THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GEN _KRAL NEWS, &C. WILLIAM AFRICA HAS AGAIN COMMENCED TILE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAE. , T OP 11. ROMAN'S CLOTIIINO STORE His old customers and the public generally, will give him a call. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20. 1,5,-;S.I TAKE NOTICE.—AII penious having settlements to make for dealings had at Illy Stole at ltimidesburg, will make payment to me at Huntingdon, or to my Eon, Joseph Strous Huntingdon, Nov. 24, ISSS T IVERY STABLE.- The undersigned would announce to the people of huntin2,don, and the rest of mankind, that co helms purchased the entire Livery Stock of if., and is now prepared to accom modate all who may give him a call. iris stock of Horses, Carriages, &e., are complete for the ac commodltion of the public, at reasonable prices. JAMES BRICKER. P. McAT.E.E.u., Agent. Huntingdon, Dec. 22, I.F.c;S L I A c 4 'UGH I C '1 111111 . : L I T C I A- I N II D SI , R;JFI VI PL I J ' 'F -I ll i.Nr It- AAo tl AND WTLLIAMShUIttL-TO TILE TRAVELING PUB- Licl—Having purchased the Mail Routes from Spruce Creek to lVilliamsburg, and from Williamsburg to Spi ing field Furnace, to,;ether with the stock upon said routes, the subscriber is now prepared to carry passengers fr. , ri Spruce Creek to Williamsburg and return daily, and be tween William burg and Springfield Furnace tri-wochly. /racks will leave Spruce Creek daily at 1 o'clock, P. It., (on arrival of the cars.) and Williamsburg daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 7 o'clock, A. M Tyrone City, January 26, 1550.-Cm A LEXANDRIA BREWERY. & CON NOR, me pi vpared to furni..ll all order for ALE, promptly. -Address Isenbeig & Connor, Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pa. [Dec. 8, 18L8.] 1 I 0 781.€11.N'. - . MELODEON, PIANO Fora:. VIOLIN, (iI:IT in, 'LCTE, &c.—Prof. it. Coyle, who has been successfully - en gaged for the last fifteen years, in teaching the aboNe in struments; also the theory of music, takes great pleasure in announcing to the ladies and gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he will permanently locate, and :teach vocal and instrumental 13111t,4C to the best of his shinty - . Parents wishing to have their sons and daughters instruc ted in the science of music, will, we hope, be liberal in their patronage. as we will spare no pains in doing ju ice. TZPON.—Private scholars $lO,OO per quarter, inol te ling Se. lessons. Scholars will be waited upon at their homes. Lessens to commence January sth, 1631). 11 Ertat ir.vets : Dr. E. L. Orth, ILtrrirhurg, fßev. Dr. Van;li, PhiLt Robert J. Ross, Esq., •' Win. Chapin, Col. J. Robert W. 0. Hickok. Eq., ' December 29, ca =.21 c-1 Sn W = "=.% = = = m n, E -- - 4 g c; ~ =~ i~ ~~ f- ~ a` ~ ~y~~nwiuia"9a.. Igi $lOO for the lie given the apprehension of JORN A,MBROSE and GEORGE LITZFORD, who escaped from the Hun tingdon Jail on the night of the 19th inst. Ambrose is about 35 years of age, slender, dark hair, thin in front. small black whiskers., aTI , i is about six feet high, had wi when he left dark pan tal , Plus and heavy boots. Litzford is slender, about live feet tln,e inches high, light hair, is an Englishman in appearance and :•neech. FIFTY DOLLARS each will be paid for the arrest of above described persons, or fur such information as will lead to their arrest, GEA HITS MILLER Huntingdon, Nov. 21, 1,5.53 BATcH.ELows WIGS AND TOUPEES -,iirpass all. They are elegant, light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm--no turning up behind—no shrink ing off the head; indeed, this is the only Establishment where these things are properly understood and made. [Nov. 17, MS, lyd U 3 BROADWAY', NEW YORK. ALLEY'S NAGRIAL PAIN EX TRACTOR.- To all diseaso , . inflammation. more or less, predominates—now, to allay inilanimatimi, the root of disease—hence an immediate cure. DALLEY'S 3.I.AGICAL rAllk; EXTRACTOR and NOMLNG LLSE, **l ill allay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. _ _ _ . _ DALT - , s 3IAGTCAL PAIN EXTRACTOR w 11 cure the following among a great catalogue of di, eases :—Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains, Bites. Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, Piles, Sore ;;yes, Gent, Rheumatism, Scald !lead, Salt Ulm= Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm ; Barber's Itch, Small Pox, Measles, Ra,h, &e., Sc. To some, it may appear incredulous -that so many dis eases should be reached by one article : such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a combination of ingt edients, each and every one apply ing a perfect antidote to its apposite disorder. BALLET'S :MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR in its effects id magical, because the time is so short be tween disease and a permanent cure ; and it is an extractor, as it draws all disease out of the affected part, leaving =- tare as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely neces sary to say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory should be one moment without it. - - - - - - - - - No Pain Extractftr is genuine, unkss the box has upon It a steel plate. engraving, II ith the name of Henry Dallt.y, Manufacturer. For sale by all the Druirgi,ts and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas. fl Principal Depot, l€s Chambers St., NM York. C. F. Cl LACE. .vim,-Sold by 3011 N READ, lin:vrrsmooN, Pa. [November, 17, 1858,1v1 JaBR ICKER'S _Mammoth Store is the • place to get the we rth of your money, in Dry Goode, rdware, Groceries. &c., &c.. &c. lor ATTENTION I — ADIES, —M au y assort ment of beautiful dress goode il now open, and ready tuspection. Every article of drew you may:de:4re. can be found at my store. D. P. GWEN% QILK BONNETS, latest styles, in great variety, and very cheap, at the mammoth store of D. P. MIN. CLOAKS, TALMAS, RIGOLETTES, Tietorines and Head Dresses are sold at prices. which defy competition, by FISHER & TF YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, Call at the store of BENJ. JACOBS. yENEWING IHS STOCK. Call at S. S. SMITirS GROCERY for everything rub and good. m -E e Under-Shirts ht F T ront r i - ,,, 1i d i . r , t i s and Drawers, ade,iirt,,whitea} L .an i c u..