The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 01, 1860, Image 1

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Per min= in advanco
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A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of
the term subscribed for will be considered a new engage
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
,$ 25... $ 373 . /: $5O
50 75 1 00
1 00 1 50 2 00
Four lines or 1e55,.....
One square, (12 lines,)
Two squares,
Three squares 1 50 2 25 3 00
Over three week and less than three months, 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
3 months. C months. 12 months.
Six lines or less, $1 50 $3 00 $5 00
One square, 3 00 5 00 7 00
Two squares, 5 00 8 00 10 00
Three squares, 7 00 10 00 15 00
Four squares, 9 00 13 00 9 0 00
Hail ft column, 12 00 16 00 ...... ....24 00
One column, ^0 00 30 00.... ..... .50 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines,
one year, $3 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $l. 75
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms.
'FISHER & SON are now opening the
largest and best selected Steels of Goods ever olTered in this
It comprises a full line of Fashionable
Dress Goods. suitable for SPRING & SUMMER, such as
Black and Fancy Silks, French Foulards, (Chintz Figures,)
Fancy Organdies, Ducals, Challis's Lawns, English Chintz,
Ginghams, Lnstres, Prints, &c.
A large and beautiful assortment of Spring
A fine stock of richly worked Black Silk
Lace Mantles. A full assortment of Ladies' Fine Collars,
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Collars, Cravats,
Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts,
Drawers, &c.
We have a fine selection of Mantillas,
Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gaunt
lets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sowing Silk,
Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, &c.
Also—Tickings, Osnahurg, Bleached and
Unbleached Muslins, all prices; Colored and White Cam
brics, Barred and Swiss Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Nain-
Books, Tarleton, and many other articles which comprise
the line of WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS.
French Cloths, Fancy Cassimers, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds,
Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Lindseys, Comforts, Blank
ets. &c.
flats and Caps, of every variety and style.
which will be sold Cheap.
We also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds
of GRAINS, and possess facilities in this branch of trade
unequalled by any. We deliver all packaEes or parcels of
Merchandise, free of charge, at the Depots of the Broad Top
and Pennsylvania Railroads.
COME ONE, COME ALL, and be convinced that the Me
tropolitan is the place to secure fashionable and desirable
goods, disposed of at the lowest rates
Huntingdon, April IS, 1860
D. P. GWIN hag just received the largest and most
fashionable and best selected Stock of Goods in the mar
ket, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Plain and Fancy,
Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Beaverteens, Velvet
Cords, Cotton Drills, Linen Duck, Blue Drills, and other
fashionable Goods for Mon and Boys' wear.
The largest and best assortment of Ladies'
Dress Goods in town, consisting of Black and Fancy Silks,
All Wool Delains, Challie Delains, Alpacas, Plain and Fig
ured Braize, Lawns, Ginghams, Ducals, Larella Cloth, De
Barge, Traveling Dress Goods, and a beautiful assortment
of Prints, Brilliants, &c.
Also, Tickings, Checks, Muslins, (bleached
and unbleached,) Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash, Nan
.lso, a large assortment of Ladies' Collars,
Dress Trimmings, itibbonds, Gloves, Mitts, Gauntlets, Ho
isery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Victoria Lawn, Mull
Muslims, Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Bands, Velvet
Ribbons, and a great variety of Hooped Skirts, &c.
Also, a fine assortment of Spring Shawls.
Also, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Shaker Bonnets, Hardware, Queensware, Wood and Wil
low Ware, Groceries, Salt and Fish.
Also, the largest and best assortment of
Carpets and Oil Cloths in town, which will be sold cheap.
Call and examine my Goods, and you will be convinced
that I have the best assortment and cheapest Goods in the
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at
the Highest Market Prices. D. P. GWIN.
Huntingdon, April 18, 1860.
Just what was wanted—a CONVENIENT air-tight cover, to
show at all times, the exact condition of the fruit within
the jar. It is so simple that ono perbou can seal up twen
ty-four cans in one minute. Or open seventy-two cans in
one minute.
