The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 29, 1858, Image 1
TERNS OF THE .GLOBE. Per annum in advancO 31z months Three m0nth5.......,. A filiittr6io notify aitiecontinuattee at the expiriation of rho term subscribed Tor will bo considered a new engage• inent. TERMS OF ADTER.TIStIVG. 1 Insertion. 2 do. S do. 'Four Tines or less, $ 25 $ 37M $5O One square, (12 lines,) 50 ..... .... 75 • 100 TWO squares, 1 00 1 60 2 00 Three squares, 1 50 2 25 3 00 ' Over three week and less than three months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. 3 months. 6 months, 12 months. Bix lints or less, $1 50 $3 00 $5 00 One square,... • 3 00 5 00 7 00 Two squares, 5 00 8 00 10 00 Three squares, T 00 .10 00 15 00 Four squares, • 900 13 00 ' 20 00 'half a column, 12 00 16 00 9 1 00 One column, 20 00 30 00 50 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines nne year $3 Od :Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $1 75 ..kciVertisements not marked with the number of fuser tious desired. will be continued till' forbid and charged at cording to these terms. LIST OF GRAND JURORS for a Court of Quarter .s.lsiotis to be held at 'Huntingdon In and for the county of Huntingdon, commencing on the 3 - a n d Monday, and.l.oth day of January, A. D. 1859: William Appleby, farmer, Dublin. Richard Ashman, merchant, Clay. • John Cobol, farmer, Dublin. - Frederick Crissman, farmer, Franklin. William Dunn, farmer, Clay. Green Dorsey, engineer, 'Huntingdon. Samuel Eyer, farmer, Warriorsmark. Benjamin-Foust, merchant, Shirley. Samuel Grazier, farmer, Warriorsmark. Jackson Harman. cabinet-maker, Jackson. William Hunt, laborer, Jackson. -John H. Lightner, merchant, Shirley. Stewart McDonald, 'farmer Jackson. James Myton, Jr., farmer, John Nuttier, farmer, Henderson. John S. Park, farmer, Cuss. Jacob Porter, constable, West. farmer; Springfield. William Smith, farmer, Union. 'Henry T. Stains, marble cutter,Clay. Elisha Shoemaker, farmer, Henerson. Samuel Wilson, laborer, Warriorsmark. David Webb, farmer, Springfield. Voter Matadi, farmer, Cromwell. • • YfilVrAlr MODS—FM.3T {TEES. Thomas Ashton, farmer, Springfield. William Bice, carpenter, Franklin. Henry Boyer, farmer, Hopewell. Alexander C. Blair, farmer, Tell. Thomas Bell, carpenter, Barre°. Samuel Bolinger, farmer, Cromwell. James Barr, farmer, Jackson. Samuel Coen, constable,Barre°. Jesse Curfruan, farmer, David Goodman, millwright, Henderson. John Griffith, farmer, Tod. Jelin S. Gehrett, farmer, Cass, Joshua Greenland, inn-keeper, Cassville. Jacob Goodman, mechanic, Brady. Nathan Horton, farmer,. Tod. Benjamin Hopkins, forgeman. Porter. Thomas H. Haling, farmer, Shirley. Robert Henderson, farmer, Franklin. John S. Isett, iron master, Franklin. A. A. Jacobs, boat builder, Huntingdon. John Kincb, blacksmith, Franklin. Robert King, tailor, Huntingdon. Isaac Lininger, cabinet-maker, Huntingdon James R. Lane, farmer, Cromwell. Clarke A. Myton, farmer, West. John W. =Vattern, merchant, Franklin. Thomas Morrison, miller, Brady- George Miller, farmer, Henderson. Daniel Neff, farmer, Porter. Alexander M. Oaks, farmer. Barree. Samuel Peightal, farmer. Walker. Samuel Porter, farmer, Jackson. John Porter, Jr., clerk, Alexandria. James Quarry, farmer, Cass. John Ross, laborer, Brady. David Reeder, farmer, Tell. William Randolph, farmer, Jackson. Simon P. Starr, farmer, Cromwell. Mathias Shoop, farmer Tell. John 11. Stonebraker, potter ? Franklin. Joseph Stever. farmer, Cass. Amos Smith, farmer, Cass. John Spanogle, farmer, Warriorsmark. John Stewart, (Manor.) farmer, Barrue. Joseph M. Stevens, clerk, West. Hiram Williamson, farmer, West. Adolphus White, farmer, Oneida. William A. Whittaker, farmer, Porter. TrtKVERSF. JURORS—sr.coit) tvsr.s. Jacob Anspach, farmer, Jackson. William Cunningham J. P., Clay. John Clabangh, farmer, Walker. Daniel Flenner, farmer, Walker. Thomas Fisher, merchant, Huntingdon. David Friedley, butcher, Walker. John Gehrett, farmer, Brady. Christian Harnish, farmer, Porter. George Hartley, scrivener, Huntingdon. John Hamilton; lumberman, Carhin. James Iluding, farmer, Shirley. Francis Holler, blacksmith, Brady. Aaron Kelley, farmer, Henderson. Daniel hyper, farmer, Henderson. George Long, blacksmith, Walker. . Nathaniel Lytle, saddler, Morris. John M. Leech, mill Wright. Jackson. Edmund Morrison, farmer Shirley. J. A. Moore, merchant. Carbon. J. McKinnon. M. D. Shirleysbarg. Thomas Miller, farmer, Cromwell. William Moore, farmer, West. Robert Myers, carpenter, Shirleysburg. John Neff, farmer, West. - Benjamin Neff, farmer, Porter. Alexander Orr, farmer, Dublin. Amos Pheasant, farmer, Union. Carens Patterson, blacksmith, Alexandria Samuel Russell, laborer, Warriorsmark, . William Rye, farmer, Warriorsmark. Samuel G. Simpson, inn-keeper, Brady. Jacob Shoop, farmer, Tell. James T. Scott, farmer, West. Daniel Shultz, farmer, Morris. Walter C. Vantries, clerk, Warriorsmark. Levi Westbrook, shoemaker, Huntingdon Dec. 22, 185 S. rilitTAL LIST for JANUARY TERM, __L 1839. FIRST WEEK. Dr. Peter Shoenberger vs. A. P. Wilson. Job n Savage vs. Smith & Davis. 