The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 27, 1860, Image 2

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those States? Don't throw obstacles in the
way of re-admitting those delegates. When
ever he cast his vote, it would be to open the
doors andlet their brethren in. [Applause.]
When he heard about binding the hands of
those men when they came in, he asked the
delegates here were they willing to have their
hands bound. [Cries of "yes,"yes."]
Richard Merrick,of 111., said that those del
egates who had retired at Charleston had
blotted their names forever from this conven
tion. lie urged that all the delegations from
the seceding States should go to the commit
tee, whether they were contested or not, and
that committee should report whether they
are entitled to seats here. If they must have
a war between the Union and disunion de
mocracy, why let it come.
Samuels, of lowa, inquired whether there
was any paper here accrediting delegates
from Florida? lie understood that they did
not •ask for admission.
The president replied that there had been
handed to him a published newspaper report
of the proceedings of the Florida convention.
A member remarked that that was the old
Mr. King, of Missouri, was opposed to re
ceiving these gentlemen here with roaming
commissions, to come here and elsewhere.—
lie did not think these gentlemen ought to
have seats here again, even after their claims
-were investigated. Mississippi had reaccred
ited her delegates, and their credentials
should be sent to the committee, and if all
right he would vote to let them in. The del
egates who had gone to Richmond and had
come here asking admission, had only come
here for mischief, and he would never vote to
to let them come in here. Florida was not
accredited to come here, and yet gentlemen
were willing to let them in. South Carolina
was the only State among the seceders which
bad preserved its dignity. It has been char
ged. on the streets that this was a bogus con
vention—that they were furictusofficio. They
bad taken high legal authority at Washing
ton, it was stated—the Attorney General, he
supposed—and had decided that this was a
bogus convention.
West, of Conn., contended that the democ
racy of Connecticut were loyal to the Union.
They came here in good faith, and if they
were voted down, would go home and hurrah
for the candidate of the convention. It had
been charged that the southern seceders were
driven from this Convention, and he asked
bow driven ? Was the majority to bow down
to the minority, and give them such a plat
form as they did not ask four years ago?—
The North asked nothing but what was right,
and they would submit to nothing that was
Col. Hunter, of Missouri, bad sat in this
convention for eleven days, and had kept si
lence, but the extraordinary speech of his col
league from Missouri (Mr. King) forced him
to speak. That gentleman had said he would
not vote to let these southern delegates in.—
How did he expect to elect a candidate ? And
how long was it since he had given his last
democratic vote? He had violated his in
structions. When the speaker heard the gen
tleman from Massachusetts, (Mr. Long,) he
felt glad, for without concession they never
could succeed. There were five hundred as
good men in the country as Mr. Douglas, and
if Mr. Douglas was dead they would not
this trouble.
Douglas is doing here just what Benton
did in Missouri. Col. Benton divided the
party there, and they were in the minority
there till the old man died. He was an anti-
Douglas man and came here such, butzthey
passed resolutions in their State convention
to abide by the result, and he would do so.
But pass resolutions or instruction on him
here and he would resign and go home. They
were here fighting among themselves like
cats and dogs, when they had an enemy
fighting right up in front of them. He be
lieved that when the Democratic party was
dismembered, there would be disunion among
the States, therefore he urged conciliation
And harmony.
Avery, of N. C., said speeches made here
to-day by the gentlemen from Pennsylvania
and.l.lllinois were not the speeches to elect
their candidate. He came herewith his del
egation to stand by the candidate of the con
vention—a convention composed of all the
sovereign States. But he saw Southern Dem
ocratic States excluded from the convention.
They came here representing the regular or
ganized Democracy of their States and were
entitled to admission. The speaker opposed
any test as a condition of admission to the
convention. The North were here in the ma
jority, and opposed the admission of South
ern delegates so that they might have them
at their mercy.
Atkins, orrennesssee, said the Democracy
of his State needed no pledges, asked no tests.
He trusted the majority of the convention for
the country's sake—for the sake of princi
ples—for the sake of the past—for God's sake,
would harmonize—harmonize ! He conclu
ded by demanding the previous question.
Moffit, of Virginia, moved that the conven
tion adjourn, which was lost.
The question recurred on seconding the
previous question.
Another mution to adjourn was lost.—
There was a great deal of confusion on the
Boor, members standing and talking.
