that withdraws from the Union in creases the relative power of Northern Abolitionists to defeat a satisfactory adjustment, and to bring on war,which, sooner or later, must end in final sepa ration, and recognition of the indepen dence of the two contending sections. If, on the contrary, Tennessee ' North Carolina, and the Border States, will remain in the Union, and will unite with the conservative and Union-lov ing men of all parties in the North, in the adoption of such a compromise as will bo alike honorable, safe and just to the people of all the States, peace and fraternal feeling will soon return, and the Cotton States come back, and the Union be rendered perpetual. Pardon the repetition, for it cannot be too strongly impressed upon all who love our country, that secession and war will be destructive, not only of the present Union, but will blast all hope of reconstruction upon a con stitutional basis. I trust you will do me the justice to publish this note in your next issue, I am, very truly, your friend, S. A. DoomAs DIED, On the gist Jail.,Chout AtIALINF, daughter of Jut. and Temperance McCartney, aged 6 yeat a 6 months and 20 days. Beloved by all with whom she was connected, silo has left a vacancy In the home circle and her parents heart's, which only the soothing hand of a merciful Father can supply. "So fades the lovely blooming dower, Frail smiling, solace of an hour, High in Heaven's own light uhu dwelleth; Full the songs of triumph swelleth; Freed horn earth, nod earthly falling, Lift for her no voice of mailing." PftILADILLPIIIA DIARKETS MONDAY, Feb. 12. Fancy and Extra Family Flour $5,75@16.25 Common and Suporfino • $5,1205,37 Eye Flour $3,6114 Corn Mail SM7A F~ =1 Bye Corn, prime Yellow Oats Clovrscecd, E 1 &Its Timothy HUNTINGDON MARXISTS CORRECTED WEEKLY. White 14 heat Eta Wheat... 717 e Corn Date Clo err red.. ht maeS Dried Apples Shoulder THE UNION SAVED! NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!! I Ae GAG Run Station, and Newburg. SIMON COIN di CO, have Just received front the East ern Cities, a largo Mock of Dry Goods, Groceries., garcastoare. Hardware, Claihiny, Boonels, Shawls, hats, Clips, Brats, Shoo, and all other articles kept In country stores, which they are °tiering at their Mammoth Stores, at Coffee ltun Sta tion and INew burg, at unusually low prices. The ladies especially, are Invited to call and examine their Fancy Coeds. Having arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia and Other easiest% cities, they are able to hay their goods cheaper than other country metchauts, acid can conse quently, undersell Bumf In exchange for goods, they take oil kinds of country produce at the highest cash pri ces. By strict attention to the wants of customers, they hope to receive a coothitiation of the liberal patronage with which they have beim heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top It. It. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and le prepared tu ship all kinds of Groin to the Eastern markets. Having a large ware Room, far mers can store with hint until ready to ship. Es ery con venience will he afforded them. Feb. 13, 1951. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.- ESTATE OF GEORGE WILSON, DECD. virtue of nu alias order of the Orphans' Court of llun ting,don county, x ill be sold at Public Sale, on the prom ices, in Tell township, on Thursday, March the TM, 1801, the following certain lifeesusgss nod 'fillets of Land, to wit A certain Tract of Land situate in the said township of Tell, bounded by lands M . William Wtdney, Jonathan Briggs.and public roadplso, by mountain lands of said George Wilson, Dee'd., Airs. Logue, and lands of 8. J. Ileckedoin, part of vadell is cleared and under fence, having then eon erected a log hansa—containing about 60 Acres mule or leas. This property mould malie itlf excel lent stand fur a blacksmith shop. ALso--A Tract of Mountain Land, onn tatalug 100 Act es, mote or less, bounded by lauds of Jon- Milan lh legs, James Jones' heirs, 'rusearont Monntain,&c. TEII3IS OF SA I.ll.—Otte-half of the purchase money to be paid on confli motion of sale, and the reAdtte in ono year thereafter, to bo Secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser U. R. Sill:Ant:R. Executor. MARY ANN WILSON, Executrix Feb.l3, 1861.-3 t QyRPIIANS' COURT SALE.- ESTATE OF ARTHUR ADAMSON, DECO). virtu° of no order of tho Orphans' Court of Hun tingdon county. still bo sold at Public solo, un tho premises, iu Dimly township, on Thursday .h.turqz the 140, ISM, at feq. o'apck, A. M., All that certain tract and Int of ground, situate in said too oship of Brady, adjoining lands of Mar tin Fleming on the south, lands of Joint McCarthy's heirs on the nut th :Old west, and land, ofJonathea Ntet‘ on the oast, containing 8 nerve and sense perches, having thereon a berm nod barn and ether buildings. TERMS OF SA I.E.—One-half of the purcluteo money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue In ono year with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. JAMES G. CORBIN, Feb 13, 1861.