The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 02, 1861, Image 3

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inntingdon, Wednesday-, Jan. 2, 1861
y has our thanks for about three
tarts of very fine eranberries.—Mrs.
:dentine Crouse, for a:very fine cake.
-Mrs. faeob Weaver, for several feet
' prime sausage, apple butter and
uuis. All wholesome food for priu-
An article in the Philadelphia
papers of Friday last, makes
ion of the Member of the House
<-esentatives from this county.—
t he is grossly misrep
\nd should vindicate him
is true, his constituents are
se misrepresented, and it would be
ut justice to both parties that an in
estigation should establish which is
aisrepresented. We call his attention
o it, that he may do himself justice.
We refer our readers to a descriptive
advertisement of the above Work in
mother column. It comes highly re
terninCutled as supplying a public want,
offering in a compact, portable form,
dain simple Bales for every Cakaki
ion required for ordinary business.-
7•lthe man who has so far out-grown
schooling as to feel rusty when
..alled up for work or estimates out of
am line of his every day transactions,
it affords the clue most readily and
conveniently; while to one deficient in
11 but the rudiments of a mathemati
;Vd education, its lucid Rules and Ex-
'les are sufficient to enable him to
,tolve every question presenting itself
in any but extraordinary business
transactions. As a handy book of ref
erence it is invaluable, and may be re
lied on as good authority. For sale at
Lewis' Book Store.
CHRISTMAS.—This great day, prayed
tbr, for weeks by millions of children,
came and passed away as usual. In
the ancient borough, everybody, the
children excepted, appeared to be un
usually quiet. Some of our good citi
zens had their turkey roasts, others
had beef and cabbage, others pork and
out. At this Writing we cannot re
nember what we had, but are very
sere we had not a turkey. Yesterday
we had a turkey, a small one to be
sure, but large enough for a printer.
It was made a present to us by a gen
tleman farmer, in consul... aratiorr-of our
kindrfeSi; in giving him fifty cents be
time we could say it was our own. If
we did have to pay for it, we had the
pleasure of helping to eat it, which is
more than some of our citizens can
say who bought fat gobblers, put them
into their coops, but lost thein between
two days. Somebody has been living
high at a small expense for some
weeks past, for we hear almost daily
of turkeys and chickens missing from
hen coops,
following remedy for this disease, from
the _Yew York Ea7llliller, which has
been used by eminent physicians, the
writer says was never known to fail
when promptly and properly applied.
We insert it for the benefit of the med
ical fraternity and community gene',
" Diptheria in its early stages, may
be raognized by any person of ordin
ary capacity, by two marked symtoms;
the sensation of a hone or hard sub
stance in the throat, rendering swal
lowin;_, difficult and painful, and a
marked Actor, or unpleasant smell of
the breath, the result, of its putrefbc
live tendency. On the appearance of
these symtoms, if the patient is old
enough to do so, give a piece of gum
camphor, of the size of a marrowfat
pea, and let it be retained in the
mouth, swallowing slowly the saliva
hitiged with it until it is all gone.—
, im hour or so give another, and at
.5 end of another a third; a fourth
l not usually be required, but if,the
e+;: in and unpleasant breath are not re
cl'eved it may be used two or three
• ,:ncs more, at little longer intervals,
say two hours. If the child is young,
:lowder the camphor, which can be
• {one by adding a drop or two of spir
ts of alcohol to it, and mix it with an
aqual quantity of powdered loaf sugar,
or better, powdered rock candy, and
blow it through a quill or tube into its
throat, depressing the tongue with
ths haft of a spoon. Two or three ap
plications will relieve. Some recom
mend powdered aloes, or pellitory
with the camphor, but observation
fin 4 experience have satisfied us, that
the camphor is sufficient alone. It
iicts probably by its virtue as a diffu
sible stimulant, and antiseptic quali
Wide Awakes Turning Soldiers
We see by the Pittsburg papers that
he officers of the recent Wide-Awake
"rganizations of Allegheny county
Id a meeting in the pity t)f Pittsburg
'it few days ago, and after some discus
,•":o4 the following resolution, offered
Gen. Negiey, was unanimously
r,Reso/red, That the Meeting recommend to
,;11 The Wide-Awoke companies of Allegheny
Inty an immediate organization under the
-,,ilitin laws of Pennsylvania, each company
7 elect two delegates to meet in convention
the purpose of perfecting a military orgau
Our Huntingdon co. Wide-Awakes
should not be behind time in organi
zing for the conflict. But we fear the
Wide-Awake enthusiasm has been
" played out," and that it would be
impossible to got the b'boys to " do so
]'German and English Almanacs for
.4, only 3 cents, for sale at Lewis' Book
SUDDEN DEATII.-Mr. George Bart
ley, for many years an honest and
quiet citizen of this place, died very
suddenly on Tuesday last. He had
enjoyed good health to within but a
few moments of his death. Ile was
sitting on a chair giving a small boy
some attention, when he suddenly fell
forward upon the floor and almost in
stantly expired.
Union Meeting,
A huge meeting of the friends of the
Union, irrespective of party, was held
by the people of Alexandria and vicin
ity, on Saturday evening 22d ult.—
John Porter Sr. was called to the chair,
and David R. Wilson chosen Secreta
ry. The President in a neat address
stated the object of the meeting.—
Messrs. Charles Porter, John Bisbin,
John W. Swoope, John G. Stewart,
and Geo. 33. Young were appointed a
committee to report prea:nblo and
resolutions expressive of the sense of
the meeting. The Resolutions being
read and amended were adopted by
the unanimous voice of the meeting
and are as follows :
WHEREAS, We believe the South has
just cause for complaint, and it is im
possible to foretell the ruin and de
struction of the Union, it behooves
every well-wisher of his country to ex
ert what influence he may have to pre
vent, so dreadful a calamity from be
falling our beloved and hitherto pros
perous country.
Resolved, That we recommend to
our State Legislature to repeal all laws
now on the Statute book of Pennsyl
vania that are unconstitutional, or con
trary to the laws of the United States
that would, in any Way, prevent the
owners of slaves from recovering their
Resolved, That we recommend to
other States which have passed laws
that are in conflict with the Constitu
tion of the United States, to have them
repealed immediately.
Resolved, That, when all laws that
are unconstitutional and obnoxious • to
the South have been repealed, and
they still insist secession, we will be
under the painful necessity of adopting
the emphatic words of Gen. Jackson,
The Union must be preserved."
