The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 16, 1861, Image 3
THE GLOBE. Huntingdon, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1861 LOCAL & PERSONAL. • The Union and the Constitution, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable." V - e, the undersigned citizens of Huntingdon county. having watched with a deep and abiding interest the progress of disunion in our country for some time past, now feel satisfied that unless the potential voice of the Union loving people be not raised in behalf of our blood-bought institutions—under which we have attained, among the nations of the earth, our present envi able position—we shall ere long behold the abhorrent spectacle of civil war; "of States dissevered, discordant, be ligerent—in which brother shall war against brother." Believing, from the history of passing events, that to this end we are fast hastening, we recom mend that a general Mass Meeting of the citizens of Huntingdon county be held in the Court House, in the bor ough of Huntingdon, on Thursday evening, Jan. Mb, to attest their fidel ity to the Union and the Constitution, and to give an expression of opinion as- to some means of adjusting the present difficulties existin g between the Northern and Southern States. Stewart Allen, W. F. Show, A. B. Cunningham, Wm. Lewis, Edm. Snare, H. K. Neff, Wm. Colon, John Westbrook, John Snyder, Sand. U. Shoemaker, P. C. Swoope, Peter Swoope, W. C., F. 13 Wallace, Jesse Summers, A. S. llarrison, B. C. Lytle, W. W. Gaither, John Skeec, George Decker, David Grove, James Steel, A. 11. Westbrook, Gen. 11. Nash, Simon Beck, D. MeMurtrie, A. P. Kinney, 11. IL Johnson, D. P. Gwiti , G. Schneider, Christian Decker, A. Tyburst, Wm. F. Thomas, Thos. Fisher, Martin Flenner, S. M. McMurtrie, ‘lrtn. Williams, Beni. F. 3Villittins, A. 11. Ilight, It. Bruce Petrekin, Wm. Summers, Dias Bartot. E C. Sommers, R. Allison Decker, W. J . Geisinger, Jos. It. Cannon, Robert King, A. Pottersul, Decker, Juhu D. Protzman, Geo. W. Simpson, and MANY oTHEns. FIRE. —A BARN BURNED WITH 310 ST OF ITS CONTENTS.—About S o'clock on the morning of the 26th ult., the barn of Benjamin Shope, at Three Springs. in Clay township, was discovered to be on fire, and in half an hour was consumed, together with most of its contents, consisting' of his entire crop, pro ender for stock, a valuable set of carpenter's tools, barn tools, and sonic filming utensils. Mr. Shope had but lately finished threshing his crop, and had the grain gathered in the barn.— By strenuous effort, a portion of the wheat and oats was saved by openings made through the floor underneath the garners, through which it descended into the basement; it was then carri ed away, and otherwise prevented from being entirely consumed, though saved in a damaged condition. For from the stable without injury, with the exception of several hogs and one or two calves, which perished in the flames. The horse-gears were also saved. It was a large bank barn, al most new—one of the best in Clay township. The fire originated through the mischief of two little boys—one a son of 31r. Shope, about eight years of age, and the other a neighboring boy —who, with matches, set fire to a straw-stack adjoining the barn, which in an instant communicated to the barn. Estimated loss, $2,000. No insurance. The loss bears heavily on Mr. Shope.—Shirleysburg Herald. /3ESY- We have received from the pub lishers, Dinsmore & Co., No. 9, Spruce street, New York, Diusmore's Railroad and Steam Navigation Guide. It con tains a vast amount of useful informa- ' tion, and should be in the hands of everybody. It gives the correct time of all the roads in the United States, names of stations, the distance between each, and all other information any one can desire. A large nu..p accom panies the work, showing the different railroads completed and those in the course of construction, the route of each, &c., &e. Price twenty-five cents. leer How do you like our new head ? It comes up to our taste. Hope it may please everybody. The flag of our country, long may it wave,—o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Those of our subscribers who may fitil to receive " The Globe" after this week will not be long finding out the reason. We have room for the names of a hundred or two advance paying subscribers. Only $1,50 a year or 75 cents for six months. THE UNION MEIITING.r-A Union meeting is called at the Court Rouse, on Thursday night. We hope there will be such a turn out as the crisis de mands. We want to see our best men in attendance. We want to hear their sentiments. We have able men in our midst, and they should come down from the Bench and the Pulpit, and out from the Bar and the Workshop, and bo heard in defence of the Union. MT. F. S. BIRMINGHAM The semi-annual examination of the Mountain Female Sctniimry will be held Jan. 2Sth and 29th. Concert on the evening of the 29th and 30th, for the accommodation of vi,itors. The public are invited to attend. Summer session opens January 31st. S. G. GillElt. gei- We take pleasure in calling attention to the athertirement of R. Newell's Gallery of Art. The testimonials are of the first character. ler Gorman nn,l English Almnnnes for 1861, only 3 pents, for sole of Lewis' Book More. A PArrn ov BroAD Tor.—. Mr. A. Tyhurst, a good practical printer, and a young man of considerable editorial ability, is making an effort to establish a weekly paper on Broad Top. We are glad to hear that he meets with good encouragement from the people of that region and others interested in the prosperity of the coal region. We wish the enterprise abundant success. GAS COMPANY.-At the election of the Huntingdon Gas Company held on -Monday the 7th instant, "William Dor ris, Jr., John Scott, William P. Orin son, B. E. McMurtrie and J. Simpson Africa were re-elected Managers for the ensuing year. GRAND CONCERT.—Prof. B. M. Clark, a distinguished American Vocalist, as sisted by Prof. Coyle, W. J. Geisinger and B. M. Green, will give their second Grand Concert in the Court House this (Wednesday) evening. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE 3.1 - CCHANICSVILLE, Jan. 7, 1.561 31R. EDITOR :—During the time which has elapsed since the writing of my last, many changes have taken place. Many of our companions have entered the matrimonial noose; others are making preparations, and others are halting between the opinions " to" and "to not." Many have taken their de parture from this world of sorrow, un til the close of time; others have been smitten with the hand of affliction, while we aro still alive and permitted to agitate the slavery question, and to behold the scene of advancing war and blood-shed which o'erhangs our glori ous country—the home of our birth— the land for which our fore fathers laid down the lives. The proceedings of the South ap pear to be the chief topic of conversa tion among a number of our citizens, and our merchants' establishments serve as the chief resort for those who delight in arguments. Pleasure parties frequently occur among the pleasant and benevolent farmers' sons and daughters of this "neck o' woods," in which we occa sionally participate. On the evening of the 4th, in company with several of the ladies and gents of our village, we set out in full feathers to enjoy one of those evening entertainments given by the Miss and Messrs. Burkets at Royal Point. As the merry bells did jingle and we did glide o'er the snow-bound highway we chatted considerable, viewed the beautiful landscape o'er and pencilled accordingly. After a pleasant drive of—miles more or less, We reached the 7*s where others joined our number. Onward we sped our way. But hold the steed. What's wrong With`the Txdls (?)nary - jingTo iii - them. Soon the mystery is solved.— All is right and again we go. The Point is at hand. The meeting salute is given, and soon we find ourselves surrounding the cheerful fire, enjoying numerous jokes and anecdotes. After spending the greater part of the eve ning pleasantly, glad tidings were borne to us, that we might " eat, drink and be merry." We did so Mr. Editor, and were inclined to think that the lady of the establishment could pre pare a supper equal to any among the numerous. Continuing with different exercises until wearied, we extended our right pis tipped our beavers and bade farewell. Yllamt. BLOODY RUN, Jan. 8. 18G1 DEAR GLOBE :—Since my last I have attended a Teachers Institute in the town of Bedford, under the name of the "Bedford County Teachers Asso ciation." The interest manifested by not only the members but also those that were merely spectators, was truly cheering to the friends of education.— The Teachers in attendance numbered between eighty and ninety active, worlcinglnstructors. There were three sessions held each day, of three hours each. The forenoon and afternoon ex ercises were conducted in the form of a school, while the evening session was more of a miscellaneous nature, such as lectures, essays, debates. &c.— There were exercises each day in the different branches conducted by some of the ablest teachers of the county.— The interest of the Institute was great ly facilitated by the hospitable citizens of Bedford in keeping the members free of charge. STANLEY. WHAT is Cor.acioN ?—The Southern people regard the attempt to send more troops into Charleston harbor, as coercion. The followin: , , front the Wilmington (N. C.) Herald, will give our readers an idea of the feeling in the South : " The Union men of the South will never submit to any kind of coercion, and the first attempt to exercise it will drive even the most conservative to immediate resistance. And when we say coercion, we do not confine ourselves to direct armed invasion by any means—that the women and chil dren would resist. We mean that af ter a State has declared herself inde pendent, no investment of the Forts and Arsenals by Federal troops for the purpose of executing the Federal laws, would be submitted to. If the object of the Northern States is to save the - union, they must know that force is the last means to be used to attain that end. Force would be the parent of immediate and everlasting separation. If the salvation of the Union is not their purpose, or if they are reckless , of the means to be used to accomplish it, then they are right, and—we are ready. The time is near at hand, if it has not already passed, when not even a compromise can save it. Let them make a proper use of it,if they appreci ate the value of time, and have not de termined to continue their course un changed." MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. To Me Senate and Hangs of Representatives At the opening of your present ses sion, I called your attention to the dangers which threatened the exist ence of the Union. I expressed my opinion freely concerning the original causes of these dangers, and recom mended such measures as I believed would have the effect of tranquilizing the country and saving it from the peril in which it bad been needlessly and most unfortunately involved.— Those opinions and recommendations Ido not propose now to repeat. My own convictions upon the whole sub ject remain unchanged. The fact that a great calamity was impending over the nation was even at that time ac knowledged by every intelligent citi zen. It had already made itself felt throughout the length and breadth of the land. The necessary consequences of the alarm thus produced were most deplorable. The imports fell off with a rapidity never known before, except in time of war, in the history of our foreign commerce. The Treasury was unexpectedly left without the means which it had rea sonably- counted upon to meet its pub lic engagements, trade was paralyzed, manufitetures were stopped, the best public securities suddenly sunk in the market, every species of property- de preciated more or less, and thousands of poor men who depended on their daily labor for their daily bread were turned out of employment. I deeply regret that I am not able to give you any information upon the state of the Union which is more satisfitetory than what 1 was then obliged to communi cate. On the contrary, matters are still worse at the pres;:at time than they then were. When Congress met, a strong hope pervaded the whole pub lic mind that some amicable adjust ment of the subject would be speedily made by the representatives of the States and of the people. which mig?lit restore peace between the conflicting sections of the country. That hope has been diminished by every hour of delay, and as the prospect