-3 t. Triedee. ,511ERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs or Lev. Fa. and Fi. Fa, to use directed, 1 exuoso to public hate, or outcry. nt ato Court House, on Saturdsy the 2,1 doy of March, 1801, at 2 o'clock, I'. M., tlio following described property, tq : All that lot of ground, situate in Bread Top City, in Carbon township, (bite trod tp.,) in said comi ty, being No. IS3 in the geherni plait of told town, with all that certain plank house one and a half stories high theicon erected, said lot fronting 30 feet on Broad street. Seized and taken in execution nod to besoiduz the proper ty of Moses Heilman. Also—All that cortan let of growl in the town of Barnet in Carbon township, fronting 50 feet on Hamilton street, and extending in depth tin t feet to Mat lock Alley, and being lot No. lit In the plan of sold town, having thereon erected o from° hails) 18 by 40 feet, occu pied as a tavern, and other bnildings. Also, All that cer tain other lot Of ground sltuote itl thq town of Barnet, in Carbon township, fronting 50 feet op Hamilton street, nod extending in depth 140 feet to Hemlock Alley, and being bit No. It In the plan of said town, having thereon a frame stable 20 by la feet. Seized and taken in execution and to bo sold cus the property of AIMS Dunn. JOAN O. WATSON, Shari, Stream's. Orrice, Huntingdon, Feb, 18, 1000. J. UDITOIt'S NOTICE The undersigned auditor, appointed to distribute t to balance remaining in the Laud of Dahlia' Massey, ntlinr. de bents non cum testament° annexe, of Thomas Flair. deed., will attend to his duties at the office of 3111 es Doirle, on Friday the 221 day of March next, at ten o'clock. A. M. WILLIAM DORRIS, Jr. Feb 13, 1061.-It. Auditor. A DIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Estato of Andrew AiMon, Deed. Letters of administration an the estate of Andrew Alli son. late of Henderson tp.. dec'd., having been greeted to the undersigned, all persons having claims nohist the estate ate requested to present them to Alexander Allison, at Cresson, Cumbria co., Pa.. or John Porter, near ilqq tingdon, end nil persons indebted will melee kunteediate payment. .101110 PORTHR, ALEX. ALLISON, Feb. 1 t , 1801.-Ot. Admire. HOMES FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS IN Tilt.l GARDEN STATE O' Tull WEST. The Illinois Ceneml Railroad Company bare for Sala 1,200,000 ACRES Of Bleb Farming Lands in Tracts of Forty Arras and Upwas d, on Long Crciit rind at Low Prices. BIEDDADMI. FADNEDD, AND IrOREINOUCY, The attention of the enterprising and Industrious por tion of the community is directed to the following state ments and liberal inducements offered them by the Iradanns CENORIL RAILROID COMPANY, Which, as they trill perceive, will enable them, by proper energy, person, enlace, and industry,to ptovido comfortable aunt permanent homes tor themselves and families, with, eomparathely :positing, very little capital. lco State in the valley of the Mississippi offers so great att inducement to the settler ns the State of Illinois.— There is no portion of the world where all of the condi tions of climate and soil so admirably combine to produce those two great staples, corn and Is beat, as the prairies of Illinois. lho deep rich loam of the profiles is coltivated with such eohderful facility that the farmers of tho Eastex and Middle States arc moving to Illinois in great numbers. The area of Illinelj in about equal to that of England, and the soil is so rich that it will support twenty millions of people. Tlzoso lands are contiguous to a railroad seven Minared tiles in length, which connects with other roads and nav igable lakes and rivers, thus affording au unbroken com municAtatlon with tho Eastern and Sauther4 markets. Thus far capitol and labor have been applied to develop ng the toil: the great resources of the State hi coal and mu are almost untouched. The Invariable rule that the nechanic arts flourish best Inhere food and fuel ero cheap. st, mill follow nt an early day in Illinois, and in the course f the next ten years the natural Uwe and nece4dties of be case was rant the belief that at least floe hundred housand people v. ill be engaged i u the State of Illinois In he tattoos men =tut frig outdo} motifs. Over 5100,000,000 of privnto capital have been expended on the rulhead system of Illinois. Inasmuch as part of the income hem sevend of these winks, with a valuable Public fund in lands, go to diminish the State expenses, the taxes are light, and must consequently every day de. crease. Tho State debt is only $10,105,398 14, and IN (thin the Ina three years has boon reduced $7.9i9.146 SO ; and pro otty reasonably expect that in ten years it 0111 become ,xtinct. The State is rapidly 8 i ling up with population ; 863, 026 permone haring been added Nince 1860, making the pop nlation 496—n ratio of 102 per cunt. in ten years. The agricultural products of 1111.101 s rue greater than hose of any other State. The products sent out during he post:year exceeded 1,000,000 tons. The wheat et up of SOS approaches 35,000,000 bushels, while the corn crop ,sield.s not less than 140,000,000 bushels. Non hero can the industrious farmer secure such Immo. dint° robults for his labor no upon them pinkie .11R, they being composed of a:deep rich loam, the fertility of which is unsurpassed by any on the g!obo. TO ACTUAL CULTIV4TOOI. Snce. 1554 the annpany hare sold 1,100,000 acra. They sell only to actual cultivators, and every conUract contains an agreement to cultivate. The road has been constructed through these lands at an expense of $30,000,000. In 18 •0, the population of the 49 counties through which d passes was only 335.590, since which 479.291 hart been added, ma. tog Mc ,ehote inundation 014,101—a oin of 113 per cent. As en es Mena° of the thrift of the people, it may be stated that 600,000 tons of ft eight, including 8:00,000 bus, of grain and 200,000 barrels of flour, were forwarded over the line last