Resolved, That we do not use this
strong language as a threat, or mena
cing against our brethren in the South,
but from a love of our country and her
Constitution formed by our ilithers
and sealed with their blood.
On motion Resolved, That a copy of
the above be submitted for publication
in the county papers.
CAssvILLE, Dec. 31, 1860
DEAR GLOBE, Ere this is launched
before the world, the year 1860 will
have passed away: - Wllhc cm-dravu
' aeon, •it noWn, and felt, during
the year just about closing, it is un
necessary for me to speak. We are all
familiarly acquainted with the troubles
now agitating and distracting our com
mon country from centre to circumfer
ence. When we call back to memory
what has transpired within the present
year, can IN ; e not exclaim, Wonderful!
Here, we do not hear much of what is
going on in the world, consequently,
we arc not as well posted as we might
be, but sufficient is known to draw
opinions from those who feel at all in
terested in the present aspect of affairs.
Quite a difference of opinion, however,
has been expressed. Some go in for
immediate action on the part of our
present Chief Executive, while others,
more conciliatory in their views, hold
that he is pursuing an honest, upright,
and prudent course. To the latter, I
beg leave to enter my protest. The
former, I pronounce disloyal in the ex
treme. What would become of us,
were we to bo thrown into civil war
and bloodshed ? May the Almighty
divert the scheme, and in dispensing
His goodness throughout our land, may
He cause the leaders to soo the error
of their ways, and bring them speedily
back to repentance for their treasona
ble designs.
Although the country is being dis
tracted by the cry of disunion, the
young folks about hero (at least, some
of them) seem bent on consolidation,
and in my reportorial capacity, it be
comes my pleasant duty to announce
the following
ALtaann.—On Christians Eve, 24th
inst., by Rev. J. A. Coleman, Pau.
JAMES W. HUGIIES, Of Hancock, Md.,
Principal of Cassville Seminary, and
of .Major Jacob Cresswell, of Cassville,
Hunt. co.,,Pa.
To wish the happy couple a long,
prosperous, and happy life, would only
be reiterating what hundreds have al
ready done, and to which we add—
Amen. We congratulate the Professor
upon the choice he has made, and ex
tend to him the right ge- of old bach
elorhood, notwithstanding he has left
our circle for ono more congenial to a
man of refined manners and feelings.
We hope the Prof. and his lovely bride
may find the connubial bliss all that
their fancy pictured, and may their ex
pectations be fully realized, ,
Oh I married lovel—each heart shall own,
Where two congenial souls unite
Thy golden chains inlaid nith down,
Thy lamp withheaven's own splendor bright.
Christmas passed off quietly. Noth
ing unusual transpired to mar the quiet
we are wont to preserve. Rev. Bwell
preached a Christmas sermon in the
forenoon. By invitation, I took din
ner with the bride and groom - of the
evening previous, at Esquire Clarke
son's, where the delicious viands were
served up in superb style by his min ,
ble and accomplished wife. The 'Squire
and his estimable lady are kind, clever,
and sociable, know how to get up a
dinner to please the most fastidious,
know how to entertain a friend, and
we know how to appreciate the same,
We return the thanks of the party.
Numerous appeals have been made to me by
pious and patriotic associations and citizens,
in view of the present distracted and danger
ous condition of our country, to recommend
that a day be set apart for IRAttt.totoN,
PASTING and PRAYER throughout the Union.
In compliance with their request and my
own sense of duty, I designate Friday Ow 4th
day of January, 1861, for this purpose, and
recommend that the People assemble on that
day, according to their several forms of wor
ship, to keep it as a solemn Fast.
The Union of the States is at the present
moment threatened with alarming and imme
diate danger ; panic and distress of a fearful
character prevail throughout the land ; our
laboring population are without employment,
and consequently deprited of the means of
earning their bread. Indeed hope seems to
have deserted the minds of mon. All classes
are in a state of confusion and dismay, and
the wisest counsels of our best and surest
men are wholly disregarded.
to this, the hour of our calamity and peril,
to whom shall we resort fur relief but to the
God of our fathers? His omnipotent arm
only can save us from the awful effects of our
own crimes and follies—our own ingratitude
and guilt towards our Heavenly Father.
Let us, then, with deep contrition and pen
itent sorrow, unite in humbling ourselves be
fore the Most. High, in confessing our indi
vidual and national sins, and in acknowledg
ing the justice of our punishment. Let us
implore him to remove from our hearts the
false pride of opinion which would impel us
to persevere in wrong fur the sake of consis
tency, rather than yield a just submission to
the unforseen exigencies by which we are
now surrounded. Let us with deep reverence
beseech him to restore the friendship and
good will which prevailed in former days
among the people of the States ; and above
all, to save us from the horrors of civil war
and " blood-guiltiness." Let our fervent
prayers ascend to his Throne that He would
not desert us in this hour of extreme peril,
but remember us as he did our fathers in the
darkest days of the Revolution, and preserve
our Constitution and our Union, the work of
their hands, for ages yet to come.
An Omnipotent Providence may overrule
existing evils for permanent good. He can
make the wrath of man to praise llim, and
the remainder of wrath he can restrain. Let
me invoke every individual in whatever
sphere of life lie may be placed, to feel a per
sonal responsibility to God and his country
for keeping this day holy, and for contribu
ting all in his power to remove our actual
and impending calamities.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 14, 1860.
Mr. Crittenden's Resolutions
Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, addressed the
Senate on Tuesday last, and offered the fol.
lowing resolutions as a settlement of the con
troversy between the Northern and Southern
States. In the course of his speech he ex
pressed the settled conviction that unless
something was done. the Republic would be
separated and divided by the people in less
than six months:
WHEREAS, Alarming dissensions have
arisen between the northern and southern
States, as to the rights to the common terri
tory of the United States, it is eminently de
siruus and proper that such dissensions should
be settled by the constitutional provisions
which give equal justice to all sections, where
by to restore pence. Therefore,
Resolved, By the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives, that the following article be pro
posed and submitted as an amendment to
the Constitution, which shall be valid as a
pat!, of the - Camattation when ratified by con
ventions of three-fourths of the people of the
In all the territories now or hereafter
acquired north of latitude 36 degrees 30 min
utes, slavery or involuntary servitude, except
punishment for crime, shall be prohibited ;
while South of that latitude, it shall remain;
and in all territory south of that latitude,
slavery is hereby recognised as existing, and
not to be interfered with by Congress, but bo
protected as property by all departments of
the territorial government, during its contin
uance as a territory. When territory north
or south of such line, within such boundaries
as Congress may prescribe, shall contain the
population necessary for a member of Con
gress, with a republican form of government,
it shall be admitted into the _ Union on an
equality with the original States, with or
without slavery, as the Constitution of the
State'rnay prescribe.
