THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, Sze; THE GLQBE. Huntingdon, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1859 LOCAL & PERSONAL. Ze'b See advertisement of Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative in another column. HANDSOME BOOKS FOR THE _FARMER, GARD NER A.ND BITILDER.—CaII at Lewis' Book Store. parLICENSE PETITIONS, for Public Houses, just printed and for sale at the "Globe" of fice. Tnn SUPPER.—The supper by the ladies of Alexandria, will take place to-morrow even ing. ME HUNTINGDON COUNTY BANK.—We are informed that the prospects of getting this "institution" through, are quite flattering. gEr A new-born male child was found on AU Pennsylvania Railroad near Tyrone, some days since. It was alive, and we understand the Company intend to keep it and raise it. PETERSON'S LADIES' I‘I.I.GAZINE for Mural, a beautiful number, first upon our table, and for sale at Lewis' Book Store. The January and February numbers can also be had at the same place. Sitilo - The "Continentals" still enliven our citizens occasionally, with their delightful serenades. We understand they intend vis iting McConnellstowu shortly, to give the people of that place, one of their excellent entertainments. Our, readers must have patience for another week, when we will be able to give it greater variety of reading. Paying adver tisements are very interesting to us at a time when most of our patrons have no money to relieve our wants. Better times coming, we hope. ger At a meeting of the Democratic Coun ty Committee held in this place on yesterday, - 3. SIMPSON -AFRICA, and R. B. PETRIKIN, Esqrs., were unanimously selected as Senato rial and Representative Delegates to the next fourth of 3larch Democratic State Conven- tion. There is now confloed iii our county jail, twelve or fourteen prisoners, awaiting their trial at the April term of Court. Hun tingdon county soon have a majority in that Institution over the mountain. A dozen of two of like character, from the ancient borough, will be a great relief to our good cit izens. STOCK IMPORTING COMPANY.-A meeting will be held at the " Logan House," Altoona, on Wednesday the 2d day of March nest, at I o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of organiz ing a Stock Importing Company, for Central Pennsylvania. All persons favorable to the introduction of the most valuable breeds of 'Foreign stock, are earnestly invited to attend. THE WEATHER:---We are having all kinds of weather just now, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sleet, sunshine; warm and cold. Changeable as a lady's temper, (we don't mean to libel the fair sex, for as is generally the case, one without some temper, makes but a poor house keeper,) but, indeed, such weather as we have had for a week past, reminds us very forcibly of the temper of some-ladies we sot of. Still we don't despair, for every storm has its calm. ALARM or FIRE.--About ten o'clock on Sunday night last, the chimney of a house on 'Bath street, between Church and Mifflin streets and occupied by some colored folks, was dis 'covered to be on fire. An alarm was given, and the engine was promptly on the spot, but was not called into requisition, the flames having been checked before any serious dam age was done. The alarm created quite an excitement, amongst those who were yet astir, as we have not had a fire for a "coon's age." HORSE STOLEN AND RECOVERED.-OD Sun day evening last, while the people in the neighborhood of McConnellstown were in at tendance at Church in that place, a fine horse of Mr. Moses Hamer 'was taken from where be bad been hitched, and rode off by some person unknown. Fortunately, it was soon discovered that the horse was missing, when the alarm was given and the thief pursued and overtaken on the turnpike leading to Alexandria, but deserting the horse, he made good his escape. . VALENTINE DA - Y.—Monday last was Valen tine day, and from the seeming throng of the postmaster on that day, we should presume "ye lovyers " were exchanging billet doux pretty freely. It is a day upon which friend delights to torment friend, by sending some comical caricature, which is by no means agreeable, and which oftener offends than pleases. It has been the custom for many years, and we expect it will be kept up for sa any years to come. The young look for .ward to that day with an unbounded delight, : as the day .en which they can revenge some wrong done them by .a school-mate, or, per chance, some older persons may take advan tage of it, by sending some diabolical profile to their enemies. sow, in more modern days, and in a civilized and enlightened coun try like ours, we think it should be abolished, as it is a practice not at all agreeable to the eight thinking portion of the people. We cape in for a " dig "—representing us as spanking a young squaller—the pleasure of which we have never yet had. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND CANAL.