The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 22, 1858, Image 2

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Circulation--the largest in, the county.
1101IVilliNTID011, 1?2,
Wednesday, December 22, 1858.
NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the 5300 Law.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
aiad Ministers of the Gospel.
la Assault and Battery, and Affray.
SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taxes.
Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of
BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly,
sat short notice, and on good Paper.
ment for subscriptions, if delivered soon—
Good dry wood, wheat, corn, buckwheat and
New Advertisements.
AfC. Trial and Jury Lists.
.Ca-Notice by D. Caldwell—Petitions for Licenses.
4* - Sheriff's Sales and Proclamations, by G. Miller.
.ili"" Standing-Stone Association—Order of Exercises
Take Notice, Stockholders of Broad Top Company.
.4 - •• Read advertisements by Wm. Lewis, Dealer in
Books and Stationery. Give him call—good bargains, &c.
The News
Both branches of the Councils of New
'York have invited Senator Douglas to accept
of the hospitalities of the city on his arrival
from New Orleans. The vote on the resolu
tion was unanimous in one branch, and but
two voices were raised against it in the other.
This tribute was participated in by gentle
men of all the political parties.
On Saturday evening last "a preparatory
meeting was held in Philadelphia, to extend
to the Senator from Illinois a publie recep
tion on his arrival in Philadelphia.
The Secretary of the Treasury has adver
tised for proposals, to be received until the
24th of January next, for a loan - of ten mil
lions dollars, under the act of Congress pass
ed in June last.
Robert M . . Riddle, who had been for many
years editor of the Commercial Journal at
Pittsburgh, died in that city on Saturday
The trial of Allibone and Newhall, officers
of the exploded Pennsylvania Bank, charged
-with conspiracy to defraud creditors of the
Bank, has resulted in a verdict of not guilty.
The official vote for Governor, at the late
election in New York, was as follows :
E. D. Morgan, Rep.,
A. J. Parker, Dem.,
L. Burrows, Am., - - - -
Gerrit Smith, 4b. and Tern., - -
The Past and the Future.
The Pittsburgh Journal, of a late date con
tains some interesting facts in relation to the
rapid increase of the population of the United
States, but more particularly in the West
and North West, and the change of political
power which the census of 1860 will develope,
in favor of that portion of the Union. The
fact is stated that though the centre of popu
lation was near Washington city it has since
been gradually, and at a rapid rate, moving
westward nearly on a straight line towards
Council Bluffs, lowa.
.The present centre is
said to be near the south-western corner of
Pennsylvania, and the next will probably be
near Zanesville, Ohio. We suppose that af
ter ten or twenty years more, this line will
run nearly due west, on about the 40th par
allel of latitude. This would carry it near
Springfield, in Illinois, through Northern Mis
souri and Kansas. It is quite apparent that
westward the march of empire takes its way.
If, moreover, a Pacific Railroad should he es
tablished, an extraordinary impulse would
be given to emigration towards the Pacific.
New Territories would be organized, addi
tional States would be called into existence,
and villages, towns and cities would start up
by hundreds, and as if through the agency of
magic. This country is yet in its early
youth. We are not a century old in a na
tional sense ; and judging the future by the
past, what is likely to be our condition a cen
tury hence, or in 1958 ? The imagination
must be bold and daring that would attempt
to foresee or predict. But one melancholy
fact connected with the subject, that the mil
lions who now move upon the face of the re
public will with a few rare exceptions, have
passed to their long resting place. And yet,
how many live as if there were no end to
human existence. Alas ! what shadows we
are, and what shadows we pursue. The very
growth of this republic forms a forcible illus
tration of -the ever-changing character of
men and things.. But the other day, com
paratively speaking, the American Declara
tion of Independence was promulgated to
the world, and now, all the " Signers" sleep
the last long sleep of death, while the scat
tered and sparsely populated colonies which
they organiZed into free and independent
States, have become one of the mightiest na
tions on the face of the earth. Nevertheless
"!passing away" is - Written upon everthing that
is human.
months since, the wife of Jacob Abbott,
living ten Miles west of Golconda, Pope
county, Ohio, presented her husband with
eight pledges of affection at one birth ! Four
of these children survived until some six
wee ks since, when two of them sickened and
died. The remaining two are still living and
thriving finelyy. The whole eight were very
small specimens ,of, humanity when ushered
into the world,.
The Harrisburg Telegraph says that the
Territory of Arizona, which has hitherto en
gaged but little public attention, is likely to
prove as attractive to fortune-hunting emi
grants as California itself, and that, too, at
no distant day. For, according to Lieut.
