~-. ....d~.c+y..wia~.r7~i t '..a~n....G~.~ ~vMi•.n. r. TIE LI T () - I: ip l uFie l . itti.m haq been nni.l'• to tltc Court of Com mon P1e:1,4 Thniti:,•_;4lll county, to ineorpont , n• the niem ber, of thn n 11.111 Gann t.:::?'“Jrl into a Iwilv c. 4 pot all' in icrn, Ilil.it•I . .111 , 1 11111! title of '• F t..n l'inn rlt ot ( • 11,h . ." and ellartor of )0( o.! , 02-.ll;nnp.r.lnt , tl 11.• Court at April Ter:n next t I", 10.) tf uo 1 ri.1701,11 to the con trary be then ;:hown. BY 011 DER OE TILE January :23, isco—it. TAYLOR, & CitEMEB., HUNTINGDON NURSERIES, 11. (..7.1! , :'1'l NG DON, PA FIM7 11,R7 1711rg. dn. Pr I) , U' r growth, and at. lo .% or la icoq, than ally Or the Northern or Eaitorn and wart ant tlIC:11 trite ti Standard A pt , lo tree, nt 1:• 4 2:4' cts. melt—jlo per 1Oz). Poach trees at 13 to '29 ct , . each—.?.l2.:o .: , I;7 poe 100. Standard Pcar trees at 5o to 73 et , . each. DlVar: Pear trees Z.O cts. to $1 each----,i.a/ to C 0 per 100. Dwarf Apple tret, 5a to 7.5 Cl.. each. Standard Cherry tree. 3 t 3 to 75 ets. each. Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to io cts. Pluto trees cts. Apricot 40 to So Ll 4. Nectar:tie 03 et.. Crape Vine- Saver 31.tple trro.4 ; :;.i.tio each. .Europeau 7.3 ets: to $1 ott. European Larch 75 etc. to $1.50. Not nay Spruce .7:0 cts. to :t.:1,00. American 11,1,ata Vino 75 cts. to ;$1.50. Any rican and Phine.e Arbor 'Vita! 50 ct,., to $1,50. Strawbcri y per 100, 0.c., AC. - 11untingdot,, :lan. :25, 1501)-tint. _ °T k J I I -r 2-1 2 ci C tu l rntii ' ; l 2r l :la S n ' tl l and for sale, in lots to Lait purchasers, at wholesale prices Jan- IS, ISO-1m GOLD WATCHES! The under.t-ignea gives notice that he has two .u -perior Gold Watelic, which he will offer at private sale. They are both N. wlh anon Ca e Johnston Watches. Al.so, a new :River Lever W.ktch. HORATIO G. IS, 1 [3 Jari. FOP. SALE.- The .‘.-übscriber being desirous of moving to the 'West, offers for stile Iti property t.ituate in the village of Shatter,ville, near Via terstreet. Said property censa , ts of a quarter acre let, ith two fidme 11011 , '-'S, frame stable, and other neces.ary out building , thereon eret ted. all in good order and repair. This is a denirala‘, Sitllatit)ll for a good mechanic. Terms made easy. Pozsession given on lst April Silurf: , irsTille, Jan. 1.8. T AST NOTICE.- . kil All per , on , l:ne•.cing thent,clves inilehted, either by note or book account. 11ILL SXVi COST by calling iianualivicig and , :ettling up Ifunt in q,don, .1.111. 11, 1')G0 - NTE GOODS : LATEST Alt It I -lic3lurtrie Ii ju,t received ,gutter supply n 1 Winter 0...1, onnpri-in;; tle nnw,-t and nn,t boantina of ham . .C. We :L cn•ful ex:milli:it:on of our neck. und feel suti , l;ed ii i , the nio , t eNten , ive and attractive in the cc - m . 111"y. and Vs ill ui. ,el I at in icvs th.it will induce rill to Give e.ild Jan.4,1c60 3JIIN St.:orr.S.o7l:l-.T. T. 4 A IV RA S IP.- J. IL 0. th:s become a mem ber of the firm of SCOTT S.: DROWN, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, II UN TING DC‘N, Sn whirl nam. the vitt still be conclneted. Iluntin gthen. J. 171. EXC HANG E HOTEL, =2 Dcc. ‘2.7z, Iszo E T EXTRAC E ~itbont PAIN. by Dr.. 7. LOCK & J.I."