THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. .itt rt '. : qiitif. • BU4c.rl I an.v. Short Patent Sermon. I shall give you a sermon to day drawn from the following text : The lady who before the tub, Ts not astiattled to wring and rub; 'Or oath° _floor ashamed to scrub, And cares not who calls into see, Fier 'laboring so industriously; make a wife for you or 'rte..: Hy:brethren, since you know that mar riage is a divine institution, and that every one of you, should have a wife, what kind of a rib would you select ? A pretty useless 'little doll, or a woman big and spunky enough 'to rassel with a bear, and come of first best ? I imagine you would care noth ing for either extreme; but you would look for personal charms. 0, you foolish idola tors at the shrine of beauty I Know you not that hundreds of husbands are made miser able by handsome wives, and that thousands are happy in the possession of homely ones ? homely without, but beautiful within. Alas ! what is beauty ? It is a flower that wilts and withers almost as soon as it is plucked, a transcient rainbow, a fleeting meteor, a de ceitful will-of-the-wisp, sublimigated moon shine. The kind of a wife you want is of good morals, and knows how to mend trows ars, who can reconcile peeling potatoes with practical or fashionable piety, who can waltz with the churn dash, and sing with the tea kettle—who understands broomology, and the true science of mopping—who can knit stockings without knitting her brows, and knit up her husband's raveled sleeve of care ; who prefers sewing tears with her needle, to sowing taxes of scandal with her tongue, such is decidedly a better half. Take her if you can get her—let her be up to the elbow in the suds of the wash tub, or picking the geese in the cow stable. My hearers—my text speaks of a lady be fore the wash tub. You may think it absurd, but let me assure you that a female can be a lady before the tub in the kitchen as much as in the drawing room or in the parlor. What constitutes a lady? It is not a costly dress, paint for the cheeks, false hair and still falser airs; but it is her general deportment, her intellectual endowments, and that evidence of virtue which commands the silent respect and admiration of the world. She would be recognized as a lady at once. It matters not where or in what situation she were found— whether searching for bed-bugs with a hot poker, or hollering hallelujah at a Methodist camp meeting. All that I have further to say, fellow bachelors, is, that when you mar ry, see that you get a lady inside and out— one who knows how to keep the pot boiling and looks well to her household. So mote it be. Booth, the Tragedian In the early and palmy days of his theat rical career, Booth, and several friends bad been invited to dine with an old gentleman in Baltimore, of distinguished kindness, ur banity and piety. The host, though disap proving of theatres, and theatre-going, had heard so much of Booth's remarkable pow ers, that curiosity to see the man had over come all scruples and prejudices. After the entertainment was over, lamps lighted, and the company re-seated in the drawing-room, some one requested Booth, as a particular favor, and one which all present would, doubtless, appreciate, to read aloud the Lord's Prayer. Booth expressed his willingness, and all eyes were turned expectantly upon him.— Booth rose slowly and reverently from his chair. It was wonderful to watch the emo tions that convulsed his countenance. He became deadly pale, and his eyes, turning tremblingly upwards, were wet with tears. As yet he had not spoken. The silence could be felt. It had become absolutely painful, until at last the spell was broken, as if by an electric shot. To his rich-toned voice, from white lips, he syllabled forth, "Our Father, which art in Heaven," etc., with a pathos and solemnity that thrilled all hearts. He finish ed. The silence continued. Not a voice was beard or muscle moved in this rap-audience, until from a remote corner of the room a sub dued sob was heard, and the old gentleman, (their host,) stepped forward, with streaming eyes and tottering frame, and seized Booth by the hand. " Sir," said he; in broken ac cents, "you afford - me a pleasure for which my whole future will feel grateful. lam an old man, and every day from my boyhood to the present time, I thought I had repeated the Lord's Prayer, but I have never heard it before, never." " Your are right," replied Booth. "To read that prayer as it shouid be read, has caused me the severest study and labor for thirty years, and I am yet far from being sat isfied with my rendering of that wonderful production. Hardly one person in ten thous and comprehends how_ much beauty, tender ness and grandeur can be condensed in a space's() small, and in words so simple. That . prayer itself :illustrates the truth of the Bible, and stamps upon it the seal of divinity." " So great was the, effect produced," says our informant, who was present, " that con versation was sustained but a short time longer in-subdued monos3rllables, and almost ceased; and soon after, at an early hour, the company broke up and returned to theirsev eral homes, with thoughtful faces and full hearts." Beauty nipped in the waist, is like a. -rose nipped in tho bud. It is the shortest lived, and falls off the quickest. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? D. P. GWIN fins just returned from Philadelphia, with the largest and most beautiful assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to Huntingdon. Consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen; Black and Fancy Silks, all Wool Delaines, (all colors,) . Spring De lains, Drafts Delaney, Braizes, all colors ; Debame, Levella ClOth, Alpatca, Plain and Silk Warp, Printed Berages, Bril liants, Plain and Colored Ginghams, Lawns and Prints of every description. Also, a large lot of Dress Trimmings, Fringes, More-An tique Ribbon, Gimps, Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Ribbons, Reed and Brass Hoops, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck- Ties, Stocks, Zepher, French. Working Cotton, Linen and Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Woolen Yarns, Wool Coats and Hoods, Comforts and Scarfs. Also, tho best and cheapest assortment of Collars and Undersleves in town ; Barred and Plain Jaconet, Mull Mus lin, Swiss, Plain, Figured and dotted Skirts, Belts, Mar sallies for Capes, and a variety of White Goods too numer ous to mention. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT of Bay State, Waterloo and Wool Shawls, Single and Double Brocha Shawls. Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Testings; bleached and unbleached Mus lins, sheeting and pillow-case Muslins, Nankeen; Ticking, Checks, Table, Diaper, Crash, Flannels, Sack Flannels, Canton Flannels, Blankets, &c. Also, a large lot of Silk and Colored Straw Bonnets, of the latest styles, which will be sold cheaper than can be had in Huntingdon. HATS and CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, and GUM SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BUCKETS, CHURNS, TU BS, RUTTER BOWLS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, &c. CAR PETS and OIL CLOTH. FISH, SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, and all goods usually kept in a country store. _ My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in, are respectfully requested to call and examine my goods. Ala- All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at the Highest Market Prices. D. P. GWIN. Huntingdon, Oct. 5, 1858. THE GREAT BEAUTIFIER SO LONG. UNSUCCESSFULLY SOUGELT, FOUND AT LAST! For it restores permanently gray hair to its original color; covers luxuriantly the bald head; removes all dandruff, itching and all scrofula, scald head and all eruptions; makes the hair soft, healthy, and glossy; and will preserve it to any imaginable age, removes, as if by magic, all blotches, &c., from the face, and cures all neuralgia and nervous head ache. See circular and the following. DOVER, N. H., Feb. 2d, 1857. PROF. 0. J. WOOD Sc CO.—Gents; Within a few days we have received so many orders and calls for Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Restorative, that to-day we were compelled to send to Boston for a quantity, (the 6 dozen you forwarded all being sold,) while we might order a quantity from you. Every bottle we have sold seems to hare produced three or four new customers; and the approbation, and patronage it receives from the most substantial and worthy citizens of our vicinity, fully convince us that it is A MOST VAL UABLE PREPARATION. • - Send us as soon as may be one gross of $1 size; and one dozen $2 size; add believe us yours very respectfully. (Signed,) DANIEL LATHROP & Co. lhexonv GROVE, St. Charles Co., Mo., } November 19; 1856. PROF. 0. 3. Spoon—Dear Sir: Some time last summer we were induced to use some of your Hair Restorative, and its effects were so wonderful, we feel it our duty to you and the afflicted, to report it. Our little son's head for some time had been perfectly covered with sores, and some called it scald head. The hair almost entirely came off in consequence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, advised us to use your Resta naive; we did so with little hope of success, but, to our surprise, and that of all eur friends, a very few applica tions removed the disease entirely, and a new and luxu riant crop of hair soon started out, and we can now say that our boy has as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant a crop of hair as any other child. We can, therefore, and do hereby recommend your Restorative, as a perfect re medy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. We arc, yours respectfully, G BORG fl W. IGGIN BOMAN, SARAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM. PROF. 0. J. Coon--pear Sir: I have used two bottles of Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the greatest discovery of the age for restoring and changing the Hair. Before using it I was a man of sev enty. My Hair has now attained its original color. You can recommend it to the world without the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. Yours respectfully, DANIEL N. MURPHY. • 0..1. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, N. Y.. (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing EstatAishment) and 11l Mar ket street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists. 003-Iy-se23l Dow, JR GREAT NEWS ! ASTONISHING NEWS ! ! GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE!!! LEVI WESTBROOK has returned from the East with the most . e:clensivo and best assortment of Goods, in his line, everibrought to Huntingdon. and he - IVANTS: ME PEOPLE TO CALL and examine his' stock, before they say they cannot get suit-them. His assortment consists of FINE AND COARSE BOOTS; FOR MEN AND BOYS. GAITERS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR LADIES, MISSES AND cruLDREN. HATS AND CAPS, MOROCCO SKINS AND LASTS. All are invited to call, and if I cannot suit everybody *ill riot be fur want of trying. •Huntingdon, Oct. 5,1853 . ATEN T PORTABLE PENCE. - The'Rights of HUNT'S PATENT PORTABLE or PERMANENT FENCE and GATE POST, for Lots, Farms, and Townships. can be secured for a small sum by calling on the Agent, at Huntingdon. Go and see the model at once. It is decidedly the best fence ever used. No Farm er should be without it. Call, ye who would be benefitted, and extunine it for yourselves. HENRY CORN PROPST, May 13,1855. Agent for Huntingdon county, HUiVTINGDON HOTEL. The subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has leased that old and well established TAVERN STAND, known as the Huntingdon House, on the corner of Hill and Charles Street, in the Borough of H . . - :. = :• - 'untingdon, He has fitted up the House in such a style as to, render it very comfortable foi lodging Strangers and Tray elers. HIS TABLE will always be stored with the best the sea son can afford, to suit the tastes and appetites of his guests. HIS BAR will always be filled with Choice Liquors, and HIS STABLE always attended by careful and attentive Ostlers. $j lie hopes by strict attention to business and a spirit of accommodation, to merit and receive a liberal share of mtblic patronage. P. MoATEER..: May 12, 185S—ly. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS ! PORTSTOWN, THE PLACE FOR NEW AND CIIEAD GOODS!! If you dont believe it For Ladies' Dress Goods, call on DAVID GROVE, Portstown. For every variety of the best Dry Goods, call on DAVID GROVE, Portstown. For the best Groceries, call on DAVID GROVE, Portstown For Queensware, Glassware, &c.. call on • DAVID GROVE, Portstown. For Salt, Fish, &c., call at the Cheap. Store of DAVID GROVE, Portstown. For anything you can get in any other store, call on „DA VID GROVE, in Portstown, and SAVE MONEY All kinds of Country Produce taken in trade, by DAVID GROVE, Portstown West Huntington, May 5, 1858. . NEW.FIRM AND NEW GOODS!- , LONG Sc MILLER, Respectfully informs the citizens of IluntingdOn and the public generally, that they have opened at the old stand of Long & Decker, a fine assortment of GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES: They also hare on hand an assortntent of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, lIATS, and other Goods. As they are ansious to please the public they will at all times keep on hand the best of Groceries, Confectioneries, and other useful articles. The public are earnestly invited to call and examine for themselves; [Huntingdon, April 21, 1858. , 1 1 ADIES DRESS GOODS ! A splendid assortment at STROUS' Cheap Store in larket Square. [March 31, 1368. CLOTHING A new arrival for Spring and Summer, at STTIOUS Cheap Store.' Call and be fitted. 4 Dlareh'3l, 1858. iILASS JARS—Not "Family Jars."-L -ji You will find the best article, for Preserving Fr* aiptight, at ; LOVE & 3PDIVITT'S. STONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. T 4 .IQTJOIS, of the best, for Medicinal purposes, at S. S. SUITH'S. ri_ROCERIEB Of all kinds rt SIBOUS' Cheap Store, DIXON 'S Improved Sausage Cutters _ll_, and Stoners, for sale by JAMES A. BROWN. G.tanns - ra, Maine, June 22, 1855. LEVI WESTBROOK CALL AND SEE t i IANCY FURS, FOR. LADIES AND CHILDREN. ft/11N FAREIRA & Co., No. 818, (new N 0.,) MAaKET Street, above Eighth, PumAnstatm—lmporters, Manufacturers and Dealers in FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Children; also, Gent's Furs, Fur Collars, and Gloves. The number of years that we have been engaged in the Fur business, and the general character of our Furs, both for quality and price, is so generally known throughout the Country, that we think it is not necessary for us to say anything more than that we have now opened our assortment of FURS, for the Fall and Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful assortment that we have ever offered before to the public. Our Furs have all been Imported during the present season, when money was scarce and Furs much lower than at the present time, and have been manufac tured by the Most competent workmen; we are therefore determined to sell them at such prices as will continue to give us the reputation we have born for years, that is to sell a good article for a very small profit. Storekeepers will do well to give us a call, as they will find the largest assortment, by far, to select from in the city, and at manufacturers prices. JOHN FAREIRA & CO., No. 818, Market Street, above 815, September 15, 1358.-Im. GREAT EXCITEMENT ‘--11 AT TUE MAMMOTH STORE!! J. BRICKER has returned from the East with a tremen dous Stock of Goods. They are upon the shelves in his New Rooms, on Hill street, near INPAteer's Hotel, ready for customers. His Stock consists of every variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GENERALLY, • GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE AND GLASSWARE, CROCKERY AND CEDARWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, And everything to be found in the most extensive stores. His Stock is New and of the Best, and the public aro in vited to call and examine, free of charge:• F OR EVERYBODY. . TRY TILE NEW. STORE, On Hill Street opposite .3.lqes _Dorris' Office THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every other article usually found in a Grocery Store ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, • • Paints, Tarnishes Oils and Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Glass and Putty,. BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, and a large number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will please call and examine for themselves and learn my prices. S. S. SMITH. Huntingdon, May 25, ISSB. T BRICKER'S o BRIGKER,s J. BRICKER'S MAMMOTH STORE MAMMOTH STORE 'MAMMOTH STORE IS THE PLACE IS THE PLACE IS THE PLACE FOR DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, do FOR DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Sc FOR DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Sc -DR. A. P. _FIELDS, respectfully in forms the citizens of Cassville and the surrounding community, that he has again commenced the practice of medicine, and hopes, by devoting his whole attention to his profession, to gain a good share of public favor. Ile received diplomas—one from the Mineral Col lege, and one from the Eclectic College—any person wish ing to see them, will please call at his (ace, half a mile from Cassville, lluntingdon county, Pa. fir His charges will be VERY Low. fOct.l3,'sS-3m.] THE "GREAT REPUBLIC" MONTHLY.