The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 04, 1858, Image 2

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Circulation-=the largest ia the county
Wednesday, August 4, 1858
Wiii. A. PORTER, of Philadelphia.
WESTLF.Y F.ROST, of Fayette Co.
Democratic County Convention.
The Democratic voters of the respective townships and
boroughs of Huntingdon county, are requested to meet in
Delegate meeting, at their usual places for the holding of
the Delegate Elections, on Saturday the 7th day of August
next, between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock r. at., opening
the meeting and keeping it open during the whole time,
for the purpose of electing two delegates to represent
them in a Democratic County Convention, to be held at
the Court House. in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wed
nesday, the 11th day of August next, at 1.3.4 o'clock P. M., to
place in nomination a Democratic County ticket, and tran
sact such other business as may be thought necessary for
the proper organization of the party.
New Advertisements.
M" . Stray Heifer.
.iItZF- Militia, Attention!
Xt Colored Camp Meeting.
Atif.- Notice, by the Prothonotary.
JZZ- Meeting of County Agricultural Society
ter-Court commences in this place on Mon
day next, which will give many of our pa
trons who are in arrears and who do not
intend to visit the ancient borough, an oppor
tunity to send with their neighbors the amounts
(or part) due us. We have thousands of dol
lars upon our books, against good men, the
most of which could be paid in if our patrons
would only think so, and take the trouble to
call when in town, or send the amounts by
mail or by their neighbors. We could make
good use of all due us if we had it at com
mand, and we hope our friends will use a lit
tle effort to put us in possession of that which
is our own.
"TEE GLOBE," as usual will be furnished to
all who may want it, at $1.50 a year, 75ets.
for six or 50cts. for three months, in advance.
The Delegate Elections and County Con-
venti on
It is earnestly hoped that the Democracy
of the county will attend the elections which
will take place in the several boroughs and
townships on Saturday next, and send to our
County Nominating Convention, men who
will use every effort to place before the De
mocracy of the county, a ticket composed of
deserving and strong men. We have the
material in the party for every office for
which a nomination will be made, which, if
selected, can be elected over the combined
opposition. But, if, as has been the case,
care is only taken to make proper selections
for one, two, or three of the most important
offices, leaving the balance to be filled up
with anybody—dead-weights to the whole—
the party cannot expect to deserve success.
The Democracy can command a majority in
the county and district if proper care is
taken in the formation of a ticket. Let it
then, be the earnest desire and determina
tion of every Democratic Delegate in the
Convention which will assemble at Hunting
don on Wednesday afternoon next, to place
in nomination a ticket which will deserve
and receive the majority vote of the county.
ze—lt is a notorious fact that while the
Lecompton leaders and their press of the
State, with the Pennsylvanian at their head,
are charging the anti-Lecomptoli Democrats
with giving aid and comfort to the opposition,
they arc anxiously praying for the success of
the Black Republican party over the Democ
racy in Illinois. In that State the leading
Lecompton men, the office-holders under the
influence of the Cabinet at Washington, are
working in harmony with the Black Repub
licans for the success of LINCOLN' to the Uni
ted States Senate. We predict,—and we
wish our readers to remember it,—that time
will find every leading Lecompton Democrat
in this and. every other State, in full mem
bership with an opposition party opposed to
the pure Jackson Democracy.
An Honor.
about a mile below this place, received last
week the proud memento of the Medal of St.
Helena, from the French Government, for
serving under Napoleon the First, and also a
brevet to the "Imperial Order of the Legion
of Honer." These were forwarded through
our townsman, Tiros. P. CA:urnxr.r., Esq., who
prepared Mr. SCHNEIDER'S papers, by Gen.
CAMERON, who successfully interested him
self to procure it, through the Department of
State and the American Legation.
