The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 12, 1860, Image 1

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Per annum in advance
Six months
Three months .
A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expilation of
the term subscribed for will be considered a new engage.
Four lines or 1e95„.....
Ono square, (12 lines,)
Two squares
Over three week and less than three months, 25 cent 3
per square for each insertion.
2 owaths. 0 months. 12 Months.
50 VS 00 Q 5 00
00 7 00
Six line , 3 or le:±9,
Ono square,
5 00 8 00 10 00
7 00 10 00 15 00
T squares,..
Three squares,
Four squares,.
llalf a col ni ,
One column
Profeisional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines,
ono year, $3 00
Administrators' and.Execntors' Notices, 5 1 - 75
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will lie continncd till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms. •
186 0 .
FISHER & SON are now opening the
largest and Gcst selected Stock of Goods ever offered in this
It comprises a full line of Fashionable
Dress Goods, imitable for SPRING & sunmEß, such as
Black and Fancy Silks, French Foulards, (Chintz Figure's.)
Fancy Organdies, Ducas, Challie's Lawni, English Chintz,
Ginghams, Lustres, Prints, Sm.
A large and beautiful assortment of Spring
A flue stock of richly worked Black Silk
Lace Mantles. A full assortment of Ladies' Fine Collars,
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, finch as Collars. Cravats,
Tics, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts,
Drawers, Sic.
We have a fine selection of Mantillas,
Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gaunt
lets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs; Buttons. Floss, Sewing Silk,
_Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, Sc.
Also—Tickino - s Osnaburg , Bleached and
Unbleached Muslins, all prices; Colored and 'White Cam
brics, Barred and Swiss Unsling, Victoria Lawns, Nilln
souks, Tarleton, and many other articles which comprise
the line of WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS.
French Cloths, Fancy Cassimers, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds,
Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Liudseys, Comforts, Blank
ets, Sic.
Hats and Caps, of every variety and style.
which will be sold Cheap.
We also deal in PLASTER, 'FISH, SALT, and all kinds
of GRAINS. and possess facilities in this branch of trade
- unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of
Merchandise,free, of charge, at the Depots of the Broad Top
and Pennsylvania Railroads.
COME ONE. COME ALL. and be convinced that the Me
leopotitan, is the place to secure fashionable and desirable
goods, disposed of at the lowest rates.
Huntingdon, April 15, ISSO
D. P. GIVIN lots just received the largest and most
fashionable awl best selected Stock of Goods in the mar
ket. consistt ng of (laths. Cassi acres. Plain and Fancy.
Satinets. Kentucky Jeans, 'Pa eeds, Beavert cells-. - Velvet
Cords, Cotton Drills,' Linen Duel:, Blue Drills, and other
faskionable Goods fur Men and Boys' wear.
The largest and best assortment of L a di es ,
Dry-s Goode in town, consisting of -Black and Fancy Silks,
All Wool Detains, Clank Detains. Alpacas, Plain and Fig
ured Braize, Lawns. Gingtunns, Ducale, Larel la Cloth, De
Barge, Traveling Dress Goods, and a beautiful assortment
of Prints, Brilliants, &c.
Also, Tiekings, Cheeks, Muslins, (bleached
and unbleached,) Cotton and Linen Diaper, Clud!, Nan
keen, &c.
Also, a large assortment of Ladies' Collars,
Dress Trimmings, Ribbonds, G loves, Mitts, Gauntlets. l lo
leery, Silk and, Linen Handkerchiefs, - Victoria Lawn. Mull
Muslins, Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Bands. 'Velvet
Ribbons, and a great variety of Hooped Skirts, &c.
Also, a fine assortment of Spring Shav:As.
Also, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Shaker Bonnets. Hardware, Queensware, Wood and Wil
low Ware, Groceries, Salt and Fish.
Also, the largest and best assortment of
Carpets and Oil Cloth is in town, which will 1,, sold cheap.
Call and examine my Goods, and you will be cons loved
that I have the best assortment and cheapest Goads in the
ALif- Country Produce taken in exchange fur Goode, at
the high est Market Prices. D. P. GWIN.
Huntingdon, April IS, ISGO.
