The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 02, 1859, Image 3

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, Feb. 2, -1859
Broad Top Coal Trade.
Huntingdon, and Broad Top Railroad. .Amount of Coal,
Shipped for week ending Thursday, Jan. 27, '59, 2371 tons.
Aue't shipped previously this year, since Jan. 1, 6131
Total amount shipped this year,
Amount shipped to same date last year,
Shipped in month of January, 1859,
Amount Shipped in same month last year,
Increase over same month last year,
Letters to My Daughter.
NO 2. .
shall consider the love of appearance ; and
show what value I would have you put upon it.
You have already observed, how it engrosses
the time, care, and aspirations of many around
us—many of our best friends, You have also
heard it condemned, and classed with pride,
arrogance, and other qualities which add
nothing to our personal merits. Nothing is
so easy for us, as to mistake these qualities,
one for another, both in ourselves and in oth
ers around us. For this reason, only, do I
call your attention to it. If we substitute
the verb to appear for the verb to be, we
shall make a sad havoc of our social qualities,
and our vain efforts at display will only ren
der us ridiculous. Even in that case we
might have many admirers, and as there are
more fools than wise people in the world, we
certainly would not be destitute of friends.—
But then we would lose the esteem of the
wise and good, and cause ourselves to be
laughed at where we were expecting appro
bation. While this is true we may still cul
tivate " the love of appearance" almost to a
heavenly degree, without detracting any pos
sible manner from real merit. For you then
to give proper attention to it in these your
early years, will receive my approbation and
gain friends for yourself, whose smiles will
gladden your pathway through corning years.
Your success in this accomplishment will de
pend upon your taste displayed in dress, be
havior, choice of company and cultivation of
the intellect and soul. It is not my inten
tion in these letters to ridicule the awful
taste displayed by many in order to appear :
a simple suggestion on that part will suffice.
The young lady who dresses in plainness
without vain display, but whose mind and
heart have been cultivated, whose amiable
manners are the result of that cultivation ;
may have life and grace flashing in their
footsteps, light and beauty radiating from
her eye, and a discreet animation sending
the rose tints to adorn the check of health ;
all these she may possess without pride, vani-
ty or arrogance.
Life and cheerfulness are always commen
dable ; and the stupid creature who vascilates
between dullness and a vain parade can know
but little of the real pleasures and comforts
of life. In recommending to them a cultiva
tion of the love of appearance, I wo•ild have
you shun the extravagance and vain efforts
which are so manifest everywhere. You, like
all of us, will find. it difficult to repress that
pride and love of flattery, which springs up
spontaneously in the human heart, and I
must not fail to warn you of it. r.lThe best
way to illustrate , the evil of this tendency
will be, for me to give you an original fable.
which, perhaps you may think as good as
some of Esop's, if you will draw the proper
inferences from it.
A young goat was grazing upon its native
hills where it had. learned to sport with the
rest -of the flock. Its sleek and symmetrical
form began to attract much attention ; and
one and another sought opportunity to praise
its appearance ; and they called it the beau
tiful goat. The young creature was pleased
with the flattery, and not contented with this,
it resolved to journey away and see what
praise it would meet with among other hills
And in other flocks. In its wanderings over
rocks and through brambles, it got its fleece
somewhat torn, and visage scarred in fleeing
from enemies and finding its way; so that on
inquiring about the truthfulness of its repu
ted beauty, it found a variety of opinions
which gave it still more anxiety. Its appear
ance was often made a matter of jest : so then
it resolved to go to the water brook where it
could see its image and decide for itself. On
looking into the water it was surprised to
- find what changes the anxieties of the jour
ney had produced ; and it then resolved to
;return to its native pastures. Its return in
disappointed expectations, excited. both sym
pathy and remark in behalf of its faded beau
Without attempting to show the morale of
this fable, I will leave it to see what applica
tion you will make of it. In my next letter,
I shall give my idea of dancing and the amuse
ments, and try, to show what effect they have
upon the development and preservation of
. the graces, One more adieu.
Mr. VERNON BALL.—We have been in
.formed that the above affair, to come off in
this place on the eveningof the 22 inst., prom
ises to be a grand affair. A large number
of ladies and gentlemen from a distance have
signified their intention of being present. If
we have not been misinformed, the entertain
'meat will be the largest and best gotten up,
:ever held in this place. The most complete
arrangements are being made for the com
fort and entertainment of all who may attend.
'We hope every thing will pass off creditable
to those having the management of the af-
Par, and. to the ancient borough..
morning last, Benj. Fockler was. found in an
insensible condition, lying upon the pavement
in front of an old untennanted house on the
south-east corner of Market Square. From
the deep cuts upon his head, and the blood
in and about the open - cellar of the house, it
was evident that he had - fallen into the cellar
the night previous, and, afterrepeated efforts,
had got out again, but was too much injured
to make an alarm or get to a neighboring
house. As soon as found, medical aid was
summoned, but while dressing the wounds,
poor Ben. expired. His funeral, which was
unusually large, took place from his broth
er's house in Church Street, on Sunday af
" •u - 8505 ."
2140 "
6005 "
10,037 "
2,806 "
7231 '
young,,as well as several of our middle-aged
folks, had another happy time of it at the
new town cottage, on Wednesday evening
last. After the fun was brought to a close,
and the young ones began to " fix up," they
discovered that some rascally outsiders had
walked into a number of their "fixing," and
walked them off, too—and not content with
this mischief, they walked into Mrs. Adams'
cellar and appropriated to their use, a can of
peaches—a good article, no doubt,.as the
empty can was found near the house, the
next morning.
AN INTERESTING TIME.-A couple of our
young gents, on Friday night last, visited a
debating institution some three miles out of
town. The question was, "That slavery be
immediately and unconditionally abolished."
One of our young gents took the affirmative ,
and in consideration of his rash conduct in
venturing from, and returning home, through
mud and darkness, and hisable defence of his
position, the question was decided in the af
FINE BUTTER.—Mrs. Temperance Decker,
of Henderson township, has presented us
with a handsome print of butter made in
September last. It is, to the taste, as fresh as
any butter not a week old, and much better
than most of the fresh butter brought to town.
