The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 31, 1860, Image 2

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LSL~V}.tti,I~~3~S~L?~~~D ~ltila
Wednesday, October 31, 1.860
NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
JUDGMENT-NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
and Ministers of the Gospel.
of Assault and Battery, and Affray.
SCIERE FACIA& to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taxes.
Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Office of
BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly,
at short notice, and on good Paper.
iiESS'_ - : V. JOFNSO-V
1:;• Administrator's Notice, by George Russel.
trirr" Caution, by Jacob Stalin Sr.
salt, by Fisher & Son.
Let the People now ! I
That there remained in the National Con
vention at Baltimore, after every disorgani
zing Rebel had seceded, 436 regularly ap
pointed delegates, entitled, under the rule, to
cast 218 votes-16 MORE than TWO
THIRDS of a Full Convention. Let them
know that, on the second ballot, STEPHEN A.
Docor,As, received 1811 votes of the 218, over
FORTY more than TWO-THIRDS of the
whole vote present. And then, to clinch all,
let them know, that the resolution declaring
STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS to be the unanimous
choice of the Convention, passed without a
single dissenting voice ; so that Stephen A.
Douglas actually received 218 votes—SIX
TEEN votes more than two-thirds of a full
Let the People know, too, that the Seceders,
Convention which nominated Breckinridge
and Lane bad no authority from any constit
uency to sit at Baltimore outside of the regu
lar Convention-L-that it did not contain more
than eighty or ninety delegates who bad even
a shadow of authority from the people to act
—that it cast in all bat 105 votes—not one
of them properly authorized, or binding on
any body—let them know this, and let them
decide which was the Regular and which
was the 'Disorganizers' Convention, and
-which of the nominees, Douglas or Breckin
ridge, is entitled-to the undivided support of
the National Democracy.
Meeting of the County Committee
Pursuant to public notice, the County
Committee met at the Franklin House, on
Saturday last, George Jackson in the Chair.
Wm. Stewart, of Barree was appointed Sec—
retary. On motion, it vas
Resolved, That we recommend to the Dem
ocratic voters of Huntingdon county to use
their utmost eserti•,ns to secure the election
of the Electoral Ticket placed ' before the
people by the Reading Convention of the Ist
of March, 1860.
Resolved, That this Committee meet again
at the call of the Chairman.
Resolved, That the proceedings be publish
ed in the Democratic papers of this county.
On motion, the meeting adjourned, sine die.
GEO. JACKSON, Clazir man.
Wu. STEWM.T, Secretary.
tfZb`" The speech purporting to have been
delivered by a Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts,
published in the Globe two weeks ago, is de
nounced as a hoax. It was rather rough to
be true.
rOr Gov. Gist, of South Carolina, has sum
moned together the Legislature of that State,
to elect Presidential electors, and also, if ad
visable, to " take action for the safety of the
State. "This looks rebellious 1"
fter The Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) Eagle says
that in that vicinity the apple orchards have
never yielded such an abundance in the
memory of the oldest inhabitants as this year.
Several farmers say they will let them rot
in the orchards. They cannot sell them.
from Washington states that the Postmaster
General has adopted and ordered a one cent
self-sealing envelope, which will soon be
supplied to postmasters throughout the coun
A Plain Statement.
The Reading ticket was formed at the Dem
ocratic Convention, held in Reading in March
last. On it there are eighteen gentlemen in
favor of Douglas and Johnson, the remaining
are said to be in favor of Breckinridge—four
of them are decidedly hostile to Douglas, the
other five are moderate Breckinridge men.—
Since the withdrawal of the Cresson fusion
resolution, these men all are under obligation
to support Douglas and Johnson. They now
occupy the same position they did at the ad
journment of the Reading Convention. It is
their duty, if elected, to vote for the regular
nominee. By the repeal of the Cresson Res
olution, I3reekinridge has no ticket in this
State. No one alleges that he has any pre
tence to a regular nomination by any regular
convention. This we conceive to be a fair
statement of the standing of the Reading
Democrats of Huntingdon county, turn out
to a man and vote the Reading Ticket.—
Scratch not a man.
