The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 02, 1858, Image 1
TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per annum in advance :Six months Three months A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiriation of the term subscribed for will be considered a now engage ment. TERMS OP ADVERTISING. 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or less, $ 23 $ 37Z . $ 50 One square, (12 lines,) ...... .... 50 75 100 Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00 Three squares, 1 50 2 25 3 00 Over three week and less than three months, 23 cents per square for each insertion. Six linos or less, One square, 3 00 5 00 7 00 Two squares, 5 00 8 00 10 00 Three squares, 7 00 10 00 15 00 Your squares, 9 00 13 00 '' , o 00 Half a column, 12 03 16 00 °4 00 One column, °O 00 30 00 'lO 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines, One year, S 3 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, si. 75 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac 'cording to these terms. UNRIVA LLED ATTRACTIONS EMERSON'S MAGAZINE AND PUTNAM'S MONTHLY, TWO GREAT MAGAZINES IN ONE!! ;NINETY THOUSAND COPIES THE FIRST MONTH!!! MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME FOR 1858. 'WENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN SPLENDID WORKS OP ART. FITE-DOLLAR ENGRAVING TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER-AGENTS GETTING RICH !!!! The 1116311 of Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly has given to the consolidated work a circulation second to but one similar publication in the country, and has secur ed rim it a combination of literary and artistic talent prob ably unrivaled by any other Magazine in the world. Du ring the first month, the sale in the trade and demand from subscribers exceeded UO,OOO copies, and the numbers al ready issued of the consolidated work are universally con ceded to have simpassed, in the richness of their literary contents, and the beauty and profuseness of their pictorial illustrations, any magazine ever before issued from the American press. Encouraged by these evidences of fitvor, the pnblishers.haverdetermined to commence the new vol ume in January with still additional attractions, and to offer such inducements to subscribers as cannot fail to place it, in circulation, at the heath of American magazines. With this view they now announce the following splendid pro o •rramme. They have purchased that superb,and costly steel-plate engraving, " TILE LAST SUPPER," and will present it to every three-dollar subscriber for the year 1855. It was engraved at a cost of over $5,000, by the celebrated A. L. Dick, from the original of _Raphael Morghen, after Leonardo Da. Vinci, and is the largest steel plate engraving ever executed in this country, being three times the size of the ordinary three-dollar engravings. The first impressions of this engraving are held at ten dollars, and it was the intention of the artist that none of the engravings should ever be offered the a less sum than live dollars, being richly worth that amount. Thus every three-dollar subscriber will receive the Magazine one year• —cheap at three dollars—and this splendid engraving, richly worth j i; thus getting for $3 the value of SB. We shalt C0111111 , 211C0 striking on: the engravings immedi ately. yet it can hardly be expected that impressions of so large a plate can be taken as fast as they will be called fur by subscriber-3. We shall, therefore, furnish them in the order in which subscriptions are received. Those who desire to obtain their engravings early, and from the first impressions, should send in their subscriPtions without delay. The engraving can be sent on rollers, by mail, or in any other manner, as subscribers shall order. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN WORKS OF To addition to the superb engraving of " The Last Sup per,'' which a ill be presented to every three-dollar sob criber fur 1,535, the publishers have completed arrange ments feu• the distribution, on the 23th of December, ISSS, of a series of 'splendid works of art, consisting of one hun dred rich tool rare Oil Paintings. valued at. from $lOO to $l,OOO each. Also 2,000 magnificent Steel-Plate Engra vings, worth loon three to live dollars each, and 1,000 choice Holiday kooks, worth from one to live dollars elicit. making, in all, over titres, thousand fpfts„ worth twenty thousand (Alio is. Inclose .f.. 33 to the publishers and you will commence re ceiving the 'Magazine by return mail. Von will also re ceive with the first copy a numbered subscription receipt entitling you to the engra‘ing of " THItiLASt SUPPER," and a chance to draw ono of these -throe thousand prizes." REASONS WILY YOU SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR EMEI::SON•6 MAUAZINE FOR 1555 Ist. &cause its literary contents will, during the year, embrace contribe Huns from over one hundred different writers and thinkers, numbering among them the most distinguished of American authors. 2d. Because its editorial departments, "Our Studio," "Our Window." and "Our Olio," will each be conducted by an able editor—and it will imiliass, in the v.u•iety and richness of its editorial contents any other magazine. 