Eike 011ie. EfIINTINGDON, PA. Wednesday, January 23, 1861. "WANKS I BLANKS ! BLANKS egSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIWT EXECUTIONS, -ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS. FURPCSNAS, AIORTGAGIIS, SCIIOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR 110 USES, NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver or the poo Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a salter of the MO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMF.NT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Paco and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in ease of Assault and Battery, and Affray. :MERE FACIAS. to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Btu (igh and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE.. BLANKS. of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. THE NEWS. —Col. Eli Slifer, of Union county, late State Treasurer, is Secretary-in chief under Governor Curtin, and Sam. B. Thomas, of Delaware county, Dep uty Secretary. Missonal.—On the 19th, the House of Representatives concurred in the following amendment of the Senate to the Convention bill : "No act, ordinance or resolution shall be valid to change or dissolve the political relations of this State to the government of the United States or any other State, until a majority of the qualified voters of the State shall ratify the same." GEORGIA.—The Georgia Convention on Friday last, adopted a resolution, by a vote of 165 against 130, declaring it to ho the duty of Georgia to secede, and authorizing the appointment of a committee to draft the ordinance of secession —The Senate, on the 18th, confirmed the nomination of Mr. Holt as Secre tary of War, by a vote of 38 yeas to 13 nays. The Latest News. WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.—The people of Maryland sustain the Governor of that State in his firm allegiance to the Union. Union meetings held in almost every county approve his course, and pronounce against disunion. The as sociation of Minute Men of Baltimore have taken a noble stand in support of Gov. Hicks and the Union. IMPORTANT FROM GEORGIA. MILLEDGEVILLE, Jan. 19.—The State Convention adopted the secession or dinance at 2 o'clock, this afternoon, by yeas 208, nays 89. It is as follows " An ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of Georgia and oth er States settled with her, under the compact of government entitled the Constitution of the United States. " We, the people of the State of Georgia, in Convention. assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, that the ordin ances adopted by the people of the State of Georgia, in convention in 1788, whereby the Constitution of the Tint- ing and adopting amendments to the said Constitution, are hereby repealed, rescinded and. abrogated. And we do further declare and or dain that the Union now subsisting between the State of Georgia and other States, under the name of the United States, is hereby dissolved, and that the State of Georgia is in full possession and exercise of all those rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent State." A motion to postpone the operation of the ordinance until the 3d of March was lost by about thirty majority. Alexander H. Stephens and Herschel V. Johnson are among those that vo ted against the ordinance. —Wo learn from Springfield, 111., that Mr. Kellogg, member of Congress from that State, has arrived there on a mission to the President elect, to ob tain a definite and authorative an nouncement from Mr. Lincoln with re gard to tho compromise propositions in Congress. On the result of this mission it is stated, will depend the future course of the Republicans in Congress. From Washington, too, we are advised that Mr. Swett has just left the latter city on a visit of similar purport to the President elect, and to urge him, at the solicitation of leading Republican members, to visit Washing ton immediately. Tho Alabama State Convention on Saturday elected delegates to the pro posed Southern Convention of Seceding States. The Convention is to meet in Montgomery, Ala., on the 4th of Feb ruary. The State Convention also pa ,ed an ordinance appropriatng three million dollars for the arming and de fence of the State. APPOINTMENTS BY TILE GOVERNOR: The following appointments aro offi cial: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Flour Inspector—John Shaw, of Al legheny county. Sealer of Weights and 'Measures— Samuel Ferguson.