The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 04, 1860, Image 2

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Wednesday, July 3, 1860
NOTES, with a waiver of the 5300 Law.
JUDGMENT NOTES. with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
and Ministers of the Gospel.
of Assault and 'Battery, and Affray.
SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taxes.
Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Office of
BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly,
at short notice, and on good Paper.
1:-.111Y D. YOSTE,
New Advertisements.
.Auditors Notice, by A. W. Benedict.
al.„ Valuable Property for sale, by M. Strous
Hon. Herschel V. Johnson.
Below it will be seen that Mr. Fitzpatrick,
of Alabama, has declined the nomination of
the National Democratic Convention for the
office of Vice President, and that Hon. Her
schel V. Johnssn, of Georgia, has since been
nominated. This gentleman has long pos
sessed a national reputation on account of
the zeal and energy with which lie has sus
tained the Democratic cause in Georgia.—
Seven years ago he was. elected Governor of
that State, a position which he filled with in
finite credit to himself and great benefit to
the State. He has since creditably filled a
number of important stations. He is one of
the ablest statesmen and most active Demo
crats in the country.
WASHINGTON, June 25.—Governor Fitz
patrick having declined the nomination as
Vice President, the National Democratic Com
mittee have substituted the Hon. Herschel
V. Johnson, of Georgia.
WASHINGTON, June 25.—The committee
appointed to inform the candidates of their
nomination, waited on Governor Herschel
V. Johnson to-night at the National Hotel.
He received them in the large dining
room of the hotel, which was crowded with
ladies and gentlemen.
He accepted the nomination, endorsing the
platform in every particular, and declaring
that the South would sustain the principles
laid down in it. In his opinion the doctrine
of non-intervention was a necessity to the
preservation of the Union.
We are glad that Fitzpatrick did resign.—
An abler and better man has been substitu
ted. The mere name of Johnson is a tower
of strength in the South, and will rally the
Democratic cohorts in support of the regular
nominees in such numbers, that secession
and disunion candidates will hide their heads
for shame.
cr.—Acres of Democrats met in Indepen
dence Square, in Philadelphia, on Saturday
night last, to ratify the nomination of Doug
las and Johnson. Speeches were made from
three stands by distinguished patriots from
several Southern States, and from New York
and Philadelphia. The resolutions are of the
right faith. We make room for three :
-Resolved, That the regular Democratic National Conven*
tion, having, according to the usages of the party, noun
Hated for President of the United States, Stephen A. Doug
las, of Illinois, and Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, for
Vice President, it is the duty of all Democrats to main
tain, support. and abide by its action.
Res9ll , d, That we cannot discover the difference be
tween the sectional Black Republican party of the North,
and the sectional disunion party of the South, on the pres
ent political issues before the people. If Congress can in
tervene against slavery it can intervene for slavery, and,
in either cm,e, the rights of the people of the Territories
are as much usurped and violated as when the British
Government attempted to interfere with the freemen of
the thirteen colonies.
Re.soired, That the Democracy now assembled re-affirm
the platform which the State Convention of the Democra
cy adopted at Reading, and also those adopted by the Na
tional Conventions at Cincinnati, Charleston and Balti
PUBLIC OPINION.—We give in to-day's
Globe, articles from quite a number of our
Democratic exchanges, to show with what
spirit the nomination of the "Little Giant"
has been received. ilre could fill our paper
a dozen times with similar enthusiam from
the press from all States of the Union. We
have entered the campaign to dogood service
for our party and the country, and we hope
to have a helping hand from all who can en
dorse our course. Circulate the Globe—it is
only 50 cents for three months, 75 cents for
six months, and $l5O for a year—in advance.
