THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C, THE GLOBE. Huntingdon, Wednesday, Feb. 2g, 1859 LOCAL & PERSONAL. TuE WEATITER.-All of last week, the ;weather was dark, cloudy and rainy. Now a ray from old Sol, then a sprinkle. from those dark, heavy clouds which overhang the earth during the winter time. On Sun day last, the weather changed from a soft and mild Spring-like day, to one of cold and blustering winter ; the wind blowing almost a tornado, and flukes of snow flying hither and yon, making a red-hot stove quite an agreeable companion. We predict some Tough weather yet, before Spring opens. SOIIETHING NEW TIN'DErt THE SUN.—At a colored meeting which is going on in this place, the minister remarked the other even ing, that " all the white people knew, they had borrowed from the blacks, and that in twenty years hence, the colored people were going to take it back, and leave the whites in total ignorance." Pretty strong language, that. We were not aware before, that we owe our intelli gence and learning to the black race. All we have to say, is, (if such is the case,) that in twenty years from this date, the whites will be so intelligent, that they will not need what it is alleged they have borrowed, and can RE-DAY IT TEN-FOLD. DISTURBING RELIGIOUS WORSIIIP.—We have been requested by several persons, to give a correct statement of the ease heard be fore Esq. Snare, on Wednesday last. We have come to the conclusion to suppress the names of the parties, and merely give the of fence and the judgement of the Justice.— Suit was brought by a congregation worship ping at McConnellstown, against an individ ual of another Church, for disturbing their worship, by addressing their preacher in an insulting manner during his discourse, which the evidence proved was general. Preaching was suspended for a few minutes, during which time the defendant retired front the church. The individual having refused to apologize to the congregation us publicly as he had insulted their preacher. the Congre gation brought suit against him for disturb ing their worship, and Justice Snare, after hearing the evidence en both sides, read the law, "and gave his opinion in a clear and able manner, and required the delentiaot to pay fine of $lO and costs of prosecution. A friend has handed us the foltovvin, " komplante," in regard to taking''skawl liri babees," to church, for us to publish, and as it comes up to our views of the matter, we give it verbatim et literatint. Here it is: SOMTIIIN ' ABOUT BABEES.—Yes, ba bees ! The reg:ler simun-pair, sereteiu, laffin, crien helices. The air en injurid in stetushun ; an impoased upon parcil of Int manmanity, and altho' I'm a baelder, t sa the ot tu hay ther rites wich was hequeethed to them bi they dien four fathirs and Ant Ces ties. The ot tu be permitted to indelg in a kri whenever the git in tune ; to pal uph the tabil kloth whenever the feel dispozczed ; tu upset the koffeigh-paught w h e n e v e r it s em p_ tey, and awl sick like ; but by thultdir, Ed I Tur (b'leve that's your name: von hey a good meny nusepapirs,) I se titer 111;1111 , ottend to be allowd to take them to meetin— fur tha doant want to go, and the cant cri when the du go, without ereatin a displezure in the brests of the petite. Ise lot the habees cri, but keep 'em away frumn meetin. I dont blame thorn, but ther mains. Tu tell the truth Mr. Ed I Tar, mem sez I NV US one uv them things wunet miself— a, little twenty, teenty, little babee, not bigger nor a peso uv stove pipe. A niitey smart un I was tu. maim sez I hadnt niore'n seen delite til I giv thre skwals for Gird. Jacsiu. But this is knot tu the pint. Well, the usher sundey Sal an nice went up tu the big brik meetin how to beer a very selabraited ministur a preelmn. Well the precher hadnt more'n tooke his tex, when low! and beehowld ! a friteful skreem bust upon the deliteful vishing of the expextint audi elm. Did u ask mee if the audianse couldo sea the skeem with ther visiting ? Well I guess the couldnt kwite seelt it. I can't jist deskribe the nois, its purty hard fur til spell the nois of a kryin chillde - but u. mind the time yore little Jonnee putt the cheer ovur ontu his bed ; well it wus jist sieh a nois as be maid—a very ill nois to the retinid eer, (that's what Sal sed.) I tould her Illnois was way out West, and she sed, "oh! now Tom deont." Well that babee kep a skwallin an kryin„ and its main (I reckon she was, it mite a bin a nza/us films—that's lating) she was tryin two make it keep still. She'd go -4` bush (leery, hush, now darlin do hush, that's a dood babee." Well sat- in kourse uv time it stopt to quit crien, and hush'd—but by gosh nnuthur slough and studdy blub, blob, bluber wus herd to rize in maygestiek stridz frum another korner; and wieh maid the moist noiz, the prechir the babe° the seakwill wont show! Well I got amazin tired of sich a orgin fur chiral musick, and Sal, she got tired for she slipt out and I follored That's the way we du in our kountry. Well sez Sal, sez she `-".rom !" sez I, " What?" .Sez she., " its tu bad that folks will bring thee smaul childer to meetin, annoyin the Dcavinc and peple so as the kart hoer ; I no I wouldnt do it." Sez I "Sal!" Sez she, "What Tom?" Sea I, "U %tint got no childer to talk to meet in Sez she, "Oh I now Tom deont." Sez I, "Sal, I wont I" Well the fact is Mr. Ed I Tur, I nor Sal nor I dont no how many inner didnt beer 20 words uv that surmin ' and Sal sez ot tu rite tu u and raze a komplante. Babecs, Isa has a rite tu cri, but by thunder, their ma's (that's wet Sal cauls they mams. She lived with Mr. Snob—that's whair she got perlite. She sez she's a noshun to fling mee becaze I'm so ig nurant. Let 'er try it I Dad 'ad soon push that mortergago ginst there hous,) there ma's I sa, haint got no rite tu talk em tu meetin, for the. doant, I mene the babees doant, de preciate a surmin like u ur me wuld. Mr. Ed I Tar, I nevur rote nun for the papirs be fore (nor behind neether) and if youre vuse Izerresponds with mine I will ask u tu pleze exert this in yore valuabil papir. Ynnrn Religuslee, Tom HINTING DONE. Xt.