TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per annum in advance Six months Three months A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for Will be considered a new engage. mont. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or less, $ 25 $ 37 1 / .. $ 30 One square, (12 lines • ) 50 75 1 00 Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00 Three squares, 1 50 2 25 3 00 Over three week and Ices than three mouths, i 5 cents per square for each insertion. Six lines or less, One 5quare........ Two squares, Three hquares,... Four squares Mall. a column,— One column Professional and Busine,s Cards not exceeding four one year, 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 75 Advertisements nut marked with the number of inser tions deiired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms,.. WRistetiantaits FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT, Of the Huntingdon County Agricultural Society. To the President and CY/leers of the State Ag ricultural Society : GENTLEMEN :-At the close of this the sth year of our existence as an Association, I have again, in behalf of the Society, the hon or of presenting for your consideration, a de tailed report of our history and practical op erations during the year 1859. Though our position at the present time, as well as our prospects for the future, may not be as flat tering as we could wish them as a society, and though we have failed to a certain extent in realizing all the expectations, expressed in our last year's Report, yet in contrasting our condition as a community, with that of neigh boring counties, and especially when taking into consideration the circumstances under which the present year was commenced, we have great reason to be thankful to that Prov idence, which has so especially favored us in comparison with other sections of our State. The year 1559 was commenced under cir cumstances, to say the least, somewhat de pressing. Pecuniary embarrassment, finan cial depression, scarcity of employment, par alyzed industry, and a partial failure of the grain crops, arc by no means flattering pic tures to contemplate. Perhaps at no time in the history of our country has the surplus of grain been so closely consumed, and the ap proaching harvest looked forward to with a greater degree of anxiety than during the past year, whilst the ravages of insects and other enemies to the growing crops, which had for two or throe successive years intervened to blast the prospects of the husbandman, rendered their hopes still more precarious.— Poverty and faith it is said, journey very un comfortably together, and it would most un doubtedly have required a very strong exer cise of the latter virtue to have sustained the sinking hearts of many under a similar visi tation. The most sanguine expectations, however, were realized in the harvesting and ingatherinc , '' of an abundant crop. The late June frost, so very destructive to the grain crops of some of our neighboring counties, was in our community, productive of but lit tle injury, and perhaps should be regarded more as a blessino• than otherwise, inasmuch as it no doubt tended' largely to the destruc tion of insects and other enemies to the ad vancing crops, their disappearance, to a very great extent, being mainly attributed to this cause. Some portions of our country were, during the early part of the summer, visited by severe hail storms, which, as far as they extended, have been very destructive, but their ravages were happily confined to very narrow limits. The fruit crop, however, suf fered severoly from these visitations, in some sections being totally destroyed, and in others materially injured, so that neither in quanti ty or quality could it be reckoned as more than an average crop. Aside from the causes enumerated, it is to be regretted that in a fruit growing region the attention of our agriculturists has not been directed more to the careful cultivation and improvement of this valuable depart ment, and a more extended and scientific study of the habits and wants of each tree, fruit, flower, and shrub, which must be pro duced in order to their successful cultivation, and by which they would improve instead of deteriorating. In accordance with previous arrangements an annual Fair or Exhibition was held on the 4th, sth and Gth days of O.:robot. l a st. The ground selected by the Committee of Arrange ments was the same which has heretofore been occupied fur this purpose. The build ings were enlarged and the accommodations ample. The attendance was unusually large and the amount of Stock, Grain, Domestic Manufactures, Fancy Needlework, Flowers, and specimens of Fine Arts, far exceeded. that of any previous exhibition. The