The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 08, 1860, Image 1

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Per anrrarn in advance
Six months
Throe mo.nths
A ELiiure to notify a cher:mill:mance at the expiration of
the term sulAeribed for will be con:LlLL:red a new engage
1 insertion
Fonr lines or 101.3 S $ 25.„.
Ono square, (12 Line 5.)..........
Two squares,
Three cquares, 1 ..... 225 '3 00
Over three week and less than throe months, 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
Six. lines or less
Ono square,
TWO squares,....
Three squares,..
Four squares,.
Half a column,
One colinnn, 9 0 00 ^0 00.... ..... .50 00
Prolbssional and Cards not exceeding itur lines
f:0110 year, $3 00
eidul istra tot's' umi EXCeit tors' Notices,
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms.
FISHER & SON are now opening the
larxst and best selected Stock of Goods ever offered in this
community. _
It comprises a full line of Fashionable
Dress Goods, suitable for SPRING & SUMMER, such as
Black and Fancy Silks, French Foulards, (Chintz Fiunrei.)
Fancy Organdies, Ducels, Challis's !ANN English Chintz :
Ginghams, Lustres, Prints, &c.
A large and beautiful assortment of Spring
A fine stock of richly worked Black Silk
Tace Mantles. A full assortment of Ladies' Fine Collars,
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Collars. Clarets,
Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze :ma Silk Undershirts,
Drawers, &c.
We have a fine selection of Mantillas,
Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, (doves, Gaunt
lets, Hosiery, limidleerchiefs. Buttons, Flogs, Sewing ;= ilk,
Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, &c.
Also—Tickings, Osnaburg, Bleached and
Unbleached Mtislins, all prices; Colored and White Cani
brics, Barrett and Swiss :kin:dins, Victoria Lawns, Nain
sooks, Tarleton. and many other articles which comprise
the line of WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS.
French Cloths, Fancy Cassimers, Satinets. Jeans, Tweeds,
Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Lindseys, Comforts, Blank
ets,Hfee. 417
Hats and Caps, of every variety and style.
which - will be sold Claw,-
We also deal in PLASTER. FISJI, SALT. and all kinds
of GRAINS. and possess facilities in this branch of trade
unequalled by any. We deliver all pack:taw or parcels of
n,dke, free of char e, at the Depots of the liroad Top
and Pen nsyi Van in Railroads.
COMB ON E. COME ALL. and he convinced that the Mc
tropolitan is the place to secure nishionable and de: irable
goods, disposed of at the lowest rates
litintibgdon, April IS. ISCO
--1 7E1 1 7 GOODS! NEW GOODS !!
IA _
D. P. 0 V I '.S S2T 011 E
D. I'. fl WIN kas just received th' larne , t and most
fashiumdde and hest th•lected Stock of Gods in tie mar
ket. consi , ting of Cloths. CassinnTes. I'lain and Fancy.
Satinets, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds. Beaverteens, Velvet
Cords, Cotton Drill 4, Linen Duck., Blue Drills, and other
fashionable Goods for Men and Buys' wear.
The largest and best ass4rtment t‘f
Dress nooit. in town, consisting of Iliad: and Fancy
All ‘Vool Chlllie Delain:. Alpacas, and Fig;-
ured Braize. L:te mi. Gin hams, Dueals. Larella Cloth, Do
Darg,o, Traveling Dress Goods, and a beautiful assortment
of Prints, Brilliants, ,ke.
Also, Tie,kings, Cheeks, Masi i ns, (bleached
and unbleached.) Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash, Nan
keen, Ac.
Also, a large assortment of Ladies' Collars,
Dress Trimmings, Ribbonds. Gloves, II it ts. Gann Het.. 110-
isery. Silk and Linen flandkerchiefs, Victoi is Lawn, Mull
Muslins, Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Rands, Velvet
Ribbons, and a great variety of Hooped Skirts, &c.
Also, a fine assortment of Spring Shawls.
Also, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Shaker Bonnets, llardware, Queensware, Wood and
low Ware, Grocerie , , salt and F.lsh.
Also, the largest and hest assortment of
Carpets and Oil Cloths in town, which will be sold cheap.