&" . ( fr i - r? CAMP, DI.STI,T, 01in..., ono door 12a,t of the BANK. (up , tairr2.) Give Client a call. Dec. 2S, .. _ i r sTRO S, 0 11. AS JCST CI'ENED ANOTHC_K LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS Hits titv , cl , z of rc.atly-rar.C.,., CLUTIIING id Loge, and v, ill Lo .901,1 cheap for ca,ili. CALL AND SEE, SATE 7,I0:1.:1 - BY BUYING LOW Dec. 31, 1559 JOEIN PTASZYK, NO ronTE, ORGAN AND MELODEON TUNER, Besvctfuliv inform , the citizens of Huntingdon and vi cinity. and of the eont:'r. I hat he will la, in ill nntinplon X , 4lll:trly to ice a year, in June and D, , eeml,er, f o r th e put. p0....e of tuning and repairing Piano Forte-, )rgaii, and Alebale, , n-. and in-ti Innen t:. of all de-criptiori, order- left lit the Look. Stationcry and Mta-ic Store of Wm. Le‘, 1 , , NI in be promptly and faithfully at tended to. [Dec. 14, 1,',39-Iy.] BEAUTiFUL HOLIDAY G [11 " T. .JUST PUBLL-lIIED, THE ALBUM OF MUSIC FOR 1860, Cantainin g a choiee -elect of mtu-ie aril flue embellish ments. For sale by LEE LEEM No.l - '22 Che , a lint Puke E,5111 by muil, fern of pu:q.eje. Dec. 14-, 1~,:"41. EA.TIIEIt. sTonl JOHN C. ADAMS, CURRIED, Wholesale and I.'etail _Dealer in Leather and sStioe Findiny.s, Lewistown, Pa Having opt no,l a store on r.a , ,t. Market ,trech tcwi , tov.n, Pa., re,pcctfully calls the attention of consumer:, to his stock. and LOW PIZ ICES. Ile will sell 'Whit , Sole Leath r. at only :33 cents per porma I3e , •t Red Sole Leather, only 27 cents per pound Slant4itter Kip. tiom $ Lilo t o 5.511 per piece SpanhAt Kip, from 2.50 to -4,,cr per pica• Upper Loatli , :r. frozU 2, 1 10 t" :;.7 .5 per :Ade Calf Skin , . from 24.00 to 2.5.00 per dozen Tsfen's Moroccos, from 75 cont. t per piece. 11 - omen's Morocco,. from fiO cents to 51.50 per piece. Pint: Linings. from 40 to 75 cents per piece. All nthor kinds of Leather at proportionately the same low prices. As all the \yolk is of his own finish ; purcha sers can rely nn getting the best quality. A large assortment of 5110111 ELNIJINGS. always on Land. Country merchants supplied with Leather, Lasts and Shoe Finding.; at city In ice-;. Lewi , town, Nov. ::;0, ISZ,9-thu. DON'T FORGET, THE PLACE TO CALL IS AT G. A. MILLER'S STORE. GROCERIES. DRY-GOODS. BOOTS & SHOES 11\TS & CAPS. FRESII CONFECTIONARIES, &C., &C. AS CHEAP AS TUE CHEAPEST! AND AS GOOD AS THE BEST! C. A. Miller has now on hand a well selected stock of fresh Groceries, Dry Goods. Confection:it ies. Hats & Cap:, Boots & shoes, lotion -•, Sc.. all of which he is ready to di''-pose of at rea-onahle prices. The public generally are invited to call and examine his f',)(1.4. Thankful for the patronsT,o he Las received, he respect fully solicits a continuance or the :•ZtilL(.. Store room in the old Temperance Hall, Main street. Don't mi,s the place. Huntingdon, Nov. :2, 1559. TT is a fact that Fisher &MeMurtrie are selling - tho ~ ,o nnine Hanover Iluch.kin Gloves, which cannot be found ut any other store in Huntingdon: iItjBINESS EN, TAKE NOTICE! If you want your card neatly printed upon enrol opes,. call at LE IF S" 110 KA XD ST.ITTOXERY STO I? E. drIALL at B. P. GIVIN'S if you want Nl__) GOOD GOODS. IMEEI3 NV. F. SHAW, linntingdon, Pn B. F. BROWN BRICKER 11101I:IITRIE I= ILNTTY;GDO PA., T. E. 3IMONTON, Proprietor Ea N G 088 , A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL; DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. &C. aims! IA EAI TDIE OF 1,1.,,AV1NG iI•EsTi r_ t 1 :Li . ; i E. iSTI VA RD. I ----- ;,q;:t ---- 41 ; : 1- - - ; I STATIONS. :-' ; :g 71 : ... 4 ~t 1 P m.; I'. M.l A. 11.1 1 A. at. 1 r. m. P.M. 5 1 ,1 1 1 1 51, r '2.l' NeWtOM 1111711111'on, 12j 23; 953 1 -IS ii 1;:1 7 ti 3 6 :'...,1rt. u„1,,,, 112 161 0 46 1 40 3 0.' ,. 7 17 tr ti Mill Crti•l - ;12 02; 9 32 1 23 3 4 , ,; 7 :';, 0 :;;;; iiiinting.loo, 111 52; 021 1 10 6 04.! 7 4'l 7 10; l'c t• 0 ,1.01.2. 11l 37; 9 0612 52 6 11 7 ..,'' 7 17:11:01T- ;11 301 S bs 12 43 0 21; 7 55; 7 23,:-1.1w70 Cief.l. ;11 23. S 53;12 35 c 3., i s 90; 7 40;I:irmitigitam, X ll 00 S 37 112 19 6 171 s 1. , , 7 !•-,:1':, - rono, 111 02 8 30;12 10 6 3, S 2;1 i 3SCrlpton 110 54; 8 22112 00 7 03: S 2 4 , S 02 1 i' . 0 , .. Col i.l 10 501 S 17'11 55 7 tl ,- ,1 S 821 S (,<•,' roll', Mills . ..110 481 SlBll 50 7 In! S 431 S 20; Altoona, ; 10 35 S 00 11 35 I'. 