The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 14, 1858, Image 2
THE HUNTINGDON GLOB A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. Ezeoution of Anderson and Richards. [From the Lancaster Daily Express, April 91 Notwithstanding the heavy rain last night, and the unfavorable state of the roads, per sons were seen wending their way towards the prison from all directions at an early hour, attracted thitherward by a prevailing curiosity to get even a glance at the enclo sure within which the dreadful tragedy of the law was to be enacted. We repaired to the prison at 9 o'clock, whore a number of jurors and Sheriff's deputies had already col lected. There was considerable outside pres sure at the prison gate, but not so much as had been anticipated by many. THE SCENE LAST NIGHT. At seven o'clock last evening, Rev. Messrs. Hopkins and Appleton, of St. John's Free Church, visited the condemned and remained with them until nearly ten o'clock, adminis tering to them the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. They had been baptized on the previous Saturday. This communion scene was one of the most affecting and impressive ever witnessed. Richards was brought over into Anderson's cell, and both seated themselves upon Ander son's prison cot. Their spiritual advisers then went into a thorough examination of the moral condition of the condemned, as to the sincerity of their repentance and their comprehension of the fundamental truths of the divine plan of salvation. They both professed the deepest contrition and manifested much feeling. Richards was deeply agitated, and appeared very different in manner from the previous afternoon.— Their spiritult advisers being satisfied that they did truly repent them of their sins, pro ceeded with their preparations to administer the Communion, according to the beautiful service of the Protestant Episcopal church. Anderson's stool was used for the table, a white cloth being spread over it, and there in the dim light of that lonely cell was wit nessed a scene which has few parallels. Af ter the blessing of the sacred elements, there was the usual pause, and Anderson, not be ing familiar with the service, supposed it to be intended as an opportunity for prayer.— He accordingly kneeled down by the side of his cot, and offered up a most eloquent, ap propriate and fervent extempore prayer, breathing the deepest penitence, bitterly be wailing his sins and expressing the fullest reliance in the pardoning mercy of God. A more eloquent and appropriate prayer could hardly have been made, even by the learned and mature christian. The clergymen, as well as Richards, were deeply affected by it. Before the clergymen took leave of the condemned for the evening, Anderson thank ed them most tenderly for their kindness and the deep interest they had taken in their spiritual welfare, and regretted that he had nothing suitable to give them as a token of his gratitude, but he had got some copies of a hymn printed for that purpose, a copy of which he begged each of them to accept.— He had written his name on the back of each, in several places. INCIDENTS OF TUE MORNING The prisoners slept very little during the night. Anderson being engaged almost the entire night in devotional exercises. Rich ards informed us that he slept some, but the approaching scene was all the time running through his mind the same as if he were awake. This morning they were dressed for their execution, Anderson in white pants, arid plainwhite shirt. a,na in white pants, shirt, and white roundabout or monk ey coat, with white gloves. Although evi dently penitent, resigned and prepared for his dreadful doom, he looked as pleasant as ever, and said he felt as if he was going out West on a long journey, or to get married. In taking leave of us he said, with appa rent feeling, that he was prepared ; that he felt he deserved his doom, though he had been led into the crime, that he felt God had forgiven him, and he would go to the gallows with an easy mind. As he said this, howev er,-big drops of perspiration stood out on his forehead, and his whole frame quivered with emotion. He,.however, recovered his usual calmness in a short time, and engaged with Mr. Appleton in his devotional exercises, he having been with the prisoner from 9 o'clock in the morning. ANDERSON'S FAMILY BIDDING FAREWELL At an early hour Anderson's wife, their two children, step-daughter, and mother-in law, visited the cell of the condemned, where they remained until half an hour before the time for preparing for execution. This scene was deeply affecting, and although we could look unmoved upon the execution itself, this scene was enough to unman the stoutest heart and unbrace the most iron nerves. When they entered, Anderson said " Good morning," and affectionately kissed his wife and little ones, - who burst into tears. Mrs. Anderson spoke scarcely a word about the execution, but - wept bitterly all the time, while Anderson himself, with much appa rent effort, maintained a surprising compo sure. At last he said, "I have chosen eleven o'clock for my death. I have prepared my soul to meet my God, and I care not how soon. I feel that my God will receive