-- - Z-lire take the following notice from an exchange, of Dan Groover, the unmitigated scoundrel who figured so conspicuously in this place, some time since, and who borrow ed money of every person green enough to lend it to him, and then sloped. It will lie seen that he has been arrested in Baltimore: " Iv LIKBO.--Dan Groover, a young man, who formerly resided in this place, and lately traveling through the country, playing Jeremy Diddler, by borrowing sums of money from every person he could, has at last been brought to a halt, and placed in one of the police station houes in Baltimore, to await trial for swindling. Groover has been doing the amiable to our Baltimore cousins, as well as to those on the North and West Branch rivers. Persons residing in the little town of Milton, suffered some through Dan's peculiar financiering abilities. Dan is deci dedly a fast young man, and unless he should turn his talents to better account, we should not he surprised to hear of his incarceration within the walls of some penitentiary."— Hamsburg Union. STRAY Tuovonrs.—Often, often, as persons sit musing over scenes gone by, are they made glad by such thoughts, but alas, how often are others made to mourn, Perhaps over the departure of some near and dear friend, or perchance, a wife, a husband, a child, or a sister or a brother. Then again, there are those who never allow their thoughts to d ;veil upon solemn hours because it saddens their 'hearts, and very often is the means of de priving them of their reason. Others again dwell upon scenes of their childhood, pleas ant scenes, and mourn because they have ar rived at a more mature age, and are deprived of childhood sports ; or at an age when the world calls on them to act their part in life's drama, with those of their years. Fur our part, we Icce to dwell on childhood sports, and not reluctant in bestowing a passing thought on some loved and dear one, who has passed from this earth to that realm above, where sorrow and pain cannot reach them. We, love to dwell upon the thought of some school-mate, who has been called to leave this world to join the angels around the throne of mercy. We delight to muse over boyhood scenes, such as are marked down in the life and history of almost every youth ; and as we pass along the streets, every day is our attention directed to the boys amusing themselves at some trick or play, which re nmiicd• us that we were once a boy, and enac ted the same scene which we have just no ticed. Such is life, and thus may it ever be. EDUCATIONAL ITV TUVE COUNT': SUrERINTENDENT Cioai meal Township. Orbisonia School-- James Baker, teacher ; 64 scholars ; atten dance by a part of the scholars, good, and a part poor ; 19 read ; 25 write ; written arith metic 18 ; mental arithmetic none ; geogra phy 6 ; grammar 8 ; house middling in the general structure, but very poorly seated.— Stabs 6, 7 and 8 inches wide, standing on stilts for seats. Directors complain that the seats are broken at night-meetings. No system of instruction anti no conveniences for one in this school. Means fur warming the room entirely insufficient. Soyc't . r Grate School.—Benjamin F. Chil eoat, teacher ; 45 scholars ; attendance poor; 2(3 scholars read ; 2G write; 12 study arith metic ; grammar I; geography none ; house gmul, but constructed for meetings and not for school purposes ; no system of instruction —good order, but little life or animation in the school. Houroe School.—ll. It Beers, teacher ; 37 scholars; attendance middling ; 17 scholars road and write ; 4 study arithmetic ; geogra phy 6 ; grammar 4 ; house good ; seating and conveniences for instruction poor. Jefferson Hcbool.--Jalnes Norris, teacher; 32 scholars ; attendance good ; 17 scholars read ; 19 write ; 11 study arithmetic ; geog,- raphy 3 ; grammar 5 ; house middling • order middling; instructi• n very thorough ; t-id'vance ment of the school, ~,0 0d—a little more sys tem, perhaps, would he an improvement. Coalgate School.—D. R. Porter Neely, teacher; 40 scholars; attendance good; 35 read ; 32 write ; 10 study arithmetic ; geog raphy 1 ; grammar 2 ; house middling; order in school good. liocl -hill School.—Lather Heilman, teach er; 30 scholars ; attendance middling; 16 read; 11. write ; 6 study arithmetic ; geography 2. House like the others of the township, tolera ble for meetings but not suited to a system of instruction. Factory School.—Samuel Weight, teacher ; 38 scholars ; attendance good ; 27 scholars read ; 25 write ; 5 study written arithmetic; 5 mental arithmetic ; grammar 2 ; geography 2; Mr. Weight is improving—a little more energy—activity of application will lead to success. • P. S.—A. complete uniformity of class books is established in Cromwell, and the teachers are teaching with more than their usual success by the advantages that it af fords. This is the best step taken in the dis trict during my term of office. Tell Township. Bolinger School.—Calvin James, teacher ; 30 scholars ; attendance ooi ;21 regd. ; 15 write ; 11 study arithme ticgeography 2 ; grammar 2. Center School.