IN PENNSYLVANlA.—Breckirtridge had no re
cognition as a candidate in this State until the
Welsh State Committee put him in nomina
tion on the 2d July, and afterwards attemp
ted to crowd him upon the party by the
" Cresson Compromise." The whole Penn
sylvania delegation in the National Conven
tion acquiesced in the nomination of Douglas,
and the Democracy of the State were pledged
to his support by Mr. Dawson, chairman of
the delegation, in a speech before the Con
vention. The Reading Convention pledged
the Electoral Ticket to the support of the
nominee of the regular National Convention,
and as there could not be but one nominee
by that Convention, and Stephen A. Douglas
having been declared that nominee, the Read
ing Electoral Ticket is pledged, if elected, to
support him. Indeed we cannot see what
claims the friends of Breckinridge can have
upon the Reading Ticket now that Breckin..
ridge is withdrawn by the Welsh Committee
as a candidate in Pennsylvania. The ticket
will be voted for as pledged to Douglas, and
if elected, and any one of the electors should
vote for any other man than Douglas it will
be time enough then to say what should be
done with the traitor.
Douglas on Roorbacks.
We clip the following from Douglas' St.
Louis speech :
The Breckinridge men Make a false charge
and .call upon the Republicans to swear to it.
[Laughter and cheers.] The Republicans
make another false charge and call upon the
Breckinridge men to swear to it ; and they
both want me to call them as witnesses,
[great laughter and cheers,] for the simple
reason that they think if I did so, I could not
afterwards impeach their testimony, even if
they lied about it, as they certainly would.—
[Shouts of laughter and applause, in which
were mingled cries of " Give it to them."]—
My friends, I never call conspirators as wit
nesses. [Laughter and applause,] These
men go around and retail what they pretend
to have been private conversations, furnished
thorn to the Breekinridge and Republican
papers, and saying that if I will release them
from the obligation of honor, perhaps they
will speak out. Why do they wish a release
after they have exposed and furnished for
publication all that they are ready to swear
to ? If these conversations were confidential,
they have rendered themselves infamous by
their betrayal. [" Good," and cheers.] I
have only to say this : the man does not live
who before God can declare that I, under any
circumstances or in any contingency, ever
agreed to abandon one iota of my Democratic
principles. [" Good, good," and cheers.]
The man does not live who can say that I
ever agreed or was willing,in any contingen
cy, to abandon the Democratic organization.
[Cheers.] And any man who makes such a
charge knows that he tells an infamous false
hood in the presence of high heaven. [Tre
mendous applause.] I never uttered a senti
ment in private inconsistent with my public
speeches from day to day. [Cheers.]
Would it not have been a strange state of
things, if when I was engaged in a. hand to
hand - fight, making one, two and three
speeches a day, all being published, I had
privately uttered sentiments inconsistent with
my public record. But I scorn all these impu
tations. I scorn them asp Ido their conspira
cy in Kansas to make me the author of the
Lecompton Constitution. [Laughter and
cheers.] A body of men stand in the Senate
day after day, week after week, and month
after month, hearing me denounce the Le
compton Constitution, and wait until the con
troversy is over and their chief actor is dead,
and then come out and pretend just on the
eve of the election that lam the author of
the iniquity that I defeated. [Cheers.] The
Breckinridge men furnish this charge and
the Black Republican papers published it all
over the country. [" That's so," and ap
pla.use."] I look upon all these assaults, with
scorn. They only prove that the Black Re
publican leaders and the Breckinridge lead
ers are co-supporters in a common cause. I
shall not occupy your time in vindicating my
self from these charges. I have been in pub
lic life for more than twenty-five years. For
seventeen years of that time the Congression
al Globe furnishes the evidence of what I have
said and what I have done. I defy any man
to impeach my Democratic record. ["Good !"
and cheers.] I will submit the question to
any impartial body of men on earth, whether
I have not rendered the Democratic party
more service—spent more time, more strength,
more voice and more effort in the the Demo
cratic cause, than all the men combined who
are now trying to help the Republicans beat
me. [ Tremendous cheerin,g.l Passing from
party considerations, I challenge any enemy
I have to show any word I have ever spoken,
or any act I have ever done which was not
loyal to the Constitution and the Union.—
[Cheers.] I defy any man to point out where
I have failed to sustain the rights of each and
every State in the Union, according to the
Constitution, whether such rights were popu
lar or unpopular in my own State.
