The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 21, 1858, Image 2

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Circulation—the largest in the county
MIJEVLIBC'uDOZif, ,)/1,14
Wednesday, July 21, 1858
tinaii.A.Tl - 6 — N -. * 01 - UN A TIO S
Wll. A. POit'rEgi of Philadelphia.
WESTIARY FROST, of Fayette Co.
Raving purchased the right of this
county for printing in Dry Colors, we in
form our _friends and enemies that we are
now prepared to accommodate all with the
most beautiful Posters, Bills, Cards, Cir
culars, &c: Call at the "Globe Job Office"
and examine specimens.
Demockatie County Convention.
The Democratic voters of the respective townships and
boroughs of Huntingdon county, are requested to meet in
Delegate meeting, at their usual places for the holding of
the Delegate Elections, on Saturday the 7 th day of August
next, between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock r. m, opening
the meeting and keeping it open during the whole time,
for the purpose of electing two delegates to represent
them in a Democratic County Convention, to be held at
the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wed
nesday, the lltit`day of August next, at 1 1 /-, o'clock P. IV., to
place in nomination a Democratic County ticket, and tran
sact such other business as may be thought necessary for
the proper organization of the party.
JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, Chairman., indicted in Pittsburg for the
murder of Prof. BAEHR, has been acquitted.
-Our Democratic friends will take notice
that a call for a County Convention has been
issued by the Chairman of the County Corn-
Ittittee. We hope the delegate elections may
be well attended.
President BUCHANAN is expected at
the Bedford Springs the latter part of this or
the beginning of next week. lie will avoid
the rough road, from Cumberland, Md., by
taking the Broad Top Road.
TELE WARM SPRINGS.—We are pleased to
learn that these Springs are doing a crowding
business. The proprietor, JOHN R. HERD, is
just the man for the place. Visitors are de
lighted with the accommodations.
exchanges that arrangements are making in
several adjoining counties to hold their an
nual Fairs. We suppose arrangements will
be made at August Court for a grand display
in this county.
EMERSON'S MAGAZINE, for July, is received.
It is an excellent number, and commences a
new volume. This is a good time to sub
scribe. Call and examine specimen numbers,
or address Oaksmith & Co., William street,
New York.
Gov. DENVER, of Kansas, is now in
Washington. It is said he will resign shortly
after the election in Kansas, which takes
place on the first Monday in August. He
confirms the rumor that the vote against Le
compton, as it is presented in the English
bill, will be enormous.
In the notice taken of the Broad Top
Rangers in our last, our reporter made a mis
take in entering the name of Esq. EVANS as
Captain. JOSEPH S. REED is Captain of the
company, and we are informed, was in com
mand during the day. We regret the mis
take occurred.
gEr There is quite a military spirit spread
ing through this county. We hear of several
new companies now organizing. One has
organized in this place under command of
P. M'ATEER, as Captain. Another is organi
zing at Petersburg—another at Alexandria—
and another at Orbisonia. Success to all.
We have received from ORANGE JUDD,
Esq., publisher of the American .Agricultu
rist, a package of "Long-White French Tur
nip" Seed. These seeds are distributed free
to subscribers. The Agriculturist is a most
excellent monthly, and only per annum.
Address ORANGE JUDD, No. 189, Water st.,
New York.
ge — The "People's Convention," which
assembled at Harrisburg, on the 14th inet.,
abandoned the doctrine of Congressional In
tervention, and attempted to steal Democratic
thunder. Their nominees, JOuN M. READ,
of Philadelphia, for Supreme Judge, and W3f.
E. FRAZER, of Fayette, for Canal Commis
sioner, are said to be very respectable gen
tlemen. Three or four years ago they were
•rominent in the Democratic ranks.
are pleased to learn that this institution pro
mises to be one of the best in the county for
the instruction of young gentlemen and ladies.
The location is in the wealthiest, most health
ful and beautiful part of our county—and the
principals are gentlemen well qualified for
the positions. Circulars have been issued,
which will be furnished on application to Rev.
RICHARD CUR RAN' A. M., or E. J. OsnonNE,
A. 8., Principals, West Barree P. 0. The
next term commences Monday, August 2nd.