- ezdiam n & - c., i v i ery chea ' 'p a ' t . - P. GWIN"Is.-.3, ]DOTS & SIMES.-01(1 and young can be fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' storo in Market ttquare, Huntingdon. Pa. (0et28.) BUTCHER -KNIVES and Carven, in great variety, for sale at the hhardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN. GROCERIES, &e., &e.—Call at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coun try produce taken in exchange at the highest market pri ces. (oct2s.) BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE, fur sale low, at the hardware Store of JAS. A. BROWN. rill - 1E MAMMOTH STORE A . Is the place for Latest Styles of Ladies' Dress floods VARNISLI 1 VARNISII ! ! ALL warra nterl good, for snlo at BROWS'S Hardware Store, Huntingdon, Pa. April 23, 1.958-tf. fiLOTHING CLOTHING'.: Keep kiyourself warm. Call at 31. GUTMAN d CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, in Long's new building, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. A good stock always on hand. toe.S.) CLOTIIING !—A large stock on hand, at the cheap store of BENJ. J.V.TII3S. Call and es amine good. and Prices. (ocr2S.) MOSES STROU PLIILTP 11.00VE it Conraa Meyer, I.:x Gov. Jolinson, Pit E..,l.urg ~. 41 *tv) Shcritl. A."‘ \4. \ ---' 1 *.i.v... Ir 4 / i--,. a.. , \„,„ 1"'-DE %1 rit IN .4; ‘ + I ) 14 \urliikß' y - 9 Ote.N.-- Huntingdon. zi ~,..,; z. .„...,..... PI. , : , 4 l 4 0 , 6 IPA, 4 a : -A ;7 ,. ikin 4 •g. , '-' 7 3' l ' , F , 4 , TTAR,DWARE FOR THE MILLION ! ! JUST RECLIYED A\D READY FOIL SAGE, 212 7 CITY PRICES, Br JAMES A. BROW:: Tide at-Hi:11 of Goods exceed:; :ill others in hoportan^e, Ist. Been u 'it supplies "Tilt: People" with int" ixpensctbie anal in y us, , ful inventions which can be found ONLY in all.; R WARE STORE. 21)(1. The Soh,eriber. pureliaw lig iu larg(s quantities ft oin maituf:lcturer,, i 3 enabled. to Sell theao Goods from 20 TO 100 PER CENT. CHEAPER Than they are tHually sold by other merchants. His stock includes a complete variety of BUILDING-It Ait DWAEE, MECIIANICS"TOOLS. CUTLERY, HOLLOW-WA RE, DI PATN , I'S, SADDLERY. TA RN ISII LS, G f.ASS, CAIIRTAGE TR I M3l I NGS, STEEL, IRON, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, .flc3l;Or,'(%) and LINING SKINS, &c., Together with a full as.,ertinent of everything pertaining to Ilk lino of 1-,usinef.... Ilutittiigclun. October 7, 1533 IV`El's" CLOTHING NEW CLOTIITNG ! NEW cr,crin NG . NEW CLOT TIT NG ! !! ! NEW CLOTHING JUST RE( !: , 1 VCD, JUST I:Eel:it-E), l'.l GUT M.l N CO.. have just opened a more than mind larz,e stock of Beady-Made Clothing - , of nil kind,. for Fall and Winter. Theit assortatent consists of all the differ ent styles of Coats. Pants, Vests, &c. 'Theirs tack. of Boots and Shoes, Hats :Lila Caps, is also large, and of the best materials and make. The public generally, in want of any article in their line of ho-me—, at*a respectfully invited to call and ex amine their ti0. , :1-1 and prices. They will sell a , cheap, if not cheaper than the cheapest—a fact purchasers will he convince.] of when they call. Than% ful fit: the c.•ry liberal patrouage they have re ceived. they reFvoctfully ask - a coutitlumlce of the ,ame. ffuntingilmi. ;September 22, 1,9.55. ITA Ift DY E-1-1 IR 1)YE—II...1111 DYE! A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYB! iit,_;:‘„ Tim OVIGINAL AND BEST 1v mu WOULD! ! All others are niece imitations, and should be avoided, if you Nli , h to escape ridicule. BAY. 111 D, lit: RUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brostn or Black, without the least injury to hair or Skin. FIFTEEN 31 EDA LS AND DIPLOMAS Mll e been award ed to Win. A. Batchelor since 15:30, and over 50,000 appli cations bat c been made to the Hair of his patrons of his Famous Dye. WM. A. ItATCIEELnIt'S HAIlt DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, mid is W kit (I.I.NTED not to injure in the least, however long it may lie continued. and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the. Hair invigo rated for Life by this Splendid Dye. Made. sold. br applied (in 0 private rooms) at the Wig Factory. 2;13 Broadway, Now York. Sold in all cities and towns of the linitra States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. 1 1 7 - , ,The iieunine has the name and address npon steel 'dab , engraving, on four sides of each Box. of WILLI A3l A. n.vrc Imo p, 2:13 Broadway, .I's ew-Yoi h. 49 - ;Sold by JOHN BEAD, 111:2STEVIDON, VA. FNOVolltl;er 17, 15;ifi, Iy.] . 1 1 (MAME S) CO XFECTIO 11 E (t - c , JUST RECEIVED, rel.:onb Ivi,biDg any irti•io in roe “rocei y way elrollti call a:11 examine our a.;-o; t mcnt. October 5. 7t,T E)\ - NEW GOODS, NEW GOOD: 4 , NEW )1 , : 4 , AT 11 EN ACO AT BEN JAC:JCS' Cl 4 EA? COP, NEII, c.HEA COINER. JACOBS lia3 now upon his And VC, a largo and toil a, ,, ..rtin-at of FALL AND WINTER GOnDS, comprit , ing a eery ox:42llsi as•ortmont of LA DI Es , DR ESS coons, DRY Ge„q):,... READY-:'I ADE CLOTIIING.GROCEMES. ILATS ,y CAPS & &C.. &c.. lii..h of CLOTIIINt: ibr men tool boys i 5 c ul apiete_ every article of wear will be found to lw good and Full suits sold at greatly reduced prices—panic price,— u hieli will be, very low. entire steel: of flood, will compare with any other In town, :Hal the public will do well to call :nal esattaiuti before vureltioting chew here. s f am determined to sell in3' goods, bargains may he OA Pee tea, so all will do well to call. Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. I]ENJ. JACO.BS, Chcop Coritcr. Huntingdon, October -1,, ISSB. REAT NEWS! k:J . ASTONISHING NEWS!! GOOD NE TVS FOR TILE PE 0 PI, E! ! LEVI WESTBROOK has returned from the East with the extensive and :,est assortment of Goods, in his line, ever brought to Huntingdon. and he 11r1IN'TS THE PEOPLE TO CALL and extunine his stock - , before they say they cannot get any thing to suit them. Ills assortment consists of FINE A.N.D COARSE BOOTS, FOR 3IEN AND DOM GAITERS, DOOTS AND SHOES, FOR LADLES, :HISSES AND CHILDREN. HATS AND CAPS, MOROCCO SKINS AND LASTS. All are invited to call, and if I cannot snit everybody will not be for want of trying. LEVI WESTBROOK% - - Huntingdon, Oct. 5,1858. 1d.14 U NTINGDON HOTEL. The subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has leased that old and well established. TAITLEN STAND, known as the C . Huntingdon. House, on the corner of Hill and ...,... Chni les Street, in the Borough of Huntingdon.— ~.; ..''',.:', Ile has fitted up the Huns° in such a style as to . A tender it very comfortable for lodging Strangers and Tray elers. II 7S TABLE NI ill always be stored with the Lest the sea -8011 can afford, to suit the tastes and appetites of his guests. HIS BAR will always be tilled with Choice Liquors. and HIS STABLE always attended by careful and attentive Ostlers. .11. Ile hopes by strict attention to business and a spirit of accommodation, to merit and receive a liberal share of unblic patronage. P. McATEINI. May 72, I 85S-1 y. T HIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! POILTSTOWN, TIM PLACE FOP NEW AND CHEAP GOODS!! If you dont believe it For Ladies' Dress Goods. call on DAVID GROVE. Portstown For every variety of the best Dry Goods. call on DAVID GROVE, Pi,rtAown For the, best Groceries, call on DAVID GROVE, Portstown For Qtteensware, Glassware, Sze.. call on DAVID GROVE, Portstown For Salt, Fisb, Ac., Sc., call at the Cheap Store of DA VI 1) G RAJ V 1.1, Portntow For anything you can get hi any other store, call on DA VID GROVE, in Portstown, and SAVE MONEY U kinds of Country Produce taken in trade, by DAVID GROVE, Portstown West Huntington, May 5, 1858. G:ROCERIES Of all kinds at f•TROUS' Cheap Store tr(FAft. tolsi;ents, at s. s. s.MITIr::: GROCERY 3.16. A. titowN AT GUTMAN S.. AT (ftIM.\N ,c'z C+ r: AT G eImAN & C Br I ,ONI.; & .M.l LI,BB CALL A."-•:D SEE AfORE THAN 500,000 BOTTLES itp S3LD THE NEW ENGLAND STATES IN ONE YEA.I.I..—Tho Restorative of Prot. 0. J. Wood for restoring hair perfl;ctly and permanently, has never yet had a rival, volume atter ti olume might be given front all parts of the wdrlcl, and from the most intelligent, to prove that it is a perf et .I . er.qoratt'ce; but rail the circular and you cannot doubt; read also the tbllowing : -CZ— nth If.itrh--- - Pcople have for centuries been afflicted with bald heads and the only remedy, heretofore known, has booh thaw abominable, wigs. By a recent discovery of Piolessor Wood these articles are being fast dispensed with. lint a great many persons still patronize them, be cause they have been so often imposed upon by Hair Tonics of diderent kinds. To all such persons we earnest ly make the ropiest, that they will try once again, for in Wood's Restorative there is no such thing as fail. We know of a lady who was bald. who used the article a shot t time. and her head is now covered completely Willi the tinie-1, and most beatitifnl earls imaginable. We know of numerous cases where hair was rapidly falling out, which it restored ill greater perfection than it ever had been be fore. It is also without doubt one of the best articles for keeping the hair in good condition, making it sort and glossy, removing dandruff. and has proved itself the great est enemy to all the ills that hair is heir to. It is the duty of every one to improve their personal appearance though sonic may (hirer in regard to the ways of (Ming it; but every ono will admit that a beautiful Lead of ha ir, either in man or woman, - is an object much to be desired. and there aro no means that should be left untlied in olitain such a cousideration.—Weman's Cale, aVild/ 0. .T. Woos & Co.—Gents: As I have been engaged in selling your tfair lle-torative the last season for o ne o f your local agents (It. yl. flaekinsom) and havin g experien ced the beneficial effects of it myself, I would like to ob tain an agency 11.,r the State of Ohio or some State in the West. should you «•1.61t to make such an arrangement. as ain convinced three is nothing equal to it in. the United Stotrs„for re.storing the hair. I have been engaged in the Drug business for sevmal years, and have sold various preparations for the hair, but have found nothing that re store:, the secretive organs ur invigorates the scalp as well as yours, being fully convinced that. your restorative is w hat you represent it to be. I would like to engage in the sale of it, fur I am ea ti:lied it must sell. Yonrs truly, S. T. STOCKMAN. - WAYLAND. Mass.. Feb. 5, IST. Puor. 0. J. 'Won & Co.—Gents: Having realized the good effects of your Hair Restoi:dive, I wish to state, that finding my hair growing thin, as well as gray, I was in duced from what I real and heard, to try the article pre pared by you, to promote its growth and change its color as it was in youth, both of which it has effected complete ly. In the operation I have used nearly three bottles. Yours. te., JAMES FRANCIS. 0. J. Woon Co., Proprietors. 