—TO THE PUBLIC, THE BOOK AND P.ERIODICAL TRADE, AND THE PRESS.—We have the honor to announce that we shall issue, on or about the Ist of December next, so as to be in season to command the early attention of the public and the periodical trade, the FIRST. NUMBER OF A NEW ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, to be called THE "GREAT REPUBLIC" MONTHLY. It is intended to make this 31agazine superior in every respect to anything ever before issued in this country. The general scope of its character can best be understood by its name. IT WILL BE THOROUGHLY NATIONAL—IN NO WISE SECTIONAL OR SECTARIAN, and WHOLLY IMPERSONAL. It will offer to the writers and thinkers of this Union a com mon field, where they can meet on the highest ground of cotemporary literature. It will aim to gather about it every variety of intellect. The range of articles will be a wide one, covering, among other grounds, Essays, Sketches, Humorous Tales, Stories, Historical Incidents, Reviews, Critiques,Biogra phies, Scientific Articles, Travels, Table Talk Dramas, Incidents, Politics. Poems, Ballads,Stanzas, Sonnets, Mu sic, Correspondence , Gossip, etc., etc., etc. The Magazine will be profusely illustrated in the high est style of wood engraving. The Literary department will present greater variety, combined with more thorough excellence, it is believed, than ever before offered to the American public in a single periodical. The following authors and popular writers are included in the list of contributors engaged: GEO. D. PRENTISS, JOHN G. SAXE ' CHARLES SWAIN, LIEUT. M. F. MAURY, FITZ GREEN HALLECK, EDWARD S. GOULD, CHAS. J. INGERSOLL, MI AS. F. BRIGGS, ORESTES A. BROWNSO:`.7, C. P. CUANCIL GEN. GEO. P. MORRIS, WM. 11. C. lIOSMER, NATHANIEL DEERING, GEO. W. PECK, HON. CHAS. GAYARRE, R. H. STODDARD, WM. GILLMORE SIMMS, JOHN It. THOMPSON, PARK BENJAMIN, FRED. S. COZZENS, HON. ALB'T PIKE, of Ark. A. J. ItEQUIER, • ABBE A. ROUQUETTE, MAJ. J. H. EATON, U. S. A. HON. R. T. CONRAD, LEVI REUBEN, REV- RALPH. HOYT, TIIOS. DUNN ENGLISH, SEDA SMITH,DUNCAN KENNEDY, I (JACK Dowictsc,) RE V. NEWELL A. PRINCE, J. T. HEADLEY, IHENRY B. HIRST. HENRY WARD PETTIT, ELIZABETH 0. SMITH, THOMAS MACKELLAR, ANNA C. BOTTA, H. J. BRENT, (Stirrup,) (Miss Liczicu,) F. W. HUNT, M. D., LOUISA McCORD, EDMUND FLAGG, MARIA S. McINTOSIT, FAYETTE HURD, ALICE B. HAVEN, HANNAH F. GOULD, PAMELIA S. VINING, . . SARAH H. WHITMAN, MARY A. RICE, CAROLINE M. KIRKLAND, ADA M. KINNICOTT, ELIZABETH F. ELLET, ELIZAB'II K. CHURCHILL, JANE ERMIN A LOCKE, CLARA DOTY, ALICE CAREY, ABBIE W. CROCKEIt, PHERE CAREY, NELLIE BURCHFIELD, MADAME LE VERT, ANN E. PORTER, MARY FORREST, LUCY N. GODFREY, MARY E. STEBBINS, LAVINIA S. GOODWIN, (Mits. HEsrETT,) JANE G. AUSTIN. In addition to the foregoing brilliant array of American authors, there are a large number of first-class writers engaged, (among them some of the most distinguished of the day,) who are compelled, from pre-existing engage ments, or other causes, to withhold their names for the present, but who will, nevertheless, contribute frequently to our pages. We would also announce that we shall add to our list of contributors the names of other distinguish ed authors, as soon as satisfactory arrangements can be completed. Each number will contain an original piece of music, composed expressly for this work. Of the superior excellence of the Magazine in every re spect, and of the certainty of its permanent success, very little more need be said. The terms and general conditions of the Magazine will be as follows: TERMS VoLuatEs.—There will be two voltunes a year, of about 700 royal octavo pages each, commencing in January and July, and ending in June and December, respeetively, making six numbers to each volume, and twelve numbers to each year. Subscriptions may commence at any time. . glecopies $0 25 Subscriition, 1 copy one year, sent by mail 3 00 Clubs, 2 copies, one year 5 00 {t3 7 00 4 " c • 900 ' it 5 u CC 10 00 - And al/ additional copies, over five, at the rate of $2 each, if sent to the same Club. Clubs may be formed at dlArent Post Offices. All subscriptions 911UKt be paid in advance. Premium subscriptions, entitling the subscriber to the 11Iagn.zino for one year, and to their choice of either of our two great steel engravings, entitled "THE LAST SUP PER," and "THE •CITY OP-THE GREAT RING," four dollars. The engraving will be sent on rollers by mail, pre-paid. Agents and canvassers can make liberal and satisfactory arrangements upon application, stating the territory re glared. All Postmasters and Clergymen are authorized• to re ceive subscriptions, which they may forward to us, giving name and address of subscriber, and deducting 25 percent. for their trouble. POSTAGE AND POST OFFICE REGULATIONS.—The rate of pos tage will not exceed three cents for each number, to be paid in all cases at the office where it is received. Canadian subscribers will remit thirty-six cents each, in addition to subscription, to pre-pay postage to the line. • All communications to be entitled to answer, must con tain return stamps. Subscribers must, in all cases, write Names, Town, County, and State, in full, as legibly as possible. There is little risk in sending money by mail. Large sums should be remitted by draft, if possible, or registered letter. OAKSMITII. & CO., Publishers of the "Great Republic" Monthly, 112 & 114 William street, New York Nov. 9, 1858 COUNTRY PRODUCE k.