IFIN HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DENOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. Our crijip Nashtt. A PERSON never repents having done a good action IT is vain to talk about the equality of the sexes—they are not equal. The smile or tear of a woman conquers man. lIE is of noble structure—cast in honor's would, and acts his part right well on this vast stage of life—who speaks not to deceive, nor listens to betray. A LADY of uppertendom was some time back greatly shocked on reading that male and female strawberry plants are frequently found occupying the same bed. LAMB once said to a brother whist player, Martin Burney, whose hands were none of the cleanest, " Martin, if dirt was trumps, what a hand you would have." CONUNDRUII.-Why is a woman like a steam , boat ? We suppose it is because it costs a fortune to rig her, and because a man is lia ble to get blown up at any time. " I DIDN'T say, yer honor, that the defend ant was intoxicated—no, not by any means I But this I will say, when last I saw him he was washing his face in a mud-puddle and Jrying it on the door mat." SAID Torn, " Since I have been abroad I have eaten so much pork, that I am ashamed to look a pig in the face !" " I s'pose, sir, then," said a wag who was present, shave without a glass " LISTEN to what a Western editor says about this time : " Wood, chips, coke, coal, corn cobs, feathers, rosin, sawdust, shavings, splin ters, dry leaves, old rags, fence rails, barn doors, flints or anything that will burn or strike fire, taken on subscription at this of fice." A MAN came very near dying in Califor nia, lately, by putting on a pair of clean white stockings and drinking a glass of cold water—an experiment he had not tried for a gouu luany years. THE Chinese say there is a well of wisdom at the root of every gray hair. How then about the people who dye their craniums black ? A LADY went to the circus the other day and was much embarrassed lest her class leader should hear of her being there. The leader.was very much embarrassed in find- ing her there TRUTH is the golden fruit which hangs upon the tree of liberty. How beautiful, and yet how difficult for poor mortals to grasp it. " MornEn," said a little chap, this word, is it Valentines ?" " No, no," said the knowing mother, "it's Valentiners ; here you have been going to school for six months, and you can't give the right pronuncrfication to words yet I" A WORD to the boy who expects to be Pres ident of the United States in A. D. 1900— refuse all instruction concerning the points of the compass—since it is absoulutely ne cessary that you should know no North, no South, no East, no West? A. MOTHER was instructing her daughter in duty of prayer, and the sure answers given to believers, and proceeded to repeat the Lord's prayer. When she came to the clause, " Give us this day our daily bread," the little one broke out with, " Oh, mother, say cake, say cake I" " MA," said a little girl to her mother, "do the men want to get married as much as the women do ?" "Psbaw ! what are you talk ing about ?" "Why ma, the women who come here are always talking about getting married, and the men don't do so."- • A MARRIED woman was telling a staid sin gle lady somewhat on the wrong side of fifty, of some domestic troubles, which she in great part attributed to the irregularities of her husband. " Well," said the old maid, " you have brought these troubles on yourself. I told you not to marry him. I was sure he would not make you a good husband."— " lie is not a good one, to be sure, madam," replied the woman, " but he is better than nolic." AN Irishman maintained, in company, that the sun did not make his revolution round the earth. "But how then," said one to him " is it possible that, having reached the west, where he sets, he can be seen to rise in the east, if he did not pass underneath tLe globe?" " How puzzled ye are," replied Pat ; " he returns the same way; if it be not perceived, it is on account of his coming back by night." DEAL gently with thoSe who stray. Draw back by love and persuasion. A kiss is worth a thousand kicks. A kind word is more val uable to the lost than a mine of gold. Think of this and be on your guard, ye who would chase to the grave an erring brother. MARRY, YOVNG MAN, MARRY.—Rev. Dow, once closed a discourse as singular for its quaintness as practical iE its advice : I want you, my young sinners, to kiss and get married, and devote your time to mortal ity and money making. Then let your homes be provided with such comforts and necessa ries as piety, pickles, pots and kettles, brushes, brooms, benevolence, bread, virtues, wine and wisdom. Have these always on hand, and happiness will be with you. Do not drink anything intoxicating, eat moderately, go about business after breakfast, lounge a little after dinner, chat after tea, and kiss after quarreling. Then all the joy, the peace, and bliss the earth can afford shall be yours until the grave closes over you, and your spirits arc borne, to a brighter and happier world. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE, OSGOOD'S Speller, I.st, 2d, 3a, 4th and sth Readers. 11.1T.UFFEY'S Speller and Readers, (old and new editions.) SANDEIL'S do do do SWAN'S do do do COBB'S do do do Webb's Normal Reader, No. 1. Emerson's Readers. Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Scholar's Companion. Smith's, Bullion's, Brown's and Tower's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, 'Monteith and McNally's Geographies & Atlases. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. G rce 'B, Stoddard's, Ennuersou's, Swan's,Colburn's and Bay's Arithmetics. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetics. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Upham's_ Mental Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. I Berard's " Goodrich's " Payson. Dunton and Scribuer's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Elements of Map Drawing, with plan for sketching maps by tri-angulation and improved methods of projection. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legcndre's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Hanaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanatbrd & Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. 4111. 5-Y" - • -sOB5 0 1 ' 1 ' _ " you THE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is the most complete of any in the country. and pos sesses the most ample facilities fir promptly executing in the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such as HAND BILLS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS. BILL lIF;ADS LABELS, &C., &C., &C. CALL AND Ez:AmINE :3PLCIMENS OF 1V01:14 AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY C MUSIC STOBB jo Qrs'--N Y 0 WINTER CLOTIIING'.- ?i The undersigned would respectfully call the atten tion of our friends and costumer , , as woll as the citizens of the tout' and country generally, to our new and eaten sive assortment of _ R E ADY-M AD E C LOT HIN G, consisth.g of every article of gentlemen& furnishing goods. We deem it unnecessary to make a newspapt dourish, being confident that a call and an examination of our goods, will satisfy all. that our goods are just vhat we reconnnend them to be, well made, of good material. and as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought in the county of Huntingdon. It is not our desire, as it is not the policy of honest men, to deceive, but this touch we will say. that we will guarantee to all who may favor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction as to quality. fit and prlce. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing, not found in our stoat, by leav ing their measure, they can be accommodated at , port notice. Call at the corner of the diamond, Long'b new house. " what is Scpt-. 31, 19T,5 11 1 A r ANS & WAT -21 so :c. S s S F AL E A:NI S A D E A, ,11 Alfrb ,I 1 ,IL I 304 CIII:STNUT 41 i i • t f, t _i..t',.l 1; 1 1;7 ANOTHER TR - 115311'1i I J i r , I111 ,, P , 1". Sept. To THE PRESIDENT OF TM: PENNSYLVANIA. AGRICIIITUE LT. SOCILT :—ThO subscribers. your committee to examine the contents of a Salamander Safe., of Evans k IVatson. after heing exposed to 11 strong fi I e on the Pair Grounds for eight hours. respectfully represent— That after seven colds of oak wood and three of pine had been consumed around the Safe. it was opened in the presence of the committee, and the contents taken out, a little warmed, but not even scorched. Several Silver Medals heretofore received by the 111111111- facturers, and a large quantity of documents were in the Safe. and came out entirely nuinjurA. The experiment satisfied its of the capacity of Safes of this kind to protect contents front any lire to 10/Ich they may be exposed. The Committee awarded a Diploma and Silver Medal. Gm. W. WoomvAnn, :tom; W. Gmr.v. J. P. ALFRED S. GILLETT. WiLmrcu'rox, Del., Sept.l7, 1859.—Messrs. EvANS & WAT SON, Philadelphia. Gentlemrn:—The Salamander Fire-Proof Safe of your manufacture, purchased by us from yam• Agent, Fel ris Garrett, of our city, some nine mouths ego, was severely tried by burglars last Saturday 'night. and although they had a sledge hammer, cold chisels, drill and gunpowder, they did not succeed in opening the Safe. The lock being one of " Patent Powder-proof," they could not get the powder into it, but drilled a hole in the lower panel and forced in a large charge. which was ignited, and al though the door, inside and out, showed the explosion not to have beer. a small one, it was not forced open. We sup pose they were the greater part of the night at work on it. We are much gratified at the result of the attempt to enter it, and if the above facts are of any service, you are at liberty to use them. Yours, truly, BAYNARD & JONES. GREAT FIRE!