THE RICH MAN.—An exchange remarks :
—The desire of nearly all is to be rich in
this world's goods, fancying that therein con
sists human happiness, yet what poor man
that has noted those with " mammon" im
printed on their foreheads, their thoughts
bent alone on money even while one foot is
tottering over the grave, would exchange his
lot for such a life? Gold has its uses, and
may be a source of enjoyment to those who
can use it as designed by the nobler feelings
of our nature, but if tainted with a miserly
disposition or oppression, the laborer who
toils from morn until night to gain a precari
ous existence, is far happier than the posses
sor of tens of thousands.
The Death of General Quitman.
The telegraph announces that Gen. John
A. Quitman, a Representative in Congress
from tho Natchez District, of the State of
Mississippi, died near that city, on Saturday
last, the 17th of July. A public man who
had taken part in so many public events, both
civil and military, and who had so many
friends among the people in every section of
the Union, cannot be called away from the
scene of life without exciting profound sen
sation. Few men, not born in Pennsylvania,
had a stronger hold upon the affections of our
volunteer soldiery, especially those who served
under him or with him in the Mexican war.
Though strongly embued with extreme South
ern ideas, General Quitman was born in a
Northern State—the State of New York.—
His father was a native of Prussia, and was
a pastor in Duchess county, New York State,
in the Dutch Reformed Church, and the fea
tures of the son recalled his peculiar German
extraction. We perceive that the New York
Tribune fixes the age of General Quitman at
60 years. We think he was older.
Politically, he was at the time of his death
an ardent Southern Democrat; and yet, during
his career, he had supported General Harri
son and Mr. Calhoun, and had been a candi
date against the regular Democratic ticket in
his own State. lie served with great gallan
try during the Mexican war; was appointed
Major General by President Polk; conspicu
ously participated in the capture of the city
of Mexico, of which, on its surrender, he was
made Governor; was named for Vice Presi
dent in the Democratic Conventions of 1848
and 1852; came into Congress in 1855, and
at the time of his death was serving out his
second term. .A.s a Representative in Con
gress he was eccentric and dogmatic, disposed
to have his own way, and strongly inclined
to the fire-eating school—in this latter respect,
like other Northern-born Southerners, going
to the extreme side of the slavery question.
In private life he was an accomplished, cour
teous gentleman, a warm-hearted friend, and
a genial companion. We never knew a man
whose temper in Congress was so different
from his bearing in society at large. He
scorned a mean action, and never dealt in
the small arts of small politicians.—Phil'a
BY:sZUMVILLE, Chariton co., Mo.,
July 12th, 1858.
MR. EDITOR :—As you have no correspon
dent in this State, I have concluded to drop
you a line, which you can, if you see proper,
publish, if not, there will be no harm done.
'We have had a very wet season here, till
within the last three weeks; the weather has
become more settled. During the early part
of June, the bridges were nearly all swept
from the small streams, the Chariton river
repeatedly overflowed the bottoms, being at
times from two to three miles wide. The
bridging on the lla.nnibal & St. Joseph's
Rail Road, has been delayed, but it is ex
pected that the cars will run as far west as
Grand river before the winter sets in. They
now run to a point a few miles east of the
Ch ari ton.
The crops have been a good deal injured
by the rains, it being impossible to keep
down the weeds. The wheat crop, which in
May promised to be unusually heavy, has
been injured by rust in many localities. It
is mostly harvested now. One of my neigh
bors expects twenty-five bushels per acre, al
though it has suffered some with rust.
have a small piece of early sown spring wheat
which has done well, but that which was
sown late appears generally not to have fill
ed, though the straw is rank. Corn, tobacco,
and other crops will probably be about an
average, except on low ground, where they
will be short.
This country is filling up reasonably fast,
the Missouri river being on one side, and the
Rail Road on the other. Land can be bought
as low here as anywhere in the West, where
markets, &c., are equally good. Farms, with
some improvements, can here be bought at
from eight to sixteen dollars per acre. But
I have written sufficient for the present.
port of the earnings of the Pennsylvania
Railroad is very favorable. The earnings of
the Railroad, from all sources, for the last
month, were $398,006 03, and the expenses
$275,397 04, being an increase over the bet
earnings of last year of $28,269 09.- The
net earnings since the Ist of January to the
Ist of July have been $1,117,787 55—an in-:
crease of $185,284 61—and the total receipts
in the same period were $2,595,932 28. The
Canal Department is algo doing well, though
as the Canal was not owned by the Company
last year, a comparison cannot be made.—
The gross earnings of the Canal, from all
sources, in June, were $20,312, and the net
earnings $9,868 since January Ist.