3d. Because it will contain. during the year, nearly six hundred original pictorial illustrations from designs by the first American artists. 4th. Because f.r the sum of $.3 you will receive this Splendid monthly, more richly worth that sum than any other magazine. Wilt the Superb ellgraving of "The Last 6upper," worth $5. sth. Because you will be very likely to draw one of the three thousand prize:. to be distributed on the 2:411 clay of December, 1838—pet haps one that is worth sl.ono. Notwithstanding that them: extraordinary inducements can hardly fail to accomplish the ill.ject. of the publisher, avithout cut ther efforts, yet they have determined to con tinue through the year. THE (iItEAT 1,11311.111 Y OFFER. To any person who will get up a club of twenty-firm• sub scribers, either at UllO or more post oniees, we will present a splendid Library, consisting - of over Forty Large Bound Tollium:, embracing . the. im,st popular works in the mar ket. Tim club may be formed at the club price, $2 a year, without the engraving, or at the full price. $3, with the Last Supper to each subscriber. List, anti description of the Library, and specimen copy of the Magazine, will be forwarded on receipt of 3 cents. Over 200 Libraries, or :4,000 volumes, have already been distributed in accordance with this offer. and we should Is. Owl or an npport unity to furnish a Library to every school teacher, or to some one of every post Lace in the country. Am.:yrs GETTING MICIT The success which our agents are meeting with is almost astonishing. Among th.l many evidences of this fact, we are permitted to publish the following: Orml.r.mEN: Time following facts in relation to what your Agents are doing in this section, way be of use to some enterprising young man in want of employment.— The Rev. :John E..lardon, of this place, has made, since last Christmas, over $4,000 in Ids agency. Mr. David M. heath. of Itidgly. Mo., your general agent for Platt county. is making $S per day on each sub-agent employed by him. and Messrs. Weimer S: Evans, of Oregon, Mo., your agents for Holt county, are making from $S to 35 pct• day, and your humble servant has made, since the 7th day of last January, over $1,700, besides paying for 300 acres of land out of the business worth over $l.OOO. You au•c at liberty to publish this statement, if you like, and to refer to any of the parties named. DA:cum GREGG, Carrolton, Mo. With such inducements as we offer, anybody can obtain subscribers. We invite every gentleman out of employ ment, and every lady who desires a pleasant money-ma king occupation to apply at once tin• an agency. Appli e.ants should inclose 23 cents for a specimen copy of the Magazine, which will always be forwarded with answer to application by return S PEC IME N ENG AVIN G As we deSitY) to place in the hands of every person who proposes to get up a club, and also of every agent, a copy of the engraving of "The Last Supper." as a specimen, each applicant inclosing us S 3, will receive the engraving. poet-paid, by return mail, also specimens of our publication and one of the lumbered subscription receipts, entitling the holder to the Magazine one ye.-tr and to achance iu the distribution. This offer is made oniy to those who desire to act as agents or to form clubs. Address Jan. 13, ISSB _ - IMPORTANT TO FARMERS.—The Imost valuable MANURE now in the market is MIT CHELL C CROASDALE'S Improved Ammoniated BONE SUPER-PHOSPILAPE OF LIME. It not only stimulates the growing crop, but permanently enriches the land: It is prepared entirely by ourselves under the direction of one of the first Chemists in the country, and is warranted) pure and umform in its composition. It only needs to be seen by the intelligent Farmer to convince him of its intrinsic value as a permanent Fertilizer. For sale in large or small quantities, by CROASDALE, PEIRCE A: 101 North Wharves, one door above Arch St., Philada.. And by most of the principal dealers throughout the coun try, [March i 4, 1838-3 m. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY ! - The Alexandria Foundry has been bought by R. C. McGILL, and is in blast„ and have all kinds of Castings, Stoves, , . chines, Plows, Kettles, &c., &c., which hestutitga will sell at the lowest prices. All kinds of Country Produce and old Metal taken in exchange for Castings, at market prices April 7, 1858, NOTlCE.—Estate of John Hastings, &ea. 1.. t tors of Administration ' with the will an nexed, on the Estate of JOHN HASTINGS, late of Walk er township, Huntingdon county, dec'd.. having been granted to the undersigned, she hereby notifies all persons indebted to estate to make immediate payment. and those having claims against the same to present themdul authenticated for settlement. April al, 1858. ELLEN HASTINGS, Adin'trix. ruo mERCHANTS AND FARMERS. GROUND PLASTER can be had at, the Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mills. in any desirable quantities, on and after the Ist day of March, 1858. We deliver it free f charge on the ears at the depots of the Pennsylvania and Broad Top Railroads Feb. 24, IS3B. COUNTRY DEALERS can i, ; ;;;;;' buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE its cheap as they can iu the cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. llunting,dou, April 14, ISSS. H. ROMAN. IF YOU WANT TO - MC CLOTHED, Call at the store of BENJ. JACOBS. montll9. 