my soul, and I care not how soon I go." He re peated in a faltering voice, " I feel that God will receive my soul," and continued for some time, repeating similar sentences, at short intervals. Rev. Mr. Hopkins arrived at quarter be fore 11 o'clock, and Anderson was notified that it was then time to take leave of his family, but before they left he requested that one of the clergymen pray with them alto gether. The request .being complied with, they took their final leave, a scene we will not attempt to describe. He besought all to prepare to meet him in heaven, and to have no fears about his future. . On visiting Richards we found good, reason to hope his professions of penitence were real. He fully realized his condition, and spoke with confidence and yet humility that God had pardoned him and would receive his soul. Mr. Hopkins then engaged w;th him in prayer, and Mr. Appleton with Anderson. Sheriff Rowe and Deputy Sheriff Foltz then entered and made the final prepara tions. The former adjusted the cord around Richards, and the latter around the neck of Anderson, both retaining remarkable com posure, though looking pale. They were then escorted by their respective spiritual advisers to the gallows, accompanied by the Sheriff and the Deputy. Anderson passed a few acquaintances in the corridor. He nod ded and smiled them a final adieu, and the mournful- procession moved on in an impres sive ei..19p0 ,to . the gallows. In. -41ie : rear of the gallows were the coffins to receive their bodies. The condemned ascended the stairs with a firm step, and, by directions of the Sheriff, kneeled down in their respective positions, immediately under the hooks which were to receive the fatal cords. Anderson, then, in a fervent and somewhat faltering voice, en gaged in prayer. The benediction was then pronounced by Mr. Hopkins, when the caps were adjusted, and the clergymen and Sheriff and Deputy took their final leave. At twenty-five min utes before twelve Sheriff Rowe pulled the cord attached to the lever, and the platform fell instantly, and noiselessly, leaving the victims hanging in mid-air. Anderson did not even struggle or perceptibly move any part of his body. Richards seemed to die harder, but only did not struggle in the least. After a few convulsive movements of various parts of his body, and all was over. A few minutes after twelve Dr. Henry Carpenter and Dr. Burg, the Sheriff's physi cians, pronounced them dead, and their bod ies were lowered in their coffins, which were placed in a wagon and drawn to the Poor House burying ground, followed by four or five hundred persons, including the family of Anderson. His wife was more affected at the grave than before, and wept convulsively. ANDERSON'S AND RICHARDS' .ACCOUNT OF THE It URDE It. The account, given by Anderson and Rich ards of the manner of committing the mur der, is briefly this: They went to the house and found the women in the kitchen, Mrs. Garber having just finished churning and preparing her butter for market, which she purposed attending next morning, as was her custom. They asked for food, which was given, and after they had.done eating, Rich ards and Anderson left the house, evidently having abandoned their original intention of robbery, which was their object when they started from Lebanon the day previous.— They had drank a pint of whiskey within a short time, and when outside of the house, discovering their flask was empty, the ques tion arose as to how they could get it replen ished. Anderson said he would go back and ask Mrs. Garber for a " levy." They did so, meeting the women in the kitchen, and the request was refused. Richards suggested the idea of robbing, and locked the outside door, putting the key in his pocket. An al tercation ensued between Anderson and Mrs. Garber and Richards and Mrs. Ream, and both of them being courageous women, it end ed in a most desperate struggle, in which Mrs. Garber wrenched the hachet from Anderson and struck him a blow on the back of the head, the force of which he broke with his arm. Getting the hatchet again, he struck her two or three blows over the head with the back of it, but failed to knock her down, when she broke loose and fled in the back room (No. 2.) Anderson followed her and threw her down, and struck her a blow upon the head after she was down, which rendered her insensible for a short time. In the meantime, Richards had Mrs. Ream down on the step in the kitchen, but she had partially struggled up, and was getting the better of him, and Richards was in the act of shooting her with a pistol, when Anderson rushed out and prevented him, knocking her down also %vith the hatchet. By this time Mrs. Garber had recovered and fled into the other room, (3) when Anderson followed her, and then the last terrible struggle took place; the last blow of the hatchet being inflicted there in the dark, all the dreadful details of which are minutely given by Anderson in his confession. Prom the Utah Army [Correspondence of the New York Times.] C! Jur. SCOTT, U. T., Feb. 13, 1858. The mail from the States has at length reached us in our exile, and the brow of care and anxiety is relaxed, the fatigue of milita ry discipline and