XIS Dead Douglas' spoech on first page in
answer to the charge that ho advised the
"Lccornpton Swindle."
Letter from Leroy.
Philipsburg—l7nprovements—The New Rail
Road—Old Acquaintances—A Visit to the
Clearfield Co. Fair.
I suppose since the State political battle is
over, and " ye Democrats" have suffered an
honorable defeat, a few scratches from the
pen of your old correspondent will find a place
in your well read columns. Since my last
letter Summer, wearing a coronet of golden
grain has passed and poured her horn of plen
ty upon us so that we of the Wild Cat dis
tricts, are rejoicing—not in prospect of buck
wheat cakes and flitch gravy—but in the pos
session of abundance of excellent fruit and
all the delicacies careful housekeepers know
so well how to store away in the pantry and
cellar during a fruitful season ; and, by the
way, I have found from a few months sojourn
among the people of this rough looking coun
try, that strangers receive a more hospitable
welcome in the tidy and comfortable homes
of these hard working Mountaineers than in
wealthier communities. Philipsburg, the
town in which your correspondent has his
tent pitched for the present, is situated on
the turnpike leading from Tyrone City to
Clearfield. A nicer location for a town can
scarcely be found in this part of the State.
Quite a number of new and handsome buil
dings have been put up this season, and sav
eral others are being erected. The secret of
the matter is, we have a set of enterprising
men here who are not afraid of their shad
ows ; who when they take any thing in hands
are bound to " put it through." Some of the
would-be speculators of oldHuntingdon should
come out here about a year and learn how to
do business. If they would not get their eye
teeth cut, I am badly mistaken.
The new Rail Road, which is to unite this
vast lumber and coal region, with the great
thoroughfare of Pennsylvania, thereby bring
ing the resources of one of her richest coun
ties into the eastern Markets, will soon be
finished. When this is accomplished Phil
ipsburg will take the place of Tyrone City,
as the point of business for the north western
part of the State. Hope its morals may be
as Mich higher than Tyrone as is its latitude
and elevation.
It has often been said, that let a man go
where he will in the Union, he will find some
old acquaintance, or as least some one from
the same part of the country.- Such was the
case with myself when I came here. Step
ping into a store to make a purchase Shottly
after my arrival; I was greeted by our well
known friend L. G. Kessler, formerly of Mill
Creek, Huntingdon co. -He and another good
business man have a large steam sawing mill
in operation close to the new Rail Road,.a
few miles above town. Our young and-en
terprising friend John Rung, has started a
tin and stove shop in a business part of the
town, and from the ring of his hammer and
the quality of his wares I presume he is doing
a good business.
Miss Sue Neff, formerly of Alexandria, and
her partner Miss Braden, do up the " bon
nets ' so handsomely that their rosy cheeked
wearers look perfectly charming—l mean to
susceptible young gentlemen, not including
old bachelors who admire a bread basket
more than they do a ptetty face.
The Clearfield County Fair has just eloped..
For the first in the county, it was remarlfablY
good,-and did credit to the Al,-o,ricultured'So
ciety, to the people in general and the ladies
in particular. The fair ground, a level field
of which the Society has a lease for twelve'
years, was fitted up at an expense of over fif
teen hundred dollars. Everything valuable,
even stock was well sheltered. Two stands
were erected for the Musicians. One was
occupied by the Currensville brass band, the
other by bands of Martial Music. All did
their parts well and added very considerably
to the entertainment.
Even the sombre face of night was lighted
up with pleasant smiles by means of fire
works furnished by the society. Of the ar
ticles on exhibition it will suffice to say that
they compared favorably with any I had Wit
nessed elsewhere. One particular feature of
the Fair for which the officers deserve the
highest praise, was the good order which
every where prevailed.
The display of needful and fancy
the ladies was not large, but evinced good
taste and skill on the part of the exhibitors.