The Medal is a beautiful bronze impression,
surmounted with a crown, attached to a blue
ribbon, and a circlet of laurel surrounding an
excellent likeness of the Great Emperor, and
containing words of solemn meaning: "Na
poleon to his companions in glory—a last
Mr. SCHNEIDER served during the terrible
campaigns of 1810 and 'l4. Ile was in the
battles .of Esslingen and Wagram, of Bautzen,
and Lutzen, and the Katzbach, when he was
taken prisoner, and detained during the rest
of the war. lle returns his thanks to the
gentlemen to whose exertions he is indebted
for these honorable testimonials. It is not
easy to obtain them, even by those who can
show good service—character, also, is re
quired; and we observe that out of some
350,000 applications which have been invade
for the Medal, but a few over 15,000 have
been granted. Wo believe this is the second
conferred upon persons residing in the United
See advertisement of Dr. Sanford's
Liver Invigorator in another evlumn.
~ Bogus" Bank Operations
Some startling developments have been
brought to light by the Committee appointed
by the last Legislature to investigate the af
fairs of several new Banks in the interior of
this State, which have caused no little sur
prise. It would appear that most daring and
stupendous frauds have been contemplated by
these concerns. The report is lengthy, and
embraces a number of details of not much
interest to the general reader. Below we
give a synopsis of the principal points, taken
from the North American, which will give
all the information of real importance that
is disclosed :
The first of these Banks, all of which were
chartered at the Legislative session of 1857,
is the Tioga County Bank. The letters pat
ent state that the subscription amounted to
1,069 shares, and the Committee found that
1,040 of these had been subscribed, and the
first instalment paid in a single day, by cer
tain Buffalo financiers, of whom Wells D.
Walbridge, for himself and various females,
took 640 shares, while Edward T. Thayer,
of Buffalo, took 200 more, and J. Porter
Brawley took the remaining 200. Thayer
belongs to a nest of financiers of that name
in Buffalo, one of whom opened the Bank,
and at once entered discounts to the amount
of $20,655, all to Buffalo parties. G. P.
Steers, of Buffalo, who was elected teller of
the Bank, says that upon taking charge of
it there was a deficit of $6,373. The dis
counts now amount to $89,066 38, nearly all
of which have been to BUffalo parties, and
all, except one note of $l,lOO, in sums of from
$5,000 to $8,500. The Thayers and Wal
bridge figure either as drawers or endorsers
in nearly all of these. It is clear that this
Bank was purely speculative, the subscrip
tion notes having been immediately discount
The same parties appear to have been the
operators in the new Bank of Crawford Coun
ty. To this concern, 1,534 shares of stock
were subscribed, of which 1,210 were by the
Buffalo financiers, and the rest by J. Porter
Brawley, except about forty-four shares.—
This subscription was paid in Tioga County
Bank notes, being chiefly the $20,155 dis
counted at the organization Qf that concern,
except about $5OO paid in specie. The Bank
has a circulation of $34,055 against $2,796
84 in gold and silver, and its discounts reach
$127,918 52, of which $63,800 have been to
parties out of the State. The teller states
that he and the President ordered at the
same time the engraving of the plates for
both this and the Tioga County Bank.
The Thayers again figure as the parties
taking the stock of the new Shamokin Bank,
of which the whole subscription was 1,640
shares, while they and their associates took
1,520 shares. One of the Thayers settled for
all the stock subscribed by persons not resid
ing in Shamokin, and paid no money except
$7,000 in gold and $28,000 in notes of the Tio
ga and Crawford County Banks. Immediately
upon the organization of the Bank, the books
show that $41,015 50 of discounts were grant
ed to J. Jackson, of New York city, and Un
derhill Lockhart, $38,000, being in one item
to Jackson. The endorsers to these notes are J .
W. Underhill and R. R. Underhill, while the
teller of the Bank is Robert Underhill. The
circulation $26,460 and the cash
to $2,372 05.