—The annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, was held in Philadelphia on Tuesday the Bth inst. The financial exhibit of the Company is highly satisfactory, and the results of the business of the year, the additions to the facilities of trade and travel, the extensions contemplated, and the aid af forded to other roads, the trade of which must seek this great highway, evidence an energetic and sagacious management. The gross earnings of the road and canals for the year, were $5,296,467 22, and the expendi ture's $3,658,863 28, leaving as the nett earn ings, $1,647,603 94. MT. VERNON BALL.—The Ball, which is to come off on the 22d inst., bids fair to be a grand display of the taste and skill of the managers, in the way of arrangements, &e., We are informed by the managers, that it will be the largest affair of the kind ever giv en in the "ancient borough." We also under stand that it is to be conducted in a respectable and orderly manner, no rowdyism or drunk_ enness to be permitted. Hundreds of tickets have been already sold, and still a few more left. Any persons wishing to attend this ball, should secure their tickets early, as they are going off like hot cakes. This ball is for a good cause, and we expect it to be well pat ronized, for who does not want to see the tomb of the father of our country preserved from the ravages of a few political aspirants. Refreshments will also be served up in the most approved style. Buy a. ticket anyhow, if you do not wish to attend the ball. They can be bad of E. C. Summers, on Railroad street. Price $l,OO. Wnv 'NWT You LEARN A TRADE.—This question was propounded, (says the Patriot & Union,, and which is applicable to many young men of this place,) in our hearing, a few days since, to a young man N'i'ho had been for several months unsuccessfully seek ing employment as a clerk or salesman in one of our leading houses. Complaining of his ill-luck, one of his friends who knew he had mechanical talent, but doubted whether he could make himself useful either as a clerk or salesman, put the interrogatory to him which we have placed as the caption of this article. The reply was, that a trade was not so re spectable as a merehantile occupation. Un der this delusive idea, our stores are crowded with young men who have no capacity for business, and who, because of the fancied re spectability of doing nothing, wastes away their minority upon salaries which cannot possibly liquidate their expencliiures. Late, too late in life, thrzy discover their error, and, before they reach the age of thir ty, many of them look with envy upon the thrifty mechanic, whom, in days of their boyhood, they were accustomed to deride.— The false views of respectability which pre vail in the soi-distant fashionable society of the present day, have ruined thousands of young men, and will ruin thousands more. A DESPERATE CB A R ACTER.—On Tuesday afternoon of last week, William Sturtsman, a well known " plug" of this place, entered the " Broad Top llouse," kept by Andrew Mcebus, and called for a drink, (he being drunk at the time,) whereupon, the bar-ten der, Mr. John Swivel, informed him that he had enough. At that instant, Sturtsman, caught up the poker of the stove, ran to the door, and then threw it at Swivel, and had he not thrown up his arm, in order to save his head, we doubt not, but that it would have killed him. lie escaped, however, with but a bruise on his right arm. Swivel then drew a revolver, and shot at Sturtsman, but fortu nately, for both parties, missed the object of his aim. Swivel then went before Esquire Snare, and made information against Sturts mare A warrant was issued for his arrest, and placed in the hands of Constable Africa, who proceeded, in company with Michael Decker, to his house, where they found bim in bed. They informed him of the object of their visit, and be expressed a willingness to go with them, and accordingly got up and dressed himself, and sat down to pull on his boots, after pulling on one, be pretended that the second was very difficult to get on, and got out his whiskey bottle to assist him, and after making several attempts, (taking a drink between each-pull,) he finally succee ded in getting it on, and then, jumping up on a box setting behind a stove, he said "be believed he would'nt go," whereupon the offi cers went to take hold of him, he struck Mr. Decker on the side of the face, fracturing the cheek bone, and otherwise injuring him. Ile however, did not feel the effects of the blow at the moment, and held on to the scamps but soon became so weak and faint, that he had to relinquish his hold. Constable Africa rushed forward to assist Mr. Decker, when Sturtsman's wife caught hold of his coat tail, and held him back. By this time, Mr. Deck er became so weak, that he was unable to render Mr. Africa any assistance, and find ing that more help was needed, he started in quest of another officer, and by the time be got back to the house, the bird had flown, no one knew whither, and up to present wri ting, all efforts to capture the " monster," have been futile. We Can inform him, how ever, that the officers are on the look-out for him, and unless he leaves for parts unknown, (for we learn that he is still lurking. about town,) he will be caught, and properly cared for by Sheriff Miller, until he is ready to take a trip to Allegheny, at the expense of the county: RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY, from the sth day of Jan tittry 1858, to the 3d day of January 1859, including both days. RECEIPTS :. 