THE HUNTINGDON GLOM, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOBE. CircuZation--- - the /wryest in the county MIJEUIBCDOE. Li,a. Wednesday, May 18, 1859 LANKS! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! LO STABLE'S SALES, lATTACFPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ' EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPUiNAS, MORTO AGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HORSES, N ATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, . ARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the V3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of the HUZitTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, end on good Paper. New Advertisements. ird'Public Sale, by Francis B. Wallace. . _Auditor's Notice, by T. P. Campbell ja --- Orphans' Court Sale, by Oraffus Miller. Ilea Estate at public sale, by D. Caldwell. Any young man desirous of making a fortune, should read the advertisement of Kruger & Preston. another evidence, that the Presi dent is completely under the control of South ern Disunionists, we have the announcement that John Heart, former Editor of the Charles ton lltercury, of South Carolina, has been ap pointed Commissioner of Public Printing.— The Mercury has for years been the bitter, ultra, consistent advocate for Nullification and Disunion. ENDORSES HIS APPOINTMENT.—The Lock Haven Watchman, one of the most bitter Know Nothing journals in the State, applauds Mr. Buchanan for his appointment of Quig gle to Antwerp. Hope it "may cling firm," . and give due credit to "the poor boy" (Big ler) "who by his own undecided exertions," succeeded in having this oppointment made, in opposition to the protest of all the promi nent Democrats of the district Quiggle for merly misrepresented. "It is said that, Mr. Lewis offers to dispose of his establishment for 'a round two thous and.'"—Quispis of the Shirleysburg Herald. All a mistake. The " Globe" establish ment is not for sale. It is a living institution, and expects to be a little more so, as soon as the good times coming will put money into the pockets of our patrons to pay up arrear ages. " A round. two thousand."—for an in stitution like The Globe! Double the sum, gentlemen, before you think of stepping into our boots. The War News. By an arrival at New York on Sunday evening, three days later intelligence from Europe has been received. The war plot thickens. Actual hostilities have commenced. The Austrians have invaded the territories of Sardinia, driving the forces of the latter be fore them. Meanwhile, the troops of France have hurried to the protection of their ally. A protracted war is inevitable. England . and Prussia arc preparing for it. Europe has never been so profoundly agitated since the downfall of the first Napoleon. The re sult of the English elections had been favor able to the Derby Ministry. Breadstuffs and provisions have advanced in price, while cot ton has declined. FIRES IN DAUPLIIN COUNTY.—From the Har risburg Daily Telegraph, we learn that the barns belonging to the. State Lunatic Hospi tal, and the barn attached to the Dauphin County Poor House, were destroyed by fire on Thursday night last. The following is a rough estimate of the property destroyed at the Lunatic Hospital : One large bank barn, new; cost $2,000. It contained about sixteen tons of hay, and all the farm implements, including a num ber of costly agricultural machinery, besides harness, the Steward's wagon, a dearborn wagon, and a large farm wagon, all of which were destroyed. There were also seven horses in the barn, six of which belonged to the Hospital, and the remaining one to Dr. DeWitt, which had only been returned to the barn about an hour previous to the fire. A large cattle barn about 60 feet opposite the above barn, was also destroyed. Fortu nately the cattle had all been driven into the pasture field during the day, and with the exception of some chickens and a couple of pigs, no other animals were destroyed in it. The entire loss by the conflagration will fall a little short of four thousand dollars, on which the State has no insurance. A fireman, a young man, named Samuel J. Miller, who was'running with the engine, fell under the wheels, which passed over his body below his arms. He lingered until 10 o'clock next morning when he expired. At the Poor Muse, besides the barn, four splendid mules, together with five horses, fourteen mulch cows, one large bull and a calf perished in the flames. The barn con tained some 25 tons of hay, sf; bushels of rye and near 40 bushels of potatoes, all of which were destroyed. Loss estimated at $5,000. A man by the name of Martin Henry Wolf, who had been confined in both institu tions, has been arrested as the incendiary. STATE AGRICULTURAL FAIR.