312. Brortaway, New York, (in the great N. Al. Wire Railing Establishment,) and 114 Market street, St. Lonis, Mo. And soll by all good Druggists. rie9-1.3 . -ja5 . 591 NV HERE ARE YOU GOING? . I'. li:ts rrt urnea from PhilmlelpLia, with the large:t atni moot beautiful tment of PALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever 'brought to Huntingdon. Consisting of the most EtAionable Dress Goods f,w Ladies and Gentlemen; Black and Fancy Silks, all Wool Delaines. (Oil colors.) Spring Dc lains. Brat cc Braizes. all colors; Debnize, Levylla Cloth, ..'llpacca, Plain and Silk Wet p. Printed Berages. Bril liants. naiil and Colored Ginghani3, Lawns and. Prints of every de; cript ion. AL,. a large lot of Dross Trimmings, Fringeq, More-An thpie iblum. Gimps. Buttons. Brahls, Crapes. Rildams, Reed and Brass Hoops. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Neck- Ties. Stocks. Z,Ther. French Working Cotton. Linen and Cotton Alas,. Tidy Yar,n. Woolen Yarns, Wool Coats and Iforls, Com:bets and Also. tho best and clwapest assortment of Collars and Midersl e ve, in tun n ; Barred and Plain Jaconet, Mull Mus lin. Swiss. Plain. Figured and Butted Skirts, Belts, Mar saint's fa.* Capes, ;111:1 a variety of White Goods too nniner on, to mention. A LAInIL AND DEAuTrrur, ASSORTMENT of Bay State. 11 - a terlon and Wool Shawls, Single and. Double Broeha thawls. Cloths, Cas , ilneres, Cassinetts, Tweeds, Kentncky Jeans. Vt—tings, bleached and unbleached 'Mils tins. sheeting and pillow-ca:ze Mullins. Nankeen, Ticking, Clae - clis, Diaper, Cra , h, Flannels, Sack Flannels. Canton Flannel-1, Blankets, &c. Also, a large lot of Silk and Colored Straw Bonnets, of the latest styli's, which will be sold cheaper than can he had in Huntingdon. HATS and CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, and GU3I SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town. HARDWARE. QV EENSWARS. BUCKETS. CHURNS, T U BS, BUTT ER BoW I,S, B BOOMS. BRUSII ES, &c. CAlt- PETS and OIL cLoTir. FISH, SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, and all goods usually kept in a count; y storo. fly old customers. and as many me«• ones as Call crowd i n . are fuliy to call and examine my goods. A=i'_tii kind-4"i" Gun )try l'rodstec taken i n cxc fOr GOMIS. at the Market Prices. 11. litintiviglion, Oct. 5 : 1.8.7;S ri TEXT EXCLTEMENT 'or M MOT iI ST 0 E J. PA: En. li. r.q.nrne,l from the Ea,t, ith a tremon. 000 d... They are upon tho phelves in his New . 1:oom-, on II ill reef : near I‘l...iteer . :, Lel, ready Inc lii: of every variety of LA NES In; ESS I“,ODS, ;Ok )11S: G EN ER liidt I:t ES AN!) (2 1.7 EENSNVA WO, EA MC Alt E AND GLASSIVAR AND ('EDAIZW.I E, 11003'8 AND SU, tE;•4 HATs AN I) CAPS, Arpl rtr rthin tl, 1/e rlllllll/ in the ra,,,t 1.11•3 \.'w anti t.. 4 the By t. and. the pahlie ale in vit d to call and e%atnino, free 4,f charg 13( c,rl.:lll'l3oD 4 TRY TILE NEW STORE, 0;1 Ift Sli'ect oppo;:ilc C'armon's Stf•rc TILE BEST I 4 IIRIAIt and 3101AsSF,s, U )1•'/ , 'F'. E. 'l' EA :IA d CI lOEOL.vrE. FLOOR, }J El, SALT awl VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS awl TOBACCO, St ICES 0.1"11 lE. BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and evtay other article usually - found in a Grocery - Store A r,so— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Oils and Slit.. Turpen Liao, El nid. Alcohol, Glass and. Putty, BEST NVIN E i od BRANDY for medical purpo.e, Al.l, TILE BEET PATENT M EDICIN ES, and a large number or articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will pleabe call and examint, for themselves mud learn my prices. liunthiplon, May 25. !S5B T Bit LCK tj 9 11111 C K ER' J. IMUCE".IIII'S TS THE PLACE TJLE PLACE IS THE PLACE FOR DRY GOODS, IrABDWARE, FOR DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, &c FO t: DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Sc NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS !- LONG MILLER, Respectfully informs the cit icons of Ifunting,don and the public generally, that they have opened at the old stand of Long f ; Decker. a fine assort men t of GROCERIES AND 'CONFECTIONERIES. They alto have on hand a n assormtent of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HAW, and other Goods. As they are anxious to please the public they will at all times keep on hand the 'oest of Groceries, Confectioneries, and other useful articles. The public ai earlr?stly invited to call and examine for themselves. [Huntingdon. April 21, ISSB. T All ES DRESS GOODS! A splendid assn NAnent at MOUS' Cheap Storp in 3.l,trket Square. []Each 31, 1,555. CLOT G- A new arrival for S piing and Summer, at STHOUS Cheap Store. Call and bo fitted. larch 31, ISSS. TRY GOODS l'—A fine assortment on hand for the acconr imitation of customers, at 13ENJ JACOBS' "Cheap COIIIV C," Market Square. (oct2S ) FL 0 U It ! For sale at ri LASS Presevving Jars, different sizes, fir sale cheap, by FISHER S; 3I'MURTRIE. UNTRY P I tODUCE neceived in exchange fur New GoodP. at M. STROUS, Store, [March 31, 1858. o fl LA SS JAI-Ui;—Not "Family Jars."— ou will find the best article, fur Preionving Fruit air-tigia, at LOVE ,b MDIVECT'S. Li7iLNE-IVAI.I.I] at S. ti. Smith's Gro eery, :.1.0 per c? nt. cheaper than any other place in MEM _ LI IQUOIIB, of the best, for Medicinal purposes, rt S. S. SMITH'S. SHOT, Lead, (;tips, _Powder and Game Bag', for , ale Ifordwnre store of J.IMYS A. BROWN. eocilocroN. Ohio, 17, ISSG AT u. i S. S. SMITH. mAf , IMOTIT STORE AL :ITNIOTIT STORE MtM3IOTII STORE D. I'. GNVIN'S 110 9 000 - REWARD ! MOSES STROUS, Will risk the above sum Gait he can Sell Goode, to every body, at prices to snit the times. His stock has been re new•ed for FALL AND WINTER, and he invites all to call and examine for themselves. His stock consists of every variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, OF ALL KINDS, READY—MADE CLOTHING, Such as Overcoats, Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Jackets, Vets. Pants.. &e. BOOTS and SIIOES, HATS and CAPS, of all sizes, for old and young. GROCERIES, of the best; QUEENSITARE, &c. The public generally are earnestly invited to call and examine my new stock of Goods. and be convinced that I can accommodate with Goods and Prices, all who are look ing out for great bargains. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange fir Goods. MOSES STROUS. Huntingdon, October -I, ISSS. NEW GOODS GREAT BARGAINS ! ! FISHER ce; .11'.7WITRT.RtE' S STORE. They have just received a large and beautiful assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which are now open thr inspection, and to which the attention of the public is di rected. Their stock embraces every article that can be found in a well selected stock of DRY GOODS, consist ing of Black and Fancy Silks, French and English Merinos, Solid and Fancy (all wool) DoLaine.4, Mohair, Madonna, Danubian and TallllSo.. Clothe; Scotch Plaids, Deßaize, Bo burgs, Alpaccac, 17ouline DeLaincs, Clingbarns, French Chintz, Milli:tilts, Fancy Prints, &c. A beautiful' assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls. Thibut Shawls Cleat's Travelinn• ' Shawls; also, Plain 31evino (extra whits. in sptares.) for Shawls. A large stock of Kid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt lets, Silk and Woolen do.: Merino, Silk and Gashme: e Gloves, a superior lot of Buck Gloves and Mitts; also, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Antique's, Ribbons, Ladies Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Buttons, Floss, Se; ing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoopes of all kinds, sze. Also—Tickiugs, Osnaburg, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, all prices; Colored and White Cam brics, Barred and Swiss Isluslins, 'Victoria Lawns, :Cain sooks, Tarleton, and many other articles which comprise the line of mum.: and DOMESTIC GOODS. French Cloths. Vaney Cassimers, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Liudseys, Comforts ; Blank ets, &c. Hats, Caps, and Bonnets, of every variety and Style. A Uuod Stock or GBOCETZTES. HARDWARE, QUEENS }} AitE, BOOTS and SHOES, WOOD and WILLOW-WARP, which will he sold Cheap. We also deal in PLASTIIIt. FISlf, SALT, and all kinds of 011AINS, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandbto, free of charge. at the Depots of the Broad Tep and Pennsylvania Railroad 4, COME ONE, COME ALL, and be convinced that the die 4repolitan, is the place to secure f;tldonable and de,irable goods, disposed of at the lowe-t rates. Huntingdon, (let. 6, *5 - 6. Fl SI I ER ,cz UTITIIII,.. 7TE\V CLOTHIN‘j .1.12 11. noirsN . s 11. It OMAN'S 11Ts ll` CLO77-17 - I\ - 0. CLOTHING 02 ALL KINDS, AT 'lf. RO-I,r.LV.S .- CHEAP CLOTHING- STORE, lx 311I11.: T SQUATZE, orposra: Ti:l FRANKLIN 1101:2.F., 11r.NTINC:DON, P 1 His new stock consists or cunt:. of all kinds. for Fall and Winter. Pants. of ail kind, 7 - Vests, of all kindi-11.1'0 and CAPS—and ,g,ntlemen's famishing . goods generally. His ,t‘adt. I. of tloe hest. anal tti ill iw sold at, prices to suit his enoonteroc Call and et,:unine his good , and prita.s be convinced. iinutinwl4.n. October 5. ISSS• TIII, Liv Ell, IN VI G 0 P I'AIIED BY DB. SANYORD.—(imipounded en relit n e t UtillS Is one of Lite Lest purgative anti Liver medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic but a Liver remedy, acing first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter. then on the bowels and stoinach to carry oil' that matter; thus accomplishing - two purpoi•es effectually, iiilllOUt ally of tin: painful feeling experienced in the operations of morn Citthortie.3. It ,trengthons the sy.,:ten, at the ::::tme time that it purges it ; ant when taken daily in mod:Tato flo,:es will :strongthen and build it up iiith n-ue I rapidity. rogulatorc of the Lit rforms it, function, are fully developed. The dependent On the healthy pr:yer performatteo 01 its mach h: at lanlt. flu: bowel, system coma- Liver having cea:ed 1n do of that organ. one of the stady, itt a practice or mare onto remedy NN herewith to irangetnent, to which it is The Liver is one or the hinnan body: end \then it the p.m ers of the system sTnu.ic❑ is almost entirely action or the Livra for the functions: W hen the ,tn are at faolt. and the w ho!, 911011VC Of 0110 nrtiati—tht• its ditty. For tlie•diseases proprietors lots made it Id than twenty years, to lind Collnterset the Ma e- To that (hi; rem per6,,n trottl.l , d nitlt !AVM rorlll,, ha I , llt to try a but Thesti Cunt, remove all Ihe sy , lent, supplying in of 11l invigorating the st o gest we 1 I. puric3 ing the to the s% hole inachiu the 4iscas.o and effecting B11.101.::,ATTACK:; are eli red 1 - I.IIV/Tll, by the occ.. - -ional 71.111. 011 C 110 , 0 after eating IS mach and prevent the fOOd Only one iltw.o Liken I,e- NIqII7I,IAIIII. Only one dose taken at g4_ntly. and cures Coguvr- One dose taken after cacti One of two tea,p,on tet: \nAettn. One br.ttle taken for fe the cau•:e of the rl.s•ra;e, Only one dose immediate. ono dose often repeated is a Bus, and a preventive of Only one bottle is needed the effects of medicine after One bottle. taken for lowness or unnatural color One dose talien a short vigor to the appetito, and One dose. often repeatod. it's worst forms, \Odle Sum yield almost to the lust One or two doges cures children; there is no , rarer, the world, as it xixt:n A. few bottles curets sorbents. We t:Lke pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for IfEvm: AN:. AGUE, CJI ILL FEVER, and all I , EV ritS of a limmus Tvm:. It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. An who use it ate giving their unanimous testimony fa its favor. krir Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator and swallow both tog - other. The Lirer Inri;jorulo• is a ,S:ricortifio .21Irclicol Discovery, and is daily working cures, alrilliSt too great to believe.