The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 08, 1858, Image 2

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Cirenlation—Me largest in Me county
Wednesday, December 8, 1858.
NOTES, with a waiver of the S3OO Law.
JUDGMENT NOTES. with a waiver of the 5300 Law.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
and Ministers of the Gospel.
of Assault and Battery, and Affray.
SCIERE FACIA& to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Township Taxes.
Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of
BLANKS, of every description. printed to order, neatly,
at short notice, and on good Paper.
ment for subscriptions, if delivered soon—
Good dry wood, wheat, corn, buckwheat and
Notice, by John Brewster.
Xvb 51000 Loan, by Town Council.
.+l3 - - Stray Steer, by Brison llouck.
AZ"- Teachers' Institute, by County Superintendent
The News
The Democratic State Convention of Vir
ginia have nominated Hon. John Letcher as
the successor to Gov. Wise.
The Gettysburg (Pa.) Railroad has been fin
ished and the locomotive entered that bor
ough for the first time, on Friday the 26th
The tax levy in New York city for 1858
amounted to $8,620,926 72, and the amount
already paid is $6,968,687 01, leaving $l,-
652,239 71 yet to be collected.
The Senate of the Mississippi Legislature
has passed a bill prohibiting, after the Ist of
January next, the circulation of bank notes
of $2O and under.
The report of the coinage of the United
States Mint, for the month of November,
shows that there were coined $304,135 of
gold, principally of double eagles. The sil
ver coinage was $550,000, the whole of
which was , in half and quarter dollar pieces,
with the exception of $lOO,OOO, which was
in dimes, half dimes and three cent pieces.
Two and a half millions of cents of the val
ue of $25,000 were coined. The whole num
ber of pieces coined 5,608, 838 of the value
of $879,135. The deposits for the month
were $382,770 in gold, and $227,720 in sil
ver bullion and purchases.
The journey from Philadelphia to Chicago
by the Pennsylvania Central and Pittsburgh
and Fort Wayne Railroad, now occupies but
thirty-six hours, and but one change of cars,
at Pittsburgh, is necessary. We understand,
in a few days, such arrangements will be ef
fected as to render even this change unneces
sary, and this route will then form the long
est and most complete uninterrupted railway
route in the world. Those who traveled it,
speak in the highest terms of its superiority.
The conflict between the Government of
Aargau and the Catholic Church, respecting
the proclamation of mixed marriages (be
tween Catholics and Protestants) in Catholic
Churches, has been settled by a compromise,
the Pope having authorized the parish priests
to publish the bans of all such marriages, on
condition that in the publication no mention
be made of the difference of religion, and
that in the certificates of publication it be
remarked that, "with the exception of the
difference of creed, there is no other obstacle
to the conclusion of the marriage."
Our Banking System
In noticing the recent movement in New
York, looking to the introduction of many
important reforms into the Banking system
of that State, the Doylestown, Democrat, truly
" Before the banks in existence in this
country can answer the legitimate end of
their creation, they must undergo a radical
change in their organization. There must be
a limit placed upon their:circulation, and not
to he allowed, as now, to extend their accom
dations to an unlimited extent. They have
it iu their power to create a panic at pleas
ure, and always will have, so long as conduc
ted as at present. Like individuals, they
must be compelled to do business within
their means, and not to be allowed to issue
their promises to pay to four or five times
their ability to pay. Were we to give our pa
per for four times the amount of our means,
we would soon lose our reputation and the
confidence of the community, and justly so.
If this rule is a good one when applied to in
dividual citizens, it certainly ought to be good
when applied to the transactions of six. or
twelve men doing a business under a char
ter. Should banks be treated with any more
favor than individuals ? We think not.—
While their issues should be limited more
strictly than at present, they should also be
compelled to keep a greater amount of specie
in their vaults. At best, their notes are but
the representatives of value, but if there is
no bullion on hand to pay with, they repre
sent nothing. There is hardly a bank in the
Union able to pay its debts to day, if called
upon, for the reason that their notes in circu
lation greatly exceed the specie in their
vaults. An individual doing this kind of
business would be considered bankrupt; and
why not judge a corporation by the same
rule ? Can any man answer ?"
Iter See advertisement of Prof. Wood's
Hair Restorative in another column.
Congress met on Monday for the short
session, closing on the 4th of March. The
President's message is very lengthy and im
portant. We give a few abstracts this week
—in our nest we shall endeavor to give the
message in full.
