THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NE WS, &C. THE GLOBE. 11111JETLIME3Ortl 22. Wednesday, July 25, 1860 LANKS 1 BLANKS 1 BLANKS ! 'UNSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACII'T EXECUTIONS. ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUP.P(ENAS, MORIGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION HKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and. Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, STITHE A DOURAS, OP ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, 1 - 1.11,115 G..-: V 111-iIdSIN, OP GEORGIA. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION, FOR GOVERNOR, WARY D TSTER, OF WESTMORELAND Let the People Know ! That there remained in the National Con vention at Baltimore, after every disorganiz ing rebel had seceded, 425 regularly ap pointed delegates, entitled, under the rule, to -cast 2121- votes-101- more than Two-THIRDS of a FULL Convention. Let them know that, on the second ballot, Stephen A. Douglas re ceived 18Th votes of the 2121, over FORTY more than TWO-THIRDS of the whole vote present. And then, to clinch all, let them know, that the resolution declaring STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS to be the unanimous choice of the Convention, passed without a single dissenting voice; so that Stephen A. Douglas actuallly received 212 A votes—ten and a half votes more than a, full Convention!! Let the People know, too, that the Sece ders' Convention which nominated Breckin ridge and Lane had no authority to form any constituency to sit at Baltimore outside of the regular Convention—that it did not contain more than eighty or ninety delegates who had even a shadsw of authority from the people to act—that it cast in all but 105 votes—not one of them properly authorized, or binding on anybody—let them know this, and let them decide which was the Regular and which the Disorganizers' Convention, and which of the nominees, Douglas or Breckin ridge, is entitled to the undivided support of the National Democracy. WHO ARE TEM DISORCA-NIZERS ?—The last clause of the last resolution adopted by the Reading Convention which put in nomination Henry D. Foster, reads thus : 'Wc, individually and collectively, pledge the best ef fvrts of evcry delegate of this Convention in behalf of the nominations we have made, and also of the nominees of the Democratic .N,dional Convention, soon to be held at Charles ton." I NTin. 11. Welsh, Chairman of the State Ex ecutive Committee, was a delegate to, and President of the heading Convention—and by the adoption of the pledge as given above, ;he, as an honorable man, must either give his best efforts to the support of DOUGLAS and Jonxsox, the nominees of the Democratic Na tional Convention, or resign the post he occu pies. The Democracy of the Old Keystone do not want at the head of their State organ ization a man who can so easily bolt his pledge to the National organization. Will Mr. Welsh resign, or will be persist in his efforts, as Chairman of the State Executive Commit tee, to disorganize the Democratic party by opposing the nominees of the Convention ? Eer The Juniata Register, published at Mifflintown, strikes from the Electoral Ticket the names of Richard Vaux and Jesse R. Crawford because they refuse to support for ,the Presidency anybody else than the regu larly nominated candidates, Douglas and Johnson. Vaux and Crawford were both delegates to the State Convention which nom inated Foster and appointed the Electors, and they, with every other delegate in that body, pledged themselves to support the nominees of the National Convention. And now. be ,cause they are determined to adhere faithful ly and honestly to their pledges, they are de qiounced by the disorganizers as traitors. riZc.Because John W. Forney advocates the election of Douglas and Johnson, some Sew of the soft-shell Administration rule or ruin adherents would like to impress upon -the minds of Democrats the possibility of their party being sold to the Republicans, Forney has enemies in the Democratic party —had whe.n he nominated and elected James Buchanan. ge publishes a paper indepen dent of any party, and says a great many good things—and adheres more strictly to the truth than his bitter enemies. 'We hope For ney will stick to Douglas—we would rather have him with us than against us. ktiV. The Sam Houston New York State Convention met last week, and, after forming half of an Electoral Ticket, broke up in a row. So the fifth wheel t o ;?, wagon will be dispensed with. THE DESIOCII.S.TIC STATE CONVENTION To- :uoartow.—We cordially indorse the call for the State Convention which will assemble at Harrisburg on to-morrow, and wo hope to see a full attendance. The Convention, or Mass Meeting, is called for consultation, and we believe it will result in much good. It can do the regular Democratic organization no harm, for none but Democrats who remain faithful to their pledges and the regular nom inees of the National Democratic party will be permitted to take part in the proceedings. The Breckinridge disorganizers protest against this Convention because it has not been ordered by Mr. 