-ANOTHER TRIUMPH!! li",NoxviLtx, Tennessee, March 13th, 1830. Messrs. EVANS C WATSUN, Philadelphia: Gentlemen—lt affords me great pleasure to say to you that the Salamander Safe, which I purchased of you in February, 1858, proved to be what you recommended it— a sure protection from fire. My storehouse, together with several others, was burned to the ground in March last.— The Safe fell through into the cellar, and was exposed to intense heat for six or eight hours, and when it was taken from the ruins and opened, all its contents where found to be in a perfect state, the books and the papers not being injured any whatever. I can cheerfully recommend your Sates to the community, believing, as I do, that they are as near fire-proof as it is possible for any Safe to be made. .4Z— A largo assortment of the above SAFES always on hand. at 301 Chestnut street, (late 24 South Fourth street,) YLilndelphia [Nov. 10, 1F350.J TT is a fact that Fisher & Meitlurtrie will give a pledge to the public. that if they van on them for good bargains and cheap goods, they will not be disappointed. TT is a fact that Fisher stock of Dress Goods embraces the choicest styles, and greatest variety to be found in market. "LiNVELOPES 9. By the box, pack. or less quantity. for sale at LEW7S' BOOK AND STA T o,l` ER YST 0 T is a fact that Fisher & McMurtrie have the largr..3t and chcapcst stock of Goods in town. TT is a fact that Fisher & SleMurtrie are selling Rag Carpet at only 25ets. per yard, and all Vool Carpet at 75ets. per yard. you will find the Largest and Best assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods at D. P. GWIN'S. fiALL at D. P. GIVIN'S if you want vi Fashionable Goods. F you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call I at D. P. MIN'S, w.iere you will find the largest as sortment in town. CALL at—D. P. GIVIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. T A.DIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, at D. P. °WIN'S. FOR SALE HUNTINGDON. PA PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, M. GUT3IAN & CO SETLI, ANOTHER THOMAS J. POWELL YiFURURS ! S !! FURS ! ! ! FOR 1859—G0. FAREIRA & THOMSON, 'o. 818 Market street, above eighth, south side, Puu.Annt, MIA, have just opened their ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FURS, manufactlfikd under their immediate supervision, from FURS, selected with the greatest of care irons the largest Etocks of the European Market, embracing every variety and style of LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. Those purchasing early will have the benefit of a le , zer selection. Besides the above goods, we have a fine assort ment of BUFFALO novES, GENTLE3.IIII , ZS' FUR GLOVES COLLARS. The prices for all these goods are at a lower figure than they can be bought any where in the city. FAREIRA & THOMSON, 818 Market street, Philad'a. N. D.—Fars altered and repaired and Far Trimmings made to order. [Nov. 9, '59-5%-.a."1 ON'T FORGET, THE PLACE TO CALL IS AT G. A. MILLER'S STORE GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS. BOOTS R SHOES. HATS & CAPS. FRESH CONFECTIONARIES, &C., &C AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! AND AS GOOD AS THE BEST! G. A. Miller ha; now on hand a well selected stock of fresh Groceries. Dry Goods, Confectionaries, Hats & Caps, Boots & shoes, 'Notions, &c., all of which he is ready to dispose of at reasonable prices. The public generally are invited to call and examine his goods. Thankful for the patronage he has received, he respect fully solicits a continuance of the same. store room in the old Temperance Hall, Main street. Don't miss the place. Huntingdon, Nov. 2, 1559. TRUSSES ! BRACES!! SUPPOR TER'S!!! C. 11. NEEDLES, W. Corner Twelfth and Dace streets, PIIII.ADELPTITA. Practical Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and Mechanical Remedies. Has constantly on hand a large stock of Gen uine French Ti ttses a complete m•sort men t of the best American, including the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truss. believed by the best authorities to be superior to any yet invented. Engli,h and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bandages, Self-In jecting Syringes, adapted to both sexes, in neat portable cases. French Pessaries, Urinal Bags, &c. Ordenand letters of enquiry, will meet prompt attention October 19. 1839—1 y - 1 - ISENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD a ,1 NAPTHA PECTORAL, IS THE MST MEDICINE IN TUE Wonf.n. for the care of Coughs and Colds, Croup Bronchi tis. Asthma. Difficulty in Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Consumption, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest. and which predisposed to Consumption. It attacks fhe root of disease, and makes the fell destroyer succumb to its influence. It also produces free expecto ration, and induces healthy action in the diseased Mucous Membranes and Tissues. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. One dose of this invaluable Syrup often gives case. and consequently sleep, which the pecu liar nature of this d:scase denies him. It is very pleasant to the taste. and prompt in its effects. Tey R. and be con vinced, that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchitd affec tions. C; Prier. cQ ch. per Burn:, Prepare.l only by A. F.SENWEI.N. Dm%Atid, N. W. Cor. :NINTH & POPLAR Sts.. PHILAPIMP:II.I N.13.---For salt , by d. Read and S. S.Smith. Huntingdon. R. Meliurn , .‘y ,C 7 :11 . m.ser, McAlavy's Fort, .I‘,lln D. Roth rich, ?darldesburu . . and Geo. K. Smith & Co., Phila., and Storekoopers and Dru2 . gbds generally. October 19, 1559—Cm. .tz.. 1 ,, , IP d 1 ,,f1.R,- ... L, ,v 7 \ C LT. 9 ISTLIPA VT 0 „e‘...... Hunting .., d. on, ... , -7r 7 , / i Vii ,ei 6/1 , j , I Scralt. r T-lIT- A RD AV A it E ti LARG ER STOCK THAN EVER BEraP,E, AT CITY . PRICES, nn' Ist. llecaus'e it :supplies •'TGe I 'enp,ict" with itieu , nenstible articles. and many useful inventions which can he tumid ONLY in a HARDWARE STORE. 2nd. The Subscriber. purchasing in large quantities from manufacturers, is enabled to Sell these Goods from 20 TO 100 PER CENT. CHEAPER. Than they are usually sold by other merchants. His stock inclu.les a complete variety or BO I T.DING-HAIIDWARE, 31ECIIINTCS' TOOLS, CUTLERY, HOLLOW R -WAE. OILS, 'PAINTS, SADDLERY.. - VARNISHES, GLASS, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. STEEL, IRON, CHAIN PUMPS. LEAD PIPE, MOROCCO and LINING SKINS. &-x.. Togetllor with a full assortment of everything. pertaining to his line of business. .t;Z—All orders receive prompt attention.-1 Jinn tiugdott , Oct. 4, 1839 NEAV GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! D.P. GIP I2C' S STORE D. P. GI I\ has just received the largest and most fashionable and best selected Stock of Goods in the mar ket. consisting of Cloths. Cassimores. Plain and Fancy, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds : Ileaverteens, 'Velvet Cords, &c. The best assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods in town. consisting of Black and Fancy Silks. Plain and Figured French Merinos, English Merinos. Fancy and Plain, All 'Wool Do Laills, Plaids, Mimsline Dc Lains, Al pacas, Lavella Cloths, Do Barge, Cuburgs, Gingham:l, Prints, &c. Also, Tickings, Checks, Muslins, Cotton and All Wool Flannels,Sack Flannels, Cloaking Cloths, Linsess, Brown and Dne Drills, Dlankets,'lc. Also, a large assortment of Ladies' Collars, Dress Trimmings. llibbonek, Gloves, Gauntlets, Cotton mod Wool Hoiscry, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Veils, Barred and Plain Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, Ladies' Vests, &c. Also, Woolen Shawls, Waterloo and Bay State, Single and Donbie Brodie. Also, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Groce ries. Salt, &c. Also, a large lot of Carpets and Oil Cloths, which %via be sold cheap. Call and examine my Goods, and you will be convinced that I have the best assortment and cheapest Goods in the market. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at the Highest Market Prices. L. P. Huntingdon, 0ct.12, 1859. ROMAN ! IL ROMAN ! 11. ROMAN! IL ROMAN ! IL ROMAN ! NEW CLOTHING . JUST RECEIVED. NEW CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED, NEW CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED, Roman's Clothing Story for sour Clothing. Huntingdon, Oct. 4. 1850 WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, (f,- C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A handsome assortment just received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE XTOSTENHOLMS' Celebrated I X L Knives and Razors, for Halo by JAS. A. BROWN. FOR THE MILLION!!! .TAMES A. DTIOWN JAS. A. DROWN THE SEIPARY AND NORMAL SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES & GENTLEMEN CHEAPEST SCHOOL IN THE LAND Send for a Catalogue ! Address, M. McN. WALSH; A. M., Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pa. FISHER MINIURTRIE ARE IN OW OPENING The largest and best selected Stock of Goods ever offered in this community. . _ It comprises a full line of Fashionable Dress Goods, suitable for FALL & WINTER, such as Black and Fancy Silks, French and English Merinos, All Wool Do Laines, (plain and colored,) Nanvau Plaid, Tanjore Lustre, Figured Cashmere, Plaids, Monsline De Laines, Coburgs, Alpaccas, De Barge, Ginghams, Prints, &c. A large and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls, consisting of Stellas. Double Reversa bl es, Single and Double Brocha,Waterloo, Single and Double Wool Gents Traveling Shawls, &c. A full stock of La dies' Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Collars, Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk linder.hirts, Drawers, &c. We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons. Mitts, Gloves, Gaunt lets. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts. Hoops of all kinds, &e. Also—Tickings, Osnaliurg, Bleached and Unbleached 3luslins, all prices; Colored and White ORM biles, Barred and Swiss Antslins, Victoria Lawns, Nain- Books, Tarleton, and mahy other articles which comprise the line or WHITE and DO3IESTIC GOODS. Ft ench Cloths, Fancy Cassinters, Satinets. Jeans, Tweeds, Denims, Dim Drills, Flannels, Lindseys, Comfort's, Blank ets. &c. Hats and Caps, of every variety and style A Good Stock of G P MMUS, it - ARM:I73IE. QUEENS WARE. BOOTS and SHOES, WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, which will be soil Cheap. We also deal in PLASTER. FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAINS. and posse: thcilities in this branch of Oade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, free of char g e, at the Depot:, of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroad , . COME ONE, COMB ALL, and lie convinced that the Me tropolitan is the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. - FISHER ,C. 7 M.2IURTRIE. Hunting (ion, Oct. 4, 1539. GOOp NEWS WASHING CLOTHES 14i PRESSURE!! After flft}• years experimenting. the proper article has at last been invented fur women, in their hard labors on the washing day. "IT IS EVEN SO!" Come and he convinced that we are almad of every ma chine in use. Half thetiine. half the hard lahar. (02(i half id wear and tear. is saved. Little boys and girls can do the work for their mothers. The und-r,igned have pur chaed the exclu-ive right of T Innting , lun and Mifflin C9llll ties. to make and sell 3. T. Munnifs EMANCIPATOR WASIIINC.4 MACHINES We ,lesire the public to call and examine this truly T.l - MACHINE. It can be seen at our shop on Wash ington street We, the undersig,ned. above mac Linn, take pleasur, to the public : ttsured that th , claimed: Peter Swoopc, Dr.." It. Dorsey, J. S. Morris. Christian 'Long, Chas. 11. Miller, John Cunningham, .Tolin S. Miller, D. U. roster, Mrs. O. J. Cunningham, •• Julia M. Miles, " C. A. Lea is. Huntingdon, Augu.t 3. I,Si'i! O .IIOCERY STORE.- The malerstu:nea having °pencil ont opposite the Tritatiaz.lon llalcul Top Potilroa,l depot,. in llantingdon. determined to sell all articles usually kept in Grocety Store,. CUE. I? POE. CASH. ArrnovNn MUMMY IT.ODUCE. Call and e:::unine Fur 3 - oarselves, bet,re purchasing , else Ilmaingdon, Aug. 1Q ISSO -nIIN - ---- L ' - :7_ - --7,-c - 1 , -_--,:_. -_/-/-=---- fl; 7 ,i - 7 -, Vlti_ -7 F r-T -- - .IU VA77:7*-Zi f — 24 0 3„ 0 ,,54__, ,„,,,,,,, 47 ,,„,„ -_-,.,:::_" 7 7_ : -. ----- _ — _ - 1 „." / , * . :< F:.,:, (..e• 4:- - -- - - r - 7- - , - i 4. 7 Z -,... ;21 :,....,.....---;--- ..=. - Z- -- 4f, :::, •-';' ' /', / ' , 1%,/ f' - ''' r'''''''TN,.l,- ., ", ,,- ; %:'''':'`....,_r -2''-'-,9--::'--i._ - •; V a 4 b i 7 : , ~. " 4 ''- , A 1 - i ''- • - . - --‘ ----2. -:r - -; -_-_ _ ,_-.=.•-..,'"-- = -4 ,;5 -. 7 ---- --....'-.-. IF Mel kT., SCIENCE. IVA_ The history of "1100FLAND'S GERMAN M- I I';1‘;'!," the most I calm kable medicine of the id ~ and the many cures that have been performed with it in cases of LIVER COMPLA INT, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DE BILITY, and diseases arising from a disordered liVer or stmach. place it among the most astonishing discoveries that have taken place in he medical world. The diseases to which these Bitters ale applicable are so universal, that there are but few of our friends ii he may not test their virtues in thelr own families or circle of acquaintances, and prove to their own satisfaction that there is at least one remedy among the many advertised medicines. deser ving the public commendation. It is a fact that, in the minds of many persons, a prejudice exists against what are called Patent Medicines; but why should this prevent you resorting to an article that has such an array of tes timony to support it as lloollaniTs German Bitters? Phy sicians prescribe it. Why should you, discard it? Judges, usually considered men of talent. have and do use it in their own !Muffles. Why should you reject it? Cleri,y men, and those the most eminent, take it; why should not you° Let not your prejudice usurp your reason, to the everlasting injury of your health ; if yen are sick, and require a medicine, try these Bitters. These Bitters are prepared and sold by Dr. C. M, Jack son. No. 418 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa.. and by drug gists and storekeepers in every town and village in the United States, Canadas, West Indies, and South America, at 75 cents per bottle. See that the signature of C. M. Jackson is on the wrapper of each bottle. May 11,1859-Iy. . __ NEWS ! NEWS ! ! NEWS ! 1! NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, AT BEN JACOBS' AT BEN JACOBS' CHEAP CORNER. BENJ. JACOBS has now upon his shelves a large and full assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising, a very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., &c., &c. His stock of CLOTIIING for men and boys is complete— every article of wear will be found to be good and cheap. Full suits sold at greatly reduced prices—panic pikes— which will be very low. His entire stock of Goods will compare with any other in town, and the public will do well to call and cxamino before purchasing elsewhere. As I am determined to sell my goods, bargains may be expected, so all will slo well to call. Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. LENJ. JACOBS, Cheap Corner. Huntingdon, Oct .4, 1839. QCITOOL BOOKS, Generally in nse in the Schools of the County, not on hand, Nvill be furnished to order. on application at LEWIS' BOOK ANDSTATIONERY STORE. 13 A It CHMENT DEED PAPER ruled, fur sale ut APED, PAPER ! ! :Note, Post. Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE• LIUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's J 4 than can be had in town. Call and see them. GUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A large assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. CLOAKING Cloths, Tassals, Cords and Binding, cheap at D. P. GIVIN'S. BALL S.: P3:IIGIITAL sing thoroughly tostca the c iu recommenaiug the same ey will find it all that is above Mts. Lydia R. Orbizion, " Annie E. Sctt, " Elizabeth Williant.ion, " E. B. Sexton, IVm. Brev.ster, :qrs. M. C. Given, " Mary B. Simpson, " Mary C. Marlt , , " Lizzio L. Dorris, " Ann E. Campbell, " Jennie C. Murray. PIZ ANCIS B. WA LT.ACE CHEAP CORNER, LETVIS' BOOK STORE. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS T EVANS & CO., Miners and Deal dcers in Broad Top Cont. Office, Huntingdon, Pa. JAMES ill. GREEN, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer, Hun tingdon, Pa. I , ,TEGARAN & o Minors and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. B. L. Alegalian, General Agent, McConnellstown, Huntingdon county, Pa. DAVID BLAIR, Miner and Shipper of Broad Top Coal. Office Hun tingdon Pa. i rj_ . A. MILLER, g Dealer in Groceries, Confectionaries, &c., &c Ce LOUTS, Proprietor of the Mansion House. R. JOHN AIcCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office on Hill street, one door cast of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 25. '55. ir S. MILLER,- Proprietor of the Jackson House & 11. - WILLIAMS, o Proprietors of the Franklin House. S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi e tines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, &c. Also—Gro ceries, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. M. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery aud Musical. Instil nionts. Huntingdon, I'a. nP. GIVIN, o Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. ITardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps. Duets and Shoes. &e. y M. CUNNINGRAM & BRO. o round,is, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e., Hunt ingdon, Pa. ROMAN, Dealer in Ready Slade: Clothing. Hats and Caps, Bouts and Slices, &c. pENJ. JACOBS, 0 Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready _Made Clothing. Grocer ies, Queensware, &c. &c. UT lA'S & Deniers in Heady .mado Clothing. Huntingdon, Pa. 1 4 11SIJElt & 21.1e111TETRIE, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, &c.. Minting , lon. Pa. TEY' AvEsTBRooK. J Dealer in Gentlemen's, Boots Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, etc. JOSEPH REIG GER, E. Watchmaker and dealer in Watches. Clocks, and Jew elry. &c. AVILLIA.M.S, Plain ana Ornamental :\ Manufaeturei WEN BO , Carriage and 'Waggon Manufacturer TOHN F. RAMEY. County Surveyor , Huntingdon, Pa. Office on 11111 street, one door ea,l of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. 111.1mu:Ne.:.s—.1.. T. 11 - at,on, Philadelidlia: J. I'. Lt.li . (Ivologkt. Philadelphia; 1k!lokl-y, Ilough Heady Furnace. Hon. ..Jonathan M.Williato,;. ICILARD LANCLUON, Miner t:nd AA ) Dealer• in Broad Top Coal, 1.1 - ep-v. ell, Boa rot a coun ty, t'a. [Nov. 8. '5B. A M MER MAN & CO., Min ers and Deal- orsin Broad Top Coal, Bread Top. linntingaonCo., Penna.. f Nov. ;3, 1F.54. COUNTRY DEALERS call ;t. L.,. = „ 0 buy CLOTHING from me hi Mintine - don at 'WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as T have a wholesale store in Philadelidda. Huntingdon, April 14. 1838. 11. ROMAN. Shand GOODS !-A. fine assortment on hand for the arcommodation of en , tomers. at BEN.T JACOBS —Cheap Corner," Market Square. Onet2.B E-AY ARE tlt S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. lilt K. IN EFF, M. P., PHI SICIA A_IYD SCR G E OFFICE, Ilill fAreot, oppo-dto Dr. Linton. offers his Proft's rdonal soivices to the citizen, of lints tin;don and vicinity. April 13, 1819. JACKSON 110 TEL, p. 117,1: O,ID I:ET 1 I UNTINGDON, jOIIN S. MILLER, Proprietor Travelers:. and citizens of the county, are ill:brined that no pains will be spared to make them feel comfortable and at home at this House. [April 6, 'al. AT A NSION IIILL Er T. itUNTIMIDDN, PA. CHRISTIAN COUTS, Proprietor. olt patrons and the travelii,g , public in general, may expect warm receptions and good accounnodatiom. April n, 1839. fRANKLIN HOUSE, HILL NT I? EE T HUNTINGDON, PA W". 