The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 02, 1861, Image 2

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    of bringing these immortals, here," and
then loud peans come from seraphic
legions in glad reply, " Welcome, bro
ther Homer No greater glory than
this is there in earth or heaven for any
created intelligence_ .But for such an
office, it beconies a. man that he have
a range of learning, beyond that of
other . inen; has your son made the ac
quisition ? He must have an abiding
feeling that he is less than the least of
all who love- the Master, and must
have the capacity to become all things
to all men Has he these humili
ties, and these versatilities? tic
must be silent when he is scorned; he
must not return a stroke, nor answer
to a taunt; when curses Come he must
bless; when sinned against he must
forgive; has he the moral courage to
met these debasements, and yet above
them all to stand and feel that he is
second to no livin,g man; that he is an
ambassador from the court of the King
of kings? Has he the breadth of in
tellect to compass all learnings? the hu
mility of heart to feel abidingly before
his Maker that he is but a worm, and
yet the grandeur of soul in the light
of the Lamb to feel, " I heir the uni
verse by right of birth."
Instead then of determining what
you would like your sou to be, seek to
ascertain what he is capable of being;
what ho is certainly competent for.—
In short, seek not for your child the
post he can get, but the post he can
fill; for it is better to be an honor to
the hod than a disgrace to the crown
—better be an accomplished mechanic
than a contemptible King.—. Hall's
Journal of _Health.
HER A SLAVE.-011e day last week a
gentleman of this city hailed an up
country boat, the Cora Anderson, as
she was passing Greenville, Miss.,
whither he had gone on business, to
return home. Shortly after being un
der way our Natchez friend observed
a pensive looking little girl, aged
about 9 or 10 years, whose black hair
and yellowish brown skin would indi
cate that she was a mulattress. There
was something about her that inter
ested him, and he inquired of the cap
tain concerning her. Ife was informed
that she was a slave belonging to a
man on board, whom the captain
pointed out, who said he was taking
her to New Orleans to sell her, he hav
ing bought her for $l6O in North Wes
tern Missouri, on the borders. Our
Natchez friend eyed the little girl and
the border man so closely as to at
tract the attention of the latter, with
whom he was soon engaged in con
versation concerning the child, inter
rogating him in such manner as to
elicit answers not always agreeing
with previous statements and evident
ly alarming him. This was suspicious.
The little girl was taken aside and ex
amined. She said she was an orphan,
and had been taken from an asylum
in New York by this man ; that her
hair was light and her complexion bru
nette ; that this man told her he was
going to the South with her, where, as
his adopted child, she would have a
good home; that black hair was pre
ferrgcl in the South; and prettier than
hers, and that hAtid , 'ltaken her to a
barber and had her hair dyed bladk.
Ile also told her that if s '.lllgyould al
low him to put some yelloW, dye on
her skin that her complexion would
become much whiter in a few days
he had put the stain on. On
earn% t .ese - Statements the girl was
taken charge of by the captain, and
potash, soap and water being applied,
the dyes were taken oft' and the light
hair and light complexion brought to
light. The pretended master was
seized by the excited passengers, who
were about to deal with him summa
rily, but it was finally arranged to
lock him up in a stateroom until the
boat should land. In the meantime
the boat had passed St. Joseph, and
when a few miles below that town
rounded to take on wood. At this
point, how or in what manner is not
the border ruffian escaped
from the boat, leaving his baggage be
hind. The girl was taken by the cap
tain of the boat to New Orleans and
placed in one of the orphan asylums
nn thatsity.—Natchez Free Trader.
Gov. Plokeno ana tiler Ports at Charleston
Gov. Pickens, of South Carolina,
was serenaded in Charleston on Fri
day evening, 21st., and in returning
thanks, said:
Fellow-citizens, allow me to say to
you that I hope and trust I am in pos
session of' information that, perhaps,
there may be no appeal to force on the
part of the federal authorities. [Cheers ]
But if I am mistaken in this, at leas'
as far as I am concerned, we are pre
pared to meet any and every issue. I
hope and trust that under existing cir
cumstances there will be no impru
dence—no rash appeals to counsels
caught under the impulse of false ru
mors; that we will prove to the world
that we are not only free and indepen
dent, but that We aro entitled to be so
by our virtues and our character. The
convention in all human probability,
will, in a few days, send the ordinance
to Washington, which proclaims you
to be, as you have a right to be, a free
and independent republic. [Applause.]
And until they present the claims of
South- Carolina to your forts and your
public places, now in possesion of the
federal government, it is our duty to
sustain that convention by showing
that we are ready to await a free and
fair demand. But if, in the meantime,
there is any attempt to increase the
forces that now garrison them, so far
as I am concerned, it shall not be done
without an appeal to arms.
[Loud and prolonged cheering.]
I sincerely. desire that so far as I am
concerned, we shall triumphantly go
through this great controversy without
an appeal to arms. But, if it be ne
cessary to vindicate the independence
of my country, I vow to you here,that
all the power that I have, shall be eX
erted to maintain to the last extremi
ty the independence of South Caroli
na. [Great applause.]
DIARIES FOR 1861.—A fine assortmeni just
received and for sale at Lewis' Book Store.
Diaries should be in more general use. The
young man in pArtieuiar should keep a Diary
in his pocket and note down something every
day in the year. A good thought or a good
action carefully noted down every day during
1861 might produce good fruit in after life.
ger- Alre take pleasure in calling attention
to the advertisement of It. Newell's Gallery
of Art. The testimonials aro of the first
character. *
El2e 0310()t.
Wednesday, January 2, 1861
surrrmxAs, MORTGAGES,
_NOTES, with a waiver of t e $3OO Law.
JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO tow.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
and Ministers of the Gospel.
of Assault and Battery, and Affray.
:CI ERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taves.
Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of
BLANKS. of every description. printed to order, neatly,
at short notice, and on good Paper.