• The demand for the previous question was
seconded by yeas 233, nays ISi.
The convention then, at nine o'clock, ad
journed tilt 10 o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday)
xuorning. •
Long before the hour of meeting the crowd
began to assemble on Front street, and in the
vicinity. 4. detachment of police was on hand
And kept thc - passage.ways and• sidewalk un
obstructed. The galleries, when the doors
:were opened, rapidly filled up, and a number
of ladies occupied the dress circle.
The Convention was called to order by the
Hon. Caleb Cushing, the President, at 10.30
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Fuller,
of Baltimore. . .
The pending tinestion was, would the house
order the main question to be put?
Church, of New York—Mr. President, I
• desire to .ask the unanimous consent of this
convention, for the purpose of making a pro
calculated to harmonize all questions
now pending before the convention.
The President.—ls it the will of the con
vention that Mr. Church should proceed ?
Cries of " go on," " go on."
The President.—The gentlena= from New
York will proceed..
Church.--Upon consultation with the gen
tleman (Mr. Gilmore) who moved that amend
ment to my amendment, we have agreed, if
it meets the approbation of this convention,
for the purpose of harmonizing the action of
this convention, to an arrangement alike hon
orable to both sides, and which, if carried
out, will terminate the controversy as to pen
,ding questions. The proposition which has
been made and accepted is simply this : The
gentleman from Pennsylvania (Gilmore) is to
withdraw his amendment to my amendment,
and then I am to withdraw the latter part of
my resolutions, leaving only a simple resolu
tion of reference to the committee on creden
tials. [Applause.]
Mr. President, I now ask the unanimous
consent of the convention for the purpose of
carrying out that proposition. [Cries of agreed
The President.—The Chair will suggest to
the gentleman from New York, and to the
convention, that as there has been a second
to the demand for the previous question, the
object which he proposes can only be reached
either by putting the vote from the main ques
tion and rejecting it, or else by unanimous
consent or otherwise dispensing with the rules.
The Chair will understand that the conven
tion determine by unanimous consent that the
proposition to be made by the gentleman from
New York may be introduced, notwithstand
ing the orders of the House. The gentleman
will proceed.
Giimore.—For the purpose of carrying out
the arrangement which is made, I beg leave
to withdraw the amendment made to the
amendment of the gentlemen from New York,
(Mr. Church.)
Church.—For the purpose of perfecting
that arrangement I will modify the resolution
which I offered by withdrawing the latter
part of reference to the committee on creden
[Cries of "read it."J
The President.—The Chair will report the
resolution as it now stands, amended by the
mover, with the consent of the Convention.
The resolution as amended was then read
as follows:
Resolved, That the credentials of all per
sons claiming seats in the convention, made
vacant by the secession of delegates at Charles
ton, be referred to the committee on creden
tials ; and said committee is hereby instruc
ted, as soon as practicable, to examine the
same, and report the names of persons enti
tled to such seats.
It was received with applause.
Phillips, of Pennsylvania, moved that when
the convention adjourn it be tills o'clock P.M.
Stuart, of Michigan.—According to my
understanding, there can be no business that
ought to occupy the attention of the conven
tion this evening. The committee on creden
tials will not be able to report until to-mor
row. Therefore, I move that the convention
do now adjourn. _ .
The President.—The Chair begs leave be
fore putting the question to lay before, the
convention a communication from Mr. Krum,
the chairman of the committee on credentials.
A Voice.—That is altogether a different
The communication was then read by the
secretary, as follows:
Hon. Caleb Cushing. Pres't,
M DEAR Sia.—l am instructed by the
committee upon credentials, to say that they
will be unable to report at the afternoon ses
sion of this day, and beg permission of the
convention to continue in session during the
sitting of the convention.
Very respectfully,
Jourt M. KRUM, Chairman.
June 19th, 1860.
There being no objection, the President
stated that the permission desired would be
Stuart, of Michigan, moved that the con
vention adjourn.
The motion to adjourn was then carried,
and the convention accordingly adjourned till
10 o'clock A. M., to-morrow.
BALTIMORE, June 20.--The theatre was
densely packed this morning, the boxes being
filled with ladies, and the upper tiers crowd
The Convention was called to order shortly
after 10 o'clock, and a prayer delivered by
the Rev. Mr. Bowen. -
Mr. Ludlow asked if there was any infor
mation in the possession of the Convention
as to the possible time at which the Commit
tee on Credentials would be prepared to re
The President said not a present.