The President in his annual message opens
by congratulating the country on the contrast
of the agitation which existed in Kansas a
year ago, with the peace and quiet which
now prevails ; he refers to the Lecompton
Constitution and re-affirms his position on
that subject, and thinks that if Kansas had
been admitted with that Constitution the
same quiet would have been secured at an
earlier day. Being perfectly willing to ac
quiesce in any other constitutional mode of
settlement he signed Mr. English's bill, and
probably when Kansas again applies for ad
mission she will hare the population required
by that bill. He goes at length into the sub
ject, and recommends the passage of a gen
eral law, so that no new State shall be ad
mitted unless she has a population sufficient
to entitle her to one representative.
Ile congratulates Congress on the settle
ment of the Utah affair without the effusion
of blood. He compliments the officers of the
army there, and expresses satisfaction with
the course of Gov. Cummings, and honorably
mentions Col. Kane.
He congratulates the country on the aban
donment of the right of search by Great
Britain, and in reference to Central America
says, "that negotiations are still progressing,
and he has not yet abandoned the hope of
success." lie refers to what was stated at
the last session of Congress in that connec
tion, and that his views on the subject of the
Isthmus routes accord with the policy here
tofore announced by Mr. Cass.
His only desire is to keep the routes open,
and he desires no other privilege for the Uni
ted States than we expect other nations to
enjoy, but will not consent that they be closed
by the imbecility of nations which reside
near these. He regrets that the Nicaragua
route has been closed, and speaks of the ne
cessity of enforcing our claims against Costa
Rica and Nicaragua.
rle speaks of Mexico as in a condition of
civil war, with scarcely any hope of restora
tion to a permanent government. lle refers
to the causes which led to a rupture of the
diplomatic relations there, and speaks well
of Mr. Forsyth's efforts. If not for the hope
of obtaining justice from the liberals, which
now appear approaching to power, he would
recommend the taking possession of a por
tion of Mexico, sufficient to indemnify us for
all our claims and grievances. In the north
of Mexico, bordering our territory, there are
other considerations which claim attention.
We are interested in the peace of that neigh
borhood. Lawless Indians enter our settle
ments in Arizona, and there. seems to be no
other way that this difficulty can be removed
than in establishing military posts in Sonora
and Chihuahua, and recommends that this
be done, regarding Mexico as in a state of
imbecility and anarchy.
As to Spain, he refers to the causes which
delayed the appointment of a successor to
Mr. Dodge, and says that Mr. Preston will
go out with powers to settle the difficulties
with Spain, if possible.
lie says that Cuba ought to belong to us,
and recommends that steps be taken for its
purchase. As we acquire all new territory
by honorable negotiation, this should not be
an exception. • •
He re-affirms his former opinions in favor
of specific duties on certain articles, and sub
mits the whole tariff question to Congress.
lie calls attention to the Pacific Railroad
and refers to the overland mails as showing
the practicability of the route. Among other
subjects he reiterates the recommendation to
establish a territorial government for Arizo
The Farming Interest, the Leading One.
It is customary, says the Pittsburgh _Press,
to rank the great industrial interests in this
wise : The Commercial, Manufacturing and
Agricultural. And in this order the care of
Government is generally dispensed for the
development and protection of our great in
terests. Statesmen and politicians, except
some of the South, generally place Agricul
ture in the subordinate position ! There is
no wilder or wider mistake. The Farmer is
our Master. Ire carries in his pocket the
keys of the public prosperity. When things
go well with the Farmer, when his crops are
abundant and hiegranaries have not been
exhausted before new stores come to be
housed, then all will be found to be well with
Commerce and Mannfactures. We might
produce and multiply proofs of the - truth of
this proposition, but we state it and defy
contradiction. And, of course, the opposite
is true. When the Farmer is unsuccessful,
when he has no surplus to sell, no heavy
crops to send to market, employing our
[ steamboats, or railroads and ships, down
runs everything else,—money grows scarce,
labor languishes, and we have commercial
crises, as they aro called, which are but
crises of the Farmer's ill-success. A Com
mercial crisis that springs from any other
cause is unnatural, and if a wholesome con
dition of the Agricultural interest exists at
the same time, its counteracting influence
soon corrects the evil.
