The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 24, 1858, Image 1
TERNS OF, THE GLOBE. Per annum in advance - Six months 7 Three months . . • 50 . kJ-allure to notify a discontinuance at the: expiriation of the tuna subscribed for will be consi'dereci a neu engage ment., ", Inentr' • I, ''..:' " TP.13.11S 'OP ADATPRTiSING.) • . , , , ' '' 1 insertind. ::.: 2 do.. 3 ,d. 0.. Four lines or, loss, • • $ 25.......,.$ i37 X ',;'," '5O 0119, square, (12 iines,) - . 50 " `'73 ' '''.- I'oo Two squares, ' l. 00.41.--a: so , 2,- ,otl Three squares; ~ : ... .................i.: 1,, 50„.,....,.., r 2 ,25 , . 3, po Over three week and less, than three months,26 centS - _ per square for ea:di:insertion: • 3 months. 0. months: 12 months- Six lines or less,.., , 51 0 30 $3 00 • c. 5 00 One square, . -3.00 " • 500 ~ 700 Two squares, ' 500 800 , .10.00 Three' Squares, 7: 00 • .10 00......... f: ,..15. 00 Four squares, ' Al 00 r. 1.3 00 ..... ".,..:/2.0 00 Half a column, 1200' - 16-00 ' ; • •24!'00 One column, °o' 00. , . ...... -30.'00. 0; 00, Profehsional and _Business Cards. nut. oxccocthis four lines,. one year ~ r , I .., ' e 3 .00 AdminOratofs' and Meauters•Ncitiees, • ' "- • S'l 73 .4clir'ettiseniehtsi . riot marked•with the linchber of. in9er; Lions desired; will hq contintted till forbp. : lLud charged p.- t.oriling - to these terms. • . . „Thick Darkness corersthe Earth, And Gross'Darknesi the_ntPle.” COTINTRY . MERCHANTS , and all Others, will take 'Notice! that they , can supply them nelVCS, in any quantities, with - JONES' FAR-FAMED. PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OR. COAT. LAMPS at-the Wholesale and Retail Ilead-QUarters, 33 South -Second Street 'IS. PyILKDELVIII.I. The only place where, exclusive Agencies can be obtain ed fur the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela ware. These Lamps give a light equal in intensity of flame, and similar in appearance to Gas, and are claimed to be supe rior to all other portable lights, now in use. No fear of Explosion—No offensive odor ,Nosnioke—Very easily triumied—AS easily ,rognlated as a Gas Light—Can be adapted to all purposes—And' better than all for a 'poor man-50 per cent cheaper than any other portable light, now fu Common .use. SOLE, AGENT, ALSO, 'FOIL RS PP'S rAT T 1 t. OSI NAN D COAT, OIL L A.M P. Lamps, Oils, Wicks, Shades, awl every article in the Hue. S N. SO UTH LA N _Agent. No. 3S, Suitt h Second street, Ph il'a. Supteinbcr S, SSS.-2.111, FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AN)) CIIILDREN. d iii FAREIR AS: Co., No. 818, (new N 0.,) MARKET Street, above Eighth, PIIIIADELPII LA—lmporters, Manufacturers and Dealers in FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Children; also. Gent's Furs, Fur Collars, and Gloves. The number „r years that we have been enga„--ed,in the Fur business. and the general character of our Furs, both for 004 and price. is so generally known throughout the Country, that we think it is not necessary for us to say anything more then that we have•now opened our assortment of FURS, for the Fall and Winter Sales, of the largest imr'_ luost tp•auo nil assortment 'that we have ever- offered before to public. -Our - Furs have all been imported during the prt•sout season. when money was scarce and Furs much lower than at the present time, and • have been maitufac tttr,al he the! merit competent workmen; we are thetefore determined to sell them at such prices as mill continue to give us the reputation we have born for years, that is to sell a gnat article for a very sattaii pr , !tit. Stott:keepers will do well to give us a call, as they will fuel tile largest as.ortmetit, by fat, to select front in the city, and at manufacturers prices. .1011 N FA REIRA S; CO.. • No. 515, .11ctrlaft Street, (.11,ot; Stn, Plara, September 13, 1538.--tm, GREAT- MARMOT STORE!: J. rilllCKEll has retiamed from the Elot with a t vvmen dor., titock of Goods. They aro - upon the obt , heq in his :looms, on UM street, near I\.l. Ateer's 114.)t-1, rea , ly fol ciistouiers. His Stock con4sts of ovary raviety, of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GEN EttAT,LY, GROCERIES AND QUEENS - WARE, HARDWARE AND GLASSWARE. • CROCKERY AND CEDA RIVA RE, - BOOTS AND SHOES. • • HATS D CAN. Aud ovcvythiug to be found in the most extensive Storejs. ilis Stock is low and of,dic Best. rout the public nice in 'sited to I (lAD awl •exasnine, free of eliac;;c F oil EVERYI3OISir TRY:THE NEW s•ror.r;, On Hill Street opposite Uiles (5 Dorris' o,oiee • TIIE BEST SUGAR anti MOLASSES, • COE , EE, TEA and ('•UOCOT4T E. FLOUR, ElStf, SALT and 'VINO; AIL CONFECTIONER I CW.AUS and 'lt IfiACCO, SPICES UN:TM; A\l) ALL NI/ti. and cry utluir auticle usually found in a (frucc•ry Store Brup.-3; Chemicals: Bye Stun. Paints; v;,rnisin-s. QilBlti , Alcohol, (.:lass :rod Putty, BEST IYINII.'