Ludlow moved to dispense with the read
ing of the minutes. Agreed to.
The President presented a letter froth the
Florida delegation correcting what appeared
to be an erroneous impression on the part of
the convention.
The letter stated that no proceedings of the
Florida convention had been officially com
municated to the President, as the Florida
delegates were not accredited to this conven
tion, but a large discretion was left with the
delegates, and they had come here anxious to
return to the convention, if they saw any
chance of doing so with honor, as they de
sired to re-unite the Democracy on the basis
of the majority platform at Charleston.—
They had as yet seen nothing to warrant their
return to the convention.
The President explained that he had not
intended in making his statement to be un
derstood as saying that any official applica
tion had been made to him by the Florida
Ludlow said that he had received official
information that the committee on credentials
would not be prepared to report till 5 o'clock.
He moved a recess till that hour.
The convention then adjourned till five
o'clock P. 111.
BAurnfonn, June 20, noon.—lt is now cer
tain that there will be a break in the conven
tion, on the admission of the Douglas dele
gates from Louisianna.
- The following are said to be pledged to go
out: twenty-two delegates from Virginia;
two from North Carolina; three from Ten
nessee ; ten from Pennsylvanip,. under Sena:
tor Bigler's lead ; eight from Massachusetts,
including the President, anti ten from New
There will probably 'ha no secession from
Kentucky or Maryland.
BALTIMORE, June 20.—The Convention met
at 5 o'clock this evening, and immediately
adjourned till to-morrow morning, the com
mittee on credentials not being prepared to re
Avery, of North Carolina, Saulsbury, of
Delaware, and other Southern delegates,
waited on Dean Richmond, Chairman of the
New York delegation, to day, with a propo
sition to admit all the seceding delegations,
with the understanding that no candidate
shall be nominated who was voted for at the
Charleston session. This would exclude
Douglas.. Hooter, Dickinson, Lane, and Guth
rie. It is not considered probable that the
prosition will he accepted.
There is no foundation . for the report that
the Douglas delegates have made any threats
of withdrawal from the convention under any
It is rumored that the delay in the report
of the committee is designed to ,embarrass
the seceding delegations, who have to meet
to-morrow in a Convention at Richmond in
apparent rebellion against the Democratic or
ganization, whilst still seeking admission into
Democratic convention.
BALTIMORE, June 20, evening.—The com
mittee on credentials hold their meetings with
closed doors, but it is supposed that three re
ports will be made.
Rumor says the majority report admits the
original delegation from Mississippi ; the
Douglas delegates from Louisianna, headed
by Soule, (by a vote of 21 to 9 in the com
mittee,) and the Douglas delegates from Ala
bama, headed by Gov. Winston, (by a vote of
14 to 11.) That it divides Georgia and Ar
kansas between the originals and the contes
tants ; "and admits the contestants from Dela
The contesting delegation from Texas, fa
vorable to Douglas, has just arrived.
Of the minority reports one is supposed to
favor the admission of all the delegates ap
plying, and when the contestants are admit
ted, the vote of the delegation shall be divi
ded between them.
Another report admits all the delegates
originally. accredited to the Charleston Con
vention only.
The Charleston and Florida delegations
have been telegraphed to come on here in
order to hold the adjourned meeting of the
Seceders' Convention in this city instead of
at Richmond.
The seceders claim the whole number that
will bolt to be 172.
This will leave 434 in the convention.
The following notice has been posted at
Barnum's Hotel :
"The committee on credentials have deci
ded to admit the original Texas and Missis
sippi delegates ; half of each set from Ar
kansas ; divide equally Alabama, Georgia,
and Louisianna ; allow the substitute of Mr.
Hallett-, of Massachusetts, to remain, and ad
mit the Douglas contestants from Missouri.—
Nothing has been done with Florida.
" It is calculated that Douglas will have
173 votes on the first ballot, leaving him to
gain 30 votes to be nominated under the two
thirds rule."
This notice is traced to no official source.