‘ interpretor Ammon. PHILADELPHIA CITY. Sealer of Weights and Measures— Hiram Horter. Keeper of Powder Magazine—Mark Low. Health Officcr—William Reed, of Philadelphia. Master Warden—Charles S. Wayne, of Philadelphia. Bark Inspector—James McManus, of Philadelphia. Tonnage Agent—Thomas S. Tyrol, of Philadelphia. Grain Measurer—Christian Myers, of Clarion Co. Whiskey inspectors—Wm. Butler, of Lewistown, and Richard Ellis of Phila. Harbor Master—Geo. T. Thorn of Philadelphia. Quarantine Master—Robt. Garstrido of Delaware. Lazaretto Physician—Dr. D. K Shoemaker of Carbon Co. Port Physician—Dr. Trenchard of Philadelphia. Flouitlnspector—(not appointed) The Virginia Movement---Watchman, what of the Night? The Washington Star of Friday last says:---Virginia is promptly inau gurating the movement which, it is no longer to be doubted, bids fair to bring the troubles of the times to a peaceful and happy termination, with out the destruction of the Union. It is the plan of inducing both the sece ding States and the General Govern ment to abstain from hostilities until the border slaveholding States can de mand in a fraternal spirit of all the rest of the States that they will, in a National Convention, consider the ex isting condition of the Union, and rem edy the evils, by the adoption of the Crittenden proposition, or whatever else that may prove satisfactory to those who simply seek to secure, for all time to come, within the Union, the institution of Southern slavery against unconstitutional encroach monis on the part of the Gene ^al Gov ernment. The news from the South, received within the last week, proves -Ist. That South Carolina is heartily sick and tired of the position in which she stands; 2nd. That the popular vote of Geor gia and Alabama is largely against following South Carolina's example; 3d. That Arkansas refuses to hold a Convention even, until after the 4th of March ; 4th. That Tennessee has determined to refer whatever her Convention may do to the people, which cannot be done before the 4th of March; sth. That North Carolina is by no means likely to act precipitately in the matter, mid that her authorities, repudiating Mr. W. S. Ashe's acts of rebellion, have offered to restore to the United States the forts he caused to be seized; 6th. That Virginia has accorded to her people the right to sit in judgment upon whatever her Convention may do, and is also engaged in urging a plan under which the whole trouble nifty easily be accommodated without the destruction of the Union; 7th. That Maryland continues firmly to scout the intrigues of the Disunion ists per se to involve her in the Disu nion movement; 7th. That Missouri has decided that whatever her Convention may do, shall also be duly submitted for popu ' lar ratification or rejection. In proving these; now so very im portant, facts, the news in question I proves unmistakably that the consum mation of the scheme of the conspira tors to drag the whole South out of the Union before the 4th of March is, already, a dead failure; and that a wholesome reaction has certainly set in, in all quarters of the South, that, beyond question, dissipates the proba bility of the destruction of the Union, and promises a speedy settlement of the troubles by action of all the States in National Convention, represented • -• tuiErsvaatneaL o on position in public life, but by citizens without embarrassing records as public men, who see • before them their chance to come into public life, only through earnest exertions to re pair the mischief which Congress has for twenty-five years past been gradu ally heaping upon the head of an ab used country. Sound Senna lion. John A. Gilmer writes to a friend in North Carolina, that " if the honest masses North and South can be induced, without passion, and with their cool heads to understand the ab stract points of difference involved in the present disputes, they will at once arm themselves with the fraternal spirit of their revolutionary fathers, infuse the same into their political agents, and force a settlement of all sectional difficulties, and again return to their fields, shops, and schools.— The free States ought to know that all the chances are on their side ; that they have a surplus population with which to settle the Territories, while the South has none, and they should fool satisfied that the laws of climate, soil, and productions will settle the question of slavery extension at last, in spite of 'the theories' about which the politicians of the two sections have each other so much by the ears."— Mr. Gilmer says, "I would have the people at once pull up their stakes, and come and pitch their tents around Washington, and command their rep resentatives to adjust the difficulties which now divide the two great and powerful sections." The True Polley Gov. Packer, in his recent message to the Legislature, thus forcibly con densed the true policy which should be pursued at the present time : " The people of Pennsylvania are devoted to the Union. They will fol low its stars and stripes through every peril. But, before assuming the high responsibilities now dimly foreshadow ed, it is their solemn duty to remove every just cause of complaint against themselves, so that they may stand before High Heaven, and the civilized world, without fear and without re proach, ready to devote their lives and their fortunes to the support of the best form of Government that has ever been devised by the wisdom of man." This we believe to be a fair expres sion of the sentiments of nine-tenths of the people of Pennsylvania upon the all absorbing topic of the clay. REMARKABLE LONGEVITY.