THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. Letter of a Dying Wife The following most touching fragment of a letter from a dying wife to her husband, says the Nashville Gazette, was found by him some months after her death, between the leaves of a religious volume which she was very fond of perusing. The letter, which was lit erally dim with her tear-marks, was written long before her husband was aware that the grasp of fatal disease had fastened upon the lovely form of his wife, who died at the early age of nineteen : " When this shall reach your eye, dear George, some day when you are turning over the relics of the past, 1 shall have passed away forever, and the cold white stone will be keeping its lonely watch over the lips you have so often -pressed, and the sod will be growing green that shall bide forever from your sight the dust of one who has often nes tled close to your warm heart. For many lung and sleepless nights, when all beside my thoughts were at rest, I have wrestled with consciousness of approaching death, until at last it has forced itself upon my mind; and although to you and to others it might now seem but the nervous imagining of a girl, yet, dear George, it is sot Many weary nights have I passed in the endeavor to rec oncile myself to leaving you, whom I loved so well, and this bright world of sunshine and beauty ; and hard indeed it is to struggle on silently and alone, with the sure convic tion that I am about to leave all forever and go down into the dark valley t "But I know in whom I have believed,' and leaning on His arm, 'I fear no evil.' Do not blame me fur keeping even all this from you. How could I subject you, of all others, to such sorrow as I feel at parting, when time will soon make it apparent to you t I could have wished to live, if only to be at your side when your time shall come, and pillowing your head on my breast, - wipe the death-damps from your brow, and usher your departing spirit into its Maker's presence, embalmed in woman's holiest prayer. But it is not to he, and I submit. Yours is the privilege of watching, through long and dreary nights, for the spirits final flight, and of transferring my sinking head from your breast to my Sa vior's bosom I And you shall share my last thought, and the last faint pressure of the hand, and the last feeble kiss shall be yours, and even when flesh and heart shall have failed me, my eyes shall rest on yours until glazed by death ; and our spirits shall hold one last communion until gently fading from my view—the last of earth—you shall mingle with the first bright glimpse of the unfading glories of the better world, where partings are unknown. Well do I know the spot, my dear George, where you will lay me; often we stood by the place, and as we watched the mellow sunset, as it glanced in c l uivering flashes through the leaves, and burnished the grassy mounds around us with stripes of bur nished gold, each, perhaps, has thought that some day one of us would come alone, and whichever it might be, your name would be on the stone. But ire loved the spot, and 1 know you will love it none the less, when you see the same quiet sunlight linger and play among the grass that grows over tour Mary's grave. I know you will go there, and my spirit will be with you then, and whis per among the waving branches z--`I am net lost, but gone before.'" A SINGULAR AND FATAL Ace' DENT—.I Malt Lives a Day zoi(11, lifllewi Cut 0f;-2n accident occurred in a pottery in the lower end of Fort street, in the out skirts of the city, some days since, resulting in the death of ma employee of the estab lishment, which furnishes at most singnitir instance of the tenacity with which life clings, at times, to the human frame. The man, whose name we have been unable to ascertain, was engaged in the room where the machinery employed in cutting and pul verizing the clay is situated. This machine is a large wheel, with heavy knives or cut ters placed at equal distances on its circum ference. Some disarrangement of this w heel attracted the attention of the unfortunate man, who attempted to roach into the wheel and adjust it while it was still revolving. In this however, he miscalculated the speed at which the mac,hineary was running, and before he could withdraw himself from under the knife, it struck him on the back of the head, low down in the neck, completely sev ering the upper and back portion of the skull, on a line close to the top of the ears, and cut ting through and removing a considerable portion of the brain. The most singular cir cumstances was that the man, in this horri bly wounded condition walked into an adjoin ing apartment where other workmen were, and afterwards walked to a carriage which he rode home in, surviving the accident nearly half a day. We doubt if another ease of such extreme tenacity of life can be found in the records of accidents, but the ac tual occurrence of the above circumstances is vouched for by competent authorities, and is beyond a doubt —Detroit Free Press AN EXTRAORDINARY" lloasa STORY.—The Bonham, (Texas) ladepentlent tells of a horse which escaped from his owner in May last, and was found seven weeks after, a m ile a n d a half from the house. lie had twenty feet of rope tied to his neck when he got away, and this had become fastened to a bush, and kept the horse all that time. The horse had only twelve feet of the lariat to play upon.— He had bitten off two elm saplings four inch es in diameter, and eaten the stumps to the very ground and also the trunks and limbs as far as his tether would reach. No rain had fallen during the period to wet the ground, and in the last four weeks it had not even sprinkled. The horse was an "Ameri can" horse of good size, and was fat when he escaped—when found he was a perfect skeleton. Great caution was observed in giving him water and food after he was found, and he rapidly recovered his flesh. LAZINESS A DISEASE.