-1.1. Goshorn, teacher ; 38 scholars ; attendance very good ; 16 read ; 22 write ; 14 study arithmetic ; grammar 1. French School. —StephenWatters, teacher; 42 scholars ; attendance poor ; house poor-- unfit for the training place of youth, 16 read; 13 write ; J study arithmetic. Gray School.—Miss M. A. Gray, teacher ; 23 scholars ;22 read ; 12 write ;. 6 study ar ithmetic ; geography 2, house 3,1. class. U n i o n School.---Samuel N. Schaffer, teach er ; 39 scholars : attendance poor; 23 read and write ; 10 study arithmetic ; geography I ; grammar 1 ; house poor. Teacher youthful an appearance_ unlicensed, i.e. teaching with out a certificate. Patterson School.--G. Jones, teacher ; 47 scholars ' • attendance good ; 30 read and write; 18 study arithmetic ; geography 2 ; house good. Goshorm's 31111 School.--Tames Woodside, teacher ; 02 scholars ; attendance good, hut very late in the morning; 20 read ; 25 write ; 12 study arithmetic ; grammar 6. Writing is well taught in three schools of I Tell township, and sadly neglected in the I others. Two teachers approximate a system of instruction, and would do much better with the proper conveniences. Small, but good black-boards have been furnished for each house ; but teachers appear unacquain ted with the proper use of them. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. P.M.—" Has the light of the moon any heat'?" No beat has been detected in the rays of light reflected from the moon, even when most powerfully concentrated. A. C. Will you repeat your definition of poetry as you gave it at our Examination ?" It is the expression of intense emotions of the mind, in language arranged with refer ence to a certain number of accented and unaccented syllables. Accent regulates Eng lish verse. J. B. I think you have improved your method." lam trying, and that is all that is asked of others. P.—" How do you pronounce the word Recess ?" Accent the second syllable. I have been in the habit of accenting the first, for so I was mistaught. F. R.—" Will the Atlantic Cable work?" I have no correspondence with the " Demons down under the sea," and do not know. fFor the Ilunting - lon Globe.) SuADE-G' Ar, Feb. 10, 1859 LEWIS :-My former letter closed with ' a few allusions to Black-Log valley. From thence I made my way to the upper end of Tuscarora; and down the mountain-foot for miles, finding but few objects of material in terest, until my "highland Mary" welcomed me to dine under the roof of her aged parents. Parson Gray, well known to a large circle of friends,and whose days are in the sear:and yel low leaf, gave me his usual hearty welcome. The old man was reclining on his easy couch, and when I entered, he. seemed like an aged patriarch, preparing to go to his long resting place. But on hearing my name announced, he aroused and presented his nervous hand ; though it still retains vigor enough to remind one of the peculiar grasp of his countrymen, rendered more affectionate by a long minis terial life. His mind retains an unusual ac tivity and vi ;or, changed only in a relief from earthly cares and a closer attachment to house,the abode of the pure affections. There is a pleasure in the conversation of those who entertaian none of the animosity so prolific in Our day, who look above and beyond the petty jealousies, turmoils and envyings of a selfish world ; and live in faith, hope and charity, not that they may be honored amen, but that they may have its own real enjoy ment and its future promises. Still down this valley, in my course, I found rural life in various forms, some staring, stern necessity in the face, and now and then thrift and opulence turning a deaf ear to it. A common error here is, that the people are trying to cultivate lands which should re_ main in a wilderness. If only the reasona bly productive portions were tilled and the barren hill-sides were valued only for their timber, the whole would sustain as Large population as other-wise. Wheat and &el:- wheat are scarce, from a partial failure of last year's crop ; and it is estimated by some that Tell township will import 150 barrels of flour this season. Shingles are made and hauled to Cumberland in exchange for flour. Five teams were sent on that mission the day that I entered the valley. The saw-mills are doing a fine business, and occasionally the porch, or the kitchen has been converted into a convenient shop, for the manufacture of shingles. The people here seem to enjoy I themselves about as well as elsewhere. Tell 1 township embraces a district, say 30 or 35 square miles between Shade and Tuscarora mountains and has no vo.q-cylice. Since my arrival in this village, we have' had two evening lectures in the Academy hail, one on the "Mechanism of the Earth, and the other on the subject, "We all see with different eyes." The same lecturer promises another lecture on the subject, "The pleasures of thinking." The lecture on the subject, "We all see with different eves," ap peared to me, to have philosophy and reason for its basis,' and I have heard some others speak well of it. A full house—an intelli gent audience was in attendance. I was pleased to make the acquaintance of the Principal of this Academy and his excellent Lady, and. also the interesting students that cluster around them fur instruction and. ad vice. The junior students, sitting at the head of the dining-hall and receiving tho se kind attentions win look upon them in future years, with sacred recollections. From here I intend to go to Springfield, and will give you aiew more dashes at familiar life on the Aughwiek Affairs