The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 04, 1858, Image 1

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Per annum in advance Si 50
Six montius 75
Three months 50
A. failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiriationof
the term subscribed for will be considered a new engage
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Four lines or less, $ 25 $ 3734 $ 50
One square, (12 lines,) 50 75 1 00
Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00
Three squares, 1 50 2 25 3 00
Over three week and less than three months, 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
~ 3 months. 6 months. 12 months.
Six lines or less, ' $1 50 $3 00 $5 00
One square, 3 00 5 00 7 00
Two squares, 5 00 8 00 10 00
Three squares, 7 00 10 00 15 00
Pour squares, 9 00 13 00 20 00
lialf a column, 12 00 16 00 21 00
One column, 20 00 30 00 50 00
• Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines
one year, $3 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices,' VI 75
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
tording to these terms.
b. P. GWIN has just returned from Philadelphia with
the largest and most beautiful assortment of
Ever brought to Huntingdon. Consisting of the most
fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen; Black
and Fancy Silks, all Wool Delaines, colors,) Spring De-
Mins, Braise Delanes, Braises, all colors ; Debaize, Levella
- ClothAlpaca, Plain and Silk Warp, Printed Berages, Bril
liants, Plain and Colored Ginghams, Lawns and Prints of
every description.
Also, a large lot of Dress Trimmings, Fringes, More-An
tique Ribbon, Gimps, Buttons, Braids. Crapes, Ribbons,
Reed and Brass Hoops, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck-
Tics ' Stocks, Zepher, French Working Cotton, Linen and
Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Ece.
Also, the .best and cheapest assortment of Collars and
tindersleves in town ; Barred and Plain Jaconet, Mull Mus
lin, Swiss, Plain, Figured and dotted Skirts, Belts, Mar
sailles for Capes, and a variety of White Goods too numer
ous to mention.
Also, Cloths. Cassimors, Cassinets, E . - Jean, Cot. Drills,
Mnslins, Tickings. Nankeen, Table Diapers, 8:e.
Also a large lot of Bonnets, Flats, and Hats, at low pri
BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment
In town.
TEA, MOLASSES, and all goods usually kept in acountry
My old etitomers, and as many new ones as can crowd
In, arc respectfully requested to call and examine my goods.
kar All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange ; at
the Highest Market Prices
April 21., ISSS
_,N FISHER & DIcHURTRIE having re
opened the :11mmorotrrAN, formerly known as " Saxton's,"
take pleasure in announcing to their many friends, that
they have received a new and well selected Stuck of GOODS,
which they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the
and will prove unexceptionable in Style and Quality.
The line of Dress Goods embraces Robes
A'Quille, in Organdies, Lawns, Percales. Sc.. Chaleys, De
rages, Brilliants ; all Wool DeLaines. Cravella, Mohair, Dan
ubian, Taniise and Lavelle Cloths, Dellage Lustres,
ens, Prints: C high:lms, &c. _
We have a fine assortment of Summer
iihmos, Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Antique's.
Ribbons. Mitts, Moves, Gauntlets, Hosiery, Ladies Collars,
Handkerehkfs, Buttons, Floss. Sewing Silk. Whalebones
for Skirts, Reed Hoops, Brass ditto, Skirt Cord, b.:.
Also—Tickings, Osnaburg„ Blenched and_
unbleached 3ruslins, all prices; Colored and White Ca in
brics, Barred and Swiss Muslins, Vietoii.i. Lawns, 'Salm
Kooks. 'Carleton. and many other articles which comprise
She lino of WIIITE and DOMESTIC 0001)8.
We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassinters, Satinets. Jeans,
Tweeds, Cottonades : Linens, Denims and Blue Drills..
Hats, Caps, and Bonnets, of every variety
and Style. Also, a large a.ssortintrit of all kinds of Strait.
A Good Stock of C 4 R C/C ERI ES, if ARDW A RE, QUEENS
which will be sold Cheap.
Wo also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT. and all kinds
of GRAINS. and possess facilities in this branch of trade
unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of
Merchandise free of charge at the Depots of the Broad Top
and Pennsylvania Railroads'.
COME ONE, COME ALL. and be convinced that. the Me
tropolitan is the place to secure fashionable and desirable
goods, disposed of at the lowest rates.