— It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom moro than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LINER Complaint, from the worst JAUNDICI: or InsrErs;%. to a common lIENDAcuu, all of which are the re sults or a DISEASED LIVER. PRICE. ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. Dn. SANFORD. Proprietor, 343 Broadway, New Yolk.— And rctailed by nil Druggists. De0:1Y1 COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, Ha. If. ROMAN. TT AItDAVARE ! 11 A Large Stock, just received, mid for sale at BRICKER'S MAMMOTH STORE TdiaARIES DRESS GOODS.—A spleu- A assortment now on hand, at BENS. JACOBS' Store. ADIES COLLARS—Newest Styles -4 in great variety at the"METROPOLITAN." _ rrHEGREATRBTYARIETY of the jt richest styles of Dress Goods and Trimmings, can always Le found at the fa,hionable store of :11c3IURTRIE. fiOXL BUCKETS and Shovels, k_,/ for sale by JAMES A. BROWN WHEAT! For sale at 0031 E ONE--COME ALL, ‘_) To the Cheap Store of M. SMOGS. and examine his New Goods and Prices. [March 31. ISSS. LUMBER! For sale at FRESH HOMINY and BEANS ! For sale by 'Kt LOVE & McDIVITT, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, the largest stock crer brought to town, aro henin:: t cry cheap, by MatURTIIIE. FOP, MEN AND Euv,,z, edy is at la , t lifilua comel.kl:cr, in any of its 00, an eorivietivn i. e-r- mmhid or hafl matter from their• place. a healthy flow watch. causing led to g ivin : 2,- tone and erg•. rein.% :lig the cans° of core. and mutt is better.. Par the Liven Im icon 1 , 11.111cient to rolieve the front anti s.nrinp.. fore retiring, prevent night ; loosen-; 1110111 cure Imvrrroi rills will ii , ,rays relieve male obstruction remot es and makes tt perfect cure. ly relieves (2:tome, while sure cure for Cuourt.k Non- CHOLETZA. to throw out of the system long sickness. .lautylice rettiore , -; all sal !front the skin. time before rat jug glees ftlOd tlige,l: cures Cnr,oNle mn . . 1:.1 :Nita anti 110Wri. Complaints dose. :xi tacks ea nsetll , y I 11 safer, or speedier reinudy ill vxcititqr, Use ab- D. P.C;WIN'S D. P. GIVIIVS PROFESSIONAL S. BUSINESS CARDS R. JOHN McCULLOOR, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office at Mr. Hildebrand's, between the Ex change and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 28, Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi e tines, Perfumery, Dye ;Ruffs, Oils. &c. Also—Gro ceries, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. JOHN SCOTT SCOTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office same as that tbrinerly occu pied by Mr. ,:•:cott. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 18.53. WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and :%Tusical Instru ments, Huntingdon, Pa. - W. DUTCHER, QP Watchmaker ana repairer,. ana dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Sc., Huntingtion, Pa. j)ALLISON MILLER, DENTIST, _ft ) Hun tingdon, Pa. June R. T. A. LYON, Dentist, SHADE CAP, Huntingdon. couuy, Pa November 11, 1557. Till. COLON, Dealer in Books, Stationary, Wall Paper. &c. &c. - 1 P. GWIN, f o Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, jf. -- g BRICKER, - Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardwaro, Groceries, Qintent, mare, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Cc., e. A M. cuNN.INGILA. - .1 &Bito. e_y Founders, Huntingdon, Pa - IFAIES A. BROWN, ey Dealer in nardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &c., Hunt ingdon, Pa. Al°Bl-"mous' 3 Dealer b n Mad Dry Goods. Ready e Clothing, On, (Tries, Boots and Shoes, Hs . atand Cape. etc. itO.M.4 - 01, - EU e Dealer in Ready Made Clothing,. Hats and Caps, .flouts and Shoes. &c. j 1 VJ. JACOB, ) Dealer in Dry 000,19, Deady Made Clothing' : Grocer ies, Quernsware. &c. , De p alers lz.eticly Q ma to C 1 t] g. Ilnntin~ k TT SHER (lam 131eNUETERIE, Dealers in Dry Good.. Huntingdon. Pa. - EVI AVESTI3,IIOOk, A j Dealer in Gentlemen's. I.wlies' and llis-,es' Boots :hors. Gaiters, Morocco Lcrtl,cr. etc. Tr oNG- & 31 I til,lilt, 4 Dvalers in fljoe,•rks. Confectioneries. S:e., ae. TosE1)11 RE LG (i Eat , ei IVatelanakei awl il.:aler io Si:aches, Clocks, mot:Tow clrr, &c. TF.J2 , I. - WILLI A3lB, v V Plain awl Ornamental 311 - trble Mantaltetnror. I.OVE and eDIVIT, A .M Deniers in Ilrocories, Confectionaries. Flnitr. S-c : () IVIIN 13(j j• - . \ :; 1 ,.:!, , , , ,,,.-„,,iir,„,,n, lriminchlror. .4 NDREW ' MOT:BUS, • Proprietor . th., Ton lit ~ ),,. y S. ?,_IIJ LLEB (4 , , 2,1 3 a Proprictor of the Vranl.lin flow's. AVILI 0 Propliotor of the Orlando ) Z, 0 oplik•tor I'S i -N . ~ I iners ) and Dealer, in Broad .711cCunT1,•11,:town, Rtultiflplon county. Pa. TOITN F. 112 , .7%i - F.,Y, County :urn jor ; Po. ()nip, on Urn i;trf-el, one door el; /I of the Huntingdon 2,:ai ble y ar d. E.F.FF.n.E7,Ici•F., L. 'l'. 11 at .T. Philol,ll)Dia; Chnvie,; 1:01:11 and Ready Farntieu. 1 ion..l.,nathan ICII_ lID LANG DON, )liller :111(1 Deal.'r itk llrolul Top Coal ; llopmell. etmn- . _ ) .113- RE i'o W.EL, 1 , 1. incl., and .4?‘.‘aler _.1.1 0 in Broad 'ion Coal. 5G - Walnut .4.. I.\T ().IIF.NI' PA Tll I C :`,l & )c:th.‘ , .. iu Broad Top F.emi-Ilitumin,tui ; Conlioont, Huntingdon county. L'a. it A C 0 .11 (1 LESS {'iLh, _Miner et! and I)atcr in I:road Top Jimaing don co., ra. I.lttly 11„ SSS. N i CO.,:thners and Deal : or.; in Broad Coal : Broad Top, Irantingdon Nov. 3, nz5S. 1)0 VOIT WANT Btry..s Am) Do you want 2.