THE HU_NTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS,_&C. ittertsting Attiscdtaitg. Gen. Jackson at Mrs. Livingston's Din ner Party. In the just published life of Andrew Jack son, by Mr. Parton, we find the following in teresting anecdote: The new aid-de-camp, Mr. Livingston, as he rode from the parade-ground by the Gen eral's side, invited him home to dinner. The General promptly accepted the invitation. It chanced that the beautiful and gay Mrs. Liv ingston, the leader of society then at New Orleans, both creole and American, had a lit tle dinner party that day, composed only of ladies, most of whom were young and lively creole belles. Mr. Livingston had sent home word• that Gen. Jackson had arrived, and that he should ask him home to dinner ; a piece of news that threw the hospitable lady into con sternation. "What shall we do with this wild general from Tennessee?" whispered the girls to one another; for they were all convinced that Gen. Jackson, however becoming he might comport himself in an Indian fight, would be most distressingly out of place at a fashiona ble dinner party in the first drawing room of the most polite city in America. He was an_ flounced. The young ladies were seated about the room. Mrs. Livingston sat upon a sofa at the head of the apartment, anxiously await ing the inroad of the wild fighter into the re gions sacred hitherto to elegance and grace. He entered. Erect, composed, bronzed with long exposure to the sun, his hair just begin- Zug to turn gray, clad in his uniform of coarse blue cloth and yellow buckskin, his high boots flapping loosely about his slender legs, he look ed, as he stood near the door of the drawing room, the very picture of a war-worn, noble warrior and commander. He bowed to the ladies magnificently, who all arose at his entrance, as much from amaze ment as politeness. Mrs. Livingston advan ced toward him. With a dignity of grace seldom equalled, never surpassed, he went forward to meet her, conducted her back to her sofa, and sat by her side. The fair cre oles were dumb with astonishment, In a few minutes dinner was served, and the General continued, during the progress of the meal, to converse in an easy, agreeable manner, in the tone of society, of the sole topic of the time, the coming invasion. He assured the ladies that he felt perfectly confident of de fending the city, and begged that they would give themselves no uneasiness with regard to that matter. He arose soon from the table and left the house with Mr. Livingston. In one chorus the young ladies exclaimed to their hostess. "Is this your back-woodsman ? Why, madam, he is a prince I" M. GUTMAN & CO. SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS The public generally aro respectfully informed that M. GUTMAN & CO., have now upon their shelves a new and well selected stock of fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTIII\G,' to which they ask the attention of all who are in want of a neat and comfortable Coat, a Vest or a pair of Pants.— Their stock will bear examination, and they respectfully request all to call and see for themselves. Should' gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. A good assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &C., &C., will also be found on hand. All of which gill be sold as luw, if not lower, than. the sonic quality of goods can be had in the county. Call at the corner of the Diamond, Long's new building. M. GUTMAN St CO. Tfuntingdon, April 4, 1860. DUMP MAKING.- The public are informed the subscriber is still in the Pump Making business at dill Creek, and will furnish pumps, including all wood work, with good timber, at different points on the Canal and Railroad, at 45 cents per foot. When timber and boarding are found, from 25 to 33 'cents per foot. If the work is not well done, no pay will be exacted. ISAAC WOOLTERTON, Mill Creek P. 0., Iluntingdon co., Penna Refers to— J. Sewell Sewart, Theo. H. Cremer, William Dorris, William Dorris, Jr.. Thomas Fisher, Horatio G. Fisher, John Scott, Samuel T. Brown, David Blair and Judge Tay lor, Hunt ingdon ; and Geo. Bucher, John 'Porter, Charles Porter and Wm. Christy, Alexandria. March 28, 1880-6 m. A LEXANDRIA FOUNDRY.- ..1 - A ROGER C. 3IcGILL, manufacturer of all kinds of castings, forge and rolling mill, grist and snw mill, thrash ing,machine, sled and sleigh spies, wagon boxes, stoves of various kinds, kettles, plough shears to suit All kinds of ploughs; also, car wheels and railroad work, and has a new and improved plough that renders satisfaction to all farmers that have used them. I will keep all kinds of plough shears and ploughs at Messrs. Fisher St McMur trie's, Huntingdon, and at Mr. George Eby's, Mill Creek; and will fill all orders promptly. The farmers will save nioney'by getting shears and ploughs of McGILL, at the foundry head-quarters, the place to buy cheap. All kinds of produce, old metal and lumber, taken in exchange.- 13riiig the pay and save ten per cent, Alexandria, March 7, 1800—ly, TIN WARE! PRICES REDUCED MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Are invited to call and examine the largest assortment of WELL MADE TIN WARE to be found in the State, which we are prepared to sell at Loner PRICES than infe rior goods are generally sold for. MELLOY & FORD, Sign of the Large Coffee Pot, 723 Market street, -PRILADELPIILL March Ix, 1800-3 m M. IRVINE, PHYSICIAN AND e SURGEON. Office and residence opposite Win. Moore & Sons Store, in Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pa [March 7, 1860-3m.] T 4 EME! LIME!! LIME!!! THOMAS MOORE Respectfully informs builders, farmers and others, that ho will have constantly on hand at his kiln at McConnells town, fresh burnt Lime, which he will furnish in any quantity on order, cheap for cash. Lime can also be had from Thos. G. Strickler, in Iluntingdon, in small quantities. McConnellstown, March 7.1860-Im.* TLATFORM SCALES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SUITABLE FOR RAILROADS, &c., for weighing hay, coal, ore and merchandise general ly. Purchasers run no risk, every scale is guaranteed correct : and if, after trial, not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. .tom' Factory at the old stand, established for more than thirty-fire years ABBOTT & CO., Corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, April 4,1860-3 m. PUILADELPHIA. JOR SCOTT. SAMUEL T. BILOIVN. LAW • PARTNERSHIP.- J. IT. 0. Conn= has, from this date, become a mem. Ler of the firm of SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lIIMIZIODON, in which name the business will still bo conducted. lanntingdort, JElat. 2, 1800. T" WORD'S GREAT EXHIBI TION PRIZE MEDAL, FOR lIIS TWO PIANOS, LONDON, OCIOBER 15,1851 C. MEYER, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand PIANOS, equal to those for which ho received the Prize yledal in London in 1551. • All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. lie has received daring the last Fifteen years more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute —also, First Premiums in Boston, New York and Balti more, Warerooms No. 729 ARCH street, below Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. April 11, ISGO—atn. de". N b .T N . 1 ." N4>