TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per annum in advance $ll. 50 Biz months 75 Three months 50 A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for will be considered a new engage ment. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or less, $ 25 $ 373 l $ 50 One square, (12 lines,) ...... .... 50 ..... .... 75 100 Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00 Three squares, 1 50 2 25 3 00 Over three week and less than three months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. Six lines or less, C 1 50 $3 00 $5 00 One square, 3 00 5 00 7 00 Two squares, 5 00 8 00 10 00 Three squares, ' 7 00 10 00 15 00 Four squares, 9 00 13 00 20 00 Half a column, 12 00 16 00 40 ..24 00 Ono column, 0 0 00 - 30 00 .... ..... .50 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines, one year, $3 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, VI 75 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired. will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. .ctt.tt Aptrtirp'. [Published by request of M. E. 0.) I WOULD NOT DIE IN SPRING-TIIOXE. I would not dio in spring-time, When all is bright around, And fair young flowers are peeping From out the silent ground, When life is on the water, And joy upon the shore ; For winter, gloomy winter, Then reigns o'er us no more. I would not die in summer, When music's on the breeze, And soft delirious murmurs Float ever through the trees, And fairy birds are singing From morn 'till close of day— No, with its transient glories, I would not pass away. When breezes leave the mountain, Its balmy sweets all o'er, To breathe around the fountain, And fan our bowers no more; When summer flowers are dying Within the lonely glen, And autumn winds are sighing, I would not perish then. But let me die in winter, When night hangs dark above, And cold the snow is lying On bosoms that we love— Ah may the wind at midnight, That bloweth from the sea, Chant mildly, softly, sweetly, A requiem for me. s,,:tiett citarys. THE BROKEN PROMISE. " "Will you promise me, St. James ?" " This is a most strange and unaccountable demand, Lilly. Is it possible that you can so doubt me—?" Lilly put her snow white hand, sparkling with rings, with half play ful vexed motion in his. " That's not the question at all. My be trothed husband—the man who is to be hon ored with this hand, which you will persist in holding so firmly—don't sqUeeze it so hard, St. James—must give me his solemn word of honor that from this moment henceforth. not a drop of wine shall ever pass his lips. I will never have my life endangered by that spark ling serpent.' "My darling Lilly, you do not discrimi nate. There is wide difference between the tiny glass of champagne, taken among a gay social circle, and the far grosser and more injurious stimulant, which has become a ne cessity to the wretched victim of int6mper an ce." "I make no distinction," said Lilly Brooke, firmly. "You do not know, St. James, how fatal and insidious an enemy is that one glass of ruby wine ; and in my eyes, one glass is as obnoxious as ten thousand!" St. James Effingham drew up his magnifi cent figure with indignant pride. " I under stand what you mean, Lilly," he said ; "hut, believe me, there is no danger. Do you give me no credit for no self-control—and no judg ment whatever? I should despise mvself," he exclaimed in a tone of unutterable hau teur, " did I not know when to stop." "Do you promise ?" Lilly simply re- plied. " You show little confidence in the moral strength of judgment of him who is to be your future husband," said St. James, much piqued. "Dear St. James," said Lilly, pleadingly, as she drew nearer to him, with a soft tinge of crimson on her cheeks, " do not let us dis pute longer on the subject. Only promise me, dearest." " Well, then," said Effingham. smiling in voluntarily, although he had resolved to be very stern, "I promise, you provoking little witch ! are you satisfied now ?" " On your solemn word of honor ?" "On my solemn word of honor." Lilly was so smiling and radiant, her hap py triumph at having carried her point, that St. James stooped his tall head to kiss hor bright lips, and secretly thought : " What a happy dog I am to call this beautiful little creature my own !" No sacrifice whatever, could be too great to lay at the shrine of her perepmtory little will, and so Mr. Effingham thought. And who will venture to blame Lilly for thinking, as she stood at the satin-draped windows, watching her departing lover, that he was the noblest and handsomest man in the whole world ! Do not all maidens think ito at the same time of their lives ? " A glass of wine, Effingham my boy ?" queried young Altanuount, as Effingham stopped at his room at the St. Nicholas, that same afternoon. ,‘ No," said St. James, carelessly , putting aside the tiny acorn shell of cut and gilded glass, which was proffered to him, "I dont care for it, I thank you," "No!" exclaimed Altamount, arching his eye in extreme surprise. " No," returned Effingham, somewhat em barrassed. " The truth is, that not one half hour ago, I promised my - wife, that is to be, never