supe rior and abundant display of fruits was the subject of universal approbation ; as an evi dence of which we would here take the priv ilege of quoting a portion of the report of the Committee on this class: "those of your Committee who visited the State Fair at Phil adelphia, last week, have no hesitation in de claring the display of apples at this exhibi tion superior in quality and beauty to that of the former." It may be well to remark further that the Committee was composed of gentlemen whose judgment would not be dis puted, and that a majority of them had at tended the State Exhibition the previous • But our space would by no means permit us to do justice to the articles exhibited in each department, it is sufficient to say that the entire Exhibition was one which reflected entire credit on all the exhibitors, as well as on our county, and that in the distribution of praise the fair portion of our community are entitled to the greater share, inasmuch as we were indebted not only to their presence, their smiles, and their assistance, but also to their taste, skill and refinement, for the suc cess of this as well as every other underta king of utility and importance. At the con clusion of the Exhibition, an Agricultural Address was delivered by Dr. J. H. Wiutrode, a former Representative from this county in the State Legislature ; of its merits we need say nothing ° further than it was a masterly effort, one worthy of the man and fitting for the occasion, but as it was delivered extem poraneously, and without notes, we regret that a copy cannot conveniently be procured for transmission. The weather was for the greater portion of the time rather favorable, the season of the year well chosen, and the entire scene was one on which the eye might dwell and the mind contemplate with satisfaction and de light. The lowing of herds, the bleating of flocks, the restless neighing of the impatient chargers, the soul-stirring music discoursed by the Excelsior Brass Band, (one of the finest in the State) the dense, yet ever waving mass of animated nature, the immense banquet ta bles spread over the rich carpet of heaven's 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. ...$1 50 : ,, ,3 00 S'i 00 ... 3 00 5 00 7 00 .... 5 00 SOO 10 00 ... 7 00 10 00 15 00 ... 0 00 I'3 00 0 0 00 ....12 00 10 00...........24 00 ...20 00 ...... ....30 00.... ..... .50 00 $1 50 75 50 WILLIAM LEWIS, VOL. XV. bounty, and groaning beneath the weight of divine benificence, the whole illuminated by the mellow rays of an autumn sun, reflected from the pure azure of an autumn sky, and decorated with the thousand varied tints of the frost-stricken forest,now vocal with the fare well melodies of summer's latest warblers, combined to elicit from every heart a ready response to the sentiment expressed in the beautiful and grateful language of one of our most gifted poets : "Our ommon mother smiles, and sings Like Ruth among the garnered sheaves; Iler lap is full of pleacant things, Iler brow is crowned with Autumn leaves ! Oh favors. old but ever new! Oh blessing:4, with the sunshine sent! The bounty overruns our One; The fullness shames our discontent." Our receipts fur the Exhibition were as follows: Annual membership tickets,.. Single admissions, Licenses, sale of lumber, etc., OE EXPENDITURES : Premiums, policemen, music, printing, merchan dise. ground rent, etc, 1147 45 'Pah lug into con - i derat ion the appropriation receiv- ed from the Co. Treaq. of 8100 ; together with a balance on hand from la.it year of 515145, leaves a present balance of the Treasury of. That the exhibition should be a complete success, except in this one important feature, the pecuniary department, is to be regretted, and, were it not readily accounted for, would be a source of discouragement. While a number of our incidental expenses might per haps have been to some extent curtailed, yet our principal error seems to have been the extension of our premium list beyond its or dinary limits and beyond the bounds of pru dence. We have now obtained sufficient data on which to base our calculations with some degree of certainty in future. We have learn ed the maximum as well as the minimum of our receipts under the most favorable as well as unfavorable circumstances, and will here after be enabled to shape our expenses accor dingly. We have also learned the amount of those expenses, under the most rigid system of economy, which information will, we trust, be sufficient to enable us to so arrange our affairs as to guard against a similar result in future. We are happy to say that a movement has been made, and agitated to some extent, by some of our most active and influential citi zens, for the purpose of raising a