The cashier, David A. Robinson, formerly
of Buffalo, explains that the money paid in
as capital stock of the Bank, was discounted
to the parties named, and the notes were left
as the capital of the Bank. A person named
Street, on pretence of being a man of means,
who intended subscribing $40,000 to the stock
of the Bank, was entrusted with $20,000 to
arrange a system of exchange with the Banks
of western Pennsylvania, instead of which he
appropriated the money to his own uses, but
was afterwards arrested, and obliged to dis
gorge. J. Jackson who figures as a princi
pal operator in this Bank alleged himself to
be worth $14,000, which on investigation
turns out to be moonshine. J. It. Robinson
NS . ' as another of the wireworkers in this insti
tution, and appears as the party to whom the
discounted $38,000 was transferred on cheek.
About 2,000 of the bills of the Shamokin
Bank were obtained from it by Robinson,
and used to pay the first instalment of a sub
scription of stock by him to the M'Kean
County Bank. How this money was procur
ed does not appear, but it was not by dis
count, as it was to be returned to the Bank.
Among the persons acting with the Thay
ers and belonging to the Buffalo party in all
these Banks, were W. Meech, several named
Gansen, C. 11. Payne, and M. Carson. These
appear again in the stock subscription to the
Bank of Phoenixville, which, had an organi
zation taken place, would have stood 1,200
shares taken by Buffalo and vicinity, 108 by
Phoenixville. Some of these subscriptions,
to the amount of 1,000 shares, were taken
for others by parties who only held powers
of attorney to subscribe 500 shares. They
altered the figures at the time of subscribing.
The first payment on the stock was made in
notes of the Tioga County Bank, which was
objected to by the Commissioners, and an in
vestigation ensued, ending in the subscrip
tion being declared bogus and withdrawn.
A startling revelation is made by the Com
mittee relative to the Bank Note Reporters.
Proof seemed to have been afforded that some
of these publications are regular black mail
sheets, which quote Banks in good or bad
standing, according as the conductors are
paid. Letters and circulars are described as
being sent to Banks, requiring immediate
correspondence or a personal visit, to make
certain arrangements on pain of disagreeable
consequences. A satisfactory line or call,
and all would be sunshine; with neglect or
denial comes the instant thunders of their
The Committee close their report by recom
mending to the Governor, the adoption of
summary means to rid the State of these bo
gus concerns, and to the Legislature, the ap
plication of such a remedy, as will effectually
protect the people from any future inflictions
of the same sort.
Proscribing Democrats.
This is (says the Chester Countll Democrat)
unquestionably a political reign of terror.—
Never since the Government was founded
has there been anything to equal it. It is
not a proscription of political enemies, but of
friends. The very men who placed the pre
sent Administration in power, are those on
whom the heaviest hand is laid. It is now a
fact, staring every one in the face, that a
Democrat who refuses to swear by Lecomp
ton, cannot hold any sort or hind of a place
in the Government. He is politically ac
cursed, and the headsman's axe falls with
unerring certainty upon him. Let it pro
ceed, say we ! Bring out the victims and
let the heads roll off in grim and ghastly pro
fusion. We bide our time, and promise
those who are now revelling in the business
of proscribing honest men, that a day of re
tribution approaches. In addition to the
cases of Mr. Moore, and W. B. Waddell,
Esq., of this county, we have now another
to record; that of John Luther Ringwalt, a
son of Col. Samuel Ringwalt, of Downington,
who was brought up in this office under
Judge Strickland. Mr. Ringwalt was in the
Mint, refused to worship Lecompton, and off
went his head. The Press speaks of this lat
ter case as follows
" The removal by Mr. Walton, the new
Treasurer of the United States Mint, of our
esteemed fellow-citizen, John Luther Ring
walt, Esq., from the position of chief clerk
of that department of the Government, will
astonish the Democratic party of Pennsylva
nia, well accustomed as that party has be
come to the extraordinary feats of those who
dispense patronage in this community in the
name and by the authority of Mr. Buchanan.