2. Congress shall have no power to abolish
slavery in places under its jurisdiction, or
in States permitting slavery.
3. Congreiti shall have no power to abolish
slavery in the District of Columbia while it
exists in Virginia or Maryland, or either,—
Nor Congress shall never, at any time, pro
hibit the officers of the government, or mem
bers of Congress, whose duties require them
to live in the District of Columbia, and bring
ing slaves, from holding them as such.
4. Congress shall have no power to hinder
the transportation of slaves from one State
to another, whether by land, navigable rivers,
or by sea.
5. Congress shall have power by law to
pay the owner who shall apply the full value
of the fugitive slave in all cases wizen the
marshal is prevented from discharging his
duty, by force or rescue, made after the ar
rest. In all such eases the United States
shall have power to sue the county in which
such violence or rescue is made, and the
county shall have the right to sue the indi
viduals who committed the wrong in the same
manner as the owner could sue.
6. No future amendments shall affect
the preceding articles, and Congress shall
never have power to interfere with slavery in
the States where it is now permitted.
APAP FOOD.—The Breadstuff market has
beeri much unsettled by the complicated con
dition of political aad financial affairs. Flour
is now selling at lower figures than for ten
years past. The following are the average
prices in the market, in Nov. for 04 years
1828 8 12
1827 5 37
1826 5 50
1825 5 06
1824 5 25
1 1823 6 62
1822 6 50
1821 6 50
1820 4 25
1819 9 12
1818 6 25
1817 0 75
1816 10 00
1815 9 50
1814 8 75
1813 9 25
1812 11 00
1811 9 50
1810 10 25
1809 7 75
1808 5 75
1807 7 00
1800 7 25
1805 - 8 25
1804 10 25
1803 7 50
1802 6 50
1801. 9 00
1800 10 50
1799 10 75
1798 0 00
1787 8 50
A large meeting was held in Norfolk, Va.,
op Thursday night last, and resolutions adop•
ted Pacommonding National and State Con
ventions, opposinf coercion, and protesting
against the opening of the African slave
The Republican platform adopted at Chicago
declares; "That the 'Federal Constitution, the
rights of the States, and the Union of the
Slates 01 , 081 and shall be preserved." This
plank in the Platform involves obligations
which Mr. :Lincoln will not be disposed to
ignore,—ffarristmerff Daily Telegraph.
a precept to me diteeted, stated e a t Alulltipgilon, the
24th day of Neventher,A. IL 1860,muler the hands and seals
of the lion. (kerne Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Ilene, 03;Sr snit Tel miner, twit general jail deliv
ery of the 24th :Militia! *Wet of Penns) Waldo, compo
red of Iluntlngilen, Blair awl eautbila counties; and the
Hons. Itenlidnin P. 'Patton and John Long his 1,5f/d
-ates, Judges of the county of llllTllingdoni justices 11 ..7
signed. appointed to hear, try and determine all and every
indictments made o r taken for or concerning all crimes,
which by the laws of the Mate tiro made capital, or felon
ies of death, and other offences, critics and misdemeanors,
which have been or shell hereafter be committed or pane
trotid, for calms nforeannkol am commanded to mako
public proclamation throughout my 'Miele bailiwick, Butt
a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common fins and
Quarter Portions, u ill bo hold at the Court House in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the second Holiday (and 14th
day) of January next, and those who wilt prosecute the
said prisostort, he then mid there to prosecute them ns it
shall he just. and that nil Justices of the Pence, Coroner
and Constables within said county, be then and there in
their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, n. tit, of said tiny, it Ith
their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran
ces, to do those things which to their offices respectlvely
Dated at Huntingdon, the 10th of December, in the year of
our Lord ono thousand right hundred and sixty,
and the 81111 year of American Independence.
3011 X O. WATSON, Sheriff.
it_ a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Corn
mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing teat the
21th day of November, 1800, 1 ant commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout toy whole ballinlck. that
a Court of Common Pleas null to held at the Court House
In the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and
list day) of January, A. D., 1861, for the trial of all in.
lines ill cull Court at blob remain undetermined before
tiro said Judges, when and where all Jurors, Nvituesaos, and
in the trials of nil issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon the 19th of December, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty,
and the nth year of American Independence.
Sum tier's OFFICE,
Huntingdon, Dec.l7, 1860.
TERM, 1861.
vs ;Janice Iletrikeu, et at
Jahn tla• age vs Matthew Truman.
Wm. Brcu star vs John Jacobs.
Clement's belts vs M. J. Martinet al.
M. Wallace . vs Wm. McCauley, et al
S. L. Keene vs Wilson Gunnell.
A. S. Harrison, for use vs Jlnry A. Shear,.
James Cut don rs Crosswell S. Williams
Sand. D. Maestro 8 vs Alexander Deers, et al.
Morrison Coto T. Co. vs Basher &. Cu.
Joseph S. Reed vs The B. T.lnvn Co.
Santo vs Semi Antbiacite Co.
Moses Robison, for use vs William McClure.
'nom ton Bums vs Wits & Eby.
D. Houtz. nebignee, lte. us Samuel McPherson.
Thos. M. Owens, whin•. vs Augh Seeds.
Peter Vandovander vs JIM. McComb &J. Dayton
Huntingdon County vs D. Brotherlino.
Morris, Fasker & Co. vs Hart ism & :Vattern.
William Crotsley vs Martin & Kurtz .
Thomas Wooten, Jr. ra Thomas Weston.
Peter 'Paite, antler vs J. McComb &J. Clayton.
eminent for C,) plies vs John B. {Venter.
Jas. Di leher, fur sits vs Mary K. °melee, adiur,
Jams.. Dean il Juno E. Hay.
Magdalene Stabler's Ex'r vs D. Mountain's admr.
James Carothers, farmer, Morris.
Peter Doll, farmer, Cass.
James P. Davis, carpenter, Jackson.
Joseph Dysart, farmer, Franklin.