My letter is too long already; and I must close
by throwing over Alleghany's craggy peaks
my good wishes to you and your readers.
PXIILIPSBURG, Pa., Sept. 23d.
Official Vote for Governor.
-e; g* io
'.. gr•
Pi i 4 Z ~. i
-7 ; =
.... 2,5291 2,53911 2,773
.... 7,934 1 4,720 1 1 15,879,
....2,232 1,943 3,474
... 1,756 1,131 - 2,682
... 2,011 2,147 2,4641
... 6,251 7,444 6,833'
... 2,600 1,449 3,051
~. 3,743 1,639 0,654
... 5,172 5,159 6,383
... 2,075 1,514 3,526
... 1,5931 1,8681 1,177
. 1,4911 1,640 .1,722
...., 2,4461 2,2331 3,165
.. 5,066 4,0441 7,540
~ 532 1 1,216 1 1,795
~,. 1,1291 1,448 1 1,755
~,. 1,2261 1,6001 1,750
.„ 1,205 1,782 1 1,848
... 2,756 2,141 5,277
... 2,921 3,224 3,625
... 3,331 2,217 4,555
.... 2,007 1,280 3,183
317 411 421
.... 2,3251 1,110 5,613
...., 2,676 2,824 3,382
3,092 3,267 4,053
716 851 828
37 30 129
..... 785 1,590 1,529
~... 2,264 1,774 3,070
~... 1,922 827 3,072
....„ 1,071 851 1,886
~.„ 1,2231 1,309 1 1,503
.... 7,602 3,433 13,012
~.. 1,351 5261 I 2,645
... 2,4511 1,289 3,847
..., 3.613 3,856 4,166
.... 5,071 5,936 6.662
... 2,590 2,949 3,615
... 600 587 1,048
.... 2,770 2,225 3,624
.... 1,372 1,439 1,723
~., 409 1,777 822
... 4,535 5,0561 5,812
... 602 1,154 983
... 2,797 4,077 3,507
..„ 1,602 2,159 2,429
... 2,070 2,052 2,416
... 29,525 26,366 40,233
- 135 721 321
• 918 50. 1 1 1,410
• 4,579 4,534 7,301
2,157 1,190 2,977
1,285 737 l 1,704
. 324 ).. 524 354
.. 2,8071 2,0911 4,110
. 1,940 1,042 4,147
. 1,363 840 1,820
. 2,022 1,837 2,581
. 1,139 757 2,112
. 3,745 3,390 4,768
1,609 1,949 2,610
3,803 4,163 4,850
. 751 945 1,192
4,983 5,2031 5,3221
~1181,836 164,544,E 262,4031
Blair ...
Cam brie__
Chester .....
Forest ....
Lancaster ....
Lawrence ....
M....... .
Mon tour
Pot ter
The Great Kansas Famine.
Extreme Suffering among the Inhabitants
Thirty Thousand .People Wanting Food!
The Chicago Press tt Tribune says : The
facts cannot longer escape the attention of
the most tardy and incredulous, that an ex
traordinary condition of affairs prevails
throughout a large share of the new Territo
ry of Kansas, where there is at present " a
famine in the land," so general, so inclusive,
reached by such stages and falling upon a
community so situated, that it is doubtful
whether it has bad any parallel within the
present century. The thrilling descriptions
that reach us from various and reliable sour
ces, painfully realize the most vivid and pain
ful narrative of such visitations, in Scripture,
which we have been too apt to deem well
nigh impossible to our age of civilization, and
certainly among our own citizens, on our own
soil. Even the great famine in Ireland, his
toric in the tales of suffering, and lists of gen
erous deeds, whose memory will live in the
"Give me three grains of corn, mother,"
seems to promise to be surpassed in the scat
tered homes of a. new Territory, unless help
speedily reaches them, for thousands now
suffering for food to whom November, now at
hand, will usher in fresh terrors.
The matter is not new to many of our read
ers but it certainly has never been fully pre
sented in adequate detail. An agent repre
senting his own
,community, Col. Steele, a
highly respectable gentleman, is now in our
city, and for some weeks past has been quietly
circulating his appeals for aid. As winter is
now near at hand the danger becomes immi
nent that, from the rigors of the season, and
the enhanced difficulties and expenses of
reaching them from these States, river navi
gation once closed, many will suffer keenly,
' aye, starve for the very commonest necessa
ries of life.