There never was a public officer more consci
entious, regular and energetic, in the dis
charge of his duties, than Mr. Ringwalt.—
At the head of the most important desk in
the Mint, one requiring uncommon accuracy
and constant attendance, he was singularly
well calculated to protect his chief from mis
takes and at the same time to overlook the
interests of the Government. The son of
Col. Samuel Ringwalt, originally of Lancas
ter, and now of Chester county, who has
been Mr. Buchanan's friend ever since the
hitter was a student of law with Mr. Hop
kins, of Lancaster, he has given a constant
and vigorous support to 'Pennsylvania's fa
vorite son' ever since his boyhood. Reared
to the profession of an editor, he conducted
with masterly ability the Democratic organ
in Monroe county, and subsequently presided
over the editorial columns of the Pennsylva
nian in this city. The duties of the position
he occupied in the Mint, were alike onerous
and exacting, requiring nearly all his time
and leaving to him few leisure moments.—
He has, however, sympathized with the gal
lant Douglas in his heroic struggle for prin
ciple, and with Wise, Walker, Packer, and
the Press, and for this he has lost the place
he so ably and faithfully filled."
Acquisition of Cuba
There are reports afloat that the Govern
ment is in a fair way to acquire speedy and
peaceful possession of the island of Cuba.—
The rumors are so vague,—which, coupled
with the hitherto strong resistance of Spain
when treating of this subject,—that perhaps
little reliance should be placed in them. A
short time will probably settle their truth or
The importance to the United States of
such an acquisition is thus briefly stated by
the Philadelphia Press:
In a mere commercial point of view, the
acquisition of Cuba would be one of the
most fortunate things that American states
manship ever accomplished. With all the
shackles imposed upon the trade of the two
countries, by the onerous Spanish port
charges, tariffs, and export duties, and our
own tariff, their commerce is very great, and
the removal of these barriers would render
it almost incalculable. The agricultural and
manufacturing interests of the North would
alike reap the most substantial benefit from
the union of the two countries. Thus Ameri
can flour has•long been kept out of Cuba by
regulations which require (besides other du
ties) but two dollars per barrel for Spanish
flour in Spanish vessels, and nine dollars and
fifty cents for foreign flour in foreign vessels,
and all foreign goods in foreign vessels are
charged a duty of near thirty per cent., or
upwards, and the port charges are very high.
Notwithstanding all these exactions, the com
mercial movement of the United States with
Cuba in 1852 amounted to more than $lB,-
000,000, upon which dues of more than $3,-
000,000 were paid the Cuban officials, and
the trade of the two countries has no doubt
since been greatly increased. Our exports
to Cuba for that year amounted to $6,500,-
000, among which are $027,000 of grains ;
$1,100,000 of lard, butter, bread and vegeta
bles ; $1,864,000 of lumber and fabrics ;
$141,000 of cotton yarns and fabrics, &c.—
In return, the imports amounted to over $12,-
000,000, made up almost entirely of sugar,
molasses, and cigars, upon which our citizens
paid a duty of at least $3,500,000 to their
own Government, besides a large export duty
to Spain. The lumber, grain-growing, and
provision interests of the United States would
be greatly benefitted by free trade with Cuba,
and so, no doubt, would many branches of
manufactures, which, although now driven
from the. Cuban market by English produc
tions, could not be if a fair tariff was levied
upon the English goods, and not upon our
own. In short, if Cuba belonged to us, we
would almost exclusively furnish the materi
als for feeding, clothing and housing her in
habitants, at a handsome profit, while she
would supply us with sugar and cigars at
much lower rates than we can at present ob
tain them. • -
Professionaliziug Educators
—We look upon the liberty of the journalist
as the safeguard of popular . sovereignty,4lnd
as a proper corrective to, political 'action.--:-
And so it is when guided by intelligence,
and, at least, a reasonable degree of moral
courage. We also look upon law as a supre
macy in all our social relations : and so it is
when regulated by the eternal principles of
right, and not by the wickedness of Turks,
the imbecility of fools, or the caprices of es
pionage. We look upon religion as the only
thing altogether lovely, and worthy of man's
ceaseless devotion; but then we do not mean
the religion of Mormons, llindoos, or Ma
homedons. Reasoning by analogy, we shall
see that newspaper licentiousness stands an
tagonistic to the great principles of civil
liberty, as Mormonism does to Christianity,
or highway robbery does to law and equity.