No fruit is lost in using these cans. for should any one
ho defective, the cover always shows it in time to save the
contents. Tin, Earthen, or Glass jars. sold only at the
Hardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN.
Huntingdon, July 18, 1860
Has received a fine assortment of DRY
GOODS for the Spring and Summer season, comprising a
very extensive assortment of
DRY GOODS in general,
Fur Men and Bays
The public generally are requested to call and examine
my goods—and his prices.
As I am determined to sell my Goods, all who call may
expect bargains.
Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods.
BENT. JACOBS, atthe Cheap Corner.
Huntingdon, April 4, 1860.
Respectfully inform the public
that they have opened a beautiful assortment of
in the store room at the south-east corner of the Diamond
in the borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew
elry Store.
Their Stock is new and carefully selected, and will be
sold low for cash or country produce.
LARD, and provisions generally, kept constantly on hand
on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 9,1860.
For C entlemen's Clothing of the best material, and made
in the best workmanlike manner, call at
opposite the Franklin House in Market Square,
don. [April 4, 1860.]
T HE best Tobacco in town, at
-1)P. GWIN keeps the largest, best
o assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and
examine them.
Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnetsfor
sale cheap, at D. P. GWIIVS.
CULL at D. P. 0-WIN'S if you want
ASplendid variety of Carpets, only
25 cts. par yard. FISHER & SON.
TF you want handsomo Lawns, Delains,
1. and other Arm Goode, go to D. P. OWEN'S.
' 50
One Point Settled
Our readers well know that the whole elec
toral vote of the non-slaveholding States is
183, and that the entire electoral college
numbers 303 votes. Mr. Lincoln will not be
a candidate in the slave holding States, and
must rely for an election upon obtaining 152
of the 183 votes of the non-slaveholding
States. Pennsylvania has 27, Ohio 23, New
York 35, Indiana 13, Illinois 11, Wisconsin
5, New Jersey 7, California 4, lowa 4, Rhode
Island 4, Connecticut 6, and New Hampshire
5. In all these States Mr. Lincoln will have
an opposition excited by the most sanguine
hopes and certainties of success. California
and Oregon, it is conceded, will vote against
him. This reduces his chances to 176 votes;
the loss of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin,
Will defeat him ; the loss of Illinois, Indiana,
and New Hampshire will defeat him ; the
loss of Ohio and other Northern State will
defat him. His chances, therefore, under all
circumstances, have been from the first of the
most desperate character—chances that the
slighest force of combination would forever
But, for the satisfaction of our readers and
of the public generally, we can say that to
make assurance doubly sure, and to place the
result beyond all contingency, there have
been, and are now, arrangements making
which will give the vote of New York against
Mr. Lincoln. That result will be accom
plished beyond all question ; the vote of that
State will never be cast for Mr. Lincoln.—
New York will not only vote against him,
but will give a majority of sixty thousand
against him. His election, is, therefore, an
ascertained impossibility. The failure to re
ceive the thirty-five votes of that State, will
exclude the possibility of his election ; he
has no other State to fall back upon to make
good the deficiency. When we say that the
vote of New York will not be given for Lin
coln, we do not speak unadvisedly. We
speak confidently, and upon full assurance
that what we say has been resolved upon
firmly and immovably.
Now, as Lincoln's election is an ascertained
impossibility, we have to ask the people of
the North-west whether they will throw away
their votes for a man who cannot be elected,
and thereby run the risk of electing the South
ern Disunion ticket? Which do they prefer
—the slave-code and slave trade candidates or
the man who for three years has successfully
encountered, and has beaten back, the slave
codeites ; who has stripped them of the mask
under which they had hidden disunion, and
compelled them to avow their purpose to pre
cipitate the cotton States into a revolution,
having for its object the dismemberment of
the Union ?
