The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 15, 1858, Image 2
THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C, therefore a great grievance .that r when any difficulty.occurs, no matter how unimportant, which might be readily settled at • the mo ment, we should be obliged to resort to Ma drid, .especially when the- very first step to be taken there is to refer it back•to Cuba. The .truth is that Cuba, in its existing -colonial condition, is a constant source of injury and annoyance to the American peo ple... It is the only spot in the civilized - world, where the' African slave-trade is tol erated ; and we are bound by treaty; with -Great Britain, to maintain a naval. force .on :the coast of Africa, at much expense, both of -life and treasure,- solely- for - the purpose of arresting slavers bound to that island. -The late serious difficulties between the United States and Great Britain respecting the right of . search, - now so happily terminated, could never have arisen if Cuba had not afforded a market for slaves. As long as this mar ket shall remain open, there can be no hope for the civilization of benighted Africa.— 'Whilst the demand for slaves continues in Cuba, wars will be waged among the petty and barbarous chiefs in Africa, for the pur pose of seizing subjects to supply this trade. In such a condition of affairs, it is impossible that the light of civilization and religion can ever penetrate these dark abodes. It has been made known to: the world by my predecessors, that - the United States have, -on several occasions, endeavored to acquire Cuba from Spain by honorable negotiation. If this were accomplished, the last relic of the African slave-trade would instantly dis appear. We would not, if we could, acquire Cuba in any other manner. This is due to "our national character. All the territory -which 'we have acquired since the origin of -the government, has been by fair purchase from France, Spain, and Mexico, or by the free and voluntary act of the independent -- , StaTrlCTc:tas•,-1.n.. blending her destinies This course we shall ever with our own pursue, unless circumstances should occur, which we do not now anticipate, rendering a departure from it clearly justifiable, under the imperative and overruling law of self preservation. The Island of Cuba, from its geographical position, commands the mouth of the Missis sippi, and the immense and • annually-in creasing trade, foreign and coastwise, from the valley'of that noble river, now embracing half the sovereign States of the Union.— With that Island underthe dominion of a distant foreign power, this trade, of vital im portance to these States, is exposed to the danger of being destroyed in time of war, and it has hitherto been subjected to per petual injury and annoyance in time of peace. Our relations with Spain, which ought to be of the most friendly character, must always be placed in jeopardy, whilst tho existing colonial government over the Island shall remain in its present condition. Whilst the possession of the Island would be of vast -importance to the United States, its value to Spain is, comparatively, unim portant. Such was the relative situation of the parties, when the great Napoleon 'trans ferred Louisiana to the United States.— Jealous, as he ever was, of the national hon ors and interests of France, no person throughout the 'world, has imputed blame to him, for accepting a pecuniary equivalent for this cession. The publicity which has been given to our former negotiations upon this subject, and the large approbation which. may be required to effect the purpose, render it expedient, be fore making another attempt to renew the negotiation, that I „should lay the whole sub ject before Congress. This is especially ne cessary, as it may become indispensable to success, that I should .be intrusted with the means of making an. advance to the Spanish government immediately after tho signing of the treaty, without awaiting the ratification of it by the Senate. I am encouraged to make this suggestion, by the example of Mr. Jefferson previous to the purchase of Louisi ana from France, and by-that of Mr: Polk in view of the acquisition of territory from Mex ico. I refer the whole sultject to Congress, and commend it to their careful considera tion. I repeat the recommendation made in my message of December last, in favor of an ap propriation "to be paid to the Spanish govern ment for the purpose of distribution among the claimants in the Amistad case." Presi dent Polk first made a similar recommenda tion in December,lB47, and it was repeated by my immediate predecessor in December, 1853. I entertain no doubt that indemnity is fairly due to these claimants under our treaty with Spain of, the 27th October, 1705 ; and whilst demanding justice we ought to do justice.