BALTIMORE, June 20-11 o'clock P. M.—lt
is now understood that the committee on cre
dentials will report in favor of admitting the
seceding delegates from Texas and Delaware,
and. against Hallett, of Massachusetts, as
suming, the seat occupied by his Alternate at
The Front Street Theatre was more dense
ly crowded this morning, in all its parts, than
on preceding days, the interest having cumu
lated very much in anticipation of reports be
ing made by the committee on credentials.—
A large number of ladies occupied the dress
circle, and added their grace to the occasion.
The Great Western Brass Band, of Chicago,
appeared in the upper gallery at 91- o'clock,
and played several airs to the gratification of
the ladies and others whom political discus
sions did not debar of time to listen to and
enjoy the treat.
The delegates to the convention came quite
promptly, the appearance of most of them evi
dencing that the great crisis had arrived,
which was to determine whether or not the
body was to remain together in harmony, or
an unavoidable separation take place.
There is a present calmness visible, and
yet a resolution to meet with firmness the ex
pected difficulties. Latent fires are smoulder
ing beneath a placid surface, and no one can
foresee what the result may be.
The convention was called to order by the
President at 10 o' clock.
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Henry Sli
cer, of Baltimore. Ile invoked a spirit of jus
tice and compromise op the delegates of the
Convention ; that the spirit of faction in the
country might be rebuked, and the liberties
of the people, and union of the States, endure
throughout time.
The reading of the journal was dispensed
Reports of committees were announced as
in order.
At this period a portion of the floor under
the New York delegation broke down, caus
ing intense excitement. A rush was made
in all directions, members springing to their
feet and persons in the galleries becoming
greatly frightened. With great difficulty the
uproar was quieted.
A motion was made to take a recess for an
hour, to give time for repairing the damage,
and it was carried.
Several gentlemen complained that the floor
was occupied by three times the number of
persons entitled to admission, and it was de
manded that these intruders be excluded.
It was finally resolved that every person be
required to surrender his ticket at the door,
to be returned to them on going out again.
The floor was then cleared of all persons,
to give the workmen time to repair the floor.
The break down occurred in the portion of
the floor where some of the most excitable del
egates, from different States, were seated, and
it was suggested that being in the "rind" every
opportunity was afforded to settle difficulties.
During the tumult a delegate requested
that there be no excitement—that only one
plank of the platform had broken.
Another delegate inquired which plank
that was ? and a third answered "the nigger
Another delegate said it was only a small
breakdown, premonitory of the general smash
up that would take place.
The damage to the floor was all repaired
by half-past 11 o'clock, and the hall ready
fur occupacy again, the delegates coming in
and resuming their seats.
The convention was again called to order
at 12.10 P.M.
Craige, of Mo., desired to offer resolutions,
and let them go to the committee on- resolu
tions. They were as follows :
Resolved, That the equality of the States is
a fundamental principle in our political sys
tem, and that every right guarantied by the
Constitution must be protected by the Feder
al Government, and laws for that purpose
should be passed in all cases when legislation
is necessary for the enjoyment of such rights.
The Democratic party hereby renews its
pledges of fidelity to the following proposi
Ist.—The recognition and approval of the
principle of non-intervention by Congress
upon the subject of slavery in the Territories.
2d.—That no restriction or prohibition of
slavery in any Territory shall hereafter be
made by act of Congress.
3d.—That no State shall be refused admis
sion into the Union, because of existing sla
very therein.
4th.—The faithful execution and mainten
ance of the fugitive slave law.
sth.—That we recognize as binding and
agree to abide by and enforce the decision of
the Supreme Court of the United States in
the Drecl Scott case.
McCook, of Ohio, objected, as the first bu
siness in order was the reports of the com
mittee on credentials.
Craige asked the courtesy of the Conven
tion to have the resolutions read for informa
tion, believing they would be accepted as an
olive branch.
The President (objection being still made)
ruled that the report of the committee on cre
dentials was first in order.
Krum, chairman of the committee on cre
dentials, rose and stated that he was prepared
to report. He then proceeded to say that the
questions which have arisen, were remarka
Davis, of Va., objected to anything other
than the report of the committee.
Krum simply desired to make a few pre
liminary remarks.
Cries of "go on"—"go on"—"object"—
The President decided that the report must
first be read, objection being made, and then
the chairman of the committee could make
such remarks as he deemed proper afterwards.
