The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 16, 1861, Image 2

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    Ely 051oht.
Wednesday, January 16, 1861
U. S. SENATOIL—Edgar Cowan, Esq.,
of Greensburg, Westmoreland county,
was elected United States Senator for
six years from the 4th of March next,
in place of Wm. Bigler, whose term
will then expire. Mr. C. is a self-made
man—a printer, and a man of consid
erable ability.
Moore, of Philadelphia, was on Thurs
day last, elected State Treasurer for
the ensuing year.
—Mr. Lincoln is expected to start
for Washington about the middle of
February. The route is yet unfixed.
The Union and the Douglas Dem
ocratic Conventions, both in sessions
at Louisville, unanimously recommen
ded the adoption of the Crittenden
plan of Compromise.
Artillerymen, numbering 250,
with their horses, passed cast on the
Pa. R. R. on Friday night last. They
came Port Leavenworth and are now
at Port McHenry.
ard has accepted the Secretary of
State under Mr. Lincoln. Senator
Cameron will also occupy a place in
the Cabinet—Secretary of the Treasu
ry, perhaps.
Johnson, of Tennessee, has written a
very strong letter, denouncing in the
most emphatic terms the whole seces
sion movement declaring it to be
nothing but rebellion, and proclaiming
the duty of the Federal Executive, in
case of the capture of any of the Forts
of the United States, to " retake them,
without regard to the blood or treasure
that may bo expended."
The English papers begin to re
gard the crisis in this country as im
minent. The London Pines thinks it
quite probable that the problem of a
Democratic Republic may be solved by
its overthrow in a few days, owing to
the prevailing spirit of folly,selfishness,
and short-sightedness.
having resigned, Gen. Dix, of N. York
has been appointed Secretary of the
Treasury. The members now in the
Cabinet are a unit on the present po
litical questions, all those claiming the
right of secession having retired. The
Cabinet, as re-constructed, is as fol
lows :
Secretary of State—Mr. Black, of
Secretary of the Treasury—Mr. Dix,
of NOW York.
Secretary of the Navy—Mr. Toney,
of Connecticut
Secretary of War—Mr. Holt, of
Kentucky, (acting.)
Secretary of the Interior—Vacant.
Postmaster-General--Mr. Holt, of
Attorney-General—Mr. Stanton, of
District of Columbia.
SECESSION.—Four States, South Car
olina, Mississippi, Alabama and Flori
da, have passed ordinances declaring
Secession from the Union.
The President has made a formal
order, directing the heads of various
departments to withdraw all their ad
vertising patronage from the Constitu
tion newspaper. The immediate cause
of this actioh is supposed to be the
censures of that journal regarding the
sending of troops to Charleston. The
Constitution was the President's organ,
is edited by an Englishman and has
been a disorganizing sheet since the
commencement of the troubles of the
Democratic party.
The Latest News.
—'.ohe reported difficulty between
Gen. Scott and Senator Toombs is un
—A despatch dated Charleston, San.
12, ovening,says :—The steamboat Ex
cel came in this evening, with the
news that the United States sloop of
war Brooklyn is off the bar. This is
certain. She was seen this morning.
Mr. Hayno, on the part of South Car
olina, and Lieut. Hall, from Fort Sum
ter, have left for Washington with
proposals and instructions.
A despatch from Charleston dated
Jan. 13, says :—The city was quietlast
night. The excitement has subsided,
owing to the hopes entertained that
the ultimatum of South Carolina and
Major Anderson, sent to Washington
by Mr. Rayne and Lieut. Hall, will re
sult in peace.
—NEw Yoax, Jan. 13.—The steamer
Star of the West got up steam this
morning and proceeded to Governor's
Island there to land the troops that
took part in the late expedition for
Fort Sumpter.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—Senator
Toombs left here last night for Geor
gia. He insists that Mr. Seward's
speech is tantamount to a declaration
of war in advance, by Lincoln's admin
istration, against Attorney General
Haynes' assumed Republic of South
Lieut. Hall, with despatches from
Major Anderson, arrived here this
morning, and immediately reported to
the Adjutant-General.
Mr. ilayne, the messenger from
South Carolina, has also arrived. He
hopes to have an interview with the
The Senators from the seceding
States have about made up their minds
to remain in the Senate, with a view
to resisting the confirmation of Presi
dential nominations, as well as the ap
propriation bills.
No decision has been arrived at as
to the policy to bo pursued by the Ad
ministration towards the ' seceding
Southern Senators and members
continue to send inflammatory de
spatches to their constituents.