year. Mechanics and worbingmen will find the free school system encouraged by the Mate and endowed snit n large revenue for tire support of schools. Their children can live in eight of the church and school house, and grow up with the prosperity of the leading state in theo teat West. ern Empire, " ' I'RICF.9 AND TEEMS OF PAYMVIT The pi feel of tlieeo lands vary from VI to sas per acre, =tinting to location, quality, &c. Firefolass farming lands sell for ideint $lO or $ll per act° ; and the relative expenso of subduing prairie land, as compared With a oodland, is is the retio of une to ten In fmor of the fartaeir.. The terms of tale for tho hulk of theso lands will ' ONE YEAR'S INTEREST Is ADVANCE, at six per cent per annum, and six Interest notes at six per cent. payable rem, timely in one, two. th ree, four,tive, and six years from date o sale ; and four notes for princi pal, payable in four, five, six, and coven yews, from date of sale ; the contract stipulating that one•tenth of the tract purchased shall he fenced anti culthated, each and every year for live years from the date of sale, so that at the end of five years one-half shall be fenced and under cultivation, .sl,o@l .$1,25®1,27 59365 TWENTY PER CENT. WILL PE DFDRCTED. from the valuation fur cash, except the same should be at six dollars per acre, when the cash mice will beg dollars, Pamphlets descriptive of the lands, soil, climate, pro ductions, prices, and terms of payment. con he had on op. .t ,7535,25 2,1.5&2,50 plication to J. W. FOSTER, Land Commissioner, Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Illinois. For the names of the towns. silia3es, and cities situated upon tho Illinois Control Railroad, see pages 188, 189. and 130 Appleton's Railway Guile. [rob, }o,'ol-n tr. $l,lO .$l,OO ...:5 .50 00 ..1,00 _1,50 DUBIAC SALE.-The subscriber will sell at Pnblic Sale, at lila Fesi,lence in Henderson townsblp, ON FRIDAY THE 22d VEIL. ISSI. Atix„The folloning personal property two ,y.,r•., Colts, too years old is the sip itig,tuol:r Mitch Coat; and Etei era' bead or young. R,t , Cattle. Wagon and Ilny Ladders, ono /in .ao leg Machine, Piqua, liairoaa, and other farming utenenla. Unto to conlindnoe at 1 o'clock on raid day, when term will be made known by JACOB lIETRIeIi. Feb. 6, 1861. 12. 1 i , . 1134 TNTOTICE OF INCORPORATION.- Notice Is hereby given to all concerned, that ap plication will be made to the Legislature of Pednlylvania, at Represent Session, for the pas.nge of "An Act to In corporate the Powelton Cool and Iron Company," empow. °dug said company to hold lands, dc., in Bedford and Huntingdon counties; and that the names of the corpora tors in said company v,lll be FRANCIS JORDAN, SAMUEL J. REEVES. THOS. BIDDLE,. 11011EIIT HARE POWELL, CHAS. U. BRODHEAD, 101. 11. DARNED. Fob. 6,1361.-11 t. All persons interested are hereby 'Willed that at the present Session of the Legislatuto f Penn's. ' an ap plication will he mode for the passage of an Act of Assem bly to be entitled " An Act to incorporate tho Glatnergan Icon Company," glting such company, the priullege of holding lands In Untillngdon and Bedlord counties, and of carrying on tint business of man atctnring iron therein, In which hilt the undersigned will be the Corpurators named. CHARLES WOOD, S. ML. ISF,TT, it. It. WIOTON, "WM. P. Olt BISON, JNO. LIIXON, 14. T. WATTSON. Feb. 6,1.861.—1 t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.-' The undei signed Auditor appointed by the Orli/nibs' Covet of Huntingdon co., to distribute the. balance in tie hands of Henry Brewster and Jesse Hollingsworth, Ail. miulstratoms of the Hon. John Browder, late of the, bor °nil of Shirlepiburg, deed, beteby gives notice that he wilt attend et leis offica in Huntingdon, on Thursday the 2.91/1 cloy of February neat, at one o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of malting said distribution, when dud uhei o all persons interested are required to pieseut their claims against said fund, or be forever debarred front coming in upon the same—the said fund being the balance on their pettiei Athninietletiell ettOnnt. TIIEODOIIII If. CitEMER, Auditor. Huntingdon, Feb. 6, 1861.-It. AUDITOR'S Theundersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of COl,llllOll Fleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the the loud to the bonds ofdohn C. Watson, sheriff, from the sato of the personal estate of David Wright, hereby gives notice to all persons Interested, that ho attend at his Wilco In Huntingdon, on Friday lht let day of March nert, at 10 o'hloclr, A. Id , for the purpose of malting said distri bution, when and where all persons aro required to pre sent their chQms ItgAillSt the said fund or be forever do• dared from coming In upon the same. THEODORE MORI:3IER. Huntingdon, Feb. 8,18131.—1 t. Auditor. AMMITOWS The undersigned Auditor, uppo:nted by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the fund in the bands of John C. Watson, Esq., Sheriff, arising, from the Bale of the personal property of David Grove, hereby gives notice that ho will attend, at his olive in Huntingdon, MI Pt idny, theist of March next, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the pqrpose of making said dial ibutiOni when and where nil persons ale required to present their claims against said hind, or be forever debarred front coming in upon the seem. THEODORE 11. CRDMER. Auditor. 'Huntingdon, Feb. 6,1567.