exposure is forgotten, and even the hollow mirth at the wine glass and the heart corroding excitement of the gaming table are thrown off, and all hearts are soft ened with thoughts of home, of absent friends. The faces of many brighten, and though the tear sparkles in the eye, there is a smile ra diant over the countenance ; the breasts of many heave convulsively, and the counte nance is almost distorted by the scarce-re pressed emotion, which would burst the fet ters with which it is bound in forced compo sure. It is a great event in our camp, this arrival of the mail. It was the mails which left the States on the Ist of December and the Ist of January that arrived here on the Bth inst. They brought us dates from St Louis up to the 25th of December, and contained most inter esting news to us concerning the commercial crisis, the Indian war, the meeting of Con gress, but more especially the Utah war.- - From what we can glean from the papers the public are extremely well informed concern ing our movements and position. The im pression, however, seemed to be that the troops would suffer this winter ; and I am very glad that subsequent letters have in formed the public that we have thus far spent the winter in comparative comfort. The feeling of intense abhorrence which the conduct of the Mormons has excited against themselves throughout the Union, leads us to fear that, bound down as we are by the strict discipline of military rule and responsibility, we will have to suffer the ex treme disappointment of hearing ere long that Salt Lake City has been taken posses sion of by volunteers from the West, whilst we are compelled to remain during the win ter within 110 miles of that stronghold which it has been our ambition to conquer without further assistance. The United States District Court for this county, Chief Justice Eckles presiding, met on the Ist of February, at the Court House in Eckelsville, pursuant to adjournment at the regular December Term, on the 6th day of January last. It was in session but three days, there being but one case for trial, and it adjourned until the first Monday in March. Just before the close of the regular Decem ber Term of this Court, the United States Grand Jury found an indictment against all the members of the Utah Legislature, in con sequence of the treasonable resolutions passed and published by them. Joseph Taylor and Wm. Stowell, the one a colonel, the other an adjutant in the Mor mon army, who are included in this last list, were taken prisoners on Ham's Fork in Octo ber last, the circumstances of which appeared in my communication of the 28th of the month. They were confined in the custody of the guard of the 10th infantry. Taylor, hoviever, escaped from the guard on the night of the 7th of November, and, had for tune favored him, Stowell would also now be at liberty, for on the evening of the 30th of January ho made his escape from the guard in company with a corporal who had been broken by a court-martial for some offence, and who was in confinement with Stowell. Much to our surprise, they both returned and gave themselves up to the guard on the 3d of February. It appears that they suc ceeded, after eluding the search of the guard for them, in making their way to Smith's Fork, a creek some four miles from the one on which we are encamped, (Black's Fork;) they then followed up this stream towards the mountains, in the hope of meeting some Mormon scouting parties, from whom they could obtain assistance ; in this they were disappointed, and withoutnot hes, blankets, or any sort of arms or" iunition, they came near perishing in the deep snows of the mountains, and therefore concluded, fi nally, that it was better to run the risk of hanging than to starve to death, and re turned. Stowell's feet were so badly frost bitten that he could scarcely walk. Nathaniel Thompson, who is included in the last indictment, and who has been in confinement since last December, has de manded a trial at the next session of the Court. It remains with the United States Attorney to decide whether the case shall be prosecuted. If it should, I am informed that there is evidence sufficient to connect him with the treasonable combination against the United States, and he will, undoubtedly, suf fer the penalty of treason. The Governor, on the 3d inst., commis sioned D. A. Burr, Esq., of Washington City, Justice 'of the Peace of this county, and Chief Justice Eckels has appointed the same gentleman U. S. Commissioner for the Nor thern Judicial District of this Territory.