Disunion I
How startling that word—Disunion!
Our heart bleeds when we contemplate
the fact that so many of our brethren
South, and many North, think of no
thing but Disunion, and declare theni
selve satisfied with nothing else. Was
this glorious old fabric, reared - by our
forefilthers, and cemented by their
blood, erected to be rent asunder to
satisfy the ambition of a few hot head
ed politicians? The man who boldly
declares in favor of disunion thinks
not before he speaks, and is a traitor
to his God, his country, and his own
heart. Can any man, or has any man
the heart to stand with his arms folded,
and silently look on at the disastrous
consequences the breaking up of this
time-honored compact of States will
bring about ? History records many
bloody wars, the trials, sufferings and
privations endured by those who form
ed the Union of these States, and
should that Union be violently torn to
pieces, history will record a bloodier
war than was ever dreamed of before.
We have bravo men North and South,
and neither appear willing to give
way to the other. South Carolina and
other States, now so loud in their cries
for Disunion, will see the clay, if they
persist in their rebellious course, when
they will be sorry for their conduct.—
The people of the North, so loyal to the
Constitution and laws of the Govern
ment, are willing to sacrifice every
thing but their honor to save the
Union. But still the South is not sat
isfied. Madness reigns supreme in
their councils. Time will not be given
the people of the North to speak. Our
Representatives are not of the people
—they are politicians, and in many
instances disunion Abolitionists who
were aided to power by the factious
conduct of the South. We want time
—time to be heard through men who
will represent the true sentiments of
the North—through men who have a
desire to do justice to the South and
save the Union.
We deny the right of a State to se
cede under any circumstances, and in
common with a majority of our coun
trymen we enter our protest against
it. Should the South, a State, or any
number of States persist in their dis
loyalty, and refuse to recognize the
Federal Government, or the power of
its officers, we say, let them abide the
consequences. The Union, if it cannot
be saved by an honorable compromise,
will be torn asunder at the cost of
much treasure and at the sacrifice of
thousands of lives.
FROM Hkunisnuna.—The inaugura
tion of Gov. Curtin took place yester
day. The town was crolindliit not
to the extent it would have been had
there been no difficulty such as the
country is now cursed with. There is
little prospect of the present Legisla
ture doing any thing to quiet the
country on the slavery question. Par
ty appears to be everything with tlYe
majority of members. The following
resolution was carried through the
House on Saturday by a vote of 50 to
20—three Democrats and twenty-one
Republicans not voting :
Resolved, That we affirm the doctrines of
the Chicago platform as expressing the sen
timents of a large majority of the people of
Pennsylvania, and that we have no reason to
ignore it. We do not believe that anything
in our political condition demands conces
sions on our part.
Smith's resolutions for the mainte
nance of the Union, which passed the
Senate last week, came up in the House
on Monday. Several amendments and
substitutes were offered and debated
At length.
An Atrocious Proposition
The Richmond Enquirer, the leading
journal of Virginia, edited by a son of
Gov. Wise, on Monday last, made the
following atrocious proposition :
"If any commissioners arc appoin
ted by the legislature, they should be
sent first to Maryland, to confer with
the State upon the plan of resisting
the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln. It
is the duty of Maryland and Virginia,
to take earnest and decided steps to
prevent the Government from going
into Republican hands—there is now
no hope of preserving the Union, and
by the 4th of March there will be little
use for any federal government. It
would be the greatest folly for Virgin
ia and Maryland to permit the army,
navy and treasury to pass into the
hands of those who will use them for
the subjugation of those States. Let
the first convention, then, be held be
tween Maryland and Virginia, and
these two States agreeing, let them
provide sufficient force to seize the
city of Washington, and, if coercion is
to be attempted, let it begin with sub
jugating the States of Maryland and
Virginia. Thus practical and efficient
fighting in the Union will prevent the
powers of the Union from falling into
the hands of our enemies.
