The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 12, 1860, Image 1

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Per annum in advance
Six months
Throe mouths
A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of
the term subscribed for will be considered a now engage
1 inaa•rtiou. 2 do. 3 do.
ilour lines or less f, 25 $ 3734 $5O
one square, (12 1ine5,)..........50.........75 1 00
Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00
Three squares, 1 50. ..... 225 300
Over three week and less than three months : 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
Six lines or less,
One square,
Two squares,
Three squares,
Four squares,.
Half a column, 12 0(1 16 00...... ....24 00
One column, 20 00 "0 00.... ..... .50 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines
one year, $3 a
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $1 75
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms.
Have just received another stock of new goods, such as
in the store room at the south-east corner of the Diamond
in the borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew
elry Store.
- Their
- - -
T Stock has been carefully selected, and will be
sold low for cash or country produce.
LARD. and provisions generally, kept constantly on hand
on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860.
r . . 4
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As " the nimble penny is hotter than the slow sixpence,"
and small pro/its in cash. are better than rexiny eye-sore
boot• accounts. JAMES A. BROWN is now determined to
silt off the large and splondid stock of Hardware, Paints.
&c.. which he has just brought from the east, at such lou
prices, as a ill induce ever% body to crowd in for a share of
the bargains.
His stock inclu les a complete variety of
Together with a full assortment of tvery - thing pertaining
Welds line of business.
ley 117 orders receive prompt attentiou.-Ti
ilmltingtlon. Sept. St. ISQO
Has received a - fine as , :oriment of DRY
GOODS for the Spring and Summer season, comprising a
very extensive a.surttnent of
DRY GOODS in general.
For Men and Boys
The public generally are requested to call and examine
my goods—and his prices.
• As I ani determined to sell my Goods, all who call may
expect bargains.
Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods.
B ENJ . .1 A C013;3, of the, Cheap Owner.
Huntingdon, Sept. 21, IS6O.
No. 110 North Wharves, Philadelphia,
Spermaceti, Patent Sperm, Hydraulic. Adamantine, Hotel,
Car and Tallow Candles.
Pure Sperm. Lard Bleached Whale. Sea Elephant. Strained
Whale, Tanners', Currivrs', Pala, °Mlle, and Red
White, Yellow, Brown, Chemical Olive, Fancy, and other
Aug. 15, 1860.-om.
)-ri 0 . 1 . 4
U ,
4 " .
:7 1 C i r)
E 4
= rei
c, cp
= =
Celebrated for superior quality of ToNnand elegance and
beauty of finish. These Pianos have always taken the
FIRST PREMIUM when placed in competition with oth
er makers. CHALLENGE ALL COMPETITION. A splendid as
sortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer styles al ways on
hand. Also Second-hand Pianos and PRINCE'S In-
PRO WED MELODEONS from $45 to $350.
.tt , Every Instrument warranted.
Piano and Melodeon Depot,
S. T•.. Cor. ith & Arch Sts., Philadelphia.
July 25, 1800.-6 m,
Informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vi
cinity, that he has opened a new Grocery and Confection
ery Store in the basement, under Gutman & Co.'s Clothing
Store, in the Diamond, and would most respectfully re
quest a share of public patronage. His stock consists of
all kinds of the
Fish can be had nt wholesale or retail.
ICE CIIMAM will be furnished regularly to parties and
individuals. at his room.
Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1860.
IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call
at D. P. GWIN'S, where you will find the largestau
sortment,in town.
Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for
sale cheap : at D. P. GWIN'S.
3 months. 6 months. 12 months.
...V 50 , ::,3 00 1,5 00
Ei 00
3 00.
S 00 10 00
45 00
7 00 10 00-.- ..... 15 00
9 00 13 00 •'0 00
110L1),)W-VI; Al: E,
SA,DI I I, Ell Y,
7 r
$1 50
7 00
(1,9 °pular Wong.
Away down south in de fields oh cotton
Cinnamon seed and sandy bottoms,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
Den 'way down south in de fields ob cotton,
Vinegar shoes and paper stockings,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
Den I wish I was in Dixey's land,
Oh-oh, oh-oh,
In Dixey's land I'll take my stand,
And live and die in Dixey's land.