'Welsh, Chairman of the State Executive Committee, but the Democ racy will not look to Mr. Welsh as their leader until be has agreed to carry out in good faith the pledge he voluntarily gave in the Read ing Convention. R- The For:: Gazettee in the present crisis as in times gone by, will be found a faithful supporter of the regular nominations of the party. - -rork gazette, June 26. Wm. 11. Welsh, Esq., Chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee, is editor of the Gazette, but as yet his paper has not raised the names of the nominees of the National Democratic Convention, neither has it declared against them ; but the editor, as Chairman of the Committee, has attempted, through the Committee, to have the only nom inations made by the _National Democratic Convention repudiated by the Democracy of Pennsylvania. Until Mr. Welsh is willing to play the part of an honest party leader we shall protest against the party being influ enced by any dictation coming from him as Chairman of the State Executive Committee. HENRY D. FOSTER.—We have been repeat edly asked, " What will Henry D. Foster do —will he support Douglas or Breekinridge?" Not knowing,we cannot say—but we are wil ling to take him as be is—without any new pledge on the Presidential question. He has a claim upon every Democratic voter in the State, and we feel very certain that he will receive the votes of all except those determined on disorganizing and destroying the party.— Douglas, Joh,nson, Foster and 'Victory, is the battle cry of all true Democrats. ON TUE ANXIOUS BENCII—the Administra tion disorganizers. They want to slide back into the regular Democratic organization on a " compromise" plank. They may be good looking, but they can't come in until they re pent of their connection with the Disunion ists, and will agree to support the National Democratic nominees—Stephen A. Douglas and Herschel V. Johnson. The Democratic party must preserve its dignity—its honor. SoLn.—Mr. Buchanan gave the marshal ship of the northern district of Ohio to a man named Johnson. Part of the price was to de feat Douglas. In distributing his appoint ments of census takers, Johnson tendered two places to editors, demanding that the papers should oppose Douglas. All refused him ex cept two—the editors of two German papers. These editors got their appointments; stopped their papers three weeks to take the census, and then, their work having been performed, resumed the publication of their journals with the mames of Douglas and Johnson at their heads. The marshal admits that he has been sold. Z-Z". "The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazelle says., the P.reekinridge party 'really prefer the electirnt (t Lincoln to the success of Douglas.'" Certainly they do. Mr. Buchanan did not show his disposition more clearly in 1858, when lie threw the influence of the Federal Admistration in favor of Lincoln's election to the United States Senate, than did the Dis organizers at Baltimore, when they raised the standard of rebellion by the nomination of Breckinridge. Anotber, and very strong evidence of their preference of Lincoln, is the sympathy almost universally manifested for them by the Abolition press. Hos. A. 11. STEVENS, OF GEORGIA, IN THE FIELD.—This profound Statesman, eloquent speaker, andltound National Democrat has entered the field for Douglas and Johnson.— So fully impressed is he with the importance of the contest, that be announces his deter mination not to confine his efforts to Georgia alone, but to go into all the Southern States. The Northern Rebels will probably find, before November, that they missed the mark at which they aimed when they united their political fortunes with the disunionists of the South. They will find, before that time, that among conservative men in the South,Yancey and his programme are as much detested as they are among the National Democrats of the North. They will find that the most able men in the Southern States will support the nominees of the National Convention, and that the masses, the great majority of the party will sustain them—and they will find, after the election, that their candidates have not received a single Electoral vote in the Union ! ALL ron BR:ECKINRIDGE.