The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 02, 1860, Image 1

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>.tittt Votttg.
Ah I well do I remember me,
In childhood's happy days,
Of a meek-eyed, gentle mother,
Who taught my lips to praise;
Who told me tales of years gone by,
And sung me oft to rest,
In plaintive strains of melody,
When pillow'd on her breast
Ali well Ido remember me,
When riper years had come,
Of that mother's tender counsels
In my own early home;
And when I left, thro' love of change,
The scenes of joyous youth,
It was her voice that whispered low
The words of love and truth.
Ah I well I do remember me,
When thro' the lnpse of years,
I homeward turn'd my weary steps
Thro' guilt, and wo, and tears,
'Twas the same sweet tone and nieltir,g eye,
Tome a welcome gave. >"
Those speaking eyes, those welcome tones
Are now but of the grave.
The Mountain Massacre—Horrible Con-
The Salt Lake Valley Tan, of February
27th, contains a statement from Wm. 11. Ro
gers, in regard to the massacre at Mountain
Meadow, in September, 1857, when one hun
dred and twenty men, women, and chil
dren, emigrants from Arkansas, were mur
dered by the Mormons. In company with
Dr. Forney, Superintendent of Indian Af
fairs for Utah Territory, Dr. Rogers, about a
year since, traversed the district of country
where the massacre occurred. The scene of
the tragedy is thus described : _ _
"When we arrived here in April, 1859,
more than a year and a half after the mas
sacre occurred, the ground, for a distance of
more than a hundred-yards around a central
point, was covered with the skeletons and,
bones of human beings, interspersed with the
rolls or bunches of tangled or matted hair,
which, from its length, evidently belonged to
females. In places the bones of small chil
dren were lying side by side with those (if
grown persons, as if parent and child had
met death at the same instant and with the
same stroke. Small-bonnets and dresses, and
scraps of female apparel, were also to be
seen on the ground there, like the bones of
those who wore them, bleached from long ex
posure ; but their shape was in many instan
ces, entire. In a gulch or hole in the ravine
by the side of the road, a large number of leg
and arm bones, and also of skulls, could be
seen sticking above the surface, as if they
had been buried there, but the action of the
water and the digging of the wolves had
again exposed them to sight. The entire
scene was one too - horrible and sickening for
language adequately to descrihe."
On the authority of information communi
cated in his presence to Judge Cradlehaugh,
by a participant in the massacre, Mr. Rogers
describes the attack on the emigrants, the
protracted siege which they endured, and fi
nally the-treacherous artifice by which they
were induced to surrender—when all were
brutally murdered. He says :
As some as it became known that Judge C.
intended holding a court, and investigating
the circumstances of the massacre, and that
he would have troops to insure protection,
and enforce his writs if necessary, several
persons visited him at his rooms at late
hours of the night, and informed him of dif
ferent facts connected with the massacre.—
All these that called thus, stated that it
would be at the risk of their lives if it be
came known that they had communicated
anything to him ; and they requested Judge
Cradlebaugh, if he met them in public in the
daytime, not to recognize them as persons
that he had before seen.
One of the men who called thus on Judge
Cradlebaugh, confessed that he participated
in the massacre, and gave the following ac
count of it :
Previous to the massacre there was a coun
cil held at Cedar City, which President
Haight r ' Bishops Rigby and heed atten
ded. At finis council they designated or ap
pointed a large number of men residing in
Cedar City and in'other settlements around,
to perform the work of dispatching these em
igrants. The men appointed for this purpose
were instructed to resort, well-armed, at a
a given time, to a spring or small stream, ly
ing a short distance to the left of the road
leading into the Meadows, and not very far
from Hamblin's ranch, but concealed from it
by intervening hills. This was the place of
rendezvous ; and here the men, when they
arrived, painted - and otherwise disguised
themselves so as to resemble Indians. From
thence they proceeded, early on Monday
morning, by a path or trail which leads from
this spring directly into the Meadows, and
enters the road some distance beyond Ham
blin's ranch. By taking this route they
could not be seen by Any one at the ranch.
