The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 22, 1859, Image 1

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.clett Vottrp..
I wish I was an Editor,
I really do indeed;
It seems to me that Editors
Get everything they need,
They get the biggest and the best,
Of everything that grows,
And get in free to circuses,
And other kind of shows ;
'When a mammoth cheese is cut,
They always get a slice,
For saying Mrs. Smith knows how
To make it very nice;
The largest pumpkin, the longest beet,
And other garden stuff,
Is blown into the Sanctum by
An Editorial puff;
The biggest bug will speak to them,
No matter how they dress,
A shabby coat is nothing if
You own a printing press;
At Ladies' Fairs they are almost hugged,
By pretty girls who know
That they will crack up everything
The Ladies have to show;
And thus they get-a blow-out free
At every party feed;
The reason is because they write
And other people read.
Ci - ommunicatitrits.
EDITOR GP 'rac GLOBE :—ln my last letter
from this place, I gave you an account of a
Sunday in "the Monumental City," a visit to
the Manual Labor School, &c. My present
communication will consist of some of the in
cidents worthy of note, in my last day in the
city. At an early hour we started for North
Exeter street, for our young friend Wm. G.
Ray, who was to accompany us, in our peri
grinations during the day. We made our
way to a wharf on the Baltimore harbor, and
took passage ou the steam ferry boat, "Belle
of Baltimore," for Locust Point, in order to
visit Fort McHenry, which your readers will
remember came near falling into the hands
of the British, in the campaign of 1814.
This fortress is built at the extremity of Lo
cust Point, and defends the entrance from
the Patapsco to the Baltimore harbor. The
"Star Spangled Banner" waves above its par
apet, and a company of Uncle Sam's hardy
boys march to and fro beneath its folds, and
daily destroy, not hosts of boasting British,
but beans and beefsteak. Every thing about
the fortis kept in good order, and dark mouth
ed cannon mounted on the breastwork, seem
to threaten annihilation to any hostile vessel
that might dare to approach the city. It
was during the siege of this fort, that Lord
Ross the British commander was killed. It
seems that he had made the impins assertion,
that he would "eat his supper that night in
Baltimore or in h-11." During the day, two
young Americans, with characteristic forti
tude and patriotism, resolved to turn the tide
of battle by sacrificing their own lives. Con
cealing themselves in a clump of bushes with
their deadly rifles in their hands, they calm
ly awaited- the approach of the British Com
mander and his staff. Onward came the
haughty Lord, flushed with past victories,
and thinking no doubt, of the fresh laurel that
would be added to his wreath, when the eagle
that soared over Baltimore, pierced by his
sword, should fall fluttering from his dizzy
height, and the British lion cause American
hearts to thrill with terror. Suddenly two
rifle locks clicked, young Wells and McCo
mas took deliberate aim and fired, and Lord
Ross, who had been guilty of vandalism un
paralled in civilized warfare, the burning of
the Capitol at Washington, including the li
braries &c., reeled and fell dead. Wells and
McComas were instantly fired upon and kil
led. It is believed that this brave act saved
the city from falling into the hands of the en
emy. Last Summer the grateful citizens of
Baltimore had the bones of these men ex
humed and brought with appropriate ceremo
ny, to the central, or rather eastern part of
the city, and buried with the honors of war.
I believe a monument is to be erected over
them. I visited their graves, which are en
closed with a neat iron railing.
After a long walk we returned to the city,
and, as our appetites were by this time well
sharpened, wo did ample justice to an excel
lent dinner provided for us, by our friend Ray's
hospitable family. Among the places of in
terest we visited in the afternoon, may be
mentioned, the Maryland Institute. This is
.a very large building, containing extensive
balls for lectures, &c. The lyceum contains
a library of several thousand volumes, com
wising every variety of useful reading matter.
Persons by paying five dollars, become mem
bers, have access to the library, and free tick
ets to all the lectures. 0! if the young men
of the city would only spend their evenings
in those pleasant and comfortable reading
rooms, instead of frequenting drinking sa
loons, gambling tables and dens of infamy—
there would be fewer broken-hearted parents,
disgraced families and desolate firesides.