1854. John Laport, Franklin, 570 76 1855. John Beaver, Hopewell, 114 67 " Abraham Isenberg, Morris, 174 22 " John Thompson, Walker, 10 00 1856. Joseph Forrest, Banco. 2 08 " George Rupert, Brady, 46 05 " Frederick Harman, Cromwell, 12 43 " Solomon Hamer, Jackson, 111 25 " Benjamin F. Walker, Morris, 15 00 " A. J. Dunlap, Tod, 10 00 • " David Pheasant, Union, 1 13 " Joseph Isenberg, Walker, 222 45 " William Moore, West, 102 59 1857. Alexander Still, Alexandria, 184 75 " John R. McCarthy, Brady, 602 43 " Peter Levingston, Barree, 850 59 " George M. Green, Cass, 183 90 . " Samuel Smith, Casaville, • 80 10 • " Joseph Park, Clay, 272 55 " William Johns,Cromwell, 424 42 " Brice Blair, Dublin, 569 70 " William Bice, Franklin, 1423 25 " George Numer, Henderson, 250 00 " Samuel S. Smith, Huntingdon, 639 97 " George B. Weaver, Hopewell, 366 02 " John Jackson, Jackson, 1076 25 " Henry A. Mark, Juniata, 266 26 " Samuel liarnish, Morris, 448 67 " George Miller, Oneida, 52 00 " A. G. Neff, Penn, 465 43 " David P. Henderson, Porter, 1313 60 " James G. Doile, Shirley. 1049 58 " Charles Bowersox, Shirleysburg, 124 87 " Joshua Johns, Springfield, 166 45 . " Thomas Cisney, Tell, 222 63 " Abraham Elias ' Tod, 691 10 " M.F. Campbell, Union, 200 15 " Martin Flenner, Walker, 41 659 " Samuel Lehman, Warriorsmark, 859 80 John Thompson, West, 1026 15 1858. William Walker, Alexandria, 109 50 " Peter Levingston, Barree, . 93 50 " John C. Watson, Brady, - 131 16 " Joseph Park, Cass, 75 00 " John S. Gehrett, Cadsville, 26 00 " George W. Horton, Carbon 72 00 " George D. Hudson, Clay, 35 30 " Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell, 52 00 " William McClain, Dublin. 140 00 " John B. Thompson, Franklin, 970 00 " Jacob Hall Man. Henderson, 162 59 " Peter Swoope, Huntingdon, 1033 00 " Jacob Weaver, Hopewell, 100 00 " David Heffner, Juniata, 65 62 " Nathaniel Lytle, Morris, 130 00 " George Green, Oneida, 100 00 " Michael Garner. Penn, 302 62 " Daniel Knode, Porter, 145 31 " Samuel Foust, Shirley, 379 05 " Benjamin Long, Shirleysburg, 36 41 " Jacob G. Jones,Tell, 75 50 " David Aurandt Tod, 16 00 " Abraham Wright, Union, 71 83 " Henry Swoops, Walker, 76 50 " Thomas Hyskill, Warriorsmark, 470 02 " Andrew Mattern, West, 589 S 5 20619 60 County tax on unseated Lands, 428 74 School " f. C 4 433 09 Road " " GC 407 37 1269 20 Fines and Jury fees recd of M. F . Camp bell, 64 00 " " CZ " D. Caldwell, 12 00 76 00 Received of A. &; J. Port, for Toll House. 100 00 " " A. Jacobs, rent 1855 .k - 1856, 50 00 150 00, Rent received of Huntingdon Baud, for Court House, 15 00 GC " Continentals, " 4 00 19 00 Received of Henry Glazier, for old privy, 10 00 Received for sale of Stray Steer, 60 Redemption received, 68 52 Balance due County Treasurer, 6770 43 EXPENDITURES: Attorney General, Prothonotary, Sheriff, and wit nesses fees on Commonwealth prosecutions, 1339 57 Constables for making returns, advertising Spring elections, &c., 381 23_ Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Crier, &c., 2913 51 - Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections, 810 70 Assessors Orders,43s 00 Inquisitions on ead bodies, 07 34 Road and Bridge Views, $313 00 " damages,Mrs. Vandevender, 93 00 c. " Thos. Crownover, 46 73 ,a " M. Chilcote, 80 75 533 50 For running division line between Tod and Carbon townships, 3S 30 BRIDGE ORDERS: ' -Wise & Eby for bridge at Huntingdon, . 1681 00 Wise & Co., for repairing bridge above .. . Huntingdon, 38 49 Wm. Harper, repairing bridge at Drakes Ferry, 276 00 E. E. & A. Ramsey, repairing bridge at Rockhill, 100 00 A. S. Harrison, repairing bridge at Rays town Branch, 950 00 A. C. Blair, building bridge across Tus carora Creek, 40 00 3085 19 Commissioners—H. L. McCarthy, 160 00 G. W. Slattern, 65 00 J. Baker, 100 00 Benj. li.Neft; 57 30 Clerk to Commissioners in full for 1857, 80 00 4b " on account for 1858, 275 00 Attorney to Commissioners in full for 1857, 20 00 “ 44 " 1858, 40 00 County Auditors for 1857, 68 70 806 20 Expenses of visitors to Poor House, to inspect accounts, by order of Court, 80 00 Publishing report of visitors, 10 00 Treasurer of Huntingdon county Poor House, 7000 00 7090 60 Interest on County Bonds, &c.— J. G. Miles, 9 00 Wm. P. Orbison, 180 00 Exr. of C. Bucher, 60 00 Wm. B. Leas, 60 00 Samuel Wigton, 45 00 Jno. R. Sosnell, 41 43 Thomas Fisher, ' 114 00 509 43 Medicine and attendance to prisoners in jail, 4 50 Wood and coal for Court House and Jail, 237 21 Gas consumed at Court House, 36 71 Repairs at Court House and Jail, 212 02 Sweeping and cleaning Court House, 25 00 Washing for prisoners in Jail in full for '57, 15 00 ~ " on account for 1858, 15 00 570 01 3. F. Ramey, for running and marking line between Huntingdon and Mifflin counties, 230 00 Penna. State Lunatic Hospital for Nan cy Long, 65 00 Penna. State Lunatic Hospital for D. Brotherline, 212 25 • 277 23 For Stationery and Blank Books for county offices, 28 51 County Printing—John A. Nash, 149 75 Wm. Brewster, 68 25 Wm. Lewis, 97 25 Postage and express, 35 06 379 72 One copy Standard Weights and Measures, 201 60 Lycoming Insuranco Company, 26 00 Western Penitentiary for keeping convicts, 361 30 Huntingdon County Agricultural Sod ety, 1857, 100 00 Huntingdon County Agricultural Soci ety. 1858, Merchandise for Court House and Jail, County Bonds paid D. Blair, Esq., 431 38 4.: " " Leas for Miller, 1188 05 A. B. Crewet's Estate, Henry Glazier for transcribing General Index,22s 00 31. F. Campbell for transcribing Judg ment Docket, 225 00 450 00 M. F. Campbell, for his fees and costs as Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Pro thonotary, Stationery, &c., 237 .65 D. Caldwell, for his fees and costs as . Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Pro thonotary, Stationery, &c., 131 21 do. do. do. do. 126 65 498 51 F. H. Lane, Tr. for Deedslo Commission- ' crs at Treasurers Sale and advertising lands, afterward directed not to be sold, 232 ' 8 Refunding orders paid, 49 24 School money paid to James Harper, treasurer of Cromwell tp. School Dis trict, 3 6: Redemption money paid out, 65 16 Fox Scalps, premium for, 398 91 Sheriff Miller, for summoning Jurors, boarding prigoners and conveying con victs to the Penitentiary, in full for 1 81 52 557, do. do. on account for 180 S, 550 00 631 52 Balance due Treasurer at last settlement, 1567 00 County Treasurer's commission on $18,895 81 at 134 per cent, In testimony of the correctness of the above, Nve - here unto subscribe our names and affix the seal of said county, this 3d day of January, 1859. L. M'CARTRY, G. w. MATTERN, )-Cominissioners. JOHN FLENNEH,.) . - Attest: HENRY W. MILLER, Clerk. 'We, the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon county, Fa., elected and sworn according to law, report that wo mot, did audit, settle and adjust according to law, the ac counts of F. 11. Lane, Treasurer of the county, and the orders of the Commissioners and the receipts of the same, for and during the past year, and find a balance due F. le. Lane, of six thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars and forty-three cents. Given under our hands at the Commissioners Office, in the borough of Huntingdon, the 3d day of January, 1859. JAMES MEE, P. D. STEVENS, }Auditors. THOS. GB AFFIUS, Feb. 2.1859.-1 t TJYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS. Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Iletho aiet and German Reformed, for sale at LY.TVIS' Boos; STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE, L) TEWARD'S STATEMENT. WIL LIAM GLASGOW, Steward, in account with fun tingdon county Alms Hous©, from January 6th, 185 S, un til January 4th, 1859 5 inclusive. DR. Jan. 6, IS3B, To balance at last settlement. $224 67 Co. Treasurer for orders drawn at sundry times, 717 73 Catharine Fraker. shoats sold her, 4 13 Blair Co. Alms House, cash received, 41 71 Ran 4 McLaughlin, cash paid them through coun ty draft, R. L. Greene. groceries sold him, J. Lutz, Sr., fish and salt sold him, J. B. Kidder, his account on books, K. L. Greene, half dozen bread baskets, ' C. 31'Lau g hlin, goods bought fur private use, Cambria Co. Alms House, cash received, 3. Cugston, balance of his account on books, Cash received from A. S. Harrison, (found on drowned person,) 43 Cash received for harrowing corn, 1 00 Lane's Estate, for cash received, GO ST Wm. Johnsen, for hides, .5 00 Catharine Fraker, for plowing, etc., 2 40 Westmoreland Co. Alms House, casts received, 1 48 Taken for private use, 4 bus. potatoesoso 2 00 cz 2 bus. cora 0 " 100 cc a gal. molasses@ " 1 50 cc 220 lbs beef en 5 11 00 c: 200 lbs pork @ " 15 00 ' ff 10 lbs coffee 012 120 CR. By sundry Expenses for use of House. Juo. E. Doyle, for payment to him, No. 1, 8 55 J. Cornelius, costs in oxen case, 1 10 C. V. F. I. & Co., cash paid agent Insurance fees, 18 00 B. Grallius, for tin ware per receipt, ' 1 32 Wm. Jennings, for one plow, 14 0(1 Cash expended fur sundry paupers during month, 4 00 61 for going to Cambria county, 9 20 a " to Ilarri,,burg, 4 75 Feb. J. W. Galbraith. for cabbage, No, 2, 1 00 0. Haines, fur plow points per bill, 1 90 Wright & CO., for brass faucet per bill, 2 50 J. Palmer & CO., for Ave bbls. fish per bill, 45 77 F. Harmony, for pumpkins per bill, 8 00 J. Montague, for cash paid him per order, 5 52 lungerick & Smith, for groceries per receipt, 22 84 Mrs. Goodman, for making pantaloons, 1 OD E. Doyle, fur making coffins on account, 9 43 March. Tungerick & Smith, for groceries per re ceipt, No. 3. 171 13 J. C. Sechler, for freight per receipt, 23 82 John Read, for garden seeds, 90 Wm. Jordan, for keeping E. Reny, 2 67 R. McMahon, fur cash paid on account, 2 00 B. Bolinger, for hauling range, 1 25 Win. Brown, for costs on oxen case, 92 April. G. Flautt„ for work done use of house, No. 4, 3 37 W. I. Steel, for one Wagon whip, - 1 30 Lutz & Harris, for mortising locust posts, 7 60 i S. Kurtz, for altering hogs, 62 c C. Myerly, for 14 bushels potatoes, G 50 i Geo. Mutt, for work done at house. 4 00 1 5. B. Kidder, for parsnips and ashes, 1 79 I H. Doyle ' for making coffins on account. 4 00 Andrew & Dixon, for coole range per bill, 132 00 Fisher & McMurtrie, fur merchandise per receipt, 3 20 Cash paid for traveling expenses and other pur poses, - 41 71 1 Cash paid for sundries use of house, S 64 May. Dr. R. Baird, attending out door paupers, Statement, No. 5, J. Murphy, for cash paid sending paupers to i house, Cash paid fur going to Huntingdon. ... June. Cash paid for sundry traveling expenses, No. 6. 