Call and examine my Goods_ and yon will be convinced
that I have the hest assortment and cheapest Goods in the
Country Proclnce taken in exchange for Goods, at
the Highest Market Prices. D. P. (TWIN.
Huntingdon, April IS, 1860.
FR 111 T'CA XS.
Just what was wanted—a cosrrsrcsr air-tight cover. to
show at alt tines, the exact condition of the fruit within
the jar. It is so simple that one person can seal up t2ven
ty-four cans in one minute. Or open seventy-Iwo cans in
one minute.
No fruit is lost in u,ing these cans, for should any ono
be defective, the cover at NV:I3 s shows it in time to save the
contents. Tin, Earthen, or Gla,s jars, sold only at the
Hardware Storc of JAMES2I.. BROWN.
Ihnitiug.lon. July IS, 1860
1 000 cusTomErts 'WANTED
Has received a fine assortment of DRY
GOODS for the Spring and Summer beat,un, comprising a
very extensive a‘sortment of
DRY GOODS in general,
For Men and Boys
The public generally are requested to call and examine
my goods—and his prices....
As 1 am determined to sell my Goods, all who call may
expect bargains.
Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods.
BENJ. JACOBS, at the Cheap Corner.
Huntingdon, April 4, 1560.
Respectfully inform the public
that they have opened a beautiful assortment of
in the store room at the south-east corner of the Diamond
in the borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew
elry Store.
Their Stock is new and carefully selected, and will be
sold low for cash or country produce.
LARD, and provisions generally, kept constantly ou baud
on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 9, 1860.
• AT
-For Gentlemen's Clothing of the beatmaterial, and made
in the best workmanlike manner, call at
11. ROMAN'S,
opposite the Franklin House iu Market Square, Hunting
don. [April 4,15 W.)
T HE best Tobacco in town, at
Dlargest,GWlN keeps the best
• assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and
examine them.
Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonuet.sfor
sale cheap, at D. P. GIVIN'S.
CALL at D. P. G'IN'S if you want
ASplendid variety of Carpets, only
25 cts. per yard. FISHER l SON.
Eyou want handsome Lawns, Delains l
nd other Dress Goods, go to D. P. (TWIN'S.
2 do. ado.
$ 373 , f; "";
75 .100
1 00
3 months. G months. 12 months.
...$1 50 $1 00 ;05 00
.... :3 00 ....... 5 00 7 00
.... 5 00 SOO 10 00
... 7 00 ...... ....10 00 15 00
9 00 ...... ....13 00
12 00 ...... ....10 00
$1 ,0
2 00
20 00
21 00
1 t ICU
of Luzerne,
On, faking the Chair as President of the _Mass
Stale Convention held at Harrisburg,
July 26, 1860.
Gentleman of the Convention: I return you
my thanks for this manifestation of your par
tiality towards me. I regard it as a matter
of distinction that you have conferred upon
me to-clay. To stand here in this place, as I
do, called upon to preside over that portion
of the Democracy of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania which rises up to vindicate the
regular nominations of the National Demo
cratic Convention is not merely an ordinary,
but an extraordinary privilege. [Cheers.]
As regards my ability to discharge the du
ties of this chair, I shall not now consider.—
I think I can get along with the business.—
[Laughter.[ With regard to the object and
character of this Convention, and the causes
that have brought us together this day, I shall
claim your indulgence, as your presiding offi
cer, to make a few remarks.
What is it that produces this uprising of
the masses of Pennsylvania this day ? What
has brought us from the remotest corners of
this Commonwealth to meet here in Conven
tion ? Simply, gentlemen, because those who
held the custody of the rules and regulations
of the party have committed an act of usur
pation. [Applause.] I measure my lan
guage, and know what I say. The reporters
dill write it down just as I say it.
We, are all, gentlemen, of age. I believe
there are no minors in this body—at least,
none under my eye. It becomes us, then, as
men of maturity, to speak out—to speak
frankly—and, above all, to speak with deter
mination ; that is, to say nothing that we do
not mean to do, and to lay down no programme
that we do not mean to carry out. [Long
continued applause. Let me go back a mo
ment. The Democratic party of Pennsylva
nia, as a part of its organization, has been in
the habit, through a long series of years—(l
have participated in Conventions here for
thirty years)--to appoint a Democratic Exec
utive Committee, sometimes called the State
Central Committee, and sometimes called the
Democratic State Executive Committee. As
I understand the rules and usages of the par
ty, the duty of that committee has been to
call Conventions in case a candidate or a nom
inee died or declined.
