The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 20, 1860, Image 1

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O Love Divine, that stooped to share
Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear,
On Thee we cast each earthborn care,
ire smile at care while thou art near
Though long the weary day we tread,
And sorrow crowns each lingering year,
No path we shim, no darkness dread,
Our hearts are still whispering, Thou art near !
When drooping pleasure , turns to grief,
..kudtrembliug faith is changed to fear,
The murmuring wind, the quivering leaf
Shall softly tell us, Thou art near!
On Thee we fling our burdening woe,
0 Love Divine, forever dear,
Content to suffer, while we know,
Living and dying, Thou art near!
T,,u aintertsting(‘-,sl.lttclj.
Front the Lancaster Inquirer.]
"Oh while ye feel 'as hard to toil
And labor all day through,
Remember it is harder still
To have no work to do."
Labor has ben the lot of the human family
since the fall of Adam. The decree has gone
forth to the four quarters of the globe that
man must labor and earn his bread by the
sweat of his brow. To some it may appear
hard that they should toil all their days; yet,
it is well we should have physical labor, as
it improves our health, employs our mind,
and prepares us for the rest beyond the grave.
As the tempest lost mariner who struggles
manfully with the raging element, hails with
a beating heart the haven of rest, and
joices in that rest in proportion to the exer
tion it cost him to gain it. Then fellow la
borer whether at the sacred desk, the anvil,
or in the field—wherever you may stand,
girt thine armor on and faint not, for he who
runs will win the prize—
" We , were not meant to pl2d along the earth,
Strange to ourselves, and to our fellows strange;
We were not meant to struggle from our birth,
To skulk and creep, and in mean pathways range—
Act with stern truth, large faith, due loving will,
Up and be doing, God is with us still."
How many we Fee who, instead of manfully
braving the storm of adversity, stop to mur
mur at their low estate, and spend their life
in sighing for wealth and bewailing the fate
that made one man rich and the other poor.
The golden coffer and a useless life, they look
upon as the meed of their desires, forgetful
of the poet's beauteous strains :
"Whom call we gay? that honor has been long
The boast of mere pretenders to the mune;
The innocent are gay—the lark is gay,
That dons his feathers, saturate with dew,
Beneath the rosy clouds, while yet the beams
Of day-spring overshot his humble rest
The peasant, too, a witness of his song,
'Himself a songster is as gay as he;
But save me from the gayety of those
Whose headaches nail them to a noon-day bed ;
And save me too from theirs, whose haggard eyes,
Flase desperation and betray their pangs,
For property stripped off by cruel chance;
From gayety that fills the bones with pain,
The mouth with blasphemy, the heart with woe."
Riches though regarded as the means of
enabling the possessor to live in elegance and
luxury and even in voluptuousness, cannot
treat happiness; the appetite soon becomes
satiated, the senses are weakened, disease
comes on, and the millionaire, amidst all his
wealth, lives only in splendid misery. Dis
tinction has more pain than pleasure, it is en
vious distrustful and jealous. Power when
possessed demands busy watchfulness to keep
it, and if lost is the cause of the most acute
Wealth, power and distinction are not the
promoters of happiness. But happiness will
be found in the knowledge and obedience to
the laws of nature, which create health both
physical and spiritual. It will be found in
obeying the propensity to act in some one of
the many vocations that surround us, and
which tends to secure our self-respect and
peace of mind, and tends also to the common
good. Yet even in that there may be found
sorrows and trials, but we should remember
that the thunder cloud that throws a gloom
over the earth, will soon pass away, and the
sun above shine forth as bright as ever—
After winter comes the summer, after night returns
the day ;
After storm, the cairn returning, drives the threatening
clouds away
The farmer sows Ms seeds, and when the
harrerst comes he goes forth to reap, and be
hold his crops have failed, yet he does not
despair ; he' sows again and again—is disap
pointed, yet he is not discouraged—he hopes
on, and sows again and going forth he finds
`ample returns for his labor. The clergyman
who day after day, and month alter month,
warns the impenitent to flee from eternal
misery, sees the same hearers, hardening
their hearts still he hopes, and at length finds
the sinner has yielded to divine grace.
Whether a man is a merchant, a mechanic
or a farmer, he will find that loss as well as
gain, trouble as well as pleasure, will attend
his steps—there is trouble for all both rich
and poor; iti heralds our approach in• the
world, it meets us at the threshold of life, and
dogs us on our journey through, yet it is our
duty to fight against it, nor is the effort with
out its reward. The seaman loves the lark
that nobly braves the hurricane, and proud
ly out-rides the storm, and Heaven loves as
well as helps those who help themselves.