We have a striking exemplification of this
in the "Commercial Crisis" of 1857. That
disaster, we maintain, was unnatural and
avoidable, and in all its consequences of
ruin to merchants, and distress to labor, is
due to the wild and gross mismanagement of
New York Banks and New York Importers
and Jobbers. It occurred, however, when
the Farmer was full-handed and prosperous,
when a second consecutive year of abun
dance had filled the granaries, and lo ! in a
few months, Bank Resumption followed.—
Merchants who were broken, resumed their
payments, and yet no change whatever was
perceptible in the general condition of the
country, and only the tainted New York
Banks had been wiped out, and the impov
erished remainder strengthened by accumu
lations of specie. Any one capable of look
ing intelligently into this subject, will be at
no loss to supply the explanation. The Far
mer is our master, and he happened to be in
a condition to furnish the restoratives.
There should boa change in the popular
estimation of the comparative importance of
the great interests of this country,—Agricul
ture,- Manufactures, and Commerce would be
the true classification. The last is but the
child and dependent of the first two, and the
first is the Life of the twain.
District Secretaries are entitled to the
"School Journal," which contains all new
decisions from the Department at Harrisburg;
and it is supposed that all Secretaries in this
county are receiving it. The late decisions
relating to the employment of teachers, the
new form of blank certificate and affidavit,
and other regulations, are highly important
to the Boards of Directors. It is expected
that the Secretaries will keep the Boards in
formed on all new decisions of importance ;
but it is feared that such is not the case in a
few districts. Some recent developements
indicate difficulties arising from a neglect of
this duty, where no possible necessity exists
for it, but where a considerable misspent time
is required to adjust an illegal proceeding.
If each Board would obtain a copy for its
President, it would doubtless prove an ad
vantage, and in many instances, be a great
saving of time. But few teachers in this
county receive or read the Journal. Men—
teachers will refuse to take the Journal, and
then come three or four times to Huntingdon,
at a loss of time and expense, and go away
disappointed, all for a want of the very in
formation given in the "Official Department
of Penna. School Journal." This publica
tion not only contains legal decisions, but in
formation highly valuable to every teacher
who is not determined to belong to the stand
still school, and oppose every improvement,
as a needless innovation. If the question
were asked me, Why do not the teachers of
Huntingdon county read the Journal? I
could not answer it. Its usefulness has been
acknowledged by every Institute, and it has
been recommended in every district. Will
not the teachers of this county consider the
' matter anew, and raise a club in every dis
trict ? Let, us all begin anew with the ap
proaching new year.
Warriorsmark District, Dec. Um-Bot
tom School, James E. Wilson, teacher. Fifty
scholars in attendance. Order good—a uni
formity of class books, with the exception of
grammars. The school is supplied with maps,
charts and apparatus, to the amount of fifty
two dollars, at the expense (f the teacher. The
system of instruction is good. The house
and its conveniences are only middling.
The Gnoe School.—Jno. T. Dopp, teacher.
Forty scholars. The general attendance
good. Order in school, good—a uniformity
of hooks, except arithmetic& Geography and
grammar are not studied. The house is third
class—the teacher's qualifications good.
The araSier School.—Martin Funk, teach
er. Forty-six scholars—general attendance
good—the house middling. The scholars are
studious—four study grammar—twenty arith
metic. All exercise with the outline maps.
The school is furnished with Pelton's Outline
Maps, Colton's Geographical Charts, Osgood's
Cards, Geometrical Solids, Sander's Elocu
tionary Chart, Chirographic Charts, Astro
nomical Apparatus, &c.; and all at the ex
pense of the teacher. Mr. Funk is an excel
lent teacher.
Cross Roads Sch.ooZ, Dee. 2.—D. B. Biddle,
teacher. Forty-seven scholars—general at
tendance middling—house second class, but
furnished with maps and cards by the teach
er—has an extensive blackboard. Order in
school good—vocal music is taught in the
school. A cheerful compliance to regulations
and to study.
Mr. Biddle is improving. May his teach
ing like his flute, gain the praise from the
Tfrarriorsmark Max School.—Levi Cla
baugb, teacher, Miss Kate Rider, assistant.
Seventy-five scholars—attendance good. Or
der in school good, hut out of school other
wise. A uniformity of class books. The
house good. The higher branches are taught
in the school.
- Union School.—Samuel Hannah, teacher.