of a blood less settlement fades away the public distress becomes more and more ag gravated. As an evidence of this, it is only ne cessary to say that the treasury notes authorized by the act of 17th Decem ber last were advertised according to law, and that no responsible bidder of fered to take any considerable sum at par at a lower rate of interest than twelve per cent. From these facts it appears that, in a Government organ ized like ours. domestic strife. or even a well grounded, fear of civil hostili ties, is more destructive to our public and private interests than the most formidable foreign war. In my annual message I expressed the conviction which I have long de liberately held, and which recent re flection has only tended to deepen and confirm, that no State has the right, by its own act, to secede from - the Union, or throw oft' its Federal obliga tions at pleasure. I also declared my opinion to be that, even if that right existed, and should be exercised by any State of the Confederacy, the Ex- Arm five Dennri mont a it ig norn- Mont had no authority, under theyon stitution to recognize its validity by acknowledging the independence of such State. This left me no alterna tive, as the chief executive officer un der the Constitution of the United States, but to collect the public revenue and protect the public property, so for as this might be practicable under the existing laws. This is still my pur pose. My province is to execute, not to make the laws. It belongs to Con gress exclusively to repeal, modify, or enlarge their provisions to meet exi gencies as they occur. I possess no dispensing power. I certainly had no I right to make an aggiessive war upon 'I any State; and I am perfectly satisfi ed that the Constitution has wisely withheld that power even from Con gress. But the right and the duty to use the military force defensively against those who resist the Federal officers in the execution of their legal functions, and against those who as sail the property of the Federal Gov ernment is clear and undeniable. But the dangerous and hostile attitude or States towards each other has already far transcended and cast into the shade the ordinary Executive duties already provided for by law, and has assumed such vast and alarming proportions as to place the subject entirely above and beyond the Executive control.— The fact cannot be disguised that we are in the midst of a great revolution. In all its various bearings, therefore, I commend the question to Congress as the only human tribunal under Provi dence possessing the power to meet the existing emergency. To them ex clusively belongs the power to declare war, or authorize the employment of the military force in all cases Contem plated by the Constitution; and they alone possess the power to remove the grievances which might lead to war, and to secure peace and union to this distracted country. On them, and on them alone, rests the responsibility. The Union is a sacred trust, left by our revolutionary fhthers to their de scendants, and never did any other people inherit so rich a legacy. It has rendered us prosperous in peace and triumphant in war. The national flag has floated with glory over every sea. Under its shadow American citi zens have found protection and respect in all lands beneath the sun. It we descend to considerations of purely material interest, when, in the history of all time, has a Confederacy been bound together with such strong ties of mutual interest? Each portion of it is dependent on all, and all upon each portion for prosperity and do mestic security; a free trade through- out the whole supplies the wants of one portion from the productions of another, and scatters wealth every where. The great planting and farm ing States require, and commercial navigation States send their produc tions to domestic and foreign markets, and furnish a naval power, to render their transportation secure against all hostile attacks. Should the Union perish in the midst of the present ex citement, we have already hail a fore taste of the universal suinring which would result from its destruction.— The calamity would be severe in every portion of the Union, and would be quite as great, to say the least, in the Southern as hi the Northern States. The greatest aggravation of the evil, And that which would place us in a most unfavorable light, both before the world and posterity, is, as I am firmly convinced, that the secession movement has been chiefly based upon a, misapprehension at the South, of the sentiments of the majority in several of the Northern,States. Let the ques tion be transferred from political as semblies to the ballot-box, and the people themselves would speedily re dress the serious grievances which the South have suffered. But, in Heaven's name, let the trial be made before we plunge into an armed conflict upon the mere assump tion that there is no other alternative. Time is a great conservative power.— Let us pause at this momentous point, and afford the people of both North and South, an opportunity for reflec tion. Would that South Carolina had been convinced of this truth before her precipitate action. I therefbre appeal, through you, to the people of the country to declare in their might that `TILE UNION MUST AND SHALL BE PRE SERVED " by all constitutional means. I most earnestly recommend that you devote yourselves exclusively to the question how this can be accom plished in peace. All other questions, when compared with this, sink into insignificance. The present is no time for palliation. Action, prompt action, is required. A delay in Congress to prescribe and recommend a distinct and practical proposition tin. concilia tion may drive us to a point from which it will be almost impossible to recede. A common ground on which conciliation and harmony may be pro duced is surely not unattainable. The proposition to compromise by letting the _North have exclusive con trol of the territory above a certain line, and giving Southern institutions protection below that line, ought to receive universal approbation. In it self, indeed, it may not be entirely sat isfhetmy ; but when the alternative is between a reasonable concession on Loth sides and the destruction of the Union, it is an imputation on the pa triotism of Congress to assert that its members will hesitate for a moment. Even now the danger is upon us.