Tr,:ams OP TEE GLOBE. Per annum in advance Six month Three months A failure to notify a discontinnanc^ at the expiration of the term, subscribed for will be con,idcrcti a new engage. anent. TERMS OP ADVERTISING. 1 in.ortion. 2 du. Four Imo*: or lea $ $ 37;,-; Ono (12 .... 50 ,0... Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00 Th Co." ignares, 1 50 2 25 3 Ou Over three week and less than three months*, 25 cents per square for each insertion. . Six lines or less, One 6qtnire, Two spotres... Three s,juared, Four -oluares,. !Lilt' a column, One column, '0 00 "0 00 ofessional and Busine6B Cards not exceeding n.oir lilies, one year S'..l 00 Ajaiiiiistratorb' and Executory' 'Notices $.l. 75 Advertimeinents not marked with the, number of int-er de-ired. will be continued till curtail and charged ac ,ol,ling to these terms. - nON'T FORGET, H WALLACE & CLEMENT, have just received another stock of new goods, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QTjEENEW ARE, &C., in the store room at the south-east corner of the Di•tmond in the borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew elry Stun.. . Their Stock has been carefully selected, and will be sold low for cosh or country produce. FLOUR. FISH, HAMS, SIDES. SHOULDERS, SALT, L Alt D. and provisions generally, kept constantly on hand on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, ISCO. it\ tp iz t e j c -- - Z =- . 4A. -,-, -- . C 0 ~- N .4-tg \.,‘ ' . .. , 7;-•"' 11 N. _ c•->, z2, Gi ;j a y, ..77-9 , • p. ;., . ,':-."•.'; + . 4 „.6..: .1 1..24 k''',C :k\ •-•"''.-. -`:-./ .;NrftY i % C‘.. -.7.-4A 2 7, , . 5 .. ...-; ..r 'P. 1 Iti, \`t-' ‘ll-1-7,1*,;(7:4 -11 „ k _ ,q,.„,!_7•:•.1,1 ,A.', -, , _....., k v A...-.1 ! • 1 1 ' 8.111.0 AIN'S INI ii Aiil , V: nimble rpllny i,l, qt - or tivol ‘;.l di ais• I)2tr2r tte , :,(111:: • t; :4. I,ltOV, /!!1,,51 :,) s-11 u, the .tihl t‘lilcit 11 , .111,1 !,1011.,!:1 ( ill iii luce et'UWII "In r‘ir 0: Lir.; r inclu los a con letc :::H& ty of BUILD: 1.:1•11A:WWA11E, 11311C11.; CUTt.E I MAL' .IV- I ,VA 111: OILS. PAINTS. - 5'A!: ;11411r:8, (.1.1.A65, ST Li:L., ttoN, C 11.1.1!.: PUMPi.:. 1.11 :AUK:Wert. t.IOAL .tIL LAMPS an COAL':: I, L4,ortnient (We: ' ' 2.:ng •Co•i• xv. IL a r•til a to hi, orders receive prompt e i 3A6. i;:tt_AVN Iltui ti:c , ;(lon • SQpt. 24. ISGO IdA CUSTOMERS WANTED ! kjAPVY acal xEnv GOODS BENJ. JACOns Has received a fine assertincnt of D!tY GOODS for the Spi ing and Summer betwon, compriting very eXtellSiVe a.Surtrliulit of LADIES Di; ESS GOODS, DEY 000:Y.7% nt gel: ELADY-MAD.:2I CLOTIIING. Fur :len and toys GROCERIES, lIATS 8; CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. &c. &r, The public generally are roque:U.A to c.:11 and ox.u....ine my goods—and his priced. AN I am determined to sell my Goods, all Nat" may expect Coantry Prutluev taken in Ifuntin. , ,dsin, Sept.:2l. la a 1:. S. LA NI):.:1A Yo. 110 North Wharves, 31-I.NT:F.ACTURE AND lIAVE FOIL EALE CANDLES, Spermaceti. 'Patent Sperm, llydraulic, Adamantine, Rotel, Car and Tallow Candles. Pure Sperm, Lard Bleached Whale. Sea Elephant. Strained AVhale, Tanners', Currie's, Palnt, Oleme, and fled Oils. SOAPS, White, Yellow, Brown, Chemical Olive, Taney, and other ears. Aug. 15, 15C,0.-m. TUE GLOBE: THE OFFICIAL PAPER CV CONGRESS PULLISII now my annual Prosp-ctus of Tire DAILY Gtelili. an Tux CoN , ;t:Ez•bI:IAAL GL O 1.;:: I,ND A! , P: re tnind subscribers, and inform those who may desire to subscribe. that Congress will meet on the first Monday of next liecember. when 1 shall resume publishing ti, e above 11:11.10c1 They have been published so long. that 1:1051 public men know their character, of therefore I deem it needless> to give a minute account of the kind of matter they will contain. Tux atitr (holm will contain a report of the Debates in both branches of Congress as taken down by reporters, equal, at least, to ally corps of 'short-hand writer, in this, or in any other country. A majority of them will each, be able to report, verbatim, ten thousand words an hour, while the average number of words spoken by II 'tent sp:iikers rarely exceeds seven thousand five hundred wolf:, an hour. When the debates of a day do not make more than forty-five columns. they will appear in The Dally ii lobe of the next morning triads will contain. also, the none of qui day, together with such editorial articles as may be smfgested by passing events. Tiia CoxlinEssioNAL tits= AND A PP::NIDIN. will contain a report of all the Debates in Congress, revised by the speakers. the Messages of the President of the United States, the Annual Reports of the Head of the Excentive Departments, the Laws passed during the session. and co pious indexes to all. They will be printed on a double royal sheet, in book fortu, royal quarto :ice, each number coataining