—LaZinCSS is a bad disease, and like many other kinds, is often self-imposed. In the case of many individu als, it is an inherited malady, and conse quently hard to cast from the system. But it is often the case that this disgusting tem per is brought on persons by their own de liberate selfishness—by a vastly discreditable disposition to shirk the inevitable burdens in cident to living a decent life. Laziness of this kind is one of the cardinal sins, and should subject the obnoxious offender to the discipline of the tread-mill. More particular ly is laziness offensive in th e youn g an d healthy. To learn to work, and work cheerfully, is the central lesson of life. Begin to learn it early —eschew laziness as the most disgusting of all faults, and one that will surely end in hope less misery; for, depend upon it, none can be so insensible through laziness as to be, in the end, incapable of suffering, .Nature is, in the event of a non-payment of her demands, a stern and merciless creditor, THE GLOBE. Huntingdon, 'Wednesday, Dec. 8, 1858 ,E,c l - 7.3 While musing on the past, many scenes of by-gone days recur to the mind, which bring back joy and gratitude to the heart. How thankful we should be for the many blessings which the Creator has en dowed upon us. Thankful for the power of memory—thankful for the pleasant scenes and pleasures of the past, which daily occur to our mind. Oh ! how often we think of childhood's sunny hours. How dear to us then—how we love to dwell upon the thoughts of them now. When no earthly care troubled our little brain—then—then we were happy. It makes us feel happy now, in our sterner years, to dwell upon the thoughts of boyhood. Now, that the troubles and cares of a busy world, are involved upon our mind—now, that we are one of the many who are daily occupied in the pursuits , of business, we have no time to enact child hood's scenes over again, nor have we any desire, for years of discretion have taught us to think of more useful employment. Life is but a sunshine, no telling what moment a Clark cloud may encircle our brow, and hide our face from the gaze of the world. The happiest moments of a man's life, says Syd ney Smith, are while dwelling upon the scenes and sports of childhood. Who is not given to retrospective musings? 'Why should we not make ourselves happy by dwelling upon the thoughts of the past True, it would be better for some of us, could we blot out from the memory some scenes in the drama of life, but then, those persons have their happy times to ponder over, as well as those whose past life has no act which they would stain from the Book of Life. FORCER ARRESTED.—On Sunday morning last, Michael T3etz, of Lebanon county, was arrested at Mr. Whittaker's, on Warrior Ridge, by Joseph Shontz, a constable of Leb anon borough. It appears that about a year ago, Betz forged a note in his father-in-law's name, on the Bank of Lebanon, for 51500, and as it was about coming due, he left for parts unknown, whereupon, the officers of the Bank sent an officer of the law, after him. The officer followed him West as far as Kan sas, then back again as far as Mr. Whitta ker's, where he arrested him, while sitting comfortably behind the stove reading a book. When the officer made known his errand, " Why," says the fellow, "lent that fixed up yet. lam glad you come. I was going to walk home, n hen my foot got well." it ap pears also, that he has forged several notes previous to this one, on the same bank, and in his father-in-law's name, but was more successful than in this case, with -which he went West and speculated in cattle, &c.. but he was not very successful in his speculations. "Ile fellow was not aware that the officer was after him, until he was arrested. By some means or other, lie lost all the money he had. with him, and we suppose he was stopping at Mr. Whittaker's to recruit, preparatory to starting on a " tramp" for borne. He seemed very much pleased that the officer should come after him, and. was willing to accom pany him back. The officer brought him to this borough and lodged hint iu jail until Monday morning, when. he proceeded with him to Lebanon. The officer was six weeks in pursuit of hint, at a cost to the Bank of '3!200. Such rogues as Bets deserve the full extent of the law, and it would be nothing unfair, should he get what his crime so richly deserves. The officer deserves credit for his vigilant and untiring industry, in following the rascal up so closely. Viii' Winter is upon us, and Jack Frost is preparing to give us another of his annual Exhibitions of red cheeks, red noses, and frozen feet, together with a thousand and one other feats which be annually performs.— Now is the time for those who are able, to store away such articles of food as they may need during the cold, dreary winter. Those who have not the means wherewith to pro cure the necessaries of life, and who are de pendant upon the charity of those who are blest with an abundance of this world's goods, dread the thought of the coming cold and cheerless season, whilst others, who have plenty, look - with joy and gratitude upon the snow-capped mountains, in anticipation of a happy time in the valley beneath, with their horses and sleighs and the merry jingle of the sleigh-bells. A ScAmr--The Chambershurg Spirit says ".A. fellow professing to lie a jcnr printer, visited this place last week, and after spong ing his supper off some of the craft, obtained permission to sleep in one of the offices.