"We hope Virginia will depute her
commisioners to Maryland iirst, and
providing for the seizure of Washing
ton city, forts McHenry, Washington,
and Old Point, Harper's Perry and
Gosport Navy Yard, present these two
States in the attitude of rebels invi
ting. coercion. This was the way Pa
trick Henry brought about the Revo
lution, and this is the best use that
Virginia can make of commissioners
of any kind."
ing to the recent census, the ten prin
cipal cities of the Union rank in popu
lation as follows : New York Ist,
Philadelphia 2d, Brooklyn 3d, Balti
more 4th, Boston. sth, New Orleans
6th, St. Louis 7th, Cincinnati Bth,
Chicago 9th, Buffalo 10th.
ier'"ls it right for our Southern breth
ren to precipitate us, who still love them,
upon this fearful conflict? Do the facts in
the case warrant and necessitate the dissolu
tion of the Union? Is there no other reme
dy? It is true, Abolitionism seems to have
gained a political triumph ; but I tell you, if
our Southern friends will only stand by us as
we have stood by them, it is a triumph which
will soon be their ruin ; ' pride goeth before
destruction.' The party with which the Ab
olitionists have co-operated, and whosesnecess
they now appropriate, will throw them op:"
We take the above extract from a
letter recently written by Rev. D. J.
Van Dyke, of Brooklyn, New York, to
a clergyman of Augusta, Georgia. The
letter throughout is strongly denuncia
tory of Abolitionism and sympathizes
deeply with the South. But the gist
of it we coneeiVe to be in the extract
we have made. "But I tell you, if
our Southern friends will only stand by
vs as WE have stood by Tumt, it is a
triumph which will soon be their [the
Abolitionists'] ruin ; ' pride gooth
before destruction.'" Whilst Democ
racy triumphed in the North, controlled
the State Legislatures, and sent its
Presidents and Congressmen to Wash
ington to battle for and uphold the is
sues of the South, all was well—the
South " stood by us"—but when, in
the attempt to carry through the enor
mous load they had placed upon our
shoulders, we failed, they basely de
serted us, and denounced us as no bet
ter than the Abolitionists against
whose inroads on the Constitution and
peace of the country we had stood a
I successful barrier for years. In his
-1 tory there is no parallel to their in
gratitude. On the eve of a great bat
tle, when a united rally of the party
North and South might have preven
ted the election olLincoln, they obeyed
the dictates of passion and divided the
party by seceding from the regularly
called National Convention and put
ting a Presidential candidate in the
tield, It is a truth which cannot be
gainsayed that their programme con
templated the election of Lincoln, as a
pretext for seceding from the Union.
With the language of Yancey ringing
in their ears that revolution in the Cot
ton States must be preceded by seces
sion from the National Convention,
they disorganized, demoralized, and
defeated the Democratic party—and
I now, like cowards as they are, afraid
to father the mischief which they con
cocted and brought upon the nation,
they fillsely charge it upon us, and
seek to shelter themselves behind al
leged violated rights as a screen for
their more than infamous conduct.—
Their secession front the convention
has been followed by ono State by se
cession from the Union. Yancey spoke
prophetically. The first step in disor
ganization and disruption " precipita
ted" the second. South Carolina is
now in open rebellion, and the other
cotton States are preparing to follow.
Under these circumstances it is the
very excess of presumption on the part
of the South to claim or look for sym
pathy from any portion of the North
' ern people except those who acted in
concert with them at Charleston and
Baltimore, and at the polls in Novem
ber. The men in the North who base
ly betrayed their principles and party
by following the lead of Yancey and
his assistants, may now be prepared to
bet t. -th c,optttr -2:ttlel . l7pll -te rum
ex tint e • ag. at,
' thank God, they are not very numer
ous, and if, unfortunately, a conflict of
• arms should ensue between the Gov
ernment and the Rebels, the States
1 that "precipitated" the rebellion must
depend chiefly upon their own resour
ces when the " tug of war" comes.
Let us open our, eyes in time and
I prepare for the worst. The South will
I not now " stand by" those who so long
and bravely fought their battles in the
North. Instead olgiving us time to
• rally after the defeat which their own
treachery brought on us—time to re
flect, mature and decide—they require
1 instant and amqualitied submission to
their demands, under the threat of se
cession and war. God knows that we
desire Union and Peace—but they
have already, as they say, destroyed
the Union, and now, with arms in
their hands and bayonets at our
breasts, demand front us surrender at
discretion. Our sympathy stops short
of this point. Let the South disband
their armed troops let South Caroli
na annul the Ordinance of Secession,
evacuate Fort Moultrie, the U. S. Ar
senal and the earth-works which she
has thrown up to resist the forces of
the Federal Government—let her re
turn to her allegiance to the Union—let
her give the North time to examine the
complaints which theUnitcd South may
agree upon, and there is not a doubt
that any wrong of which the North
has been guilty will be rectified—and
they will soon find themselves in the
enjoyment of all their Constitutional
rights. Their complaints as citizens
will meet with prompt consideration—
but, unless we aro, in truth, as they
represent us to be, cowards and
"dough-faces," their demands as rebels
will be treated with scorn, and war
will decide the issue when reason fails.