-It. GRAND - MILITARY & CITIZENS' UNION BALL, IN 1101 , 1011 OF MAJOR ROBERT ANI)ERSON, The Here of Fort Sumter, At the Court House, in. Huntingdon, ON FRIDAY EVENING, F.EI4, 22, IS6I. TICKETS ,CITIZENS' TICKETS, MILITARY ‘• • The sorvlcts of the " Excolstor Cornet Bartd," and the "Continental String Band" have been seemed for tho oc casion. 4/Z - - There will boa Grand Dleplay of FIREWORKS on that °telling. Tickets can bo practiced of the undorslgtied. E. C. BUlllitats, Iluntinolon, Jan. 30, 1861. :Manager. T 1 P. GIVIN'S is the place to buy _Ly O good and cheap Carpets. UM SHOES, cheaper at D.P. Uwin's ‘'than can be had in town. Call and nee them. LANDS or %moms =I E 4.STEILNI AND SOUTHERN MARIC=9 I= SAILEOAD SYSTEM OF ILLINOIS. TIIE STATE DEBT = AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FEIITILITY OF SOIL. EVIDENCES OF PROSPERITY. EDLCA "1") ECTIPTS &EXPENDITURES OF IfUNTINODON COUNTY, ftom the 3d day of. Tann• ary f 360, t9Atka ith day of January 1801, including both days. RECEIPTS. 1851. Charles Green. West, 22 97 1863, Lake Voorhees, Henderson, 131 09 1855. John Thompson, Welker, 97 34 1856. Solomon Hamer, Jackson, 40 85 1857. Joseph Park, Clay, 6 60 William Johns, Cromwell, ao oo " George Miller, Oneida, 159 80 " James G. Doyle, Shirley, 58 83 a Joshua Johns, Springaeld, 784 1858. Wm. Walker. Alexandria, 33 77 John S. Gehrett, Cassville, 6 76 O George D. Hudson, Clay, 144 65 • Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell, ND 50 " William McClain, Dublin, 90 13 " Jacob Holtman, Henderson, 24 79 • Peter Swoopo, Huntingdon, TO 130 " Samuel Sterfey, Jackson, 200 00 • Nathaniel Lytle. Morris, 648 74 /nude) Knode, Porter, 203 73 " David Aurandt, 'foil, 355 00 henry Swoope, Walker, 120 67 $2014. 42 1851. William Kemp, Alexmairia, 252 60 Ii Samuel Myron, Barren, 074 08 J/111108 K. ilampson, Brady. 290 61 ll John It. Gomel!, Cass, 2.55 10 Nicholas Cm bin, Cassville, 49 30 a Joseph Biggins, Carbon, 490 21 " Benedict Stereos, Clay, 332 59 " James Baker Esq., Cromwell, 321 03 John Ebberts, Franklin, 1657 81 a Ellsha Shoemaker, Henderson, 274 50 " John Rothrock, hoponell, 140 00 ti A. S. Harrison, Huntingdon, 731 70 John Oaks, Jackson, 1027 28 a John R. Dean, Juniata, 180 25 O 'Jerry Moore, Mimi% 991 40 a John Logan, Oneida, 164 53 li John householder, Penn, 507 22 Robert Laird, Porter, 3421 19 a David Parsons, Tell, 395 51 Isaac Coffman, Toil, 330 13 John Eby, Shirley, 1173 12 George Leas, Shirleysbnrg, 00 48 a Moses Hamer, Walker. 508 21 Peter IL Burket, Worries ernark, 023 82 R. M. Cunningham, West, 1403 87 a John Dayton. Union, 192 53 James Harper, Dublin. 473 39 ll Jacob Baker. Springfield, 253 38 10313 31 1860. William Walker, Alexaudria. 200 45 a Samuel W. 'Bytes, Barren, 2.75 00 " Isaac Wolverton, Brady, 189 45 Joseph P. Coffman, Cuss, 132 00 Austin Green, Caseville, 40 00 Jesse Cook, Carbon, 88 GI G. H. Stevens, Clay, 54 29 • Frederick Harmon, Cromwell, 48 00 Daniel Conrail, Franklin, 56.315 Jacob Iletricir, Henderson, 151 35 Wm. G. Rohm, Huntingdon, 7118 78 Henry Lee, Jackson, 215 00 " Levi ltidenour, Juniata, 80 00 " W:n. Ilileinan, Morris, 250 00 John P. Sten art, Oneida, 72 53 " Wm. Dean, Penn, 396 00 ll R. A. T.aird, Porter, 150 00 ti John Silverthoru, Tell, 107 91 " Jacob Elias, Tod, 130 00 George Stottliter, Skit ley, 30923 9 W. A, Fralter, Shirleyeborg, 47 24 Jonas Buck a alter, Walker, 326 OR John R. Thompson, Warriorsiletrk, 405 OU • Ilenry Neff, West, 146 05 " Thomas Irvin, Bolen, 205 98 Jacob E. Bare, Springflehl, 62 00 6079 02 Received on unseated lands, 48712 School tax on 1 'I 279 93 Road a 1..1. 192 45 959 00 Redemption money paid in, 242 00 On judgment against Charles Cowden, 450 13 Flues and Jury fees recd from Sheriff', 51 00 Itcc'd on Conith Cases Fines and costs N. Pelgh tal, 1050 John Snyder, 12 61 George Jones, 52 50 J. Love Esq , 4 67 Sundry persons. 13 00 It. Stewart Esq., 1 32 George Africa, 27 00 A. W. Swoop° Keg., 1 34 Kinney, Long dc Parks, 25 08 John 11.01 i 14 00 George Ilarvey, 8 50 John Baker, 16 00 C. Sankey, 108 192 00 Rent for use of Court house, 01 50 IL W. Miller for old stove, 5 00 Proceeds of Oil astray, 2 SO Military Auditors for T. P. Lose, /0 00 Balance dile Treasurer, 1243 89 EXPENDITURES: Attorney Gen. Prothonotary, Sheriff and wit ness tees on Commonwealth prosecutions, $1262, 61 Constables making returns and election fees, 411 61 Grand and Travers° Jurors, Constables, Crier and Tlpstatt 2213 51 Judges, Inspectors & Cli#is of Ele,ctiorm, 1080 90 Inquisitions on dead bodies, 168 01 Wild Cat and Fox scalps, 386 50 Road and Bildge views, 436 00 Road Damages, Basil Armes, $916 H. C. Cr emer, 100 00 109 10 Assessors orders, 370 62 Bridges, Building at McAlevPs Fort, 020 00 Sheds Creek, 146 83 Spring Creek, 300 00 et it Shaver's Creek, 91 99 Mill Creek, 50 00 1200 82 . Repairing at Di tikes Ferry, 759 09 Union Mimic°, 153 75 Hawn's, 79 56 933 30 Repairs at mut home and Jail, 285 59 Fuel 233 50 • Pahl on icon fence at court ham, 200 00 " for pavement 0 141 87 " for Cos6o 95 " on County bonds, 1512 08 " Interest on do.. 440 43 1973 11 Judgment pAid F. 11. Lane, 4782 54 D. Caldwell indexing Qr. Session docket, 110 00 removing papers Prty's OM., 55 00 fees as Pi ofy, CFR of Sessions, 85 31 230 31 Seals and presses for public Mikes, 91 .50 Rooks and stationery ° '. 