Mrs. D. has our thanks for the handsome
The series of meetings commenced in
the German Reformed Church, on Friday
morning last, closed on - Monday evening, and
we have reason to believe, many anxious
hearers were profited by the truths from the
pulpit. Rev. Reid was ably assisted by Rev.
Dole, of Milton, Pa.
OYSTERS.-A dozen of the largest and finest
kind was left with us last week, by Mr. Ken
nedy King. If you want a plate of the same
sort, call at his saloon under Gutman's Cloth
ing Store.
The revival in the Methodist church
at McConnellstown, still continues. A num
ber of our citizens have been attending the
meetings regularly every night.
rES—' See advertisement of Dr, Sanford's
Liver Invigorator in another column.
Iler See advertisement of Prof. - Wood's
Hair Restorative in another column.
In this place on tlLelf3th nit.. at the residence of' her
son William, Mrs. Etrztrumf MQRSINGSTAR, aged 93 years.
Mrs. M. was for many years a resident of Woodcock Valley,
Huntingdon county.
In West Barree, on the 24th ult., Wrr. FOSTER.. aced 73
The Managers of the Huntingdon Gas Company
Wive. this day, declared a dividend of three per cent. on
the Capital Stock of said Company, payable at their office
on the 10th day of February next.
Huntingdon. Feb. 2, 183541. Treasurer.
Li Caine to the premises of the subscriber at Celerain
Forges,'Fr•auklin township, about the middle of October•
last, a red Heifer, with white along the back and belly,
supposed to be about four ycars'old. The owner is reques
ted to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take
her away, otherwise, site will be disposed of according to
Feb. 2, 1859.*
Letters of Administration on the Estate of 30111;
J 0 LIS STON, late of Jackson township, II uut ingdon co., de
ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, he here
by notifies all persons indebted to said Estate, to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against the
same, to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
Feb. 2, IS59.—Gt
Letters of Administration, on the Estate of JANE
JtAINSTON, late of :Jackson tp., Huntingdon co., dec'd.,
having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby noti
fies all persons indebted to said Estate, to make immediate
payment. and those having claims against the same, to
present them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
Feb. 2,18.19-6 t
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the
moneys in the hands of Dr. Daniel Houtz, Assignee of
Henry C. Walker. of Porter township, to and amongst
those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that he
will attend for that purpose, at his (Mice, in the borough
of Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 3d day of March next,
when and where all persons interested in said fund, are
required to present their claims to the undersigned Audi
tor, or be debarred from coming in on said fund.
Huntingdon, Feb. 2,1859-6 t. Auditor.
FARM. (Estate of John French, deed.)
By order of the Orphans' Court of Ilputingdon county,
I will expose to public sale on the premises, on Thursday,
the 10th day of March next, (1850,) at 11 o'clock, A.M., all
that certain plantation and tract of land situate in Tell
township, Huntingdon county, bounded on the north by
laud of John Watters and Benjamin Briggs, on the west
by land of Magic's heirs, on the south by land of Jacob
Feludee, and on the east by land of Mathias F. Shoop and
Barbara McMullen, containing one hundred acres, more or
less, having thereon erected a log dWelling house, log barn
and other improvements.
TEEMS or SALE.—Ono third of the purchase money to be
paid when the sale is confirmed by the Court, and the res
idue to be paid in two equal annual payments, with inter
est from the day of confirmation, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
nuntin g don, Feb. 2, 1850—fit. Trustee.
Bridges, Strings, Rosin, &e., &c., for sale at
for sale at
Lewis' Book, Stationery & Music Store.
OSGOOD'S Series of School Books,
For-snlil at
HUNTINGDON COUNTY, front the sth day of Jan
uary ISSS, to the 3d day of January 1859, including, Loth
1834. John Laport, Franklin, $7O 70
1855. John Beaver, Hopewell, 114 67
" Aj,ralnun Isenberg,Morris, 174 22
" John Thompson, alker, 10 00
1856. Joseph Forrest, Barree, 2 08
‘; George Rupert, Brady, 40 05
" Frederick Harman, Cromwell, 12 43
" Solomon Ilamer, Jackson, 111 25
" Benjamin P. Walker, Morris, 15 00
" A. J. Dunlap, Tod, 10 00
" David Pheasant, Union, 1 13
" Joseph Isenberg, Walker, 222 45
" William Moore, West, 102 59
1857. Alexander Still, Alexandria, 184 75
" John R. McCarthy, Brady, 602 43
" Peter Lcvingston, Barree, 850 59
" George M. Green, Cass, 183 90
" Samuel Smith, Cassville, 80 10
" Joseph Park, Clay, 272 55
" William Johns, Cromwell, 424 42
" Brice Blair, Dublin, 569 70
" William Bice, Franklin, 1423 25
" George Numor, Henderson, 230 00
" Samuel S. Smith, Huntingdon, 039 97
" George B. Weaver, Hopewell, 366 02
" John Jackson, Jackson, 1076 25
" Henry A. Mark, Juniata, 266 26
" Samuel Varnish, Morris, 448 67
" George Miller, Oneida, 52 00
" A. G. Neff, Ponn, . 465 43
" David P. Henderson, Porter, 1313 60
" James G. Doyle, Shirley, 1049 58
" Charles Dowersox, Shirleysburg, 124 87
" Joshua Johns, Springfield, 166 45
" Thomas Cisney, Tell, 222 63
" Abraham Elias, Tod, 091 10
" N. F. Campbell, 'Union, 200 15
" Martin Meitner, Walker, 41. 659
" Samuel Lehman, Warriorsmark, ' 850 80
" John 'Thompson, West, 1026 15
1858. William Walker, Alexandria, 109 50
" Peter Levingston, Barre°, 93 50
" John C. Watson, Brady, 131 16
" Joseph Park, Cass, 75 00
" John S. Gehrett, Cassvillo, 26 00
" George W. Horton, Carbon 72 00
" George D. Hudson, Clay, 35 30
" Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell, . 52 00
" William McClain, Dublin, 140 00
" John B. Thompson, Franklin, 970 00
" Jacob Hallman, Henderson, 162 59
" Peter Swoope, Huntingdon, 1033 00
" Jacob Weaver, Hopewell, 100 00
" David Heffner, Juniata, 65 62
" Nathaniel Lytle, Morris, 130 00
" George Green, Oneida, 100 00
" Michael Garner, Penn, 302 62
" Daniel li.node, Porter, 145 31
" Samuel Foust, Shirley, 379 05
" Benjamin Long, Shirleysburg, 36 41
" Jacob G. Jones, Tell, 75 50
" David Aurandt, Tod, 16 00
" Abraham Wright, Union, 71 83
" Henry Swoops, Walker, 76 50
" Thomas Hyskill, Warriorsmark, 470 02
" Andrew Mattern, West, 589 85 20619 60
County tax on unseated Lands, 428 74
School " " " 433 09
Road " CC -" 407 37 1269 20
Fines and Jury fees rec'cl of M. F. Camp
bell, 04 00
" Cc .1c " B. Caldwell, 12 00 76 00
Received of A. & J. Port, for Toll House, 100 00
" " A. Jacobs, rent 1855 & 1856, 50 00 150 00
Rent received of Huntingdon Band, for
Court House, _ 15 00
Ci Continentals, " 4 00 19 00
Received of Henry Glazier. for old privy, 10 00
Received for sale of Stray Steer, GO
Redemption received, GS 52
Balance due County Treasurer, 6770 43
Attorney General, Prothonotary, Sheriff, and wit
nesses fees on Commonwealth prosecutions, 1339 57
Constables for making returns, advertising Spring
elections, &c.,
Grand and Traverse Jurors. Court Crier, &c.,
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections,
Assessors Orders,
Inquisitions on dead bodies,
Road and Bridge Views.