6 months. I'2 months. tit 50 $3 00 $5 00 ISM OAKSMITII & CO., No. 371 Broadway, New York It. C. Mc•GILL FISHER S.: McMURTRIE $1 50 WILLIAM LEWIS, VOL. XIII. Ward Patient and faithful, and tender and true, Praying, and thinking, and working for you— Bearing all-silently sorrow for years— Hopefully striving to conquer my fears : Say, did my patience, my tenderness, truth, Merit not more than the blight of my youth? / Give me once more my wild energy back, Give me the hopes that illumined life's track ; Give me the faith that I wasted on you— Give me the love that I squandered thereto— You cannot; too lightly you cast them aside, And for you and all others those feelings have died Yet, though the hopes that I cherished are dead, Though the light from my spirit forever bath fled, Tho"twas doubting in God when I doubted in you As my standai d and type of the lea) and filo true ; O'er the wreck of my life I would never repine, If the peace I have lost were but added to thine. c ietett, ( stoti. THE DOVE OF THE STORM Gently and quietly the night folded its wings over a pleasant home among the Green Mountains, where a happy circle were gath ered around a blazing fire of maple wood.— It was one of those old fashioned homesteads of which every •one has a bright idea; tall trees bent over it as if to shelter the young hearts that beat happily under that roof, and peacefully even as the birds that sung to them through the long summer days, dwelt the little mountaineers in their secluded home. Their parents had now been absent a week on a visit to friends at a distance, though it was midwinter, and the broad evergreen for ests were thickly covered with snow. They were not the people who spend in pleasure the loveliest season God gives us, for little thought could they take of journeying for amusement when the rich fruit and waving grain was ripening for them to gather. It was the farmer's season for flitting now; the harvest moon had long since waned, and left rich stores in barn and granary. There were • stalwart boys to leave at home, who knew right well what care was needful—and the parents had not feared to leave the little band alone, without any protection but their own innocence, and the care of him in whom they trusted. Trained as they had been to brave all storm and danger, caring little for either, the hardy children had enjoyed the indepen dence of being left "to take care of them selves," as James Graham expressed it, and now they were recounting all the home du ties they had faithfullyilim4brmed, for the ab sent ones were expected home that night, and each little heart beat happily in the con sciousness of having done right. " Well," said James. "I guess father don't expect to find all the corn husked when he gets home." "No, nor the old shed boarded so nicely," said Richard \ " What have you got to tell father, Annie?" said James to a little gentle creature, who looked like a little white morning-glory with blue eves. "01i! I shall tell how good we've all been, and how I helped you feed the lambs every day." " You'll tell him we've been good, too, won't you, cousin Marion ?" asked Richard, for the rougish boy began to rem , 3mber cer tain instances of his teasing and fun, which he thought might not sound very well in the ac count. A gay and brilliant girl was cousin Marion, who had escaped from the dull restraint of the city, for a little while, to enjoy the free dom she loved. Oh, it was strange how she could leave a sphere of gaiety and fashion, where she was the brightest star, to sit on that old stone hearth in the farmer's kitchen, and crack butternutts or help to pare apples till her little hands looked black enough ; but she did love it, and dearly they all loved her: she was so gifted and so kind, so winning to all ; and then, as James said, " she was a first rate hand at making candy and popping corn," But Marion Norvelle was not genteel—in deed she wan't She had rather play the romping games of the country girls, coast with James Graham of a moonlight night, than dance the bewitching polka in her splen did city home—and why should she not ? for the shadows of old bending trees were on the frozen lake, and the moon shines brighter there than gas-light does in crowded room on beauty which God' did not make. Perhaps, Marion had holier thoughts than those of mere enjoyment, for every night she had gathered the children around her, and with them repeated a prayer, so earnest in its few simple words, that their young eves closed fervently as they knelt, and all her mirth and gaiety was for a few moments forgotten. Now, as she sat on a rude, low seat, with Annie's sweet face resting in her lap, the glowing fire-light lit up her face with the truest gladness as she answered Richard : "Yes, coz, you have been good almost all the time, and— While she was thus speaking, the whole group were startled by a low, distinct rap ping on the window pane, and there with its white breast