62 04 Postage, 47 02 200 50 Sheriff Miller, in full for boarding prisoners convoying convicts to penitentiary, ilic,, 151 90 Slierlff Watson, on account for do., 402 70 '. Miller costs on executions stayed by - Countifislonen, 18 20 Dr. Dorsey, medical attendance on pis., 50 75 Planting for County : Nash & Whittaker, 142 75 Wm. Lents, 83 28 Wm. Brewster, 250 John Lutz, 23 50 252 00 Western Penitentiary, keeping convicts, 181 20 Merchandise for court house and Jail, 38 72 Washing for p% isoners, 20 00 Cleaning court house . ; 25 00 45 00 Redemption money paid oat, 167 54 County Auditors—'P. W. Grafflua, 18 50 Im ad Gratlius, 18 00 Wm. L. Cunningham, 19 50 Clerk 11. W. Miller, 10 00 64 00 J- S. Stewart, auditing Pt °dye S. Reg. act., 0 00 Commissioners-11. L McCarthy, in full, 47 50 G. IV. Mattern, 00 50 John Pinner, 158 50 M. P. Campbell, 105 73 458 23 Clerk of Commission°rs in full f0r1659, 150 00 0 on account for 1800, 330 00 480 00 Expenses of Condrs visiting bridges, 35 70 Agricultutal Society, 100 00 Refunding orders, 119 43 .10%0 Reed, Ed+, Atty for Contra in full '59, 2/ 00 on account for 1800, 30 00 55 00 " per centago on mom ey collected, 81 62 School tux on unseated land, 69 45 'load 0 72 05 141 50 neasmer of Hunt. Co. Poor House, 7793 62 Treasurers COLIIIIILSSIOII on 454471 60 at 13; per cent. 810 77 In testimony of the correctness of the above, we here unto subscribe our names and MHz tb o EP) or 3014 coun ty this ith day of January. 1801. JOHN FLENAIIIII, AI. P. 0 ANIPBh EL,}Commlselouers. JOHN CUMMINS, Attest 11cNay W. Milton. Cleric. . • - We the under signed Auditors of Ifuntingdou county, Pa, elected and sworn according to law, report that we met, did audit, eettlo and adjust, recording to law, the ac counts of If. T. 'Mute, Esq., Treasurer of the county of Huntingdon, and the orders et the Conunissloners and the receipts of the same, for rind during the past your, and find a balance due 11. T. White. Treasurer, of one thousand two hundred and fto“ co dallara and eigh ty.nlna canto. (Waal Under oar hands at the Connuisatottet °Mee, In the tan °nil of Ifuntingdon, tiro Ith day of.fanttery, 1801. T. W. CI ItAFFIUS, • WM. L CUNNING lIA3L} Auditors. HORATIO G. FISIIEtt, reb. 1661.—1 t. ST — EIVARD'S STATEMENT--JOHN Thompson, Stew:lid, In account with Huntingdon County Alms House, from Jan. sth, 1860, to January at, 18b1, inslustvo: 258. To County Treasurer for amount drawn $ll2O 08 Error discovered in last settlement, 37 Levi Evans for his note, 1230 John Hicks for Lis note ono yoke oxen, 76 00 J. slcElw ee, do do 000 Wm. Diver, do do 28 60 Win. Glasgow; do do 42 29 Wm. Skinner, do ono horso sold Malt ;50 00 Cumberland county Alms House mitt freolved, 31 50 Thomas illefiarvey, for his note, 600 J. 0111 eland, do., 75 00 K. P. Moore, one horse sold htni, 1.10 00 D. Clarkson, cash paid, Ammerman ono, 27 50 CR. By Sundry Erpendilum for me of liouse. Ir o whiy Sintentene No. 1, Tmtuary. By removing Mafia Duncan to Juniata ceputy, $6 25 Attendant° at II tuttingdou 5 days annual settlement, 3 76 Sending off sundry paupers, 4 75 lungerick .0 Smith, Gtr groceries, 18 76 Abram betvia, for camp/tone, 5 00 , Traveling expenses during month, Out door huskiest', 6 30 Cash paid for sundry incidental expenses, - 4 63 Statement No. 2. February. J. Ricketts, for plastering, 200 Stark & e Q . , glocery bill, 105 00 J. C. Seehler, freight on groceries, 10 23 Removing J. Finbaugh to house, 3 60 lending ocr sundry rftlpers, 1 00 , Cash paid for sundry incidental expenses, 442 Statement /To. 3. March. Expenses going to Huntingdon, 1 50 Removing Susan Bolinger, 2 25 C. E. Prober, for stage fare paid, 1 37 Expenses going to Warrlotemark on Russell case, 4 62 J. C. Seehler, for freight paid, 110 Expanses attending Russel family, Aturrata case, Sc., 6 83 Cash paid for bottle Cherry Pectoral, Sending off paupers, 200 Traveling expenses going to Scottsville, 37 Incidental expenses during the mouth, 4 03 Statement 110.4. April. Going to Hatfield'. forgo, Ayers case, 3 53 A. Pt ice, for potatoes, 2 25 Going to Iriulthigtion twice, I 05 Wm. Lyons, fur order, coris leg case, 60 00 Sending off peepers, 2 10 Traveling expenses, 47 Incidental expenses, 2 15 Statement .No. 5. May ; Going to Huntingdon twice, 215 Removing Joseph Henry from Tyrone, 2 85 James Bull for cash paid hint, • 4 60 Cash paid Colbert and family to leave, 15 00 Incidental expenses during the month, 166 Statement No. 0. Jrunc, Going to McConnollof own, on B. Chancy owe, 2 50 Weaver A Graham, for mitt paid per receipt, .45 413 Elizabeth Zilch for rent paid her, 1 60 J. C. Scebler railroad fare, for sending MI paupers, 5 00 do for Bight itc., 817 W. A. & L. nonfat)) for merehandiffe per receipt, 106 60 $l.OO 50 Going to Huntingdon, 140 Incidental expen,ans during the mouth 314 Slaturnent 140. 7. July. Going to Ifarkkishurg, Elizabeth Fry case, 4 25 Thomas .1. Briggs Watt paid for labor, 7 55 Statement XI. 8 and 9. August and September. Going to Huntingdon dx, 1 70 Going to Broad Top, 3 45 Mrs. Brindle, for ashes de, 1 02 Going to Huntingdon, 1 95 Incidental expenditures, ' 251 Statement No.lo. October. Going to Huntingdon, 220 Cosh paid for hots°, buggy and oasistance, I 50 Going to Patterson, 2 70 Cash paid J. Carothers for 100 loabbeLs wheat, 110 00 Sending off pauper, 25 Incidental expenses, 94 Statement 110.11. nrember. T. P. McNite, for postage stamps, 2 22 J. C. Steiger, faro &c., P. Railroad, 012 Atiendanco at court with 3 girls, 5 10 Pennsylvania R. Road, for removing paupers to Phil.lo 60 Cash paid, expenses on rqorn, 7 30 Removing Sire. Wilson to ifarrlehurg, 3 60 Going to Roseville, T. Slurry ease, 12 00 .1. 