'Same . vs, John Borkstresser, et. al. Thomas Clark's heirs vs. Bryson Clark. Moses Greenland TS. Caleb Browu. Jacob Cresswell vs. Robert Hare rowel. Leonard Weaver vs. IL &B.T.M.R.R. & C.Co. Cleaners heirs TS. JO/111 MCCIMICS, et al. James Walls vs. Jona. Wall. Glasgow & Bair . vs. Caleb Brown. • Samuel Caldwell's admr. vs. Blair & Bobison, S. B. Weaver vs. Jacob RusselL John R'. Price admr. vs. John Snyder. , Peter Etneir vs. John Shope. SECOND WEEK. Boker Bro. & Co. et. aL vs. A. P. Wilson, et. at Jas Chamberlain vs. W. Graham, gar. of R. F. Haslett. James Perry Indorser vs. Hugh McNeal. Jacob Russell - vs. J. T. Shirley & Bro. Margaret Hamilton vs. James Eutrekin. D. B. Berney • vs. John Ely. - Jonathan Detweiler vs. Jacob Otenkirk. Valentino Crouse ~ e s. George W. Speer. Samuel D. Myton's heirs vs. Isaac Walls, et. al, Long fur Rupert vs. Robert Laird. Same TS. Michael Sprankle, D. It. Porter vs. Valentine Hoover. Gemmill & Creswell- vs. D. S. Berkstresssr. Same ' vs. McCoy & ,Co. David Foster vs. James Entrekin. A. S. &E. Roberts • vs. Robert Speor's heirs. Wm. W. Wiley vs. H.& B. T. M. IL R. &C. Co. Huntin_ ou Gas Co. vs. S. S. Wharton. 'FEN'S Under-Shirts and Drawers, Lin en Shirt Fronts, - Ready Made Shirts, White & Fancy, C)sllars, &c., very cheap at ' B. P. GtVtNI'S. BOOTS & STIOES.—,--Old, and young can bo fitted at BENJ. JACOBS' store in • Market .Square. linutingdon, Pa. (0ct23.) UTCHERKNIVES and Carvers, in great variety, for sale at the Hardware Store of ' 4 "" — . JAMES A. DROWN. GROCERIES, &e., &e.—Call at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. All kinds of coun _itry Produce taken in ex.cbange at the - highest market pri ces. ; (act2B.) CIUGAR, from 9 to 15 cents, at S. S. SMITH'S GROCERY HOT, _Lead, Caps, Powder and GATne Bags, for Bale at the Hardware Store of • " JAMES A. BROWN. LASTING POWDER and SAFETY ' FUSE, for sae low, 'at the hardware Store of JAS. A. BROWN. TitE MAMMOTH STORE s the place for Late'sti styles of Ladies' Dress Goods 2STA.R,NISH 4 VARNISH ! 41d.. icINDR, ;warranted good, for salo at • BROWN'S Hardware' Store, April 28, 1858—tf. - 11tintingdon, Pa ~LASS Preserving Jars, different sizes, for sale cheap, by - FISIXER & IkPAIIIRTRIE. c°tLOT t iIING ! CLOTHING ! ! Keep yenraelf Warm. Call at TEL GTITIFIAN &CO'S Cheap hing Store,' in Long's new building; Market Square, Llnntingdon, Pa. A good stock always on hand. (oc2S.) $1 60 . 75 . 60 WILLIAN LEWIS, VOL. XIV. VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY . AT PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned, desirous of removing to the West, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, On Thursday, 23d day of December, next, the property known as the "MOUNT UNION HOTEL," together with all the buildings and ground, thereunto belonging. This property is believed to • n be one of the best for a Hotel, in the county— ¢ possessing a fine front immediately at the Passen- ger Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Mount Union Depot, and extending directly through to the Canal, thus affording every facility for trade, from either Railroad or Canal. The buildings are large, and embrace, in addition to the Hotel, extensive Stables, arriage House, Ice House, Sheds, Blacksmith Shop, Tenant House, and every desirable con venience for a Valk, House. The attention otllotel Keepers is requested to this prop erty. Mount Union being the point on the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal, where the trade and travel of a large district of country, embracing nearly one half of Hunting don, all of Fulton and part of Franklin counties, concen trates in seeking the Eastern Markets. A line of Stages connects Chambersburg with this point. Possession given on Ist of April, next, (1859.) Terms, favorable. ' (Nov. 24,'58.1 A. LEWIS. "9T.TBSCRIBE AT ONCE!—If you 1., 'wish to secure a copy of that elegant engraving, ler. VILLAGE Ilucgssurn,' and the ART ZOGREAL, with the other premiums, be sure and subscribe V, before the Ist of January. 1859. Specimen copies of the above, and full particulars given, by applying to J. J. LAWRENCE, . Honorary Secretary. See advertisenient elsewhere, headed—New Features, &c. Nov. 9, 1858. HAIR DYE-HAIR DYE-HAIR DYE I WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE I U.S.. THE ORIGINAL AND BEST IN THE WORLD I! 