pressed close against the glass, was a trembling dove, peeking the frost-cov ered window, as if he plead for shelter from the driving storm. All the children ran eager ly to the door,and Richard laid the dove gen tly and carefully in Marion's hand. The flick ering light of the candles shone far out into the lonely road, dimly showing two figures all wreathed with falling snow. It was un usual in that lonely place to see strangers passing at night, and the ever restless Rich ard exclaimed: - "You carry in the dove and warm it and I mean to run out and see who they are." Beautiful looked that half-frozen dove to the kind ones who had rescued it. As it nes tled close in Marion's bosom, there was a gleam in its opening eyes that seemed almost human—an earnest that told of quiet grati., El GI 111 ALONE BY DORA 31'NEILLE :i tulle and content. They smoothed the ruffled white plumes caressingly, talking all the while to " Doyle," as if it knew their mean ing. They scarcely heeded - the entrance of Richard till he said : "Those folks were beggars, and wanted we should keep them over night, but I told them as father always does, that every town took care of its own poor, and if they had staid at home they needn't suffer." "Who were they ? how did they look ? where did they come from ?" inquired all at once. " Oh, they looked bad enough. There was an old man and girl, not so big as Marion, and they came from some place down below that I never heard of before. The old codger said he was going to see his brother'up North; but I guess he made up that story." " Why, Dick, I didn't think you'd turn off an old man and a poor shivering girl, in such a night as this ;" and as Joseph spoke he went to the window, adding, I don't think father and mother will conic, it storms so; if they are on the way they will put up some where." " The old man's breath smelt of rum," an swered Richard, " and if he can buy that he can buy lodging. I did pity the girl, to be sure, for when I told him that the tavern was two miles of; she said, 'Oh, dear, that seems a great ways.' But, then, father says it is only encouraging folks to drink if you do anything for them when they wander about so." Richard did, indeed, repeat an oft heard sentiment of his father's when he said this; for though a worthy man in many respects, Mr. Graham was one of those who remem bered the poor only as far as the sufferers are good and virtuous and struggling hard to sup port themselves. But the holier teachings of his wife had given to the children other and better feel ings, and Richard's conscience smote him when Annie quietly said, " mother would'nt have sent him away, if the man did drink ruin." " You promised us a story cousin Marion," said Richard, glad to turn from a painful sub ject ; " tell us one of old times, I like those best." " Tell about a war," said James.— "Abvut Indians," said Fred. "About when you was a little girl, like me," said Annie. " Tell us about something you never told us before," said a quiet boy in the corner. If the gifted Marion had one power in per fection, it was the highly valued but rare gift of telling stories. There was a low seat in the kitchen, which they called a "settle;" it answered the place of a wood box and sofa in the winter evenings, and being painted bright red and varnished, it looked like a good-na tured laughing face in front of the fire. On this the children used to sit for hours and listen to cousin Marion's enchanting stories, which were usually thrilling realities of His tory, dressed in her own glowing thoughts. Sometimes she recited an old fairy tale, or some wild legend of early times ; but to-night the white-plumed dove lay lovingly by her breast, as it uttered those moaning sounds, which nothing on earth equals in plaintive sadness. Marion's heart beat time to the mournful notes, for there were noble feelings striving against her woman's feaofulness; thoughts of the poor sufferers in that wild storm, of their peril, and it might be, of their death. She arose resolutely and said, " I am go ing to find those beggars;" and as she spoke, she began to wrap a shawl around her, while her lovely face glowed with courageous feel ing. Don't go," pleaded little Annie, "you'll be all buried up in the storm." " God will take care of me, Annie," she answered, laying the blue-eyed dove in the child's lap. " You shall not go alone, Cousin Marion," said Richard, whose bitter feelings were all awakened by a little reflection. "I'll carry the lantern," said James ; for, rough boy as he was, be knew how to admire heroic reso lution. and knew the peril of such an errand. While they arc hastily wrapping coats and cloaks around them, we will follow the beg on their lowly path. " That house loked some like our own home, didn't it pa!" said the pale, sad-heart ed girl, as she looked back on the lighted house where shelter had been refused them. " Oh ! how I wish we were back where we used to live," she added, as the old man walked on silently. "You have forgotten, haven't you, that the old place don't belong to us now," he answer ed harshly; "don't worry about it, for we can't help it now." "I know it," she said sadly, "we have no home