Every friend of Douglas, as a National Dem
ocrat, and 'as the nominee of the National
Democratic Convention, should go to work in
earnest and fight bravely for a victory, and
a brilliant victory will crown our united
I, Nine out of every ten of the Seceders
from the Democratic National Convention,
were either office-holders themselves or had
sons holding: office under Mr. Buchanan.—
They either had to leave the Convention or
lose the offices. Orders had been issued,
and rather than lose the offices, the slaves
.11Er-None of the Pennsylvania Yancey del
egates 'withdrew from the National Conven
tion until after Douglas' nomination was
made , unanimous. They did not vote yea
nor nay. But by their silence acquiesced in
the nomination. Then, the first opportunity
offering, they sneaked out, and into the Dis
union Convention. A more cowardly set we
never looked upon. Every true Pennsylva
nian felt insulted by their cowardly conduct.
We hope never to look upon their likes again.
ittr. Two years ago Stephen A. Douglas
was a candidate for U. S. Senator in opposi
tion to Abe Lincoln. The whole influence
of the Administration opposed him then.—
Now, the same influence is against him., and
yet there are Democrats who think, or pre
tend to think, that Buchanan can do no wrong.
Such men are fit only to be slaves—they de
serve the lash, and sooner or later will receive
it. The day will come when " Old Buck "
will not have a Democratic friend in the
The National Democracy of Lancaster,
fired a salute of 100 guns on Thursday after
noon, in honor of the nomination of Douglas
and. Johnson by the National Democratic Con
vention at Baltimore. The cannon used for
the demonstration was presented to the De
mocracy of Lancaster by Mr. Griffin, for the
campaign of Buchanan and Breckinridge in
1850. It was christened " Old Buck."
gear.- Our friend Noon, of the Mountaineer,
made a brilliant speech from the Gilmore
House, Baltimore, td the Disunionists, on
Thursday night of Convention week. We
were at his back and witnessed the efforts
of a big seceder to put him down, but Noon
had the floor and kept it until he was through.
Noon faced the enemy in their camp, and
dampened their powder considerably.
The " Democracy " sneer at ABRAM
LINCOLN as a " rail splitter."—Rep. paper.
No they don't! They only sneer at a set
of jackasses who go round in the hot sun with
rails on their backs thinking they thereby
glorify a man who once followed the reputa
ble and honest business of splitting rails. It
is not the man who split the rails, but the
fools who have suddenly become rail-worship
ers, that they sneer at.
As WAS EXPECTED.—The Democratic press
of the State are almost unanimous for the
regular nominees of the Democratic National
Convention. Douglas and Johnson will be
opposed only by those, and a few others, who
"owe labor and service" to the tyrant who
now occupies the White house.
rgir The Democratic cannons are thunder
ing Douglas thunder in every State in the
Union. There never was a nomination more
enthusiastically received by the Democracy,
than that of Douglas, the "Little Giant of the
.ca'• During our absence two weeks ago,
an article appeared in the Globe copied from
an exchange, headed, " Another Leaf in Lin
coln's Record." The resolution, said to be
drawn up by Mr. Lincoln, and passed by a
Republican State Convention in '54, "stating
the aims of the Republican party to be, among
other things, the repeal and abrogation of the
Fugitive Slave Law, and the prohibition of
the admission of any more slave States," is
denied as expressing the sentiments of Mr.
Lincoln, and as we shall not knowingly pub
lish and adhere to a falsehood upon any can_
didate, we wish it understood that we correct
any false impressions the article in question
may have made upon the minds of our read
2r. The Breckinridge-Yancey disorgani
zers of Philadelphia, under the lead of the
Postmaster, Collector and Surveyor of that
city, held a ratification meeting on Monday
night last. Rule or ruin is their rallying cry.
Eer Read Douglas' letter of acceptance.—
He is game—of the Jackson blood. What
Democrat can refuse to honor him?
ger - Hon. Wm. P. Schell, of Bedford, has
been nominated for Congress by the Democ
racy of Bedford county.
ker- F. W. Hughes, Esq., anti-Douglas
delegate to the National Convention from
Schuylkill county, publishes a card in his
county paper, from which we take the fol
lowing paragraphs :
"At Baltimore I voted for the minority re
port upon the contested seats, for reasons that
were conclu'sive to my own mind, but which it
could serve no good purpose now to discuss.