It has been their duty to issue addresses to
the Democratic people of Pennsylvania, call
ing upon them to disharg,e their duty faith
fully and honestly to the party. It has•been
their duty to exercise,- a general supervisory
power, and to perform ministerieal acts. I
speak as a lawyer now, but not jud;•ciallv.—
But it has been reserved for the year 1856
(I am confounding myself with Mr. Buchan
an's nomination, and I beg his pardon,)
[Laughter,]—l mean for the year 1860, after
the Den - low acv of the nation had met in solemn
Convention, after a prolonged session, and
by solemn, decided action, had presented
nominees for the party of the nation—l say
it has been reserved for the year 1800, for
the Democratic Executive Committee of Penn
sylvania to call in question the act of their
superiors. [Cheers.] They have actually
met in the city of Philadelphia, as I am in
formed and done that thing. I have not read
their proceeding's, and I cannot. [Laughter.]
Revolutionary measures I never honor by
reading. That committee, lam informed,
met in the city of Philadelphia recently, and
sent their manifesto out to the Democrats of
Pennsylvania—that is to those Democrats
who are on the electoral ticket—demanding
of them that they should, in the first place,
cast their votes for Mr. Douglas, if Mr. Doug
las had a majority of the States ; and in the
second, for Mr. Breckinridge, if he had a ma
jority over Mr. Douglas; and then, if neither
could be elected, leaving the electors to vote
just as they pleased. Why, that would jus
tify the electors when they met in Conven
tion, to cast their vote for Abe Lincoln, the
rail-splitter, and Hannibal Hamlin. [Laugh
With my friend Brown, of Philadelphia,
with whom I have spent years in the busi
ness of legislation in this hall, and who I am
happy to see present, I will cast my vote for
no such mongrel concern, trammelled with
such conditions. [Applause.] I have voted
for thirty years steadily along for the Demo
cratic nominees, and if it has come to that
point that I cannot cast my vote for them
again, I will stay at home, shut up my doors,
and weep for the degeneracy of the times.
[Laughter and applause.]
Why, gentlemen of the Convention, sup
pose, for example, when your State Conven
tion was in session at Reading, that a minority
had seceded from that Convention, and that
such minority had pretended to issue their
ticket. Suppose they had got a majority of
weak brethren to join them—suppose they
had met and nominated a candidate for Gov
ernor against General Foster, would you have
paid any heed to the calls of their committee,
or of a party brought together in such a way,
in violation of rules ? Certainly not. And
the same principle must be regarded as gov
erning and regulating the political affairs of
the nation.
Let us act with prudence and deliberation,
and whatever we resolve on let us do that re
gardless of risks and fearless of consequences.
[Great Applause.] It is not for me to lay
down any platform of principles. I might
say, however, that I would question the pro
priety of a body like this, called together in
discriminately, to assume to put out an elec
toral ticket. We have, I know, the right to
support Douglas and Johnson to our heart's
content, and to shout for them until our
throats are sore. [Cries of " good! good !"
and applause.]
It is a matter of extreme doubt whether
this body of men can assume the power of the
Slate Central Committee, so far as the call
ing of a Convention is concerned. If that
committee has abused its power, let not that
charge be made against us. We are not here
to act as disorganers, but regularly to sup
port regular nominations. [Applause.] The
men who have seceded from the ranks of the
Democratic party would be glad to have us
make that false step. Let us not go contrary
to Democratic rules and usages. It appears
to me fitting that we should resolve that Doug
las and Johnson are the regular nominees of
the Democratic party for the Presidency and
the Vice Presidency of the United States.—
[Applause.] To resolve that they and they
alone are the nominees, and that they and they
alone should have the votes of the true-heart
ed and gallant Democratic army of this solid
old Commonwealth, [Renewed applause.]
Let us be true to our party and our princi
and the inevitable effect must be, that like a
tornado the miserable mon who sneak under
Yancey's Disunion banner will be swept into
deserved oblivion by the power of the. people.