5. Sillier, for keeping two poupors, 2 50 Inchlental during mouth, 220 Statement No. 12. DsevaN7:. Removing Torrance Murry to hone% 1 25 Going to Huntingdon, 150 T. Sylvester, {pr cash paid, AO 00 T. P. lllcilite, for postage stamp., 75 Cash paid for asPeti OOd Cabbage Nitrite, 1 25 Sending off paupers, 60 Philip Crouse, for tavern bit], per AL Digman, 62 .. - Levi Evans, for his note lifted by Directors, 12 99 T. McGarvey. for Lie note to part, 99 45 J. Dicks, for his note returned not collected, 75 09 J. bleAl wee, do 4o 900 Wm. Piper, do do 28 50 Wm. Glasgow, do 40 42 29 J. Gilliland, do do 600 11. T. White, order in Ws bands not appropriated . , 412 47 Salary as Steward, 400 00 sviza 63 In testimony of the correctness of the above account and statement, we do hereunto set our bands this 2d day of January, A. D. 2861. . . ftECEITTS AND EXPENDITURES Of the Huntingdon County Alms House from Jan. , 18t0 to Jan. 2. 1851, inclusive. DR. RECEIPTS To Co. Treasurer for amount drawn on orders, $6175 09 John Thompson, Steward, for sundries, 697 55 EXPENDITURES , Expended for use of FUTM • Fire P. By Israel Baker, Tor one horse, No.l, 0110 00 W. P. Harris, difference in swap of horns, 2, 50 OD John Long, fiebool ton and costs, 3, 20 83 lien ry Myers, swathing. 4& 5, 77 01 John Wicks, do, Including now wagon, 0& 7, 128 97 J. Ili Iggs, repairing and um, k on larni, 8 k 9, 21 41 T. J. Briggs, for work on farm, 10 .011, 18 07 W. C. bridge, do 12, G 64 Abram Carothers, one plow. 13, 7 00 Fred. (Muck, 15 Ilpliola seed wheat, 14, 18 75 R. A. Miller, 14 bushels eupprior do 15, 28 00 Sundry persons fee sundries, 10 to 20, 15 10 Wiry Ilarrll, wages no former, bolrinpo, 21. 201 43 S. F. Thompson, suddry work on tam, .12, 21 25 Dfcrcha7ulise. Fire At. By Irtn. 11, Leas, for tnerchendite, W. A. Braker, do W. 11. Brewster, do . Foust & Etuier, do 19. to 10, 50 95 51. Bare, do IT to 20, 170 50 Wrn. Johnson, do "1 & 22, Ea 22 John K. Lutz, George uartughlin, do Monism E. Orbison, S. Cress, ell & Son. do Dnvid Etnier, do W. & J. Carmon, do Provisions. rik P. . . John Jacobs. for beef and pork, No. Ito 8, 78 16 J. Jacobs & Co., butchers' meat, 4' 17 19 Thomas McOaryey, do 6, 13 97 W. H. Johnson, do 0, 11 10 Abram Carothers, wheat and corn, 7& 8, 57 45 do beef and corn, 0, 52 07 S. R. Douglas, Nal t oat and corn, 10 & 11, 71 37 Samuel Lutz.lool-5 bushels NV Lent, 12, 113 39 Samuel Bowman, 100 do 13. 110 00 £ ^ 8350 13 Adam Ileiffner,.9l3 Joshob Price, 3 stock steers, 15, 72 50 Bashi Boyer, 1136 lbs pork. 10, 68 18 George Swartz, 57 9.60 bushels wheat, 17, 62 56 George Eby, wheat and buckwheat, 18, 58 75 Isaac Rorer. 50 bushels wheat, 19, 55 62 John Muyeart, 45 do 20, 50 62 A. Heiner, wheat and corn, ' 21, 60 60 Janice Ildernen, beer...a and sheep, 22, 41 75 Wm. Alcilarrliy, 29 bushels wheat. 23, 33 62 John Swine, 25 do 24, 32 25 Jo eph Rhodes. 714 do 25, 7 50 Catharine 12. Fruiter, 57 lbs. Ireton, 20, 7 12 H. J. 51cKinnon, 32 lbs. do 27 4 OD . . • ' Jonathan Carothers, balance on wheat, 38, 632 James Lane, 06 lbs Loaf, 20, 3 84 R. Ashman, 0768 Ills pork, 3387 lbe beef, 30, 541 58 Out Door Paupers. Pile 0. D. B. X. ill air,keeping W. Hockrnberry,No. Ito 12, 78 00 J. K. Thompson, do Mrs. Arnold, 33 to 24, 08 00 G. Shultzberger do S. Shultnberger, 25 to 30, 62 00 D. Megatiou do Rebecca Chaney, 37 to 48, 94 87 It. Danaltenbangh do S. Daogitenbayglt, 40 to 60, 62 00 T. Creswell do Margaret Creswell, 01 to 72, 52 00 Wm. Cornelius do John Benrd, 73 to 84, 68 50 A. Iff. Benedict do Ann Martin, 85 to 96, 05 00 Delia Houck do Edith Fright, 97 to 107, 62 00 T. IL Cramer do Em. _Horrors, 108 to 115, 50 63 Wm. Martin do Mary Martin, 116 to 122, 22 50 Joseph Beaty do Newton Corbin, 123 to 128, 15 00 W. B. Leas do Gunsaul and Beaty, 129 43134; 42 25 John Ilityett do Wm. Malierrau, 135 to 104, 108 30 John Oaks do P. Ibish and wife. 139 to 142, 133 OD B. F. Patton do 11. Russell and family, 143 to 144 58 00 J. W. /Bittern do Mrs. Wharton, 140 to 140 61 00 M. Starr do Davis and Gamble, 148 to 151; 09 00 Jacob Fry do Elisabeth Pry, 152 to 151', 2200 W. Moore do Hamilton and Davis, 150 to 158; Hi SO do do clothing, 155, 11. 53 J, Stinson allowance at sundry time., 160 to 163, 16 40 D. Snore relief furnished sundry eases,l64 to 172 y 88111. I Starr keeping Sarah Welch, 173 to 175, 33 00 J. Donaldson do G. Watrlng, 176 to 177, 17 00 P. M. Bore do Mot Robley, ' 178 & 175, 12 OD M. A. Temple do J. Blubaugh, 180 & 181, 36 28 Wra. CI oteley ,to 2, Park, etc., 182 & 183, 16 60 D. Blair furnishing sundry cases, 184 - to 188, 975 Sundry persons cofflos for out door p, 127 tol6l, 21 00 John Carberry services per lAD, 192. 37 60 Flatter & Son keeping Old !Dollard, 193, 36 00 S. Ilatileld fornishing Charles Ayres, 19.1, 32 11 D. 1113 the boat ding Richard Bell, 155, 21 05 D. Donlon attehtlancs on J.llenry, 196, 14 45 R. 11. Bowel sundries furnished out door p., 197, 13 72 Jacob Kling for boarding T. Murray, 198, 11 25 S. McPlierran, servitor for Maria Mimes, 155, 10 00 George Eby. furnishing S. Campbell, 205, 10 69 J. J. Cox burying Wm. Pierce, 201, 7 00 Peter Swoepo for sundry services, 202, 8 27 J. G. Stewart services for R. Walker, 203, 5 00 C. Decker do S. Boyers, 204, 7 75 Fisher & tileMui trio flour. Bell & Price, 206, 4 87 It. Ashman furnishing J. Banks, 206, 600 11. Honshu services for It. McDonald, 207, 7 CO C. Hoffman boarding Sarah Maddon, 2673, 600 A. Mena boarding Susan Itillinger, 2017; 6 25 Win. MeOin ley at tending J. Fiubauglt, 1110, 050 Cleo. Smith Maur for Ira. Not net, 211, 200 J. Birkhemer attending J. Finbangb, 212, 2 00 11. S.tvits boarding Jurah Boley, 213, 1 50 BllzabotbSkirk, do 214, 100 $x'25414 Sundry b. D's. medicine and attendance on Out Door Paupers. By Dr. M. J. McKinnon medicine and atten dance in sundry eases, No. 215-18, 62 37 Dr II Wady attending 2 cases, 210-20, 20 25 Dr J A Shade do 2 cases, 221-22, 34 25 Dr J F Kay do 11 Rmaiel and family,223-24, 22 50 Dr 11 L Brown do Richard Bell, 225-26, 20 00 Dr UIF Huyett do 2 cased, 227-28, 15 00 Dr J M GemioBl do Mcltuglin, 223 860 Dr Jll Irwin do Ayres, , 210, 700 Dr J II Flickinger do Joen Beatty, 231, 5 00 Dr '6 Randall do Upsinger, 232, 12 00 Dr .1 9 Orillith do Elizabeth Renter, 233, 2 50 Dr II D F Baird do Samuel Madden, 234, 13 00 Dr I. 6' Bush do Daniel Banks, 235, B 00 - - .. .. Dr J B Laden do Jaws Cooney, 230, 35 00 Dr C W Moore do It:chard Bell, 237, 47 . 