Whether the action of the Convention was
right or wrong on this subject, still a decided
majority of the original convention remained
unaffected either by the new delegates ad
mitted or by the withdrawal of others on ac
count of such admission. The Convention
then remained as the only true National Dem
ocratic Convention. I therefore felt it my
duty to continue to act with it. Accordingly
I participated in the two ballots for the Pres
idential candidate, and voted both times for
James Guthrie. I also assented to the reso
lution declaring the nomination of Stephen
A. Douglas to be unanimous.
In view, therefore, of the facts that Stephen
A. Douglas stands upon the platform of prin
ciples which I supported at Charleston, and
that he is beyond all suce , ,ssful ground of
question, the nominee of the only National
Democratic Convention, I have not hesitated
as to my duty to give that nomination a cor
dial support.
Beside, too, in Judge Douglas, the Demo
cratic party of the nation will have a stan
dard bearer and champion of the principles
incorporated in the platform of the Conven
tion, for which be has heretofore contended
with almost superhuman power, and which
affords for him the guarantee that in case
of his election to the Presidency, those prin
ciples will be faithfully enforced."
What the Democratic Press Say.
[Front the Hollidaysburg Democratic Standard, a strong
Adm instration paper.]
place at our mast head the name of Stephen
A. Douglas, of Illinois, for President, and
that of Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama,
for Vice President, they being the regular
nominees of the Baltimore Convention. The
Convention ended as we feared it would do.
There was a secession of some of the Southern
delegates. They came there with but one
idea—that of protection to slavery in the ter
ritories. To this they determined to adhere,
and for this sacrifice everything. They were
willing to abide by the will of the majority,
providing that will did not conflict with their
own wishes. They would have abided by
any decision of the Convention, provided there
was nothing in it to conflict with their slave
code. In this whim they were not sustained,
and the result was that they seceded and or
ganized a Convention of their own. The re
maining delegates then proceeded to nomi
nate candidates for President and Vice Pres
ident, and on the third ballot nominated Mr.
Douglas for President, and on the first ballot
Mr. Fitzpatrick for Vice President.
We have no hesitation in fully indorsing
these nominations. They were made by the
regular convention, by a vote of two-thirds of
the delegates present, and afterwards were
made unanimous—they therefore received
more than two-thirds of the whole number of
delegates, and that was all that was required
had all the members of the Convention been
present. We therefore regard Mr. Douglas
as the regularly nominated candidate of the
party, and as such we shall yield him a hear
ty support. •
[From the Doylestown Democrat, the organ of the Democ
racy of Backs county.
the head of our columns this week, the names
of the nominees of the National Democratic
The history of this Convention is of the
most remarkable character. At Charleston,
a small minority set at defiance the action of
a large majority of the delegates • and because
the time-honored principles of the party were
not basely surrendered, they seceded from the
Convention, and organized a hostile body.—
Notwithstanding they declared they could no
longer remain connected with the Convention
with honor, they came to Baltimore for re-ad
mission. They refused to be bound by any
pledges to support the nominee, arid would
recognize no obligations to abide by the deci
sion of the majority. They showed them
selves void of faith and honor and were deter
mined to rule or ruin. The salvation of the
Democratic party was nothing to them, but
they were determined to carry out their un
holy purposes even at the hazard of its exis
tence. The delegates who seceded at Balti
more did so because all the seceders from
Charleston, were not re-admitted to the Con
vention, and that in face of their refusal to be
governed by its action. The leader of this
movement, Mr. Yancey, of Alabama, is in fa
vor of a dissolution of the Union, and be knows
that the stepping stone to this is the destruc
tion of the Democratic party.
The Convention was more largely attended
than any previous one, and the excitement
was intense. The enemies of Mr. Douglas.
in the face of the well-demonstrated fact that
he is the choice of the Democratic party,
made the most stupendous efforts to prevent
his nomination. Those who were foremost
in the attempt to defeat the will of the people
were the paid emissaries of the Federal Gov
ernment, and old federalists who lately dame
into the party whose warfare upon him was
of the most bitter kind. But the masses were
there to take care of their idol, and see that
justice was done him. His friends were not
not intimidated by threats, and the bug-bear
of a dissolution of the Union made no impres
sion upon them. They were ready to yield at all
times to the majority, but were not wil
ling to receive the dictation of a small, disor
ganizing minority. The northern Democra
cy showed their pluck and have covered them
selves with honor.