Sixty-five scholars. Order good—house poor
—entirely inadequate to the wants of the
school—general attendance good. The schol
ars are cheerful and studious. A uniformity
of class books. Mr. Hannah is a good teach
er, and entitled to our kindest regards in his
arduous task.
The township is favored with very gentle
manly teachers, and a high appreciation on
the part of the people, will not cause their
abundant harvests, or their " cattle upon a
thousand hills," to diminish.
In addition to the common branches, vocal
music, book-keeping, algebra, natural philos
ophy, physiology, and the Latin grammar
are taught.
The Birmingham school will be visited
again. My notes arc deficient—the industri
ous teacher will not fail of success.
Authentic News from the Pike's Peak
Gold Region
The St. Louis Republican has the follow-
Messrs. A. French, Joseph Bradt, William
Hartley, T. C. Dickerson and William Smith,
arrived in this city yesterday, direct from
Pike's Peak gold diggings. They loft the
mines October Ist, in the company of four
teen persons, nine of whom remained at Law
rence, K. T. They are a portion of a com
pany of forty-nine men which was organ
ized under the auspices of the citizens of
Lawrence, for the purpose of prospecting in
the Pike's Peak region, information of the
discovery of gold in that section having been
brought into the town by a party of friendly
Indians. The different trains numbered col
lectively about five hundred men, with one
hundred and fifty-seven wagons. The stock
was in good condition, and, with the excep
tion of the loss of a few cattle by one party,
no accident had happened to any one of the
trains. The emigrants were in fine spirits
on being informed concerning the true condi
tion of the mines, for the various indirect re
ports received along - the route had somewhat
dampened their ardor. About an equal
number of emigrants were reported on the
southern road.
Our informant states that there are at pres
ent, about fifteen hundred persons in the
mines, composed principally of Americans.
There are a number of Mexicans, and a few
Indians. Yankee enterprise has already be
gan to manifest itself in the founding of two
towns—one, St. Charles, situated at the mouth
of Cherry Creek, and the other, Montano,
about eight miles above the former. Build
ings are going up rapidly. Provisions, though
not superabundant, are sufficient to supply
the immediate wants of the miners, and no
very great suffering for want of food or pro
tection during the coming winter is appre
Our informant says the general impression
among miners is, that extensive deposits will
be found throughout the mountains. The
best diggings are located a short distance
above the mouth of Cherry Creek, where six
men can make from forty to fifty dollars per
day. The mining implements are the pick,
shovel, and pan. Washings average about
ten cents per pan, though our informant has
known as much as four dollars to be obtained
from one panfull of sand. It takes from four
to five minutes to wash a panfull of sand.—
In the regular mines, the " dust" is found
from two to six feet below the surface, among
gravel and boulders. Reports have been
started that the ore is to be found in lumps,
but this, Mr. French says, is an erroneous
idea, it being seldom or never found in lar
ger grains than those, the size of No. S shot
beaten flat. lie has some beautiful speci
mens of dust in vials, which appear as rich
as any California gold we ever saw.
Ribandism in Ireland
Tha Carlow Sentinel, a Government organ,
expresses alarm at the progress of Riband
Societies in Ireland. The organization, ac
cording to the Sentinel, employs agents to
traverse the country, organize lodges, and
draw young men into them. All the efforts
of the Government, for their suppression,
are unavailing ; and the most extravagant
statements are made in the Government jour
nals, regarding the objects of the Riband
men. It is shrewdly suspected that the so
called Riband agents, are spies in the em
ploy of the Government, and that the old
trick of fomenting party religious feeling, to
divide the Irish people, is being played by
the present British ministry.
Louis Napoleon frightened the French peo
ple into the endorsement of his despotism,
by displaying the bugbears of "Socialism"
and savage "Red Republicanism ;" and it
has been the policy of successive British
ministers, whenever they wished to strength
en their rule in Ireland, to revive the spectre
of "Ribandism," under the figure of what
the Irish call, "a raw head and bloody
We are reminded of the frightful pictures
of the arms of the French Red Republicans
painted some years since, by Louis Napo
leon's organs, as we read in the Carlow S'en
hind the following representation of the ob
jects of the Riband organization.
Ribandism exercises an appalling tyranny
over the farmers of every district in which it
takes even temporary root, as their "servant
boys" are usually prominent members of the
body. This confederation aims at the regu
lation of "wages and diet," as they do at
present in the counties of Kerry and Cork.