Gen. SETH CLOVER, Indian agent in
Kansas, is opposed to the Lecompton swindle.
The Clarion (Pa.) Banner says, a few brief
days in the Territory of Kansas has induced
him to change his views on this subject.—
He was a rabid Buchanan-Lecompton man,
but, like the many Democrats who have gone
before him to the Territory, the scenes which
he witnessed have wrought a change which
the strongest arguments at home failed to
per' See advertisement of Dr. Sanford's
Liver Invigorator in another column.
J:iio - See advertisement of Prof. Wood's
Hair Restorative in another column.
Yours, &e.,
~ Professionalizing Teachers."
There is another requisite, peculiar to the
professional educator, which I have not ob
served in any educational journal or heard
mentioned in any of the Institutes. In my
opinion it is a principle of primary impor
tance ; and when well understood, it will
prove equally potential in every department
of mental culture, and add largely to the
general interests of education. This profes
sional attainment consists in the ability of
the teacher to systematize knowledge, so that,
first, each set of studies will be best calcula
ted to develope all the faculties of the mind,
and, at the same time, serve as a proper an
tecedent to the future pursuits of the learner;
secondly, so that the acquirements of the stu
dent's school days shall form a solid and ju
dicious basis on which he may build in all
active duties and pursuits of life. There is
a beautiful harmony of arrangement, which
illuminates and strengthens the powers of
the intellect at every step, and educates it to
a cheerful and voluntary activity. This har
mony of arrangement is twice potential
first, it enables the learner to acquire the
greatest amount of knowledge in a given
time; and, secondly, it is a development con
sistent with his own mental being, which en
ables him to gain the mastery over knowl
edge with the least mental drudgery. Who
ever discovers this harmony, and renders it
prominent in practice, attains the highest
eminence in the profession : he is the true
teacher—the professional educator.
At this stage of human improvement, ne
cessity seems to require all the advantages
that can be derived from a philosophic, har
monious system. In the present progressive
development of sciences, arts, governments,
laws, and institutions, studies are multiplied
and added to the catalogue; every day adds
new leaves to the volume of history; and the
activity of genius is called forth in its utmost
capacity to acquire ali that is desirable of
the beautiful, the useful, and the true.
He that will not be a slave to the times
must be a master of thought—ever gather
ing, selecting, and applying. The education
received by those who have gone before us,
was not sufficiently practical for our day ;
and the present course of instruction will be
inadequate to the advancing generations of
men. The utility, then, of a judicious, sys
tematic course of study, in harmony with the
development of mind ; and aided by the
highest attainments in the didactic art, will
be readily conceded: but it will be claimed
by men of parchment pre-eminence, that in;
certain higher institutions, both knowledge
and instruction are systematized. So then
are ; and sometimes to an egregious extent.
So is the everlasting circuit of the mill-horse
systematized. So are all the natural laws in
the universe systematized. Professors have
often arranged studies so that a system of
interrogation would not require a doffing of
the mantle or a laying aside of the fan at the
recitation room. Mathematics, languages
and philosophy were the pillars of the sys
tem. Many a good student has tunneled, ex
cavated, and bridged his way on to trium
phant success, by the engineering of his own
native genius. But he has left many of his
fellows, soiled, worn and weary, resting in
gloriously by the way. They needed the as
sistance of the active, inspired and inspiring
master of arts, who knew his duty and did
it well.
In the impoverished system of public in
struction, other circumstances cluster around
the meritorious teachers. They have, hon
estly because from necessity, provided most
ly for the time being. Without necessary
conveniences for system, but with the pecu
liar notions of Mr. Wise, Esq.,Land Madam
Blaize to contend with, their course of in
struction has often been meager, spiritless,
and irregular.
The remedy for these defects in our whole
educational system, will not be equally ap
parent to all. I shall hazard my own views
in the course of this discussion, desirous to
learn and with a high regard far the opin
ions of others.
In my next I shall refer to newspapers as
educators of the people.