When the Crucified ascended to his Father,
his Disciples -e,tood gazing upward with va
cant looks until aroused by angelic' voices
saying, "ye men' of Gallilee, why stand ye
here gazing afar in the heavens ?" or, in other
words,;why stand ye hare idle, go forth to
the field and labor. We are all God's stew
a pis, do not . stand idly by gazing in the
$1 50
heavens which will work no miracles and
drop no manuna. When Elisha had lost the
advantage of Elijah's instructions and gui
dance, h did not sit down despondingly and
mournfully enquire where is Elijah my friend,
my father, and my guide, .hut he took the
prophet's mantle and smote the waves of Jor
don, exclaiming " where is the Lord God of
We are commanded to labor. The Bible
says, " He that does not work shall not eat,"
a commandment. which seems to have been
held sacred by a tribe of Indians called Gym
nasophes, who had a great aversion to sloth
and idleness. When the tables were spead
for their repast, the assembled youth were
asked by their masters in what -useful task
they had employed from the hour of sunrise.
One perhaps represented himself as having
been an arbitrator, and succeeded by his pru
dent management in com promising a difference
between friends, a second had been paying
obedience to a parents' commands, a third
had made some discovery by his own appli
cation, or learned something by anothers ' in
structions ; but he who had done nothing to
deserve a 'dinner was turned out doors with
out one. •
The man who sits idly down and says God
made nature beautiful, and man cannot im
prove it. forgets that without man's industry
the world would be desolate. About three
hundred and fifty years ago this now beauti
ful continent was a vast wilderness. Chris
topher Columbus by his perseverance and in
dustry braved the perils of the deep and found
a world,*then emigrants left the old world and
found a home on the Western continent.—
Bancroft records the fact that the first emi
grants to the mother colonies of this continent
were all working people, and thus the ham
lets soon became villages and towns, and
-towns cities, and now the western continent
stands unrivalled by its older sister—
"God made the country,
Man made the town." •
Thus we owe all our prosperity to the in
dustry of a few humble men. True we often
judge of men by their splendor and not by
this mode of their actions. When Alexander
the Great demanded of a pirate whom he had
taken, "By what right he infested the seas?"
" By the same right," replied he, "that Alex
ander enslaves the world ; but I am called a
robber because I have only one small vessel,
and he styled a conqueror because he com
mands great fleets and armies." Men of
weak minds and narrow prejudices, are too
much inclined to look to the outward show
with more respect than they do to the better
qualities of heart and mind. There is more
credit due to the man whose energy of mind
and character has raised him from an ob
scure station' to one of dignity, than to him
who derives all his dignity from his ancestors
and added nothing to that which he had ob
tained by the accidents of birth. A poor
man laboring in his humble sphere, living
on the coarsest fare because he will not ask
for more than sustenance requires, and lead
ing a quiet, cheerful life through his joys in
daty and trust in God, is one whom God will
surely bless—the servant is as sure of his re
ward as the master.
Nearly a century ago, Mrs. Montague wrote,
" I would not every day tell my footman, if
I kept one, that the whole fraternity were a
pack of scoundrals, that lieing and stealing
were inseparable qualities from their cloths.
I should myself be very happy if they con
fined themselves to innocent lies, and would
only steal candle ends. On the contrary, I
would say in their presence that birth and
money were accidents of fortune, that no man
was to be seriously despised for wanting
them, that an honest and faithful servant was
a character of more value than an insolent
and corrupt Tor& That the real distinction
between man and man lay in his integrity,
which in one shape or another generally met
with its reward in this world, and could not
fail of giving the highest pleasure by a con
sciousness of virtue, which every man feels
that is so happy as to possess it.
The most interesting and useful memoirs
with which we are furnished by the pen of
biography are not always those of the most
distinguished public characters. Every star
in the heaysns, though in appearance quite
small, is as the sun in size and in glory, no
less spacious, no less luminous than the radi
ant source of day. The greatest of Roman
satirists has said that " Virtue is the only and
true nobility." The world is disposed to echo
and applaud the sentiment, but yet to act as
though birth and fortune were better and
more estimable attractions of true nobility.—
This is no reason, however, why the hum
ble should bury their talents—
He has not lived in vain,
Who by his life hath taught
What zeal unfired, can gain
To one fixed purpose.