again to drink a glass of wine, and I must keep my promise." "0, No!" said Altamount, laughing. "So you begin to feel already the galling yoke of Hymen in spite of the flowers that cover it 1 What tyrants these women are !" St. James made some slight reply, but in his secret heart he was irritated, both with himself and Lilly. Perhaps he thought she had been arbitrary and unreasonable. Beyond all question, the handsomest couple at Mrs. Granger's grand soiree that night were St, James Effingham and Lilian Brooke, and many an envying and admiring glance was cast on them as they passed in the crowd. Love, youth, Wealth and beauty— every circumstance was tinged with the brightest coleur de rose for their young eyes. While they were standing together in alcove full of blossoming myrtles and creamy roses, reposing from the fatigues of a brilliant waltz, WILLIAM LEWIS, VOL, XV. Dame Gossip in the refreshment saloons was busy about their affairs. " Where are that devoted couple, Effing ham and Miss Brooke?" inquired Bell Stan ley, a dashing young coquette, who, rumor whispered, had been intensely disappointed at losing the brilliant Effingham for her self. " Oh, talking sentiment somewhere," re plied Mr. Altamount, who was helping her to Charlotte de Russo. "By the way, I must tell you something glorious about St. James. Would you believe that his inamorata has exacted the solemn promise from him, never again to touch wine ?" " You don't tell me so ?" said Bell in sur prise. "It's a fact—l heard it from St. James himself." "What a fool !" said Bell. curving her scarlet lip contemptuously. "I'll wager that I make him break his promise before an hoar has elapsed." " Hush, here he comes," said Altamount, as Effingham entered the room, on some mis sion from Lilly. Bell's large eastern eyes were bent fully on his face, and he could not help pausing to exchange a gay word or two as he passed her. She instantaneously as sailed him with reproaches for his neglect of her during the whole evening. "Don't you think I ought to inflict some severe pennace upon you ?" " I trust you will not be too severe," he gaily replied, " I am sensible of my error." " Then," she murmured, with a softened lustre in her sparkling eyes, " we will seal your pardon with a glass of champagne." " Anything but that, Miss Stanley," he stammered. " Then it is true," said Bell, contemptu ously. " Your betrothed cannot trust you without promises—a fine sample of the petti coat government you are hereafter to be fa vored with." Mr. Effingham made no reply. He felt himself in rather an embarrassing situation and he heartily execrated that annonymous prom ise. "Just one glass," pleaded his lovely temp tress, as he still hesitated. yuu are an absolute savage, St. Jamns," said Altamount, "to refuse it from such a band." Alas! how easy it is to In that single moment of uncertainty S. was lost. He took the one sparkling glass from the dark-eyed Circe, and in an instant the small visible harrier erected to stem the tides of his fatal proclivity, was swept away. As'he placed the empty champagne glass on the table, his started vision met the grieved, reproachful gaze of Lillian Brooke's deep blue eyes. She had entered a moment since, and now stood at his side, like a guar dian angel. But he,felt that Bell's scorching glance was on his every action, and reckless ly exclaimed : " You will pledge me, also, Lilly ? Nay, do not look so grave; surely a hasty promise is boiler in the breach than in the obser vance." But she had turned from him and glided silently from the room ere he could follow.— Sad and bitter were her reflections, as she sat in her own luxurious chamber at home. The red glow of the clear fire in the grate and the moonlight radiance of a single perfumed ta per, burning through the transparent urn of an alabaster lamp, fell on a troubled brow and tearful eyes. Poor Lilly ; the wreath of scarlet ; rose-buds in her hair were not yet withered, the diamonds were yet flashing on her breast, yet the sweet blossoms of hope were dead forever. Her sorrowful resolution was soon taken. She felt that she could never place all the wife's confidence in one whose resolves were so feeble—so easily broken. She knew that wine was her rival ; that when a solemn promise was thus unheeded all the restraints of prudence or distruction would be of little avail. And so, although it was like the tear ing asunder of soul and body she laid her dead and buried love in the sad mausoleum of the past, never to rise again. It was a mournful night. The perfumed light waned low, flickered into darkness, the bright fire died out into ashy chillness and gloom, and still she sat there, her fair young head drooping, round snowy arm, all uncon scious of the progress of time. And when the cold gray lights of dawn began to pene trate the silken curtain of the casement, she felt that the life was past. " Mr Effingham is below, ma'am," said a servant, the next noon, as Lilly sat, pale and exhausted, in her apartment, " shall I say you are not well ?" " Tell him," said Lilly—" I will write a message." And she hastily inscribed on a card the