Perhaps some of your little readers, who
are disposed to be curious, would like to have
a description of the Phoenix Shot Tower, the
highest one in the world, being 250 feet high.
Imagine to yourselves a round brick chim
ney, running away up as high as three of your
highest houses placed on top of each other.—
Here the melted lead is poured through a
ceive, and the little streams cooling as they
fall, form many grains of shot, by the time
they reach the ground. You make the ascent
by means of winding stairs, in the inside. I
made my way to the top, to have a *new of
the surrounding city and country. The even
ing was beautiful. Not a cloud was to be
seen in the sky and the sun was just approach
ing the western horizon. Away southward
as far as the eye could carry, the Patapsco,
and Chesapeake were dottedover with spread
ing sails ; westward the hills were blue in
the distance, but not a mountain could be
$1 50
BALTIMORE Mn., 1859.
seen. Beneath, and all around, were hurry
ing along the stony streets, vehicles of almost
every description. The streets stretching
away in every direction, until the long rows
of high brick houses seemed to come together.
The rattling of the coaches over the streets,
the busy hum of machinery, the puffing of
steam engines, and the shrill whistle of loco
motives, each contribute to the interest of the
view. The scene was grand, even to sublim
ity. We spent near half an hour on the top
of the tower, and then commenced the tedi
ous descent. After many a turn, we arrived
on terra firma. I find my letter is already
too long, so I must close this, my last letter
for the present, from the Monumental City.
The Father of his Country
Mn. EDITOR :--Why is Washington called
the " Father of his Country ?" Napoleon
overran countries, destroyed cities, conducted
bloody battles, and was crowned with the
title of " Napoleon the Conqueror." Alex
ander, like Napoleon, with but one great ob
ject in view, viz : that of having his name
recorded in the book of fame—stained his
hands with the blood of the innocent, con
quered the world, and, after having finished
his work and received the title of " Alexan
der the Great," fell upon his knees and wept
because there were no more to conquer.—
But why is Washington called the " Father
of his Country ?" How lofty was the char
acter of that great man, George Washington,
and how deplorable the condition of our
country when this noble man of noble daring
carved for himself a name which m ill be
handed down upon its adamantine tablet
from generation to generation, and cherished
by unborn millions as that of a christian as
well as a warrior, a father to the orphan as
well as the " Father of his Country."—
Whether bowed in fasting and prayer before
God in behalf of his country, or taking the
fate of the feeble colonists on his noble heart,
or fleeing before the unmerciful tyrants of
Great Britain, or rallying freedom's noble
sons to the charge, or spurring his frightened
steed amid the broken ice and angry waves
of the Delaware in the midst of the mid
night storm, or galloping into the deadly
fires of the enemy in the strong effort to re
store the fight, or wearing the wreath of vic
tory which a grateful nation placed, with
mingling tears and shouts of applause, on his
brow, he was the same self-collected and no
ble-minded man. But what was the condi
tion of our country ?" A feeble colony just
struggling into existence, about to be ground
under the iron heel of tyranny, and subjected
to the arbitrary power of Great Britain,
bounded on one side by a limitless forest filled
with innumerable savages, who were ever
ready to destroy, and on the other, by the
mighty Atlantic, whose waves were spotted
with the proud fleets of her enemies, she,
notwithstanding all this, stood up with "truth
and right," for her motto, and George 'Wash
ington for her guide—offered battle to the
strongest empire in the world. It was at this
critical moment that the youthful form of our
horo, who now sleeps at " Mount Vernon,"
raised his mighty arm in defence of his coun
try, taking upon himself the arduous task
of bringing harmony out of discord—an al
most fatal discord—of producing strength
from weakness, and creating resources where
they did not exist, cheering and encouraging
his handfull of half-clothed and half-fed men,
doing all this for the blessed liberties which
we now value so highly. Where is the true
American who is not ever ready to acknowl
edge Washington as deserving of the title
he receives from the American people ? All
that, is necessary to answer this question.—
Why is Washington called the "Father of his
Country ?" is to speak of his noble deeds, is
to substantiate the assertion that it was he
and he alone that directed our forefathers
through the varied scenes of the Revolutiona
ry war, and procured for us freedom—the
privilege of worshiping God according to the
dictates of our own consciences, and not re
strained by a Monarchical form of govern
ment. There is an enduring monument,
time shall never mar its splendor—the gener
ations of men will repeat the name found
upon it—the beloved name of WASHINGTON.