" damages,-Mrs. Vandevender,
ca " Thos. Crownover,
" M. Chilcote.
For running division line between - Tod
and Carbon townships,
Wise 8, , Eby for bridge at Huntingdon, 1631 00
Wise & Co. for repairing bridge above
Win. Harper, repairing bridge at Drakes
B. E. & A. Ramsey, repairing bridge at
A. S. Harrison, repairing bridge at Rays
town Branch,
A. C. Blair, building bridge across Tus
carora Creek, 40 00
Commissionerg—H. L. McCarthy, 160 00
G. W. Mat tern, 65 00
J. Baker, 100 00
Benj. K. Neff, .57 50
Clerk to Commissioners in full for 1557, SO 00
" on account for ISSS. 275 00
Attorney to Commissioners in full for 1857, 20 00
" ISSS, 40 00
County Auditors for 1857, 68 70
Expenses of visitors to Poor House, to
inspect accounts, by order of Court,
Publishing report of visitors,
Treasurer of Huntingdon county Poor
Interest on County Bonds ; &c.—
J. O. Miles,
Win. P. Orbison,
Exr. of C. Bucher,
Wm. B. Leas,
Samuel Wigton,
Jno. R. Sosuell,
Thomas Fisher,
Medicine and attendance to prisoners in
Wood and coal for Court house and Jail, 237 21
Gas consumed at Court House, 36 71
Repairs at Court House and Jail, 242 02
Sweeping and cleaning Court House, 25 00
Washing for prisoners in Jail in full for's7, 15 00
" on account for 1858, 15 00
J. F. Ramey, for running and marking
line between Huntingdon and 31ifiliu
Penna. State Lunatic Hospital for Nan
cy Long,
Penna. State Lunatic Hospital for P.
For Stationery and Blank Books for
county offices,
County Printing—John A. Nash,
Wm. Brewster,
Wm. Lewis,
Postage and express,
One copy Standard Weights and Measures,
I,ycoming Insurance Company,
Western Penitentiary for keeping; convicts,
Huntingdon County Agricultural Soci
ety, 15,37,
Huntingdon County Agricultural Soci-
c ty, 1.6(18,
Merchandise for Court House and Jail,
County Bonds paid D. Blair, Esq., 431 3S
" " " Leas for Miller, 1183 65
A. B. Crewers Estate,
Henry Glazier for transcribing General
M. F. Campbell for transcribing Jtulg-
meat Docket,
M. F. Campbell, fur his fees and costs as
Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Pro
thonotary, Stationery,
D. Caldwell, for his fees and costs as
Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Pro
thonotary, Stationery, &c.,
do. do. do. do.
F. If. Lane, Tr. for Deeds to Commission
ers at Treasurers Sale and advertising
lands, afterward directed not to be
Refunding orders paid,
School money paid to James Harper,
treasurer of Cromwell tp. School Dis
Redemption money paid out,
Fox Scalps, premium for,
Sheriff Miller, for summoning Jurors,
boarding prisoners and conveying con
victs to the Penitentiary, iu full for
do. do. on Account for 1858,
Balance duo Treasurer at last settlement,
County Treasurer's commission on $48,895 SI
at 1% per cent,
In testimony of the correctness of the above, we here
unto subscribe our names and anis. the seal of said county,
Has 3d day of January, 2559.
G. W. NATTERN, Commissioners.
Attest: lIENItY W. MILLER, Clerk.
We, the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon county,
Pa., elected and sworn according to law, report that we
met, did audit, settle and adjust according to law, the ac
counts of F. H. Lane, Treasurer of the county, and the
orders of the Commissioners and the receipts of the same,
for and during the past year, and find a balance due F. IL
Lane. of six thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars
and forty-three cents.
(liven under our hands at the Commissioners Office, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the 3d day of January, 1.359.
P. D. STEVENS, Auditors.
Feb. 2. 1859.-4 t
Presbyterian. Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Meth°.
atst anti ilerman Reforinel, for sale at
LIAM GLASGOW, Steward, in account with Hun
tingdon county Alms House, from January 6th, 1855„ un
til January 4th, 1859, inclusive.
DR. '
Jan. 6, H5B, To balance at last settlement, $224 67
Co. Treasurer for orders drawn at sundry times, 747 73
Catharine Fraker. shouts sold her, 4 13
Blair Co. Alms Ilouse, cash received. 41 71
Ran & McLanghlin, cash paid them through coun
ty draft,
K. L. Greene, groceries sold him,
J. Lutz, sr., fish and salt sold him,
J. B. Kidder, his account on books.
K. L. Greene, half dozen broad baskets,
C. ISELaughlin. goods bought for private use,
Cambria Co. Alps House, cash received,
J. Cugston, baThnce of his account on books,
Cash received from A. S. Harrison, (found on
drowned person,) 4.3
Cash received for harrowing corn, 1 00
Lane's Estate, for cash received, 60 87
Wm. Johnson, for hides, 5 00
Catharine Fraker, for plowing, etc., 2 40
Westmoreland Co. Alms House, cash received, 1 48
Taken for private use, 4 bus. potatoes ®5O 2 00
cc 2 bus. corn (4) " 100
cc 3 gal. molasses@ " 1 50
cc 220 lbs beef f 5 11 00
cc 200 lbs pork. " 15 00
cc 10 lbs coffee @l2 1 20
CR. By sundry Expenses for use of House.