„.1 Received in exchange fur New Goods, at M. STROUS, Store, rMarcb 341858. NEW GOODS ! • • GREAT BARGAINS ! ! AT FISHER & .3P HURT RIE' S STORE. They have just received a large and beautiful assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which are now open for inspection, and to which the attention of the public is di rected. Their stock embraces every article that can be found in a well selected stock of DRY GOODS, consist ing of Black and Fancy Silks, French and English Merinos, Solid and Fancy (all wool) DeLaines, Mohair, Madonna, Danubian and Tamise Cloths; Scotch Plaids, Deßaize, Co burgs, Alpaccas ' Mousline DeLaines, Ginghams, French Chintz, Brilliants, Fancy Prints, &c. • A beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Gent's Traveling Shawls; also, Plain Merino (extra wide, in squares,) for Shawls. A large stock of Kid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt lets, Silk and Woolen do.; Merino, Silk and Cashmere Gloves, &c.; a superior lot of Buck Gloves' and Mitts; also, Dress Trimmings, 'Fringes, Antique's,. Ribbons, Ladies Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirtri, Hoopes of all kinds, &c. Also—Tickings, Osnaburg, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, all prices; 'Colored and White Cam brics, Barred and Swiss Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Nein- Books, Tarleton, and. many otherarticles which comprise the line of WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS. French Cloths, Fancy Cassimers, Satinets; Jeans, Tweeds, Denims, Blue Drills, Flannels, Lindseys, Comforts, Blank ets, &c. Hats, Caps, and Bonnets, of every variety and Style. A Good Stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS and SHOES; WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, which'ivill be sold Cheap. • We also deal in PIASTER, FISII, SALT, and all kinds of GRAINS, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, free of charge, at the Depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. . . -- COME ONE, COME ALL, and be convinced -that the Me tropolitan is the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Huntingdon, Get. 6, '5B. FISHER & M'MURTRIE. NEW CLOTHING ! AT IL ROMAN'S. 11. ROMAN'S NEW . CLOTHING. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, • FOR MEN AND - "BOYS, AT H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING- STORE IN MARKET. SQUARE, • OPPOSITE THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, HUNTINGDON, PA. His new stock consists of Coats, of all kinds, for Fall and Winter. Pants of all kinds—Vests, of all kinds—HATS and CAPS—and gentlemen's furnishing goods generally. His stock is of the best, and will be sold at prices to suit his customers. Call and examine his goods and prices and be convinced. Huntingdon. October 5, ISIS. H E LIVER IN PREPARED BY DR. SA tirety from GUNS is one of the medicines now before the publi easier, milder, and more effectui known. It is not only a Cath acting first on the Liver to eje on the bowels and stomach to c accomplishing two purposes elf painful :feeling experienced h Cathartics. It strengthens the that it purges it; and when tal will strengthen and build it rn The Liver is one of the human body; and when it the powers of the system STOMACLI is almost entirely action of the LivEn for the functions; when the sto are at fault, and the whole quence .of one organ—the its duty. For the diseases proprietors has made it his than twenty years, to find counteract the many de liable. To prove that this rem person troubled with LIVER forms, has but to try a hot lain. These Gums remove all the system, supplying in of bile invigorating the sto gest well, purifying the health to the whole maeld the disease disease and effecting a BILIOUSATT.keRS are cured VENTED, by the occasional TOR. One dose after eating is math and prevent the food Only one dose taken be- NIGHTMARE. Only one dose taken at gently, and cures COSTIVE- One dose taken after each One dose of two teaspoon- SICK HEADACHE. One bottle taken for fe the cause of the disease, Only one dose immediate. one dose often repeated is al nos, and a preventive of. Only one bottle is needed the effects of medicine after One bottle taken for lowness or unnatural color One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeated. its worst forms, while SUIII - almost to the first' One or tw•o doses cures children; there is no surer, the world, as it NEVER FAILS. A few bottles cures sorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for FEVER AND AG UE, Cmi.t.l4:vmt, and all FEVERS of a BILIOUS TYPE. It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its ..".-.1%11.x. water in the mouth with the Invigorator and swallow both together. The Liver Invigorator is a .Scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe.— It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst JAUNDICE. or DYSPEPSIA to a common HEADACHE, all of which are the re sults of a DISEASED LIVER. PRICE. ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD. Proprietor, 343 Broadway, New York.— And retailed by all Druggists. [] ANK 13 citizens of the r c i o C unty . of -/Tfulilletinguaonndehreil ' give notice that they intend to make application to the next Legislature for a charter for the creation of a corporate body, with banking or discounting privileges, to be styled "TOE HUNTINGDON COUNTY BANX,' to be located in the borough of Huntingdon, County of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the specific object of issuing. Bank paper and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining to a Bank of issue. B. E: 3PMurtrie, A. Johnston, W. B. Zei g ler , Win. Colon, David Blair, - -J: B. Luden, •- -, J. Sewell Stewart, James Maguire, Wm: E. M'Murtrie, , Graffus Miller,.. Theo. IL Creiner, Jno. M?Culloch, A. W. Benedict, - John Whittaker, It. Bruce Petriken, Tho. P. Campbell fluntingdom June 30, 1858,—Cm. ~ Tip THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned • informs his friends and the public generally, that he has leased the ORLANDO HOUS, in the I borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared to ac4ILL commodate with boarding and lodging all who may.iavor him with a call. His - Bar is furnished with the best liiptors. , . 