following words : " The broken promise of last night has placed an impassible gulf between us. Here after, our paths through life lie in far differ ent directions, for I cannot trust one who is false . to himself. Farewell, forever. • St. James read the fatal sentence with a sinking heart; yet in spite of an accusing conscience, he strove to think himself ag grieved. " Woman's caprice!" he muttered fiercely. " I was a fool ever to trust my hap- piness in her keeping. However, this freak will not last long, and, for the present, if my presence is so disagreeable, she shall not be troubled with it." He left the house, and the estranged lovers never met again. Years passed by, Lilly's health, which had began to fail from the excitement and dis tress of mind, was finally restored on the change of air and scene consequent on remo val to another city. Gradually the deep scars of her sorrow healed up; gradually the mem ory of Effingham became like a distant dream. She wedded one in some respects worthy of her gentle virtues and in the happy occupations of wife and mother, forgot the early incidents of her early girlhood. Meanwhile Effingham had wasted his fine fortune by a course of reckless extravagance and dissipation, and gradually sinking from his position in society, had become a mere wreck of his former self. He also had left his native city, and for years his name was ;44 cst-- sk-zir V' never mentioned among those who had been once his friends and associates. It was late on a bitter February night, that Lilly Brooke, now Mrs. Woodham, welcomed her husband to his cheerful fireside, whose home comfort seemed to have assumed its brightest guise. No marvel 'that Dr. Wood ham experienced a feeling of relief and pleas ure as he threw off his snowy outer garments and looked upon his beautiful wife and little ones, gathered around the glowing hearth stone. "But why are you so late?" inquired Lil ly, "you surely keep much better hours than this." " I know it," he said, moving the easy arm chair yet nearer the blaze, " but to-night just as I was starting for home, I was summoned to the hospital to attend a wretch just brought thither. So, to the hospital I went, although after all, I was unable to be of any use to the poor fellow, who was dying when I arrived." " What was the matter ?" inquired Mrs. Wood ham. " Why, it was a bad, case of delirium tre mens; but I think that long exposure to this bitter weather was the more immediate cause, acting upon an underminded constitution.— It was one of the saddest examples of intem perance I ever saw—the unfortunate man raved wildly and unconnectedly, yet in lan guage which led me to suspect him to have been ordinarily far above common class of drunkards. But he was delirious up to the very moment of his death. He must have been a splendid looking fellow once, I never saw a finer head or nobler features even though intemperance had left its stamp every where. "Could you not ascertain who he was?" " We found his name on a few memoranda on his person, after death—what was it now ? Strange that I should forget, for I remember at the time being impressed with the idea that it was rather an unusual and romantic name. 0! I have it now. It was Effingham —St. James Effingham." A sudden pang shot through Lilly's heart as her husband spoke the words; but it was no sorrowing affection for the dead man— merely a tribute of memory to the beautiful being of other days, to her had been long a corpse in the burial vaults of the past. And she drew nearer to her husband's manly form, a silent thanksgiving went up from the depths of her soul that she had been blessed with his deep love and tenderness, that life instead of being irrevocably linked to the stormy ex istence and dark fate of him who had that night passed into eternity. " My darling wife." said Woodham, " I have made you sad with this professional re cital I" " No," she said tenderly, laying her cheek against his shoulder, " I was only thanking heaven that our lives have been so bright while so many around are wretched." Meanwhile the wintry blast wailed sadly and wildly around the lonelY . room where lay the ice-cold corpse of St. James Effingham, another victim of the monster Intemperance. One evening as the wind was raging and howling with terrific force, shaking the house. and making timid people tremble fur fear of fire or other accidents that might befal them, a number of grown persons were complain ing of the wakeful and restless nights they had endured during the recent winter storms. A little boy who had listened unalarmed, with a sweet beaming trust in his face, said in his turn, " I sleep so well and sound be cause I've got such a good father. I know he would not let anything happen to me. If the house should catch fire, he would take me right up in his arms and run down stairs with me and I'd be safe." This went to my heart, and rebuked the fears of those who tremble and toss upon restless pillows, when he w 1 holds the wind in his fist is their Father and friend. The re mark of that dear boy has taught me a lesson which I hope to remember. When Igo to his bedside, after