On arrival at the corral of the emigrants,
a number of men were standing on the out
side -by the campfires, which, from appear
ances they had just been building. These
were first fired upon, and at the first dis
charge several of them fell dead or wounded ;
the remainder immediately ran to the inside
of the corral, and began fortifying them
selves, and preparing for defense as well as
they could, by shoving their wagons closer
together and digging holes into which to low
er them, so as to keep the shots from going
under and striking them. The attack con
tinued in a desultory and irregular manner
for four or five days. The corral was closely
watched, and if any of the emigrants showed
themselves they were instantly fixed at from
without, if they attempted to go to the spring,
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which was only a few yards distant; - they
were sure to fall by the rifles of their assail
ants. In consequence of the almost certain
death that resulted from any attempt to pro
cure water, the emigrants, before the siege
discontinued, suffered intensely from thirst.
The assailants, believing at length that the
emigrants could not be subdued by the means
adopted, resorted to teachery and stratagem
to accomplish what they had been unable to
do by force. They returned to the spring
where they had painted and disguised them
selves previous to commencing the attack,
and there removed those disguises and again
assumed their ordinary dress.
After this, Bishop Lee, with a party of
men, returned to the camp of the emigrants,
bearing a white flag as a signal of truce.—
From the position of the corral, the emigrants
were able to see them some time before they
reached it. As soon as they discerned it,
they dressed a little girl in white, and placed
her at the entrance of the corral, to indicate
their friendly feelings to the persons bearing
the flag. Lee and his party, on arriving,
were invited into the corral, where they
stayed about an hour, talking with them
about the attack that had been made upon
them. Lee told the emigrants that the Indi
ans had gone off over the hills, and that if
they would lay down their arms and give up
their property, he and his party would con
duct them back to Cedar City; but if they
went out with their arms, the Indiaiis would
look upon it as an unfriendly act, and would
again attack them. The emigrants, trusting
to Lee's honor and to. the sincerity of his
statement, consented to the terms which he
proposed, and left their property and all their
arms at the corral, and, under the escort of
Lee and his party, started towards the North
in the direction of Cedar City. After they
had proceeded about a mile on their way, on
a signal given by Bishop lligby, who was
one of the party that went to the corral with
Lee, the slaughter began.
The men were mostly killed or shot down
at the first fire, and the women and children
who immediately fled in different directions
were pursued and dispatched.
Such was the substance, if not the exact
words of a statement made by a man to Judge
Cradlebaugh, in my presence, who at the
same time confessed that he participated in
the horrible events which he related. He
also gave Judge C. the names of twenty-five
or thirty other men living in the region, who
assisted in the massacre. He offered also to.
make the same statement in court and under
oath, if protection was guaranteed to him.—
He gave as a reason for divulging these facts,
that they had tormented his mind and con
science since they occurred, and he expressed
a willingness to stand a trial for his crime.
Democratic National Convention
The Democratic National Convention, now
in session in Charleston, is composed of 303
delegates, as follows :
New Hampshire, 5 Illinois,
Vermont 5 Michigan,
Massachusetts, 13 Wisconsin,
Rhode Island, 4 lowa,
Connecticut, 6 Minnesota,
New York, 35 California,
New Jersey,
North Carolina, 10
South Carolina, S
Georgia, 9
Florida, 3
Alat - ma, 9
Mississippi, 7
Whole caucus,
Two-thirds necessary to a choice, 202
We give below the hallotings for the Pres
idency in every Democratic Convention since
The ballotings for Presidont in the Demo
cratic Convention in 1844 were as follows:
Ist. 2d. 3d. 4th. sth. 6th. 7th. Bth.
Buchanan, 4 9 11 17 26 25 22 2
Van 13uren146 127 121 111 103 101 99 104
Johnston, 24 39 38 32 29 23 21
Cass 83 94 92 105 106 119 128 114
Stewart 1 1
Woodbury 2 2
Calhoun, 6 1 2 1 1 1 1
266 265 266 266 266 266 266 264
The ninth ballot was unanimous for James
K, Polk,
of Tennessee, a new candidate, taken
up at the eleventh hour.
The Convention oflB4B proceeded to ballot
for President with the following result :
Ist. 2d. - 3d. 4th.
Woodbury, 58 54 58 35
Cass, 125 133 156 169
Buchanan, 55 55 41 33
Calhoun, 9 0 0 0
It will be seen that Mr: Cass had a major
ity on the fourth ballot, and he was accor
dingly nominated by acclamation.
There were forty-nine ballotings in the Con
vention of 1852, all of which it is unnecessa
ry to give. A. few will be sufficient to indi
cate the leanings of the Convention. towards
particular candidates :
Ist. 11th. 31st. 48th. 49th.