--The Republican papers, including the New York Tribune, are working harmoniously with the Breckinridge disorganizing Administration sheets to defeat Douglas and Johnson. Just now it is diffi cult to tell whether Breckinridge or Lincoln is the Republican candidate, so earnest are the Republicans in their praise of Breckin ridge. Democrats will readily understand the object of such a Union of extremes. DZ. The Democratic State Executive Com mittee will meet at Cresson on Thursday the 9th of August next. _ Something to Fonder. There is not, says the Harrisburg Slate Sentinel, in the State of Pennsylvania a single paper supporting the nominees of the secessionists —Breckinridge and Lane—that is not directly or indirectly, controlled by the patronage of the Federal Government. In every case that we can call to mind, the edi tor either holds office or is under the influ ence of office-holders. We may say the same in regard to the Electoral Ticket com promise proposed by the Welsh State Central Committee. It is denounced by every sound , reliable National Democratic Douglas press in the State, and supported only by such papers as have persistently and consistently abused Douglas, or only declared for him at the eleventh hour, or those that, still later, tendered him a doubtful support after his nomination. These undeniable facts ought to open the eyes of the true Democracy of the State and show them the importance of sustaining, firmly and fearlessly, the nominees of the National Convention against the open assaults or deceptive propositions of the Fed eral Administrations and its legions of hired myrmidons. If the Democracy of the nation fail to strike now, and strike effectively, in behalf of organization, image, and PRINCIPLE, it is doubtful whether the opportunity will be again soon presented. The power of the Central Government is tremencluous, and is rapidly increasing ; and this power has been exercised by the present Administration to crush popular sentiment and bring the people into• slavish subjection to the President. Ile has warred against every element of Democ racy, and if he succeeds in his present cru sade against the candidates and usages of the party, be will have accomplished his purpose —its utter demoralization—and then will follow, naturally, what he aims at, the con centration of power in the Federal arm, civil dissension, intestine war, dissolution of the Union—wreck of liberty, of hope, of happi- MEI THE LION TAMER AND THE LITTLE GIANT.- Herr Driesbach, who lives on a fine farm near Wooster, Ohio, says Douglas wiil surely be elected, and comes at that conclusion from the fact that a cherry tree on his farm, never bears fruit except in a Presidential year when the Democratic candidate is sure to be elec ted. This season the tree is fuller than ever known before, and the cherries are of better quality ; hence he reasons that our victory will be an easy one, because we have a bet ter candidate than in any previous contest. Deserting the Disunionists The Nicholesville, (Kentucky) Democrat, published in Mr. Breckinridger,s - district, hoists the flag of Douglas and johnson.— The editor says : "It has been, and is now, our fixed deter mination to support the man for. President who fairly and justly obtained the nomination. While we admire and love Mr. Breckinridg,e we can not forsake the modicum of nationali ty that yet remains to the Democracy to pro mote his interest to the detriment of that party whose recent rupture has cast such a gloom over our land and nation. We love the Union. We will never knowingly take a position which will array one section of the Union against another. Mr. Breckinridge did not receive the vote of Kentucky in Convention, and he will not receive it in November next. If he accepts the nomination from the handfull of delegates who seceded at Baltimore,it will militate against the success of Mr. Douglas, while it insures his own overwhelming defeat. A.t a time like the present, when the greatest harmony is needed to insure success, it is sui cidal to attempt a victory with a divided front. "Our banner is now unfurled to the breeze, with the honored names of STEPIIEN A. Dono r-Is, of Illinois. for President, and llEnscuEL V. Joussolc. of Georgia for Vice President, inscribed upon its national folds. Under this banner we expect, in November next, to achieve a triumphant and glorious victory, to the utter dismay and confusion of all the frag ments of sectional parties against which the pure and unterrified Democracy have to con tend." A Post Master Speaks The Fulton Democrat, edited by J.B. San som, Esq., Postmaster at McConnellsburg, comes to us this week with the National Dem cratic ticket flying at its mast-head. The ed itor says : " In accordance with the views hertofore expressed in our editorial columns, we this day raise to the mast-head of the " Demo crat" the names Stephen A. Douglas and Herschel V. Johnson, the regularly nomina ted candidates of the Democratic party for President and. Vice President. "We do this so that our friends may know where we are on this question, and because it is not in our power to equivocate or " carry water on both shoulders." We are for Douglas and John son, heart and soul, and the best efforts we are capable of shall be used to promote their election. Whilst we regret the split in the ranks of the party, made wider by designing demagogues and tricky politicians, our duty as a Democratic editor is plain. We recog nize the action of the regular Convention at Baltimore as the action of the Democratic party of the nation. By that action we as Democrats are bound, and although the nom inations made, may not be those we would have wished, yet duty and honor compels all who are really Democrats to acquiesce and give them a hearty support. Our preference as an individual was origi nally for Mr. Breckinridge, and if he had re ceived the nomination, most heartily would we have supported him. The representatives of the party have decided otherwise and we shall do all in our power to sustain them.