fund suffi cient to purchase a suitable lot of ground, to be fitted up for and appropriated to the ex clusive use of the society; this measure, if once carried into effect would to a very great extent, reduce the expenditures annually in curred in fitting up the grounds, employing a police force, etc., and also prevent the heavy losses to which we are subjected in exposing the lumber to sale after each exhibition, and would in the end, no doubt, enable us to re alize a handsome revenue after paying all ex penses. We need not say that we hail with feelings of pleasure and pride, the establishment of the Pennsylvania, Agricultural College, or Farmers' High School, as a fitting experiment for a great agricultural State like ours, or that we rejoice in the success of this new and flourishing institution. We believe all the pupils admitted from our county, in returning to their homes, have expressed themselves as highly pleased, not only with the course of instruction there pursued, but also with the happy combination of physical with mental labor which forms one of its principal and most distinguishing, features. This speaks volumes in favor of the institution, and may he hailed as a sure precursor of success. We sincerely hope that the day is not far distant not only when science properly - applied shall be made subservient to the proper and suc cessful cultivation of the soil, and knowledge he regarded as truly useful in any pursuit of life, but when the true dignity of labor shall be thoroughly known and duly appreciated, and the title of true nobility shall be drawn direCtly from the soil. In conclusion, we would only say that even in the face of all prejudice against " book farming," as well as opposition to " county fairs," a steadily increasing interest is mani fested by our agriculturists, in a judicious and successful cultivation of the soil, and the growth of cereal grasses, leguminous plants, and farinaceous roots, which every candid mind will admit has been materially strength ened and promoted by the practical workings and general influence of the Huntingdon County Agricultural Society. If it be of no further utility than that of enciting a spirit of emulation and inquiry, as to the most ju dicious rotation of crops, the cheapest, most available, and yet most effectual methods of fertilization, in order to prevent the most am ple soil from passing into an irreclaimable waste, or of restoring the same from a state of comparative sterility to one of fruitful fe cundity, we shall feel that our labors have not been unrequited. And now relying upon the generosity of our fellow-citizens to assist in replenishing our somewhat depleted treas ury, together with the renewed energy and untiring exertion of those friends of improved agriculture and modern reform, who have ever stood by the society, even under far less favorable circumstances than the present, we would once more unfurl our canvass to the breeze, trusting at the end of another year to be able to present you with a more favora ble and a, more satisfactory account of our voyage. By order and in behalf of the Society. R. MeDIVITT, Acting Secretary HUNTINGDON, PA., Jan. 10, 1860. INTERESTING TO WIDOWS.—The Pittsburgh Legal Journal gives the following decision of the Supreme Court in this State, in regard to a widow's claim under the exemption law: " The right of a widow to retain real or personal property of her deceased husband's estate to the value of three hundred dollars, is waived entirely when she neglects to de mand an appraisement. If an appraisement be made, and she neglects to retain less than the value of three hundred dollars, she waives her claim to all which she neglects to retain. She has no right to a second appraisement." ;, .1-•• -,.,... Ar - r . r..., , , ~ -- - ' , ze-, - a-ii...,-,, ..;•• ; , vr.:ll, ~:.t1 p.iri .:.:.'; 4 .0, . . I' 'l.: k '-* ti: - ..: , ,:-..., ...,- „, fudge Douglas and the Administration—Le compton— COngreSS ionallntervention—Pop vim- Sovereignty and the Charleston Con vention. [From the Baltimore (Maryland) Dispatch.] If ever there was a public man whose mo tives and principles have been wickedly mis represented and maligned, by a few active enemies in place and power, Judge Douglas, is that man—in spite of all his glorious ante cedents—his unspotteed loyalty to Democracy and the cause of Southern rights, from the days of Jackson down, we are expected to be duped by the partizans of the Administration, into the belief that Judge Douglas has be come a traitor to the National Democracy and the cause of the South, notwithstanding the stubborn fact. that he is now as he has ever been, the most implacable enemy of Black Republicans, and is by them the most hated