anywhere." Oh! how mournfully those simple words were spoken, bearing the tale of a young heart crushed and blighted, of young hopes chilled forever. It touched even the heart of the hardened father, and he drew his motherless child close to his side, murmuring " poor dove ! poor Isabel !" Ay, the beggar girl bore the proud name, and she had graced it in happier days ; when her father was an honored and trusted man; when the noblest vessel on the broad lakes was his own ; before ruin had ruined a God-like intellect, and wasted a princely fortune. It was dark now in those forsaken hearts, even as on God's earth, and their path was lost. Paster and faster came down the blinded snow, and in their utter desolation the wan derers at last sat down, unable to proceed, and weary with exertion. And now the ne glected Isabel lay folded in the bosom of the father whose fallen fortunes she had so devo tedly shared, and hot tears fell from his eyes on her pale face. " Isabel, darling, can you forgive me that I have deprived - you of love and home, and everything on earth? can you forgive me for being a drunkard ?" " Oh, father! do not talk of those things now; I am so happy in dying with you, dear father." Shadowy phantoms gathered dimly round the repenting man, pointing far back to a lost home and character; to a grave of a broken hearted wife, and to the fast closing eye-lids of his gentle daughter. Broken words of -PERSEVERE.- HUNTINGDON, PA., JUNE 2, 1858. agony and contrition mingled with the hollow dirge that the old trees sung over the dying. Isabel's eyes wore shut; the father knew it by bending his check down till it touched hers, and he felt almost glad that he saw not the closing of those beautiful eyes; so many a weary day their light had cheered him since poverty and drunkenness had driven him out to beg for daily bread ; they were clear and blue as the waters of their own beloved lake, and they ever looked kindly on him. Now they were closed; the•eyes of the weary spirit were opened, and she saw such white-winged angels as had often floated dimly through her dreams, and sun-bright flowers and gushing fountains, and dwellings of wondrous beauty were before her. Thc, , re they are perishing. Though Isabel has earnestly longed to die, and as she revives a little from the death-lethargy, she nestles closer to her father's bosom, like an innocent dove, and feels it is sad to lay down a young life here in a dreary tempest, so far from all of life and sympathy and once she gazes round and sees the wild storm-clouds parting slowly, and one star trembling in its distant home. No, 'tis not a star, 'tis a light, and there aro sounding footsteps and cheerful voices. The father roused himself at her hurried words, but they were too nearly exhausted to call for help. Marion heard a faint cry, as of one perishing ; it was just like the moaning of a dove. "Here, Richard, this way with the lantern!" she exclaimed, as she bounded. ovr the snow drift, by which the wanderers lay. They saw a bright face bending tenderly over them, and felt that life was yet theirs. Marion seemed suddenly gifted. with skill and energy to re store them ! and the boys could. hardly be lieve they saw their wild cousin in the snow wreathed figure before them. She poured warm cordials on the colorless lips of the old man, while James took the light figure of Isabel in his arms and wrapped her in his own coat. She smiled faintly in gratitude, and entreated him to go to her father, but he was already standing by his preserver, anx'- iously inquiring for his daughter. And now the whole party heard. the sound. of approach ing sleigh-bells, and Richard joyfully ex claimed : "'Tis father and mother !" Though startled to see so strange a group by the road side, the parents soon understood all, and the old man was comfortably placed in a sleigh, while the rest followed in a track homeward. James would not give up his rescued charge; and, leaning on his strong ami, with cousin Marion's ever-joyous words of hope in her ear, Isabel felt like one waking to a new life. It was late on that eventful night when the blazing fire went out on the hearth, and all were asleep. In vain they sought for the rescued dove ; it had flown none knew whith er, for little Annie had fallen asleep while the others were away. Morning brought new bloom to Isabel, but not so to her father. A few days he lingered, and those who watched tenderly by the dying, saw the flashing forth of a glorious intellect even in decay. "When the next Sabbath sun was setting, the sun of his life went down also, not in the clouds and darkness, but sur rounded by a blaze of holy light; even that hope and trust in Heaven. And what became of the orphan, Isabel? They took . the sweet bird to their own nest, and she became a gentle sister for the little Annie, a loved daughter to her protectors ; and when five bright summers had flown gently by, she became the wife of James Graham. Never was bridal graced by a fairer guest than the light-hearted and lovely Marion ; and though the white dove never returned to nestle in her bosom again, she always called Isabel, in the language of her own heart romance—THE DOVE or THE