50 Dr J F 31oVey, do James Henry, ps, 10 00 Dr G W Tbouipsou do It Walker, 239, 4 00 Pr A P Caldu ell do It McDonald, 240, 5 00 Sundry portoga situdry out door charg., 24741)234, 37 40 17Pnozal and Delit7ery. Fileß 11 Cramer delivering sundry paupers, No. Ito 3 It 40 Jll Lightner official fees, 4& 5, 580 G G 'fate removing out door paupers, 6to 8, 40 80 Adana iVarfel official fear, 0 dc 70, 3 OD Jacob Menet deliver'g sundry paupers, 11 a 12, 13 DO P Green for delivering ono pauper, 13, 655 Wm fleeter do one do 14, 630 Thou Carberry do ono do 15, 742 J3l Piper do ono do 10, 670 Samuel Coen do four do 17, 13 52 Woe Elea do one do 18, 870 Jacob Porter do one du 10, 470 A 111 EYAlati do one do 20, 450 Joseph Parka do ono do ffi, 330 J P Dunn do ono do J Cromer do one 09 23, 330 BYingling do ono do 24, 105 ii McNeal do one do 25, 100 W A Jamison assisting Steward, 26, 6 00 C JO Prober for tavern hill, 27, 125 Sundry Justices for official fees 28 to 33 14 70 EMIM Incidental and NisceWanton:. File L Id. S. Harrison, tin wino and repair, No, Ito 3, 02 08 Abram Lewis, for sundries, 4& 0, 4.08 J. C. Sechler, for radrond charges, 8& 7, 11 01 David Ilarwoy, shoemaking &n., Bto 11, 11 24 Jacob Sn 3 der, do -12 to 15; 21 tr, Adam Bryan, d 0 18 k 17, - 0 39 Peter 31yent, for taiio tug, 18 & 19, 0 50 A. A. Shannon, repairing harness, 20 to 22, 880 IticHtnnon & Mplilic, for drugs, 23 to 24, 417 J. Lutz, for 'Wheat, printing and pills, 25 to 20, 78 78 C. & 11. Herizter, weaving and yarn, 27 to 28, 15 30 Thomas 31c3lite, for drugs, 29 to 31, 25 29 David Shaver, for lumber, 32 & 33, 4227 Blair county Alms House, sundries for 11011inshoad, 31, 46 89 11.31. Speer, publishing Annual Report, 35, 40 00 Wm. Lewis, do do 16, 40 00 Nash & Whittaker, do 37, 40 00 EL 7'. White. commission on 57,100, 35, 7 500 E. A. Myers, butchering and packing, 39, 33 20 G. 0. Trte, 9% tone atone coal, 40, 22 20 It. IL Wigton, 10 du 41, 17 41 D. etarksou, official fees and extra. services, 42, 17 82 Wm. Slooro, 5 days attendance at Huntingdon and miingo, 43, 12 40 11. 7'. Stains, ono sewing machine, 44, 12 50 Row. R. E. Collins, mintsteilal services, 45, 12 00 I. 3.lcDonathan, shoemoking, " til, 10 47 . . . J. S. Africa, use of Cumberland Valtoy Instr. ' once Company, 41, 16 82 Cunningham & Bro., two storm 48, 14 00 J. A. Brown, for sundry karilwarO, 49, 805 IL &meter, extra services and lath, 60, 8 80 Lau McMullen, for cutting wood, 51, 000 Wm. Drake, repairing and Misr ping saws, Sc, 52, 5 67 J. Thompson, balance 00 private account, 63, 547 it. Brindle, far coopering ' 64, 500 Dr. McKenna's, consults/11Rn visit, 66, 250 Sundry persons, sundry small items, 56 to el, 9 65 64 00 Parana Thompson, house labor, 62, A. Thompson, ility•two weeks sewing. 63, 30 00 Esther A. Thompson, servloe as matron, in, 50 00 901 78 OEM D. CLARKSON,. 'WILLIAM MOORE, SAMUEL PEIGIIITAL CEIM 7_36 00 No. 1 04, 183 01 sto 8, 119 82 9to 11, 125 07 BM 25, 11 95 20, 4 58 27, 312 28, 125 707 CS MMJ 1720 02 13M3 MEI Saktrier. John Thompson, Stewart, included in Lis statement, Dr. B. Baird, services as attending Physician, 100 00 James 'Murphy, services 1113 director, 110 00 David Clarkson, do 121 10 Wm. Moore, do 174 02 Samna Peightal, do 25 al Henry Bro water , eorrjooo no nlek-, 60 00 A. W. Beuedizt,Eaq.. do is otiose!, 20 00 J. Thompeon, steward, eyndry detailed la amount, 1720 Di 'Petal' amount of expenditure, _Products of 04 Form. 125 bushels wheat; 300 bushels oats; 700 bushels cora, (eats); 300 bushels potatoes; 18 tons hay; 8 loads corn fed, der; 1000 heads otcabbage ; 10 bushels onions; 10 bushels turnips; 3301 pounds pork ; 3812 pounds beef; 150 chick ens; 7 tinliays; 22 hogs; 4 busbels clot erased, Ono bores sold to Wm. Skinner $l5O. One horse sold to R. P Moore $l4O " _ _ Manufactured. 150 shirts, 40 &erne, 24 limns, 24 brit evinforte and quilts, 24 sheets, 30 sacks, 15 night goicne,2s under shirts, 12 under skirts, 10 noilteciLekitte, 8 night cape, 12 peke Roche, 30 palm pentedoone, 9 rake . , pilloW! cues, 29 peke drawers, and 5 vests. Stale on /land 2 horses, 8 ranch COWS, 22 hogs, about 100 Wallets wheat 100 bue. oats, 200 bus. corn, (sorsa 16 tons hay; 8 loud, corn fodder, 300 heads cobbogo, 3 box. onions 9000 - pOlplde pork, 5000 pounds beef.loo cbickene,3 turkeis, g w"gons, 3 plows, 3 cult/ratore, 2 barrows, 1 cart, 1 puny; 4: bola elosersood. MONTHLY TABLE le. a .°M.:',P,--p gt `v 2 , ; ,.. g.5 , V4 - g". ,, ,a1v,,V,1 i;r,l.r. -,,,...,,E ?„...: ~.„, i : . r ,,, -, _1 YR ri Es* ,•1 ONOONN .