[Applause.] Whatever we do let •it be with
prudence. Let us do nothing that we shall
have to reconsider—take no step we shall
have to retrace. Let our march be always
an advance. [Applause.] Let us ratify the
nomination of Douglas, who, more than any
other is a living embodiment of the noble
characteristics of our great Jackson, [cheers,]
and pledge ourselves to vote for no other can
didate for the Presidency.
I shall not speak of the regularity of the
nomination of Stephen A. Douglas. It is be
' yond doubt. For eleven days, at Charleston,
I voted for that man, knowing him to be the
choice of my constituents. [Cheers.] Give
the constituency of Luzerne an opportunity
of showing it, and you will see how manfully
and gallantly they will endorse him. There
they are now, waiting to seize the banner
and rush upon the battlement walls, crying
victory ! [Cheers.] I voted for Douglas day
after day at Baltimore until he was nomina
ted by a two-thirds vote. There is no way
in which he can be wrested from the arms of
the Democratic party. [Applause.]
After Yancey and the Disunionists went
out of the regular Convention, it occurred to
me that it would be profitable for me to go
into the Secession Convention and ascertain
for myself the sentiments there proclaimed.
I did go into the Yancey Convention, and
during the two hours I was there, as God is
,judge, I heard nothing but with reference
to the expediency of erecting a Southern Re
public upon the ruins of the present Union.
[Cries of " Down with the traitors !"]
If Mr. Breckinridge be not a Disunionist
himself, it must he conceded that he is the
candidate of the Disunionists. He is, then,
in the hands of the worst men that this coun
try has ever seen. Those men are fixed upon
a dissolution of this Union and the erection '
of a Southern Confederacy. I do not care
what their apologists may say—l have heard
their debates and I know that -which Tdo
. [Applausel Disunion was the, cry
of the secession movement at Charleston and
at Baltimore. Breckinridge is the pliant tool
of the Disunionists—the men who proclaim
from the housetops that they want disunion.
And such are the men that the Deawratic
party of Pennsylvania are asked to support !
For one, I never will submit to such burning
dishonor. [Applause.]
One word more. I wish to pay a passing
tribute to the Hon. Caleb Cushing, of Massa
chusetts. [Laughter.] I want it reported,
and I want to send it to him. He became
the President of the Convention, how and by
what management I know not, but I say this
of him--that after he went into the chair,
baring given to us his pledge to conduct the
affairs of that Convention in a proper man
ner, there never was a man whose parliamen
tary history is written, who disgraced himself
as Caleb Cushing did, both at Charleston and
Baltimore. [Long-continued applause.]
An educated man, he ought to have been
familiar, and I presume he was, with parlia
mentary law, and how did he dispose of the
questions presented for his consideration ?-
1 will refer you to one or two of them. In
the first place, a question of order was raised
before that Convention, as to the number of
votes it required to result in a nomination.
The rule is, that the man receiving two-thirds
of the votes cast shall be the nominee of the
party. Caleb Cushing ruled that it required,
not two-thirds of the votes east, but two-thirds
of the whole Electoral College! [A voice—
" The double-dyed traitor!"] From the State
of New Jersey a delegation brought in their
hands a resolution from their State Conven
tion. That State Convention requested their
delegates to vote as a unit. Caleb Cushing
decided that that was not a request but an
order, and that they were bound to vote as a
unit. A portion of the delegation from the
State of Georgia at once withdrew and
marched out under the Disunion banner.—
The true Union delegates remained in the
In calling the roll, when the secretary had
reached, in order, the State of Georgia, the
question was raised whether the remaining
delegates could cast the vote of the State or
not. Caleb Cushing decided that the voice
of the State should be mute. I could hove—
l- don't say what—but if I had been in_ his
vicinity, in health and strength—well, I think
I could have resented the deep 'injustice.--
[Applause.] When we got to the city of
Baltimore, after the Convention had been or
ganized, we kept out Secession men, and ad
mitted pure, honest party delegates into the
Convention. We had adjourned from Charles
ton for the express purpose of allowing the
Democracy of the Southern States to fill vacan
cies. After we had filled up these vacancies
at Baltimore, and had become organized, and
the Convention was in favor of the nomina
tion of Douglas, Mr. Caleb Cushing rose in
his place, and said he thought the time had
come for him to resign his position. God.
knows we were glad enough to get rid of him.