— In several States which have not se ceded, the forts, arsenals, and maga zines of the United States have been seized. This is, by flir, the most seri ous step which has been taken since the commencement of the troubles.— This public property has long been left without garrisons and troops for its protection, because no person doubted its security under the flag of the coun try in all the States of the Union.— Besides, our small army has scarcely been sufficient to guard our remote frontiers against Indian incursions. The seizure of this property, from all appearances, has been purely ag gressive, and not in resistance to any attempt to coerce a State or States to remain in the Union. At the begin ning of these unhappy troubles, I de termined that no act of mine should ' 1 increase the excitement in either sec tion of the country. If the political conflict were to end in civil war, it was my determined purpose not to commence it, 1101' even to Amish an excuse for it by any act of this Gov ernment. My opinion ttemains un chane•ed that justice. au well as a a peaceful solution of the questions at issue between the North and South.— Entertaining this conviction, I refrain ed even front sending reinforcements to Major Anderson, who' commanded the forts in Charleston harbor, until an absolute necessity for doing so, should make itself apparent, lest it might unjustly be regarded as a menace of military coercion, and thus furnish, if not a provocation, at least It pretext for an outbreak on the part of South Carolina. No necessity for these re inforcements seemed to exist. I was assured, by distinguished and upright gentlemen from South Carolina, that no attack on Major Anderson was in tended, but that, on the contrary, it was the desire of the State authorities, as much as it was my own, to avoid the fatal consequences which must in ' evitably follow a military collision.— And here I deem it proper to submit, for your information, copies of a com munication dated the 28th of Decem ber, 1860, addressed to me by R. W. Barnwell, J. 11. Adams, and James L. Orr, Commissioners from South Caro lina, with accompanying documents, and copies of my answer thereto, dated the 31st of December. In further explanation of Major An derson's removal from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumpter, it is proper to state that after my answer to the South Carolina Commisioners, the War De partment received a letter from that gallant officer, dated on the 27th De cember, 1860. (the day after this move ment), from which the fbllowing is an extract : I will add, as my opinion, that many things convinced me that the authorities of the Si ate designed to proceed to a hostile act." [Evidently referring to the orders dated December 11, of the late Secretary of War.]— " Under this impression, I could not hesitate that it was my solemn duty to move my command from a fort which we could not probably have held longer than forty-eight or sixty hours, to this one, where my powerof resist ance is increased in a very great degree." It will he recollected that the con eluding part of these orders were in the following terms : " The smallness of your force will not permit you, perhaps, to occupy more than one of the three forts; but all attack on, or an attempt to take possession of either ono of them, will be regarded as an act of hostility, and you may then put your command into either of them which you may deem most proper, to increase its power of resistance. You are also authorized to take similar defensive steps when ever you have tangible evidence of a design to proceed to a hostile act." IL is said that serious apprehensions are, to some extent, entertained that the peace of this district may be dis turbed before March next. In any event, it will be my duty to prevent it, and this duty shall be performed. In conclusion, it may be permitted to me to remark that I have often warned my countrymen of the dangers which now surround us. This may be the last time I shall refer to the sub ject officially. I feel that my duty has been faithfully, though imperlbctly per formed, and, whatever the result may be, I shall carry to my grave the con sciousness that I, at least meant well for my country. JAMES BUCHANAN. AVAsurseToN CITY, Jan. P.. 18(31: THE BI ISLE ON SECESSION . — The Prov idence (R. I.) Journal says : We find in a Charleston paper the following striking paragraph, which proves conclusively that the prophet Joel was in favor of sesession : The 20th verse of the second chapter of the Book of Joel reads as follows : " But I will remove far off from you the Northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the East Sea, and his hinder part toward the - utmost sea. It may be a comfort to those who are alarmed by this, to be assured that Jeremiah is on our side. For, in the 13th chapter and 79th verse, he says: " The cities of the South shall be stmt up, and none shall open them." Jer emiah being one of the greater proph ets, and Joel only one of the minor prophets, the advantage is clearly with us. I =I 3530511.1 15 —Flour continue, firm. but there is little or no Otippine: demand, saki for home consumption from $5,50 to .$5.6:3 , ./. per Ohl, for common and choice superfine, lty $5,1)2 1 /015.87 1 4f0r etrit, nod $063.7 for extra and fancy. eVl7,nt is held nt $3.75 per LW. Corn Meal is steady at $2,7a6752,07 per Mil. Wheat—Soles of 000 lots good and prime Penn'a. and VI cetern red at lal@lne per fins. and small lots of white at 1.155h1 55c. lt3e sell, nt Tfi for Penn'a 0551 70 for South ern. Coi 003 In moderato demand at 63064 c for new. and 71c for old yellow. Oats 33e per ho. No sales of Barley or Barley Molt. =1 On the Bth inst., by Rev. Jas. F. Wilson, Mr. DAVID Rocco and Miss MARY A. DIVEN, both of Shade Gap, Hunt. Co. - On the 10th inst., by Rev. S. H. Reid, Mr. DAVID GROVE and Miss A3IELIA LEININOER, all of Walker tp. On the 3d inst., by Rev, G. W. Shafer, Mr. Wm. H. HARE and Miss SALLIE E. POR TER, both of Henderson tp. DIED, At Spruce Creek, on Tuesday. Jan. Bth, after an illness of two weeks, ANNIE, wife of Hobert A. Dorsey, and daughter of Wm. Dorris, aged 29 years. On the 25th ult., in Milford township, Ju niata county, Mrs. SARAn 'MARTIN, aged 105 years. In Porter township, nn Sunday morning Jan. 13th, 1861, Da. WM. SwoopE, aged 56 years, 2 months and 24 days. TWEICHSELBAUM, C• OPTICIAN AND OCULIST FROM PHILADELPHIA,HD Respectfully informs the citizens of HUNTINGDON' and S icinity. that he hoo opened a ROOM at the Exchange Hotel, es here he offers lot sale _ SPECTACLES, or EITItY VARltar, 0110. AND pLALITY. A new Invention of Spectacles, Col distant or close tending, with gold. Oliver, steel, and tortoise-sliell frames, and a new and hummed as=ca talent of perifocal mid parabola ground flint Wassol, of trio own nlnnnfacture. ould pal tieularly call the attention of the public, to his Spectacles for NEAR SIGHTED PERSONS, and for pereons alto have been operated upon for the cataract of the eye. and to his new hind of (flosses and Consmvere of the sight, mole of the best flint nod azure Glasses.