The report of Krum was then read by the
secretary. It recapitulates the resolution of
the adjournment at Charleston to Baltimore,
and requesting delegates to be elected in place
of the seceders. Also, the resolution adopted
at Baltimore, referring the credentials of the
seceding delegates, and others contested, to
the committee on credential's.
The committee reported that there are no
credentials from Florida ; that Mississippi
and Texas are not contesting ; that Alabama,
Louisiana and Arkansas are contesting.—
Arkansas has one delegate here, who did not
secede and three vacancies contested. They
believe that all the contestants should be ad
mitted in place of seceders.
Also, report in favor of giving Chaffee, of
Mass., a seat, in place of' lallett ; and O'Fal
low a seat from the eighth district of Mis
souri. Both delegates to be admitted from
Georgia, and cast the vote of the State.—
Whitely and Bayard are admitted from Del
aware. The report is signed by the chair
man, Krum.
Krum, the report having been read at length,
addressed the Convention, and said the com
mittee entered on their duties with a desire
to do justice. They k new their labors were
. imperfect, for the want of time. There would
be minority reports, and he hoped opportuni
ty would be given to do so.
Gov. Stevens, of Oregon, then read a mi
nority report, dissenting from many of the
views of the majority. 'They report that Hal
lett, of Mass., and Gardy, of Missouri, and
Whitely and Bayard, of Delaware, are enti
tled to seats in this Convention. Also, that
the seceding delegates from Arkansas, Texas,
Louisiana, Alabama, Mississipi and Georgia.
are entitled to seats. And we recommend
that the delegates from Florida accredited to
the Richmond Convention, be invited to take
seats in this body, and cast the vote of Flori
The minority report was signed by mem
bers of the committee from Oregon, New Jer
sey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia. North
Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Califor
Wm. S. Gittings, of Maryland, made a mi
nority report also, differing from the views of
the other two reports—approving of part of
the minority report. etc.
Stevens, of Oregon, obtained the floor and
called for the previous question, and the sec
ond.for the demand for the previous question
was carried.
The previous question was then ordered al
most unanimously.
Gov. Gorman complained that the floor was
so crowded business could not be transacted.
He had not been able to get in his seat for
an hour and a half. He hoped some action
would be taken about the matter.
It being impossible to proceed with busi
ness a motion to adjourn to half-past four
o'clock prevailed.
The Convention then, at 2 o'clock, adjourned
till 4.30 P. M.
BALTIMORE, June 21.—The convention was
called to order at 5 o'clock, having waited an
hour for New York.
Ludlow, of New York, on behalf of that
delegation, asked for further time for consul
tation. They were now in session and asked
the indulgence of the convention.
Bradford, of Pennsylvania moved a recess
till 8 o'clock. [Loud cries of "No ! no!"]
Johnson, of Maryland, suggested that time
would be saved by taking the vote of all the
other States, and recording New York when
the delegation was ready. [Cries of "No!
no !" " Put the motion to adjourn"—and
great confusion.]
Montgomery, of Pennsylvania, on a ques
tion of privilege, desired to know where the
delegates were to get tickets of admission.—
He desired that the present mode be changed.
The tickets were given to others than dele
gates, and he could not obtain his through a
third party, when it was known that he did
not choose to hold any communication per
sonally with the chairman of the delegation.
He asked that half of the tickets might be
given to Cassidy, of Pennsylvania, for dis
tribution, and half to the chairman of the
While Montgomery spoke, Randall, of
Pennsylvania, approached as near him as
possible, exclaiming in an excited voice, "It's
false—it's a base falsehood."
Montgomery, pointing to Randall, said,
`That old mau"—[Loud cries of order, and
much confusion and excitement.]
Montgomery, keeping the floor, exclaimed,
"Am I to be protected against these in
sults ?"
Fifty delegates rose to their feet and crowd
ed forward, one of Randall's sons, gesticula
ting violently in dumb show, and struggling
to approach Montgomery, who remained
standing on a bench.
After several attemps to restore order, Daw
son rose and said : " Mr. President, if you
will give me the floor, I will get order."—
[Laughter.] The noise then partially ceased,
when Dawson said that he had used every
personal effbrt to distribute tickets to the
members. Montgomery's ticket had been
applied for by a boy, and he had chosen not to
give it to any one but the delegate himself.