[Laughter and applause.]
In making his remarks, he stated that in
his view, it would be improper for him
longer to maintain his place in the chair.—
He sneaked out and did not again return,
but united his destinies with Yancey and
that party, which had raised the sword to cut
the baud of the Union in twain.
I hope the Convention will make a bold
and decided declaration in favor of the great
principle of non-intervention. I want to
see that principle of popular power in the
Territories incorporated as an article in the
creed of the Democratic party of Pennsylva
nia, in addition to the platform laid down at
Cincinnati in 1856. [Cries of "Good I" and
With that platform, with that glorious
principle of popular sovereignty which was
established in - 2.848, affirmed in 1852, and re
affirmed in 1856, and with Douglas and
Johnson, I defy opposition. [Applause.]—
There is yet truth and honesty in the heart
of the people to uphold the right and strike
down the wrong.
Appealing again to you, gentlemen, I trust
you will be cautious, that you will act delib
erately, but what you do, do effectually, so
that it cannot be undone. [Applause.]
I am reminded that I have not said a word
of our candidate for Governor, I-lon. Henry
D. Foster. It affords me great pleasure to
say that I believe him to be in every way
worthy of the support of the Democratic par
ty. [Applause.] The election for Governor
precedes the Presidential election. It is the
hinge upon which the latter turns, and I re
gard it of vast importance that we should
secure the election of Gen. Foster. [Three
cheers and a tiger for Foster.] The Conven
tion is now ready to proceed to business.
The 'Fusion Electoral Ticket
Every true Democrat &sires, of course,
that the men and measures of his party should
be sustained by a majority of the people, and
is therefore willing to do anything in reason
to priKluce this result - . But there are some
things that no true Democrat will do, be
can he cannot even think of them with any
degree of patience, or attempt them without
di,slen or.
Ono of these things is the novel and start
ling proposition to pack up the whole Demo
cratic vote of the Keystone State, like a
bundle of dry goods, to be handed over after
the election, not as the people of the State
have directed, but as the people or the poli
ticians of other States may happen to render
necessary fora certain purpose. Now, there
are zlt least three good reasons why no good
Democrat can ever consent to this. In the
first place, the candidates name , '. in this com
promise do not represent the some principles,
and cannot therefore both be Democrats.
Douglas is most clearly the representative
of "Congressional non-intervention" in the
local affairs of the Territories, while Breck
inridge is as clearly pledged to "active inter
vention on the part of every branch of the
General Government" for tho protection of
slave property outside of the slave States,
Douglas believes that that which is property
by the common consent of the whole nation
reouires no other protection in the Territo
rie"s than that which the people there will
cheerfully accord to it, and that that which
is 7 , roporty solely in virtue of local laws will
130';;rott7eted 1..!y- them as soon as they desire
it, but should neither be established in oppo
sition to the will of those who are adverse to
it, nor withheld from those who are willing to
adopt it, while Breckinridge is solemnly
pledged to a creed that deprives the people of
the Territories of the right of self-govern
ment on a most important point—that would
compel the representatives of the whole na
tion to recognize and protect as property that
which is only property in certain portions of
the country, and by force of certain local
laws, which laws are repudiated by the local
legislation of other portions of the country
equally respectable, and equally entitled to
national recognition and support.
Candidates thus representing adverse prin
ciples cannot be run together without gross
In the second place, only one of these
candidates cam be the "regular nominee"
of the party, even if the platforms were the
There cannot be two regular Democratic
Conventions, nor two regular Democratic
nominations—one or the other must be irreg
ular and spurious. The regular National
Convention, representing all the States, met
certainly at Charleston, and as regularly ad
journed to Baltimore, while there was no
regular Convention either called at Rich
mond or adjourned from Richmond to Balti
The Convention, which was regularly call
ed at Charleston, did not adjourn sine die un
til it had formed a platform and nominated
candidates. That platform is the one we had
in 1556 at Cincinnati ; and the candidate
running on that platform is Stephen A. Doug
las—a very consistent friend of it. Those
who did this did not "secede," because ma
jorities never do secede—they vote their way
through. If, then, the old plan of submit
ting when out-voted is wrong—if the modern
idea of seceding when you happen to be in
the minority is improper and destructive of
all order, then the assembly which nominated
Mr. Breckinridge was irregular, and ho is
not the regular nominee of the party. Now,
all true Democrats believe in "regular nomi
nations," when made by "regular Conven
tions," or " regular Democratic platforms,"
and they frown indignantly on all irregular
movements, as subversive of all order and or
ganization, from that of the township up to
that of the nation. They will not—cannot,
therefore, with any consistencey, consent to
this arrangement.