Just what was wanted—a CONVE7 , _ENT air-tight cover, to
6110 w at all times, the exact condition of the fruit within
the jar. It is so simple that one person can seal up twen
-Ig-dr ou r cans in one Vill tie. Or open. seventy-two cans in
one minute.
No fruit is lost in using these cans. for should any one
be detective. the cover always shows it in time to save the
contents. Tin, Earthen, or Glass jars, sold only at the
Hardware Store of JAMES A. BIIOWN.
lluntin,g,don, July IS, 1860.
Has received a fine assortment of DRY
GOODS for the Spring and Summer season, comprising a
very extensive a.isortment of
DRY GOODS in general,
For Men and Boys
The public generally are requested to call and cXamino
my goods—and his prices.
As 1 anidutermined to sell my Goods, all who call may
puet bargains.
Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods.
BENJ. JACOBS,callic Cheep
Huntingdon, April 4, 1860.
Respect fully infirm the public
that they have opened a beautiful assortment of
in the store room at the south-east corner of the Dilmond
in the borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew
elry Store.
Their Stock is new and carefully selected, and will be
sold low for cash or country produce.
LARD, and provisions generally, kept constantly on hand
on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 9, 1860..
For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, and mado
in the best workmanlike manner, call at
opposite the Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting
don. [April 4, 1800.)
T HE best Tobacco in town, at
P. GWIN keeps the largest, best
• assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and
examine them.
beautiful lot of Shaker Bounetsfor
sale cheap, at D. P. G WIN'S.
CALL at D. P. GAVIN'S if you want
Splendid variety ,of Carpets, only
25 cts. per yard. FISHER & SON.
F you want handsome Lawns, Delains,
and other Drees Goods : ,s . o to D. P. GWIN'S.
$1 50
flo. 3 (1 , 9.
$ 37 4 $ 50
75 1 OU
1 50 2 00
9 00 13 00
12 00 ..10 00
'3O 00
20 00
20 00
24 00
50 00
Is Insanity Contagious ?
Several members of a family affected with
insanity, (says M. Baillarger,) and whose
symptoms are exactly the same, are occa
sionally brought to asylums on the same
day. In questioning one of these patients
we may anticipate on what point the other is
insane ; as, if we make some inquiries, we
probably learn that both patients were not
affected in the same time, but that one had
been attacked some months previous to, and
had communicated the disease by the degrees
to the other. Thus, M. Baillarger has known
delirium transmitted from mother to daugh
ter, and from mother to son.
• Mme. P— and her daughter were ad
mitted to La Salpetriere at the same time.—
Both were mutually convinced that - their food
was poisoned ; that they were followed on
the street ; and that aquafortis, &c., were
thrown upon them, which exhaled poisonous
fumes around them.
The second example is still more curious :
—Mme. X—, a remarkable intelligent wo
man, much . respected by her two sons, the
elder of whom was twenty years of age, be
came seized with singular madness. She
imagined that she was a somnambulist, and,
that often during the night her husband made
her give consultations of which she had no
recollections en waking. She supposed that
he gained in this way large sums, and was
Constantly demanding this money from him.
- Without enlarging on all, the reasons she
advanced in support of such notions, it will
be sufficient to say, that by degrees she im
parted her idea to her oldest son, who, al
though he did not live with her, saw her al
most every day, as, on quitting his work, he
was obliged to pass a part of the night at
home. The accusation of his mother excited
him. Ile had some very violent discussions
with his father and even went to the authori
ties to inform against him. Insanity then
beea tne so evident, that the patient who had
just been enlisted, was rejected on account of
mental alienation.
This yu,nig man •and the girl P— both
Ruth have explained how the absolute con
fidence they had •in their mother exercised
something like fascination over them. They
declared that, su far from suspecting any de
fect in their reasoning faculties, they were,
on the contrary, led away by their convic
M. X— has acknowledged that, under
the influence or the constant quarrels arising
from the unsuspected insanity of his mother,
by work or want of sleep, his mind was agi
tated, and that he was then impressed with
the ideas which he now stated, as constituting
his insanity.
There are at present in La Salpetriere two
sisters, who were brought on the same day,
with exactly the same symptoms of insanity.