—The exhibi tion of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society for 1859, is to he held at the Powel ton Grounds, Philadelphia. The time for holding the fair has not yet been decided upon. The merchants and business men of Philadelphia have been quite liberal in the subscriptions toward defraying the expenses, and getting up the Exhibition on an exten sive wale, The Wheat Crop Great interest is felt in all the Western States concerning the wheat crop, and they have ample cause to feel such interest, apart from any influence the European troubles may have. The West is very poor because its crops have been short for two years past, and in Michigan and Canada there has been positive distress in consequence of the ab sence of any stock to forward to market, and to pay their indebtedness. In this condition of affairs the prospect of an increased de mand abroad, attaches more importance to the prospect of the crop than usual, in every part of the country. The New York Courier and Enquirer has late advices from Georgia and North Carolina, which represent the crop in the former State as a fair average, the rust having injured it in some portions, but not generally. In North Carolina exten sive damage from rust is reported, and a crop below the average. High prices are anticipated when the crop is brought to mar ket, and every effort will be made to bring it out promptly. It is sent forward in June and July usually, the largest share coming in June when the market favors. In south ern Illinois the new crop is reported as very promising, and rapidly approaching harvest, the early season bringing it forward two weeks before the time of former years. The first of June is an early clay for the new wheat of southern Illinois to be offered in market, but it will probably be nearly or quite ripe at that time, if favorable weather prevails. The crop is very promising in all parts of Illinois, though of course the critical stages are far from being passed anywhere. The contingencies of rust in June are very important in the central parts of that State, and, indeed, in all the wheat growing region farther north. In Canada the Courier and Enquirer cites information of an encouraging character in parts of Canada West, and, so' far as is known, there is no exception to the general tone of a favorable report. If noth ing occurs to change this condition the entire wheat growing region of the vicinity of the lakes, will have a large surplus to send to market. Somewhat startling advances in the price of wheat are reported at Chicago, in the Press and Tribune, of Saturday last, winter wheat, which sold as low as one dol lar and twenty cents per bushel, on the 12th of April, being eagerly taken on that day at $1 47, an advance of twenty-seven cents in three weeks. Spring wheat advanced twen ty cents in the same time. Much of this is doubtless speculative movements, exaggera ting the effect properly due to the European news ; but it is well to have the fluctuations of our market in view, in order to be ready to counteract excessive changes, which are sure to be injurious in the end. Opinions from Abroad. To show, (says the Harrisburg State Senti nel,) that we are not singular in the opinions which we have expressed of President Bu chanan and his Administration, we subjoin a few extracts from the sentiments of distin guished men and papers in other States. Gov. Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, in a let ter to Hon. David Hubbard, inquires signifi cantly: "Is the South, is any portion of our coun try in a situation to rush into wars—wars in vited by the President with three European and five American Powers ? And are we to be a grand consolidated, elective North and South American imperialism ? The question is not, "Will the Union be dissolved ?" That is a settled question. But the question is, " Is the old Vir g inia Democratic faith to be abandoned, and are we to rush on with, the President into a full scheme of FEDERAL policy, which, in its whole outline and filling up excels any FEDERALIS3 in all its points which a _Hamilton or Adams or any other lat itudinarian ever dared to project or purpose ?" This is precisely what we have said again and again, that Buchanan's Democracy is in tense FEDERALISM, and that those who support him are FEDERALISTS to all in tents and purposes, notwithstanding they hold in their hands what they call the Demo cratic organization. Unfortunately for them, and for the country too, the organization is all they have, the principles they have dis carded. In another part of his letter, Gov. Wise says : "The President bids high ; to filibusters he offers Cuba, the Isthmus, and North Mexico —to the West, a Pacific railroad," &c. Yes, this is high bidding; but it won't win. Mr. Montague, candidate for Lieut. Gover nor of Virginia, in a recent discussion between Mr. Goggin, the opposition candidate for Governor, and himself, said : "I voted for Buchanan on the Cincinnati platform, but he has deceived me—HE IS A TRAITOR TO HIS PARTY, and, so help me my Creator, ill never vote for him again!" This is very emphatic, and the same senti ment is entertained by tens of thousands of Democrats in and out of Virginia. The Richmond Enquirer, the oldest Demo cratic paper, we believe, in the Union, in dis cussing the policy best to be pursued by Mr. Letcher, the Democratic candidate for Gover nor of Virginia, says : " If he should fail to do so—if he should agree to take the President's message for his platform—he would leave his party only a choice of evil, as between himself and Mr. Goggin. It is true, that very few Democrats of the right stamp would, even in that case, choose the latter alternative. But the great mass of the party who might vote for Mr. Letcher, would do so