— This appointment has filled a vacancy which the Executive have felt the need of very much, as there has been no inferior tribunal for the adjudication of the numerous petty offences which, although it is essential to the peace of the community should he punished, yet are not of a nature to come before a su perior court. I am told by a gentleman who has just ar rived from _Henry's Fork, where the animals of the command have been kept during the winter, that they are in excellent condition. The dragoon and artillery horses are improv ing beyond all expectation, and are now really fat. There is no snow on Henry's Fork. The health of the command has been ex cellent during the winter. Thera has been but three deaths, and those were from the ef fects of diseases contracted elsewhere. The weather thus far has not been severe, for, although the temperature has been quite low, yet its freedom from sudden changes, and the extreme rarity of the atmosphere, prevent the cold from being felt as it would be in a much lower temperature in the cli: mate of the Eastern States. We have during this month, however, been visited: with a succession of high winds from the west and northwest, accompanied by slight falls of snow. The snow is now about one inch deep in this bottom. It is an inter esting meteorological fact, which has been communicated to me by a gentleman who is a close observer, that the course of the high er clouds has been during this winter almost invariably from the west and northwest, to the east and southeast. Hon. Thomas H.Benton on his Death Bed [Correspondence of the New York Tribune.] WASHINGTON, April 0, 1858 Colonel Benton is dying. his disease, can cer of the bowels, has made such progress that he cannot survive much longer. Ile suf fers extreme pain, and is exausted to althost the last degree of physical prostration. But his mind is as clear and as powerful as ever, and the high, resolute, Roman spirit of the old statesman struggles with indomitable en ergy and fortitude against sickness and weak ness, and the awful presence of the 'king of terrors. He dies in harness, working to the last fur his country and mankind. An old and inti mate friend, from Missouri, called upon him this morning. Benton was in bed, scarcely able to move hand or foot, and not able to speak much above a whisper. But he was hard at work, closing up his Abridgement of the Debates of Congress, which he has brought down to 1830, to the passage of the compro mise measures. He was dictating the clos ing chapter of the work. His daughter;Mrs. Jones, sitting beside the bed, received it, sen tence by sentence, whispered in her ear, and repeated it aloud to her husband, who wrote it down. It was then read over to Colonel Benton, and received his corrections, made with as much an.xious particularity as if it were the maiden-work of a young author. Resting a few minutes from his task, Col. Benton entered into conversation with his Missouri friend. He told him that, in re viewing the events of 1850, he was glad to find that the animosity of the past had died out in his heart, and he was not only ready but ea ger to do justice to his former rivals and op ponents. He spoke with much feeling of Mr. Clay, to whose merits and services he had awarded the highest praise in what he was writing about the compromise period of 1850. He dwelt particularly on the service, the great service, Mr. C. had rendered to the Re public at that time by baffling, and putting down the traitorous secessionists of the south who were seeking to destroy the Union, and plunge the country into civil war for their own ambitious purposes. The inspiration of this theme fired the lan guid blood and reanimated for a moment the failing frame of the dying patriot. In ener getic whispers, he told his visitor that the same men who had sought to destroy the Re public in 1850, were at the bottom of this ac cursed Lecompton business. Among the great est of his consolations in dying was the con sciousness that the Howe of Representatives had baffled these treasonable schemers, and put the heels of the people on the neck of the traitors. Few events in our history had giv en him so much satisfaction as the defeat of Lecompton. He warmly praised the intrep id and incorruptible Douglas Democrats. In taking leave of his friend, Col. Benton said that, although there was much in his life that he regretted, he could honestly feel proud on his death-bed of his devotion to his country, in whose service he had never been faithless or negligent. Serious Accident We learn from our friend, Capt. John A. Osborn, that a very serious accident occured on the six Mile Run branch of the. Broadtop Railroad, in this County, on the 30th ult.— It appears that two young men, by the names of lra. Foster and Samuel Long, both resi dents of that neighborhood, were employed in loading cars with whoop poles, and, af ter getting one loaded, they got on the front of it, and two others got on behind for the purpose of braking. By some means the brake would not work, and the result was that the car ran off, the two men behind threw themselves off but sustained little injury.— The other two in front could not get off, and when they came down to the main road at Riddleshurg, they came in contact with four other cars. The collision was fearful, and young Foster had his leg broken above the knee, while the other, Samuel Long, who is only about 14 years of age, had his thigh broken in two places ; the other was also bro ken, and his left foot badly crushed. They were conveyed to their homes, and the ser vices of a couple of medical gentlemen called into requisition. Foster appeared to be do ing well, but Long's recovery is considered doubtful.