They assume the right of adjudicature in the
management of land ; they dictate to the do
mestic circle by proclaiming marriage, on
pain of death, between the farmer's daugh
ter and one of their body ; finally, if the
farmer's -sons enter into the conspiracy, it
assumes another phase—that of compassing
the death of those in the occupation of land,
who do not surrender it to the former occu
pants, who may have given "their good will
of it" for a consideration, some ten or twelve
years ago, and at this point, agrarian out
rages and murder commence.
If it had not been proved, over and over
again, that the active agents in these organi
zations are Government tools, and that all
the intelligent Irishmen, and he clergy, con
demn them, we would set Ireland down as
hopelessly bent on perpetuating her disgrace.
following is the official result of the election
held in Berks county, on Tuesday of last
week, for Member of Congress to supply the
vacancy occasioned by the resignation of
Jehu G. Jones, viz :
Win. 11. Beim,
(Op.) volunteer, 6156
J. B. Warner, Dem., 5687
Gen. Keim's majority, 469
Gen. Beim was supported as the Anti-Ad
ministration and Tariff candidate.
A DESERVED TRIBUTE.—IL is encouraging
to know that the labors of editors and prin
ters are occasionally duly appreciated. The
following extract from the report of the
Committee on Printing, of the Legislature of
Wisconsin, pays them a refreshing compli
ment :
We are not aware that printers and news
paper proprietors are a class of so little use
in the community, or so destructive of its in
terests, as to be entitled to but half compen
sation for the labor and services they per
form. But your committee do believe that
no class of men perform more gratuitous ser
vices for all general and local interests, or
are more actively and effectively engaged in
disseminating information, making known
the resources of the country, and inciting to
action the energies of our people, than prin
ters, proprietors and editors of newspapers.
Trial of Bank Conspirators
Allibone and Newhall, two of the head
managers of the Bank of Pennsylvania, are
now on trial for conspiracy, in the Court of
Common Pleas of Philadelphia. The evi
dence given on the trial is exceedingly inter
esting, and we copy a synopsis of the pro
ceedings from. the North Anzerican, which
" John 11. Haverstick, a clerk in the hank,
testified to the minute book, which was then
offered in evidence. The defence objecting
to its reception, George Philler, Jr., son of
the cashier was called, who swore to having
copied the minutes in the book, but said
that he was not present at the meetings of
the Board which they reported. His father
took the minutes and be copied them. his
father was not in Court, being sick, and the
Court ruled out the reception of the minute
book as evidence. The testimony of George
Philler, Jr., then proceeded. Ile said that
on various occasions Newhall had acted as
President of the bank. He was proceeding
to narrate a conversation he had with New
hall, about a $lO,OOO which was ruled out by
the Court, because Allibone was not present
at it. A. _Howell, one of the Directors, next
testified to Newhall having acted as Presi
dent of the bank in Allibone's absence.—
John Whiteman, Sr., paying teller, swore to
three memorandum checks, amounting to
$136,000, having been counted cash from
July 14th to September 22d, with Allibone's
knowledge, and on September 22d paid by a
regular cheek from Newhall. These three
checks were mere tickets, made by Mr. Cox,
the foreign note clerk of the bank, and given
to the receiving teller for sterling bills
bought of the bank by Newhall, without any
other equivalent than these memorandums,
which were not signed by him, Newhall's
checks were given, for these tickets and oth
er matters, to the amount of $262,254 78.
A check for that amount was handed to the
witness, who swore that it was the ono given
by Newhall. George Philler was recalled,
and testified to memorandums in Allibone's
handwriting, containing the appointment of
Newhall as President pro tem. Alfred Cox,
the foreign note clerk, testified to various
bills of exchange, for large sums, granted to
Newhall, by Allibone's order. One of these
was for $82,733 ;
a second for $53,655 53 ;
a third for $00,709,26 ; a fourth for $2U,666-
60 • and a fifth for 8240,000. For all these,
credit was given by the bank to Newhall, by
Allibone's order. The first of these trans
actions was on the oth of July, and the last
on the 15th of September—the others cover
ing the intervening time. The largest of
these bills of exchange was produced, identi
fied, and shown to the jury. The enormous
transactions, it will observed, were close upon
the failure of the bank.