—Harrisburg State Sentinel.
The Mob Rules the South
The New Nork Herald, contains in
its money article the following letter
written by a large planter slave owner:
Co. Miss., Dee. 25,1860.
I have been through several coun
ties in this State, and some of the
Northern counties in Alabama, and I
have no hesitation in saying that the
men of property in both States are
unanimously opposed to the secession
movement. It is got up and engineered
by the politicians and poor whites; the
slaveholdors are compelled to fall in
with it for fear of having their proper
ty confiscated. The largest slave
owner in this State was warned the
other day, that if he gave vont to his
Union sentiments he wouh' be lynched
and his property confiscated. He took
the hint and loft the State. It is so in
every county, and also in Alabama,
Louisiana and Georgia. The interests
of the owners of slaves, and property
of every kind, make them friends of
the Union; but in the present State of
fooling in these States, they cannot de
clare themselves wit bout running more
risk than they care to encounter. The
hope of us slave holddrs is that the
Government will at last do something
to check the present revolutionary
tide, so as to give us a chance to or
ganize a rectionary party without
endangering ourselves, our cotton, or
our necks. If people hero felt certain
that the United States Goverment
would fight vigorously, a submissioniF,t
party would soon make itself heard.
[Correspoudenco of The Press.]
WASIIINOTON, Jllll. 10,1561
Let us be thankful for ono bright
augury. While the President elect is
surrounded with his own troubles;
while he finds it difficult to construct
his Cabinet for his new Administra
tion; while the Union men of the
South, anxious to sustain him in all
patriotic eflbrts, are fbrced, in the
midst of a raging fitnaticism, to decline
entering the list of his constitutional
advisers, the President in office is no
less embarrassed and fettered. lie
too, looks around in vain fbr aid from
the Southern statesmen. As one after
another of the Disunionists retire from
his official family ho is compelled to
seek for counsellors in the free States.
But as these two distinguished men
are equally annoyed and obstructed
by the factions that arc hawking and
tearing at the vitals of the Republic,
they have at last met upon a common
ground. Buchanan and Lincoln now
stand before the _American people
with clasped bands, both resolved to
maintain the laws, and both covenan
ted to carry out the glorious declara
tion of Andrew Jackson, that ""The
Union must and shall be preserved."
There is, in this single fitet, every
thing to combine patriotic people in
one irresistible brotherhood: There
is everything in it to inspire the Re
publicans with the most conservative
and conciliatory impulses. There is
everything in it to blot out divisions
in the five States, to encourage the
good men in the 'slave States, and to
strengthen the arm so long impaired
and paralyzed—the arm of the Gov
ernment itself. Now, while the Re
publicans are arraying themselves in
solid column in support of James Bu
chanan, those who have opposed the
Republicans are preparing to do the
same thing for Abraham Lincoln.—
Thus, the policy of the last days of the
Administration of .11r. Buchanan will,
of necessity, become the policy of the
Administration of Lincoln. In pro
portion as the one does right, the other
can do no wrong. What a tribute to
the foresight of our Revolutionary fa
thers l What a vindication of those
who so framed our complex yet simple
form of Government that two men,
each representing distinct and different
ideas, should, after a long conflict, be
forced by the injunctions of the funda
mental law and the examples of the
past, and their obligations, present
and prospective, to abandon all rival
ries and all antagonisms, and to take
their stand upon the rock which is the
foundation of the superstructure of our
free institutions.
Mr. Seward's "sixty clays" are rap
idly expiring, and no doubt when he
rises in the Senate to speak, he will
himself do all in his power to fulfil his
prophecy, at the Astor-House dinner,
that within that time our national
troubles would be honorably and per
manently adjusted. He has accepted
the portfolio of the State Department
under the incoming Administration,
and V. ith a full knowledge that many
grave objections exist against him in
the Southern States, even if he were
not inspiredrt . iy a patriotic sentiment,
policy and expediency would dictate
strengthen the new dynasty of which
he is to become so distinguished a
member. There is no man living in
the free States who could perform an
act of self-abbegation more effectually
and gracefully than William 11. Sew
ard. Public men are given to great
countries for great occasions. They
are not intended for calm weather and
smooth seas, but for trying emergen
cies, and they never will be forgiven
by their countrymen, or by posterity,
if they do not stand ready to sacrifice
everything for the preservation of the
Union. You may therefore look for a
bold, startling, and fearless speech
from the undoubted leader of the 13e.