—An old lady living in Putnam county, Ind., by the name of Patsy Allen, died the other day, being 116 years old, having been born in 17-14. She has a daughter living in the same county who is 93 3ears old. FROM WASHINGTON. Letter from ~ Occasional." Coerespowlence of The Pecos.] V ASIIINOTON, Jau. 18, 1861 Although the Republicans, with few exceptions, admit the personal-liberty bills should be repealed, up to this wri ting nothing definitive has been done beyond the passage of a resolution through one of the branches of the Ohio Legislature. Gov. Ourtin's in augural address demands the repeal of any law on the statute-books of Penn sylvania that may, " even by implica tion, be liable to reasonable objection;" but his party friends have not yet moved to carry out his suggestions.— Indeed, they aro on the record against the resolutions of Mr. Welsh, providing for the repeal of the sections of the act of 1847. The motive that should in spire patriots at this time should be to do everythiing in kindness for the South. We can afford to be magnanimous.— There is no surrender in treating our brethren, now so misguided and infat uated, indulgently. The hallucination of the Southern people is widespread, and in some States unanimous. They seem to be possessed of a sort of Judi ' cial madness, and while they refuse to listen, and express themselves passion ately, let us maintain the attitude of forbearance and of affection, that has marked our whole course from the be ginning. And who so entitled to lead in this cause as Pennsylvania. She ought to be the leader in proffers of peace and reconciliation. I do not. know a Republican in Congress who would violently object to the repeal of all the personal-liberty bills, even among those who refuse to act while the South continues to repeat its threats. And at this moment, when every other plan of adjustment has failed, and when the friends of Mr. Crittenden's propo sition almost despair of carrying it through Congress, nothing could be more wholesome in its effects than the immediate repeal of all obstructive leg islation in the free States. In the far off Cotton States, there is a large Union party, that would be encouraged by such an evidence of good feeling.— You will perceive that Alabama, which was supposed to be unanimous for se cession, is halting, and that the mem bers of the Convention from the north ern part of that State refuse to sign the ordinance of secession unless that act is postponed until the 4th of March.— Virginia herself, in one branch of her Legislature, has adopted resolutions in favor of the Crittenden propositions, and Arkansas has followed up her re fusal to favor immediate disunion by submitting the question of a Conven tion to the people. All these indica tions providing for delay are so many appeals to the people of the free States to do something in order to inspirit the Union men of' the South. There are very few sincere Disunionists in Con gress. I believe, if we could get at the truth in every man's heart, there are not six who are put down as Disunion ists who would not quietly rejoice if the question could be settled. They aro daily taught by unexpected events that their experiment is bound to be a costly, dangerous, and possibly fatal one. The change for them would be terrible. Not only will they be called upon to construct a now Government, rum - tary and naval establishments, but they will be forced to meet and to answer the awakening sentiment of their peo ple when all these evils become practi cal, and when the contrast is run be tween what they have unwisely and madly thrown away and that they have substituted. At first, the voice of the people in the South was derided by their leaders in Washington, and even now these leaders are generally so fearful of committing the question of Disunion to the ballot-box, that they adopt every expedient in order to ac complish their ends without referring their action to the masses, In North Carolina, the Legislature, although representing the people directly, were afraid to take the responsibility of cal ling a Convention, and referred the whole matter to the delegation in both houses of Congress from that State, asking of them whether, in their opin ion such a Convention was necessary. At last, however, the Southern people are beginning to speak out. The largo vote thrown against secession in Lou isiana ; the late proceedings of the Ala bama Convention; the delayand factions iu the Georgia Convention; the appeals of the Union men in Virginia, in and out of the Legislature; the determined action of the friends of the country in Tennessee—all are only so many proofs that the flank of the leaders has been turned by the masses, and that if the people of the North and Northwest will now come up in good faith, and repeal the personal-liberty bills, the ca tastrophe will be staggered, if it is not crushed. Both sections of the Union may now be said to bo fully prepared either for