Aped 14, 18Z)S.
On Hill Street opposite Mlles & Dorris' Office
ana every other article usually found in a Grocery Store
Drugs, Cheinicals, Dye Stuffs,
Paints, Irurnishes, Oilj and Spts. Turpentine,
Fluid, Alcohol, Glass and Putty,
BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes.
and a largo number of articles too numerous to mention.
The public generally will please call and examine for
themselves and learn our prices.
Huntingdon. May 25, 1858.
The subscriber respectfully announces to his friends
and the public generally, that he has leased that old and
well established TAVERN STAND, known as the
Huntingdon. House, on the corner of Hill and
Charles Street. in the Borough of Huntingdon.—
He has fitted up the House in such a style as to,
render it very comfortable for lodging Strangers and Irav
HIS TABLE will always be stored with the best the sea
son can afford, to suit the tastes awl appetites of his guests.
HIS BA R will always be filled with Choice Ligaon•s, and
lIIS STABLE always attended by careful and attentive
.4a- He hopes by strict attention to 'business and a spirit
of accommodation, to merit and receive a liberal stare of
public patronage.
May 12, IS6S-13
Fur .Men and Boys' Fine Boots, call at
WESTBROOK'S Boot and Shoe Store,
For Ladies and Misses Gaiters and Shoes, call at
For Children's Shoes or all kinds, call at
For Men and Boys' Coarse Boots and Shoes, call at
For Morocco Leather, call at
For any thing you want in my line,
Fur Duthie Gaiters at prices from $l.OO t0:F,'2.25, call on
Huntingdon, May 5,1558
.1 The Alexandria Foundry has been
bought by It. C. 3IcGILL, and is in blast, e . 11 1 4 C
and have all kinds of Castings, Stoves, 31a-* . ;
chines, Plows. Kettles, ,te., &e., which he wivirn
will sell at the lowest prices. All kinds •
of Country Produce and old Metal taken in exchange fur
Castings, at market prices
April 7,1558
iV,,..F4;: buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at
WHOLES4LE as cheap as they can in the
cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia.
Huntingdon, April 14, 1858. IL HOMAN.
ALL KINDS, warranted good, for sale at
BROWN'S Hardware Store,
Huntingdon, Pa
April 2S, 1858-tr.
ment of beautiful dress goods is now open, and ready
or Inspection. Every article of dress you may desire, can
be found at my store. D. P. GAIN.
A Large Stock, just received, and for salt) at
Is the place for Latest Styles of Ladies' Dress Goods,
TYRRICKER'S Mammoth Store is the
• place to get the worth of your money, in Dry Goode,
ardware, , ,groceries, &c., .r.e., &C.
Article—at LOVE & McDIVITT'S.
ent Extension Skirts, for sale only by
Are requested to call and examine the Hardware,
Of the best, always ready for customers, at
[The circumstances which Induced the writing of the
following most touching and thrilling lines are as follows:
A young lady of New York was in the habit of writing
for the Philadelphia Ledger, on the subject of intemper
ance. Her writings were so full of pathos, and evinced
such deep emotion of soul, that a friend of hers accused
her of being a maniac on the subject of intemperance;
whereupon she wrote the following:]
Go feel what I have felt,
Go bear what I have borne—
Sink 'neath a blow a father dealt,
And the cold world's proud scorn;
Then suffer on from year to year—
The side relief, the scorching tear.
One cold winter morning, the last Sunday
of December, ISA a half-naked man timidly
knocked at the basement door of a fine sub
stantial mansion, in the city of Brooklyn.—
Though the weather was bitter, even for the
season, the young man had no clothing but
a pair of ragged cloth pants, and the remains
of a flannel shirt, which exposed his muscu
lar chest in many large rents. But in spite
of his tattered apparel, and evident fatigue,
as he leaned heavily upon the railing of the
basement stairs, a critical observer could not
fail to notice a conscious air of dignity, and
the marked traces of cultivation and refine
ment in his pale, haggard countenance.