'lOO , All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. ' GRAY, RED.'-Olt BUSTY -HAIR; Dyed instantly to' a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A. Datchelor,since 1539, and over 80,000 appli cations have been made to the Ilair of his patrons of his Fam ens Dye. WM. A. BATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is WARRANTED not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, •and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo rated for Life by this Splendid Dye. - Made, sold, or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig Factory,-233Droatdway, New York. Sold in all cities and. towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. tll l ,. The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each Box, of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, New-York. Sold by JOHN READ. Iftwrxxonwt, PA. [November 17. 1858, ly.] F RESH GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARIES, &c., JUST RECEIVED, Bit LONG Sr. MILLER. Persons wishing any article in the Grocery way s hould call and examine our assortment. Lluntingdon; October 5. 1888. $771-10,000 11:EWA'RDI! MOSES STROUS, Will risk the above sum that he can Sell Goods, to every body, at prices to suit the times. is stock has been re newed for FALL AND WINTER, and he invites all to call and examine for themselves. Ills stock consists of every variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, OF ALL KINDS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Such as Overcoats, Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Jackets, Vests. Pants,t 'BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, of all sizes, for old and - young. GROCERIES, of the best; QUEENSWARE, &e., 4c. The public generally are earnestly invited to call and examine my new stock of Goods, and be convinced that I can accommodate with Goods and Prices, all who are look ing out for great bargains. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. MOSES STIIOUS. Huntingdon, October 4,1855. \TEW GOODS, NEW - GOODS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, AT BEN JACOBS' AT BEN jACOBS' CHEAP CORNER, CHEAP CORNER. BENJ. JACOBS has now upon his shelves a large and full assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising a very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HATS k CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., &0., &c. His stock of CLOTHING for men and boys is complete— every article of wear will be found to be good and cheap. Full suits sold at greatly reduced prices—panic prices— which will bo very low. His entire stock of Goods will compare with any other in town, and the public will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. As I am determined to sell my goods, bargains may be expected, so all will do well to call. Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. BENJ. JACOBS, Cheap corner. lon, October 4,1858. Yfuntingcl TAMES,' ATTENTION !-My assort / went of beautiful dress goods is DOW open, and ready for inspection. Every article of dress you may desire, can be found at my store. D. P. irVISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. y—Notice is hereby given, that the partnership be tween Steward & William C. Foster, was dissolved on the 2nd day of October, 1358, by mutual consent. All debts due said firm, are to be received by John D. Frazier; and all demands on said film, to be presented to him for pay ment. John B. Frazier is also authorized to settle all debts due to, and by the company, as far as be receives money to pay. ' STEWARD FOSTER, October 13, MS. WILLIAM C. FOSTER, DISS OLTTTT.O — N OF PARTNER SIIIP.—The partnership lmiretofore existing under the fit tn of G. ERIEGF4I & CO., miners and dealers in Broad lop Coal, was dissolved by mutual consent on the oth day of October, 1858, ' The lawiness will hereafter be continued by W. J. Ammerman& D. Persing. G. ,KIII.EIIER & CO. - Broad Top City, 08t.26,1858.* " • QILK BONNETS, latest styles, in great j variety, and very cheap, at the mammoth store of • D. P. GWIN. fiIOAKS, TALMAS, RIGOLETTES, Victoilnes anti Head are sold et prices, which defy competition, by & 11011311,k1t1E. Tr. YOU WANT TO BE CLOTHED, can at the story of 'BENJ. JACOB§. jEtENEWING HIS STOCK. Call at`-S. S. Ecnvrs GROCERY for everything fresh and good, , rIANDLES,T. 'CANDLES II • Retailers will be supplied with an excellent quality of IO:MD CANDLES, upon application at the Hunting don Bottling Establishment, Allegheny street, one door east of the Jackson House. Orders from a distance Prompt ly, attended to. ' W. F. SHAW. liuntingdon; 0ct..6, '5B-Bm. . • RY GOODS J.