peaceful or a violent conclusion to our troubles. The South has spent, and is spending enormous sums to put herself in a warlike attitude, and the North and Northwest are now, as they have always been, ready to defend their rights in tho touted field. Thus ar rayed against each other, the time has come to decide whether there shall be peace or war. lam for peace, if it can bo honorably maintained, and this is the feeling of ninety-nine Americans out of every hundred. The bravo and modest letter of Maj. Anderson, written from Fortress Sump ter, in reply to tho venerable Win. D. Lewis, president of the great Union meeting held at National Hall, in your city, expresses the hope that , olu. trou bles may be reconciled without blood shed. This has been tho policy, from the beginning, of Lieutenant-General Scott, and I know that the veteran sailor, Commodore Stewart, who is ap proaching his ninetieth year, and who reached Washington by the last eve ning train, is free in declaration to the same effect. Now, here are three men of war who aro all fbr an amicable ar rangement of our present difficulties. Why, then, should not statesmen, legis lators, politicians, and newspaper edi tors abandon their records for the gen eral good, and thus avoid a collision ? OR- We have nothing of importance from the Pa. Legislature. The resolu tions for the repeal of the personal-lib erty bills have not yet been finally acted upon. IMPORTANT BY TELEGRAPH. Important from Washington, The Views of Col. Rayne Moderate.— Precipitation to be ,Stayed.—A Colli sion to be Avoided. Mr. Pryor's Plan —The Crittenden-Douglas Compro mise.—Xediation of Virginia.—.ln ter-State Commissioners to be Appoint ed.—Stay of Hostilities on Both &des. WASUINGTON, Jan. 1.6.—C01. llayne the commissioner from South Carolina, has, it is understood, moderated his views since his arrival hero. He will remain here for several days longer.— The opinion is almost unanimous, in Secession circles, that all collision for the present should be studiously avoid ed. Ho has been in daily consultation with the leaders of the secession move ment, who aro opposed to precipita ting hostilities. It is believed that a strong representation has within two days past been sent to the authorities of South Carolina, urging them to af ford Major Anderson every facility for marketing and other domestic supplies. A plan is now before the Committee on Federal Relations of the Virginia House of Delegates, in session at Rich mond, which is regarded with much interest in political circles here. The idea originated with Mr. Prior, of the Federal House of Representatives, and has received the cordial endorsement of Senators Crittenden, Douglas, and Breckinridge, Hon. Wm. C. Rives, and other distinguished gentlemen, embrac ing all shades of Southern and Con servative opinion. The plan consists of a series of resolutions, proposing : First. That there must be some de finitive and conclusive settlement of the slavery question between the two sections of the country, or a separation bo inevitable. Second. The Crittenden Compromise, as amended by Mr. Douglas, as a basis of fair and henorable adjustment, the least that Virginia feels she could take as a settlement. Third. The appointment of a com missioner to each State in the Union, representing the action of Virginia, and inviting a response to the measure of conciliation. Fourth. A strong appeal to the Fed eral Government to stay its hand and avoid all acts which may load to a col lision, pending the mediation of Vir ginia. Fifth. An appeal to the seceding States to preserve their existing status, and also abstain from all acts which may precipitate collision. A dispatch from a distinguished source in Virginia was received - to-day. It says that there is littlo if any doubt that the plan will pass both Houses of the Legislature. Similar movements will at once be made in the Legislature of Missouri, South Carolina, 'Tennessee, and Ken tucky—arrangements being in progress for that purpose. WASIIINOTON, Jan. 17.—Although the Republican Senators yesterday voted against the Crittenden Compro mise, their chief objection was to that part which proposed to divide the ter ritory which may hereafter be acquired, but a measure of that character con fined to the present territo , y meets I r ub c‘r ,,,, a_deo-zep..4lE.hamtrwisak,tl=%lM gross. The President Firm—Dispatches to Araj Anderson.—Fort Sumpter to be Defen ded. WesinNo TON, Jan. 17.—The demand of the independent State of South Car olina, that Fort Sumpter should be forthwith evacuated, has been stoutly refused by the President, and Lieut. Hall left yesterday for Charleston, the decision, with instructions to :Major Anderson that should the fort be at tacked he will defend it to the last. This being the case, it now remains to be seen whether the authorities of South Carolina will put their threat into execution and assault the citadel. The Commissioners from thence assert that she will; and further, that the fort will be captured, let the conse quences bo what they may. They count on a terrific and bloody strug gle, and are fully prepared to meet it. Authentic advices report that Major Anderson has a full supply of stores for three months at least. TVarlike .illessage of the Governor—Pas sage of a Stay 1.?111. CuAlut,Esrox, S. C., San. 17.