If we are raised abcve the brute creation,
if we are undeniably of a more excellent kind
we must be made for a different purpose.—
We cannot have the faculties with which they
- are not furnished, but in order to lead a life
different from them, and when our Life is not
such, when it is but a round of eating, drink
ing and sleeping as theirs, when by our idle
ness we .are almost on a level with them, both
as to all sense of duty and all knowledge
that we possess, our time must - have been
grivously misemployed. There is no surer
token of its having been so than that we have
done little to adyance ourselves above the
herd, when, the Creator has endowed us with
a capacity so far superior—
"lt is the tho abject property of moat
That, living parcel of the common mass,
And destitute of means to raise themselves,
They sink and settle lower than they need
They know not what it is to feel within
A comprehensive faculty. that grasps
Great purposes with ease, that turns and wields
Almost without an effort plans to vast
For their conception, which they cannot more.
"We all complain," says the philosopher
Seneca, "of the shortness of time and yet
have much more than we know what do with.
Wit of our life is spent either in doing noth
ing at all, in doing nothing to the purpose,
or in doingnothing that we oughtto do. We
are always complaining that our days are
few,and acting as though there could be no
end to them." Every one should endeavor to
make himself as useful as possible, though
you may be humble, fear not, for a little that
a righteous man bath is better than the
riches of many wicked, for the arms of the
wicked shall be broken, but the Lord up
holdeth the righteous. He that made the
sun above us, also made the grass on which
we walk, and He who watches the sparrows
fall, will watch over His people—the hum
blest need not repine :
Through waves, and clouds, and storms
lle gently clears the way,
Wait there his time, so shall the night
Soon end in joyous day. -
Be contented with what you have—a use
ful life is before you, " fight a good fight, fin
ish your course, keep the faith." Then com
plain no longer of your hardships and trial,
but labor with your might that you may gar
ner your harvest for the year of Jubilee.
Romance of a Poor Young Man.
It is strange what wonders may be accom
plished, by industry and perseverance, in a
few short years. A few years ago Tomkins
was at home with "the old man," agricultu
rally engaged in the Spring, Summer and
Fall, and walking a mile to school in the
Winter. At that time he wore thick cow
hide boots, his hair was long, ragged and
yellow, and his clothes were vulgar home
spun. He had heard of the city, and now
and then had a golden dream about it, but
had never visited it, and had never seen any
of its luxuries and refinements, save on one
Sunday, when a party of high-toned young
drunkards from the town raced past his fath
er's door.
Having frequently read that the city "gets
all its smart men from the country," Tom
kins obtained the old man's consent to go
thither. He went, and during the first year
of his residence in town he pursued various
avocations of menial character. But he kept
steadily onward, and atlength received a third
rate clerkship in a retail store.
An agreeable change now took place in
Tomkins' personal appearance. He wore
checkered pantaloons, and there was some
thing almost supernaturally elegant about his.
necktie. By herculean efforts and considera
ble nil he made his hair " roll under" behind
and "frizzle up" before. Standing before the
glass. he would wonder if the old man and
the neighbors would know him now. He
made new acquaintances fast. He forgot his
old friends, Bill Jones, the Hobbs boys, the
Browns, and the other boys of the neighbor
hood. He forgot all the sweet things he had
said and all the promises he had made to
Sarah Jane, out there in the Peasley woods,
which joined the old man's farm. But—
which was ever so much better, he got acquain
ted with the gay and brilliant blades who
were identified, as he was, with the retail
trade. He also got acquainted with the Miss
Batkinses, the Miss Flipkinses, the Miss Mur
kinses, 445 c.
He was gay, was Tomkins. He mastered
billiards, be drove livery horses at a furious
rate in the suburbs, and he got genteelly
drunk every Saturday night. He knew the
names of all the fancy drinks, of all the swift
horses and the swifter women; and he chuck
led to think how very much more he knew
than those low fellows out there in the old
man's neighborhood.
He read the titles of many books, but nev
er looked beyond them. These titles he
would gaze at very profoundly in Old Bat
kills' parlor, while waiting for the young la
dies, who were going out with him, to dress.
But—to his credit be it said—he read the
Eastern " literary" papers, and much good
they must have done him.
He was subjected to a great trial otte day
last summer.