he has been asleep for hours, and see his ruddy cheeks and cluster ing ringlets, and watch his peaceful, inno cent expression, and listen to his gentle breath ing knowing, as well as I do, that he is a timid child, often flying with fear from trifling causes of p larm, then I feel how deep and pervading must be his trust in a father's lov ing heart and strong arms, to cause and such dreamless slumbers amid howling winds and storms. Can not the experienced Chris tian learn a lesson even from a babe's lips? Ought we not to rest peacefully amid causes of alarm, because we " have got such a good Father ?" Happy is the man who has a litttlo home, and a little angel in it, of a Saturday night. A house, no matter how little, provided it will hold two or so—no matter how humbly furnished, provided there is hope in it; let the winds blow—close the curtains. LILLY." - What if they are calico, or plain white border, tassel, or any such thing? Let the rains comedown ; heap up the fire. No mat ter if you havn't a candle to bless yourself with, for what a beautiful light glowing coal makes, rendering clouding, shedding a sun set through the room ; just enough to talk by, not loud, as in the highways ; not rapid, as in the hurrying world, but softly, slowly, whisperingly, with pauses between, for the storm without and the thoughts within to fill up. Then'wheel the sofa, round before the fire; no matter if the sofa is a settee, uncushioned at that, if so be it is just long enough for two and a half in it. How sweetly the music of silver bells from the time to come falls on the listening heart then. How mournfully swell the chimes of "the days that are no more." Under such circumstances, and at such a time one can get at least sixty-nine and a half statute miles nearer "kingdom come" than any other point in this world laid-down rn `•` Malte Brun." Maybe you smile at this picture ; but there is a secret between us, viz : it is a copy of a picture, rudely done, but true, of the Penta teuch of an original in every human heart. HUNTINGDON, PA. A "Good Father." some and Wife. -PERSEVERE.- FEBRUARY 29, 1860, Mode of Taking the Census The following account of the method adop ted in taking the census of the United States, we copy from an address made by Mr. Ken nedy, Superintendent of the Census, before the Amerioan Geographical and Statistical Society in New York, on the Ist inst., which, at the present time, will be read with inter est: The General Government has in each State and Territory one or more judicial districts, with each of which is connected a Mar Alla!, who acts as the high sheriff in the District Court of the United States. These Marshals are required by law to subdivide their districts, and each subdivision to appoint an assistant—taking care not to include a greater population (by estimate) than 20,000 in any one subdivision. The Assistants having qualified, by oath, for the proper performances of their duties, are furnished, through the Marshals with blanks and instructions. In the prosecution of * their work, they are required to make two copies of their work.— The original returns are filed with the clerk of the court of each county, and the copies are forwarded to the Marshal, who transmits one copy to the Secretary of the State for his district, and the other to the Census Office in Washington. The compensation to the Mar shal is in proportion to t,he population enu merated by hioAssistants, should that exceed one million, he is paid one dollar for each thousand persons enumerated, should the pop ulation returned by his Assistants be less than one million, he receives the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents for each one thousand persons returned, a system of com pensation sufficiently moderate, but which may admit of the payment of a greater amount for a lesser service, as in the case of a Marshal, whose returns include 950.000 persons, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per thousand persons, no more than he whose returns do not exceed a million—an inequal ity not unusual in rating fees for mileage and other services. The Assistants who perform the work of enumeration, are paid on a different princi ple, combining in a novel manner compensa tion for travel and labor, one which was found to operate very fairly and satisfactorily to the Government, his allowance is two cents for each person enumerated, for each form ten cents, for each establishment of productive industry, fifteen cents, for social statistics two per centum on amount allowed for enumera ting the population, and two cents for each mortality return, with ten cents per mile for traveling expenses, to be ascertained by mul tiplying the square root of the number of dwelling houses in his district, by the square rout as the number of square miles in his division, the product whereof is to be derived from the number of miles traveled, and eight cents per page for the two copies. The Marshals and Assistants in California, Oregon, Utah and New Mexico, under an op eration of an amendment to the law, received compensation at the discretion of the Secre tary of