Cass, 116 101 64 73 2
Buchanan, 93 87 . 79 28 2
Douglas, 20 50 92 33 0
Marcy, 27 27 26 90 1
Butler, 2 1 16 1 0
Houston, 3 8 10 6 0
Pierce, 0 0 0 55 283
Mr. Pearce was then declared unanimously
In the Cincinnati Convention of 1856, four
8 Indiana,
Total (18 States) 183
T ofcs
Total,(ls States,) 120
Add 18 free States,lB3
3 6 0 0
6 5 5 1.
years ago, there were but three candidates
prominently voted for, from first to last.—
These were Buchanan, Pierce and Douglas.
The whole number of electoral votes at that
time was 296, a majority of which was 149,
and two-thirds was 198.
On the first vote the South made a strong
rally for Pierce, with whom, as President,
that section had been fully satisfied, though
he was a New Hampshire man. He received
one hundred and twenty-two votes. The
North chiefly concentrated upon Buchanan,
who had one hundred and thirty-five votes
and a half. Douglas got but thirty-three.
There were but slight changes during the
four ballots succeeding the first—three votes
falling off from Pierce, and two or three form
Douglas, all going over to Buchanan. On
the sixth ballot twenty votes, originally cast
for the two former, went to Buchanan, giv
ing him 155, six more than a majority. ills
vote slightly declined on the subsequent bal
lots, until the fifteenth, Pierce also gradually
falling off, and Douglas increasing to 63, on
the fourteenth ballot. The fifteenth showed
a decisive change. Pierce went down to 3:1
votes, and subsequently disappeared alto
gether. Douglas went ; up to 118, and
chanan to 168. On the sixteenth ballot Doug
las received 122 votes, and Buchanan 168.
The former was then •withdrawn, and Bu
chanan, who had repeatedly received a ma
jority of votes during the - previous ten bal
lotings, but had not come nearer than within
thirty votes of two-thirds, was unanimously
We subjoin a tabular statement of the sev
eral ballotings :
Buchanan. Pierce. Douglas.
Ist ballot, 1354. 1221 33
2d " 139
3d " 1391
4th " 14L 119 30
sth " 140 119} 31
6th c, 155 107} . 28
7th " 1431 89 58
Bth ,c. 147} 87 56
9th - " 146 87 56
10th " 1471 80 62
11th " 147 i 80 63-
12th " 148
13th " 150 771 63
14th , G 1521 75 63
15th " 1681 31 118;
16th " 168
17th "
The two-thirds rule was uniformly adop
ted by these Conventions.
Below we publish the Act passed 'by the
last Legislature, and which has been approv
ed by the Governor, requiring Overseers of
the Poor and Supervisors to give bail for the
faithful performance of their duties. If the
required security is not given within thirty
days after election the office is to be declared
vacant, and the Court is to appoint a person
to fill the vacancy :
An Act requiring Supervlsors of Roads and
Overseers of the Poor in this Oommonwealth
to give security.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted &c, That from and
after the passage of this act, it shall be the
duty of the township auditors and borough
councils to require the overseers of the poor
and the supervisors of roads in each township
and borough in this Commonwealth, except
within the county of Schuylkill, before enter
ing upon their duties, to give bond with se
curity, to he approved by the auditors or bor
ough councils in a sum not less than double
the probable amount of the tax which may
come into the hands of the said officers; which
bonds shall be taken in the name of the town
ship or borough, conditioned for the faithful
performance of their respective duties as su
pervisors and overwers of the poor, account
ing for and paying over to the township treas
urer, or to their successors in office, any bal
anee that may remain in their hands at the
settlement of their accounts by the aforesaid
auditors or borough councils; and in case the
said officers shall neglect or refuse to pay over
said balance remaining in their hands, with
in thirty days after the settlement it shall be
the duty of the said auditors and borough
councils holding the bonds to proceed, by due
course of law, to collect the same for the use
of said township or borough : _Provided, That
each officer may give security individually in
double the amount of each sum, as may in
the judgment of the.auditors or borough coun
cils come into the hands for the ensuing year,
and in such case ho shall not be accountable
for the acts of his associate in office.