— An appropriation promptly made for this purpose, could not fail-to exert a favorable influence on our negotiations with Spain. Our position in relation to the independent States south of us on this continent and es pecially those within the limits of North America, is of a peculiar character. The northern boundary of Mexico is coincident with our own southern boundary from ocean to ocean and we must necessarily feel a deep interest in all that concerns the well being and the fate of so near a neighbor. We have always cherished, the kindest wishes for the success of that republic, and have indulged the hope that it might at last after all its tri als; enjoy peace and prosperity under a free and stable government. We have never hitherto interfered, directly or indirectly, with its internal affairs, and it is a duty which we - owe to ourselves, to protect the integrity of its territory, against the hostile interference of - any other power. Our geographical posi tion, our direct interest in all that concerns Mexico, and our well-settled policy in - regard to the North American continent, render this an' indispensable duty. Mexico has been in a state of constant rev olution, almost ever since it achieved its in dependence. One military leader after an other has usurped the government in rapid _succession ; and the various constitutions from time to time_adopted, have been set at naught almost as soon as they were proclaimed.— The successive governments have afforded no adequate protection, either to Mexican citi . zens or foreign residents, against lawless vi olerce. Heretofore, a seizure of the capital by a military chieftain, has been generally 'followed by at least the nominal submission of the country ,to his rule for a brief •period, but not so at the present crisis of Mexican . affairs. 'A civil war has been raging for 'some time throughout; the republic, between the central government at the city of Mexico, which has endeavored to subvert the consti- tutioia s litht framed, by military power, and ilio,s'e'vi , ho Maintain the authority of that con :stitution. The antagonist parties each hold "poSseSsion of different States of the republic, and the fortUnes of the war are constantly changing. hro`anwhile, the most reprchensi 'ble means have been employed by both par to extort money from foreigners, as well "as, natives, to carry on this ruinous contest. The truth is, that this fine country, blessed with a productive soil and a benign climate, has been reduced by civil dissensions to a condition almost hopeless anarchy and imbe cility. It would be in vain for this govern ment to attempt to enforce payment in money of the claims of American citizens, now amounting to more than ten million dollars, against Mexico,because she is destitute of all pecuniary means to satisfy these demands. Our late minister was furnished with am ple powers and instructions for the adjust ment of all pending questions with the cen tral government of Mexico, and he performed his duty With zeal and ability. The claims of our citizens, some of them arising oat of the -violation of an express provision of the treaty of Guadalupe Ilid.algo, and others from gross injuries to persons as well as prop erty, have remained unredressed and even unnoticed. Remonstrances against those grievances, have been addressed without ef fect to that government. Meantime, in vari ous parts of the republic, instances have been numerous of the murder, imprisonment, and plunder of our citizens, by different parties claiming and exercising a local jurisdiction; but the central government, although re peatedly urged thereto, have made no effort either to punish the authors of these outrages or to prevent their recurrence. No Ameri can citizen can now visit Mexico on lawful business, without imminent danger to his per son and property. There is no adequate pro teetion, t o o either; and in ,this respect our treaty 'with that republic is Auost a dead letter. This state of affairs was brought to a crisis in May last, by the promulgation of a decree levying a contribution pro rata upon all the capital in the republic, between certain spec ,fied amounts, whether held by Mexicans or foreigners. Mr. Forsyth, regarding this de cree in the light of a "forced loan," formally protested against its application to his coun trymen, and advised them not to pay the con tribution, but to suffer if to be forcibly exac ted. Acting upon this advice, an Americian citizen•refused to pay the contribution, and his property was seized by armed men to sat isfy the amount. Not content with this, the government proceeded still further, and is sued a decree banishing him from the coun try. Our minister immediately notified them . that if this decree should be carried into ex ecution he would feel it to be his duty to adopt "the most decided measures that be long to the powers and obligations of the rep resentative office." Notwithstanding this , warning, the_ banishment was enforced, and Mr. Forsyth promptly announced to the gov ernment the suspension of the political rela tions of his legation with them, until the pleasure of his own government should be as certained. The government did not regard the contri bution imposed by the decree of the 15th May last to be in strictness a "forced loan," and as such prohibited by the 10th article of the treaty of 1826 between Great Britain and Mexico, to the benefits of Which American citizens ai•e entitled by treaty; yet the impo sition of the contribution upon foreigners was considered an Unjust mid oppressive measure. Besides, internal factions in other parts of the republic were at the same time levying similar exactions upon the property of our citizens, and interrupting their com merce. There had been an entire failure on the part of our minister, to secure redresS for the wrongs which our citizens had endured, notwithstanding - his. perseverinb• efforts.