hesitatingly and under protest. And we are well assured that a very large portion of the party would not vote for him at all. They would quietly fold their arms and take no part whatever in a contest between two FEDERALIST champions. In short, an endorsement of the President's mes sage by Hr. Letcher, would inevitably insure JP. Letcher's deftal." Mr. Letcher did not endorse the Presidt or his message ; and yet in such absolute - testation is Mr. Buchanan and his Adminisl tion held by the Democracy of Virginia, tt it is somewhat doubtful whether a Democi, although a repudiator of both, can be elect. We hope that Letcher may be, but the rot looks doubtful. Here are a few extracts from sound Dez cratic authority—so considered at least r the Administration—in relation to the extt agance and corruption of the Government Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, in a spec in the United States Senate, said "It is in the power of Congress to prevt these enormous expenditures; and if we) not interpose we are responsible for them, This Government, sixty-nine years of 9,, scarcely out of its swaddling clothes, is M ing" more corrupt use of money, in proporth to the amount collected from the people, a[ honestly believe, than any other Governmit on the habitable globe." Hon. A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, in), speech delivered by him in the House of RA rescntatives, said : " When'he first entered Congress, in 18', the expenses of the Government were ow $30,000,000 per annum. The country td gone through the expensive Mexican w, with sixth-three thousand soldiers in the fief, for thirty-three millions, and now, in timef peace, the estimates were seventy-three rd lions. Many expenditures were wholly u- I necessary, and reform was indispensaly needed. He believed forty millions an abu dance for national expenses." Hon. M. R. H. Garnett, of Virginia, in te House of Representatives, said : " Can any gentlemen pretend that it is fa - , that it is just, that it is legitimate, that the e penses of this Government, in time of pp found peace, should have doubled ? Lair through the list of items, and you will firs thoittile expenditures have doubled in almot every item. Is there no way to apply tle knife ? The Committee of Ways and Mean tell you that they cannot control these exi.2o:- ditures ; then I say that the only way to cot trol them is the same way that you woull control any other extravagant person ; tha is, by stinting them in money." We shall conclude these warning extract by one from a speech delivered in the Unitel States Senate, on a small item of governmert CORRUPTION, by the "illustrious" Set ator Toombs, of Georgia. Even that immac ulate, unwaveringßuchanan Dem ocratshrark aghast at the unveiled corruptions of the Al ministration. Hear him "Your appropriation for navy yards hate gone to the building of houses for officers, and the making of flower-pots, and all that sort of things, at a cost of $2,000,000 ; and it will be no less as long as you will pay it, but will go up to $4,000,000 if you do not stop it. There are $2,000,000 that you have no need for at all. You have not increased them of late years, and you now have 8,000 men in your navy yards to help them—civilians.---- You have carried their number up from 3,000 to 8,000. You have eight navy yards. Eng land has 550 ships and she has two navy yards. You have eight, conveniently located all about the country, and it is a cause of re proach to good Democrats for the enemy to say WE KEEP PEOPLE THERE TO CHEAT THEM IN ELECTIONS; AND AS GOD IS MI - JUDGE, I Alf AFRAID THERE IS SOMETHING IN IT." Of course there is "something in it."— There is not a doubt that every word of it is true. A more swindling, treachereus, extrav agant, abandoned, and corrupt government never existed since the begining of the world than the present government of the United States. Congress knew this, and acted on the knowledge, when it REFUSED to vote the $30,000,000 asked for by the President. They knew the Administration was DIS- I - lONEST--that it had already ROBBED THE TREASURY of MILLIONS to feed the beggars which it bad gathered around it, and would rob it of millions more for the same pur pose if the money was placed subject to the control of the President; they knew this and re fused to grant it. They took Mr. Garnett's plan to force the Administration to be honest; they "stinted" it. They cut down nearly all the estimates, and yet we fear that a large margin was left for the indulgence of their thieving propensities. Can the Democracy of Pennsylvania sup port any longer an administration proven to be so CORRUPT and DISHONEST that a DENOCRATIC CONGRESS WAS AFRAID TO TRTssT IT ? THE GOLD FEVER.—Those of our citizens who are afflicted with the Pike's Peak fever, should read and ponder the following, from the Leavenworth Ledger "We often bear young men, who never did any hard work in their lives, talk about go ing to Pike's Peak. We ask such, what kind of work they think gold digging is ? Let them turn out here and get themselves into practice by digging wells, cellars, coal, quar ry rock, mauling rails and rolling saw logs, and eat dry bread and wash it down with water, and sleep on the ground in fair weath er and foul, and then form an opinion about the work of digging gold. Digging gold is no child's play ; and it is only the strong able-bodied, hard-working men that will suit the business. The men who succeeded at the mines in California, were strong of arm and stout of heart, and only such men can suc ceed at the gold mines. A bull has just . as much business in a china shop, as a glove handed clerk or fair-faced mechanic has at Pike's Peak." How TO STOP BLOOD.