Mowry, who came passenger by the last over
land mail, there is a marvellously rich gold
region on the river Gila. The worthy Lieu
tenant left two hundred and fifty men there,
all washing or digging for gold. In another
portion of the Territory, there is abundance
of silver, and a company formed there ob
tained one thousand ounces of the pure metal
per week. The embryo Territory is im
mensely rich in . mineral wealth, and will
rapidly fill up and become a State. So we
go. And when Sonora and Chihuahua, both
rich in gold, shall be added to our republican
family, we will be in a condition to supply
mankind with the precious metals, and "offo
diuntur opes" will be the industrial motto of
our - western brethren. It should bore be
mentioned, en passant, that iron, copper, and
lead abound in Arizona, as well as gold and
and silver, but these are regarded as barely
worth notice, when placed along side the
" root of all evil." This, however, is a vile
libel of the ancients on the rich, brilliant,
and shining product of the mines, for it is a
really bountiful source of good, .in deeds of
charity and in encouraging the arts and man
ufactures of a country, when in the hands
of virtuous, liberal, energetic and worthy
men. Success, therefore, to auriferous and
argent Arizona !
To the Teachers of Huntingdon county :
You are respectfully invited to assemble in a
County Institute at Huntingdon, which will
open on Monday the 27 inst., and continue
three days.
In issuing this, my first call for a County
Institute, I am aware of the inconvenience
to you,—the tax upon your time and resources;
but it is sincerely hoped that you will have
nothing to regret in thus assembling to delib
erate upon our educational interests, and
the advancement of our most interesting pro
fessions. The Professional Educator may
now magnify his office, and look forward
with * high hopes, to that just recognition
which its own intrinsic merits will ever claim
for it. He is the master of mind, morals and
learning—the producer of thought—the guar
dian of queries—the benefactor of his race.
If this be true, science, art and discovery
should inspire all his efforts ; and the love of
them should urge him on to the highest en
joyment which his profession can realize.
The activity of genius is unlimited, knowl
edge abounds as an .abundant harvest; and
he who gathers and gives most, wears the
fairest laurels, gains the highest eminence,
and bears the mightiest sceptre. Will our
teachers consider these things—look forward
to the future and then join in the progressive
movement which alone renders the teacher
247 953
- 230 441
60 880
5 470
Our Institute will be in the hands of the
teachers, for them to render useful and cred
itable. Experienced teachers and others will
be present to lecture upon most interesting
subjects. Reports will be read, and laid be
fore the Institute for discussion. Our county
is favored with many good educators, several
of whom have signified their intention to aid
us in this enterprise. I invite you one and
all, my fellow teachers, to come- and make
the cause your own.
Jizniata district.—New School ; Tho. B.
Leattor, teacher; house very good; 37 schol
ars; order good; attendance middling; classi
fication not yet effected.
School.—Wm. A. Hunter, teach
er ; 54 scholars ; attendance good ; order mid
dling; house comfortable, but not suited to a
system of instruction. 7 scholars study
Grammar ; 6 Geography ; 8 Arithmetic.
Branch School.—James Geissinger, teach
er; scholars; house comfortable; order
good ; attendance good; 6 only learning Or
thography ; 11 Writing; Arithmetic 10 ;
Geography 4; Grammar 0.
The River School.—llenry McAteer, teach
er; house middling; order good; 21 scholars;
6in Orthography ; 14 Read ; 18 Write; 9
study Arithmetic; 4 Geography; Grammar,
The Dean School not in session to-day.
The parents cheerfully furnish their schol
ars with new books and establish a unifor
WALKER TowNsnir.—Kerr School.—Rob
ert Turbett, teacher ; 51scholars; house mid
dling; order good ; all the juveniles are Read
ing; 23 scholars Write; 14 study Geography
Arithmetic 30; Grammar 5; History 4; all
the scholars have general exercises.
Lloyed School.—Matthew Dill, teacher ; 58
scholars ; house middling ; order middling ;
32 scholars study Arithmetic; 11 Geography;
Grammar 6.
McConnellstozon Schools. —Milton H. San
garec, teacher of the first School ; 35 schol
ars ; order good ; house good ; 34 scholars
Read ; 30 study Arithmetic ; 7 Geography ;
Grammar 8.
Second School.—Miss Mayer, teacher ;, 55
scholars; house good; order good; 19 schol
ars in Orthography ' • 36 Reading ; Writing
25 ; IntelletualrArithmetic 22 ; Geography
16 ; Grammar 6 ; Composition 16.
At the close of my visitations in this dis
trict, the teachers assembled at Miss Mayer's
school room to confer with the Superinten
dent on the improvement of the Schools.-
New and Rich Regions
Letter from Nebraska Territory.
November 5, 1858.