the Interior, which was determined by the addition of 100 per cent. We are not given much to sensation arti cles, but occasionally a remarkable thing will come under our notice, and it would be a in to keep it from the public. We cannot vouch for the truth of the following story, told us this morning by an old sucker, but venture to say that such things have been heard of before. (in the Arabian Night's Entertain ments) : "It is just twenty years ago that a party of us fellers went over to Cahokia Creek on a skating match. The day was colder than ten icebergs stuck •together, but the ice was smooth as glass, and we made up our minds to have a heap of fun. Bill Berry was the leader of the crowd. Ile was a tall six-footer, full of pluck, and the best skater in all crea tion. Give Bill Berry a good pair of skates, and smooth sailing, and he'd make the trip to Baffin's Bay and back in twenty-four hours, only stopping long enough to take a drink. Well we got to the creek and fastened our skates on ; and after taking a giod horn out of Joe Turner's flask, started off in good style with Bill Berry in the lead. As I was tellin you it was a dog-onned cold day, and we had to skate fast to keep the blood up. There was little breathe holes in the ice, and every now and then we would come near gain' into 'em. My skates got loose and I stopped to fasten 'em. Just as I had finished buckling' the straps I heard a noise. I looked up and saw something shooting along the ice like lightning. It was Bill Berry's bead. He had been going it like greased electricity, and before he knew it he was into one of them cussed holes. The force was so great as to cut his head off against the sharp corners of the ice. " It's all day with Bill Berry,' said ; " and all night too," said Joe Turner.— Just as he got these words out of his mouth, 1 looked at Bill's head, which had been going it on the ice, and all at once it dropped into another hole. We run to it and I heard Bill Berry say, " For God's sake, boys, pull me out I" I looked into the hole, and there as sure as I'm a sinner, was Bill Berry's body which had shot along under the ice, and met the head at the hole in the ice. It was so thunderin' cold that the head froze fast to the body, and we pulled Billy out as good as new. He felt a little numb at first, but after• skating a while he was as brisk as the rest of us, and laughen over the joke. We went home about dark, all satisfied with our day's sport. About nine o'clock in the evening, somebody knock ed at my door, and said I was wanted over at Bill Berry's. I put on my hat and Went over. There lay Bill's body in one place and his head in another. His wife said that after he came home from skating, he sat down by the fire to warm. himself, and while attempt ing to blow his nose ho throw his head into the tire place. The coroner was called that night, and the verdict of the jury was that `Bill Berry came to his death by skating too fast." gar Why was Adam's wife called Eve ? Because, when she appeared, man's day of happiness was drawing to a close. i . . 0, t .g . .i.. , . I A --, -4k... .. : \. 4.:.,,.. ;,„..,... 4 101: .. c,ri . ' ill .f. ; z:,... Iw . . :„.. f. - ,,_::• p., ift. /te •'.' 4.';. , -AP -. Dr: ..kti,,,,,,, 4, A. Story as is a Story 61 Been out all night again. I'd like to know where you keep yourself till this'time in the morning; it is not ten minutes since I heard the clock strike four. You didn't hear it.— No, of course you didn't. You wouldn't hear the last trump—the noise would have to travel through an acre or two of German beer be fore it would get to your hearing. Had to go among your German friends? Had to go ; I'd like to know how you had to go. Some folks are dreadful willing to "had" to go.— Yes I know it's coming on election times; that's a good excuse to get away from your family and home. I wish there was no elec tion in the whole country—it would be much better off if we hadn't any. What did you do all night long? Who did you elect?— Who did you see ? Theatre and dance. Now turn over here. Oh, Lord ! am I in a hop yard of a distillery, or where am I? What haiie you got outside of you? Didn't drink much. You must have got into a beer barrel then, for it's coming out all over you, and how it smells! You danced, eh ? You must have cut a pretty figure—guess 'twas a lager beer reel. Do you think I'll stand this going off to a dance all night? Who did you dance with ? I'll bet she was as homely as a pumpkin with two holes in it. Look here, you needn't pretend sleep ; I want to have a little domestic conversation with you. I'm your better half, and your better half proposes to discuss matters a little. Late ? How do you know it's late. It's ear ly enough to give you a piece of a woman's tongue. Tonguey ? Yes, I am tonguey— that's part of a woman's prerogative, and I'm going to use some of it on you. Let you alone ? Did you say that to the girl you danced with ? Oh, no ! nothing of the sort ; it was, " Miss, shall I have the pleasure of your very beautiful person for the next cotillion ?" wish I could see her—l'd take the beautiful out of her at a jerk. Can get no peace?