—Housekeepers, me chanics, and others, in handling knives, tools, or any sharp instruments, very fre quently receive severe cuts, from which the blood flows profusely, and oftentimes endan gering life itself. Blood may be made to cease to flow, as follows : Take the fine dust of tea, and bind it close to the wound ; at all times accessible and easily to be obtained.— After the blood has ceased to flow, laudanum may be advantageously applied to the wound. Due regard to these instructions will save agitation of mind and running for the sur geon, who would probably make no better prescriptions if he were present. The Young Democracy In the great contest which is now going on between power and principle—an arbitrary and treacherous administration on the one hand, and an outraged, incensed and indig nant people on the other—where shall we find the young Democracy ? The youthful heart is pure and patriotic, averse to political corruption, and ardent in the cause of liberty. Naturally therefore, - we should look for an almost universal rally of the young Democ racy on the side of correct principles and good government—on the side of Popular Sovereignty, and opposed to federal aggres sion. And there we expect to find them. There are many reasons why they should be there. In the first place the interests of their country—which are paramount—and in the second place, their individual inter ests invite' them there. They are impelled there by two strong motives—one patriotic, the other selfish—and these are too powerful to be resisted. Truly attached as we are to Democratic principles, believing that they alone can con duct our country to the highest point of na tional greatness and glory, we are desirous that the young Democracy should not be de ceived by the false issues that are now made, and fatally mistake, at the out-set of their career, organization for principle, or profes sion for practice. In the earlier days of the Republic when the Statesman and politicians of the country were honest and patriotic—when Democracy meant what it purported—when profession was equivalent to practice, and words might be believed before actions confirmed them, there was no difficulty in the way ; no mist beclouded the vision of the seeker after truth ; the road was straight and open, and the goal in view. When Jefferson declared the principles of the party, and laid down the rule that honesty and ettpabitity were pre-requisite to an ap pointment to office ; when Madison and Mon roe and Jackson followed in his footsteps, the glory of Democracy shone not feebly forth as it does now—the whole earth was il luminated by its brightness, and the Great Republic was respected in every quarter of the globe. Those were the palmy days of Democracy, when principle was adhered to, and honesty was the policy of the government. We ascribe to Democracy the chief glory and prosperity of the country; we desire to see it still dominant; and therefore it is that we now appeal to the Young Democracy, who have not yet become tainted with the blasting heresies and corruptions of the day, to step forward, and with the energy of youth, take hold on the right side, and restore the party to its pristine purity and vigor. First, it is your duty as patriots to do so. Treachery and hypocracy on the part of our federal rulers have demoralized and weaken ed the party to such an extent, that in the North it is powerless, and in the South gives unmistakable signs of rapid decay. The safe ty, the prosperity, the happiness of the coun try demands its re-organization and re-estab lishment upon sound principles ; and this mighty labor, requiring intelligence, purity, integrity, perseverance and vigor, is for you ; yo - u may do it 5 2020, if you will ; and now is the time, for " delays are dangerous ;" but whether you do it now or not, in the end you must do it, for your fathers are rapidly passing away, and in a few years, at far thest, the government of the country will be in your hands. You have intelligence. Within the past quarter of a century the faculties for educa tion have increased so rapidly, that few chil dren born within that period can be without education. How then can you, intelligent, educated young men, submit to the ignorant, old fogy leadership and dictation of those who have driven the party in this state to the verge of ruin ' - who have deceived and debased it; who fight for reward and not for principle; an army of corrupt, venal office-seekers, who, ignorant or careless of the causes which have overthrown every proceeding republic, and anxious only for promotion and for gold, are hurrying the nation to its downfall as rapid ly as they can—old men grow gray in iniqui ty and hardened in sin, from whom the coun try has nothing but evil to expect. Your patriotism as well as your ambition, should impel you to