Jno. E. Doyle, for payment to him, No. 1, 8 56
J. Cornelius, costs in oxen case, 1 16
C. V. F. I. & Co., cash paid agent Insurance fees, 18 00
B. Graffins, for tin ware per receipt, 1 82
Wm. Jennings,
for one plow, 14 00
Cash expended for sundry paupers during month, 400
for going to Cambria county, 9 20
C 4 " to Harrisburg. 4 75
Feb. J. W. Galbraith, for cabbage, No. 2, 1 00
0. Haines, for plow points per bill, 1 90
Wright & Co„ for brass faucet per bill, 2 50
J. Palmer & Co., for five hbls. fish per bill, 45 77
F. Harmony, for pumpkins per bill, 3 00
J. Montague, for cash paid him per order, 5 52
lungeriek & Smith, for groceries per receipt, 22 84
Mrs. Goodman, for making pantaloons. 1 00
E. Doyle, for making coffins on account, 9 43
March. lun , erick .t Smith, for groceries per re
ceipt, No. 3'. 171 13
J. C. &cider, for freight per receipt, 28 S 2
John Bead, for garden seeds, 90
Wm. Jordan, for keeping E. Kelly, 2 67
11. McMahon, for cash paid on account, 2 00
B. Bolinger, for hauling range, 1 25
Wm. Brown, fur costs on oxen case, 92
April. G. Flautt, for work done use of house, No. 4, 3 37
W. I. Steel, for one Wagon whip, 1 50
Lutz & Harris, for mortising locust posts, 7 60
S. Hurts, for altering hogs, ' 62
G. Myerly, for 14 bushels potatoes, 6 50
Geo. Flaunt. for work done at house, 4 00
J. B. Kidder, for parsnips and ashes, 1 79
11. Doyle, for making coffins on account. 4 00
Andrew & Dixon, for cook range per bill, 132 00
Fisher & McMurtrie, for merchandise per receipt, 320
Cash paid for traveling expenses and other pur
Cash paid for sundries use of house,
Slay. Dr. It. Baird, attending out door paupers,
Statement, No. 5, 5 00
3. Murphy, for cash paid sending paupers to
Cash paid for going to Huntingdon,
June. Cash paid for sundry traveling expenses,
No. 6. 8 80
July. J. C. Sechler, for freight per receipt, 7, 6 39
E. G. Franciscus, for 2 pair flames per receipt, 2 00
Jas. If a: ris, fir harvest per receipt, 5 00
G. Atherton, Manure, &c., 1 00
Cash paid sundry traveling expenses, 22 40
Augumt. Inngerick & Smith, cash paid them per
receipt, statement, No. 8, 10 00
M. A. Doyle, house labor, 100 00
.. __
23983 35
Joseph Harvey, painting, &c., 3 7:3
A. A. Shannon„ repairing harness, 1 90
Abm. Lutz, apples, cabbage, &c., 2 20
Elizabeth Zetch, one years rent "of lot, 1 50
Samuel Kurtz, altering hogs, 1 00
Cash paid expenses attending court, 9 84
do. do. removing paupers to house 6 50
do. do. traveling on business, 5 40
September. T. C. Sechler, cash paid per receipt,
statement, No. 9 . 4 93
R. Robinson & Co., do. do., 65 31
John Barnes, shaving paupers, 75
Cash paid traveling expenses to Broad Top, 5 07
do. do. do. Shavers Creek, 2 TO
do. do. do. various places, 4 64
October. R. Robison & Co., cash paid them per re,
ceipt, statement, No. 10,
M. A. Doyle, house labor,
Cash paid traveling to Hopewell, Greensburg,
do. do. Huntingdon,
do. do. sundry places,
November. lunc , erick & Smith, cash paid per re
ceipt, statement, No.ll,
J. Starr, sundry fruit,
J. Palmer, cheese,
Cash paid expenses to Huntingdon,
do. do. McConnellsburg,
do. do. Huntingdon,
do. do. Philadelphia and home,
Mary Swath, sewing,
Cubit paid sundry expenses during month,
December. J. C. Sechler, cash paid freight bill,
statement, N 0.12,
Margaret Hoover, house labor,
11. W. Doyle, do. do.,
Eph. Doyle, cash paid on account,
Cash paid traveling to Huntingdon,
do. sundry expenditures,
January 4. Buffalo robe for use of Honse,
Levi Evans, note returned,
J. M'Elwce, do. do.
Mrs. Glasgow, extra services,
26 yards carpeting for use of house,
1 bedstead, do. do.,
By balance of account to square,
3SI 23
2015 51
810 70
435 00
67 34
$313 00
03 00
40 75
SO 75 533 50
33 50
276 00
100 00
930 00
3055 49
566 20
SO 00
10 00
7000 00 7090 60
o 00
ISO 00
60 00
60 00
45 00
41 43
114 00 509 43
January 4. to balance at settlement per contra,
do. 18, Wm. riper, order overpaid, (Nov. 2,
3.353,) 23 50
4. 30
In .testimony of the correctness of the above statement
and exhibition, we have hereunto set our hands this 4th
day of Jaunuary, A. D. 1559.
'Huntingdon. l'eb. 2, 1859.
570 94
230 00
6 3 00
January Gat, ISSS, to January 4th, 1559, inclusive.