— And from the temper manifested by the Mex ican government, he had repeatedly assured us that no favorable change could be expect tell, until the United States should "give striking evidence of their will and power to protect their citizens," and that "severe chas tening is the only earthly remedy for our grievances." From this statement of facts, 'it would have been WorSe than idle to direct Mr. Forsyth to retrace his steps and resume diplomatic relations. with that government ; and it was, therefore, deemed proper to sanc tion his withdrawal of the legation from the city of Mexico. Abundant causes now undoubtedly exists, for a resort to hostilities against the .govern ment still holding possession of the capital. } Should theysucceet, in subduing the constitu tional forces, all reasonable hope will then have expired of-a peaccfid settlement of our difficulties. On the other hand, should the constitu tional party prevail, and their authority be established over the republic, there is reason to hope that they will be animated by a less unfriendly spirit, and may grant that redress to American citizens, which justice requires, so far as they may possess the means. But for this expectation, I should at once have recommended to Congress to grant the ne cessary power to the President, to take pos session of a sufficient portion of the remote and unsettled territory of Mexico, to be held in pledge until our injuries shall be redress ed and our just demands be satisfied. We have already exhausted every milder means of obtaining justice. In such a ease, this remedy, of reprisals is recognized by the law of nations, not only as just in itself, but as a means of preventing actual war. But there is-another view of our relations with Mexico, arising from the unhappy con dition of affairs along our southwestern fron tier, which demands immediate action. In that remote region, where there are but few white inhabitants, large bands of hostile and predatory Indians roam promiscuously over the Mexican States of 'Chihuahua and Sonora, and our adjoining Territories. The local governments of these States are per fectly helpless, and arc kept in a state of constant alarm by the Indians. They have not the power, if they possessed the will, even to restrain lawless Mexicans from pass ing the border and committing depredations on our remote settlers. A state of anarchy and violence prevails throughout that distant frontier. The laws are a dead letter, and life and property are wholly insecure. For this reason the settlement of Arizona is ar rested, whilst it is of great importance that a chain of inhabitants should extend all along its southern border, sufficient for their own protection and that of the United States mail passing to and from California. Well founded apprehensions are now entertained, that the Indians, and wandering Mexicans equally lawless, may break up the important stage and postal communication recently es tablished between our Atlantic and Pacific possessions. This passes very near to the Mexican boundary, throughout the whole length of Arizona. I can imagine no possi ble remedy for these evils, and ,no mode of restoring law and order on that remote and unsettled frontier, but for the government of the United States to assume a temporary protectorate over the northern portions of Chihuahua and Sonora, and to establish mili tary posts within the same—and this I ear nestly recommend to Congress. This protec tion'may be withdrawn as soon as local gov- ernrnents shall be established in these Mexi can States, capable of performing their du- . ties to the United States, restraining theloay less and preserving peace along the border. I do not doubt that this measure . will be viewed in .a friendly spirit by the- govern ments and people.of Chihuahua and Sonora, as it will prove equally effectual for the pro- tection of their citizens on that remote and lawless frontier, as for citizens of the United States. And in this connexion, permit me to recall your attention to the condition of Arizona. The population of that Territory, numbering, as is alleged, more than ten thousand souls, are practically without a government, with out laws and without - any regular 'adminis tration of justice. Murder and other crimes are committed with impunity. This state of things calls loudly for redress ;• and 1, there fore, repeat my recommendation for the ,es tablishment of a, territorial government over Arizona. The political condition of the narrow isth mus of Central America through - which tran sit routes pass, between thn Atlantic and Pacific oceans, presents a subject of deep in terest to all commercial nations. It is over these transits, that a large proportion of the trade and travel between the European and Asiatic continents, is destined to pass. To the United States these routes are of incalcu lable importance, as a means of communica tion between their Atlantic and Pacific . pos sessions. The latter now, extend throughout seventeen degrees of latitude on the Pacific coast, embracing the important State of Cali fornia and the flourishing Territories of Ore gon and Washington. All commercial na tions, therefore, have a deep and direct inter est, that these communications shall be ren dered secure from interruption. If an arm of the sea, connecting the two oceans, pene trated through Nicaragua and Costa Rica, it could not be pretended that these States would have the right to arrest or retard its navigation, to the injury of other nations.