Kossuth on the War
'Kossuth has addressed another large meet
ing at Manchester, England. He counseled
England to a strict neutrality in the present
contest—not, however, from any regard to
the interests of England, but in the convic
tion that the sympathies of the British rulers
are with Austria. He distinctly charges
them on this score, maintaining that they
have never expressed a word of friendliness
or anxiety in regard to the fate of Italy, while
they had manifested the profoundest solici
tude for Austria.
He hopes to see the ferments and agita
tions of Italy extended to his native country;
the llouse of Austria is to him the dragon
of history, foetid and red with crime, against
which he has thundered for years, and he is
averse toseeing it strengthened, even by amor
al approval. In this view the burden of his
adjuration to England, is, "If you cannot
help Italy, for heaven's sake do not help
Austria, the oppressor of Italy. Do not al
low your prejudices against France and the
ruler of France, to place you on the side of
tyranny and wrong."
Kossuth draws an ingenious distinction be
tween the French and the Austrian govern
ments; for in France the despotism is personal
and temporary, while the nation is essentially
free, radiating the light of science and art to
all the world ; but in Austria the despotism
is absolute, part and parcel of the national
life, depressing and blighting whatever comes
within its influences. If the task-masters go
to war, let them tear each other to pieces, if
they please. Ile adds, at the same time, that
he knows nothing of the intentions of Louis
Napoleon, although he believes that his in
terests were all on the side of the indepen
dence of the nations.
• -
Political Movements in Oregon.
[From the Alta California.]
The Democrats of Oregon, are just now be
ing severely exercised by having had an ob
noxious nomination thrust upon them by their
State Convention, of a candidate for Congress.
It seems that Mr. Grover, their late Repre
sentative, could not be used in Congress by
General Lane, as easily as the latter gentle
man desired, and Lane ordered the Conven
tion to nominate one who would be more pli
ant in his hands, and who would fetch and
carry at his bidding. Accordingly, when
the Convention met, a Mr. Lansing Stout—
who has been a resident of Oregon but little
more than a year, and who was an American
member of our Assembly from Placer county,
zn 185 G—to the astonishment of everybody re
ceived the nomination for Congress. The
wires were all fixed in caucus, and the puppets
played exactly as they were bidden to do by
Gen. Lane. Mr. Grove was ignored and.
thrown overboard, notwithstanding he has
the reputation of being one of the most popu
lar men in Oregon, and fully posted up in
regard to the wants of the State ; while Stout,
in this latter respect, remains as he was two
years ago—"a know-nothing."
The result has been to call forth notes of
deep dissatisfaction from Democrats all over
the State. The Statesman—generally rec
ognised as the leading organ of the party in
Oregon—while it hoists the name of Stout at
the head of its columns—is out flat-footed
' against his nomination, editorially. It con
tains communications from Democrats in eve
ry part of the State, denouncing the nomina
tion of Stout in the bitterest terms ; and the
expression of a determination to throw their
votes for Logan, the Republican nominee,
rather than have such a nomination thrust
upon them, is very general. There is, there
fore, every indication that Oregon will add a
Republican member to the next Congress, in
stead of a Democrat, as has heretofore been
generally anticipated.
