THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A - DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, Dti:VOTKD TO LOCAL AND GWANERAL tz" - EL ( ----___ • j•-•‘ 4: cC '' DEALER Ill' 4 :: \ N. OM ST& ! A /5' 0 1 eu nlooor / „. . v. / Huntingdon; / . 'tta:k s'..„ .........., .. . _ ,:,,,,,,,:,. ,r., I°l I. t, ,,...:, x': " _ . ,•_..., ~ _____,,, . • HARDWARE FOIt THE MILLION 1 1 1 JUST RECEIVED AND F.E.IUI I'OR SALE, AT CITY .S,iz 'lids arrival of Coeds exceecls all others in importance, ast. .I.krcau..e it supplies —The Pcoptc"\Vith ordml , onal , hl txticles. :upd many useful inventions which can be found ONLY in a ILA t2n.l. The Sahscriher, parch:l- iu 'in large quantities from manufacturet.t., is c nabled to :2E211 these Goods front 20 TO 100 PER, CENT. CHEAPER Than they are tHualiy subl by other merchants. ills stock inclnles a completo variety of I;CiLDINtI-11AUDWA.P.E, MECIIANICS TOOLS, CET , 1, 1 J.' , U-AV Alt • 0.11.5. PAINTS, S•AbbLEIIY. VARN 1 SI lES, GLAS. T ItIMMI \(IS, STEEL. EWA - . CIIAI LEAD I'll 'E. :MOROCCO anti INC SKINS, &c,,, Toe;ether with a full a,sortinent of vverythiug - pertaining to his line of larrin , •ss. otalm - s receive prompt attention. - V,Ti Huntingdon. Oct- , lier 7, JAS. A. BROWN. LEX ANDRIA ,1311.111 \ Jilit CoN:s.; prepare.l furni,li :111 ordorb for ALE. prcmptly. .15211 rg 3 Contior. Ale):auklcia, cutity, (Dee. S, IFSS.] r( 7- \ll ,I\.! 'Navin- . been reliahly info - fined that Farancl. L. Lad or ileitis several notes of band pi:troy:mg to be given 3,y me lihn. and having never given said (Alas .,oe.e nete notes of hand, or evidences of debt of any or or rUC , A.VCAI. Valli-0 or consideration from IMa.l hereby forewarn all persons from having any thing to do . 1; int any notes or evidences of debt purport ing to be S:i.V(2ll by me to said Glascrow. as I will not pay theta not s compelled by law- 30.1.0 i. [December S. IS3S.--] fitTsic.— T.0pr.0.7:, PIANO Fors , , VI: I.IN, CUTTArt, s c ____T rc f. IL coylc., ha; en f•As tie last fiften V-ars. iu teach in the ahove in strt-an‘ait, ; al -,o the theory of mush:, takes great pica-are in ;Lauda:it:lug to h., ladies anal of Han tin:,;,lon viwinity. that he will pc rinatiently locate., and kath coal and in,ttnniental tucr,ic to the boot of hie ability. Parents to Name their soils and tianeliturs in,trae hi,' in th.i tic., of ntifdc, mill, we . I“,pe. b lawral in their patroing", as we V. Eli ,pat a 11'.3 palll , litiirt:c jut ice. I'zisti.:. , .-12ril ate tcll,h4rs :3,10,00 per rinni ter, inehelinti nl; 561010.3:6 n ill be Nvaittal upon at their ItJuie.-3, la,s:oie, to cuninienee .s.lllllary 502, 1.`659. iC LCi:i;l": i" Dr. E. 1. Cub, llarii.Aun,; - , IRev. Dr. ugh, Ph!la. 14 it , 114t9. L.l. Pos4, t...,(1., " }ti :u. Chapin, Col. a. 1,:o1,1t:, " Courva '-.levi•r " W. 0. ilicloik. r.s.q., " .Is-Clor. Johnson, Pittsburg Puct•n7.l, , ,r •:".1.1..5.",5. Ca.6 - 1q"), REWARD—WiII be riven for Clic apprehension of .10IIN AMUROSII and GE°ROI: LITZFORD, NVilo c,capcd from thi_! Hun ting-don Jail 011 the :tight of tho 19th inst. Aintru,e about S years of ago, i...icndor, dark hail . . VI in in fruit, 101111 hi.“ tvhl,l;ers. and is about eb I.