212 25 2 25
28 51
149 75
68 25
97 25
35 96 379 72
201 60
26 00
301 30
To County Treasury, fur amount drawn,
Wm. Glasgow, late Steward, fur 'balance of his
account, at last settlement,
Glasgow,Wrn. for sundry items detailed in his
account aggregate,
100 00
100 00 200 00
71 24
1670 03
2500 00
By sundry persons for 1076 ibs beef, No. I to 14,
inclusive, $197 71
Sund. persons for 3557 lbs pork, Nos.l, 2,3, 6,9, 177 85
David Stoner, for 101. bus, wheat, 15, 101 00
Thomas SleGarvey. for meat, 16, 4 61
T. II Orbison, for 30 bus. wheat, 95c., 17, 28 50
Ad. Ileiffner, for 75 do 71 S: 25}
" " " 2 b',ls. flour, S,OO 18, 83 25
" " " 8 bus. rye, 4,00
David Etnier, for 25 bus. potatoes, 19, 13 50
A. L. Funk, for 7 1 4 bus. potatoes ®5O, 20, 3 75
Jacobs & Long, for meat per bill, 21 & 22, 68 38
J. Jacobs, for meat and sausage " 23, 16 56
Thos. M.'Garvey, fo• meat, " 14, 107 97
D. !licks, for one yoke oxen made into beef, 21, 90 00
Ad. Reiner, for 30 bus. wheat, 01,25, 25, 62 30
Abm. Lutz, for 23% do 01,25, 26, 29 56
S. Bolinger, for 18 ' do 01,25, 27, 22 50
Cath. Fraker, for 37.1bs bacon, ® 10, 28, 370
Fisher & BFAlurtric, 10 bbls hour, 29, 63 47
225 00
225 00 450 00
:.)37 65
134 21
126 65 493 51
23 28
40 24
3 62
65 16
308 04
By W. B. Leas, for mdse. per bills, 1,2, 3& 4, 325 64
W. A. Fraker, do. do. 5 to 11 inc.23B 91
G. McLaughlin, do. do. 12 to 11 " 102 4S
Bare & McLaughlin do. do. 15, 7G 40
A. L. Etnier, do. 10 & 17, 102 90
Doyle, Foust & Co. do. 1S to 20, inc. 75 56
11. A. Robinson & Co, do. 21, 44 32
T. E. Orbison, do. 22, 12 11
530 00 631 52
1567 00
733 43
23.953 35
D. Megahey, keeping B. Chaney,
It. Daughenbaugh, keeping S. Daughen-
Laugh, 11 to 18 " 52 00
Geo. Sills, furnishing E. Thatcher, 19 to 22 " 51 06
B. Ashman, " I. Banks, 2.3 to 26 " 72 00
ill. Walls, keeping M. 3PLaughlin, 07 to 33 " 70 50
J. Ronson, relief afforded, 34 to 36 " 41 25
S. Houpt, keeping SI. Weaver, 37 to 39 " 30 00
D. Houck, " E. Peightal, 40 to 41 " 43 00
B. Hopkins," M. Hopkins, 42 to 43 " 20 00
G. W. Slattern, keeping W. INlTerran, 41 to 45 " 32 00
T. W. Slattern, " Sirs. Wharton, 46 to 49 " 52 CO
I Lininger, for coffins, 4S to 49 " '3 00
T. E. Orbison, Squashing opt door paupers, 50 987
A. Walters, do. P. Quinn, • 5l 15 00
T. Hough, do. ~,5 2 7 00
A. Donahoe, do. ,g 53
_ . 4 00
. __
J. S. Reed, making coffin " 51 4 00
W. K. 'Miner, burial expenses two children, 55 13 25
.T. Chamberlin, furnishing several paupers, 56 27 02
Gco. Gayer, " <4 I, 57 2 06
A. S. Cissney 44 Wilson family, 5S 23 00
J. M. Stoncroad " Riscly family, 59 2-1 E 3
J. Clark & Son, " " eo 2 00
A. Willoughby, " A. nicks, 51 1 00
W. K. Rahm, burial of a man found in dam, 62 6 00
For provisions. .111arlx,12 Plk P.
Merchandise and Groccries. File M.
Out Door Paupers. idarkcclfite Q. D
S. Rickets : furnishing Fortier family, 63 0 00
11. Stevens, " W. Abbot, 64 1S 00
H. Brewster, " .7, Thompson, 65 1 70
11. C. Weaver " sundry out door paupers, 60 2 90
1. S. I larrison, Esq., services per drowned man,67 1 00
Knode 4; Westbrook, same, 68 5 00
IL B. Wigton, furnishing sund. out door pan. 69 28 50
S. 11. Donaldson, making coffin for W. A 11en,70 4 00
ClEtnier,furnishingsundry out door patipers,7l 15 61.
D. S. Barkstcesser & Co., furnishing P. Quinn, 72 2 97
13arkstresser 4: 11.1 core, do. W. Allen, 73 325
Mich. M'Cabe, furnishing . J. Slurry, 74 31 05
Hudson A: Wallace, burying W. Abbot, 75 6 00
Long .S: Miller, furnishing D. Hanson, 70 2 31
Mary Hamilton, attending D. Price, ,-.., 1 25
S. Africa, digging grave for D. Hanson, • 78 300
W. Sweet, keeping W. Roberts, 79 38 00
Roullet S.: Bolinger, digging grave J. G, Lane, SO 1 75
E. Ennis, keeping J. Grinder, Si 15 00
.1. Shaver, making coffin for J. G. Lane, 82 4 00
N. C. Shaver, keeping W. Lane, 83 15 00
E. Dallas, nursing do. 84 10 50
J. Baker. furnishing for do. 85 5 21
P. D. Stevens, making coffin for W. Snort, 86 400
W. E. 31'111urtrie. house rent, 87 3 00
13 85
10 84
0 75
1 10
5 37
go 57
Isaac Nell; furnishing out door paupers, S 8 1 73
A. Estop, '. W. Roberts, 89 18 00
Hugh Kelly, " 44 90 48 00
L. Sweet, balance purchase money of house, 91 15 95
S. Decker, furnishing for Mrs. Martin, 92 14 00
Dr. Ir. F. Conrad. attending W. Roberts, 93 & 94 86 00
" IL. Orlady, " J. Franer, 93 &96 775
"J. M'Culhich, " three cases. 97 to 99 15 75
"J. 11. Dorsey, " sundry eascs,loo & 101 22 00
" J. A. Shade, " two cases, 102 & 103 27 2.5
" .1. Heiden thal, " P. Quinn, 104 & 105 10 00
" Moore & Long, " sundry cases,lo6 & 107 47 00
"J. W. Harvey, " T. Magee, 108 825
" R. D. P. Baird, " W. Abbot, 109 18 25
" R. Baird, visiting sundry out door pan. 110 15 00
"M. J. iWKinnon, attending E. Price, 111 375
" J. K. Mets, do. W. Goodcu, 112 10 00
" J. P. AshcOm, do. W. Allen, 113 20 00
" C. Bower, do. W. Lane, 114 22 50
" J. E. Rufer, do. J. Harington, 115 18 19
" itONVC/1. Clark, do. Curtes family,ll6 12 00
11S5 C 3
1400 40
Removing and Ddivering Paupers. Marked file B.