—G over nor Pickens sent a message to the Lem islature to-day, advising the raising of two more artillery companies, and one more regiment to serve three years.— He advises the permanent garrison of the extensive fortifications of South Carolina. This may be expensive, he says, but considering that we will soon have a southern Confederacy, and they will be necessary to protect the sea coast, we can afterwards transfer the troops to the southern government.— The fanatical excitement of the north ern people shows us that if we expect to preserve peace we must prepare for war. The House of Representatives passed a bill to stay the collection and prose cution of all debts duo by the citizens of South Carolina to men in the slave holding States, until after December next. Late From South Carolina. CHARLESTON, Jan. 19.—Lieut. Tal bot arrived hero last night with gloomy tidings. Tho Governor and the mem bers of his Cabinet were in consulta tion the greater part of last night on the intelligence communicated by Lieut. Talbot. A white flag came from Fort Sump ter this morning. The object it is said to be to demand that South Carolina cease erecting fortifications. Lieut. Davis and four soldiers from Fort Sumpter are in tho city. The soldiers aro witnesses in a murder case. Lieut. Davis is out on a parole. 110 is being entertained by his friends, and drinks to the peaceable settlement of the present unhappy difficulty. Fort Sumpter is now allowed to ob tain fresh provisions in thiS city of Charleston. OCOA sioNAL The Convention Question Submitted to the People. Miztruis, Tenn., Jan. 16.—The Ar kansas Legislature has unanimously passed a bill submitting the question of a State Convention directly to the The Crittenden _Resolutions From South Carolina, Arkansas, people, who are to vote on it on the 18th of Fobruary. If a majority is found to favor the calling of a Conven tion, the Governor is empowered to appoint a day for its meeting. Missouri. Missouri Legislature—The Convention MI Passed ST. Louts, Jan. 16.—The Convention bill passed the Senate last night by a vote of 31 yeas to 2 nays. The bill provides that the voters shall decide at the time of the election of delegates whether the secession ordinance, if passed, shall be submitted to the peo ple for ratification. Tho election for delegates will be held on the 18th of February, and the Convention will meet on the 28th. The REVOLUTION in the SOUTH. The President's Instructions to Major Anderson.—The Navigation of the l[fississippi.—ffonor to the Brave.— Arming Volunteers in Virginia. TRE PRESIDENT AND TOM` SUMI'TER. The Herald Correspondent says : WAsmtztoToN, .Tan. 16, 1861.—Ikhe President adheres to his position in re gard to the forts in Charleston harbor, and emphatically refuses to surrender Fort Sumpter, and will so inform Col. Mayne, the special commissioner from South Carolina, who came here to de mand its unconditional surrender. Lieut. Talbot, ono of Major Ander son's commissioners, leaves this after noon, with special instructions to Maj. Anderson. The exact nature of these instructions is not known, but enough is known to state, positively that he is to maintain his present status, and de fend the fort in every emergency. The President informed Col. Hayti°, in his interview yesterday, that any communication he had to make must be made in writing. Col. Mayne has therefore been engaged to-day in pre paring a letter to the President, setting forth the complaints of his people, and their demands respecting Fort Sump ter. I stated yesterday pretty fully what those demands were. Up to eight o'clock this evening the Presi dent bad not received tic letter.— When it is received the President will answer it promptly and unequivocally. As I have repeatedly said, the Pres ident has taken his position in regard to the affairs in Charleston, and has deliberately made up his mind as to the course he intends to pursue, and under no circumstances will he surrender Fort Sumpter to the authorities of South Carolina. Unless the surrender is made, Col. Unyne says oceans of blood will be spilt. The instructions to Major Anderson were completed to-day. Quite a num ber of Southern men have called upon the President to know what the tare of the instructions was, and to urge upon the President to prevent a collision between the Federal and State authorities. The President re quired no urging to adopt such a policy. In no instance, or under no circumstance, will the Government be the aggressor. They will act strictly on the defensive. If, howev er, the authorities repeat their offence, as in the case of the Star of the West, there will be no alternative left but to open the batteries and silence them at whatever cost. Ills instructions are city in them - . . Limit. Hall has left for New York. He will return on Friday. THE NAVIGATION OF TIIE MISSISSIPPI. [Num the Cincinnati Enquirer, Dem.] The telegraph advises us that artil lery was ordered, yesterday, by the Governor of Mississippi, to Vicksburg, to bring to passing boats for examina tion. That is a new feature in the revolution, and comes nearer home than has any Charleston caper. We have no doubt the boats will comply, for they carry no passengers any more for the reason that all travel has stopped for the present, and then' they would rather round to than be fired, into.