The elder is a widow, the younger is married.
The former imagined that her brother-in-law
wished to poison her ; and she persuaded her
sister, who lived with her, into the same be
lief. To guard against the effects of the poi
son, the patients set to drinking brandy, and
it was from this time their insanity became
more pronounced. The younger, who was
under the care of Mr. Baillarger, admitted
that up to this time her husband had been
very kind to her, and that, during the eight
years they had been married she had no
cause to complain of him, but she is not the
less convinced that he has made more than a
hundred attempts to poison her.
In another instance M. Baillarger has
known the husband to become insane under
the influence and by the effect of the annoy
ance which his wife inflicted on him. What
is very strange in this case is, that the wo
man, no doubt of a superior intelligence to
her husband, had driven him mad by com
municating to him the idea upon which she
was herself insane, and actually had him sent
as a lunatic to the Hospice de Bictre, while
she herself remained at large.
Facts of this nature are somewhat rare,
but they explain certain interesting questions
in phyological medicine.
a celebrated mercantile house in Vienna has
recently erected a mausoleum, which no one,
even of his must intimate friends, is allowed
to enter. The walls are covered with black
velvet, upon which appear the arms of the
proprietor. Upon a platform slightly eleva
ted stands an open coffin, candles of black
wax at its four corners-. At the foot of the
coffin is a plate of silver, en which are the
name and date of birth of the future occu
pant of the narrow abode, and a space has
been left for the date of his death, and this
he evidently expects within the coming ten
years, fur he has completed the record as far
as 180—. - Daily he is accompanied by his
friends to the door of this tomb; there he
leaves them, enters alone into the edifice, lies
down in his coffin, and causes a concealed or;
gan to play lugubrious music. Then he goes
forth to the world again, dines heartily, and
converses with a gaiety of manner which
charms all his guests.
STINGLESS BEES.-Mr. A. O. Moore, of New
York, who went to Central America last
year, has just returned from Guatemala, and
has brought with him two swarms of the sting
less bees common to that country, which he
has given in charge of Mr. Parsons, of Flush
ing, who will propagate them for the Agri
cultural Department of the Patent Office,
which will in due time distribute them, if it.
is found that they can be kept in any part of
the United States. These bees are of two va
rieties, one large• and the other small, and
both quite different in all their habits from
the honey bees common with us. For one
thing, there appears to be but two classes—
workers and queens. The largest class are
about the size of our common beess, the queen
being much larger ; and while laying eggs
appears very clumsy and unable to fly. The
honey is deposited in egg-shaped capsules,
more than half the size of hen's eggs, fas
tened to a plate of wax only upon one side,
and sometimes arranged quite horizontal
in tiers .one above another.
In one of the alleys in Fourth Ward,
Philadelphia, fort✓ -two persons, black and
white, live in one cellar.
[Ficn the Tyrone Star, Sep. sth.]
A Sanious Poor.—On Thursday evening
last, there was a wedding at the house of Mr.
Henry Burkert, adjoining this place. Our
young German friend, George Trautwein,
took to himself a bride, in - the person of a
buxom lass from Alexandria. Of course there
was the amount of feasting and dancing usual
upon such happy occasions. Between 10 and
11 o'clock at night, however, some rowdies
from town went over. They were all the
worse for liquor, and the consequence neces
sarily was a row. During the fight that oc
curred, a young man by the name of Dickson
was stabbed, and Henry Shenefelt, (who is
charged with stabbing Dickson,) was so bad
beaten with stones that he is still confined to
his bed. Upon the oath of Shenefelt, Joseph
Pruner was arrested and bound over to the
October term of Court. Other arrests, it is
said, will be made. It is time that an end
be put to these disgraceful occurrences, which
have become by far too common in our bor
ough. But a few men are the cause of them,
and if an example or two were made, it would
have a wholesome effect.
FALL or Two BRIDGES.—On Wednesday
last, whilst Mr. Jacob Berry was driving a
drove of cattle over the bridge between Gays
port and Hollidaysburg, in this county, the
floor of the bridge gave way, precipitating
twenty-seven of the cattle about fifteen feet
down into the water. Several had their horns
broken off and were more or less injured, but
none were killed. For three ears this bridge
has been condemned by different Grand Ju
ries, and the neglect of the Commissioners
to rebuild it, will probably cost the county a
large sum of money.
