The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 22, 1858, Image 4

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President's Xessage.
such an arrangement the consumer
'Would not be injured. It is.true'he might
have to pay a little more duty on a given ar
ticle-in ono year; but if so, he . would pay a
little less in another, and in a series of years
these would -counterbalance -each other, and
amount to the same thins, so far as his inter
est isconcernecl... This inconvenience would
be trifling, when contrasted with the addi
tional security thus afforded against frauds
upon the revenue, in which every consumer
is directly interested.
I have thrown out these suggestions as
though fruit - of my own observation, to
which Congress, in their better judgment,
Will give such weight as they may justly de
The report of the Secretary of the treas
ury will explain in detail t& operations of
that department of the government. There.
ceipts into the treasury from all sources
during the fiscal year ending 30th June,lBsB,
including the treasury notes authorized by
the act of December 23, 1857, were $70,273,-
869 59, which amount, with the balance of
$17,710,114 27 remaining in the treasury at
the commencement of the year, made an ag
gregate for the service of the year of $B7,-
983 - ,983 86.
The public expenditures during the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1858, amounted to
$81,585,667 76, of which $9,684,537 96 were
applied to the payment of the public debt,
and the redemption of treasury notes with
interests thereon, leaving in the treasury on
July 1, 1858, being the commencement of
the present.fiscal year, $6,398,316 10.
The receipts into the treasury during the
first quarter of the present fiscal year, com
mencing the first July, 1858, including one
half of the loan of twenty millions of dol
lars, with the premium upon it authorized by
the act of 14th June, 1858, were *;25,230,879-
46, and the estimated receipts for the remain
ing three quarters to the 30th June, 1859,
from ordinary sources are $38,500,000, mak
ing with the balance before stated, an aggre
gate of $70,129,195 56..
- The expenditures during the first quarter
of the present fiscal year were $21,708,198
51, of which $1,010,142 37 were applied to
the payment of the public debt, and the re
demption of treasury notes, and the interests
thereon. The estimated expenditures, du
ring the remaining three quarters to 30th
June 1859, are $52,357,698 48, making an
aggregate of $74,065,896 00, being an excess
of expenditure, beyond the estimated receipts
into the treasury from ordinary sources, du
ring the fiscal year to the 30th of June, 1859,
of $3,935,901 43. Extraordinary means arc
placed by law within the command of the
Secretary of the Treasury, by the reissue of
treasury notes redeemed, and by negotiating
the balance of the loan authorized by the act
of 14th June, 1858, to the extent of eleven
millions of dolllars, which, if realized during
the present fiscal year, will leave a balance in
the treasury, on the first-day of July, 1859,
of 5:;7,063,298 57.
The estimated receipts during the next
fiscal year ending 30th June, 1860, are $62,-
000,000, which, with the above estimated
balance of $7,063,298 57, make an aggregate
for the service of the next fiscal year, of $69,-
063,298 57.
The estimated expenditures daring the
next fiscal year ending 30th June, 1860, are
$73,139,147 46, which leaves a deficit of esti
mated means, compared with the estimated
expenditures for that year, commencing on
the Ist of July, 1859, of $4,075,849 89.
In addition to 'this sum, the Postmaster
General will require from the Treasury, for
the service of the Post Office Department $3,-
838,728, as explained in the report of the
Secretary of the - Treasury, which will in
crease the estimated deficit on the 30th of
June, 1869, to $7,014,576 80. To provide
for the payment of this estimated deficiency,
which will be increased by such appropria
tions as may be made by Congress, not esti
mated for in the report of the Treasury De
partment, as well as to provide fOr the grad
ual redemption,from year to year, of the out
standing Treasury notes, the Secretary of the
Treasury recommends such a revision of the
present tariff as will raise the required
amount. After what I have already said, I
need scarcely add that I concur in the opinion
expressed in his report—that the public debt
should not be increased by an additional
loan, and would therefore strongly urge upon
Congress the duty of making, at their present
seys•on, the necessary provision for meeting
these liabilities.
The public debt on the Ist of July, 1858,
the commencement of the present fiscal year,
was $25,155,977 66.
During the first quarter of the present
year, t .e sum of $10,000,000 has been negotia
ted of the loan authorized by the act of
14th June, 1858—making the present out
standing public debt, exclusive of Treasury
notes, $35,155,977 66. There was on the
Ist of July, 1858, of treasury notes issued
by authority of the act of December 23,
1857, unredeemed, the sum of $19,754,800,
making the amount of actual indebtedness,
at that date, $54,910,777 66. To this will
be added $10,000,000 during the present
fiscal year—this being the remaining half
, of the loan $20,000, - 000 not yet negotia
The rapid increase of the public debt, and
the necessity which exists for a modification
.of the tariff to meet even the ordinary ex
-penses of the government, ought to admon
ish us all, in our respective spheres of duty,
to the practice of rigid economy. The ob
jects of expenditure should be limited in
number, as far as this may be practicable,
and the appropriations necessary to carry
them into effect, ought to be disbursed under
the strictest accountability. Enlightened
economy does not consist in the refusal to
appropriate money for constitutional purpo
ses, essential to the defence, progress and
prosperity of the republic, but in taking care
that none of this money shall be wasted by
mismanagement, in its application to the ob
jects designated by law.