— Good Glasses may be Is nea n by their shape, exact centre, shall) and highly polished burfacc. The qualities are to be found in his (flosses. Mom. ImeortvlNTl The very brat BRAZILLIAN PIRIIILE and MOUNTAIN CR mils emilly proved to be tar superior to any other Glass. Also. Micao6COPFS, Sew ion QUIZZING GLASSES of every rice and quail ; TELESCOPES, 31m:sumo AND Opens ith data ent puss ele , together with every variety of articles in the Optical line, not mentioned. ()HIM. and other Instruments and Glasses. care fully lepailed at short notice. lie can aluays select Glasses to suit the S I,lon of the pei.,on, as he secs them. 1111011 the (lust to MI. ill I ellitli n In this place dulling the Jan. Court. FIRST 11'1:1:1:. and those in %sant of the above articles. will please fine bun a call. ttii- Ho sill!. if requiled, go to any respectable house ',hero Irk services may he wanted. 11Ca- Thy very ite•it EYII-WITIllt. and the Lest hunting Glances aim a 3 a fur sale. [Jan. 2, 1861.1 TI. T. WIIITE, /TTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA Jan. 2, IS6I-tt. L. OW. LMJ. — All who hays unsettled accounts f ith mo of nix months standing or longer, me earnestly requested to call and settle up and ease costs. I must have money or ' " " = quit 1/11,111,19. Mint il/gdUll, Jan. 2, 1661 A.G RIC ULTIMATA SOO lETY.- A egniar :amnia meeting of the Tlnntingdon County ienitural Society. Intl be held in the Court house, Cu W.:due:Ails evening, of the January Court, (16th.) Ily order of the Roelety. McDIVITT, Jan. 2, 1861. Beey. TyssoLunoN of PARTNERSHIP. The firm heretofore existing under the name of hardy k Smith. at Emily,lle, Huntingdon county, has been dissolved by mutual consent.—the hooka remaining in the hands of the uthlersigued,by whom the business sill emlt !Rued as hetelefure. I= Ennisville, Dce. 25,1860,-4i WE WAGS AND FALSTAFF c LOCKS, Just received and for sale cheap. Also, a largo and BAl:wild twsortment of the most ASHIONA BLE JEWELRY, ilirlet hem the Pont. Call nod een the We Wnge. SWARTZ MeCAI33 llllnting,don, Dec. 19, 1860.-Gt.* COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! Limes A Mown sells the genrthle "PORTLAND KERO SENE." on COAL OIL clear no water. Till, is the only kind of oil that gives entire, salkfaction as an agent for .Thmare of casual felts and rolored ens bon oily. They emit an offensive smell nod smoke. A huge vaiiety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chitnnrt s. Globe, Wicks. Burners. Shade, be., be., scold at the very lowest pi ices, at the Hardivai e ',tine, Hunting don, Pa. YLVANIA RAIL ROAD TI3IE OF LEAVING OF TEAMS PENN A L..^ 7 ESI4 g STATIONS G 0 10 Newton 6 23 1 Mt. Union, 6 36131i1l Creek, 0 51111ontinplon, 7 081Peteisborg. 7 13 Barre°, 7 20 Sin me Creek, 7 34i tirtninglioni, 7 42 Tyrone, 7 50 Tipton 7 54 F,, tot in. 7 56 Bon 311110, 8 13 Altoona, ITUNTINGDON&B RAILROAD.—CHANGE OP SC On and after Monday, Nov, 26th, 1860 will anl,a and depart as follows: UP TRAINS, Leave Hantiagdon at 7.20 A. M. & 4.15 P. M. Saytou 9.10 A. M. Anlva at Hopewell 4 , 9.45 A. M. DOWN TRAINS, Leave Hopewell at 10 20 A. M. Saxton ~ 10 55 A. N. & 6.30 P. M. Arrive at Huntingdon 12.53 P. 31. & 5.30 P. 3L J. J. LAWRENCE, Supt. 1\ 01. 24, 18130 PAPER! PAPER!! Nute, Post. Cummereial. Foolscap nod Ftateop—a good nasurtiocut for sal., by the ream, hail ream, quire or blieut, itt LEWIS' NEW ROOK & STATIONERY STORE the now CLOTHING STORE ‘_,/ of GUTMAN le CO., if you wont a good article of Clothing. Store coons in Long's nen building, in the Dia mond. unntingdon. Sept. 9, 1957. JP. GIVIN, . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. llardn are, Queens more, lints and Cops, Boots and Shoes, Sc. el UM SHOES, clwaper at D. P. Gwin's thnn can be had in tow n. Coll nod see them. LADIES' SKATES aro sold by FISHER. & SON Afiue stock of Ladies .1 at the cheap store of Alarge assortment of Nubias, Opera Can Sontags, bultablo fur ladies and children. by muna s; SON. largest stock of Do Loines in town by FISHER .6: SON. WRAPPING PAPER ! A good Article for 0010 at P,OOK ST0111: TD OIIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU et Bonk RAdes E n 7 CalculatioVir Business Ope. ralioni; by ilurtin 31 'Rohrer, Practical Surveyor a Courcyancer„ ~ IV9? pleltan, published by J. B. LtEin colt d Co., Philadelphia This neck contains 204 pages, and upwards of 500 Rules and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such as arise every day in tile common pursuits of Business. It has already passed through a number of editions in rapid Succession, and is pronounced by all classes of business men to be the handiest book of reference, put Mining to calculations, that has ever been priblished. Every example in the book is worked out in full and stated in ti plain manner, so that when a parallel case ari ses, those referring to the work will find no difficulty in solving it; In a WON!. the general arrangement of the CALCULATOR is simple, that any one who knone how to add, subtract multiply and divide, can easily solve any-or dinary example that arises in husinet,s, or arrive at the true result of any estimate requited, The ebkfiiim of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts and simpli city, believing that business men care little about spen ding time in diseus4ing the philosophy of tides, or the science of Moues. deeming it sufficient for their purpose to be able at a MOMen t, by reference, to noire at the true recoil. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all other Ai ithmetics of the day and kindred works—it is a key to pinched business calculations—it is, in the bands of the business man, abet the key to mathematical murk& in the bend. of the teacher in the school room—it facili tates time awl insures correctness. Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, of Stone and Stone not k, of grain and main bins, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, square or it regular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plastei er's, pain ter's. glazier's, paver's, plamb. er's, paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. It treats of cotroncy and of foreign and domestic exchange, on the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, and their collie application to biedness tiansactions, mitts the lan and ranges governing the sortie, together %slat numerous commei dal forms—ot legal tender, of partial 1,0310001 on notes, of banking nod bank discount, of equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of taxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square rout and its application to business of um-laces, of excavation, and of many other important practical mat Lets not within the scope of au advertisement to men tam. IT IS JUST THE DOOIC FOU Farmer. the merchant, the mechanic, the at Soon, or tiro in °tensional man. It hot proven a valuable auxiliary to the hue yer, the Jostler• of the peace, the Coal C 3 :Meer. and real estate broker, to the a.meosor, the hanker, tho clerk, to the mil engineer and the surveyor, to the carpenter and hr ickinyer, to the stonemason and the plaster or, to the paper hangar and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, dc., do.; each and nil will Flnd it adapted to their va rious 1101118 better than any bookpubliqhed. doz.- Price. 50 cents. Sur sale at Lewis' Book Store. Huntingdon, Dee. 20, 1660. kkkkk k kk 4 SEVEN YEARS! The seven years of unrivalled success attending the "COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION," bare made it a household word tbroughaut every quarter of the country. Under the auspices orals popular institution, over three hundred thousand homer hero learned to appreciate —by beautiful n echo of art on their malbtount choice literature on their tables, the stoat benefits clerked front becoming a sub•cr. r. Subscriptlons urn now being received in a ratio unparal clod with that of any pt evious year. Any person can become n member by subscribing thrce dollars, for a Inch sun, they mill receive lat.—The large and rinfenb steel engraving ; 30 x 33 inches, sallied, "FALSTAFF MUSTERING Ills RECRUITS." 21.—One copy, one year, of flint elegantly illustrated magazine, " TIIE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL." 3d.—Four admissions, during the season, to "THE GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, 518 BROADWAY In addition to the above benvfits, there pill be given to subscribers, nn gratuitous 'premiums, over F3VII HUNDRED BEAITLIFUL WORKS OF ART! comprising valuable paintings, marbles, pat Inns, outlines , forming a truly national benefit. The sepwh engraving, Ii Shit every subscriber will re ceive, entitled. '• Falstaff .itustering its Recruits," is one of the nue,t beautiful and popular unseal logs ever Issued in this countty. It is Bona an Wool, in fine line and stipple, and is pi pun on heavy plate paper, 3tix3B inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the scans of either the library. par for or Mike. Its sal ject in the celebrated acetic of Err John Falstaff receiving in Justice Shallow's c%teerusgg hove leeLgAthered furhisnra -Ol,ptnzr4A The t Journal is too well known to the whole coun try to need commendation . it is a magnificently illustra ted magtezme ot Art, containing Essays, Statics, Poems, Ooesip, Ac, by the stay best writers in America. The Engraving is sent to any part of the country by mail with safety, being packed In a cylinder, postage prepaid. Subset iptions still be received until the esening of the Slat of January, 1811, at or Lich time the books will close and the premiums be given to subset llama. No prison is restricted to a single st.bsct iption. Those remitting 815, are entitled to live memberships and to one extta Engraving for their trouble. Subscriptions It um Cnlifoutin, the Canadaa, and all For eign Couniries, must be $3,50 instead of $3, in order to de fray extra postage, etc. For fat titer particulars Bend for a copy of the elegantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the handsomest Mag azine in America. It contains Catalogues et Premiums, and numerous superb engrasings. Regular price, 50 cents per number. Specimen copies, however, will be sent to those is inking to subnribo, on receipt of 13 cents, in coin or stamps. Athirma. C. L. DERBY, ACTUARY C. A. A,. 541 Mead, ay. Neu York. Xriy-- Subscriptions received and forwatded by JNO. J. LAWRENCE. Agent fur Huntingdon and vkinity, wits to specunra Talgratin&a and Art Journal can be secs, Nov. 21, 18b0. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY Carefully Revised by M.. 7. S. Hale IT TELLS You Hose to choose an kinds of Meats, Poultry, and (lame, with all the various and most approved 1110,109 or dressing and cooking Peel and Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, pickling and cluing the PAM, TELLS You All the various and most approved modes 0 drefaing, cooling, and boning Mutton Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and game Mall fund with the different Dressings, armlet, am Stuffings appropriate to each. IT T.ELLS Von Dow to choose. clean, and presmvo Fish of all kinds, and how to so erten it when taint ed; also all the various and most approved anodes of cooking, with the different Dress ings, Sonora, and Flavorings appropriate to Cad, EASTWARD Ir TELLS You All tho varions and most approved modes of preparing over 10 kinds of Meat,lisli,Fowl, (lame, and Vegetable Soups, Moths, and Blows, with the Wishes and Staasumge appropriate to em,h. IT TELLS TOTE All the various and most apyroved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, aho how to prepare Pickles, Catsups nut Curios of nIl