—HA fine assortment on hand for the accommodation of customers, at BF,Ni- A. OBS' "Cheap Corner," Market Square. (oct23 ) FLOUR? For sale at 00AL BUCKETS and Shovels, • for sale by -" JAMES A. BROWN WHEAT!. For We at COME ONE-COME ALL, till To the Cheap Store of M. STROUS, and examine Ilia New Goode and .Prices. [March 21.1858. Daughters of music lift your voices high Ye mountain pines wave your evergreen boughs! Sing aloud with high shrill notes, ye rushing streams Ye murmuring brooks, all join in cadence sweet; Ye winds, that sigh amid the leafless boughs, Where feathered songsters caroled forth their lays, When Phoebus rolled his golden wheels O'er eastern hills, or drove his panting steeds Behind the western waves; Tune ye your harps to melody. Ohl Ocean, from thy rocky shores, Where wave forever chases wave, Roll forth thy deep-toned bass, and join The choral band that now begins To chant in solemn tones, The requiem of the nycso Trait. Farewell, old year, n sad farewell, Thou soon wilt be no more. Thy locks are hoary now with age, Thou art marching through thy closing stage, Thy palsied limbs now plainly tell, Thy racewith time is almost o'er. We'll - drop a tear for thee, old year, When bending o'er thy tomb, For with thee thou host borne away `From many a home, the hope, the stay ; Or caused the heart with grief to bend, O'er flowers' nipped in bloom. Ah 1 when we gather round the hearth, To talk of days of yore, One chair stands vacant in its place; We miss one dear familiar face, That lies beneath the snow-clad earth, Where friends were lain before. We would not wish thee back, old year, With all thou had'st to charm; For tho' thy flowers were rich and rare, Thy summer skies were oft-times fair, Our brightest flowers hare faded here, Struck down by death's dread arm. Around thy tomb, lie heaps, old year, Of blasted hopes and aims; Confiding hearts have been deceived, Parental breasts have been bereaved, And oft, we shed the silent tear, When hearing loved ones names. Then fare-thee-well, olfl FIFTT-EIGEIT 1 Go greet old FIPTE-SEVEN, We'll hail thy son on New YEAR'S DAT ; Then take our place in life's great play, And onward march in virtue's way, To happiness and heaven. SPRUCE CREEK, Dec. 23, 185 S. It was a sultry afternoon, that I crossed the Mississippi river, and negligently travel ed on my way toward Greenfield. The cool shades which covered the road, and the ma jestic woodland scenery, wiled away the time so pleasantly, that before I was aware of it, the sun was down and darkness was gently dropping its black veil. I looked about me, and became alarmed at the density of the forest. The sighing of the wind, the rustling of a bush, the hooting of an owl, startled me. In the thick shades of almost every tree I imagined a wild beast ready to spring upon me, and from behind the trees' monstrous trunks, I expected some hideous animal to dash furiously at me. I carried my revolver ready for any emergency, and loosened my heavy knife in its scabbard. But little did I imagine that, having passed the dangers of the woods, those of a more fearful and awful character awaited me. The darkness had become intense, and it was with the greatest difficulty I could pur sue my course. At length, however, a light hove in view, and never in my life did I hail joy. -When gentle lustre with greater - When I 'neared the spot, I found a dilapi dated log house, two stories high, with a rickety old porch in front. A. couple of gaunt, ferocious hounds came rushing at me, and warned the inmates of my approach. I scrutinized the premises as closely as I could in the darkness, and was anything but satis fied with the result of my investigations.— But when I looked about me, and saw the heavy gloom which hung upon everything, and the prospect of being devoured by wolves, I concluded to first inquire the distance to the next stopping place, and. if it was too far, to remain where I,was. The door opened, and a husky voice said, " who's there ?" " A stranger," I replied, and followed up by asking "how far to the next stopping place ?" .1' could hear a row murmur of voices, and then a reply came, "ten miles or more." I dismounted, and fastened my horse to a post, and as I ascended the old rickety stairs of the porch, they wreaked a dismal dirge, and the gaunt, lean hounds nipped savagely at ray heels. The room which I entered, presented such a repulsive appearance, that I. started back with mingled surprise and disgust. The eyes of several rough, uncouth