It is true that the Republican leaders and
the Breckinridge party have a common plat
form—or, as is so clearly expressed by the
Lovejoy Convention resolutions, are engaged
in "a common cause," viz : the establishment
of a power by Congress to regulate, govern,
establish or prohibit slavery in the Territo
ries. Lovejoy understands clearly and dis
tinctly that he and Breckinridge maintain the
same doctrine—with this difference, that
while Lovejny desires agitation to continue as
the only political capital in which men of his
stamp can deal, the Yanceyites, expecting
to be defeated, intend to use that defeat to
precipitate the cotton States into a revolution
which will end in a dissolution of the Union.
But have the people of the North any such
interest in the personal success of Lovejoy
and Giddings, and men of that class, as can
induce them to hazard the peace and harmo
ny of the country, or its welfare and general
prosperity, by standing silent in such a con
test as is now presented, and allowing the
chosen candidate of the Disunionists to be
elected? Will the North—that North which
has been appealed to so often by the imprac
ticable factionists whose most memorable act
for "freedom" was the treasonable invasion
of Virginia, and the bloody sacrifice of some
thirty lives at Harper's Ferry 2—will that
North now, by casting its vote for Lincoln,
whose election is an ascertained impossibili
ty, throw the whole power of the Federal
Government into the bands of the disunion
ists ? Shall Yancey be the ruler of this
Union ? We say Yancy, for all men know
that he is the power of his party, and that
vain Breckinridge and silly old Lane are
mere puppets in his hands.
At the South—in every Southern State
the people are listening with earnest atten
tion and honest intentions to the appeals of
the gallant men who have taken the - field
against disunion and its horrors. But the
people of the South have so long been accus
tomed to hear that Giddings and Farnsworth,
and Lovejoy and Sumner, are the true rep
repsentatives of Northern sentiment, that the
advocates of the Union and the Constitution
have difficulty in explaining that the two and
a half millions of voters at the North are not
Abolitionists, but are men of loyal and Union
loving principles.
We have no fears of the result at the
South. In 1832, the people of the South re
sponded to the national roll-call, and sus
tained the old veteran who declared that the
Union must be preserved. In 1850, the bat
tle was fought again, and again, in every
State of the South, was the cause of the
Union sustained. So it will be in 1860. But
the South has not the numerical strength to
elect a President. It lacks a large vote to
make up a majority of the electoral college.
As Lincoln cannot by any possibility be elec
ted, we ask the people of the North, and par
ticularly of the North-west, whether they
aro willing to give indirectly to the disunion
ists that power which the South itself will
indignantly deny to them ?
As Lincoln cannot be elected, every vote
thrown away upon him is indirectly a vote for
Breckinridge. It is a vote to carry the elec
tion into Congress, where it may ultimately
result in the election of the incompetent and
demoralized Joe Lane.
We repeat, that we speak from well ma
tured information, when we say that Lincoln
cannot, under any circumstances, obtain the
electoral vote of New York. His defeat then
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is certain ; and it becomes a question for all
men, of all parties, to consider, and consider
well, whether the North, and particularly the
North-west should not, with entire unanimi
ty, vote with their countrymen of the South
for the only candidate who has the nerve and
the power, and who will command the popu
lar confidence, to put down, and forever ex
terminate the foul but growing scheme of dis
union !—Cnicago Times.
The Fourth of July in London---Speech
[From the London Times, July sth.]
The eighty-fourth anniversary of the dec
laration of American Independence was cele
brated last night by a dinner in the London
Tavern. The company consisted mainly of
the members of the American Association in
London. General Campbell occupied the
chair, and was supported, right and left, by
Mr. Dallas, the American Minister, Messrs.
Dallas and Moran, Secretaries of Legation,
Mr. Layard, Dr. Macgowan, Dr. Mackay,
Mr. Croskey, and others.