New Advertisements.
A}-Card, by Henry T. White.
IN7 otico, by Agricultural Society.
.1i- Last Notice, by Levi Westbrook,
Jar. Constant employ men t, by J. M. Miller.
.G Optical Glasses by J. Weichselbaum
—The Philadelphia Bulletin says :
"It seems that the report that lion.
David Wilmot had been selected by
the President elect to become a mem
ber of his Cabinet is erroneous. Mr.
Wilmot has paid a visit to Springfield,
but he is not to be in the Cabinet.—
Iron Win. L. Dayton, of New Jersey,
has been fixed upon as a representa
tive of the Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey section of the Confederacy in the
Government, and he and lion. Edward
Bates, of Missouri, are the only two
members of the future Cabinet yet
positively determined on."
—The last lot of assets belonging to
the broken Lancaster Bank were sold
in that city on Friday last. Judgment
notes and stocks, amounting to $241,
002 64 due the Bank, sold for less than
$lB,OOO. In addition to this, seven
small brick houses in Philadelphia
were also sold, which averaged some
$2,000 each, thus redeeming some $32,-
000 of the Lancaster Bank notes.—
$150,000 of the notes are still in circu
lation. These will be utterly worth
less to those who hold them, as this
was the last sale of the assets of the
—Union meetings are being held
throughout the South. In Baltimore
lately one was held, composed of mer
chants, members of the bar, and other
prominent citizens. Its object was to
devise such measures as would be ne
cessary to defend the honor of Mary
land in this crisis. In Memphis, Ten
nessee, an immense and enthusiastic
Union meeting was held on. Thursday
evening. Resolutions were offered fa
voring a Southern Convention, and op
posing separate State secession.
The special committee of the Sen
ate on the condition of the Union is
unable to recommend any compromise
for the consideration of Congress, and
wilt Teport their inability to the Sen
ate at an early day. Numerous prop
ositions and compromises were offer
ed, but the committee rejected them
The second Wednesday in Febru
ary is the day fixed by law for count
ing the electoral vote in Congress, and
declaring the election of President and
Vice President of the U. States. A
special despatch to The Press on Sat
urday says " it is now openly asserted,
that a plan is under consideration to
defeat if it may be, the action of the
law, by the refusal of the Senate to
meet the House of Representatives,
and participate in counting and decla
ring the vote.
The President has declined to re
ceive the South Carolina Commis
sioners in their official capacity, but
says he will receive them as citizens of
the United States, or as individuals.
In no way, ho says, can he recognize
any foreign embassy coming from one
of the American States.
—About seventy-five Border State
Congressmen met in caucus on Friday
night last. Senator Crittenden presi
ded. Several propositions of compro
mise were offered and discussed until
a late hour when they were referred
to a committee of one from each of
the fourteen States represented, to re
port at a future meeting.
A despatch from Charleston on
the 29th states that the Collector of
the Port of that city had made report
to the Disunion Convention that all
the officers of the customs under him
had entered the service of the State .
The duties collected are to be banded
over to the governor of the State, for
safe keeping until the President de
mands them, when the first blood may
be spilt.
—The Rouse Select Committee on
the Crisis on the 27th rejected Mr.
Rust's proposition, which has long
been under consideration, by a vote
of 12 against 15, all the Republicans,
and 31r. Davis, of Maryland, voting
in the negatiie. .4his proposition was
for the extension of the Missouri Com
promise line to the Pacific, slavery
south of it to be protected while in a
Territorial condition, but the States
formed on eithowije to be admitted
into the Uiiion with" Or,withont slave
ry, as the peoplvay determine.
ct -
The despat ' , f, from Charleston
relative to Majo • Andersen's move
ments, created an tense and
, feverish
interest in iclongreWand thipughout
the city.
On Monday 24th, Mr. Douglas in
troduced a Joint Resolution into the
Senate proposing amendments to the
Constitution, with a view of restoring
neace and preserving the Union.
The Abo/itionista.
We begin to fear that the large con
servative majority of the Republicans
will be swallowed up by the Abolition
ists, who by their cunning have placed
themselves at the head of the Repub
lican party. Every day we have new
evidences that the conservative vote
of the Opposition have no controlling
influence in the exprsssion of the sen
timents of the party. The leaders of
the Republican party in Pennsylvania
and in every other State in the Union,
are Abolitionists and Disunionists in
disguise,—and all their movements,
public and private, have the effect of
not only irritating the South, but also
of exciting to riot and bloodshed the
masses of the North. Prom our inde
pendent stand-point, we see that the
people,—North and South, East and
West, have been driven to the brink
of destruction:and unless a speedy
change takes place in the sentiments
and actions of the people of the whole
Union, a few weeks or months may
find us in arms, not against a foreign
foe, but neighbor against neighbor in
bloody conflict. The Disunionist of
the South, and the Abolitionists of the
North are digging our graves—shall
we, without making an effort to save
ourselves, be buried alive ?
OUR 431PROVE3IENT.—FrierldS, how
do you like our improvements? We
think we hear those whose eyes are not
as good as they Used to be, exclaim,
first rate ! Still, our paper does not
present the appearance it will in the
course of two or three weeks—the
sheet is not in as good proportion and
of as good quality as we intend it shall
be. We are now large enough to give
all the important news, and a more
general variety of reading matter than
we could with our small sheet. And
now is the time for everybody in the coun
ty to subscribe for a good family news
paper—only $1,50 a year-75 cents for
six months, or fifty cents for three
months, in advance.
ter first week of January Court we
shall continence striking front our sub
scription list the names of all in arrears
who have not given any attention to
our repeated calls for assistance. We
must pay the cash or its equivalent to
get our paper ready for subscribers,
and we of course shall expect them as
honest men to deal with us in the
same way. Those who have, and
those who have promised to help us
at January Court, have our warmest
thanks for their evidences of friend
.. Secession is Rebellion."