31.1 P. M.l A. M.l 1 P. M. A.. M. A. M, 'TUN TINGDON &BROAD TOP LIIOAD.—Pa , -senger nains an ire and depart as 1 l,ncs : MORNING TRAIN For interme,liat e S tat inns, leaves at 7:40 A. M . Return:og, arrive; Il.uvriNoD(iN at 12:3-1 P. AI EVENING TIZAIN. For S %XTAN ana interniodiat , SLT.::OI:q, leaves at 3:50P. NI lletu;uiu arrives at Ilt:sriNano - s 7:35 P. NI JNO. 5. LAWRENCE, , lon. Nov. 16, 1559. Superintendent. Huntin , ENTS WANTED ! CARY'S PATENT CAP BREAST LANTERN To tho,e furni-hint; sati ,, foctory reference , , a liberal sal ary anti expen , e, w ill be paid. Tbe article is needed by eNery f.,rmer and mechanie in the c , +untry, and Hill meet ith rea , ly Fur particular, addre , , J. C. CARY, Patentee, S 1 Na9.sau Street, N. Y. Dec. 14, ISZO. / 1 VANS &-, IVAT SON'S SALAMANDER 1..;"1 S F S , • 4 th',TlL c. r ,4 1 . / '''; " :•11 1 CO4 elf STP.EET, • •: 7- ' Pin T7.11' .- i , t 4 1 ; A.NOTHEr. Tint - MPH! jt ..S'ept. 20, ISO. TO PRE , I7 , ENT OF THE PENMYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL Sorter :—The sub-cribers, your...committee to examine the rontenty of a Salamander Safe, of Evans & Watson, after being exposed to a strong fire on the Fair Grounds for eight hones. respectfully repre,ent— That utter seven c.ard4 of oak wood and three of pine had I wen consumed around the Safe. it was opened in the iae , ence of the committee, and the contents taken out, a little warzm.d, lint Hot even scorched. Soveml all vet- Medals ha etotore received by the manu facturers, and a large quantity of tioCIMIC/ItS Welt: in the Safe. e:alale ont entnely unznjured. Tic• e‘Hernnent sati-Med us of the capacity of Safes of thi4 kind to p; otect contents front any lire to which they may lie I•X ~ eLe , :l:initree awarded a Diploma and Silver :Nredal WOuDITAE.D, JOHN IV. GrArty, - J. P. P. ETHEIIFORD, AuRED S. GILLETT. STILL. ANOTHER T.MINriTnN. Del., Si pt.l7, ISLD.—Mcssrs. EVAN'S k WAT SON. 'h i G , 7tt6on , 7i Salamander Fire-Proof Safe of your manufacture. put - elm-ea by us from your Agent, Ferris & Garrott, et our city, some nine munthi ego. WaS severely tried by hurgh.r.- la,t ..i , aturday night. and although they had a -ledge lt.etn'...-.,_ ,--- --___--:: ATAEDICL SCIENCE. The history of "IIOOFLANDS GERMAN BIT TERS," the most remarkable medicine of the day, and the many cures that have been performed with it in cases of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DE BILITY, and diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach, place it among the most astonishing discoveries that have taken place in the medical world. The diseases to which these Bitters are applicable are so universal, that there are but few of our friends who may not test their virtues in their own families or circle of acquaintances, and prove to their own satisfaction that there is at least one remedy among the many advertised medicines, deser ving the public commendation. It is a fact that, in the minds of many persons, rt-prOudiee exists against what are called Patent Medicines; but why should this prevent you resorting to an article that has such an array of tes timony to support it as flotilla:ars German Bitters? Phy sicians prescribe it, Why should you discard it? Judges, usually considered men of talent, have and do use it in their own families. Why should you reject it? Clergy men, and those the most eminent, take it; why should not you? Let not your prejudice usurp your reason, to the everlasting injury of your health; if you are sick, and require a medicine, try these Bitters. These Bitters are prepared and sold by Dr. C. M, Jack son. No. 41S Arch street,'Philadelphia, Pa., and by drug gists and storekeepers