THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &O. lor Hy 'arum. TEE CATTLE DISEASE CAUSED BY IMMATURE FOOD .—There is an interesting article in the Journal d' Agriculture Pratique, from the pen of Gustave liamoir, in which several facts are brought forward to show that cattle feed ing on immature food are very liable to pleuxe pneunzonia—the cattle disease which has caused such a panic during the present sum mer in Massachusetts. Ile states that in seasons favorable to a rank growth of the sugar beet—and when, consequently, the beet is deficient in sugar— cattle fed on the pulp of the beet are sub ject to this disease. But he has found that if the pulp is steamed in such a way that the steam carries off the volatile matters—alcohol, acetic acid,a.ncl essential oils—it is then healthy food. Several experiments are mentioned which seem to prove the truth of this idea. There can be no doubt that immature food of any kind is unhealthy. The leaves of tur nips, which analysis shows to contain a much larger percentage of nitrogen than the bulbs, arc well known to be less nutritious than the bulbs, and have a tendency to cause scours in the sheep and cattle eating them. In Mr. Lawes' experiments on sheep this fact was brought out in a very striking manner.— Sheep fed on turnips manured with super phosphate of lime did well and gave a fair increase ; while sheep fed on the same kind of turnips and grown in the same field, and fed out of at the same time, but which were dressed with a large quantity of ammonia, not only did not increase in weight but actu ally lost in flesh, and were so evidently ill fed that it was necessary to discontinue the experiment. Analysis showed these turnips to contain a much higher percentage of nitro gen than those grown with the superphos phates of lime—in other words, they were deficient in carbonceous matter. The ammo nia caused them to continue growing late in the fall, and they were when gathered far rom being perfectly matured. Sugar beets, heavily dressed with ammo• niacal manures are well known to be deficient in sugar, and the manufacturers of beet-root sugar do not like excessively heavy crops.— M. Hamoir states that the years when the crops of beets were unusually heavy were the years when the cattle disease most prevailed, and we have no doubt it was caused by the beets being immature. We see no reason to doubt that immature grass, or that grown on low wet land, would also be injurious.—Gen ace Farmer. FATTENING TURKEYS.—Much has been pub lished of late in our agricultural journals, in relation to the ailamentary properties of charcoal. It has been repeatedly asserted, that domestic fowls may be fattened on it without any other food, and that too, in a a shorter time than on the most nutritive grains. I made an experiment, and must say that the result surprised me, as I had al ways been rather skeptical. Four turkeys were confined in a pen and fed on meal, boil ed potatoes and oats. Four others of the same brood, were also at the same time con fined in another pen, and fed daily on the same articles, but with one pint of finely pulverized charcoal mixed with their meal and potatoes. They also bad a plentiful sup ply of broken charcoal in their pen. The eight were killed on the same day, and there was a difference of one-and-a-half pounds each in favor of the fowls - Which had been supplied with charcoal, they being much the fattest, and the most greatly superior in - point of tenderness and flavor.—Germanteum Tel. TO REMOVE ITORSES PROM A BUILDING ON FIRE.—The great difficulty of getting horses from a stable, where surrounding buildings are in a state of conflagration, is well known. Wilkes' Spirit of the Times says a gentleman whose horses had been in great peril from such a cause, having in vain tried to save them hit upon the experiment of having them har nessed, when, to his astonishment, they were led from the stable without difficulty. GASIIIIERE GOATS IN KENTUOST.-R. W. Scott, of Kentucky, informs the Ohio Culti vator that G. W. Ogden, of Fayette county, has a flock of eighty Cashmere goats, grades and full bloods, male and female. Ile was astonished to see "how rapidly the short hair ed scrub is transformed into the fine wool bearing Cashmere—four or five crosses ap pearing to make them in all respects equal to pure-bred animals from imported stock." DIILK BECO3IING THICK WHILE SWEET.-A writer to the Boston Cultivator states that a few years since he fed a cow on "cut feed" mixed with Indian meal. After she had eat en two or three bushels of meal, the quantity of milk became less and the quality richer, and in a few minutes after the milk was drawn it became thick, like jelly, yet remained per fectly sweet. lie says be "cut short" the meal, and there was no farther trouble. To KILL ROACHES. —Borax powder sprink led about the kitchen, closets, pantries, sinks, drawers, etc., within the course of a few days,almost completely exterminates roaches, with which nearly every house is infested:— Unlike most other remedies, it is perfectly harmless, in case it should come in contact with food. Quantity, from to pound. CURE FOR A FELON.