looking indi viduals were turned upon me, and I felt in their glance, something more of the fero ciousness of the wild beast, than the gentle gaze of human beings. " Take a seat, stranger ?" said a burly, thick-set man, as be handed me a chair, which groaned piteously with its infirmities. As I cast a glance upon the group before me, I seemed to hesitate, which was instantly no ticed, and the officiating man, who seemed to be landlord, came towards me, and in a con ciliatory tone, and a style as gentle as could be expected, said : " Sorry we can't accommodate you better, stranger, but make yourself at home, we'll do the best by you we kin. A significant glance passed among the men as the host concluded his hospitable in vitation, which did not escape my notice. At length, supper was served, consisting D. P. (WIN'S D. P.GWITC'S ~, HUNTINGDON, PA. Original Vatfrg. ODE TO THE DIN YEA .R. MECO t.t.ett "tor,v. THE ROBBERS ROOST, -OR,- ITANSt LAST arzciunr. BY JOUN KENNEDY. -PERSEVERE,- DECEMBER 29, 1858, of corn bread and bacon, and for this mea gre fare, abundant apologies were offered. After listening a short time to their dis gusting conversation, I informed my host I would like to retire. " Will you leave your saddle bags ?" said he, with a bland smile, as he extended his monstrous hand to take them. "No sir," I replied, while a heavy frown gathered on my brow. " I have a very safe place to keep them," he rejoined, while his blood-shot eyes stabbed me to the heart. " No doubt," said I, with a, meaning nod, "but I would prefer taking them with me." This conclusion was received rather cooly, and as I prepared to leave the room, one of the men espied the handle of my revolver protruding from beneath my coat. " Hello, stranger !" he exclaimed in a quick tone, "let's see that 'ere pistol, will you ?" So sudden had been the demand, and in such seeming innocent curiosity, that I put my hand back to give it to him. But a second thought decided me, and I replied, " that it was no great curiosity, and I would show it to him in the morning." By this time, the men had gathered around me, and seeing things looked rather peculiar, I backed myself through the door, followed by the host. When the door was closed, I could hear loud murmuring, and an oath or two uttered in vehement tones. The landlord hurried me up a feeble pair of stairs, and a few yards from the landing pushed open a door and bade me enter. I glanced around the apartment, and showed by my action, that I was dissatisfied with its appearance. " It is_ the best I can do for you, stranger," said he, "and you needn't be afraid of them fellows down stairs, they won't hurt any body." " I shall not be alarmed," I replied, as he closed the door and descended the steps. I was somewhat annoyed at the appearance of thin,v, and determined to place myself in the best possible position of defence. I _ex amined my quarters closely, and found the door had no fastening whatever, nor was any thing convenient with which it could be secured. Determined not to be baffled, I tore a strip of board from the wall, and with my knife cut out a, piece sufficiently long to make a brace from the lower Clete of the door to the floor. Then, with my pocket-knife I bored holes in the casing at the upper end, and drawing several nails from the wall, I drove their, iu withihe dandle of: my large knife. Having examined the walls, and apprehend= ing no treachery from them, I secured the window, and then turned my attention to the floor. Beneath the bed I discovered a trap door, and its discovery made my hair stand on end. I found it opened downward, and the possibility of securing it strongly seemed hopeless. Once I thought of removing the bed, and then watching, as a trapper does a hole in the ice for game. But that would not do, for should I successfully repulse the first in truder—for I had no longer,a, doubt of being in a Robber's Roost—it would leave a .hole open which would expose me to their fire.—. At length a plan came to my relief. I moved the bed from over the door, and taking the clothes off, I threw the chaff bed upon the floor, and directly over the suspected trap. But, oh, horror I what a discovery I made. The bed was saturated with blood, and in many places, hard from the gore which had dried in it. Having thus fortified myself, I took a seat on one end of the bed, with my saddle-bags close by me, my knife in one hand, and my revolver in the other, and my ammunition convenient, in case I should need it. I blew out my light, and in darkness awaited the denouement of the plot. How long I had waited, I could not tell, but in spite of my perilous situation, my eyes grew heavy, and I was almost overcome with sleep. But an easy moving of the bed aroused all my per ceptive faculties, and in an instant I was wide awake. It moved several times, quite easy, and then all became quiet. I listened a few moments, but could hear nothing.