Away, away, away,
Away down south in Dixey.
Pork and cabbage in de pot,
It goes in cold and comes out hot,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
- Vinegar put right on red beet.
It makes dem always fit to eat.
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
Den I wish I was in Dixey's land,
Oh-oh, oh-oh,
In Dixey's land I'll take my stand,
And live and die in Dixey's land,
Away, away, away,
Away down south in Dixey.
Old massy and I am bery glad,
lie's lost de one be thought he had,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
If he comes back, which I know 11'11 do,
Ma , ba make him dance till he is blue,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
Don I wi,ll I was in Dixey's land,
Oh-oh, oh-oh,
In Dixey's laid I'll take my stand,
And live and die in Dixey's land,
A way, away, away,
Away down south in Dixey.
A nigger up in a great big tree,
Looking right straight down at me,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
up wid a stick and hit him in de eye
And made dis little monkey cry,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
A nigger in a bushel measure,
tickl'd to death by swallowin' ts feather,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away,
Do doctor tried to fotch bins to,
But he found out it warts % no go,
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
Den I wish I was in Dixey's land,
Oh-oh, oh-oh,
Iu Dixey's land ril take my stand,
And live and die in Dixey's land,
An aw ‘y, away,
Away down south in Dixey.
Union Demonstration in Washington.
Serenade to Judge Douglas on Saturday eve
ning December ist.
After several patriotic airs by the band,
Judge Douglas appeared on the steps of his
residence, and was greeted with the most ve
hement bursts of applause.
In behalf of the people, John F. Ennis,
Esq., of Washington, addressed him as fol.
lows :
During the recent campaign, sir, a large
number of the Democrats of this city, who
believed in the principles enunciated by the
Convention which nominated you at Balti
more, formed themselves into a political or
ganization called the Douglas and Johnson
Democratic Association. They have come
here to-night to offer you a sincere and cor
dial welcome upon your return to this city,
and to express to you their high admiration
of the noble and manly struggle which you
have made in defence of those principles upon
which, they believe with you, rest the exis
tence and perpetuity of our institutions.—
[Cheers.] But, sir, this welcome is not con
fined alone to your political friends. You
are surrounded by your personal friends,
neighbors, and acquaintances, who have re
sided with you in this city for years, and who
take a pride in recognizing you almost as -an
adopted citizen of Washington. The records
of Congress attest your claims upon our grat
itude. [Cheers.] Your voice, which has
ever been heard in favor of our glorious Union,
has never been silent when the Union's capi
tal wanted the aid of a friend and advocate
upon the floors of Congress. [" Good," and
For this you have the grateful thanks of
every citizen in this District. I need not say
to you that it is a source of extreme pleasure
to us all to find you renewed rather than im
paired in health by your arduous labors in
the recent campaign. [Cheers.] I but speak
the unanimous sentiment of all who hear me
when I utter the prayer that your life may
be long spared to your country. [Cheers.]—
In the days of its prosperity its destinies have
often been guided by the wisdom of your
counsels, and now, in the hour of its gloom
and adversity, we look trustingly to you for
your powerful aid in delivering us from the
dangers and difficulties which surround us.
[Loud cheers.] May your life and strength
be spared for this additional effort. ["Amen,"
and cheers.]
Den I wi,h I was in Dixey's
In Dixey's land I'll take my stand,
And live and die in Dixey's land,
Away, away, away,
Away down south in Dixcy.
J •
? Ail.
. .
In reply, Judge Douglas said :
Mr. Ennis, I tender to you, and through
you to those you represent, my sincere thanks
for this expression of your respect. To be
thus welcomed on my arrival by so large a
number of the citizens of Washington, on
such a cold and dreary night as this, is a
compliment of which any man might well be
proud. It is true that I have lived among
you during the sessions of Congress for sev
enteen years, and have exchanged with you
and received from you acts of kindness which
remain fresh in my heart, and will always
be cherished with pleasure. [Cheers.] To
be thus received by those who know me best,
and who have been personal witnesses of the
mode in which I have heretofore discharged
my public duties, I fully appreciate, and it
inspires me with renewed energy to fulfil
those of the future. [Cheers.]