Thus said Douglas to the very face
of the fire-eaters. At Norfolk, at Mem
phis, and at Mobile, with thousands of
the secessionists in his eye, the daunt
less Senator told them to their tooth
that " ,Secession is Rebegion 1" Had
Douglas been elected, this Whole seCes
sion*ovement wouldehave been
squelched at the beginning; with hid
known courage, far seeing Statesman
ship and the army of Unioil men
North and South to back him, he
would have but to command obedience
to the Laws and the Constitution to
be obeyed.
the general depression of business at
the isl - orth, in consequence of th 6 Nun
try's troubles, says the Hartford Times,
there is one branch of manufacturing
industry which is stimulated, nqgde
pressed, by the crisis:, We refer to the
manufiictureWfireaiins. The deinand
South for rifles and pistols is exceed
ingly brisk ; and Colt's Pistol Factory,
which had not been fully employed du
ring the two months preceding the
election, is now driven to its full capa
city. We learn that 3000 pistols a
day are turned out—finished and com
plete. Sharp's fUtte Factory is also
full of busine&s, and bard at work to
meet largo orders. Cotton, woollen
and knitting factories are curtailing
business, all of our work-shops feel the
effects of the anti-slavery war, but the
firoarm factories are making hay in
this the cloudiest of times.
Mere sensible words we have not
ree,mtly met with than these from the
Lowell Patriot :—"When negro slavery
is abolished, it will probably be done,
not by Congress, not by the Legisla
tures of the free States, but by the
slave States themselves. It is their
business, not ours, and the less we
have to say and do about it, the bet
ter. We have no use for 'three mil
lions of a degraded and inferior race,'
and if we had them here, their condi
tion would not be improved, either in
tellectually, socially, or politically."
Legislature convened on yesterday.--
The Governor's message will be given
in oar next As both Houses are Op
position and hundreds of applicants
for places on hand, considerable boring
will be done, and perhaps an entire
new set of officers elected. We shall
keep our readers bu;ked up in all the
important business brought before ei
ther House.
CONGRESS.-A largo number of the
members have been visiting their
homes during the holidays. They will
all be at their posts this week, and we
may expect some earnest efforts to be
made to save the Union from destruc
wy- The New Year camp in with a
clear sun, may the year be as bright
and cheerful.
Important News From CJaar'eaten
FO2l .3f6edtrie Abandoned.—The Gans Spik
ed and Gun Carriages Burned.—Runtorcd
Design to Blow Up the Fort.—The Garri
son hi Fort ,Samter.
Fort Moultrie wns lost night evacuated by
Maj. Anderson, who first spiked, the guns.—
Only four soldiers were left in charge.
The troops were all conveyed to Fort Sum
ter. This movement has , created intense
excitement, and the Convention is now in
secret session.
CHARLESTON, Dec. 27.-121
Anderson states that he evacuated Fort Moul
trie in order to allay the discussion about
that post, and at the same time to strength
en his own position.
Several military companies of this city
have been ordered out, and. a collision is not
The military have been ordered out to pro
tect the magazines and arsenals in this vi
CHARLESTON, Dec. 27.—Evening.-1 have
just had an interview with Captain Foster,
now in comand at Fort Moultrie, and he says
that Maj. Anderson has acted on his own
responsibility. Fort Moultrie has not been
set on fire, and is still held by Captain Fos
ter, who is in command of a few regulars.
The Governor has been tendered to-day
troops from Georgia, Alabama, and different
portions of South Carolina, and many com
panies may be here to-morrow.
Special Cabinet Meeting Last Night
WssittNaToN, Dec. 21.—The Administra
tion having received a despatch relative to
Major Anderson's movement, a Cabinet
meeting was immediately called, which re
mained in session for several hours, and ad
journed till 3 o'clock to-night.
Later from Charleston
The Palmetto Flag Raised Over the Custom
House and Post Office—Fort Moultrie and
Castle Pinckney in Possession of the Reb
els I—Doings of the Rebel Convention—Or
dinance for the Organization of a Southern
The Pahnetto flag was raised only yester
day afternoon over the Custom House, Post
Office and at Castle Pinckney. A large mil
itary force went over lust night to take Fort
CHARLESTON, Dec. 27.—Fort Moultrie was
taken possession of last night at 8 o'clock.—
The Charleston Convention yesterday passed
an ordinance authorizing the-Governor to re
ceive ambassadors, consuls and agents from
foreign powers; and toappoint similar agents,
with the advice and consent of the Senate, to
make treaties to be ratified by the Senate ;
and all other officers not provided for by the
State Constitution. It also provides for an
executive council of four persons to act in
conjunction with the Lieutenant Governor, to
advise with the Governor. The members of
the council to bo appointed with the advice
and consent of the Senate.
Mr. Rhett spoke on the report of the com
mittee who had in consideration the address
of the people of the Southern States; also on
the ordinance forming a Southern Confeder
acy, r. Rhett said the object was a speedy
organization, and a permanent protection of
the rights of the South. Ile recommended a
double number of representatives in the gen
eral convention to moot articles of confeder
ation for a provisional government.