-roUr BRANDY nurilif•ul purposes. ALI. ims . r PATENT M ED 1,(; I N ES. and:a largo uumiter ol,lL F tich!s too Tlte public generally.x‘ill ple.i c c.ilt wul esaniine for thunisulve:i ii.nd lean) my'prices • ALSO- .111 . tptiogclon, 'gay 25. 1.555. • : , 131110KEE: • 3.3I:ICIC.Eit'S - • „.- • • , ." . . . - ••• • m.or.sityrit . ;•....l . (Jß.e. - ...q.A.m.mcfril s...Toi; IS THE PLACE ,IS.TIJE PLACE LSITIII3 PLACE, FOR DRY Goor)s, Ircro - Arniu, FOR DRY (wous;.ii, , ,,itum - AuE,:tic. Fpn : bia - Gth)Dz_z, HARDWARE. ,C:o TOV.ES STOVES ! STOVES ENDI3S'I' Al. 'STOVE li - 01;h:?, 0. North SECOND Street, oppoia7,o: .- Chre.Ft ' Ch4Cryh. r The • sub;cribcy • mspcetfully in forms his friend, anil tic public '7enerally that lie bas „takeit the .Store, ',13, A - o).th SecotictAtre,et, where he Will be pleased to see his old eirste4tierl and,friemtls. lle:La3au~u on baud a splendid assortment cif Milt/lit, OFPICIS, .Sl'o,llo 'and COOP:TN .:I‘il:VES. , Lir the latest mid:most approved ltimis, at:Nl:twice:de mid retail.: • • 10. 31.: :Woltz . . Ph It lotit partidifirn. zatimticin is :in tita4 ,to• GAS•lilijlp;l,N(4,l l ,:2l.l:3llZ;Cland 1 , ,1 TI ra:r. \U 810V.F.Sfor OtlYees; Stores. Ifells. Cars, ! .te., which , Ifer "ceceri - einy, pfisety-Or'ar; and 'eAiit 61' , nutnligonl en t •lias % • 4 Ito e4inal: • 45 ; ;;; ,••• C. \c itl tea ,Octd Casangs l .lac t ia4s:l .!ores. on ‘h,oll/. September If.;3S.—:tin. • • • • a_FUNTINGDON IIOTEL.' •' ' • The subscriber respectfully announces to his ft'il.:»ds and the public generally, that Les leased that old and' well estithlished• MITERS ',STAND,.,,kuown as :the. , • llnntingdem. '2l.rnisr i , on. the_ ,cerner _of .11111 apt.. Charles Street, in the Borough of Ififutingdon.— E Ile has fitted lip' the'llouse iu -Foleh a style as to - xender•it i'ery-congla!tal4.forlodging,Strangers audlfr'av , clers. : 'IIIS TABLE' will always bcsfoi.C•d With the bst the sea:- son can afford, to snit tho tastes and alpetit, s of ,his,giicistsj lIIS BAR will, always. be tilled with CJigice•LiVuons., a nd lIIS ST A. 111,1: always attenUed 'by careful' and atteniive: . 'Ostlers. . • . ti He hopes by strict itttentiou'to bitsinois and a spirit of accommodation, to:merit and receive a liberal sliare of public p,atfonags. • I'. McA.TEEII. May 12, 1.8581 y. • ' • LEXANDRIA FOUNDRY. • -• _EX' The Ale'sitridriar , oundry has been bought by R. C. McGILL, and is in blast. Find have all kinds of Castings: Stoves, 31a- F` 4 ,,~ _chines, Plows, Kettles, &c.,, Sc., which he ni g4l „„„ will sell at; the lowest 'Prices. All kinds • -• of Country.Prialuce and old Metal taken in exchange for 'Castings, at rnarket prices. McGILL. COUNTRY DEALERS can 4„1 . 4` , %.,?•"4- from' metro Ifunting4lou at WifOLESA.LE cheap as they eau iu.the cities, as I Lay.° a ,w.lioleNtle store ln ljuntin . gdor, April 14, ISSS. - 11. ROMAN. VARNISH I . VARNISH 1 1 - ALL KIN,DS, warranted mind,. sale' at ' - ' ' ITICOWN'S ILLiqi,iie Store, April 2S, IW-tf. TADIES, ATTENTION !—My.assort- I /Tient beautiful dress goods is now Open,an( . l - ready r - Inspection.' . Every article of di ess . you dnr . lound.nt my store. HARDWARE ! A. Large Stock. just received, and for sale at BItICKER'S MAMMOTH STORE STORE 11 Is the pleco, for Latest Styles of Ladies' Dress Goods BRICKER'S Mammoth Store is the . 0 r . O to get:the rth of your money, in Dry Goods, !•!ware, Groccxies, &:c., &0., - • ' )17 - GLASS & SHERWOOD'S Pat ,' v . Shirts, Ibr sale only by SSlllilt & 31c1IURT.RIE. WHEAT! - For sale at AT TIM S. S. 5.'!.11724 1113 n tipgdon, Pa D. P. GI VIN'S ...$1 60 WILLIMI LEWIS, ITOL. XIV. 1 IIUNTINGIJON, PA., NOVEMBER 24, 1858. stlttt VottrLT W. 14 4dl . those tetlrsfnom Him that stood that love-watched grave- , -, Whosecall.should summonbaelF. Whose very voice should save , • That saddened group from weary pain, Release each heart froze And wake in many a faithless soul That lieal.-eUlipulse—beliel? Why•wept Ile? • Not alone for him . • Who hiy in lifeless rest— •• . Nor loving frionds, who mourning knelt- ' ' Above that faithful breast; . • • Oh, no! those holy drops were shed• For many au aching heart. • • . • •' Not beating yet,-7-bnt soon to learn • - OM' earth's great woe—to part. • .• ; For.fesus thved the ) - ol^ld that lay Ilel:ore him in its blight, And"wlie can tell what scenes unrolled Before Lis pitying sight; How oft within that littlC pause, The hidden future give That vi.ion back—the drooping head, The good-by, aufb—the grave. Perhaps lie saw earth's surface strewn With groups of mourners pale, Aud felt the air grow thin and sharp, With sorrow's lonely wail; While shrouded forms lay still and cold Within carli circle fond, And Death stood gatiering np tho links Wool every severed bond. And then be saw that one new grave 'Wherein man had not lain, But where the "sting" and " victory "- Together should be slain. 