in Utah. [Coree,poutlenee of the St. Levis Republican.] CAMP FLOYD, U. T., January sth, IS•30 The people of the United States are led to believe that by maintaining a large and ex pensive military force in the midst of these religious fanatics they effectually disarm the arch imposter of that cruel tyranny he has practiced upon his deluded followers, and thereby established the power of a civil tri bunal, which Mormon and Gentile shall alike be forced to respect. With this view, they are taxed for the support of an army of three thousand men, located thirteen hundred miles from the nearest available depot, when in re ality, they, by means of This very military force, are - fostering the Mormon Church, end feeding and clothing the naked and hungry dupes of a misguided fanatic. This is no idle tale, but a proposition which can easily be demonstrated. Now as far as the political power, which the army exerts here is concerned, it is well known throughout the whole of this country, populated by these Latter Day Saints, the influence of Brigham Young has not in the least abated, and that his midnight warrants are executed upon those, whom policy upon his part, and a strong desire for their future glory, induce him to hand over to his merci ful Danites. Three mouths have not elapsed since a Mormon sought protection in a milita ry camp on Spanish Fork, from the knife of the assassin, who under cover of "secret or ders," was only waiting an opportunity to deal the fatal blow, and it is not uncommon to hear of the sudden disappearance of men and women in all parts of this singular com munity. The mangled body and open throat of the poor deaf and dumb boy of Salt Lake City is but one of many such sights as have met the eye here before, and indeed all back sliders from the Church are required by rev elation to be taken where their cries cannot Le heard, and disposed of in sueh a manner as shall benefit their souls. Their bodies are placed along the public highway as warnings to the lukewarm in the faith. When the army enteral the valley of Salt Lake, with the exception of a very few at the head of the Church, the followers of Brigham were in a state of abject poverty, and it was with difficulty that they could procure neces- sary clothing, with the savings of their daily labor. This state of allhirs will not be won dered at when we consider the numerous re sponsibilities resting upon the - Saintly hus band and father—one-tenth of whose labor and funds are required in the treasury of the Lord. The advent of the army was a God send to these paupers, and the establishment of Camp Floyd, furnishing a market for the products of their labor, has filled their pockets with Uncle Sam's gold. The attention of the people of this Territory is signally called to this fact in the Governor's late message, where the Mormons are informed, that as long as they continue disloyal, the troops will be kept here, and of course their living de pends on their disloyally. These people will therefore continue to thrive as long as this farce is played in Utah. 'Tis thus that the people of the United States are building up, by daily contributions, this odious theocracy—this festering sore upon our country. Brigham Young has brought the army here for this purpose, and Tie will keep it here, if he can. He has out generalcd all the ()Teat leaders of the day. See advertisement of Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator in another column. On Thursday evening, February 13, 1539, ELLE V.N'OR Cocen, daughter of Alexander and Carolina Port, aged 17 months and 16 days. PHIL ADE.I4PIOLIA. DIAUICETS. Nom) tr, Feb. 21.—Flom comes in slo‘Nly, and has ad vanced _acts.—sales of 1.000 bids. superfine at $3 S7kl(ii; 0 00, and extras at $6 2W2.0 50. Bye nom scarce, and firm at $1- 25. Corn meal dull at $3 644. Wheat has an upward tendency—sales of red at $1 4001 43, and white at $1 03 m 1 70. llye active at 90 cts. Corn in good request, but supplies come in slowly—sales of yellow at cts. Oats selling freely at 53 etc. QT. - VINCENT AND VISITATION 31.1.-N1 ALs. for sale at 13001 i; STATIONEP,V AND MUSIC STORE. TVS 3 . (51 - 74r,TATOI\T of .PARTNERSH IP. y The rartnert-hip heretofore existing between Mar vey & MeNatsl, in Eagle ronlolry, on Spruce Creek. Blue tingdon county. Ns as dissolved by manial con::ent on the first or January last. DA I l Vi.: I' ..C; MeNA ur.,. Feb. 23. 18:Al.—it .. . . kuircroll's NoTIOF.I. _ —LA (13,-(metelb_r*:: Eqorc.) The untler‘igned Auditor, appointed to distribute the balance in the hands or ( ieorge Suran.tetter, Administra tor of Altraimm Bran , tetter. dec'd, will meet the parties intiaccitial. at The (Mice at Miles north , . on Saturday, the I.2th day of Mart II next, at two o'clock, L'. M. WILLIAM D01.P.13. M :0 ullin , m, Feb. 16. 1 tZtt-It. Auditor. UN D. On the February, i» , t.„ in the Huntingdon Ga 3 Company's Coal llon,e, buried in the coal. a bag colt lain ing twenty-two pound-; of end's. The owner is reque,ted to come lorward. prove property. pay charges and take it away, a therm ise, it 1% ill be di- posed of according to law. tient itt.loti, Is3o. 1 ~TOl _ l7.lC E. I hereby caution all persons againq purelia,in4 prolaissory note I g.ive Thos. lizzling, of Elnutiit~ don comity. P:t.. in .Noveiliber.. 1I•58. I have not received tialut h`r said nolo:and 1 eel pay it. p. nromrsox Williamsburg, Blair - Pub, 16. 