It is true, as you have said, that from the
time the eanvass opened I was actively en
gaged in the vindication of those great con
stitutional principles upon which I believe
this Union depends, and I was able to avow
my sentiments in the same terms in the North
and in the South, in the East and in the West
—from Bangor, Maine, to Jefferson City, in
Missouri, and from the lakes to the Gulf of
Mexico. [Cheers.] So long as we live under
a Constitution which is the supreme law of
all the States, it ought to be administered in
such a manner as to impart equal rights,
equal justice, and equal protection to the cit
izens of all the States. [" That's right," and
cheers.] I hold that the integrity and perpe
tuity of this Republic depend upon maintain
ing on the slavery question, that great prin
ciple of non-intervention which says to every
people, regulate your own domestic affairs in
your own way, subject only to the Constitu
tion of the United States. [" Good," and
cheers.] This vexed question of slavery ex
isted when our fathers framed the Constitu
tion, as well as now ; and if we only carry
out the principle upon which they made the
Government, we can preserve the Union, and
transmit it to our latest posterity. [" God
bless you," and cheers.] The Federal Gov
ernment must never interfere with the ques
tion of slavery anywhere except to perform
its constitutional obligation by returning fu
gitives when they escape from their masters.
[" Good," and cheers.] That obligation to
return fugitive slaves is incorporated in the
Constitution, and is binding upon the con
science and the patriotism of every good citi
zen. [" That's it," and loud applause.] If
the doctrine of non-interference by the Fed
eral Government had been fairly carried out,
and the fugitive slave law been honestly
obeyed, in my opinion, this Republic would
not now be in peril. [" You're right," and
I have still hope, and will cling to that
hope with the tenacity of life, that the pat
riotism of the people will yet save this coun
try from the dangers which environ it.—
[Loud cheers.]
I read in the cars the other day, on my
way to this city, the patriotic and eloquent
speech of the gallant Stephens, of Georgia,
[- Hurrah for Douglas and Stephens," and
long-continued applause,] and that speech
inspired me with the hope that there was still
virtue enough left to save the Union. [Cheers.]
I endorse heartily the propositions which he
submits as a basis of adjustment. " Good,'4
and cheers.] The Georgia platform, upon
'which he plants himself, provides—first, that
as a fundamental principle of justice and con
stitutional law, no new State shall be exclu
ded because she has slavery in her Constitu
tion ; second, that the Wilmot proviso shall
not be applied to any of the Territories of the
United States...; and third, that Congress
shall never interfere with the slave trade
between the States ; fourth, that Congress
shall pass no laws in the District of Columbia
which shall endanger the peace and safety of
the . slaveholding States ; and fifth, that Con
gress shall never pass any law repealing or
impairing the efficiency of the fugitive-slave
law. [" Good," and cheers.]
These five propositions embraced all that
Georgia asked, all that the Southern States
demanded, in the great contest of ISSO-'5l.
I think they were just then, and I believe
that the patriotism of this country, North and
South, will rally upon them now. [Cheers.]
Mr. Stephens adds a sixth proposition, to
the effect that all State legislation which
throws obstructions in the way of the faithful
execution of the fugitive-slave law, shall be
removed. I think those laws ought to be re
pealed, and furthermore that they never should
have been placed upon the statute-books of
any State of this Union. [Cheers.] The Con
stitution declares that fugitive slaves shall be
delivered up. The Supreme Court has deci
ded that the Federal Government possesses
the power, and it is its duty, to surrender
them up, and also that the exclusive power
of legislation upon that subject is in Congress,
and not in the States. If that proposition be
true—and so the court has adjudged—it ne
cessarily 'follows, as an invariable rule of con
stitutional law, that a duty imposed carries
with it the means of its faithful execution.—
[Great applause.] -
Hence I hold that it is the duty of Con
gress instantly to remove all obstructions
which may be thrown in the way of the en
forcement of the Constitution and the laws,
whether those obstructions be imposed by
State legislation or in any other manner what
soever. [Cheers.] Let us, then, rally round
the Constitution as our forefathers made it,
perform all our duties under it, protect every
right guarantied by it, and preserve the Union
forever for our posterity. [Cheers.]