'Twas then—lie Epake, and bade to life, As one day lie shall call From out their graves in earth and sea, Tlrc sleepers, great and small. LILT L ,cicct THE STOLEN RING The cold January 'winds whistled and roared dolefully in at the crevices of the Wid ow Everett's humble dwelling ; and the snow which had been falling since early morning, fihed the wintry air with fine cloud-like par ticles, and beat relentlessly against the mis erable abode. Within this humble dwelling it was almost as gloomy as without. A small quantity of coals gave out a dim, sickly light, barely serving to reveal the occupants of the cheer less apartment. In one corner of the room was a wretched apology for a bed, over which there was but a slight covering.— There were no chairs•--a few, three legged stools serving instead. , Poverty and Want were there in ghastliness .; and hunger, with her wasted form,, presided over the cold hearthstone. - A pale, attenuated woman was hovering giver the tire; holdinc , her almost tra,nsparn't hands to the faint Pleat. Opposite . to• her, sat ,a younger _ person--her dal.zgliter evidently— for the same marks of patient suffering were drawn around her small mouth, and upon her,white,,ll?ne-veined temples. A garment of ,the Ipgst exquisite emhroidery lay across :11c';* lap, upon,which she had been, employed until the early darkness :.had Made work pesible. ' • •. -"-Letty," said the 'old women,: raising - herself from: the stooping - posture which she had assumed; , ";Oh !: that I could have-lived Ito see my daughterz4--she - whose infancy was •so tenderly ';tratched,-sii carefully cherished —Oh that sluiuld live to see her starving! 01•1 - !- - Heavenly Father bast tbOu'indeed•for -&otten nie?" ,• • •• • - :mother,' hush," said the .foung •04.1, softly. - "He can never forget!: It ; is •truo-:that the;re• aro _liarlows around us; but He can make all bright," and Letty•raised ho blue eyes devoutly - upward. : ".You are' younr*:and :hopeful, m' -said her mother ';•"you look only on the sun- Ishi'no and forget; the • shade.' riearen forbid , that-I should•w - 4ish You to do otherwise ; hut" -oh, Lefty, wheal' saw that' gay, -young girl esterday; se. full - Of happiness-=---so anxious to have that goigeous - robe •wrougt fair- and ;tasteful,•l thought of my own 'buoyant youth and happy womatiltOod- , ---:of - 'my wedded life, - . -when - I was the 'cherished of one good: and: notile•--:---of the-time when your infant eyes un-, closed on - life—of your- guarded• childhood,` yourhaPpy youth-L---but dared 4 loOk farther ?.‘ Oh, Lotty! the dark - how's came; •and your, fatlier was'torn -from us bv•death ; -and, ad-' de& -to' all our grief and - despair,. NVCd Were', penniless'ln Gloom only;Hbroods: oVerqus - 1—: Will the clouds 'never break ? • 'Win! the of happiness never shine -thred - gb ?..• Lefty,. to live thus" ; " • ' •••'• •- 'Dear mother;"•'said Letty, 'Winding her 'arms about her - parent's neck, it grieves . me to'-hear: you speak so:: I will ,work'-for you, mother—Lam , ready and 'willing:..-:My hands are young and stronz. and:my 'heart is hopeful,. Whet ::Miss Josephine's dress is finished; I shall -haVe twelve' shillings then' we.willhave more fuel, and something nice for you to - eat,, , :mothert Miss Josephine, I "know, will • pay me immediately ; she must be good—she is so beuntiful I Mother, is not - every one good who - is beautiful ?" " .Alas I'my child, -would that it were-so I" replied her mother. "Josephine Howard is handsome; but rePort :calls her heart less.- Nevertheless, I dare say she is honor able towards all those' she employs. But. you • cannot work to-night, Letty.. • There is• no candle, and these poor coals give but a feeble light." Lefty laid aside the-rich-velvet which was to drape the• queenly form of Josephine Howard on her coming birth-night; and opening the door, she looked out into the night. She shuddered as the cold wind pen etrated her thin garments, and closing the door, she returned to her mother's side. " It is a fearful night, mother," said Letty "how thankful we should be for even this . - , • ' • . , . , ..- . . . •:, 4! , " . , • -, ti , 4... ' f -IT, '' - e i '4"s?;4 .- . ?• 41 " 'V 60-4 t, (1: .' -s- ''' ~....,,, ':4 • .-1/4. ~.,,,,• ....'.' :, r ,i 1: :‘ ..,,, . • tr, - , ,4* • f h , 4 ,,, ,. .. ~ ... ‘it.... j,,, ; •i ,: „i• . :' , . -:- ., ..;:. i.l, „ . I .5v.,.. .ri._ j J am . u„ A :,- - •. 6. : •'.".'.' l k .-. • - ra . -Ng t i, . q.-.., ~... . ..• ..., ~-,.i .„.4, , ...,: : : „.;,,, : , ., .: ~.1 7 , 47.: ;47 , ~ ..7. 4, " fa ... It t: :-,;, 6.; , . 1 3 1 / 4 . 1 ,_.. ..,.;.,1.. :.,., it . ..‘ ~.„...,:;.. (0 py • k.,l . ..:'.,, 2 ,,gt 1,,,,,:. 7 t . 1 . 1.i., 7 . • * l ti -in• II . ? " - . -ft< 4 „ • q-i:ii•- , -Y , -„ , — ' , , , 7 -,-,4 - ' . • Ti . . . __ • •.. . . --•-•''' , . . • T:,, . .'.4' rtr,,„L;_ ..w.i.„7,., . :0 „... ::: ,. :, : „1, ~.:;,,,,,,....,. WI " JESUS WEPT:" CHAPTER. I poor shelter,l.