— We started out in life as a Democrat pledged to sustain regular nominations, and after bat tling for the principles of the party for twelve years, it is now too late for us to retrace our steps." GALE OF TUE SECEDERS.—They declare they will break up the Union if Lincoln is electeed President. Then they run a ticket in the North and South in order to promote the elec tion of Lincoln, 1:210 The True Issue The Democratic National Convention at Baltimore, true to the principles of the party, and in obedience to the known will of the constituencies of its delegates, re-established the tried platform of the party upon a per manent and enduring basis, and inscribed upon its banner the name of Stephen A. Doug las, as the standard bearer of the Democracy in the coming campaign. It discharged the high duty committed to its keeping nobly and fearlessly, in defiance of the utmost efforts of disorganizers, poltical demagogues and trick sters, and of the most stupendous system of brow-beating and terrorism this country has ever witnessed, and fully indicated the su premacy of the popular voice. The issue distinctly presented to the people by the action of the Democratic convention is whether the policy of Congressional non intervention with slavery in the Territories shall be abandoned, and the doctrine of in tervention, in behalf of or against slavery hereafter become the cardinal tenet of the government, and this issue must be met and settled one way or the other. The ulstraists of the south and the Republicans of the north are allies and confederates in this con test. They agree as to the principle itself they differ only as to its application. Both are alike advocates of Congressional despot ism ; both alike aim at the perversion of the powers of government by striking down the rights of the people in the Territories ; both alike stake political existence upon a dogma whose triumph, whichsoever way enforced in practice, must end in the rupture of every tie which binds the different sections of our com mon country together. That we may not be charged with misap prehension as to the position of the Republi can party, we quote from the New York Cour ier and Enquirer, the organ of Wm. II Sew ard. It says : "The states, the republican party and Mr. Seward, all hold that Congress has the constitutional right to pass whatever laws it pleases for the government of the Territories. We only differ as to the character of the laws to be passed and what is expedient. Not so, Mr. Douglas. lie holds that Congress pos sessed no such right, but that the people of a Territory, may, at their pleasure, establish or abolish slavery." Without stopping to dis cuss the correctness of every portion of this statement, it is enough for our purpose to call the attention of our readers to this broad dec laration and confession, that the Republicans and the Slave States hold to identically the same principle, Congressional intervention. It is not true, however, that the slaves States hold to their doctrine. It is only southern ultraism that demands it. In this campaign, then, there are but two antagonistic parties, the Democracy beaded by Douglas on the one side, battling for non-intervention, the Repub licans and Fire-eaters, headed by Lincoln and Yancey on the other, contending for interven tion. That individual who cherishes the idea that this government can be successfully ad ministered upon the principle of Congression al interference with popular rights—who be lieves that the harmony of the union can be maintained by the establishment of any such doctrine, has read the history of his country to little advantage, and is profoundly igno rant of the temper of the American people. Who is there so innocent of the operation of our institutions as to entertain for a mo ment the conviction that the south would tol erate Congressional interdiction of shivery in the Territories ? Who are so credulous as to believe that the North would acquiesce in Congressional protection ? Are the people of this country prepared to take the suicidal step of sustaining this dogma of intervention ? Are they prepared to hazard the peace and good wil I, nay, even the Union of these States, by establishing a principle upon the applica tion of which the most angry and bitter in ternecine feuds most inevitably break out ? Are they prepared to iniatiate a policy depen ding for support upon appeals to the passions and prejudices of different sections of the coun try against the peace of the whole ? If, as we firmly believe, they are not ready to place themselves in this position ; if, on the contra ry, they desire to secure the perpetuity of the institutions of their country and fraternal con cord throughout all its borders ; if they wish to banish forever from the national halls the disturbing elements which have brought the Union to the very verge of disruption, they will rally to the banner of Don - orals DEMOC RACY and NON-INTERVENTION, and by a crown ing triumph frustrate for all time the designs of the plotters of disunion, and rescue the country from the fatal control of Northern and Southern fanaticism.