‘;‘!.A. Do von want Po I:;,ious Do yon want °ii:rtilic Do you u . zult Book,? Du you want Law E001i.,? Do you v.-antical Do yon - want StBtioner3 ? Do you want (ma l'en,,? DO you w;alt; Port `.l.,nnuie-,? Do von want 'Fancy Articlv,? Do you w:lnt Wall iarer? Do yi , u IA an Cheap \\ail Paper? Do you want the hest Wail Paper? Do you want th;:. Lato,t Paper? GO TO COLON'S. COLO:V:7 1 i tit place to buy these Coal! Then tli) TO COLON'S and buy yuui Dna tel your neighbor , that the plaeo to buy all these Coods. .IS. AT COLON'S. Huntingdon, April 14, 1S:1R. LATEST FROM 'THE EAST ! The "-Virg Flower" has just arrived at this port, with intelligence from the East up to the present date;— not the le:tt t important of which, to the public, is the fact that her cargo consisted, principtiLly, of a new and elegant Stock of G RuCERT S, CONFECTIONERIES, PROVISION'S, &c., For the cheap e:Jtabli,...hinent of _ LOVE MeDIVITT Cow.isting of their usual variety of everything in their line: all of . %Odell they are now prepared to dispose of for CASH or Cbuntry Produce, on the most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May I'2, 185 S. 4.PROAD TOP HOUSE. ANDREW ) 311/EIII.TS would respectfully inform the public =r° ! that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Alle- 1 . 1 gheny street. at the Broad Top Depot, IluntingdomM and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travellei's in an nnoldeetionable style. Nis table will always be supplied with the substantials and delicacies of the season. His Bar is furnished with the choicest liquors. In a word, no pains will be spared to render guests comfortable and happy. june 171 A VETLYBODY BUYS AT --1 BRICKER: S Blacksin if hs buy at BRICKER'S Carpenters buy at BRICKER'S Builders buy at BRICKER'S Saddlers buy at BRICKER'S. Shoemakers buy at BRICKER'S Cabinetmakers buy at BRICK ER'S. Farmers buy at BRICKER'S. Housekeepers buy at BRICK ER'S -p,UILDERS Are requested to call and examine the Hardware, .tic., at BRICKER'S MAMMOTH STORE. ' BUCKSKIN GLOVES Mitts cheap at WHALEBONE, Reed & Brass Hoops, and feed Skirts, for sale at the Cheap Store of D. P. (]WIN. BOOTS, STIOES, HATS and CAPS, the largest stock ever brought to town, are selling very cheap at FISHER & MeMUUTRIE'S. OWDER, LEAD and SHOT! For :+nle by LOVE S; McDIVITT ri_ROCERT.ES, Ar always ready for , ustamern, nt J. BRICKER'S MAMMOTH STOTE THE CASSYILLE SEMINARY. ONLY $22 50 PER QVARTEM THE PRESENT FACULTY. M. MeN. WALSH. Princ ipal, Prof of Languages and Philosophy. CHAS. S. JOSLIN, A. M., Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc. JAMES W. lIL`(:ITES, reef. of ittetthematies. BENJAMIN F. HOUCK', Arl,junct, Prof. of Mathenzatics. CEO. W. LINTON, -Prql of Tbcal Music. SAMUEL T. BROWN Mrs. 3f. McN. 'WALSH. Precepta•ess, reacher of Botany, Llistory, Reading, dc. Miss E. M. FAULKNER, Teacher 2f lidlie Win*, Painting, Drawing, etc Miss D. L. STANLEY, 'leacher of Pawo Music ; 3lrs. Do. DARWIN. Teacher of English Branches, Miss J. M. WALSH - . Teacher of Primary English. The recent success of this School is extraordinary. Be sides being the cheapest one of the kind ever established, this Institution is now the largest in this section of the State. All branches are taught, and Students of all ages and of both sexes are received. The expenses for board, room rent, furniture, fin 1 and tuition in common English, are only $2:2.50 per quarter. Students can enter whenever they wish. For other information address John D. Walsh, Cassville, Ifuntingdon county, Pa. Dele,:tf.l rIRE IIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN J BLAST AGAINi—The subscribers take this method 61 informing their f icnds and the public generally, than r c r - zr they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Foun -1; k,,, r./ dry, and are now in successful operation. 1 ' 1 ' . ‘. l mid arc prepared to furnish Castings of , ......, , •.1 s. W,1 . ,1 " ' "- ` every deseliption. of best quality and lifnellll.ll k.-.i,e, ,, p -,4 workmanship. on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the iirst premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, 'Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs. which can't be beat—together with the Keystone. Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand and are manullicturing Stoves--such as Cook, Parlor, and Office sieves for wood or coal. - Hollow ware. consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re• ceive a liberal share of public patronage. _ . . J.) 1. CUNNINGITAINI S; 13110 Truptin!.:r,il(o). April 30, 18,7,13. 1 -1 1, i - ItANKLIN ITOI: SE, lluntrnux on, Fa. J. S. 311 LI , En, PnaPMETott. 'Respectfully informs his friends and the true- 4-,-... ening public generally. that lie has leased the - "ii. ‘ , •' Franklin Bou:se." for several years occupied ;::: 011 y by C. Couts. end that be will be pleased to re- g g -,11 eet: ...c. ceive the calls of all who nay favor him With their patron:lv. His lublo will he furnished with thclH , P,t; the market aflords. and every a t ten lion will be given to make those who stop Iv Dl] him feel at home. I Tuntinff,don, April 5.18.57. •- fj - UN TING DON CARRIAGE AND it A II"AtiON 7 IAN rrAcrouv.-011EN BOAT, thank ful for past favors. respectfully informs the public in general that he has removed ~....P: - H -R :...,,,.*, to his new shop on IVashington street. on ~.,.._.....