The door was speedily opened, and dis
closed a large, comfortably furnished room,
with its glowing grate of anthracite; before
which was a luxuriously furnished breakfast
table—a fashionably attired young man, in
a brocade dressing gown and velvet slippers,
reclining in a "faaleual," busily reading the
morning papers. The beautiful young wife
had lingered at the table, giving to the ser
vant in waiting orders for the household mat
ters of the day, when the timid rap attracted
P. ;',Ic.I.ThIER
She commanded the door to be opened, but
the young master of the mansion replied
that it was quite useless, being no ono but
some thievish beggar; but the door was al
ready open, and the sympathies of Mrs. Hay
wood enlisted at once.
"Come in to the fire," cried the young
wife, impulsively, "before you perish."
The mendicant, without exhibiting any
surprise at such unusual treatment of a street
beggar, slowly entered the room, manifesting
a painful weakness at every step. On his
entrance, Mr. Haywood, with a displeasing
air, gathered up his papers and left the apart
ment. The unwise lady placed the half-fro
zen man near the fire, while she prepared a
bowl of fragrant coffee which, with abundant
food, was placed before him. But, noticing
the abrupt departure of her husband, Mrs.
Haywood, with a clouded countenance left
the room, whispering to the servant to remain
until the stranger should leave.
She then hastily ran up the richly mounted
staircase, and passed before the entrance of
a small laboratory and medical library, and
occupied solely by her husband, who was a
physical chemist. She opened the door and
entered the room. Mr. Haywood was sitting
at a small table with his head resting on his
hands, apparently in deep thought.
"Edward," said the young wife, gently
touching him on his arm, " I fear I have dis
pleased you ; but the man looked so wretch
ed I could not bear to drive him away," and
her-sweet voice trembled as she added, "You
ought to know I take the sacrament to-day."
"Dear Mary," replied the really fond hus
band, "I appreciate your motives. I know
it is pure goodness of heart which leads you
to disobey me, but still I must insist upon
my former command that no beggar shall
ever be permitted to enter the house. It is
for your safety that I insist upon it. How
deeply you might be imposed upon in my
frequent absence from home. I shudder to
it. C. McGILL
c itted A9,,attr..
Go kneel as I have knelt,
Implore, beseech, and pray—
Strive the besotted heart to melt,
The downward curse to stay;
Be dashed with bitter curse aside,
Your prayers burlesqued, your tears defied
Go weep as I have wept,
O'er a loved father's
See every promised blessing swept—
Youth's sweetness turned to gall;
Lire's fading flowers's strewed all the way
That brought me up to woman's day.
Go see what I have Gem:
Behold the strong man bowed,
With gnashing teeth, lie bathed in blood,
And cold and livid brow;
Go catch his withered glance, and see
There mirrored his soul's misery.
Go to the mother's side,
And her crushed bosom cheer;
Thine own deep anguish hide,
Wipe from her cheek the tear.
Mark the worn frame and withered brow,
The gray that streaks her dark hair now,
With fading form and trembling limb,
And trace the ruin back to him
Whose blighted faith in early youth,
Promised eternal love and truth.
lint who, foresworn, bath yielded up
That promise to the cursed cup,
And led her down, through love and light,
And all that made her future bright;
And chained her there 'mid want and strife,
That lowly thing, a drunkard's wife;
And stamped on childhood's brow so mild
The withering blight, `• the drunkard's child."
Go bear, and see, and feel, and know
All that MY SOUL bath felt and known;
Then look upon the wine cup's glow,
Sec if its beauty can atone;
Think if it- flavor you will try, •
When all proclaim "'tis drink and die:"
Tell me "I nATE: the bowl!"
IrtrE is a feeble word;
When e'er I see, or hear, or tell,
Of the dark beverage of HELL!
c iettct cittru.
think. The man that is now below may be
but a burglar in disguise, and already in
your absence
.taking impressions in wax of
the different key holes in the room, so as to
enter some night at his leisure. Your limit
ed experience of city life makes it difficult
for you to credit•so much depravity. It is no
charity to give to the street beggars; it only
encourages vice, dearest."
"It may be so," responded Mrs. Haywood,
but it seemed wicked not to relieve suffering
and want, even if the person has behaved
badly—and we know it. But I will promise
you not to ask another in the house."