The room was tastefully decorated with the
national flags of England and America, and
one of the most conspicuous objects was a full
length portrait of Her Majesty, from Buck
ingham Palace. Among the earlier toasts
were "The President of the United States"
and "The Queen," which were received with
great enthusiasth. In proposing the latter,
the Chairman stated that an application had
been made to the Queen to allow her portrait
to be taken by an American artist, and that
a reply had been received to the effect that,
while Her Majesty highly appreciated the
sentiments which dictated the wish, she fear
ed the full occupation of her time would not
admit her giving sitting for an original por
trait, she would be happy to afford every fa
cility for a copy being taken of any portrait
that might be considered most eligible.
The toast of the evening, "The Day we Cel
ebrate," was proposed by the Chairman in a
brief speech. Mr. Dallas, in responding to it,
said he could not but feel that all present
were perfectly aware of the peculiar and uni
versal respect with which the anniversary of
American independence was treated by his
fellow-countrymen in the United States.—
They likewise knew, and justly appreciated,
the wisdom and courage, the noble principles
of Government, and the devoted patriotism
inseparably associated with its remembrance.
No one required to be told what significance
attached to the 4th of July. The hallowed
birthday of a great nation, it was held and
accepted as an epoch signally illustrated by
human virtues, and lastingly auspicious to
He might gratify them by dwelling, in de
tail, as he had often done before, upon the en
nobling characteristics of those early heroic
days. Even in this capital, none would lis
ten with reluctance to the mention of such
names as Washington, Franklin, Jefferson
and Madison, to the description of famous
fields of fight, such as Bunker's Hill, Sarato
ga, and Yorktown, or to the majestic deliber
ations of councils such as the Continental
Congress presided over by Hancock. To an
American ear at least the music of that swell
ing theme never had lost, and never would
lose, its attractions. lie abstained, however,
and, mindful of the limits of a proper reserve,
he would only add that the firmness with
which they eulogized their revolutionary sires
was never ungenerous or exclusive, but would
be as warmly manifested wherever and when
ever similar excellence was exhibited.
On the Fourth of July especially the hearts
of his countrymen expanded to embrace the
greatness and magnanimity shown in any
land or by any race. At the present moment,
in a somewhat distant island, a spontaneous
and popular insurrection against alleged op
pression cruelly prolonged awakened wide
spread sympathy. He forebore a single com
ment upon the merits, but if there could be
found among the champions of Sicilian rights
and liberties a wise, disinterested, just and
brave deliverer, they should hasten to connect
the heroism of the present hour with the he
roism they were commemorating.
Mr. Layard responded to the toast of "Na
tional Independence, the pathway to individ
ual liberty and happiness." He referred to
the struggle now going on in Italy, and ex
pressed his belief that if the principle of non
intervention were carried out, the Italian peo
ple would soon be ranked among the free and
independent nations of the world. Various
other toasts appropriate to the occasion were
prop osed during the course of the evening,
and very cordially responded to by the com
pany. Mr. Higgs officiated as toast master,
and the band of the City Rifles enlivened the
proceedings by playing some of the most pop
ular airs of the day.
at Rising Sun, Indiana, the oldest man prob
ably in the United States. The name of this
venerable personage is Solomon Pangborn,
who says he was born in the city of New
York, in a small town of five or six hundred
houses, in 1725. He is consequently 135
years old. Shortly after his birth his father
purchased a farm on the Mohawk river,
not far from Fort Johnson, whither he re
moved. The old gentleman resides with rel
atives who are in comfortable circumstances.
He complains that for the last year or two
his health has been much impaired, and that
he is so old medicine fails to improve his con
dition, as it might in a, younger person.
One of the strangest phenomena in nature
has recently developed itself near the Horse
Lake, Polk county, Wisconsin. Flames of
fire came up through the earth in several lo
calities, and one man's barn has been burned
down by it. Strange to say, the fire can only
be seen in the day time, the earth in the eve
ning bearing a close resemblance to phospho
rus. The air smells as if impregnated with
sulphur. The most remarkable feature in
the case is the fact that all woollen articles
in houses located near by take fire, although
there is nothing visible to ignite them. Our
readers will very likely think this a hoax,
but we have the words of several citizens of
Polk county for authority.— Chicago Journal.
of Mr. Dallas
A Voice from the South !