Comparisons between the annual `expendi
ture at the present time, and what it was ten
or twenty years ago, are altogether falla
cious. The rapid increase of our country in
extent and population, renders a correspond
ing increase of expenditure, to some extent,
unavoidable: This is constantly creating
new objects of expenditure, and augmenting
the amount required for the old. The true
questions, then, are, have these objects been
unnecessarily multiplied? or, has the amount
expended upon any or all of them, been
larger than comports with due economy ?
In accordance with these principles, the
beads of the different executive departments
of the government have been instructed to
-reduce their estimates for the next - fiscal
sear ; to the lowest standard consistent with
the efficiency of the service, and this duty
they have performed in a spirit of just
economy. The estimates of the Treasury,
War, Navy and Interior Departments, have
each been in some degree reduced ; and un
less a sudden and unforeseen emergency
should arise, it is not anticipated that a defi
ciency will exist in either, within the pre
sent or the next fiscal year. The Post Office
Deplrtmerrii is placed in a peculiar position,
I .
different from the other departments, and to
this I shall hereafter refer.
I invite Congress to institute a rigid scru
tiny to ascertain whether the expenses in
all the departments cannot be still further
reduced, and I promise them all the aid in
my power in pursuing the investigation.
I transmit herewith, the reports made to
me by the Secretaries of War, of the Navy,
of the Interior, and of the Postmaster Gen
eral. They each contain valuable informa
tion and important recommendations, to
which I invite the attention of Congress.
In my last annual message, I took occa
sion to recommend the immediate construc
tion of ten small steamers, of light draught,
for the purpose of increasing the efficacy of
the Navy. Congress conceded to the recom
mendation, by authorizing the construction
of eight of them. The progress which has
been made in executing this authority, is
stated in the report of the Secretary of the
Navy. I concur with him in the opinion,
that a greater number of this class of vessels
is necessary, for_ the purpose of protecting
in a more efficient manner, the persona and
property of American citizens on the high
seas, and in foreign countries, as well as in
guarding more effecutallyr our own coasts.—
I accordingly recommend the passage of an
act for this purpose.
The suggestions contained in the report of
the Secretary of the Interior, especially those
in hard to the disposition of the public do
main, the pension and bounty land system,
the policy towards the Indians, and the amend
ment of our patent laws, are worthy of the
serious consideration of ogress
The Postoffice Department occupies aposition
very different from that of the other depart
ments: For many years it was the policy of
the government to render this a self-sustaining
department ; and if this cannot now he ac
complished, in the present condition of the
country, we ought to make as near an approach
to it as may be practicable.
The Postmaster General is placed in a
most embarrassing position by the existing
laws. He is obliged to carry these into ef
fect. He has no alternative. He finds, how
ever, that this cannot be done without heavy
demands upon the treasury over and above
what is recieved for postage ; and these have
been progressively increasing from year to
year until they amounted for the last fiscal
on the 30th June, 1858, to more than four
millions and a half of dollars ; whilst it is
estimated that fur the present fiscal year
they will amount to $6,290,000. These sums
are exclusive of the annual appropriation of
$700,000 for compensation for the mail ser
vice performed for the two houSes of Congress
and the other departments and . '• officers of the
goverhment in the transportation of free
The cause of these large deficits is mainly
attributable to the increased expenses of
transporting' the mails. In 1852 the sum
paid for.this service was but a fraction above
four millions and a quarter. Since that year
it has annually increased until in 1858 it has
reached more than eight millions and a quar
ter ; and for the service of 1859, it is estima
ted it will amount to more than ten millions
of dollars.
The receipts of the Post Office Department
can be made to approach or to equal its ex
penditures only by Means of the legislation
of Congress. In applying any remedy, care
should be taken that the people shall not be
deprived of the advantage which they are
fairly entitled to receive - from the Post Office
The principal remedies recommended to
the consideration of Congress by the Post
master General, are to restore the former rate
of postage upon single letters to five cents ;
to substitute for the franking privilege the
delivery to those now entitled to enjoy it, of
post office stamps fur their correspondence,
and to direct the department, in making con
tracts fur the transportation of the mail to
continue itself to the payment of the sum
necessary for this single purpose, without re
quiring it to be transported in post coaches
or carriages of any particular description.