and feared, because the most formidable cham pion of Democracy—these cunning enemies of the Union and the Constitution, know full well that if Douglas is sustained by his own party, there is an end of their mad career now and forever. The daily announcement of the results of the election of Delegates for Charleston in the free States shows conclusively that all the machinations and misrepresentations of his enemies, have not shaken the confidence of the Democratic masses of that section, in the integrity and loyalty of Judge Douglas. In the South also, the light of reason, truth and justice, is beginning to reveal the strong and inestimable claims which Judge Douglas has upon the confidence and gratitude of all conservative national men. That there has been, and is yet much prejudice in' the South against Judge Douglas we admit, but it is mostly found in political fire-eaters, and is not shared in by the mass of the Southern Democracy. The cause of Southern preju dice against Douglas has been chiefly, because the Southern party . press failed to give him the benefit of a hearing, and published inces santly the most inflamed and vituperative at tacks on him, derived for the most part from the Administration press in Washington.— But the mists are rolling away, and we al ready behold Southern press after press, fal ling into the Douglas line after a fair investi gation of his claims. In no State has there been more misrepresentation of Judge Doug las' true position, and less light on the sub ject from the public press, than in Maryland. Yet even here, we see some of the ablest and best Democrats, day by day acknowledging the injustice of past prejudices and rallying to the only man, as they believe, who can lead them to victory. Indeed, we now believe that Douglas will receive the votes of several South ern States at Charleston. We of the South, owe far more gratitude to those gallant men of the North, who have fought in defence of our dearest rights and interests, against a powerful faction in their own section, than we owe to Southern Hot spurs, who would, if they were allowed to do so, ruin their own cause by denouncing and abusing as " unsound and rotten" the great body of our Northern friends and allies. Hence we think' it our duty as Southern men to repair this injustice and testify our reunion with these truly national men of the North, that WO should "strengthen their arms and sharpen their weapons," by nominating as one common leader against the common enemy, that distinguished chieftain, who is the favorite of our Northern allies, while ho himself is ready to support the nominee at Charleston, whoever he may be. We regret to see how fiercely the Adminis tration and all its official dependents have waged relentless warfare against Judge Doug las, and it now becomes the people to resume " popular sovereignty" into their own hands, and ignore the dictation and malevolence of men in office, who are bound by past honors and present emoluments to support even Judge Douglas, when declared the choice of the peo ple. We are told that the President is not a candidate for re-election. If so, he has no right to use his influence to proscribe this or that candidate, or to nominate his successor. It is, to say the least of it, in bad taste and should be rebuked by a people capable of self-(rovernment. Believing as we do, that Judge Douglas can satisfy every fair-minded Southern that he has taken the only ground, on Le compton, Congressional Intervention, and Popular Sovereignty, on which a Northern Democrat can successfully stand, and that his doctrines will practically and forever kill the Republican party, by not only withdraw ing the slavery agitation from the halls of Congress, but from dangerous discussion and agitation in all the free States, thus localizing the issue of free soil, or slavery, to the limits of each territory, subject to the Constitution as it may be expounded by the Courts, we have no fears that any Southern State will fail to ratify the nomination of Judge Doug las at Charleston, in spite of rampant disor ganizers or fillibustering fire-eaters. " Truth is mighty and will prevail." $6lO 00 100 00 127 73 $927 73 $3l 75 BURNING or A FEMALE COLLEGE.