(Nt. high, Lad on when he hitt dark pantaloons aud heavy toots. liiixtbrci is :del:der, about five feet thrwt inches high, light Ear, is an Eng1L,1111:111 in spper.rance and iTurch. DoLLA.P., r.icla will bo paid fur 111,i arroet of above) described pi:arc:is, or tbrE•ueli inforo , P.tioll In will lead to their arre,t. Cill_tElfeS :WILLER. MIMMM litiiiol , , IGS- G S AY IG S . v BATeuELows WIGS AXD PEES surna9:-, all. They are elegant, light, en =y and dural,le. Fitting to a eltartn—ner turning up behind—no iirrink log oil' the le2ail; inih:etl, this is the only il , tahlii:hna , ut where the,,e things are prc,perly ninler-ittod. and ma de. I : S .:SW. 17, 1t S, IIOADWAY. YORK. t Ltt 1.412.1 LI,7J-5j2.1.1_4 ACTOIZ.— in:l•unuta tion. npsre or preclntninate';—nox • , httilLes at the iuot ilittimktiatc U=M=M= rind NOTUINT: f.1,5.5.r-, Will allay iuilarnritaticti at once, fir:(l mak - v a etn7tain CSVOT. _ . 1 , 1- 1 -Gral 1, PAIN ENT I: A C 72011 will Ccr, the 11,1 h-sing anlona . a great catal. , ;;le of diff- Sore Corn , , Patnion , „ rc, , „ un. Scrofitia. Tjleers, Fever Sure:, Felon , . Ear ..I.lle, Eves, (lout. Swellinv, eutrati.m. Scald 111,(11111 Erysipelas, Part:;worut, Barber's Itch ; Pox, Meazie , , Ra,h, TO :44110. it may appear ine: Onions that 5.0 ninny b.onlat be reached by one article: such an Viva 11:11 ‘Caen refl-ction I:eints to the b:et. that the :-,tive centhinat;on of iagrolient,, each ainl every one al:l:ly ing a larteet anti:led.: i ,ordor. DALLEY'S 31.161 CAL ESTILICTOrt lEEE N Illi-'' _ . in its mfects is magical, because the thee is se short be tween di4ease and a permanent cure ; and it is an extractor, its it draws alt disease out of the ailrctcil part, leaving na ture as perfect as before the injury. It is se:iri;,ly uwees sary to say that no home, work-shop, or maaufactury should be one moment without it. :No P.tin Extractor is p•nnille.llll,lcs , 111 C, 1 x has upon it a steel plate ~ ..n2,raxine. , , with tile Llama of Ilenry Manufacturer. F4a• by all the Drugg7st3 and - patent tiled Mile dc.alor3 throughout the 'United States and Cana has. Principal Depot, 10 Chambers ';:F.t, New C. F. CHACE. AZ — Sold by JOHN READ, Tfusrmtmot, l's. [November, 17, 1,355, 13--] RRICKER'S Mammoth Store is the o place to gc•t the WC rth of your money, in Dry Cocas, T.iDu•lware_ &c., &c. J AI IE S, --- ATTENTIQN !—My asort ment of beautiful dress gnotis is now opemand ready for inspection. Every article of dress you may de irP. can be found at my store. I). P. Gil IN. CaLLK BONNETS, latest styles, in meat ki variety, awl - very cheap, at the mammoth ot.,re of D. P. CW.-IN. €)LOAKS, TALMAS, EIGOLETTES, yid-wines and Head Dres -, . are , old at priceq, which ikty compctii n, by PIS lIERk Ye.:ll rnIE. TT' YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, Cull at the store of BENJ. JACOBS. ENEWINCr HIS STOCK. Gall at S. S. SINUTLE'S CU:OGEES . fur everything - , ll e.,11 and good. • CANDLES ! CANDLES ! ! Retailers will be supplied with an excellent quality or MOULD CA.lliaiLV.Fil, upon application at the limiting .lon Bottling llstalif hilunent, A street, one door cast of the Jachsou House. Orders from. a. di tanee prompt ly F. SHAW. llnnting,don, Oct. (I, '.:SP-i3rn. T A TEN'S Under-Shirts and Drawers, Lin- J ILen Shirt Fronts, Ready Made Shirts. Whit e L rancy, Collars, Cc.,veryehraput D. P. Ci W.l BOOTS & SHOES.