Under the present system, the expense to the
government is greatly increased, by requirinc ,
that the mail shall be carried in such vehi
cles as will accommodate passengers. This
will ho done without pay from the depart
meat, over all roads where the travel will re
munerate the contractors.
These recommendations deserve the grave
consideration of Congress.
I would again call your attention to the
construction of a Pacific railroad. Time and
reflection have but served to .confirnime in
the truth and j ustice .of the observations which
I made, on this subject, in my last annual
message, to which I beg leave respectfully to
It is freely admitted, that it would be in
expedient for this government to exercise the
power of constructing the Pacific railroad by
its own immediate agents. Such a policy
would increase the patronage of the execu
tive to a dangerous extent, and introduce a
system of jobbing and corruption. which no
vigilance on the part of federal officials, could
either prevent or detect. This can only be
done by the keen eye, and active and careful
supervision, of individual and private inter
est. The construction of this road ought,
therefore, to he committed to companies in
corporated by the States, or other agencies
whose pecuniary interests would be directly
involved. Congress might then assist them
in the work by grants of land or of money,
orboth, under such conditions and restrictions
as would secure the transportation of troops
and - munitions of war free from any charge,
and that of the United States mail at a fair
and reasonable price.
The progress of events since the commence
ment of your last session has shown how soon
difficulties disappear before a firm and deter
mined resolution. At that time, such a road
was . deemed by wise and patriotic men to be
a visionary project. The• great distance to
be overcome, and the intervening mountains
and deserts in the way, were obstacles which,
in the opinion of many, could not be sur
mounted. Now, after the lapse of but a sin
gle year, these obstacles, it has been discov
ered, are far less formidable than they were
supposed to be ; and mail stages, with pas
sengers, now pass and repass regularly, twice
in each week„ by a common wagon road be
tween San Francisco and St. Louis and Mem
phis, in less than
I wenty-five days. The ser
vice has been as "regularly performed as it
was, in former years, between New York and
this city.
Whilst disclaimin,c , all authority to appro
priate money for the construction of this :
road, except that derived from the war-ma
king power of the constitution, there are im- •
portant collateral considerations urging us to
undertake the work as speedily as possible.
The first and most momentous of these is,
that such road would be a powerful bond of
union between the States east and west of the
Rocky Mountains. This is so self-evident as
to require no illustration.
But again, in a commercial point of view,
I consider this the great question of the day.
With the eastern front of our republic
stretching alone' the Atlantic, and its western
front along the Pacific, if all the parts should
be united by a safe, easy, and rapid inter
communication, we must necessarily com
mand a very large proportion of the trade
both of Europe and Asia.
Our recent treaties with China and Japan
will open these rich and populous empires to
our commerce; and the history of the world
proves, that the nation which has gained pos
session of the trade with Eastern Asia, has
always become wealthy and powerful. The
peculiar geographical position of California
and our Pacific possessions, invites American
capital and enterprise into this fruitful field.
To reap the rich harvest, however, it is an
indispensable prerequisite, that we shall first
have a railroad to convey and circulate its
produces throughout every portion of the
Union. Besides, such a railroad through our
temperate latitude, which would not be im
peded by the frosts and snows of winter, nor
by the tropical heats of summer, would at
tract to itself much of the travel and the
trade of all nations passing between Europe
and Asia.
On the 21st of August last, Lieut, J. N.
Mafit, of the United States brig Dolphin, cap
tured the slaver "Echo," (formerly the Put
nam of New Orleans,) near Kay Verde, on
the coast of Cuba, with more than three hun
dred African negroes on board. The prize,
under the command of Lieut. Bradford, of
the United States:Navy,!:arrived at Charleston
on the 27th August, when the negroes, three '
hundred and six in number, were delivered
into the custody of the United States Mar
shal for the district of South Carolina. They
were first placed in Castle Pinckney, and af
terwards in Fort Sumpter, for safe keeping,
and were detained there until the 10th Sep
tember, when the survivors, two hundred and
seventy-one in number, were delivered on
board the United States steamer Niagara, to
be transported to the coast of Africa, under
the charge of the agent of the United States,
pursuant to the provisions of the act of the
3d March, 1810, "in addition to the acts pro
hibiting the slave trade."
Under the 2d section of this act, the Pres
ident is "authorized to make such regula
tions and arrangements as he may deem ex
pedient, for the safe keeping, support, and
removal beyond the limits of the United
States, of all such negroes, mulattoes, or per
sons of color" captured by vessels of the Uni
ted States, as may be delivered to the mar
shal of the district into which they are brought,
"and to appoint a proper person or persons
residing upon the coast of Africa, as agent or
agents for receiving the negroes, mulattoes,
or persons of color, delivered from on board
vessels seized in the - prosecution of the slave
trade by commanders of the United States
armed Vessels."