5 i i4....44\ LIVERY STABLE.—lle.has also provided himself with a good stock of Horses, Car riages, &c., for the accommodation of-the pub lic, at reasonable charges. • ' ~, WAL WILLIAMS. . Huntingdon, April 7, 185.6. ~ A LEXAND]IIA FOUNDRY ! The Alexandria Foundrflias.beeri • . bought by It. C. McGILL, - and is in blast; o v l it ta • and hae all kinds of Castbags,,Stovea. .` jFIII.,FRI chines, Plows, Kettles, &c., &c., which he ri7 . ,MeiNip, will sell at the lowest prices, All kinds •-'.- - ••';7 6 7. of Country Produce and old Metal taken in exchange for Castings, at market prices. April 7, 1858. • it. C. McGILL. .COUNTRY DE..A.LERS - can t.rzt buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at . - WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. • ' Huntingdon, April 14, 1858. 11. ROMAN. HARDW.A.:RE! A Large Stock, just received, and for sale at - BRICKER'S MAMMOTH STORE TADIES DRESS GOODS.—.—A splen -4 did assortment now on band, at ' BENJ. JACOBS' Store. T . 4 ADIES COLLARS--Newest Styles— a in great variety at tbe"IkIETROPOLITAN2 • ' rriIIE GREATEST VARIETY of the I richest styles of Dress Goods and Trimmings, can alwaye, be found at the fashionable store of FISHER & riIc3IIIIITRIE. VIGORATOR FORD.—Compounded en te best purgative and Liver .ic, that acts as a Cathartic, ail than any other medicine hurtle but a Liver remedy, :a its morbid matter, then carry off that matter; thus rectually, without any of the a the operations of most o system at the same time ken daily in moderate doses with unusual rapidity. principal regulators of the performs its functions well, arc fully developed. The dependent on the healthy proper performance of its mach Is at fault, the bowels system suffers in Cense- Liver having ceased to do of that organ, one of the study, in a practice of more some remedy wherewith to mngenicuts to which it is edy* is at last found any, COMPLAINT, in any of its tie, and conviction id cer- morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow mach, causing food to di :bl ood, giving tone and ery, removing the cause of radical cure. g nil what is better, PEE use of the LIVER InuortA- sufficient to relieve the sto from raising, and souring. fore retiring, proven to night, loosens the bowels NESS. meal will cure DYSPEPSIA. fuls will always relieve male obstruction removes and makes a perfect cure. ly relieves enouc, while sure cure for CLIOLEIZA Molt- CHOLERA. to throw out of the system a long sickness. • Jaundice removes ell sal from the skin. time before eating gives makes food digest well. cures Clutostc BrAREILEA in M 1 and BOWEL complaints close. attacks caused by WORMS in safer, or speedier remedy in DaorsY,by exciting the ab- PROFESSIONAL dr. BUSINESS CARDS DR. JOHN McCULLOCH,' offer's his professional services tothe citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office at Mr. Ilildebrand's, between the Ex change and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 23, '55. Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, 'Medi )j • tines, P.erfuthery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, &c. Also—Oro- conies, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. JOLIN SCOTT.. SAMUEL T. BROWN. SCOTT & BROWN; Attorneys at Law, • Huntingdon, Pa. face same as thatformerly occu pied by 111 r. Scott. ' Huntingdon, Oct. 17,1/353. 11 ALLISON MILLER , DENTIST 2 'Huntingdon, Pa. " June 24, 1557. - R. T. A. LYON, Dentist, SHADE GAP, Huntingdon conny, Pa J. ovember 11, 1857. M. COLON,, Dealer in Books, Stationary, Wall Paper, &c. 8:c DP. GWIN,• •• o Dealer , in Dry GOods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &e. TAMES BRICKER Dealer in Dry Goode, llardwaro, Groceries, Queens ware, ,fiats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c., . T M. CUNNING-HAM Sz, BRO. • Founders, Ilunting,don, Pa Ti C. McGILL, Founder, Alexandria, Iluntingdon county, Pt TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &c., Hunt ingdon, Pa. 3/ TOSES STROUS r Dealer in Dry Goods, Beady Made Clothing, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc. 1 T ROMAN, Dealer in Reakly Blade Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &C. - DENJ. JACOBS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer ies,-Queensware, &c. B:.e. AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready AD made Clothing ; I3unt4ugdon, Pa. I.SHER & NeMURTRIE, Dealers in J . Dry Goods, Grain, &c., Huntingdon. Pa. TEVI WESTBROOK; j :Dealer 'in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, shoes, Gaiters, Morocco Lerther, etc. TONG & MILLER, • Dealers in Groceries, Confectioneries, &c., &c. TosEpREIGGER, H Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew elry, &c. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental 31M-ble Mannfitetnrer LOVE and McDIVIT, Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Flour, Sc OWEN BOAT, • Cturinge and Waggon Maiinfiv.t iirer A NDREW MO BUS, Proprietor of the Broad Top - House TS. MILLER, • • • e 0 • Proprietor of the Franklin House T k i - 'WILLIAMS, 0 Proprietor of the OrlarDlo House 1) BIeATEER, 0 Proprietor of the Emithigclon Hotel QIMPSON MEGATIAN CO., Mimirs and Dealers in :Broad Top Coal, mcconneitstown, nuntinglion county, Pa. TORN P. RAMEY, County Surveyor, Ihmtingdon, Pa. Office on 11111 street, one dour east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. Rkrcumcccs—.L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Leslie, Geologist; Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, Iron. Jonathan 73PWilliaing. ItICHARD LANGDON, Miner and Dealer in Broad Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, Pa. [Nov. 3; d Dealer a v n i -NDREW PATRICK, illinex& Deidel in Broad Top Semi-Bituminous Coal ; Coalmont, Huntingdon county. Pa. TACOB CRESSWELL, e_so and Dealer iu Broad Top Coal, Riddlesburg, Hunting don .co., Pa. [July 11; 185 S. AMMERMAN & CO.,illiners and Deai •ers in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top Ilantingdou cu., Tonna. [l.Nor. 3, ISSS. TyYOU WANT BOOKS AND WALL PAPER? GO TO WILLIAM COLON'S Do you want New Books? Do you ts - fent Religious Books? Do you want Scientific Books? Do you want Poetical Books? Do you want Law Books? Do you want Medical Books? bo you want Stationery ? Do you want Gold Pens ? Do you want Port Monnaies? Do you want Fancy Articles? Do you want Wall Paper? Do you want Cheap Wall Paper ? Do you want the Best Wall Paper? Do you want the Latest:Wall Paper? GO'TO COLON'S: COLON'S is the place to buy these Goods! a-Then GO TO COLON'S and buy you' Goods, and tel your neighbors that the place to buy all these Goods. IS AT COLON'S. Huntingdon, Apilll.l, ISSB. ' . . . LATEST FROM THE EASTI • The "play Flower" has just arrived at this port, with intelligence from the East up to the present date ; not the least important of which, to the public, is the fact that.her cargo consisted; principally, of a new and elegant Stock of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, PRON'ISIONS, For the cheap establishment of , ' , • LOVE & 111eDIVITT . Consisting of their usual variety of everything in their line; all of which they are noiv prepared to diSpose of for CASH or Country Produce, ou the most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 12, 185 S. p)ROAD TOP HOUSE. ANDREW 11101113 US would respectfully inform the public T v._ that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on .411 - ,r4:61 gheny street, at the Broad Top Depot, Huntingdon, and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travellers in an unobjectionable style. , . His table will always be supplied with the substantials and delicacies of the season. His Bar is furnished with the choicest liquors. : In a word,,no pains will 'be spared to render guests comfortable and happy. june 18. EVERYBODY BUYS. AT BRICKER'S, 15Teksmitlis buy at . ' . : , BRICKER'S. Carpenters buy at BRICKER'S. Builders buy at - • .' - .`;BRICKER'S: Saddlers buy at BRICKER'S. Sboemakers buy at -- : . BRICKER'S. Cabinetmakers buy at Farmers buy at ..-:' , 'I.IIIICICER'S.r Housekeepers buy at - BRICKER'S. RETILDE.RS • Are.requested. to call and examine the Hardware, &c., at' _ •• ' BRICKER'S .11.43.1310T11 STORE. UTJCK.SKiN GLOVES & Mitts cheap at D. P. GIVIN'S. WHALEPONE, Aped & Biass Hoopp, and Reed Skirts,'for sale' at the Cheap Store of D.. P. GWIN. 1110111000 TS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, the largest stock ever brought to town, are' selling very cheap at , PISUER & AIcitIURTILLE'S. POWDER, - LEAD and .SHOT For sale by LOVE & McDPVITT. GROCERIES, Of the best, always ready for customers; at - J. BItICKER'S MA:IISIOTR STORE C _ LOTHING !—A large stock on hand, at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. Call and ee , . amine goods and prices. THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. ONLY' 22 50 PER 4UARTER. .THE PRESENT' FACULTY. M. McN. WALSH, Principal, Prof. of Languages and Philosophy CHAS. S. JOSLIN, A. M;, Prof,-of Latin, Greek., etc.. JAMES W. HUGHES, • 'Prof. of Mathematics. • BENJAMIN le. HOUCK, Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics. *- 'GEO. W. LINTON, • • Prof. of Vocal Music. Mrs. M. MeN. WALSH, Preceptress, Teacher qf Botany, History, Readingrila. Miss E. M. FAULENEE, Teacher of Pettis Work, Painting, Drawing; del Miss .D. L. STANLEY, . -!. 2eacher of Piano Music, Wax ;Welt, Plenturs;- Mrs. Dn. DARWIN, Teacher of English Brandies: - Miss J. M. WALSH; - Teacher of Primary English. ' The recent success of this School is extraordinary. Bee sides being the cheapest one of the kind ever established ; this Institution is now the largest in this section' of the' State. All branches aro taught, and Students of all ages' and of both sexes are received. The expenses for board,• room rent, furniture, fuel and tuition in common English, , , are only $22..50 per quarter. Students can enter whenever they wish. For other information address John D. Walsh,.. Cassville, Huntingdon county, Pa. [jelG7tf.]3 HE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN I , BLAST AGAIN !—The . subscribers take this method Of informing their friends and the publit generally, .that ..,,, F „ W --- they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Form-. 21,, I dry, and are now in successful operation, and are prepared to furnish Castings of ,;.- . • -AU,. ' • ' rm lee , , „ in ” every description, of best quality and 4' . .tstry. workmanship, on short notice, and: 'n reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs. which can't be beat—together with the Keystone, hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. Wo have on _hand and are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets,' &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings.' By a strict attention to business, and t desire to pleas; we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM. & BRO. Huntingdon, April SO, 1556„ FRANKLIN HOUSE, Huntinerdon Pa. J. S. MILLER, PROPRIETOR. Respectfully in forms' his friends and the tray- ening public generally; that he has leased the' • "Franklin house," for several years occupied" : I V: A' • by C. Conte. and that he will be pleased to re., ceive the Calls of all - who may favor him with • their patronage. Ills table furnished with the best the market aftord;i, and every attention will be given to make those who stop with .him feel at home. Huntingdon, April 8, 1857. UNTINGDON CARRI A.GE AND 7 WAGON )IANUFACTORY.