Sir, you have alluded to my bearing during
the late political contest. I can only say
that I did no act and uttered no word during
the whole of that canvass that my judgment
and my conscience do not fully approve.—
[" Good," and great applause.] The contest
is over, and let all the asperities, ill:feeling,
and strife engendered by it be buried with it.
Let the past be referred to only as furnishing
lessons of wisdom for the future, and let all
Union men, all Constitution-loving men, unite
as a band of brothers to save the country first,
and quarrel afterwards as to who shall govern
it. [Cheers.]
It is true that the election has terminated
in a manner unsatisfactory to the Union men
of this country. No man regrets the result
more than I do—not from considerations per
sonal to myself, but so affecting the peace
and safety of the country. [" That's so,"
and cheers.] But the question arises wheth
er it is the part of patriots to destroy the best
Government the sun of Heaven ever shone
upon, merely because a man has been elec
ted, and a party has been triumphant, whose
principles are obnoxious to us. I declare
that the election of any man by the Ameri
can people, according to the Constitution of
our country, furnishes no cause, no excuse,
for dissolving this Union. [" Good," and
cheers.] Mr. Lincoln having been thus elec
ted, must be inaugurated in obedience to the
Constitution. [" Good," and cheers.] So
long as he observes his oath of office, by see
ing the laws faithfully executed, he should
be supported in all constitutional measures
by all patriotic men, and if he disregards his
oath, violates the Constitution, makes war
upon any section, or upon the rights of any
man, he should then be held to the strictest
accountability provided in the Constitution.
What harm can this Republican President
do, even if be be so disposed ? He is in a
minority in both Houses of Congress, he is in
a minority of the people of the United States,
[" That's so," and cheers,] and h 3 has no
power except that conferred by the Constitu
tion and the laws. If he does not strictly
perform his duty we will impeach him.—
[Cheers.] What harm then, I repeat, can he
do? He can do no act except distribute the
patronage of the Government, and in the ex
ercise of that power he is restrained by the
Senate, which can confirm or reject all of his
principal appointments. [Cheers.] Then,
fellow-citizens, I beseech you, without refer
ence to former party divisions, to lay aside
all political asperities, all personal prejudices,
to indulge in no criminations, or re-consider
ations but to unite With me, and all Union
loving men, in a common effort to save the
country from the disasters which threatenit.
[" We will," and cheers.]
My friends, the night is too cold to detain
you longer. [" Go on !"] I again renew to
you my thanks for this compliment you have
paid me. It is refreshing and grateful to my
feelings, when I return here, to my winter
residence, as a Representative from a State,
to be recieved by the citizens of Washington
and strangers thus assembled. It is an en
couragement for the great responsibilities
that now await us. lam prepared on Mon
day morning to resume my seat in the Sen
ate without a grievance, without a complaint,
without any passion to interfere with the im
-partial discharge of my duties to the country.
[Cheers.] I trust that the solemnity of the
occasion, the responsibility that rests upon
every public man, the deep anxiety felt by
the American people, will inspire us all to act
solely with a reference to maintaining this
Republic as our fathers made it, the home of
freemen,and the hope of the oppressed through
out the world for all time to come. I thank
you, gentlemen. [Tremendous applause.]
John Brown Meeting Broken Up
The meeting to commemorate the execu
tion of John Brown was called to order by
James Redpath, this morning, at the Tem
The place of meeting was immediately af
ter taken possession of by a body of Union
men, who chose Richard Sullivan Fay, as
The meeting as newly organized, passed
resolutions denouncing John Brown, justify
ing his execution, and lauding the State of
Virginia. •
Fred Douglass, Bedpath, Frank Sanborn,
and other well-known Abolitionists, vainly
endeavored to be heard.
Much confusion existed ; the police were
called in, the hall cleared, and the Temple
closed by order of the Mayor.
The programme for celebrating the death
of John Brown included forenoon, afternoon,
and evening sessions in the Tremont Temple,
to which the public were invited. The at
tendance was thin at the opening, and mostly
composed of negroes, but soon the body of the
hall began to fill up.
J. Stella Martin (colored) announced a
committee upon organization, of which Mr.
Redpath was one.
Noise and disturbance followed the occu
pation of the platform.
A call for a committee of one hundred to
preserve order was received with hisses.
Three cheers were given for Gov. Packer,
of Pennsylvania, and his letter to the com
mittee was called for.
Mr. Sanborn appealed to the audience to
keep order, and was replied to with hisses
and groans, interspersed with cheers for the
The Chief of Police was present with a
force, but effected only a temporary lull of
the storm.
Stella Martin commenced a speech, which
was broken with•the noise, in which he laid
all the_ blame for the existing political trou
bles upon the conservatism of the cities, and
State and Wall streets.
The committee came in with an orgaiza
tion, of which P. B. Sanborn, of Concord,was
Richard S. Fay was then nominated for the
same office from the floor, and received a
large majority of the voices. Mr. Fay step
ped upon the platform, amidst the Brown
men, and made a short address, in which he
inculcated respect for the laws by all men as
the best remedy for grievances.
Fred Douglass who was on the platform,
called the proceeding of Mr. Fay the coolest
act he had ever known of.
Mr. Fay was sustained, and read a series
of resolutions, which were received with ap
plause, and adopted by a large majority.
Fred Douglass then rose again, and was
exceedingly severe in his condemnation of the
proceedings. He made an allusion to Daniel
Webster, and three cheers were given for
Webster, and repeated. He was continually
interrupted with cries that he had exceeded
BOSTON', Dec. 3, 1860
Editor and Proprietor
his time. AU was coninsion, and Mr. Fay
retired from the chair.
Fred Douglass called on his friends to ro
Rev. Dr. Eddy commenced a speech in dis
approbation of the doings, hut was stopped
by a fight, which took place upon the plat
form. The stage was immediately covered
by the police.
The Chief of Police repeatedly called on
those present to leave the hall, as the meeting
was dissolved.
During a brief calm, J. Murray Howe was
chosen chairman in place of Mr. Fay, by the
Union men, when the fighting was re-com
menced on the platform, in which Fred Dou
glass and his friends were roughly handled.
Cheers were then given for Virginia, and
the Union and the Constitution, after which,
in obedience to the orders of the Mayor, the
police cleared the Hall, and locked the
The following are the resolutions which
were adopted
WnErtEAv, It is fitting, upon the occasion
of the anniversary of the execution of John
Brown, for his piratical and bloody attempt
to create an insurrection among the slaves of
the State of Virginia, for the people of this
Commonwealth to assemble and express their
horror of the man and of the principles %Ilicit
led to the foray; therefore it is
Resolved, That no virtuous and law-abiding
citizen of this Commonwealth our.),t to coun
tenance, sympathize, or hold comtnunion with
any man who believes that John Brown and
his aiders and abettors in that nefarious en
terprise were right in any sense of the word.
Second., That the present perilous juncture
in our political affairs, in which our existence
as a nation is imperilled, require of every cit
izen who loves his country to come forward
and express his sense of the value of the
Union—alike important to the free labor of
the North, the slave labor of the South, and
to the interests of the commerce manufac
tures, and agriculture of the world.
Third, That we tender to our brethren in
Virginia our warmest thanks for the conser
vative spirit they have manifested, notwith
standing the unprovoked and lawless attack
upon them by John Brown and his associates,
acting, if not with the connivance, at least
with the sympathy of a few fanatics from the
Northern States; and that we hope they will
continue to aid in opposing the fanaticism
which is even now attempting to subvert the
Constitution and the Union. Als
Fourth, That the people of this city have
submitted too long in allowing irresponsible
persons and political demagogues of every
description to hold public meetings to disturb
the public peace, and misrepresent us abroad;
that they have become a nuisance, which, in
self-defence, we are determinti'd shall hence
forward be summarily abated.