"Conscience Case" Extraordinary--Con-
fession to an Assination
On Friday last a middle-aged and appa
rently hard working man, who gave his name
as Peter Martin, appeared at the police of
fice in St. Louis, and stated that he had com
mitted a murder and wished to be taken into
custody. The St. Louis herald says:
He states that about six weeks ago ho left
Cincinnati for St Louis. At Cairo he took
passage on a New Orleans boat bound up
ward, and in due-time arrived in this city.—
The day before his arrival here, while on a
drunk with another deck passenger, whose
name he does not remember, he was robbed
by him of all he had. He endeavored, as be
alleges, for twenty-four hours to induce the
man to return him his money, but finding all
efforts to accomplish that end unsuccessful,
he determined shortly after the arrival of the
boat at the St. Louis wharf to revenge him
self upon him. Borrowing a sheath knife,
from another passenger, he waited upon the
starboard guard of the boat till his victim
went to pass him, when he stabbed him to
the heart. As he fell he pushed him over
board and instantly threw the knife after him,
and left the boat. Since that time, he states
that he has Teen wandering in various parts
of Illinois, between Cairo and this city, una
ble to sleep, haunted constantly by the im
age of the murdered man. Unable longer to
endure it, he determined upon delivering
himself up to justice, and accordingly pre
sented himself at the police office, as above
stated. lie was sent to the calaboose.
the Cumberland (Md.) Alleghanian, an old
man named John Brobst, living in the glades,
in that county, recently discovered that he
was the rightful owner of a large tract of
land in the richest mineral region of Penn
sylvania, underlaid with immense seams of
coal and iron, and valued at $8,000,000.
Brobst, it is said, lived on the land fifty
years ago, became involved through his
brother, mortgaged his property to its then
full value, and came to Maryland, where he
has ever since lived in indigent circumstan
ces. The property subsequently passed into
the hands of his nephews, who afterwards
sold it to a wealthy company. The difficulty
of giving a good title to the property led to
the fact that Brobst was still alive. He was
searched out, found, and taken on to Pennsyl
vania, and, according to the Allegkania,n, has
sold out all his right for $2,600,000.
fat ,-A singular case of alleged embezzle
ment of a letter was tried recently in the
United States District Court of Philadelphia.
A person who had been a clerk in the Post
office seems to have lain for seven long years
under a false charge, because a letter belong
ing to another person was found in a book in
his house. His vindication was complete.—
It was shown that the person to whom the
letter was addressed had married a cousin of
the defendant's wife ; that the book was
loaned to the latter by the former, who had
placed the letter in it as a marker. The de
fendant has repeatedly endeavored to get the
case tried, but without effect. The jury by
direction of the Court, returned a verdict of
not guilty, and the innocence of the defen
dant had been fully established. This is the
most remarkable case of recent date.
Observer has the following : The Rev. Mr.
Roy, Wesleyan Minister at Wakefield, in a
letter to a brother clergyman, says, "I learn
from an authentic source, that we have what
is supposed to be a boiza fide volcano, about
130 miles up the Gattineau river. Parties
living near the place have seen it smoke, and
its internal rumblings have been heard and
felt at the lludson's Bay post at the river
Desert, which is thirty miles distant. It is
called Mount Diable. This may probably
account for the many shocks of tarthquake
felt in this vicinity."
Agricultural Operations for December.
We have many agricultural readers, fur
whose especial benefit, the following summa
ry for December duties has been prepared.
Buildings for both man and beast, see that
they are as comfortable as possible.
Cattle come in for a large share of atten
Cellers may need additional protection to
keep out frosts.
Drains may still be made where the ground
is not to wet or frozen.
,Fencing—Get materials from the woods and
swamps, and split a good supply of rails, and
prepare posts.
Fodder—llun it through a straw or hay
cutter and add some kind of ground feed.
Forest Leaves—They make excellent bed
ding, manure and hot-bed materials. Secure
under cover, before it is too late. •
Hedges—Plant, where the ground will ad
mit of working.
Hogs—Complete fattening those intended
for killing.
Horses and Mules—See that their stalls
are warm and well bedded at night. Ven
tilate their stables and use absorbents or de
odorizers to take up the gases, which are un
Ice Houses—Fill with the first firm, thick
ice, which is usually the best of the season.
Manures—Push the manufacture of these
at this season.
Plowing during open- weather may be con
tinued on clayey soils when sufficiently dry,
Poultry—Give warm quarters, plenty of
food and drink, with gravel, lime and meal_
Schools are now in sesson in most dis
tricts. Let the children attend as steadily as
Sheep—Provide racks for, and feed under
cover during storms. Give turnips or carrots,
instead of all dry feed.