At this moment the servant rapped vio
lently at the door, crying out the beggar was
"Come, Edward, skill can save him I
know," said the wife, hastening from the
The doctor did not refuse this appeal to
his professional vanity, for he immediately
followed his wife's flying footsteps as she
descended to the basement. They found the
mendicant lying pale and unconscious upon
the carpet, where he had slipped in his weak
ness from the chair where Mrs. Haywood
had seated him.
" He is a handsome fellow," muttered the
doctor, as he bent over him to ascertain the
state of his pulse.
And well he might say so. The glossy
locks of raven hair had fallen away from a
broad, white forehead; his eyelids were bor
dered by long raven lashes, which lay like a
silken fringe upon his pale bronzed cheeks,
while a delicate acquiline nose, and a square
massive chin, displayed a model of manly
"Is he dead?" asked the young wife anx
"Oh, no, it is only a fainting fit, induced
by sudden change of temperature and per
haps the first of starvation," replied the doc
tor sympathizingly. He had forgotten for
the moment his cold maxiums of prudence,
and added: "He must be carried to a room
without fire, and placed in a comfortable
The coachman was called in to assist in
lifting the athletic stranger, who was soon
carried to a room in the chambers, where
the doctor administered with his own hand
strong doses of port wine sangaree. The
young man soon became partly conscious;
but all conversation was forbade him, and he
sunk quietly to sleep.
"He is doing well—let him rest as long as
lie can ; should he awake in our absence,
give him beef, tea and toast, ad libitum, said
the doctor professionally, as he left the room.
In less than an hour afterwards, Dr. Hay
wood and his lovely wife entered the gor
geous church of "the most Holy- Trinity."
Amid the hundreds of fair dames that en
tered its portals, dressed with all the taste
and magnificence that abundant wealth could
procure, not one rivalled in grace and beauty,
the orphan bride of the physician. Her tall,
graceful figure was robed in violet silk, that
only heightened, by contrast, her large azure
eyes, bright with the lustre of youthful hap
piness : yet there was a touch of "tender
pity" in their drooping lids that won the
confidence of every beholder. The snowy
ermine mantilla., which protected her from
the piercing wind, revealed, but could not
surpass the delicate purity of her complexion.
Many admiring eyes followed the faultless
figure of Mrs. Heywood, as she moved with
unconscious grace up the central aisle of the
church, but not one with more heartfelt de
votion than the young, wayward, but gener
ous man who had recently wed her, in spite
of her poverty and the sneers of his aristo
cratic acquaintances.
The stately organ had pealed its last rich
notes, which were still faintly echoing in the
distant arches, when a stranger of venerable
aspect, who had previously taken no part in
the services of the altar, rose, and an
nounced for his text, the oft quoted but
seldom applied words of the Apostle : "Be
not forgetful to entertain strangers, for there
by some have entertained angels unawares."
Dr. Haywood felt his forehead flush pain
fully ; it appeared to him for a moment that
the preacher must have known of his want
of charity towards strangers, and wished to
give him a public lesson ; but he soon saw,
from the tenor of his remarks, that his own
guilty conscience had alone made the appli
cation in his particular case. I have not
space, nor indeed the power, to give any
synopsis of the sermon ; but that it, combined
with the incident of the morning, effected a
happy revolution in the mind of at least one
of its bearers. So much, that on the return
of Dr. Haywood from church, he repaired at
once to the room of the mendicant, to offer
such attentions as he might stand in need of.
But the young man seemed to be much re
freshed by rest and nutritious food, and com
menced gratefully thanking the host for the
kind attentions he had received, which, with
out doubt, had saved his life.
" But I will recompense you well, for,
thank God, I am not the beggar that I seem.
I was shipwrecked on Friday night on the
Ocean Wave, on my return from India.—
My name was doubtless among the list of
the lost—for I escaped from the waves by a
miracle. I attempted to make my way to
New York, where I have ample funds in the
bank awaiting my orders. I must have per
ished from cold and hunger, had it not been
for you and your wife's charity. I was re
pulsed from every house as an impostor, and
could get neither food nor rest. To be an
exile from one's native land for ten years,
and then, after escaping from the perils of
the oceans, to die of hunger in the streets of
a Christian city, I felt to be truly a bitter fate."