This accident compelled the ore wagons to
cross by means of the plank road bridge, and
on the same afternoon it also gave way, leav
ing no means of communication between the
two places except by the Pennsylvania Rail
road viaduct.
A MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR.-011 last Tuesday
evening, Mr. John Shriver, of this county,
went to Janesville, in Clearfield county, fur
the purpose of purchasing a farm. lie had
a large amount of. money in his possession,
which he carried in a belt upon his person.
lie staid all night at the hotel of Mr. Jordan.
The next day he made arrangements with
Mr. Wesley Nerling for the purchase of his
farm, and after dinner, whilst an article of
agreement was being drawn up, he said he
would go into a piece of woods, which is upon
the place, for the purpose of examining the
timber. He went into the woods alone, and
from that time nothing has been heard of
him. -- The community in the neighborhood of
Janesville is in a great state of exeitement.—
It is believed that he has been foully dealt
with, but we have not learned that any one
in that neighborhood is suspected.
A BRAVE BOY. —Little Jimmy Cats, an
orphan boy whom Mr. Robert Waring is
raising, a few days since was bitten upon the
leg by a spotted snake. lie was alone in the
field at the time, but instantly cut out with
his pocket knife the place that was bit
ten. A few ulcerated sores have made their
appearance in the neighborhood of the
wound, but beyond this he has sustained no
inconvenience from the ,poison. He is not
ten years old, and for his age certainly dis
played a great deal of courage and presence
of mind. Mr. Waring's farm adjoins Ty
An Eccentric Doctor and his Patient
Of all the professions, trades or occupations
that engage the minds of men, that of physi
cian is the most diversified. In locating he
has to find out the constitution of those he is
called upon to visit, for it is frequently the
case that success may be owing more to a deep
and thorough knowledge of the constitution
than applications. As an illustration of this,
we will relate an anecdote of one of our old
physicians, who, if he finds physic will not
cure, tries such other means as the case may
Dr. D—had long been the attending phy
sick, )1 of a lady considerably past her teens,
and affected with certain disorders incident to
a want of occupation and the care of a fami
ly. She sends for the doctor in season and
out of season ; he rushes at a 2.40 pace, and
finds his patient physically perfectly well but
sad and lonely, and of course afflicted with
the blues. All that he can do is to adminis
ter a tincture with a few drops of peppermint,
and the patient is well for a day.
On one occasion—a cold blusterous night
—the doctor had just turned in, wrapping
himself snugly in his blanket, with the hope
of a quiet sleep, when a loud rap aroused him.
"Who is sick ?" inquired the doctor.
"Miss Sallie Strickland, sir ; she is most
dead ; expect she'll die before you get there."
"I'll be along,' says the doctor; exclaiming
to himself, "that Miss Sally 1 I'll try to cure
her this time."
The doctor plods along . through mud and
mire, cold and rain, studying his application.
When he arrives at the dwelling of Miss Sal
ly he finds her, as usual, in rather a depress
ed state of mind.
"Doctor," said she feebly, "I expect to die
every moment ;I am very low. Can you do
anything for me ?"
The doctor feels her pulse; nothing the
matter—merely wanted company. The doc
tor becomes communicative.
'Miss Sally, I was having a terrible dream
when your servant awoke me."
"What is it ?" she eagerly inquired.
"I dreamed I was dead," continued the doc
tor, "and descended into the lower regions,"
where I met "Old Scratch," who invited me
to view his dominions. The inmates were en
gaged in different occupations ; some playing
cards, others swindling their neighbors ; in
fine, all the pursuits they followed during
their life, they continued there. When Satan
got through showing me round, he• exclaimed
to the four quarters of his kingdom that they
should all go to bed—"for, said he, "Sally
Strickland will be here directly, and there'll
be no•sleep iu my region for a month I"
The doctor's speedy departure was increas
ed to flight by the sight of a broomstick flour
ishing actively in his rear ; but the remedy
was effectual.