The subject is brought more immediately
and publicly to our citizens by the mission of
Rev. E. C. Reynolds, a highly esteemed Epis
copal clergyman, of Lawrence, Kansas, who,
as announced in a previous issue, has come
to our city to present the claims of the suffer
ing residents of the Territory. Mr. Reynolds
will be remembered in this same connection
from his efforts some months since to secure
seed wheat .for the farmers of Kansas, in
which be found generous responses, and
through his instrumentality many acres are
now in seed awaiting the results of another
But this does not relieve the present and
appalling wants of communities whose crops
have utterly failed through long-continued
lack of rain.
A public meeting was called at Bryan Hall
last evening, for the purpose of hearing a
statement from Rev. Mr. Reynolds, on this
matter. From reasons arising from the brief
ness of the call, and the inclemency of the
evening, the numbers present were less than
would have, under other circumstances, an
swered the appeal ; yet our solid and sub
stantial citizens were well represented, and
the meeting impressive and interesting, though
entirely informal, without formal action at
the close.
The speaker gave a brief hilt thrilling
sketch of the condition of affairs in - Kansas.
lle said that out of a population of 100,000,
about one-fourth had been driven away with
in the year by the gradually darkening aspect
of harvest matters. The crops planted in the
spring had dried up. Gardens became a
waste. Corn fields gave no yield. Farmers
who, in a previous season, had realised from
one to two thousand bushels of corn, gathered
in, this season, from one or two bushels of
corn to the acre. In the hope that rain would
come to their relief, potatoes and other root
crops were replanted, but only to the reduc
tion of the stock of food for an outlay that
gave no return.
Mr. Reynolds says that upon his ovm ta
ble in Lawrence he has had potatoes but
three times this summer, and these vegeta
bles are now selling in that market at $1 to
$1 25 per bushel. Store hogs the farmers
had purchased for fattening with their corn
crop, had been kept as long as possible, and
when nothing else remained, the animals,
many of them purchased at 4 or 47- cents per
pound, were sold for a penny per pound, given
away, or else taken out and shot to save the
food for the families.
The settlers are not of a class to complain,
and have resisted to the last the necessity of
asking for aid, and the last necessity is upon
them now, both of food and clothing, since
many of them in narrow circumstances have
left the repair of their wardrobes to this very
crop that has failed.
For miles and miles in extent, the fields
have not shown a blade of grass or token of
vegetation. Everything is barren and bare,
and the settlers see winter approaching, their
families without food.
The appeal of these settlers will not fall
upon leaden ears in Illinois and her sister
States, blessed as we are with an abundant
harvest. The material aid should and will
be forthcoming at once, and flow generously
forth from our older communities, until want
and suffering Kansas toe alleviated.
Stephen A. Douglas.
The following is from the Spirit of Jeffer
son, published at Charleston, the scene of
the John Brown .raid :
"We are told that Stephen A. Douglas is
ambitious; that he has been seeking the Pres
idency for the last eight or ten years ; that
his vote in Charleston and Baltimore was
formed by his superior tact and management.
To make this out, what is lacking in facts is
made up in assertions often repeated. Yet
we venture to assert that no man was ever a
candidate for President who had less to do in
making himself one. He is guilty of being a
great man, but he is not to blame for that:
God made him so, and he can't help it. He
is guilty of having a vast number of friends,
who wish to see him President. He is not
responsible for that, either. lie doesn't own
his friends, and can't command them. He,
no doubt, would like to be President; but we
don't see why he should. There is no man
living to whom the office would be worth so
little. He is the only candidate before the
people who would lose nothing by a defeat.
He would still be Stephen A. Douglas, with
so much character of his own that the office
of President would rather tend to diminish
than to increase his reputation. As to the
other candidates for President, if they reach
the office, it will be about all the record they
will have. The world will ask why they got
to be President. They will ask why Douglas
did not reach that office. There is more honor
implied in the last question than in the
TUE TEA TRADE.—During the year ending
April 30, 1860, there were exported from
China to the United States 31,661,427 pounds
of tea. The export to Great Britain for the
same period amounted to 78,416,052 pounds.