Of our nominees but little need be said.—
Nearly every man, woman and child in the
Union, knows Stephen A. Douglas, the most
brilliant and able statesman of our country.
He presents an unsullied record of remarka
ble consistency, and he has a personal integ
rity that cannot be called in question. He
has fought numerous battles upon the side of
popular rights, and not one against them.—
He is enshrined in the hearts of the people,
and they will bear him in triumph to the
Presidential chair.
[From the Harrisburg State Sentinel
COUNTRY SAFE.—We have the gratification of
announcing to our friends the nomination of
STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS by the Baltimore
Convention. This pleasing intelligence will
be hailed throughout the length and breadth
of the land with wild shouts of joy by the
booming of cannon—the kindling of bon-fires
—the ringing of bells and all manner of en
thusiastic demonstration.
This glorious event has sent a thrill of joy
to the hearts of millions of patriots. Let us
solemnly rejoice and thank God for the salva
tion of this, our glorious Union !
Of the election of Douglas, not even the
shadow of a doubt can cloud the mind of an
intelligent man. His election has been fore
ordained, and will be sanctified by the smiles
and favors of GOD himself !
Stephen A. Douglas will carry every South
ern State, excepting perhaps South Carolina ;
he will carry New York, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Illinois and Indiana, certain, and will
have the " inside track" in New Hampshire,
Connecticut, lowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin,
and will have an even chance for Ohio 1 The
Disunionists may " froth and fret" to their
heart's content, they are " played out," and
can do no harm. The People are for Douglas
—the People will elect him.
Democrats of Pennsylvania I gird up your
loins for the fight Unfurl the good old flag
of the party, and when the bugle blast is
sounded in your ears, shout our battle cry—
[From the Chumbersbur,g Valley Spirit, opposed to -Doug
las up to the day of his uomivation.]
TnE NOMINATIONS.—The action of the Con
vention has not disappointed any one. From
the course pursued at Charleston it was evi
dent that the same men would enact the same
scenes over again at Baltimore. A portion
would stick by the Convention 'till the mo
ment of balloting, and then, when they found
their disorganizing efforts too puny to tram
ple the wishes of the masses of the party un
der feet, they would withdraw and present a
ticket with a view to stab deeper at the vitals
of the party by an attempt to defeat the reg
ularly nominated candidate of the Convention.
This they have accompliShed, but it is all that
they will accomplish. The Democratic party
can not--must not—be divided in this or any
other contest; and woe to the men who will
attempt it. We cannot see the wisdom or
glory of suffering a defeat with two candidates
in the field, when victory with one is certain.
Those who will lend their support to an irreg
ular nomination at this time can have no oth
er object in view than the breaking up of the
party altogether. Such a calarnity to the
whole nomination can only be averted by ex
tending a faithful and undivided support to
the candidates regularly nominated by the
Democratic National Convention. The ticket
that we this day place at the head of our col
umns received the support of the representa
tives of the party who stuck by our National
Convention—remained in it at Charleston and
held their seats at Baltimore by an unbroken
and uninterrupted claim. Their decision we
are bound to respect and can know no other.
Love of party—love of country, and fidelity.
to every recognized usage .of the Democratic
organization, sacredly demands for this nom
ination our hearty support. We honestly be
lieve that in the end all the jealousies, heart
burnings and antagonisms that now exist will
be healed, and that the sober, good sense of
the party will impel every man in the ranks
to unite harmoniously and with enthusiasm
on our ticket and carry it forward to victory.
We have not the space to say much in re
spect to our candidates in this issue of our
paper, nor is it required—the name and fame
of STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS are household
words over the land.
[From the Carlisle Democrat.]