— We suppose Mississippi, since she passed her ordinance of secession, feels a good deal as does every urchin when he puts on his first pair of boots, espe cially if they arc of the red-top morocco pattern ; he must call attention to the great change by kicking everything within reach. Sho must needs now show that she is out of the United States by some overt act, and the only way she can do that is by obstructing the g reat highway that runs by her border. It is an annoyance that will have to be submitted to for the present; but we hope she will soon see the folly of it, and order her artillery back to Jackson. If she has the slightest cause for her present disunion step, this act of planting her batteries at Vicksburg, to bring boats to, must hurt her cause as well as the cause of the Smith. It will increase the hatred between the sections, and will, if continued, lead to inevitable war, and among those whose location, trade, and pursuits should make them friends. We think, how ever, 'Mississippi will soon give up this aggressive policy as greatly injurious to herself, and unjust to her Western customers and consumers of her pro ducts. The act is, moreover, violative of the rights of individual States and the citizens thereof. It is a usurpation of power, arbitrary in character, and indefensible. It is not necessary Tor self-preservation, and can only be ac counted for on the ground that Mis sissippi wants to show her authority as a State out of the United States. Km. ANDERSON AND GOV. PICKENS. As Maj. Anderson's correspondence with Gov. Pickens has been subjected to some comments, it is proper that certain important facts should be known to the public. In consequence of his communication being cut oft; he had no means of correspondence with the War Department, to know its purposes or convey his own views, except by accidental and unfrequent opportuni ties. It was decided here, after his removal to Fort Sumpter, and the de parture of the South Carolina commis sioners to send reinforcements, and four, companies of artillery, from Fort Monroe, were ordered to the Brooklyn for that purpose. These or ders were afterward countermanded, and Major Anderson's brother carried him the intelligence of that decision.— Regarding it as conclusive he could and did not expect to bo re-inforeed. He had no knowledge whatever con cerning the movements of the Star of the West, or of her transports. The first intimation that reached him was the booming of cannon from Mor ris Island and Fort Moultrie. When he saw the national flag hoisted at her masthead, and heard the firing repeat ed, his batteries facing Fort Moultrie and the ship channel were unmasked, manned, and the gunners stationed with matches in their hands, waiting the signal'to fire. The steamer turned and put to sea, and thus the bloody reckoning was averted. This state ment will explain the general terms of his first hitter to Governor Pickens concerning the firing upon the flag, as he had none of the information con cerning the steamer which was famil iar to everybody else. Had he known her - mission, Fort Moultrie would have been battered down. A CAROLINA MANIFESTO The Boston Transcript has seen the first custom house manifest issued by the Charleston -rebels. It bears the signature of W. F. Colcock, " Collector of Charleston," and I. Laurens, "Naval Officer." The common United States blanks have been used, and the words "United States" erased, and those of. " South Carolina" inserted in their placo. This shows that the printing department of the new " republic" has not yet been organized. The manifest has over the top: "District of the Port of Charleston, State of South, Carolina." At the bottom is the following : "Given under our band and seal on the Ist of January in the eighty fifth year of the sovereignty and independence of the State of South Carolina." TOO WEAK-HANDED TO MAN AN ENGINE In a spirited (lobate in the South Carolina Assembly, on the 11th, to ex emptfiremen draft to performmilitary duty, Mr. Edward stated that he thought there was not a member on the floor who stood at the gate of Hi bernian Hall the beginning of this week or the latter part of last, and witnessed the efforts to carry the en gines of this city to Spring street, but would be willing to advocate the fourth section of ate bill. He witness ed there two engines, one of them tied on to a one-horse cart, and dragged by a few