—OId and young can be fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' Btore i❑ Market nuntini2;don, Pa. (oct2S.) pUTCHER-KNIVES and Carvers, in great variety, for sale at the llanitvare Sow, , of JAME'S A. BROWN% ROCERIES, &c.---Gill at the lor cheap store of IZXJ. JACOBS. All kinds or conn try produce tal:en in exchange at the highest market pri ces. (oetls.) )LASTING POWDER and. SAFETY . FUSE, fur sale low, at the Hardly:lre Store of JAS. A. MOWN". [HE MAMMOTH STORE Is the Once for Latest tz.:tylos of Ladies' Dress Goods VARNISH ! VARNISH ! ! ALL KIIIDS, warran6ylfmod, for sale at 331lOWN'S Llardware Store, Ilmitir , ,7l‘ai, Pa April 2S, ISIS-U. Keep LO'IIIING _CLOTHING 1 I Keep Cyuurself warm. Call at M. GUTMAN S CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, in Long's new building, Market Square, fituttingdola, Pa. A good otoch: always on/land. (0::23.) = Fulls! Fulls!! FURS ! ! ! H. GETZ. iVo. C.2.S ChedPvt below 7t7t, _Maud' rt. has ~- , pened his beantilnl Rtort . ., on Chestnut S-treet, On: or Tll% 1.11Z , ;E,T AND (11` L.17)1 ' iMportca oireet from 1.11 , _.• Ea ronean int.trafaettu , si und,.r 0`:•n sUlY2r vi:;,,n, to a hich lot would call the attonthm of all v.ho \‘lllt ti, R. LLB, AR'I'ES, IC. EB.IUNN, I l_ri , SoN BAY SA BT,N, rill: Nell SABLE, Stitt:J:lA SQ1:111BEB, &C.. &C., Mannfaeinri 4 into Cantinals, Ci po , t, 3fti7ft, Calls. Ac. I; ,, inf; octicat Fin h•r.:enel having obtained nowf. , t p;:tt t•rtiS ParirS. can zl , -ure tho,e 0.1.10 the City. that hr C1:11 tclr. , ly thein with the fincal, vory lowest etwlt it•,•i. :.7, nnt: a. , ,sortromt. of Carriage 'Bobo., Clont's Caps., ,t o. N. 131ZZ. [Octot,r 1855-2111.] Chesinnt St., lwlow 7th. ~~ VOIES. A. BROWN Gif()C.E 1E JUST RECEI:"ED, 1 LONG 7 , 111..1 Per,oni cri Lill any art in the Grocery :,houtti c,lll cNamine our a.... - iorLui , •:;t. 11 , 1•: till Gull. Octo!,or J. I ;;;,-S. 00 OS, NEW Or O 1 S, - SY GOODS, IEW GOODS, s:+~ r. ray 7jl4]l\r [TING 2cl.:w• cLurn :AG !I N.E . w . vrit icE'Y cuyi 111:,01I1.1 NEIV CIAuTILING ' ' ' JUST IZrC,F.I V El), JUST .I.IECLI VE.D, .11U,71'77.VGD0.Y, C. GUTMAN &CrL boxe jos , t, 0p0n! , ,1 a more than nswil f C'l ,, lllin:.r, of a!1 trimly. t" ,r 24 11 and. Wint,r. their 4...0rt. au n!. rolo:i.tN of all the differ ent • 1,1 a Co.:t4. Vest, 4:c. Th,•ir ~trek at Boots all ,l ;o we s, MIN aact CaPJ, ats3 larg ,, , and of the 'rent nnttorial,:t!nl mate. gi nerally, in NNout "r any article in their line of re.peetfillly in; til C:111 stwl ex amine tin in will a.* cheep, if elicaper t will lie CWIA if ii111 , .11 they (.411. for . the 'cry they hare re eciv, tlw,v fully of the '4,1`.131. It 1) I I]-11_ \I it 1 Y1.,-1 - .1.A111. DYE! 17:11. A. 1:.%Ti:Ii!.:1.1 - )1Vii 11.1.11. DYi 'I lir, 01:1I;INAL AND IN WORI.IO. . _ Alf,ther". arc mere 11'14411i -11s, 1-11uold Ue avuided, if yea. m to escapo rieLeolo. C;;:AY, Pia>, Olt ]:L'._l'Y HAW,. Dyed iis=tahtly to a heautilui anti Natural Brown ur WithUllt tho least il,jory to Bair FI 'l ;E\ _MEDAL.; AND DIPLOMAS bay, berii oward o,l 'Mo. A . Eatelwlur siri :Ind over 50.000 appli eAtions Laic be ii intelo to ti,c hair of his bittruns of hia _ . i:ATcsiErmirs J) I: produces a color aot to he froict 17.11:1*.•\ ri , i) not t' injiiie in he it nit:J" at El LIP: ill cit i1L.,1;e41; tho !lair 7ueigo tate.l lot Lire hp r - iplerhiifl s Xll, of applio , i ri room v 4) at the Wig Factory. iZ.. F.... Act in all ( uf the Ullib2/1 States, by It.'l - .; ; ;ro , rs ancl.Follcy Good, 114- (1. - 1111::10 lt,E; tllO nilarez:,; 1:9011. stcvl olatQ en (;f(.1 , 1 ~ .'egt WILLI .