— The nest morning he was among the miss ing, and also an overcoat belonging to one of the proprietors of the establishment. The chap gave his name as Barr. He is a young man about 18 or 20 years of age, has long black hair, and rather etravagantly dress ed." A fellow of similar character served us the same trick, early last spring. lie may be known by his eyes just such eyes as you will find in the head of every dog guilty of killing sheep. pEr The Methodist Church is still in pro gress, but as yet, they have received no con vert& Some able m inisters hare presided over the meetings already held, and have pro duced some able arguments. We hope, be fore their meetings come to a close, they may he instrumental in reforming the morals of many of the young of our borough. Locals. Rudorous.—There will be a sermon deliv ered in the German language in the German Reformed Church, on next Saturday morning, at eleven o'clock, and in the evening there will be a sermon preached in the English language. At eleven o'clock, Sunday morn ing, the Lord's Supper will be administered by the Rev. Mr. Reid. Those wishing to join the Church, will make application to the Rev. Reid previous to that time. A Ricu FEAST.—On Thursday evening last, we visited, by invitation, the LADIES' OYSTER SALOON just opened and fitted up in handsome style, by Mr. E. C. Summers., op posite Jackson's Hotel. The oysters served up were large and very fine, and the table extras ahead of any we ever saw furnished in the best city Saloons. Give Mr. S. a call and judge for yourselves, of the accommoda tions lie offers. Ero=.A Teachers Institute -will be held in this place, commencing Dec. 27th inst., and continuing for three days. We may expect this meeting of Teachers to be one of more than usual interest, as learned and experien ced gentlemen . will be in attendance to take part in the proceedings. Our young friend, ITarry Swivel, has been promoted to the post of baggage-master, between. Harrisburg, and Lancaster. May success attend him. BROAD Tor DEER.—We have lately noticed several deer arrived by the cars from Broad Top region. They are said to be plenty this season. re, See advertisement of Dr. S:lnford's Liver Invigorator in another column. MARRIED, On Thursday, November 11th. by Rev. S. 11. Reid, Mr. &ow; Wirmr.R. to Miss' ANNII: SNYDER, of this place. On the Ist of December. by (labial Chancy. Mr. ANTHONY BRAME): to Miss 31.1.RUARFA 3.1171i11; both Of Bar ree township. PHIL AD E L,PIIIA Orr:. v.:Ty quiet; sales 500 bids superfine at and i,ion bids extra family at .=' ,1 3.3Z, The rorPipts continite to till) liye Flour dull at :241, and Corn Meal at 8'1.25. WI teat comes tbrward slimly and in bettor de mand; sales 2,U00 bus at $1.2tiq%;1.27 fin" red. and $1.40 tbr white. Rye wanted at Si/o. Corn dull and has declined: sales 5,000 bus. now - yellow' at 00 , ailSc., and uld atStie:S:ic. Oats steady at -15e47c. TRAY STE E R.—Came to the, prom of the sithscrilwr, in Toil township, some time in September last. a brindle, with some white spots, and a white star on hi , forehead, both emi., cropped, and sup posed to be two yearsl old next Spring. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property. pay charges anl take him away, otherwise he will be of aceerillng to law. 131-LISON Dec. S, TOT If:tying* been reliably informed tlmt Samnel L. t;Llsgow Kehl orhold; saceral IlutCS Of balsa purportingto be giVC.I by me, to Lim, and having never giVell said Otos i4.cos a note or note , of hand, or evidences of debt of any kind. or any amimint, or roceived valuo or coithideration Irani bitn,l ltyray forewarn all per,ons from having any thing to do with any notes Or orbit-Bees of iiebt Imrport lo.:.; to bzi by Joe to •iiald will not pay them nnl4•4, conlpvllett by Dm- JOHN BRE 11 - STEIL ll,crinioor S, I`•3i(..] 4 i` t ,6 11) ur psuunce of j .t c j an OrdManco pa:csed by the Durges,e, ainl Town Cotincil of the borough of rruntin ; _pron,, the :,trd day of December ' propo,za, NS ill lie rcec•ived the undersimed, up to 12 o'clock. 31., on Saturday, the 25th day of December, in,thnt, to loin to said borough, the sum of GIVE THOUSAND Dob.r..-ues. redeemable ou the lir,t day of January. 1864, and to bear interest not ex coeclin!2 six per cent. per anonza, payable semi-annually on the nist tlay:i of Jammu and July. To secure which, cart ideates will be issued tar amonnts not exceeding one hundred dollm d each. .1011 X 101 ITTAKE [December S. '5S.] Cht . ':l Burgess. rylIT..-g'd& IN ST IT UT E. The o.,telicrs of this county are respectfully invitc4 t ase:cmhlo at the Court on tit.:2.tith, 29th IV:, of this month. for the purpose of 'Mailing . an In: titute. The C 1 11 , ,litlays appear to he the not latrurabie ptni e.tnferred with many teachers, ire linty expr , ct o tlen. , ral attentlance—proitahl3 larger than at any former nucti ;g. Prof. lic7C. WALSH W ill rowl a roport on th means of pr,,;(2,4"naliz!ng feathers. Prof. P.... 10.-.r.or,Nr., DANTl , l O, .:: ,, sr.\ - Ift•stry Melinur.N. ‘‘ ill prepare a eeport on Physical Cioography. Er:cm f; ‘t.a.a. MILTON ,SAN:; W1LL1.174 A. liege; kill preimre a report on the utility of introdu ing the higher brai:die , of shady into our Conintou S, Miter repel -; have been i.repareti, but the Cont i mitt ees appointed Intvr not beet: tie le,ted front. J. SI,WELL. STI:WART, Emil.. will lecture on neology. lien. Dr. Jous li. WisTßom:„ aud A. NV. Dr,Ndnuel, v. ill lecture on ldeatling. Lectures will alto be. delivered on Composition, "Vocal Music, Phyeical ideography, and other stuulies .belonging to Cie 1 A class ci voculi.,ts till enliven the exerci , eß of thr , in stitnte tt ifit =elect pt - rem of tutt , ic. More dclinil t arritiv6e nients will be noticed next week. ALUER'I2 OWEN. Cliuutingdou, Doc- S;sB.