A solitary horseman stopped in front of
Biggs, Jiggs & Co.'s, and wanted to know "if
his Jeems worked there ?"
That solitary horseman was old Tomkins.
The person he inquired for was the gay and
dashing young fellow we have been writing
about. Now, Old Tomkins was quite a man
at home. The neighbors, in fact, rather
looked up to old Tomkins. But the idea of
his presuming to come up to the city on that
infernal old mare, in that everlasting old
swallow-tailed coat, and that old hat, and
above all those scandalous home-made panta
loons, was actually frightful. So James
thought. But he had to grin and bear it ;
had to take the old fellow home to his board
ing-house, where he made such awkward mis
takes that Alfred Jinkins and Miss Larkins
came very near choking themselves laughing
at him. James was right glad when the "old
cuss" went home.
Tomkins grows more and more elegant ev
ery day. The
. neighbors certainly would not
know him now. His appearance is perfectly
Only think of it Let the poor and un
couth young men in the country especially
think of it! When James Tomkins first
came to the city he was awkward and penni
less. Now look at him ! Gaze on the illus
trious young man. He dresses beautifully,
can bow charmingly, can talk exquisitely for
hours about nothing, and owes about every
tailor, shomaker, billiard-marker, and livery
stable-keeper in town I
It can thus be seen what a poor young man
from the country can do in the city if he
chooses, and how many of them do it!
But the Romance of a Poor Young Man
does not always end here. We wish it did.
A crash—a pillaged money-drawer—flight
of Tomkins-,—his capture by the police—trial
old father and mother—and the chorus of "I
told you so," by the neighbors.—Cleveland
Plain. Dealer...
Can it be said with truth that we are
children of forefathers, when Moses plainly
tells us that Joshua was the son of Nun?
Four things come not back : the bro
ken word, the sped arrow, the past life, and
the neglected opportunity.
" Sonny dear, you have a very dirty
face." " Can't help it man, dad's a black
' HUNTINGDON, PA., JUNE 20, 1860.
Great Men Always Know Each Other.
When Mr. Clay visited Hopkinsville, Ken
tucky, the first year of the administration of
John Quincy Adams, to defend himself
against the charge of bargain, intrigue, and
corruption, he was called upon by his friends at
a large and spacious saloon. Dr. H., then of
that place, and a great friend of Mr. Clay,
was by his side, presenting him to his nu
merous friends as they came forward. Pres
ently the Doctor saw the tall form of the ec
centric Governor Pittsur enter the door of
the saloon. Instantly, he embraced the op
portunity to point him out to Mr. Clay, and
then whispered to him :
" That tall man at the door is Governor
Pittsur, of Pond River, a most worthy friend
of yours, whom you must know without an
introduction ; and you must be certain, before
be leaves, to wish that he may never have
another invasion of squirrels."
Thus posted, Mr. Clay stood his ground in
the centre of the saloon, whilst the Governor,
unconscious of the innocent trick, approach
ed him by degrees, and saying as he came—
" Don't introduce me to Mr. Clay; he will
know me and I shall know him, for great
men always know each other on sight."
The Governor, looking everywhere, but in
the right place, asked, as he passed on :
" Where is the god-like man ?" and saying,
" I shall know him on sight, for great men
like us never fail to know each other. I beg
of you, gentlemen, not to introduce us, we shall
know each other. You say he is in this
room; good—l shall find him !"
And away he stalked toward the place
where Mr. Clay stood.
" How are you, Governor Pittsur, of Pond
River ? lam rejoiced to see you."
" Hear that 1" said the Governor ; " didn't
I tell you he would know me ? Yes, yes,
gentlemen he is the greatest man that
lives 1"
After cordially shaking hands, and telling
a few of his happy jokeS, Mr. Clay said
" My dear Governor, I wish that you may
live a thousand years, that health may abound
throughout your wide domain, and that you
may never have another invasion of the squir
"Bless me 1" said the Governor, "did you
hear that ? How did he know that my peo
ple lost their entire crop of corn last year by
squirrels? Bless my soul, he knows every
thing I Wonderful 1 wonderful I I always
told you he was the greatest man in the
world ; didn't I, boys?"