The las condition of things in reference to
the Scriptural law of divorce, in some of the
States, is becoming a source of regretful re
mark, and is growing to a great evil. A
correspondent of the Philadelphia Presbyte
rian, says:
"Owing to the excellent laws on the sub
ject in New York State, and the very lax con
dition of things regarding marriage and di
vorce in our own commonwealth, for a num
ber of years past the courts in the border
counties have been crowded with divorce
cases from New York. Parties, or one of
the married pair, have moved into this State,
for the purpose of gaining a residence, and
carrying their suits through our courts. I
do not know that they ever failed of gaining
their cause. Every court in these counties
has from two to a dozen such cases to dis
pose of each term. They furnish advertis
ing for the county newspapers, and business
for lawyers who will undertake them. The
whole proceedings are cheap, too. A lawyer
told me recently that he could engage to dis
solve the bonds of wedlock between any mar
ried pair in the country for $l5, entire costs
This, then, is the price of such dishonor in
our State at present !
"Instances are not wanting of divorces
without any Scriptural cause, and marriage
again takes place immediately. And all the
arrangements for such iniquity have been
known to be made beforehand. Parties have
been affianced to each other before the old ties
were broken off."
The Power of .Associated Labor.
The rapidity with which settlements ;are
built up by bodies of emigrants, who come to
the United States from Europe, with a com
mon purpose and harmonious organization,
is astonishing, even in our fast country.—
Among the most remarkable instances which
we are cognizant, is that of a colony which
settled in Perry county, Indiana, and have
founded and built the city of Tell. The
Evansville Journal says :
" Possession of the land from the farmers
who formerly owned it, was not taken till the
15th of April last, only eighty-five days ago,
and now it has a population of nearly twelve
hundred, and more than one hundred new
buildings have been erected, chiefly dwellings
which have cost from $3OO, to $1,500 each ;
among them is a full average of the best
class. There are, besides, several expensive
hewn stone structures, for stores and dwel
lings, in progress of building. The wonder
ful growth of the place seems in no way to
abate, but to be going on with increased ac
celeration. The sound of the hammer and
saw is the incessant music of the place.--
Neither the Sabbath nor the shades of eve
ning wholly arrest it. Providing a shelter
has been the first great consideration with
the owners, and they have not had time yet
to determine upon their future employments.
Factories and workshops of various kinds are
proposed. A foundry, a rolling mill, and an
extensive cabinet factory are talked of, but
as yet all are employed in building, except a,
few retail traders, and the usual complement
of tailors, shoemakers, blacksmiths, wheel
wrights, tinners, &c. What the community
is to do to support itself, is as yet the unsolv
ed question. A very large proportion of the
citizens are young men, active, enterprising
and intelligent."
Ohio Free Negro Colonies
The Xenia News, in a couple of issues, has
been exposing the moral and social condition
of the free negroes in that community. We
make the following extract from one of its
" What is the fact as developed in Greene
county? What has been added to our strengh,
as a producing community, by the influx of
negroes ? We find, upon examination, that
some two or three hundred negroes are idle
loafers, either living off the fruits of gam
bling, or are those whose masters have, with
their freedom, given them property money.
Others subsist by picking up quarters and
halves in choring about town. While a few
may be found, like men, in the country, en
gaged in agricultural employment, the ma
jority prefer to live about Xenia, and earn a
precarious subsistence from day to day.—
Another characteristic, and still one, is, that
when they get money it goes like water.—
The darkey loves his good dinners, his good
clothes, and the other useless et ceteras of
life, to well to resist gratifying his taste as
long as there is a shot in the locker. Nor
are they thrifty, when supplied with munifi
cence to start the world with. A gentleman
from the South, who has quartered upon a
farm in our county some of his emancipated
slaves, during a late visit detailed the follow
ing facts : lie said he found everything
going to ruin about the place ; the work
thriftlessly done ; the negroes living like na
bobs, and supporting numbers of theirfriends,
whose purses were empty; and in a few
years, if things went on as they were going,
they must come to poverty.
" What good will such a class of persons
do the community? Unless pauperism and
crime are esteemed as benefits, none what
The Next State Fair
The Pennsylvania State Agricultural So
ciety will bold its eighth annual exhibition
at Pittsburg, on the 28th of September, con
tinuing till October Ist, inclusive.
.The book
of entries will be opened in Pittsburg on and
after the first of September. The premium
list has been published and will be forward
ed by the Secretary to all applicants. It
covers twelve different classes of productions,
including premiums for inventions useful to
the farmer. Any articles deemed worthy,
manufactured of iron, metal, brass, leather,
India-rubber, and articles composed of cloth,
fur, hats, caps, umbrellas, &c., cash premi
ums and diplomas may be rewarded to.—
John S. Goe, Esq., of Brownsville, Fayette
county, as a second premium, offers a full
blood Merino buck, for the largest and best
display of cattle owned and held as farm
stock by the exhibitor. Railroads will fur
nish the usual facilities for the transporta
tion of stock and visitors to the Fair. The
plowing match will take place on Thursday,
September 30. The field of competition is
made co-extensive with the United States,
and the Society cordially invites the citizens
of other States to compete for the prizes.