By J. Porter, for delivering amid. pau. Ito 4 inc. 31 50
P. 'tarnish, do. do. 5 & 6 13 80
J. Stoneroad, do. 1 pauper, 7 11 10
S. Coen do. do. 8 12 00
J. S. Africa do. sundry paupers, 9 580
J. Decker do. 1 pauper, 10 5 50
Wm. Bice do. sundry paupers, 11 12 40
J. Alexander do. 1 pauper, 12 2 00
Wm. Wimer do. sundry paupers, 13 4 50
I. Ashton do. do. 14 6 00
11. Cremer do. 3 paupers, 15 9 90
B. F. Chilcott do. 14 do. 16 900
N. Decker do. paupers, 17 4 50
By Wm. Piper for cash paid at sundry times, itio.
1 to 9 inclusive, 268 12
John Hicks, smithing, 10 27 15
Henry Myers do. 11 22 21
John Long's tax, '57 & '5B, 12 & 13 29 60
Wm. I. Steel collars and straps, 14 5 50
John Gifibril locust posts, 15 38 00
S. It. Douglass 25 bus. oats @33 1 4, 16 8 33
Geo. Garber 20 bus. wheat (f 1.50, 17 30 00
Lutz & Wakefield threshing, 18 22 00
. ..
41 71.
S G-1-
Geo. P. Wakefield 600 cut rails@s3,f l 10 33 00
5 32
Eph. Doyle coffins, vouchers, 1 to 3 inc. 43 S 3
Abram Lewis sundries, 4 to 6 inc. 33 64
WKinnon & 31'Nite drugs, 7 & 8 17 56
M. S. Harrison tinware, &c. 9 & 10 36 53
D. Snare, Esq.. fees and sundrys, 11 to 14 inc. 26 21
Chas. Bowersot carpenter work, 10 & 17 43 75
2. A. Brown & Co. hardware, 18 & 20 S 73
D. Berkstresser leather, 20 & 21 13 94
Benj. Brindle meat vessels &c. 22 & 23 21 00
S. C. Rickets lumber, 24 & 25 15 92
Pete• Myers tailoring, 20 & 27 5 00
S. A. Myers, do. 28 & 29 9 75
Win. Lewis pub. annual report, 27 50
do. do. visitors do., 10 00
do. do. stationery, 524 30 to 32 42, 74.
J. A. Nash pub. annual report 33 27 50
Bergans & (rim 30 pipe rings 34 5 GO
F. 11. Lane commission on $5OBO, 35 50 SO
C. Price 1 mulch cow 36. 20 00
S. Lutz, plank 37 4 75
D. Tk.PGarvey lime and wood 38 12 95
J. W. Mat tern S Zs stocking yarn 39 6 00
R. 3PMahen boring and laying 64 prs. 40 32 00
Taylor & Cremer fruit trees &c. 41 23 17
Joseph Harris., whitewashing 42 7 12
Ricketts & Booher tobacco &c. 43 5 50
36 97
26 25
2 25
6 37
, . . _ . .. ...
W. S. Hildebrand 1 coffin 44 3 50
Wm. 111'Nite, pipe timber 16 trees 45 10 00
R. B. Wigton do. do. 30 trees 46 18 75
John Read, drugs 47 5 39
Wm. Colon stationery - 48 8 48
Win. Drake repairing 49 6 25
Abm. l'evns, masonry t 0 4 87
David Shaver, lumber 51 7 33
John Temple, whitewashing 52 4 37
Hiram Johnson 20 tons coal 53 100 00
Wm. Harvey. wood-ladders .ke. 54 6 12
11. 31'Manigill 1 /,' doz. Sanford's Invigorator 55 5 00
J. Hertzler, manufacturing 38; 1 ,41 Dm wool 56 9 02
Cumberland V. I. Co., assessments No. 8 57 21 60
Thomas 11I'Garvey, 5 days butchering, 58 7 50
Sundry persons official fees, 59 to 61 3 20
do. do. sundry small items. 62 to 66 928
Adam ITeiffner, lumber, see tile I', No. 3 19 52
Lewis :Evans, applebutter, do. do. 6 219
Doyle, Foust & Co., coal, file 3.1, No. 19 22 75
25 00
2 04
3 70
2 00
4 20
2 31
14 42
2 25
6 54
31 1:3
12 25
4 25
4 00
2 11
7 50
12 30
9 00
100 00
9 98
E. D. Green, services as director in full, 01 00
Jos. Giboney, do. do. do. to date, 156 SO
Jas. Murphy, do. do. do. do. 106 60
D. Clarkson, do. do. do. do. 27 20
Wm. Glasgow, services as steward do. 400 00
Dr. Robert Baird, physician, do. 150 00
Henry Brewster, cleric, do. 50 00
David Blair, Esq., couaeel, do. 20 00
1186 63
47 29
Jan. 4, ISSCi. To j - olin Thompson, present stew
ard. order drawn of this date, 100 00
Wm. Glasgow, late steward, sundries detailed in
his account, 11S5
575 "9
Jan. 4, 1859. To John Thompson, present stew
ard, order drawn of this date,
Levi Evans' note transferred from previous stew
J. 3l'Elwee's,
Hicks' docket,
John hicks' note taken for 1 yoke oxen sold to
him by previous steward.