in every town and village in the United States, Canadas, West Indies, and South America, at 75 cents per bottle. See that the signature of C. M. Jackson is on the wrapper of each bottle. May 11, 1859-Iy. NEWS ! NEWS I ! NEWS 1! ! NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, AT BEN JACOBS' AT BEN JACOBS' CHEAP CORNER, CHEAP CORNER. BENJ. JACOBS has now upon his shelves a large and full assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising a very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., &c., &c. His stock of CLOTHING for men and boys is complete— every article of wear will be found to be good and cheap. Full suits sold at greatly reduced prices—panic prices— which will be very low. Ills entire stock of Goods will compare with any other in town, and the public will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. As I am determined to sell my goods, bargains may be expected, so all will do well to call. Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. BENJ. JACOBS, Cheap Corner. Huntingdon, Oct. 4, 1859. CHOOL BOOKS, Li Generally in use in the Schools of the County, not on hand, will be furnished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK ANDSTATIOKERY STORE. 10 A It CHMENT DEED PAPER ruled, for sale at PAPER ! PAPER ! ! Note,Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream, quiro or sheet, ut LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. G - ROCERIES, &e., &c.—Call at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coun try produce taken in exchange at the highest market pri ces. (oct2S.) fIUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's than can be had in town. Call and see them. GUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A large assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. CCLOAKING Cloths, Tassals, Cords and Binding, cheap at D. P. GWLN'S. WOSTENHOLMS' Celebrated I X L Rnives and Razors, for sale by JAS. A. BROWN. IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. P. 0 WIN'S, where you will find the largest as sortment in town. Mrs. Lydia R. Orbison, " Annie E. Scott. . " Elizabeth Williamson, " E. B. Saxton, Wm. Brewster, Mrs. M. C. Given, " Mary B. Simpson, " Mary C. Marks, " Lizzie L. Dorris, " Ann E. Campbell, " Jennie C. Murray. FRANCIS B. 'WALLACE ;,) =1 liM ~~ ~-" ~: ~~ LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PROFESSIONAL 1 BUSINESS CARDS Pr P. LOVE, Dealer in Groceries, Confectioneries, AT., Huntingdon, Pa It. ALLISON MILLER Dentist, Office in Brick Row opposite the Court House Hun tingdon, Pa. T, EVANS & CO., Miners and Deal .> ors in Broad Top Coal. Office, Huntingdon, Pa. TAMES M. GREEN, ty Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer, Ilan tingdon, Pa. NEGAI-TAN & CO., • Miners and Beators in Broad Top Coal. B. L. Megahan, General Agent, McConnellstown, Huntingdon county, Pa. "DAVID BLAIR, Miner and Shipper of Broad Top Cont. Office Hun tingdon Pa. HK. NEFF, M. 8., offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, Hill street, opposite Dr. Luden's. A. MILLER, vA • Dealer in Groceries, Confectionaries, &c., 0 COWES, k.../ co Proprietor of the Mansion House. Tr. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. °Mee on 11111 street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '55. JS. 31ILLEB,, e Proprietor of the Jackson House H. WILLIAMS, Proprietors of the Franklin louse S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi o eines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, dc. Also—Gro ceries, Confectioneries, d:c., Huntingdon, Pa. WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical Instru ments. Huntingdon, Pa. _yP. GWIN, 0 Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. TM. CUNNINGHAM &BRO. 0 Pounders, Huntingdon. Pa TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &c., Hunt ingdon, Pa. USES STROUS, Dealer in Dry Goods. Ready Made Clothing, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, fiats and Caps, etc. 111 - ROMAN, _L„, Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. - p — ENJ. JACOBS, jO. Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer ies, Queens-ware, &c. 1 y GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Heady 13_1 e lm& Clothing. Huntingdon, Pa. McMURTRIE,: ,T Dealers in Dry Pa. EV I - WESTBROOK, i Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots Shoes, Gaiters, Morocco I.erther, etc. TO SE PIT REIG G ER, JO Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clucks, and Jew elry, Se. M. MS,WILLIA Plain and Oruantental Marble Manufacturn -- - OWEN BOAT, Carriage and Waggon Maiiu fart aver TOHN F. RAMEY, County. Surveyor, Lumun g don, Pa. Office oil Hill street, one dour ea,[ of the Huntingdon 'Marble Yard. ItEFErzycLs—.l... T. V. - at:on. Phila , lelphia; J. P. Geologist, Philadelphia; Charlei Mickley, Bough au I Ready Furnace, Ilon. Jonathan 31.Willizuns. L i ,10 CH.A.RD LANGDON, Miner and ijDealer in Broad Top Coal ; Hopewell, BolCord crran ty. Pa. [Nor. 3, 'SS. A LEXANDRIA .BRE \VERY. _EA_ ISENBERG S: CONNOR. itre prepared to furnish al: orders for ALE, promptly. Address Isenberg S: Connor, Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pa. [Dec. 8, 1855.] A MMEIIMAN & CO.,Miners and Deal- Lik ors in Broad Top Ceal, Broad Top, ITuntingdon co., Penna. [Nov. 3, 1858. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CT' OTI1IN:C; from me in llnntingdon at WiIOLESA LE as cheap as they can inthe cities, as I have a wholesale store in ;." Huntingdon, April 14, 1538. 11. ROMAN. ii :RY GOODS!—FI fine assortment on IF hand Ihr the accommodation of customers, at II:•:.N.1- JACOIiS". Cheap Corner," Market Square. (oct•?S ) ATONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. • 1 GOODS! A ADIES DRESS A splendid assortment at STROUS' Cheap Storj , iu Market Square. [March 31, . K. NEFF ' M. 8. , - PHYSICIAN - 4ND SUR GE ON: OtTrcr, Ifni street, opposite Dr. I,uden. offers his profcs slims' services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity April 13.1859. JACKSON HOTEL, Rauz,RoAD STREET. HUNTINGDON, PA JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor. Travelers. and citizens of the county, are informed that no pains will be spared to make them feel comfort:ile and at home at this House. [Api it 6, '39. ANSIONHOUSE, 11 L STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. CHRISTIAN GOUTS, Proprietor. My' ld patrons and the traveling public in general, may expect warm receptions and good accommodations. April 6. 1859. FRANKLIN HOUSE, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA W. & 11. WILLIAMS, Proprietors. The best accommodations for man and beast. Give us trial and be convinced. [April 13, '59. ALLISON MILLER, eL, DENTIST, Ilas removed to the Brick Ron• opposite the Court house April 13, 1559. 1 EW MARBLE YARD IN HUNT INGD ON, ON MIFFLIN STREET, DETWEEN SMITH AND FRANKLIN JAMES M. GREEN informs the citizens of the county generally, that he has opened a MARBLE YARD at the above place, and is prepared to finish marble to order in the best workmanlike manner. TOMB STONES, BUREAU and STAND TOPS, dc., fur nished on short notice, and at reasonable prices. He hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Huntingdon, May 4, 1859-Iy. NOTICE TO ALL ! ! _efx The subscriber, who has for more than one year, carried on business in company with Messrs. F. llanNnv,H. P. Winsicr.r, and Mr. LAGER BEER. has this day dissolved partnership with the above firm ! All claims against the old firm will be paid by the subscriber, and all those in debted to the firm will pay him. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY will"- alwaysalways ho repaired. A good stuck of CLocics, ri .: 4 WATCHES and JEWELRY will be kept on hand I for customers who may favor him with a call. • Huntingdon, March 2, 1859 READY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, Sm., together with a set of useful tables, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For sale at JOSEPH ItEIGGER LEWIS' BOOK STORE. F OR EVERYBODY. TRY TUE NEW STORE, On Hill Street opposite Carmon's Store THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF TILE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every other article usually found in a Grocery Stole, Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints,Varnishes,Oils and Spts. Turpentine, Alcohol,Fluid, Gass and Putty, ALSO- BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL TILE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a large number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will please call and examine for themselves and learn my prices Huntingdon, May 25, 1558. rri HE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN I—The subscribers take this method of informing their friends and the public generally, that - • they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Point •• dry, and are now in successful operation, and are prepared to furnish Castings of • every description, of best quality and 1 a '!'!' 'shortnotice,and workmanship, on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs. which can't be beat—together with the Keystone,Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand an are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of u Inch we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGLIA.III R BRO Huntingdon, April 30, 1856. AiIARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Buntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. lte is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, 'Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished. and carved with appro priate devices. or plain, as may snit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be furniAted to order. W. IV. pledges himself to furnish material and work mauship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and z“. 12. before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill street : Huntingdon ; Pa. Ifilntingdon, May 16, 1855 P._ - 0 000 E WARD ! MOSES STROUS, NV ill risk the above sum tbat he can Sell Goods, to every bouy, at rives to suit the times. Ills btock has been re newed for FALL and 'W.Iis;TElt, and he invites all to call and examine for themselves. His stock consists of every variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, OF ALL KINDS, EADY—MADB CLOTIII NO, Such as Over Coats, Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Jackets, 'Vests. Pants, &c. BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, of all sizes, for old and 3 oung. GROCERIES, of the best; QUEENSWAItE. &c., &c. The Public gt . II , • EaUY are (2:1111e8tlY invited to call and examine my new stock of e' and Ln convinced that I can accommodate with Good, and Prices, all who arc look ing out for great bargains. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Guods. MOSES STROUS. Huntingdon, Oct. 4, 1859. - • - - TSOOTS AND SHOES, CALF-SKINS AND LININGS, LASTS AND FINDINGS. LEVI 'WESTBROOK, Has just opened his new stock or Borns:ma HIDES for men. women. boss. misses and children. All kinds of styles for Ladies can be found at his store. and the men will not find fault with his stock for their wear. - Itis old elpit.,m ,, rs and the public generally, will please Call and examine his txten-Ave stock. stuck Linings, Lasts and Findings, will please all in tins trade. _ _ Ilan ingtion. Oct. 4. 