When the satirist ridicules the vices of men
in common decency; or the journalist exposes
in truthfulness, the designs, intrigues, mis
deeds and weakness of candidates, we have
not, neither should we have, any charges to
prefer against them. In the battle of life,
as in political action, we must know what
manner of men we are dealing with. This
means of communication is our only resource.
Therefbre, it should be kept free from licen
tiousness, meanness and puppyism.
There is another tendency in this school of
applauded educators, which grows with its
growth; and the consequences of which have
yet to be felt in American institutions. Bor
rowed from populous cities, it is already pro
lific; and like the pestilence it will defy its
remedy. The spirit of vulgarity which re
cently manifests itself, walks no longer in
concealment. Its patrons are numerous and
it walks by noonday. The power of habit
and example are so great that the injuries
done to society consist not so much in the
immediate results of this moral contamina
tion, as in that habit which finally engenders
a constitutional infirmity. "Seen too oft—
familiar with her face we first pity, then en
dure, then embrace."
The power of habit! What a volume of
reality lies concealed in that one word, wheth
er applied to an individual or to the whole
human race. If men, who are created noble
by nature, are permitted to pause at the sum
mit of life's experience, and looking back
ward realize the difference between man
living up to the dignity of his nature; and
man arrayed by the power of habit and evil
example; what a vision must startle his sen
sibilities! How his noble spirit must writhe
beneath the chaffing chains of educated habit!
Byron's vivid picture of the human mind,
writhing under the stings of conscience, is
one of the most impressive figures, probably,
in the Engli;_i or any other language; yet,
dthe picture is not overdrawn ; and it speaks
a terrible language to those who trifle with
the vices of the age—trifle with the injunc
tions of morality, and recklessly violate the
principles of truth and harmony.
In pity and commiseration we may inquire,
what means will exclude the vicious influences
of this legion of educators from the rising
generation? What is necessary to remove
this plague spot from the social compact?
What punishment shall we bestow upon the
perverse culprit who scatters this damp of
death, to the common detriment and injury
of all ?
You ask, " Would you limit the powers of
this great means lbr distributing knowledge?"
" Would you amend the statutes, and visit
the offender with punishment ?" No. No
limitations, no amendments, no punishments
are necessary. Turn the licentious messen
gers from your firesides and give them no
audience. Educate the rising generation to
a virtuous sensibility. Select for them, for
your families, and for yourselves, those jour
nals issuing from a fountain of wisdom and
instruction, chaste and truthful, elevating in
all their teachings, chastening in all their re
proofs, and themselves the very representa
tives of virtue. The philosopher, the philan
thropist, and the educator are laboring to
distribute them among the people. Patronize
them. File and preserve them. Teach the
youth to read and draw lessons of wisdom
and instruction from them. They possess
the elements of industry, honesty, morality
and religion,—they are the chart of life and
mirror of the times. A. OWEN.
rifir The Bible cause seems to be flourish
ing in Louisana. A correspondent of the
New York Observe?: says ;—"Mr. John Pic
kett has just given *lO,OOO to the South-west
ern Bible Society of New Orleans, for the
purpose of stocking their Bible house with
Bibles. He is a young man, and a member
of the Presbyterian Church. This Society
have nine persons who have given, and who
have pledged themselves to give ',41,000 each,
and what is passing strange, one of the nine
can neither read nor write, except to write
his name mechanically. He is not a member
of any church, nor does he live within twenty
five miles of one, unless there may be one
nearer by crossing the Mississippi river."
lionsEs.--It is estimated that there are
50,000 horses in the State of Mssachusetts,
221,000 in the New England States, and 4,-
500,000 in the United States. Ohio stands
foremost in the number of horses, New York
next, Pennsylvania next, Kentucky next, and
Minnesota last of all. Estimating the horses
of Massachusetts at $75 per head, their value
will be $3,750,000, and all the horses in the
United States at the same rate, would make
a value of $337,500,000, or more than three
times the whole cotton and woollen manufac
turing capital of the Union.
ter- See advertisement of Prof. Wood's
Hair Restorative in another column.