"My name is Arthur Willet," added the
" Why, that is my wife's family name.—
She will be doubtless pleased at her agency
in your recovery."
" Of what State is she a native I" asked
Arthur Willet, eagerly.
" I married her in the town of 8., where
she was born."
At this moment Mrs. Haywood entered
the room, surprised at the long absence o 1
her husband.
Arthur Willet gazed at her with a look of
the wildest surprise, murmuring :
"It cannot be—it cannot be. lam deliri
ous to think so."
Mrs. Haywood, with little less astonish
ment, stood motionless as a statue.
" What painful mystery is this?" cried
Dr. Ilaywood excitedly, addressing his• wife,
who then became conscious of the singularity
of her conduct.
"Oh, no mystery," she replied, sighing
deeply, "only this stranger is the image of
my lost brother Arthur." And Mrs. Hay
wood, overcome with emotion, turned to leave
the room.
" Stay one moment," pleaded the stranger,
drawing a small mourning ring from his fin
ger, and, holding it up, asked if she recog
nized that relic.
" It is my father's grey hair, and you are
" His son Arthur Willet, and your broth-
Mary Willet Haywood fell upon the men
dicant's breast, weeping tears of sweetest
joy and thanksgiving.
Dr. Haywood retired from the room, and
left sister and brother alone in that sacred
hour of re-union, saying to himself,
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,
for thereby some have entertained angels un
"It's a Pity He Drinks."
The other day, remarks the Pittsburg. True
Press, while standing at the post office cor
ner, engaged in conversation with an ac
quaintance, a well clad person of gentlemanly
appearance, passed by in a state of intoxica
tion. We asked his name and were told that
it was " Mr. -, a professional gentle
man of fine talent, skill and education," but,
added our companion, "it's a pity he drinks."
We have always looked upon this as a
most heartless expression, and one well cal
culated to rivet the chains in which the ine
briate is bound.
"Ile is an excellent mechanic, and capa
ble of earning a comfortable living for his
interesting family, but it's a pity he drinks ;"
the words fall upon the ear of the artizan—
despair enters his soul—his shop is aban
doned, and the once moderate tippler becomes
a confirmed sot.
"lie is a business man of superior capacity,
and could soon realize a fortune, but it's a
pity he drinks ;"—the words sound harshly
to the listening merchant, and in the bowl
he seeks to drown their recollection.
," He is an accomplished lawyer, and ought
to lead
_his profession, but it is a pity he
drinks." Clients hear the expression and
withdraw their patronage—friends look cold
ly upon him—his office is forsaken, and in a
short time the eloquent advocate becomes an
habitual drunkard.
"She is a refined and charming woman,
but heightens her beauty, and stimulates her
conversational powers with the use of wine—
what a pity she drinks." The words are
conveyed to the ears of the victim•—slander
soon does its work, and she who was the de
light of her circle, soon fills the grave and
feeds the worm.
Reader! do you use the expression ? Do
you unintentionally aid in destroying the re
putation and prosperity of your neighbor?
If so, the habit in which you indulge is inju
rious to society, and altogether as disgrace
ful as habitual indulgence in strong drink.
Instead of turning with disgust from the in-
ebriate, and exclaiming, " it's a pity he
drinks," speak gently to the erring one; take
him by the han as a friend—show him the
folly of his course, and point out the dower
lined path of sobriety and virtue.
Thus shall your dreams be sweet—your
sleep refreshing, and your mind serene.
LAURTER.—Laughter is not altogether a
foolish thing. Sometimes there is even wis
dom in it. Soloman says there is a time to
Laugh, as well as a time to mourn. Man only
Laughs—man, the highest organized being ;
and hence the definition has been proposed of
"man, a laughing animal." Certainly, it de
fines him as well as a "cooking animal," a
"tool-making animal," a "money-making an
imal," a "political animal," or such like.—
Laughter very often shows the bright side of
a man. It brings out his happier nature, and
shows of what sort of stuff he is really made.
Somehow we feel as if we never thoroughly
know a man until we hear him laugh. We
do not feel at home with him till then. We
do not mean a mere snigger, but a good,
round, hearty laugh. The solemn, sober vis
age, like a Sunday's dress tells nothing of
the real man. He may be very silly or very
profound ; very cross, or very jolly. Let us
hear him laugh, and we can decipher him at
once, and tell how his heart beats. We are
disposed to suspect the man who never laughs.