A doubt immediately arose as to the true
construction of this act. It is quite clear
from its terms that the President was author
ized to provide "for the safe keeping, support,
and removal" of these negroes up till the
time of their delivery to the agent on the
coast of Africa; but no express provision was
made for their protection and support after
they had reached •the place of their destina
tion, Still, an agent
. was to be appointed to
receive them in Africa ; and it could not have
been supposed that Congress intended he
should desert them at the moment they were
received, and turn them loose upon that in
hospitable coast to perish for want of food,
or to become again the victims of the slave
,trade. Ifad this been the intention of Con
gress, the employment of an agent to re
ceive them, who is required to reside on the
coast, was unnecessary, and they might
have , been landed by our vessels anywhere
in Africa, and left exposed to the suffer
ings and the fate which would certainly await
Mr. Monroe in his special message of 17th
December, ISIO, at the first session after the
act was passed, announced to Congress what,
in his opinion, was its true construction. lie
believed it to be his duty, under it, to follow
these unfortunates into Africa, and make prc
for them there, until they should be
able to provide for themselves. In commu
rdeating this interpretation of the act of Con
gress,he stated that some doubt had been
entertained as to its true intent and meaning I
and lie submitted the question to them, so
that they might, "should it be deemed advi
sable, amend the same before further proceed
ings are had under it."
Nothing was done by Congres to explain
the act, and Mr. Monroe proceeded to carry
it into execution according to his own inter
pretation. This, then, became the practical
construction. When the Africans from on
board the Echo were delivered to the Marshal
at Charleston, it became my duty te, consider
what disposition ought to be made of them
under The law. For many reasons it was ex
pedient to remove them from that locality as
speedily as possible.
Although the conduct of the authorities
and citizens of Charleston in giving counte
nance to the execution of the law, was just
what might have been expected from their
high character, yet a prolonged continuance
of three hundred Africans in the immediate
vicinity of that city, could not have failed to
become a source of inconvenience and anx
iety to its inhabitants. Where to send them,
was the question. There was no portion on
the coast of Africa, to which they could be
rsemoved with any regard to humanity, ex
cept to Liberia.
Under these circumstances an agreement
was entered into with the Colonization Soci
ety on the 7th of September last, a copy of
which is herewith transmitted, under which
the Society engaged, for the consideration of
forty-five thousand dollars, to receive these
Africans in LiberiB from the agent of the
United States, and furnish them during the
period of one year thereafter, with comforta
ble shelter, clothing, provisions, and medi
cal attendance, causing the children to re
ceive clothing; and ail, whether children or
adults, to be instructed in the arts of Civil
ized life, suitable to their connection.
This aggregate of forty-five thousand dol
lars was based upon an allowance of ono
hundred and fifty dollars for each individual,
and as there has been considerable mortality
ti•::.long them, and may be more before they
reaerica, the society have agreed, in an
equitable s;:p - ---:4.10 make such a deduction
from the amount, as under the circumstances
may appear• just and reasonable. This can
not be fixed until we shall ascertain the ac
tual number which may bedorne a charge to
the society.
It was distinctly agreed that under no cir- '
cumstances, shall this government be called
upon for any additional expenses.
The agents of the society manifested a lau
dable desire to conform to the wishes of the
government throughout the transaction.—
They assured me that, 'after a careful calcu
lation, they would be required to expend the
sum of one hundred and fifty dollars on each '
individual in complying with, the agreement,
and they would have nothing left to remu
nerate them for their care, trouble and re
sponsibility. At all events, I could make no
better arrangement, and there was no other
alternative. During the period when the
government itself, through its own agents,
undertook the task of providing for captured
negroes in Africa, the cost per head was
very much greater.
There having been no outstanding appro
priation applicable to this purpose, I could
not advance any money on the.agreement. I
therefore recommend that an appropriation
may be made, of the amount necessary to
carry it into effect.
Other captures of a similar character may,
and probably will, be made by our naval
forces ; and I earnestly recommend, that Con
gress may amend the second section of - the
act of March - 3, 1819, so as to free its con
struction from the ambiguity which has so
long existed, and render the duty of the Pres
ident plain in executing its provisions.
I recommend to your favorable regard, the
local interests of the District of Columbia.
As the residence of Congress and the ex
ecutive departments of the government, we
cannot fail to feel a deep concern in its wel
fare. This is heightened by the high char
acter and the peaceful and orderly conduct
of its resident inhabitants.
I cannot conclude. without performing the
agreeable duty of expressing my gratifica
tion, that Congress so kindly responded to
the recommendation of my last annual mes
sage, by affording me sufficient time, befbre
the close of their late session, for the exami
nation of all the bills presented - to me for ap
proval. This change in the practice of Con
gress, has proved to be a wholesome reform.