The Legislature of Oregon met on Monday
last, the 16th inst., and its first business
would probably be the election of a United
States Senator. It is stated by parties from
Oregon, with whom we have conversed, that
while Judge Williams, Delazon, Smith, and
ex-Governor Curry, are the prominent candi
dates, it was thought by those professing to
be "knowing ones," that Mr. Grover, who
had been thrown overboard by the Conven
tion, would be elected to the Senate over all
others. Such a result would be a terrible
rebuke to Gen. Lane. We know nothing
whatever in regard to it ; but of this one
thing there is no question—the people of Or
egon have for years past been owned, body
and soul, politically, for Gen. Jo Lane. lle
has been supreme dictator in all things per
taining to the political destinies of the Terri
tory, and his action in procuring the nomina
tion of a man who by his short residence in
the State and by his political antecedents,
is justly obnoxious to the people is merely a
fair sample of a similar corrupt exercise of
power upon former occasions. /lb% Gro
ver was szciently pliable and ductile to be
recognized at Washington as a good _Admin
istration Democrat. General Jo came back
with instructions from headquarters to kill
him off - ; and, presto! it was done. In all hu
man probability, it will be the means of re
leasing the people of Oregon from the condi
tion of political vassalage which they have
so long occupied under the dominion of Lane,
and, possibly may be the means of purifying
their party conventions and caucus system,
wherein, after all, lies the main secret of
party corruption, as developed in the politi
cal history of more than one American State.
The Execution. of Dr. King, for the Mur
der of his Wife—His Speech on the
We have already given a short telegraphic
account of the execution of Dr. King, at Co
burg, Canada, for the cruel murder of his
wife by poison. A correspondent of the
Hamilton (C. W.) 'Spectator, gives full par
ticulars of the case, with a,short account of
the previous life of the unfortunate man. It
appears that he was brought up in the neigh
borhood of Brighton. The sheriff, who had
to'direct his execution, had known him from
a boy, as had also the Rev. Mr. Bleesford,
who attended him in his last moments. His
life had been a chequered one. When a
youth, he was fond of reading theological
works, and his demeanor was so serious that
it was imagined by many that he would go
into the church. Then he married a Miss
Lawson, of Brighton, and went to the Nor
mal School, Toronto. Next he became a
teacher at the Central School, Hamilton.—
Finally, he studied homccpathy at Philadel
phia, and settled down to practice at Brighton.
He seems to have thought his wife beneath
him in station. She certainly was inferior to
him in education, and, of late years, while
he was educating himself more and more,
she seems to have become more and more dis
tasteful to him. His wife bore him a child
some two years since, which only survived a
short time, and, as she was about to become
a mother again, he destroyed her in the most
heartless manner. No valid excuse can be
found for the crime ; nothing can be told in
palliation. He says he was infatuated with
a Miss Vandervoort, and felt he must have
her as his wife, whatever happened. He ac
knowledges that lie administered arsenic in
repeated small doses. After giving arsenic
time after time, he intended to do similarly
with chloroform, but the first dose of it proved
too strong for her enfeebled constitution, and
she died of it.
King was a fine looking man, with a, thick
beard and moustaches, and only about 24
years of age. On the scaffold, he was dres
sed in black, and looked the gentleman.—
There was nothing whatever in his appear
ance that would lead one to suspect him of
crime. One of the clergy asked him, when
all had taken up their places, whether he had
anything to say. " Where," he asked, "is
that paper ?" A document was given him,
which he had written that morning early, in
a fine, free, firm hand. "Must I stand on
the drop ?" be said. The sheriff told him
"where you please." lle went to the front
and read in tones which were clear, distinct,
but sorrowful, the following address :
" My fellow-Christians--I stand before you
to-day in the most awful position in which a
human being can be placed—convicted of the
most dreadful of all crimes, and sentenced
by the laws of my country to pay the penalty
of my guilt by sacrificing my own life. It
is very hard to be deprived of life in compar
ative youth ; but I do not dispute the justice
of my sentence nor find fault with the most
righteous dispensations of an all-wise Provi
dence. I have had time to think over the
evil of my ways; to bewail my grievous sins
and great wickedness with a deep contrition,
and to go to the fountain of healing for par
. don. I' have besought Almighty God night
and day for forgiveness. I look to the cross
of Christ, to the merits of His precious sac
rifice, as my only stay, my only hope. lin
r worthy as I feel myself to be of God's corn
' passion, I have a firm reliance upon His gra
cious redemption, that He willeth not the
death of a sinner. I humbly and devoutly
believe that He has pardoned me, chief of
sinners though I be, for the merits of Jesus
Christ, our blessed Redeemer.