230 : 239
What will be done with the Money ?
We have the prospect of a combination of
things this year to add to our wealth, such as
seldom has happened before. There is the
largest harvest of wheat on record in this
country as a settled fact, and one of the
smallest in Europe in prospect. These two
causes combined will increase our wealth this
year nearly or quite one hundred millions of
dollars above all that we have usually in re
turn for the same amount of labor, except on
ly that of the transportation of it to market.
Seventy-five millions of this will be a clear
bounty of Providence and superabundant
yield above the average bought and paid for
at a higher rate than usual.
What will de done with the money ? So
far from being enough to pay for all the
schemes that will grow out of it, there is
hardly a single branch of industry that will
not receive from it an impetus equal to a loan
of the whole amount. Thus, for instance, the
farmers will be most immediately benefited.
Those in debt, out West, will pay for their
lands, pay for their goods ; and then, posses
sed of comfortable farms unineumbered, their
credit will be good for any reasonable amount.
Those already clear will buy more land and
lay out double the breadth in wheat, in hopes
of another such season, possibly. Large bo
dies of men will turn to farming, from the
news of the success among those who have
succeeded. The Prices of land will recover
and will rise, and this will add to the wealth
and credit of the farmers immensely, and far
more than the amount of the present crop.
The railways are doing an immense carry
' ing business, and passengers move to and fro
—merchants to buy goods and men to buy
lands, and produce dealers and speculators
without end. Not a man can go into Chica-
go, or any of the great wheat cities out West,
without meeting the agents of half a dozen
firms, come out to buy up his crop, or what
he has of it to sell before he reaches the city.
Railway stocks are recovering and will rise,
and a hundred millions will hardly pay for
the increased extension of railroads caused
by this harvest. In England, particularly,
the dealers in railroad iron will be ready to
take shares, and stocks and bonds, in pay
ment for railroad iron,
where, a few months
ago, this could not be done at any price.
The shipping interests will be most stimu
lated by this crop of ours, because it had
been most fiat. Few vessels were building
except down East, and those of an inferior
quality, because freights were so low. Now
they are doubling and trebling on every bar
rel of wheat, and not a few vessels will clear
off all old scores and a handsome profit be
sides, out of this fall and winter's work, and
the money thus acquired will give stability to
shipowners, and give them credit for new ves
sels of a better build, and our screw steamers
will vie on the ocean with those of England.
We have said nothing of the expansion all
this will cause in manufactures and commerce
generally, because it is here the effect is soon
est and most extensively felt. The demand
for goods, the'security in selling which arises
from prosperous farms and land investments
as the ultimate security, will cause sellers to
relax the caution quite rapidly enough, and
sell more goods on longer credit. These
goods they must have before they can sell,
and all our manufactures will receive an im
petus. AU this will create a demand for la
bor at high prices, and emigration will at
once resume its former activity. Ireland and
Germany will increase our population, and
the whole increase the demand of manufactu
red goods from foreign ports. These emi
grants will clear more land and raise larger
crops, and give more traffic for railroads and
more customers for goods.
Thus one prosperous harvest, bringing per
haps a hundred millions of money into the
country, will eventually benefit the country
many hundreds of millions. And so far from
being puzzled to know what to do with the
money, and how to invest it securely and
wisely,. the chief difficulty will be how to
make a little go a long way, and this hun
dred millions supply all the purposes of legit
imate exchange laid:out for it, apart from the
merely speculative use to which a large part
of it will be no doubt converted on the corn
and stock exchange.