It exerted a beneficial influence on the trans
action of legislative business, and elicited the
general approbation of the country. It en
abled Congress to adjourn with that dignity
and deliberation becoming to the Represen
tatives of this great Republic, without having
crowded into general Appropriation Bills pro
visions foreign to their nature, and of doubt
ful constitutionality and expediency. Let
me warmly and strongly commend this pre
cedent, established by themselves, as a guide
to their proceedings during the present ses
WisurcoToN CITY, December 6, 1858.
ardy from GUMS is one of tb
medicines now before the pubi
easier, milder, and more effectu
known. it is not only a Cab
acting first on the Liver to eje
on the bowels and stomach to c
acc,omplishing two purposes ell
Painful feeling experienced it
Cathartics. It strengthens tin
that it purges it; and when tat
trill strengthen and build it up
The Liver is one of the
human body; and when it,
the powers of the system
snotacrt is almost entirely
action or the LIVER for the'
functions; when the sto
are at fault. and the whole
quence of one organ—the
its duty. For the diseases
proprietors has made it his
than twenty years : to find
counteract the many de
To prove that this rem
person I. roubl4A with LIVER
forms, has but to try a hot
These Gums remove all!
the sptem, supplying in
of bile invigorating the
gest well. purifying the:
health to the whole mitehin- ,
tie diBea.-..e and effecting a,
}3lllocs.vrTacXB are cured
V.ENTED, by the occasional
One dose after eating isf
mach and prevent thelood
Only one dose taken be
Only one dose taken at
gently, and cures CosTivr.-
One deco taken after each
One dose of two teaspoon-
One bottle taken for fe-1
the cause of the dierase,
Only one dose iminediate
one dose often repeated is a
BUS. and a preventive of'
Only one bottle is needed'
the cflbcts of medicine after
One bot tie taken fot
lowness or unnatural color
One dose taken a short
vigor to the appetite, and
One dose, often repeated,
its worst forms. while. SUM
yield almost to the first'
One or two doses cures
children; there is no surer.
the world, as it NEVER rAu.s.
A few bottles cures
We take pleasure in reco
preventive for FEVER A\L AC
of a Minus TYPE. It Open
sands are \willing to testify
AU who use it ore giving t
Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator and
swallow both together.
The Liver Invigorator is a S;dentifie Medical Discovery,
and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe.—
It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit,
and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any
kind of LITER Complaint, from the worst JAmxmes or
Drsimrsu to a common llcAnAcun, all of which are the re
sults of a DISEASED LIVER.
Dn. SANFORD. Proprietor, 343 Broadway, New York.—
And retailed by all Druggists. ' [je9-1-Y]
NOTICE.—The undersigned,
citizens of the county of Huntingdon, hereby give
notice that they intend to make application to the next
Legislature for a charter for the creation of a corporate
body, with banking or discounting privileges, to be styled
' Tuz HUNTINGDON COUNTY BANK," to be located in the
borough of Huntingdon, County of Huntingdon and State
of Nnusylvania, with a capital of One Hundred Thousand
Dollars, with the specific object of issuing Bank paper and
doing all other things ordinarily pertaining to a Bank of
B. E. Wlllurtrie, A. Johnston,
W. B. Zeigler, Wm. Colon,
David Blair, J. B. Lucien,
J. Sewell Stewart, - James Maguire,
Win. E. WAlurtrie, Gratlits Miller,
Theo. 11. Cremer, Jno. M'Culloch,
A. W. Benedict, 'John Whittaker,
B. Bruce Petriken, Thu. P. Campbell
Huntingdon, June 30, 185 S.—Om.
rro THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned
informs his friends and the public generally, -,tt
that he has leased the OItf4ANDO HOUSE, in the 1:::10
borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared to ;%c-XLIT,.
commedate with boarding and lodging all who may favor
him with a call. His Bar is furnished with the best liquors.
, . LIVERY STAISLE.--Ife has also provided
iihnself with a good stock of liorses, Car
riages, &c., for the accommodation of the pub
lic, at reasonable charges. .
llnnting(lon, April 7, 1856
did assortment now on Land, at
,styles of Dress Goods and Trimmings, can
a ways be found at the fashionable store of
'Flail:lt & McMURTRIE.