That Stephen -A. Douglas is the man for
the times must he evident to all. No other
man, at this time, possesses to so great an
extent the elements of popularity as does he.
His bold, able, and fearless conduct in the
U. S. Senate will attract to his standard the
Democratic hosts of the country, despite the
factious opposition of a few hot-headed poli
ticians, who, conscious that they will be un
able to mould him to suit their selfish and
sectional views, have so fiercely endeavored
to defeat him. The people demanded his
nomination, and right well have the delegates
to the convention responded to the demand.
We congratulate the Democracy upon the nom
ination of STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS.
Let every Democrat now go to work, and
labor from now until the Presidential election
and a triumphant victory is sure to follow.
[From the Blairsville Record.]
" It does not require the penetration of
Philosopher or sage, to see that the hand of
a wise and beneficient Providence controls
the destinies and prepares the future of this
great nation. The voice of the people' is the
voice qf God—in tones of thunder they cry
for DOUGLAS ! DOUGLAS I ! and Popular
Sovereignty ! the billows of the Atlantic and
the surging swells of the far away Pacific re
verberate the battle cry; they have rebuked
the plotters, the schemers, the demagogues,
the depraved politicians, who seek personal
aggrandizement, in a way not to be misun
derstood or forgotten; it was time—the peo
ple had too long been indifferent to, and care
less of their rights ; and it was time to hoist
the great Gonfalon—the banner which struck
terror to the souls of the Roman Aristocrats
of the middle ages, and to teach their would
be-masters an enduring lesson. Our oppo
nents need not be too hasty in rejoicing at
the Baltimore confusion—it would not re
dound a particle to their benefit.
The National Democratic party has ener
gy enough left to rout them nest Fall—
" horse, fl , ot and dragoons "—with truth and
justice as our cardinal principles, we are not
dismayed, we tremble not ; a night of gloom
and chaos preceded a glorious morning of
light and order at the creation ; and thus it
will be now, the fractions will be cemented
together and unite the party into one undivi
ded whole. I'he God of Israel, the Arbiter
and Judge, will watch over us, the Ark will
be borne upon the stormy waters to a place
of safety. With calm, unshaken nerves, we
fling our gallant banner to the breeze with
the names of DOUGLAS and 'JOHNSON em
blazoned on its folds; no true Democrat will
refuse to support the ticket; it must be victo
[From the Wilkes-Barren (Luzerno c 0.,) Union.]
week as we hope never to witness again in a
Democratic convention, the delegates of the
nation on Saturday last a week, consumma
ted the unmistakable wishes of the people of
the United States by nominating Stephen A.
Douglas, the bright star of the West, as the
Democratic candidate for President. The
struggle of the people against power was a
long one ; but the former finally triumphed
over the machinations of an Administration
which inflicted fearful injuries upon a con
fiding Democracy. It needed only a brief
stay at Baltimore to satisfy any man that the
minions of James Buchanan—not the South
—were aiming the blow at the harmony of
Democratic party, and consequently endan
gering the peace of the Union. We are fully
convinced that had the malign influences of
the Federal officers from Pennsylvania alone,
been out of the Convention, its deliberations
would have been peaceful ; the Southern del
egates would not have gone out ; the people's
will would have been respected in the imme
diate nomination of Mr. Douglas; and we
would now he entering upon the campaign
with every prospect of a most brilliant ter
mination. But, in spite of all these influ
ences, the National Democracy, planting
itself upon the broad platform of popular
rights, maintained its position, discomfitted
its enemies, and inscribed upon its banner in
letters of living light the name of the man
of the people.
[From the Cincinnati Enquirer, Juno 24.]
In our judgment the nomination Of Mr.
Douglas is equivalent to an election by the
people. He is by far the most popular man
of our day and generation. As a national
candidate, standing upon a national platform
of non-intervention upon the slavery ques
tion, opposed by competitors who favor inter
vention and meddling of Congress with the
subject, he will be supported by every State
of the Union, from Maine to California, and
nowhere more zealously and enthusiastically
than in the South—successfully supported in
nearly all of them. The North-west will be
a unit for him in November, as it was a unit
for him at Baltimore. The great Central
States of Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio,
will give him large and heavy majorities over
his Republican and disunion competitors.—
Ile will carry the South by a heavy vote—
mark the prediction 1 The office-holders and
disunionists do not speak the sentiments of
the people of that section of the Confederacy.