And the Governor left in a state of perfect
admiration of the great statesman.—Harper's
the days of Solomon, those who are incapable
of governing children, by reason of example
and good teaching, have quoted with admira
tion the remark of that sage, to " spare the
rod spoils the child." Parents who cannot
properly govern themselves find this a con
venient pretext, when angered, for using the
only force which they possess, in the absence
of intellectual and moral power. Teachers,
too, have found it less taxing to their brain
to stimulate the mental faculties with a rod
than to rouse the dormant nature of the child
by proper appeals to its ambition. Even,
courts of law, following precedent rather than
common sense, have, universally, almost, up
held the practice of corporeal punishment,
forgetting that the best way to preserve self
respect, the foundation of all character, is not
to mirage it by degrading punishment. Sol
mon's precept has always been a favorite
maxim with the bench, and it has decided
that teachers are in the position of parents,
and have a right to punish a pupil corporeal
ly. As long established as this principle has
been, there are many who dispute its justice
and its propriety, and at last we have a Judge
in New Orleans who openly and totally op
pugns it. In a suit brought against a teacher
for damages for inflicting corporeal punish.
ment on a child, the Judge held that the
teacher is not in the position of a parent in
respect to a pupil, and cannot inflict corpo
real punishment without rendering himself
liable. He has his remedy, if a pupil is dis
obedient and cannot be brought to submission
by other means, and may expel him from the
school. Even the parent himself is restricted
in the. power to be exercised over a child,
and cannot cruelly use it. The jury took the
Jtidge's dictum as good law, and gave a ver
dict of damages, though it was proven that
the punishment was not excessive in its char
acter. If this comes to be law, teachers and
parents will have to learn first how to control
their tempers, and, therefore, be better able
to exercise proper control over those whose
moral and intellectual government is under
their charge.—Harrisburg Telegraph.
OLD SAWS NEW SET.-"A burden which
one chooses is not felt." We once chose a
burdensome hat which in spite of our voli
tion, tr - as "felt."
"A weak watch invites a vigilant foe."—
Yes—and the "foe" in question is the watch
repairer, who is always on the look-out for
weak watches.
"A fop is the tailor's friend and his own
foe." Not always. Sometimes he is his own
friend and the tailor's foe.
'PA penny saved is twice earned." Then
it isn't worth saving.
"Ask thy purse what thou shouldst buy."
We asked ours, the other day, what we should
buy. But Echo, most perversely, didn't an
.ewer "buy."
"Custom invariably lessens admiration."—
Not Invariably. Ask the shop-keepers.
"Business is the salt of life. Very likely.
But who wants salt for a perpetual diet ?
"Better be alone than in bad company.",--
True, but, unfortunately, many persons are
never in so bad company as when they are
"Debt is the worst kind of poverty." Not
exactly. There are people so poor that they
can't get into debt. Debt to them would be
property instead of poverty.
Franklin, on hearing the remark that
what was lost on earth went to the moon, ob
served that there must be a deal of good ad
vice accumulated there.
Letter of Acceptance of Hon. John Bell.
DEAR. SIR:—It has become my agreeable
duty, as the presiding officer of the National
Union Convention, which terminated its ses
sion in this city last evening, to inform you
that you have received the nomination of that
body as its candidate for the office of Presi
dent of the United States. After a frank in
terchange of sentiment, in which the merits
of all the distinguished candidates presented
for our consideration were canvassed in the
most friendly spirit, the Convention resolved
with entire unanimity and great enthusiasm
to place your name before the American peo
ple as the chosen representative of its princi
ples of constitutional liberty and union.—
With a just appreciation of your moderation
and justice, your uniform support of wise and
beneficent measures of legislation, your firm
ness, and heroic resistance of the repeal of
the Missouri compromise, and all kindred
measures calculated to engender sectional
discord, and your life-long devotion to the
union, harmony and prosperity of these States,
it was declared with one accord, that you are
the man for the crisis ; and that, with your hon
ored name inscribed on our banner, an earnest
appeal shall be made to the people to rally for
the preservation of our national institutions.
We feel, one and all, that your election to the
Presidency would ensure the integrity of our
government, restore the peace of the Union,
and afford an unfailing guarantee for the
supremacy of the Constitution and the laws.
I have the honor to be, with high respect,
your obedient servent,
To the HoN. JOHN BELL.
Dear Sir :—Official information of my nom
ination to the Presidency by the National
Union Convention, of which you were the
presiding officer, was communicated to me by
your letter of the 11th instant, at Philadel
phia, on the eve of my departure with my
family for my place of residence in Tennes
see. and, diffident as I was of my worthiness,
I did not hesitate to signify my intention to
accept the position assigned to me by that
distinguished and patriotic body. But for
convenience, and under a sense of the propri
ety of acting in so grave a matter with great
er deliberation, I concluded, as I informed you
at the time, by a private note, to defer a for
mal acceptance until after my arrival at home.