BOSTON, Dec. 3.—The summary dissolution
of the John Brown meeting in Tremont Tem
ple, to-day, is received with general satisfac
The Abolitionists were largely outwitted
throughout by an assemblage embracing many
leading business men of this city.
After the chairman had pronounced the
meeting dissolved, Fred Douglass, Sanborn,
and a few others manifested some resistance
to the police, and were ejected from the plat
form and hall.
During the uproar, Rev. Stella Martin (col
ored) announced that a meeting would be
held in his church in the evening.
In response to the announcement the Bap
tist church (colored) in Joy street, was filled
at an early hour.
The edifice is small, and a large proportion
of the audience was black, Here Wendell
Phillips, John Brown, Jr., Fred Douglass,
and other leading John Brown sympathizers,
ventilated their opinions freely with but little
interruption. A woman named Chapman
appeared to preside over the deliberations.
Several policemen were stationed in the
church. On the outside there was an im
mense crowd, and a strong force of police.—
The disturbance was confined to noisy dem
onstrations, though the crowd seemed very
anxious to get hold of fled path.
The meeting broke up at about 10 o'clock,
and the audience dispersed quietly.
Some of the leading spirits were hooted at
while passing through the outside crowd, but
no violence was committed.
Frank B. Sanborn was acting president of
the meeting,
In anticipation of a possible riot, the sec
ond battalion of infantry was held in readi
ness at their armory by order of the Mayor.
The police force, however, was sufficient,
and the day and evening passed off simply
with a good-natured and quiet patriotic ex
Clippings from Our Exchanges.
DISTRESSING CAS UA LTY.—We regret to state
that Hon. A. S. Wilson, President Judge
of this district, met with an accident on Mon
day morning by which he had one of his legs
broken. After arising he went into the yard
attached to his residence, and the pavement
being slippy, he lost his footing and fell,
breaking the thigh bone of his right leg en
tirely off. The broken limb was set by Dr.
Van Valzah, and we are pleased to learn the
Judge is getting along as comfortably as can
be expected under the circurnstances.—l,eut.
istown Democrat. :29th.
and Leather Reporter says : " The plan of
using shingles iu the bottoms of shoes origi
nated about thirteen years ago, the first lut
being out in New HaMpshiro; the use of pa
per and straw board began about the same
time. To give some idea of the extent of this
branch of this business during the past year,
five or six acres of heavy pine timber have
been used for wood filling, nearly all by the
manufacturers of Natick, Mass., and the ad
joining towns, in the soles of brogans.
rarTwenty-fire thousand one hundred and
fifty-six copies of the bible were sold in Con
stantinople in the year 1859, being more
than double the sales of the preceding year.
One hundred years ago, there was not a
single white man in Ohio, Kentucky,lndiana
and Illinois territories. Then, what is
now the most flourishing part of America,
was as little known as the country around
the mountains of the moon. It was not ner
til 1799 that the " Hunter of Kentuck," the
gallant and adventurous Boone, left his home
in North Carolina, to become the first set
tler of Kentucky. The first pioneer of Ohio,
did not settle until twenty years after this
time. A hundred years ago Canada belonged
to France, and the whole population of the
United States did not exceed a million and
a half of people. A hundred years ago, the
great Frederick of Prussia was performing
those exploits which have made him-immor
tal in military annals, and with his little
monarchy was sustaining a single handed
contest with Russia, Austria and France—
the three great powers of Europe combined.
A hundred years ago, Napoleon was not born,
and Washington was a young and modest
Virginia colonel; and the great events in the
history of the two worlds, in which these
great but dissimilar men took leading parts,
were then scarcely foreshadowed.
A hundred years ago, the United States
were the most loyal part of the British Em
pire; and on the political horizon no speck
indicated the struggle which, within a score
of years thereafter, established the great Re
public of the world. A hundred years ago,
there were but four newspapers in America
—steam engines had not been imagined and
railroads and telegraphs had not entered into
the remotest conception of man. 'When we
come to look back at it through the vista of
history, we find that to the century which
has passed, has been allotted more important
events, in their bearing upon the happiness
of the world, than almost any other which
has elapsed since the creation.
NO. 25.