S-romr. MILITIA. BILL The following synopsis of the new militia law embraces all its main features, and will no doubt be quite interesting to many of our readers. Section 1 provides that all able-bodied white male citizens between the ages of twenty-one and forty-five years, and not ex empted by the laws of the United States, shall be subject to military duty, excepting persons in the army and Navy of the United States, 'Ministers of the Gospel, Professors of Colleges and School Directors, and Judges of the Courts, together with all persons regular ly and honorably discharged from the Army or Navy of the United States, or from the Militia of this State, or any of the United States ; and all persons who have served for scum consecutive years in a uniformed com pany, the proof of such service to be the cer tificate of the commanding officer. Section 2 provides for the annual assess ment of all persons liable to military duty, at the rate of 50 cents each, a roll of whom shall be separately kept by the - Assessor, and left at some public place for examination, of which notice shall be given accordingly.— The County Commissioners are to determine who are . exempt from military duty under this Act. Persons refusing to give informationi to the Assessor, of the names of persons liable to be enrolled, shall be lined $lO for each such refusal. The Assessors, Commissioners, Clerks, Collectors, &c., in the execution of their duties under this Act, shall be subject to the instructions of the Adjutant General, and any neglect or refusal to perform the same shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than Section 3 provides for the collection of the tax of fifty cents annually from every perscn not exempt from military duty, as commuta tion for the non-performance of such duty, specified under the Act of Congress, of May 8, 1792; the same to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes are collected, and paid into the County Trea sury as a "Military Fund," the account of which shall be kept separately by the Trea surer, and the fund applied exclusively to military purposes. The conmmuding officer of each uniformed company shall, on the first Monday of May, in each year, deliver to the Commissioners of t: :S r j . gi: •-:'4;.• 1,1'.E zi I 1 1 0 0, C = s i .-- :, •?, 7. . V "V . his proper county, and to the Brigade Inspec tor of his Brigade, a copy of the roll of mem -bers of his company, and also a list of per sons who have paid to the funds of his Com pany 50 cents a year as an equivalent fur I military service, which contribution shall ex empt said persons from paying the tax to the Collector. The Assessors, Commissioners, Collectors, Receivers and Clerks, are to receive for their services, compensation at the same rate as for making the annual assessments of property and holding appeals; and the Treasurers shall receive 1 per cent. of the "Military Fund," as fees for receiving and disbursing the same. Section 4 relates to the organization, uni form and discipline of the Militia. The State is divided, as now, into twenty Divisions; each county shall be a separate Brigade, and the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into three Brigades. The regulations of the U. S. Army shall be conformed to, as near as possible, ex cept that a Regiment may consist of five Com panies; and the uniform of all companies hereafter organized shall be that of the Army of the United States. A company shall num ber not less than 32, rank and file, and when deficient in this number, shall be disbanded by the Brigade Inspector. The Commander-in-Chief (Governor) is au thorized to select books in instruction in tac tics and discipline,which shall be furnished by the Adjutant General to all commissioned offi cers, and paid for out of the "Military Fund." All existing uniformed Companies that number 32 non-commissioned officers and pri vates each, arc considered organized under this Act. Whenever there are five uniformed Com panies in any Brigade, they shall be formed into a Regiment; but Companies already or ganized into Regiments, shall continue under their present officers until the expiration of then• commissions. Section 5 provides that on the first Monday of June after the expiration of the commis ions of the Brigadier Generals now in office, and on the first Monday of June in every fire years thereafter, the members of all the uni formed Companies that shall be organized on or before the first Monday of June, 1850, shall meet at their usual place of meeting, and elect a Brigadier General and Brigade Inspector for each Brigade, and such field officers as their several Regiments or Battalions may be entitled to, as well as the commisssioned offi cers to which each Company may be entitled. The commanding officer of each Compamy, assisted by two members whom he may choose, shall superintend the election. The returns shall be delivered, within five days, to the Brigade Inspector, who shall transmit the same to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and file a duplicate copy in his own office.