} County Sylh•rinicivlizt. A tlDE:oit , s NoTicE. Cialacws of G. LigWarr.) The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Ihmtingilim county. to distribute the proeeeds of the Sheriff's Sal., of the real e.4.1t0 of Dr. J. G. Lightner to anti amongst those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, tint he will attend lbr that purpose. at his office in the borough of Huntingdon. on Frichty the 24th of _December la;:t., at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said hind. THEO. 11. CRIOIER., December 1,1.855-4. t. Auditor. TUE GROVER & BAKER, SE WING MACHINE CO., 7:10 Chestnut street, Philadelphia., Loring greatly increased their thcilities fbrmainnimturing• their CELT-in:ATM) 'FAMILY MACHINES, with all the recent improvements, hare reduced their prices, and offer for sale A NEW STYLE MACHINE. Pawn Stal, It is no longer questioned that these Machines ate the best iu use for family sewing.. They HEM, FELL, GATHER AND STITCH in the most superior manner, and are the only machines iu the market that arc , so well and simply made, that they may be sent into families with no other instructions than arc contained in a circular which accompanies each ma chine, and front which A CHILD OF TEN YE Alta may readily learn how to use them, and keep them in order. They make upwards of Fifteen Handrol Stitches a Minute, and will do the sowing of a family cheaper than a seam stress can do it, even if she works at the rate of oae CENT AN FLOUR. TN there a 'husband, father, or brother in the United States, who will permit the drudgery of hand ~,ening: in his family, when a Grover & Baker Machine will do it better, more expeditiously, and cheaper than can possibly be done by hand ? .iI"'SENT ) volt A cincoLtiv - Dec.l. 1811 S. AUDITOR'S .NOTICE.— (Escure of 1t m. 2 .Tamison, deed.) The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court, to it , eertain the balance in the hands of Eobert Campbell, Executor of WILLIAM Y. JAMISON, subject to distribution, and to make distribution of such balance, and also the proceeds of certain judgments as signed by said Executor, in trust, to be appropriated to the persons legally entitled to receive the sante. u ill attend for that purpose at his office, in the borough of Ifuntiug don, on Thursday, December 231, IShS, at ten o'clock. A. 1%1. All persons interested are requested to present their claims at the above time and place, or be debarred front coming in on said fund Dec. 1,1855.-4 t A—f-jl-5)-- S N OD. C E (ESTATE OF Zs:101101.AS GRAFTL'S, DEUD.) - The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of 'Huntingdon county, to distribute the balanoe in the bands of Hiram Williamson aud Samuel Miller, Aa niblistrator4 of the estate of Nicholas: Grafts. deed, to and those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice Him lie will attend for that ronlae:e„ at his thee in Hun tingdon. on Thai. In)/ tie 2:kt ?t.IOIIAT in t., at o'ehadr. P. M., when and where all persons interested in raid fund, are required to present their claims to the uu er be debarred from rotilintr, in upon said fund. THEO. 11. 01?..E31 December 1. IS3`—at Auditor. 1111Litli,"E TS. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor 4 LE'_XANDRIA BREWERY. iF. , ENBERG s; CONNOR., are prepared to rut Dish all ! (.1 den.; rta• t.romptly. Address Isctiberg ti Conuor, Alexandria„ Huntingdon county, Pa. Pee. S, TRAY BULL.—Carne to the pawl w; the subscriber, in 'Union township. :s.onv2 , tin, in 'vtember 1.1 , 4. a young. bull with red bides and white I a on;; Ids hack and l Kdly, supposed to be three year, old n Tho owner is requested to conic forward, peove property, pay charges and tal:e him away, other ,' i u, lie Is ill be dispoged of according to law. N0v.24,1858. LEVL WlaGar. ÜBLIC SALE.--Orphans' Court sale. (123tafd of Henry Tl7o:fcl, deceased.) In purauance of on tinier of the Orphans' Court of Run county, will be sold at Public Salo, on the prowl- 'On Thmsday, 23d December, 1858, A TRACT OF LAND situate in West township, leljoining lands of William Stewart on the North, lands of Dorsey's heirs on the West, land of John and Michael Weir on the South. and lands of William Reed on the East, containing NINETY-SIX ACRES, more or less, having thereon a Frame [Louse, a Frame Bank Darn, and other out-build ings. The land is limestone of good quality, and has upon it a never failing spring and stream of water, and an or chard. Said farm being late the property of henry War fel, deceased. !VEHMS OF SALE t—Onc-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments with interest, to be secured by the bonds and inortgage of the purchaser. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A...NT.. of said arty. Cal ISTIAN PEIG 11 TAL, olr,i3Ewr ILORNINU, Dec. 1, 185.9.] Atl»tin islrators with the Will annexed. c r ! -- TRAY HOG7---Came to the premises )) of tile subscriber, in 'West township, about the 10th of September last, a white barrow with a piece off the right ear, will weigh about eighty pounds, The owner is requested to come fOrward. pros-a property, pay charges tirm take him away, otherwise, he will be dispo=ed of ac cording to law. M. WEYER. Nov. 24. 1555.-3 t QIIERIPITS SALES.—By virtue of KJ Sundry Testattun writs of Vend. Exp. issued out of the Court of Bedford county, to me directed, I will expose to Public Sale at the Court House, in the borough of Hun tinztlou, en Wednesday the 20th day of December,lssB, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following described ProPerin to wit : All the right, title and interest of the de fendant, of, in, to and out of one tract of land situated in Tod township, Huntingdon county, containing 500 acres more or less, and surveyed on two warrants to Richard Clatk, the one dated Sept. 3d, 17th and the other Sept. 18, 1734 and adjoining lands of Espy L. Anderson, Wm. IlLatek's heirs and others seized a n d till:en in exectition as the prop,Tty of John Dougherty. .