%.7,1. A Sold by .70.11 N 17.15:.. Iy-7,7 A_T BEN JACOBS' CITE AT CO , riv.No..i.kcorss-; has rl.s.erc largo and full .s:s,:olt:nellt ter FA L[. AND AV T! C4C: OD S, compri-mz a vi ry e , rtrn , •rt t of 1,.1D11,:<' Di; ot »I , s, DRY 600 D S, == YITS t)f;'.:l, , - Nl . . - for ITl..nnlld (•; , :nrixte—: " C ever} Of Nt ( , ;:r V[lll br2 1'0;1nd to i nil clivztp. gr,ltly price,;— ‘014.11 \,lll lie Nery Ins rvtir +t,(.l-: 01 (h :ii c:lnnavo other in tONVII, ZI/Ati the 11111.1iC %I'll 0.1 Vwtil to coil ztlifl exalailif2 pulehas:ll,2: Carr det"rl3.llell to ~• 1 1 ray gooaa, barguilei may be eN an all ‘N :11 uu NVOtt to t^:1 1. eollllt y PlLattlea taken in t'er JAC , lfilz , : Cheap Corner. October 1 .11.. J..J. I 1.-.) • I _ _ _ ASTONISIiI(; NEWS! G 0 0D _.7'.7.11; TT'S Pole TRE PE 0 PLE ! rct , irned from the 1:a-t ❑ With the m ,, t o.xto:ostle an,l bo-t tmon in to., lo•omAt to ;iantlm.oloa. anil Lc .71.) an.l .^Ntrol:rio 1114 lk.foro they say they cannot get any; iiit.;; to con-ists of CO A!.;;;13 BOOTS, CON MLN AND 2:10Y3. GAITERS, LOOTS AND STIOE::, ion 1.:m.1.5, AND CHILDREN. lIATS It CAP..% 241)1100;.) SKINS LASTS. All at.c.: incited to call. am'. if I cannot snit ear r)buay will not be for went of tQ Hunt inc, , :lon, Oct. 5, 1`.. - 33. 1I! UN TIN (11) 0N r 11 OT.EL 'The snliser!her respect fnily announces to his friends and pu!iie genernily. that he hai lea-id that old well o,tahlisheil s':iTANn. known 84 the Haniiii:gcn /rouse. co tho corner of Hill eel Fr root, in the Borough of Huntingdon.— Ile It:, toted ulr the ;rouse in such a styli: as to terrier it very ccanfoi labia, for lodging ..`itrangers and Tray clots. 111:3 TABLE will WI way.; be stored with the best tbe sea son C:111 aflor , i, to suit tb.e :Qui pp:. tite.4 of h guests. Ms BAR Will 0.1W1.1.::••• Le lii lea with Cleoiee LiqUor.q. and always aiten(leal by careful and. attentive hop by strict attention to lintiness ana a spirit of accommodation, to ;nerit and receive a liberal' Sham of onblie Patronage.:k.lCATEE:ll. May r p lIlS WAY FOR BARGAINS! 1' 0 RTSTOWN, THE PLACE T.)1.: N.DW AND CILLAP GOODS!! If you clout believe it Fur La: Drers Gucel.i, call on 1)-1V1D Portstolt For evt , ry variety of the be=: Dry Co.)11-1, call on DATID GROVE, l'ortstown For the bent Gruceriva, call rat DAVID 01101 - 13, rortstown For Quccnsw•aro, Gla snare., &c.. call on. VID GROVE. Portqtown. For Salt, Fi,h, &c., &c., call at the Chap torc of DAVID GRoVli, Porh, For anythinq yon can _et in any other store, call ou DA VID iu, and _ SAYI:MONEY All kinil:; of Country Proanco taken in tra,k, try DAVID Portstown IN'uFt Ifuntlngton, May 5. 1•355. - 7,TEW Flll3l AND NEW GOODS !- _IN LONG & MIL-LER. Jtv:neetfelly infortn-: th') vitizeni of linntinz;don and the, pithlie gen:tally, ti:At tn-y have elwned old stand of Long 14 Pecl er. a tine a, 4,rtqn-at of GIZOC i;;: , AND CONFECT lONERTES They also li,tve on ha nrl tent of DRY" 000851, BOOTS awl BATS. and other Goods. As they are ,mximei to please fib; public they will at all times keep on lewd the beat of Groceries, Confectioneries, Cr? othe'r The public arc earnestly invited to call anti examine fur themselves. (linutingdon. April 