— Chicago Times. -0-Hon. John Forsyth of Alabama, has re turned to Mobile, and he improves the first op portunity to nail to the counter thefalsehood that his "advocacy of Douglas had anything to do with his personal relations to the head bolter who lives in the White House. Mr. Forsyth further adds that Mr. Douglas was his first choice at Cincinnati. But he there withdrew in favor of Mr Buchanan. "He expended forty thousand dollars out of his private for tune, in the canvass, to elect him. Is not the paternal portrait of James Buchanan veri fied in the requital by James Buchanan of these noble sacrifices of Judge Douglas ? We feel relieved from all restraints in speak ing of Mr. Buchanan. He is no longer the Democratic President. He has rebelled against the party which, in an evil hour, made him what he is. He has deserted with his Demo cratic uniform on his back - and his Democrat ic commission in his pocket. He is a deser ter, and we say, 'shoot him.' We have the testimony of a Southern Senator, given to us within a week, and that Senator not friendly to Douglas, that Mr. Buchanan would not hesitate an instant to vote for Lincoln in op position to the Democratic nominee and the man who withdrew four years ago to make him President. The Democratic party is no longer responsible for his acts. He has made his bed with the mutineers—let him lie there. His sands of office are fast running out, and he will leave his chair detested by the Demo cratic party as its worse and bitterest enemy." }2Er That leading Republican paper, the New York Times, in a late article, says : "That he [Mr. Buchanan] should be revil ed by Republicans might, to him, seem nat ural, though to us most unjust and ungrate ful ; for certainly to no one man in the coun try, nor to any thing in themselves, are Messrs. Lincoln and Hamlin more largely indebted for the bright prospects now opening before them than they are to the public conduct and career of the present Democratic President." gis'' Douglas, in 1848, canvassed Illinois for Gen. Cass, the regular nominee of the Democratic party. Breckinridge, in 1848, voted for Gen. Tay lor; the the opponent of Democratic party. Gen. Henry D. Poster. It has been many years since the Demo cratic party of Pennsylvania had a candidate for Govenor so thoroughly qualified and so eminently popular as Gen Henry D. Foster. His history has been an uninterrupted career of devotion to the interests and honor of the Commonwealth, and his great abilities have enabled him to perform services for which the people cannot readily forget. In every por tion of the State he is equally a favorite, and nothing can prevent his election, but the most inexcusable apathy on the part of the Democ racy. However popular Mr. Curtin, his op ponent, may be as a man, he yet lacks many qualifications for the high position which Gen. Foster possesses in an eminent degree, and a comparison of their claims cannot but prove highly advantageous to the latter.— This fact is admitted by many prominent members of the opposition party, and cannot be denied by the most unscrupulous. The Gubernatorial election takes month before that for President of the United States, and whatever differences may exist among the Democracy in regard to the latter contest, there can be no reason why all should not be united at the former. The preserva tion of the Democratic preponderance in the State of Pennsylvania is of the utmost impor tance. Such a party here will serve as a nucleus around which the friends of the Union can rally hereafter for new victories and new honors. To yield all this would be worse than madness, and hence we urge upon the Democracy of the State to rally with one ac cord to the support of General Foster. He represents principles upon which all Demo crats in Pennsylvania agree : he is a gentle man of unblemished character and the most brilliant talents ; let us, therefore, forget all minor differences so far as he is concerned, and triumphantly elect him.