— The transit-by land over this narrow isth mus,,occupies nearly the same position. It is a highway in which they themselves have little interest, when compared with, the vast interests of the rest of the world. :Whilst their rights of sovereignty ought to„ben-e -spected, it is the duty of other nations to re quire, 'that this important passage shall not be interrupted, by the civil wars and revolu tionary outbreaks, which have so frequently occurred in that region. The stake is too important, to be left at the mercy of riVal companies, claiming to hold conflicting con tracts with Nicaragua. The commerce of other nations is not to.stand still and await the adjustment of such petty controversies. The government of the United States ex pects no more than this, and they will not be satisfied with less. They would not, if they could, derive any advantage from the Nicaragua transit, not common to the rest of the world. Its neutrality and protection, fur the common use - of all nations, is their only object. They have no objection - that 1 Nicaragua shall demand and receive a fair compensation, from the companies and indi viduals who may traverse the route ; but they insist that it shall never hereafter be closed, by an arbitrary decree . of that; ger eminent. If disputes arise between it and those with whom they have entered into''eatil. tracts, these must be. adjusted by sonic fair tribunal provided fur the purpose, and the route must not be closed pending the ecintro versy. This is our whole policy, and it can uot fail to be acceptable to other nations. All these difficulties might be avoided, if, consistently with the good faith of Nicara gua, the use of this transit could be thrown open to general competition ; providing at the same time for the payment of a reasona ble rate to the Nicaraguan government, on passengers and freight. In August, 185'2, the Accessory Transit Company made its first interoceanic trip over the Nicaraguan route, and continued in successful operation, with great advantage to the public, until the 18th of February, 1856, when it was closed, and the grant to this company, as well as its charter, were summarily and arbitrarily revolted by the ,t) (rovernment -of President Rivas. Previous to this date, however, in 185 , 4, serious disputes concerning the settlements of their accounts had arisen between the company, and the government, threatening the interruption of the route at any moment. These, the United States in vain endeavored to compose. It would be useless to narrate the various pro ceedings which took place between the par ties, up till the time when the transit was discontinued. Suffice it to say that, since February, 1856, it has remained closed, greatly to the prejudice - of citizens of the United States. Since that time, the competi tion has ceased between the rival routes of Panama and Nicaragua, and, in consequence thereof, an unjust and unreasonable amount has been exacted from oar citizens for their passage to and from California. A treaty was signed on the 16th day of November, 1557, by the Secretary of State and Minister of Nicaragua, under the stipu lations of which the use and protection of the .transit route would have been secured, not only to the United States, but equally to all other nations. How and on what pretexts this treaty has failed to receive the ratifica tion of the Nicaragua government, will ap pear by the papers herewith communicated from the State Department. • The principal objection seems to have 'been to the provision authorizing the United States to employ force to keep the route open, in case Nicaragua should fail to perform her duty in this respect. From the feebleness of that republic, its fre quent changes of government, and its con stant internal dissensions, this had become a most important stipulation, and one essen tially necessary not only for the security of the route, but for the safety of American cit izens passing and repassing to and from our Pacific possessions. Were such a stipulation embraced in • a treaty between the United States and Nicaragua, the-knowledge of this fact would of itself most probably prevent hostile parties from committing aggressions on the route, and render our actual inter ference for .its protection necessary. The executive government of this country, in its intercourse with foreign nations, is lim ited to the employment of diplomacy alone. When thiS fails, it can proceed no further. It cannot legitimately resort , to force, without the direct authority of Congress, except in resisting and repelling hostile attacks. It would have no authority to enter the territo ries of Nicaragua, even to prevent the de struction of the transit, - and to protect the lives and property of our own citizens on their passage. It is true, that on a sudden emergency of this character,. the President would direct any armed force in the vicinity to march to their relief; but doing this he would act upon his own responsibility. Under these circumstances, I earnestly recommend to Congress the passage of an act authorizing the President, under such re strictions as they may deem proper, to employ the land and naval forces of the United States in preventing the transit from being obstruc ted or closed by lawless violence, and in pro tecting the lives and property, 'of American citizens traveling thereupon, requiring at the same time that these forpeS• shall" be with drawn the moment the danger shall have passed away. Without such a provision, our citizens will be constantly exposed to inter ruption in their progress, .and to lawless vio lence. A similar necessity exists for the passage of such an act for the protection of the Pan ama and. Tehuantepec routes. In reference to tile" Panamaroute, the Uni ted States, by their eidsting treaty With New Granada, expressly guarantee the neutrality of the Isthmus, "with the view that the free transit from the one to the other sea may not be interrupted. or embarrassed in any future time while this treaty exists." In regard to the Tehuantepec route, which has been recently opened under the most fa horable auspices, our treaty with Mexico, of the 30th of December, 1853, secures to the citizens of the United States a right of tran sit over it for their persons and merchandize, and stipulates that neither government shall "interpose any obstacle" thereto. It - also concedes to the United States the "right to transport.across the Isthmus, in closed bags, the mails of the United. States not intended for distribution along the line of the commu nication ; also, the effects of the United States government and its citizens which may be intended for transit, and not for distribu tion on the Isthmus, free of custom-house or other charges by the Mexican governMent." The treaty stipulations with New Granada and Mexico, in addition to the considerations applicable to the Nicaraguan route, seems to require legislation fur the purpose of carry ing them into effect. The injuries which have been inflicted upon our citizens in Costa Rica and Nicara gua during the last two or three years, have received the prompt attention of this govern ment. Some ,of these injuries were of the most aggravated 'character. The transaction of Virgin Bay, in April, 1856, when a coin pany'or unarmed Americans, who were in no way connected. with any belligerent con duct or party, Were fired upon by the troops of Costa Itica, and numbers of them killed and wounded, was brought to the knowledge of Congress by my predecessor soon after its occurrence, and was also presented to the government of Costa Rica, for that immedi ate investigation and redress which the na ture of the case demanded. A-similar course was pursued with reference to other outrages in these countries, some of which were hardly less aggravated in their character than the transactions at Virgin Bay. At the time, however, when our present minister to Nica ragua was appointed, in December, 1857, no redress had been obtained for any of these wrongs, and no reply even had been received to the demands which had been made by this government upon that of Costa Rica, more than a year before. Our minister was instructed, therefore, to lose no time in expressing, to those govern ments •the deep regret with which the Presi dent had witnessed this inattention to the, just clairus of the United States, and. in demand ing their proinpt and satisfactory adjustment. Unless this demand shall be complied with at an early day, it will only remain for this government to adopt such other measures as may be necessary, in order to. obtain for itself that justice which it has in vain attempted to secure by peaceful means, from the Govern ments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Wh:le it has shOwn, and will continue to show, the most sincere regard fur the rights and honor of these republics, it cannot permit this re gard to be met by au utter neglect, on their part, of what is due to the government and citizens of the United States. Against New Granada we have long stand ing causes of complaint, arising out of the unsatisfied claim of our citizens upon that republic ; and to these have been more re cently- added the outrages upon our citizens at Panama in April, 1856. A treaty for the adjUstMent of theSe difficulties, was conclu ded by the Secretary of State and the Minis ter of New Granada, in September, 1857, which contained just and acceptable provi sions for that purpose. This treaty was transmitted to Bogota, and was ratified by the government of New Granada, but with certain amendments. It was not however, returned to this city until after the close of the last session of the Senate. It will be immediately transmitted to that body for their advice and consent ; and should this be obtained, it will remove all our existing cau ses of complaint against New Granada on the subject of claims. Questions have arisen between the two governments, as to the right of New Granada to•levy a tonnage duty upon the vessels of the United States in its ports of the Isthmus, and to levy a passenger tax upon our citizens arriving in that country, whether with a de sign to remain there or pass from ocean to ocean by the transit route ; and also a tax upon the mail of the United States transpor ted over the Panama Railroad. The govern ment of New Granada has been informed that the United States would consider the collec tion of either of these taxes as an act in vio lation of the treaty between the two countries, and as such would be resisted by the United States. At the same, time we are prepared to discuss these questions in a spirit,of amity and justice, and with a sincere desire•to ad just them in a satisfactory manner. A nego tiation for that purpose has already been corn- Menced. No effort has recently been made to collect these taxes, nor is any anticipated under present circumstances. With the empire of Brazil our relations are of the most friendly character. The pro ductions of the two countries, and especially those of an agricultural nature, are such as to invite extensive mutual exchanges. A large quantity of American flour is consumed in Brazil; whilst more than treble the amount in Value of Brazilian coffee is consumed in the United States. Whilst this is the case, a heavy duty has been levied, until very re cently, upon the importation of American flour into Brazil. I am gratified, however, to be able to inform you that in September last this has been reduced from $1,32 to about forty-nine cents per barrel, and the duties on, other articles of our production have been diminished in nearly the same pro portion. I regret to state that the government of Brazil still continues to levy an export duty of about 11 per cent. on coffee, notwithstand ing this article is admitted free from duty in the United States. This is a heavy charge upon the consumers of coffee in our country as we purchase half the entire surplus crop of that article raised in Brazil. Our minis ter, under, instructions, will reiterate his efforts to have this export duty removed; and it is hoped the enlightened Government of the Emperor will adopt this wise, just and equarpolicy. In that event there is good reason to believe that the commerce between the two countries will greatly increase much to .the advantage of both. The claims of our citizens against the gov ernment of Brazil are not, in the aggregate, of very large amount; but some of these rest upon plain principles of justice, and their settlement ought not to be longer delayed. A renewed and earnest, and, I trust, a suc cessful effort will be made by our minister to procure their final adjustment. On the 2d of June last, Congress passed a joint resolution authorizing the President "to adopt such measures and ,u - Se such force as, in his judgment, may be necessary and ad visable" "for the purpose of adjusting the differences between .the United States and the republic of Paraguay, in connection with the attack on the United States steamer Water 'Witch, and with other measures ro ferred to" in his annual, message. And on the 12th of July following, they made an ap propriation to defray the expenses and com pensation of a commissioner to that republic, should the President deem it proper to make such an appointment. In compliance with the enactments, I have appointed a commissioner, who has procee ded to Paraguay, with full powers and instruc tions to settle these differences in an amicable and-peaceful manner, if this be practicable. His experience and discretion justify the hope that he may prove successful in convincing the Paraguayan go - vernment, that it is due both to honor and justice, that they should volun tarily and promptly make attonement for the wrongs which they have committed against the Uited States, and indemnify our injured citizens whom they have forcibly despoiled of their property. Should our commissioner prove unsuccess ful, after a sincere and earnest effort to ac complish the object of his mission, then no al ternative will remain, but the employment of force to obtain "just satisfaction" from Par aguay. In view of this contingency, the Sec retary of the Navy, under my discretion, has fitted out and despatched a naval force, to rendezvoue near Buenos Ayres, which, it is believed, will prove sufficient fur the occa sion. It is my earnest desire, however, that it may not be found necessary to resort to this last alternative. When Congress met in December last, the business of the country had just been crushed, by one of those periodical revulsions, which are the inevitable consequence of our un sound and extravagant system of hank credits and inflated currency. With all the elements of national wealth in abundance, our manu factures were suspended, our useful public and private enterprises were arrested, and thousands of laborers were deprived of em ployment and reduced to want. Universal distress prevailed among the commercial, manufacturing and mechanical classes. This revulsion was felt the more severely in the United States, because similar causes had produced the like deplorable effects through out the commercial nations of Europe. All were experiencing sad reverse at the same moment. Our manufacturers every where suf fered severely, not because of the recent re duction in the tariff of duties on imports, but because there was no demand at-any price for their productions. The people were obliged to restrict themselves, in their purchases, to articles of prime necessity. In the general prostration of business, iron manufacturers in .different States probably suffered more than any other class,•and much destitution was the inevitable consequence, among the treat number of workmen who had been em ployed in this useful branch of our industry. There could be no supply when there was no demand. To present an example, there could be no demand for railroad iron, after our magnificent system of railroads, extending its benefits to every portion of the Union, had been brought to a dead rase. The same consequences have resulted - from simi lar causes to many other branches of useful manufactures. It is self-evident that where there is no ability to purchase manufactured articles, these cannot be sold, and consequent ly must cease to be produced. No government, and especially a govern ment o such liMited powers as that -of the United States, could have prevented the late revulsion. The whole commercial world seemed for years to have been rushing to this catastrophe. The same ruinous conse quences would have followed in the United States, whether the duties upon foreign im ports had remained . kthey were under the tariff. of 1846, or. had been raised to a much higher standard. "The tariff of 1857 had no agency in the result. The general causes existing throughout the world, could not have been controlled by the legislation of any particular country. The periodical revulsions which have ex isted in our paSt history, must continue to return at intervals, so long as our present unbounded system of bank credits shall pre vail. They will, however, probably be the less severe in future ; because it is not to be expected, at least for many years to come, that the commercial nations of , Europe, with whose interests our own are so materially in volved, will expose themselves to similar calamities. But this, subject was treated-so much at large in my last annual message, that I shall not now pursue it farther. Still, I respectfully renew the recommendation, in favor of the passage of a uniform bankrupt law, applicable to banking institutions.-- This is all the power over the subject which, I believe, the federal government possesses. Such a law would mitigate, though it. might not prevent the evil.• The instinct of self preservation might produce a wholesome re straint upon their banking business, if they knew in advance, that a suspension of specie payments would inevitably produce their civil death. But the effects of the revulsion are ,now slowly but surely passing away. The energy and enterprise of our citizens, with our un •bounded resources, will,. within the period of another year restore a state of wholesome in dustry and trade. Capital has again accu mulated in our large cities. The rate of in terest is there very low. Confidence is grad ually reviving, and so soon as it is discovered that this capital can be profitably employed in commercial and manufacturing enterprises, and in the construction of railroads and other works of public and private improvement, prosperity will again smile throughout the land. It is in vain, however, to disguise the fact from ourselves, that a speculative infla tion of our currency, without a correspond ing inflation in other countries whose manu factures come into competition with our own, must ever produce disastrous results to our domestic manufactures. No tariff, short. of absolute prohibition, can prevent theSe evil consequences. In connection with this subject, it is proper to refer to our financial condition. The same causes which have produced pecuniary dis tress throughout the country,-have so reduced the amount of imports from foreign countries, that the revenue has proved inadequate to meet the 'necessary expenses of the govern ment. To supply the deficiency, Congress, by the act of the 23d of December, 1857, au thorizes the issue of. $20,000;000 of treasury notes ; and, this proving inadequate, they au thorized,' by ills act of June 14, 1858, a loan of $20,000,000, "to be applied to the, pay ment of appropriations made by lair.' , No statesman would advise, that-we should go on increasing the national debt to meet the ordinary expenses of the government.-- , This would be a most ruinous policy, In case of - War, our credit must be our chief re source, at least for the first year, and this would be greatly impaired by having con tracted a large debt in time of peace. It is our true -policy to increase our revenue so as to equal our expenditures. It would be ruin ous to continue to borrow. Besides, it may be proper to observe, that the incidental pro tection, thus afforded by a revenue tariff, would at the present moment, to some extent, increase the confidence of the manufacturing interests, and give fresh impulse to our re viving business. To this, surely, no person will object. In' regard to the mode of assessing and col lecting duties under a strictly revenue tariff, I have long entertained and often expressed the opinion, that sound policy requires this should be one by specific duties, in cases to which these can be properly