individuals, and the other drag ged by five men and a few little negro boys. 110 was made to ask the cause of this, and he was answered that it was because the mon who belonged to the companies had gone to Port Moul trie, Morris Island, and other points, to defend the honor of South Carolina. PASSPORT TO TIM "REPUBLIC OF SOUTH CAROLINA." "Things aro working." A few days since a gentleman of South Carolina applied by letter to the Hudson River Institute, at Claveritek, for a female teacher. Miss Emma J. Pinton re sponded to the invitation, but in her letter assured the gentlemen that in the present state of affairs she should not undertake the journey without a paszport. Accordingly she has just re ceived a document duly executed, signed, "A Gentleman Citizen of the Republic of South Carolina, and perso nal friend of his Excellency the Gover nor," &c., under the protection of which she is now on her way to that bcligor cut " republic"—Hudson Star, Jan. 14. HONOR TO THE BRAVE Executive Office, Depart. of War,l Charleston, Jan. 10, 1861. j His Excellency the Governor and Commander-in-Chief congratulates the officers and troops at Port Morris and Fort Moultrie upon the promptitude . To rear iforce the garrison at Fort Sump ter. The readiness with which the citizens of the Statehave rallied in her defence is honorable to them, and re calls the memories of the time when,at the same place, the citizen soldiers of that day won for themselves and their State imperishable credit. The State may safely confide in her sons, who have thus prepared themselves, at the risk of life and sacrifice- of ease, to maintain inviolate the rights of their State. His Excellency the Governor directs this order to be read on parade at Fort Morris and Fort Moultrie. D. F. JAmisoN. FREE TRADE FOR SUGAIt. The Fifth ward Republican Associa tion of New York, in view of the trea son in Louisiana, mid the duty of 30 per cent, ad valorem upon all imported sugars have passed the following reso lution, declining to be taxed for the benefit of traitors: " That WO do hereby call upon our Senators and Representatives in Con gress to pass forthwith a law suspend ing all duties upon foreign sugars, so long as the inhabitants of Louisiana remain in open insurrection, and con tinue forcibly and unlawfully to hold in their possession the property of the United States." A FULL REGIMENT FOR SIX MONTHS It is contemplated to raise and equip, at the expense of the State, one full regiment of one thousand men, to be enlisted for six months, and to be distributed among the six forts within the State. This will be an artillery force, and will, doubtless, constitute au important portion of the regular army of the Southern Republic, when it shall be established. The revenues of the State aro even now ample to maintain such a force. It will pre vent the trouble, expense, and inter ruption of business incident to the calling out of volunteers, who aro mostly young men employed in the various commercial, professional, and mechanical employments, to whom military duty is a serious inconveni ence and loss.—True Delta, January 12. MILITARY SUBSIDY The Charleston papers state that a resolution was adopted in the Legisla ture, requesting the Bank of South Carolina to advance $150,000 for the military contingencies, and that the Bank has signified its willingness to comply. The above item of $150,000, is merely for contingencies. The whole expenditure for military purpo ses already incurred amount to $1,400 000. SERVICES OFFERED We learn that on Saturday a num ber of ablebodied free colored men of this city, having first obtained the sanction of the 'Mayor, through him tendered their services to the Gover- nor, to work for the State, in any ca pacity, and wherever their services are most needed. All they desire is that their families may not suffer while they are doing duty.—Charleston Mercury. YANKEES LOSING THEIR VESSELS Letters received at Mystic on Wed nesday, Oth inst., state that the fish ing schooners R. Fowler, Capt. El dridge, and the Osceola, Capt. Bur rows, have been seized and confiscated by the State authorities of Florida, under an old.law, iong a dead letter, against citizens of other States fishing on their coasts. The news created excitement in Mystic. Acts of this kind cannot but inflame the Northern mind, while they strike an effective blow at the commerce of the South. because no master will trust himself and his vessel to the mercies of a set of men who seem regardless of any rules of honor or principles of law. SNARLED AT AS THEY PLY The following paragraph from the Charleston (S. C.) Courier concedes the alleged fact that many of the best fa milies of the State are fleeing from it as from the plague, in consequence of the lawless tyranny now exercised by mob rule there. The Courier, of Sat urday, Jan. 12, says : " The removal of many excellent families from the capital is regretted, but nobody proposes to stop them from managing their own domestic affairs hi their own' way." - 4 TAXING THEIR DOGS }WEN In the South Carolina Parliament on Tuesday, they were debating the propriety of levying a tax upon dogs in that State as a source of revenue. Mr. Allen and Mr. Palmer spoke in favor of it, but Mr. Hope thought the bill would not produce a largo amount of money in the first place, and in the next it was interfering with the rights of the dog-owners. They will cat dogs before long in South ,Carolina. PAYING THE PIPER Mr. Rhett, hi the South Carolina Senate, on Friday, admitted that the expenses of that State for the - coming year were estimated at two millions, and the total resources of the State amounted to only one - million five hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. They must look out, ho said, that they were not bankrupt before the end of the year. linmm==m)znimr'.szmn=m The following resolution was re cently offered in the City Council of Richmond, Virginia : Resolied, That the Committee of Finance be instructed to raise $50,000 by sale of bonds, from time to time, as may be needed, for the purpose of arm ing and equipping such of the volun teer companies as are now commission ed, or may be hereafter commissioned. I=I!KMMM The Galveston News, of the sth inst. says : The United States officer in charge of the new fort building hero, has, we understand, received invoices of the arms ordered to bo sent hero by the Federal Government. . . Illinois Democratic Convention SPRINGFIELD, Sztn. IG.—The Domo eratic State Convention met at the State House this morning.. Ninety-three out of the hundred and two counties were represented. The proceedings of the Convention were harmonious. Resolutions were adopted by an almost unanimous vote, declaring that it is the prompting of patriotism and dictate of wisdom to make an earnest effort to save the Union by conciliation and concession; therefore, we are wil ling to accept the amendments to the Constitution, proposed in the United States Senate by Senator Douglas and . m—Orittendon, and the border State proposition, or any other where by harmony may be restored between the people of the different sections of the country. Therefore, we earnestly entreat the Federal Government and the seceding States to withold the arm of military power, and on no pretext whatever bring the nation to the horrors of a civil war, until the people can take such action as the troubles demand. We recognize and declare it to ho the duty of the Federal Gove'rnment, through the civil authorities within the jurisdiction of the States, to en force all laws passed in pursuance of tho Constitution; but we distinctly deny that the Federal Government has a constitutional power to call out the military to execute these laws, except in aid of, the civil authorities. We deny the constitutional right of any State to secede from the Union s and we are equally opposed to nullifi cation at the North and secession at the South, as violations of the Consti tution. That in the opinion of this Convention, the employment of a mili tary force by the Federal Government to coerce into submission the seceding States will inevitably plunge the cowl-, try in a civil war, and entirely extin, guish all hope for a settlement of the fearful issues now pending before the country. We recommend the repeal of all personal-liberty bills, and recommend a National Convention, to be held at Louisville, Ky., on the 12th of Febru ary, to take into consideration the present perilous state of the country, and recommend to the people such just concessions, and such amendments to the Constitution, as will produce harmony and fraternal feeling through-. out the Union, said Convention to con-. silt of ono delegate from each Con-. gressional district, and two at large from each of the thirty-three States. We request that the Legislatures of the several States take steps for the holding of State Conventions to carry out the aforesaid recommendations. NORTE. CAROLINA RESISTS COERCION! The lower branch of the North Caro:, na Legislature has adopted the sub, joined resolutions, condemnatory of the principle of coercion, and a.ffirrnbztg the duty of the State to resist the pas sage of Federal troops. The resolu tions were adopted on Tuesday, the 15th, by a vote of 63 to 20. . Resolved, That in the judgment, of' this general assembly, the Federal Government lies no right to coerce a seceding State; and South Carolina, Florida, ltississippi and Alabama, act ing in their sovereign character, through conventions, having with drawn, whether by secession or ,revo- Mien, the , Federal authorities have no power, under the Constitution,-to make war upon and subjugate these States, or any other States'which may hereafter iidopt the like action. Resolved, That it will bo the duty of the constituted authorities of North Carolina to resist by force the passage of. Federal troops through her territo ry to coerce and subjugate a seceding , Southern, State, and that North Caro- lina onglitto resist any attempt at co, ereiod, either by land or sea, by all the meanfi in her power: •' -