183u-3ti • ° ;tars of the Caalbrct ond Road Co.ripany: That the Coat of Huntingdon county. nt the .Tau nary term, 1559, appropriated the sum of s.'lsU 0, to pay to creditors- seven-tenths of one per cent. on the amount of their claims, on IN hich former diNidends have been de c-Lsreil, lit I will pay on the presentation of their cer tineates of deposit Ly theuiselvee or their agents. .JOAN ISErr, Spruce Creek, Feb. 1.0, S'cquestratur. Ry Standard. ItollitlayFlonre% Mnocrat tf, Senfue 1, ~ Eboti,brir.. and L'ecr,rd : 131 airs vine, insert three times and diltrge (Wbe offico. SitSONAL '1 OVERT YATP if 13- Lre sALE. The meler,iLvnetl will sell, at ruldie ::•alo, at meconnen,town, On Tuesday, 3ilart7.ll IS",-)9, the Uncle. ing property. Viz : 'Work and ilarne4i Ifor , cs. Coitq. Cows. Young; entaP, Ikg‘,„ Gears, Waon4, Cart , . Plows, Harrows, and Cultivto tor,4„ tFirds, Stt htl7-4, and Light 11.trnes.s, e ith a variety of artiel,s to numerous t - 4) won tion. Also, Wheat, Ciu•n. Oats, anl Potatoes, by the bn , bol, Hay tlic too, and abort slxty-ftve acres of 11 heat in au' St roma, Fate to Contuicac, at 10 o'clock. A. ..!J TErms!::—A credit ”f - Him, months be given on all sums above live ,1011ar-4, by giving notes With ay ,roved se curity. S. S. S. If. S. WHARTON. Febr -T uary IS5f). _ _ • EAT BOOKS T. you SAM: .11! LEWIS' BOOKS ron VIE 11011s1::: A NEW POCIt'.!2T \ "SIPA of Rural Architec ture; or, ILO6V to Emn , 3, Stables. ;trl Out Dwellings of ❑Il anti Sehool-boises. it N •, 30 cents. THE GA111)=.4...A. Nrw ST. of PraPt;e4l [Tor tieultur.;; ; or. flow to Cultivate Vegotable-3, i iuit,. an.l Flowors. With a Chapter on. Ornamcmtal Trees awl Shrubi. Price, 50 cent.;. THE, FATur : A NEW P0C17.1-: MS.NUAT. Or Practical culture; or. I low to Cnltivate all the Field Crops. With an 00 Farm Management, etc. Price, 50 cent , 3. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A NEW POCKET MANu tr. of CattP, /torso. and Shecp Husbandry; or, /low to Breed anti Pear the 'Various Tenants of the Bari-yard, etc., etc. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO TALK: A New Poeszrr 311NI:Ar. of Conversation twit Debate. NVIIII Directions fin• Acquiring a Granimati- Ar ri cal Style. and more than rive Itundred . Conunon takes Corrected. Pricey 50 cents. HOW TO DEITATE: A NEW PC/MET 11 . 1.N.1ET, of Republi can Etiquette. and Guido to Correct Personal Habits; with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative As semblies, etc. Price, 511 cents. BOW TO DO BUSINESS: A NEW POCIZT:i. MANCAL of Practical Affairs and Guide to success in life; with a Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Cow: moreial Terms, etc. Price. cents. G ito VE lt IV+B A. K . E ELE S C B RA TED FAMILY STAVING MACH - Da:S. SOles—Prices from $5O to $125. Extra Clearge of $5 for HeninzePs. 4:13 13roaaway, ..... „„ 730 CliezAnut street These Machines sew from two spools, as purchased from the store, requiring no re-winding of thread; they Heat, Fell, Gather, and Stitch in a superior style, finishing each seam by their own operation, without recourse to the hand-needle, as is required by other machines. They will do better and cheaper sewing than a seamstress can, even if she works for one cent an hour, and aro, unquestionably, the best Machines in the market for family sowing, on ;Lc count of their simplicity, durability, ease of management, and adaptation to all varieties of family sewing—executing either heavy or fine work with cymil facility, and without special adjustment. As evidence cf the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the einem?. & Bait= SEWING MActuNa Ce:art:cr Leg leave to respectfully refer to tho the following "Having . had one of Grover & Baiter's Machines in ruy family for nearly a year and a-ha If; I take pleasure in commending it ue every way relitiele for the purpose for which it is designed—Family Sewing.."—Mrs. Joshita Leavitt, wife of her. Dr. Leavitt, Editor of N. Y. Indepen dent. " T confess myself delighted wall your Sewing Machine, which has my family for many months. It has always been ready for duty, requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every sariei y of family sowing. by simply changing the spools of thread."—Mrs. Elizabeth &ricktand, wife of Rev. Dr. Strie.W.ind, Editor of Christian .Icicoca/P. "-After trying several different good machines, I pre ferred yours, on account of its sins plicity, and the perfect case with which it is managed, as well as the strength and durability of the seam. After loaf; experience, I feel com petent to speak in this manner, ao d to confidently recom mend it fur every variety of family sewing."—Mrs. C. B. Spooner, wife of the Editor of .1 Irooklyn Slur. " I have used a Griorsa SC BAKE a Sewing Machine for two years, and have found it adapti.d to all kinds of fam ily sewing, from Cambric to Breath:loth. Garments have been worn out without the giving way of a stitch. The Machine is easily kept in order, and easily used."—Mrs. A. B. Whipple, wife of Rey. Gen. Whipple, New cork. "Your mewing Machine has been in use in my family the past two years. and the ladies request ale t() give you their testimonials to its perfect adapiedness, as well as la bor-saving qualities in the performs flee of family and household sewing."—Robert Boorman, :Veto York. "For several months we have used Grover k Gaiter's Sewing Machine, and have come to Om conclusion that ev ery lady who desires her sewing beautifully and gnialy done, would be most fortunate in possessing ono of these reliable and indefatigable 'iron neodle-women,' whose com biped qualities of beauty, strength and simplicity, are in valuable."