Joseph Gibboney, farmer, Barree.
Michael Garner, farmer, Penn.
George Hazard, farmer, Union.
Robert Huey, farmer, Jackson.
Samuel Hetrick, farmer, Henderson.
Samuel Isenberg, carpenter, Alexandria.
John Jones, farmer, Tell.
Henry Kennedy, J. P., Alexandria.
Adam Lefferd, farmer, Porter.
John K. Metz, farmer, Brady.
John K. MeCahan, gentleman, Huntingdon
W. E. McMurtrie, gentleman, Huntingdon
George McCrum, Sr., farmer, Barree.
Isaac Poightal, former, Penn,
William Pheasant, farmer, Union.
James J. Robison, foreman, Shirley,
John Simpson, laborer, Warriorstuark.
John Waddle, farmer, Brady.
Robert Wilson, mill wright. Jackson.
Samuel Watson, laborer, Warrioremark.
James C. Brewster, merchant, Clay.
John Clabaugh, laborer, Walker.
Benj'n. Cornelius, plasterer, Springfield.
Henry.C. Cromer, farmer, Springfield.
James Cree, merchant, Dublin.
Hugh Cunningham, farmer, Porter.
Charles Duff, farmer, Bhrree.
William Dean, farmer, - Penn.
Darius Doyle, farmer, Clay.
John Eby, farmer. Shirley.
George Eby, farmer, Brady.
Abraham Elias, farmer Toll.
Abraham S. Etnier, nie'rohant, Shirley.
W. H. Meaner, teacher, Henderson.
David Foster, farmer, Oneida.
Geo. M. Green, J. P. Cass.
John B. Given, contractor. Huntingdon,
Samuel B. Grossman. merchant, Jackson
J. S. Griffith, M. D. Huntingdon.
Adam Hoffman, chairmaker, Walker .
John "'Luca, farmer, Porter.
Abraham Varnish, farmer, Morris.
Josiah Horton, farmer, Tod.
William Lloyd, gunsmith, Franklin,
Henry Meteor, plasterer, Brady.
Alexander Magee, farmer, Tell.
Abraham Myerly, farmer, Brady.
John Myerly, farmer, Union.
John A. Nash, printer, Huntingdon.
Isaac Oateakirk, farmer, Brady.
Levi Pheasant, farmer, Union.
Daniel Price, farmer, Clay.
Samuel Peightal farmer, Henderson.
John Robb, farmer, Walker.
Jacob Rider, carpenter, Warriorsmark.
William Serbert, farmer, Tell.
Alexander Stewart, farmer, NVarriorsmark
William Shaw, shoemaker, Alexander.
Solomon Stever, farmer, West.
Mahlon Stryker, farmer, West.
Joe. D. Steakhouse, farmer, Brady. '""
Samuel S. Secrist, farmer, Brady.
George Smith, farmer, Cass.
David Tussey, farmer, Porter. •
Ephraim Thompson, farmer, Porter.
Daniel Weight, farmer, Cass,
John S, Weston, farmer, Brady,
John White, merchant, Huntingdon.
John Addleman, farmer, Warriorsmark.
Robert K. Allison, farmer, Brady.
Philip Bourlough, farmer, Porter.
John Beavor, farmer, Hopewell.
James Coulter, farmer, Hopewell.
Henry Cornpropst, farmer, Barree.
Andrew Chaney, farmer, Barret).
Wm. L. Cunningham, J. P. Clay. '
Joseph Biggins, farmer, Carbon,
John C. Davis, farmer, Oneida.
Reuben Duff, farmer, Barree.
Joseph Buff, farmer, Jackson.
Abraham Grubb, mechanic, Walker.
John Householder, J. P. Penn.
B. B. Hessong, potter, Cassvillo,
Henry Ijudson, farmer, Clay.
John llenderson, farmer, \Vest.
Solomon Houck, J. P., Tod.
William Hildebrand, farmer, Shirley.
John McClain, farmer, Carbon.
Jacob Miller, farmer, Oneida.
Thomas McGarvey, butcher, Shirleysburg
J. Adison Moore, merchant, Carbon.
Joseph Morrison, inkeeper, Carbon.
Alexander Neely, farmer, Dublin.
Joseph Norris, farmer, Penn.
Calvin Patterson, farmer. Warriorsmark.
Joseph Powell, farmer, West. .
John Rhodes, farmer, Henderson.
Lewis Smawley, farmer, Shirley.
James Stewart, Jr., farmer, Jackson.
Henry W. Swoops, farmer, Porter.
David Thompson, farmer, Henderson.
Henry S. Wharton, agent, Huntingdon.
George Wilson, farmer, West.
John M. Wallace, Carpenter, Clay.
Just received from tho Onondaga Salt Company,
Syracuse, N. T., to be sold on commisgion, either whole
solo or retail., 200 HARKELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT.
Oct. 31, 1360. I , ISIIEIt A SON.
11A PER ! PAPER ! !
Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Platcnp—a
good assortment for sale by tho roam, half ream, quirt, or
A fine stock of Ladies' Furs just reedy
ed at tho cheap store of FISHER & SON.
Alarge assortment of Nubias, Opera
Cup., Solana, sultnblo for buttes and cblldron, by
& SON.
FrITE largest stock of De Laines in town
by FISHER & 80N,
good artido G/r gale nt
ltAli t E CHANCE,—
Thu reII Ithimn Anihrotypo wis4pu, situated ou
street, with everything in perfect order, for carrying on
the business. Teens easy and a reasonable credit glven.
For further Information apply soon to the eadoretghed,
on Allegheny street, Huntipgdon,
Nov. 21, 1860.
_NEW CIGAR .4 NDTO 13 4C C 0
nom J. A. lIANIGAR,
A practical tobacconist, has opened a now TOBACCO
one door west of the Bread Top liailrimd 0111 ac, where he
has on hand a large assortment of prime Cigars and To•
bocce, which ho mill sell either wholesale or retail. Store.
keepers, shopkeepers, and all others 11, ha deal in the wood
should call. Ills prices are low. Call and sea.
I imitingdon. Nov. 7, 1860.
[Estate of Jame§ Hemphill, Deed.]
Letters of administration with the Will annexed, on
the estate of James Hemphill, late of Huntingdon bor.
ongh, deed. having been grouted to the undemigned, all
persons indebted are requested to maim Immediate pay
ment, and those haying &tints will present them duly au.
thenticated for settlement. MARTHA CAItMON,
Huntingdon, Wen 5, 1850.-lit. Administratrix.