-A Fe male College, at Oxford, Ohio, was burned a few nights since. The building contained 175 young ladies. The escape of Miss Sallie B. Moore from the college is unparalleled for daring. She roomed in the fifth story, and returned the second time to her room for some books. On opening her door she discovered that the hall was dense with smoke, and the stairway was in flames, and all means of exit in that direction was hopeless. Closing her door, she deliberately tore the bed clothing into strips, knotted them firmly together, and tying them to her bed-post, she 'hopefully stepped from her window, and made a suc cessful descent to the ground, a distance of forty-five feet. The presence of mind shown by the entire body of young ladies was re marked by every one. This was, no doubt, promoted by some remarks Misg Peabody had made the day before, commenting on the Pemberton mill accident, and desiring if any sudden casualty should visit them, if the col lege should take fire, or any other accident occur, they might act in a thoughtful and collected manner. HUNTINGDON, PA., FEBRUARY 15, 1860. A Voice From the South! ( - p,i4 4 _ 4: , e f., . .....'........ 4-4 .- , i. , 4- ,tki-!: ..... .:;, li 4, . -, 6 .i. . • A. _ . .. -.. '. • 7 ;- ,p :, • ''''' -PERSEVERE.- The editor of the Advocate and Journal, says: We have had occasion lately to prepare for the Methodist Quarterly Review an estimate of the actual statistical condition of Metho dism throughout the world. By permission of the editor we are allowed to condense these statistics for our columns, in response to calls made for such facts. The following are the latest and most accurate estimates of its com municants : Methodist Episcopal Church 956,555 Methodist Episcopal Church South 700,000 Canada Wesleyan Conference 43,672 Eastern British American Conference 16,935 Methodist Episcopal Church, Canada 13,352 American Wesleyan Methodists 21,000 Methodist Protestant Church 70,01 S African Methodist Episcopal Church 20,000 African M. E. Zion Church 6,203 Albright Methodists 21,076 Total lay members in America, 1,868,811 Add traveling preachers, (except Albrigb ts,) 11,458 Total American communicants, 1,880,264 The Methodism of Europe—excepting the British and American colonies and the Amer ican and European missions, included above —exhibits similar though not equal vigor.— The latest accessible returns show : Wesleyan Methodists 435,908 Primitive Methodists 123,863 New Connexion Methodists 27,000 United Free Church Methodists 43,000 Wesleyan Methodists who remain independent, 12,000 Bible Christian Methodists 19,068 Church —Methodists in Ireland, called Primitive Methodists, 9,158 Total British lay members 669,397 Add traveling preachers 3,255 Total communicants Besides these divisions, there are minor ones, whose statistics cannot be exactly as certained ; an authority gives them an ag gregate of 10,000 members and 200 preach ers. Summarily, them Methodism, through out the world, comprises 2,548,190 lay mem bers, and 14,883 traveling preachers—an ag gregate of 2,563,091 communicants. If we add three non-communicant members of its congregations for each communicant—a safe estimate for Methodist congregations goner- Oly—we have a population of more than ten and a quarter millions attending its ministra tions. It extends densely over North Ameri ca and England, it has " Conferences" in France, Germany, Africa and Australia; its missions are in Sweden, Norway, Switzer land, Spain, Turkey, and South America ; they dot the coasts of Africa, India, China, and the isles of the Southern Ocean. Its great missionary organizations include more than three thousand laborers ; its educational institutions comprise more than 130 colleges, theological schools and boarding academies ; and in England more than 500 day schools. It has more than two millions Sunday schol ars, and 350,000 tt,3ehers. Its 35,000 local preachers make with :ts " itinerants," a min isterial force of nearly 50,000 men. Gambling in Washington "Occasional," in writing about the gaming houses at the national capital, says : A gentleman well acquainted with the se crets of these resorts, tells me that he has known as much as ten thousand dollars to be risked on a single game, and others hare seen two or three thousand dollars hazarded on a single card, and in a single game. The non chalance of the players is startling. They win or lose thousands without a sigh or a smile. " Faro," in which the better encounter the bank, is the prevailing game in these saloons, and, although tables are set out at which what is called " brag," " poker," and other games are played, the principal fascination is the platform covered with green leather, behind which sits the imperturbable dealer, with his pale face, black eye and monotonous "call," while on three sides are gathered, sitting and standing, rank after rank, anxious and excited spectators, who, breathless with anxiety, watch the little cards as they are dealt from the tin box, and pick up their gains or swallow their losses with a silence only interrupted now and then by an angry exclamation or a quiet chuckle of exultation. Night is turned into morning, and the lat ter frequently surprises the contestants in the