--there are others more destitute than we.".• • . Fainter and fainter burned the fire,, the storm demon howled, more,loudly, and the, deep darkness grew. deeper., 'Mrs. 'Everett and Letty crept - shiveringinto - their:ScantY bed, and sleep, whichcomes. - ko,bothricli and poor,.spread its resy wings foyer theM, c , Mornin .dawned,. cold and • gray. The stOrm.haecea.sed,;but the, sky was still over-_ spread by ,cold, heavy ~.vapors. ,Letty EVer7. ett was early at, her .w . ork; was to- be finished on Thursday, and it was now Tues day. Wearily the time passed, but the busy fingers stitched hoPefully ion, the thought. of the coming cOmpens,ation..making the ardu ous , task comparatively ea.Sy. Thtirsday eyeniug arrived, and the laSt.stitch - ,being ta ken; Letty with &lighter, hedit than she Thad borne for. many a ditY; ; put ,on her coarse shawl and faded bonnet, to take the fabric to its beautiful owner. With a buoYatit'step she threaded the _busy streets, and halted :be fore a palace-like building. Timidly she mounted the marble steps, and-rangMie A richly ,clad servant . ushered, her into Miss Howard's boudoir. Jesephine;satOn a dam- ask lounge,, chatting merrilyAb ahalf dozen, young lady visitors, who: were eilogiing a set of - Brussels lace, which lay On' the-dress ing table. "Ab, Miss Everett,, youhave brought the robe, have, you ?" exclaimed the lovely crea ture, half -turning as Letty tremblingly en tered the appartment. Well, let me ex amine it. So you have really kept your en gagement have you? Well, really, this is done very well," she said, drawing forth the work from. its wrapping, and bolding, it up to view, " quite elegant, isn't it, Miss Lester ? Crimson becomeS me so well ! You can go, young women," she added, seeing Letty lingered ; "I will call around in a week or two, and pay your bill," and the young lady turned to the pier-glass to arrange a stray ringlet. .• But, madam," returned Letty imploring ly, " couldn't- you pay me to-day ? We are very much in need of the money, or I would not ask you," and tears,. which she strove in vain to keep back, sprang to the beseeching eyes. - "Quite impossible, Miss'Everett," said the haughty beauty ; " besides, it isn't conveni ent. If I give you your own price, you can afford to wait. I can not be troubled with these matters to-night. Twelve shillings can make but little difference. I will call around, as I said before, some time seen astd pay you." Letty passed once more into the thronged streets. No fire !no bread ! not a morsel of food ! She had twice been refused credit lz,y the chandler with whom they dealt; but food they must have. For her mothor she would even beg. She bent her steps to the chand ler's. Mr. Hardsoul was there behind the counter as usual, ready to attend to his mon eyed customers. "Will you not let me have a loaf of bread, sir ?" cried Letty•clinging, to the counter for support, "I will pay you in a fortnight, in ("%cd I n ill, sir-=all that we owe you." "Young woman,"returned the hard-hearted man, "whom do'you take me for ? I am worn to death 'with Mr. llardsoul, can't you trust me for this?' and 'Mr. Hardsoul ; wonq you trust me for that?' It is enough to try the patience of Job himself." 'Without another word Letty left the shop and went home. Her mother divined all ere she could find words to express'it; and put ting her arias' about the - \veeping girl, the mother' 'and driughter knelt in prayer.— Their 'devotiOnsy however, were not 'finished. when a knock—a. quick imperative knock— aroused them. Letty 'arose "to open the door, and is 'men' in 'the garb of policemen en tered. "Good er,ening, madam—Mrs. ," said the elder.' "Ali, Johnson; what , brazen impudence !.' ' See, there is the , very ring on her finger Young' Aromqn;" he said - ad dressing Letty, "I eonfeathat I ani greatly suTPrised" at seeing that ring-so eenSpicuous ly displayed • • , • " The, ring !--what of the ring?" hastily ' '• ' ; •.: " Oh,'you are ;ignorant,. Malan) 'are yoU ! Well; I'll enlighten 'you," said the official. -- - ", You must know that B.lisS Josephine'llow ard had presented fo her a few days ago - by a rich uncle a ring, of' peculiar form and value, a serpent With_ emerald eYeS. • • "Well, shortly after receiving the present, a...paidty Of 'young 4iei-ids having tailed, the ring Was brought 'forth' for . _thrir'ritispecticiii.