— Presently, there came a faint whisper from an adjoining room ; my eyes followed the di rection, and I saw a small stream of light pouring through an opening in the partition. I stole softly to the spot, and listened a mo ment. I then put my eye to the opening, and had a fair view of the operations inside. So horrible was the sight I then beheld, that its recollection will never be erased from my memory. Hanging from the bed, and with his bead nearly severed from his body, was an old grey-headed man, while the purple current of life was steadily streaming from the gash. I reeled a moment with diz ziness, and was about to withdraw from the scene, when the door opened softly, and a person entered. I looked again, and, three of the men I had seen in the bar-room were standing near the dead man. " Why, Hans," said one, "I thought you had fixed him by this time." . " We'll have trouble with that customer," replied Hans, shaking his head, " he is up to something, he put his bed over the trap." " The devil I" they both exclaimed, and looked at each other in surprise. " We must manage him somehow," , said Hans, "for he has money, I am certain of that." " Hadn't 'we better attend to that 'ere gal, first?" suggested one. " Yes, the old 'man is fixed, now for the gal ;" and picking up the light, they left the room. What girl? thought I. Is it possible some person as unfortunate as myself has been compelled to stop here. I listened eagerly, and presently a crash came, followed by a shrill scream. I sprang toward my door,.but recollected that I had it well secured. I hesitated a moment, when' another scream more teriffie than the first, followed by the sharp report of a pistol. It was but the work of a moment to unfasten the door and dash out. As I sprang into the passage, I met two men, who fired simulta neous, but without effect. I levelled my re volver and sent the contents of one barrel 'C. through the head of one, who tumbled heav ily down stairs, dragging his companion with him. I rushed into the room, and found the girl sheltered behind a bed, keeping Hans at bay with a revolver. As I entered, Hans sprang at me with a fiendish expression, and hi spite of my efforts, seized me in his her culean clutches. My pistol now was of no use, so hurling it from me, I drew my knife, and soon put an end to the struggle, I gath ered up my pistol, and hurried the girl into my own room, and soon had the door secure ly barricaded. I then explained to her our situation, and how I came to discover she was to be a victim. But when I told her of the old man, she faintly gasped "itis my father," and the next moment lay sensely on the floor. I now was in a trying position.— I expected every moment the attack of the robbers would be renewed, and in all proba bility they would overpower us, and then our dooms would be sealed. I involuntarily cast my eyes toward the window, as if it would affiard some point of escape. But then the robbers would have a fair chance, could sur round us, and murder us without a show of defence. I had all this time counted upon my fair companion as an assistant not reflect ing that she was a woman, and I had assay ed to protect her. When this thought cross ed my mind, all my combative powers wore aroused, and I felt strong and competent to contend with a host. I heard whispering, and footsteps gently stealing up the stairs. A dim light shone beneath the door, and revealed several large holes and cracks. I kept my eyes intently fixed in the direction, while my heart palpi tated so loud, that its vibrations could be dis tinctly heard. A slight shuffling of the feet; and crash, crash went several reports, while bullets whizzed sharply about my head. The girl gave a shrill scream, I groaned and crept close to, the door, which was riddled with bullets, and through the holes I could plainly discern their actions. I still bad five shots in my revolver, and determined to use them to the best advan tage. "He's done fur now," said one, as he stood eyeing the door. " But the gal," replied a little short, thick man, "she fights like thunder." "Ha 1 you coward, who would fear a woman," returned . the first speaker with a sneer. "Jim Bates, I'll make you smell powder for that afore mornin.'," said the little man savagely. " We must have this 'ere door open," and suiting the action to the words an assault was made upon it. -I leveled my pistol and fired, when with an oath, the man fell back upon the floor.