struggle. Occasionally a streak of luck be falls an outsider, which, like a prize in a lot tery, becomes a sort of advertisement for the gambler. Ido not pretend to say that there is fraud in these games, because it frequently happens that there is as much skill among the volunteers as there is in the principals of the establishments ; but those who have ta ken pains to investigate the facts do not hes itate to say that, unless on extraordinary oc casions, the bank is sure to beat those who attempt to take up arms against it. So cau tious have the keepers of these places become, that they are very careful as to whom they admit into their saloons, and it is to this cau tion that the public is indebted for the pres ervation of so many of those secrets which, if disclosed, would undoubtedly result in great excitement. CATFISII IN HORICON LAI:E.—Two thousand bushels of catfish were taken from Horicon Lake, Wisconsin, recently, in a singe day.— The Milwaukee News thus relates the mode of their capture : " Horicon Lake froze over very rapidly du ring the present winter, and this species of fish being, in a manner, amphibious, must have open water in order to exist. The clo sing of the ice drove them to the foot of the lake, where men are engaged in cutting ice for summer use. Thus collected together so thick that the eye cannot penetrate the water to the depth of six inches, a basket is crowded down into the midst and immediately with drawn, completely filled. They are pur chased by farmers at twenty-five cents a load, who feed them to their hogs." Statistics of Methodism 11:11i1 The Constitutional gives the following an ecdote of the late war in Italy : During the battle of Magenta the combat was exceedingly severe round the railway station, and as the French regiments ad vanced, men were busily employed in re moving the wounded, fearing that if their com rades should by chance be obliged to fall back, the men lying on the ground would be trampled under foot. An officer perceived a soldier on his knees near his musket busily employed in binding up his head with a handkerchief having received a thrust from a bayonet, which had passed through his cheek and entered his left eye. The officer asked him what he was doing, and seeing that he was badly wounded, told him to go to the ambulance. "To the ambulence," said the soldier, "and why ?" " Because you have lost your eye," said the officer. " Yes," said the soldier, "but the other is still good," at the same time pointing his musket to show that he could still take aim. In a quarter of an hour after, the railway station was in the hands of the French. A ball fired by the Austrians struck in the arm of a French soldier who was climbing up to one of the windows, and he fell. The same officer ran and raised him up. " Ah, is that you captain ?" said the same soldier ; "thank you, but the rascals have broken my arm." "Yes," said the officer " have you not had enough of it now?" The soldier did not for a moment reply, but after taking up his musket, he said with a smile: " It is only the left, captain—the other is still good," and he again hurried to the combat. The captain went on also, and in a few mo ments, again saw him fall down from a shot in the breast. " Poor fellow," said the officer, leaning over him. The soldier heard his voice, and withdying accents, said : 672,622 "Captain, you must not be angry with me, for if I had left the field, two other men would have been hit, whereas, in my case, it makes no matter, as my time was evidently come." And the poor fellow, falling back, expired. It was the officer who told the sto ry, and in his turn was killed at the battle of Solferino. Such is the fortune of war. ZED—A newspaper published at Colima, Mexico, on the 24th of October, tells the fol lowing frightful story: "When Gen. Pueblita entered the town of Ayo, in September last, he exacted a forced loan from the people, and a share of it fell upon the curate of the place. The curate acted as though he -would pay, but as he did not make his appearance at the point designated for payment, Gen. Pueblita ordered him to be arrested. A party of men went to his dwelling and knocked at the door; there was no answer and they broke in.