-Cut a hole in a lemon and wear it on the finger over the felon, like a thimble. So says an exchange. R. ESENWEIN'S• TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, Is the best Best Medicine in the World for the cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the heart, Diptherir. and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Con sumption, together with all diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a Practical Physician and Druggist and one of great experience in the cure of the various diseases to which the human frame is liable. It is offered to the afflicted with the greatest cot& deuce. Try it and be convinced that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affections. Price 50 cents per bottle. ESENWEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM, A very valuable remedy fbr Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Mortls, and all bowel affections. Try it. Price 25 cents per bottle. ' The above Medicines are prepared only by Dn. A. ESENWEIN & CO., Druggists and Chemists, N. W. Corner Ninth & Poplar Sts., Philadelphia. N. D.—Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicine throughout the state. [June 20, 1860.—1y.] "f IJICK SALES AND Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, lIYALN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT OMER VALUABLE &ND INTERESTING Boca, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC .AND INSTRUCTION BOORS, SHEET MUSIC for the Piano, Guitar, &c., &c., POCKET BOOKS, PORTAIONNIIIES AND PURSES, For Ladies and aentlenien, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL HINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, W., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper Tor Boys and Girls. AMUSING GAMES For Young Folio WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, BIA.RRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &C., CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents. BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, SCILOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, DIARIES FOR 1800 Drawing and Blotting Payer, Bristol and Card Boards, WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, BLUE AND BLACK INAS, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID. Wrapping Paper of Different Sizes and Qualities, &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c SHOULD CALL AT LEWIS' CHEAP BOOS, STATIONERY AND - MUSIC STORE, In tho "Giotto" building, Market Square, where all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases. SONGS AND BALLADS, &C., FOR EVERYBODY The Gentle Annie Melodist, The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, The Dime Song Book, No. 2, The Dime Song Book, N 0.3, The Dime Song Book, Aro. 4, Tice Dime Song Book, No. 5, The Dime . Song Book, No. 6. The Dime Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, The Dime Speaker, The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book. For solo at LETTS' Boos, STATIONERY AND Music STORE CULL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want Fashionable Goods. T 1 P. GIVIN keeps the largest, best jr. assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and examine them. HOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at prices from 25 cta. to $2,00 at the cheap store of D. P. GWIN. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnetsfor Ili. sale cheap, at. D. P. 011tiN'S. SMALL PROFITS !" _ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- ROGER C. MCGILL, manufacturer of all kinds of castings, forge and rolling mill, grist and saw mill, thrash ing machine, sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, stoves of various kinds, kettles, plough shears to suit all kinds of ploughs; also, car wheels and railroad work, and has a new and improved plough that renders satisfaction to all farmers that have used thorn. I will keep all kinds of plough shears and ploughs at Messrs. Fisher MeMnr trie's, Huntingdon, and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek, and will fill all orders promptly. The farmers will save money by getting shears and ploughs of McGILL, at the foundry head-quarters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produce, old metal and lumber, taken in exchange.— Bring the pay and save ten per cent, Alexandria, March 7, 1860-Iy. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM . The undersigned respectfully inform the public that they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and will continuo the business, and endeavor "to give general satisfaction. AR orders will bo promptly attended to. WM. ROTTIROCIC, Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1860. WM. N. KIRBY. ID 91 021 „, • Ir" = = 1...4 col I- , t" '---.1 CA .0+ IL t•-•11%;" r-4 r,irq, -0 , 1 C. rgl ~.4 .F Oa( Eli TORN PTASZYK, PIANO FORTE, ORGAN AND MELODEON TUNER, Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vi cinity, and of the county, that he will be in Huntingdon regularly twice a year, in June and December, for the pur pose of tuning and repairing Piano Fortes, Organs and Melodeons, and musical instruments, of all descriptions. A 35- Alt orders left at the Book, Stationery and Music Store of Wm. Lewis, will be promptly and faithfully at tended to: [Dec. 11,1859-Iy.] WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, OP Tilz PUILADELPIIIA BAB. It Tells You How to draw up PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general forms for AGREEMENTS of all kinds, BILLS of SALE, LEASES and PETITIONS. It Tells You Row to draw up BONDS and MORTGAGES, AF FIDAVITS POWERS of ATTORNEY NOTES and BILLS ofilxenANot, RECEIPTS andi RELEASES. It Tells You The laws for the COLLECTION of DEBTS, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property I , lv rwrr from EXECU TION in every State. It Tells You How to make an ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for COMPOSITION with CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. - It Tells You The legal relations existing between GUAR DIAN and WARD, MASTER and APPRENTICE, and LANDLORD and TENANT. It Tells You What constitutes Wm, and SLANDER, and the Law as to MARRIAGE Bowen., the WIFE'S RIGHT IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and ALIMONY. It Tells You The Law for MECHANICS' LIENS in every State, and the NATURALIZATION LAWS of this coun try, and bow to comply with the same. It Tells You The law concerning PENSIONS and how to ob tain one, and the PEE-Ersmort LAWS to PUBLIC LANDS. It Tells You , The Law for PATENTS, with mode of proce dure in obtaining one, with INTEIXPERSVES, ASSIGNMENTS and TABLE OF FEES. It Tells You Bow to make your WILL, and how to ArritrN ISTER ON AN ESTATE, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of LAW TERMS in general use, and explains to you the LEGISLATIVE, ESE curivE and JUDICIAL Powers of both the General and State GOVERNMENTS. It Tells You ROW TO KEEP OUT OF LAW, by showing how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. Are— Everybody's Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book Store JOHN SCOTT. SAMUEL T. BROWN. J. 11. 0. CORBIN. T,ATV PARTNERSHIP.— J. H. O. Connor has, from this date, become a mem ber of the firm of SCOTT ,Sc BROWN, ,ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, to which name the business will still be conducted. Huntingdon, Jan. 2, 1860. 1E W P VEMICATIONS. QUICE SAVES AND SAT* vr PROFITS.--ORDSSS received a LEWIS' Book and Stationery Store, for all new and old Books published in the United States. Books ordered eve ry week. SAY AND SEAL, Dy the author of "Wide, Wide World," and the authort of " Dollars and Cents."-2 vols., 12 wo.; publishers price $2,00. In evidence of the great popularity of this work, We need only say that 30,000 COPIES of the English edition have already been sold, and, up to the present time, we have been unable to furnish the books as rapidly as or dered. We invite attention to the following notices "The authors have turned their intellectual wealth to the best purposes. Such books are bettor than hundreds of mere controversial sermons."—R. Shelton Mackenzie. 6 " Say and Seal' is indeed a true, beautiful home book, that will be road with delight and profit by tens of thous ands of our people."—Evening.Dulletin. "Decidedly the best book emanating from the authoress of 'Wide, Wide World.' "—lnquirer. "A delightful book it is."—The Press. "It is superior to ' Wide, Wide World.' "—North Amer ican. THE BIBLICAL REASON WHY, A handsome book for Biblical Students and Sunday School Teachers, and a Guide to Family Scripture Bead lug, beautifully illustrated.—Large 12 mo., cloth, giltside and back. Publishers' price $l. This book makes the Bible a pleasant as well as pro found subject of study. It leaves no difficult or obscure point unexplained. It renders every passage clear. It is exactly the volume that every family, which reads at all imperatively needs to place beside the Bible, as its best companion. THIS VOLUME ANSWERS 1,493 QUESTIONS IN A CLEAR MANNER TESTIMONIALS OF THE CLERGY "I have given some attention to the 'Biblical Reason Why,' and feel bound to say that it seems to me to con tain a vast amount of information on Biblical subjects, conveyed in a clear manner, illustrated by many valuable cuts, and printed on good paper. It constitutes a valuable addition to the apparatus of the Teacher, Parent, and pri vate Christian." Right Rev. ALONZO POTTER, D.D., LL. D. Bishop of Pennsylvania. "I have examined the 'Biblical Reason Why,' and find it to be a repartory of facts on Biblical subjects, set forth in a plain and intelligible way. Indeed, lam surprised at the amount of matter that is compressed into this vol