Now that I bare had all the leisure that I
could desire for reflection upon the circum
stances which the nomination was made, the
purity of the motives and the lofty spirit of
patriotism by which the Convention was an
imated, as evinced in all its proceedings, I
can appreciate more justly the honor done
me by the nomination ; and, though it might
have been more fortunate for the country had
it fallen upon some one of the many dis
tinguished statesman whose names were
brought to the notice of the Convention, rath
er than myself, I accept it, with all its possi
ble responsibilities. Whatever may be the
issue of the ensuing canvass, as fbr myself,
I shall ever regard it as a proud distinction—
one worth a life-long effort to attain—to be
pronounced worthy to receive the highest of
fice in the Government at such a time as.the
present, and by such a Convention as that
which recently met in Baltimore—a Conven
tion far less imposing by the number of its
members, large as it was, than by their high
character. In it were men venerable alike
for their age and their public services, who
could not have been called from their volun
tary retirement from public life but by the
strongest sense of patriotic duty; others,
thoug still in the prime of life, ranking with
the first men of the country by honors and
distinctions already acquired in high official
positions, both State and national ; many of
them statesman worthy to fill the highest of
fice in the Government ; a still greater num
ber occupying the highest rank in their re
spective professional pursuits ; others dis
tinguished by their intelligence and well
earned influence in various walks of private
life, and all animated and united by one
spirit and one purpose—the result of a strong
conviction that our political system, under
the operation of a complication of disorders,
is rapidly approaching a crisis when a speedy
change must take place, indicating, as in
diseases of the physical body, recovery or
The Convention, in discarding the use of
platforms, exacts no pledges from those whom
they deem worthy of the highest trusts under
the Government; wisely considering that the
surest guarantee of a man's future useful
ness and fidelity to the great interests of the
country in any official station to which he
may be chosen, is to be found in his past his
tory connected with the public service. The
pledge implied in my acceptance of the nom
ination of the National Union Convention is,
that should I be elected I will not depart
from the spirit and tenor of my past course,
and the obligation to keep this pledge de
rives a double force from the consideration
that none is required from him.
You, sir, in your letter containing the offi
cial announcement of my nomination, have
been pleased to ascribe to me the merit of
and justice in my past public career. You
have likewise given me credit for a uniform
support of all wise and beneficent measures
of legislation, for a firm resistance to all
measures calculated to engender sectional
discord, and for a life-long devotion to the
union, harmony and prosperity of these States.
Whether your personal partiality has led you
to overstate my merits as a public man or
not in your enumeration of them, you have
presented a summary—a basis of all sound
American statesmanship : It may be objec
ted that nothing is said in this summary, in
express terms, of the obligations imposed by
the Constitution, but the duty to respect and
observe them is clearly implied, for without
Editor and Proprietor.
Vlio ft.
BALTIMORE, May 11, 1860
NASHVILLE, May 21, 1860
due observance in the conduct of the Govern
ment, of the Constitution, its restrictions and
requirements, fairly interpreted in accor
dance with its spirit and objects,. there can be
no end to sectional discord—no secaritzr for
the harmony of the Union.
I have not the vanity to assatae that in ray
past connection with the public service I
have exemplified the course of a sound Amer
ican statesman ;; but if I have deserved the
favorable view- taken of it in your letter, I
may hope, by a faithful adherence to the
maxims by which I have heretofore been
guided, not altogether to disappoint the con
fidence and expectations of those who have
placed me in my present relation to the pub
lic • and if, under Providence, I should be
called to preside over , the affairs of this great
country as the executive chief of the Govern
ment, the only further pledge I feel called
upon to make is, that to the utmost of my
and with whatever strength of will
can command, all the powers and influence
belonging to my official station shall be em
ployed and directed for the promotion of all
the great objects for which the Government
was instituted, but more especially for the
maintenance of the Constitution and the
Union against all opposing influence and ten
I cannot conclude this letter without ex
pressing my high gratification at the nomina
tion to the second office under the Govern
ment '"of that eminently gifted and distin
guished statesman of Massachusetts, Edward
Everett, a gentleman held by general consent
to be altogether worthy of the first.