Sue. 2. That any officer or officers failing
to give the security required by the first sec
tion of this act, within one month after his
election, then his or their offices shall be de
clared vacant, and the court of quarter ses
sions shall appoint one or more as the case
may be, subject to all the restrictions of the
first section of this act, and who shall hold
his or their office till the next election and
until such appointment is made ; the officer
or officers giving bail shall act for one or
more; and if all fail to give the required se
curity, then the preceding officers shall per
form the duties as heretofore, until such ap
pointment is made by the court, in accor
dance with the provisions of this act.
SEC. 3. That any officer failing to give the
security required by this act, shall not be li
able for the penalty imposed by existing laws
upon township and borough officers refusing
to serve : Provided, That the auditors and
borough councils shall bo satisfied that such
security could not be obtained.
SEC. That all laws which are inconsis
tent with or supplied by the provisions of this
act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approved March 16th 1860.
An Adventure with Esquimaux Dogs.
The following extract from Dr. Hayes'
" Arctic Boat Journey." will be read with
interest at the present time, when the writer's
proposed Polar Expedition is ono of the topics
of the day.
" The dogs were fastened by their Long
traces, each team being tied to a separate
stake. They were howling piteously. Hav
ing been exposed to all the fury of the storm,
with no ability to run about, they had grown
HUNTINGDON, PA., MAY 2, 1860. -
119 k 311
1191 32
00 withdrawn.
Supervisors, &C
cold ; and, as their masters told us, having
had nothing to eat during thirty-six hours,
they must have been savagely hungry. One
of them had already eaten his trace ; but we
came out, fortunately, at the proper moment
to prevent an attack upon the sledges.
" Leaving the hunters to look after their
teams, I returned to the hut. The blinding
snow which battered my face Made me insen
sible to everything except the idea of getting
out of it; and thinking of no danger, I" as
in the act of stooping to enter the doorway,
when a sudden noise behind me caused me to
look around, and there, close at my heels,
was the whole pack of thirteen hungry dogs,
snarling, snapping, and showing their sharp
teeth like a drove of ravenous wolves. It was
fortunate that I had not got down upon my
knees, or they would have been upon my back.
In fact, so impetuous was their attack, that
one of them had already sprung when I faced
round. I caught him on my arm and kicked
him down the hill. The others were for the
moment intimidated by the suddenness of my
movement, and at seeing the summary man
ner in which their leader had been dealt with;
and they were in the act of sneaking away,
when they perceived that I was powerless to
do them any harm, having nothing in my
hand. Again they assumed the offensive ;
they were all around me ; an instant more
and I should be torn to pieces. I had faced
death in several shapes before, but never had
I felt as then, my blood fairly curdled in my
veins. Death down the red throats of a pack
of wolfish dogs had something about it pecu
liarly unpleasant. Conscious of my weak
ness, they were preparing for a spring; I had
not time even to halloo for help—to run would
be the readiest means of bringing the wretch
es upon me. My eye swept round the group
and caught something lying half buried in
the snow about ten feet distant. Quick as a
flash I sprang, as I never sprang before or
since, over the back of a huge fellow who
stood before ; and the next instant I was
whirling about me the lash of a long whip,
cutting to right and left. The dogs retreated
before my blows and the fury of my - onset,
and sullenly skulked behind the rocks. The
whip had clearly saved my life ; there was
nothing else within my reach ; and it had
been dropped there quite accidentally by Kal
utunah as he went down to the sledges.
"My principal object in mentioning this
little incident is to show the savage propen
sity of these dogs, which are to the Esqui
maux more than the horse to us or the camel
to the Arab. Savage they are, however, only
when hungry. The night without food had
developed all their latent wolfish qualities.—
Reclaimed wolves they doubtless are; and
as shown by the boldness of their attack
when my back was turned and when I had
nothing in my hand, and their timidity when
I had possession of a slender whip, they have
all of a wolf's cowardice. Their masters
keep them in subjection only by intimidation;
they will do nothing for a man they do not
fear; and even the hunter who has been ac
customed to them for years, and has fed them
and driven them, has to watch them closely
when they are hungry. His whip is then his
constant companion. They are capable of
no attachment to their master, he he ever so
kind, except in rare cases ; and they will fol
low the man who last fed them. A little
child or a disabled person is never safe
amongst them in times of scarcity."
DANGEROUS LEAP.—Escape of a Pri.roncr.