(1.1 , m, all the right. tine and interest of defendant, in, to and out of one tract of land known as Taylor's coal bank tract, containing three hut,Jull and seventeen acres (317) more or less as its at, o ut 50 a , re, cleared, a dwelling liono, bzirti and Other traihl nig; the' eon erected, situated on itotACV Ridge in 120,1 ton nship, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of John S.l.vagts' heirs, Peter Cul finutt, Jacob Tayllr, Tayloe and others, seized and taken in execution as the propel ty of Joint Dougherty —ALSO— About five acres of real estate situate in Shirley township. Huntingdon county, adjoining the town of Mt. Union on the north and separated front said town by _Market street awl adjoining, land of John Tin wipson on the oast, Andrew Volleek's heirs on the south, land o r John Dougherty on the west, and separahsl from said John Doneherty by a Straight !Inc produced or to ho producol by the extension of the western side 01 AVllAlifigtell Street (On Of the streets of said town of Mt. Union) an of sai real estate b , "ing cleared and under foneo. Soi/etl and taken in execution as the property of John Dougherty. Also, the following lots in the town of Mt. 'Union, Shirley township, Ifuntingdon county, to wit: Lot•• deshowtod and known in the gOn , 'rll plan of said tw‘rn as recorded in the Recorder's 00 h:c in Huntingdon and in said plan describea ae numbers 32. 3.1-, 37. 40, 43, 4e, ;It ; b.:. L 5, 3.4 35, 38. 41, 44.47, 01). 53, 06, 3d, 311. 42, 45. dtz. 01. 5 1„1 . 7. 70, 71, 72, 73, 116, 141,142, 143 and 1 t 4. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Dougherty. Alec. as the prop rty of both defendants, the foll Owing lots in the town of lit. Union, Shirley townslup, Huntingdon county. l'a., to wit: Lots designated in the recorded Plan of said town as numbers SS. 59, Go, 61 and 49. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jarites J. INlcElhony tool John Dougherty. Also, ono tract of land containing Son acres Inure or less (being coal land) situate on 'Rocky ilidge on the waters of eiroat Trough Creek in Toil township. Huntingdon county. SU:Deli:nes call•'. I. the Corbin trod," surveyed nu a warrant to James Witt or or Jaynes Miller eenv.. - ed to Geo. \V. Speer and John Dough orty by deed dated March 10, 1054, by .Asa Corbin end by Speer con veyed to Dougherty on the 12th of April 1.0:)0, arid adjoin ing lends of Peter Curfinan, Taylor's heirs and others. Selz% and taken in oxocntion no the, property of John Dougnerty. Dec. I t 18:7S Ylt 1)114' 11, L(lll.i i T 20,)---1: L ESTAT . N 1/.II`,"SCIN C. SMA‘A"..C.Y. CEA:SEP.—MOSEY WA:WU:D.—The s ol , scriber. as Ad nduistrator of said estate, and for tho of pa:, the debt: against the , :taw . „ aad herohy to horror; the slim of about nine hundred dollars, foi• interest, at the rate of SeVell per cent. per annum will LK, allowed, to 1:e seem ed by nuade age ou s aid real tate. And provided said loan is not etlected by the •2t1 , 1 day r f Pceeinber lust., (185S.):then, on sail day of I , ceendwr inst., by virtue of a fourth plurias Order of said Court, and between the bours of tea o'clock, A. M., and I olh:ck, P. M., of said day, will be expos-cd to imblia on rite premises, (or such part thereof 11e enfilcient to pay the debts athre.said.) the following* real estate, \i::: A TRACT OF LAND satiate in Shirley township, Hun tingdon county, bounded by Juniata river o 1 1:0 notilt east, ley- Atigh wick Creel: 00 the north-we=t, by lands of J. M. Deli r , ll the south-west, and by lands of 0. Di taqr and yell's the south-ea it, containing about tno ha ildr.`d said :713.3 - -n , ar acres and 1//i011":111CO, 22101" :lb Jet one hundred acres of which are chard and under cnltiwition, haying thereon erected a TWO STt:III.7 ;410...N.E DWELI,EVI HOUSE, Lank barn, stoho spring house. tenant house, &e. .. 4 .1,0 on said premises is :tit lion Ore Applo Orchard, Ac., being the real estate of sahl deceased. TERMS OF SALE :—One-third of the purchase inmey to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the res . :due 111 ttcu ritual annual payments with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. Due attendance giA en on the day of sale by HE.N.ItY BBEWSTEIL Acenti22 istrotor of Dawson a i'mawicy, deed. Doc. 1, ISt d. Pal REWARD—WiII be given P ,l Y _Jo' for the apprehension of JOHN AMdritOSE awl GEOlt(li: LITZIfORD, who escaped from the Hum tire,;don Jail ou the night of the Hall ifnst. At/IN-ruse is. about :35 years of age, slender, dark hair, Olin in front, small black rvhiskers, and is about six feet high, had on '.lien lie left dark pantaloons and heavy hoots. tit/Surd is slender. about lira feet three inches highrfi6ht hair, is as Ermlisinuan in appearance and speruch. DOLLARS each will he paid for the arrest of aluovo scribed persons, or for such information as will lead to their arrest. Gltirra 21ILLElt. 1111ntingdon, Nov. 24, ISSB. Sheriff. coLLEcToRs TAkE Notice is hereby given that immediately after flue &mond, Monday in January next, proceeding , ' svili tuo cow: monred for the collection of all balances then remaining due, from collectors 'those' Duplicates bear date in 1811, aml previous to that time. order of the Commissioners. HENRY W. MILER, Clerk. thmting,don, Nov. 21, ISSB. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of IV3I. IL LAlsik.i, late of Springfield township, llmitingilon en., d- ceased, having been granted to the undersigned. he here by notifies all persons indebted to said Estate, to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them, duly authenticated, V A for s ettlement. EPURA.I3I. LLA Nov. 17, 1.958.