ume. For use in families and schools, I consider it the best book of the kind I have seen." Rev. JOHN McCLINTOCK, D. D. LL. D., President of the Troy University, and Elasto;of St.Paur s Church (Methodist Episcopal,) New York. "The attention I have given your book satisfies me that it cannot fail to give important aid to all students of the Bible, and especially that large class who have neither time nor means to bestow on larger or more critical works. The plan of your work is excellent, and the water well chosen. It should have a large circulation. It will cer tainly be of great use in the study of the Holy Scriptures." Rev. JOSEPH 11. KENNARD, Pastor of the Eighth street Baptist Church, Philadelphia. WRAPPING PAPER ! d good article for tudo at LEWIS' 1300 K STORE WOSTENIIOLMS' Celebrated IX L Knives and Razors, for sale by _ YYOUwill find the Largest and Best assortment of sdiPs' Dress Goods at D. P. GWIN'a. THE ic GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is tho most complete of any in the country, and pos sesses the most ample facilities for promptly executing in the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such ail lIAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, B. C. AIcOILL CARDS, . CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C. ( 0 1 / 4 gs'S) (r(;;:)? CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OP 'WORE, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. - 11 4 1 VANS & WAT- S ' i f SON'S SALAMANDER SAFES, 304 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ANOTHER TRIUMPH! Phaade/plaia, Sept. 29,1859. To THE PRESIDENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY :—The subscribers, your committee to examine the contents of a Salamander Safe, of Evans & Watson, after being exposed to a strong fire on the Fair Grounds for eight hours, respectfully represent— That after seven cords of oak wood and three of pine had been consumed around the Safe, it was opened in the presence of the committee, and the contents taken out, a little warmed, but not even scorched. Several Silver Medals heretofore received by the manu facturers-,- and a large quantity of documents were in the Safe, and came out entirely uninjured. The experiment satisfied us of the capacity of Safes of this kind to protect contents from any lire to which they may be exposed. The Committee awarded a Diploma and Silver Medal. GEO. W. WOODWARD, JOHN W. GEARY, J. P. RUTHERFORD, ALFRED S. GILLETT. WitstrsaToN. Del., Sept.l7,lBs9.—Messrs. EVANS & WILT SON, Philadelphia. -Gentlemen:—The Salamander Fire-Proof Safe of your manufacture, purchased by us from your Agent, Ferris Sc Garrett, of our city, some nine months ago, was severely tried by burglars last Saturday night, and although they had a sledge hammer, cold chisels, drill and gunpowder, they did not succeed in opening the Safe. The locic being one of " riall's Patent Powder-proof," they could not get the powder into it, but drilled a hole in the lower panel and forced in a large charge, which was ignited, and al though the door, inside and out, showed the explosion not to have beet a small one, it was notforced open. We sup pose they were the greater part of the night at work on it. We are much gratified at the result of the attempt to enter it, and if the above facts are of any service, you are at liberty to use them. Yours, truly, DAYNARD & JONES. KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, March 13th, 1859. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, Philadelphia: Gentlemen—lt affords me great pleasure to say to you that the Salamander Safe which I purchased of you in February, 1858, proved to be what you recommended it— a sure protection from tire. My storehouse, together with several others, was burned to the ground in March last.— The Safe fell through into the cellar, and was exposed to intense heat for six or eight hours, and when it was taken from the ruins and opened, all its contents where found to be in a perfect state, the books and the papers not being injured any whatever. I can cheerfully recommend your Sates to the community, believing, as I do, that they are as near tire-proof as it is possible for any Safe to be made. Zar- A largo assortment of the above SAFES always on hand, at 304 Chestnut street, (late 24 South Fourth street,) Philadelphia. [Nov. 16,1839. J SCHOOL BOOKS, - FOR SALE OSGOOD'S Speller. Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th and sth M38(1014 M'GUFFEY'S Speller and Readers, (old and new editions.) SANDER'S do do do SWAN'S do do do COBB'S do do do Webb's Normal Reader, No.l. Emerson's Readers. Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Scholar's Companion. Smith's, Bullion's, Brown's and Tower's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies & Atlases. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's, Emmerson's, Swan's,Colburn's anti Ray's Arithmetics. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetics. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Upham's Mental Philosophy. Willard's history of the United States. Berard's " a 41 Goodrich's " Payson, Bunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Elements of Map Drawing, with plan for sketching maps by tri-angulation and improved methods of.projeetion. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Hanaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Kanaford & Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. • DUMP MAKING-. Tho public are informed the subscriber is still in the Pump Making business at Mill Creek, and will furnish pumps, including all wood work, with good timber, at different points on the Canal and Railroad, at 45 cents per foot. When timber and boarding are found, from 25 to 33 cents per foot. If the work is not well done, no pay will be exacted. Refers to— J. Sowell Sowart, Theo. 11. Cromer, William Dorris, William Dorris, Jr., Thomas Fisher, Horatio G. Fisher, John Scott, Samuel T. Brown, David Blair and Judge Tay lor, Hunt ingdon ; and to Geo.-Bucher, John Porter, Charles Porter and Wm. Christy, Alexandria. March 28, 1860-6 m. WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S' FIXTURES, A handsome assortment just received and for rale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY 8; MUSIC STORE DUTCHER-KNIVES and Carvers, in great variety, for sale at the Hardware Store of rrillE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can always be found at the cheap store of FISHER dc SON. IF you want handsome Goods, good Goods, cheap Goods, and all kini of Goods, go to D. P. 'S. HOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be sold for $1 25 at the cheap store of FISHER & SON. ALCARD. - DR. D. S. HAYS offers his professional services to the inhabitants of Mooresville and vicinity. Office, at the lower bank or Neff Mills, opposite Jars. Myton's store. April 18, 1860—tf. 00AL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, for 75 cents and upwards, at the Ilardware Store of J. A. BROWN. AIUtISBURG STONE-WARE !! ! Crocks, Jugs, Proservo Jars &c., &C., of superior qua ity. Sold only by JAMES A. BROWN. JAS. A. DROWN TA P. GWIN'S is the place to buy Aj e good and cheap Carpets. --- - - - 0- 51 ' 1' - • 1 " CA . - STILL ANOTTLEIt. GREAT FIRE I-ANOTIIER TRIU3INI II AT LEWIS' LOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STOitE, HUNTINGDON, ra. ISAAC WOOLVERTON, Xill Creek P. 0., Huntingdon co., Penna. THOMAS J. POWELL JAMES A. BROWN. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS -- MEGAHAN & CO., Miners and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. B. L. Iklegalnin, General Agent., McConnellstown, Huntingdon county, Pa.. DAVID BLAIR, Miner and Shipper of Broad Top Coal. Office Hun tingdon Pa. el A. MILLER, IA Dealer in Groceries, Confectionaries, &c.. (1 COUTS, Proprietor of the Mansion House R. JOHN -MeCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and ,vicinity. Office on Hill street, one door east of Heed's Drug Store. Aug. 26, '55. T S. MILLER, t.PY Proprietor of the Jackson House. S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi . cines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, &c. Also—Gro ceries, Confectioneries, Sm., Huntingdon, Pa. M. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical Instru ments, Huntingdon, Pa. - 11 - 1 P. GWIN, „ Dealer in Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fie. T M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. CP ® Founders, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, ey Dealer in hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Sze., 'Hunt ingdon, Pa. 1.1 ROMAN, Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. 11111tENJ. JACOBS, g p Dealer in Dry Goods, Deady Made Clothing, Grocer ies, Queensware, &c. &c. GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready °made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. ]'ISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, & - c., Huntingdon, Pa. TEVI WESTBROOK, j Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, etc. OSEPII 11EIGGER, Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew STy, WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer O E W 1 N BOAT, Carriage and Waggon Manufacturer TORN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hill street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. REFERENCES-L.. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, lion. Jonathan M'Willianis. T) 'CHARD LANGDON, "Miner and AA, Dealer iu Broad Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, Pa. [Nov. 8,'58. AMMERMAN & CO.,Miners and Deal ers in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top, Huntingdon co., Pub ua. [Nov. 3, 1558. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingilon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 1858. 11. ROMAN. TARN GOODS !