% About the same. ti ii . ' . e.erfaitif: - 01111,%-',Weirain, whom, Miss TlOWarcli had 'ln ercifellemployed ,to' do •enl bibiaeli:Y:crinid. in with work ; and since 'then — the ri . ng,..'efinnat' jound'about lloNfard'Eirdom..: 'Tie servant-maiddaelares that she,saw 'Ydang 'woman 'take sOine 'thigiyaiiiihd ti - tyn . where . the ring had been `and'secrete A I , about her person'il and aL ieSpeetabld t r iadesinai, Mr.'llardspulrafter- WardS• salt, the' id entical'ii n on'her - finger." "'The "rirml 'you: Cannot h)eari it l''',-Th6:ring!cvaSdaugh teib,Y.her, dying father'. She did not steal it. - forbid I"' 'exclaimed the' mothei. ' ' ' "It is all very,fino prating;:: Ma'am; -and k .: e'dping its here•loosing our •valuable• The sooner you- ,prepare'yourthelf; - Miss; to accompany us- peaceably, the hetter,' said• the policemen-waxing,wroth a,t•the delay. - "My mother may go with:me, if she likes, nnty.she not; sir:1"; asked Letty, raisin& her beautiful though tearful eyes to ' the race of the stern man. - • " No, not even if she likes," was the cruel repl That night. Letty Everett slept within the walla of a prison. CITAPTER II The Court houSe was thronged. The case was one of great interest. A beautiful young girl, who had once moved in the highest 'circles of society, was to be tried for theft. Every eye rested upon poor Letty, who stood 'in the prisoner's dock, calm and composed, but colorless as the mountain snow. The proofs against her were most conclu sive. The ring found upon the finger of the prisoner not only corresponded exactly with -PERSEVERE.- the one stolen from Miss Howard, but the very initials of her uncle's name, Richard Elvin ;ton, were engraved on the inside ! The prosecution 'opened the case. The at torney was an Old experienced lawyer, and arbitrary withal. Miss Howard's dressing maid, a brazen faced girl, of some twenty-five years, swore positively that she had seen the prisoner take 'some small article from the table, where the ring had been laid, but a few moments before; and hide it about her person;' arid also that she'appeared in a hur ry to get away from the house. • Mr. Hardsonl testified to the defendant's having called at his shop to obtain trust for bread. He bad noticed at the time•the curi ous 'ring 'upon her finger, which he could identify with the one now exhibited' in Court. • , The case was about to be given to tho ju ry, for Letty had no money to employ coun sel, when there was a hurried movement near the outer door-of the Court house, and a stately, determined form strode into the arena. " Counsellor Harrington !" was whispered through the crowd. .The new comer, after saluting the Judge upon the bench, approached the pale prison er. " The nature of the case excuses any lib erties I am about to take," he said, address ing Letty. "Allow Inc to inquire if you have no one to speak in your behalf?" "Alas, sir," returned Letty, half raising her hopeless eyes to his face, " who would plead for the poor and fatherless ?" " God and justice!" returned Counsellor Harrington, emphatically ; " and I, as their bumble instrument, will sift this affair to the bottom. Please state to me briefly your his tory, from your birth up to the present time." Letty obeyed, relating the most important circumstances in a few words. "Did Miss Howard pay you for your work ?" inquired Mr. Harrington. Letty hesitated, but at length replied, "No, sir, it was not convenient." " Irm !" said the counsellor ; " very many things are not convenient with the rich.— Your father's Christian name, if you please ?" " Robert—Robert Everett," said Letty. "Very well," said the counsellor. "Take courage, Miss Everett." Then, add.resinc , the court, he said: "May it please your lord ship and gentlemen of the Jury, T stand be fore you in behalf of one vrt'oni I believe in nocent of the crime with which the mistaken justice cif indiyi , htals would brand her_ A few memcntiS, gentlemen, and I will suni up briefly the facts of the ease. A young , ten der girl is left an orphan ! In the blank darkness of midnight, death stiffens the form of a, beloved father, and stills the pulsation of his heart forever. Care and devotion, not even love, could save him, and the cold gray of morning looked in upon a corpse ! Even a more anguishing scene, saw that same morning light—a desolate widow ! a dis tressed orphan ! r 'An examination ,of the af fairs of that dead husband and father, tells a fearful story. Unlucky speculations have swept away, with. one fell swoop, his once princely. fortune • and from the bosom of splendor to the feet of abject poverty, his helpless family have fallen.: Such a change, even to those who could look around and count not one missing from their household circle, would be a bitter change !—but to that poor widow, and stricken orphan, with the damp,' cold blight of death hanging over all, it was, indeed, terrible Plain sewing, and occasionally tedious embroidery—those last resources of ..reduped . gentlewoman—are resorted to. Aching ,brain, weary fingers, 'and breaking heart ! A fashionable lady, one rich ,in, this .world's goods, engages the friendless girl to ornament a robe'Whieh is to fall around her peerless form on her birth night.. It must be magnificent, it must !be wrought with exceeding great skill. Would a . clumsilY r embroideredrfabric ,be fittitig .drapery for - the ,fairestiof fashion's belles ? A meagre. pittance, a trifle to the rich=life, hope, everything tp . this poor, suffering child , of poverty.