5 SO 1 July. J. C. Sechler, for freight per receipt, 7, 6 39 ) E. G. Praneiscus, for 2 pair homes per receipt, 2 09 Jas. Harris, for harvest per receipt, 5 00 G. Atherton, Manure, &e., 1 00 Cash paid sundry traveling expenses, 22 40 August. lungeriek & Smith, cash paid them per receipt, statement, No. 8, 10 00 M. A. Doyle, house labor, 100 00 I Joseph Harvey, painting, &c., " 3 75 ,I A. A. Shannon„ repairing harness, I. 90 Alan. Lutz. apples, cabbage, Sc., 2 20 i Eliza"ueth 'Latch, one years rent °not, 1 50 Samuel Kurtz, altering hogs, 1 00 i Cash paid expenses attending court, 9 54 do. do. removing paupers to hem. 4.3 6 50 1 do. do. traveling on business, 5 40 September. T. C. Sechler, cash paid per receipt, statement, No. 9 4 9:_l R' Robinson & Co., do. do., 65 31 • John Barnes, shaving paupers. 75 ;-Cash paid traveling expenses to Broad Tup, 5 07 f do. do. do. Shavers Creek, 2 15 do , • do. do. various places. 464 • October. R. Robison & Co., cash paid them per rc t ceipt, statement, No. 10, 36 97 . ~!:.-,tl. A. Doyle, }muss labor, .... 32. 41 j Cash paid traveling to Hopewell, Groensburg, 26 25 do. du. Huntingdon, 2 25 do. do. sundry plaices, 6 37 November. lungerick & Smith, cash paid per re ceipt, statement, No.ll, J. Starr, sundry fruit, J. Palmer, cheese, Cash paid expenses to Huntingdon. do. do. MeConnelisburg, do. do. Huntingdon, do. do. Philadelphia and home, 'Mary Sneath, sewing, Cash paid sundry expenses during month, December. J. C. Sechler, paid freight bill, statement, N 0.12, Margaret Hoover, house labor, H. W. Doyle, do. du., Kph. Doyle, cash paid on account, Cash paid traveling to Huntingdon, do. sundry expenditures, 1 85 9. January 4. Buffalo robe for use of House, 7 50 Levi Evans, note returned, 12 39 J. WEI wee, do. do. 900 Mrs. Glasgow, extra services,lo o 00 26 yards carpeting for use o house, 9 98 1 bedstead, do. du., 4 50 By balance of account to square, 47 29 "2,8933 ua Jannary 4, to balance at settlement per contra, 47 29 - do. 18, Wm. Piper, order overpaid, (Nov. 2, 1858,) 28 50 In testimony of the correctness of the above statement and exhibition, we have hereunto set our hands this 4th day of Jaunuary, A. D. 1859. DAVID CLARKSON, JOSEPH GIBBON EY, JAMES MIMPUY. Ifuntingdon, Feb. 2, ISSO. ItECEIPTS EXPENDITURES OF THE lIUNTINGDON COUNTY ALMS HOUSE, from January oth, 1855, to January 4th, 1.559, inclusive. DR. To County Treasury, for amount drawn, $7014 09 Wm. Glasgow, late Steward, for balance of his account, at last settlement, Win. Glasgow, for sundry items detailed in his account aggregate, 213 23 100 00 200 00 71 24. CR. IV sundry persons for 1078 lbs beef, No.l to 14, inclusive, $497 71 Sund. persons for 3557 Ms pork, Nos.l, 2,, 3, 6,9, 177 85 David Stoner, for 101 bus. wheat, 15, 101 00 Thomas AlcGarvey, for meat, 16, 4 61 T. E. Orbison, for 30 bus. wheat, 95c., 17, 2S 50 Ad. Beiffner, for 75 do 71 & 25} " " 2 bbls. flour, 8,00 18, 83 25 " " " S bus. rye, 4,00 David Etnior, for 25 bus. potatoes, 19, 13 50 A. L. Funk, for 7% bus. potatoes @5O, 20, 3 75 Jacobs & Long, ibr meat per hill, 21 & 22, SS 38 J. Jacobs, for meat and sausage " 23, 16 56 Thos. ArGarvey, for meat, " 14, 107 97 D. Hicks, for one yoke oxen made into beef, 24, 90 00 Ad. Heiner, for 50 bus. wheat, 01,25, 25, 62 50 Abut Lutz, for 23% do 01,25, 26, 29 58 S. Bolinger, for IS do 01,25, 27, 22 50 Cath. Fraker, for 37,1bs bacon, 0 10, , 28, 370 Fisher & ld'lVliirtrie, 10 bbla flour, 29, 63 47 1670 03 2500 00 By W. B. Leas, for mdse. per bills, 1,2, 3& 4, 325 64 W. A. Eraker, do. do. 5 to 11 inc. 238 91 G. McLaughlin, do. do. 12 to 11 ~ 102 48 Bare & McLaughlin do. do. 15, 76 40 A. L. Etnier, do. 1G & 17, 102 96 Doyle, Foust & Co. do. 18 to 20, inc. 75 56 If. A. Robinson 4.4: Co. do. 21, 44 32 T. E. Orbison, do. 22, 12 11 733 43 25,083 35 D. Megahoy, keeping It. Chancy, It. Daughenbaugh, keeping S. Daughou hang'', 11 to 18 " 52 00 Gee. Mils, furnishing E. Thatcher, 19 to 22 " 54'06 R. Ashman, " I. Banks, 23 to 26 " 72 00 M. Walls, keeping M. M'Laughlin, 27 to 33 " 70 50 J. Stenson, relief afforded, 34 to 36 " 41 25 S. Houpt, keeping M. Weaver, 37 to 39 " 36 00 D. Houck, " E. Peightal, 49 to 41 " 48 00 . B. Hopkins," M. Hopkins, 42 to 43 "•20 00 G. W. Mattern, keeping W. Id - Ferran, 44 to 45 " 12 00 J. W. Mattern, " .sirs. Wharton, 46 to 49 " 52 00 I. Lininger, for coffins, 48 to 49 " 900 T. E. Orbison, furnishing out door paupers, 50 987 A. Walters, do. P. Quinn, 51 15 00 T. Hough, • do. t 4 52 7 -00 A. Donahoe, do. . ti 33 4 00 J. S. }Mod, making coffin " 54 400 W. H. Wimer, burial expenses two children, 55 - 13 25 J. Chamberlin, furnishing several paupers , 56 -27 02 Geo. Guyer, 4: tt 57 2 06 A. S. Cissney " Wilson family, 58 23 00 J. M. Stoneroad " Risely family, 59 24 63 J. Clark & Son, " Cl _. 50 2.90 A.-Willoughby, " A. Hicks, . ._ .. 51_ 100 W. K. F.abm, burial of a man found in A•Fit - ,.6 0 ,.„ 6 00 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES: Far provisions. Itforked File P. ..lierchandi,se and Groceries. ZYle N. Out Door _Paupers. file 0. 