[Estftteof John White, Demme:J.]
Lettere of Admlnistiatlon upon the Estate of john White,
Late of Huntingdon borough, deed., having been panted
to the goilereigned, all pea soon itylehtett are rotltWAtsil to
make immediate payment, and those having cialina will
present them du ly liothentifOitia for settlement.
Nov. 21, 1860. Administrutrix.
Who has had 30 Years Constant Practice,
In Huntingdon, on the 14th day of January. Also
on the loth day of February next, and ono day in every
month fur one year tram his commencement, of )vilich
notice NV 111 be given.
Ile t mats all diseases that flesh is heir to. Ito invites
nll females who may be sniTei log with diseases peculiar to
their sex, to call anti °amine his new mode of treatment,
as thousands have been restored to health wino have been
abandoned by others. lie is in possession of perfect in
struments fur sounding the lungs and chest and is there
fore able to determine the exact condition of the II tal or
gans—consequently can treat such complaints with great
er safety and cm tainty than it Is possible for those mho
guess at the disease and experiment for its cure. Ile be
lieves that for every malady, there Is found in our soil a
sure and never-failing remedy.
Patients can reecho treatment for $5 per month,
except in cases of Cancers and Humors, they vary from
$lO to $lOO. Examination free.
N. B.—See Handbills.
Dec. 10, ISCO
' by sit too of an older of the Orphans' Court of Hunting
don county, the muleisigned, administrator of tito estate
of David Mountain, late of Hopewell township, dee'd., nun
expose to Public Into, on the promisee, on
Thursday, rho 10th day of January, 1601,
nt 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described real estate,
The Mansion Tract of said deceased, con
taining about SO Acres; all cleared but about seven acres.
The imptovements aro a good two story dwelling house ;
slab basement, double log barn and other outbuildings,
together 1, Rh a fine lot of fruit trees. Tho land ix in a
good state of cultivation. This farm is ono of the beat in
this locality, being partly river bottom. It is bounded on
the east by the Juniata Hirer, on the south by John and
George Bei 'caresser, and on the not lb and west by Jacob
Ai,so—ln connection with and as part of
tire Mansion Farm, one other tract of Timber Lund, con
taining SO Acres, more or less, adjoining Janiata River
on the east, Jacob Weaver on the south, J. T. Shirley A:
llra, on the west, and Pattelimn on tire north. T9ds land
lira nithln one mile of the Mansion Tract, RIO is lien
timbered and the two parcels make a desirable property.
TEAMS.—One-third of the purchase money to be paid
on confirmation of the sale, and the billows° to two equal
annual payments, Milli interest, to bestowed by the bonds
and met tgage of the ruyelniser.
December, 10, 1800. Administrator.
Come to Um reAtenee of the suMeriber,in
Fanklin too liship,M block and o bite spottedge_
COW, with om horn. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges, and lotto h.q. away.
Franklin tp., Dec. 12,1800.-Bt.•
A Boot of Plain Rule.; awl Calculations/or Bueinats Opt
ralions,by Marlin B. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and
Omrryaravr. .New Allition,publislial by J. B. Lippin
cott ,c W. , Pitauddiddia.
This pork contains 204 pages, and uph ants of 500 Rules
and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such as
arise every day in the common pursuits of Business. It
has already passed through a number of editions in rapid
succession, and is pronounced by all classes of business
men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining to
calculations, that has ever been published.
Every example in the hook is worked out In full an 4
stated n plain manner, BO that when a parallel cone aff.
son, Mom referring to tho work will find no difficulty in
solving it; In a word, the general amingenumt of the
CALCULATOR is simple, that any one who knows how to
add, subtract, multiply rind divide, can easily anise any or
dinary example that arises in business, or arrive at the
true remit °tatty estimate requited.
The chief aim of the author Ims been to eschew theory
and philosophy in figures. aiming only at fitete and simpli
rity, belies jug thitt business linen Cale little about spen
ding time iu discussing the philosophy of rules, or the
science of figures, deeming It sufficient for their purpose
to ho able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the true
result. The CALCULATOR differs fit tide respect front all
other Arlthinetics of the day and kindred works—it Ls.
key to pi incited business calculations—it Is, in tiw Immix
of the business map, what the key to mathematical works
in the hands of the teacher in the school room—it facili
tates time and lioureo 90MOtlICAr
Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Thick and Brick
Work, of Stone and Stone work, of grain nod putt, bins,
of coal and cord bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of cir
cular, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and ante, of
roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's, plumb.
er's, paper banger's and upholsterers' woi k. It heats of
currency nod of foreign and domestic exchange, of the
decimal system, of reduction and its extended application
to business, of simple and compound interest, and their
entire application to businosa transactions, with the laws
and usages governing the same, together as ilk numerous
COIIIIIICI dal forms—of legal tender, of pan tial payment on
notes. of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay
ment and of partnership accounts, of assessment of taxes,
of weights and measures, of squalls and Cubic measure, of
the square root and Ito application to business of surfaces,
of excavation, and of many other Important practical
matters not within the scope of an advettisefuent to men
Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the at titan, or the
professional man. It lies prince a valitable auxiliary to
the lawyer, tiro justice of tho peace, the oonveyancer, and
cal estate broker, to tho assessor, tho banker, the clerk,
to the Civil engineer and the aureu3or, to the Cu! neuter
tool brieklayet, to the stonemason nod the plasterer, to
the paper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver and the
tiler, Xc., die.; each and all sill find it adapted to their va
rious wants totter thou any book published.
tYap Price. 50 cents. For sale at Lewis' Book Store.
Huntingdon, Dec. 26, 1569.
Compiled from the Acts of Assembly by
This work contains over 400 pages of closely printed
matter, and will bo sold by subseriptiou•
It teaches the duties of Justices of the Peace, with forms
for Um transaction of their Int:line.
It teaches this duties of Constables Rith all the neces
sary forms, appertaining to the make.
It contains the duties of the Supervisors of every Coun
ty end Toss liship in the State.
It contains this mode of proceduro for tho Wing out
and opening of public and private roads, of vacating and
sliming roads, the building of bridges, dc. , &c.