— Tney found no one in the house, and were about to leave it when they heard a frightful voice proceeding from the ground, saying "I am hungry." The officer in command went back to General Pueblita and told him about the voice. The General appointed a commis sion to examine the house. This commission went to the curate's dwelling, and, after a careful examination, they found a movable stone in the floor, and under this was a stair way leading down to a vault, which was en tirely dark, and had no connection with the air, save by the staircase, and a small hole that served as a ventilator. In this vault were some books, a few articles of furniture, and a woman who had been shut up there for eighteen years. She was taken to General Pueblita's quarters. When brought into the light where she sawn number of persons, she fainted. After she had returned to her sen ses, a thousand questions were asked of her, to which she replied only that she had been buried in that vault for eighteen years with out going out for a moment; that she had been married, and had children by her hus band, but she knew nothing of their fate ; that while imprisoned in the vault, she had had children by the curate, but she knew nothing of what had become of these chil dren ; and after saying this much, became obstinately silent. While this was passing, a sergeant of the Pueblita Brigade, then present, discovered that this woman was his mother, and she recognized him as her son and embraced him. The sin then ran for his father, who came and recognized his wife.— The husband, fifteen years ago, was impris oned throe years under charge of having murdered his wife, this woman." Ile'. An extraordinary case of a girl con cealing her sex for many years, has been brought to light at Poictiers, Prance. Augus tine alias Augustus Boudoin, a young person of seventeen, was known in the town and neighborhood as an active lad, and had been in place at respectable houses as " odd boy." This individual was lately tried for robbery, and while in prison the authorities conceived some suspicions, and ascertained her to be a female. On being asked what reason she had for wearing men's clothes, she said she had observed that men got their living easier than women ; but she refused to give any informa tion as to her birth and parentage. -She was removed to the female wards, but her repug nance to appear in female attire among her fellow prisoners was so great that she com mitted suicide by hanging herself to an iron bar with a pocket handkerchief. The New York correspondent of the Mobile Register gives the following as the reason why the Republican Convention is to be holden at Chicago. A delegate of the Com mittee said to him : " We Republicans dread but one name, and that is the mighty name of Douglas.— It has roused thousands of stalwart warriors in the olden time, and it will do it again if the Democratic party nominate him at Charleston (and we Republicans are not go ing to give our opponents credit for being such infernal fools as not to nominate him.) We will try to kill the Douglas on his own hills,' by having all the eclat and excitement of a Republican Convention in the principal city of Illinois." Editor and Proprietor NO. 34, The Brave Soldier. What Have They Made by it ? What has the President and his followers made by reading out of the Democratic party that portion of the Democracy who refused to accept the Lecompton constitution ? This is a right pertinent question at the present moment. How much stronger is the party because of it ? How many more friends has Mr. Buchanan for it ? How much less sec tionalism is there in the country ? How much improved are the prospects of the De mocracy to carry the President in 1860 ? Some benefits ought to be shown as the re sult of this measure, for Gen. Jackson never made half the effort to uproot the United States Bank than did Mr. Buchanan to push through Congress the Lecompton Constitution. In the first place this measure and its bastard progeny, the English bill, although bought through Congress, accomplished nothing. It was indignantly rejected by the people who were effected by it. It settled nothing. It has kept the Kansas troubles before the coun try for the whole term of Mr. 'Buchanan's administration. It is there yet, and unless they decently submit to the will of the people it will be still continued as a bone of contention. What then, we repeat, has the Democratic party made by its wonderful Lecompton ? It will be remembered that we did not ask the President and his advisers to think with us, we only demanded they should not for psa to think with them. We asked a lit tle ys Medom—we claimed to have an honest opinion that the measure was wrong and in conflict with previous pledges made to the people. We did not deny the right of Mr. Bu chanan to go on his own way rejoicing, we only complained that he forged manacles to make us do as he was doing. His determi nation was to force us along a certain path way, and in case we failed to walk in it, to visit us with the punishment of throwing us out of the Democratic party. He and his followers boast that they have done so too, but even admitting for the sake of the argu ment that they have, which wo utterly deny, what have they made by it ? Who are t, men who have stepped up to fill our places in the broken ranks ?