1) S. Rickets, furnishing Forner family, 63 0 00 B. Stevens, " W. Abbot, 64 18 00 H. Brewster, " .7. Thompson, 65 1 70 11. C. Weaver " sundry out door paupers, 66 2 90 A.S. Harrison, Esq., services per drowned ma n,67 1 00 Knode &- Westbrook, same, till 5 00 It. B. Wigton, furnishing sand. out door pau. 69 28 50 S. R. Donaldson, making coffin for W. Allen,7o 4 00 01Bin ier, furnishing sundry out door panpers,7l 15 61 D. S. Barkstresser & Co., furnishing P. Quinn, 72 2 97 Barkstresser & Moore, do. W. Allen, 73 325 Mich. AM'Cabe, furnishing J. Murry, 74 31 05 Hudson & Wallach, burying W. Abbot, 75 6 00 Long & Miller, furnishing D. Hanson, 70 2 31 Mary Hamilton, attending D. Price, '77 1 25 S.Africa, digging grave for D. Hanson, 78 3 00 W. Sweet, keeping W. Roberts, 79 38 00 Rennet & Bolinger, digginggrave J. G. Lane, 80 1 75 B. Ennis, keeping J. Grinder, 81 15 00 J. Shaver, making coffin for J. G. Lane, 82 4 00 18 85 10 84 70 6 75 1 10 4 3r 20 57 23 N. C. Shaver, keeping W. Lane, . . 83 15 00 E.Dallas, nursing do. 84 10 50 J. Baker, furnishing for do. 85 5 21 P. D. Stevens, making coffin for W. Smet, 86 400 W. E. liPillurtrie, house rent, 87 3 00 Isaac Neff, furnishing out door paupers, 88 1 75 A. Estep,, " W. Roberts, 89 18 00 llugh Kelly, " 4i 90 48 00 L. Sweet, balance purchase money of house, 91 15 05 S. Decker, furnishing for Mrs. Martin, 92 14 00 Dr. 11. F.Conrad, attending W.Roberts, 93 & 94 86 00 " IL Orlady, " J. Franer, 95 &96 775 "J. M'Culloch, " three cases, 97 to 99 15 75 " J. IL Dorsey, " sundry cases,loo & 101 22 00 " 3. A. Shade, " two cases, 102 & 103 27 25 " J. Ileidentlial, " P. Quinn, 104 & 105 10 00 " Moore & Long, " sundry cases,lo6 3;107 47 00 "J. W. Harvey, " T. Magee, 108 525 " R. D. F. Baird, " W. Abbot, 109 18 25 " It. Baird, visiting sundry out door pau. 110 15 00 "M. J. M'Kinnou, attending E. Price, 111 375 "J. K. Mets, do. W. Oooden, 112 10 00 " J. P. Ashcom, do: W. Allen, 113 20 00 " C. Bower, do. W. Lane, 114 22 50 " J. E. Rufer, do. 3. llarington, 115 18 19 " Bowen Clark, do. Curtes family, ns 12 00 1184 Ga 14.00 40 Removing and. Delivering Paupers. Marked file R. By J. Porter, for delivering sund. pau. Ito 4 inc. 31 50 P. I-Tarnish, do. do. 5 S.: 6 13 30 3. Stoneroad, do. 1 pauper, 7 11 10 S. Coen do. do. 8 12 00 J. S. Africa do. sundry paupers, 9 SSO J. Decker do. 1 pauper, 10 5 50 Wm. Bice do. sundry paupers, 11 12 40 .1. Alexander do. 1 pauper, 12 2 00 Wm. Wilner do. sundry paupers, 13 4 50 I. Ashton do. do. 14 6 00 H. Crenter do. 3 paupers, 15 g 00 D. F. Chilcott do. 14 do. 16 900 N. Decker do. paupers, 17 . 450 By Win. Piper for cash paid at sundry times, No. 1 to 9 inclusive, 268 12 John Hicks, smithing, 10 27 15 llenry Myers do. 11 22 21 John Long's tax, '57 & '5B, 12 .4: 13 29 60 Wm. I. Steel collars and straps, 14 5 50 John Gifford locust posts, 15 38 00 S. 11. Doughms 25 bus. oats Cz.,33 1 „, , 3, 16 S :33 Geo. Garber 20 bus. wheat 41.50, 17 30 00 Lutz & Wakefield threshing, 18 22 00 Geo. P. Wakefield 600 cut rails@s34 19 33 00 5 00 111 Eph. Doyle coffin?. Touchers, 1 to Zinc. 43 83 Abram Lewis hundries, 4 to Gine. 33 64 Mal nnon & Xr. , :ite drugs, 7 & S 37 50 M. S. Ilarrison tinware. &c. 9 & 10 36 ir3 D. Snare. Esq.. fees and sundry 4, 11 to 14 Mc. 26 21 Chas. llowersox carpenter work, 16 & 17 43 75 J. A. Brown & Co. hardware, 18 & 29 8 78 D. Berlistrei,ser leather, 20 & 21 13 04 Benj. Brindle meat vessels Se. 22 &23 21 ca.) S. C. Rickets lumber, 24 & 25 15 02 Peter Nyers tailoring, 26 & 27 5 00 S. A. Myers, du. 28 & 20 'Win. (AAA is pub. annual report. 27 50 ) do. do. visitors do., 10 00 ',. do. do. bbstionery, 5 24) 30 to 32 42 74 a. A. Nash poi annual report 33 27 .50 Bergans & Grins 30 pipe rings at 5 CO P. It. Lane commission on $75080, 35 00 80 C. Price 1 mulch cow 36 20 00 , 3. Leta, plank 37 4 75 D. INEGarvey lime and wood 38 12 55 J. W. Slattern 8 Ins stocking yarn 30 (.; 00 R. Antahen boring and laying 64 yrs. 40 32 00 Taylor & Cremer fruit trees &c. 41 28 17 Joseph Barris, whitewashing 42 7 12 Ricketts & Booker tobacco &c. 43 5 50 W. S:111 - akbrand• 1 coffin- 44 3 50 . . Win. 3PNite, pipe amber 16 trees - 45 10 00 R. D. Wigton do. do. 30 trees 46 18 75 John Stead, drugs 47 5 89 Win. Colon stationery 48 8 43 Wm. Drake repairing 49 6 25 A bzn. Fen's, masonry 50 4 57 David Shaver, lumber 51 7 SS John Temple, whitewashing 52 4 37 Hiram Johnson 20 tons coal 53 100 00 Win. Harvey, wood•ladders &c. 54 6 12 21. M'Manigill 3,f; doz. Sanford's Invigorator 55 5 00 J. liertzler. manufacturing 38% lbs IN 001 56 9 C 2 Cumberland V. I. Co., assessments No. 8 57 . 21 60 Thomas iNrGarvey, 5 days butchering, 58 7 50 Sundry persons official fees, 59 to 61 3 20 do. 'do. sundry small items, 62 to 66 928 Adam Ileifiner, lumber, see file P, No. 3 19 52 Lewis Evans, applebutter. do. do. 6 210 Doyle, Foust & Co, coal, file M, No. 19 22 75 2) 00 2 64 70 2 90 4 25 2 31 14 42 2 25 6 54 'll 15 12 25 4 25 4 00 2 31 3 52 Sidurie4. . .. li. L. t reen. services as director in cull, Cl 00 Jos. Giboney, do. do. do. to date, la SO Jas. Murphy, do. do. do. do. 106 00 D. Clarkson, do. do. do. do. 27 20 Wm. Glasgow, services as steward do. 400 00 Dr. Robert Baird, physician, do. 150 00 Henry Ercwster, clerk, . do. 50 00 David Blair, Esq., counsel. do. 20 00 11S6 6:-.1 Jan. 4, 3859. To John Thompson, present stew ard, order drawn of this date, 100 00 Wm. Glasgow, late steward, sundries detailed in his 'account, 1185 63 $75 79 Jan. 4, 1850. To John Thompson, present stew ard, order drawn of this date, 100 00 Levi Ilvans' note transferred from previous stew ard, I'3 30 J. 31'.Elwee's, do. judgment on 'Squire Hicks' docket, 0 00 John Hicks' note taken for 1 yoke oxen sold to him by previous steward, 75 00 Win. Johnson's balance of account 7 43 SHE 132 bns. wheat, 56 bus. rye, 250 bus oats, 1500 bus. corn tin ear,) 300 bus. potatoes, 30 bus. onions, 2 bus. small do., 9 bus, soup beans, 1 bus. ;Japan peas, 15 bus beets, 15 bus. turnips, 6 bus. parsnips, 6 bus. clover seed, 3,900 heads cabbage, 19 loads hay, 20 loads corn fodder, 3,457 Ths pork, 2,388 ibs beef, broom curn for 10 doz. corn brooms, and 30 bus. screenings. Articles Manufactured. 