" I fully and entirely confide in the all
sufficiency of His atonement, and I humbly
trust that through the efficacy of llis precious
blood, my Heavenly Father will accept me,
a broken-hearted penitent, into His kingdom
of peace and blessedness.
"I entreat my fellow-Christians to take
warning from my fate, and to beware of the
temptations of the evil one. I have been
blinded by the evil passions of our corrupt
nature, and seduced into the greatest of
crimes, through the instigations of the cor
rupt flesh, and the snares of the devil. I
affectionately exhort you to guard against
this, and to seek steadfastly the Grace of God
as your only sufficient protection and safe
guard. Acknowledge Him in all your ways;
live in the fear and love of God ; honor His
Sabbaths ; keep close to him in prayer, and
the reading of His word; and maintain com
munion with Him in the blessed ordinances
of religion.
"My Christian friends, I leave this world
in charity with all men, and with a heartfelt
prayer that God would bless the souls of all
my brethren of the human race. I pray that
IL§ kingdom of peace and truth may spread
everywhere, and that His will may be done
on earth as purely and universally as it is in
" In these, my last moments, I heartily
-thank all those who have showed me any
kindness, especially those who have aided me,
during my recent trials, with their counsel
and their prayers, and from my soul I for
give all those who have done me any wrong
or injustice.
"I beseech you, my dear Christian friends,
pray now for me; join your prayers with
mine, that my faith may not fail at this my
last hour, that no weakness of the flesh, no
power of Satan, may separate me from God.
Pray that I may . experience Ills full pardon,
and that, believing, as I do, heartily and sin
cerely in the Lord Jesus Christ, and deeply
contrite for my sins, I shall be saved.
Coburg Jail, June 9, 1859."
After which lie said, "I hope I shall see
her again—l think I shall."
The paper was then given to Mr. Vande
burg, and King said to the crowd, "Farewell
—I bid you all a long farewell."
There was hardly one upon the scaffold
whose eyes were not moistened with tears.—
All the clergy sobbed audibly ; the sheriff,
too, was much affected. Nor was the emo
tion of the beholders lessened when the crim
inal was directed to kneel, and the execution
er tied his hands and feet and put a white
cap over his head. Then the Rev. Mr. Blees
dell read the sentence from the service at the
burial of the dead beginning,
"Man that- is
born of woman." Then the Rev. Archdea
con Bethune began and finished the beautiful
commendatory prayer used in the visitation
of the sick, "Unto God's house."
Before the prayer bad been concluded the
sheriff's signal was given, and the drop fell
—a heavy "thud" was heard and the body
was seen to fall, mon drew a long breath and
sighed, a few women shrieked loudly, one or
two fainted, King's muscles twitched slightly,
and all was over.
The Political Future
The prospect for a strict adherence to the
platform of the Democratic party, as enun
ciated at Cincinnati in 1856, is now highly
encouraging in most of the Northern States.