—Gt. Administrator. IGS—WIGS—WIGS. iY BATCHELOR'S wlas AND TOUPEES surpass all. They are elegant, light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no shrink ing off the head: indeed, this is the only Establishment where these things are properly understood and made. N0v.17, ISSS. ly.] 233 BIIOADWAY. NEW YORK. ALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EX y in all diseases, inflammation, more or less, predominates—now, to allay infiannnation, strikes at the root of disease—hence an immediate cure. PALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR and NOTUING E.LsE, will allay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. ItALLEk'S MAGICAL PAIN :EXTRACTOR will cure the following among a great catalogue of dis eases :—Purns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, Sore Nipples. Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains. Biles, Scrofula. Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felons. EM! Ache. Pile..., S,ae Eyes. Gout. Swellings. ltheuunitham 4rild Iliad, Salt Rheum Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barber's Itch, Small Pee, Measles. Bash, .`ze.. To some, it may appear incredulous that Po many di, cases should bo reached by one article snch an idea Al ill vanish it hen reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a combination of ingredients, each and every one apply ing a perfect antidote to its apposite disorder. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR in its effects is magical, Leo:lase the time is So short be tweet' disease and a permanent mire: and it ism) extractor, as it titans all disease out of the anceted part. leaving na tare as perfect as before the injury. It is sC:tlcely neces sary to say that no 'house, work-shop, or manufactory should be one moment n ithout it. No Pain Extractor is genuine, unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving', with the name of _Remy Dailey, Miumfcturer. Fwr a do he all the Druggists and patent medicine (I.Ntlui6 throughwit the 'United States tutu Camolas. incipal Depot. 163 Chili:lle:es St., New T. C. F. CIIACE. - Sobl by ,TOTI:'.; READ, fir:NTIN , ,c),,,, t r,. r N.,vorab. 17 7 1 0 11. AFITS NI ILL": R . , S heriS TT.:.kITE YOU SE EN T E M ?—Th t qnpel I, engraving:, "Titt: rtt.t.h: tCKS!tIITII," and ' the b. autiful .loclu; tL, \\ hiLth are furni , lm.l to mil. Of the Cosmopolitan Art A. , -oci.tti.m, eau imw h e . ' ,ieen at the office of .1. J. Lawroteo, Mr a shert time only. advertisement elsow here : Leaded—New Ecaturee,. Nov. 0.1855. TAKE NE. OTIC—AII pQrsons having A Eettiemtuts to make for deolings had at my store at ) - hudidc-Inir,g, will 'slake pixy nicnt Wine at Ilimtingdon, or I to my lion, Joseph Strolls Huntingdon, Nov. 24, TB5B. ITAlt' ABLE HOTEL PROPER TT AT PITELTC SALE.—Tim tm%tersigned. tlesiroaq of removing to the West, will offer at Public Sale, on the On Thursday, 23d day of December, next, the property hnown ;15 the "MOW. , T2' UNIoN together with all the buildings and ground, thereunto belonging. This property is believed to - be one of the best for a hotel, in the county— possessing- a hue front immediately at the ger Station, on the Pennsylvania llailroad. atSluuut Union Depot. and extending directly through to the Canal, thus allbrding, every facility for trade, front either Railroad or Camel. The buildings are large. and embrace, iu addition to the lintel, extensive Stables, Carriage Ibmsc. Teo itoust, sheds, Blacksmith Shop, Tenant House, and every desirable con venience for a Public !louse. The attention of Hotel fieepers is requested to this prop erty. Mount Union being the point on the Pennsylvania, Eiiilroad and Canal. where the trade and travel of a large di.trict of country, embracing nearly one half of Ranting-- don, all of Fulton and part of - Franklin counties, come,- tratcs in seeking the Eastern Markets. A line of Stages connects Chambersburg with thia point. Possession given on Ist of April, next, (1.559.) Terms, favorable. [Nov. '24,'58.1 A. LEWIS,. TH E BRITISH REVIEWS AND 1 BLA CRWOOD'S MA.GAZINE.—GREAT INDucr.mENTB TO :.Ll3SCRlllE!—Premiums and Reductions. L. Scott Sr. Co.. New York, continue to publish the fol lowing leading British Periodicals, TrID LONDON QUARTERLy (Conservative.) TUE EDENTyuitan REYIEW (Whig) 3. TILE NORTH BRITISH ILEVI.EIr (Free Church.) 4. TILE WESTNINSTEII REVIEW (Moral.) BLACKWOOD'S EDENBIJEGIr MAGAZINE (Tory.) These - Periodicals ably represent the three great politi cal parties of Great Britain—Whig. Tory. and Dadicia— but politics foriu only one feature of their rluiracier. As Organs of the cutest profound titers ott Science, Litera ture, Morality and Reliuion, they stain/ they ever lure Fraild, unrivalled in the a orhi of letters, beine considered indispensable to the scholar :Ind the prefe;.;:enal whir to the intelligent lead: r Or MAT chuss they till wish a more cot reet and satisibc tory roe u rd of the en rout lit etaturo of the day. threngluunt the world ; than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY . COPIES, The receipt of Advance Sheets from the Di publish ers gives additional value to these Reprints, infeinnich as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribe' s about as sans as the oric;inal editions. TERMS. (Regular Priec;,.) • Per ann. For any Mil' of the font 'Reviews > 110 For any two of the tout Reviews 00 For any three of the tour Reviews 7 00 For all feur of the lleviews = I= EIMMMMM Y u r aunt thte Fer lackwoo‘l awl the flew RevieNis _Memo carreHt in lite .Stufe le7iece wig be r,cejued at Pan POST ACI'E., Tie Po , :tafr , • to any part ;If the, i2nllol Tweuty-hw ecata uycar for "lattclzwoeil," and but Yours teen cents ii year for each of the IZeviev , s. :St flue above prices the Perh,dicals will he farnishel 15:59, and a= a. monum - to NEW SVllScramx,.3. the Nas. of tile same Perioilicals for will he furtti,bed oquplete, Witifrdtt cha the thore epbenvq - al - 231,1-,117-ines of the clay, thec.e. Periodicals lose little by age. Hence. a full year of the :Nos. (with LH, 01.11iss:fm , .) for 1557, May be reartlekl nearly as Valuable a, for tiub=criberi.: also tlto Nos. for lSrifl awl ISIS, will he supplied. at the foll,Ming extremely low rates. SPLEND3D OFF.F.RS FOR 1556'57 '55 & TOGETITEII. Fur Blackwood' , 11ti ainc, the four years, tin For any one Review " ri For any ttrn n o viows c= 10 00 For 131aolovoth1 and 00 , 2 i 0 View i 0 00 For muck Irow:/ital c neriOli , c: l> 00 For thr,c C, 13 03 For Maeltwootl and three R.OVit,IVS " I 7 00 For the rour 15 00 For Blaeltwoutl awl the four 20 00 . 