Menuningor said that at the secret ses
sion yesterday the Committee_to whom-was
referred the resolutions regarding citizenship,
reported that every person resident in South
Carolina at the time of whether
horn_roohionts or nattiriflized, should he de
clared citizens of South Carolina until death,
unless a foreign residence be established, or
they had not declared their intention of ex
patriation ; also all free whites from within
the territory or outside, whose fathers were
then citizens; also all -pettans of any One of
the United States who, within twelve months
nfter the secession, shall reside within South
Carolina with the intention of remaining,
upon taking the oath of allegiance; also the
citizens of other States -coming after the ex
piration of a year after secession to actually
reside, seven month's residence and oath of
Peaceable Occupation of Fort Moultrie
No Call:don- 7 171e Excitement Subsiding
CIIARLESTON,Weo. 28.—Captain Humph
rey, U. S. A., still holds possession of the
Castle Pinckney and Fort MOultrie are oc
cupied by the State troops under instructions
from the Governor of the State, tohold peace
able possession of these forts, and for the
purpose of protecting the Government prop
Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie were
held by about twelve men, who peaceably
There was no collision, and none was an
ticipated when the troops left the city to gar
rison these Eats. The excitement is subsid
Alarm and Excitement in Georgia
Rumored Rising of the Slaves—An Insurrec
tion Anticipated—Planters Preparing to
Send then• Wires and Children to the
WAstriNcron, Dee. 29.—The following dis
patch, dated at Macon, Ga., on Thursday,
Dec. 27, reached a Georgian gentleman hero
last night, who has allowed me to copy it :
"Rumors of a rising among the slaves in
the south-western part of the State prevail
here. It is impossible to say, with certainty,
whether an insurrection has really taken
place, or is only threatened. The greatest
care is taken to keep the matter secret, but
most exaggerated reports are Whispered n!oud
in this town to day. There is certainly nnoh
excitement among thErnegroes everywhere,
and the occasional rumor of fighting at
Charleston makes them restless and danger
ous. I a e i.told that some planters are hasti
ly getting nllthings ready to send their
wives and young children to the North."
The Chaileaion -.llWenal - , o:3cupied by the State
—Troops—Military Preparations.
CHARLESTON: Dee. 30.—The South Caroli
na troops took possession of the arsenal in
this city to-day, containing many thousand
stand of .irms and military stores.
The mPitary preparations are actively and
zealously lint ssing.
Volimteers have tendered there and from
several of the Southern States, and among
them are officers of the army and navy, and
West Point graduates.
Important from Washington
IVAsumoroN, Dee. 29.—Tho Cabinet is
falling to pieces. Secretary Floyd resigned
to-day, and the President immediately ac
cepted his resignation. It is rumored that
Secretaries Thompson of the Interior, and
Thomas of the Treasury will also resign.
The ground assigned in Secretary Floyd's
letter of resignation was the refusal or delay
of the President to consent to an order with
drawing the troops from Fort Sumpter.
Senator Crittenden will propose hisrresolu
tions to-morrow in the Senate, as a direct
proposition to be submitted to a vote of the
people of the United States. The same will
be offered in the House, and a bill for the
payment of the expenses of taking the vote
will also be offered.
Mass Meeting at Pittsburg
The Resistance Movement Deprecated.
PITTSBURG, nee. 2T.—An immense meeting
of citizens zits hold to-day in the street, op
posite the Court Musa, ro/ativo to tho roruo-
vat of ordnance from the Allegheny - Arsenal
to the Southern forts.
Gen. Wm. Robinson presided.
Several speeches wore delivered; among
others, by-Gen. J. K. Moorehead, the mem
ber of Congress from this district.
Several resolutions were adopted, by an
almost unanimous rote, declaring tho loyalty
of the eitizens.of Pittsburg to the Union, and
their ability to defend themselves against the
enemies of the Union ;deprecating any , inter
ference with the shipment of arms under the
orders of the Government, however inoppor
tune or impolitic the order may he; and de
ploring the existence of the state of things
and the connection of frauds with the Ad
ministration of important departments of the
public service, as having shaken the confi
dence of the people of the free States. -
Also the following resolution :
Resolved, That while Pennsylvania is on
the guard at the Federal capitol it is her es
pecial duty to look to the fidelity of her sons,
and in that view we call on our President, as
citizens of this Commonwealth to see that the
Remit'''. receives Ito detriment at his hands.
It behooves the President to purge his Cabi
net of every man known to give aid and com
fort to, or in any wise countenancing the re
volt of any of the Stasei against the authori
ty of the Constitution and the laws of the
A despatch from Hon. Robert McKnight
was read, asking the people to make no forth
sr resistnnce, but ask for a suspension of the
shipment of the guns until further advice°
from Washington vas read and approved.
A special despatch to The Press da
ted Dec. 30, says :—" The adoption
yesterday, in the House Committee of
Thirty-three, of a proposition recom
mending the passage, by Congress, of
an enabling net to admit New Mexico
as a slave State, has induced new
hope that the spirit of compromise
may yet prevail. Seven Republicans
voted for it. The vote of the Repub
licans in its favor was regarded as an
indication that the extension of the
Missouri Compromise line to Califor
nia, protecting slavery south of that
line, would ultimately be agreed to by
their whole party."
—Kappa, correspondent of The Press,
writes Dec. 30 :—" We cannot any lon
ger conceal the fact that the Southern
representatives, with a feW honorable
exceptions, will not listen to the voice
of reconciliation and peace, and,on the
other hand, I fear that some of the Re
publicans are just as unwilling to sac
rifice on the altar of the Union their
partisan feeling. Thus, we have lit
tle or no hope that anything can be
done by the present Congress."
Constant fears are entertained of,
a rising of the slaves in most of the
Southern States. These fears, wheth
er real or imaginary, are producing
universal alarm in those States.
A correspondent of the N. Y. Her
ald, under date of Dec. 29, Says :—"The
President is engaged in preparing a
special message, which will be commu
nicated to Congress on Monday, set
ting forth all the facts connected with
the affairs now transpiring at Charles
ton, and also the litcts in regard to the
South Carolina commissioners, for Con
gress to take such action in the prem
ises as they may deem proper. Mon
day will be an eventful day- ia ozw_Lipl
tory--Ifook-uttrTer an explosion."
The same correspondent says
" Judge Douglas is trying t0.. 4 344 , 440.
floor at the earliest opportunity. He
n ill tako bold and decisive grounds,
having now enough material upon
which to build. lie will be true to
ZCOST OF A SECESSION Atori - .—lf the
Southern States do not find out how
much their armies are going to cost
them, it will not be the fault of North
ern calculators. The Yankees have
set their cyphering powers to work,
and have reached some results' which
must be rather appalling to the men
who are to support the secession ar
mies. For instance the military bill
of South Carolina has been published.