At all events, there is a repulsion about him
which we cannot get over. Lavater says :
"Shun that man who never laughs, who dis
likes music or the glad face of a child."—
This is what everybody feels, and none more
than children, who are quick at reading char
acters ; and their strong instinct rarely de
ceives them.—Blackwood.
ILL-BREEDING.—There is no greater breach
of good manners, or rather, no better evi
dence of ill-breeding, than that of interrupt
ing another in conversation while speaking,
or commencing a remark before another has
fully closed. No well bred person ever does
it, or continues a conversation long with one
that does. The latter will find an interesting
conversation often waived, or declined by the
former without even suspecting the cause.—
It is a criterion which never fails to show the
true breeding of the person. A well bred
person will not interrupt one who is in
all respects greatly his inferior. If with
those with whom you are but slightly ac
quainted, mark them strictly in this respect,
and you will assuredly not be deceived.—
However intelligent, fluent, easy, even grace
ful a person may appear for a short time, you
will find him or her soon prove uninteresting,
insipid and coarse.
Why is a fashionable lady like a rigid
economist ? Because she makes a great bus
tle about her waist.
We are greatly pleased to perceive indica
tions in various quarters, that the fashiona
ble do-nothing customs which have been so
fatally prevalent for a few years past, are be
ginning to be regarded in their true light.—
The Carlisle Democrat says that it is a great
mistake to suppose that true happiness is to
be found in' having nothing to do. To be good
and to be happy, the hands, the head, and
the heart, must all be employed. Nor is it
enough that they be engaged in devising and
executing schemes for mere self-aggrandise
ment or promotion ; we must take a wider
range and look abroad " upon the things of
"Engagement," says Parley, "is every
thing; the more significant, however, our en
gagements are, the better; such as the plan
ning of laws, institutions, manufactures,
charities, improvements, public works ; and
the endeavoring, by our interest, address, so
licitations, and activity, to carry them into
effect, or, upon a similar scale, the procuring
of a maintenance and fortune for our families
by a course of industry and application to
our callings, which forms and gives motion
to the common occupations of life • training
up a child ; prosecuting a scheme for his es
tablishment; making ourselves masters of a
language or a science ; improving or manag
ing an estate ; and lastly, any engagement
which is innocent is better than none ; as the
writing of a book, the building of a house,
the laying out of a garden, the digging of a
fish-pond,—even the raising of a cucumber
or a tulip."
While the mind is entirely and exclusively
occupied with the business before us, we are
happy; it matters little what we may be en
gaged in. It is when the thoughts have no
pleasing channel in which to flow, that dis
quietude and unrest take possession of our
minds. The great secret of human happiness
lies in being constantly employed in prosecu
ting some usefie enterprise. Idleness or in
activity begets ennui ; that state or condition
of mind, above all others, least to be desired.
The Wealthy merchant who retires from the
active duties of his calling, expecting to enjoy
the fruit of his toil and anxiety in the seclu
sions of a country residence, without turning
his attention to any useful pursuit, must be
disappointed. There is nothing in a state of
inaction to give rise to those much desired
emotions of heart called happiness.
One of the first impulses of the child's na
ture is, for something to do ; and if parents
do not furnish them useful, or at least, inno
cent employment, they will seek some other
suitable to their own taste. One of the most
fatal errors into which parents are likely to
fall, is that of leaving their offsprings to
choose their own amusement. Thousands are
to-day in our prisons and aim -houses, who,
had they been properly employed in youth,
would have made useful and respectable cit
There is nothing so detrimental to the
morals of our youth, female as well as male,
as the want of proper employment. While
the latter resort for amusement to the race
course, the card table, and the billiard room,
the former sigh for the dance, the social par
ty, and the novel—all sources of the worst of
evils. Where there exists any social arrange
ment, forbidding the young to engage in any
useful, physical or mental labor, there is in
variably found a deficiency in the scales of
morals. Such social regulations exist in al
most all wealthy and aristocratic communties;
hence we may observe many practices, which
if subjected to a scripture test, would be
found utterly subversion of the ethics of Christ
and his Apostles. To teach the young the
sentiment, that it is not "respectable" to
work, is to teach them a miserable falsehood,
and start them in the highway to ruin. We
always felt like pitying young ladies and gen
tlemen, who felt ashamed to be found useful
ly employed. We instinctively predict for
them some had end.