—J. 13 7 . Morris, danylib - i , of Gen. fko. I'. Morris, Editor of Cie Home . Jet ri,c7 DIED, U. B. r.,..,:w16 With a Chapter c,ll Churches TESTIMONIALS Extract of a letter from Tito% R. LEAVITT, Esq.. an American gentleman, now resident in Sydney, New South Wales. dated January 12, 185 S: ".1 had a lent made in Melbourne, in 1353, in which there were over three thousand yards of sewing done with one of Grover & Baker's Machines. and a single seam of that has wastood all the double seams sewed by sailors with a needle and twine." "If limner could be called up from his murky Mules, he would sing the advent of Grover Baker its a mere be nignant miracle of art than was ever 'Vulcan's smithy. Ile \vont(' denounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful spring of Woes nnnumbered.'"--.Prof. North. "I take pleasure in saying. that the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines have more than sustained my expecta tion. After trying and returning others, 1 have three of them in operation in my different places, and, after four years' trial, have no fault to find."'—,T. 11. Hammond, Sen ator of South Carolina. "My wife has had one of Grover & Baker's Family Sew ing Machines for some time, and I am satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving machines that has been invented. take much pleasure in recommending it to the public."-- 5. G. Harms, Governor of Tennessee. "It is a beautiful thing. and puts everybody , into an ex"• citement of good humor. Were a Catholic, J. should in sist upon Saints Grover and Baker having an eternal holi day in commemoration of their good deeds for humanity." --Cassius-11. Clay. "1 think it by far the best patent in use. This Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric to the heaviest cas simere. It sews stronger, faster, and more beautifully than one can imagine. If mine could not be replaced, money could not buy G.Brown, Tenn. "It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its work; is ea sily understood and kept in repair. I earnestly recom mend tins Machine to all my acquaintances and others. - - 31, A, rn•rest, dieinphis, Tenn. "We find this Machine to work to our satisfaction. and with pleasure recommend it to the public, as we believe the Grover & Baker to be the best Sewing Machine in use."— Deary Brothers, ..dilisonia, Tenn. "If used exclusively for family purposes, With ordinary care, I will wager they will last one •three score years and ten,' and never get out of fix."---John Erskine, -Nashville, Tem 77. "I have had your Machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the best and most, beautiful that ever was made."—Maggie Ainzismt, Jitsk rille, Tenn. "I use my l‘fachine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine linen stitching, and the work is admirable—far better than the best baud-sewing, or any other machine I have ever seen."—Lucy B. Thompson, Nashville, nnn. "I find the work the strongest and most beautiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or machine, stud regard the (hover S Baker Machine as one of the greatest blessings to our sex."--.21/Vs. Taylor, Tenn. "I have one of Grover ..f.; Baker's Sewing Machines in use in my tinnily, and find it invaluable. I can confidently recommend it to all persons in want of a maehine,"—G. T. ..Vashrille, Tenn. "I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of the (ho ver & linker Sewing Machines. I have used one on altno,t every dc , cription of work for months, and find it much stronger and better in every re.pect than work done by hand.."--1iv..% D. Wheeler, :V - ashrille, Tenn. ••I would be unwilling todi-po,cuf my Grover & Baker Machine Mr a forge amount, could I not replace it again at pleasure."---)lrs. IL C. Sonya, Nashville, Tenn. •• ;wt. taro machines. purchased from you, do the work or I \veiny young ladies. We With pleasure reconunend the t.irover Sewing Machine to be the best in use." Nal man Go., 3lemphis, Tenn. •no, novel. Baker Sewing Machine works admirably. I think the stitch and work tar superior to that of any S e a ing Machine I ever SZINW. On ClllO work, I think the :Thtehine would be hard to heat."--,T. Tr. Davie, Memphis. .el; I find the Machine easily manage:l, very durable, and lake , pleasure in recommending it to all who NVISII VCUIIOI,IIy, and F. Tans, Memphis, ron. The Grover Sc Baiter Sewing Machines have given such isitisfactfon that we cheerfully t econunend them to all who wish a go , met substantial Sc wing Machine. It executes In with much care and speed: and more finely than tiny utter nue!tins 1. have seen.' —..lfrs. P. B. Milehell, Mem.- Throl. •• [lllll happy to give my testimony in favor of Grover :cuing Machine, and of the perfect satisfaction ii gives in every respect. It sews neatly, and is by no means complicated, and I prefer it to all others I have see:l7—.ll,s. lb-nun, wife of leer. Bryan, ifen,phig, I t afil.rds me much pleasure to say, that the Machine weeks well; zuel I. de not hesitate to recommend it us pas se..,siug all the advantages you claim for it. My wile is very much pleased with it. and we take pleasure in certi fying to this etreet:'—!2. Thinhley, -Memphis. Tom. it gives mu pleasure to find the Grover & Baker Sew ing M_tehine giving so much satisfaction. I have it in cumrant use, and find it all that could be desired. It is the mast simple and durable machine in 11FC. anti I heart ily' recenuneud White, Memphis. Tenn. "Having seen, examined, and used many other kinds of Sewing Machines. I feel free to say, that the drover le Be her Machines are far superior to all others in use."