applied. They are well adapted- to commodities which are usually sold by weight or- by measure, and which, from their nature, are of equal or of nearly equal value. Such, for example are the articles of iron of different classes, raw sugar, and foreign wines, and spirits. In my deliberate judgment, specific du ties are the best, if not the only means of se curing revenue against false and fraudulent invoices, and such has been the practice adopted for this purpose by other commer cial nations. Besides specific duties would -afford to the American manufacturer-the in cidental advantages to which he is fairly en titled under a revenue tarriff. Tho present system is a sliding scale to his disadvantage. Under it, when prices are high and business - prosperous, the duties rise in amount when he least requires their aid: On the contrary, when prices fall, and he is struggling against adversity, the duties are diminished in the same proportion, greatly to his injury. Neither would there be danger that ahigh er rate of duty than that intended by Con gess, could be levied in -the form of specific duties. It would be easy- to ascertain the average value of any imported article for a series of years ; and7instead of subjecting it to an cut valol'em, dirty at a certain rate per contain, to substitute in its place an equiva lent specific duty. CONCLUSION NEXT WEEK. Fr HE • "GREAT REPUBLI C . " TIIE PUBLIC, TILE BOOK AND TRADE, AND TILE PRESS.-11'o imto the honor to :111110Ullee that we shall issue, on or about tho Ist of December next, so as to be in season to command the early attention of the public and the periodical trade, the I'ITIST NUNI3EIt el" A NEW ILLUSTIUTED MAGAZIN; to be called Tin: "GREAT REPUBLIC" INIONTHLT. It is intended to make this Magazine superior in every respect to anything ever before issued in this country. The general scope of its character can best be understood by its name. IT WILL BE TEWBOLTUBLY NATIONAL—IN ttd WISE srerfosAL Ott :QC/ARLAN, and {MOLLY LI/PEBSDNAL. it will offer to the writers and thinkers of this Union a com mon field, where they can meet on the highest ground , of coteniporary literature. It will aim to gather about it every variety of intellect. The range of articles will be a wide one, covering, among other grounds, Essays, Sketches, ITurnoroun Tithm, Stories. Hist()) ical Incidents, Reviews, Critiques, Biogra phies, Scientific Articles. Travels. Table Talk Dramas, incidents, Politics, Poems, Ballads, Stanzas, Sonnets, Mu sic, Correspondence Gossip, etc.. etc., etc. The Magazine will be profusely illustrated in the high est style of wend engraving. The Literary depai talent will present greater variety, combined with more thorough excellence, it is believed, than ever before offered to the American public in a single periodical. The following authors and popular writers arc included in the list of cuntributors engaged; GEO. D. 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GOODWIN, (Mits. Ilswixr,) JANE G. AUSTIN. In addition to the foregoing brilliant array of American authors, there are a large number of first-class writers engaged. (among them some of the most distinguished,of the day,) who are compelled, from pre-existing engage ments, or other causes, to 'withhold their names for the present, but who will, nevertheleSii contribute frequently to our pages. We would also announce that we shall itfiii to our list of contributors the names of other distinguish ed authors, as soon as satisfactory arrangements can be completed. Each number will contain au original piece of musk, composed expressly for this work. Of the superior excellence of the Magazine in every re spect. and of the certainty of its permanent success, very little more need be said. The terms and general conditions of the 7 , Sirtgrtzino will ho as follow: Yet.nits.—There will be two volumes a year, of about 700 royal octavo pages each, commencing in January and July, and ending in June and December, respectively, making six numbers to each volume, and twelve numbers to each year. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Single copies $0 25 Subscription, 1 copy one year, sent by mail 3 00 Clubs, 2 - copies, ono year 5 00 . 4, 3 ~ CL • 7 00 ‘f 4 " ic 000 " 5 a LC 10 00 And all additirma7 copies, over five, at the rate of $2 each, if sent to the same Club. Clubs may be.formcd at diyerevt rest Offices. ,All subscriplirms must he paid in advance. Premium subscriptions, entitling the subscriber to the Magazine for one year, and to their choice of either of 'Our two great steel engravings. entitled "THE LAST SUP PER," and "THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING," four dollars. ' The engraving will be sent on rollers by mail, pre-paid. 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Nov. 9, 1858 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING.! ! Keep yourself warm. Call at M GUTMAN it,PC/'S Cheap Clothing Store, iu Long's new building, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. A good stock; always on hand. (0e26.) EDWARD S. GOULD, CIIAS. F. BRIGGS, =I WM. li. C. HOSMER„ OEO. W. PECK, R. 11. STODDARD, JO lIN It. THOMPSON, FItED. S. COZZENS, A. J. ItEQUIER, MAJ. J. H. EATON, U. S. A. LEVI REUBEN, THOS. DUNN ENOLTSII, TER MS