Tendering my grateful acknowledgements
for the kind and complimentary remarks with
which you were pleased to accompany the
communication of my nomination. I am, dear
sir, with the highest respect, your obedient
NO. 52.
servant, JOHN BELL.
Letters of Acceptance of Messrs. Lin
coln and El'amlin.
The following is the correspondence between
the officers of the Republican National Con
vention and the candidates thereof for Presit
dent and, Vice-President :
CHICAGO, May 18, 1860.
To the Hon. .aram Lincoln of
SIR :—The representatives of the Republi
can party of the United States, assembled in
convention at Chicago, have, this day, by an
unanimous vote, selected you as the Republi
can candidate for the office of President of
the United States, to be supported at the next
election, and the undersigned were appointed
a committee of the convention to apprise you
of this nomination, and respectfully to request
that you will accept it. A declaration of the
principles and sentiments adopted by the
convention accompanies this communication,
In the performance of this agreeable duty
we take leave to add our confident assurence.s
that the nomination of the Chicago conven
tion will be ratified by the suffrages of the
We have the honor to be, with great re
spent and regard, your friends and fellow-cit,
GEO. AsminN, of Massachusetts.
President of the Convention,
SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 23, 1860.
Hon. Geo. Ashinun, President of the Repubil
can _National Convention .!
SIR :—I accept the nomination tendered me
by the convention over which you preside,
awl of which I am formally apprised in the
letter of yourself and others, acting as a com
mittee of the convention, for that purpose.
The declaration of principles and send
ments, which accompanies your letter,.meets
my approval ; and it shall he my care not to
violate, or disregard it, in any part.
Imploring the assistance of Divine Provit
denee, and with due regard to the views and
feelings of all who were represented in the
convention, to the rights of all the States and
territories, and people of the nation, to the
inviolability of the constitution, and the per
petual union, harmony and prosperity of all,
I mu most luippy to co-operate for the practi
cal success of the principles declared by the
Your obliged friend and fellow-citizen,
A similar letter was sent to the nominee
for the Vice-Pesidency, to which the follow
ing is the reply:—
Gravri.ratEN :—Your official COMMUEica,tion
of the 18th inst., informing me that the rep
resentatives of the Republican party of the
United States, assembled at Chicago, on that
day, had, by a unanimous vote, selected me
as their candidate for the office of 'Vice Pres
dent of the United States, has been received,
together with the resolutions adopted by the
convention as its declaration of principles.
Those resolutions enunciate clearly and
forcibly the principles which unite us, and
the objects proposed to be accomplished.
They address themselves to all, and there is
neither necessity nor propriety in my enter
ing upon a discussion of any of them. They
have the approval of my judgment, and in
any action of mine will be faithfully and cordi,
ally sustained.
I am profoundly grateful to those with
whom it is my pride and pleasure politically
to co-operate, for the nomination so unexpec
tedly conferred; and I desire to tender through
you, to the members of tfi'e convention, my
sincere thanks for the confidence thus reposed
in me. Should the nomination, which I now
accept, be ratified by the people, and the du,
ties devolve upon me of presiding over the
Senate of the United States, it will be my
earnest endeavor faithfully to discharge them
with a just regard for the rights of all.
It is to be observed, in connection with the
doings of the Republican Convention, that
a paramount object with us is to preserve the
normal condition of our territorial domain as
homes for free men. The able advocate and
defender of Republican principles, whom you
have nominated for the highest place that can
gratify the ambition of man, comes from a
State which has been made what it is by spec
cial action in that respect of the wise and
good men who founded our institutions. The
rights of free labor have there been vindica
ted and maintained. The thrift and enter,
prise which so distinguish Illinois, one of the
most flourishing States of the glorious West,
we would see seemed to all the territories of
the Union, and restore peace and harmony to
the whole country, by bringing back the Gov,
ernment to what it was under the wise and
patriotic men who created it. If the Repubt,
licans shall succeed in that object, as they
hope to, they will be held in grateful remem
brance by the busy and teeming millierp Of
future ages. I am, very truly yours,
11. lima tax.
Hon. GEORGE ASEL AWN, President of the Con
vention, and others of the committee.
-The "Minute Men of '56," an organi.
zation of rather an extensive character, met
in Ppiladelphia, last week, and resolved unan,
imously to support Messrs. Bell and Everett
for President and Vice President, The or,
ganization is pledged to the support of thg
Union and the Constitution,
WAsEcmGTox, May 30.