[A. voice " That's right."] He therefore pro
nounced the insinuation of Mr. Montgomery
as uncalled for and untrue in every particu
lar. [Applause and confusion.]
Montgomery rose in an excited manner,
but his voice was drowned by the uproarious
cries of order, and several persons endeavor
ing to address the chair.
All the Pennsylvania delegation, and half
of the Convention, were on theirfeet, 'endeav
oring to crowd around Montgomery, who ex
claimed in a loud voice, "He lies ! It is a
base lie, and the man who utters it is a living
scoundrel !"
An intense excitement onsped and contin-
ued for some time, until at last order was re
stored, and a vote by States was taken on the
motion to adjourn, which was carried.
The convention then adjourned till 10
o'clock to-morrow morning.
The convention was called to order by the
President at 10.25 o'clock A. M.
Prayer was offered by Rev. Schwartz.
A motion to dispense with reading the
journal prevailed.
The President stated that the convention
had yesterday ordered the main question to
be now put.
The resolutions of the majority of the com
mittee on credentials were read by the Secre
the resolutions of the minority report of
Mr. Stevens were read, and offered by that
gentleman as a substitute for the resolutions
of the majority of the committee.
The question was then taken on the minor
ity resolutions, and resulted as follows :
Yeas—Maine 2/, New Hampshire /, Ver
mont lA, Massachusettts 8, Connecticut 2/,
New Jersey 4, Pennsylvania 17, Delaware 2,
Maryland 5/, Virginia 14, North Carolina 9,
Arkansas -, Missouri 5, Tennessee 10, Ken
tucky 10, Minnesota 11', California 3, Oregon
3-100 Z-.
Nays—Maine 51, New Hampshire 41-, Ver
mont 31, Massachusetts 5, Rhode Island, 4,
Connecticut 31, New York 35, New Jersey 3,
Pennsylvania 10, Maryland 24', Virginia 1,
North Carolina 1, Arkansas 1, Missouri 4,
Tennessee 1, Kentucky 2, Ohio, 23, Indiana
11, Illinois 11, Michigan 6, Wisconsin 5, lowa
4, Minnesota 21,-150.
The Chair requested that the announce
ment of votes be received without applause,
or manifestations of any kind.
The vote was accordingly heard' and an
nounced in comparative silence.
The resolutions of the majority of the com
mittee were read by the Secretary.
Church, of N. Y., called for a division of
the question.
The question was called for by States on
each resolution by Saulsbury, of Delaware.
The first resolution was then read, and the
vote resulted as follows:
Ayes 250, nays 21. •
The second resolution was read, and the
vote resulted as follows—yeas 153, nays 98.
The third resolution was read
Saulsbury, of Delaware, asked a division
of the resolution, and the Chair ruled that it
was divisible.
An appeal was taken from the decision of
the Chair, and on motion of Stewart, of
Michigan, the appeal was laid on the table.
The question was then taken on the first
part, of the resolution, admitting R. W. John
son and five others, of Arkansas, to seats in
the convention, with power to cast two votes,
and it was adoped by yeas 182, nays 69.
The second branch of the third resolution,
admitting Bradley, Hooper and Cross, of Ar
kansas, to seats, with power to cast one vote,
was adopted by yeas 150, nays 100 i.
The remainder of the third resolution was
adopted without a count.
The fourth resolution (relating to Texas)
was read and adopted by ayes 250, nays 21.
The fifth resolution admitting Bayard and
Whitely, of Delaware, to seats, was adopted
without a count.
Tho sixth resolution admitting K. S. Chaf
fee, of Massachusetts, to a seat, in place of
B. F. llallett, was adopted by ayes 138, nays
The seventh resolution, adrnitting - John
O'Fallen, Jr., of Missouri, to a seat, iia place
of J. B. Gardy, was adopted by ayes 138/,
nays 112.
The eigth resolution, relative to Alabama,
was read, and adopted by ayes 148/, nays
The ninth resolution, and the last ono of
the majority report of the committee on cre
dentials, admitting both delegations from
Georgia, was read.
The entire resolution was then rejected by
yeas 106 i, nays 145.
A motion to adjourn till 7 o'clock P. M.,
was made and carried.
The convention then at 2.40 P. M., adjourn
ed till 7 o'clock P. M.