—Bedford Gazette. Protection to Labor, Agriculture, Manu factures, and Commerce. [From the Press.] The crisis from which we are now suffering, and other circumstances, have produced a change in our industrial and financial affairs that calls for the serious consideration of all our citizens, and especially their Represen tatives in our National Legislature. For the last ten • years our own and much foreign capital and a vast amount of labor have found full employment in founding new States and Territories, and covering our ex tended country with railroads and other im provements. During much of this time the capital and labor of Europe have been also fully em ployed on their railroads, their Eastern wars, working the gold mines in Australia, and fur nishing us with unprecedentedly large quan tities of manufactured goods, which have brought large revenues into our treasury. These sources of employment, on both sides of the Atlantic, in future will be much di minished, and indeed may be considered al most at an end ; and the revenue to our treas ury must also be much diminished by dimin ished imports and a reduction in duties. The war in Europe and their short crops gave us a foreign demand for large supplies of our breadstuff's and provisions, which we are not likly to have in time to come, and our large imports of foreign goods have been the means of greatly extending the capital and machinery used in their production; and with our diminished ability to import and pay for them, and their ability to produce at lower prices by the fall in prices of cotton, provis ions, labor, and interest, and diminished de mand for them. Therefore, the question arises, shall we stand listlessly by and see our nunerous and extensive manufacturing establishments suspended, and their work men unemployed, until wages come down to competing prices under our low system of duties, or shall we revise our tariff and save these great losses from taking place, by giv ing our labor a living protection and full em ployment? A few statistics, taken from our official doc uments, will prove that we must manufacture the greater part of the goods we consume— that we have only the means of paying to foreign countries for a small part of them ; and =t requires but one simple argument to shi. that all reductions in the prices of goods must mainly fall on the prices of labor em ployed in their production, and depress it to such prices as manufacturers can afford to pay. The statistics of the census for 1840 gives the amount of our manufactures for that year, exclusive of flour, ships, carriages, and like articles, at $294,000,000. The Treasury report for the same year gives our imports of the same kind of manufactures at only about $34,000,000. The capital invested in manu factures is given at $261,726,570. This shows that the amount of manufactures imported was but a small proportion of what we con sumed. Our exports of breadstuffs and provisions for 1840 was only $19,067,000, and this was about six . millions above the average of the preceding years, and two millions above the five succeeding years. The following statement and comparison for 1850 confirms the position : Home Manuf. 1850. Imports 1850. Cotton g00d5,561,869,184 $19,896,630 Woolen goos, 43,207,555 15,965,824 Iron, 60,486,203 9,183, 822 $165,562,942 $45,046,276 The general average of interest on money in Europe is about four per cent., and here, though the rate is nominally only six and sev en per cent., yet virtually; borrowers for the last few years have been compelled to pay an average of about eight per cent. or more, and capital is not likely to be employed in new manufacturing establishments until there is a reasonable prospect of realizing at least that rate of income ; and hence the depres sion in prices of manufactured goods that will ensue from the surplus of labor thus to be thrown on the markets of the manufactur ing countries of Europe and our own will chiefly fall on labor, and it must fall in equal ratio here unless protected. -- The value of our agricultural produce, as given in the census report for 1850, was $l,- 326,60L326, and the value of the products of manufactures, mining, and the mechanic arts at $1,013,336,463. Our Treasury report-for that year gives our exports of.breadstuffs and provisions at only $26,051,373 ; and that is but a small proportion of the large amount produced. Russia is generally a large exporter of grain to England; but short crops in England, France, and other coup ics of Europe, and war with Russia at the same time, created a large demand for our breadstuff and provis ions, at high prices, so that for the year end ing 30th June, 1854, we exported of them to the amount of $66,516,298, and for 1856, $77,046,828, and we alsO largely increased our imports, the amounts of some of them, for 1854, being as follows, viz : Woollens, $30,113,779 Cotton goods, $33,940,503 Silks, 37,796,170 Iron and Steel, 22,740,322 These large exports were much more than double the average amount of the four pre ceding years, and far above the amount that we can reasonably expect to export in future. The changed condition of Europe is likely to make a great change in our condition, greatly reducing our exports of these, and the prices of them at home and abroad, there by correspondingly reducing our ability to import and