11.—The plico iu Great Britain Of five Pcriodical , above named b: per aniimn. to vee again to offer mleh il2duce ta,llb, iivreprv•iullted, NOW IS 'TILE T 1 1]: STMSCnbilll! 11.7:-.1Zelilittancei nlw-t, in all ease , be ni.ide direct to 14, Prthii.sht , r.s, for at tlie,,o pi ices Lie can be an,,,w or to:tin - I)AF. ddre , s LEONARD SCOTT S; CO., No. 31 Gold ,:treet, New Yolk. Nov. 24. IS.-,S„ AV F S FT II 'YEA it. of tile COFnnini.ITNN Ar.'r Assom k f rioS. Suporb iqavings I _Beautiful Art Join nal! Valuable premimn . i, &u. This popular Art A , ,ociutio a, now in its fifth yrar of unparalleleil i,urcess, puirlia-,il. and enu:ravNl nu ilerring's great huinting.. 131.1.C1i :,M1T1i," 110 i-,illo COnii,, (to F.ittl'icribt , r , ; only,) on niatc on the foliOlt ing TERMS OF : Every per.,ou lum t.tiic Ihree (lona o a copy of (to , s , ...crrb Stool .Eograx after I ter? ing's celebrated Painting,. -nit; VILLAGI: BL %CRS:OITH." Al-a. cc eta yof the beautiful CosmortitartN Jr,ULINA I, an elegantly illustrated quarto 11a:7,.1Zitte. ALSO frue 5,;.1` , t,i1 lirl,etsof admissi o n to the Eastern (or Dusseldord,) and 11, - es tern tlalleries of the Assordat There will also I tgt Vett to the snliseribers several hun dred valuablo works of Art, eimila isiug tine Oil Paint ing , , Dronze , , Fculptores, &C., from eelebrateil Anieriemi and Foreign Artists. Subscriptions will be received up to January let, IF5tl. On the evening of that date, the premiums coil be awar ded to subscribers. For full particulars, sec Decernber ACT JOLT:CAI" pri ed ! 110 cents. :7) . A•cin0.3.1 copies soul to those &shin gto sub serilie. on the receipt or IS cents in postage stamps or coin. Addrtss C. L. DEELY Anti CItY C. A. A., Eastern Office. C iii Broadway, N. 17., Or, Western Oilier, ltiti Water at.. Sandusky, O. J. J. LIWRESCE, lionorary Secretary, will receivo amt forward sob , criotioloi. Nov. 'a, IS5s. VEW CLOTHING I _L NEW currtuxG!! Ninv CLOTHING!!! NEIN - CLOT tliNCr !!!! NEW CLOTIIISO JUST RECEIVED, JUST RECEIVED, ITCVTLYGDOX, PA sl. GUTMAN S: CO.. have just opened a more than 'asual large stock of lleady:Matle Clothing, of all kinds. for Fall and Winter. Their assortment consists of all the differ ent styles of Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. Their stock of Bouts and Slices, Hats kind Caps. is also large, and of the best materials and make. The public generally, in want of ally article in their line of business, ate respectfully invited to call ad ;u ex amine their Goods and prices. * TheY win sell as cheap, it not cheaper than the cheapest—a fact purchasers will ho convinced of alien they call. rilimkrat for the very liberal patronage they have re ceived, they respectfully ask a contitinanee of the same. Huntingdon, September 22, 1.'855. UPERBLY BEAUTIFUL ! JUST OCT, "Tuc CosmorouTx:: ART JouttNAL." for Decem ber. Over seventy pages—choice articles—elrgan tly ;II as traterl—splendid St eel. Engravings. Price lip ceut.i. 4s'peci men copy sent, on receipt of lb cents. in stamps or coin. Address C. L. DERBY, Nov. 9. 1859. 515 Broadway, New York. riISSOII7I, 'ION 01 ,v—Notie! is hereby given. that the partnership be tween Steward & William C. Foster, was dissolved on the 2nd day of October. 1.55, by mutual consent. MI debts due said firm. arc to be received hy John B. Frazier: and alt demands on said film, to be presented to him Sro pay ment. John B. Pr.r4ier is also authorized to settle all debts due - to, and by the company, as far its he rec.dves motley to pay. ST EWA RD POST tilt, Octubcr 13, ISSS. WILLIAM C. VOSTEII. DISSOL TION OF PARTNER SHIP.—The part her( tocore eAlstine - , under the firm of G. KiallGEß t CO„ miners and dealers in broad Tup Coat, wuea (11.550/eel - I 1,3- mutual consent on the 9th day of October, The basin, ss will hereafter he continued by W. 3..Aninit.rman & D. p o id a g, G. liltlEOEtt. & CO. Broad Top City. 0(1.28, 155SY' QILK BONNETS, latest styles, in .-reat variety, and very cheap, at the mammoth stew ., of D. P. G iN. CLOAKS, TALNAS, RIG OLETTES, Victnrinre rtnil ilentl Dresses arcs ,h 1 at prices. which defy competition, by FISIIER & :1101V1intlE. VOLT 117.A.NT To BE CLOTITED, 8ENJ..1.1470i25. if 1 UMSHO ES. chua.per at D. P. twin's )1.11 itt t./r./t I:All awl Owni MOSES STROL'S 135131E2 cc AT GUTMAN & CO'S. AT U'I'MAN& CO'S. AT GUTALLN' & CO'S ri 'FIRS FURS FURS 1 . 1 1 . ETZ, So. tL.:B Chethtta St., below TM, PhThura. Luis opened his bonntifid store, on Chestnut Street, with of 'Lag. I,4.natisr .A.NTY 131'ST SEM:N.:TM) ASE3OIITMENT 01? L.IPIE.S" FANCY FCr..MS% iinporteil (Erect from Om En t °pea a Markets. aural nisarifaciured under his own super to which lie wind,' call the attention of all who with to purchase ltl 7 SilAN SABLE, STONE MARTEN, S4BLE, ERMINE, Ctl ENCII UN, FITCH, I I >N BA Y SABLE, }TENCH . SABLE; sQulititim, &c., 11ani.:;1,11.,,, a into c.irdinn . N, Capes, Vintorines, Cali:. , . Beinti. a I , lllc tical Furrier, and Inivine; obtained the: est patterns fit an Pails. he can assure those viho visit the city, that lie can slimily them with the finest ar ticlea, at the very lowest cash prices. 21=1/ A line assortment of Carriage. Italics, C;eut's Gloves, &c. 111. GET/.. [00,44 ter 20, 1.5.55-:hn.] 62S Chostunt :it., below ith _ WILLIA3I AFRICA L' 007 411 7 D SIT OE-MAELYG, ONE DOOI EAST or H. It°MAYS CLOTHING STOLE Iris oil customers and tin: public generally, will give 111111 a call. [limiting(lull, Oct. :20, 1558.1 C f- • \ \GI 1 11 11°1 -jr_ _ 4' " P ... )....