—Some time since a man named J. T. Smith,
while in Philadelphia, kidnapped a free ne
gro boy, and, conveying him to the State of
Kentucky, there sold him. Information of
the transaction was conveyed to the authori
ties of that State, and Smith was taken into
custody, to await a requisition from the Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania. Officer B. Levy, of
Philadelphia, was sent to Kentucky to bring
back the prisoner. This officer, on his return,
took passage with Smith over the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad. On Sunday morning, as
the express train, conductor Phelps, was a
few miles east of New Creek station, proceed
ing_at the rate• of thirty miles an hour, the
prisoner stated to Levy that he was very un
well, from eating fresh meat at Grafton, and
desired to go to the water-closet. The officer
took the handcuffs from Smith, and granted
his request. He not appearing again as soon
as expected, the officer went to the closet door,
and discovered that the prisoner had made
his escape by jumping from the window of
the car. The train was stopped as soon as it
reached the nearest station, and Levy, with
some men, went back to the locality where
the man was supposed to have made the dan
gerous leap, expecting to find him dead or
crippled. He was, however, not to be seen,
but was tracked several miles up the moun
tain. Levy was compelled to return without
his man.—Baltimore Exchange, April 17.
Crosby well seems not to have been over-esti
mated. Its yield is now estimated at seven
ty-five barrels of pure oil every twenty-four
lours! This makes, allowing 33 gallons to
the barrel, 2,475 gallons, which at the mod
erate price of 50 cents, would amount to a
daily revenue of $1,237 50. At the same
rate, the yearly income of this well would
figure up at the enormous sum of $371,250,
Co]. Drum, at the mouth . of Oil Creek, at the
depth of 404 feet struck a heavy vein when
about to abandon his well. It yielded over
two barrels during the first six hours of
pumping, and continues to hold out. Sever
al wells along Oil Creek, more or less known,
are yielding from five to twenty barrels a
day. The number along the stream is near
a hundred, most of them in an unfinished
state. At Walnut Islands some new veins
have been struck, but the particulars are un
The firm of Phillips, Grew & Co. have
struck a fine vein of oil at a depth of 199 feet.
The yield is reported to be 42 barrels every
24 hours, which exceeds the Drake, McClin
tock & Barnsdale wells, and comes next to
the Crosby. The site of the well is 7 miles
above Franklin, on the Allegheny, nearly
opposite the,mouth of Oil Croek.—Pittsburgh
A Es3''- Time waits for no man
i . .
II .....
V • 7 . ; •
Proceedings of the Democratic
CHARLESTON, April 23.—The Convention
opened at noon, there being a full attendance
from every State.
The Convention was called to order by
Judge Smalley, Chairman of the National
Francis B. Flournoy, of Arkansas, was cho
sen temporary Chairman, and in taking his
seat returned thanks for the honor conferred
upon him.
The proceedings were opened with prayer,
by the Rev. Mr. liauckell. of Charleston.
Wm. F. Ritchie was selected as temporary
Mr. Fisher, of Virginia, offered a letter
from the delegation from New York, headed
by Mayor Wood, but the reading of it was
objected to by Mr. Cochrane, of New York,
as not in order, creating considerable excite
Mr. Fisher denied the right of the delegate
from New York to speak on the subject. He
said that when the letter was read he had a
resolution to offer.
?tr. Cochrane demanded the reading of the
resolution first.
The question was put to the Convention
whether the letter should be read, and deci
ded in the affirmative.
Mr. Cochrane moved that the rules of the
last Convention be adopted.
Mr. Fisher claimed to have the floor, and
a scene of immense confusion ensued, in
which loud cries of order predominated.
The President decided that Mr. Cochrane
was entitled to the floor.
Mr. Fisher said that he would not he tram
pled upon. He had his rights and would
maintain them.
Mr. Clarke, of Alabama, protested against
the decision of the Chair. [Confusion in
Mr. Walker, of Alabama, came forward,
and mounting the Clerk's table, demanded
that he should be heard, and appealing from
the decision of the Chair,
The question was put on the appeal and
the decision of the Chair was sustained.—
Immense cheering followed the announcement
of this result.
Mr. Fisher again rose and offered to present
the letter from the Wood delegation, with a
The President decided the reception of the
letter to be out of order.
Mr. Cook, of Ohio, offered a resolution to
appoint a committee on permanent organiza
Mr. Barksdale, of Mississippi, offered an
amendment that the committee shall consist
only of the members from those States from
which there is no contest.