=.03 .1 Y. ..Ci ..1.. , t*. , : CM= ~~~~~mm~o~~aa to.nting V. 2.o;€3pa.,ezena'ci ~NNN~vtmNtgou t.g. , ;.'t...r,..;1-6-4 the above Inmates 5 are colored, 7 Insane, and 7 o the moloreigned Auditors of the county°, Hunting do hereby certify that we tiara examined the orders,. hors, accounts. etc. of the Directors of the Poor of county, and rind the same to be correct ea above don. 01181 Bald state; Ties. since And we do further find that on examining the urar's account, ho ban paid on Poor Muse orders boat settlement tho sum or $7,192 132. taboo our hands thts 22d (lay..Tanuq, A.D.11342. T. W. GRAF FMS, HORATIO G. FISHER,} Mit W. L. CUNNINGHAM. utiugdon, VO3. 6, 1661. • (lUTSTANDING BALANCES DUE / at the settlement of the Auditors for the year 1860, Chitectos. 2bwnsliikr. aunty Tao. ,Statrt Taw. 1851. * Charles HrzEgli 1852 Luke t'orhees, Henderson, 1855. John Smith, Barree, 1856. Bolomon Hamer, Jackson, B F Wallace, Morris, Ifenry Grazier, Warriorsmarir, 107 22 1851. William Johns, Cromwell, &halt Weaver, Hopewell, 1858. Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell, Peter swoope, Huntingdon, Samuel Steffey, Jackson, Deult6 ID - toile t Porter, David Aurandt, Tod. 4303 Thomas Ilyskill, Warriorentark, 100 11 1859. *William Kemp, Ale.Nandtla, Jobb IL Gonell, Cilsa, tlosepb Diggine, Carbon, Elisba Shoemaker, Henderson, John Rothroek, Hopewell, 40 69 A 9 Harrison, Huntingdon, 1025 84 - *John Dean, Juniata, Perry Moore, Morrie, John Householder, Penn, tGarld Parsons ' Tell, Isaac Curfman,Ted, 2 29 {Peter IL Market; IVarriorsmark, 125 69 It id Cunningham, West, 480 18 t.l.dln Clayton, Union, 60 66 1860. • 1 Wil dam Walker, Alemtndria, 15781 Samuel W Illyton, Barre, 873 15 Isaac Wolverton, Brady, 743 20 Joseph P Cadman, Cass, 294 80 *Austin Green, Camille, - 56 78 {Jesse Cook, Carbon, 571 08 VG II Stevens, Clay, 411 63 Vrederick Harman. Cromwell, 856 80 Volum Morrow Dublin, 582 75 -Dante Conrad, Franklin, 171060 {Jacobi Hetrick, Henderson, 223 82 -John II Weaver. Hopewell, 719 44 -Wm K Rohm, Huntingdon, 1141 35 -Henry Lee, Jackson, 1059 94 -Levi Ridenour, Juniata, 244 18 -Wm Moreau, Morris, 1014 44 -John P Stewart, Oneida, 246 71 -William Dean, Penn, 890 47 ill A Laird, Porter, 1637 76 -John Silverthern, Tell. 868 59 - Jacob DIA Tod, 315 01 -George Smelker, Shirley, 1290 74 -IV A Fraker, Shirleyaberg, 168 60 -Jonas Duck,, alter, Walker, 413 82 -John It Thompson, Warrimmark, 1293 08 Henry Neff, West. 2101 84 homes Irvin, Union, ' 203 84 Jacob F. Bare, Springfield, 266 91 *Since paid in full. Wince paid is part. Glyen under seal of the Conlmissloners Waco jORDI FLEKNER, ') M t F. CAMPBELL,i - COllll - 'l6 j. CiD3I3III4G, Feb. 6, 1£61.41 YAIDTIRS ! A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF iii: **~tcr,F~:; VALIMITMES, Azip Fancy Envelopes, NOW OPEN AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE Price, from one cent upwards. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- tllntato of Jacob Latherow, Deceased.) Letters of Administration upon filo Estate of Jacob row,late of Shirley township, deed., baying been granted to the undersigned, nil persons indebted are requested to motto immediate payment, and those baying claims will mcseut thou duly authenticated E P for settlement. OEORG. WAKEFIELD. Administrator. Jan, 30, 1801,6! XECUR' TOS NOTICE.- 4 [Estate of liezekiah Crammer, Deed.] Lettere testamentary, on the estate of llezeklah Crown°• ver, late of Barrels tp , deed , havlbg boeq granted to ths undersigned, all persona indebted aro requested to maks immediate poVment, and those having claims to preoeut them properly auteuticated fottsettlement to cnowzrovEß, Executor. Jan. 80, ISGL-Gt.* IJDITOIt'S NOTICE., The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or p ans Court of Iluntingdon county, to hear and determine upon the exceptions to the trust account of David Clark• son, Trustee, appointed by said Court to sell the real es tate of Robert Speer, dec'd., will meet the mulles interest ed, at the oilice of Scott 86 Brown, on Thursday, the 28th day of February,lBBl, at 2 o'clock, P. M. J. If. O.OORBDT, Auditor. iftlutiagdor4 0aR.30, 1801.4 E. QTRA:ir STE F 4 11,-,, Came to rho real'dence of the subscriber In Jackson township in Novomber last, a small brown steer, with whito face. The owner is rogpeated to come forward and prol-o property, pay charges and take him away, or ha will be disposed of, as Coo law directs. J. E. 3IoILVAINN. Greenwood Parnace, Jan. 30, 188 L-St. THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC, AND TITE OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC, "'on 1861 FILLED WTTU IMPORTANT INFORMATION, MELEE] LEWIS' BOOK STORE NOTICE. — To the Creditors of the /find ingdon, Cimbria Indiana 2hernpifre Road ampany. 'rim Court of Huntingdon county. at Tannery term 1881, directed to bo paid to Creditors, oneaud.a-bolt per cent. on their claims, on which former dividends Lave been de- Oared, which I. will pay on the presentation of their cer tificates of deposit, by themselves or their agents. JOAN S. ISETT, Boquestrator. Spruce Creek, Jan. 23,1861.4*. gaP . Standard, llolltdayahurg, Democrat tit Settfittel, Ebensburg, and Record, Dlairsl9lo, 16864 the abort 0 and charge this office. T. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1113NTINGDON, FA Jan. 2, 1861-tf. PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, ball roam, quire op sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK k STATIONERY STORE, 0 5 2 itit I.7IP=PT •yobA.ogon7Q 14E;mmedall IMO .UWIO(4 'P44aS RatpiS4~ ..... narq • crAmoAt neiptiqo pry • mrajaamy .a» 1121a30,1 ED 77 Oil MB 19 %I nct 12 b OR IME OW 73 0 10 0(A MI CM 988 22111 II 81 64 44 IP 84 EX] 12 GS 60 40 12 015 Z - 7 71. 773 10 27 bit 16 72 220 72 1314 1 7S 290, 15 I 17 81? et 8746- ale in 1156 50 100 50