A'.l'ollD.—Compouncicd. /w
-ile best purgative and Liver
lic, that acts as a Cathartic,
ual than any other medicine
!hartic but a Liter remedy,
ect its morbid matter, then
carry off that matter; thus
leetually, without any of the
in the operations of most
to system at the same time
ken daily in moderate (loses
a with unusual rapidity.
principal regulators of the
performs its functiuns well;
are fully developed. The
dependent on the healthy
Proper performance of its
mach Is at fault, rin, bowels
system suffers in conse-
Liver having ceased to de
of that organ, one of the
study, in a practice of more
sonic remedy wherewith to
rangements to which it is
oily is at la-it found any,
comytAINT, in any of its
I tie, and conviction is cer-
morbid or bad matter from
their place a healthy - now
mach, camiug food to di
blood, giving tone and
ery, remm big the cause of
radical care.
and what h 4 better, PRE
of the .14r En IzirtoonA.-
sufficient to relieve the sto
from raising and souring.
fore retiring, prevents
night, loosens the bowels
Meal will cure DYSPEPSIA.
fuls will always ,relieye
male obstruction removes
and makes a perfect cure.
ly relieves Cuorac, while
sure cure fur CrunERA Mon-
to throw out of the system
a long sickness,
:Jaundice removes all sal
from tlio skin.
time befur• eating, gives
makes food digest well.
cures CH nrcsac DiAnun.r..lin
.3[E2 and .13owEL complaints
attacks eansed by Womas in
safer, or speedier• remedy in
Ditorsr,by exciting the air
mmendin this medicine as a
.1m; CUM. FEVER. and all FEVERS
.ates with certainty, and thou
to its wonderful virtues.
leir unanimous testimony in its
R. JOHN McCULLOCLI, offers his
prefesional set - vices to the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity.,Office at Mr. Hildebrand's, between the Ex
change and ack . son's Hotel.__ Aug. 28. '55.
S. SIIIITII, - Dealer in Drugs, Medi
® tines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils. &c. Also—Gro
ccries, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, Pm
SCOTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa. Office same as that formerly occu
pied by Mr. Scott. - Huntingdon, 0ct.17, 1553.
_tir o Huntingdon, Pa. ' Jane 24, 1857.
IL T. A. LYON, Dentist,
SHADE GAP, Huntingdon conny, Pa
.November 11, 1857.
Dealer in Books, Stationary, Wall Paper, &c.
® Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c.
t y Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardwaro, Groceries, Queens
ware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c., &c.
0 Founders, Huntingdon, Pa
o Founder, Alexandria, Ilantingdon county, Pa
zy Dealer in llardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e. : 'Hunt
ingdon: Pa.
Dealer in Dry Goods, Beady Made Clothing, Gro
ceries, Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps, etc.
e Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Cans,
Boots and Shoes, &c.
1 - ) EN - J. JACOBS,
) Dealer in Dry Goods, Deady Made Clothing, Grocer
ies, Queensware, &c. Icc.'
G UTMAN & CO:, Dealers in Ready
v_k; *made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa.
Dry Goods, Grain. &c., llnntingdon, Pa.
Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots,
Shoes. Gaiters, Morocco Lertlier, etc.
,4 Dealers in Groceries, Confectioneries. &c., &c.
- -
H _
Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jest
elry, c.
9.11 d 011.13111ClItaiNali , le --kraniifacturcsr
Dealers in Groceries, Coufectiumu•ies. Mom. &c
Carriage and Waggon Manufartnrc.r
Proprietor of the Brotut Top House.
1 - S. MILLER,
elo Proprietor of the Frotzlclin Tionsv.
g .-- ) Me AT E ER,
Proprietor of the 'Huntingdon Ifotel.
- - -
and Dealers in Broad Top Gail. ItlvConuellstown,
Huntingdon county, Pa.
TOHN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor,
py Huntingdon, Pa. Office on IEII tiffeet, one door eit,t
of the lluntingdon 31arble Yard.
IlEnarscr.s—L. T. Watson, Philatileiphia; J. P.
Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough an.:
Ready Furnace, Hon. Jonathan 3FWilliams.
RicEARD LANGDON, Miner 31:1d
Dealer in Broad Top Coal, Hopewell, Bedford coun
ty, 1•a. [Nov. 3. '3S.
1? HARE VOWEL, hiller, and _Dealer
I' o in Broad Top Coal. sGWainnt
ANDREW PATRICK., Miner &De - z . der
in Broad Top Semi-Bittuninoth: Coal; Coalniont,
Buntingdon count v. Pa.
Qand Dealer in Broad Top Coal IliddleNlairg. Hunting--_
don en., Pa. [Only 11, 185 S.
A mmEnmAN . CO.,Aliners and Deal
ers in Broad Top Coal, Broad Top, nuntingdon co.,
Penna. [Nov. :3, 185 S.
DO you want Now Books?
Do you want Religious Books?
Do you want Scientific Book?
Do you want Poetical Book. 1
Do you waist Law 'Books?
Do you want Medical Boas?
Do you want Stationery?
Do you, want Cold Pens?
Do you want Port Monnaio'b?
Do you want Farley Articles?
Do you leant Wall Paper?
Do yon want Cheap Wall Taper?
Do yon want the Best Wall Paper?
Do you want the Latest Wall Paper?
COLON'S k the place to buy these Coeds!
LOT- Then GO TO COLON'S:kmI buy part Goo , ls. and tel
your neighbors that the place to buy all these tl:m(bk.
