The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 09, 1861, Image 3
insylvania can prevent it, and this will endeavor to do, if necessary, all the means that God and nature e placed in her power. [Applause.] But it has been. alleged against insyi ania, by persons high in au rity in our sister States, that there laws on our statute books in de ation of the Constitution of the ited States, and of the acts of Con es passed in accordance with its 'visions. If this be so, which lam prepared to admit and do not be e, the country ought to know that was not intentionally done. This at State has given sufficient proof her acts in the time past, that she conservative, law-abiding, Union d Constitution-loving, to relieve her ,m any imputation of intentional ringement of the Constitution, or lful nullification of Constitutional ngressional enactments. BO let us be sure of our position, t Only in intention, but in fact. I nture to suggest the hope that the Joie body of our law bearing upon e subject matter of complaint alluded , the rendition of fugitives held to labor or service in other States. will referred to the committee on the tdieiary system, or to such other aurnittee as the Senate may direct, id carefully examined and reported ?on, and that if any just cause of pmplaint exists, that it will be 7omptly removed. Pennsylvania is po just to be guilty of intentional in (sue° to other States, and too great, •eakly to refuse to acknowledge and ) rectify errors in her legislation, 'hen pointed out to her and her legis iture made sensible of their existence. ,nd thii without regard to what other tates aro doing or may do, not for mr of threats or consequences, but heorfully, freely and gladly, because ho loves the Constitution, ordained to form a more perfect Union, estab 'eh justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welthro, and se arc the blessings of liberty to our elves and our posterity," and desires o see it perpetuated in its integrity. SENATORS Your attention will be iceessarily called to these and other natters of the gravest importance, and lever was there greater occasion for ,he exercise of the highest wisdom on your part, never greater necessity for tssistance from that higher than hu zan Wisdom, to whom our fathers iaiforntly looked in their great emer gencies. May WO all be enlightened to a faithful, able and conscientious discharge of our whole duty. I.lousE.—The Rouse was called to order at 12. Elisha W. Davis, of Ye mango, was elected Speaker. - Upon taking the Speaker's chair, Mr. Davis addressed his fellow-mem bers as follows: REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA : I return my thanks for the high honor doneM:6in the election as your Speak er. Since I came among you ono year ago, my highest ambition has been to discharge my duty iu such a manner as not only to receive, but deserve and merit, your respect and confidence,— That I have succeeded even beyond my proudest hopes, this day's proceed netsly prove ; and I can only say .tt!:_l_will endeavor so to dis char,,,e the dfirmrof,tho position in which your kindues — rillplaced me, that our proceedings may b&as,o.rder,,. 1 a and decorsus as our organi7:2...„ Since the adjommment of tfic Legis latur3, death has been among us. Our able and beloved Speaker has been stricken down in the days of his fttrength and his usefulnesss. The best eulogy that can pronounce on the character of Win. C. S. Lawrence, is to point with pride to his youth, to the position which lie occupied in this 'louse, and to his memory enshrined iu the hearts of his fellow-members.— The amiable and accomplished J. W. Coulter, too, has fallen by the hand of death. And within a few days of our coming together Henry K. Strong, one of Pennsylvania's noblest sons, whose good qualities of head and heart are known to all, has been called away.— They need no eulogy from me. May God comfort their bereaved friends. I need only say that I deeply feel the responsibilities of the position to which I have been chosen. But I will endeavor to discharge its duties unin fluenced by any other consideration than my deliberate convictions of right. I ask your indulgence and forbearance, your co-operation and support. I know too well the character of the members of this House to apprehend much diffi culty. Our position is one of no ordi nary importance. Pennsylvania, in the vastness of her resources, the amount of her wealth, and the num ber, intelligence, industry and integrity of her citizens, has few equals as a .State. Her interests are committed to our charge. The eyes of her three millions of people are upon us, and our actions will be closely watched mid severely scrutinized. Let us act not only as the Representatives of a free people, but as men who appreciate the honor and feel the responsibitities of our pos itions. While reckless madness rules, the councils of some of our sister States, and treason raises its bloody hand within their borders to strike ,down the National Government, the great heart of Pennsylvania beats re .sponeive now, as it ever has done, to ." the music of the Union." [Applause.] I believe that I speak the sentiments ,of 'her entire people, when I say that the Old Key stone State, to the extent of her power, will maintain the Con stitution and enforce the laws. [Ap plause.] Iler voice is, and always has been " The Union must and shall be preserved." [Applause.] If there is Any law upon her statute books which .can be in any way tortured into an excuse for treason, I would advise its immeiate repeal; [applause] and that she should then deny, in her sov ereign capacity, the right of any State to secede from this government. [Ap plause.] The verdict of the people in the re cent elections has been for the Con stitution and the Union, and that ver dict must be respected and enforced at all hazards. [Applause.] Penn sylvania has suffered; her interests have been trampled upon. There is no State in the Union that has more just cause of complaint. She has sought her redress through the ballot box, in a Constitutional manner. She has set her seal of condemnation on a -wicked and imbecile Administration; and I, for one, am now ready to sus tain that verdict, if my 'country- re quires it, with the blessing of God, lvltit my life. [Applause.] IMPORTANT BY TELEGRAPH. Port Sumpter Besieged—Anderson's Com munications Cat cy— Combination to take Possession of Washington. WASHINGTON; Jan. 3.—lntelligence was received last night that Fort Sumpter is now besieged ; that all of Maj. Anderson's com munications are cut off; that Fort Moultrie has been repaired, and her guns remounted and ready to open fire on Amlerson. New batteries are being opened around him by the Secesisonists, and every day his danger and the difficulty of reinforcing him are in creased. his frequent applications for rein forcements, and even the tears and prayers of his wife, have failed to move the President, he has determined never ngain to renew his request, but will perish, if he must, in the fort. His men have bound themselves by oath to stand or perish with him. It is beyond a doubt that a combination is forming to take forcible possession of the Government at Washington on or before the fourth of March, but the time is not yet de termined. Tho above information is from sources which leave no doubt of its reliability. Gentlemen censure the apparent inactivity of the Presideut, contending that, by availing himself of the counsels and services of Lieut. General Scott, all possibility of danger could he averted. Delaware for the Union The Legislature Reject the Resolutions of Mississippi. Wit.niNcros, Del., Jan. 3.