Wm. Johnson's balance of account
$7014 00
bus. 56 bus rye, 250 bus oats, 1500 bus. corn
(in ear.) 350 bus. potatoes. 30 bus. onions, 2 bus. small do.,
5 bus. soup beans, 1 bus. Japan pt-as, 15 bus beets, 15 bus.
turnips, 0 bus. parsnips, 0 bus. clover seed, 3,060 beads
cabbage, 19 loads hay, 20 loads corn fodder, 3,457 lbs pork,
2,38 S lbs beef, brown corn for 10 doz. corn brooms, and 30
bus. screenings
224 67
213 23
7451 90
10 pair drawers, 85 smocks, 40 skirts, 60 shirts, SO
dresses, 2 doz. towels, 47 pairs stockings, 75 napkins, 50
aprons,ls sheets,lB comforts, 14 caps, 150 - lbs hard soup, 1,200
galls. soft soap, 200 lbs butter, 300 lbs candles, 6 barrels
sour krout, 6 doz. corn brooms.
Stock on Hand.
3 horses, 10 mulch cows, S head stock cattle, 15 hogs, 17
sheep, Si bus. wheat, 25 bus. rye, 150 bus. oats, 1,000 bus.
corn (in ear,) 5 bus. cloverseed, 75 bus. potatoes, 5 bus.
beets, SOO heads cabbage, 434 barrels sour krout. 6 bus
onions, 2 bus small onions, 15 - loads corn fodder, 12 loads
hay, 6,500 lbs beef, 8,000 lbs pork, 5 hus, soup beans, 400
Chesnut rails, 225 locust posts.
Showing the monthly Admissions. Elopements,
Deaths, &e., &c.
t! 1.4 OEn 'p.• C-I C-4 ''.;,' t•- - " , =J q-4
= 0 • ,-, V= '..
. 0 , ~,,C A ~ .e t.,.. ..4 Ft, U 5
o- •-• • •
.-.• -4 2 CS . z , ,,' - ' 1. Lc,. "'"
" P... V.: • P., .. ••• -
CX) - ,-, .• . .., .7,
1394 83
CO CD G7' tO CO Icq
I I Ikso GO tO OO I 10 —4 1. 1 . I .gs,
II CO IOD t..t Cm V— , I 1;0 t.O 0; Lt.
I L'l't'C 1 NCO tt
17S 38
1 to 10 inc.l2o ST
--- -
CO G7I t. 7 t. 7 C , Z) L.D GJ t. 7 CO CO
CO VI --I 0.7 , •-7 c.D "4"
11. , 0 ts 7 N to tZ, 1...9 10
CO 00 t•D P-L i -
CQ I_ , D IC, Cu , A
c: CYJ CIJ C) -4 cm
G.D r..? CO -4 M --I --4 CO -4-.7
C c . 3 Z.D r- 4 Co
C.:, CA M- t7.:1 c^t cn
oo CA 0.11 IJ t.O 00 00 %P.•
4— , 4— , I— , 4— , I— ,
c.. 0 —1 —4 C 00t.1., c.O C.: , CC —1
Number of insane, 10. Idiotic, 18. Out door paupers
now in support and relief, about 45 ewes. During the
year, relief has been afforded to about 115 cases out door
paupers. Beats given away to wayfaring persons, about 200.
We. the undersigned Auditors of the county of Hunting
don, do hereby certify, that we have examined the orders,
accounts,&c., of the Directors of the Poor of said county,
and find same, together with the vouchers, to be cor
rect, as above sided. Witness our hands this 10th day of
January, A. D., 1850.
P. 1). STEVENS, }-Auditors.
Huntingdon, Feb. 2. 1850.-4.
Farm. lifarkeclfile F.
lucidentai and .3fiscdlancous. Market file I
do. judgment on 'Squire
0 00
Procads of Farm
Articles .illitnufactitred
Collectors. l'ozonships. Co. Tax. State,
Charles Green, West,
John Coulter, Walker,
Joshua Greenland, Case,
Luke Vorhees, Ilendersou, 123 56
Witham Couch, Barree,
Michael M3ers, Crorawell l ,
Win. B. rib:lw, Porter,
1653. -
John Smith, Barren,
John. Thompson, Walter,
George nupert, Brad3 = , 70 51
Solomon Hamr. Jackson, 543 20
Benjamin F. Wallace, Morris, 47 11
Henry Grazier, Warriorsni'k, 160 00
Joseph Isenberg, Walker, - 43 11
Nicht -, las Corbin, Cassville,
Alexander Stitt, Alexandria, 121. 67
John R. WCarthy, Brady, 139 50
George M. Green, Cass, 85 50
Samuel Smith, Cassville, 3 62
Joseph Park, Clay, 92 64
William Johns, Cromwell, 331 42
Brice Blair, Dublin. 47 20
William Dire, Franklin, 41 25
George Ntllller, Henderson, 46 38
Samuel Smith. Huntingdon 502 21
George B. Weaver, Hopewell, 115 16
Henry A. Mark, Juniata, 116 65
Samuel I tarnish, Morris,
781 31
George Miller, Oneida,
109 43
David P. Henderson, Porter, :',44 99
James G. D , ‘yle, Shirley, 322 23
Joshua Johns, Springfield, 113 96
Chas. Bo wersox, Shirleysburg, 47 22
Thomas Cisney. Tell, 102 01
; Abraham Elias ' Tod, 241 15
M. F. Campbell, Union. 1:39 45
Martin Fienner, Walker, 215 08
John Thompson, West, 1105 43
William Walker, Alexandria, 312 27
Peter Livingston, Barrec, 1148 20
John C. Watson, Brady, 017 27
Joseph Park, Cass,44s 57
John S. Gehrett, assville, 71 36
Geo. W. Horton, Carbon, 550 84
Geo. D. llud , on. Clay, 431 86
Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell 852 97
Wm. MClain, Dublin, 491 97
Jno. B. Thompson, Franklin, 1203 96
Jacob Hallman, Henderson, 307 20
Jacob Weaver. Hopewell, 668 S 6
Peter Swoope, Huntingdon, 1050 64
Samuel Stetrey, Jackson, 1357 48
Isaac Heffner, Juniata, 354 62
Nathaniel Lytle, Morris, 1203 47
George Green. Oneida, 190 12
lklichnel Garner, Penn, 783 38
Daniel Knode ' Porter, 1723 62
Samuel Foust, Shirley, 1307 07
Benj. Long,Shirleysburg, IS4 29
David Wile, Springfield, 332 78
Jacob S. Jones. Tell, 445 15
David Aurancit, Tod, 534 52
Abraham Wright, Union, 37S 81
Henry Swope, Walker, 890 53
Thos. Ilyski 11, Warriorsmit, 1087 83
Andrew .pattern, West, ISO 6 20
12S 00
453 01
To Wm. P. Orbison, Esq., $3500 00
" C. Bucher's Estate, 1000 00
" Samuel Wigton, 750 00
" John R. Gomel!, 690 50
" Thomas Fisher, 1900 00 7840 50
Balance to A. B. Crewit's Estate, 448 05
Unpaid on Jury orders, 38 50
Commonwealth orders, 802 71
" Election orders, ' II2S SG
" Assessors " 100 50
" Constable's " 8 55
i, Inquisition " 44 18
Deficit to the Commonwealth lbr 1856, 0000 00
- • " " 1857, 0000 00.