It contains the Common School Law, ulth explanations,
decisions and directions, together with forms for Deeds,
bonds, Conti acts, Certificates,
fie., de. This department
of tho work was compiled at Harrisburg by Mr. Samuel
P. bates, Deputy Superintendent, and is alone worth the
price of rho volumo to any ono interested in Common
It contains the duties of Townhhip Auditors.
It contains the laws rehab. e to Dogs and Sheep.
It contains Um duties of Ashessins.
It contains the laws to solution to Stru)s, Mules end
It contains the laws relative to Fences and Fence View
It contains the laws relative to Clam Hunting, Trout
and Deer.
It contains the Election Laws with all the necessary
It contains the Naturalization Lass E., with all Also neces
sary Forms for Application.
It contains a large number of Legal Mons, which are
used In the every day transaction of business, Such as
Acknowledgments, Affidavits, Articles of Agreements and
Contracts, Partnership, Apprentices, Assignments, Attes
tations, Dills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, Bills of
Sale, Bonds, Cloaks, Covenants, Deeds, Deriosition, Duo
Bills and Produco Notes, Landlord and Tenant, Leases,
Letters of Attorney, Marriage, Mortgages, Receipts and
Releases. The work is bound in law sheep, rind will be
sold to subscribers at $1.25 per copy, payable on delivery
of the work. Tho work has passed the revision of many
of the best Lawyers in the State and has received their
unqualified approbation, as a reliable hand book of refer
ence upon all subjects upon which it treats. The whole is
arranged In such a manner ns to present a plain, concise
and explicit statement of the duties of all township Offi
cers, as may be readily understood by any on. Hun
tingdon County will be thoroughly canvassed for the
uork, and the support of the citizens IS respectfully soli
Wm. Colon ' of Huntingdon, is General Agent for Hun
tingdon County.
P. S. Good Canvassers ore wanted In all parts of this
County for the above ',lurk, to whom a liberal compensa
tion will be given. Applications which must be made nt
an early date, cldres.eil to Mr. Colon as above n ill receive
prompt attention.
Dec.ll, 160.
seven years of wirivalleci eµccess atteioling
have made lt a household word throughout every quarter
of the country.
Under the anspice4 of this popular institution, over tla ec
hundred thousand homes have learned to appreciate —by
beautiful works of art on their ,vallsatal choice literature
on their tables, the great benefits deri,ed horn Ircoming
a sulrectiher.
Subscriptions are now being received iq a ratio unp
. aral
Med with that of any previous year,
Any person can become a mombpr by subsFrlblng three
dollars, for which stun they pi t ! epelyo . •
let.—The large anti saperli steel engntring, 30 x 38
Inches, ontittett,
2,1.-01 m copy, one year, of that elegantly Illuitratcd
'od.—Four ndmissious, dtiriog the season, to
." 1,8, 518 BROADWAY,
In addition to the above bepelits, there will tee %typn to
sUbsOribms, as gratuitous premiums, over
comprising valuable paintings, nun hies, parlaus, outlines,
&c., forming a truly national benefit.
The superb engraving, m hinh every subscriber will re.
ccive,entitled, "Falstaff Nasky-iv Ids Recruits.," is one of
the most beautiful and popular engravings ever issued in
this country. It is done on steel, in fine line and super,
nod Is printed on heavy plate paper, iltOx3B inches, making
a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either
the library; parlor or office. Its subject is the celebrated
scene of Sir John Falstaff receiving in Justice Shallow's
office, the recruits uhich lime been gathered for his "rag.
ged regiment." It could not bo furnished by the trade
for less than five dollars.
The Art Journal is too welt known to tho whole coun
try to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustra
ted magazine of Art, containing, Essays, Stories, Poems,
Gossip, So., by the very best writers in America.
The EngraNing is sent to any part of the country by mail
with safety, being packed in a cylinder, postage tuepalti.
Subscriptions .111 be received until the evening a t the
31st of January, 1861, at which time the books will goo
and the premiums be given to subscribers.
No person is restricted ton single subscription. Those
remitting $l3, ore entitled to the memberships and to one
extra Engraving for their trouble.
Subscriptions front California, the Cnnadae, and all For
eign Counities, must be $3,50 Instead of $3, in order to de
fray extra postage, etc..
For further particulars send for a copy of the elegantly
Illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the handsomest Mag
azine in America. It contains Catalogues of premiums,
and numerous superb engravings. Regular price ; 60 cents
per umnber. Specimen copies, however, will be tent to
those wishing to subscribe, on receipt of 1$ cents, in coin
or gawps. Address,
C. L. DERBY, AcruArtv C. A. A,.
510 Broadway. New York.
Orr Subscriptions received and fomented by :MO. J.
LAWRENCE, Agent for Huntingdon and vicinity, whir°
specimen lingra,ino and Art Journal can be seen, •
Nov. 21,11360.
Professor of Patlugogy and Opel alive Surgery in Mn
Veterinary Cbtleur of Plolcotelphia, de., de.
WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History and distinctivo
traits of the various breeds of European,
Asiatic, African and American horses,
with the physical formation and pe
culiarities of the animal, and how to
ascertain his ago bY the number and
condition of tits teeth; Blush aced with
nmucrous explanatory engravlngi.
WILL 'TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed•
jug, aroOling, Shoeing, nud the gener
al management of the horse, with the
Leaf tondos of administering medicine,
Blau, how to treat Biting, Ricking,
Renting, Shying, StunAling,
ing. Restlessness, MI ether vices to
which ho Is subject; with µninepin; ex
planatory engravings.
WILL TELL YOU Of the causes,symptoms,and Treatment
of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper,
Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu
monia, Plenmey, Broken Wind, Chron
ic: Cough, Bearing and Whlstling.Lam
pas, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, mid De
cayed Tett ',Oh other diseases of the
Waal an IlesOratpry Or&aps.
WILL TKLL YOU Of the CR11.9, symptoms,and Treatment
or Worms, !tole, Civello. Strnngulntlon,
Stony Concrstions, Ruptures, Patsy,
Uritte, Stones in the Kidneys and Iliad.
ijer, IntiamAtion nod other diseases of
the Stowell, Bowels, Lim nu 4 Uri.
ttury orguuN,
WILL TELL YOU Of tho causes, symptoms, *ad Treat
ment of Bono, Blood and Bog, Opal in,
Bing Bone, Seeable. Strains, Broken
Knees, What Calls, Foamier, Cracked
Ifoofs, Sole Braise and SI rat th Canker,
Scratches, Thritalt and Corns; also, of
Megrhns, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers,
and other diseases of the Feet, Legs,
and Head.