Secrets of the Ocean
• Mr. Green the famous diver, tells singular
stones of his adventures, when making search
in the deep water of the ocean. lie gives
some sketches of what he saw on the Silver
Banks, near Hayti:—
" The banks of coral on which my divings,
narrated in the previous chapter, were made,
are about 40 miles in length, from ten to twen
ty in breadth.
" On the bank of coral is presented to the
diver one of the most beautiful and sublime
scones the eye - ever beheld. The water va
ries from ten to one hundred feet in depth,
and so clear that the diver can see from two
to three hundred feet, when submerged, with
little obstruction to the sight.
" The bottom of the ocean in many places
on these banks, is as smooth as a marble
floor ; in others it is studded with coral col
umns, from ten to one hundred feet in height
and from one to eighty feet in diameter. The
tops of those more lofty support a myriad Of
pyramidal pendants, each forming a myriad
more ; giving the reality to the imaginary
abode of some water nymph. In other places
the pendants form arch after arch, and as the.
diver stands on the bottom of the ocean and
crazes through these into the deep winding
avenue, he feels that they fill him with as
sacred an awe as if he were in some old ca
thedral, which had long been buried beneath
"old ocean's wave." Hero and there, the
coral extends even to the surface of the water,
as if those loftier columns were towers be
longing to those stately temples now in ruins.
"'There were countless varieties of di
minutive trees, shrubs and plants, in every
crevice of the corals where the water had de
posited the least earth. They were all of a
faint hue, owing to the pale light they received,
although of every shade, and entirely differ
ent from plants I am familiar with that vege
tate upon dry land. One in particular at
tracted my attention ; it resembled a sea fan
of immense size, of variegated colors and of
the most brilliant hue.
" The fish which inhabited these Silver
Banks I found as different in kind as the
scenery was varied. They were of all forms,
colors, and sizes=from the symmetrical goby
to the globe-like sun-fish ; from those of the
dullest hue to the changeable dolphin ; from
the spots of the leopard to the hues of the
sunbeam; from the harmless minnow to the
voracious shark. Some had heads like squir
rels, others like cats and dogs ; one of small
size .resembled a bull terrier. Some darted
through the water like meteors, while others
could scarcely be seen to move.
enumerate and explain all the various
kinds of fish I beheld while diving on those
banks would, were I enough of a naturalist
so to do, require more space than my limits
will allow, for I am convinced that most of
the kinds of fish which inhabit the tropical
seas can he found there. The sun-fish, Sa
fish, star-fish, white shark, ground shark,
blue or shovel-nose shark, were often seen.—
There were also fish which resembled plants,
and remaining as fixed in their position as a
shrub: The only power they possessed was
to open and shut when in danger. S,)me of
them resembled the rose in full bloom and
were all hues.
" There were the ribbon fish, from four to
five inches to three feet in length. Their
eyes are very large, and protrude like those
of the frog. Another fish was spotted like
the leopard, from three to ten feet in length.
They build their houses like the beaver, in
which they spawn, and the male or female
watches the egg until it hatches. I saw many
specimens of the green turtle, some five feet
long, which I should think would weigh from
400 to 500 pounds."—Charlestou Evening
from Lynchburg in the Richmond Dispatch
says : " A gentleman who resides near Boyd
ton, Mechlenburg county, Va., has aspired to
a now science—that of controlling the clouds
in order to cause it to rain at will. With the
view of retaining this end Jie has built a
`rain tower,' which novel structure is said to
be thirty feet in diameter at the base, which
size it retains to the height of forty feet. To
this height it contains four flues, each seven
feet in• diameter. The number of flues is
then reducecd to two, which run up twenty
feet higher, the top of the structure reaching
an altitude of sixty feet. The whole concern
was erected at a cost of about $l,OOO. The
The modus operandi of causing rain to fall is
as follows : The flues are filled with dry pine
wood which is set on fire, and which is kept
up until the desired effect is produced on the
elements. His theory is, that the great heat
produced in the air above the tower' will
cause the clouds to concentrate over it, when
plenty of rain will fall in that vicinity. The
originator of this novel idea is said to be a
firm believer in the practicability and utility
of his invention, notwithstanding the fact
that, after repeated trials, during which he
consumed hundreds of cords of wood his tow
er failed to produce the desired effect on the
unpropitious heavens, he having been a
great sufferer from drought during the entire
spring and summer."
APPLES.—The editor of the - Germantown
Telegraph has been making a tour through
Northern Pennsylvania, and in giving an ac
count of his journey he says:
" During the trip we saw on every side the
apple trees were ladened with fruit. There
was not an orchard, however neglected, but
that contained more or less fruit. People
everywhere told us that this would be the
greatest apple season experienced in twenty
years. Many trees were propped by numer
ous poles. Cider presses were being rejuve
nated, and the farmers were jubilant at the
prospect of full bins and barrels, and plenty
of " schnitz."
This will be good news to the lovers of ap
ples. There is a scarcity of peaches, but if
apples are plentiful we can afford to dispense
with the former.
A JUVENILE MOTHER.—WhiIe the census
taker was collecting his statistics in Scars
mont, Maine, he found a girl thirteen years
old, who was the mother of a child aged
ton months.
AUGUSTA, Sept. I.—An immense audience
of ladies and gentlemen attended the meet
ing this afternoon in the City Hall Park, to
listen to the speech of Mr. Stephens.
Mr. Stephens said that he appeared re
luctantly before the people, but he could not
refuse the invitation of his old constituents.
The signs of the times portend evil. Every
thing seems tending to a national disruption
and general anarchy. Whether this tenden
cy be arrested depends on the virtue, intelli
gence, and patriotism of the people of all
parts of the country in the present crisis of
our history. He was for Douglas and John
son, as the regular nominees.
He said that whether Douglasreeeived two
thirds of the electoral vote or not, according
to the usages of the party, he received the
vote of two-thirds of the Convention. The
two-thirds rule was adopted upon a parlia
mentary understanding, such as is provided
by the Constittition to pass a law over the
veto of the President, by two-thirds of those
present voting in its favor. Any other con
struction was impracticable. He said the
construction enforced at Charleston and Bal
timore, was an interpolation and a wrong,
and whether Douglas got 212 votes as assort
ed on the one side, or 154 votes as alleged
on the other, he received more than two-thirds
after the Seceders left.
He said he supported the ticket because it
was placed on the time-honored platform of
nun-intervention, the only principle which
can preserve the Union. He said that the
objections urged against DJuglas by the Se
ceders were, that he refused to say that it
was the duty of Congress to do what they
would not do thems-elves. Mr. Douglas re
fused to say that it was the duty of Congress
to pass laws to protect slavery in the Territo
ries, and hence they oppose him, and refuse
to vote for such laws themselves. Mr. Ste
phens defended Mr. Douglas against the
charge that he would not yield to the decision
of the Supreme Court, and said that Douglas
agreed with every principle decided in the
Dred Scott case, but insisted that the point
how far a Territorial Legislature might con
stitutionally regulate slavery had not been
decided, and no case involving the principles
had been before the court. Mr. Douglas'
position boing that there was a perfect equal
ity between the citizens of all the States with
the right of person acrd property,
He said that Mr. Douglas believed that a
Territorial Legislature might, by a system
of laws, virtually exclude slavery. Mr.
Stephens said that he differed from Mr.
Douglas on this point, but said it was a mat
ter of no vital or essential importance, be
cause if a majority of the people of a Terri
tory should be opposed to slavery it would
not go there: He saw no injury to the South
resulting from it. He believed that slavery
will go to the extent of the population and
capactty to expand, but beyond this on law of
Congress, or of a Territorial Legislature, can
extend it.
lie dwelt upon the Union, and the impor
tance of preserving it. It is the best Gov
ernment in the world, and if it fails we shall
never see its like again. He called on the
patriots of all parties to unite and save it.—
He said that the Union had enemies in the
North and in the South, but he was not one
of them. He said that he knew Mr. Brock
inridge's ability and patriotism, and would
have sustained him had he been nominated
by the Democratic Convention, but would not
in his present position, which divides the
party and increases the chances of the lie
publican candidate, so fearfully close before.
He did not regard Mi. Breckinrid,ge as a
Disunionist, but his running endangers the
Union, notwithstanding he has no chance
of an election before the people.
woman named Sarah MeKissou, residing near
Indiana, discovered a land turtle or terrapin,
near her house the other day, which may well
take rank among the oldest inhabitants. As
will be seen by the following names and date,
inscribed on it, it is over sixty years of age,
yet is as active to-day as ever, and looks as if
it might live a hundred years : James Dixon,
1797 ; James McKisson, 1797 ; John McKis
son, 1818 ; Thomas Cross, 1818 ; Robert Mc-
Kisson, 1829 ; William McKisson, 1840.
Mr. McKisson who marked it in 1829 is alive
and well, and states that it was found but a
few rods from where he left it. It had' the
10th of August, 1860, added to the other dates
on its back and was turned Those again.
WRITE PAPER.—The London Builder gives
the following rule fur transferring engravings
to white paper :
Place the engravings fur a few seconds over
the vapor of iodine ; dip a slip of white paper
in a weak solution of oil of vitriol ; when dry,
lay a slip upon the engraving, and place them
for a few minutes under the press. The en
graving will thus be re-produced in all its
delicacy and finish. The iodine has the prop
erty of fixing the black part of the ink upon
the engraving, and not the white. This im
portant discovery is yet in its infancy.
has been scorched by ironing, and the mark
has not gone entirely through,so as to damage
the texture, it may be removed by the follow
ing process :—Take two onions, peel them,
slice them, extract the juice by squeezing or
pounding ; then cut up half an ounce of
white soap and two ounces of Fuller's earth;
mix with them the onion juice and half a
pint of vinegar. Boil this composition well
then spread it, when cool, over the scorched
part or the linen, and let it dry on. After
wards wash out the linen:
WITHDRAWAL, or S.M.. HounoN.—General
Houston has issued a brief letter addressed
"To my friends in the United States," with
drawin,r his name from the list of Presiden
tial candidates. He declines to express any
opinion in favor of either of the candidates
opposed to Mr. Lincoln. Ho earnestly press
es the union of all conservative and Union
men upon one ticket.
Editor and Proprietor.
NO 19
Georgia Politics.
Letter'frona Pike's Peak.
[From the Blairsville Record.]
We have been permitted to make the for
lowing extracts from an interesting letter
written by Mr. John P. Clarke, to his father;
the Hon. James Clarke, of this place:
MOUNTAIN CITY, Western Kansas, T
August 4, 1860. f
This country abounds in quartz rock;
which has more or less gold in it. The
quartz yields from nothing to as high a $6OO
per cord (128 cubic feet) owittg to the lead.
A person can walk out blindfolded on the
hills or in the gUlches, and commence dig
ging and be will find gold either on the sur
face or a few feet down, but not always in
paying quantities. The gold-bearing quartz
runs perpendicularly down from the surface,
with a Width varying from 0 inches to 5 feet,
enclosed on each side by a solid granite rock
which cannot be worked but at an immense
cost. There are some shafts sunk as low as
120 feet, and it is found the deeper they go
the richer the quartz. There is little else
can be done here with the gathering of gold,
than having the proper machinery for crush
ing the quartz, and fixtures which costs $1,50
per pound, and 15 cents an ounce for saving
the gold, so that one not interested in a mill,
has to stand back and take what he can get.
One mill on Eureka gulch last week after a
run of thirty hours, eleaned tip Some $l,BOO.
This is only one instance of what is Consid-:
eyed here as doing well ; I could nail e many
similar cases, but the mills are not all doing;
such a good business, as I know of several
that are not making their board. The hillkt
here are so fall of leads, that many suppose
that they Would pay to crash the whole hill;
from the foot to the top. The climate here
is very changeable—one hour may be very
hot and sultry, and the next hour cold and
chilly. The snowy range is in view fromi
here, being only ten or twelve miles distant.