The convention re-assembled at 7 o'clock
Much interest was excited by the morning
proceedings, and heightened by the prevalence
of a report that Senator Douglas had tele
graphed to his friends to withdraw his name.
The motion to reconsider the several resolu
tions, adopted at the morning session, were
then laid on the table in their order.
Cessna, of Pennsylvania, moved to proceed
to a ballot for candidates for President and
Vice President of the United States, and on
that motion called the previous question.
Russell, of Virginia, Stansbury of Mary
land, McHenry of Pennsylvania, rose at the
same time.
McHenry moved an adjournment sine die.
Delegates from several States then seceded.
Moffit, of Virginia, took the floor and spoke
earnestly against the secession. The dele
gates from Virginia were pledged to the sup
port of the nominee of the Democratic - party,
and a very large majority of their constitu
ents would stand by the National Democratic
party whoever might desert it. The people
of the South would never follow the Black
Republican precedent and sectionalize the De
mocracy. He continued to argue forcibly in
favor of remaining by the National Demo
cratic organization until he was suddenly ta
ken sick, when he was compelled to yield the
Walker, of Tennessee, said he was a mem
ber of the Baltimore Convention which met
twenty years ago. -Since that time he had
voted for every Democratic candidate for
President and every Democratic nominee in
his bailiwick. He should be the last to leave
the ship, and having voted thus for twenty
years, he announced to the Convention that
if he lived till the next Presidential election
he should vote fur the nominee of this Con
vention. [Loud applause.] He was proud
to find by his side many delegates from Ten
nessee actuated by the same feelings. Many
gallant hearts are here from the land of Jack
son, who will maintain their ground. He re
ferred to the action of the State Convention
of Tennessee, which after laboring for hours
to adopt a platform to harmonize all parts of
the country, bad passed a resolution naming
Gov. Johnson as their first choice for Presi
dent, and pledging the State to give a hearty
support to the nominee of the party, whether
he comes from the North or South, provided
he can cordially endorse the Cincinnati plat
form. He had no fears that this Convention
will nominate a candidate who cannot endorse
the Cincinnati platform. - He proceeded to
extol the Northern Democracy for fidelity to
the Union and to the whole country, and de;
Glared that he would not endeavor to crowd
on them a weight to crush them. The Ten
nessee delegation had not yet formally with
drawn, and he hoped that better counsels
would prevail.
Jones, of Tennessee, followed,. charging
that while the South had originally pretended.
to bolt on the platform, they bad no sooner
got out than they offered to unite on the'nom
ination, provided one man would not be nom
inated. So it was no fight for principle;• but
a proscriptive fight against one individual.--
He boasted, in the course of his remarks, that
he had been a Democrat from the time he:
drew milk from his mother's breast. [Laugh--
ter.] He should never desert the Democratic
Reilly, of Pennsylvania, moved to adjourn.
Lost—yeas I.Bi, nays 210 f.
Cessna called for a vote on the previous quea
tion on his motion to proceed to a ballot.
Steele, of North Carolina, made a strong
speech against secession.
Claiborne, of Missouri, made an eloquent
speech in favor of Douglas, and advocated hia
claims as a National Democrat and gallant
leader. With him at the head of the ticket
he had no fear of the result.
The convention then ordered the previous
question on motion to proceed to a ballot, and
adjourned till to-morrow at 10 o'clock, A. M.
The convention was called to order by the
Hon. Caleb Cushing, the President, at 10.25
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Cum
mings, of this city. Ile invoked peace and
concord in the convention.
West, of Conn., called for a vote on the mo
tion to proceed to nominate candidates for
President and Vice President.
The President resigned his seat and took
his place on the floor. [Great excitement.).
• Col. Todd, of Ohio, Vice President, took
the Chair, and hoped he would be sustained
by the Convention in the performance of his
duties. [Loud cheers and applause all over
the house.]
The motion to proceed to a nomination was
put and carried viva voce, and the roll was
called on the vote for a candidate for the Pres
idency, as follows :
For Douglas—Maine 53 : , New Hampshire 5,
Vermont 5, Massachusetts 10, Rhode Island
4, Connecticut 31-, New York 35, New Jersey
21, Pennsylvania 10, Maryland 2,1 Virginia
11 North Carolina 1, Alabama 9, Louisianna
6, Arkansas 1, Missouri 44-, Tennessee 3,
Ohio 23, Indiana 13, Illinois 11, Michigan 6,
Wisconsin 5, lowa 9, Ittinnesota 2k—Total
173 i.