10 pair drawers, 85 smocks, 40 skirts, CO shirts, SO dresses, 2 doz. towels, 47 pairs stockings, 75 napkins. 50 aprons,ls sheets, IS comforts, 14 caps, 150 lbs hard soap, 1,200 galls. soft soap, 200 lbs butter, 300 lbs candles, 6 barrels sour krqut, 6 doz. corn brooms. Stock on Hand. 7451 99 3 horses, 10 mileb. cows; 8 head stock cattle, 15 hogs, 17 sheep, Si bus. wheat, 25 bus, rye, 150 bus, oats, 1,000 bus. Corn (in ear,) 5 bus. cloversoed, 75 bus, potatoes, 5 bus. beets, 800 beads cabbage, 4 1 4 barrels sour krout, G bus onions, 2 bus small onions, lb loads corn fodder, 12 lends hay, 6,500 lbs beof, 8,000 lbs pork, 5 bus, soup beans, 400 chesnut rails, 225 locust posts. .3102V . THLY TABLE. Showing the monthly Admissions. Elopements, Deaths, &c., &c. t-1 I=l Cel hxy cj r 43(P Y• • k'D CD co lA. 0.. CV ••••1 et. CO I" 01. to • a. - • 1394 S 3 CO C Oa LC CJ -4 CID airs I I I LC CD CAD CO I IN --I I I I CD lICCI CD LC I itsn co I §A . 1 •-• A ILND rn 5. c,O 00iiii1.4 I 978 38 1 to 101110.120 87 CC CV LsC t•C tsV tC CAD L.D OD CO C/D CT -.1 CAD CD Z.O t. 7 iND t•D 1,1) I. 4 NL , CC CC 14 , t..D i•-• CAD •+:. Ct, %fa C* CAI; C. 4 0- 0 ts 7 t.. 7 0 - 0 ts. *—A CZ. 04. CD JCO CA 1,..Z "C) J Cr% GO CO CO •-.11 CD CID —4 ...NI . ..I 0 .4 CY) •••1 t 4. G e z fo. CO ap Inmi CZ CI 14. , C. , CI cr. co CA on oxtCOCOo OD OD C. NCJ 00 CO K. Ha 1-+ P- 4 N.+ 1-1t.4 oco-4 -4 1 112 Pa 0 ,1 • Number of insane, 10. Idiotic, 18. Out door paupers now in support and relief, about 45 cases. During the year, relief has been afforded to about 115 cases out door paupers. Meals given away to wayfaring persons, about 200. We, the undersigned Auditors of the couuty of Hunting don, do hereby certify, that we have examined the orders, accounts, &c., of tbo Directors of the Poor of said county, and find the same, together with the vouchers, to bo cor rect, as above stated. Witness our hands this 19th day of January, A. D.,1559, JAMES CRED. P. D. STEVENS, Auditors. THOS. IV. GRAFFM ; - Huntingdon, Feb. 2, - • Parnz. Narked''de F. inct'deatal and .31isedittneous. ilarkca file 1 Amount, Proceeds of Farm IST OF OUTSTANDING BALAN CES DUE AT SETTLEMENT WITH THE AUDI TORS FOR THE YEAR 1858. Cblledors. Townships. Co. Tax. Mate, 1851. Charles Green, West, 1852. John Coulter, Walker, 1853. Joshua Greenland, Cass, Luke Yorbees, Henderson, 123 56 1.854. William Couch, Barree, Michael Myers, Cromwell, Wm. B. Shaw, Porter, 1855. John Smith, Barree, 125 32 John Thompson, Walker, 23 37 1856. George Rupert, Brady, 70 51 Solomon Ranier, Jackson, 545 20 Benjamin F. Wallace, Morris, 47 11 Henry Grazier, Warriorsml 100 00 Joseph Isenberg, Walker, 43 11 Nicholas Corbin, Cassville, 1857. Alexander Stitt, Alexandria, 121 07 Jan R. M'Carthy, Brady, 139 50 George 141. Green, pass, 85 50 Samuel Smith, Cassville, 3 62 Joseph Park, Clay, 92 64 William Johns, Cromwell, 331 42 Brice Blair, Dublin, 47 20 'William Dice, Franklin, 41 25 George Numcr, Henderson, 46 38 Samuel Smith, Huntingdon, 502 21 George B. Weaver, Hopewell, 115 Id Henry A. Mark, Juniata, 116 65 Samuel Tarnish, Morris, 781 31 George Miller, Oneida, 169 43 David I'. Henderson. 344 99 James G. Doyle, Shirley, 322 23 Joshua Johns, Springfield, 113 96 Chas. Bowersox, Shirleysburg, 47 22 Thomas Cisnoy, Tell, 192 01 Abraham Elias, Tod, 241 15 M. F. Campbell, Union, 139 45 Martin Fienner. Walker, 215 08 John Thompson, West, 1105 43 1355. William Walker. Alexandria, 312 27 Peter Livingston, Barree, 1148 20 John C. Watson, Brady, 917 27 Joseph Park, Cuss, 445 07 John S. Gebrett,Cassville, 71 36 Geo. W. Horton, Carbon, 550 34 Geo. D. Hudson, Clay, 431 86 Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell 852 97 Wui. M'Clain, Dublin, 491 97 Jun. li. Thompson, Franklin, 1203 96 Jacob Hallman, Henderson, 307 20 Jacob Weaver, Hopewell, 653 86 Peter Swoope, Huntingdon, 1050 64 Samuel Stacey, Jackson, 1357 48 Isaac Heffner, Juniata, 364 62 Nathaniel Lytle, Morris, 1203 47 George Green. Oneida, 190 12 Michael Garner, Penn, 783 38 Daniel Knock, Porter, 1723 62 Samuel Foust, Shirley, 1367 07 Benj, Long, Shirleysburg, 184 2'3 David TVible, Springfield, *332 78 Jacob S. Jones, Tell, - 445 15 David Auraudt, Tod, 534 52 Abraham Wright, 'Union, 878 81 Henry Swoope, Walker, 899 53 Thos. Hyskill, Warriorsuik, 1087 S 3 Andrew Slattern, West, 1306 20 128 O 0 453 91 $97482 04 $14390 57 SIOS6 97 noNns DC:: AND OA7NO ET rat cou:nr. To Wm. P. orbigon, Esq., $3500 00 " C. Bucher's Estate, 1000 00 " Samuel Wigton, 750 00 " John It. Ciosnoll. 690 50 Thomas Fisher. 