Taking the rate of payment which it
proposes the New York Commercial
has calculated the wages of ten thou
sand men for one year. It makes
them $2,5G7,324. It thus comments :
This does not include the cost of a sin-
gle gun, pistol, sword, cannon, pound
to supply ordinance,move ment &c., was ordered by the Secretary of
of powder, etc., articles essential to w
forts just finished at Ship Island, to two new
military pre-eminence, and costing a and Galveston Texas.
round sum, which would carry the nem A few nights ago, the orchestra of the
above total considerably above $3,000, Mobile Theatre struck up "Yankee Doodle."
000. when a general hiss from all parts of the
Nor is anything said of - the cast of house greeted the performers; which was per
forts, barracks, camp etripae and slated in until they were obliged to stop.
other important items, that will" push Oaf' The suffering in the South, and the
on the columns of figures to the amount derangement in money matters, are answered
of many millions. by the holders of the immense quantities of
grain now stored in the Western States, by
We neglected to mention in our es
the response that they can furnish any sup
these will generally be colored Persons, sent from the Southwestern States to Chicago
of course the deaths by causality, by fur grain, and to Cincinnati for perk. Bold
flood, or in the field, of any such mem- era have been requested to draw for their
bey of the " regular army" will be a p e a it y a but us
t iii , l e ev o e Ta y case
, t w h a e p
and will re ° s n eli e d ll y n •ou boon, t/e
proper charge for the " nation" to pay, s produce. Offght not this fact alone teach
and as these fellows will nat.. at $1,500 our Southern friends the folly of attempting
campaign prices, the nation incurs a ~ establish non-intercourse laws?
farther liability not reducible to ex r ,:...•
~,,„. A heavy fraud has been committed
terms. 'i '. the Government, by the abstraction of
.s --"'"— bonds from the Interior Department amount
ing to $871,000. A ZRussel, a govern
ment contractor, a chief clerk of the
Department nro imp looted and have been
imprisoned in Washington ‘ do await a hear
ing. The bonds have not ye sea recovered.
,‘Vr.Gen. Scott says that rt Moultrie is
not the strongest fortification, ``but Fort Sump
ter is, and that 200 men can hold it against
all South Carolina, and 600 men can
the world.
"high life" took place in Philadelphia last
week. A romantic couple were married in
the steeple of Independence Hall.
aroIIGE WiSIIIXOTON, SOW Of Prof I. D. and Caroline K.
Burl ) , Was born Dec. 15th, 1581, h. Cumberland county,
P.,., died suddenly in tbilailelphia, Dec. 17th, 1860, aged
25 3 ears.
Tho deceased escaped, three times, narrowly, fatal acci
dents. His motber, was for some months pact impressed.
by presentiment, that her Gist-born son George would dlo
horn emu° onforseen occident. Truly, has olio realized,
iu tide case, what ono of old experienced : " k'or the thing
which I greatly feared to comb upon me. I was not In
safely, neither had I rest; neither was I quiet, yet trouble
canto"—Job, 3; 27, 2.f1.
Ocorge's mind was singularly cxmcised fur days. A fun
limns before the fatal accident, Le spoke to his mother,
feelingly of a deputed brother, who tiled w lien a child,
twelve years ago. Hu expressed a hope, to meet life /no ,
titer Chitin in Heaven. Weeping, lie loft his patents'
house, after 19 o'clock, on ,busluess fu the city—having
promised ids sisters to meet them et 9 o'clock, P. M.,at the
house of Win. Doyens, to Plantain strsct, where they had
gone to spend the afternoon and earning; while on his
way there, he attempted to step on On, front platfinm of a
city passenger ear, 1111.401 lag footing, fell, and 11,19 BC
holly 1,1.1111 yd, that he died in 1,, than twenty minutest
Ills corral was cart led to the rohictice of his parents, No.
528, N. 79th St. On rhursda), the 2oth, Lis ICIIII4II/3 were
deposited in the ilniztootent Cituctery of Philadelphia. Rev.
S. It. Iliesy, pet:honed tenet.] hell lees.
The dOCCilSed was s young man of great promise. Gen
et ous to all, even to limit. Alystei lons ate the {Ms of
Providence. Darkness veils this dipensatlen. Hereafter,
this s Miran,. will be cleorly understood, et ono of limey,
and not displeasure front lii,,, tow twin nll should bow In
pet feet submission. Yet it is natural
'‘ When we asunder part,
It gives us luward ode ;
Though w o shall still beluited in heart,
Anti hope to meet again."
"Although affliction einneth not forth or tho duet, net
that. cloth trouble spring out of the ground; yet man is
born lzuto ttbublc, no the sparks fly upnard."—Jub, 5,0,7.
ALL WHO WANT IT.—Send yonr addmq, with
Wen cent stamp, to J. DIALER,
Jan. 2, 1861-It.
Jan.', 1861-tf.
A regular annual meeting of tho Huntingdon County
Agricultural Society, will Do hold ltt fit° Court Homo, on
Wednesday CVCIIIIIII, of Cu) January Court, (16th.)
Ily order of the society.
Jon, 2, ISOI,
llE:vaylll.•Pum,En, E-q., prominent in the
Opposition party, died in Philadelphia on
the morning of the- .26th Wt., by typhoid
TEXIIB.—Gov. Sam. Houston has issued his
proclamation for an extra session of the Tex-,
as Legislature, which is to assemble on the
21st this month to consider the present crisis.,
SOUTH CAROLINA.—The Charleston corres
pondent of the New York Zibune says that
the late election for delegates to the Secession
Convention, in that city, developed the exist
ence of a strong minority, who are opposed
to the precipitate course of the Secession
leaders. The ultra Secessionists barely es
caped defeat.
ham, said to have been the last survivor of
the battle of Bunker Hill, died on the 25th
ult, at Acton, Maine, boring reached the very
advanced age of ono hundred and four years,
and having up to the time of his death full
possession of his mental faculties,
South Carolina, the largest slavehulder in
the State, opposes secession.