Affection for a Dog.—The following extraor
dinary story is in circulation. An aged gen
tleman, a planter in one of the southern
States, has just died, leaving a fortune of $lOO,
000 which is to be disposed of according to
the provisions of his will, and that document
is as follows :
"I bequeath all my effects, to the children
of my brother, on the following conditions :
Desirous of marking my sense of the service
which my Newfoundland dog rendered me in
saving'my life one day when I was drowning,
and wishing also to provide for my house
keeper, I appoint my said housekeeper nurse,
tutor, and mother to my dog. My natural
heirs shall, on this account, pay to her, out of
my entire fortune, a daily sum in the follow
ing manner : The daily payment shall con
tinue so long as the dog shall live, but not
one second longer. During the first year af
ter my decease, or for so much of it as the
dog shall live, my housekeeper shall receive
$5 a day ; the second year she shall receive
$lO a day ; the third year $l5 ; and so on,
until the death of the dog. In the course of
the month in which the dog shall die, there
shall be paid to my housekeeper for every
day of the dog's existence $125. On the day
of his death she shall be paid per hour of the
dog's life, $250. In the last hour of his life
she shall receive for every minute that he
lives, $372 ; and for every second of the last
minute, $5OO. My notary is charged with
superintending the carrying out of my will."
This eccentric gentleman appears to have
entertained for his dog sentiments similar to
Byron's. What the heirs will think or do
we cannot say, but we shall be much surpri- •
sed if that dog lives many hours longer. Sup
posing him to die at 59 minutes and 59 sec
onds after 5 o'clock on the 30th day of the
month, the sum to be paid to the housekeeper
will be :-30 days, at $125, $3,750 ; 11 hours,
at $250, $3,750 ; 50 minutes, at $375, $22,
125 ; 59 seconds, at $5OO, $39,500—558,125.
A MODEL TOWNSUIP.—In Lewis township,
Clay county, Indiana, they have a sort of
fore taste of the millenium. It has within
its limits one hundred and seventy families,
all white, except one, and they keep dark
about it. There are in it one hundred and
sixty-five voters, and, during the last twenty
years, there has never been a fight nor a
quarrel at any election held in the township.
It contains seven school-houses, seven road
districts, seven bachelors and seven large
men ; three pair of twin boys, three fiddlers,
three carpenters, three postoffices, three cra
zy men and three over 75 years old. There
is not a lawyer, doctor or loafer in it, nor a
grocery nor pauper. A better, friendlier,
happier population is not to be found in the
George N. Sanders, Yancey, and the
Vice Presidency
[To the Editor of the Charleston ((bier.]
SIR, ; I am surprised that an earnest raid sa
gacious editor like yourself could be led so far
astray as to give serious color to a rumor
-which, on a little investigation on your part,
would have proved to have grown out of some
playful words of mine at a private dinner
Although the remarks I made sprang out
of the moment, without previous thought,
and were only responsive to the spirit of good
humored political raillery which prevailed
around the table, I am quite willing that all
I said on the occasion and after, shall go to
the public. My words, though casually spo
ken, at most only pointed out a way by which
the Vice Presidency could be won and the
Democratic party , saved.
In only two instances, the second being:
merely a laughing allusion to the first, did I
ever either jocosely or seriously speak in Mr:
Yancey's presence of his chances for the Vice
Presidency. The mere mention of the par
ties, present on the first occasion, with a sim
ple statement of what I then said, out of
which it has all grown, will be a sufficient
gauge to the absurdity of the whole story.
The gentlemen were, first, the generous
host, Mr. J. D. Hoover ; time, the Thursday
before the Baltimore Convention. On his
right, Vice President Breckinridge. On his,
left, Col. J. W. Forney, of The Press. Be
tween him and myself, Mr. 'Yancey. These,
with Gen. John Cunningham, of Charleston,
Mr. Albert Pike, of Arkansas, and several
others of equally opposing spheres, composed
the party.
The conversation and speeches naturally
turned toward the approaching Convention.