This will be demonstrated when the people
get the chance to vote. The enthusiasm
this long-deferred and anxiously-desired nom
ination will create in the North-west will be
unprecedented since the days of Jackson.—
His political opponeuts confess that no real
ever had so many and such devoted friends, and
they will readily put their shoulders to the
work in aid of the election. His case has
been taken out of the hands of the politi
cianS and given to the people. We have no
fears for the result.
The hopes of the Opposition wilted, and
caved completely when the news was received
of Douglas' nomination. They had said to
fate, "take any other shape but that and we
will be content I" For weeks and months they
have industriously labored to create the be
lief that he could not be nominated. Their
interest in the contest has been too powerful
for them to conceal. They profess to take
courage from the bolt, but they know in their
hearts that it will not render Mr. Douglas
less formidable before the people. The cir
cumstances connected with it are calculated
to politically strengthen him. There is no
popular feeling in the cause of the Rich
mond bolters. They have been backed up by
no such expressions. Their movement will
prove to be a miserable abortion, and will al
most be lost sight of before the November
election. The times are not propitious for
the formation of third tickets and third par
ties. They will obtain but a trifling vote this
[From the Providence (It. I.) Post.]
And now, Mr. Douglas having been unani
mously nominated by a Democratic Conven
tion regularly and fairly constituted, we hon
estly believe he will be elected ! His name
will sweep over the North-west like a whirl
wind. He will carry New York, New Jer
sey, Pennsylvania, and two at least, perhaps
four, of the New England States. He has
become the last hope of the friends of the
Union, North and South. As for our own
little State, we would risk nothing in pledg
ing her vote for him. She is good for one or
two thousand majority.
[From the Juniata County True Democrat.]
AND JORNSON.---Wo in this issue give the tick
et of the regular Democratic National Con
vention nominated in accordance with the
usages of the party, and placed upon a plat
form that the Democracy of our glorious Union
have unanimously ratified and hailed with
delight, in the campaigns of 1852-56 ; and
upon which success crowned their efforts in
overthrowing the sectional and disunion co
horts of Black Republicanism.
The docrine of Congressional non-interven
tion in the Territories, has not only been the
doctrine of the Democratic party, North and
South, but the doctrine of Union-men in all
sections. The South has heretofore claimed
but that, and the Northern Democracy has
willingly conceded and heartily supported it.
In 1856, it was pointedly and emphatically
the issue, and no man can say else than that,
in Pennsylvania, it was candidly presented
and triumphantly sustained. Non-interfer
ence by Congress was the sentiment of our
Democracy then, and it is their sentiment
[From the Philadelphia Press.]
Our readers will have observed that we have
demanded the nomination of Judge Douglas
as due, not only to him, but to the integrity
of the Democratic party, and also that we
have said that no other man named would re
ceive our support—not because we regard
ourselves as bound to the fortunes of Mr.
Douglas, but only because his overthrow
would dissolve all obligations of honest men
to the Democratic party, when that over
throw was to be effected as a punishment for
a fearless performance of duty.
While, however, we shall support the elec
tion of Stephen A. Douglas; the Press will
in no,yespect be a party newspaper. It can
scarcely go further in vindicating him than
it has already gone, and while following the
path it has marked out, will not hesitate to
do justice to other candidates and to other
parties by abstaining from all imputations
upon their integrity, and by reiterating none
of the silly scandals and calumnies of their
adversaries. To this remark we must make
one exception : - The Press is the uncompro
mising fee of the Disunion-secession Admin
tration party; the foe of its candidates, of its
leaders, its organs, and its apologists, North
or South. And the strongest claim that Doug
las has to the sympathy of the American masses
is probably to be found in the fact that he is
the avowed antagonist of all enemies of this
Confederacy, and particularly of the men in
the slaves States who seek to make slavery
the only test in Democratic politics, and
eagerly accept every pretext to endanger the
existence of the Republic.