— Vacancies to be filled as now provided. On the first Monday of June-after the said election, and on the first Monday of July in every live years thereafter, the election for Major General shall be held, by the commis sioned officers of each Brigade, at the county seat of their respective Brigades. Theßriga dier General, or other senior officer present, assisted by the Brigade Inspector, shall super intend said election. This section further provides for the ap pointment and election of the non-commis sioned officers of Regiments, Battalions and Companies, as heretofore; directs to whom resignations shall be made ; and declares that no one shall be eligible as Brigadier General or Brigade Inspector who lives out of the bounds of the Division. Section 6 provides for the organization of the Division, Brigade and Regimental Staff. The number and grade of the officers of the several Staff Departments, remain as hereto fore. This section also defines the duties of the Brigade Inspector, and fixes his salary at $l5O a year, with allowances for printing and stationery. Section 7 authorizes the commanding officer of each Regiment or Battalion to organize a Band of Music, and appoint the leader there of; which Band, when required, shall attend the meetings, parades, &c., of said Regiment or Battalion. The Bands may be disbanded by the same authority that organizes them. Section S relates to the issuing and safe keeping of arms. Every organized company shall, under the direction of its commanding officer, erect or rent a suitable armory ; the rent of which, in the city of Philadelphia, shall not exceed $250 a year ; in Allegheny, Lancaster, Reading, Pottsville and Harris burg, $2OO ; and in other places, $lOO ; to be paid out of the " Military Fund" of the Bri gade. An armorer shall be appointed by the commanding officer of each company, to take charge of its armory, an . 4 be shall receive $1 a day for the time actually employed in clensing guns r..;.1 other duties connected with the safe-keeping and preservation of the arms given into his charc , • t ,e. The commanding ca cer of each company shall be responsible fOr the arms and equipments supplied it, and shall give bonds for their safe-keeping and return. The Adjutant General shall furnish, at the expense of this State, all the arms, equipments and camp equipage, required by the various officers and companies, for the performance of military duty, if the same shall be in the State Arsenal when applied for. All camp equipage shall be returned to the State Ar senal on or before the first of November, in each year. Section 0 provides that all the organized, uniformed, and equipped companies in each Brigade, shall parade iu full uniform, by Regi me:t, Battalion or company, once a year, be tween the Ist of May and the Ist of October, as the Brigade Inspector may order, for dis cipline, inspection and review; or in lieu of said annual parade, the commanding officer of the Brigade, may order his Brigade, or any Regiment, Battalion or Company thereof, to parade and encamp, for not more than six consecutive days, between the dates above mentioned ; which parades and encampments shall be governed by the regulations of the IL S. Army. In addition to the annual parade or encamp ment above specified, regimental or battalion parades may be held twice a year, for one day at a time; and companies in cities and incor porated boroughs may be required to parade not exceeding Six times a year; all other cora Editor and Proprietor NO, 50. panics four tithes a year; but no officer or member shall be paid for parading oftener than six times a year. Officers, musicians and privates of the uni formed Militia shall be exempt froth civil pro cess and from jury duty, whilst in uniform, and going to, remaining at, or returning from any parade, rendezvous or 6ncathpment ; and their uniforms, arms and equipments. ' as well as the horse of every officer and member of a cavalry or mounted company, Shall be for ever exempt from taxation, and froth levy and sale on execution for debt. Orders for encampments and parades for inspection and review, shall be published at least twenty days previous to the parade, in such manner as the commandant of the Brig ade directs. The Major General of each division shall review one of his Brigades in each year, ac companied by the officers of his staff, and. while so employed shall receive the pay of a Brigade Inspector. The Brigadier General is required to attend, with his staff, the annual inspection and re view of the several regiments and battalions; or other general parades, in his Brigade. The commandant of each company, at the annual inspection shall furnish the Brigade Inspection with a return, showing the num of officers, musicians and privates on parade. the number of absentees, and the number of uniforms, arms and equipments in posession of his company, a copy of which returns shall be transmitted to the Adjutant General within thirty days. Each Company may form by-laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for the Government and improvement of its members, which, when approved by two thirds, shall be.binding upon them. All offi cers non-commissionedofficers, musicians, and privates of any uniformed company of troop, shall receive one dollar and fifty cents for every