Again, the State .Committee have no right
to propose, nor have the electors any right to
agree to such a proposition. Custom has de
fined and fixed their several duties. They
are appointed to carry out the w, of the
State and National Conventions.
The former body is bound by party rule to
pledge the latter to vote for the nominees of
the National Convention, who, in its turn, is,
by the same rule, bound to obey or to resign.
Instead of this, they unite in this proposi
tion to defeat the will of their masters.
They are told by the National Convention,
"Here is the creed of the party for this cam
paign ; it is the same on which we triumphed
in 1856, and has been deliberately reaffirmed.
Here is the candidate of the party, the faith
ful advocate of our party creed. Put now in
motion the machinery that will give to them
both the party vote."
The committee and electors reply : "We
hear you ; but we choose not to obey ; we
choose that man who denies the party creed
and opposes the party candidates shall have
an opportunity of defeating both ; of turning
the whole vote of this State in favor of the
creed and the men that have been repudiated
by it in solemn conclave, even though that re
pudiation may be ratified by every Democrat
in the Commonwealth. We hear you ; but
we choose that a seceding minority shall have
as good a chance of carrying the State or na
tion as the regular majority can by any pos
sibility have; that those who depart from the
party creed are as good Democrats as those
who adhere to it ; that he who can muster
but eighty seceding votes in a Convention
not called or adjourned to Baltimore is as
much entitled to run on the Democratic ticket
as he who has received one hundred and
eighty regular votes in a regular National
"In short, the States and National Conven
tion may do as they please-:--wu will do as we
please. We will hold the vote of the State
in our hands, and watching the other States
with one eye, and our own private interests
with the other, we will throw her vote, not
as those who elected us wish, hut as circum
stances may require. Who bids ? and how
much ? We are pledged to no one—the high
est bidder shall be the buyer l"
The plan deserves nothing but contempt.
It is a cheat from beginning to end. No
Democrat who believes in "priciple" and in
the binding obligations of "regular nomina,
tions," will touch it. There will be but one
Democratic creed and one Democratic candi
date in the field in the coming campaign.—
Those who oppose them may call themselves
Democrats, and ring the changes, on this
good old much-perverted name ;
but how any
one can claim the name, while he spits upon
the platform which he gloried in and tri
umphed on in 1856 ; who prefers as a candi,
date* the man who openly denies the Demo
cratic creed, secedes from the Democratic
nomination, and throws his whole force
against them both, is a matter which is en
tirely beyond our comprehension.—Pros.
Stephen A. Douglas--Who and What Is
Among the distinguished speakers at the
Douglas meeting in Philadelphia, Saturday,
21st inst., General Dodge, of lowa, ex-gover
nor of that State, ex-minister to Spain, and
chairman of the lowa delegation in the Bal
timore convention. In the course of his re
marks, the General said
I know that Henry Clay relied upon him
more than any other man, entrusted to him
the drawing of the compromise bills, and call
ed upon him, when his voice became so fee
ble that he could no longer fill the senate, to
take his place and fight the battle for the ad
mission of California, Utah and New Mexico,
[great applause,] at'',-!1. - for the establishment
of die principle that the people shall be left
free to shape their own domestic institutions
and control their own destinies. Who was
it that lashed Sumner, Seward & Co., and
triumphed over them in the great debate up
on the Kansas-Nebraska bill, which estab
lished a living principle by which the matter
of slavery is to be settled, and the vexed ques
tion to be forever banished from the hall of
It was Stephen A. Douglas. [Cheers.]