action. Whilst they rule, the party cannot revive, the country cannot prosper, and you cannot rise. You cannot, by joining the Buchanan par ty, save it from destruction; that is impossi ble ; but you may inspire it with hope of suc cess, and so encourage it to pursue, un changed, its destroying . policy. In the years yet remaining to it, if countenanced by a formidable array of supporters, it may com plete the mischief which it has commenced. By throwing your weight into the scale of sound principle against rotten organization, you have it in your power to serve your coun try and yourselves. You can prevent the election of a Repub lican President ;- which would be bad. You can prevent the election of any apos tate Democrat assimilating in principle with I3uchanan ; which would be worse. You can elect a sound Democrat, and so save the country and the party; which is what all true patriots should desire. Remember that Buchanan is a disorganizer and an apostate, and turn from him. Look carefully at his course since his inauguration, and you will find that he is the worst enemy of the nation, of its prosperity and its liber ty, that ever , successfully aspired to the Pres idency. Burr was ambitious, intriguing, reckless— but be was a patriot, and never conspired against the liberties of the country for which he had fought. Buchanan has not only deserted the princi ples upon which he was elevated to the Chief Magistracy ; but he has sought through his army of office-holders to subdue the will of the people to his own base purposes ; he has endeavored by the exercise of all the federal power which he could bring to bear, to con trol the political action of independent States; and he has formed alliances and proposed test measures which, if persisted in, must end in revolution or dissolution of the Union, be fore the expiration of his term of office. There seems to be on his part a premedi tated design to involve the country in great trouble, if not civil war. Since his accession to the Presidency he has discovered his want of capacity to administer the government wisely and well, and determined to immor talize his name, even if it should be an im mortality of infamy, like Eratostratus he has applied the torch to the temple, and stands smiling amid the desolation which his incen diaryism has created. Turn from him, therefore, young Democrats of Pennsylvania, for he is unworthy of your support. Your purity; your intelligence, your enthusiasm and energy are required by your Country, and you should be careful, for her sake and your own, to exert them in the right direction—on the side of right against might—integrity against corruption—popular sovereignty against federal aggressions and pro-slavery disunion. Thus you may save the country from great peril, preserve the integrity of the Union, re store the principles and renew the strength of the Democratic party, and rise to honora ble eminence yourselves.—State Sentinel. The European War. No complication of human affairs could be more exciting and tragic than such a general_ war as now threatens Europe. Even minor contests, between weak and insignificant powers, often become intensely interesting ; but when a whole continent, embracing one fourth of the human race, far advanced in civilization, skilled in all the arts and scien ces, and possessing a perfect mastery of eve ry form of warfare, is threatened with a gen eral commotion, it is not singular that the sympathies of the whole world should be strongly excited. ; that anxiety to be informed of each separate movement should be mani fested everywhere ; that the minds of men, whose fortunes and whose lives hang trem bling in the scale of destiny, should be filled with fearful forebodings ; that stock-boards should quiver like aspen leaves, and that hoarded wealth, yesterday as precious as gold, should be converted, with miraculous rapidity, into worthless paper. No one who has studied the records of the past can con template another European war without a shudder. That it will inflict incalculable misery upon millions of men is inevitable.— That it may uproost existing dynasties, des troy political divisions that have been the work of centuries and reconstruct the map of Europe, is not improbable. That it may give to the downtrodden nations of the Old World extended political liberty and substantial re wards for the terrible evils which the strife, let it result as it will, must entail upon them, is possible. If the latter end is accomplished, the war will serve a useful and beneficient purpose ; if it is not, it will prove, like many bloody struggles which have preceded it, but another carnival of fiendish carnage, disgrace ful to the character and unworthy of the dig nity of man. Nothing would more complete ly arouse the citizens of the United States than a great war against a people of numeri cal strength and resources. We can well imagine what anxious fears, high resolves, intense excitement and wonderful exertions such a contest would inspire among us. In Europe, France, Austria, Russia and Sardin ia—having an aggregate population nearly five times as large as our own—are already enlisted in the impending struggle, and their vast military strength and resources admon ish us of the magnitude of the approaching contest, and the terrible shock of conflicting hosts we must anticipate.