—Chester County Demo crat. ANOTHER VOICE FRO3I THE SOUTIL—The Hon. Augustus R. Wright, late member of Congress from Georgia, has written a letter in which he eulogizes Senator Douglas and declares that if a Northern man is nominated "or President at ,Charleston, he must be the man. Mr. Wright concludes his elogftent letter as follows : "Are his popular sovereignty principles insufferable to people who govern themselves ? Suppose the people of a Territory , did mould their institutions to suit themselves, if it was honestly and fairly done, would freedom shriek and her banner fall to rise no more ? Douglas is the same man now that he was when three thousand Northern clergymen presented him to the Senato as a traitor to his country and a nuisance to the council cham ber. He has changed no principle since; surrounded by the maddened Abolition rab ble of Chicago, armed with Bowie-knives and pistols, he mounts the platform to defend the rights of the South, or shed his blood upon the soil of his native State. Fit type of our country's progress, and of the true hearted Democracy of the Union, if he is nominated at Charleston, let our banner-cry be Onward to the rescue.' "Respectfully and truly, " AUGUSTUS R. AVaicnT." OIL IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. —A cor respondent of the Sunbury American, wri ting from Warren county, says: The recent discovery of oil springs in the western part of Pennsylvania is more important than many are aware of. In conversation with an intelligent gentleman from Warren, Pa., he informed me that one of the wells recent ly dug in that vicinity, the production of oil was about thirty casks, of forty gallons each daily. This well is about seventy feet deep, and is bored through about thirty feet of a kind of soapstone, after which it penetrates into sandstone formation, from the crevices of which the oil is forced upwards to the sur face. A small engine is used to pump up the liquid, about 25 per cent. of which is oil. It is received in large vessels, from the top of which the oil flows, while the water is run off at a point below the oil. In this simple s manner the oil is separated from the water, and is worth there forty cents the gallon.— At present the crude oil is taken to Buffalo, and by a little refining is there sold at ninety cents per gallon. There are now about thir ty wells being dug and in operation in the western part of Warren county. PENNSYLVANIA POLITICS,-1 'Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, writing from the Federal Capital, speaks of the Prime Minister of our Democracy in this fashion : It is a significant fact that the manager of Pennsylvania politics is William B. Reed, late Minister to China, - who never gave a Democratic vote in his life until he cast one for Mr. Buchanan in 1556. lie was the most violent assailant of General Jackson, Martin Van Buren, James K. Polk, Lewis Cass and all the old apostles of the Democratic party. This man is now here assailing Judge Doug las, with voice and pen. He is a fit compan ion of Grund, Bennett and others, and is deep in the confidence of the President. The Dem ocratic masses of Pennsylvania are notorious ly in favor of Judge Douglas for President, and yet Mr. Buchanan, through his officials, is straining every nerve to secure the delega tion for himself. For this purpose Breckin ridge's name continues to be used." WirAT GEN. CASS TnnvKs.—This veteran Democrat, at present a member of Mr. Bu thanan's Cabinet, a few days since, in con versation with a prominent Ohio Democrat said ; " This war upon Judge Douglas and his friends I have always discountenanced.— It is wrong—all wrong, sir ; and if persisted in must ruin the Democratic party. Judge Douglas is a Democrat—as good a Democrat as lives to-day ; and if the politicians succeed in defeating him at Charleston, as a party we are lost, and God only knows what catastro phy may follow !" THE NIGGERS AND CONGRESS.—The " nig gers" who do the " menial" work at the Cap itol are a shrewd set of fellows. Tuesday one of them was standing by one of the doors of the House, looking in at the members.— The door-keeper said, " Jim, they're talking about niggers in there." " Well," was the response, " dat's der business. Lor bless you, if it wasn't for de niggers, dere wouldn't be no Congress." The Governors of the States of the Union, including the Governor elect of Kan sas, are seventeen Democrats, sixteen Repub licans, and one, in Maryland, American. The Democratic Governors arc in fourteen slaveholding States, and three free States. The Republicans are, of course, all in the free States.