Noble Sentiments.
Judge Smyser, of the Bucks and Montgom
ery district, in a recent elaborate and able
opinion, refusing to remove a Board of School
Directors for having built a large and com
modious school house, in place of a dilapida
ted and worthless affair, gave expression to
the following just and most truthful senti
ments. They are words of judicial wisdom
that should be copied by the press throughout
the State :
" The Common School System may now
be regarded as permanently established in
Pennsylvania. It has become part
,of the
settled policy of the State. It has, therefore,
become alike the interest and the duty of all,
opponents as well as friends, to withdraw
any further opposition to it, and to unite and
co-operate in endeavors to improve and per
fect it. To this end, good, convenient and
suitable school houses are indispensable ;
and they should be arranged on a scale of
permanency corresponding to the system it
self. The day for mere temporary shifts and
devices, such as men were content with 'whilst
it was uncertain whether the system would
not be abandoned, has gone by; and true
wisdom and sound economy now require a
different management."
KEEPING' CooL.—The Scientific American
recommends that, in order to preserve the
system in a cool and healthy state during
the extreme hot weather of summer, the diet
should consist as much as possible of fruits,
vegetables, and farinaceous food, and the
lighter kinds of meats. The fruit should be
perfectly ripe and fresh from the parent stem,
and should be eaten in the earlier and middle
part of the day. Its nutritive properties are
not very great, but it serves to neutralize the
acids in the stomach, and acts as a general
corrective to the . system.
The Murder of an Officer, and Execution
of the Murderer by a Mob.
A correspondent of the Louisville Journat,
writing from Lexington, gives the details of
the sad affair :
Mr. Joseph Beard, the city marshal, a gen
tleman esteemed, and deservedly so, by all
parties, was in the market this morning, in
the discharge of his duties, when a man of
the name of William Barker, a notorious ruf
fian, bully, and thief, forced Mr. John Mc-
Chesney into a difficulty. Mr. Beard inter
ferred, and told Barker that he must go to the
watch house. Barker walked of some twen
ty paces with him, and then drawing a small
bowie knife, stabbed him in the side, throw
ing him off the curb. As he struggled to
rise, his murderer took his hand and assisted
him partly to his feet, and then struck him
again in the side with the knife, turning it
around in the wound until it made a gash
into which a man's fist might be thrust.—
Barker was immediately arrested and con
veyed to jail. In the course of half an hour
the city was in a ferment.
At about seven o'clock, two hours and a
half after the murder, the court-house bell
and all the fire bells in the city rang. This
seemed to be the signal. In an incredible
short space of time, the court house and yard
were filled with people. A motion was made
and seconded to hang the murderer immedi
ately. The response was a rush to the jail.
The jailor, Mr. Blincoe, was seized, and
the keys forced from him, and Barker taken
to the court-house. Here an effort was made
by Mr. Jas. 0. Harrison, Judge Thomas, and
Mr. Roger Hanson to induce the mob to wait
and let the prisoner be tried and hung by the
action of the law, but their voices were
drowned in shouts, "Hang him! hang him !"
A beam was thrown out of the second-story
window, and a rope being placed around the
prisoner's neck he was asked if he did not wish
to pray. He replied with an oath, asking
what he was to pray for, uttering threats at
the same time as to what he would do with
the questioner if he was released. The rope
being attached to the beam outside, he was
tossed from the window, falling some six feet.
The rope breaking, he fell to the pavement,
fracturing his skull.
lie was again taken up on a ladder and
thrown over. This time the rope held, and
he was left swinging for two hours in the
broad, bright light of a July sun, in full view
of the most populous street, crowded with
men, women, and children. It was the in
tention of the mob to leave him until six
o'clock P. M., bnt he was cut down at the
end of the time I have mentioned, and car
ried away.
The crowd generally dispersed as soon as
the hanging was finished. In an hour every
thing was quiet as usual ; as quiet as if two
gross violations of the law of God and man
had not occurred within a few hours.
Very many of those who are considered
our best citizens are said to hare been en
gaged in this. It was quietly a❑d quickly
Mr. Beard was a very estimable citizens,
and the Democratic candidate for re-election.