21, 1858. SS GOODS ! A *lozalid az-:•ortment at STIIOUS' Clh2ap Storo in 31.71/ /Cut Fol i):11•L CLOTHING ! A new an iv al fin' Spring and Summer. at STROUS Cheap F4turo. C:;11 and lA. fit red. plumb :A. ISZpsz. CLASS JA.E., -, —.:N ot "1 ami.y , ars. -7r You will awl the Legit article. for Prc , ervin;: . Fruit air-ti,!4lit, at Lo V F:.r'z Al ' fil VI rr 3. Q.:A/NE-WARE at S. S. Smi t tAro eery, 20 per cent, cheaper than any other piaci., in town. T IQUOItS, of the best, for 2,tedieinal i"trPOC. at S. GROCERIES Of all kistik at STROL"S' Chcap stare SUGAR, from 9 to 15 cents, at S. S. SAIITII" GROCERY. QIIOT, Lead, Caps, Powder and Gfune Bap, for attic. at the Itard ware Store of .+•.,r CUT: I ,IAN ..C.; AT (4rT3IAN AT uurn_tx s; L I 1 6' I3TD itt)Dii CALL AND SEE (March ZA, 1833 JAM::; A, BROWN lE= 1 , 70 I,E THAN 500,000 BOTTLES ja... sow IN TUG NEW ENGLAND STATES IN ONE ',..r:AlL—The Restorative of l'rof. 0. J. Wood for rostoring lair perfectly and permanently - , has never yet had a rival, Vall me atter volnme 'night be given from all parts of the world, awl from the must intelligent, to prove that it is it Ilut read the eitculax and you cannot doubt ; read also tile folio:v*111g: TM: nun —People have for Centuries been afflicted with bald heads and the only remedy, heretofore 'known, has been those, abominable wins. By a recent discovery of I' roies-or Wood these articles are being last dispensed with, lona great many persons- still patronize them, be came they have beau so often imposed upon by flair Tonics of liltercnt Rinds. To all suelt persons we earnest ly make the request, that they will try onctoht„ntin, for in Wood's llestorativc there is no such thing as fail. We know or a lady who w as bald, m ho used the article a short lime. and her I tvad is TIC , V: covered completely with the tinicq and most beautiful curls imaginable. We know of numerous eases a here hair was rapidly falling out, which it restored ht greater perfection than it ever had been be fore. It is abm without doubt ono of the best articles for keeping the hair in good condition . , making it soft and gloo , y, removing dandruff, and has proved itself the great est enemy to all the ills that hair is heir to. It is the duty of every one to improve their peronnl appearance though sonic may differ in regarii to the ways 1/f doing it; but every one hill admit that a beautiful head of hair, either ill man or, woman, an object much to and thei.o are no ineatts that should be left Wit:tied to obtain such a cOn,:hieretiu.—/lIMMez; Jilco cter CocnocroN 2 Ohio, I\ - "ov. 17, 1856 0. Co.—Gcrit4: As I have hen engaged in Your I:i:stain:iv:, the lust ;-e•it.iin for one of your heal aunts (it. yl. Ifuckinson,) unit haring experien veil the Iwitellcial effects of it myself. I would like to ob tain nu agency for the State of Obin or some State in the West. ,lioubl you a ish to make such an arrangement, as I uni ConyitWed the , e C9I1(11 to it in [he, Unitxd for rmioring The hair. I lotve bean engaged la the Druf.4 fiir i•vera.l years, and have salt various ep , trtai ,, as for the hair. but have found nothing that -tic steret the sect._ titre oreitmi or invi:_alrates the scalp us well as yours. being fully convinced that your restorative is IA hat yk.ll ropo,,,nt it to be. I. would like to engage iu the sale of it, for I ain satisfied it must twit. Yours truly, S. T. STOCKMLN. PEor. 0. J. NS - cep Haring realized the g , -) 0 0 cR ct•H of your Nail Restorative, I wish to state, that hair growing thin ; as well as gray, I was in iucat w hat .1 read and beard, to try the article pre.