____.,---- ... the property lately and for many ears oc- w-allomia cupied by Alex. Cal man, vAicro be is prepared to manufac ture all kinds of Carriages. itugirics. llockaways, 'Wagons. and in short, every kind of veltiele desired. Bockaways and .Vl-rgi fe . (0. a ~ , ,up‘ql o r manufiteture and finish alwa3 s on hand and Sre sale or fair priees. Beridrine, of all kind; dune .:t the shortest notice and on the mo,t reasonable I;•rms. Huntingdon...Mny 1(3 . , 15.54. r &Mir I' A.P D. The undersigned. _ fi 11 would re:.poctiUlly rail the attention of tire citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoitting coin ties to the block of beautiful marble now (n 1 hand, is prepared to furnish at the ...hortcst uotiro, .Thmapb 'dal Mat tile, Tooth. Table and Stull( , : of eNviy th..vired and form of Ttalian or Castern Marble, highly fini,hed. ;old carved With appro pinto derieeq. or plain. os may Enilding Maride, Door and IN - Inc:ow S . c., will b•J I'u:hi-tied to order. IV. IV. plott“ , lI Z olf to fin ni.di in:aerial and worl;- inansiiip itipuil to any in the tiinntry. at a fitir price. Call ;old ace. befiire Vim purchase else liere. f.itiop on Bill strtyt. Huntingiltin. lit. _Huntingdon. Mny 1 t. 15:75. CLOOFS ND y MAZY: 'The s;11,crlIN,1•. t ' ha;:4[Rtl to tad hi, fl iced , and patrons, and to the public goner ally. for their pati•Onatae, still continue, to carry on •..t the, -:um stand. ooe door caM of Mr. C. Conte hotel, Market •tree t, llnntingdoe, NI hero he \\ill :It tend to all Ono will vii him with their ru , ton: : and also keeps on band a g,a a , soi tment of Wateln , , Clocks. Jewelry. &c., &c., 16 It he is detemined to -ell at low prices. Clocks, Watel.e , and dewt lry or all kinds \rill he repaired at short notice. 411111 Mg mado ariangements with a good work man. all repair , m ill be done in a neat and durable manner, and and' per.on having articles for repairing, shall have them done at II p: omised Clue. lty paying strict atten tion to husinr-s. awl , tilling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share or public patronage. I,Ntw. -74 ,if - A - IL LINE from Mount Union to F cn.oIi:EItSINTPX. The mulct-signed still contin ue.; to run a tri-weelsly line .I.ta g , , ow, the road bet %A-cm' 7dmint - Ciao!: and Chan°, zr:Wurg. flood parses and corn fort:Wl,: stages have been pl,wed un the t ante, and experi enced anal trtt,ty drivor, t ;ii , 1111olilltClIll the running of the Coaches. 'lllO proprietor of the lint. , is desirous that it Lc maintaincW alp, Ile , :,,re earne.qly calls upon the public gener.dly patroni,, , it. confident that it NVill Le hhr li lh multz;kl E. - ery attention noces , ary :11 he given. awl tilo rut of the stages Will be regu lar. have Mt. T - 1;i0t) at 5 o'clock, p. nt., every Tne,day.f.clinr,d and Sat erday—retiirilirvis, ou 7 , loiiayA, 11 - cflu-sday, Friday -t: ril hip: at Union in tin!. for the car;. ',"tage, stop at :": , hille3shitrg, Orbisvnia, -11a , 1,. , Gap, I'mrot embia Pannetbburg, Str:l-I.urg, C.) TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON I",:s,l__Fale through I; to in terinediat , ' point.: in pro portion, JOHN JAMISON. Augmt 2'. 1c if. if NU DON 3IILL.—The ua,,,ri g n,d owners of the Huntingdon Mill inform the farmer, and the pnl,lic generally that they now have their new mill in tinning order, with all the modern im provements in the Water Wheels and Machinery. They have put in live of the Improved Jouval Turbine NI - vtur Wheek, and can gi ind in atl stages of water, and during the coldet w4.:ttlier any and all kinds of ; - rain. They are prepared to :mil have on hand for bale at all times at Mzu•ket rate- , all hind , : of Flour, Feed, and Stalk: and F. , rmer.i ran line their own grain ground and take it back in a refit: n had. or they can be furnislitd in czzchange at a moment's no:ice, an equal quantity of Flour and Bran. er chopped feed. Their ~,m ut machine k of improved manufacture. anti limy 1% ill imure a "a /nil turn nut" of superior quality to every bm.hel of grain left at their mill 'Huntingdon, Dec. S, 1850 CO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'zz CO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S W) TO COLON.S. GO TO COLO.V.I: CO TO COLON'S 00 TO COLON'S CO TO COLON'S G 0 TO COLON'S TTENRY IV. OVEIIMAN, No. 14 (011 No. r) Cmti Tuna) Street, below Market, LEATHER DEALER. ('all Skins, 3loreccoE, Linings, Bindings, RED AND OAK SOI.I LEATHER, N. B.—llough Leather, bought or taken in exchange. March 3, 185S—ly. triALL at the new CLOTHING STORE ~1 ouTnAx s: Co., if you want a good articlo ot Clothing. • Store I'oolll ill iittlig's new building, in the Dia mond. lion t ingdon. Sept. 9, 1857. y ,EN DID B A G CARPET for 371-2 c per yard : at the cheap Store of FISHER S. 3rcMURTII.IE. OVERCOATS, of all kinds, cheaper than I;ewlierc, at Oct. 1, Isso. U. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. - - fIONFECTIONERIES of the very best v./ Call at LONG & MILLERS. y .A.mEs' DRESS G OODS, rich stylcs, j and very cheap. at D. P. GWMPS. ITATS AND CA PS--- A fine assortment At BE .I. JACOBS' Store. 7 1 ISII—just received, and for sale at the ' Cheap Grocery of LONG & MILLER. Afouni\TlNG DOLLARS—handsome 1. styles, just received by _I3OOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at _ _ _ 14:UTMAN & CO., Aro belling, CLOTHING at exceedingly low prices.— Cal 1 and see. [March 31,1858. I* 4 - I VERY TH ING.—Every thing in the Grocery line can be procured at the cheap store of LOVE & McDIVIT. ME AS, TEAS—of excellent qualitie t, and the cheapest in toe - n, at LOVE & MeDIVIT'S t Splendid Line of Press Goods—em it. bracing Robes of all kinds. Berages, Chaleys, Lawns Cold Brilliant., Chintzes, can bo found at the "Me. tropolitan." BROCHA and Wool Shawls, Fine and Cheap, at the chea t s store of P. P. (MIN' !Ms Fruit, Flowers, etc.. JOSEPH . TtEIGGEII FISHER S.; MeMURTIIIE FISHER & MeIITURTEI Tl . l -I;it Taken in exchange for Goodg, at J. BRICKER'S INIAMMOTII STORE D. P. GWIN'S