Mu. LEWIS :—Enclosed you will find a
specimen of Cherry Creek gold, which, being
exhibited to your numerous patrons, may in
duce some of them to seek their fortunes in
the newly discovered gold regions of Kansas
and Nebraska. The specimen was procured
from Capt. Smith, (formerly of Pennsylvania)
who started. for the mines last September,
and has recently returned for provisions and
mining utensils. In a conversation that I
had with him, he told me that miners were
making from four to ten dollars per day, and
that thus far, the labor of the miner has
been more of a prospecting nature than any
thing else. lie also told me that twenty dol
lars per day can be made in the Spring,
which is properly the mining season, and by
that time there_ will be a better supply of
mining tools.
Aurora is the name of a town that has
lately been laid out at the mouth of Cherry
Creek ; it contains at present, about sixty
Flour is brought from Mexico, and sells at
from eight to ten dollars per hundred weight-
The distance from Omaha to the mines by
the North Platte route, is 580 miles. This
is the route that is so highly recommended
by Col. Lander, for the Pacific Railroad. It
is also the road preferred by the great mass
of emigrants, and is spoken of very highly
by those who have traveled it. Persons wish
ing to go to the mines should start early, as
there will be a general " stampede" for the
diggings in the Spring. C. A. S.
From Washington-- : Difficulty between
Congressmen English and Montgomery,
WASHINGTON CITY, Dee. IB.—A difficulty
occured this morning between Congress
men English, of Indiana, and Montgomery,
of Pennsylvania on Pennsylvania, Avenue.
The two members of Congress happened to
meet for the first time this session, when Mr.
English, extending his hand, said, "flow are
you, Mr. Montgomery ?" Mr. Montgomery
withheld his hand and uttered insulting ex
pressions, something like "I don't speak to
puppies ;" whereupon Mr. English 'struck
him a severe blow over the head, breaking
his cane to pieces by the blow, and
knocking him into the gutter, but not entire
ly down. Montgomery, on rising, hurled a
brick at English, striking him on-the boot,
but doing nu injury to him, Mr. English
states to his friends that he was entirely un
armed, and was not aware that Mr. Mont
gomery had any ill-feeling toward him up to
the time of the recontre. Mr. Montgome
ry, _as to strength and size, is superior to Mr.
Several prominent Mexicans held a consul
tation last night in regard to that part of the
President's Message. recommending the mili
tary occupation of Chihuahua and Sonora.—
Gen. Frias and Admiral Zerman, who were
of the number, left to day for Mexico,•te
augurate, itis said, an opposition to such a
A caucus is being held to-night of such
members of Congress as are favorable to the
pension bill for the soldiers of the war of 1812,
with the view of making such arrangements
as will tend to effect its pasage.
HORRIBLE EXECUTION.—The Chinese, among
other unique punishments, sometimes sen
tence a man to be executed by depriving
him of sleep. A recent letter from a Brit
ish resident gives the following account of a
Chinese merchant, who, being convicted of
murdering his wife, was condemned to this
torture :
" The condemned was placed in prison un
der the care of three of the police guard, who
relieved each other every alternate hour,
and who prevented the prisoner from falling
asleep, night or day. He thus lived for nine
teen days without enjoying any sleep. At
the commencement of the eighth day, his suf
ferings wore so intense that he implored the
authorities to grant him the blessed opportu
nity of being strangulated, guillotined, burned
to death, garrotted, shot, quartered, blown up
with gunpowder, or put to death in any con
ceivable way which their humanity or feroci
ty could invent. This will give a slight idea
of the horrors of death from want of sleep.
gregate amount of gold and silver taken from
the mines in different parts of the world an
nually reaches the enormous sum of three hun
dred and ninety-nine millions. It will nat
urally be asked what becomes of this vast
sum. The fact is that since the discovery of
the vast quantities of gold in California and
Australia, the consumption of gold and sil
ver for household purposes has increased in
an equal proportion, and valuable plate in
the houses of those in good circumstances is
now universal in this country. The Scientif
ic American, in giving the yield of these pre
cious-metals from the different sources, says,
that the amount of gold and silver annually
taken from the mines of Europe is valued at
twenty-five millions of dollars. In America,
the yield is computed to be one hundred and
forty-six millions, and Asia produces twenty
five millions. Africa has no silver mines,
but produces gold to the amount of nearly
three millions of dollars. Australia is also
without silver, but produces gold to the large
amount of two hundred millions.