It seems strange to be in a place where the
sun comes down so warm as to feel uncone:
fortable, and snow distinctly in view. The
rainy season commenced about four weeks
ago, and has continued to rain more or less
every day since, generally frcen noon td
midnight, and from that time to noon again,
always clear. This country, owing to the
changeableness of the weather, is not very
healthy, there is scarcely one that a person
meets but what is complaining of their liver
being effected, either resulting, in eostiveness
or laxness, but very fear are bad enough to
be confined to their beds. I suppose it is
partially owing to their habits of living, and
their exposure to the weather. There are
thousands here in the mountains that arc
living in tents and brush houses, or hovels;
and every time it rains, their clothes, &e.,
gets a portion of it, and indeed, the best
house here would not be considered in the
States, as fit for a white _person to live in.—
The timber here is pine, hemlock, and a
species of quaking-asp, which does not groW
larger than four or five inches in diameter.—
All the wood is soft and light, and if a per
son wishes a piece of hard wood for a par
ticular purpose, they pay 15 cents per pound
for it. Axe, pick and mattock handles, are
from 75 cents to $l,OO each. A list of prices,
of a few articles, will give you an idea of
what it costs to live: Flour, $l6 per 100 ;
bacon, 25 cents per pound ; coffee and sugar;
30 cents per pound ; dried apples, 25 cents
per pound ; iron and nails, 25 , cents each ;
hay, 10 cents per pound, of $2OO per ton.—'
As for vegetables, such as onions, leittnce;
radishes, cucumbers, turnips, &c., 25 cents
a taste or smell. Beef from 10 to 12 cents
butter, $l,OO per pound; houses rents for
about $l,OO per day—not as good as the
houses out at the mill place. A woman can
make from $l4 to $lB per week, if she will
work—while men are only getting $1,50 per
day. The horse has got behind the cart
here, owing to the scarcity of females.
give you women the prices paid here for la
bor, not intending that it shall induce you to
pack up your duds, and start for the Rocky
Mountains, for I (candidly) inform you that
it is the hardest country to live in, ever yeti
read about, let alone be seen. Prices for
washing—linen pants, 25 cents; socks, 10
cents ; pocket handkerchiefs, 15 cents ; flan
nel shirts, 15 cents; white shirts, 25 cents,
&c., &c. But if a person does their own
washing, it costs nothing but soap at 2 . 5 cents
per pound, as we have nothing to pay as yet
for water, nor sun and wind to dry them.
Our house is 13 by 18 feet, built of unhew►i
logs, with a smoky chimney in the one end,
one story high, and covered with clap
boards so close and tight, that we know when:
it rains every time, and two window holes,
and a door made of three rough boards. W 6
have " mother earth" for a floor, and bed
steads made of pine pole, made fast to the
wall. My bunk, which I sleep soundly on
every night, has ten pounds of hay,- two
comforts, one blanket, and my big overcoat,
which answers for a pillow. You may laugh;
but it is not every person here that enjoys
so many comforts. Our eating is in keeping
with our house and beds. IVe have a man
for cook, who serves up breakfast, dinner
and supper, on a boal, just as we eat out of
the pot. Having no plates to put the proviz
sion on, we eat off tin plates, and drink out
of tin cups. Our meals are made out of
bread, meat and coffee. For breakfast we
have coffee, bread, and beef—for dinner,
beef, bread and coffee,and for supper, bread,-
coffee, and beef.
The saving of gold is a mere matter of ex
periment with the people as yet; it differs
so entirely from the gold of California, that
persons from there acknowledge that they
know nothing more than anybody else. The
best that is now in use, is copper-plata pol
ished; and coated with quicksilver, for the
water and dirt to pass over as it comes from
the stompers. Copper-plate in the rough
state,- is worth 57,00 per pound, and hard to
get at that. It takes near 200 pounds to fit
a mill out complete with copper-plate.--
'Whether I will make anything or nothing,
time will prove. In this country it is make
or break, there is no standing still.
We have no preaching here, but plenty of
gambling "hells" and drinking shops; where
everything in the shape of immorality is car
ried on extensively. There are very few that
pay attention to the Sabbath ; a great many
mills never stop for that day, and li'"itz - ft (Toes
stop pounding, the men are engaged in
cleaning up, which is the same thing as run
ning. Neither the Company which Robert
or myself are engaged in, do any business'
whatever on that day, nor do we, let others
do as they may. If we cannot make enough
in running six days, there would be little use
in running the seventh.
I suppose by the time this reaches yeti;
politics will be raging. Give my best wishes
to the Foster Club ; and hope for their sue:
cess this fall. J. P. CLefrltte: