The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 07, 1860, Image 2

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lall 2.1 V LI TJ g 3 D@ 51 T.)2„.
Wednesday, March 7, 1860.
NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, fur Justices of the Peace
and Ministers of the Gospel.
of-Assault and Battery, and Affray.
SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taxes.
Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of
BLANKS. of every description, printed to order, neatly,
at short notice, and on good Paper.
[Subject to the decision of the Charleston Convention.]
New Advertisements.
.gl-Notice, by John S. Isett.
See card of Dr. J. M. Irvine.
...15j - Alexandria Foundry, by R. C. McGill. •
Shipping Furs, by Womra th, of l?hila.
aj Lime ! Lime ! Lime!!! by Thomas Moor°.
Lewis has received another lot of Dime Books
Douglas, Foster and Victory !
Believing as we do, that a majority of the
Democratic voters of the county, of the State,
and of the Union, are now friendly to the
nomination of Stephen A. Douglas for the
Presidency, we this week place his name at
our mast-head, feeling very confident that it
will remain there until the contest is ended
in November. He has already a majority of
relegates to the Charleston Convention with
out counting any from this State, and we would
not be surprised if the vote of Pennsylvania
should be thrown as a unit for him, so great
has been the change of sentiment in hip fa
vor within a few weeks past. Douglas, Eps
ter and Victory I Let the battle cry go forth,
in a conciliatory but determined spirit, and a
Jackson Democratic victory will again glad
den the hearts of our people.
The Reading Convention
We wish every Democrat in the county
could have witnessed the proceedings of the
truly Democratic Convention in Reading last
week. We went there expecting to come
away with a sad heart, but we came away
agreeably disappointed. True, our choice for
Governor of the gentlemen who were candi
dates, was defeated—but Henry D. Foster
was our first choice until he positively de
clined last summer to be a candidate fur the
office. His nomination, therefore, and his
acceptance, more than gratified us—and our
cup of joy was filled to overflowing.
The mode of selecting the delegates to
Charleston, which was agreed upon by the
Convention with so much unanimity, was also
a striking evidence that the true Democracy
and the right spirit bad control of the Con
vention. Indeed, no man ever witnessed so
much good feeling—such a unanimity of sen
timent—and the same determination in so
large a body of able men to harmonize the
party—and "lei the dead bury the dead."—
The Convention has given the party through
out the State a stimulus that can not fail to
produce the most happy results—results that
will again place the Old Keystone in the front
ranks of the progressive Democracy of the
Union. All honor to the young Democracy,
who so ably and honestly represented their
party in the Convention at Reading last week.
With great pleasure we raise to our mast
head the name of our candidate, HENRY D.
FOSTER. Old Huntingdon will give him not
less than two hundred majority. To work
Democrats, in the spirit of the Reading Con
The. Crowd in Reading
We never witnessed so large a crowd of the
wisdom of the State, as was assembled in
Reading last week. The Republican Con
vention at Harrisburg the week previous, was
a large gathering, but compared with the one
.at Reading, it was but an ordinary county
meeting. Several large hotels were filled to
overflowing, and many private houses were
thrown open for the accommodation of stran
gers. The Court House held three thousand
persons, and when, filled, the crowds at the
hotels and in the streets appeared as large as
when the Convention was not in session.--
And what was most gratifying to us, the
whole mass of people, strangers and citizens,
appeared to be unanimously in favor of Ste
phen A. Douglas for the Presidency. Prom , -
inent men from every part of the State, who,
three months ago, were strenuous in their op
position to Douglas, declared in Reading that
the " Little Giant" of the West, was now
their first choice, and the only man named
with whom the Democracy of the Union could
go into the contest with a certainty of suc
cess. The action of the Convention speaks
louder than words—of the delegation selec
ted to go to Charleston, a large number are
fast friends of Douglas—a victory we little
expected. With Douglas and Foster as our
candidates, the Opposition in Pennsylvania
will be.:effectually wiped out.
Atliir Hurrah for Douglas and Foster
Thousands of Democrats in Council !
Of Westmoreland,
Nominated for Gov'nor by Acclamation !
The Charleston Delegates
We copy the proceedings of the Conven
tion from the Reading Daily Times:
Towards 11. o'clock of yesterday forencon
that part of Sixth street, north of Penn,
which is in the neighborhood of the Court
House, presented a pretty lively appearance.
Crowds of delegates issued forth from the
office of M. P. Boyer, Esq., the Secretary of
the Committee of Arrangements, with tickets
in hand, wended their way to the Court room,
which was soon tilled by a numerous assem
bly. Every place possible to be sat or stood
upon, had its occupant. The reporters of the
press were comfortable provided for by the
committee in front of the Judges' bench, and
in its rear, as the large table in front could
not accommodate all with the necessary space.
They were a more intelligent looking set of
men than your reporter had ever the pleas
ure to meet with. At precisely 11 o'clock,
A. M., Hon. Robt. Tyler took the chair, and
called the meeting to order. A motion was
then made to appoint Geo. Nelson Smith,
(Senator Delegate of Blair, Cambria and
Clearfield,) temporary chairman, which was
amended by a motion to appoint two tellers
to call the roll of Delegates, and the Hon.
Wm. P. Schell (Senator Delegate of Somer
set, Bedford and Huntingdon.) being like
wise proposed for the office. The chair, on
motion, then apppointed Mr. Isaac Leech, of
Philadelphia, (Representative Delegate,) and
the Hon. John Cessna, (Representative Dele
gate of Bedford and Somerset) tellers ; and
the list of delegates, except of those districts
which had sent double sets, was then called
—it having been resolved to settle the con
tested seat afterwards—and the delegates vo
ting viva voce for their respective favorite,
elected Geo. Nelson Smith to the office. The
vote stood Smith, 68; Schell, 58, which was
announced by the chair, who appointed Hon.
Win. P. Schell and Mr. Isaac Leech, a com
mittee to conduct the elected oiTmer to the
chair, which was done—and Mr. Smith
thanked the Convention in a neat speech, in
which he recommended union and harmony
in the party, which he represented as the
only party for the whole country : comparing
it with the opposition, a mere sectional party
who never conquered except by treachery.—
He concluded with the following remarks:—
" We must be harnzonious fOr we will have to
fight all the combined political pirates of the
land." He was frequently interrupted by
tremendous applause which likewise greeted
his conclusion.
Messrs. Nelson Weiser from Lehigh, Wm.
A. Galbraith from Erie, and Thomas B. Sea
right from Fayette, were then nominated for
the (ace of temporary Secretaries, and on
motion elected by acclamation.
The rules of the House of Representatives
were then adopted, and the roll of Delegates
as corrected, called over again.
A motion was then made and carried, that
when the meeting adjourns, it adjourns to
meet again at 3 o'clock, P. M., which was
followed by another, in regard to the contested
seats, viz : That this matter be settled in open
Convention. A gentleman from Philadel
phia said he was well informed of the merits
of the Philadelphia cases, and thought they
should be referred to a committee of nine,
and thus amended the original motion ; but
after some explanation, withdrew the amend
ment, and the motion was carried.
Gen. Reilly's name as contestant of the
scat of Senatorial Delegate of the first Phila
delphia District, having by authority been
withdrawn, there was only one Senatorial
seat left to be decided upon, viz : that of the
Erie and Crawford District, whereas Wilson
Laird, of Erie, and D. V. Derrickson, of
Crawford, were claimants. After hearing of
the contestants, the Convention decided in fa
vor of D. V. Derrickson.
The contested seats of Representative Del
egates were then taken up. The first, that
of the first Philadelphia District, was carried
on quite fiercely by the contestants, Mr.
Charles M. Leisenring, and a Dr. Jones,
and a motion being made to admit Charles
M. Leisenring ; it was amended by " striking
out the name of Leisenring and inserting
that of Dr. Jones," which was further amen
ded so as to read "not to admit either t ?'—
The vote being taken on the amendment this
was lost, as likewise the amendment, and
the ayes were in favor of Mr. Leisenring's
admission. During Dr. Jones's argument
there was a lively time, and the gavel soun
ded vehemently, and a man, an outsider, who
attempted to make himself conspicuous by
shoving in his oar, where it did not belong,
had to be forcibly taken out.
It was then announced that one of the con
testants of the seat for the 3d District of
Philadelphia had withdrawn his claim, which
announcement was welcomed by applause.
The Convention then adjourned to meet
again, as previously resolved upon.
The Convention reassembled at 3 o'clock,
when the contested seat of the sth Philadel
phia District came to be considered. Sam).
J. Randall and James J. Johnson being the
contestants. A great deal of evidence was
laid before the Convention, and lengthy ar
gument made, and finally the ayes and nays
being called, and a vote taken, which resul
ted 65 for Randall, and 55 for Johnson, as
announced by the Chair, which decision was
received with hisses and a great deal of noisy
On motion, the contested election case of
the 7th District, Philadelphia, (between A.
B. Walker and Albert Lawrence,) was tn.
mother with the Clearfield contested case, then
given to a committee of five.
A motion to adjourn fur half an hour was
then made and lost.
A motion was then made to appoint a com
mittee of one of each Senatorial District, (33)
to report permanent officers, which was amen
ded by R. J. Haldeman, of Dauphin, to elect
the President by viva voce ballot, and further
amended by Hon. John Cessna, as follows,
viz : That the Senatorial Delegates elect the
committee and report them to the Cbair.
An animated debate now ensued in which
a venerable delegate of Venango, and Mr.
Cessna, Mr. Montgomery, John Bache, of
Somerset, and Wm. H. Welsh, from York,
participated, concerning the propriety of giv
ing the power into the lipids of the few ; and
some pretty bitter truths, concerning the
causes of the defeat of the Democratic party,
were told, while others requested to have the
old landmarks and usages of the party re
tained. Allusion was made to the old por
tion of the Democrats being welded together,
and that the party would suffer thereby, that
any suspicion as slight as it ever might be,
would be a disadvantage to be encountered
next fall. Mr. Cessna declared that he had,
through an old friend of Mr. Cessna's, this
afternoon voted for Mr. Johnson, because he
believed that that gentleman held the certi
ficate, and that he willingly submitted to the
majority, &c.
Some allusion having been made of a ru
mor that former Conventions had been packed
and of a power on and behind the throne, the
Hon. Wm. U. Welsh rose and addressed the
chair in a forcible speech, in which he stated
that he also belonged to the young Democra
cy, but would stand by the old landmarks ;
that his name having been mentioned in con
nection with the office of chairman, he would
state, that he wore no man's collar and cared
nothing for any arrangements, nor knew he
of any made by people in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to control the action of the Con
vention, as had been nieritioned, and that he
would just as willingly stand by the decision
of the Convention as of a committee, and as
he was persuaded, justice would be done ei
ther way.
Mr. Haldeman then withdrew his amend
Mr. Cessna's amendment fell thereby to the
A new motion to vote for the President
viva race, and that one of each Senatorial dis
trict be appointed to report a committee for
the purpose of reporting the other officers,
was then made, and Judge Cunningham of
Beaver, and Ikon. 11. Welsh of York, being
nominated for President, a vote was taken
which resulted as follows : Cunningham 44,
Welsh 73, and Mr. Welsh was declared duly
elected. The meeting then adjourned for 10
minutes, when a list of one of each Senato
rial district was reported to the chair, who
announced the names.
After a motion to adjourn to 8 o'clock, P.
M., the meeting adjourned.
The session was a pretty noisy one, and
particularly when Hon. John Cessna men
tioned that the Keystone Club, and others,
had expressed their dissatisfaction at the re
sult of the vote against Mr. Johnson, and
hisses and applauses were frequent.
The Convention was called to order pre
cisely at 8 o'clock, by the temporary chair
man, who invited the permanent officers elect
to take their seats. lion. Win. IL Welsh in
complying with the invitation was greeted by
the warm acclamations of the multitude, and
responded in a truly eloquent speech,—re
turning thanks to his friends who had so
bravely carried him on their arms into the
position he now occupied. lie assured the
Convention at large that he would not be
swayed by private feelings, but be governed
by impartiality and fairness, and would just
ly discharge the duties of his office. Speak
ing of the Democratic party as the only one
in which all white men are equal, whether
native born or foreign, without difl'erence - of
religious belief, and recommending that the
dead bury the dead, urged the Convention to
stand in defense of that party, in whose hands
are the destinies of the country. After speak
ing for some time he took the chair, amidst
deafening cheers.
A motion was then made and carried, to
appoint a committee of 9 to express the sen
timents of the meeting.
The chairman of the committee of 33 ap
pointed to report the other permanent officers
of the Convention, then reported a number of
Vice Presidents, which report was adopted.
The chairman of the committee on contested
elections then reported in favor of Robert G.
Wallace for the Clearfield District, and in fa
vor of A. B. Lawrence for the ith District of
A motion to appoint a committee of one of
each Congressional district was made and
amended, an amendment to the amendment
made, and after some debate another motion
to postpone was made, and again withdrawn,
and then a debate opened in which the speak
ers eloquently enlarged upon their views.
Hon. Richard Vaux, of Philadelphia, hav
ing obtained the floor, kept the Convention
charmed by his eloquence, in support of elec
ting 4 Delegates, and two electors at large,
and that the representatives of each District
elect their own Delegates and electors, with
power to fill vacancies.
Mr. Haldeman rose in support of the mo
tion to allow the Convention to elect their
own representatives at Charleston, and their
own electors.
The question was then taken upon the
amendment to the amendment which was as
follows : The chair to appoint a committee of
one from each Congressional District to select
Delegates and electors and did not carry,wh ere
upon the yeas and nays being called, a vote
was taken, which resulted as follows :—ayes
40, nays 41. The decision was received with
a great deal of,applause.
The amendment was now to be acted upon,
which was as follows :—That the Convention
now proceed to elect 4 Senatorial Delegates,
and two Senatorial Electors, and that the
Delegates residing in each District report 2
Delegates to the Chaileston Convention, and
one Elector. A motion to amend this amend
ment was made, and again withdrawn, and a
division of the question called, was moved to
be postponed, but not carried. The question
on the second division was agreed to unani
mously, and the question on the whole amen
ded question was then likewise agreed to.
A motion was then made to nominate Sen
atorial delegates, which was carried, and the
following gentlemen nominated, to wit :—W.
11. Montgomery, John L. Dawson, Josiah
Randall, Arnold Plumer, Gen. G. M. Kelm,
Henry B. Wright, Hon. James Neill, Richard
Vaux, Wm. Bigler, Richard Broadhead, Da
vid R. Porter, Joseph B. Baker, Jacob S.
Yost, John Robins, Gen. Wm. H. Miller, H.
D. Foster, and Thos. Cunningham. On mo
tion the nomination then closed.
The following names were withdrawn, to
wit : Jacob S. Yost, Wm. Miller and Thos.
Cunningham, and the Convention then went
to a ballot, which resulted as follows :
Whole number of votes cast 133 ; necessa
ry to an Election 67.
Wm. Bigler received 80 votes.
J. L. Dawson, 69 "
W. H. Montgomery, 56 "
J. Randall, 39 "
A. Plumer, 45 "
G. M. Keim, 25 “ •
H. B. Wright, 47 "
J. Neill, 13 "
R. Broadhead, 18 "
D. R. Porter,
J. B. Baker,
H. D. Foster,
J. Robins, Jr.,
R. Vaux,
The chair decided Hon. Wm. Bigler and
J. L. Dawson, elected, as Senatorial Dele
gates to the Charleston Convention.
A second ballot was taken,
whereupon the
names of J. Randall, J. Neill, R. Broadhead,
D. R. Porter, H. D. Foster, J. Robins, Jr.,
were withdrawn, and resulted as to:lows :
Whole number of votes cast, 130
Necessary to a choice, 66
W. H. Montgomery, received, 63
Arnold Plumer, 40
G. M. Reim, Si 10
H. B. Wright, 38
R. Vaux, 52
J. B. Baker. 57
No person receiving a sufficient number of
votes there was no election.
A motion was made to elect Wm. H. Mont
gomery by acclamation, which was not agreed
to, as likewise a motion to postpone further
balloting. A motion for a third ballot was
Made and carried.
Gen. Keim's name was withdrawn by Mr.
Esser, when the Convention proceeded to a
third ballot, which resulted as follows :
Whole number of votes cast 133
Necessary to a choice, 67
Wm. 11. Montgomery received 78
Jas. B. Baker, 77
Arnold Plumer, 37
Richard Vans, 52
11. B. Wright, 22
Wm. 11. Montgomery and Jos. B. Baker
were elected.
The Chair then announced the Committee
on Resolutions, as follows :
Messrs. J. Cessna, C. L. Waid, Geo. W.
Baker, Wm. Montgomery, Arnold Plumer,
A. S. Bear, H. Worth, Geo. W. Stein, and
Jeremiah Hagerman.
On motion, when we adjourn, we adjourn
to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
The Convention then adjourned at 1.21
The Convention met according to adjourn
ment, and was called to - order by the _Presi
dent at 9, A. M., who requested some of the
Vice Presidents to take seats at his side.
The nomination for the Senatorial electors
was then declared open, and the following
gentlemen nominated, viz:
R. Vans, 11. B. Wright, James F. John
ston, Geo. M. Keim, Gen. Ward, G. W. Dyer,
Wm. Killinger, Judge Campbell, Andrew
Burk, Geo. W. Woodward, and 11. D. Foster.
After which the names of Messrs, Ward,
Wright, Johnston, Campbell, Bark and Fos
ter, being withdrawn, the Convention went
to a ballot which resulted as follows:
Whole number of votes polled, 131 ; neces
sary, to a choice, 66.
• Richard Vaux, 89
G. W. I%eim, 102
George W. Woodward, 48
William Killinger, 12
G. W. Dyer, 1
11. D. Foster, 4
Mr. Yard, 6
Messrs. Vans and Keim were then declared
duly elected.
The Convention then went into the nomi
nation for Governor, and the following candi
dates were proposed, viz :
.:.5Vm. 11. Witte, of Philadelphia, George
Sanderson, of Lancaster. Hon. J. L. Daw
son of Fayette, Hon. J. Fry of Montgomery,
Hon. Nimrod Strickland of Chester, Jeremi
ah Shindel of Lehigh, William Hopkins of
Washington, H. B. Wright of Luzern°, A.
L. Wilson, John Cresswell of Blair, and
Hon. 11. D. Foster of Westmoreland.
The nomination then cloSed and the names
of Messrs. Foster, Wilson and Dawson, be
ing withdrawn, the roll was called and the .
delegates voted viva voce, as follows:
Whole number of votes polled, 1.33'; neces
sary to a choice, 67.
Witte, 49
Sanderson, 11
Fry, 30
Hopkins, 13
Wright, 12
Cress Drell,
No one having received - the necessary num
ber of votes, a second ballot was had, after
the names of Messrs. Shingle and Cresswell
were withdrawn, which resulted as follows :
Whole number of votes polled, 133
Necessary to a choice, 67
Witte, 50
Sanderson, 11
Fry, 35
Strickland, 5
Hopkins, 10
Wright, 5
Foster, 11
Resulted in no choice. It will be seen by
the two ballots that, though Hon. 11. D. Fos
ter's name had been withdrawn, his friends
voted nevertheless, for him—increasing his
vote by 7 on the second ballot.
The third ballot resulted bad ; when it was
suggested that a good Democrat had no right
to withdraw his name, and that the Hon. H.
D. Foster was the only man who could tri
umphantly lead the party in the coming con
test, and the vote had been partly taken when
several of the delegates changed their votes,
Esser, of Berks, declaring that the delegates
from that county were instructed to vote for
Foster, and Schall of the same county, voting
likewise for him, and before the vote was an
nounced, an uproar arose in the Convention,
and the greater part of the delegates all
speaking at once, desired to be heard and
change their votes for Foster.
A motion was then made to nominate Hon.
H. D. Foster by acclamation, which carried,
and a scene such as no pen can describe, en
sued. Hurrahs, clapping of hands, jumping
and screaming all at once, the whole house
seemed to have gone mad for joy—neither the
speaker nor his gavel could be heard. Mr.
Cessna succeeded finally to be heard, and de
sired that the roll be called, so that every del
egate's name should appear on the record for
Foster, and his motion carried.
The roll was called amid the confusion, and
every delegate voted for Foster.
The chair then appointed a committee of
five, to wit :
Messrs. Sansom, Leech, Detrich, Calhoun,
and North, to inform the nominee of his nom
Several of his friends telegraphed for him,
with the expectation that he would arrive in
town before the Convention adjourned.
A motion was then made that all the can
didates present, and WM. Bigler address the
The Chair then introduced Hon. John L.
Dawson, who endorsed the nomination, and
spoke for some time, when the keystone Club,
headed by their band, entered, amid the thun
der of fire arms. When Mr. Dawson conclu
ded, the Band played " The Star Spangled
Banner," and deafening cheers filled the
3 c,
53 "
30 "
12 "
43 "
Lewis C. Cassidy then followed, and said
he was called upon to endorse the nominee,
but it needed not his endorsement, when a
spontaneous outburst, of the feelings of the
people had endorsed him. He said that the
way Henry D. Foster had been nominated,
showed that sometimes all practical man
ceuvreing and shaping was in vain. His ad
dress was very favorably received, and drew
much applause.
The Band then struck up " Hail Colum
bia," after which Daniel Dougherty was in
troduced, who made a good speech, congrat
ulating the party, that by the nomination of
Henry D. Foster, all old difficulties between
the Anti-Lecompton and Lecompton Demo
crats, would be set aside.
Wm. H. Montgomery being loudly called
for responded to the call. lie said he was
delivering the funeral oration for old Lecomp
ton, which he had buried 1000 feet deep, and
that afterwards there would be tea party,
and something of a love-feast, where Lecomp
ton and Anti-Lecompton Democrats would
sink into each others arms and finally be re
stored to the party.
" Auld Lang Syne " was then very appro
priately performed by the Band.
Hon. Wm. Bigler being called for appear.
ed, and thanked. the Convention for his nom
ination to Charleston, which ho followed up
by a warm endorsement of the nominee.
Hon. Richard Vaux next took the speakers
stand, being loudly called for, and acquitted
himself in his usual happy manner, and was
followed by the Hon. Geo. Sanderson.
The Convention then adjourned to meet
again at 3 o'clock, P. M.
The Convention re-assembled at 3 o'clock,
when the Delegates from each Congressional
District reported their Representative Dele
gate to the Charleston Convention, and their
Representative Elector, as follows :
Ist. District—L. C. Cassidy and Gen. Win.
Riley, Delegates, and F. Servos, Elector.
2d dis.—Josiah Randall, and Chambers
McCambles, delegates, and Wm. C. Patter
son, elector.
3d clis.—Hugh Clark and John Robbins,
delegates, and Joseph Crocket, Jr., elector.
4th dis.—Henry M. Philips and N. B.
Brown, delegates, and John B. Brown elector,
sth dis.—Owen Louis and John Roberts,
delegates, and G. W. Jacoby, elector,
6th dis.—E. C. Evans and Geo. McHenry,
delegates, and Charles Kelly elector.
7th die.—Thos. B. Wilson and Frank Van
zandt, delegates, and Oliver P. James elector.
Bth dis.—Heister Clymer and Fed'k Lauer,
delegates, and David Schall elector.
9th dis.—Hugh M. North and Hiram B.
Swarr, delegates, and Joel B. Lightner elector.
10th dis.—E. D. Gloninger and R,.1). Hal
deman, delegates, and S. S. Barber elector.
11th dis.—F. W. Hughes and Chas. Hot
tenstein, delegates, and T. H. Walker elector.
12th dis.-101. B. Wright and W. J. Wood
ward, delegates, and S. F. Winchester elector.
13th dis.—R. Broadhead and Asa, Packer,
delegates, and Joseph Lauber elector.
14th dis.—E. L. Ward and 11. A. Guern
sey, delegates, and Isaac Reckhow elector.
15th dis.—ll. IL Dent and John Ross, del
egates, and G. D. Lacknow elector.
16th dis.—A. J. Glossbrenner and J. Reif
snyder, delegates, and J. A. Ahl elector.
17th dis.—J. D. Cessna and Joseph Neill,
delegates, and J. B: Dared elector.
18th dis.—A. H. Cuffed and J. Nelson
Smith, delegates, and J. R. Crawford elector.
10th dis.—ll. W. Weir and Israel Painter,
delegates, and 11. N. Lee elector.
20th dis.—James Lindsay and J. J. Shut
terby, delegates, and J. B. Howell elector.
21st dis.—R. Patterson and John C. Dunn,
delegates, and N. P. Fetterman elector.
22L1 dis.—J. A. Gibson and B. L. Mitchel,
delegates, and Samuel Marshall elector.
23d dis.—Thos. Cunningham and S. P.
Johnston, delegates, and. Wm. Koch elector.
24th dis.—Arnold Plumer and K. L. Blood,
delegates, and B. D. Hamlin elector.
25th dis.—W. A. Galbrieth and Joseph
Derrickson, delegates, and T. Church elector.
On motion of Mr. North, the President of
this Convention was appointed Chairman of
the State Central Committee, which he accep
ted, reserving the right to decline acting, if
after consulting with Gen. Foster and other
prominent Democrats, he thinks it will ad
vance the interests of the party.
On motion of Mr. North, resolved that each
Senatorial Delegation, present two names of
persons to this Convention to act on the State
Central Committee.
Mr. Cessna offered the following amend
ment, which was accepted by Mr. North, and
unanimously carried :•—Resolved, that the
President appoint two nersons from each Sen
atorial District, and as many others in Phila
pelphia and Allegheny counties as he thinks
are required to advise the interests of the
party, to act with him on the State Central
On motion, it was resolved, that the Presi
dent appoint a Corresponding Secretary in
every county of the State ; to correspond with
the State Central Committee on all matters
relating to the coming contest.
The President requested the P. 0. address
of all the Delegates to the Charleston Con
vention, and all the Electors, which was fur
nished by the Delegates present.
Mr. R. L. Johnston, of Cambria, was loud
ly called for, as being the gentleman who
was instrumental in putting Gen. Henry D.
Foster in nomination, and three cheers were
given him ; to which be responded in a very
pleasing manner, saying he had been on the
stump for thirty-five years—(he having a
wooden leg,) keeping the Convention con
stantly laughing, shouting and cheering.—
When be concluded, three cheers were again
given for him.
On motion, Mr. Shell, Calhoun and Phelps,
were appointed a committee to wait upon
Hon. Wm. H. Witte, and ask him to address
the Convention. The Committee retired, and
in a few minutes returned with Mr. Witte,
when he was loudly cheered, and took the
stand and addressed the Convention, acqui
escing heartily in the nomination, and hoped
they would work as hard as if he had been
the nominee himself.
The Committees on Resolutions now made
their appearance, and reported the following,
which was unanimously adopted amid much
cheering and shouting
Resolved, That, as the representatives of
the Democratic party of- Pennsylvania, in
Convention assembled, we do hereby reiter
ate and reaffirm our adherence to, and confi
dence in the fundamental principles of the
party, as proclaimed and declared by the Na
tional Democratic Convention of 1852, at 13a1-
timore, and that of 1856, at Cincinnati.
Resolved, That we deprecate the continued
agifition of the slavery question in Congress,
and among the people of the different sec
tions of the Union, believing, as we do, that
it tends to weaken the bonds of our common
Union, to excite animosities, and create heart
burnings between the members of the same
great family, and can accomplish no possible
Resolved', That we continue firm in the
opinion that Congress has no right or power
to legislate upon the subject of slavery in the
States; nor has it the right nor the power,
nor would it be expedient for Congress to es
tablish slavery in any Territory nor to ex
clude it therefrom.
Resolved, That the question of the right of
the citizen to hold his slaves in the Territo
ries of the United States is a judicial and not
a legislative question, and its decision is com
mitted exclusively to the courts by the con
stitution of the United States.
Resolved, That whilst it belongs to Con
gress to legislate and to enact laws upon all
such subjects as are placed within its juris
diction by the Constitution, and to the Presi
dent to execute all the laws and decrees of
the different departments of the Government,
it belongs to the Judiciary to interpret all
such laws, and to determine all controversies
in law and equity, arising under the consti
tution and laws, and upon alI such questions
their decision shall be final and conclusive.
When once made, such decisions should re
ceive a cheerful and hearty obedience from
every citizen, without regard to his own indi
vidual views • upon the subject. Any other
course of action would lead to anarchy and
confusion. The remedy for any error of the
court, should such occur, is the peaceful one
provided by the Constitution and laws, and
not by an appeal to the " Higher law " of
individual opinions.