sixteen pages. Thc whole will make, it is be at least 2.000 pages. This is acktowledged to be the cheapest work ever sold in any country. wheiltot a re print or printed from manuscript copy, taking for data the average number of words it contains. Pit, coming session will, without doubt, be an unusual ly interesting, one, because the debates will. in a great mea-nie. be upon the policy of the Prestdent elect. :out The tilobe will be, as it has been for man, years past. the only source from which full debates of CuDgrets can be obtained. T us:: CONGRESSIONAL GLOB:: AND APPI:NDIx pass free through the mails of the United States. as will be seen by readlig the following Joint Idesolution passed by Congress the Oth of August, ISt2 : Jurut liesolutiou providing for the distribution of the Laws of Congress taiil the Debates thereon With a view to the cheap circulatioa of the laws of Con gre-s and the debates contributing' to the true interpre tit.itel thereof; and to Make l'ree the COUlellllllCilthl be ettli the repr.-sentative ant constituent bodies : /le it resolved by the &nub; and House o f R epre ,"th i th. es vi the Gaited States of America in C7,,ortws ussen.l f.d. hat trout and after the present SeSMOCI Of Congress, the CoN uati•-•s:o.v.i.t. OLD= AND APPc.voix, hich contain the laws and the debates thereon, shall pass :roe through the mails so long as the same shall be publi-lid by order of Congress: That nothing herein shall be construed to au thorize the circulation or the DAILY GL.cul free of postage. Approved August 6, 16:7,2. For a copy of Trill DAILY GLonc. for four months, $3 CO For 1 copy of Tuu CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND AP- rEmdx. during the sesr,ion, For 2 copies ditto. when ortlered at the bamo time, 5 00 No attention will be paid to any order unless the money accompany it. Bank notes current in the section of the country where a subscriber reside 4. will be received at par. The whole or any part of a sub,criptton may be remitted in postage stamps, which is preferable to any currency, except gold or silver. WASEM , CTON, Nov. 14, '6O-3t pAPER! PAPER !! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, st LEWIS' NEW BOOR 1.3 STATIONERY STORE. $1 50 3 months. 6 months. 12 mouths. ...$1 50 s' 00 $5 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 S 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 9 00 l" 00 .12 00 19 00 THE NEW STORE ..1) e FOR FALL and WINTER _: f r :' OILS, l'l,l{Mg JOHN C. EIVES 3 (10. ..=, . . 0 1 0 ) MB WILLIAIa LEWIS, 20 00 2 00 VOL. XITL NEW PUBLICATIONS. QUICK SALES AlsID SMALL PEOFITS.—ORBEIIS received at Lim's' Book and Stationery Store, for all stew and old Books published in the United States. Books ordered eve ry week•. SAY AND SEAL, By the author of " Wide, Wide World," and the authort of •- Dellars anti Ceuts."-2 vols., 12 ma.; publishers price In evidence of the great popularity of this work, wo need only say that :30.030 CuPIES of the English edition have already !wen sold, and, up to the present time, we have been unable to furnish the books as rapidly as or dered. WO invite attention to the following notices ' The anthurs have turned their intellectual wealth to the l,' ,t purposes. Such books are hotter than hundreds of lure controversial sertaous."—H. Shelton Mackenzie. - • t:av and Seal' ie indeed a true, beautiful home hook, that wilt he with delight and profit by tens of thous mts of our iTOBuII tin. " D...cifteify the beet book emanating from the authoress of • World. "—lnquirer. " A 41,1ight 1»ok it is."-1 he Press. "it is buperior to Wide World.'" THE BIBLICAL REASON WHY, A handsoma book for Biblical Students and Sunday T , ,,chors. and a (iuhle to Vanaly Scripture Read illu:-trated.—lrtrge Li mu., cloth, gilt side and back. PubiLliero' pi ice $l. This hook male' the Bible a plemant as well as pro found suhject oC study. It leaves uo difficult or obscure p , iut uneisplained. It renders every passage clear. It is e:z.wtly the volume that every family, which reads at all imperatively needs to place beside the Bible, as its best compdnion. THIS - VOLUME ANSWERS 1.493 QUESTIONS IN A TESTIrox "us OF THE CLERGY "I have given some attention to the 'Biblical Reason Why,' and I'e+•l bound to say that it seems to me to con tain a vant amount of information on liiblieal subjeet.t, ci..avoyed io a el, ar manner, illustrated by many valuable cut-.and printed on good paper. It cous.titutes a valuable addition to tin apparatus of the Teacher, Parent, and pri- I ate Rev. ALONZO POTTER. D. D., LL. D. Bishop of l'ennsylcunia liavo examined the 'Biblical 'Reason Why,' and find is to bra ropartory of facts on subjects, set thrth in a plain and in tollic,ible way. iii Decd, lam surprised at the amount of matter that is compressed into this vol irno or n