The Corrinth (Miss.,) True Democrat, ono
of the ablest and most influential of the Dem
ocratic journals published in the extreme
South, says that Judge Douglas stands to-day
upon the platform maintained by the Democ
racy for twelve years, non-intervention by
Congress with Slavery, in States, Territories
and the District of Columbia ; and which has
just been re-affirmed by over two-thirds of
the party in national council.
_Keep it before the people, That the friends
and supporters of the Baltimore nominees
were willing to accept the principle of non
intervention as embraced in Vice President
Breckinridge's former speeches, the letter of
acceptance of James Buchanan, the Alabama
ultimatum, in '56, or any other authoritative
exposition of Democratic doctrine of that day
—allowing their own construction—but the
disruptionists refused ; determined to break
up the party if possible, thereby hastening a
speedy dissolution of the Union.
Keep it before the people, That William L.
Yancey, an avowed revolutionists, lead the
van in the secession from the Charleston Con
Keep it befor ethe people, That John C. Breck
inridge and Jo. Lane are the nominees of a
faction of the Democracy, and that faction
deeply dyed in disunion—aiming at the es
tablishment of a Southern and Pacific Empire
or Republic.
Keep it before the people, That the seceders
who now oppose the national nominees are
the old advocates and defenders of their prin
Keep it before the people, That the only hope
of defeating Abe Lincoln is to vote for Doug
las and Johnson at the next November elec
Keep it before the people, That Judge Doug
las stands to-day pledged to the same princi
ples that he advocated in 1856, when the
South demanded his nomination. -
Keep it before the people, That THE PEO
PLE, in opposition to politicians, the power
and the patronage of the government and the
jealousy of aspiring and scheming politicians,
have placed Stephen A. Douglas and Herschel
V. Johnson, as their standard bearers in the
great campaign of 1860, for the sure main
tenance of the Union, the Constitution and
the equal rights of all sections.
Keep it before the people, That the National
Democracy have proven themselves, from the
very foundation of the government, capable
of rightly guiding the helm of State, and of
insuring the greatest amount of individual
and national prosperity to a republican people.
And keep it before the people, That now, as
heretofore, the Democracy of the Union, place
their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism
and the discriminating justice of the Ameri
can people—and with the inscription upon
their banner of " Popular government" await
the decision of their chosen umpire.
Buchanan on the Stump !---Great Sere
nade Speech!
At the Yancey, Breckinridge and Office
Holders' fandango in Washington, the Presi
dent is reported as having delivered the fol
lowing address :
" FELLOW Omen HOLDERS have lived
to be nearly seventy years of age. I was ad
mitted into the Democratic party just before
I became forty. All my previous life had
been spent in trying to destroy it. I hated
it with the intensity of a natural aristocrat,
and as I mounted to one high position after
another by the aid of the voters of that party,
I was resolved to give it the final blow.—
Therefore it is that I cordially greet you this
evening. In your standard bearer I recog
nize a man whom I have always detested,
while I supposed him to be my rival, and
whom I now only love because he has con
sented to be my tool in the great work of de
stroying the only national party. I tell those
of you who are listening to me, and who hold
office under me, that if you do not assist me
in this delightful occupation, you shall be
summarily dismissed, and now, my friends
and followers, my servants and subordinates,
good night. You will proceed hence to be
addressed by my Secretary of the Treasury,
Howell Cobb, of Georgia, by my beloved
friend, Colonel Florence, of Pennsylvania, by
my Secretary of the Interior, Jacob Thomp
son, of Mississippi, by my District Attorney,
Mr. Black, and by all others who believe that
" it will be a great deal better to elect Abra
ham Lincoln than Stephen A. Douglas."—
(Great sensation.)