Resolved, That the doctrine of an " irre
pressible conflict" between the North and
South, as proclaimed by the champion of the
Republican party, is fraught with danger to
the best interests and dearest rights of the
people of this Confederacy.
Resolved, That the Union of these States is
above and beyond all price, and that it is the
duty of every true patriot to " frown indig
nantly upon the first dawning of any attempt
to alienate one portion of this Union from the
rest," and for this reason we deprecate the
attempt to form sectional parties, and will re
sist every effort of any such party tosobtain
the control of this Government, formed as it
was for the common good of the whole coun
Resolved, That in our country " all sover
eignty rests with the people, who hold the
power and conduct the Government through
their representatives," and that " the princi
ples upon which the Government rests, and
upon which alone they can continue to exist,
is the union of States, sovereign and indepen
dent within their own limits, in their inter
nal and domestic concerns; and bound togeth
er as one people by a General Government."
Resolved, That in the adoption of the Fed
eral Constitution, the States adopting the
same acted severally as free and independent
sovereignties, delegating a portion of their
powers to be exercised by the Federal Gov
ernment for the increased security of each
against dangers, domestic as well as foreign ;
and that any intermeddling by any one or
more States, or by a combination of their cit
izens, with the domestic institutions of the
others, on arty pretext, whether political,
moral, or religious, with a view to their dis
turbance or subversion, is in violation of the
Constitution, insulting to the States so inter
fered with, endangering their domestic peace
and tranquility—objects for which the Con
stitution was formed—and, by necessary con
sequence, serves to weaken and destroy the
Union itself.
Resolved, That the provision of the consti
tution for the rendition of fugitives from ser
vice or labor, "without the adoption of which
the Union could riot have been formed," and
the laws of 1793 and 1850, which were enac
ted to secure its execution, and the main fea
tures of which, being similar, bearing the
impress of nearly seventy years of sanction
by the highest judicial authority, have un
questionable claim to the respect and obser
vance of all who enjoy the benefits of our
compact Union ; and that the acts of State
Legislature to defeat the purpose or nullify
the requirements of that provision, and the
laws made in pursuance of it, are hostile in
character, subversive of the constitution, and
revolutionary in their effect.
I?esolved, That we regard the domestic and
foreign policy of President Buchanan as emi
nently patriotic, pure, conservative and just;
and look upon the success which has crowned
his labors as the best and proudest vindica
tion of the propriety and wisdom of his Ad
Resolved, That we concur in the views and
recommendations on matters of State policy
and interest as expressed by Governor Packer
in his last annual message, and especially do
we approve of his exercise of the veto power
against improperlegislation, and of his
prompt and patriotic action in delivering up
to the authorities of Virginia the fugitives
from justice who participated in the Harper's
Ferry outrages of insurrection, treason, and
Resolved, That the convictions of the Dem
ocratic party of Pennsylvania remain unsha
ken in the wisdom and justice of adequate
protection of iron, coal, wool, and the other
great staples of the country, based upon the
necessities of a reasonable revenue system of
the General Government ; and approving of
the views of President Buchanan upon the
subject of specific duties, we earnestly desire
our Representatives in Congress to procure
such modifications of the existing laws as the
unwise legislation of the Republican party
in 1857 renders absolutely necessary for the
prosperity of the great industrial interests of
Resolved, That the nomination of Henry
D. Foster, of Westmoreland, wholly unsought
on his part, and in view of the many other
auspices and cheering circumstances under
which it was made, as well as of his own un
sullied character, eminent ability and unsel
fish patriotism, must win for him the sincere
and hearty support of every true Democrat
id Pennsylvania ; and we, individually and
collectively, pledge the best efforts of every
delegate of this Convention in behalf of the
nomination we have made; and also of the
nominee of the Democratic National Conven
tion soon to held at Charleston.
On rootio:- of Mr. Montgomery, the Con
vention returned thanks for tho impartial and
faithful performance of their respective du
ties, but especially to the President ; when
three cheers were given for him.
On motion, a committee of five were ap
pointed to take charge of all the papers for
The President, Mr. Welsh, returned his
thanks to the Convention for the constant
courtesy shown him during its sitting, and
hoped they would buckle on the armor and
go into the fight with ardor, until the enemy
was conquered.
On motion, amid much and. loud cheering;
the Convention adjourned, this die.