VIROINIA.—Gov. Letcher has completed
his message. He is in favor of a central con
federacy if the cotton States secede, end
against a State Convention.
Henderson county, Tenn., was murdered on
Saturday, by his slave Sam. He was about
to chastise the negro, who threw hint to the
ground and out his throat. A jury of twelve
slaveholders sentenced him to be hung, and
it was done forthwith.
far' The Wisconsin State Journal, pub
lishes a supplement of fourteen large news
paper pages of fine type, being a list of lands
forfeited in that State for nonpayment of
Early, an old and respectable citizen of
Washington county, Tenn., died suddenly on
the 11th instant. lle had been salting down
HOMO pork, and cut his hand slightly against
a bone, from which mortification and death
ItOrlt is estimated that locomotive engines
annually consume the wood from 150,000
acres of land ; in twenty years equal to 3,000,-
000 of acres. Pennsylvania can furnish coal
—to prevent this frightful waste of timber—
with advantage to herself, and to the econom
ical management of railroads.
ze- The Post Office Department continues
to receive the resignations of the South Car
olina postmastermwho give as a reason, that
they are out of the Union.
.Bee-The address proposing a Convention
of the border slave States at Baltimore, meets
with general approval from the Representa
tives therefrom,and has already obtained nu
merous signatures.
fl Senator Baker, of Oregon, was pub
licly received by his friends in Springfield,
111., on the 27th. In an address, occupying
three quarters of an hour in its delivery, he
expressed the earnest devotion of himself and
his constituents to the Union ; scouted the
idea of an independent Pacific republic, and
declared emphatically that the Union would
be preserved, and the Federal laws executed
both North and South. His remarks were
warmly applauded.
who professes to be an astrologer, wrote, in
his " Voice of the Stars," on the Ist of Au
gust, 1858 :—" Secretary Cobb will have a
harder time of it in counting Uncle Sam's
money than any Secretary during the last
thisty-six or thirty-seven years. When he
quits the office, the Treasury will be filled
with borrowed gold and the country at war."
Oman oo A vt PLy _MOUNTAIN PAPER.—
The Rocky Mountain News is the leading
newspaper of that gold region. . A -grace
festoon_ of Lesolvers hangs over the sanctum
table, - within reach of the editor, and three
ominous looking guns rest in the corner.—
Descending to the composing and press room,
is found each man quietly at work in his
proper place, with "something that would
shoot" lying near him.
THE DE3IOCRACY OF Ilmmus.—The Demo
cratic State Committee of Illinois have 011110
a State Convention, to be held'in Springfield,
on the 16th of January, to confer as to the
existing national crisis, and to adopt some
some line of policy relative thereto.
,tge- Such is the crowded state of the Paris
thoroughfares that during the past year, five
thousand persons have been wounded and
seven hundred killed by the vehicles of all
kinds which fill the streets, and render the
crossing of the latter 'almost impossible to
pedestrians. The creation of the under
ground railways, and of crossing bridges for
foot passengers, is proposed, and will proba
bly be decided upon.
Da' Considerable excitement existed at
Pittsburg, for several days, caused by a ship ;
merit of the munitions of war from that place
to the south. It turns out however that the
Mo.xntv, Dec. 31.—Flour $0 9.506 37%; sales of Foley
and Pennsylvania at $5 7506 50; soma 1000 barrels sold,
mostly for City use. nye Flour 30e, Corn 6leal,at $2,74.
'Wheat is doll at $1:501 33 for Red, and 1 3501 40 for
White; 4500 tondiels sold. Corn sells nt 050; new ot 550
564 3000 bushels sold. Oats nothing doing; 32032% for
Delaware and 31e for Pennsylvania; 4,500 hos. sold.
Seeds—Clover dull at $6 25g5 60. Timothy $2 50.
Fill'C seed $0 4001 50. Batley nod Malt nothing doing.
Uy David Suave, at Um Motel of Val, Crouse, In
the borough of ifontingdan, on 31oncloy, the 31st day of
Dec. 1160, AIL. Wm. BUR to tlisi blnacottrr )1.11,45Z1A,
Loth of Hoot. co., l'a.
On Christmas Eye, 24th ult., by It ey,.T. A. Cokmnn,
Prof .L. 11.4 W. Hbours, of Itanooelc, MU., and Mks
N. Core SWELLS daughter of Maj. Jacob Creson ell, of Cabs-
Nine, Hunt. Co„ Pa.
On tho 4th ult., by Boy. A. 3f. rtarnitz, Mr. BOOT. CON,
MD and Mist ELIZ tuna Inctsmirn i both of Weal town
On the 10th, by the seine, Mr. J. O. 31cCcositey and 3f.(5.S
11.e110.4,1tErTA PA1N71,11. 2 of Greenwood Perna.), Hunt. Co,
Os the 20th, by tbo same. Mr..7on:g SELL, of Mate Co,,
and Miss Souse Isr..snEno, of Henderson township, litlnt.
On the 25th ult., by Rev. S. If. Reid, Nr. .10$1gLIA Au
nasnr to Miss to J. Rua urs,both fropt Xellow Springs,
Blair Co. - '
On the 18th ult.,*tov..T. Brian, nt the reshforteo
of the bride's lath . Jetty natio, of Oneida tp., and
On the 20th, by the some, Mr. SASSUEL lISTSICK and MISS
ELIZLUETII ItunnT; both or Henderson tp.
Ou the 20111 tilt, by Rev. G. Van Artedalen, D. Jonalox
in_tuant, and Miss A3I.kMDA TATLOR, all of Dahlia tp.