publican party, or I will be greatly
Much mortification is expressed by
many good men that your Legislature
has not, before this, repealed those
portions of your State act of 1847,
mjected to by the South. This is no
time for haggling. If the Legislature
of Pennsylvania could, by a firm
and united action, give a practical evi
dence of its devotion to the Union ; by
removing all the offensive legislation
from your statute books, in accordance
with the patriotic recommendations of
Governor Packer, it would be the first
effective voice from the free States, and
would do infinite good in strengthen
ing the Union-loving men in the bor
der States. lam surprised that any
true friend of Abraham Lincoln does
not see that this is the only way to
give him a tranquil administration,
and that the example of Corwin,
Banks, Weed, and others, is not every
where promptly followed by the Re
publicans. CocasFINAL.
Effect of the News of the Attack upon
the star of the West
[Special Dispatches to The Presß.]
\Var is now considered inevitable.—
Even the most sanguine, after reading
the news from Charleston to-day, ad
mit that all hope of compromise is
past, and are hourly expecting to re
ceive intelligence of a fight between
Maj. Anderson and the South Carolina
troops, which, it is expected, will be
the signal for a united South, and an
attempt, led by Virginia, to capture
the Federal capital, and take posses
sion of the paraphernalia of the Gov
meat. It is to be feared that no sure
reliance can be placed on the " Old
Dominion," and that she will step be
tween the traitors and the vengeance
of the law, threatening that if an at
tempt is made to puish them, and they
are not allowed to go on and consum
mate their treason by breaking up the
Union, she will enrol herself on their
side, and thus end all hope fbr a peace
able settlement of our difficulties.—
Some, fear that Mr. Buchanan again
hesitates, and that he will not reinforce
Major Anderson, and they allege that
the Brooklyn was sent out from Nor
folk to intercept the Star of the West,
as soon as it was ascertained that the
last despatch communicatimg her real
orders and countermanding the order
for Charleston, had not reached New
York in time, and that vessel is now
looking for her, and will bring her
force to Fort Monroe. In view of this
state of affairs the worst is to be ex
pected, and oven the public property
in Washington city is not entirely safe.
Ge.a. Scott seems to entertain this
opin:ort. for il'Orr , are daily arriving,
here, and at posts in this vicinity, and
I learn that Maj. Harvey I3rown, the
commanding officer at this post, arrived
hero last night to make the necessary
arrangements for bringing on two light
batteries and one heavy battery. It
is not improbable also, that as afford
ing a fine school for practice, the West
Point cadets may be brought hero tem
Senator Seward delivered his speech
in the Senate to-day on the state of the ,
Union. The galleries were crowded
to overflowing, and the distingushed
gentleman was listened to with the tit
most interest and attention by Sena
tors and spectators.
lie commences his speech by avow
ing his adherence to the Union in its
integrity ; with his party, his country,
his State, or without either, as they
may determine; in every event, wheth
er of peace or war; with every conse
quence, whether of honor or dishonor,
life or death. After rehearsing what
courses will not save the Union,
he de
sires a trace, at least, during the de
bate on the Union. It cannot be saved
by proving secession illegal or unconsti
tutional ; nor can anything bo gained
by discussing the right of the Federal
Government to coerce States. If dis
union is to go on, this question will
give place to the more practical one,
whether the many seceding States
shall coerce the remaining members to
acquiesce in a dissolution. He argues
against the folly of separation, its ef
fect upon the standing of the United
States among the nations of the world,
the difficulties a new Southern Confed
eracy would encounter in forming
treaties, and liable at any time to be
come the prey of stronger powers. In
summing up his arguments, be states:
Firstly—That while prudence and
justice would combine in persuading
you to modify the acts of Congress so
as not to compel private persons to as
sist in the execution of the Fugitive
Slave law, and to prevent freemen from
being, by abuse of the law, carried into
slavery, I agree that all State laws
controvening the Constitution or any
law of Congress, ought to be repealed.
,Secondly—Domestic slavery existing
in any State is wisely left by the Con
stitution exclusively to the care, man
agement and disposition of that State.
I would not alter the Constitution in
that respect, if in my power. I am
willing to vote for an amendment of
the Constitution declaring that it shall
not, by any future amendment, be so
altered as to confer on Congress a pow
er to abolish or interfere with slavery
in any State.