Mr. Richardson, of Illinois, spoke in favor
of harmony, and urged gentlemen to keep
calm and preserve order.
Mr. Cochrane said he did not desire any
thing but a fair hearing.
Mr. Cook, of Ohio, offered a resolution ex
cluding only the New York and Illinois del
egates from participating in the organization,
the entire delegation of each State being con
Mr. Clark, of Missouri, protested that the
resolution was out of order. No State should
be excluded whose delegations have been ad
mitted to the floor. [Cheering and excite
Mr. Cook contended that those who were
admitted to the floor had the right to partici
pate in all the acts of organization, except in
the appointment of the Committee on Cre
A long debate followed, which was parti
cipated in by Mr. Richardson, Judge Meek,
of Alabama, and Mr. Barksdale, of Missis
Mr. Cessna, of Pennsylvania, offered an
amendment that two Committees, one on Or
ganization and One on Credentials, be appoin
ted, the Illinois and New York delegations to
be excluded from the latter.
The previous question was called, and Mr.
Cook's resolution with Mr. Cessna's amend
ment, authorizing the appointment of a Com
mittee on Organization, and a Committee on
Credentials, and excluding the Illinois and
New York delegations from the last named
committee, was adopted—yeas 244, nays 54.
A resolution was introduced requesting the
delegates from New York and Illinois not to
participate in the organization of the Con
vention until their right to seats as delegates
was settled.
A motion to lay the resolution on the table
was carried—ayes 259 ; -nays 44.
The States were then called in order to re
ceive the names of those appointed by the
delegations respectively, to represent them
on the Committees on Organization and on
A resolution was offered requesting that
the credentials of delegates be handed to the
Secretary. Adopted.
Mr. Fisher, of Virginia,. demanded that
Fernando Wood's letter be now read and re
ferred to the Committee on Credentials.
Mr. John Cochrane, of New York, moved
that it be received and referred to the Com
mittee without reading. After much excite
ment, the motion of Mr. Cochrane was agreed
The credentials of the delegates having
been handed to the Committee,
On motion, the Convention adjourned at 3
o'clock, to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow morn-
CUARLESTON, April 24.--The Convention
re-assembled at 10 o'clock.
The Committee on Organization reported
the Hon. Caleb Cushing for President, and
one Vice President and Secretary from each
State. Those from New York, Pennsylvania
and Maryland, are as follows:
New York—Erastus Corning and J. Ed
ward Cook.
Pennsylvania—Thomas Cunningham and.
P. Vanzandt.
Maryland-LW. D. Bowie and B. F. Love.
A dispatch from Washington, was shown
Editor and Proprietor.
National Convention,
around the Hall from a member of the Cabi,
net, declaring the report of dissensions in the
Cabinet, growing out of Mr. Walker's testi
mony, to be entirely destitute of foundation,
and that the Cabinet was never more entirely
The report of the Committee on Organize,
tion presents an additional rule, that in any
State which has not provided or directed by its
State Convention bow its vote may be given,
the Convention will recognize the right of
each delegate to cast his individual vote.
A warm debate arose on this rule, in which
Messrs. Richardson, Cook, Cessna of Pennsyl
vania, Barry of Mississippi, Josiah Randall,
and others took part.
Several of the Southern delegates opposed it.
Mr. Randall also opposed it, declaring that
certain refractory members in the Pennayl-,
vania delegation proposes to violate and mis
represent their constituents in voting for Mr.
Douglas, whose nomination in his opinion,
would lead to certain defeat. He went into
a review of the preceding action of Democrat,
is Conventions on this subject.
Mr. Richardson rose to reply, and asked
Mr. Randall who made him an expounder
of Democratic principles and precedent.—
How long has the gentleman been in the Dem
ocratic ranks ?
NO. 45.
[Cries of order, and much excitement.
Several delegates rose to a point of order.
The Chairman decided that Mr. Richard
son was entitled to the floor, and then changed
his decision, denying his right.
Mr. Richardson (standing on a chair in
the centre of the hall, with his sleeves rolled
up, and seeming determined to be heard) wag
finally allowed to go on. He again attacked
Mr. Randall, as having recently come into
the fold. His political antecedents entitled
his opinions on Democracy to but little con
sideration. He did not desire, after a life's
service in the cause, to be reproved by the re-:
cruits of yesterday.
Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania, made a strong ,
appeal for harmony in the proceedings, If a
spirit of harmony did not prevail here, the
nominations to be made would not be worth
the paper on which they were recorded when
brought before the people. He was in favor
of the rule. Every delegate should be per
mitted to cast his vote in accordance with his
convictions and those of his constituents.—
Pennsylvania has never voted as a unit except
when their sentiment was unanimous. He
closed by demanding the previous question.
A. vote was then taken on the part of the
report of the committee relating to the presi
ding officers, and it was adopted unanimously.
Mr. Flournoy, the late chairman, then re
turned thanks, and counseled moderation and
harmony in the proceedings of the Conven-.
tion. We are all marching under one flag—
the Democratic party has but one flag, the
flag of our country. He denounced section
alism, and hoped there would be no more al
lusions made to such divisions.
Ilon, Caleb Cushing was then escorted to
the Chair, and addressed the Convention as
follows :
Gentlemen of the Convention respect
fully tender to you the most earnest expres
sion of profound gratitude for the honor which
you have this day done me in appointing me
to preside over your deliberations. It is,
however, a responsible duty imposed, much
more than a high honor conferred, In the
discharge of that duty, in the direction of bu
siness and of debate, and in the prosecution
of order, it shall be my constant endeavor
faithfully and impartially to officiate here as
your minister and to reflect your will. In a
great deliberative body, especially like this,
it is not the presiding officer in whom the
strength resides. It is not his strength, but
yours—your intelligence—your sense of or
der—your instinct of self-respect. I rely gent
tlemen confidently upon you, not upon my
self, for the prompt and parliamentary dis
patch of the business of this Convention.
Gentlemen, you have come here from the
green hills of the Eastern States, from the
rich States of the Imperial centre, from the
sun-lighted plains of the South, from the fer
tile States of the mighty basin of the Missis
sippi, from the golden shores of the distant
Oregon and California. [Loud cheers.) You
have come hither in the exercise of the high
est functions of a free people, to participate,
to aid in the election of the future rulers of
the Republic.
You do this as the representatives of the
Democratic party—of that great party of the
Union whose proud mission it is to maintain
the public liberties, to reconcile popular free
dom with constituted order, to maintain the
sacred and reserved rights of the sovereign
States; [Loud and long continued applause;]
to stand, in a word, the perpetual sentinels
on the out-posts of the Constitution. [Cries
of " that's the talk," and loud cheei•s.]—
Ours, gentlemen, is the motto inscribed on
that scroll in the hands of the monumental
statue of the great statesman of South Caro
lina, "Truth, Justice, and the Constitution l"
[Loud cheers.]
Opposed to us are those who labor to over
throw the Constitution, under the false and
insidious pretence of supporting it—those
who are aiming to produce in this country a
permanent sectional conspiracy—a traitor's
sectional conspiracy—of one half of the
States of the Union against the other -half—
those who, impelled by the stupid and half
insane spirit of faction and fanaticism, would
hurry our land on to revolution and to civil
war ! These the banded enemies of the Con
stitution, it is the part—the high and noble
part—of the Democratic party of the Union
to withstand—to strike„down and conquer I
Aye! That is our part, and we will do it.
In the name of our dear country, with the
help of God, we will do it! [Loud cheers.]
Aye, we will do it! For, gentlemen, we will
not distrust ourselves. We will not despair
of the genius of our country. We will con
tinue to repose with undoubting, faith in the
good providence of Almighty God. [Loud
About half an hour was spent in seating,
the Vice Presidents, arranging the Secreta
ries, and preparing for a formal and ener
getic enforcement of the parliamentary rules
in the future proceedings of the Convention.
At 12 o'clock M., the Convention was again
called to order.
Mr. Jackson, of Georgia, rose to a ques
tion of privilege, relative to his State dele
A motion to adjourn till four o'clock was
The question was then called on the motion
-which had been made to strike out the new
rule reported by the Committee relative to
the right of the members of each delegation
to vote as they think proper, unless instru , --
ted by the Convention that appointed them.
During the call of the roll much excite
ment prevailed.
The Tennessee, Indiana and Virginia del
egates, protested against the decision of the
Chair, giving the votes of the several States
as a unit against the adoption of the rule.—
Ten of the twelve Tennessee delegates were
opposed to the manner in which the vote of
that State bad been recorded. The rote way