day actually on duty in pursuance of this Act, and for each horse used by them; two dollars per day. Section 10 constitutes the Brigadier Gener al, Bigade Inspector and Field Officers of each Brigade, a Board of Auditors, of which the Brigadier General shall be President, to audit and settle all just claims on the tary Fund for expenses incurred under the provisions of this Act, which shall be paid by their order on the Treasurer of the proper county. The Board may have all necessary printing and publishing done for the Brigade, shall keep a record of their proceedings, and receive one dollar and fifty cents a day for each day's service. County Treasurers shall report to the Adju tant General annually on the last day of December, the amount of their receipts and expenditures on account of the Military fund during the year, with the balance remaining in their hands. Section 11 provides for the calling- out of the militia in cases of invasions, tumults, in surrections, riots, breaches of the peace, &c., for their suppression, and defines the duties of officers and men on such occasions. Dis obedience of orders in any such case is pun ishable by a fine of not less than $l5 nor more than $2O. All non-commissioned offi cers, musicians and privates, ordered out in case of riot, tumult, breach of peace, resis tance to process, or whenever called upon aid to the civil authorities, shall be paid one dollar and fifty cents per day ; and all com missioned officers shall receive the pay of offi cers of the Army of the United States, to gether with all the necessary rations and for age - and for the horses of any mounted men, one dollar per clay. Section 12 is very long, and relates to the organization and proceedings of Courts of In quiry and Courts Martial, for the trial of offi cers and privates on all cJiarges of improper and unmilitary conduct. Section 13fixes the fines and penalties for' violations of the provisions of this Act, to be imposed after trial by Court Martial. Section 14 relates to the "Grand Staff," and provides that, in addition to the ComMan der-in-Chief, who shall have twenty Aids,-be ing ono in each division, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, appointed and commis sioned by him for the term of his office, from• among such persons as shall have preliously, held a captain's commission, the Grand Staff shall consist of an Adjutant General, who' shall, until otherwise ordered, act as Quarter master General, Commissionary General, In spector General, Paymaster General Judge Advocate, General and Engineer-in-Chief, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, who shall be appointed and commissioned by the Commander-in-Chief, for three years from and after the passage of this Act, and who' shall have his office at Harrisburg, with the other departments of State. This section also defines the duties of the' Adjutant General, and several officers of the' Grand Staff; fixes the salary of the Adjutant General at 5600 a year, payable with all oth er salaries and expenses allowed by this Adi., out of the General Military Fund; and au thorizes the Governor to appoint a Military Storekeeper for each Arsenal, at a salary of $3OO a year, to hold office during the pleas ure of the Governor. • Section 15 and the last, direct the' Secreta ry of the Commonwealth to have a Suffi'cient number of copies of this Act printed in pam phlet form, to furnish each and every conk missioned officer, county commissioner, as-: sessor, collector and receiver of taxes, with a copy thereof; and also with a copy of all the rules and regulations which may be estab lished in pursuance thereof by the Comman- der-in-Chief, who, in preparing the same Shalt be governed by the rules and regulations of the U. S. Army, so far as the same are ap plicable. A Remarkable Family We mentioned some time ago, that the Wife of Mr. Mahlon Houck, of Robeson township, had given birth to triplets, or three living children, all boys, and that the babes and their mother were doing well. It may inter est many of our readers to know that Mr: and Mrs. Houck, with this little brood, are now in this city at Newkirk's City Hotel, South Sixth street, where they intend to re:- main several days. The children, now over four months old, continue well and hearty, bid fair to grow up to manhood together.— They arc bright little fellows, and as large as children of their age that come singly into the world. They have the joint occupancy of an enormous cradle that was made express ly for their accommodation—a piece of furni ture which we venture to say, has not its counterpart in size, in the possession of any household in this city. It may be imagined that Mrs. Houck has her hands full, literally in attending to the wants of this triple addi tion to her family ; but she appears to be as warmly attached to them all as she could possibly be if there were but one to claim, her affections. She had been the mother of seven children, previous to the birth of these three little ones. As may be imagined, their presence at the City Hotel attracts a good many visitors, principally ladies, who natty= rally are curious in matters of this sort.— Reading Democrat.