Parents should never permit wealth or po
sition to prevent them from teaching their
offspring some useful art or trade. Their time
cannot be employed to greater advantage.—
It will tend to fortify them against the total
inroads of vice and dissipation, and should
they ever be reduced to the necessity of re
sorting, for their support to manual labor,
they can do so with ease. But, even in the
absence of all pecuniary necessity, all should
work either with heads or hands.
A QUICK QI74IITER.—A boy worked hard
all day for a quarter ; he bought apples and
took them to town and sold them in Federal
street for a dollar. With the dollar he bought
a sheep. The' sheep brought him a lamb,
and her fleece brought another dollar. With
a dollar he bought another sheep. The next
spring he had two sheep, two lambs, and a
yearling sheep. The fleeces be sold for three
dollars, and bought throe more sheep. lie'
worked, where he found opportunity, for hay,
corn and oats, and pasturing for sheep. lie
took the choicest care of them and soon had a
flock. Their wool enabled him to buy a pas
ture for them, and by the time ho was twenty
one, he had a fair start in life, and all from
the quarter earned in one day,
SEVEN YEAR FLoons.—The Western waters
were very high in '36 and '37. Seven years
after in '44; and. in seven years again in '5l;
and then again in '5B we have a great flood.
The superstitious can now exercise their
talents upon the magical number 7. The In
dians of the West, it is said, held such a tra
dition, also, of seven year floods.
gEr It is said that ono of the editors of
the Lewisburg Chronicle, soon after com
mencing to learn the printing business, went
to see a preacher's daughter. The next
time he attended meeting, he was consider
ably astonished at hearing the minister an
nounce as his text—"My daughter is griev
ously tormented with a devil."
HIGH BLOOD.-High blood, like the - finest
wine, may be kept so long that it shall entire
ly lose its flavor. Hence, the last man of an
old family may be like the last bottle of a
famous vintage—a thing to talk of, not to
Editor and Proprietor.
Vale of Employment
Effect of Old Persona Sleeping with
A habit which is considerably prevalent
in almost every family, of allowing children
to sleep with older persons, has ruined the
nervous vitality and physical energy of many
a promising child, . Those having dear old
friends, whose lives they Would like to per
petuate at the sacrifice of their innocent off
spring, alone should encourage this evil; but
every parent who loves his child, and wishes
to preserve to him a sound nervous system, -
with which to biaffet successfully the cares;
sorrows, and labors of life, must see to it,
that his nervous vitality is not absorbed by
' some deceased or aged relative.
Children, compared with adults, are &lee;
trically in a positive condition. The rapid
changes which are going on in their little
bodies, abundantly generate and as exten
sively work up vital nervo-electric
But when, by contact for long nights, with
older and negative persons, the vitalizing
electricity of their tender organizations is
absorbed, they soon pine, grow pale, languid
and dull, while their bed companions feel a
corresponding invigoration. King David the
Psalmist, knew - the effect of this
. practice,
and when he became old, got certain young
persons to sleep with him, that his days
might be lengthened. Dr. Hufeland, the
German physiologist, attributes the great
longevity of schoolmasters to their daily as
sociation with young persons.
Invalid mothers often prolong their exis
tence by daily contact with their children.
I once knew a woman who, by weak lungs
and mineral doctors, had been prostrated
with incurable consumption. Her infant oc
cupied the same bed with her almost con
stantly, day and night. The mother linger
ed for months on the verge of the grave—
her demise was hourly expected. Still she
lingered on, daily disproving the predictions
of her medical attenders. The child, mean
while, pined without any apparent disease.
Its once fat little cheeks fell away with sin
gular rapidity, till every bone in its face was
visible. Finally it had imparted to its moth
er its last spark of vitality, and simultane
ously both died.