Taken in Hand by a Vigilance Conimitlee.—
It will be remembered that some time since
we published a notice that a citizen of the
Fourth Ward was in the habit of maltreating
his family, and beating one of his children, to
whom he seemed to have an especial dislike,
so that the screams of the little sufferer could
be heard throughout the entire neighborhood,
leaving the marks of the horsewhip he used
upon the body, so that they were visible for
several days afterwards.
He was - waited upon a number of times by
those living near, and remonstrated with for
his cruelty. He promised everything but
when in a ill humor would abuse his family,
knock the child down, and beat it until sense
less. Forbearance having ceased to be a vir
tue, a committee waited upon him in the even
ing, about 10 o'clock, after ho had retired,
and requested him to dress himself and step
outside, as some important business was to be
transacted. Suspecting nothing he came out, was immediately seized, gagged, thrown upon
the ground, his clothes stripped from his per
son, and a stout man, with a leather strap,
gave him a taste of the punishment ho had
been so ready to inflict upon his child.
A physician was in the party, who felt the
pulse of the brute, and allowed the execution
er to lay on as long as he thought it could be
borne without endangering the life of tho
prisoner. After lie bad received a just re
ward for his cruelty he was liberated, and
informed that if ho did not wish to have a
repetition of the punishment the sooner he
left the city the better for him. Acting upon
the suggestion ho left the next morning, and
has not since been heard from.
The leaders for the Breckinridge and Lane
movement, in spite of the strong testimony
against them deny that their ulterior objects
are disunion. Of course they dare not avow
this openly in the free States, for they would
not have a corporal's guard of followers under
such a flag. But that such is their own rec
ord makes out the case against them. Listen
to the testimony. Yancey, their great leader,
said in his speech at Baltimore, before the
seceders convention :
The Camden (Alabama) Register, in hoist
ing the name of Brooktriridge and Lane, gives
its reasons thus frankly for so doing :
"We run up our flag to-day for Breckin
ridge and Lane, the Democratic nominees for
President and Vice President of the United
States. We have unwaveringly contended
for the last ten years that it would be better
(for all concerned,) to make two or more dis
tinct governments of the Territory comprising
the United States of America—and that such
will ultimately be done, there can be no sort
of doubt ; but it should be done with fairness
and justice to every section of the Union, and
believing that the party to which we belong is
the only reliable one to carry out this 'measure,
and secure to our own section all her rights
—we intend to battle for its principles to the
fullest extent of our ability."
A southern correspondent of the Richmond
Enquirer, who supports the seceders' ticket,
"I think the time has fully come for us to
set up for ourselves, to claim and bold our
part of the public domain, and to be forever
rid of the North, who have been continually
enriching themselves out of our hard earn
ings. What though there be civil war and
bloodshed? If the North do not abandon
their fanatical oppression upon us, all union
must cease between the two sections, and I
choose it should cease now, while I - hope to
be able to bear some humble part in it, than
be delayed for my grandchildren. I there
fore declare most fully and frankly that I am
heartily in support of theßrecls:inridge ticket."
In addition to the above, listen to the trea
sonable sentiments of the following leading
men belonging to the Breckinridge party we
copy from the Selma (Alabama) Sentinel,
who thus daguerreotypes the bolters, viz :
What are they after?—No one can be deci
ded as to what aro the objects of the Charles
ton Convention Bolters. Listen to what their
men say:
" I want the Cotton States precipitated into
a revolution."— W. L. Yancey.
" If I had the power, I would dissolve this
government."—T. T. Morgan.
" Let us break up this rotten, sinking and
oppressive government in ten minutes."— Geo.
"Resistance! Resistance !Ito death against
the government is what we want now."—
David flubbard.
" Break up and dissolve this rotten Yankee
government."—John D. F. Williams.
"Let the Union rip."—.R. D. Gayle.
With this evidence before our eyes, can we
disbelieve that the objects of the seceders are
Disunion and Civil War? The Democrats of
Huntingdon County are asked to vote this
ticket! Will they do it?
cey, the father of the present Breckinridge
and Lane party, long ago laid down his plan
of dissolving this Union. He did not at the
time he committed his programme to paper
intend that it should be made public, but a
providence which has watched over the small
and great events of this nation, determined
otherwise. Mr. Yancey sat down one day
and wrote a private letter to a friend in which
he sat forth a well studied plan of treason
against the constitution of the United States.