1000 00 7540 50 Balance to A. IL et ewit's Estate, 448 05 - - _ . - Unpaid on July oraer., 38 50 6 6 Counnonwenlth or erg. - :;02 71 4. Rintion order;. 228 80 6' A63e65 , , , ,3 ‘• 100 50 6 6 Cow t:0,1e , .; ~ 8 55 Innni , iilon 6 . 14 18 Dt.ll^it t, the Cvnanonwealtti tor 18,50, 0600 00 !: " 1557, 0000 00 Mil Given nailer E.,.2a1 of Office, 3il January, 1859. HENRY' L. McCARTM, GEORGE lAr. -VATTERN, CoramisWun.arti 301 IN FLENNER, - Attest : LIESILY MnAr.a, Clerk. lluntirigdon, Feb. 2,1859.-4 t .. L A I PPEALS.- The County Commissioners will hold their appeals tur the present year, at the following time and place in the several townships and boroughs, between the hours of 9V.> A. M. and 23.4 P. M., to wit: Tell township, Slonday, 27th February, 1859, at the Union School house, near the Union meeting house. Dublin township, Tuesday, Ist March, at Pleasant lliil school house, near Jos. Nelson's. Dublin township, Wednesday, 2nd March, at Orbisonia, at the house of David Ftnier. Shirley township, and Shirleysburg borough, Thursday, 3d. March, at the house of Mrs. Frisker. Brady township, Friday, 4th March, at the public house of V. Crouse, Mill Creek. Warriorsmark, Tuesday, Bth March, Warriorsmark, at the house of James Chamberlain. Franklin, 9th March, :Mechanicsville school house. Morris township, Thursday 10th, Waterstreet, at the house of John Seeds. Huntingdon, Friday 11th, at the Court House. Henderson, Saturday 12th. at the Courthouse. Cass towpship. mid Cassville.borough, Tuesday 15th, at the public school house. Clay township, Wednesday 16th, at the school house in Scottsville. Springfield, Thursday 17th, at the school house near Hugh Madden's. Union, Saturday 19th, at the school house near Ezekial Corbin's. SOD 24 Jackson, Tuesday 22nd, at thepublic house at MeAlevy's Fort. 13arree, 'Wednesday 2.3 d; at the public house in &mill burg. West, Thursday 24t1i, at the public school house on the farm of Miles Lewis. 971 GO Porter township and Alexandria borough, Friday 25th, at the public school house in Alexandria. Carbon, Tusday 20th, at Broad Top City, at the public house. Tod. Wednesday 30th, at the school house near Eagle Foundary. llopewell, Thursday 31st, at the house of James Entre kin. Penn, Friday, Ist April, at the Pulite house in Markles burg. Oneida, Tuesday. sth April, Centro Union school house. Juniata, Wednesday, oth April, at the place of holding elections. Walker, Thursday 7th, McConnellatown at the place of holding elections. IL L. MCCARTHY, G. W. MATTERS, Commissioners. Jots s FLF.Xxsa, Feb. 2, 1530. 1285 03 7451 09 $203 61 /[T.VERNON BALL.- 22d OF FEBRUARY: 1.8.59. grand Ball will be given, in the Town Hall, iu Hun tingdon, on the 2211 of February next—the birth-day of WASHINGTON, the Father of his Country—the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the • Ladies' Mount Vernon As sociation. Several Mmrr,inv COSiPANIES have been invited, and are confidently expected to be present. The best SAILING BAND that can be had, will be se cured. The Excatsion BRASS BAND, of this borough, has also - been engaged. and will discourse National, as well as other soul-stirring airs, upon the occasion. The room will be fitted up in a tasteful manner for the reception of the company. All who love their country, and who desire to help in the noble work of rescuing the home of our beloved WASHING TON from decay, are invited to attend. The following managers have been appointed to take charge of the affairs of the entertainment :- 111.7NTINGDON It. 33. PF:TRIE.E.1 7 Peornrcs. kICATgER, qtr si. CA.rziox, BENJ. NEFF, Jomc FOSTER, G. Dortszr GitzEN CArr. JouxsroS, 4 suolsslaLPV `pal'hrt;gosla COL. J. Cnr.sswr.LL, `srtillil COL. Jofm A. Doris; 4 swelnadola csq.reaa JOSENI MoninsoN, VALENTLYS CROUSE, 'punog•ptlao MEI P I . 0" . 5 P JOSEPn PArtszat, JASIES 1111SbN, •tx,tuom . o ts •-• C -.. ~.. t , ri-0., zi,PIIIIO GEORGE Cortina, GEO. 14 - : Afcßum; 4 uuloy Rrsszu. CoL. JOHN' Gnmouz ) Joan LEAMY, - )(KB - - Recreational:its Will be served up in tho most ap proved stylo i in. the- adjoining:room, by experienced hands. 4% - -• Tickota .SLOO, admittint a Gm:dictum and Lady. Iluutiugdon.,Jautotry 29;1859. 17SICAL_ INSTRITMEINTS of any kind, will ,f be trittdalted to order at lowest Mash Pricos. VLo and Guitar striner, Addeo!, Kir oto : i lintli44c-v Ate- Also—instruction Books for ihe Pia o, eon, Violin.. &c., dic., for aide rz•rf7s , .F/00E, STATIONZR,T-CIMIC STO.R.E. $37 81 $ 49 34 377 03 18 06 18 97 293 12 55 55 .34 10 30 95 1 03 51 19 214 12 44 02 62 ]9 10 74 267 52 82 77 76 02 530 58 99 84 304 41 118 36 85 63 10 02 69 79 47 53 56 02 175 02 777 99. War. Glass!NoEß, J.xo. 0. Mumar, linntr ➢lcAlm= ALEXANDRIA GEN. R. C. McGus, 'Max N. Swoons. DA ItREE FORGES PETERSBURG CASSVILLE: JOHN R. 111.::STr.R AL H. L. BROW:: MOUNT UNION: I A. LEsvis. MILL CREEK WM. C: WAGISZE, JESSE DEITENBATFatt. LEVhirowN ; Join.' A. 'Boss. MeVErTOWN Grzz. Jam Rosa HOLLIDAYSBURG: Cot.. D. H. Ilornuo, MAJ. J. C. Osizittint, B. WAstincorrort. IEI AtiZit 'a $ 70 4:.. 52, 50 in 6 50 75 05 77 08 39 54 8 00 10 00 51 50 23 50 .37 50 33 75 29 28 13 30 EEO Ell 7 00 5 50 1 00 LS 00 5 50 7 00 10 50 IS 50 7 50 5 00 3 ..' 22 00 62 00 2 00 4,3 ..)0 3 00 '2 00 60 !e,.3 00 3'2 50 is 2 50 17 30 74 00 0 50 I f 50 25 00 12 50 59 00 7 50 20 00 18 50 4 50 23 00 18 50 9 00