—.l/. Fro nelos &VI; Nashville, Tenn. '• 1 consider my Sewing Machine invaluable, and would not take five times its cost, if I could not supply its place. With it I can do all my family sewing in about one-fourth the tint° I could with soy hands."—..l4 J Scott, Nashville, T,'7111. E11,"..7D FOR A cancurAn.. -- 04 A LOCAL AGENT WANTED TelimarylQ, 1559. A, 'LT D ITOR'S ESTATE.- [l:;,tate of Ann S. Flaw, dere:mid:3 litionnidersitrned Auditor. appointed by the I WO= s' Court of Iluntingdon county', to disti ileac the one third of the haluuce in the hands of John C. Conte, Adminis trator' of Ann h. Isar, oleceaßed, late of Itatree h,df,nging to William lloys, hereby gives notice to all pels o ns.interested, that he will attend to tle duties of hi.; appointment. at his (ace in the borough of Iluntingdon, uu sntutdoy, the sth day of Menet' next, at one o'clock, 1‘ hen awl where all poisons are requirea to present the it claim before the undersigned Auditor, or be debar red atoll e,Aning in upon said fund. THEO. 11. CREMErt, Irunt1:1;;-don, Ft P. ii, 19.0-4.1% Auditor. Tll AY II EfFP caruc, to the promis•es of the sul.n . ,•criber at Colerain Prl,res. Franklin township. about the middle or October Mist, a red Ifeifer, with white along the back :Ind belly, supposed to he nbont four years old. The owner is reques ted to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise, she will be disim,eil of arvtgiling to law. JOILN BROWN. Fob. 2. 1,539. i: A DMTNISMATOR S NOTLCE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOHN Jolt ASTON, late of Jackson township, Huntingdon co., de, ceased. having lies!! granted to the undersigned. he here by notifies all persons indebted to said :Estate;to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them, duly authenticated. for settlement. ROBERT JO tINSTON, Actazinistrefor. Fo:t. 2, IS52.—Ct ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. _ "Letters of Administration. On the, Ehtate of JAN JORNSTON, late of Jackson tp., Huntingdon co- dec'd., baying been granted to the undersigned, he hereby noti fms all persons indebted to said Estate, to maim immediate payment, and those, baying claims against the same, to present them, duly authenticated, ibr settlement. ROBERT JOHNSTON, Feb. 2. I.Sa-Ct. _Wm in jet rate-. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county. to distribute the moneys in the hands of Dr.. Daniel Houtz, Assignee of Henry C. Walker, of Porter township, to and amongst these legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that be' uin attend for that purpose, at his Oitice, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 3d day of 'March next, when and where all persons interested its said fund, are required to present their claims to the undersigned 43 tell b , r, or be debarred trout coming in on said fund. JACOD MILLEfr, Huntingdon, rub. 2, ISS9—H. Auditor. Yoric Philadelphia. p uBLIc SALE OF A VALUABLE {Estate of .Tohn Frendl, dc.c'cf.) fly order of the Orphans' Court of Tlontingdon county, 1 will expose to public sale on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th day of March next, (18590 at 11 o'clock, A.. 11,. all that certain plantation and tract of land situate in Tell township, Huntingdon county, bounded on the north by land of John Watters and Benjamin Iniirgs. on the west by land of Ifagie's heirs, on the south by land of Jacob kilnlee, and on the east by land of Mot/1i:151% Shoop and Barbara McMullen, containing one hundred acres, snore or less, having thereon erected a log d -house, log barks and other improvements. Tawas or SALE.—One third of the ; purchase money to be paid when the sale Is confirmed by the Court, and the res idue, to be Paid is twselual annual payments. with ter eat trona the .day of confirmation, to be secured by the bonds and. mortgage of the purchaser. 011A.F.Fr.5 MILLED. Huntingdon, Feb. `2,loso—et Trustee. IJITARS, VIOLINS, Bows, Screws, raidges. Strings, Eosin. &c.. for sate at LEWIS' BOON. STATIONERV ANICO MUSIC STOTIC. 150011' HAYS 01 7 THE WESTERN STATES, iur sato at Lewis' Beak, Statiancry 31. - u.s.ic Store. FOR THE LADIES.. superior article .of Note raper and 'Envelopes, suitable for Cort lid AntitAl correspondence. for sale et LEWIS' BOOK & srat TIOXER Y STORE. T)00ICS FOR. EVERYBODY ! A. large assortment of the tnoa porralm• and inter esti.og book of the day, just roeeired and for sate at LEWIS' NEW 13005. ,t STATIONERY STORE. ri - IRACING DRAPTTNG .i.ND DRAWING PAPE; White and Colored Card Parer, ror sale at FT?7S" BOOK d STATIOY.E.TO - STORE- APPEALS.- The County Commissioners will hold their appeals tor the present dear, at the following time and place In the several townships and boroughs, between the hours of 9 . 1/: S. 31. and 23/. I. 31., to nit : Tell township, Monday, 27th FehrtiatY,lB:6, tit, tiM Union School house, near the Union meeting house. , : Dublin township, Tuesday, let March, at Pleastint Hill school house, near Joe, Nelhoiell. Dublin township, Wednesday, grid Marsh, at arbiborsia; at the house of David Etnier. , Shirley township, and Shirleyshsirg : note - ago, Thursday, .S.d March, at the hotrw of Mrs. Frisker. Bia./y township, Frid a y, -Ith Maras, at the public house of V. Crouse, Mill Creek. Warriorsmark, Tuesday, Sth March, Warriorsmark, at the house of James Chamberlain. Franklin, 9th March. 