hind*, Potted Meats, Fish, Came, Mushrooms, XT Tams Von prep a ri ng cooking various and most approved modes° and all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves Jellies, and Facet Dishes of every &scrip Con. IT TELLS tor All the various nod most approved modes of snaking Bread, Posits, Muffins, and ltis• cult. nod the best method of proposing Coffee. Chocolate, and Ten, and how to snake Sys ups, Cordials, and Wines of va rious kinds. ROAD TOT' lIEDULE. =MEM Ix Taus You Ilow to set out and ornament it Teble,how to Carve all lands of Yhli, Flesh or Fowl, and in short. how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking no to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within the everybaly's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and upwards of 1200 Re cipes, all of which aro the results of actual experience, heeling been fully and carefully tested under the personal supennntendence of the waiters. It is printed in a clear and Oren type, is Illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the price,sl.oo, or in cloth, ex- Ins $1.22. $lOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising men every where. in selling the above work, our inducements to all such holing very liberal. For nigh, copies of the Beek, or for terms to agents, with other information. apply to or Inkiness JOHN B. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sensom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 7.1860.-61 n. Ii •EW CIGAR. AND TOBACCO STORE. J. A. HANIGAR, A practical tobacconist, has opened a new TOBACCO STORE AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St., one door west of the Broad Top Railroad Office, b here be has on hand a large assortment of prime Cigars and To. bacco, ss Lich lie bill sell either wholesale or retail. Stoi keepers. sliopketTere, and all others who deal in the weed should call. this prices are lose. Cdll and see. Huntingdon, Nov. 7,1860. A RARE CHANCE.- VOR SALE CUBA?, te — well known Amisrotypo wagon, situated on Idil street, nail evei Ming in perfect order, for carrying on the business, Terms easy and a reasonable credit given Fur further information apply Aeon to the undersigned ou Allegheny street, MnViingdon• WM. F. THOMAS. Nov. 21, 1510. urs just receiv FISHER Sz SON. Q _- ALT 1 SALT!! SAT 4 T !!! Just received from the Onondrigo Salt Company, Spurns°. N. Y., to he sold on connnieslon, tithe , se hole rale or 'cl.lll, hi 200 RAI:Kt:Ls and ICOO F S IS AC IIEII KS o 8; SON f SALT. Oct.ISCO. , ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. pRACTICA L CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. pRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. TIER WORK TREATS 01? TIIL TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION, =1 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Br MISS ELIZA ACTON. Philadelphia Adiertisemerits, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PRITADBLUITA• HOWARD Institnticm ettegitked by wad Eudwonte, for the Rdiej of the Beck and Distressed, offlickd w.. Virulent and Eptdensts Diseases, and ay:rectally fin. I Otre of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, t• all who apply by letter, ulthn description oftheir coed lieu, (ago, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases t extreme poverty, Medicines famished free of charge. Valuable 'Reports on Spot matorthcea.mid other Demmer of the Segual Urgent', and on the new Remedies employed in the Dispensers, sent to the afflicted In sealed lettor en velopes, tree of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. 3. SICILLEN 1101.1allTONI, Acting Sur geon, lleenrd Association, lie. 2 Sinn Ninth Street,Phil• udelplaa, Da. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. lIAICTWSLL, President. (IEO. FAIP.CUILD , kecrelury. Dee. • SOWER, BARNES & CO., • - - - PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, i av, Arch, No. 87 No B rt r h A TlFlr i d ° Strout, Lc Cu. G. SOWER, W. H. BARNES, F. C. forts. Publishers of Pei ton's Outline Maps and'Keys. tho ler. gest and best Outline Maps ever published;Aander's New Readers, Greenleaf 's and Brook's A-rithntetica, &c. Mon- Cathie and McNally's Geographies, White's Copy Books, Ciotti: Books, Writing, Wrapping, Colrain and - Wall Papers. - [Nov. 14, 'O3. 0 PERSONS OUT OF EALPLOY - - r .T MENT. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL . e Erie Sewing &Lachine. IYe wttf give aCommteston, or wages at from $l5 to •$6O per month, and expenses paid. This is n new Machine, and so simple in its construe. time that a child of 10 years can learn to operetta It by half nu hour's Instruction. It Is equal to any Family Emelug machine lu nee, nod the price Is but Fifteen Dolt lam. Persons whiling an agency will address J. E. BOYLAN, Secretary Lilo Sewing Machina Company Nor. 14,1800. • MILAN, OHIO. CARLTON R. MOORE & CO., WnowALE DiAL..^ns IN Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarn, Cotton Balls, ct-c., No. 2.06 (old N 0.11.6) N. Third St., rbiladolpb/rt. far. Our Carpet Chain is put up Rat, WEIGHT, without pasteboard. Orders promptly attended to. . . Nov. II 1860. . _ TO PERSONS OUT OF EAIPLOY, MEET. AGENTS WANTED, • • In every County of the United States, to engage in the sato of some of the beet and moat elegantly illustrated Works published. Our publications are of the most lute'ssting character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Mer chant; they me published in the bent style and hound In the most substantial manner, and are worthy a place In the Library of every household In the Land. f" -- To men of enterprise and industrious habits, this bushiest offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. ink. Persons desiring to act as agents will receive promptly by mail full particulars, tei MY. Au., by iiddrese. lug LEAFY, GETZ Sc Co., Publishers, N 0.224 North Secouil Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 14, 1860 CHEAP WATCHES ! •-- Fts CHEAP TPA TO TIES ! I_ TACOB LANNIUS, eft NO. 618, MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, flog on hand and is constantly receiving largo assortments of American, Ent/fish, and Swiss Watches, which he will sell at lower prices than ever offered. J. L. would call particular attention to the celebrated AMERICAN Raven, which fur accuracy of time and dura bility, and lees liability of getting out of order, is super!. or to any other Imported notch; rondo nt anything like the same cost. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Wars of all styles mid patterns. _ ALSO Gold, Sayer and Spectacles, with glasses for nil sights, with PATENT, as wsll as the old style frames. All goods sold at my establishment are warranted to ho as represented, and satisfaction gnaren• teed to all yurchasera, at NO. GIS, Market Street, Corner of Decatur. [Sett. 100.060,-Iy. F ARMERS' & DEALERS' -HEAD QUARTERS I 1 I HANCOCK, CAMP & CO, Prodeco and General Com mission Merchants, No. 47, North Water St., below Arch St., Philadelphia. SW-Agents for all ammo's Super Phosphates of Limo, Poudrettee, and other kinds of Fortllizete.. sW- All descriptions of Country Produce token In es; change or sold on Conintission. Quick sales end immediate returns are guaranteed upon all consignments. 418-IVo are the sole Agents for the best articles of Vin egar made in this city and elsewhere. July 18, 1880.-Gm. I.%)NEWELL'S PTIOTOGRAPII GALLERX, • No. 724 .Arch Streetplolcidefgag,_ cilie7OOrYbest Pictures, known to thePlich lographic art, are taken nt prices no higher than are paid for miserable caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, attends per- sonally, every sitting—and allows no picture to leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect satisfaction. Daguerreotypes :mil Ambrotypes, of absentor deceased friends, photographed to any required sloe, or token on Canvass, life size, end painted In Oil by the best Artists. At this Gallery pictures can ho taken in any weather— as perfect in cloudy days as Nvlien the snn shines. Persons visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex amine our specimens, which for price and quality defy competition. ,g 5 Instructions given In the art of Photography. It. NEWELL, °ALLEM" OP ART, 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia. COMMENDATIONS: From Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, AL 0 , Ohlo My family and friends all concur in the opinion that the (Newell) picture is more life-like than any thing they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by dif ferent Artists in various ways, but I have never yet bad ono which presents so true to nature, all the Ratites and exptessions of countenance as this. From Hon. E. Joy Morrie, late 'Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your per traite, conjoined with their durability of eolor and faith. fatness as likenesses, cannot fail to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate true art: From Col. James Page. ' Having occasion for a portrait, I procured one from Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors ' under the new process discovered by hot, and take great pleasure in °amassing the satisfactiou given me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but Its artis tic finish in all respects, and recommends him to the pat ronage of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 28, 1800 dos. PASO. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., Professor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in Mc Veterinary College of Philadelphia, etc , etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History and distinctive traits of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and American Horses, mitt the physical formation and pe culiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory epgras logs. THE GORSE AND GIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed ing, Grooming, Shoeing, and the gener al management of the borne, with the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit• ing. Restlessness, and other vices to which he is subject; with vumerouo or planatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes,symptoms,and Treatment of Strangles, Earn Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Ihieu moniti, PleurnSy, Btolten Wind, Citron. to Cough, Itonring and Whistilug.Lant pas, Bore Mouth add Ulcers, and Dc., rayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs, ' TILE HORSE AND EIIS DISEASES WILL TELL 1(0110f the causes, syrriptoms,and Treatment of Worms, Dots, Cholic, Strangulation, • Stony Concretions, Kunlun.. 'Palsy, Diarrhea,Jauudiee,flepatlrrhon,Bloody Urine. Stones in the Kidneys and 1141: der, Inflarnation and other diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Uri nary Organs. TILE lIORSE AND nrs DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of {ho causes, symptoms, and Treat ment of Bone, Blood and Bog, Spasin, Ring Bonn, Sweardo. Stratus, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Wunder, Cracked Hoofs, Solo Bruise and Gravel, Canker, Scratches, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseases of the Feet, Legs, and Read. THE DOME AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Vent. . moat of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Farcy, Scarlet Paver Mango, Surfeit. Locked Jaw,lthemnaleni.CramP,Oalls, DPlellSeB of the Eye and Heart, ac &c., and how to manage Castration, Bleed ing, Trephining, Roweling. Firing, Honda, Amputation, Tapping, and oth er surgical operations. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Itarey's Method of taming Ilorset ; Low to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a ,horso to ',troop sounds and eights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break hint to harness; also the form and law of Woratatror. The Whole being the re sult of lAyeals' careful study of tho habits, peculiarities, wants and weak nesses of Ws noble and useful animal. , The bank contains 184 pages, appropriately illustrated by nearly 100 Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and mill Ito forWatdoit to any address, Postage paid, on receipt of mice, lialf Immtd, $l,OO, oy, in cloth, extra, $1.15. ' $lOOO A YEAR can he made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above, and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly 'fiber. al. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to Agents, with other Information, appl E. P y to or address JOHN EOTTER, Publisher, No. MT Sanscm Street, Philadelphia. Pa, • Ner.7, ISCO.-Om. PIIILADE MITA