- pat • it by you : tt) 1,1)1114ktO its growth anti chango its color a; it aaa in youth. both of which it lies einctecl coroplete ly. In the opuration. I have t:-ed nearly three bottles. Yours. lc., .1.1.1%.1ES 0. 3. Wc...Th Co.. let ors, 312 Broadway, NOW York. (itt the gre:t.t X. Y. .Vino .12.italdi.,Innent,) and ILL :Market St. Louis, Mo. Awl all good Drwfgi,ts. [je9-12,--,h13-50] "'"Y - II ..i.-I . IIE YOU GOING - - - D. P. 6' IT-IX 1I:t, :111 , 4 roturrioa from I.l)!Milelphin, will the; largest 134 11w,t Lettyttiful it,:iortult:nt :FALL AND WINTER GOODS flyta• I t ;ht to 'Huntingdon. Consisting of the lo , it Det's; C0tt.1 , 3 for La(li( s and Gentlemen; and I:too v dl Imaine,, cittlozs.) Spring De tad.' ; polatiz.e, I.evt Ila Clitt iera. Plain ati,l;ittilit. Warp, l'rintod illt.trage, - tt, Bril liants, I'l ttn and Color,al iDglt;tlns:, I..avtutt:t and Prints of Cly dtt-t:i AC- i.trge lot of Drc: , " Trimmilig , „ Fringes, 3fore-An tiffito ijinip4, Miaow. Vivaldi, Crape. Ribbons, :e•.O lir:bi-; stoops, Sill:and Linen ilandlairclilefs. Les. Frelloll Cotten. 1.1.11 en ana rOtt.,ll 11 - util coats and n0r.(1 , , eurnit:ri,; and Siark. 11,0. 1)(. , ; :111,1 C.l.apest, n , ortinnllit of Collar, and tint T- . ,•21 - I.', to11II: L111.1%,:i Mus lin. Figltri..c.l and 0-ft ed L'elts, t'9l7 and a varicty of Wlit Le. Hood. too numer ous to I A. LA AND BEAuTHTL ASSOirDIENT of Bay. Ftat-2, Wat:Tl,,o and Wool Fltwl., Sin Q,le ;ma Donhh: VA 001:1 Shawls. Cloths, Ca z-imer;::- , , TAvecds, bleached and 1/nl,h:itched :',ln.s -lho4. sheeting and pil ton -Larie Ninhecn, Ticking, Table., Diaper. Crash, Flannelo, Sack Ilannek, Canton Flannel', lilanhetg, Sc. Also. a large lot of Silk and Colored Straw - Bonnets, of the latest sty Ids, 0 Lich NN ill 1 ,,, ) cheaper than can be liad in It nit 11-VIS and CAPS, BOOTS. SIIOES, and GUM. SUQES, the lare,est anti elwilpect assidtment in town. 11AlitiWARE. EENSWAIIE. BUCKETS. criunNs, TUBS, BUITER 'BOWLS, BROOMS. BB ESC ES, &c. CAR PETS and till CLI,TII. lilSll, SA IS. CAMSYV.E, TKA, :`.10.1...E.5 ; and all :a..)..16 usually kept in a countcy stol-cf. My OM CIISte7IIIOI , 4 and :1 , 3 ninny new ones as can crowd in, are re,v•et in 11 y reque,ted to Call and examint: my gooils. 4:-- All t.nplsor C.urilvy i'vndlive tai• - .Ln in exclianex for G0e , :.4 . , :it the .11i;flie, , t Market Prices. D. l'. GWIS. limainz,iwa ; Oct. 5,151 S. _ ELTS, 7 I FOR LADTI:S AND CHILDREN. ()ITN TAT(EIit A & Co-No. Slfl. (n N 0.,) 'AT Vr.litT Street, aboveldli, I.l'MA—h.:pur Mat gers ; rufaCqlll , `l%, and Dea .(tlu lvr-( in FANCY FUItS, for Ladies 0101 Children; also. lent's Furs. For Collo:vs, stud. Cleves. The iminber • that a 0 have !wen ultwa.,l,l in the Fur I,II'7IIIOSS. ad 1.11, ;7,7`1,71 al clown( rof our Fars. both for weakly end ;wee,. I , ft) :noun throne:boot the Country, that • thlulf it is not neve-sary for us to say anything mo l e timn that II.: have now opened our a ~,,rtz:wnt of ISUIZ:3, ter dm Fall ant Winter of the largest and most beauhlul I,,, , ,lttnent that e.. 1 laneLT ~)lied before to tie public. lour Furs have at 1 ~ n Inr,,urted during the Present .servo 1. 