That sacred instrument he determined should
no longer receive either his love or his favor,
and he therefore coolly lays a mine beneath
its foundations intending at the first favorable
opportunity to blow our entire political system
into atoms. His plan of dissolution was for
the cotton states to step out of the Union snd
then proclaim a southern confederacy. His
directions then were, that Missouri, Kentucky,
Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and North
Carolina were all, for a time, to stay in the
Union and to play the part of care-takers of
the aforesaid cotton states against the en
croachments of the free states, and that-after
the southern confederacy got fairly on its legs,
it was then to begin to take in the cordon of
semi-slave states until they were all absorbed
and possibly one or two of the Middle states.
Mr. Yancey forgot one thing in this very pret
ty scheme of treason, and that was this—that
he and his few deluded followers would be
dangling at the end of a rope before his south
ern confederacy was a month old. Mr. Yan
cey will work energetically for the Breckin
ridge and Lane party to aid him in carrying
out his plans no doubt, but they will not come
within half a million of votes of being elected
and yet the Union will still be preserved.—
West Chester Democrat.
bachelor named Weaker, in Lehigh county,
were recently relieved of $9O by a couple of
gipsies. The old chap, it seems, was suffer
ing from sickness when the gipsies hearing
of it called at the house and prescribed for
him, at the same time telling him that to
make his cure sure with the remedy they pro
posed he must, while under their treatment,
deposit one hundred dollars under a stone in a
certain place, and that the money must remain
there for a certain time, at the end of which
lie would bo restored to health. The money
was forked over, placed under the stone, and
very soon pocketed by the canning gipsies,
who made tracks as soon as they had their
prize, leaving the old man to lament the loss
of his money, as well as his health. They
wore pursued, captured, and lodged in the
Allentown jail to await trial.
Editor and Proprietor.
Are They for Disunion ?
Strange things have come to pass since
men calling themselves Democrats' have un
dertaken to make war on the usages and in
tegrity of the Democratic party.- We have
seen what no one could have believed possi
ble six months ago. We have seen a fac
tious minority of some 85-votes of three hun
dred and four in a National Convention, se
cede, because they could not rule the large
majority of delegates., We have seen these
85 votes unite with some 34 individuals,
claiming to represent some 17 electoral votes
in the National Convention, to which they
had not been admitted because they were not
properly elected, and were not identified with
the organization of the party, but had only
claimed their seats for mischief, while they
were destined and accredited for a hostile
convention at Richmond. We have seen
these 85 seceding votes thus united with out
siders claiming to represent States whose
faithful and orthodox representatives wore
duly admitted into the National Convention,
and remained, discharging their high and pa
triotic duty, go together into the Maryland
Institute, and attempt to institute a false and
counterfeit Democratic party, arrogating to
themselves the title of the National Democ
racy. We have seen this cabal of disorgan
izers, composed of not one-third clf the sece
ding votes of the National Democratic Con
vention, meet together, with a few outsiders,
and declare not only that they were the Na
tional Democratic Convention, but that two
thirds of the votes of that Convention should
nominate candidates for President and Vice
President, thus authorizing two thirds of the
85 seceding votes, with two-thirds of some 34
other individuals claiming to represent 17 full
votes, to make nominations, thereby demon
strating how insincere and inconsistent these
seceders were when they and their friends at
Charleston required that "the two-thirds rule
should he so constructed" as to require for a
nomination two-thirds of the whole electoral
vote of the Union, that is to say, requiring
for a nomination 204 electoral votes. We
have seen Breckinridge and Lane thus ille
gally nominated by less than one-third of the
votes admitted into the National Convention,
and in the absence of all pretence that their
entire Bogus Convention, made up as it was,
could cast even an approximation,to a major
ity of the electoral votes. We have seen this
Bogus Institute Convention, backed by Fed
eral office-holders, from the traitorous Presi
dent down, declare that their nominees were
the National Democratic nominees, and
should be hailed and sppported as such, while
Dsuglas and Johnson were but the nominee?
of a Douglas faction.