Huntingdon; April 14. ISSS
. 4 ' The " May Flinver" has just arrived at this port,
with intelligence from the East up to the present date.;—
not the least important of which. to the public, is the fact
that her cargo consisted, principally, of a new and elegant
Stuck of
For the cheap establishment of
Consisting of their usual variety of,everything in their
line; all of which they are now prepared to dispose of for
CAsu or Country Produce, on the most reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 12, 1858.
)lOEBUS would respectfully inform the public
that ho has fitted up the Broad Top House. Alle
gheny street, at the Broad Top Depot, Huntingdon. ""'
and is now prepared to entertain btrangers and travellers
in an unobjectionable style.
His table will always be supplied with the substantials
and delicacies of the season. Ills Bar is furnished with the
choicest liquors. In a word, no loans will be spared to
render guests comfortable and happy. june'lB.
' -
Blacksmiths buy at - BRICKER'S
Carpenters buy at 'BRICKER'S
Builders buy at BRICKER'S
Saddlers buy at BRICKER'S
Shoemakers buy at BRICKER'S.
Cabinetmakers buy at BRICKER'S
Farmers buy at BRICKER'S.
Housekeepers buy at BRI CHER'S
Arc requested to call and examine the Hardware,
- DUCKSKIN GLOVES & Mitts cheap
it .9 at D. P. GN
WHALEBONE, Reed & Brass Hoops,
and Reed Shirts, for sale at the Cheap Store of
D. P.
the largest stock over brought to town. are selling
very cheap at }USHER. & 3.IOIURTRIE'S.
For sale by
Of the best. always ready for customers, at
OTHING!—A large stock-on hand,
at the cheap storo of BENJ7JACOBS. Call and ex
amine goods and prices. (0ct28.)
Prof. of Languages and Phito , ;cphy.
Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc.
Prof. of Mathematics.
Adjunct Prof: of Mathematics.
Prof. of Vocal Music.
Mrs. M. MeN. WALSH, Preceplress,
Teacher of Botany, History, Reading, etc.
Teacher of Penis Work, Painting, Drawing, etc.
Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flowers, etc.
' Mrs. Dn. DARWIN,
Teacher of English Branches.
Miss J. M. WALSH . ,
Teacher of Primary English.
The recent success of this School is extraordinary. 'Be
sides being the cheapest one of the kind ever established,
this Institution is now the largest in this section of the
State. All branches are taught, and Students of all ages
and of both sexes are received. The expenses for board.
room rent, furniture, fuel and tuition in common .English,
are only $22.50 per quarter. ,Students can enter whenever
they wish. For other information address John D. Wal-b.
Cassrille, Huntingdon county, Pa.
i BLAST AGAIN!—The subscribers take this inertivd
Of informing their friends and the public generally, that
r'" they have rebuilt the Huntingdon loon
1, i i :1=4,1 dry. and are now in successful operati. , ll,.
4.4l ftear
p / .. k1:,.:? . A" and are prepared to furnish Cast Inas .1
mem ii ;,;,-, every description, of best quality nod
."."t'. ~.., .ey.ere. workmanship. on short notice.' and o , i
reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam
ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun
tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's
celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together
with the Keystone, Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We
have on baud and are manufacturing Stoves—such as
Cools, Parlor; and Office stoves for wood or coal. Hollow
ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers. Skillets. &c.. all of
which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for cOllll
- produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict
attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re
ceive a liberal share of public patronage.
' Huntingdon. April 30, 13.56.
1 Pa. J. S. MILLER, Puomur.ron.
Respectfully informs his friends and the tray- ..-4.
elling public generally, that he has leased the _ d .
1,i, ,6 ,,
" Franklin Irouse," for several years occupied r il:::0
by C. Cents, and that he will be pleased to re- Jo - 4 44 t,
ceive the calls of all who may fitvor hint with
their patronage. His table trill be furnished with the best
the market affords, and every attention will be air en to ,
make those who stop w ith him feel at home.
Huntingdon, April 8,1857.
jjTT - r,' . 'IINC 1- ON GAPIA Pl' 1 1 \11)
1 - I: L A ' GON )I:l:tiliFACT,ollY.— ' oWEN ' t.o:lT, 2 th - ank - -
fid for past favors, respectfully informs 4-.-,, ,y e
the public in general that lie has removed 0 .rl'. -44 4 :, ...;
to his new shop on Washington street. on - ~.--. - ".- --
the property lately and for many years oc- a'
copied by Alex. Carmon, where he is prepared to manufac
ture all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, Wagons,
and iii short, every kind of vehicle. desired. Rucktma.p(
81141 ituzglos of a superior manufacture and finish
. alu a:, s
on hand and for , ale at fidr prices.
Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and ore
the- most reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 16, 1851.