— The Press. .&n officer in the United States army wri ting from Salt Lake city to the Pennsylvania inquirer, says : The people at home, no matter of what par ty, in the political whirlpool—little dream of the existence in Utah of an organised "Church, Government," the most arbitrary and tyran nical since the days when Jesuitism was su preme. The" few, faint disclosures made at the last session of the: United States Court in Provo, may perhaps, serve to wake up the people at home, to a temperature of action. There does not exist the least shadow of a doubt in the mind:of one single man here, but that the iltorinolt Minh ordered and execu ted the murder of one hundred and eight emigrants at the Mountain Meadows. The Indians are here who helped the Mormon Bishops to do it, and one of the chiefs told me his post was to kill some of the children, (so large and old that they could talk,) hence, to prevent them giving evidence, they had to die; and he executed them by holding them up by the hair of the head and severing the body at the neck ! Numerous murders have been proved up, and the perpetrators have fled for safety to the moutains. I write you, Mr. Editor, as one from your own family ; I state to you facts, and I de sire that you hold me accountable for all I say. No man dare trust his neighbor, every man's hand is red with the blood of a victim. "By order of the Council. It was for the Lord that we killed him ! It was necessary for the 'Mormon Church,' that we should be put out of the way I" The Governor has much to say about troops overawing witnesses, and intimidating juries, &c., &c., all of which is for a blind. Judge Cradlebaugh has fully answered the Gover nor, while the troops knew full well their proper duties and functions, and of the one hundred and twenty intelligent of in this valley, General Johnston at the head, there is not one but feels an unutterable dis gust at the course pursued, and the fraud at tempted. LOANS TO TAE FIGHTING Powrm.—Europe on Me brink of Bankruptcy.—From the news from Europe, it appears that Louis Napoleon asks for a loan of 500,000,000 francs, ($lOO,- 000,000) to carry on the campaign in Italy, in which he is to take command in person. The loan lately put in the market by Russia, is $0,000,000. Besides these there are in the market a loan for Austria, of $30,000,000, which hitherto she has been unable to sell, but has seized instead the matellic currency of the Austrian banks; a loan for Sardinia, $25,000,000, which she has succeeded in ob taining ; a loan for Prussia, of $45,000,000, and a loan for England in behalf of India for $10,000,000. The total amount of new loans in the market is $290,000,000, besides over $10,000,000,000, already due by these gov ernments. The effect of the coming war will be to make them all bankrupt. The annual interest on debt of England alone, is $120,- 000,000. The annual expense of her army and navy is $157,500,000. Her whole annu al expense is $340,000,000. Russia owes $989,000,000, and the annual expense ofb9r army and navy is $73,500,000. France is in a. similar predicament. They will not be able to pay the interest, and a crash will take place that will shake all. Europe.—N. Z. Her ald. AssETs or A DEFUNCT BANK.—The assignee of the Lancaster Bank, Pennsylvania, which failed some two or three years ago with an outstanding circulation of over $60,000, re ports that the notes will be utterly worthless so far as the assets of the defunct bank are concerned, which will barely realize enough cash to pay expenses. The only chance for bill holders is to enforce the individual liabil ity against directors and stockholders, who, be says, are fully able and responsible to redeem dollar for dollar. Some of the bill holders have determined to prosecute accor dingly. Utah The English Hustings The London Sum foreshadows some of the election. scenes anticipated in the choice of a new Parliament. .The comparison between a popular election in Great Britain and the United States, is worthy of note : An opportunity is about to he offered to the admirers of both forms of Government to make comparisons between them. Oli garchy is now on its trial. Next week, or the week after, the eyes of Europe and Amer ica will be fixed upon the working of our electoral system. If, in the ordeal through which we are about to pass, we can exliibit to the world the admirable spectacle of a great and free people, proceeding with all the calm ness and dignity of conscious uprightness• and independence to the choice of' its repre sentatives ; and if that choice falls in the main upon men of probity and intelligence, then we may have no reason to be ashamed of our form of Government. But if, on the other hand, there should be revived scenes to which on former occasions we have been un fortunately no strangers ; should candidates once more endeavor to intimidate or debauch the voter, or the electors once more yield to intimidation, or corruption, then we think we shall have no great cause to boast of our superiority over the members of the great translantic Republic. In specula ting as to which of the two spectacles the Country is most likely to present, it natural ly occurs to us