On 0,0 2501 ult., by licv. 3.0. Ilolrpes, .3.1 y, 3431E3 ZNI-
Lzy nag MissZNAaY Hear, all of Ilendetson tp,
On the 26th ult., at too Jackson HOPI, by Itov. lifat.thow
Crow.° • Mr. ALFRLD W. .RAJATON, of Centro Co., uud
-Viso SA nA D. llv?cuisoN, of Iluut.Co.
the citizens of lIIINTINUDON luta
open,' a Itoo3l at the Exchange
tor tale
Respectfully informs
vicinity, that 1w Iwo
Ihitel, %there ho otto
OP EMI' - mien, SIZE AXD trutuvr. A now Invention ot.„
Spectacles, for distant or close rending, oldh gold. silver,
steel, and tortoiseshell Ironies, mat a new mad improved
11/ 4 iOltrnent of perifocal awl pantboingroand flint Glossce,
of Iris own menothetore.
Ile would particularly call the atteutionr of the pot Ale,
to hid Nretlad , 'lr for NEAR 'MIMI> PERSONS; and
!or perk). Ow 11:100 loon operated Maori fur the Warmer
of the eye, and to his new hind of tllassei and Conservers
of the sight, made of the best flint and noses Masses.—
Good Classes may be known by their shape, exact centre,
sharp trod h i ghly. polished surface. The qualities are to
be found to his 010801.
. ,
The very best BRAM WAN FERllfdl and MOUNTAIN .
CRYSTAL so universally proved to be far superior to , any
of every size MI quality ;,Temanw, MAOMFTING AND
Germ titsssca, with different powers, together with ovary
variety of articles in the Optical lino, not mentioned.
Imo`-Ocrictr, and other Instruments and Glasses, CM*
inftheil at short notice. lie inn alnaya select •
Glasses to suit the vision of the person, as ho secs them, "I.
upon the first Web'
srirlfe n remain in finis place during the Jan. Court,
`s •
FIRST WEER, and those in want or the above articles,
will please give him n call.
are. Ile hill. if required, go to any respectable
_ha ,
where his services may he wanted.
sni - The very best EYE-WATER and the hest P
Glasses always for silo. ian• ll tannl,omo sin
, ,
MI who hove unsettled accounts with tiStg L emorac
montlii standing or longer, nro earnestly regotftenasti.o l „o
call and settle tin nudger° costs. I must In money or
quit business. LEVI wEsTßßoori.
Huntingdon, Jan. 2, 1861.
SALES.—,--By, virtue of
sundry write of Vend. Exp. FL Fa. and Lev. En. to
me dii (Tied, I Will expose to public sale or oiler} - , at ties
Court House, In the borough of Huntingdon, ON MON
DAY THE 14rn DAY Oh JANUARY, 1681, at 2 o'clool,
I'. M., tho following desetibed 'teal Estate, to nit
All the dfendant's right, title and interest,
in 7 acres of land, more or less, situate in Shirley town
ship, Navin' thereon erected one steno house, two stories 4
high 24 by 1 20 feet, one plank house, one-andat-ltalf Otoclet
high, 10 by 24 feet; two log houses, 10 by 30 acre, one fal
ling mill, three stories high, 25 toy 42. feet, aiet ow saa•-
ndll. Also, 34 acres of timber laud situate in same town
ship. Seized and token in execution, nod to 7,0 uebl ae the•
property of .7.attely 'feebler.
Arso—One lot of ground, situate in Scotts
ville, Huntingdon county. adjoining lot of Snarl. L. Cllaw..
gow on the west, lot of (lampoon's !wire on the south-vast
having thereon erected uaw frame store house. Also-OIM
lot of ground in tho same town, adjoining lot of A. •S.
Stephens on the mist, and Danl. heck on the west, having
thoreon created n frame etablo. 41Mo—one lot of ground.
situate in the same town, adjoining lot of Was. Hooper on
the east, lotof Darius Doyle en the east and fronting . on
Dodson street, tinting thereon eroded a two story train,
house n ith a basement story, one fa onto shop, Allti a fntnas
stable. Also-100 acres of laud, more or tile, situate itt
Springfield township, adjoining lands of Jesse gutter on
the north, Jacob (baiter on the south, Dutton Lane on the
west, and land of deft. on the east,about 20 acres of witicli
is cleared. Also-15011CM more or less, situate In Spring
field township, adjoining land of deft on the trot, laud of
J. Dooher on the north, land of Jacob Maker on the south,
and Black Log Mountain un the cad, having Melon °rec.
ted a two story bonne 20 by 24 feet. with a back wing 14
by 26 feet: ono log and stone born 28 by 50 foot, with oda
outbitiblidgt, about SO acres of which is cleared. Seized, •
and taken m execution and to ho sold as the property '
Benedict Stevens.
ALso—Defendant's right, title and interest
in and to ISO runes of land, mole of less, situate in Clay
township, on the waters of Soleling hill Crook, about MO
acres of which is cleated, and haring thereon erected a
frame house, log bat n, and saw mill, with other improva.
melds. &toted and taken In execution and te he sold as
the propel ty of Matthew Corbin.
Also—One lot of ground, nituato in Carbon
Loo noop, in the town of Dudley, having thereon erected
plank house, two storieshigls, t.tone basement, about IR
by 40 feet, n ith n hock wing two stories high, about 14 by
ao feet, till hell finidted. painted brown, a flume stablo
about IS by 21.) ket, owl other outbuilding,. Seized and
taken In execution and to be sold as the property of David
S Ilerkstres,,er, trading under the fain of David S. Berk•
stresser .4 Co.