—Pottsville Ern porin 111 Startling Rumors in Political Circles--- Treason and Disunion Threatened The Washington correspondent of the Cin cinnati Enquirer, whose despatches have al ways proved reliable and who is evidently well informed on all be writes, telegraphs the following fur which we ask an attentive pe rusal: - "Rumors of the most treasonable and start ling character in regard to the real objects of the Sothern secessionists and disunionists have recently been made known to two prom inent politicians of the South, and overtures made to them which they spurned with indig nation. Were I at liberty to mention their names. In connection with the traitors who made the advances, it would create the most intense alarm and solicitude for the 'stability and continuance of our glorious Union. I am no alarmist, but let me admonish the true friends of the Constitution and the country be fore it is too late. A_ daring, unbridled and unscrupulous set of madmen, who are continually referring to the sagacity, the nerve and success of Louis Napoleon, are the leaders of the movement now on foot to overthrow the Government of this proud and happy country. If success should attend them in the plot now matured, and to he carried out about the ides of March next, all, they think, will be with them. - If, on the contrary, their scheme fails, and their traitorous conduct be crushed by the power and force of the popular feeling, they think they will have a secure retreat behind State Governments, where they will take shelter to save their necks from the halter they will so richly deserve. For the, present, I will not develop more. You will soon hear it from other sources, and I will not then occupy the position of ar alarmist, which you now may be disposed to assign me. I warn you that we are on the eve of a disruption. The world is rife with discontent and revolution. I pray that our land may be exempt. But mark my predictions. The sappers and miners are at work under the name of Democracy. I have neversent you one word of intelligence, which I had reason to believe was not true ; I never shall. Forewarned, forearmed. Monarchical Tendencies We observed a paragraph in the papers recently, stating that the gifted, and now aged poet, Fitz Greene Lialleck had left his country residence for a few days; to go to New York to see the Great Eastern steamship. Some one meeting him entered into conversation with him on the subject of politics, arid in the course of the interview, Mr. HaHeck, it is stated, announced himself in favor of sla very and a monarchist ! If we are not mista ken the author of "Marco Bozarris" is not alone in his opinions. We have not a doubt that a full crop of monarchical ideas have sprung up in this country during the last four years, and last winter as we sat in our upper room at the "Federal City," the scene came up vividly before us ofan imperial train in the future, crowding along Pennsylvania Avenue towards the Capitol, there to place the American Eagle, fashioned into a crown, upon the head of some military or civil despot who had successfully robbed the people of their liberties. Men may say that this was all a bit of fancy, and that it hurt no one to indulge in it—that it was mere fancy and had no facts to stand on. We arc disposed to think otherwise. We saw much a Wash ington giving us the idea that the earlier simplicity of the Republic is fast passing away. Corruption stalks through all the av enues of the government and is confined to the members of no one political party. These are indications that point to the downfall of republicanism. Our institutions cannot be sustained without public virtue, and thus is rapidly deteriorating. But we have anoth er fact showing that the monarchical idea is not only entertained but expressed. A few members of Congress were talking familiarly in one of the rooms of the Capitol last winter, when one of them, a representative from South Carolina, and entirely the most moder ate man in that delegation said, that he had no doubt a limited monarchy was the best gov ernment in the world ! So Mr. Halleck is not alone in his opinions, and we suppose that when Mr. Yancey succeeds with his disunion ism, we shall not have a new Republic, but a new Monarchy. When Yancey the First puts on the imperial purple, there will there after be no incoming president to disturb the "peculiar institution," which is to sacred to be interfered with by popular majorities.— A new southern monarchy and slavery in perpetuity, ought to be the rallying cry of the Breckinridge and Lane party.— West Chester Democrat. A VOICE ritou ALABAMA.—The Troy Ad vertiser, published at Troy, Pike county, Al abama, heretafore the most zealous fire-eating paper, changes its its position, and hoists the names of Douglas and Johnson. - GRAND JURY. Richard Brown, farmer, Springfield. J. Chamberlain, inn keeper, Warriorsmark John Eherts, farmer, Franklin. Aaron IV. Evans, carpenter, Crossville. James Gifford, J. P., Tell. Elijah Gorsuch, farmer, Oneida. William Geissinger, " Juniata. Samuel M. Green Esq., iron master, Porter. Samuel Hagey, farmer, Brady. A. S. Harrison, J. P., Huntingdon. Samuel Hatfield, iron master, Porter, James Huey, farmer, Brady. John Hirst, farmer, Barree. Thompson Lane, farmer, Springfield.. Henry Mark, farmer, Juniata. Abraham Miller, Plasterer, Shirley. Samuel Neff, calmer, Porter. John Nail, blacksmith, Walker. John