Thirdly—While I think Congress
has exclusive authority to legislate for
the Territories, and while I certainly
shall never directly or indirectly give
my vote to establish, or sanction sla
very in the territories, yet the question
with regard to what constitutional
laws shall be passed in regard to the
Territories, is to be determined on
practical ground. If Kansas were ad
mitted under the Wyandotte Constitu
tion) I could vote to organize the or
ganization and admission of the re
maining States. reserving- the right to
necessary into several convenient
States, if such reservation could be con
stitutionally - made; but if' the measure
were practicable, I should prefer a dif
ferent course, namely: that when the
eccentric movements of secession and
disunion shall have ended, and the
angry excitements of the hour subsided
then, say, one two or three years
hence, I would cheerfully advise a con
vention of the people to decide wheth
cry any and what amendments of the
organic national law shall be made.
Fourth—l inn ready now, as hereto
fore, to vote for laws to prevent mu
tual invasions of States.
Fifth—l remain constant in favor of
two Pacific Railways—one to connect
the ports around the months of the
Mississippi, and the other the towns
on the Missouri and the Lakes with
the harbors on our western coast. Ile
concluded with the expression of an
unshaken faith in the Constitution and
the Union. He feels sure that the
hour has not come for this nation to
fall. Its people are not perverse or
wicked enough to deserve so dreadful
and severe a punishment as dissolu
tion. This Union has not yet accom
plished what good for mankind was
manifestly designed by Rim who ap
points the seasons, and prescribes the
duties of States and empires. No, sir;
if cast down to-day by faction, it would
rise again and re-appear it all its ma
jestic proportions to-morrow. Woe
woe 1 to the man that meanly lifts his
hand against it. It shall continue and
endure, and men in after times shall
declare that this generation which
saved the Union from such sudden and
unlooked for damages surpassed in
magnanimity oven that ono which laid
its foundations in the eternal principles
of liberty justice and humanity.
The Star of the West at New York
NEW YORK, San. 12.
The steamship Star of the West ar
rived here, curing the night, on her
return from the unsuceessfill attempt
to reinforce Fort Sumpter. The troops
returned on board of her.
The Star of the West brings back
the troops destined for the relief of
Fort Sumpter. The report from
Charleston was correct in relation to
two of the balls fired at her taking ef
fect. One struck her on the bow, and
the second on the starboard quarter,
between the smoke-stack and the en
gine-beam. No person was hurt.—
She struck on the bar twice in coming
out. At night, steamers were seen
coming out of the harbor, supposed to
be in pursuit. The same night she
spoke the ship Emily St. Pierre, from
Liverpool to Charleston, and refused
admittance in consequence of the
American flag being displayed. When
leaving Charleston Harbor, the Star of
the West received several parting
shots from the battery on Morris Is
land and they all fell short. The gen
eral feeling on board now is to return
to Charleston, with proper means of
defeuce,and effect a landing at all haz
Major Anderson's Position
IVASIIINOTON, Jan., 12.--Major An
derson, in his despatches brought by
Lieut. Talbot, reporis that ho needs no
reinforcements to defend Fort Sump
ter. The Star of the West will, there
fore, probably not be ordered back to
The Firing upon the Star of the West
Confirmed—Correspondence Between
Major Anderson and the Governor—
An Explanation Demanded—The Act
Justified by the Governor—Major An
derson Awaiting Instruetions—Depar
titre of a ,SpeeialMessenger for Wash
ington, &c., &e.—Extensive Prepara
tionsto Resist the Sloop-of- War Brook
lyn—lntense Excitement—A General
Right Expected—Ti.e People Prepar
ing for the worst.
AUGUSTA, Ga., Jan. 10.—This morn
ing's Charleston Courier gives the fol
lowing particulars in relation to the at
tack upon the steamer Star of the
About half-past six o'clock yesterday
morning the steamer Gen. Clinch, dis
covered the steamer Star of the West,
and signalled the ilia to the occupants
of the battery on Morris Island. As
soon as the fact was signalled, all Mor
ris Island was astir, and the men were
at their posts before the orders were
given. They remained in anxious sus
pense, but ready for what they believed
was'sure to come—namely, a volley
-from Fort Sumpter. The Star of the
West rounded the point, and took the
ship channel inside of the bar, and
proceeded straight forward until she
was opposite Morris Island, three
quarters of a mile from the battery,
when a ball was fired athwart the
bows of the steamer. The Star of the
West displayed the stars and stripes,
and, as soon as it was unfurled, a suc
cession of heavy shots was fired. The
vessel continued at increased speed,
but one or two shots taking effect, her
captain concluded to retire.
Fort Moultrie fired a few shots, but
they were out of range. The damage
done to the steamer was only trifling,
only two out of seventeen shots ta
king effect, but there is no idea as to
the extent of the damage.
Fort Sumpter made no demonstra
tion, except that its guns were run
out of the embrazures bearing on Mor
ris Island and Fort Moultrie.
About II o'clock a boat from Fort
Sumpter bearing Lieut. Hall, with a
white flag, approached the city. He
had an interview with Governor Pick
ens, and was afterwards escorted to
the boat, and re-embarked for Fort
The communication from Major An
derson is as follows:
To His Excellency the Governor of
South Carolina Two of your
batteries fired, this morning on an un
armed vessel bearing the flag of my
Government. lam not notified that
war has been declared by South Caro
lina against the United States, and I
cannot but think that this hostile act
was committed without your sanction
or authority. Under that hope I re
frained from opening fire upon your
batteries. I have the honor, therefore,
respectfully to ask whether the above
mentioned act—one, I believe, with
out a parallel in the history of our
country, or any other civilized Govern
ment—was committed in obedience to
your instructions, and notify you that,
if not disclaimed, that I regard it as
an ac o ' - not; trtter - fr
reasonable time for the return of my
messenger, permit nay vessel to pass
within range of the guns of my fort.
In order to save, as fitr as in my pow
er, the shedding of blood, I beg you
will havo duo notification rondo of my
decision to all concerned.
Hoping, however, that your answer
may justify a further continuance of
forbearance on my part, I am, respect-
Governor Pickens in his reply, after
stating the position of South Carolina,
to the United States, and that any at
tempt to send United States troops to
Charleston harbor to reinforce the
forts would be regarded as an act of
hostility, says, in conclusion:
Any attempt to reintbrce the troops
in Fort Sumpter, or to retake and re
sume possession of the forts within the
waters of this State, which you aban
doned, spiking the guns, and doing
otherwise much damage, cannot be
regarded by the authorities of the
State as indicative of any other pur
pose than a coercion of the State by
the armed force of the Government.
Special agents, therefore. have been
placed off the bar to warn approach
ing vessels, both armed, and unarmed,
having troops on board to reinforce
the forts, not to enter the harbor.—
Special orders have been given to the
commanders of the forts not to fire at
such vessels until a shot across her
bow would warn them of the prohibi
tion of the State. Under such cir
cumstances, the Star of the West, I
have understood, this morning attemp
ted to enter the harbor with troops,
and, having been notified that she
could not enter, was fired into. The
act is perfectly justified by me. In
regard to your threat against vessels
in the harbor, it is only necessary to
say that you must judge of your re
sponsibility. Your position in the
harbor has been tolerated by the au
thorities of this State, and while the
act of which you complain is in per
fect consistency with the rights and
duties of the State, it is not perceived
how far the conduct you propose to
adopt can find a parallel in the history
of any country, or reconcile it with
any other purpose of your Government
than imposing on the State the con
dition of a conquered province.
The following is a second communi
cation from Major Anderson :
To His Excellency Governor Pickens:
Sir: I have the honor to acknowl
edge the receipt of your communica
tion, and say that, under the circum
stances, I have deemed it proper to
refer the whole matter to my Govern
ment, and intend deferring the course
indicated by my note of this morning.
until the arrival from Washington of
the instructions I may receive. I have
the honor to also express the hope
that no obstructions will be placed in
his way, and that you will do me the
favor of giving every facility to the de
parture and return of' the bearer, Lt.
T. Talbot, who is directed to make
the journey. R. ANDERSON.
Gov. Pickens immediately granted
the permission desired, and directed
that every facility and courtesy should
be extended to the bearer of despatch
es, Lieut. Talbot, for his Goverment,
both going and returning.
' CamtLEsToN,Jan,lo,---The despa Leh
es received here from Norfolk and
Washington. announcing that ths , 17.
S. sloop-of-war Brooklyn is coming
hither with an armed f one, tkitYP-crea
ted An'intense exi;iteznent.
. .
Great preparations are being made
in the harbor to resist her ingress. " •
A large steamer called the Marion,
of the Charleston and New York
steamship line, has been purchased by
the South Carolina authorities and
ordered to be razeed for a inan-of-war..
Her upper cabin is to be taken off and
an armanent supplied.
All the buoys in the harbor have
been removed.
From present indications, there
seems to be no doubt but that' the
Brooklyn will be fired into, and that
Fort Sumpter will then open on the
South Carolina fortifications, and the
fight become general.
The people are preparing for it- and
the worst.
The Brooklyn cannot come in with
out involving a great fight.'