I saw it recently stated in a newspaper;
that a man in Massachusetts had lived forty
one days without eating anything, during
which period he had been nourished alto
gether by a little cold water, and "by the in
fluences absorbed by him while daily hold
ing the hand of his wife."—Dr. E. P. Foote.
NO. 6.
"I Have Not Begun to Fight Yet."
The above language of the gallant and
brave Paul Jones, when the British com
mander asked if he had struck his flag and
surrendered, are memorable words. Althol
his deck was slippery and streaming with
the blood of his gallant crew, his ship was
on fire, his guns were nearly every one dis
mounted, his colors shot away, and his vessel
gradually sinking, Paul Jones with an im
mortal heroism, continued to fight. "Do you
surrender ?" shouted the English captain,
desiring to prevent further bloodshed, and
seeing the colors of the Bon Homme Richard
gone, supposed the American hero wished to
surrender. His answer was, "I have not be
gun to fight yet?" The scene is thus de- -
scribed :—There was a lull in the conflict for
an instant, and the boldest held his breath
as Paul Jones, covered with blood and black
with powder stains, jumped on a broken'
gun carriage, waving his sword, exclaimed
in the never-to-be-forgotten words, "I have
not begun to fight yet !" And the result
was the battle changed, and in a few minutes
the British ship struck her colors, and sur
rendered, and Paul Jones, leaping from the
British -vessel a conqueror and a -hero.—
What an admirable watchword for the - battle
of life, does the above stirring incident give
to every man. Reverse may overwhelm for
a time, despair may ask hope to strike her'
flag, but planting the foot more firmly, bend
ing the back more readily to the burdens im
posed, straining the muscles to the utmost
tension, and bracing the drooping heart, let
him who is driven to the wall, exclaim, "I
have not begun to fight yet." They ate'
words of energy, hope and action. They de
serve, they will command success. In the
darkest hour let them ring out and forget
the past, the years wasted and gone by, and
give them as an inaugural address of a new
era. When the misfortunes of life gather
too closely around, let the battle cry go forth'
from the thickest of the conflict, "I have not
begun to fight," and you will find your foes
flee before the new strength imparted, and
yielding the vantage as you press forward in.
the battle strife.
There is much more intellect in birds than
people suppose. An instance of this occur
red the other day at a slate quarry belonging:
to a friend, from whom we have the narra
tive. A thrush not aware of the expansive
properties of gunpowder, thought proper to
build her nest ou a ridge of the quarry, in
the very centre of which they were constant
ly blasting the rock. At first she was much
discomposed by the frrgments flying in all
directions, but still she would not quit her
chosen locality. She observed that a bell'
rang whenever a train was about to be fired,
and that at the notice the workmen retired
to safe positions. In a few days, when she
heard the bell, she quitted her exposed situa
tion and flew down to where the workmen
sheltered themselves, dropping close to their
feet. There she would remain until the ex
plosion had taken place, and then return to .
her nest. The workmen observed this and
narrated it to their employers, and it was
also told to visitors, who naturally expressed
a wish to witness so curious a specimen of
intellect, but as the rock could not always - be'
blasted when visitors came, the bell was
rung instead, and for a few days answered
the same purpose. The thrush flew down .
close to where they stood, but she perceived
the change, and it interfered in the process
of incubation ; the consequence was, that
afterwards when the bell was rung she
would peep over the ledge to ascertain if the
workmen did retreat, and if they did not,
she would remain where she was.—London
Literary Journal.
xter To cure corns, soak the foot in warm ,
water for a quarter of an hour every night;
after each soaking rub the corn patiently with
the finger, using half a dozen drops of sweet
oil ; wear around the toe during the day two•
thicknesses of buckskin, with a hole in it to
receive the corn. Continue this treatment
until the corn falls out ; and by wearing.
moderately loose shoes it will be months, and
even years, before the corn returns, when the
sam,e treatment will be efficient in a few days.
Paring corns is always dangerous, besides
making them take deeper root,
SIZE 01' TUE WEST.—lllinois would. make
forty such States as Rhode Island, and Min
nesota sixty. Missouri is more than half as
large as Italy, and larger than. Denmark ;
Holland, Belgium and Switzerland. Mis
souri and Illinois are larger than England,
rreland, Scotland and Wales.
The Cunning Thrush.