You all know him: [A voice, "and love
him." Cheers.] I knew him when he was
an honorable pioneer, with his pack upon his
back. [Cheers.] I knew him when he push
ed the jack-plane in a village in Illinois—
[Cheers.] I knew him as a village school
master ; as the attorney general of this State ;
as a Judge upon the Supreme Court bench,
and subsequently when he was elected to the
lower branch of Congress and from there to
the Senate, where he is now serving his third
,[Applause.] And, gentlemen, if the
bolters and political tricksters who are now
at work to defeat the choice of the people for
the highest office in their gift succeed, he will
grow upon their hands just as old Hickory
did, when he was defeated for the same posi
tion, and by the same means, in 1524. [Cheers]
The familliar name by which he is known
among his Countrymen, is that of the "Little
Giant," but if he is cheated by these Seces
sionists and Disunionists, he will be known
in the futuro as the "Big Giant," before,
whom intriguing politicians will fiv, as from
the wrath Co come. T. tell you, that if be ever
comes down on any of them the unfortunate
man will think he weighs morn than a ton.
[Great Applause.]
If he is beaten now his success in the fu
ture is certain ; while those who oppose the
party because he is the nominee, will be con
signed to oblivion. ["That's so," and cheers]
The people love him because he is true to
them and maintains their rights. They have
watched with interest the persecution to
which lie has been subjected ; they have seen
him removed from the chairmanship of the
Committee on Territories by a tyranical ma
jority, because of his independence, and they
have seen those who should have sustained
him and strengthened his hands, resort to
every trick to disgrace him, because they
were jealous and envious of his hold on the
popular heart. The result of these attempts
is before- you. Without patronage, without
power, he has stood forth in the Democratic
Convention at Charleston and at
triumphant and victorious. He received from
that convention the greatest honor it could
pay him, the regular, legitimate nomination
for the Presidency, and if you are true to
yourselves, you • w;.11 ratify that nomination
at the ballot-box.
Ilarrh, of Georgia, made a speech at a Doug
las meeting in Atlanta, on the 17th inst., in
the course of which he reviewed the action of
the Douglas delegates at Baltimore, and de
fended them from the asperations of the se
cessionists. lie said : The Seceders made no
efforts at Baltimore to defeat the nomination
of Stephen A. Douglas, or to modify the mi
nority report adopted at Charleston_ Their only
object being in going to Baltimore to with
draw from that Convention those delegations
from the border Slave States which refused to
secede at Charleston. They did not go to
Baltimore for harmony, but for the purpose
of sectionalising the Democratic party, forcing
the election of Lincoln, and then to consum
mate the ultimatum of their hopes—a disso
lution of the Union.
Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 7.
No Compromise
This is now the cry from the lips of every
loyal Democrat in the land. The true, faith
ful and consistent Democrats cannot compro
mise with Traitors, Seceders and Disunion
ists. To do so would be utter ruin to our
noble party. Upon this subject the editor of
that faithful old organ of the Vermont De
mocracy, the Vermont Patriot, very perti
nently says:
" The inflated Breckinridge supporters, in
the Free States, may as well understand, first
as last, that they have got to face the music.
Their ambition is first, to retain their offices,
and next to retain insides seats in the Demo
cratic wagon. They propose to retain their
offices, says the Providence Pore, for the pres
ent, by abusing Douglas and his friends, Mad
the Baltimore Convention. They
propose to keep in the party, by getting the
party to stretch its covering so as to enclose
them. They want " union electoral tickets"
in New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut.
and some other States—a sort of half-way
endorsement of secession and treason—and
an admission on the part of the regular De
mocracy that a slave code and slave trade
may, after all, be Democratic "institutions."
" We risk nothing whatever in saying that
these gentlemen cannot be accornmodated.-:--
They can hold their offices until the 4th of
March ; they can abuse the Democratic nomi
nee, and the Democratic Convention, and the
Democratic platform, and the Democratic
party to their heart's content. But they are
racy will make no bargains with outsiders, no,
compromises with traitors. The people have
set out to preserve the integrity of the party
—and they will do it, though every State in
the Union should be los'c, to their candidate.
"But there is no prospect of any great
losses. The probability is that Mr. Douglas
will carry more Northern States than have
been carried by the Democracy since 1.852.