1539 NT.P,'"W BOOKS ! roit SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE THE HOUSE : A Num - POCEET MANti.u. of Rural Architec ture; or, How to Build Barn 4, Stables. :Ind Out Dwellings of all khols. With a Chapter on Churche:t ana schoia-uon,es. nice, r,o cents. THE GARDEN: A Nt.:w Povx.t.T MANUAL of Practical Hor ticulture.; or, 'How to Cultivate. Vegetalk-i, Fruits. an .1 Flowers. With 0 Chapter on Ornamental Trees ana Shrub,. Price, 50 cent, THE FARM: A Nair POCKI,T \Nutt, of Practical Agri culture; or, flow to Cultis ate all the Field Crops. With oh Eq,ay on Farm Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC AN 13IA f•S : A NtAr POCKET MA:sv.u. of Cattle, :Lid Sheep o-dmildry ; or, How to Breed and Rear the Various Truants of tin. Barn-yard, etc., etc. Price, 5U cents. HOW TO TALK: A New POCKET :NTS.Ntiti. of ConveNation and Debate. with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Style, and more than Five Hundred Common Mis- takes Corrected. Price, 50 cent,. HOW TO BEHAVE: A NEW PocKET MANAta. of Republi can Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Per,onal Habits; with Rules for Debating Societies and Delit..rative As semblies, etc. Price ; 50 cents. 110 W TO DO 'BUSINESS: A Nrw PecKnr )11.NrAl. of Practical Allnirs and Guide to 6twees-: in Life; t 1 Collection of Itusinesl Forms, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Ten in,, etc. Price, 50 cent.. WILLIAM AFRICA. HAS AGAIN COMMENCED THE 13 00 T AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ilis old customers and the public generally. will him a call. (Iluntingtion, Oct. :20, 1838.] - - - PLUMING CLOTHING ! ! Keep J:Yourself warm. Call at M. GUTMAN CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, in Longs new building-, Market Square, Huntingdon, l'a. A good stock always on band. (0c28.) CLOAKS, TALMASTEIGOLETTES, j Victorines and Head Dresses are sold at prices, which defy competition, by FISIILIR 4; 31011711.E11LE. _ _ 10AL BUCKETS and Shovels, J for sale by JAMES A. BROWN LIQUORS, of the best, for Medicinal purposes, at S. S. SMITH'S. fILOTHING!—A large stock on hand, k_../ at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. Call and ex amine goods and prices. (oct2.S.) TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAPER, 13Th ite and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK et' STATIONERY STORE. TF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, Call at the store of BE J. JACOBS. `(ALL at the new CLOTHING STORE k_,/ of OUTMAN & CO., if you want a good article of Clothing. Store room in Long's new building, in the Dia mond, Huntingdon. Sept. 9, 1557. OVERCOATS, of all kinds, cheaper than elsewhere. at Oet.l, 1856. 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. CIONFECTIONERIES of the very best. Call at MILLER'S. pOOTS and SLOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. (MIN'S. B LANK BOOKS, or vAraous SIZES, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK _AND STA.TIONERY STORE. MONTHLY For enloat TIME BOOKS, LEWIS' BOOVC AND STATIONERY STORE. OOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications of any kind, ound to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK ct STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, suitable for cemfithmlial correspondence. fur sale at LEWIS' BOOK d , STATIONERY STORE. BOOTS & SETOES.—OId and young can be fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' store in Market sqyaro, Huntingdon, ra. (oot28.) S. S. sannr. WM. IVILLIA.IS HATS AND CAPS, LEVI WESTBROOK