Major Anderson will protect her.—
He has only pledged 'himself
,not to
prevent communication betWeou the
South Carolina•forts, until Lifent. Tal
bot returned from his mission to Wash
A steam-tug, called the Aid, Lieut.
Hamilton (formerly of the U. S. :Navy)
commanding, left the wharf to-night
to reconnoitre. She is mounted with
one gun.
There is much talk of sending to Sa
vannah for tugs, to take the place of
Departure of Lieut. Talbot—Entertain-
anent Given to him at Charleston
C ITARLESTON, Jan. D.—Lieut. T.
Talbot left Charleston late last :night
with despatches from Maj. Anderson
to his Government. He goes to Wash
ington for instructions from the Pres
A party of gentlemen entertained
Lieut. Talbot at the Charleston -Hotel
before ho left.
There is no excitement here.
Missouri for the 'Union
Governor Stewart's message was
read in the Legislature on the 3d.
After reviewing the rise and pro
gress of the Abolition and Republican
parties, and stating the result of their
success, the Governor says: "Missouri
occupies a position in regard to these
troubles that should make her voice
potent in the councils of the nation.—
With scarcely a disunionistper se within
her borders, she is still determined to
demand and mantain her rights at
every hazard. She loves the Union
whilst it is a protection, but not when
it is made an instrument of wrong.—
She came into the - Union upon a com
promise, and is willing to abide by fair
compromise—not such ephemeral con
tracts as are enacted by Congress to-_
day and repealed to-morrow, but a
compromise assuring all just rights of'
the States, and agreed to in solcum
Convention of all the parties interest
ed. Missouri has a right to 'speak on
this subject, because she has suffered,
having probably lost as .much during
the past few years in the abduction of
slaves, as all the rest of the Southern
Speaking of the secession movement,
the Governor deprecates the action of
South Carolina. He says : "Our
e--won tly -fee rin ore-sympathy - m I th
the movement had it originated liming
those Nvlio, like ouNelves. had suffered
severe loss and constant annoyance
from the interference and depredations
of outsiders. Missouri will hold to the
Union so long as it is n=orth an effbrt
to preserve it. She cannot be fright
ened by the past unfriendlY legislation
of the Korth, or dragooned , into seces
, sion by the restrictive legislation of
the extreme South."
The GovernOr denies the right of
voluntary secession. "ft would 'be
utterly destructive of every principle
on which our national "dal is found
ed." Ire appeals to the great conser
vative masses of the people to pat
down the efforts of' selfish, designing
politicians, and to avert the threatened
evils, and closes with a strong recom
mendation for the adoption of all
proper measures to insure our rights
now and in future." lie protests against
the hasty and unwise action of South
Carolina, and records his unalterable
devotion to the Union so long as it
can be made the protection of equal
intelligence of important events reach
es every portion of the country. Thus,
this morning we have news that Sbuth
Carolina has fired into the steamer
Star of the West; that the Governor
of Alabama has dispatched five compa
nies to seize 'United St atcs . forts in Flor
ida, under invitation from the Gover
nor of that State; and that a party
professing to be North Carolina State
troops had gone to seize Fort Johnson,
in North Carolina; and forther;that
Virginia, cre the close of this, week,
will have called a State ConventiOn to
meet on the 18th of February, under
circumstances rendering it certain that
if things remain here as at present, an
overwhelming majority in fiwor of im
mediate action in connection with the
movements of the extreme South will
be elected to that Convention.
We have for a month past pointed
out the inevitable fact that unless a
settlement be speedily arrived at by
Congress, the 4th of "Grob next will
find seven States seceded, and the rest
of the slaveholding States prepared to
follow their example, unless ample
constitutional guarantees be accorded
to them. And that the North will then
find themselves compelled to select be
tween permitting the whole fifteen to
leave the Union peaceably, the accep
tance of the propositions of the border
States, to keep them in the Union if
that be possible, or civil war between
sixteen States on one side, and fifteen
on the other. Does any man still fail
to comprehend that, affairs aro prompt,
ly drifting, to that condition? The
idea that the Republican party in Con
gress, while remaining in their present
attitude, can hope to escape responsi,
bility for it equal to that of the Dis
unionists pot• cc at the South, is prepos
terous; yet they are evidently still
playing with the difficulty as though
not aware that the country knows well
that it is in their power to settle the
whole trouble in twenty-four hours.—
Washiligton Stal•.
It is stated that the settlers in
Oregon have discovered a mountain,
•which they believe to be a' mass Oe
solid silver, worth about $1,066,600,-
060 flOO