A PI RE SPI TTE R.-A simple old man
named James Nipple, residing near Mifflin
town, Pa., was awakened on the night of the
Bth inst., by a noise in his bed room, and
was no little surprised and alarmed to see a
hideous looking ruffian standing by his bed
side and brandishing a huge club over his
head. He was so frightened' that he lay
speechless, until the ruffian said "If you
don't give me up your money, every cent of
it, I'll spit fire all over your house." The
imminent danger with which his premises
were threatened, restored to him the facul
ty of speech, and he.quicklygasped out, "Oh,
don't burn my house down and I'll give you
all my money!" Mr. N. then got up and
gave him all his money, amounting, it is said,
to between $2OO and $3OO all in gold and sil
ver. In consideration of his kindness, the
ruffian then vamosed, without "spitting fire
all over the house."
A Dispensation from the Pope.
The Washington correspondent of the Bos- .
ton Traveler has the following relating to a
dispensation granted by the Pope through
American official influence :
" While the papers are full of comments
on Gen. Cass' letter of refusal to interfere in
the Mortara, affair, on the ground that 'it is
the setted policy of the United States to ab
stain from all interference in the internal
concerns of other countries,' it may be well
to ventilate' a rumor now current in this
city. It is said that the daughter of a highly
respectable family of this city (in which, by
the way ex-President Pierce was quite inti
mate,) took the veil at the convent in the ad
jacent city of Georgetown, and that after a
while she found the vows distasteful, and that
by the personal, if not official, interference of
President Pierce, Major Lewis Cass, Jr.,
minister near the Court of Rome, was in
duced to interest himself in the matter, and
by his personal intercession with the Pope,
to obtain a dispensation,' which has released
the young nun from her vows, and has al
lowed her to again enter the world. If this
be so, and it has obtained credence among
many, it would appear that 'intervention'
can be practiced whenever there is sufficient
occasion for its exercise."
A NICE WOMAN.—The wife of Morrissey
the prize fighter, who is said to be the daugh
ter of a wealthy man in Troy, N. Y., won
$2OOO on the result of the fight with Heenan,
and his father-in-law won $BO,OOO l A nice
family, take them all around l That a loving
wife might wish her husband to be successful
in what he undertakes in a decent way is per
fectly right and natural, but for to bet on the
success of her husband in brutal and black
guard fights is rather an arrangement of "so
ciety" that we don't understand. Yet we
understand enough to believe that Mrs. Mor
risey in a very fashionable, upheaded and
brainless, "circle," is considered some, if not
more. So wags the world, and the people, it
would seem must wag with it, or be lost in
the "under fog." A woman betting on a
prize fight I Well we give in.
New York city, saw one day, on the side-walk,
a ragged, cold, and hungry little girl, gazing
wistfully at some cake in a shop window.
She stopped, and taking the little one by the
hand, led her into the store, though she was
aware that bread might be better for the child
than cake; yet, desiring to gratify the shiv
ering and forlorn one, she bought and gave
her the cake she wanted. She then took her
to another place where she procured her a
shawl and other - articles of comfort. The
grateful little creature looked the benevolent
lady full in the face, and with artless simplic
ity asked, "Are you God's wife."
SIDE OF Ills BODY.—At Cincinnati, a day or
two ago, a man died, who had been for some
months an inmate of one of the hospitals and
whose disease had exhibited such peculiar
and unknown symptoms as to baffle the great
est skill of the best physicians. Under the
circumstances, it was deemed advisable to
make a post mortem examination, when it
was found that in the diaphragm was a large
hole, and that the intestines had been forced
up and had pressed the heart from its natu
ral position over to the right side of his
body, where it had performed its functions
for several years ; the man himself having
been prevented from his daily labor, only for
the last few months.
-Judge Ebenezer Lane recently brought
suit against the Western Baptist Educational
Society, to recover $30,000 for legal services
in prosecutnig a claim against the Western
.Baptist Theological Institute, fbr the recov
ery of property worth $200,000. The case
was tried at the late term of the Superior
Court of Cincinnati. Able counsel were em
ployed on both sides. The jury returned a
verdict of only $7,000 in favor of the Judge.
It seems that juries are not disposed to allow
lawyers to extort exorbitant fees from their
Ze" Preaching in the theatres in New
York, is drawing crowds, simply from its
novelty, for it is said that while the boxes of
the opera house and theatres are filled, the
churches that hold evening services, are show
ing a beggarly account of empty pews.
THOUGHTS or FAVORED Homts, upon Bible Incidents and
Characters, and other subjects. By Josiah Copley. 1 vol.
Published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, and for
Sale at Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon.
This is a handsome volume, good print and neatly bound
in cloth. It is truly what it was intended to be—a com
panion for a leisure or lonely hour, a book for the centre
table, the parlor-window, or the bed-chamber. Call and
see the book.
Charles J. Peterson, Philadelphia.
This is one of the best and cheapest Magazines p üblish
ed. A January No., the commencement of a new year,
can be seen at Lewis' Book Store.