ABBLE YARD. The undersi ne a
would respectfully call the attention or the
of hm ti ngdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of
beautiful marble now on hand. Ire is prepared to furnish
at the shortest notice. Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tattles
and Stones of every desired size and form of Ttatiart or
I:a , tern Marble, highly finished. and carved with appro
priate devices. or plain, as may suit.
13eilding Marble, Dt;or awl . Window Sills, &c., will be
faroi•lo d to order.
W. W. pledges liim”lF to furnish material and V. colt
1`(111:0 to any in the country. at a fair price. Calk
;ilia see. belt you purchase eI,eNN here. Slaw on Hill
.4i reet. Hnutingdon, Pm.
Huntingdon, May IG, 1555.
JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to
his frieni,N and patrons, and to the piddle genet--
ally. for their patronage, still continues to carry on rvt the
same stand. one door cast of Mr. C. Coats' Hotel, Market
street, I lontingdon, - where he will attend to all woo will
favor him a ith their custom ; and also keeps on lonia a
good assortment of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Sic., Vic.. all
of a hid, lie is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks,
Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will lie repaired at short
notice. and having made, arrangements with a goial work.-
man, all repairs will be done in a neat and duralde nhinnor,
and any pr.‘rsun having articles for repairing, shall have
them done at the promised time. 11y paying strict atten
tion to business. and selling at low, prices, he hopes to re
ceive r, share of public patronage.
lir AIL LINE - from Mount Union to
1V I en AMBERSBURG. The undersigned still contin
ues to run a tri-weekly line of stages over the road between
Blount Union and Chambarshurg. (local horses and com
fortable stages have been planed on the route, and experi
eneol and trusty drivers will superintend the running of
the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is desirous that it
be maintained. and he therefore earnestly calls upon tlm
public generally to patronise it, confident that it will he
Mr their mutual advantage. Eery attention necessary
will be given, and the running of the stages will be regu
i',AlStag,es leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. m., every
Tuesday, Thursday and Satardac—returning on Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays; arri‘ing at Mount Union in
tint: for the cars. :Stages stop at Shit leysbuirg, Orbisania,
Shade Gap : Eurnt Cabins, Fannetsburg, Horse Talley,
Stra.dmrg, and Keefer's store.
tz9..l . .tre through $3,00; to intermediate points pro
portion. JOHN JAMISON.
August 22. IS:',5-tf.
L 'undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill inlbrm
the farmers and the public generally that they now have
their iez-v.• mill:in running order, with all the modern im
provements in the Water Wheels and Machinery.
They hare put in fire of the Improved ;Mural Tuthill°
Water 'Wheels. and can grind in all stages of water, and
during the coldest weather any arid all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at
ail times at Market rates all kinds of Flour, Feed. and
;tulle; and 'Farmers can have their on n grain ground and
take it back in a return load, or they can be film i4licd iu
exchange at a moment's notice, an equal quantity of Elour
and Bran, or chopped feed.
Their smut machine is of improved manufacture., and
they will insure a "a full h 1171,1 out" of superior quality to
every bushel of grain left at their mill.
Huntingdon, Dec. 8, 1856
(Old No. G) South THIRD Street. below Market,
Philadelphia, LEATHER DEALER. Calf Skins. Moroceot,
Linings, Bindings, REn AND OAK SOLL: LI:AMER. S7C.
N. 13.—Rough Leather, bought or taken in exchange.
March 3, ISsS—ly.
‘_) of GUTMAN & CO., if yon want a good article of
Clothing. Store room in Long's new building, in the Dia
mond, Huntingdon. Sept. 9, 1857.
per yard : at the cheap Store of
OVERCOATS, of all kinds, cheaper
than elsewhereont
Oct.l, 1856. 11. ROMAN'S CLOUTING STORE.
i',CTIONERIES of the very best
Call at
tADZES' DRESS GOODS, rich styles,
'4 and very cheap, at D. P. GITIN'S.
ATS AND CAPS---A fine assortment
At BEIs:J. JACOBS' Store.
FISH justreceived, and for sale at the
Cheap Grocery of LONG & MILLER.
:_g_ styles, just received by
UNT13,1 7 . - TaFDWE,
Taldm in exchange for Goode, at
.the largest and
cheapest assortment iu town, at
Arc belling CLOTIIING at exceedingly low prices.—
Ca 1 and see. [March 31, 1858.
VERY n• THlNG.—Everythin in the
14 Grocery line can be procured at the cheap store of
TEAS--of ,excellent qualit,
and the cheapest in town, at LOVE 'I,: MeDIVIT'S
A Splendid Line of Dress Goods—em
bracing Robes of all hinds, Berages, Chaleys, Lawns
old Brilliants, Chintzes, &c., can be found lit the "Me
BROCHA and Wool Shawls,_ Fine and,
Cheap, at the cheap store of D. P. GWrs.