to inquire what is the object of these vast SUMP which arc confidently re ported to have been collected by a well known political organization ? Twenty thousand pounds, it is currently rumored, have been contributed by one eminent statesman, and every other member of the party, of any mark, has been laid, it is said, under contri butions proportionate to his means. We are told that these forced loans are raised for the purpose. of maintaining the Conservative par ty in power, and defeating the popular de mand for reform. But how is the money to be applied? These vast sums cannot be le gally expended in contesting seats where there is only a reasonable prospect of success. The conveyance of voters to the poll, the erection of the hustings, the hire of rooms, the employment of convassers, cannot absorb the sums which are said to be about to be la,46ed in the forthcoming struggle. We fear, there can be no room to doubt, that all this preparation means neither more nor less than a wholesale system of corruption. The gentlemen of England who express such hor ror of republican excesses appear tobe about to plunge into a sea of political filth and de bauchery. All considerations of honor and honesty appear to be forgotten. If the cor rupted is base, is not the corrupter infinitely more so ? We may see now the real reason why the system of open voting is adhered to with such tenacity. We can now see through the hypocritical pretences by which the bal lot is opposed. If drunkenness, bribery, fraud, intimida tion, and debauchery of all sorts are the usu al concomitants of an election in this coun try, then the opponents of the ballot are jus tified in calling it unEnglish, and the prep arations on foot for securing a Conservative majority are appropriate. We are no defen ders of popular, any more than of aristocrat , ic, license, and profligacy. We would con demn them as much in New York as . in Lon don or Manchester ; but we have a strong suspicion that if a fair comparison could be instituted, nothing would be found, during the progress of a popular struggle in the United States, to equal the disgraceful cor ruption which will shortly be exhibited in this-country during the progress of a general election. Horrible Suicide. Alfred Hood, a man about 35 years of age, who was sent to the Insane Asylum, at Lick Run about a week since, committed suicide at that institution a few days since, by sever ing his head almost entirely from his body with a razor. The circumstances of his sui cide are so peculiar as to be worthy of rela tion. Hood, it appears, had, some time pre vious, been too intimate with another man's wife, and became in consequence a prey to remorse, which was greatly increased after the developments in the Key and Sickles' case. Hood, who had been rather dissipated before, began to drink to excess, and in the midst of his ravings, thought the husband of the injured woman was persuing him to take his life. This idea took a firmer and firmer hold upon his mind, and his imagination de picted all manner of horrible deaths devised by the man he had wronged. This dread at last became a mania, and the victim of the delusion was committed to the mad house, where ho raged like a demon, ever raving incoherently respecting the in jured woman and her husband. On the day of his self-destruction, Hood declared the husband was about to drag him to hell, and falling on his knees, entreated the imaginary avenger to kill him at once, and rid him of further torture. The maniac was willing, he said, to be shot as Key had been, but he prayed not to be burnt in eternal flames. While in this terrible mood, he obtained Possession of a razor, and thinking his life would be an atonement for his crime, he nearly decapitated himself with a hand made strong by madness and desperation.— Cincin nati Enquirer. STRANGE COINCIDENCE.—The Pottstown Ledger says, it has been observed as a re markable fact, by the citizens of Douglas vine, Berks county, and vicinity, that when ever a funeral takes place at St. Gabriel's Church, at that place, it is almost invariably followed, soon after, by two others, making three funerals in succession. This curious circumstance has become proverbial among the residents of the vicinity, and has been noticed by many of the oldest citizens for many years. As a proof that it is no idle superstition or rumor, the present Rector of the Church has recently made an examina tion of the Church registry, which proves that this curious coincidence has been of re markably frequent occurrence ever since the first interments in the graveyard. The Church is one of the oldest in *this part of the country. IMPORTANCE OF A. VOTE.—Last fall Mr,„ Barr (Democrat) and Mr. Parsons (Republi can) ran for the office of Treasurer in Mc- Kean county. In making the returns, the vote of Corydon township was omitted, leav , ing Mr. Parsons a few votes ahead, and the. certificate of election was given to him and be took the office. Barr applied to the Court. Judge White had just decided the case, ad , witting the vote of Corydon township by which Mr. Barr had one majority, but throw, ing out four illegal votes for Barr and three for Parsons, thus making a tie. Then he decided that as Parsons holds the office now he may stick to it,