—is *red in recompense' Weary, days„,with. cold, • and want, and huriger ever present, and the work is finished.. , Cheered by hope, it is , taken home. The.yOting cannot pay the laborer-,it is . not . conVenient ! The poor,,wan . seamstress, entreats, and - With the, pale face of a,, starving Another before her eyes, she even pleads; but she talks to stone ! She goes,out from the presence; of the rich with all, her:load-of, care,aud,grief ! . She ap plies tor a.. being, bearing ; the resemblance of . a: man, fork one. loaf ,of ,brea,d„propusing, to -• pay. in . a .fees drays.,lt is refused The hope !, She, thinks of .the ring ~tipon,r .her finger„but she 13m - rashes . the temptation. It is the last gift of her departed father-it , contains that which.keeps his inenro ry her heart, and she . cannot; part . 'with it even ito,;coneiliate, deat!. She goes to her cold; hare home, And,' her wretched mother, empty handed ," • They- kn eel.. to im plore the assistance of , thatrGod who they think has forsaken, thern— r their devotions are disturbed 'by the sore .tied officers of justice. And why ? Simply 'because from the young belle, -the owner of the embroidered rebe, ring has been 'stolen—a:valuable and costly Ting, of peculiar and costly workmanship, and, very highly prizedby this young lady, as a gift from an 'absent uncle. A servant, a minion of this same lady, affirms to having seen the seamstress take some article from a table, where this .valuable ring had 'been , placed. The heartless being to :whom the desOlate seamstress applied for bread, testi fies to having seen the ring upon the finger of his customer ! The policemen also noticed the same thing. They place her under arrest for a presumptive .crime, and the cold stones of a. prison, though no colder than the bare walls of her miscalled home and the black night, enclose her ! Upon this apparently circumstantial evidence, you would condemn her—doom her to a fate worse than the grave—make her the despised, the outcast of her sex, and affix to her name the everlasting stigma of disgrace I" - Having made these remarks, the counsel lor began to cross-examine the servant girl, now replaced in the witness-box. " Did the ring which was stolen from Miss Editor and Proprietor. Howard, :Contain 'upon the inside anything more than the initials 'lt: •began the counsellor. "It did not," said the girl. "'Did you have access to the room of your mistress at your own option !" he asked. "Yes," was the reply, hesitatingly given. A visible murmur in favor of the prisoner ran round the court. 'COMAellor Harrington paused, and the hush which reigned in the court, became or pressive. Maintaining silence until the full effeCtof " what he had said should be felt, he resumed. ' And now, gentlemen," said he, "one thing more : This ring, taken from the hand of the prisoner, it becomes my duty to exaMine." The ring was handed him by tbe"prosecu ting-Attorney.- He took it—pressed his fin ger along upon the inside, and a spring flew Open, revealing in the action, a small but life-likeness 'of a gentleman of middle age. He held it up to view. Several gentlemen, who pressed forward, identified it without a moment's hesitation, as the portrait of Rob ert Everett, the faker of the prisoner ! •The excitement became so intense that the officials of justice were under the necessity of stringent measures to preserve the dignity and decorum of the court. Closing the spring, Mr. Harrington placed the.ring in his pocket, and turning his face, terribly beautiful in its righteous indigna tion, towards the principal witness for the plaintiffs—the servant girl—he exclaimed, "As you hope to escape from eternal punish ment, reveal where you have hidden your mistress' ring 1" The voice, the look, the manner was so terrible, that the affrighted girl fell upon her knees, and shrieked out, "Save me from him ! lam guilty ! In my trunk you will find the ring ! Keep him away from we; oh, keep him away from me 1" - - - No more was needed. DID. Harrington looked at betty. Holding her mother's head upon her breast, her calm, truthful eyes, now full of joyful tears, were raised to Heaven. The form of acquittal was gone through, and Letty was released. Mr. Harrington called a carriage, and supporting the half fainting Mrs. Everett, with Letty holding her hand upon the other side, he passed out of the court, followed by the warm plaudits of the adthiring crowd. At the carriage door, after assisting the ladies in, the counsellor paused, and Letty timidly took his hand. " God will bless you; sir; I never can,"she faltered, "but morning, noon, and night will I implore God's blessing for you !" Mr. Harrington, deeply affected, said, "I will call and see you to-morrow, ladies," and the carriage drove away. The nest morning,Mr. Harrington