Tools—Look over, during the stormy days
of this month. New ones of domestic man
ufacture, such as harrows, ox yokes, bows.
hoe, fork and axe handles, wood sleds, ,Cc.,
may be made.
Turnips—Harvest any still in the ground.
Water Pipes and Pumps—See they are
sufficiently protected from frosts.
Winter Grain—Allow nothing to graze
upon the fields during the present. month.
Wood—Commence early to get the 'Winter
supply. It is better to cut and draw togeth
er as much as possible before the deep Win
ter snows fall.
Refused to Swear
An amusing incident occurred the other
day before the court, held in Wabliiiigtim
county. A young man was called by the de
fendant as a witness in support of one of
the reasons filed for a new trial, when the
clerk put the usual question, " How do von
swear ?" With a rather defiant t-ir, as
"Ile knew his rights, am] ; knowing, Oared maintain them,"
he answered, that "he didn't intend to swear
at all till he got his costs l" The judge di
rected the clerk to "swear the witness," but
the witness said "he wasn't going to swear
till he got his costs—there wasn't any use
talking about it." The clerk was ready to
proceed with the oath—the counsel for the
prisoner urged the gentleman to hold up his
hand—the judge told him he would send
him to jail if he didn't—but it was all no go.
He stood as firm - and resolute as a donkey at
the foot of a hill. le grew excited—said lie
"had walked twenty miles—didn't know
much anyhow, and what he did know, ho
wasn't going to tell till he got his costs"—
said "they had tried to impose on him by
getting him here on Monday," and rather
intimated that "the whole thing was a swin
dle—a conspiracy to cheat ;him out of his
costs—at any rate, a humbug—and he was
bound to have his costs." The judge there
upon incontinently ordered him into the cus
tody of the sheriff. The sheriff did not hap
pen to be in court, except by deputy, where
upon the deputy was ordered to seize the
gentleman and convey him to "limbo,"
which the deputy—who is always on hand
to attend to these little matters—forthwith
proceeded to do. At this stage of the pro
ceedings, matters were getting rather seri
ous—the jail on the one hand, or costs and
the rights of the citizen on the other. Tho
young gentleman reflected for a moment—
the whole thing passed through his mind in
the twinkling of an eye—the horrors of in
carceration between the cheerless walls of
the calaboose, if be did not testify, and lib
erty, and perhaps the loss of his costs,. on the
other. It was a momentous issue, but liber
ty triumphed. He held up his hand, took
the oath, and then told the court, with a
rather triumphant air, that they "had got to
pay his costs." He gave his testimony, and
then asked the judge where he "would get
his costs." The judge told him, with most
astonishing calmness, that "he must look to
the defendant for his costs." Ile left the
court house, and at last accounts was looking
for his costs, including mileage,
Union says that the following "rules of the
road" are all based upon legal decisions ;
they ought to be universally made known :
"It has been legally decided that appli
cants for tickets on railroads can be ejected
from the cars, if they do not offer the exact
amount of their fare. Conductors are not
bound to make change. All railroad tickets
are good until used, and conditions 'good for
this day only,' or otherwise limiting the time
of genuineness, are of no account. Passen
gers who lose their tickets can be ejected
from the cars, unless they purchase a second
one. Passengers are bound to observe deco
rum in the cars, and are obliged to comply
with all reasonable demands to show tickets.
Standing upon the platform, or otherwise
violating a rule of the company, renders a
person liable to be put from the train. No
person has a right to monopolize more seats
than he has paid for, and any article left in
a seat, while the owner is temporarily ab
sent, entitles him to the place upon his re
ZThe Pittsburgh Chronicle says Col.
Samuel W. Black, one of the Supreme Judges
of Nebraska, was dangerously wounded with
a gun in the hands of a friend, a few days
since. It appears that, accompanied by an
other. gentleman, he was out hunting on the
prairie, and, passing into a clump of bushes
with a view of driving some prairie hens
from their cover, his comrade, who did not
observe his presence, discharged his gun
twice in succession, the first load—a heavy
charge of buckshot—taking effect in the head,
and the second in the arm, inflicting two se
vere, though, we are happy to state not dan
gerous wounds. At last act,unts, the Colo
nel was rapidly recovering, and his speedy
return to convaloscece was confidently looked,.