The Democratic masses cannot be forced from
their principles. They fought for the doc
trine of Sovereignty in the Territories in
1856, and they are too honest to stultify them
selves in 1860. Already has the Ohio De
mocracy taken ground in favor of the people
of the Territories settling the slavery issue
for themselves without interference from the
National Executive or the National Congress,
and it is now confidently asserted, that lowa,
Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey,
Maine, and other northern States, will take
not only similar ground with Ohio, but that
they will be still more explicit in enuncia
ting this great p . rinciple. The administra
tion to be sure, is straining every nerve to
induce the Democracy to follow its pernicious
lead to certain political destruction, but even
its flatteries and its dispensation of official
favors to hungry aspirants, fails to lead the
honest masses of the Democracy astray.—
_How could it be otherwise ? Here is a doc
trine laid down which is just as true and un
answerable as any one of the commands in
the decalogue. It is a fundamental princi
ple of our own liberties. The crown of
England claimed the right to dictate laws for
the regulation of the internal affairs of the
American Colonies. The English govern
ment alleged that we were in a state of pu
pilage, and that we had therefore no rights
independent of the parent nation. Our fath
ers contended against this monstrous as
sumption. They drew the sword of defiance,
and poured out their best blood to prevent
and overthrow this tyrannical demand. Af
ter hearing innumerable indignities, they re
sorted to the Revolution of '76, and won with
their own strong arms and brave hearts, the
right to manage their, own internal affairs in
their own way. This is what we claim for
the Territories. We ask that the people of
these organized Territories shall establish
their own institutions, slavery included, with
out let or hindrance from Executive or Con
gressional intervention. It is a just and
proper demand, and any party that attempts
to interfere with this right,. will meet the
same fate that the British did—they will be
licked to death.
Although this great principle has been
grievously wounded in the house of its pro
fessed friends, it has, nevertheless, been daily
augmenting its strength, and is now assum
ing the proportions of a giant, and it will go
on conquering and to conquer. The dicta of
Supreme Courts, and the false friendship of
Executives, cannot stay it in its progress.—
It will overcome false interpretations of con
stitutional laws, because the people make
constitutions and the judges who interpret
them. It is a fact, gathered at the street cor
ners and on the highways, that hundreds and
thousands of Republicans, who stood on the
platform of Mr. Fremont in 1856, in favor of
Congressional interference, are uow the firm
friends of Popular Sovereignty, and they are
the solid, the influential, and the unselfish
men of that party. It was the chosen doc
trine of the South when they repealed the
Missouri Compromise, and now when they
find it the most potent weapon ever raised
against the spread of slavery, they seek to
repudiate their own child, and we grieve to
say they find sympathy and assistance from
some northern Democrats. So far as in us
lies,.we intend to hold them to the bond in
its strictest letter. We will stand by their
rights, give them all they can legitimately
gain, but at the same time, we intend to
stand by the rights which the constitution
and the legislation of the country guaranties
to us, and if this is sectionalism, make the
most of it!
We say then to our friends, who have been
and are still with us in this hard fought bat
tle, stand to your arms! Already the dawn
of victory begins to shed its beams upon us.
We are fighting a good fight, covered all over
with righteous truth, and no power can crush
out its immortality. The Democratic party
is not made up of Bourbons, but it holds with
in its organization true and honest men, who
will hold up the banner of principle, and if
needs be, die under its waving folds.—Ches
ter County Democrat.
A correspondent of the New Haven Regis
ter, gives us some insight into the manner
in which criminals and delinquents are pun
ished in the "Old North State." Ile writes :
"The administration of justice in North
Carolina, is much less mild than in many of
her sister States. Having no 'State Prison,'
the old punishments of the English Common
Law are still inflicted ; such as branding,
whipping, cropping the ears, &c.
"On a beautiful May morning I strolled
into the temple where the goddess of the
sword and scales and bandaged eyes, is sup
posed to preside. In one of the passages I
encountered the High Sheriff of the county,
carrying a tinker's furnace in one hand, and
what seemed to me a soldering-iron in the
other. On inquiring whose `gude wife's' pans
he was going to mend, he informed me that
he was about to brand a man who had just
been convicted of bigamy. A curiosity which
I was ashamed of, but which I could not re
sist, led me into the court room. I found it
crowded. In a few minutes the Judge enter
ed, and taking his seat upon the bench, with
his hat on, (Judges here sit covered,) ordered
the crier to open the court. That important
functionary then stepped to an open window,
put his head out, '0 yes'ed' three times, and
the Honorable the Superior Court' was
opened in due form. The prisoner was then
brought in by the Sheriff and an assistant ;
whereupon his counsel moved for a new trial,
on the ground that the defendant had been
unable to procure the attendance of all his
witnesses. his honor then inquired if he
could give the requisite security. On being
answered in the negative, then,' said his
honor, 'let the sentence of the Court be exe
cuted forthwith.' The Sheriff and his Deputy
then blindfolded the prisoner, tied his hands,
and bound his bead firmly to the bar.—
Taking the branding iron from the furnace,
the Sheriff applied it, red hot, to the right
cheek of the bigamist, burning a plain letter
B, an inch and a half long, and nearly half
an inch deep. The prisoner was then re
manded to the jail, where his head and hands
were introduced into the pilory, and forty
stripes save one' were applied to his bare
back, after which he was discharged.