Given under Feal of Office, 3d January, 1859
GEORGE W. MATTE RN, Couunissionet
A ttest : 11.1,Ni1t W. MILLER, Clerk.
Huntingdon, Fob. 2,1859.—1 t
The County CosllallissiOssers will hold their appeals
for tue present year, at the following time and place in
the several townships and boroughs, to tt it:
Tell township, Monday, 27th February, 1859, at the Union
School house, near the Union meeting house.
Dublin township, Tuesday, let March, at Pleasant 11E1
school house, near Jos. IV elbon's.
Dublin township, Wednesday, 2nd March, at Orhisonia,
at the house of David Etnier.
Shirley township, and Shirleysburg borough, Thursday,
3d March, at the house of Mrs. Frisker.
Brady township, Friday, 4th March, at the public house
of V. Crouse, Mill Creek.
Warriorsmark, Tuesday, Sth March, Warriorsmark, at
the house of James Chamberlain.
Franklin, 9th March. Mechanicsville school house.
Morris township, Thursday 10th, Waterstreet, at the
house of John Seeds.
Huntingdon, Friday nth. at the Court House.
Henderson, Saturday 12th, at the Court 'House.
Cites township, and Cassville borough, Tuesday 15th, at
the public school house.
Clay township, Wednesday 16th, at the school house I A
800 21
Springfield, Thursday 17th, at the school house near.
Hugh Madden's.
Union, Saturday 19th, at the school house near Ezekial
Jackson,. Tuesday '22nd, at the public houso at McAlevy's
puree, Wednesday 23d, at the public house in Sauls
West. 'Thursday 24th, at the public school house on the
farm of Miles Lewis.
971 90
Porter township and Alexandria borongh, Friday 25th,
at the public school house in Alexandria.
Cal bon, Tusday 28th, at noad Top City, at the public
Tod, Weduesday 30th, at the schocl house near Eagle
1255 C 3
Hopewell, Thursday 31st, at the house of James Eutre;
7451 99
Penn, Friday,lst April, at the public house ;n Marbles
Oneida, Tuesday, sth April, Centre Union school house.
Juniata, Wednesday, Utli April, at the place of holding
Walker, Thursday 7th, NeConnellstewn at the place of
holding elections.
If. L. 111 -,Tur,
G: W. M tTTERN, tCommissioners.
$303 Si I Feb. 2,1559.
100 00
75 00
i 42
f22(1 OF FEBRUARY; 1559.
A brand Ball will be given, in the Town DAL in nun -
tingilon, on the 22h1 of February next—the birth-day of
IVAsum:Tux, the Father of his Country—the proceeds of
which are to be devoted to the Ladies' Mount Vernon As
Several 3.IIIITARY CompArvms have been invited, and are
confidently expected to 1w present. -
The best STRING BAND that can be had, will be se
The Excm.sion BRASS BAND, of this borough, has also
been engaged, and will discourse National, as well as other
soul-stirring airs, upon the occasion.
The room will be fitted up in a tasteful manner for the
reception of the company.
All who l&ve their country. and who desire to help in the
noble work of rescuing the home of our beloved WAsrusu-
Tom fronvdeca,y, are invited to attend.
The following managers have beta appointed to take
charge of the affairs of the entertainment:—
G. Dollssy GREEN
COL. J. CREssvam.,
`, 4 uaß
:Tostra 1'47tt.r.n..,
' I ,P 9) g
GEors; r. Com - mi..
tatu~~~ ~.
COL. Jaw; Gri.monE,
a Tog]
emu-ltefreilinients kill be
Ir•oved style, in the utijoi
Tickets 01,00, namitti
1/untingclon, Januni-Y 19,
it_ of any kind, will Le furnished' to order at lowest
City Cash Prices.
Violin and Guitar strings, Bridges, Keys, Rosin, 8:c.„
Also—lnstruction Books for the Piano, 'Melodeon,
&c., for sale at
.1300 K, STA-2702MR. Attr,..v.o .;TORE
537 81 $
125 32
$27482 64 :.14300 57 $1056
i DR. li. L. rators
On.. D. 11. norrms,
B. IVAbunieTON.
served up in the most tm-
Mug room, by experienced
ng a Geritlmam anti Lady
Ma 1 'a
$ 70 ba
52 50
4 35
6 56
75 05
39 54
9 00'
10 00
51 50
277 03
18 00
37 50
33 75
29 28
13 30
16 97
293 12,
' 00
o 5 oa
1 03
51 19
214 12
44 02
62 19
10 74
257 52
82 77
75 02
5:1'0 53
99 54
304 41
318 3G
85 68
30 02
G 9 79
47 53
56 92
175 02
5 54 21
1 00
is 00
5 50
7 00
16 50
48 50
7 50
5 00
3 23
22 00
52 00
777 09
2 00
43 50
3 00
2 00
2S 00
32 50
IS 50
2 50
17 30
74 00
6 50
14 30
25 00
7 50
20 00
Is 50
4 50
23 00
18 50
9 00
85 25
IG3 27
227 23
261 95
183 78
437 49
514 92
903 13
Jso. 0. Munnky,
GEN. R. G. "Ikle
Joirc N. SWOON:.
A. Lr.wis
Wm. C. WAGN-Ert,
Jomi A. Ross
Grs. Joni Ross