[From the Albany Atlas and Argus, the Organ of the New
Yurk DeDiOcritey.3
at liberty to suppose that any mere question
of admission of con testing delegates to a Con
vention, or of the man who shall be the stand
ard-bearer of the Democracy in the approach
ing campaign, has caused the unfortunate di
vision at Charleston and Baltimore, and, at
last placed conflicting Presidential nomina
tions in the field. Such causes are inade
quate, and it is clear that the separation has
taken place over the great issue between Con
gressional protection of slavery, or a slave
code by Congress, in the Territories, and "non
intervention by Congress with slavery in State
or Territory." This is the precise and only
point of difference made by the resolutions of
the regular Convention and the seceding Con
vention, and this is the question upon which
both bodies go down to the people for their
Wo have co-operated, both at home and at
~with those who have anxionsly
sought to preserve the unity and integrity of
the Democratic party of the nation. To se
cure such an end we were prepared to yield,
and we urged our friends to yield, all points
except those of principle—every question re
lating to the admission of delegates, and
even the candidate who was evidently the
choice of a vast majority of our own State
Lind of most of the Northern States. We
went so far in this direction as to incur the
censure of many of our friends. But have
never been prepared to yield the doctrine of
non-intervention and adopt that of Congres
sional protection. Here was a principle
which it was inadmissible to sacrifice, and
which in addition to the question of right,
could not be sacrificed by our party, without
committing political suicide.
In present circumstances, we have no diffi
culty in determining : our duty. We adhere
to the regular National Convention of the
Democratic party of the Union ; to the doc
trine reaffirmed by it from the Cincinnati
platform of " non-interference by Congress
with slavery in State or Territory ;" and to
the candidate regularly nominated by it, Ste
phen A. Douglas, of Illinois. If all the in
dications of popular opinion which preceded
this Convention do not prove deceptive, we
shall be sustained in this position by a majori
ty of the etcetera of our ozon, State. There I
will be a popular uprising in favor of the Na
tional Democratic platform of non-interven
tion, which stands midway between the ultra
Southern doctrine of Congressional protec
tion and the Republican doctrine of Congres
sional prohibition. It is safe and solid,
ground, upon which conservative men cart
[From the Johnstown Echo.]
tional Democratic Convention at Baltimore.
having fairly nominated and declared Ste
phen A. Douglas, the candidate of the De
mocracy of the Union for the Presidency, we
are constrained by a sense of patriotic duty,
to lower from our mast-head where in pride
we had placed it, the name of the candidate
of our personal choice, Hon. John C. Breck
inridge, and raise in its stead the choice of
the National Democratic Convention, Hon.
Stephen A. Douglas. Belonging to no man,
or faction, but having always been fair an&
conservative in our political course—always
doing that which promised the fullest allegi
ance to the principles we have so long upheld,
we have in obedience to our convictions of
right, raised to our mast-bead the name of
the favorite of the people, Stephen A. Doug
las, of Illinois, as the National Democratic
candidate for the Presidency_
Having ever been sound and consistent in
our devotion to the Constitution and the Union
—the triumph of the Democratic party and.
its principles, having ever been the object for
which we labored and most desired, we can
not now willingly take a retrogade step by
joining our fortune to a party of men„, who,
excited by prejudice and led by obstiriancy,
are attempting in their madness to break up
the great Democratic organization. Ever in
tending to represent what we believe to be
the wishes and interests of the people, and
ever intending to adhere to the glorious prin
ciples of the great old Democratic party, and
to stand by the Union and the Constitution,
we fling to the breeze our banner on whieh,
are inscribed the names of DOUGLAS and.
JOHNSON, the nominees of the National
Democratic Convention.
[From the Cleveland (0.) Plain Dealer.]
CROW, CHAPMAN, CROW 1--This day we have
the pleasure of striking out the conditions on
which we were pledged to support Douglas,
viz : " subject to the decision of the Charles
ton Convention." That decision has been
made, and we are called upon to support him,
nor need we assure our readers of the pleas
tire it gives us to do so. We have called our
chanticleer out, the first sound of whose clear
el:trim - 1 voice raised the entire population over
which he presides, and the masses from the
poultry yard have rushed unanimously to his
support, and a hundred chanticleers are in.
full chorus about our office. Banners fly to
the breeze suddenly likely the bursting forth
of the night blooming cereus. Cannons al
most start from their carriages, impatient to
open the glorious campaign. Bands catch
the inspiration of the moment, and the mar
tial spirit seems to cry,
Awake nld drum o•ho,e :inning beat
•• Ne''er from the battle beat retreat."
Illuminations, bonfires and torch-light pro
cessions are the order of the day, and DOUG
LAS, the people's champion, is the watch
Caow, CuArm.tx, Cram- ! Not over com
peting or opposing Democrats, for we have
opposed their favorites while they opposed
ours, which they and we had an undoubted
right to do, and we, like them, have steadily
pledged ourselves to abide by the, decision of
the Charleston-Baltimore Convention. We
contend that one of the leading elements in
the character of Douglas is toleration. Man
ly independence, or manly opposition within
the party gives no offense, for if anything is
established by the selection, it is that an offi
cer may retain his manhood and his office too.
May differ in an opinion on minor subjects
and express that difference freely without
hazarding his official head, but Crow. that
the battle with sectional fanatics, North and
South, is fought and won, that Young Amer
ica has won a victory over federalism, and
broken the power of selfish old Fedral hacks,
making patent the power of the people, for
The people have followed selfish leaders
long enough, and have reversed the order of
march. We rejoice that the Presidential
question is settled, and settled right, sustain
ing the Constitution, Laws, Judiciary, and
the rights of the people to rule locally, with
no other interference or limitation than the
Constitution, under which they legislate.
We rejoice that the storm is substantially
and effectually ended, and the negro contro
versy settled, as Mr: Buchanan said in his
letter of acceptance, " settled in the only way
in which it can be settled, by leaving it to
the people of the Territories exclusively.
From this day forth our lance is devoted to
our enemies,
testing them by the regularly,
adopted platform of the party, and the sup
port of its champions,
[From the Lancaster Inquirer.]
We know there is a disposition among many
persons, who have hitherto been considered
good Democrats to disregard the admonition
uttered by the National Convention, and who
making personal prejudice the standard of
pure Democracy, intend still to carry on the
war against the regular candidate of the par
ty. To these, we say, beware. The organi
zation once disrupted ; it cannot be foreseen
where the termination of its consequences
may be. The process of disintegration may
go on from Nation to State, from State to
County, from County to township and city,
until Presidents, Governors, Constables and
Mayors, shall all fall victims to the spite of
the stubborn few. We caution the dissatis
fted in 'time, that they are handling a two.:
edged sword, sharp on both edges—very.
We do not consider it at all necessary to
argue here the regularity of the nomination of
Mr. Douglas, or the irregularity of that of Mr.
Breckinridge. 'We discern nothing in the
action of the National Democratic Conven
tion upon which it had not a full right to act.
We believe that the secession of those dis
unionists, who, by hiding their real views
before their constituency—as in the case of
Yancey, Meek, and others—crept into the Con-..
vention, was designated long before the
Charleston Convention assembled. The se
cessions at Charleston and Baltimore are but
two acts in the terrible drama, whose catas
trophe will prove to be the dissevering of the
Slave Atlantic States from the free States
east of the Rocky Mountains, and the erec
tion of a third empire on the far shores of the
Pacific. In the last, the rod of empire is to
be wielded by Lane and Gwin, and in the
Black Republic by Yancey, Davis, Slidell,
Benjamin, and their compeers. The creed of
these men is that which blind John Miltoa
caught from the lips of Satan :
fc Here we may reign secure, and in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell;
Better to reign in LEA than serve in Heav'n