ALso—All defendant's right, title and in
terest in and to all that certain tract of land warranted Itt
the name or Joseph Frank, situate In Ci °HMO' townshiii,
containing' 37 acres, more or less, being patented land,
and bounded on the north and east by lands of Stilton
Urals, on the south by imol, of Eno, McMullin nud urrAt
by Ullmann and others. nod ham thereon erected a lox.
barn and other outbuildings' and abunt 10d nerer. more or
lers, cleared. Belied and taken in extcniion nud to ho
sold as the proton ty of J.Renry Dell.—Two lots of ground, situate in the
addition of Broad Top Citp. bong No. 13 and 14, fronting
on Broad street 40 feet, and 60 feet on Spruce street, nod
SO feet on ilitslett street, haling thereon erected n front,
house one•altd•n4tlf stories high. Seined and tAketa lit
execution and to ho sold it. 4 the plottetly of Georg° Kvi4-
ALso-327 acres of land, more or less, sit ,
irate in DoMin township, boninied un the south by hint
Moe) Potts, on tint west by fond of llnnson ttfgarnx, Art
b-n est by land of Senotel Campbell, on the north
id of Powell Mull and Wm. Clinton.. about 75 acre,
having thereon erected Oil, old log hou.e.tutti ono
aT5l,y - x.yra:v.-,,,,,i ono log barn 20 ly 40 feet.—
An taken in execution end to Ws:M - 1a t175 - preper--
. tlatthiuY Long.
1n...i1l soles snivel tlsed for the first flay of the Court.
will NI ndJourned over until the following iVetinesday. April
dee& netnowledged on Wednesday of the stronti Non
week. 501111 C. W1C.C20.5i, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, Dee. 20,1961.
Tile firm heretofore 'existing mnler the name of
tardy k Smith, n t Eauivvillr, Huntingdon county, ha
Lean iliiiolved by mutnal consent.—tho hooka remaining
in the hands of tile undersigned,hy whom the businesa
will he continued its heretofore.
Ennisville, Dee. 25,1860.—1 t.
p EGISTER'S NOTlOE.—Notice is
I ts hereby given, to 01l persons Interested, Hutt tho fol
lowing onOwii lx•rcons !MVO satled their acconuts in the
Register's Oilier, at Huntingdon, and tied Um said acwnui■
null bo presented for confirmation and allowsneo at on
Mame' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, lit nod for the
county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the ltdli tiny of
January next. (1861,) to wit :
1! Oro. W. Pliensant, administrator of Michael 1 Flight,
late of Union township, deed.
2. Julio Scutt. Egg.. Onardhlo of Elizabeth and Devil
Cotter, minor Childs en of Philip Cotter, deed. Final no
3. Abraham BrunilianglhAdininktrator of Daniel Drum.
5411314 Into of llopoo ell too whip, ilec'd.
4. A. C. Blair and slichitol Sharer, Executors of John.
Stunkard, Into of Toll township, dec'd.
5. Abraham States, Esq., Guardian of Franklin Lang,.
odour nun of I'ati4ck Lang, Into of Walker tomuslilp.
6. John Dean, Onardian of Jacob, David and Eunice
Catharine Slimmer.:it, minor childriat of Froderisk Simons
7. John Dean. Comallan of Arinnne Shoenefelt, (now
intermarried w ith lieurgo ChileoW,)n'dmiglifor of Froata
huh Shoenefelt, dec'il.
8. Juhu Owens, hart., Ailsn'r, do Louis non of Esther
Cox, Into of Warrioninuirk township, ilee'd.
0. Joints Handel ma, Adair. of Margaret Henderson.
Inte of Tod tow. h fp,
10. David Clarkson, Trustee to 3611 the reel eclat. of
Robert Speer, Into of the horengh of elwarille. dcc'd.
11. Jesse IfollingSmorth nett lieny Brewster,Exeentore.
of the lion. John Brewster, late of Shlrleseburg borough,
decd. Wallet weemet.
DANIIir. W. 1113.113.5D0rtg, Itvgieter
N - I
given that the following named,
o Ei c co R
is .-- ..reby
prrsonshave fled their petitions mith the tlerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions, praying thereto.' Court to grant
thou Keens° to keep ions or taverns in their respective
boroughs, townships and villages in the county of Mtn
thitplon, and thnt noid putitions,Arill be ,presented to the
said Court on Wedneeday,tha 16th day of January nezt,for
cone/aeration, dc. , h hen and whereon pelroh• interested
can atte n d if they think proper, ilk:
John M. Early, Mount Union.
Adam Zeigler, lifurkletiburg.
John Kurtz, Alexandria.
ltrececlB ra torsl sol e cheap. .100, a !Argo
thtect.tiom the nut. Call and see the We Wags,
SWARTZ h 31cCA11.13
Huntingdon, Dec.l9, 1860.-6t.0
M C'
r; _
7 0
a C
.+! C
Newton Hamilton,
Mt. Union,
Mill Creek,
retereburg, ....
Borneo Creek,
Ril tnloglnn,
Tipton, •
Fostot ln , .
Hell's Mille,
' TINGDON 5A311,0
IStlO, Pass
ad depart as follows:
014 nlll aft
,sill attire at
Mara Huntingdon nt 720 A. M. k 4.15 P. M
Savton RID A. M.
Arrivo at Hopewell " 0.15 A. M.
Leave Hopewell at 10.20 A. M.
Stortun " 10.55 A. M. A 0.30 P. H.
Arrive at Ihtutinolon 12.65 P. M. A• 8.30 P. M.
Nov. u. 1460
James A. Brown sells the gen u ine" PORTLAND KEItOs
SENN," on COAL OIL, acne as water.
Ihia is the wily kind of oil that glees entire satisfaction
na au agent for light.
Beware of counterfeits stiff coldfcff carban oils. Tlinx.
emit on offensive smell and smoke,
A Virgo variety also of
Cliltnasys, Globes, Wicks, Burners, Shades, tre., &c., sold
at the very low 4.5 t prices, at tho Hardware Btore,litintiwg
too of oar - cc)
+.O t,
• n g r Trainti