1111(11 7t10170y anal limeh Lower than at the prc , ent. thou, mut have L. en roam:lac tared by the mo s t ,:on ii 11mel.; we are therefore determined to sell them at sneh rriLes as will continue to • ui 11:e rep:itivion we have born for p.m's ; that is to sell a g(:od tiele for a Tel y 0111011 SRA Ch.eper3 11 ill do well to give us a eel], as they will find the largest :msra talent. by far, to select, from its the city, anti at umunfact ) , rice_. . _ _ .101 IS & CO.. ICo. S 1 S. !, l'hara SepteniWr 13, ISSS.-1111. t f 1 X RES E TEXCITEMENT 'k. AT TILE MAMMOTII STORE! .T. BRICKER has 'darned from the East with a tremen don. &tool; of Goo•1+. They ore upon the :helves in hips New lfuunk, on Hill atreet, near NrAteer's hotel, ready fur cunt-ewers. ltis SPielt consists of every variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS. GENERALLY, fiItOCEET ES AND Q.DEENSWARE, HARDWARE AND GLASSWARE, CRUCIiEItY AND CEDADAVARE. LOOTS AS 1) SII.OIIS, 3IA'IS AND CAPS, And everything to Le touna in the most extensive stures. ilk Stoel: is New and of the Best. and. the public, are in vited to call net e::atnine, free of charge. lt i9VEitYi3ODY. TRY TLIE NEW STORE, On. Ililt ,ST't - Ce 01)170Si:b.: 02111207Z'S Store 131:ST . SUGAR and :11.0t..., ASSI7,S, COFIJEE, 'I'EA and CIIOCOLATII. FLOUR. .F.L`:.ql, SALT awl VINEGAR. CON Ft ;GT 1 ON E lt 1 CIG A It SawlTO ILA COO, SPICES OF TIED BEST, AND .ALL KINDS, and every other article Ili:milky !build is a lireecrry Store ALSO— DI eh(' icals, Dye Stu ff:. faints, Vara:she., Oils and Spti. Turpentine, lcohol, Ghtqc awl Putty. REST WEN II and BRANDY for medical purposes. TILE. RI:sT PATENT 2 , IEDJOINES, awl a lam e number of articles too numerous to mention, The •,uhlie gelanally pleaso call and examine fur themselves and learn iny price,._ _ _ Mint ingdon. May 23, 1858 e j T 13111.C . Kilit'S I:WICKER'S J. IW.ICKEICS MAMMOTH STORE )1 A M AOT if STORE STORE 73 TITE PLACE is THE PLACE Is TILE PLACE FOR DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Cc POR DRY GOoDS, HARDNVARE, :for. DRY GOODS. HARDWARE. Sx 11. A. P. re:Tectfully in ferrns the of Cas.sville and the artrruunding community, that lie hag again commenced the practice of medicine, and Impo4, by devoting his Whole attention to ptvfeS,il , ll, to gain a share of public favor. lie I , Tt.ited two diplomas—one from the Mineral Col lege, and GIP• from the Eclectic College—any person 'wish ing to Ft , tlo at. will ple.t.c call at his (Alice, half a mile from Ilasilingdon county. Pa. Ili- charge, hill be V1,1:1' Lew. 10ct:11.':59-`3rl.] 1 - 11.1 . 17 GOODS !—_:l fine assortment on liana nu. the acco: u of customers, at 13ENJ -3A0,201i6' Corsi. r." Marlut Sromro. (octaS FIA 0 u in , 1 - or .9 al nat LASS Preservintr Jars, different sizes, for sale elicap, ' - PISIfIJ C 3PMCIRTRIE. CI 0U NT itY PRODUCE EtTeired in r..:lcbange r r Vie«• Goods, at M. STROLLS, Illarch 1.555. Pcb. 5, 1557 S. S. SMITH D. P. GWYN'S (1 10 000 "EIiTA"D e4P MOSES STROUS, Will risk the above snm that he can Sell Goods, to every body, at prices to snit the times. His stock has been re newed fur FALL AND WINTER, and he invites all to call and examine for themselves. Ills stock consists of every variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DICK GOODS, OF ALL KINDS, BEADY-MADE cLorrnNo, Such as Overcoats, Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Jackets, Vests. Pants. &C. BOUTS and SIIOES,,IIATS and CAPS, of all sizes, for eld and young. GROCERIES, of the best; QUEENSWARE, fie., &c. The public generally are earnestly invited to call and examine my new stock of Goods, and be convinced that I can accommodate with Goods and Prices, all who are look ing out for great bargains. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. MOSES STROPS. Huntingdon, October 4, ISSB. NEW GOODS GREAT BARGAINS II FISHER & I~I'MURTRIE'S STORE. They have just received a large and beautiful assortment of vAll , AND WINTER GOODS, which are now open for inspection, and to which the attention of tho public is di rected. Their stock embraces every article that can be found in a well selected stock of DRY GOODS, consist ing of Mack and Fancy Silks, French and English Merinos, Solid and Fancy (all wool) DcLaines, Mohair, Madonna, Danubian and Tamise Cloths; Scotch Plaids, Dcßaize, Ce baar e, Mousline Del:allies, Ginghams, French Chintz, Railliants, Fancy Prints, &c. A beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Gent's Traveling Shawls; also, Plain Merino (extra wide, in squares,) for Shawls. A large stock of Kid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt lets:, Silk and Woolen do.; Merino, Silk and Cashmere Gloves. &c.; a superior lot of Buck Gloves and Mitts; also, Dres-; Trimmings, Fringes, Antique's, Ribbons, Ladies C o llars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Buttons, Floss, Selvin , Silk. Extension Skirts, Hoopes of all kinds, &c. Also—Tictings, Osnaburg, Bleached and Unbleached musuns, all prices; Colored and White Cam brics, Barred and Swiss Muslins, Tictolia Lawns, Nain soGks, Tarleton. and many other articles \Odell comprise the tine of WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS. Ft each Cloths, Fancy Cassimers, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Liaise s, Comforts, 'Blank ets, &e. Hats, Caps, and Bonnets, of every variety awl Style. A Good Stock of GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENS WA R 11, BOOTS and SUOES, WOOD and WILLOW-WARIL, which will be sold Chc,rp. We also deal in PLASTER. FISII, SALT, and all kinds of GRAINS. and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandi , e, frec of chartm. at the Depots of tho Broad Top aiel Pennsylvania Railroads. COME ONE, COME ALL. and be convinced that the Me trGpol lean is the place to secure fashionable and Lksirable goods. diqk,Fral of at the lowest rates. 1I u n I gaol). Get. 6, 'SS. EI:STIER & MML-11`rITI.E. - 7 4 \TEIV" CLOTHING ! AT IL 1t07,1_ 4 -YS 11. ROMAN'S NEW CL O THECG CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, .AT 11. lio2',l_ll'S CHEAP CLOTHING STOP. E, I:sT MAIIIT.).` SQUARE, orrosiTt Tr a: rrANyarx nouzir, HUNTINGDON, Ms new stock consists of Coats, of all lanai, for Fall and Winter. Pants, of old kinds—Vest:. of all hinds—lLMi and CAPS—and t;,.i ntlemeu's furnishing good; generally. Ills stock is of tho best. and Krill be sold at prices to suit his customers. Call and examine leis goods and prlce;:and be convinced. lluutiu don . Octol,er r), ISZ,S li II FA LIVER INVIGORATOR !- PI:EPARED BY DR. SANFORD.—Ciintp