-- I gave them two more shots, when they re treated precipitately down stairs. I reloaded my pistol and returned to my companion, who was trying to staunch the blood which was flowing from a wound in her neck. "I fear, sir, my life is short; and I sin corely thank you for your kind protection," she feebly murmured, and sank exhausted upon the bed. I was about to offer some assistance, when I again heard steps on the stairs, and earn est talking as of persons remonstrating.— Thinking the attack at the door would be renewed, I drew the bedstead against it, and threw the light bedding over the head board, -and thus formed - a kind of breast work. " Say, Mister, don't shoot, I want to speak a few words with you," said a voice at the head of the stairs. " shoot the first man - who comes near that door," I replied savagely. "Oh I no, don't, I'm your friend," he re plied in a tone which carried treachery with it, "come to the door, will you ?" - "Yes, but don't you come." "1 wont, are you there 2" " Yes." "Close." I felt a slight moving of the bed over the trap, during which time the man outside kept up an incessant jabber. One end of the bed was raising softly, and taking hold of it with my left hand, I gently eased it up, until I could discover a head above the opening. "Are you at the door 2" "Yes,' and simultaneously with my answer went a leaden messenger through the head in the trap, and bang came a bullet through the door. The sound of a heavy fall announced that my shot had taken effect. I searched for the revolver the girl bad used, and. fortunately found it, and was happy to , discover that but one load bad been shot out of it, which I replaced, and being thus reinforced I felt more confident of victory. But to overcome this gang seemed almost hopeless, as their numbers might be very large, and I so far from assistance. But might not some providential circumstance transpire to deliver me from the bands of these desperadoes. I was determined to do my best, and leave the result in the bands of Him, who directs the affairs of men. • A noise at the window drew my attention, and I caught the glimpse of a man's head slowly rising above the sill. Takinga delib erate aim, I gave him the contents of one barrel, and be descended much quicker than he came up. What - would be the next feature of the pro gramme I could not imagine, but like a wild beast athay, I watched every- move, and had" my ears open to every sound. But I felt that something decisive must be done, for day would • soon make its appearance, and they would have the advantage of me. Again they were ascending the stairs, I now determined to put an end to the con test and if possible overcome them and make them come to terms, or die in the at tempt. I drew the bedstead around so as to pro tect the girl from their fire, and then station ed myself near the door, but beyond their reach. Editor'amd Proprietor. NO, 27. Crash went an axe against the door, and the splinters flew in every direction.. It was but the work of a moment to break the door in, and when it fell from its fastenings, 1 sal lied forth with a revolver in each hand. One man dropped before me, another reeled and then fled precipitately down stairs. A few shots were returned, one of which took effect in my shoulder, and as I felt the Hood trickle down my side, it only increased my despera tion. I rushed after them, firing whenever was sure my shot would bo effectual.— Whoa I reached the bar-room I could see but one man, and as he fled through the door I gave him my last shot. He fell, and begged me to spare him, as he was the only remaining one of the party. • Thinking be was so crippled that he could not escape, I returned to the house, and taking a light, searched it thoroughly, and could not find another live man about it, I then ascended the stairs, and found the girl had somewhat recovered. We then set about dressing our wounds, and was so absorbed in the matter, that I did not notice a glaring light which was breaking through the door. "The house is on fire," exclaimed the girl, springing to her feet. Taking her by the hand, we rushed to the stairway, hut at was one continuous sheet of' fire. We then returned to the window, and finding the ladder still there by which the man had. ascended, I took her in my arms and descended, thus effecting our escape from another imminent danger. The man had set the house on fire, and either perished in the flames, or dragged' himself to some place of concealment. Finding two horses in a small stable close by, we took possession of them, and returned to a little town near the Mississipi river.