WILL TELL YOU Of the conceit, symptoms; and Treat
ment of Fidide, Boil Eyil, Wanders,
Foley, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Stu felt,
Loaired Jaw,litheematism.Cramp&ialls,
Bicepses of the Eye and Heart, &c , &c,,
and Jiow to manage Castration, Bleed
ing, Trephining, Bonoling. Firing,
Heinle, Amputation, Tapping,. and oth-
Of enr,gical operations.
WILL TELL YOU Of ilatey's Method of towing, llorees;
how to Approach, traitor, or Stable a
Cult; bow to accostoO) a boVio to
stratolt 000ndt and sights, mid how to
Eit, Swtdlo, Ride, and liecalc him to
liaruess; also the form and law of
IittIANTY. The whole being Um re
sult of 15 years' careful study of t it o
habits, peculiarities, wants and wenic-
nooses of this noble and useful animal.
The book contains 304 pages, appropriately illustrated
by nearly 100 Engravings. It Is printed inn clear and
open type, nod n ill be tornardod to any address, postage
paid, on receipt of price, half bound, $l.OO, or, to cloth,
extra, $1.23.
$lOOO A YEAR can be mado by enterprising men overy
where, in Belting the above, and outer popular works of
oars. Our Inducements to all such nra exceedingly liber
al. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to Agents,
with other information, apply to or address
301131 E. POTTER, Publisher,
No. 017 &mom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nov. 7, 1800.-Om.
Carefully Revised by S. Hale
IT TELLS You How to ammo WI kinds or Moots, Poultry,
and Game, with all the various and most
approved modes or dressing and cooking
Beef and Pork; also the !mit and simplest
way of salting, pfekling and curing the
Sams. '
IT TELLS You All the various and most approved modo9 of
dressing, cooking, and boiling Mutton,
Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and game of all kinds
with tho different Dressings, Gravies, and
Stuffings appropriate to each.
Ix Tule You How to choose, clean, and preserve Vial/ of
all kinds, and how to sweeten it when taint
ed ; also all the various and most approved
modes of cooking, with the diffeient Di ens-
Jags, &noes, and Flavoring appropriate to
IT TELLS You All the various nail most approved tactics of
pi epariug over 60 kinds of 31eat,Flatt,Sow1.
Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths. and
Stews, with the Realties onl Seasonings
appropriate to each.
Xi TELLS You All tho various and most opyroved modes of
cooking Vegetables of every description,
also how to prepare Pickier, Catsups and
Curries of all kind% Potted Meats, PM,
Germ, Mushrooms, dc.
Ix TELLS You All thevarious and most approved modes of
prepailng and cooking all kings of HAM
and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes,
Fritters, Cakes, C,onfecttouary, Preserves,
Jellies, end Sweet Dishes of every &Karr
IT TELLS You All the varlousand most approved modes
of making Bread, Husks, Mutlinsond
and the beat method of preparing
Coffoo, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to
make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of va
shrug hinds.
IT TELLS You How to sot out and ornament, a Table, how to
Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and
in short, how to so simplify the wbolo Art
of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries
of tho table within the everybody's reach.
Thu book contains 418 pages, isnd upwards of 1200 11c
cipcis, all of which are the results of octant experience,
having been fully and carefully tested under the personal
superintendence of the wraers. It is printed in a clear
and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engravings,
and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and
postage paid, on receipt of the price, $l.OO, or in cloth, EX
tilt $1.20.
$lOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising men every
where, in selling the abort) work, our inducomaiits to all
such being
very liberal.
For single copies of the Rook, or sOr te r ms to agents,
with other information. apply to or raltlress
JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher,
No. 617 Sggooi :Arcot, Philadelphia,
Nov. 7,1860.-6 m,
raUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Givia's
\A than can be had in town. Coll and see them.
T4 ADIES' SKATES arc sold by
tu.sunit. & ON
A Splendid variety of Carpets, only
25 cts. pct. 3 nrd. ViSp. Kit 8 SON.
yatot b Edegrapt.
WAsqINoTON, T)ec. 31, 1860.
SENATE.—Mr. Powell, of Kentucky, report
ed from the enipamittee of Thirteen, that the
Cpmmitteo had not been able tq,pgreeon
4ny general plan of adjustment, and asked
that the journal of the Committee be printed.
Mr. Douglas, of Illinois, said that he
wished to speak on the subjcet: Postponed
till Wednesday.
14r, Crittenden asked the Senate set apart
some day for the .consideration of a joint
resoluticm Mbe offered by him. Made the
special order for Wednesday.
Mr. Benjamin, of Louisiana, said that be
had supposed that pre this we would have
had official news of the position of South
Carolina, and should therefore assume that
we had information.. lie spoke at consider
able length and with much feeling, and in
conclusion remarked that War might coma,
but thp,redpral Govusnment could never sub
jegota the §outh:
Decisive Action by the Cabinet—Thi Pres
ieletq's Speeial Message.
WASHINGTON', Dec, M .—No decisive ac
tion was taken by the Cabipet to-day relative
to the Charleston forts, ,
The President's speoial reessEge will prob
ably be transmitted to Congress on Wednes
day. It is understood that he will submit
such facts as may be considered necessary
concerning the 'secession movements.
WAstitrinroN, Jan. 1.-42 M.—Awing to
the extraordinary eNitement last night im
the city, a portion of the police force was de•
tached to patrol the aquae on which' stands
the house where the Commissioners from
Charleston reside." Nothing serious, however,
The Pommissioners, though not officially
informed of it,have been given to understand ;
satisfactorily, by those whose word is milli- .
cient, that they will neither be recognized
by tho President personally, nor by a mes
sage to Congress,
About filly Union flags were fun up this
morning in different parts of the city: •
Philadelphia Advertisements.
In all Ito Branches; executed In the bout style
known in the art, at ,
53,1 Arch arca, ra of Sixt7i, rhaadclo4
Life size in Oil and Pastlic, Stereoscopic liortraite,
Fon Cues, Medallions, Pins, Ringo, ac.