One copy 1 year, s2.oolEight copies 1 year, $lO.OO
Three copies 1 year, 5.00 Twelve copies 1 year, 15.00
Five copies 1 year, 7.solSixteen copies 1 year, 20.00
PREMIUMS rox, GETTING UP CLUDS!—Three, Five, Eight, or
more copies, make a Club. To every person getting up a
Club, and remitting the money, our Premium Album for
1559, will be given gratis. For a Club of Twelve, an extra
copy of the Magazine will be sent For a Club of Sixteen,
an extra copy and the " Album." Address, post-paid,
CHARLES J. PETERSON, No. 306 Chestnut st., Phi Pa.
On the 9th ult., by Rev. B. F. Beck, Mr. LEWIS PUTT and
Miss ELIZABETH Desx, both of Stonerstown, Bedford co., Pa.
"May union, love, and dear esteem,
In every action glow,
Till death shall sever the tender cord
That binds you hero below."
On the morning of the 10th inst., in McConnellstown,
after a brief illness, liesar, son of Dr. Martin Orlady,
aged S years and 5 months.
The subject of this brief notice was one of those singu
larly interesting children, whom to see, is to admire and
love. Polite and manly in his manners, kind and obliging
in his intercourse with his littto companions, he was be
loved and cherished by them.
We loved him because he was never known to indulge
in the rude and violent sports too common, even with
children of his age—and the tender brotherly care which
he manifested towards his little sisters.
His gentle, confiding disposition, combined to make him
a favorite with every one who knew him. lie was a regu
lar attendant upon the German Reformed Sabbath School,
in his native town, and long may it be, when shall fade
from our memories, the beautiful scene presented every
Sabbath morning by Timmy walking with his little sisters
to his seat in the school room. Long will it be ere we
shall look upon that little vacant seat without a feeling
of sadness that ono so young and so noble, should have
been so early called away.
'Heath the silent clods of the valley,
His frail little body will rest,
His spirit to Christ bath ascended,
To dwell in the realms of the blest.
SATURDAY, Dec. 18.
SEEDS—The demand for Cloverseed is rather better to
day, and about 3000 bushels sold at $5 5005 75 vp bushel.
Prime lots are rather scarce, and generally held above the
views of buyers.
noun—The Flour market has undergone no change,
and continues in a quiet condition. There is very little
shipping demand, and the transactions are confined to
about 300 bbls good extra at $5 62 1 ,4; 250 bbls extra fam
ily at $6; 250 bbls limey at $7 25, and in lots for the wants
of the home trade at $5 12: 1 ,405 25 'll bbl for common and
good brands ; $5 5005 75 for extras, and $5 87)4 up to
$7 25 for extra family and fancy lots. Superfine is freely
offered at our lowest quotations. But little is doing in
Rye Flour or Corn Meal. The former is held at $4, and
the latter at $3 25 70 barrel.
GRAlN—There is not much Wheat offering, and prices
stationary; sales to the extent of 4500 bus are reported at
123 (Di 125 c for fair, and 1276 - 128 c for prime reds; the latter
for Delaware, including some small lots of white at 135e.i,
145 c, the latter for choice. Rye is wanted and sells at SOc.
Corn is better with but little offering to-day, and about
3000 bus new yellow sold at 70@72e, chiefly at the latter
rate for prime dry Delaware afloat. Oats are dull; we
quote them at 44 © 45c.
ASSOCIATION.—A Public Anniversary Meeting of
the Literary Association of this place, will be held in the
Court House on Friday evening, the 24th instant.
The Exercises will consist of Essays, Orations, Debate
and Literary Casket.
J. IL 0. Connnr, Reminiscenee of America
Should Capital Punishment be Abolished ?
R. MILTON SPEER., A. L. Gnmr, 4ffirmative
DAVID Dumg, S. T. BROWN Tsiegative
H. T. K. 'Muir,
R. I.P.Dnarr, Editor,...Varicty of Original Matter.
Music.—Good Night.
.43r- Exorcises to commence at 6 o'clock, P. M.
December 22, ISSB. T. M. CORNPROPST, AWL/
II The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal
Company, will be held at the Office of the Company, No.
309, Walnut street, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, January 11,
1859, at 11 o'clock A. M., when an election will be held for
a President and Twelve Directors, to serve for the ensuing
year. J. P. AEItTSEN,
Philadelphia, December 22, ISSB. Secretary.
NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that
the following named persons have filed their peti
tions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions,
praying the said Court to grant them licenses to keep Inns
or Taverns, and that said petitions will be presented to
said Court, on the second Monday (and 10th day) of Janu
ary next, for their consideration, to wit:
Adam Zeigler, Marklesburg. Penn twp.
David Megahan, McConuellstown. Walker twp.