--A fine -assortment on /hand for the accommodation of customers, at BENJ JACOBS' "Cheap Corner," Market Square. (0ct2.8 ) ATONE -WARE at S. S. Smith' Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in OEM IT K. NEFF, M. D., _Le PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE, Hill street, ,opposite Dr. *Lucien, °lli rs his profes sional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. April 13,1859. EXCHANGE HOTEL, NEAR PRIMYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT T. K. SLMONTON, Proprietor Doc. 28, 1859 JACKSON HOTEL, u UNTINGDON, PA. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor. MANSION HOUSE, DILL STREET, IIUNTINGDON, PA CHRISTIAN COUTS, Proprietor. My old patrons and the traveling public in general, may expect warm receptions and good accommodations. April 6, 1859. T) ALLISON MILLEIt i lit s tidleaTiav D E NrTIST, Has removed to tho Brick Row opposite the Court louse. April 13, 1859. 42. VIOLINS ; GUITARS, SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIFES, For salo cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. rintussEs ! BRACES !! SUPPOR TEES!!! C. H. NEEDLES, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Race streets, rtIILADELPRIA.. Practical Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and Mechanical Remedies. Has constantly on hand a large stock of Gen uine Trench Trusses; also, a complete assortment of the best American, including the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truss, believed by the best authorities to be superior to any yet invented. English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bandages, Self-In jecting Syringes, adapted to both sexes, in neat portable cases, French Pessaries, Urinal Bags, &c. Orders and letterh of enquiry, will meetprompt attention. October 19, 1659—1 y. , THE CYTHARA—The sii• Pre sb yterian Psalmodist—The Shawn—TheJubilee—Hunten's and Bertini's enlarged and improved instructors—Weilaud's New and Improved Method for the Guitar—Leland's Accor deon, 'Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and nowe's Violin Instructors—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur rowes' Piano-Forte Primer—do. Thorough-Base Primer— Rowe's Drawing Room Dances—The Chorus Glee Book— Tara's harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & BIOSIC STORE. E ADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars an cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, Sc., together with a set of useful tables, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. QCHOOL BOOKS, LI Generally in rise in the Schools of the County, not on hand, will be furnished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK ,AIVDSTATIONERY STORE. PARCHMENT DEED PAPER ruled, for sale at RAPER! PAPER!! Noto Post, Commercial, Foolscap and PJatcap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. (It UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. twin's VI than can bo had in town. Call and see them. CLOAKING Cloths, Tassals, Cords and Binding, cheap at D. P. GWLN'S. TINVELOPES- By the box, pack, or less quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. IT you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call 1_ at D. P. WIN'S, where you will find the la rgeat as eortment in town. IF you want handsome Lawns, Delains, and other Dress goods, go to it,. P. GIVIN'S. HUNTINGDON, PA., LEWIS' BOOK STORE. St A,. OOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School ooks--Foolscar, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fano!! Envelopes—Bed, Blue and Black Inks-- Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at Mir prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE, 'OMB TO ALL !! . -1.-., .he subscriber, who has for more than one year, carried on business in company with Messrs. F. BaANDY,•II. GIN, P. WHIBEET, and Mr. LAGER BEER, has this day dissolved partnership with the above firm 1 All clainis against tho old firm will be paid by the subscriber, and all those' in debted to the firm will pay him. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELR Y will sir always be repa i red. 4 . good stock of CLOCKS, h Wxrcucs and J EWELRY Will be kept on band .1. for customers who majf favor him with a call. Huntingdon, March 2, 1859 F OR EVERYBODY. TRY TILE NEW STORE, On Bill Street opposite an - MOWS Store THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES. COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR. CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every other article usually found in a Grocery-Store. ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils and Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Glass and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a large number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will please call and examine fur themselves and learn my prices. Huntingdon, May 25, 1858 rIIHE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN !—The subscribers take this method Of informing their friends and the public: generally, that r - they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Fouri ,L prab dry, and are now in successful operation, and are prepared to furnish Castings of k ta,Enry , ,,, .„,„; every description, of best quality and workmanship, on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough,took the first premium at the hlun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone,Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. Wo have on hand an are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Otlice stoves for wood or coal. Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. . .1. N. CU:N . SIINC HAM & pito Huntingdon, April 30, 1856. ATARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call tlie attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and 'Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Cali and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on 11111 street, Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855, N.1,111V BOOKS ! FOlt SALE AT J.EIVIS' BOOK STORE TIIE HOUSE: ANEW POCEET MANIRL of Rural Architec ture; or, How to Build Dwelliug,s, fiartut, Stables, and Out Dwellings of all kinds. With a Chapter on Churches and School-Houses. Price, 50 cents. THE GARDEN: A Ncw PocscT 3:ANTAL of Practical Hor timilture; or. How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Price, 50 cents. VIE FARM : A NEW PoeICET .DIANUA.T. of Practical Agri culture; or, How to Cultivate all the FieltiCrops, With an Essay on Farm Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A NM POCRET MANUAL of Cattle,- Horse, and Sheep husbandry; or, Iftm to Breed and Rear the 'Various Tenants of the Barwyard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. HOW TO T A Ni.w POCKfia MANuAL of Conversatiun and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Style, anti more than Five Hundred Common Mis takes Corrected. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO BEHAVE: A NEW POCKET MA GAOL of Renninll ' can Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal habits; with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative As semblies, etc. Price, 50 cents. IIOW TO DO BUSINESS : A NEW POCKET MANUAL Of Practical Affairs and Guido to success in Life; with a Collection of BusinesS Forms, and a Dictionary of Coin mercial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents. WILLIAM AFRICA DAS AGAIN COMMENCED TIM BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF H. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STOREL His old customers and the public generally, will give him a call. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 1658.] CILOTHING ! CLOTHING! ! Keep yourself warm. Call at 1L GUTMAN & CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, in Long's new building, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. A good stock always on hand. (0c28.) 00AL BUCKETS and Shovels, for sale by JAMES A.]DROWN TgIQUORS, of the best, for Medicinal 4 purposes, at S. S. MIMI'S. CLOTHING !—A large stock on hand, ki at the cheap store of )JENJ. JACOBS. Call and ex amine goods and prices. (oct•LB.) 11. RACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING Al'ID DRAWING PAPER, White and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK ce- STATIONERY STORE. TF YOU WANT TO BB CLOTHED, A. Call at the store of BENJ. JACOBS. CALL at the new CLOTHING * STORE of OUTMAN & CO., if you want a good article of Clothing. Store room in Long's new building, in the Dia mond, Huntingdon. Sept. 9, 1857. CONFECTIONRIES of the very best. E Call at MILLER'S. TOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. GWIN'S. - LANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE AiONTIILY TIME BOOKS, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORK 00K BINDING. Old Books. Magazines; or publications of any kind, ound to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK d• STATIONERY STORE: TibUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE T _Lip It you want your card neatly printed upon enveY open, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. F OR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, suitable for confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. - 11Q0OTS & SHOES,OId and young I can Bo fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' store in Market square, Iluntingdon, Pa. (0ct28.) GROCERIES, &e:, &e.—Call at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coun try produce taken in exchange at the highest market pri ces. (0ct28.) FOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to be found at I). I'. GWIN'S ar:;IUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.—A __ large assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. T ADIES Collaxs, very cheap and beau -1.4 tifttl, ut D. P.- GRUNT. JOSEPH REIGGBR S. S. SMITII WM. WILLIAMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers