0 EIMINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL _NVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOBE Huntingdon, WAnesday, Aug. 3 5, 1860 LOCAL & PERSONAL: TIM DE LEG ATIE f.ECTION.—The Demo craticZdelegate election in this;, place on Sat urday was more spirited than usual, and re sulted in the election of Col. John S. Miller, proprietor:of the Jackson House by a major ity of 10 votes, as one or the delegates,—Val. Crouse, proprietor of the Franklin House, and John: M. Cunningham, run a tie vote, each receiving sf. By a resolution of the meeting Mr.:Crouse and Mr.:Cunningham were return ed as elected, each:to cast but a half ivote in the Convention.", Cunningham::: and Alex. Port were:run uporia single:issue,—as straiglit out uncompromisineDonglaslmen. Miller and . „Crouse,::,both excellent landlords, were run as Breckinridge fusion anti-straight-out Douglas, anti-introducing the Presidential questionlinto the:County Convention, and in favor of :compromising the National organza- Lion, to :gain a local victory for two or three county offices, and:of going it blind generally to catch a class of voters who always wait to he told how to vote. Such voters too often hold thn:halance of power in all towns, and in the hands of unscrupulous men can be used successfully, as in the contest on Satur day, to vote down . the intelligent and true Democrats. We venture the assertion, with out the fear of contradiction from any ,gen tlemen, that one-third of the men who voted for Miller and Crouse on Saturday night did not know that there was any other question involved in the contest other than the success of the men they voted for. We are justified in going further, and in saying, that some of these voters did not know that the Democrat ic party had as yet made a nomination for the Presidency. It should not be so, the poorest man has opportunities of knowing the politics of the day, and we hope they will no longer depend upon the say-so of any man, but inform themselves correctly, and at fu ture elections vote as freemen should vote, free of dictation from the unprincipled men who are over ready to deceive the uninformed and unsuspecting. The meanest men are those who can be induced to vote with both political parties on the same evening. And the next meanest are those who leave their party for an eve ning to assist in disorganizing an opposite party. We are glad none of either of such recorded their vute3 for the Dongl (I?"(e,:vat”S. I.Ve would rather take defeat than be success ful with their vole 3. The true Douglas no tional Democrats of iluntbig,,don sinm!tl feel proud of the straight-out vote they polled on Saturday, against all tricks, deceptions, false hoods, & - ,c. &c., of the Breckinridge disor ganizers. Stand to your arms, Democrats, the Northern tools of the Southern Disunion ists will be compelled to take the water neck deep long before th2y succeed in electing either Dreckinridge or Lincoln. REmerous.—The Camp Meeting for Shir leysburg Circuit, M. E. Chinch, wi!l com mence on Friday, August 24th, near Mount Union, on the old ground. The Rev. J. A. Gore, P. E. of the District, is expected to be present., with other competent help. Preach ers and people on adjoining 0:N; ti and Sta tions, ore respectfully invited to ha present. By the laws of Pennsylvania, nts hucl:ster ins will he allowed IL new military company has been or ganized in this place. The material for the uniforms has been received, and expect the company will be out in full uniform in the course of three or four weeks. The company will be under the command of John C. \Vat- ESE 1. 4 7_,;0' Mr. John Ptaszyk, piano forte, organ rind melodeon tuner, has just repaired an old piano for Mr. Crouse at the Franklin House. The v, , orkumnship of Mr. P. on this instru ment speaks louder than words. All who desire eau call and see the piano. EGYPTIAN OATS.—We have received from Mr. AUr. Wright of Union township, a head of Egyptian Oats yielding 200 grains. This beats the long and thick straw cats. TUE MILITARY ENCAMPMENT.—The Milita ry Encampment to be held in this place from _September 2-4th to the 29th, promises to be no small affair. We unde . rstand that twenty- -five companies arc expected to be present Campaign F/ags—three sizes, 10, IS and 30 cents each, just received and for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Materials for Flowers, handsomely assorted in boxes, just received and for sale at ;Lewis' Book Store. A Boom roa:Faurr Gaow - Eas.—" Downing's :Fruits and Fruit Trees of America,"—revised edition, 1360—for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Rules for Sunday Schools, on largo Cards, for sale at Lewis' B000l: Store. PIMA ADELPIIIA lIIA.RICETS. MosnAr, At;Gun , 13.—Flour—There was a demand for flour for export to-day, but the market is dull at previous quotations. Standard superfine, sound oil stock, is held at $5 25@,5 37;A and strictly fre , h ground at $5 50@ 5 62 . 15, 18 bbl., and no sales except for the trade at these prices. Fancy brands at $5 7503 bbl., according to brand and quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are also quiet, with small sales at $3 GI: for Rye Flour, and $3 37 for Corn Meal ; and Bran dywine is $3 85. Wheat—About 1500 bushels sold at $1 30@I 33 for good to prime Red—the latter for Southern—and $1 30@1 35 for common. White firm, is scarce, and worth $1 45@,1 50. Oats are steady, sales of 2000 bushels of new Southern at 34034V.c.; the, former in the ears. Nothing doing in ltye or Corn. Seeds—We quote Clover at $5 25 @ss 50 sbushel t Tim .othy, 3 25@53 38 and Flaxseed $1 026)0. 63 13 bushel. G. W. 130 USE The Massacres in Syria Idler fi•o;n t7e American Consul at Beyrout. The following, letter was read at the Month ly Concert of prayer fur Missions, in Provi ilenco, It. 1.. on the 4th instant : BEYnOtT, SYRIA, Thursday, June 28, 1860. My DEAR. Stu :—You have doubtless heard of horrible massacres that have just been perpetrated upon the poor Christians of Mount Lebanon by the Druses, aided in some cases by Turkish soldiery. A few facts may give you an adequate idea of the present state of things in Syria. The American Missionaries have estimated the loss sustained by the Christians at 10,500, and that of the Druses about 1200. The in habitants of the Christians towns of Deir it Komr and ILtsiceiya were brutally slaugh tered in cold blood, after a full surrender had been made. Thirty or forty convents have been plundered and burned, and the monks were put to death, some of whom were French. Nearly one hundred villages have been burned, and the crops of the peasantry de stroyed. Many churches also have been burned—among them the American Mission Chapel at llasreeiya, and the school-house at Deir it Komr. The facts are enough to strike the civilized world with terror ' • but there is yet something to be told. It is believed that not less than - sixty thousand Christians are now homeless and starving, and have no other hope for sub sistence than the charity of the Christian world. More than 5000 fugitives have been supported by the consuls, misssionaries, mer chants and convents of Beyrout; but this is only a temporary arrangement. Something must be done for the starving, homeless thousands who are now biding in caves and other secret places, until peace shall be de clared. Beyrout is no louger a place of safe ty for Christians. Moslem fanaticism is now fully aroused, and the Turkish Government has found it necessary to station a platoon of soldiers in every consul's house for their pro te3tion. Thousands of the Christian refu gees, and large numbers of the native resi dents, have fled the country. Indeed, the land is full of misery and the deepest woe. American missionaries, aided by the guards from the American Consulate, have brought away many poor, besieged and persecuted Christians, whose lives have been thus pre served ; and the English vessels of war have picked up about 2000 fugitives, many wound ed women and children, who had escaped to the seacoast—and there is still work for them to do. 'What can be done in the United States for these famishing widows and orphans ? I will say nothing now of vengeance, for the Eu ropean powers will no doubt exact justice for this great crime ; hot humanity calls upon me not only to distribute bread to the crowds around my house, but to present their cause to my countrymen, and to arouse their sym pathies in behalf of this persecuted people. The King of Greece has sent a sum of money for their present relief, and effhrts are I made elsewhere to collect money for that ohjet.t. America sent food to Ireland and to Greece, and will not something be done for the Christians of Syria? Respect Cully and truly yours, J. AUGUSTUS JOUNSON Rev. Francis Wayland, B. D. Horrible Cruelties in Rome and Naples. .I.‘'Lkrl.F.S, July am horror-stricken by what I IlaVO. .inst heard and seen, and before the incidents fade from my mind I will re peat them in detail. The public have dis credited some of my statements as exaggera ted, and yet I have always persisted in say ing that it, was impossible to paint in colors too deep what was happening every clay in this lovely country. Let then the time serv ers, the moral cowards of society, the re-att tionists, listen to the following details. As soon as the constitution was framed and am nesly had opened the prison doors, it was noised ahroad that a man who had been shut on in secret was still confined in the prison of San Francisco. lie was taken thence, by some young men who had also been con fined there, and was benevolently received in his own house by the advocate Pasquale Ar enare, who has clothed and fed him ever since. The poor victim of oppression has created great interest bore. and among others Mr. Elliott and the Marchese Villamarina have been to visit him. I have done the same, and the following harrowing story I have received from his own lips, in the pres ence of Arenare, of a Neapolitan friend, and of a foreign consul. I landed in Genoa from Du,ston somewhere in Mg, and wishing to see the South of Italy traveled till I came near 'Viterbo, when I was cautioned not to go to Rome ; but I still per severed in my intention of doing so, when I was arrested as not having a passport and carried to the Eternal City, where I was placed in the Carcere Nuevo. Not satisfied with the report which I gave of myself, I was tortured fur three months as follows; My hands and arms were hound together, and then, by ropes tied round the upper part of the arms, they were drawn back till my breast protruded and my bones sounded "Crick ! Crick 1" There was another species of torment practiced upon me, which was this. At night, while sleeping, the door was secretly opened, and buckets of water were thrown over my body. How I survived it, I cannot tell ; the keepers were astonished, and said they never had had such an instance ; "But you will never get out alive," said the Corporale Rosalio. I replied that I never ex pected so to do, and prayed for the angel of death to come. The worst torture of all, however, was the prison itself, a room into which a few rays of light struggled from above, and the stench of which—for it had been used by the jailers as a privy—was as bad as death. For three months I suffered thus, and then, without any reason assigned, was taken from it and placed always alone in a room called the Salone del Preti, a large airy room, and was well fed and well treated for 21 months more. I was the prisoner of the Cardinal Secretary .An tonelli. About the middle of 1855, again without any reason being given, I was sent off to Naples ; was placed first in the Vicaria, and afterwards in San Francisco, in a small close room, where I have been detained for four years and a half. I was questioned on several occasions, and at last refused to answer, saying that my persecutors already knew what I had to say ; that I was unjustly and illegally confined, and nothing should compel me to utter an other word. On another occasion I was called before Bianchini, the director of police, who interrogated me. I appealed against my sufferings, and all the reply I received was, " Fit bent! T r Lent!" from a Christian man to one suffering as I was! I have been asked to send a .supplica, for my liberation, but my invariable answer was, " I will die first, nev er will I ask anything of this Government." When first I arrived here I had a little money, which for a short time procured me better food than the prison fare, and then by de grees I sold my clothes. At last I sold, at times, my black bread to have a little salt to sprinkle over my beans, and sometimes to procure some incense to relieve the horrid stench of my prison. *As for water for pur poses of cleanliness it was never supplied me, and all that I could do was to dip one of my own rags in a jug of drinking water and wash some portions of my body. During the day I could repose, but at night I was covered with black beetles, fleas and lice, and every conceivable species of vermin. I ex pected death and desired and prayed for it as a relief, but it never came. My clothes were at last so reduced that I was all but naked, and so I have passed four summers and winters pacing up and down my narrow chamber. I will show you my prison dress, said he, and going out he returned in a few minutes. It might have stood as a model Lazarus risen from the tomb. The lower part of his body was covered with a thin pair of brown drawers, nothing more; on his feet were a pair of shoes with the soles and upper leathers all in holes. He had no shirt, but over the upper part of his body was thrown a rag, something like a coarse kitchen towel, one corner of which he had placed on his head, and as the long elfin locks which had not been cut for many years, hung down far below his shoulders, he ap peared more like a brute beast than a chris tian man. See this rag, said he, how I have botched it I This was my dress, and so clad I paced up and down my solitary den.— When I heard of his state, said the bevelent Arenare—whose name should be known and honored—l sent him some clothes, otherwise he could not have left his prison ; and when he entered my house I thought I had never witnessed such a sight. He was supported by two persons, for he could scarcely walk, and stared about, exclaiming, "Where am I?" He was evidently lost. He has some what recovered in appearance, but his eyes are still half closed, as though unaccustomed to the light, and the indications of suffering are unmistakable. " You are astonished by what you have seen," said a friend who was with me, " and yet in the Vicaria I have seen hundreds of such sights." Case of Deception The neighborhood of Hopewell School House, in Charlestown, Chester county, was in quite an excited state last week. About three weeks ago, a. young girl, about 17 years old, came to the residence of Wm. Snyder, near the above place, stating that she was destitute, and that she had been abandoned by her husband in Philadelphia. Employ ment was given her. On Wednesday after noon, when Mr. Snyder came from the field to his supper, the girl came to him in appa rently great alarm, and said that a strange man had visited the house and demanded some meney, and on receiving none, he had gone, away angry, and making some threats. In the evening, she told Mr. Snyder that the man had been there again, and went away saying he would murder the family and fire all the I,uildings on the premises. She said the last she saw of him, he was standing in the barn door, and that she thought he was concealed somewhere about the barn. Sev eral of the neighbors offered their services, and search was commenced. After throwing nearly all the wheat from one of the mows, - and running long pointed iron rods down into the hay, without finding any one, the search was abandoned, and several persons were put on guard to watch the premises during the night; but no one made their appearance.— The nest morning the girl found some his- cuits hid under some hay in the barn, which she brought out, saying she would not go back to milk unless some one went with her. One of the neighbors therefore went with her.— While in the barn the girl found a letter, which she opened and read, in which was stated that be, " the man," was concealed in the barn during the search for him, and that he would have revenge on the persons that hunted for him. The person who accompa nied the girl to the barn, examined the letter and found it to be written on a leaf torn from a book. Tie at once suspicioned the girl as being the author of it, as no one else had seen the man about, or found anything, except her. A number of books were examined at the house, in one of which was found the place where the leaf had been torn out. The girl was accused of writing it, when she went into hysterics and fell to the floor. Various remedies were applied, but they bad no effect. Some suggested that she might be playing " possum." Under that supposition she was left alone and a watch kept on the outside of the door. As soon as she found herself alone she "come to," but hearing some one ap proaching she suddenly bad a " relapse."— She was soon made to understand that such kind of things would not answer any longer. She plead guilty to all the charges against her, but would give no satisfactory reason for her conduct. On account of her age and des titute condition, she was allowed to go on her way without any other punishment. At the time Mr. Snyder had considerable amount of money in the house, and the supposition is that the girl knew of its whereabouts, and thinking by raising the alarm she did, she could procure it and the blame would be thrown on the man she stated had called at the house,-Record. DOUGLAS NEVER. DECEIVED OR CHEATED ANY MAN. there is any one characteristic in the life of a public man that merits the ap probation of both friend and foe it is an open, frank; undisguised course—one divested of the trickery and cunning so usual in politi cians. In this respect we are proud of Ste phen A. Douglas, and prouder still to hear his old friends and neighbors, who have stood by his side from early manhood to the pres ent time bearing evidence of such traits of character. In a speech at Boston last week, Col. Richardson, of 111., in speaking of Mr. Douglas, remarked "I have known him from my earliest man hood ;to this hour we have been friends. I can say of him what I can say of but few men on earth—we have acted together with interests sometimes conflicting, with views sometimes opposed, but in all my life he has never deceived me. It is not remarkable, fel low-citszens, that I stand pledged to his for tune. I know you can commit this govern ment to him safely. He has the head to dis cern the right, and he has the courage to march to it, whatever dangers may threaten. If there is one duty that wo owe to the past, to the future and to God, it is that we trans mit this government, with all its blessings to our children as our fathers bequeathed it to us ; and in Stephen A. Douglas there is a safe repository of this great legacy." (Groat applause." The Disunion Candidates. Quite a number of the Southern supportes of Breckinridge and Lane not only make no secret of their hostility to the Union, but openly state their chief reason for advocating the Secession nominees to be that they be lieve such a course best calculated to secure a dissolution of the Confederacy. Thus, nne of their organs in Alabama, the Camden Reg ister, says : " We run up our flag to-day for Breckin ridge and Lane,.the Democratic nominees for President and Vice President of the United States. We have unwaveringly concluded for the last ten years that it would be better (for all concerned) to make two or more dis tinct G 02:C1'71111 ents of the territory comprising the United Stales of America, and that such will ultimately be done there can be no sort of doubt ; but it should be done with fairness and justice to every section of the Union ; and believing that the party to which we belong is the only reliable one to carry out this meas ure, and secure all her rights, we intend to battle for its principles to the fullest extent of our ability." This is the first ticket ever presented for the suffrages of the American people claiming to have a reasonable prospect of securing a single electoral vote, which has been boldly sustained by any considerable body of its sup porters as a disunion ticket. The old Aboli tion Presidential tickets thrt were run in the Northern States previous to the formation of the Republican party might also properly be considered disunion tickets, as most of those who sustained them freely acknowledged that they desired a dissolution of the Union, and even petitioned Congress on the subject—but they did not receive more than a few thous and votes in any State. The Southern disunion candidates deserve no more respect or support from the Democ racy of the Union, nor from the conservative men of any narty than the Abolition candi dates of 1840 and 1844. The friends of the former want to dissolve the Union now be cause they love the ultraisms of slavery better than our existing form of National Govern ment, and the friends of the latter desired the same end, because their• ultra Abolition ideas overruled all other considerations.— " Extremes meet," and it is curious to notice this remarkable similarity of action between the fire-eaters and the ultra Abolitionists.— The Press. How are the Mighty Fallen ! If ever the demon of discord, rebellion, treason to the Union was severely rebuked it was so in the recent elections. Personified in John C. Breckinridge, it has been denounced and spurned by the conservative people of the South wherever a. test has been made, as in Kentucky and Missouri, where the love of the Union is stronger than blood, and degen erate sons find no favor in the eyes of patri otic:fathers, or kinsmen, or neighbors. Ken tucky, which but last year elected a Demo cratic Governor and Assembly, and still more recently returned her recreant son to the Uni ted States Senate, has now stamped the infa mous brand of traitor upon his brow, prefer ring a political foe, true to the Union, to a professed but treacherous and perfidious member of the Democratic household. Look ing upon John C. Breckinridge as a bolter from the party, as a dangerous and unprinci pled disorganizer, as the associate and dupe. if not a leader and plotter of Disunionists, the Democracy of Kentucky have crushed with their heels the head of the Viper which had been warmed to life in their bosoms.— They have said to their degenerate son, "Go you are no longer of us ; you have betrayed and deserted your friends, your party, and your country ; you are worse than Burr, more de, , Tijable than Arnold—go ! the milk of our kindness has turned into gall—our friend ship into intense hatred—go I and the curses of a betrayed country and party go with you!" This is the language of Kentucky to ,John C. Breckinridge ;and it has been echoed by Missouri, and will be re-echoed by every Southern State but that pestilent State, South Carolina, wherever the test is made. Even in North Carolina and Arkansas, where there was no division of the party at the recent elections, the moral effects of the treason of Breckinridge and his associate disunionists is discernable in the reduced majorities of the party. When the Douglas strength in the Southern States shall be sifted out on separ ate Electoral Tickets, there will not be a show for the miserable renegade anywhere but in South Carolina, and we doubt whether even she is degenerate enough to vote for him. His fate is sealed. .11arrisbitrg Slate Sentinel. Reign of Terror in the Departments. Under this caption the Washington Slates and Union writes as follows: We have heard from several that on Wed nesday a person known as the confidential friend of llon. Jacob Thompson was engaged in obtaining subscriptions for the Breckin ridge party from clerks, &c., in the Depart ment of the Interior. It is stated that Mr. Thompson headed the list with a subscription of $5OO, and then it was carried to heads of bureaus and of divisions, and to leading clerks, who, it is said, agree to give $5 per month during the canvass. Clerks with minor salaries may not be expected to give more than $2 or $3 a month ; but the aggregate sums will be immense, as there are not less than twelve hundred clerks who will be sub ject to the forced contribution. If the thing is carried out as it has been begun, not less than $30,000 will he raised in the Department alone—a larger sum, probably, than any Na tional Democratic Committee, or any other National Committee has ever had at this point. Join to this, like contributions from cus tom house officers, postmasters, clerks in postoffices, government contractors, wealthy disunionists of the South, and from rich Northern dough-faces, and a fund will bo raised of hundreds of thousands of dollars— perhaps millions. What shall we then see ? " Men and presses bought up ,like cattle in the market." It will all be powerless upon the masses, and it remains to be seen whether there are enough mercenary cattle to thwart the public will. It will be a fit sequel to the Buchanan game to cheat Judge Douglas out of the nomination, by thrusting towering of fice-holders upon the National Convention, and by buying up with hope of office or plun der, a set of mercenary wretches who are now pilloried in the public thoUght. HARRIBnURG NAIL COM PANY'S AGENCY, LENVISTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA. $3.25 PER, ]SEC.—This Company's Nails are equal in quality to tho best Nails made in Pennsylvania, and far superior to any in this market 3 as our largely increased sales for the past three months n ill testify. For sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS, Agent Harrisburg Nail Company. Discount to dealers—a largo stock always on hand—all orders promptly filled—delivered at the railroad station or canal. August 15, 1860. t r. - 1 A. &E. A. LANDELL, Nui No. 110 ,North Wharves, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE AND HAVE FOR SALE CANDLES, ;Thormaceti, Patent Sperm, Hydraulic, Adamantine, IRALeI, Car and Tallow Candles. OILS, Pure Sperm, Lardßleached Whale, Sea Elephant, Strained Whale, Tanners', Corners', Palm, Plaine, and .led oils. SOAPS, White, Yellow, Drown, Chemical Olive, Fancy, and other Soaps. A ttg. 15, 1800.-43 m. p EGISTER AND RECORDER. Entreat—Through the solicitations of numerous friends in this vicinity, I have been induced to present my name 10 the putilic. as a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. To my friends I would say, that I am not au office-seeker; al , o. that I have neither time nor inclination_ to canvass for delegate rotes, but shall to-day leaye the duties of the school-room, to take part in those of the harvest-field, which I think is more honorable than begging votes, and shall therefore leave it entirely subject to the decision of the PEOPLE, as expressed by the next County Convention. Yours, Truly, Water Street, July C, ISCO. P. F. DROWN. EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is SI) hereby given, to all persons interested, that the fol lowing named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Oflice, at Huntingdon. and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance at an Orphans' Court, to he held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of August next. (1560) to wit : l. John Fleming. Administrator of Martin Fleming, late of Brady township. deed. 2. Abraham Brumbaugh, Executor of Felix Linn, late of llopewell township, deed. 3. George M. Green, Administrator of David Mycrly, late of Cass township, deed. 4. David Stever, Administrator of Abraham Showalter, late.of Cass township, decd. 5. David Clarkson, Executor of Jacob Burngartner : late of Union township, dee'd. 6. John Enycart, Administrator of David Enyeart, late of Cromwell township, dec'd. 7. Peter Stryker, Guardian of Alfred M. Scott, a minor son of John Scott, late of Alexandria borough, filed by John T. Stryker. S. James M. Jacobs, Administrator of Samuel Jacobs, 9. Rebecca Hudson, Administratrix of George Mhon, late of Clay township, deed. 10. David Stewart, Administrator of Barbara ifilemar+, late of Morris township, dee'il. 11. John Snyder, Guardian of Peter, John, Susannah, .Joseph and Daniel Showalter, ns stated by Joseph :McCoy, one of the Administrators of said John Snyder, dee'd. 12. James Gwin. Exe liter of John Armitage, dec'd, who was appointed by the ( rphani,' Court, to sell the real es tate of James Connerit, deed. HENRY GLAZIER, Register. REctsTr.n's Ormcc, 1 Huntingdon, July 14, 1860. ARM ERS' DEALERS' HEAD •-• QUA.RTEIIS!!! 'HA COCK, CAMP & CO.. Produco and General Com mi .ion No. 47, North Water St., below Arch St., Philadelphia. 4:25-Agents for all Guano's super Phosphates of Lime, Pundrettes, and other kinds of Fertilizers. tr;3" - All descriptions of Country Producc taken in ex change or sold on ConinTiSsian. Z.v' Quick soles and iinnuidiate returns are guaranteed upon all consittnnienis. We are the sale Allonts for the beet articles of Vin egar iniule in this city and elsewhere. July Is, 1560.-6ni. WEICHSELBAUM, ey 0 orricy_ty .1 ND OCL7T,ST FROM PHILADELPHIA, Respect hilly informs the citizens of HUNTINGDON' and vicinity, that he has opened a 110031 at the Exchange Hotel, where lie oilers for sale SJ?EUI 7 C F, S , or EVIMY VARIETY, size AND QUAIATI7. A new invention of ;11.?etacles, for 4list: nt or close reading, with gold, silver, steel. and birtoise-shell frames. and a new and improved assortment of peri focal and parabola ground flint Glasse.4, of his own manufaeture. lb , would particularly call the, attention of the public, to hi. Spectacles for _YEA 1 Si HTE D PERSO.NS, and for persons ho have been operated upon for the cataract of the eye. and to his new kind of Glasses and COuservers ci the sight, made of the best flint and azure Glasses.— Good Glasses may be known by their shape, exact centre, sharp and highly polished surface. The gnalkies are to found in his Glasses. _ _ IIP)111.Y IMPJIITANT:—Tho very best BR AZILLIA Pp3SBI, E, so universally proved to be far superior to any other Glass. Also, Micnoscoecs. SPY AND QUIZZIN6 Gr. Asses of every size and quality; Turiscorcs, MAGNIFYING AND OcceA SSES. Witle different powrrs. together with every variety of articles in the Optical line, not mentioned. IA - 5 OPTIC u, and other Instruments and Glasses. care fully repaired at slit - nit notice. lie can always select Glasses to suit the vision of the p.rson, as he sees them, upon the first trial. lie will remain in this place during the - FIRST COURT WEEK.. and those in want of the above articles, will please give him a call. if required. go tp any respectable house whore his services may be wanted. .trz--- Tile very best EYE-WATER and the best Minting. Glasses always for sale. [July 1860.1 [1 - SINES OVERSTRUNG jut GRAN II ACTION Pl:t 1 0 OR TE Celebrated for superior quality of ToNE and elegance and beauty of finish. These Pianos hate always taken the F/ftSTPRE2I//U-1/ when placed in competition n ith oth er makers. CHALLENGE ALL COMP ETITI9N. A Splendid as sortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer styles always on hand. Also Second-hand Pianos and PRINCE'S IM PROVED MELODEONS front 545 to $330. ir Every Instrument warranted. GEO. L. WALKER'S Piano and Melodeon Depot, S. E. Cor. ith Sz Arch Sts., Philadelphia. July 25, 1560.