—OWEN BOAT. thank ful for past favors, respectfully informs the public in general that he has ,removed _ - , to liis'new shop on Washington - street, on. the property lately and for many years oc cupied by-Alex. Carmbn; where he is prepared to maniitite lure all kinds of Carriages, Ituggies, Rockaways, Wagons, and in shOrt, every kind of vehicle desired. Rockaways and :Buggies of a superior manantcture and finish alway on hand and fur sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice mill on the most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 10, MM. _orYAitD.' The undersignea _or would respectfully call the attention of the cit iZelt of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on band. He is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice; Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tabl.i.s. and Stones of every desired -size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with-appro priate devices, or plain. as may suit. Building Marble, Dour 'and - Window Sills, &c., will bo furnished to order. • W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country. at a thir price. Cal) and see. before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Ilill street, Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, 'May 16, 1555. TTIITATCHES, CLOCKS, AND .11:1WELllY. The subscriber, thankful to his friends 81111 patrons, and to the public gener ally, for their patrOnage, still continues to'carry on the same stand, one door east of Mr. C. Couts' Hotel, 7,larket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all unti will favor him with their custom ; and also keeps on hand : a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., all of which he is detertnined to Sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made arrangementa . with a good work man, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and any person haVing articles for repairing, 'shall litiTe thorn done at the promised time. By paying strict atten tion to business, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage. • .-ATAIL LINE from Mount Union to CIIAMBENSIAIIiG. The undersigned still contin ues to run a tri-weekly line of stages over the road between Mount Union and Chamborshurg. flood horses and corn thrtable stages have been placed on the route, and: experi enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running 01 the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is desirous' that it he maintained, and he therefore earnestlY calls, upon the public .generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for their mutual advantage. E . :cry attention necessary will be given, and the, running of the stages will be regu lar. GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S vn...,Staty,es.h!ave Mt. Union at 5 p. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday—returning on Mondays, IVednesdays and FridayS; arriving. at Mount Union in tiro , for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap, Burnt .Cabins, l'adnetaburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg, and Reefer's store. GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S t , ....T—L'aro through $3,00; to intermediate points in pro , portion. JOIIN JAMISON. August 22, 1555—tf. GO TO COLON'S. GO TO COLON'S THE H ,OUNTIN DON MILL.—The undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill inform farmers and the public generally that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern im provements in the Water Wheels and Machinery; They have,put in five of the Improved Jouval Turbine Water Whaels, and can grind in all stages of water, and during the coldest weather any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on ham] for Sale at :all times at, Market rates all kinds of Flour,. Feed; and Stuffs; and Farmers can have their own grain ground and take it back in a return load, or they can . be furnished in exchange : at a moment's notice, an equal quantity of Flour and Bran, or chopped feed. GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S GO TO COLON'S GO'TO COLON'S Their smut machine is of improved manufacture, ant/ they will insure a "a full him out" of superior quality to every bushel of grain left at their mill. • , FISHER & 11.1c-kURTItIItr. Huntingdon, Dec. 8, 1856 A m ' H E (O i ld No. 6) :% • V SOut 0 11 THIRD Street,et, Philadelphia, LEATIIER DEALER. Call Skins, Moroccos, Lluings,linuomin SOLE LEATHER, 6:,1: N. E.--,Rough7L ' eather, bought or talten iu exchange. . Miirdi 3. 185S—Iy. •: • • . • of GUTMAN & CO.. if you want. a good article of Clothing:: Store room in Longs new building, in the Dia mond, II n ntingdon. = Sept. 9, 1557, QPLENDLT) RAG CARPET for 371-2 c K.. 3 Per yard, at the elithip Store of FISHER & MOIURTRIE. OV E RODATS 'of all kinds, ,cliehith.r tltan'elsbwhei-e, at Oct:1, 15.5 e.. IL ROMAN'S cLommiNg STORE. ,/ Call at TJAMES' • DRESS GOODS; ripli stylco, and very cheap. at , D. P. G N'S. _A AID A-) --A fine assortxue 4A - At JACOBS' Store. T2lSH—just received, d for sale - at the, Cheap Grocery'of LONG & MILLER.' i r °MINING COLLARS—handsome stylesijust received by '•: - - • QUTAIAN & CO.; - . • * - • Are selling CLOTHING at exceedingly low.prices.-- Ca I autism . [March 31,1858. • 4 1VERYTHING.—Evelything in the a_ Grocery line can be procured at the cheap store of • - LOVE & McDIVIT. riIEAS; TEAS --of excellent .quarities, _IL and the cheapest in town, at LOVE & McDIVIT'S A Splendid Line of Dress G00441--env bracing Robes of all 1:1n peragP, Gbdleys, - Lriiins• o (13rilliantz, Chintzeg; itc:; . C:an be found. 'at the ',lllO - 14101tOCHA. and Wool Shawls, Fine and ,t 1 Cheap, at the cheap store of D.• P.- GNVIN- ALL at the rie* - cLOTHING STORE TIONEItIES of the very best. LONG & NILLIWS, FISHER McMIIRTRIE ito,. • " • ,L Taken in exchange for Goocis,'att• J. BRICKER'S BrAmmoru SPORE OOTS and SHOES, the largest , and: cheapest aseoittßeAt,jß "1/1, at D. D. crwmas. JOSEPH RETG ER.