Sunday School Celebration at Colerain
[Correspondence of The Globe.]
MR. EDITOR :-I had the pleasure of being
present at a celebration given by the Cole
rain and Mechanicsville Sunday Schools, on
'Saturday, the 31st inst., and knowing that
many of your readers arc Sunday School
scholars and teachers, I have thought it ex
pedient to send you a short sketch of the
Colerain celebration, for publication, that
they might know the interest manifested in
the good cause by the people of the above
mentioned neighborhoods. The C olerain-Sun
day School, under the superintendence of
H. W. SHARPE, assembled in their school
room at the hour of 9 A. M., where they
formed in procession, and marched a short
distance up the road to meet the Mechanics. ,
ville Sunday School, under the superinten
dence of J. W. MATTERN, Esq.
The procession, thus augmented, marched
in an orderly manner, to a grove a short dis
tance off—beautiful and enchanting as that
celebrated by Horace as the home of the
nymphs—where a stand had been erected
and very beautifully adorned with wreaths
and flowers, and comfortable seats prepared
for the schools and visitors. One of the su
perintendents gave out a hymn, and in a mo
ment the forest resounded with the sweet old
strain, "There is a happy land." Mr. DAVID
STEWART, being called to the chair, intro
duced Dr. HAprne, late Missionary to China,
to the audience.
The exercises were then opened by an ap
propriate and earnest prayer by Dr. ITA
After another hymn was sung, Dr. TlArrEn
delivered an eloquent and instructive address
on the present condition. of the Chinese, thus
striving to awaken a missionary spirit in the
minds and hearts of the children. At the
close of his address, Mr. Jou:s - M. STONE
BREA KETL—Marshal of the day—dismissed the
schools, permitting the scholars to amuse
themselves on the swings, which bad been
put up fur the occasion, until the tableawould
he spread. In a short time they were again
formed in procession, and marched to the
table, which Ivas loaded with good things of
such a variety as to tempt the appetite of
the most fastidious.
After the children had been helped by
their teachers to as much as they could eat,
they were permitted to enjoy themselves as
they pleased, in the grove, while the table
was filled time after time, until all were sat
isfied. I was informed that more than five
hundred persons partook of a bountiful re
past, and a large amount of provision still
At 2 o'clock P. M., all were again assem
bled, and united in singing a hymn of praise.
Some of the speakers being absent on ac
count of indisposition and other causes,—the
Chairman called on J. D. 13Rows—Superin
tendent of the "Franklin Union Sunday
School"—to address the audience. His re
marks to the teachers, were extemporaneous,
and consequently brief. Dr. HA PPER follow
ed with sonic remarks to both teachers and
parents ; and after the benediction was pro
nounced, some departed to their homes and
others remained to spend the rest of the day
in the grove. A spirit of harmony and good
feeling prevailed through the entire exercises
of the day, and doubtless, all will recall with
pleasure the Sunday School celebration of
1858. LEROY.
The Two Battle-Fields
The field on which the first great battle of
the Lecornpton issue is to be fought will be
Kansas, on Monday next. There the Le
compton party will be routed and dispersed,
never again to unite their broken and skele
ton columns. Over that great political field
the flag of Popular Sovereignty will wave in
triumph, and the Lecornpton Constitution
will there find an ignominious grave. All
the wretched quibbles, all the miserable tech
nicalities, by which it was attempted to show
that that instrument was the choice of the
people of Kansas, will be swept like cobwebs
before the wrath of an indignant people, and
the naked fraud will stand exposed in all its
deformity. No one, after that result, will
dare to say that the Lecompton Constitution
ever was the choice of the people of Kansas.