For Breckinridge—Connecticnt 1, Pennsyl
vania 3, Maryland 2s Arkansas 14.1.innesota
For Wise—Maryland 1.
For Bocock—Virginia 1.
For Dickinson—Virginie
For Guthrie—Pennsylvania 3, Missouri 11,
Kentucky 44-9.
For 11. Seymour—Pennsylvania 1.
A portion of the Pennsylvania delegation
desired to withdraw to consult relative to
their vote, and did so.
Stevens of Mass., said if he witdrew from
this convention the act would meet with the
deepest reprobation of his eonstiuents. [Ap
The vote of New York fur Douglas was
much applauded.
R. J. Brent, of Maryland, explained his
vote, and voted for Stephen A. Douglaas be
cause he stood on the platform of the Democ
racy of Maryland.
The vote of Alabama was much applauded.
Mr. Pierre Soule, of Louisiana, in rising to
cast the vote of that State, was greeted with
loud cheers. He said thay were not discour
aged by what had transpired, The popular
voice had long been pointed to the one who
was to be the next ruler of these States. Those
who had raised, by intrigue, the storm here,
would find in forty-eight hours that they could
not quell it, and that it would overwhelm
them. Secession must beget disunion. Those
who went out of the convention said they car
ried with them the sympathies of the South,
but believe it not—believe it not.
Soule proceeded at length to review politics
as affecting the South.
The vote of Louisiana was applauded.
Col. Flournoy, of Arkansas, explained his
position. In their State he was called the
head of the Douglas party. But according
to instructions he cast his vote for Brecken
ridge, and would hereafter vote for Douglas.
Nine of the delegates from Pennsylvania
declined to vote.
Several members of other delegations doz
dined to vote.
The whole vote cast was announced as 190 i,
of which S. A. Douglas had received 173 k.—
Church, of New York, offered a resolution
declaring S. A. Douglas, having received two
thirds of all the votes of this convention, the
Democratic nominee for the office of Presi.
The reading was received with loud cheers
Jones, of Pennsylvania, said he was ready
to support the nominee of this convention
when he shall be nominated by the rules of
the Democratic party. At Charleston it was
determined that two-thirds of all the electoral
college was necessary to a nomination.
It was objected that debate was not in order.
The President (Todd) so ruled.
Church explained the action at Charleston,
and said his resolution was intended to change
the rule of instruction adopted at Charleston.
New York had come here to pour oil on the
troubled waters. and had faithfully endeav
ored to do so. They had yielded everything
except personal honor to heal the divisiors
which existed. He proceeded to condemn
the action of the seceding delegates.
Gov. Dunning, of Ind , said if the will of
the people was carried out by the Democratic
party, the little giant of Illinois would be the
next President.
The Virginia delegation remaining, wished
to retire for consultation, believing they could
then introduce a proposition which would
harmonize all their difficulties.
Gluing said there were two-thirds of the
electoral college here, and if gentlemen voted
who declined to vote, Douglas would be nom
inated by a two-third vote. He hoped there
would be more ballots to see what gentlemen
would do, and that Mr. Church would with
draw his resolution.
Cries of. " That's it—thats it—yes—yes."
Hoge, of Virginia, said. he hoped there
would' be more ballots, and if those gentlemen
who declined to vote did not vote, be should
treat them as out of the convention.
Church then withdrew his resolution till
another ballot was had.
A second ballot resulted as follows :
For Douglas—Maine 7 -- ; New Hampshire
; Vermont 5 ; Massachusetts 10 ; Rhode Is
land 4; Connecticut 31; New York 35 ; New
Jersey 2/ ; Pennsylvania 10 ; Maryland 21;
Virginia 3 ; North Carolina 1 ; Alabama 9 ;
Louisiana 6 • Arkansas 11 ; Missouri 41 ; Ten
nessee 3 ; Kentucky 3 ; Oio 23 ; Indiana 13 ;
Illinois 11 ; Michigan 6 ; Wisconsin 5 ; lowa
4 ' • Minnesota 4—Total 181/
For Breckinridge—Connecticut 1; Penn 1
sylvan ia 7-7 k.