The more conservative of the Republicans
are coming to them every day, and already
it is certain that in the North, at least, they
will gain more than they will lose by tho
Breckinridge movement. Many States will
be redeemed ; many Democratic Representa
tives to Congress will be elected in district i
now controlled by Republicans ; and best of
all, a gang of Northern politicians who have
proved themselves to be as corrupt as cor
ruption itself, will he everlastingly disposed
"No—we say again—there will be no zom
premise between the regular Democracy and
the men who have bolted the nominations.—
The Democratic party has never yet left its
high position to trade with renegades, and it
never will. In the present case, it of to
the manner of bolting, to the bolters' plat
form, to the bolters' candidates, and to the
bolters' themselves. The motive of the lead
ers is too plainly written on their foreheads.
You can go your way
_ n. gentlemen ; hut you
cannot harness to the Derneetic team."—
Stale Sentinel.
The Seceding Idlovement Dying Out in
the South
It is evident that the Secession movement
is wilting and dying out in the South. The
people of that section of the country are, not
desirous of contributing to the election of a
Republican President; neither do they want
a dissolution of the Union, to both of which
ends, votes against the regular Democratic
nominees will tend. As a specimen of how
things are working, read the following from
the Augusta (Georgia) 0111'0120e and Sentth:th
"Consequently the Democratic people are
11.1)andv-.1,g the .ckm.l.l,Jles twkel, the res
iduary legatee of all the corruption and anwn
inations of the present outrageous Adminis
tration—the supple tools of the camp-follow
ers and plunderers.
"In this (Richmond) county, it is said by,
those who ought to be posted, that there are
only thirty-two Breekinridge men out of a vo
ting population of near two thousand. Gen
tlemen from Columbia inform us that there
are seven, out of eight hundred in that county.
From Lincoln we hear of none. In Wilkes
there are a goodly number, but they are very
anxious to compromise. The Franklin Demo
cracy, we learn, are almost u.nanimons loz
Douglas and Johnson, and the same news
comes also from Hall and liabersham. The
seceders bid fair in peor g ia, according, to
present appearances, tonic out before the first
A State Convention is to be held in Tennes
see at Nashville, next Saturday, 2Sth inst., to
perfect a Douglas electoral ticket. The Mem
phis Appeal, a leading and influential jour
nal, has the following upon the subject
"The people desire discussion ; and there
is besides a strong effort being made by the
leaders in the secession movement, to fore
stall public sentiment, which must be met at
the earliest day possible. We are assured;
from the best information we can get from all
quarters, that a great reaction is even now
going on in favor of Douglas and Johnson.
Tho great masses of the people cannot be
persuadd that it is their duty as patriots to
follow up the secession movement at Charles
ton and Baltimore, and thus complete the
work of destruction to the great national
Democratic party. They will rather prefer
to do battle inside of the regular organization,
and in support of the regular ticket.
Out of the Party
The editor of that old and able organ of
the Rhode Island Democracy, the Providence
Post, with great force and truth says that the
men who support John C. Brekinridge for
President have gone out of the Democratic
Party. Nothing can be plainer than this.—
In the first place Mr. Breckinridge was nom
inated by a Seceder's Convention. It was
neither regularly called nor regularly held.
It embraced only one hundred and eighteen*
delegates, and had majority delegations of
any sort from only eight States, and the dele
gates from only three States had been au
thorized to act in it. It was:thus, in its compo
sition and organization, an unauthorized Con
vention of Bolters from, the Democratic party.
In the second place, the Convention, if
Convention it may be called, refused to stand
upon the Democratic platform, but adopted
a. platform which had been distinctly repudi
ated by the Democratic party in its National
Convention, while that Convention was un
questionably an authoritative body. Nobody
will dare deny that the Convention which met
at Charleston on the 23d of April was the 2C - a r
tional Democratic Convention. Every State,
every Congressional District was represented
in it; and while they were represented—be ;
fore a single delegate had bolted—a platform
was adopted, and that subsequently adopted
by the Seceders was distinctly and 9ruphati,-
cally repudiated.
We say, then, that the men and newspapers
which stand upon that repudiated platform,
and support its nominees, ARE OUT OF TUE
PARTY. Their talk about Democracy is more
twaddle. No man is a Democrat who stands
upon any other than the Democratic Platform,
and support any other than the regular no'..?-
nees of the party.