" Every jail in North Carolina is provided
with a whipping-post, stocks, and pillory.—
Murder, rape, arson, burglary, and all the
higher crimes and misdemeanors, are pun
ished with death ; manslaughter by branding
the letter Min the right hand. The convict's
hand is bound to the bar, and the branding
iron held upon the palm until he can say
God save the State,' three times ; theft and
minor offences by whipping, standing in the
pilory, or'sitting in the stocks."
HONEST AND SOUND.--Even the South, to
which he has sold himself, are becoming dis
gusted with President Buchanan. They be
gin to see and feel the evil effects of his un
wise conduct, and we venture to say that in
less than six months, he will be the most un
popular President, in every section of the
country, that ever filled the Chair.
Mr. John C. Barnes, of Alabama, who was
lately appointed one of the visitors to the
'West Point Academy, writes a letter declining
the honor. In it he says :
" I am well aware that there is a discrep
ancy of opinion as to the existence of any
real danger to the institutions and interest of
the South at present, but I am also well aware
that the President has been guilty of a fatal
error to the interests and welfare of the whole
country—that of maintaining his own pecu
liar notions of the policy, without improving
the condition, of the Democratic party ; and
whether the South is to suffer from the imbe
cility of a superannuated President, or the
contumacious impudence of the Northern
Abolitionists,, time will only show."
Editor and Proprietor.
NO, 52.
The New Serseyllerites—Their Time
[From the Newark Mercury, June 13.)
Yesterday was the utmost limit fixed by
the Second Adventists of this city for the
continuance of all earthly things. At the
meeting of these deluded people at Union
Hall in the morning, one of the speakers said
that it had been announced in the newspa
pers that if this day did not witness the end
of the world, they would give up their belief
and cease to hold their meetings. This was
an error. They intended nothing of the kind:
If the world did not come to an end now, and
ho doubted somewhat that it would, it would
come "some time," and the meetings would
be continued to the end, that they might all
be prepared when the long expected event
should take place. He counselled his hearers
to be in no wise cast down, but to hold up
their heads and look the world square in the
eyes. He firmly believed that according to
the Scriptures, "time was up." He had not
prophetic vision, and there might be some
error in the calculation, but as far as he could
sec it was high time for the consummation of
all things in general and everything in par
ticular. The speaker said that probably the
next steamer from Europe would bring some
intelligence favorable to their views, and en
lighten them upon some points which were
heretofore very dubious. Whether or not lie
meant that the world bad caught fire on the
other side of the water, and that the flames
were spreading over the face of the earth
like the measles through a community, this
deponent did not learn.
The speaker compared the present position
of those who were "rooted and grounded" in
the peculiar belief of the Second Adventists',
to the condition of the children of Israel, on
corning, in their journeyings, to the Red Sea.
There appeared to be no avenue of escape,
but God opened a way for them; and he would
now relieve them from their present condition
of doubt and uncertainty, through some such
miraculous agency. Much of this kind of
argument was used, but it apparently affor
ded the leading disciples present but little
satisfaction, and they appeared as though
they would have much rather experienced the
crisis at this time. "Hope deferred maketh
the heart sick," was literally true in their
case. The majority, however, seemed to find
great satisfaction in the fact that the " end
was not yet," and were perfectly willing to'
"wait a little longer." We suppose a new
"cypher" will now be made in order to a.seer- .
tain wherein their calculations had been in
error, and tve would suggest that in figuring
the great beast with seven horn, and the lit
tle beast with eleven eyes, into years and
days, that they substract from the grind to
tal the result of the present war in Europe.