Read the following description of Mississ
ippi and her people, given by some emigrant
who has moved to that State, and writes
to his friends. Here it is :
" This is a glorious country ! It has longer
rivers and more of them, and they are mud
dier and deeper, and run faster, and make
more noise, and rise higher, fall lower, and do
more damage than anybody else's rivers.—
It has more lakes, and . they are bigger, and
deeper, and clearer, than those of any other
country. Our rail cars are bigger, and run
faster, and pitch off the track oftener, and
kill more people, than all other rail cars, in
this and every other country. Our steamboats
carry bigger loads, are longer and broader,
and burst their boilers oftener, and the cap
tains swear harder, than steamboat captains
in any other country.
Our men are bigger, and longer, and thick
er, can fight harder and faster, and drink
more mean whiskey, and chew more bad to
bacco, and spit more, and spit further, and
not be killed, than in any other country.—
Our ladies are richer, prettier, dress finer,
spend more money, break more hearts, wear
bigger hoops, shorter dresses, and kick up
the devil generally to a greater extent than
all other ladies in all other countries. Our
negroes are blacker, work harder, have
thicker skulls, smell louder, and need thrash
ing oftener, than any niggers in any other
State, Our children squall louder, grow fas
ter, get too extensive for their pantaloons
quicker than any other children in any other
Bellringer, who for some time has been an
assistant in the establishment of Mr. Han
nington, Brighton, had an unfortunate habit
of sucking the pen, with which he had been
writing, and this, it is almost certain, was
the cause of his life being so suddenly and,
unexpectedly brought to a close. A few
days since, while using the toothbrush, he
inflicted a slight wouud on his lower lip.—
On Saturday morning, the 15th ult., sym
toms of erysipelas manifested themselves,
He died on - Friday afternoon, his fatal main..
dy having been induced by the poisonous ink
which he sucked from the pen penetrating
the slight abrasion on his lip.—English Jour
(Ind.,) Times says that a most terrible and
fatal accident, with consequences still more
terrible, occurred iu Adams counts the other
day. The story is at once the briefest and
most awful we bare read of in many years,
A woman about to churn butter, threw some
boiling water in the churn, into which one of
the children had, unnoticed by the mother,
placed an infant, and it was instantly scalded
to death. In her frenzy the mother seized a
chair and inflicted a death blow upe.: the lit
tle girl. After realizing what she had done
she threw herself into the well and was
DlPTDERlA.—Steubenville, Ohio, and vicin
ity have suffered terribly from the ravages of
diptheria. The Herald says: " The disease
had attacked both old and young, but has
prevailed most generally among children,
among whom it has been most fatal. The
number of deaths from the diptheria in this
city from the Ist of January, 1860, up to the
present time, among children alone, is not
far short of two hundred. The deaths among
adults have been, probably, one fourth of
that number. Many families have been
made desolate from the virulence of this
pairs from statistics recently published that
the consumption of cone is increasing much
more rapidly than the production. Last year
the total consumption of Europe and the
United States alone was 330,000 tons, while
the production of all countries was but 312,-
000 tons. The probable consumption of the
present year is estimated at 337,000 tons, and
the probable production at 274,000; and of
next year the former at 318,000 tons, and the
latter at 345,000 tons.
A shark, caught near Port Jackson, Florida,
carried the following curious miscellany in
his capacious stomach: Half a ham, several
logs of mutton, hindquarters of a pig, head
and forelegs of a bull-dog, a joint of stove
pipe, a pair of old boots, head and forelegs
of a heifer, with a rope round hoz , neck, a
quantity of horseflesh. a piece of sacking,
and a ship's scraper. No wonder that twelve
gallons of oil were obtained from his liver I
I•;a7' At the St. Louis theatre, the other
night, Mrs. Florence had sung and danced in
sailor's costume, holding the Star Spangled
banner which she tossed to Mr. Florence at
the other side of the stage. He took it,spread,
it out carefully, counted its thirty-three stars
aloud, and exclaimed with deop, feeling,
" Thank God they are all there !" The
house rose as one man, and The enthusiasm
lasted several minutes,
One aundred Years Aga
A Great and Glorious Country