He leaves a wife and five children to mourn
his loss—nearly or entirely destitute. Sub
scription papers are now in circulation, and
I understand that a thousand dollars are al
ready raised."
Clergymen in the Ball Room
A correspondent of the Chicago Press and
Tribune, writing from Atlantic, Logan conn
ty,(lll.) describes the singular termination of
the Fourth of July Ball in that town :
It appears that the managers, several days
since, sent special invitations to the minis
ters of the various churches in town, to at
tend the dance, thinking to have a good laugh
to themselves over it ; but to the surprise of
those present, after the ball had got under
full headway, four of the aforesaid ministers
made their appearance in the Hall, and soon
were mingling with the bystanders. The
"set" being through, the announcement was
made that the ministers having been solicit
ed to attend, desired that a portion of the
same should be set apart for them, which was
acceded to. Then commenced the religious
exercises of the ball! One preached, another
prayed, and another struck up a good old re
ligious hymn, when the dancers, seeing what
turn matters were likely to take, ordered the
musicians to proceed, and began the dance
again, leaving the ministers to do their own
singing, and make their exit the best way
they could.
pondent of the New Orleans Picayune, wri
ting from Camp Scott, after giving many in
teresting details in relation to the army at
that post, and a description of some Mormons
on their way back to the States, thus writes:
"The proportion of young children with
the party was very large ; the most precocious
little imps imaginable. Young America, as
exemplified in New Orleans or New York,
would be the innocence of babyhood beside
them. I called one little fellow, hardly higher
than my knee, to me, and asked him his
name. He looked me in the face and said,
"Parley P. Pratt." After a few other ques
tions and answers, I gave him a piece of
money, an old Spanish bit, with the impres
sion on it somewhat effaced. lie took the
coin eagerly enough, but after a moment's
close examination, handed it back to me, say
ing, "I don't want that." I told him he had
better keep it, as he could buy something nice
with it at the sutler's store. He insisted,
pertinaciously, on returning it, when I re
marked to a friend by me that he was so
young, perhaps he did not know the use and
value of money. He was prompt with his
reply: "Yes I do, old fel; but I don't take
that kind of money." I made it right with
him by giving him a new dime, and Parley
P. Pratt went on his way rejoicing."
BROTHER AND SISTER.—The Staats Zeitung
has the following story : "Some years ago a
young man was living in New York city on
a high scale. His name was William Fra
zer. He had a large business, good connec
tions, and was so much engaged by the
world's glitter and display that he had no
time to look after his sister, at that time a
poor teacher in one of the boarding schools
of New York ; and by-and-by he forgot her
entirely. Some days ago an aged man was
arrested near Baltimore and brought back to
Morristown, New Jersey, where he broke out
of the cell he was confined in, to await his
sentence for counterfeiting. It was William
Frazer. The once poor teacher lives now at
Paris, in the Palais Elysee Bourbon, on the
Champs Elysee, and is the wife of Lucien
Murat. She may dream every night of kings
and crowns, while her unfortunate brother
is awaiting his sentence to the State prison."
The Murders in the Army.
A correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat,
writing from the camp on the Big Blue, July
.y says :
"incidents of a tragical character have
occurred since our arrival here, which will
long cause this carcrp to be regarded as the
' Camp of Eiorror.'
" On the night of the 28th ult., from some
cause or other I was aroused from my sleep
about midnight. The night was one of calm
ness and beauty. I arose from my couch,
walked out at my tent door on to the green
sward, folded my, arms, and stood gazing
upon the peaceful hills and- vales, as they
lay stretched out in quiet repose. Not a
sound disturbed the magic silence of the
hour. I was aroused from my thoughtful
reverie by No. 1 sentinel crying, 'Number
one ; twelve o'clock, and all is well:
" The cry was taken up by each sentinel
in his turn and repeated all around the
camp. The weird chant had scarcely left
the lips of the last sentinel and went echoing
up the rocky ravine upon which he was post
ed, *hen 1 heard the brisk clattering of
horse's hoofs coming up the stony hill from
the river. A moment more and the rider
drew rein in front of Major Emory's tent,
whom he called up, and then rode to Ser
geant-Major Charles Green's, whom he also
called up. I now heard the Major order him
(Sergeant-Major Green) to make out a detail
of six men from each mounted company to
go under the command of Lieutenants Barry and Cunningham, and two non-commissioned
officers. Lieut. Magruder had been murder
ed at a settler's cabin over the river, and this
first detachment was sent to arrest the mur
" A few nights since a drunken row occur
red at a liquor shanty near by, in which sev
eral teamsters were horribly mutilated-•—al
most literally cut to pieces. None of them,
however, are quite dead, although in a criti
cal condition. The same night, lam inform
ed, a soldier belonging to the fifth column,
which is also encamped over the river, was
shot dead. The night after, a wagon-master
of an ox-team shot one of his ox-drivers thro'
the head. Last night two teamsters of a
mule train were badly wounded by pistol
shots fired by ox-drivers.