Everybody wants to know about that.
Horrible Cruelty at Sea.
The trial of Captain Ephraim Pendleton
was proceeding in San Francisco, and devel-
oped a fearful chapter of the woes of seamen.
The following evidence was elicited :
William Johnson sworn.—l was an ordi
nary seaman on board the bark Sarah Parks,
on her late voyage from Cardiff to this port ;
I was whipped on board several times ; on the
first occasion I took a little bread, for which
I was whipped ; was hauled up by the hands
with a piece of rope; the captain stiluck me•
with a piece of rope ; my back and stomach
were cut all to pieces ; the cook rubbed the
wounded places with salt pickle ; first time
whipped was after we came round Cape Horn ;
after the pickle was used on me, I was put
over the bows and kept there all day ; one
morning, at four o'clock, while at the wheel,'
I was so hungry that I could hardly stand
upon my feet ; I had to leave the wheel, and
go down to the scuttle to take some bread ;•
the second mate said he would go and telt
the captain ; for doing this the captain tied ,
me to the strong back and flogged me ;'twen
ty-five lashes with a cane were given on my
bare back ; the captain took me down, but
put me up again and gave me twelve more
lashes ; after receiving the last twelve, irons
were put on my wrists, and then fastened to
the ring -bolt, lying down ; two buckets wa
ter were thrown over me ; I was then taken
down through the after-hatch to the coal be
tween decks with irons on, and there fastened',
to a stanchion ; could not stand up ; the space
between the coal and the upper deck was from
feet to waist ; could not slide the irons up on
the stanchions ; was kept there 11 or 12 days';
remained there until we reached San Fran=
cisco, when I was taken out ; received while'
in confinement two biscuits per day, and a
pot of water; the tub used for the pig our
board was brought down ; the other man in
confinement used to push the tub with his'
feet toward me; I took something out of it
with my hands to eat ; I took three biscuits'
first time for which I was flogged ; I eat one
and put two in my boy.; I took them because
I was hungry ; I was born in Norway ; the'
last time I was flogged we were on this side
of the line ; a policeman took me from be
tween decks, and brought me to this building.
and from here to the hospital.
(Ga.) Dispatch relates the death of a mau in•
that county under the most horrible eireum- -
stances. He was intoxicated, and told his
wife be intended to kill himself. She second.-
ed the proposition and aided him in getting
a rope over a beam in the house, and in get- -
ting it around his neck. She then knocked
the chair from under him, and he fell 'break=
ing his neck. His wife_ immediately ran ,
away and bad not been apprehended.
A WELL INJURED.--A ElegrO woman fell .
head-foremost, into a well 130 feetdeep a few'
days since, at Montgomery, Alabama. In:
the decent her head struck the stone wall,•
knocking a quantity of the masonry out of
place, her tread, however, was but slightly'
bruised. She was quite cheerful when drawn
out. The only damage done was to the stone
wall !
The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago
Railroad Company (connecting with the
Pennsylvania Railroad at Pittsburgh,). on
Monday 6th reduced the fare- to New' York to
$1.2, to Boston 14, and to Baltimore and
Philadelphia $lO. The other roads connect—
ing with these points have done the same.
STEAM ON TUE CANAL --Efforts are making
to propel boats by steam on the Schuylkill ca
nal. The navigation Company are building
a canal boat to make the experiment, other
experiments have been made heretofore, but
have proved unsuccessful owing to the agita
tion of the water and the washing on the side
of the canal.
D ar Last week an elderly man was brought
as a convict to the Kentucky State peniten
tiary, whose sis: sons were already in that in
stitution as convicts.
DO- The locusts have made their appear
ance in "Egypt," or Southern Illinois, and.
cover woods and orchards in swarms.'