The band of traitors assembled at Lecomp
ton, who, in violation of plighted faith, at
tempted to force that vile counterfeit, through
frauds and perjuries, upon an insulted people.
will stand as convicts upon the pillory of
universal scorn and indignation. Such will
be the fate of the principals in this transac
tion, and that of their accomplices and en
dorsers will be scarcely less ignominious.—
Such will be the result on the first great bat
tle-field of Kansas on Monday next.
The next great battle-field will be the State
of Illinois, where the intrepid Stephen A.
Douglas carries aloft the sacred banner of
Popular Sovereignty. That banner which he
first unfurled in Congress, as the author of
the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, still floats over
him, and under its mighty folds he is march
ing on to victory. He is now, as he was in
1854; the leader of a great Democratic host.
Now, as then, the indomitable Democracy of
Illinois rally enthusiastically to his support
and vindication. The regular Democratic
Convention of the State had endorsed his op
position to the Lecompton Constitution with
perfect unanimity, and everything promised,
under these auspices, a glorious victory to
the noble Democracy of that State. The
regular organization of the Democratic party
coincided with the Democratic masses, and
with such a union all was well. But, it is
due to truth to say that the Administration
have determined to defeat the regular Democ
racy of Illinois only because they sustain Judge
Douglas on the Lecompton question. For this
cause only they have removed his friends
from office in his own State, including some
of the very men recently appointed by the
Administration itself ! The office-holders of
the Administration in Illinois assembled a
State Convention, composed exclusively of
Federal office-holders and their few accom
plices—not with a view to elect its nominees
to office in Illinois, (for that is admitted to be
impossible,) but for the solo purpose of elect
ing to the Senate an ultra Republican, of the
deepest 'dye, over Judge Doug Tass- Thus the
Administration has joined the Republican
leaders of Illinois, and is straining every
nerve to defeat the Democracy of that State
and insure a Republican triumph.• Mr. Lin
coln, the foe of the Democratic party, is to,
be placed it% the Senate of the United States,
if possible, through the aid of the Adminis
tration at Washington ! Judge Douglas is
the only Democratic opponent, for the Senate,
of Lincoln, in Illinois, yet the Administration
,is striving to defeat Douglas and to elect Lin
coln. This, we call a desertion of the Demo
cratic cause and the Democratic party. It is
a war upon its principles, its measures, its
leaders, and its regular organization. Judge
Douglas is .the almost unanimous choice of
the Democracy of Illinois for the Senate of
the United States; but he is to be defeated,
by a Republican, through the instrumentality
of the Administration. And for what cause r
Simply because he concurs with the Democ
racy of his State upon the great doctrine of .
Popular Sovereignty. In anathematizing and
opposing him, the Administration are de
nouncing the Democracy of the State he re
presents. Heretofore, they were reading
Democratic leaders out of the Democratic
party, but now they are reading the Demo
cratic masses of entire States out of the same
party. It is the turn of Illinois to-day.—
Her name is put first upon the roll of pro
scription; but before her enemies have con
cluded—when a few more elections shall have
transpired upon the principle now applied to
Illinois, the Democratic masses of a majority
of the States of this Union must also be pro
scribed and read out of the party. The same
doctrine which has offered up to the Lecomp
ton Herodias the heads of Douglas, Wise and
Walker, now decapitates, at a blow, the De
mocracy of an entire State, and threatens
the Democratic masses, entertaining the same
opinions, with similar vengeance in every
other State. Nero is said to have mourned
that the whole people of Rome did not have
a single head to be stricken off with a single
blow, and in this work of decapitation the
Administration may regret as deeply as the
Roman tyrant that the whole anti-Lecompton
Democracy, North and South, did not have
one head only to be severed by the Executive
scimitar. Look at the roll of proscription !