* rii r . rn ~..-3 corl 113141) = c= 4 (40 i; tTI '"+..4 )..... - A) /7 74a k - AO t'' IB:11 __- 713 ER,E ARE 'a: Oti - GOI G ? D. P. G Ir /Ar jn.3t tetornva froth PhiladelpLtia, trith the largest and inu.l - I.eautilni assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS "Ever lwought to Ilmitingrlon. Consisting of Gm most hodlionalde Dross Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen; Black mol lane) , Silks, all Wool De'nines. colors,) Spring Do la ins. Bra Pie Del:lnes, Bra ize;. all colors; Debaize, Latina Cloth. Alpaeca. Plain and Silk Warp, Printed Berages. Bril liants% Plain and Colored Ginglatins, Lawns and Prints of ry description. Also. a large lot of Dress Trimmings, Frfageg, More-An tialuc Gimps, lInt1)..119. Braids, Crapes, Ribbons, lined and Brass Ho o ps. Silk oil Linmi Ilandkerchiels,Neek- Ties. t , toeks. Zepher, Feettelt Working Cotton, lArteh and Cotton Flocs. Tidy Yarn, Woolen Y.t.rn, Wool Coats and Hood-, Comforts and Scarfs. AL o, the he , t 4111t1 01-apest at:SO:IMOD tof Collars and Undersleres lit town; liarrol and Pim laeon e t% Mon Sks . iss, Fignrod and dotttsl Skirts, Belts. 'Mar stdt les for CtreS, and a earioty of Whitt: Oootlit too nunt,r ous in men t MO 7 011 OEM A LAMGE, ANI4DEAUTIFUL ASSM;.TMENT of Ray Rau!, Wator'too and W.), d Shawl q, Singh) and Doubt° 11r,dia Shan LS. TWeaci:t., Kentucky Jeans. Yetddogq, bleached and un't deached Mns- Ens , . ~.-bectintz and plllO \i -ease nu , linq, Nankeen, Tieldng > Cheeks, Table, Diaper, Cra,h, Flannels. Sack Flanntds. Canton Flannels, Blankets. .ti:c. Al,n, a largo lot of Silk and Colored Straw Bonnets, of the latent to, inch will he t,,thl elmwer than can ire-hail itt liontingdon. lIATS and C.V.'S. nil co,;•st SHOES, the and cheapest :etttorttnent in town. 11 A RDWARE,EI.:Xs:WA RE. LUCK LT;:. cuußN,z,z, Bzt, BUTTER BOWLS. RR 0031 S. BI:CSIII , ,'S, Lc. CAR PETS and 011, CLOTH. FISH, SA LT. suumt, corypx, TEA, MOLASSES, and all good:, vsnally kept in acoun try stele. '!Ty "hi cn,iorneri , , and a. many 11,!11' one: as can crowd in, are re.siwetinily requested to call and eztrunine my goods.. All kith?", of COll 111 PrOl lure taken in e . . , :cliange for Cools. at the Iligite,t )larlret D. P. CIWIN. Ii11;10'1e:don, Ilet. 5. P' S. S TEW GOOD! I 1"k GREAT BARGAINS!! 1;7 s HER d T ST'ORE. Thu i u n'e ju,t, reeel Veil a large and beautiful a-sortment hh AND WI Nit m filch are How open tor in , pci - Don ; and to which the at Ica Don of Lite public is di rect, d. Their stock cm races every article that can 1,0 rum),) in a won stdecrpil stock of DRS' GOODS, con,ist ing Of Elnol: and Faiw.v*lllis, Froth'll and English Merinos , , s: c did and Fancy wool) DeLaint.s. Mohair, Madonna, Danubian :mil l'antise Cloths: Scotcdi Plaids. Delllaize. Co hn-Ig,, DeLainos, Ging:hunts, l'renctt Fury I'rtntr. hr. A beautiful assortment of Fall and IVinter Thiuot neat's Shav6"l'; also, Plain (oXtnt in A large stoek. of Kid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt ivo.c Silk :vial \Voolcii Silk mid C.isllmcio ;..Cc:: a lot of Thiel. \ :lad ,flits: also, ilsr+; Frihgos, Ladies IlatiiP,crclticf4. I los:rry. Ent tons, Sewing illoopcs uf all £c. A lso—Tickings, Osuaburg, 131e:wiled and mirk:wiled all prices; Colo: and Vhitti Cam bric.; liarreil undAins, Victoria. Lass us. Taitet,m, many other articles which couipriso the line or "WHITE and DOMESTIC GOODS. rel) Clei Its, Pulley Cas:iiners, Satincts, Jeans, Tlcentls. Don 131 no LEills, liauncls, Lindseys, Comforts . , Blank, etc. Hats, Caps, and Bonnets, of every variety styio. A GOod Stock of GROCEIZTES. HARM - CABE, QUEENS WA It E, BOOTS and SHOES, "{VOGL and WILLONV-WARB, which mill be sold Chotp, Ve also deal in PLASTER, VISIT, SALT, and all kinds of (1] AT NS. and possess facilities in this branch of trado unequalled any. We deliver all p;lckaetes mse parcels of Merchandise,./tre qf charge. at the Depots of the Broad Top and Peuus;;lvania Co NE ONE. COME ALL. and be convinced that the Mc tropdilon i> the place to secure fashionable and deeirable gootis, ifisposeti of at the forest rates. Ittithiplon. Get. FISHER fi M-MURTIITE. NEW CLOT CT ITIN! 11. ROMAN'S .NEW CLOTELVG. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, AT If. R0.31-1,7S CHEAP CLOTHING- STORE, IN MARKET SQUARE, OPPOSITE 111 E PEAS&IJI /101',E, HUN TINGPDX, Ilie new stock consists of Cont.. °fail Fall anti Winter. Panto, of all kinds—Vesis, of all hinds—HATS and CAPS—and gentlemen's flitalisbing goods g,cnerally. His stock is of the best. and will be sold at prices to Emit li. rust t alters. Call and examine his seeds and prices and be convinced. Unntingdon. October S. 185 S. -cr, i 6T, - ~ EAT ONCE 1---If you s ---- b , I. 3 i., wish to secure a copy of that elegant engraving, — Tim Vit.r..tat: ELACKsMIItt, — and the Aler JoURNA.L, with the at lo.r premiums, be sure and subscrils , ;;;:3, before the Ist ofJannary. 1559. Specimen copies of the above, and full particulars given, by applying to I. J. LAWRENCE', Honorary Secretary. See advertisement elsewhere, beaded—New Features, .tc. Nov. 'd, 1:3)S. ATA-CICREI — No.'s 1 and 2, reduced prices, at LOVE & AFRIVIT'S. ltFqll. HOMINY and BEANS . F .1 L Fur sale by t LOW: & MCDIVITT, ROCERIES, etc., &e.—Call at the cheap ~,tore of BENJ..7ACOBS. All kinds of coun try mance taken iu exchange at the 'highest market pri ces. (oct2S.) EL ANKE TS, PLAIDS, LINSEYS, Flannels, r.t all prices. at the 'mammoth store of NOMTJETRIE. 11VOOTS & SHOES.—OId and young MT) Lo fitted at BE J. JACOBS' store in Market ~I:trp, Thintingdon. Pa. (oct2S.) BUTCHER -KNIVES and Carvers, in great variety, for sale at the Ilariltraro Store vt JAMES A. BROWN. F ,O cr‘; LA SS S-, S ITERWOOD'S Pat , 1_ Vcut EL:ttqr , ion I'm. salt , (lly by MeMIIRTRIE, 11,15 AGAIN COMMENCIM Trrz _kT H. ROMAN'S FOR MEN AND BOYS,