Pheasant, farmer, Union. John Price, farmer, Shirley. David Stoner, farmer, Clay. Peter C. Swoope, gentleman, Huntingdon. William McWilliams. farmer, Franklin. - John Baker, mason, Shirley. TRAVERS JlMORS—rirtsT WEEK. John Q. Adams, iron master, Franklin. Richard Ashman, merchant, Clay. William Africa, shoemaker, Huntingdon. Eiilm Brown, farmer, Springfield. Thomas M. Barton, farmer, Shirley. John Brown, Ihrmer, Springfield. William Wimer. constable, Carbon. John G. Boyer, merchant, Penn. John Brown, farmer, Shirley. Thomas Bell, farmer, Barree. James M. Clark, agent, Carbon. Jonathan Carothers, mill Wright, Tod. Ralph Crotsley, farmer, Cass. Nathan Corbin, carpenter, Huntingdon. William E. Corbin, farmer, Juniata. John Corbin, carpenter, Huntingdon. Ephraim Chilcote, farmer, Union. Henry Davis, blacksmith, West. Samuel Davis, laborer, Warriorsmark. David E. Engyert, farmer, Penn. James Entrekin, farmer, Hopewell. John Fife, farmer, Brady. Daniel Flermer, farmer, Walker. James Green, marble cutter, Huntingdon. Benjamin F. Glasgow, farmer, Union. Benjamin Ilartfnan, farmer, West. Philip Hazard, farmer, Union. Jacob Hallman, farmer, Oneida. William Harper, mason, Cromwell. Isaac Heffner, farmer, Juniata. John Kiner, farmer, Franklin. David S. Lindsey, tailor, West. Peter Livingston, farmer, Barree. John M. Leech, mill Wright, Franklin. Samuel McPherren, mason, Alexandria. Samuel Parsons, farmer, Tell. Joseph W. Sharer, agent Shirley. Isaac Smith, farmer, Shirley. George Sipes. J. P., Cromwell. Ludea Silknitter, farmer, Barren. William Shaw. shoemaker, Alexandria. Michael Star, farmer, Cromwell. Milton Sangree, teacher, Walker. Henry Walker, merchant, Alexandria. John Walls, farmer, Cass. William Wilihelm, shoemaker, West. John A. Green, carpenter. Oneida. George Harvey, mason, Henderson. TRAVERSE JURORS -SECOND WEEK. William Appleton, farmer. Dublin. Jacob Bumbaugh farmer, Penn. Henry Boyer, farmer, Penn, David Burley, laborer, West. Horace L. Brown, M. D., Cassville. Amos Clarke. farmer, Tod. George Fleck, farmer, Morris. Daniel Fleck, farmer, Union. John Geissinger, farmer, Penn. George Garner, farmer, Penn. Joseph Grubb, farmer, Penn. Peter Heffner, shoemaker, Walker. James Harper, farmer, Dublin. William Hoffman, carpenter, Huntingdon. Frederick 'fleeter, farmer, Tod. William Hoffman, shoemaker, Jackson. John S. Isett. iron master. Franklin. Joseph Johnston, J. P., West. John Kinch, blacksmith, Franklin, Isaac Long, farmer, Juniata. Samuel W. Myton, merchant, Barre°. Charles W. Moore, M. D., Carbon. James McPherron, mason, Alexandria. Nathan McDivitt, farmer, Oneida. William K. Ratan, constable, Huntingdon. Levi Ridenour, farmer, Juniata. John M. Smith, farmer, Jackson. David R. Stonebraker. farmer, Jackson. Abraham Swoope, J. P., Union. Samuel Smith, farmer, Union. John Thompson, blacksmith, Jackson. Elias B. Wilson, coachmaker, Cassville. James Ward, farmer, Walker. John Watson, farmer, Walker. Jesse Yocum, J. P., Brady. John Zentmire, farmer, Franklin. Huntingdon, July 25, 18G0. riFiRIAL LIST FOR AUGUST TERM, N isco. FIRST WEEK. vs Joshua Joh us. vs Same. vs Caldwell 3: hoover. vs M. J. Martin, at al. vs Jonathan Wall. vs B. X. Blair. vs Michael Funk, et al vs M. Meanly, et al. SECOND WEEK. Isett & My ton A. J. Nylon S; Dro Jacob 11. Lex Clement's heirs James Wall D. Logan John Hutchison Miller Wallace C .H. Schriner vs A. Lewis. S. L. Keen, Admisistratrix vs Wilson & Gorsuch. Morningstar's Adm'x vs Jas. Entrekin & Stone. Harrison, for use vs Mary A. Shearer. J. D. Hamilton vs Gco. Berkstresser, James Gorden Vs Creswell & Williams. Horstman. Bro. & Co. vs J. H. Dell & Co. Huntingdon County vs J. Saxton, Committee, &e Thomas Stewart vs Davison & Jackson. P. Vaandevender vs McComb & Gayton. Huntingdon County vs Joseph McCoy. Ann Dowling vs Stewart Corbert. George French vs Alex. McGee, et al. - George Householder vs Abram Grubb. Jos. S. Reed vs The B. T. Improvement Co Same vs Semi Anthracite Co. Huntingdon, July 25, ISGO. COME TO THE NEW STORE FOR CHEAP BARGAINS. WALLACE d: CLEMENT Respectfully inform the public that they haw opened a beautiful assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, in the store room at the south-east corner of the Diamond in the borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied as a Jew elry Store. Their Stock is new and carefully selected, and will bo sold low for cash or country produce. FLOUR. FISH, HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, SALT, LARD, andi pliwisions generally, kept constantly on band on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 9, 1860. HARRISBURG STONE-WARE ! ! Crocks, Jugs, Preserve Jars &c., &c., of superior quality. Sold only by ' JAMES A. I3ROWN. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. °WIN'S P. GIVIN keeps the largest, best 0 assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Callan(' exiunine them. Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for sale cheap, at D. P. GIVIN'S.-