James Hall, McConnellstown. Walker twp.
December 22. 1855. D. CALDWELL, Clerk.
By the box, pack, or less quantity, for sale at
A beantiful assortment for the Holidays. for sale at
L 7 Generally in use in the Schools of the County, not on
hand, will be furnished to order, on application at
) If you want your card neatly printed upon envel
opes, call at
For sale at
OF vArcrous szzEs, for sale at
There are some indications that we will have to make
room for three or four snore horses before Spring. For
anything you want in the Book and Stationery way, call
For sale at
a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Com
mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the
20th day of November, 1838, 1 am commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court House
in the borough of Huntin—don ' on the 2nd Monday (and
10th day) of January, L. 1819, for the trial of all is
sues in said Court which remain undetermined before
the said Judges, when and vt here all jurors, witnesses, and
suitors, in the trials of all issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon the 18th November, in the year of our
Lord 1858, and the Std year of American Independence.
Huntingdon, Nov. 22, 1858. }
a precept to me directed. dated at Huntingdon, the
2utit day of November A.D.ISSS, under the hands and seals
of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv
ery of the :11th Judicial District. of Pennsylvania, compo
sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the
Hons. Benjamin F. Patton and John Brewster, his associ
ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as
signed, appointed to hear, try and determine all and every
indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes,
which by the laws of the State are made capital, or felon
ies of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors,
which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe
trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Oyer and- Terminer, of Common Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and Sth
day) of November nest, and those alto will prosecute the
said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Constables within said county, be then and there in
their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. in. of said day, with
their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran
ces, to do those things which to their offices respectively
Dated at Huntingdon, the 18th of November, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight,
and the 82d year of American Independence.
QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
sundry writs of Vend. Ex. and Fi. Fe., to me direc
ted, I will expose to public sale or outcry at the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on MONDAY, THE
10TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1859, at 10 o'clock A. m., the
following described Real Estate, to wit:
All the defendant's right, title and interest
in and to a lot of ground in Smithfield, Walker township,
fronting on Turnpike road leading to Alexandria, being
fifty feet in front and one hundred feet back, more or less,
adjoining Abraham Port on the west, Jacob Shoms on the
east, and Alexander Port on the south, &c Seized and
taken in execution, and to be sold as the property itrf
George Decker, with notice to James Bricker, terre tenant.
ALso—All the defendant's right, title and
interest, in and to about ono hundred acres of land, more
or less, situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon county,
about fifty-five acres cleared, and adjoins Bowman's heirs
ou the south, Jamison Kelly on the west, and C. Mathias
on the north, and others, and has thereon erected a two
story log house and kitchen attached, a cabin barn, a Pot
ter's shop, and other out buildings. Seized and taken in
execution, and to be sold as the property of Hugh Gallaher.
ALso—All the defendant's right, title and
interest, in and to one hundred and two acres of ground,
more or less, in Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon co.,
and about seventy acres cleared, and has thereon a double
log house weather-boarded, and a large bank barn, and
other out-buildings, and adjoins lands of Vincent Stephens
on the east, Jacob Stover on the south and west side, Sho
enberger & Coplin on the north, Win. Lyons & Co. on the
south, and in a high state of cultivation. Seized and ta
ken in execution, and to ho sold as the property of James
ALso—All the defendants right, title and
interest, in and to a tract of land situate in Porter town
ship, containing seventy-nine acres, more or less, bounded
by lands formerly owned by John Iluyett and others,
having thereon erected two log houses, and about two
acres cleared, and a house unfinished, Seized and taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of Augustine
Miller and Christian Miller.
- - -
Also—About 100 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county,
about 75 acres cleared, having thereon erected, a double
log house and barn, adjoining land of John B. Weaver on
the East, James Entriken on tho South and North, and
on the West by Peter Frees, and others. Seized and taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of John A.
The Beautiful
Lord Byron
ALso—All the defendant's right, title and
interest in and to about twenty acres of land, more or less;
in Tod township, Huntingdon county, and has thereon a
houso and barn and other out-buildings, and adjoins lands
of Thomas Anderson, .Elias Plummer, Benjamin F. Baker,
and others:
_ .
Also—A lot of ground in the town of Newburg. Tod
township, having thereon a two-story log dwelling house,
fronting ou main road leading from Coffee Run to Eagle
Foundry. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Amos Clark.
Also—All the defendant's right, title and
interest-in and to the following property, to wit : A tract
of land containing one hundred acres, more or less. re ijoin
ing lands of It. Bruce Petrikita on the south, and Joint Mc-
Clain on the cast. being part of a larger tract of land war
ranted in the name of John McClain, situate on the east
side of Broad Top, Tod township. The one undivided third
of a tract of land containing four hundred and thirty-nine
acres, more or less, adjoining the ilouck Coal Bank tract,
John McClain. Michael J. Martin, and others.
Also---A tract of land warranted in the name of Speer &
Martin, containing ninety-six acres, more or less, and all
adjoins lauds of Martin's heirs, and others.
Also—A tract of land adjoining the above, warranted in
the name of Eliel Smith, containing one hundred and
fifty-two acres, more or less.
Also—A tract of land adjoining the above on the south;
.warranted in the name of Samuel Cornelius. containing,
three hundred and ninety-five acres, more or less. Seized
and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of
George W. Speer and James 31cIlduff, administrators of
Robert Speer, deceased.
Also—A hit of ground in Coalmont, Tod
township, fifty feet in front, extending back one hundred
and fifty feet, adjoins lots of---:--- , flouts the main
road leading from Coalmont to Broad Top City, having
thereon erected a two story frame tavern house and stable,
and No. —in said town. Seized and taken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of Ezekiel White. •
ALso—A tract of land containing one hun
dred acres, more or less, adjoining lands now owned by R.
Bruce Patrikin on the south, and John McClain on the
east, being part of a larger tract 'of land warranted in the
name of John McClain, situate on the east side of Broad
Top, Tod township. The one undivided third of a tract of
land containing 439 acres and 51 perches and allowance,
adjoining the Ilouck Coal Bank tract, John McClain,
Michael J. Martin, and others.
Also—A tract of land warranted in the name of Speer &
Martin, containing 96 acres and 153 perches and allow
ance, adjoining lands of Martin's heirs on the south and
west, and others.
Also—A tract of land adjoining the above, warranted
in the name of Eliel Smith, containing one hundred and
fifty-two acres and ninety-eight perches and allowance.
Also—A tract adjoining the above on the south, war
ranted in the name of Samuel Cornelius, containing 395
acres and S perches and allowance.
Also—A tract adjoining the Taylor Coal Bank tract, and
land of Mordecai Chileote's heirs on Rockey Ridge, con
taining Di acres, more or less-
Also—All the interest of defendant, in lands of Michael
& James Martin, tichich lie holds under certain articles of
_agreement of lit-cord in Huntingdon.
ktGy-Sheriff's Sales will hereafter be made on Wednesday
of the first week of Court, and deeds acknowledged on
Wednesday of the second week.
Huntingdon, Dee. 22, 1858.1
LIST 01? 0-BAND JURORS for a
Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Huntingdon
in and for the county of Huntitigdon, commencing ou the
second Monday, and 10th day of January, A. D. 1859 .
William Appleby, farmer, Dublin.
Richard Ashman, merchant, Clay.
John Cobol, farmer, Dublin.
Frederick Crissman, farmer, Franklin.
William Dunn, farmer, Clay.
Green Dorsey, engineer, Huntingdon.
Samuel Byer, farmer, Warriorsmark.
Benjamin Foust, merchant, Shirley.
Samuel Grazier, farmer, Warriorstuark.
Jackson Harman. cabinet-maker, Jackson.
William Hunt, laborer, Jackson.
John H. Lightner, merchant, E-hirloy.
Stewart McDonald, farmer, Jackson.
James Myton, Jr., farmer, West.
John Numer, farmer, Henderson.
John S. lark, farmer, Cass.
Jacob Porter, constable, Wtst.
Elliot Ramsey, farmer, Springfield.
William Smith, farmer, Union.
Denry T. Stains. marble cutter, Clay.
Elisha Shoemaker, farmer, Bender Son.
Samuel Wilson, laborer, Warriorsmark.
David Webb, farmer, Springfield.
Feter Whitsell, farmer, Cromwell.
Thomas Ashton, farmer, Springfield.
William Bice, carpenter. Franklin.
Henry Buyer, farmer, Hopewell.
Alexander C. Blair, farmer, Toll.
Thomas Bell, carpenter, Barree.
Samuel Bolinger, firmer, Cromwell.
James Barr, fernier, Jackson.
Samuel Coen, constable, Barren.
Jesse Curfman, farmer, Cass.
David Goodman, millwright, Henderson.
John Griffith, farmer, Tod.
John S. Gehrett, farmer, Cass,
Joshua Greenland, inn-keeper, Casserille.
Jacob Goodman, mechanic, Brady.
Nathan Horton, farmer, Tod.
Benjamin Hopkins, forgeman, Porter.
Thomas 11. Haling, farmer, Shirley.
Robert Henderson, farmer, Franklin.
John S. lsett, iron master, Franklin.
A. A. Jacobs, boat builder. Huntingdon.
John Kinch. blacksmith, Franklin.
Robert King, tailor, Huntingdon.
Isaac Lininger, cabinet-maker, Huntingdon..
James It. Lane, farmer, Cromwell.
Clarke A. Mytou, farmer, West.
John W. Mattern, merchant, Franklin,
Thomas Morrison, miller, Brady.
George Miller, farmer, Henderson.
Daniel Neff, firmer, Porter.
Alexander M. Oaks, fernier. Barre°.
Samuel Peightal, farmer, Walker.
Samuel Porter. farmer, Jackson.
John Porter, Jr., clerk, Alexandria.
James Quarry, farmer, Cass.
John Itoss, laborer, Brady.
David Reeder, farmer, Tell.
William Randolph, farmer, Jackson.
Simon P. Starr, farmer, Cromwell.
Mathias Shoop. farmer, Tell.
John 11. Stonebraken potter, Franklin.
Joseph Stever. farmer, Cass.
Amos Smith, farmer, Cass.
John Spanogle,
farmer, Warrioremark.
John Stewart, (Manor,) farmer, Berme.
Joseph M. Stevens, clerk, West.
Hiram Williamson, farmer, West.
Adolphus White. farmer. Oneida.
William A. Whittaker,farruer, Porter.
Jacob A nspach, farmer, Jackson.
William Cunningham J. P., Clay.
John Clabaugh, thrmer, Walker.
Daniel Flenner, farmer, Walker.
Thomas merchant. Huntingdon.
David Friedley. butcher. Walker.
John Gelu•ett. fn•uter, Brady.
Christian Harnish, farmer. Porter.
George Hartley, scrivener, Huntingdon.
John Hamilton, 1111111)mm:in, Carbon.
James Hitting, farmer, Shirley.
Francis Holler, blacksmith. Brady.
Aaron Kelley, farmer, Henderson.
Daniel hyper, farmer. Henderson.
George Long, blacksmith, Walker.
Nathaniel Lytle, saddler. Morris.
John M. Leech• mill Wright. :Jackson.
Edmund Morrison. farmer Shirley . .
J. A. Moore. merchant. Carbon.
J. McKinnon. M. D. Shirleysburg.
Thomas Miller, farmer, Cromwell.
William Moore, fiwmer, Went.
Robert Myers, carpenter, Shirleysburg.
John Neff, farmer. West.
Benjamin Neff, Mrmer. Porter.
Alexander Orr, farmer. Dublin.
Amos Pheasant, farmer, Union.
Carers Patterson. blacksmith• Alexandria
Samuel Russell, laborer, Warriorsmark.
William Rye, farmer, Warriorsmark.
Samuel G. Simpson, inn-keeper, Brady.
Jacob Shoop. farmer. Tell.
James T. Scott, farmer, West.
Daniel Shultz, farmer, Morris.
Walter C. Vantries, clerk. Warriorsmark.
Levi Westbrook, shoemaker, Huntingdon
Dec. 22, 1858.
Dr. Peter Shoenborger vs. A. P. Wilson.
John Savage vs. Smith & Davis.
Same vs. John Berkstresser, ot. al,
Thomas Clark's heirs vs. Bryson Clark.
Moses Greenland vs. Caleb Brown.
Jacob Cresswell vs. Robert Rare Powel.
Leonard Weaver vs. 11. &B.T. M. It. R. &C. Co,
Clemers heirs vs. John McCanles, et al.
James Walls vs. Jona. Wall. ' -
Glasgow & Bair vs. Caleb Brown..
Samuel Caldwell's admr. vs. Blair & Robison,
J. B. Weaver vs. Jacob Russell.
John W. Price admr. vs. 'John Snyder.
Peter Etneir vs. John Shope.
Boker Bro. & Co. et. al. vs. A. P. Wilson, et. al.
Jas Chamberlain vs. W. Graham, gar. of R. F ....
James Perry Indorser vs. Hugh McNeal.
Jacob Russell vs. J. T. Shirley & Bro.
Margaret Hamilton vs. James Entrekin.
D. B. Berney vs. John Ely.
Jonathan Detweiler vs. Jacob Otenkirk.
Valentine Crouse vs. George W. Speer.
Samuel D. Myton's heirs vs. Isaac Walls, et. al.
Long for Rupert vs. Robert Laird.
Same vs. Michael Sprankle.
D. R. Porter vs. Valentine Hoover..
Gemmil & Cresswell vs. D. S. Berkstreessr.
Same vs. McCoy & Co.
David Foster vs. James Entrekin.
A. S. &E. Roberts vs. Robert Speer's heirs.
Wm. W. Wiley vs. H. &B. T.M. R.R. & 0.00
Iluptiagtlon Gag Co. tr.. S. S. WhaFteei.