It must be numbered by the hundreds of
thousands who have borne aloft the glorious
banner of Democratic principles. Thousands
and tens of thousands are yet to be victimized
by this proscribing tyranny—men who have
devoted their lives to the success of the Demo
cratic party and its principles. The fact is,
the Lecomptonites seem to be striving to see
how small they can make the Democratic
party, and how soon they can sectionalize
that party by confining it almost exclusively
within the limits of the South. The Admin
istration, at least for the present, have sacri
ficed the Northern Democracy—that Democ
racy of the North which from the days of
Jefferson down to the present moment, in
every contest, have defended and maintained
all the constitutional rights of the South. In
the name of that very South they are now to
be proscribed and victimized! The war which
the Administration have made under the Le
compton hammer, not merely upon the Demo
cratic masses of Illinois and their leader, but
upon their regular Democratic State organi
zation, is a fatal stab to the regular National
Democratic organization. That National or
ganization depends upon the regular Demo
cratic State organization; and if the Admin
istration destroys it in one State, as it is now
doing in Illinois, it is a mortal blow, by the
irresistible force of such an example, to the
regular Democratic organization in every
other State. It is an open declaration of 'War,
under the Lecompton banner, upon every
Democrat who will not support that most ig
noble fraud; and it is forcing them, in vin
dication of their principles, into separate and
distinct Democratic organizations, avowing
the same anti-Lecompton principles inscribed
upon their banner by the regular Democratic
State Convention of Illinois. Such are the
inevitable consequences of the policy now
pursued by time Administration—a policy re
sulting in division and defeat, and thus by
the same means electing a Republican. Pres
ident in 1860 as those by which it is now at
tempted to insure the success of a Repuplican
Senator from Illinois in ISSS. We do not
believe, however, that the Administration,
with all its efforts, can overthrow the Democ
racy of Illinois, and defeat the election of
Douglas. The people of that State will not
endure such insolent interference as that the
official satraps of the Administration should
enter the limits of a sovereign State and dic
tate to them whom they shall choose for their
Senator. We believe Judge Douglas will be
victorious over the skeleton hosts of traitors
that are now attempting to divide and over
throw the regular Democracy of Illinois, and
thus vindicate the great principles of State
Rights and Popular Sovereignty.— The Press,
July 31.
The importance of insurance against
losses by fire and water may be seen at a
glance by the following figures : There were
322 fires in the United States in 1857, and
the amount of property destroyed was
502,000. In 1856 the amount of property
destroyed was upwards of 3,000,000 greater.
The entire loss by marine disasters in the
month of December last, was $2,306,735.--
The above amount included 13 steamers, 42
ships, 32 barques, 22 brigs and 57 schooners.
If this property was insured, as most of it
undoubtedly was, many thousands, perhaps
millions, of persons bore the loss, each ono
suffering a little, whereas if no insurance
had been effected, many persons would have
suffered a business ruin, while others would
have been seriously crippled in their affairs
for life.
On Saturday, 10th ult., an infant of M. C.
Green, in Culpepper co., Va., died, and on
the next day, Jennie, her colored nurse, 14
years old, expired. The very existence of
the nurse, says the Blue Ridge Republican,
seemed bound up in that of the child. She
never left her from the time she was taken
sick, .until the moment of her death, and in
twenty-fours after they lay under the same
roof, child and nurse, silent sleepers in their
coffin beds. From the moment the child
breathed its last, she seemed to lose all inter
est in things around her, even her identity
itself, and remained in a kind of trance up
to the hour of her death. When asked if
she was willing to die, she said : "Yes, I
have seen that child in the Saviour's arms,
and I want to go too."
The following is a simple, and it is
said an effectual remedy for .the diarrhoea;
—"Take a large table spoonful of flour and
mix it thoroughly with a little less than half
tumbler of water. Drink it, and if the dis
ease is not checked in half or three quarters
of an hour, repeat it until it is. It will soon
arrest the most obstinate case, and cannot do
any harm.