— Yes, you can get plenty of it—go to the thea tre ; go electioneering ; dance with the Dutch girls till morning ; and come home and I'll give you peace by the long measure—l'll give you a piece of my mind. Come hack here, where are you going? Get into another bed ? Not exactly ; this has been large enough here tofore and has not grown any smaller lately. You danced did you ? I'd like to see you dance with me. I'm too old I suppose. I ain't too old to give you fits. CLOSED FOR REPAIRS. —A good one is told of old Judge L—. His honor kept a demi john of good old Jamaica in his private office for his own comfort and the entertainment of his particular friends. The judge had no ticed for some time that on Monday morning his Jamaica was considerably lighter than he left it on Saturday nights. Another fact had gradually established itself in his mind, His son Sam was missing from the paternal pew in church on Sundays. One Sunday after noon Sam came in and went up stairs rather heavily, when the Jtl,re hailed him : " Sam. where have you been ?" To church, sir." was the prompt reply. " What church. Sam ?" " SQ,!orld Methodist, sir." " [fall a good sermon, Sam?" " Very powerful, sir ; it quite staggered me. sir." " Ah I I g". " said the Judge, "quite pow erful. eh, Sam ?" The next Sunday the son come home rath er earlier than usual, and apparently not so much "under the weather." Ills father h a iled him with " IVOII. Sam, been to the Second Methodist again to-clay ?" " yes, sir." " Good sermon, my boy ?" " Fact was, father, that I couldn't get in ; church shut up and a ticket on the door." " Sarry, Sam, keep going _you may get good by it yet." Sam says on going to the office for his usu al spirit-ual refreshment, he found the 'John' empty, and bearing the following; " There will be no service here to-day, this church be ing closed for repairs !" A YANKEE BIBLICIST.—Standing for mo ment, the other day, at that paradise of gen teel loafers, the Bank Exchange corner, who should come along but " Old Slapjacks!"— Stradling himself, as if to monopolize the small remnant of sidewalk between the sta tionary crowd and the curbstone, he com menced upon politics—anathemized the ad ministration, and was " gol darned if we don't have a colored President in less than ten years—as black as the ten spot of spades ; for," said he, " the time is already at band when there ain't no distinction to be made between color of skin, head-vegetation, nor ancestry." He built his arguments upon high "and dry moral grounds, having a reli gious slope, and quoted Scripture like the d-11 At his first breathing-point, I re marked : " Why, Slaps, you appear to bo as well posted in Bible literature as you are in a game of old sledge." "Je-hosh-e-phat 1 guess I know it all. Can begin at Genesis, go right through Job and Esther, dive into David, clean out Solomon and his pumpkin vines, stir up the Evange lists, pitch into Paul, and his five-act play of the Romans, and clarify the Revelations clearer than rectified cider 1" " Do you think you could hold your own with Dr. Scott ?" " I don't know anything about your Dr. Scott ; but you know Parson Basset, don't ver? 'Wall he's a floss and a half ; but I can just give him the First Book of Kings, and skunk him like whittling ?" SERVED HER RICTIT.—A fashionable young lady, a few days since, went into a store in Norfold, Va., and after a thorough examina tion of its contents, bought a dime's worth of thread, which she ordered to be sent to her residence, over a mile distant. The proprie tor procured an express wagon, the driver of which took the package, backed up to the door, lowered the tail board, delivered the package, and collected fteen cents, the usual charge. Editor and Proprietor. NO- 36, Curtain Lecture A Light Heart There is much truth in the remark that the philosophy of many men originates in their livers; Those dark views of human nature and human life 'which ordinarily pass for ex alted wisdom, proceed from a deceased body or diseased mind. The man who retires from society and professes to have found all its pleasure, vanity, and vexation of spirit, would speak more truthfully if he confessed that, from sore derangement of his organism he had lost his capacity for enjoyment., The lights of the ball-room are just as brilliant, the dresses as splendid, the confectionery as sweet, the music as delicious as when each of these contributed to his delight. He has changed, and he thence concludes that they are hollow and joyless as they appear to him. He cannot bring himself to believe that they ever did affbrd..him sincere enjoyment. Look ing back over his past life, his morbid fancy tinges all with its own sombre hue. He repines at his existence, and quotes very gloomily : Count o'er the joys thine hours have seen. Count o'er the days from anguish free,, And know whatever thou host been, 'Tis something better not to be." There is no wisdom in all this. True wis dom does not look upon this world as either a paradise or a purgatory. its maxim is to enjoy the present, if it be bright, to endure it if it be gloomy. So far from attempting to show its superiority by finding good in noth ing, that it never complains. When misfor tune comes it never succumbs at the first ap proach and sinks into hopPless despondency; but with a light, elastic buoyance, it makes an unyielding resistance, and breaks all the force of the attack. Ah ! a fine thing in this world of trial and sorrow, is a light hopeful heart. It alone possesses the stoutness which will carry one through difficulties, afflictions• and persecu• tions ; it can climb mountains, penetrate des erts, and brave the storm• tossed ocean ; it car% endure all the hardships of the camp, and march unfalteringly with the forlorn hope to the cannon's mouth. When the proud man is humbled, and the strong man has failed, he of light heart gill remain, unfearing and unhurt, triumphant over every obstacle, supe rior to every difficulty. The Stranger's Wish Young and gentle art thou for whom the stranger breathes his fervent wish, and in thy soul are clustered pure thoughts and holy purposes and thy heart is filled with visions of future joys, that brighten with every touch of thy gulden fancy. To the broad highway of life, that stretch eth to the grave and endeth in eternity, is stored with happiness, and a thousand forms of varied beauty glitter upon its radiant sur face. Lofty and virtuous are thy sentiments, and thy feelings gush forth in all the warmth of youth and innocence, untaught in the gloomy sorrows that darken the spirits of our race. And thou art about to go forth into the mighty world, where a thousand charms may circle thee about, or rude adversity greet thy coming with its chilly hand. That it may not sink into thy gentle soul to freeze its generous sympathies—to poison its springs of joy and sicken it of earth's scenes, is the prayer of him, who never ut tered one more pure and holy, than he now murmurs for thy happiness. But,should thy destiny decree that thou must endure life': sorrows, may they visit thee in thy tender, ness, and fall lightly upon thy fair and youth ful brow, may they deal gently with the roses on thy cheek, and dim not the lustre of thy soul-lit eyes. May they leave thy form its fullness—thy step its elasticity--,thy voice its sweetness—thy smile its joy. May the partner of thy life possess e. no ble soul, a brilliant intellect, a generous na ture and a loving heart. May he love thee with more than woman's fervor, and cherish thee more fondly, as the storms of life gather about thy path. Go IN LADIES I—On and after the 29th of Fehroary inst.. the la:d:es will be fully au thorized to commence making love to any gentleman they may deem worthy of, their hands, hearts and fortunes, this year is called leap year, because it is the lady's privilege to " leap" into the arms of the man she fancies. To prove this, we quote from an old work, printed in 1660, entitled " Courtship, Love and Matrimonie." In the chapter entitled " When ye girls shall sparke ye menne," the learned author thus speaks; "Albeit, it is nowea part of ye Common Lawe in regard to ye social relations of life, that as often as every besextile year cloth re turn, ye ladies have ye sole privilege during the whole time it continued], of milting love unto ye men, which they may do either by words or looks, as unto them it seemeth prop er; and moreover, no man will be entitled to ye benefit of clergy who doth refuse to ac cept ye offer of a ladie, or who cloth in any wise treat . her proposal with slight or con tumely." Therefore, ladies, you must comply with the law, and bringing your captives up to the alter, allow them the benefit of the clergy. WOIAN 7 S ADVANTAGES.—Some of the ad vantages of women over men are as fol- lows A woman can say what she chooses with out being knocked down for it, She can take a snooze after dinner while her husband goes to/work. She can go into the street without being asked to treat at every saloon. She can paint her face if it is too pale, and powder if it is too red. She can stay at home in time of war, and can get married again if her husband is killed. She can wear corsets if too thickzz-ettier fmins if too thin. She can eat, drink and be merry, without costing her a cent. She can get divorced from her husband whenever she sees one she likes better. She can get her husband in debt all over, until he warns the public by advertisements not to trust her on his account. THE On AMMON" SwimmEa.—A Sandwich Island boy recently deserted the whale-ship Franklin when twenty miles at sea, jumping overboard about eight o'clock at night, and swimming all night for the land. By daylight he was within half a mile of shore, but there encountered a strong opposing cur rent, and after buffeting the waves in a vain effort to reach the beach, he saw a sail sever al miles to the leeward, changed his course for the vessel, striking opt to sea again, and was on her deck by nine o'clock Friday morn ing, nothing harmed by his fourteen hours' swim. s!i• A very clever conundrum - was that which took a prize in Philadelphia some years since : In what manner did Capt. May cheat the Mexicans? He charged them with a troop of horses which they never got,