11. WILLIAMS, Proprietors The be,t accommodatiomt for man and beast. Give its a trial and Inc convinced. ALLISON MILLER, rz".7-7-.77 R 0 Has remoti•ed to the Thick Row opposite the Court llouse April 13, 1859. e f t :' , .z, VIOLINS, GUITARS, _Et SYMPUONIANS, ACCOIIDMNS AND FIFES, For sale cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY Sc MUSIC STORE. THE CYTH.zIRA—The Presbyterian Psahnodist—The Shaw Juld ee—llu n ten's and L'ertini's enlarged and improved instructors—Weiland's New and Improved Method for the Guitar—Lelaud'e Accor deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Rowe's iolin Instructors—Bellak's Melodeon Instrueter—Bur rowes' Piano•Forto Primer•—do. Thorough-Base Primer— Howe's Drawing Room Dances—The Chorus Glee &Mk— Tara's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. '; ' ' 7 i' - 7 , P . ,?: ..:: ::'.; _ , . ,{... - 7,,--‘ 17,, , - J...!.4k , t:-!', i;• 7 , 117:77-7-77g-'-. ' I. BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- - A good assortment of miscellaneous and School .o.k:3—Foolscap, Letter. Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red. Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils. Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store. can bo had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. READY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts. "etitions. &c., together with a set of useful tables, contai ling rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. DUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE ! If you want your emit neatly printed upon envel opus, call at LEWIS' BOOKA.I.VD STATIONERY STORE. -FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes suitable for con fidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK it STATIONERY STORE. ])OO'H'SSHOES.—OId and young can be fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' store in Market square, Ifitutingdon, Pa. (0e,P28.) ROCERIES, &c., &c.—Call at the 1,3 - cheap store of BENJ.:JACOBS. All kinds of coun try produce taken in exchange at the highest market pri ces. (OC. t2S.) DE V 1 1 1 . S 11, N EW MARBLE YARD IN HLINTINGD ON, ON Munn; STREET, DLTIVELN SMITH AND FRANKLIN JAMES M. GREEN informs the citizens of the county generally, that he has opened a MARBLE YARD at the. above place, and is prepared to finish marble to order in the best workmanlike manner. TOMB STONES, BUREAU and STAND TOPS, &c., fur nished on short notice, and at reasonable prices. He hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Huntingdon, May 4, 1859-Iy. OTICE TO ALL ! 1 ,„ezr The subscriber, Who has for more than one year, carried, on business in company with Messrs. F. BRANDY, H. One, P. WHISKEY, and Mr. LAGER BEER, has this day dissolved partnership with the above firm. I All claims against tho. old firm will be paid by the subscriber, and all those in-. debted to the firm will pay him. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY will - always be repaired. A good stock of CLOCKS. ilya WATCHES and JESTELIV/ w , will be kept on hand for customers who may, favor him with a call. Huntingdon, March 2,1859 F OR EVERYBODY TRY THE NEW STORE, On Hill Street opposite Carman's Store TILE BEST SAMAR and MOLASSES. COFFEE. TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR. FISH', SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF TUE BEST, AND ALL KINDS. and every other article usually found in a Grocery Stole Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, I'ainty, Furnishes, Oils and Spats. Turpentine Fluid. Alcohol. Glass and Putty. -AT gO BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a large number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally gill please call and examine for themselves and learn my prices. _ Hunting ,lon, May 23, 1853. 9 - IHE H .. , T UNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN I BLAST AG MN !—The subscribers take this method 0! informing their friends and the public generally, that tl'y have rebuilt the Hnntingdon 17LATF-Vau,p dry. and are now in successful operation. t,f.;:t4),!.!„, ; ,.,., and are prepared to furnish Castings of ItltiHewevery description. of best quality and • .:14,.4 workmanship, on short notice, and on lea..onahle terms. Farriers are invited to call and C:V:1111- inc. our Ploughs. We are mann fitctnring the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county A g.ricultnral Fairlast fall. Also. Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—togetb'er with the Keystone, Hillside a ndliar--hear ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacttn ing Stoves—such as Cook. Parlor, and Office stove , for wood or coal. Hollow ware. consisting of Kettles, Boilers. Skillets, &c., all of m bleb we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a stritt attention to business. and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. Huntingdon. April 30. ]SO6. AEBLE YA LD. Ihe undersiplled 241 would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of thin tingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ito is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice. Monumental Narlile. Tomb. Tables and Stones or every desired vice and forrn of Italian or rastern Marble, highly finished. and caned with appro priate devices. or plain, as may snit. Minding Marhie, Dour and. Window illa, &c., hill be furnished to order. IV. IV. pleth,!;es bino.elf to furnish material and work utiohip equal to any in the country. at a fair price. Call Mal sue. bethre you put chase elsewhere. Shop on Ilill Strout : It anti ngdon, Pa : , .Tap 16, 1555 1 1 ,100'i'S AND ...1.110D.-`, CALF-SKINS AND LININGS, LASTS AND FINDINGS LEVI lv::FTBIzoox, Has just opened his new stock of BOOTS and SHOES for men, NVOIIIOII. boys, misses and children. ..111 kinds of styles tbr Ladies can be found at his store. and the men will nut find Ellin. With his stock tir their wear. His nbl et tumors anil the public generally, will please call and examine hi, cxtenaivestork. stuck uL Linings, Lash and Finding q, pl , •u,e all in tile trade. _ Hun in ;don. Oct. -1. 1859. NEW BOOKS! FOR, SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE THE HOUSE : A NEW POCIaT MANE U. Of Rural Architec ture; or. ICow to Build Dwellings. Barns, Stables, and Out D‘‘ellings of all kinds. With a Chapter on Churches and School-llouses. Price, 50 cents. THE GA It DEN-. A Nnw Pocttsr V, of Practical Hor ticulture; or. How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on 01 nontental Trees and Shrubs Price, 50 cents THE FARM: A Nr.w POCKET llkzr,at. o Practical Agri culture: or. How to Cultivate all the Field Crups With an Essay on l'arm Management, etc. Price. 50 cents. DOMESTIC AN IMA 1,5: A Ncw PccNET ll.\at IT. of Cattle, Corso, and Sheep Husbandry; or, llow to Creed and 1121 Price. 50 cents. HOW TO TA WK: A NEW POCKET 3TANII IL or Conversation and Debate. with Directions for -Scquiring a Grant:mai- ral Style. and more titan Five itnnctrial Common Mis takes Cut rested. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO BEI! AYE : A NEW POCKET Mv:v.ita, of 'Republi can Etiquette. and Guide to Correct Personal Habits; with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative As 501nhlies, etc. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO DO BUSINESS : A NEW POCKET MANI:AL of ]'tactical Affairs and Guide to success in Life; with a Collection of Business Forms. and a Dictionary of Com.! mercial Terms. etc. Price, 50 cent-:. WILLIAM AFRICA HAS AGAIN COMMENCED THE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF Ti. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ills oil customers and the public generally. will give him a call. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20. 1855.] trILOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! Keep ljyourself warm. Call at M. GUTMAN & CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, in Long's new building, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. A good stock always on hand. (0028.) CLOAKS, TALMAS, RIGOLETTES, Tictorincs rind 'Head Deesses are sold at prices, which defy competition, by FISHER & :I.I.c3IURFRIII. (10AL BUCKETS nnd Shovels, k j for sale by JAMES A. BROWN LIQUORS, of the best, for Medicinal A purposes, at S. S. SMITH'S. CLO'T'HING I—A large stock on hand,. at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. Call and ex amine goods and prices. (0ct28.) TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAPER, TTTlcite and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK tt ST.ATIOIVERY STORE. TF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, _a_ Call at the store of BENJ. JACOBS. CULL at the new CLOTHING STORE of OUTMAN & CO., if you want a good article o; Clothing. Store room in Long's new building, in the Dia mond, Huntingdon. Sept. 9, 1857. OVERCOATS, of all kinds, cheaper than elsewhere, at Oct. 1, 1856. 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. riONFECTIONERIES of the very best A,_,/ Call at MILLER'S. )DOTS and SHOES, the largest and l; cheapest assortment in town, at BLANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. ONTIILY TIME BOOKS, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER' STORE. R)00K BINDING-. - ) 01(1 Books, Magazines, or publications of any kind, hound to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK ce STATIONERY STORE. JOSEPH REIGGER S. S. SMITH .1..11. cu.NNINGIIA73I BRO WM. WILLIAMS HATS AND CAPS, LEVI WESTBROOK D. P. GWIN'S