Being called on in turn, I observed, referring
to the Vice Presidency, that Democratic usage
gave the Vice President to the minority, and
instanced that at Cincinnati the Douglas par
ty demanded and obtained the nomination of
Major Breckinridge as Vice President, after
they had been beaten on the Presidency.—
That there was no question as to who was
the minority chief in the present contest,
Douglas had, in his last speech signally point
ed out Mr. Yancey ; and that I felt authori
zed to say that the majority, with whom I
had the honor to act, would generously fol
low the wise acknowledgment in '56 of this
precedent, and allow the minority again to
indicate the Vice President. That Mr. Yan
cey had bravely won the position by break
ing up the Convention at Charleston, and
that he had gained everything possible in that
direction. That his star would now lead him
to harmony, and to the preventing any more
breaks in the Democratic party. That I
would suggest a platform as a substitute for
both the others on the slavery question, which
Mr. Yancey and his followers could honora
bly accept. That the platform I would have
him adopt would be to require fifteen or twen
ty thousand inhabitants in a Territory before
giving it to legislative powers. This is the
manner, length, and breadth of my Vice Pres
idential proposition to Mr. Yancey. It is for
Mr. 'Yancey, and not myself, to say what con
sideration he gave to it, and what effort he
made, if any, on the line of its suggestions,
Before leaving Mr. Hoover's, Mr. Yancey
came to me and said he would like to make
a complimentary visit to Mr. Douglas with
me, at a time when he would be most at lei
sure. By note, the next day, I informed Mr.
Yancey that I would call for him, at his
rooms,-at ten in the evening. Arriving at the
appointed hour, I frund. with Mr. Yancey,
Messrs. Baxter, Hubbard, and Fisher, of Vir
ginia, discussing the politics of the day. I
asked Mr. Yancey significantly if he had
been considering the Vice Presidential pro
ject, alluding, of course, to what had occur
red at Hoover's. He archly indicated in his
reply, that he had now higher aspirations.—
In the same vein, I, alludine-" to the speedy
annihilation of Harrison and Taylor, rejoin
ed that, as Douglas' friends were much more
numerous and enthusiastic than theirs, he
could, certainly, count upon his being killed
off in less than six months. Ido not pretend
to give the precise words, but the sense is ex
act, without stretching or shrinking. We
soon left for Douglas' ; found him surround
ed by friends, and spent a pleasant hour,
without a word on the Vice Presidency from
Douglas, Yancey, or any of the party. I
drove Mr. Yancey back to his lodgings.—
Thus ended our interviews. When alone
with Mr. Yancey, our political conversation
was entirely on the platform—no allusion by
either to the Vice Presidency.
I regret that any Virginia gentleman
should so overstep the line of social ethics as
to make a grave report, with the intention of
injuring Mr. Douglas politically, out of the
fragmentary words of a careless conversation
between others, of the scope and bearing of
which they were entirely ignorant, not being
cognizant of its antecedents; thus making
possibly necessary this public explanation of
what has been so astutely misrepresented.
I trust that the Courier and other journals
which have given such widespread circula
tion to the irregular statement of the Virgin
ia gentlemen will publish my explanation, in,
justice to Mr. Douglas. Respectfully,
New York, October 22, 1860.
Oar The Greenbrier (North Carolina) Pat
riot (Bell) says : " If, indeed, it were a fact
that the entire North, or even a large major
ity of the North, were Abolitionists, and for
the purpose of carrying out views inimical to
Southern institutions, they should elevate
Lincoln to the Presidential chair, without'
any regard to the voice of the minority, then
there would be some reason in this cry of dis
union ; but when such is not the fact, but, on.
the contrary,a large majority of our Northern
brethren are with us in sentiment ; and when,
the disunionists themselves are compelled to.
admit that it is only through their own in-.
ternal dissensions that a majority may acci
dentally elect Lincoln, it is most absurd and:
ridiculous to insist on a dissolution of the-
Union, because a state of things has come to
pass which the friends of tho Union have,.
themselves, been instrumental in bringing,
about. If Lincoln is elected, it will not be:
because our enemies are too strong for usi_
but because we can't agree among ourselves..
And it would be a nice piece of folly to dis
solve this great and glorious Union, simply
because those who profess to be its friends,.
have, by their insane quarrels, permitted a
minority to gain a temporary ascendency?'
" A LITTLE Moan CIDER."—Those fond' of
apple juice can be gratified by obtaining the
beverage at cheap rates this fall. Apples
abound, especially in the western part of the
State, and cider is freely offered at one dollar
a barrel at the mill. We hear of farmers in
Suffield offering to sell at fifty cents a barrel,
which would• not pay for gathering tbe apples.
—Hartford (Conn.) Press.