called. It would be vain to attempt to express the grate ful thanks and blessings which were showered upon him by Mrs. Everett, and the tearful earnestness which filled the blue eyes of Letty as she strove to find language fur her grati tude. It was merely accident, Mr. Harrington said, which brought hint to the court on that eventful morning. On his way to the metropolis, he was detained by a trilling bus iness matter until too late for the morning train, and while waiting for, the succeeding conveyance he strolled - into the court'' house out of idle curiosity. The remainder they already know, Randolph Ilarrington lingered long in the hurnble'abode of Mrs. EVerett. The parlors and costly adornMents of gilded luxury had never possessed power to detain him a mo ment from his business, but that cheerless hovel held for him a 'charm. ,fle went, at last, followed by the blessings of the -Widow and the •fatlierless----"nire precious than : gold—yco, thanmuchfine gold." -, - 'he ensuing evening, a •strange : sound was heard at the door - Of Mrs. Everett's cottage— the-postman's knock. -Ile brought a letter `directed, to Miss Everett, atid . • containing these words--" Accept from a sincere friend the accompanying trifle—as a tribute_ to vir tue and innocence." : It bore' no signature, • init'enelosed a , check -upon 'one of the metro politan banks for ,fifty pounds, signed : and endorsed by the inost.respectable firm in the town. After' ranch debate, Letty went to the firm whose name endorsed the check-, and endeavored to. discover who sent it, but they .would give her no satisfaction. So,' finally, she' drew - the money from the bank. • A: better lodging 'and some necessary com- - ferts were iainiediately procured ; and -that. night Mrs, Everett, andber. daughter for the first time in, many ,rinintbs," slept peacefully 'and comfortably." ' The affair of the ring was noised about, and- the Everetts were visited and sought, af ter by many kind, noble-hearted people.— Under these favorable auspices,. Letty, who had' received a superior education, opened a school for young -ladies. • • Four .months after their .removal .to their new abode, the EVeretts were most agreeably surprised bYu visit' froth Mr. Ifarringten.— lle apparently thinking of 'something more important than the mere formal saluta tions his lips-' ere uttering. Eloquence and -1 worth seldom fail to- win, and he whose•fo rensic endewinents -had' been so much ad mired, pleaded not in vain for the object of his'hearts first love—Letty Everett. Long after their Marriage the happy Ran dolph Harrington confessed to having sent the note and the generous gift; because ho said, "Letty was to dear to me, even then to be allowed to suffer when my hand could' avert it." As the wife of the famed and esteemed counsellor, the devout, honest, upright man, Letty is supremely happy. GROWTII or .A-WESTERN TILLAGE.—A letter from Fairbury, Illinois says "Last Novem ber there was but one house here, now there are over forty dwellings, .seven stores, three warehouses, a church, .schoolgouse, railway depot, steam mill and other bnilding-s—all erected within eleven months. This is only a "slight sample of our progress hero in the West." A' green looking customer 7observed - ar sign hanging over a grocery store, reading thus : " Wholesale and Retail Store." lie worked his way _through the crowd of ladies and gentlemen, until he got facing one of the clerks, who was exhibiting some fine sugar to a young lady, when he broke out with: " Say, Mister, who's boss here ?" - " The proprietor bas just stepped out, sir." " Well,, be this a retailing shop 2" , The young -mail hardly cOmpreheiading grceny's thoughts, simply- answered :- - - " Yes sir, a whole - sale and retail store." "Guess you understand your trade 27 "0, yes, replied the'clerk, wrapping up a bundle for his lady customer, ";what can Ido for you ?" " Well, as the cold weather is coming on, I thought I mought as well come and give you a job." "I don't understandyou, stranger," replied the clerk, who began to think the fellow was in the wrong box. " Zactly so ; well, I'll tell you 1" " Explain what you mean, my friend," said the clerk, as he saw him produce a bundle from under his coat. NO. 22. " Well,• I said before, the cold weather's coming on, I thought I mought as well bo fixin' for it. Come mighty near freezin' t'other winter, tell ye I did, but—" " Stranger, I hope you will tell me what you want, so I may serve you," interrupted the clerk, seeing there were a number of cus tomers waiting to be served, but who, in fact, bad almost forgotten their errands in the rich conversation between the clerk and the droll customer. " Certainly, 'Squire, certainly, I always do business in a hurry, and just as quick as the old master will let you, I want you to re- TAIL these old shirts I Let 'cm come down to about the knees, vase I