NO. 6.
It is plain that men who can act in• this
manner, even with the sanction of an imbe
cile and vindictive octogenarian of a Presi
dent, are no true Democrats, and the party
will at least be purified in the future, and
made more worthy of success and public con=
fidence, after these temporary disasters shall
have passed away. —B al timore (11f4rliland)
A MODEL DUN.—Is not this the most deli
cately done dun that ever was done ? It is
a circular to delinquent subscribers from our
cotemporaries of the New York Home Journal,
and is certainly a model in its way:
HOME JOURNAL OFFICE, 107 Fulton st.,
New York, , 1860.
DEAR SIR,: In the hurry of your engage
ments you have doubtless overlooked and for
gotten, as a small trifle, the small sum of a
year's indebtedness to the Home Journal;
but as the livers are kept running by drops
of falling dew, so it is necessary to our con
tinuance that the falling dew should come
punctually to the fountain head. By drop
ping your due into the post office, for us, you
will oblige •
iours, with respect,
Will such of our readers who have received
the Globe a year. And have failed to remem
ber the small trifle they owe us, take this
modest dun to themst.7ves, and drop the "dew"
into the Post office. Uncle Sam's mail will
bring it to us safe.
PURSUED BY A " SNAK.E."—On Monday of
last week, Samuel S—, was crossing the
field of G en'l W. A. Stokes, carrying a bridle,
to which was attached a long hitching strap,
in his hand, chanced to look behind him and
beheld a long black snake stealthily follow-
ing after him. He sprang forward and com
menced to run, but the snake went as fast as
he did. He mounted the fence and• over on
the other side, but he could hear• the slimy
creature crawling over the same- rail. JlO
quickened his speed, but could gain nothing
on the snake I faster I faster I he went, until
he arrived at home, when he seized the axe
from th I block, and turning upon his pursuer,
he cleaved him asunder with one blow. He
then got a light to examine his snakeship,
when he found he had cut his hitching strap
in two!
CRINOLINE DANGEROUS.-A correspondent of
the Boston Journal furnishes the following: In
the town of Pittsfield, Vt., east of, and near
the Green Mountains, a singing school was
in progress last Saturday evening, in a school
house. A thunder shower arose and passed
over the house. A discharge of electricity
came down the chimney, and passed through
the hands of a young man who was sitting
near the chimney, with his arm stretched out
towards it on the back of a seat. The ladies
were all struck by the fluid, stripped of all
their windings, clasps broken, the hoops bent
all sorts of shapes, dresses scorched, and won
derful to relate, no one was killed, and none
injured but the young man. This suggests
the new and important idea of ladies drop
ping their hoops on the near approach of a
violent thunder storm.
lish paper says : "Wesleyan Methodism is
one of the wonders of the age and of the world.
The increase of its membership during the
past ecclesiastical year was 15,469 full mem.
hers, and 26,746 remain on trial, The can
didates for the ministry are more numerous
than in any former year. The missionary
collections for the year amount to $790,000.'?
Ste" At Toledo, Ohio, on the 7th ult., a
woman who attempted to stop a dog fight,
was thrown into the canal by a dzunken
young man named Kelly, and was with diffi
culty rescued by the bystanders. Ile was
then seized and thrown into the canal and
kept in until he sunk in the middle of the
canal and drowned.
se-A recent statement of the number of
deaths in the :United States by explosions .of
fluid lamps for the past year, fixed it about
seven thousand. At first, this might seem
incredible as it is an alarming fact to con
template if true; but statistics would seem
to leave but little room to doubt its correct
Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
LOOM shame, whero thy blush 1
Oh! truth, where is thy jewel!