The Erie Sewing Machina. We give aComimisaion,
or wages at from $25 to $6O per month, and ewnees
paid. 'Pad i 9 a now Machine, and so simple In its tore i trym
lion that ft child of 10 years can learn to °pent° it by
half on hour's 'Detraction. It le equal to ittriy, Family
Sewing Machine in use, and the price to but Fifteen Del.
lore. Arsons wishing an agency will-address
Secretary Erio Sowing 'Machine Company,
Nov. 14,1860. MILAN, 01110.
Carpet Chain, Cotton Thrn, Cotton Batts,
No. 206 (old No. 116) N. Third St, Philadelphia.
.I:CiP• Our Carpet Chain la put up rum. VZianr, without
etetmard. Orders promptly attended to.
Nov 14, 1860.
In every County of the United States, to engage In the
sale of some of the , beet upd most elegantly illustrated
Works publlsbeS,
Our putilisallops tiro of the most interesting character,
adopted to the wants of the Farmer,Mechanic and Mer
chant; they are published In the beet style and bound in
the idost subetantial manner, and are worthy a place In
the Library of every Household In the Laud.,'
figy- To men of enterprise and industrious habits, thlf
Immiess efface an opportunity. for profitable employment
Odom to be met with..,„4,
IM. Persons desiring to ot as agents will receive
promptly by mail full particulars, terms, dm., by address
1n LEARY, GETZ de Co.,..Publishers,
X0,'12 - IP,cerid Street, Philadelphia.
N0v.14, 1660 '
Having removed to their Ness storp, Cdr. 'FOURTH &
MARKET Streets, are now prepared' to offer to the trade
largo and elegant uooontment of •
WINDOW CURTAIN 000138, &c.,
of the newest and best designs, from the lowest priced
article to the finest
Gold and 'Velvet DecoratipAs. '
Purchasersa do well , to
E visit Hie establishment
N. E, Cur, Fourth it Market, Philadelphia. , •
Oct. 3, 1860.4rn.
rAL:SIER & CO., .
Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED and
PICKLED FISH, viz: Mackmel, Shad, Salmon, Blue
FiA, Cod Fish, Beef, Pork. Lard, Shoulders, Hams , lidos
Chem, Beans, Rice, lee.
Oct. 3, 1850.-3n1,•
e NO. 018, MARKET STREET, 11111,ADELC1114
1 on hand and is constantly readying large assorrudnts
of American, English, and Siviss.Wielches, which le will
sell at lower prices than ever offered:
.7. L. would call particular attention'to the celebrated
AMERICAN WAICIf, which for accuracy of time and 'duns.
Witty, and less liability of getting out of order is sciperF
or to any other Imported watch, made at an ything illio
the same cost.' • Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated . Wars,
of all stiles and patterns.
Cold, Sdrer and Red Spedasle-T, •
with glasses for all sights, with PATE.yr, as well no the old
St3lo frames. All goods sold at my establishment are
warranted to ho as represented, add satisfaction guaravis
teed to all yurclineerB, n 4 /90, 018, Illarkat Stroot, Corm
ofTecatur. ['Sept. lb, 1860,4 y,
Ism C. NEIMAN, "
So, q 3 4yorth Scam& St., opposite Christ Church,
Ilas Isr solo, tho Iva Amity (Itokjpg Stores in
the Alarket—e good and lajthrtil Bement; tlidgreat
protM/eri car the Family I Every himisehold should have a
relic/Ws Lehigh Gas Beerier Cooohing Stove—always relia
ble, always economical. . .
Also, the great as Cansuming Ilialing Stone, for Par
lors, Ac..—n3ll burg less ,fuel and enilt,lnore heat than
any other stove. For sale. with a large assortment of all
kinds in COOKING awl HEATING STOVES, Wholesale
and Retail. WILLIAM C. NEMAN,
No. 33 Noll], Second St,, sharp Market, Philadelphia.
Sort. 19, 1860.-3 m.
HANCOCK, CAMP & CO., Produce and General Com
mission Merchants, N 0.47, North Water St., below Arch
St., Philadelphia.'
An-Agents for all Guano's Super Phosphates of Limo,
Potirettes, and other kinds of Fertilizers.
Ail- All descriptions of Country Produce taken in ex
clomp or sold on Cbmniission.
LSO-Quick soles and immediate returns are gumanteett
upon all eonsigntnents.
CrAi-Wo are the sole Agents for the Vest articles of Flu:
esar'minie in this city mid elsewhere.
• July IS, 1560-Gm.
M. Pa Arch Streit, Philadelphia.
One of the largest and meet complebt Galleries in the
• States, where the beet Pictures, known to the Phu;
tographic art, ere taken nt prices no higher
than are paid for miserable caricatures,
The Propriett&, a practical Photographer, attelids pep,
woolly, every sitting—and allows no picture to Igave the
Gallery unless it gives perfect satisfaction,
, Daguerreotypes and AinbrOtypes, of absent or decense'd
frldnds, photographed to any required size, or taken on
Canvass, life size, and painted in Ott by the bqt Artiste.
At this Gallery pictures can be takep in oily weather—
.. perfect in cloudy days as viben the Bun SIAM , .
Persons visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex
amine our sPeallilerts, Which for price and quality dory
Dist puption s given In the en of Photography.
724 Arch Street, Philadolplct
From 11on.1:Mlis D. Campbell, Ohio.
My family and friends all amen).fp. tlfe, opinkfn that
the (Newell) picture is more than any Ilang they
ever saw. My likeness has tient' repeatedly taken by tiff:
ferent Artists in various ivnys, but 1 have never yet had
one a Melt presents do true to nature, all the features awl
expressions of teuntenniike as this.
Tim non. E. Joy Morris, late Minister to Italy,
Tim exquisite finish hanuty null softness of your pu
lpits, eipiJoined smith their durability of color and faith
fulness as likenesses, cannot fail to commend them to the
attention and patronage of all who appreciate 4rae art.
Front Col. James rage.
flaring occasion for a portrait,.l procured one from Mr.
Robvi Newell, of ilia city of Philadelphia, a miniature in
Oil (A
era,muter the 'me process edisebrel4el by knit, and
take great plciunifp in expressing the satisfaction given
me, not only by tub accuracy of tho likeness, hut Its ants
tic finish in all rCspects and recommends him 'th - the pat
foliage of those dispospil to ensegirage the beautiful art.
Nov. 28,1860 . ./A9. PAGE.
WOSTENHOLMS' Celebrated I X T. 4
Knives and Razors, for sale by
11ALL at D. P. OW IN'S if yop want
lJ noon coons.