don't wear any drawers I"? The effect may be imagined, but as the, novelists say, can't be described. The loud burst of laughter _which followed, served to convince the poor fellow he had committed himself, and his long legs were put in motion at the rate of 2:40. " Soon after I was admitted to the bar, I accidentally happened in. the court room, du ring the trial of some criminals. .After be ing there a short time, a man was arraigned, charged with the commission of the crime of horse-stealing. He pleaded not guilty ; and the court finding that he had no counsel, and that he was too poor to fee one, directed me to defend him. A jury was about to be ern panneled, when I stated to the court that 1 knew nothing of the case, and &Sired an in terview with my client. This was not only granted me, but the court permitted me to withdraw from the room with my client, and directed me to give him the best legal advico I could. We retired, and after 'the lapse of some minutes, I returned to the court room and took my scat in the bar. The court asked me if I was ready. I replied that I was. 'But where is your client ?' said the Judge. I replied : 'Your Honor advised me to give him the best advice I could, and on aseertaininn. from, him that he was guilty, and that the proof was conclusive, I advised him to run and give the court a wide berth ; and if he has faithfully followed my advice, he is now out of jurisdiction.' " The scene that followed must have been tb laughable one, and such our venerable friend asserts that it was. The bench was almost paralyzed with fear, and scarcely knew how to proceed, or what to do, while on the coun tenance of every member of the bar, and spectator present, there was a smile of glee. )ye- Young man l keep your eyes open when you are after a woman. If you bite at a naked book, ' you 'are green. Is a pretty dress or form so attractive, or even a pretty face ? Flounces, boys, are of no consequence. A pretty face will grow old. Paint wash off. The sweet smile of the flirt will give way to the scrowl of termagnant. The coquette will shine in the kitchen corner, and with the once sparkling eyes and bearninc , coun tenance will look daggers at you. Beware If the dear is cross, and . scolds her mother in the back room, you maybe sure you'll get particular fits all over the house. _lf she blushes when found at the . wash-tub with her sleeves rolled.up, be sure she is of the dish-rag aristocracy ; little knowledge and a good deal less sense. If you marry a girl• who knows nothing but to commit. woman slaughter on the piano, .you have - gbt the poorest piece of music ever got isp. Find one whose Mind is right and pitch-in. -.M - 01 , .;Ei" IN DEADLETTERS.—The dead letter branch •of the General Post Office has just closed another quarter's work. During the 'three months which terminated on the. 30th ult., there were found two -thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine letters which con tained money amounting in the aggregate to $12,92132. For the quarter which closed 30th June last there were received four thou sand.five hundred and forty-nine letters and $21,498.85 in money. For the quarter ending the 30th March, two thousand four hundred and seventy-two let ters and $13,475.15 in money. Quarter closed 31st December, two thousand three hundred and .fifty-two letters and $1,361.96 in cash. Total in the year, twelve thousand ono hun dred and two letters and $61,239.72 in mon ey. It is gratifying to state that, under the efficiency and promptitude which characterize the .finance bureau, over nine-tenths of the whole amourit'of cash has- been restored to the original owners. :MURDER WILL ,O,UT.-A , few years. since a citizen. of- Alabama, whose name ,is suppres sed by the papers, committed a cruel murder, but on trial for the crime he escaped, owing to some link being needed in the evidence. Public opinion was against him,- and he soon after left and took up his residence in Attala county, Miss. It is .recently 'related of him that, after haling experienced the most terri ble agony for many months, be procured a barrel,,of whiskey, and.excludedlimselffrom the society of man, where, solitary and - lone, he plunged into the deepest and most thorongh state of-intoxication, drinking, it is said, a quart of the "fire water" at, one draught. In this gloomy and ,miserable condition, he lingered through the lapse of tiro or three months, and finally - died, in the most intense mental agony, calling upon the bystanders to take ; away from - his bedside the victim .who had so low -, b haunted his memory and agoni zed him in his dreams.—Cin. Times. Refrain from bitter words; there is only the difference of a letter between words and swords. .13Er'The jealous man poisons his own ban quet, and then eats it. )!M.,Faith—an anchor dropped beyond the vale of death. A Hard Custonier. The. Lawyer's Advice