—Cm. AGRICULTURAL NOTICE.- A regular meeting of the Huntingemzl County Ag ricultural Society will he held in the Court House on Thur , day evening of the first week of the coming Court, inst..) at 7 o'clock. Arrangements are then and there to be made for the holding of an Annual Fair during the coming Mil. togeth er with the transaction of otltc,r business of importance to the Society and the public generally. All are invited and requested to attend. By order and in behalf of the Society. m. McDtvirr. c,, ,,retarics J. F. RA3mY. } • Huntingdon. Aug. 1, I SGO. ADNINisTRATows NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of FLACILA Eh A. Mc- DONALD. Into of Brady township, &eased, all persons having claims against said deceased will present them to me for settlement, and those indebted will please make immediate payment. JACOB GOODMAN _Administrator. Airy Dale P. 0., August 1, ISCO. ])ROLL A - MA TION.---WHEREA.S, by a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Com mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 21st day of April, ISQO, 1 ant commanded to nssko Public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Commoa Pleas will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon. on the 3rd Monday (and 20th day) of August, A. D., IStlo, for the trial of all is sues in said Court which remain undetermined before the said Judge's, when and where all jurors, witnesses, and suitors, in the trials of all issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon the 14th of July, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty, and the S4th year of American Independence. JOHN C. 'WATSON, Sheri f f. SIIETUFF'S OFFICE, Ilmiting,don, July IS, IS6/ NEW GROCERY AND C. LONG Informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vi cinity, that ho has opened a new Grocery and Confection ery Store in the basement, under Gutinan & Co.'s Clothing Store, in the Diamond, andwould most respectfully re quest a share of public patronage. Ills stock consists of all kinds of the BEST GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, &c., &c. Fish can be had at wholesalo or retail. ICE CltliiAlNl will he furnished regularly to parties and individuals, at his room. Huntingdon, April 25, 1660. OAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! ames A. Brown sells the genninc "PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL, cicafas water. This is the only kind of oil that gives entiresalisfacUon as an agent for light. Beware of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an offensive smell and smoke. A large variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks, Burners, Shades, &c., sold at the very lowest prices, at the Hardware Store, Hunting don. Pa. Huntingdon, July 25. IStin. CONFECTIONERY T)ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS. 1 1 'ES2' Li AKD 1 STATIONS MI Newton liamilton, Mt. Union, Mill Creel:, Huntingdon, Petersburg, Barree, Spruce Creek, Birmingham, Tyrone, Tipton Fostoria Bell's Mills . Altoona, I=l _HUN TINGDON& BROAD TOP RAILROAD.—CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Wednesday, June 20th, Passenger Trait!? will arrive and depart as follows: UP TRAINS, Leave Huntingdon at 9-00 A. :u. & 5.30 P. M. " Sax ton 10.18 A. M. g . 6.43 P. 3L Airivo at 11opc‘711 " 10.46 A. M. & 7.16 P. u. DOWN TRAINS, Leave Hopewell rt 12.20 P. M.& 7.30 P. 3t. Saxton " 12.50 P. M. & 8.04 P. M. Arrive at Huntingdon 2.03 I'. 31. & 9.22 P. 31. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Leaves Saxton at Arrives at Huntingdon at ON SIIOUP'S RUN BRANCH. a passenger car will con nect with both trains from Huntingdon for Coahaunt, Crawford, Barnet and Blair's Station, connecting at tho latter place with Hack to Broad Top City, where first class hotel accommodations will be found. Visitors from Hun tingdon can go direct through to Broad Top City. in time for dinner ' spend the day on the mountain, and after tea return to Huntingdon same evening. Excursion tickets for round trip to Coalmont, Crawford and Blair's Station, 1.23. *Residents along the line of road desiring to spend the whole day in town can do so by taking, the accommo dation train down in the morning. _ _ June 2,n, ISGO NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. f k - - 1 7 7 - _ 'r - - "-- SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICK"- EST IN - TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND H ARRISB URG ! VIA RE A DING, ALLENTOWN AND }ASTON. Monxnal Exmr.ss. West. leaves New York at 6 A. M., arrivirnt at Irarri4burg - at 12.45 noon, only 6% hours be tween the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12..00 noon, and arrives at Harrisburg at 5.30 I'. M. MORNING MAIL LINT:, East. leaves Harrisburg at S.OO A M.. arriving at New York at 4.30 P. M. AFTLE.NOON ExpitEss LINE. East, leaves Harrisburg at 135 I'. M.. arriving at New York at 0.00 P. M. Connections are - marle at 'Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M.. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia. Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Itailroad. All ti ains connect at Rending with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Manch Chunk. Easton. &c. No chang,e of Passeriger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 5.00 A. M. Line lion,' New York or the the 1.15 l'. M. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, add speed, comfort and accom modation, this route presents superior inducemems to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg five dollars.— For tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. July IS, 1860. ITILADELPHIA AND READING? RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER 11fA .1" 28th, 1860.: Two passenger traina leave Harrisburg Daily, (Sundays excepted.) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. 31. ' for Plilladelph4„ arriving there at 1.25 P. and 6.15 P. 31. Returning. leave Philadelphia at 8,00 A. 31:, and 3.30 P. 31., arri% lug at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon and 5.30 P. M . . Fares: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $3.25; No.. 2 (in same train, $2.70) Fares: To Reading, $1.60 and :;,• - 1.30 At Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners ville, Tamaqua. Catamissa, dc. Four trains leave Reading for Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. 31.. 10.43 A. M.. 12.30 noon and 3.43 I'. 31. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00. A. M.,100 P. 3E, 3.30 P. M., and 5.00 P. M. Fares: Reading to Phihnlelphio, 51.7 arid $1...1:1. The morning train from Harrisburg connects at Readin g ; Rh up train for Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. For through ticji.cts and other information apply to .1. J. CLYDE, General, Agent. July IS, ISGO, 1,1 It AN KLIN HOUSE, la - THE DI !,1!0.1"13, 11UN'TEWDON, Pai "VALENTINE RUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, and strangers and travelers generally. kill find comfortable accommodations at this house. Give us a trial. [April 4, 1860.1 DON'T FORGET, IS AT G. A. MILLER'S STORE. GROCERIES. DRY-GOOD, ' BOOTS & SHOES, HATS ti; CAPS. FRESH CONFECTIONARIES, AC, , AC AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! AND AS GOOD AS THE DESTI (1. A. Miller has now on hand a well selected stock of fresh Groceries. Dry Goods, Confectioneries. Eats Sc Caps, Boots ,S; shoes, Notions, &e., all of which he is readlyto dispose of at reasonable prices. The public generally aro invited to call 'and examine his goods. Thankful for the patronage he has received, lie respect fully solicits a continuance of the same. Store room in. the old 'Deinperance Hall, Main street. Don't . ..miss the place. Huntingdon, April 18, 1860. THIS WAY ! NEW GOODS r LEVI IVESTEROON Has just opened the Vest assort ment of Goods in his line. - over brought to Hnntingdon. His stock of BOOTS and SHOES for Ladies, Gentle-I . ; ,1 1 men, Misses, Boys and Children, comprises -all the ' latest fashions, and manufactured of- the best ma terials. Also, a fine assortment of rr ATs for men, Boys and Children. HOSE in great variety for Gentle men, Ladies. Misses and Children. CARPET BAGS, SUSPENDERS, GARTERS, - FANS, Esc., &c. - ALSO, SOLE LEATHER, CALF SHINS, MOROCCO, LASTS - , and SHOE-FINDINGS generally. Timnitfalfor past favors, a continuance of the same is respectful - 1Y solicited. N. 11.—Boots and Shoes for - Ladies and Gentlemen, re paired and made to Order. Huntingdon, May 9, MO. ESENIVEIN'S TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, Is the best Best Medicine ha the World for the cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palidtation of the heart; rri pthe rir, anti for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Con sumption, together with all diseases of the 'Throat a:MI. Chest, and which predispose to Consumption. ' - it is peculiarly adaptell - to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a Practical Physician and Druggist and one of great experience in the cure of the various diseases to which the human frame is liable. It is offered to the afllietegi with the ,reatast cona Try it nnu. be convinced and it is invaluable in tho cure of Brouchiaratfections. Trice 50 cents per bottle. ' ESENWEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM; Lk very valuable remedy for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, and all bowel affections. Try it. Price 25 cents per bottle. - The above 31edicIncs are prepared only by DR. A. ESENWEIN Druggists and Chemists, N. W. Corner Ninth 8: Poplar Sts. Philadelphia. N. D.—Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer. in Medicine throughout the State. fJune 20, =- EASTWARD 0 I) ,r 4 C/2 45`..3 ~ M 8.12 A. J. J. LAWRENCE, I= THE PLACE TO CALL EI