—The Legisla ture of this State assembled at Dover on Wednesday. Hon. H. Dickenson, the Commissioner from Mississippi, was received to-day, and ad dressed both Houses. He made a strong Southern speech, taking ground in favor of South Carolina and secession, and invited Delaware to join the Southern Confederacy. He claimed the right of the States to secede If they were not allowed is do so, war was inevitable. His speech was greeted with mingled applause and hisses. After the speech, the House adopted the following resolution by a unanimous vote: Resolved, By the Senate and House of Re presentatives, in General Assembly met, that, having extended to Hon. 11. Dickenson, Commissioner from Mississippi, the courtesy due him as the representative of a Sovereign State of the Confederacy, as well as to the State ho represents, we deem it proper and due to ourselves 'and to the people of Dela ware to express our unqualified disapproval of the remedy for the existing difficulties suggested by the resolutions of the Legisla ture of Mississippi. The Senate concurred, by a majority, in the resolutions. Massachusetts The Abrogation of the Personal Liberty Bill ReCOlll mended. BosroN, Jan. 3.—Governor Banks presided at the dinner of the cadets yesterday, and made an eloquent speech, closing with a sen timent highly complimentary to Major An derson. To-day Governor Banks delivered his valedictory to the Legislature. Ho re commended the abrogation of the personal liberty bill. A large crowd of citizens wore present. Gov. Banks concluded his address by de nying that there can be a peaceable seces sion. The Government cannot be dissolved at the bidding of any dissatisfied State, nor can that portion of the continent occupied by the American States be portioned out to hos tile nations. The interior States will never allow the keys of the continent on the gulf and ocean shores to pass into the hands of au enemy. nor eon tear ttime cities or States exist hide• pendent of the plantation and farming inter ests of the into, ior. He did not, however, anticipate the dissolution of the American Slovernment. He doubted not that the same "Povrer_that protected us hitherto will pre o."l,-dreaftete,--- From Charleston CEIATILESTON, Jan. 4.—A1l is quiet here. Fort Sumpter has uut been besieged, as re ported. Major Anderson was visited to-day by his brother, in company with three gentlemen. The understanding was that the interview should take place in their presence. CUARLESTON, Jan. 4. Gov. Pickens has divided the duties of the Executi%e administration of South Carolina among his Council as follows : A. J. McGrath, Secretary of State to regu late intercourse with other States and for eign powers, make treaties, regulate oum merce, and appoint consuls. 1). F. Jamison, Secretary of War. C. G. Memminger, Secretary of Treasury. W. 11. ',Harlhee, to regulate the Postal Department and Light Houses. A. C. Garlington, Secretary of the Interi or, to attend to local matters, including the militia and coast police. Seizure of a Revenue Cutler—Georgia Forts FiffEl CHARLESTON, Jan. 4 1 learn from a gentleman who arrived here this morning from Savannah, that the forts aro in the possession of the Georgia State troops. They are occupied by 150 men; and an armorer with 30 men is engaged in clean ing the guns to render them serviceable.— The State of Georgia has also taken posses sion of the U. S. revenue cutter on that sta tion. =ln SAYAN:(An, Jan. 4 Fort Pulaski was yesterday taken posses sion of by the Volunteers, by order of Gov. Brown. It is reported that the Revenue Cutter, Dobbin, has been taken possession of, but Gov. Brown has issued orders fur her return to the Government. Light Breaking—Guns Ordered Back. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 The guns ordered to be removed from the Allegheny Arsenal to Southern forts has been countermanded by the War Depart ment, under the decision of the Cabinet. Arreet or a News Dealey Sr. JosErn, Mo., Jan. 3 C. C. We!worth, a news dealer of this city, was arrested to-day,upon an indictment found against him by the Grand Jury, on a charge of selling newspapers of an anti-slavery ten dency. He gave bonds for trial at the March term of the Court. The Steamer Brooklyn not Ordered to Charles ton—The Post Office Service to be Contin ned. WASIIINGTON, Jan. s.—The rumor which prevailed that the steamer Brooklyn had been ordered with recruits to Charleston, is pro- Bounced false by official authority. Mr. Hager, the postmaster at Charleston, has written to the -Postmaster General that he holds himself responsible to the Federal Government for the revenues accruing in his office. For the present, therefore, the postal arrangements will continue unchanged. Inaugural address of Gov. IVashburn, to the Maine Legislature-14cal of the Liberty Bill, if Unconstitutional. PORTLAND, MC,, Jan. 5.-00 V. Washburn's inaugural address to the Maine Legislature recommends conciliation and forbearance ; to stand by the Constitution ; and, although urging the Legislature to make no compro mises involving moral treason, lie recom monde the repeal or the persAnel:liberty bill if found to be uneuestitutional. 4nother Secession iforement. NEW YORK, Jan. 7.—lt is rumored filet Mayor Wood's meastige, to be presented to the City Councils will embody a proposition for the secession of New York city from the State and the Union. THE GLOBE. Huntingdon, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1891, LOCAL & PERSONAL. My attention has been called to an article copied into the last Journal American from a Philadelphia paper, in which I am made to figure conspic uously in that city. . I have only to say that I have not been in Philadelphia for more than a year. IkL w nothing about the trans action, except what I read in the news paper, and no process or parties have come into my hands or custody con nected with or relative to the said transaction. James Jamison told me a few mornings ago in Huntingdon that he would bring me Hunter unless bail was entered for his appearance. 3 WIN C. WATsoN From the Hart isburg Patriot it Union, Jon. let " A PACE FROM REAL LlFE."—Under the above caption we published a sen sation article yesterday morning, cop ied from the Philadelphia 2.Vorth Amer ican, which we have reason to believe was worked up without regard to real filets. We have been called upon by responsible and respectable parties, personal acquaintances of years stand ing, who declare that the most indubi table proof can and will be produced at the proper time to prove that con necting the name of a gentleman now sojourning in this city with the trans action in the manner in which it was, was the result of a conspiracy. The best evidence of this fact is, that Hun ter and Miss Scott were married in Lew istown on Saturday. This crushes out all the romance connected with the " page." The only connection the gentleman in this city had in the mat ter can hardly be designated by the world as even an imprudent one. He endeavored to shield and screen a friend, both by his advice and means —this an enemy took advantage of, and the gentleman is determined to vindicate his character in a court of justice, not only by bringing suits against individuals, but also by put ting the law of libel in force against all the papers who have brought him so prominently before the public in so unenviable a light. To show how much confidence can be placed in the whole statement, it is only necessary to say that neither the Sheriff of Huntingdon or any of Miss Scott's relations were in Philadelphia at all. Hunter and her went there to get married, and would have got mar ried there but for the interference of those who were ill the conspiracy. >l , The Fanner and Gardner • for danuary is received, andmaintains un tarnished its high reputation. It is, as usual, handsomely embellished, and fil led to repletion with matter of the highest interest and importance. We observe, that the enterprising publish ers, Messrs. A. M. Spangler & Co., have also issued a new monthly, entitled, "The American Bee Journal," which tiat i tik s w t erl i rdePh a gC'AB l gfedfiN- - ested in that subject. The price of each of these Journals is One Dollar, but the publishers offer them both, to gether with a pre-paid copy of either the " Year Book of the Farm and Gar den," or "Both Sides of the Grape Question," for the trilling sum of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Specimen Copies of either or both of the month lies, will he sent without charge, to all who may apply for them. Address A. M. Spangler & Co., 25 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. ACCIDENT.-Au accident of a serious character happened to Postmaster Colon, on Saturday evening. Ile was returning from the Warm Springs,and when entering town, he attempted to pass a sleigh in front of him, and got off the road into the gutter, where his horse kept for several hundred yards, until it struck a board crossing, de taching the horse from and upsetting the sleigh, throwing himself and lady out. The lady is seriously injured but no bones broken. She was parried home insensible, but soon returned to consciousness. Mr. Colon escaped with a sprained thumb. We feel ex ceedingly sorry for our fair friend,and hope she may soon recover from her injuries, CHURCH ROIMED.—The Hollidays burg Register says the Presbyterian Church in Sinking Valley was enter ed a few nights ago by some saeriligi ous scoundrel or scoundrels, and rob bed of all the valuable Hymn books in the pews, and part of the Library of the Church. Even the Hymn book on the pulpit was taken. The depre dators must have been most audacious villains, for they built a fire in the stove, tore up a portion of the carpet to make a bed, and so lodged for a portion of the night, at least. Doubt less the books taken will be offered for sale, and it is hoped that this may lead to the arrest of the thieves. NOTlCE.—Porsons mailing lelters to tho Members of the Legislature or }bads of Departments at Harrisburg, should bear in mind, that a late order of the P. o.Department requires them to be pre-paid by stamps. If this is omitted they will ho sent to the Dead Letter office as dead letters. Friday last, the day named by our President, for flisting and prayer, was observed in this borough by the closing of tho doors and windows of most of our business houses. A Union prayer meeting was held in the Court House. or. 1V take pleasure in calling Attention to the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of Art. The testimonials aro of the first character, I= -Mommr, Jan. S.—Flour $6 25(35 373,1; Bala. of Finley end Pennsylvania at $5 75$`0 50; some 1000 barrols sold, mostly for City use. ltyo Flour 3Ce. Corn Meal, at $2,74. Wheat is dull nt $1 V® t 33 for iced, and 133©1 40 for White; 4500 bushels sold. Corn soils nt 66e.; now at 650 604 3000 bushels sold, Oats nothing doing; 32©32% for Delaware and 34e for Pennsylvania; 4,500 bus. sold. Soads—Clover dull at 65 25@d5 60. Timothy $2 N.— Flax. seed sl4o©l 50. Barley and Malt nothing doing. For the Globe On the 25th ult., by ltev. J. K. Thicker, Mr. Joan Lau men end Miss ELIZALICTII Samoa. both of Juninte tp. On the lbt inst., by the mime, Mr. Jonx 11. DAM, of NOW berg, and Miss CATHARINE ANDUISON, of Point tp. On the some day, by the come, Mr. Ammon , ANnensom and .M 1.84 SARAH SHOWALTER, both of Penn tp. On the 27th tilt, by Peter Swoops, Esq.. Mr. Jox.trntzt &MR and Mies ELIZALITTH QUATITLY, both of Union tp. In Reading, on Sunda) , morning, Tan. Gth, 1801, Mrs. CATHARINE yrnon, in the 7fdli year of her oge,,tuother of the editor of this paper. At Hanging Rock, on the 18th ult., FRANK Baby eon of N. S. and Anna M. Givon, aged 1 year,lo months and 7 days. He was a sprightly, healthy child, nod his parents cherished the hopo that a long life waited bins. But how soon the fondest expectations ore illmwolatetll In biting a stick of candy, he bursts a little artery, and bleeds isle life away; he lingoes for a few days; at length ho sleeps, and his parents thinking that-la sleeps so sweetly, he must ho taking mit in sleep, and thnt he would do well, nnd soots ho well ; and so, after sleeping most of the night, as day began to dawn, he snakes and asks Pa fur a drink; again ho seems to sleep; but ho Menthes shorter and shot ter until without a strnggle, tho spit it loaves tho body, to go to its heavenly home. C. IT. T. WHITE, TTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 2, IS6I-tf. T,AST NOTICE.- All ulna have unsettled arconnta with me of six mouths atanding or longer, are earmmtly requested to call and settle up and mare costs. I must hero money or quit 1.1119i110119. LEVI \WESTBROOK Huntingdon, Jan. 2, 1861. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.- riegular nuptial meeting of the ifuntingdon County Agricultural Society, 1, 0 111 be held lu the Court House, on Wednesday evening, of the Jailunry Court, (16th.) Dy order of the society. 11. ',dent VITT, Jan. 2, 16t1. Secy. T WEIC Il SE LB AUM, OPTICIAN AND OWL/ST • FROM PIIII,ADELPIIIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of HUNTINGDON and vicinity, that ho bon opened a EMI nt tho Exchange Irani, where he offers fur onto SPECTACLES, OP EVERY VARIETY, PIZC AND QUALITY. A new Invention of tipectaeles, for distant or close reading, with gold. sneer, steel, nud tortoise-shell frames, and a new and improved assortment of perifocal and parabola ,mouud flint Glass., of hie own manufacture. Ile would particularly call the attention of the public, to hie 'Spectacles for NEAR SIGHTED PERSONS, and for persons who kayo been operated upon for the cataract of the eye, and to his new kind of Glasses and Conservers of the sight, mado of the best flint and azure Glasses.— Good Glasses may be known by their shape, exact centre, sharp and highly polished ma'am. The qualities aro to be found iu his Glasses. MGM' DIPOIITANP! Tho very best BRAZILLIAN PEBBLE and MOUNTAIN CRYSTAL,so universally proved to he far superior to any other Gloss. Also, Micaoscoets,Srr AND Qiniture (Juana of every size and quality; Tetracorse, Mu - ow/no AND OPERA Gums, with different powers, together with every variety of articles in the Optical line, not mentioned. WOPTICU, nod other Instrument, and Mosses, care fully repaired at Pima notice. Ile can always select Glasses to suit the vision of the person, as he toes them, upon the first trial. egy-Ire will remain in this place during the Jan. Court, FIRST WEEK, and thew in vault of the allow artlelea, will please give him a call. /},as- Ito %till. if required, go to nny respectable house where his services may he wanted. ire The very best ftYreNVATGII and the best Muting Glasses always for sale. pall. 2,1801.1 QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of j sundry writs of Tend. Exp. FL Fa. and Ley. Fa. to me directed, I will expose to public solo M. nt the Court House, to the borough of Ituritingibriu ON MON DAY Tll/1 I.lru DAY OP JANUARY, 1401, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Estate, to wit: •All the dfendnnt's right, title and interest, In 7 acres of land, more or less, situate in Shirley town ship, having thereon erected one stone house, two stories bigh 24 by 30 feet, ono plank house, one-and•ichalf stet ins high, 16 by 24 feet; too log bowies. 18 by 36 feet, one mill, three stories high, 25 by 42 feet, alai ono saw mill. Also, 34 acres of (indict land situate In same town. ship. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold at the property of Jacob Hutzler. • ALSO—One lot of ground, situate in "Scotts • Übe, Huntingdon county, adjoining lot of Semi. E. mi the A, est, lot of Ilampson's heirs on the south-east haling thereon erected ono tonne store house. Also—one tote( ground in the same town. adjoining lot of A. S. Stepliel, on the east, and Danl. heck on the nest, baring Hudson street, having thereon erected a too story frame house with a basement Story, one triune 1,1t011,s and a framo stable. Also-100 limes of land, mole or leis, situate in Fin ingfielil township, adjoining lands of Jess. Butter on the north, Jacob Baker on 'the smith. Dutton Lane on the est, and land of deft. ou the east, about 70 acres of which is cleared. A l / 3 0-150 acres more or less, situate in Spa ing field too hsliip, adjoining land of deft. on tho west, land of J. 'Sootier on tha north, lana ~ f .laesk Baker en the eolith, and Black Log Mountain or. the east, having thereon cra ted n two story 1101150 20 by 24 feet. with a hack olive . , 14 by 26 feet; ono li ' s and Mono ban 26 by ,fffeet, with oil.. outbulldidgs, about 80 Ames of NI Well is cleared. Seized and token in execution nod to ho roll thl tho property of Benedict Stevens. • - MAO—Defendant's right, title and interest In aunt to 100 acres of land, more or lose, aitunto In Clay ton uship, on tiro waters of 1...A.110g Bill Creek, eland 150 acres of which is cleared, and hat fug thereon ea ected frame home, log barn, and saw roll, ralth other Improve ments. Seized and taken in execution end to be sold as the property of 3fatthow Corbin.—One lot of ground, situate in Carbon ton usirip, In the town of Dudley. having thereon erected a plank house, trio stories high, stone basement, about 18 by 40 feet, with a back wing two stories high, about 14 by 20 feet, all well finished, painted brown, a flame Stable 8i)011t IS by 20 feet, and other outbuildings. Seized end taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David S Borkstreaser, trading under tire arm of David 8. 13ork stressor S Co. Arco—All defendant's right, title and in• least in and to all that certain tract of land warranted in the name ofJoieph Flank, situate In Cromwell township, containing 237 terra, more or less, being }Wended land, nod bounded on the north mul mat by lands of Simon Orate, on the south by lands of Enos McMullin, and nest by lineman and others. and has thereon °rotted n log barn and other outbuildings• and about 100 acres, more or less, cleared. Seized and talon in execution and to bo sold as the property of J. Hoary Dell. ALSO—Two lots of ground, situate in the addition of Broad Top City. being No. 13 and 14, fronting on Broad street 40 feat, and 00 feet on Spruce, street, and SO foot on Ifaslott street, having thereon erected a frame bowie one-and•a•hnlf stories high. Seized and taken In exectibou and to be sold as the property of George Kotu. man. Also-327 acres of land, more or lees, sit uate in Dublin township, bounded on the south by land of Amos Potts, on the west by land of Mamen Dignms, en the north-went by land of Samuel Campbell, on the north by laud of Pon ell Mull nod 15m. Climans, about 75 acres clerred, having thereon elected one old log house. and one log bouso 18 by 22 feet, and ono log burn '2O by 40 fest.— Seized an taken In execution and to be 401 a as the proper ty of Matthias Long. 41)-• All sales advertised for the first day of the Court, will be adjourned over until the Gahm ing Wednesday, and deeds acknowledged on Wednesday of tine second Court week. lOthN C, WATSON, Sheriff. FlFEttlyed OFFICE, Huntingdon, Pee. 5 6 , isnl• DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. The firm heretofore existing under tho name of Hardy l Smith. at Ennisville, Huntingdon county, has been dissolved by mutual consent,—the books remaining in the hands of the uudersigned,by whom the business alit be continued as heretofore... Enniewille, Deo. :5, 1860,4 t p u EGISTEIt'S NOTICE.—NOtice is hereby givon, to nil parsons interested, that tho fol owing nouns] parsons have settled their accounts in the llegistex's Me, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for conthmation and allowance at an Orphanx' Court, to be held at ffuntingdon, In and for the county of Iluntingdon, on 'Wednesday, the IGth day of January next, (HOU to wit G eo. W. wholuix fro tor of Martel Wright, Into of Union township. deed. 2. ,Tohn Scott, Esq., Guardian of Elisabeth and David Confer, minor children of Philip Curter, &sig. Final ac count. . 3. Abntham Brumbaugli,Adininistrator of Daniol Brum baugh Mt° of Hopewell too iiship, deed. 4. A. 0.11141 r rind 311eltaol Sharer, Executors of John Stunkarcl, Into of Tell township, deed. 5. Abraham States, Req., Guardian of Franlilln Lang, a minor con of Patrick Lung, Into of {Volker toatushlp, dec'd. 6. John Dean, Guardian of Jacob, David end Eunice Catharine Ilhoeucfolt, minor children of Frederick 000en efelt, deed. 7. John Dean. Guardian of At !mine ShoonefeD, (now into married with tleorgo Chilcoto) a daughter of Freder ick hhoenefelt, deed. 8. John Owens, Adiu'r„ do boots non of Esther Coo, into of Warrioremark township, deed. 9. Janice Henderson, Adm'r. of Margaret ifeliderao 9 , Into of Tod township, deed. 10. David Clarkson, Tt nat. to sell the real estate of Robert Speer, Into of the borough of Caseville, deed.. 11. Suva, lloilingsworthand Henry Dreaster,Executore of the Hon. John 13rowster, Into of Shirio)sburg borough, deed. Partial account. DANIEL W. WOMELSDORF, Register. BEGIATER'ti OFFICE, Unntingtion, Dec. 19, MOO. SALT ! SALT!! SALT!!! io Just received from tho Onnndago Snit Company, Symense, N. T., to be sold on commission, either whole sale or retail. 200 13AltItELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, 1860. MUSK & SON. PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commercial, Foolscap smd Flatcap—a good assortment for solo by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW ROOK it: STATIONERY STORE CALL at the. new CLOTHING STORE of OUTMAN & CO., if you want n good article of Clothing. Store room in Lotlee now building, In the Dlec mond, Iduntingdon. Sept. 9, 1857. P. 0-W.IN ) Wafer in Dry 13 arab, d to , rriae. Mai dware, Qncens pin 11,04 and Cop*, o,oh and Elloet., lIIARUIED, DIED, HUNTINGDON, PA CRARLFS W. HARDY TRIAL LIST F 0 It JAN U ARY 33 TERM, 1801. FIRST WEEK. William Patton as James tutriken, et al Johu Savage vs Matthew Truman. Wm. Brewster vs John Jacobs. Clement's heirs vs Id. J. blartin,ot al. M. Wallace vs Wm. McCauley, et al. S. L. Keene vs Wilson & Gorsuch. A. S. Garrison, for use vs Mary A. Shearer. James Cordon vs Creswell & Williams SECOND WEEK. Small. B. MeFesters vs Alexander Dears, of al. Morrison Cove T. Co. vs Minims & Co. Joseph S. Reed vs The B. T, Imp's Co. Same vs Send Anthracite Co. Moses Robison, for use vs William McCluro. Thornton Barnes vs Wise & Eby. 11. Houtz, assignee, &e. vs Samuel McPherson. Thos. M. Owens. ;vim, vs At:sh Seeds. Peter Vandevander as Jun. McComb &J. Clayton Huntingdon County vs D. Brotherline. Morris, Fasker & Co. vs Harrison & Mattorn. William Crotoloy vs Martin & Kurtz,. Thomas Webb n, Jr. vs Thomas Weston. Peter Vandevander vs J. McComb &J. Clayton. Conun'th for Cypher vs John B. Weaver. Jas. Bricker, fur use vs Mary E. Green's, ndmr, James Doan vs Jane E. Slay. Magdalene Stohlor's Ex'r vs D. Mountain's ndmr. NOT IC E.- Notice is het chy given that the following named persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quat ter Sessions, pntying the raid Court to grant them license to keep inns or taverns in their respective boroughs, townships and villages In the county of Hun tingdon, and that said petitions will bo preheated to the mid Court on Wednesday,tho 10th day of January next,cor 'consideration, dc., when and where all persona interested can attend if they think proper, viz ; John M. Early, Mount Union. Adam 'Zeigler, Marklesburg. John Hartz, Alexandria. W3l. C. WAGONER, Clerk. Dec. 10.1500.-4t+ W F E WAGS AND FALSTAF CLOCKS, .heat received nod for nal° cheap. MEO, a large and splendid assortment of the most FASHIONABLE JEWELRY, direct from the East. Call and coo the We Wags. SWARTZ & McCAIIR, Huntingdon, Dee. 19, 1860.-6t.* COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! amen A. Brown sells the genuine" PORTLAND KERO SENE," OR COAL OM clear ezi wat6r. This Is the only knot of uil that gives entirely/Its/action no an agent for light. llocate of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an arc:l4re smell and smoke. A largo variety also of COAL OTh LAMP.% Chimneys, Globes, Wicks, Burners, Shades, &c., &c., sold at the very lost ett prices, at the Hardware &tore, Hunting dun, Pa. (Estate of John White, beeensed.) Letters of Adminiatratioa upon the Estate of John late of Huntingdon borough, deed., haying been granted to the undersigned, nll persons indebted nee requested to inrike immediate payment, nod those having claims will pi esent them duly authenticated for settlement. Nov. 21, 1860 PROCLAMATION,--WIIERE AS, by a precept to me directed. dated at Huntingdon, rho 24th day of Nevember,A.D.lB6o,under the hands and seals of the lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Piens, Oyer and Terminer. and general Jail deliv ery of the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, compo sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the Hons. Benjamin F. Patton and John Long hie Ithsed ales, ;Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as signed, appointed to hear, try and determine all anti every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State aro made capital, or felon ies of death, and other offences, crimes end misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Neal and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House in the borough of Hon tingdon, on the second Monday (and 14111 day) of Jimuury next, and those who will prosecute Oho said prisoners, he then and there to prosecute them as it shall be Just, and that all Justices of rho Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, R. no. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran ces. to do those things to hid! to their offices respectively appertain. Dated nt Huntingdon, the 10th of December, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and the 84th year of American Independence. Jolts C. WATSON, S7ieriffi_ 13 ROC'', AM ATION.--WllEltkii S, by a precept to ono directed by the Judges of the Com mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 21th day of November, 1860, lam commanded to make Public Proclamation througliont my whole bailiwick, that a Comt of CAIMiIIOII Piens n ill be held at the Court Home In the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and Slot day) of January. A. D., 18n1, for the trial of all is soes In sold Court which remain ondetermined before the said Judges, so hen and so here all jurors, witnesses, and suitors, in the trials of all issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon the Intl, of Decetnber, in the year of our Loo it one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and the 84th year of American Independence. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff'. Stinnirr's Orrocr, Huntingdon, Dee. 17, 1860. IMMMEMI . sheet, with eNerything In perfect order. con Gvey LtK on the buiiinees. Terms easy and areasonithle credit git en. For curlier information apply scion to the undersigned, on Allegheny street, Huntingdon. EIEME! NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORI7. J. A. lIANIGAH, A. ()tactics( tobacconist, has opened a new TODACCO STORE, AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, on Allegheny St., one door went of theHroad Top Railroad Office, where be has on hand a large assortment of prime Cigars and To) limos, nide') ho till sell either wholesale or retail. Store. keepei A. shopkeepers, and all others nho deal in the weed should cell. llis juices m e low. Call and seo. Huntingdon, Nor. 7, ISOO. I)MINISTRATRIX'S' NOTICE,- of Jollies Hemphill, Deed.] Lotion' of adminktration with the Will annexed, on the estate of James timpani, lota of Huntingdon bor ough, deed. having been gt anted to the undorslgned, all poisons indebted ai o requeltod to make immediate pay ment, and thoto having 0111119 will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. MARTHA CAILMON, Iluntingdon, Dee. 5,1,560.-6 t. AdministratOr. THE ROOT AND HERB DOCTOR FROM Who has had 30 Years Constant Practice, CAN BE CONSULTED AT lilt. MILLEIES HOTEL, In Huntingdon, on the 14th day of January. Also on the 110, day of February next, and one day 01 every month for ono year frwu his commencement, of which notice will be given. He treats all diseases that flesh Is heir to. Ho invites all females who may be suffering with diseases peculiar to their sex, to call and examine his new mode of tieatment, as thousends have been restored to health aho have been abandoned by others. Ile Is hi possessire, of perfect hi strum...llm for sounding the lungs an& chest and is there fore able to determine the exact condition of tho vital or gans—congemiently can tient such complaints with great er safety and certainty then it Is possible for thoso who gllo3q at the disease and experiment for Its cure. He be lies es that for every moistly, there Is found in our soil a sure and never-falling remedy. At Patients can receiso treatment for $1 per month, except in rases of Cancers and Humois, they vary from $lO to $lOO. Examination free. N. B.—See Handbills. DR. W. LEVINOSTON Dec. 10, 1860 ROHRER'S itonows ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL, CALCULATOR. PIiACTICA 1 CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR, PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR., ROIIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, A Bonk, of Plain Rea and Caicukdions s br Dusinchs Ope. ragout, by Marlin ht. Rohrer, Pradtcat Surveyor and (hmrryancer. New Edition, published by J. R. Liyyin- coil & Cb., Philadelphia. • This work contains 201 pages, and upwards of 500 Rules and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such es arise every day In the common pursuits of Business. It has already passed through a number of editions in rapid succession, and Is pronounced by all classes of business men to bo the handiest book of roferenco, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been poblished. Every exempla in the book is worked out in full and stated inn plain manlier, so that when a parallel case ark-- ea, those referring to the work will find no difficulty In solving 1 : In a word, the general ariangement of the CALCBLATL - 6: != Simple, that any one who knows how to add, subt,act, multiply ad ivide, can easily solve any or dinary example that a ri s es .0 business, or arrive at the trite result of ony estimate required. • 'rho chief film of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy in figures, alining only at facts and simpli city, believing that business Men care little about spen ding time in dismissing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures, deeming It sufficient for their purpose to ho able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the trod result.. The CALCULATOR differs In Ws respect from nil other Arithinetics of tho day and kindred works—it is a Roy to practical business calculations,.-it is, ii, the moods un of the business no, what the key to ninthmath:al works In the hands of the teacher in the school roomwit facili tates time and insure. conectness. TILE WORK TREATS OF TILE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of thick and Brick {Work, cf Stone and Stone work, of grain and Vain bins, oreoal and coal bins, of wood. of solids, of liquids, of cir cular, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's,plumb. el'B, paper banger's and upholsterers' work. It treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction and Its extended application to business, al simple and compound interest, and their entire application to o siness transactions, with the lons and usages governing the same, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and batik discount, of equation of pay ment nod of partnership accounts, of assessment of taxes, of weights and mementos, of square and cubiomeneore, of the eqUarts toot and its application to business of surfaces, of excavation, and of many ether important practical matters not within the Beopa of au advertisement to Men tion. IT IS JUST TILE ROOK FOR THE Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, time artium, of the professional man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to the lawyer, tho Justice of the peace, the conveyancer, awl real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the elcil engineer and th 6 aurrs3 or, to the catpctiter and bricklayer, to the stonemason anti the plastuier, to Um paper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver And the tiler, &c.; each and all will tine. ttAdepeo to their flour, wants bettor than any book published. afk , Frith, 50 cents. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. Huntingdon, Me. l oge. kk§§§ § k § § SEVEN YEARS! TTOWARD, ASSOCIATION, PIULADELPRIA s..7 valeta institution established by special Eutlotoinent, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, supicket with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for (As Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Ova us. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, I. all who apply by letter, with n description of their condi. lion, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished froo Of charge. " Valuable Reports on Spermatorrinea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en. velopea, free of charge. Two or three Stomps for postage will ho acceptable. Address, Dn. J. TRIT.LEZZ- ROUGTITON. Acting San geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Path Street,T2tll. adelphin, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL, Prukiinit. OEO. FAIRCHILD, ktreetary. - - - Dec. 19, 1860.-Iy. "FALSTAFF MUSTERING lIIS RECRUITS." SOWER, BARNES & CO., . _ . . . . The seven yours of _arlvalled success attending the "COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION," have made It a household word throughout every quarter of the country. Under the auspices dads popular institution, over three hundred thousand homes have learned to appreciate =by beautiful works of art on their nalls,and choice literature on their tables, the groat benefits derived from becoming a subtcriber. Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio unparal (pled with that of any previous year. Any person can become a momber by subscribing Owes dollars, Mr which sum thoy will reedy° Ist,—The largo and superb steel engraving, VA IS inc Los, entitled, °d,--One copy, ono ).r, of that elegantly illustrated 11111g17.1110, "THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL?. Ed.—Four toltuLevions, during, the sensou, to " TIIE GALLERY OF PAINTINGS. 54S BROADWAY, NEW YORK." in addition to the above benefits, Moro will bo given to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over FIVE HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART! comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parinns, outlines, &e., forming a truly national benefit. The superb engraving, which every subscriber will rec• coins, entitled, "Rdstuff Mustering his Recruits," is om of the most beautiful and popular engravings over loaned in this country. It is done on steel, in fine line and stipple, and is printed on heavy plate paper, 30x38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either the library, parlor or office. Its subject Is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff receiving in Justice Shallow's office, the recruits which have been gathered for his 'Tag. god regiment." It could not he furnished by am trade for less than fivo dollars. Tine Art Journal 13 too well known to tho whole coun try to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustra ted magazine of Art, containing Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, de., by the very best on titers in America, The Engraving is sent to any part of tine country by mail with safety, being packed inn n cylinder, postago prepaid. Subscriptions will be received until the evening of the list of January, 1661, at which thno the books will close and tine premiums be given to subscnibers. No person Is restrletko to a slngla subscription: Thom remitting. $ll, are entitled to five memberships and to one extra Engraving far their trouble. Subscriptions from California., the Caned.. and all For eign Countriee, meet be 1.1,n0 instead of $3, in order to de fray extra postage, etc. For further particulate send lbr a copy of the elegantly illustrated Art Journai, pronounced Um handsomest Mag azine in America. it contains Catologuis of Premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Ilogiilar price, 50 cent, per number. Specimen copies, honorer, will ho sent to those wishing to subscribe, on recelpFpf /B'cents, Iu cola or stamps. Address, C. L. DERBY, ArrunnY C. 'A. A,. 540 Broadway. Niker, York. 114-Subscriptions received and forwarded b4CIS4I. J. LAWRENCE, Agent for Huntingdon nod Ticittfty,ifflim specimen Engravings and Art Journal can be seen;-.`: Nov. 21, 1860. GREAT WORK ON THE HORS MARY WHITE. Adminlstratrix THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., Professor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in the Veterinary College of Plaladelphia, etc., etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History and distinctive traits of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and Amet lean Horns, with the physical formation and pe culiarities of tho Ruined, and how to ascertalu his ego by the number and condition of bin teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE LIORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking. Stabling, Feed ing, Grooming, Shoeing, and the gener al management of the horse, with the best modes of administering medicine, ,also, bow to treat Biting, Kicking, Bearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib -Bit. trig. Itestlessness, and other vices to which lie Is subject; with numerous ex planatory engravings. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES . . . WILT, TELL YOU Of the causea,symptomg,and Treatment of Strangles. Sore Throat, Distomper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Poen monla, Pleumay, Broken Wind, Chron ic Conch, Bearing and Whiatling.Lam pas, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Da coy ed Tooth.-with other diseasesof the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. =I WILL TELL YOU Of Rio causes, symptoms,and Trentment of Worms, Bon!, Cholla. Strangulation, Stony Conon lions, Ruptures, Sal v, Diarrhea,Jaandlee,lfepatirrhea,Moody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Blad der, Inflamation and other diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, ',her and Uri nary Orono. SZE WM. F. T11031.t.9 TllI 110351 AND lIISDISEASVS WILL TELL YOU Of tlio causes, symptoms, and Treat moot of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders Furey. Searlet Fever,Mange, Surfeit Locked Jaut.lllicunutisntUrranp,Oallo, Clnensos of Ike Eye and Heart, Sc, fee. and bow to 'lmago Costration, Bleed lug, Trephining. Roweling. Firing, Hernia, Amputation, Topping, and otto er surgical operatiuuo. VIE HORSE AND 1118 DISEAF.ES WILL TELL YOU Of liaroy's Method of taming Horses: how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights. and how to lilt, Saddle, Hide, and Break him to Harness; also the form and law of ViAaRINTY. Tho whole being tho re. cult of 15 years' careful study of the habits, peculiarities, wants and weak nesses of this noble mid Meld animal. The book contains 334 pagas, appropriately illustrated by nearly 100 Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and Bill be forwarded to any address ' postage paid, on receipt of price, bait bound, $l.OO, or, In cloth, extra, $1.25. $lOOO A YHAR can be made by enterprising men every where, in eeliing the above, and other popular works of 011:11. Our inducements to all Ruch aie exceedingly liber al. For single copies of tho Book, or for terms to Agents, with other information, apply to or address .101111 POTTEII, Puldisher, No. 617 Sanscm Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 7, 11360.-Bm T HE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS 'BRANCHES. UT HISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by .AVr. J. S. Hale Ix TELLS Yon How to ohm:meal kinds or Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes or dressing and cooking &Grand Pork; also tie best and simplest way or salting, pickling and curing the Dome, TELLB You All tiro various and mostapproved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Yea], Poultry, nod gam of's!! kinds with the 61d - facia Dressings, Gravies, and Gtuffings appropriuto to each. Ir T1.1.L8 You How to choose, clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when taint . ed ; also all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress• ings, Sauces, sad Flavorings appropriate to each. IT TELLS You All the various and most approved modes of Fronting over 60 kinds of Nleat,rish,Fowl. (Jame, and Vegetable Sonps, Broths, and Stems, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IT Tr= You All the various and most apyroved modes o cooking Vegetables of every description , also how to prepare Pickles, Catsups an. Curries of all kinds, rotted bleats, Fish Game, Ilindiroonns, IT TELLS You Alltho various and most approved mcdes of preparing and cooking nil kinds of Plain and Panay Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preierves, Jollies, and Sweet Dishes of every &scrip. lion. IS TELLS Too All the rations and most approved males of making Bread, /tusks, Muffins, and Nis coit, and the best method of preparing Coltoc, Chocolate, and Tea, and how 'to make Eyrupa, Cordials, and Wines of vu clout kinds, IT TELLS lot flow LO setont aud ornament a Table, bow to Carve nil kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and In short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within the everybody's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and upwrirds of 1200 Re cities, all of which are the results of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested under the personal superintendence of the writers, It is printed he a clear and open type, Is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will bo furwatded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the price, $l.O, or in cloth, ex tra $1.20. $lOOO A YEAR can be made by opterprising men every where, In selling the above work, our inducements to all such being very liberal. For single copies of tho Book, or for terms to agents, with coot Information, apply to or address JOlllB E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 B.ansoln Street, Philadelphte,Ta. N0v.1,1860.-13m. GUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. twin's than can bo hnd In town. Call and sea them. L ADIES' SKATES are sold by FISUSIL & SON A Splendid varieV or (lupet a, only ,r_t_ cts.rer yard. FISREn k SON. TBR3IS OP SUBSCRIPTION, Ring Bone, Sweanle. Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder Craelced Iloo(s. Sole limbo° and araccl, Canker, Scratches, 'fbrneh and Caere,; also, of Megrirne, Vertigo, gpiiepay, Stoggors, arid other diseases of the Feet, Lego, and Head. Philadelphia Advertisements. PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS Tit Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, AVD STA TIOArER No. 31 North Third lame, below Axel, CH. O. IRWIN W. H. Ilmtian, W. C. PC479. Publimber. of Pei tone Outline ldop. antr,Keys, thu tar.- gest and best Outline Maps ever published. Candor's Now Headers, Greenleaf 's and Brook's Aritbnietios, &c. Mon. Oath's and MeNalWs Geogniplileit, White's Copy Booka, Blank Peeks ; Wtitlng, Wrapping ; Curtain and Wall Papers. [Nor. 14, 'CO. PtIOTOGRA.PHY In all Ito Branches, executod In tbil bast alio uovrn In the tat, at 0. 0. CRANE'S GALLERY, 632 Arch Strut, East of Sixth, Philadephia Lire +lke to OH and &write, Stereoscoptc Portrait" ASIDROTYPUS, DAGUERREOTYPES, &d., For Cases, Modollions, Pins, Ringo, tte Nor. ]4,1660. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLO MENT. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL • Ile Erie Sewing Machine. We will give a Commiaeloa, or wages at from $25 to $5O per mouth, and expenses paid. This In a now Machine, and co simple in its construe , - tion that a child of 10 year,' can learn to operate It by half an hour's inatniction. It In equal to any Family Pawing Machine in use, and the price ia but Fifteen Doh Yorsona whining au agency will address J. N. BOYLAN, Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Company, Nov, 14, 1060. MILAN, 01110. ,I'ON R. MOOItE & CO., CARL irriarsAct tinAtms r% Carpel Ohain,Cotlon Yarn, Collan Balls, &v., No. ROO (ob.l No. 116) N, mid St., lllllndalptile. Aa. Our Carpet Chain le put up tat Itsttairt, without pasteboard. Orden, promptly attomled to, Nov. 14 , 1660. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOY , MEET. AGENTS WANTED, In every County of the thilted States, to engage in the ',. ale of Rome of the beat and moat elegantly ihuatrated t oche published. 's',Our public:alone are of the most later stingcharacter, adapted to the wants of the Penner. Mechanic and Mer- chant; they are published in the beet style and bound in the most substantial manner, and are worthy a place la tile Library of every Household in the Laud, &if- To mon of enterprise and industrious habits, this leafiness offers en opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. Persons desiring to act as ngeata will receive promptly by mail cull particulars, terms, dm., by addrens. log LEARY, OS.TZ & Co., Publisbers, No. 221 North Second Street, PhiladulphlL Nov. 14, 1860 DIIILADELPHIA PAPER HANGING MANUFACTURIMS, (PALL ) HOWELL &TRADE. BOURKE, Haring removed to their Now Store, Cor. 7013111/1 MARKET Streets, are now prepared to offer to the toads ft large and elegant nesortment of WALL PAPERS BORDERS. MBE scnr.exs, WINDOW CURTAIN GOODS, Ac., Ac., - all of the newest and beet designs, from the loweit pliant article to the finest Gold and .relvet Decorations. Atti- Pnrchatere will do well to vielt the eatabliehtoost of 110 WELL & BOURKE'S, N. E. Cor. Fourth & Market, Philadelpble. Oct.. 3, 11360.-3ra. 3 - PALMIER & CO., StAREET STREET IVIIAMP, PRILADELPELTA, Dave constantly on hand nn assortment of DRIED and PICKLED FISII, viz: 'Mackerel, Shod, Salmon; Blue Fisk Cod Fish, Beef, Pork. Lard, Shoulder; liana, Mu, Chem; Bean; Dice, Oct. 3,1880.-3 m. CHEAP WATCHES ! i.....• ~... , CHEAP IF.ATCHES! I ~_ T ACOB LADOMUS, t NO. 618, MARKET STREET, PIIILADELPIII6i I on hand and is constantly receiving largo astFments AgeRICAN W.ceon, which for accuracy of time and dura bility, and lets liability of getting out of order, is superb or to any other imported 'Watch, mado at anything tika the satno cost. Jewelry, Sliver and Silver Plated liCarti of all styles and patterns. , _ _ . • —ALSO— Gard, r and Sled S'prefacla, with glasses for all sights, with PATENT, as well as the old style Iramee. All goods sold at my establishment are warranted to bo as represented, and satisfaction guars*. teed to all ynrchasers, at NO. 618, Market Street, Cornet of Decatur. • (Sopt.lo, 1860,—1y. INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS - . W3I. C. NEMAN, Na. 33 41 - orth Second SY.. opposite Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA, Iftts for sale, the best finally COoking States in the 3tarLet—n good and faithful servant; tho great provider for the Family I Every household should have a reliable Lehigh Gas Burner Coooking Stoco—always rolls. ble, always economical, Also, tho great Gas Chnsuming Heating Store, for Par. lots, Sm.—will burn less fuel and emit mom heat than any other stove. For sale. with a large assortment of all kinds of COOKING and HEATING STOVES, Wholesale and Retail. WILLIAM C. NIIMAN, No. 33 North Second Et., above Market, Philadelphia Sept. 1.9, 1860.-3 m. ARMERS' & DEALERS' HEAD .`QUAuTEnsin HANCOCK, CAMP & CO., Produce and General Corm mission Merchants, No. 47, North Water St., below Arch St., Philadelphia. Agents Tor all Guano's Super Phosphates of Wee, Poudrettes, and other kinds of Fertilizers, /Hi- All descriptions of Country Produce taken-In et change or sold ou Omintistkin. sea- Quick sales and immediate returns are guaranteed upon all consignments. &or We aro the sole Agents fiir the best articles of TM egar made In this city and elsewhere. July 18, 1860.-6 m. p NEWELL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, N 0.72.3 Arch Street, PlOadelphici. Ono of the largest and moot complete Galleries In the States, where the hest Pictures, known to the rbo• tographio art, ore taken at prices no higher then are paid for miserable caricatures. The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, attends per. /tonally, every sitting—and allows no picture to leave the Gallery millets ft gives perfect satisfaction. Daguerreotypes and Andirotypes, of absentee deceased friends, photographed to any required elm, or taken en Canenes, life size, and painted in Oil by the beet Artiste. At this Gallery pictures can be taken In any weather—. es perfect In cloudy days as when the sun sitinca. Persons ensiling the city are reapectfully invited to no. amine our epechnene, which for prim and quality defy competition. scr, - -Instructiona given in the art of Photography. It. NEWELL, GALLERY or ART, 724 Arch Street, Philadelpha. COMMENDATIONS: From ion. Louie D. Campbell, M. C, Onto My family and friends all concur In the opinion that the (Newell) picture Is more life like than any thing they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by tiM ferent Artlets in various ways, but I have never yet had ono which presents so true to nature, all the features and expressions of countenance as this. From Hon. E. Joy Morris, late Minister to Italy, The exquisite finish, beauty and softness or your por traits, conjoined with their durability of outer and faith. fulness as likenesses, cannot fail to commend them to the attention and patronage Mail who appreciate Into art. From Col. James Page. laving occasion for n portrnit,l procured one from ldr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, a miniature In Oil Colors, under the new prawn di/covered by bun, and take great pleasure In expressing the satisfaction given me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but its artia tic:finish in all respects, end recommends him to the pat renege of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. Nov. 28, 1660 Joe. POOL WOSTENHOLMS' Celebrated ,I X L Knives and Razors, for sale by JAB. A. BROWN. fIALL at D. P. GIVIN'S if you want V GOOD GOODS. I — ILOTHING 1 CLOTHING Ft Keep Lyourself warm. Call at M. GUTMAN & 00'S Clump ing 7Sture, in Long's new building, Market &pars, Huntingdon, Pa. A good stock always on band. (0c2.&) OAL BUCKETS and Shovels, far sal° by JAMES A. BROWS. Qtllool, BOONS, Ly Generally in use in tlte Echools of the County, not CI hand, will be furnished to order on application at LEWIS' 130047 ANDiTATIONERY STORM CLOTHING! -4 large stock on hand, at tho cheap store of IIDNJ. JACOBS. Call and ex- Mille goods snd prices. (oct2S.) TRACING IkrUSI,IN,. • DRANTINO AND MARINA rthz White and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEivis , BOOK 4. STATIONBRY 'FORE. IF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, Cali a 6 tho store of BENJ. JACOBS. B--1.4 the bo VELOPES- y, reek, or Ine quantity, for ilia ' LEWIS' 1700 K .f.:V7) .51.417014,1:Ft1'5T0R 'PIIrLADELPIIIA,