" But I am about to neglect some of the
particulars in relation to the murder of Lieut.
Magruder. He had been on a visit to the of
ficers of the fifth column, and was returning,
when, on passing the house aforementioned,
he got entangled in an altercation with a
citizen by the name of Prore, who fired upon
him. The gun was loaded with a ball and
a number of buckshot, all of which entered
his face and head, killing him instantly.—
I understand that the civil authorities of
Marysville arrested, tried, and acquitted Prore
of the murder. Yesterday the Major• sent
out a detachment of seventy-five men, under
command of Lieuts. Crittenden and Ingra
ham, in quest of the fugitive. But they have
returned, after a fruitless search.
These deeds of horror are all attributed
to the influence of liquor. Thus, you see,
rum, that foul fiend and agent of the devil,
is here, doing his full share in the destruc
tion of human life.
" Large ox trains are continually passing,
and yet the division we are to escort has not
come up. We cannot move much further
until it passes.
"It seems that those having charge of the
expedition have more fear of , thee supply
trains being cut off, destroyed or burned by
the hostile Indians, than they have of the
Mormons pouncing upon our little army un
der the command of Gen. Johnston.
"This morning there were about sixty
persons on the sick report. Nearly every
case was the dysentery, and nearly every pa
tient was a raw recruit, fresh from citizen
life. Of course it must be expected that a
change of diet, a change of climate, a change
of physical exercise, and a new mode of life
altogether, will have such an effect upon
men. The only wonder is that there is not
a greater number ' down with the same com
" The doctor has no serious cases under
his care. The general health of the troops
is excellent. Some few who, like myself,
have traveled over Mexico and Texas, and
contracted the chronic diarrhoea, have had a
return of that dreaded disease, but hope that,
by temperance and care, we will soon be
around again.
" Ever since we left Leavenworth we have
had a rainy day about every fourth day.—
When it was not raining the weather has
been excessively warm and oppressive. If
it were not for the fine prairie breeze we
would sometimes positively suffocate.
" There is a village of some 800 or 1,000
Otto Indians within seven miles of our en
campment, but, as I have seen none of them,
I am not prepared to write further of them."
stated recently that 9, , man named Kessler
had been hung by a mob in Gentry county,
Mo., for killing another, named Timmons.—
An accomplice, named Milligan, was arrested
at the time, but his case was laid over until
the next term of Court. A letter from St.
Joseph, July 6th, says :
"A guard was appointed to watch his pri
son. No appropriation was made for their
support, and they became wearied with so
thankless and tedious an employment, and
abandoned their posts. The mob went to the
county court yesterday and demanded an ap
propriation for the expenses of a guard, and,
upon a refusal, they proceeded to the prison,
took Milligan out and led him to the same
tree upon which Kessler had ten days before
been hung. Ile requested to be baptized,
which was done in a brook near by. Here
he had an interview with his old father, which
was deeply affecting. He was then taken
back to the tree and hung until dead."
London Times says that young milliners and
dress-makers of that city are condemned to
sixteen, seventeen or eighteen hours of toil
out of the twenty-four in each day and night.
Their work is carried on in crowded, unven
tilated rooms, where their frames are kept
bent at their labor until their eyes ache and
their limbs refuse to perform their duty.—
They have a short, painful life and an early
grave. In a recent speech, Lord Shaftesbury
said that many of these young women had
been trained gently and tenderly, in delicate
and happy homes, possessing all the virtues
and tenderness that belong to the female sex,
and rendered by those very characteristics
more obedient, more unmurmuring, more sla
vishly subject to the authority and tyranny
of those who are put over them. His lord
ship adds that they have no alternative be
tween submission and the street door, and,
then asks, "Is the condition of such a young
woman one whit better than the most wan
toned slave in the Southern States of Ameriee3"