'Mechanicsville school house. Morris township, Thursday 10th, Waterstreet, at the house of John Seed.. Huntingdon, Friday 11th, at the Court house: Henderson, Saturday 12th. et the Courthouse. , C .. ..5s township, and Cassville borough, Tuesday 15th, at the public school lionse. Clay township, Wedueschty 16th, at the school house in Scottsei lie, Springfield, Thursday 17th, at the school house near Thigh Madden's. Union, Saturday 19th, at the school house near Ezelcial Corbin's. . Jackson, Tuesday 2.211(1, at the public house at McAlovy - ti Fort. Barret, Wednesday 23d, at the public house in Eauls burg. West, Thursday 24th, at the public school house on the farm of Miles Lewis. Porter township and Alexandria borough, Friday 25th, at the public school house in Alexandria. Carbon, Tusday 2•Jth, at Broad Top City, at the public house. Tod. Wednesday :10th, at the school house near Eagle Foundary. Iropowell, Thurs , lay 31st, at the house of James Entre- Penn, Friday,lst April, at the public house in Markles burg. Oneida, Tuesday, sth April. Centre Union school house. Juniata, Wednesday, 6th April, at the place of holding elections. IValker. TharNlay i th, McConnellstown at the place of holding electimN, If. L. McC.invir, G. W. MATTEEIN, Commis:loners. JouN FLEN:liat, Feb. 2, 1839. yEW WATCH & JEWELRY STORE. J. W. DUTCHER; TrATCH3tAkE . R & JEWELLER, Respectfully informs the citizens of Muting - don, vicini ty, and surrounding country, that ho has commenced business in the room 44 : adjoining M. Strolls' Store, in M.otrag Sou.tur, iIt , NTINGDON, and hopes to re- , CeiVL7 a share of public patronage. WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired in the best workman like manner. His stock of .7.EwrAzty is of the best. Also—l'ortmon miles, Articles, &c., &c.; all of which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. The public generally, are requested to give him a call and examine hi-s stock. [January 5, 1819.3 FRESH GROUND PLASTER. THE dr,17,4 TA FL OFR AND PLASTER . S —one mile cat of Alexandria, Huntingdon county, have on hand at all times, the best gmality of Gnonxn PIASTER, for which Grain of all kinds dill be taken in ex change at market Prices. SAMUEL HATFIELD. January 12. 1539-St. TisfFORMATION WANTED, of the whereabouts of :TAMES GITOOTIE:11, who left Huntingdon on the night of the sth January, 1859. said tjroover hails from Harrisburg. has been fireman on loco motives, is between 25 and :30 years of age. small built, Waal,: hair. and goes well dressed at the expem.e of those ha has swindled. Any infornmtiou of Dv:: wbeteabonts of said. Groover, will be thankfully received by the underaiguea. CALDWELL, LEWIS Sz. lltintin s tr.,llon, Va. January 12, 185'34f. THE NEW BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE, NOW 01 5 E N! The subscriber respectfully informs all concerned, that he has fitted up a room in the "Globe" building, and that he has received and is now opening a good assortment of BOOKS and STATIONERY, which he is determined to sell at fair prices, and be invites the public generally, to give him a call. Havino ' made the necessary arrangements with publish. ars. any Book wanted and not upon his shelves, will be ordered and furnished at City prices, As he desires to do a. lively business with small profit, a liberal share or patronage is solicited, Huntingdon, Dec. 15, 185 S, NM. LEWIS. rrIIE- PRESBYTERIAN PSALMIST. A collection of tunes adapted to Use Psalms and hymns of tie Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, }'or sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, A new 61- ()et. sliding desk iron frame Ballet Davis PIANO, LL"WIS' Do', STATIONERY INA ..71111!RE STORE BOOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications of any kind, bound. to of der, if loft at LEWIS' BOOK ti STATIONER.'" STORE. - 0717 A.. NK BOOKS .11 Of any size or pattern not upon our alialveF, witl Ix, furnished to order at City prices. Call at LEWIS' 1300 K gf.: STATIONERY STORE. THE i\IAGAZINES. FOR SALE AT TAM/5 BOOK STORE harpers' 21 - eze Monthly _Magazine. Peterson's Ladies' .Yalional _Magazine. Godey's _Lady's Book. The Great Republic', All the above lqagazines calt be bad regularly every month. at Lewis' hook And Sta.aonery Store. fI,UM SHOES / cheaper at D. P. Gwrin's lug than 1(U be bad in town. Call and see them. TAANICETS, PLAIDS, LINSEYS, Flannels, at all prices. at the mammoth store of FISIUMIt di IIc3IUItTIZIE. pOUGLASS & SHEIMOOI:7BPa• } r eat Extension Skirts, for sale only by FISITIR &3Ic:kfURTRTE. 1 3' PER,1 PAVER!! Note, Post, Commercial., Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream, quiro or bbeet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOR: & STATIONERY STORE. A i r ACKEREL of all Nos'., Herring, Sze., j _Tx can be had of the best quality, by calling on FISIIF:IL .S 1V1c314.11=114. ])LEASE YOUR CIiII,4I)_RENI Call at LEWIS' NF.W ISOOK STORE, ahem yott will find a choice selection of new and interesting books for children. IiXON'S improved Sausage Cutters .cAd Stqffers, for sale by ,TAMES Zs,OwN, lUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! If you want your card neatly printed upon envel opes, call st LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE: DIAIIIES FOR 1859, Far mile at LEWIS' 80 08 4 .17) STATIgiVERY STORE BJ,ANK BOOKS, .OF VARIOCS ISUF.S, for AMC At LEWIS" BOOK AND SIATIOIVEBY STOKE. A LMANACS FOR 18:59, For sale at LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE TNKS. j[ ... A superior article of writing Inks for Sale at LE117.5' BOOR AND STATIONERY STORE. Qall - 001, BOOKS, Generally in use in the Schools of the. County, not on band, will be furnished to ord4r,.on application at LEWIS' BOOK ANDSTATIONERTSTORZ. 3 jaONEY. Every man Ivho receives or pays out money, B.IOUI have Pt:boson's Counterfeit Detector—for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE- C)SGOOD'S Series of School Books, For solo at s.r.oci - roNTRY STORE.