— The lovely girl and myself who met so strangely, never parted, but remained one and the same until death, nor have we ever forgotten the ROBBERS' ROOST, OR BAYS' LAST VICTIM. PAT'S EVASIVE ANSIVER.—Pa trick O'Neih. before he became joined in the "holy bonds of hemlock"' with Bridget, was in the service of Father Connloy. One day the priest ex , petted a call from a Protestant minister, and he - wished some excuse to get rid of So calling Patrick, he proceeded to give some instructions. "Patrick," said he, "if that minister comes here to-day, I don't, wish to see him." "Yis, yer riverence." "Make some excuse and send him away" "What shall I tell him ?" "Tell him I am not at home." "Would you have me tell a lie, yer river ence?"' "No, Patrick, but get rid of hira some way —give him an evasive answer. "An evasive answer is it? T: will do it?' "You understand me, Patrick?" "Av, coorse, yer riverence." The, matter thus arranged,. Father Conn loy retired to his library, and Patrick. went went about his duties. About dusk in the. afternoon the priest came out of his room• and found Patrick in unusually . good spirits. "Well - Patrick, did the minister call , to day?" "Yis sir." "And did you get rad! him ? "I did sir. "Did he ask if I was in ?" "He did, sir." "And what did you:say to him ?' "I gave him au evasive answer."' "An evasive answer, Patrick P' "YiS, yer rirerence." "And what did you say to him-?-" "Ile axed was ye - in,- and I towled him was his grandmother a monkey r' Lean' AU Irby Cam Somebody has given- the following excel lent advice, which is worthy of being treas ured up by everybody : " Never omit any opportuniiy to learn all you can. Sir Walter Scott said,- even in a stage-coach he always- found somebody to tell him something he'didi not know before.— Conversation is generally more useful fbr . the purpose of knowledge. it is therefore a mis take, to be morose or silent, when you are among persons whom you think ignorant; for a little sociability on your part will draw them out, and they will be able to teach you something, no matter how ordinary their em ployment. Indeed, some of the most saga cious remarks are made by persons of this description, respecting their particular pur-- suits. "Hugh Miller, the famous Scotch geole , gist, owes not a little of his fame to observa- - tions made when he was a journeyman stone' mason, and worked in a quarry. Socrates• well said that there is but one good, which' is knowledge, and but one evil, which is ig norance. Every grain of sand helps to make the heap. A gold digger takes the smallest nuggets and is not fool enough to throw them} away because he hopes to find a huge lump' some time. So, in acquiring knowledge, we should never despise an opportunity however unpromising. If there is a moment's leisure,• spend it over a good book or instructive talk ing with the first person you meet." .MIND YOUR STOPS.—Do not "stop" at' the. bar • room. Merry laughter may ring ()UV from it as you pass by, and voices of friends may call you to enter. Within, it may shine• brightly with light thrown back from pol ished mirrors, and gleams from crystal bot tles and the voices of mirth and gayety may be heard there ; but "stop" not ; there is dan ger in its brightness. Those gleaming bot tles contain that which leads to poverty, dis honor and death. The merriment there is the laughter of fools and may end in the hor rible laughter of the maniac. "Avoid it, pass by it, turn from it, and pass away! , Do not "stop" at the gambling house.--' Those closed shutters conceal treacherous• facinations you may find yourself too weak:- to resist. Tut DatINKARTP'S leave to socie ty a ruined character,' a wretched example and a memory that will soon rot. I leave . to, my. parents the rest of *heirlives, as much sorrow as humanity, in a fee ble and decrepit state can sustain: I leave to my brothers and Sisters as Much mortification and injury as I well could bring on them. I leave to my wife a broken heart, of wretchedness and shame; to weep over my premature death. I give and begneath to• each of- my chil dren, poverty, ignorance, a low character, and a remembrance that their father was a monster. TRULY DESERVING.---The man, says Sir Walter Scott, whom I call deserving the name is one whose thoughts and exertions are for others, not for himself, .whose high purposes are adopted on: just principles,, and never abandoned while heaven or earth af ford means of-accomplishing them. He is one who will neither seek an indirect advan tage by a spacious road, nor take an, evil path to gain a really good purpose.