pray for their manufactures. This will correspondingly reduce the amount of our foreign commerce, and under the re duced tariff of 1857, reduce the amount of our revenue in a two-fold ratio, while our Government expenses are every year aug menting with the increase of our population and the extended bounds of our country. The probability, therefore, clearly is, that instead of an overflowing treasury, as in times past, unless our tariff is changed and duties raised, we shall be compelled to resort to loans, or continue to use a paper currency for the support of Government. It is quite evident that this must be the case, and there fore timely provision should be made to avoid it. We should lay protecting duties on such foreign manufactures as our country can pro duce with the same amount of labor, give it a better remuneration and insure a healthy competition with the foreign ; create a steady market for our breadstuffs and provisions, in stead of depending on an uncertain and fluc tuating one abroad, and virtually importing foreign food and labor consumed in their pro duction, and thus deprive our farmers of the market and our laborers of the employment which their production at home would give. J. K. L. Letter From Kansas. Lecompton Rejected !—Popular Sovereignty Vindicated I—The People Triumphant! and Tyranny, with all its Advocates, Doomed to Eternal Infamy ! Correspondence of The Press.] WYANDOT CITY, K. T., April 5, 1858. Public expectation has been upon the tip toe. During the day a thousand eyes have been longingly and timidly resting upon our noble river, in constant search for the first sight of the mail steamer Platte Valley, by which the final vote upon the Lecompton Constitution was expected. At last her sym metrical figure rounded the point, three miles below the city, and as she breasted the cur rent and neared the town, our citizens gath ered from all parts, and congregated upon the wharf, the whistle sounded, the bell was tapped, the wheels were moored, and the no ble steamer touched the first landing in Kan sas. LECOMPTON IS REJECTED !" was sung out from the hurricane deck. The word was caught up by the tongues of the disenthralled, and three times three made the welkin ring. Three cheers were given for Douglas, three for Forney, and three times three for the tri umph of popular sovereignty and its noble advocates everywhere. I cannot describe to you the scene that en sued. Joy beamed from the eyes of the peo ple. Each man grasped the hand of his neighbor, and with a heartiness rarely felt in this selfish world, congratulated each other on the glorious news. To-day the heart of Kansas is glad; the chains that have bound her limbs together are broken; the iron hand that has grasped and sunk deep into her flesh has been paralyzed and shaken off, and she rises in all her pristine purity, and hurls back the foul monster Lecompton, whose foetid breath has scorched her virgin cheek, and whose hellish design has been to force upon her his disgusting embraces ! Can you imagine the joy of the people in the Revolution when the news from York town was heralded over the land ? if so, you can imagine the joy that fills the hearts of the people of Kansas to-day. The battle is fought, the victory is ours, and peace reigns where anarchy has so long fettered our energies and crippled our enterprise. You can now say to the landless and the homeless everywhere, that Kansas has open ed her doors to receive them, and that life and property are as safe in Kansas to-day as they are in any part of the old Keystone. Our beautiful prairies are smilling with verdure, and courting the hand of industry to develop and reap the rich rewards with which they teem and tempt the eye of the husband man. I have now been three years in Kansas, and have not dared to say to my friends "come to the goodly land!' Such has been the con dition of things during that time, that life and property were not safe, and under such cir cumstances I could advise no one to leave a State protected by law and become a subject of such a government. The effort to govern a free people by other instrumentalities than those of the popular will, has been the source of all our calamities, and the courage and firmness of the people of Kansas have demonstrated to the world that the American people will acknoledge no Gov ernment but that which derives all its pow ers from the consent of the governed. The people, with the aid of Walker and Stanton, have rescued the Territorial Govern ment from the hands of the. usurpers, and Congress has disarmed the Lecompton swin dle by returning it hand-cuffed to an out raged people, and the reign of law and order has to-day begun in Kansas, and I can now say to those who want homes and to become their own employers, that we have thousands of quarter-sections of the most fertile and beautiful lands to be found upon the broad face of our Republic, that need nothing but the hand of industry to make them rise into farms capable of supplying all the wants of humanity. The michanic and the merchant will find employment, promising a rich re munerat;on in our young towns and infant cities, and capital can find no safer invest ment, or one that promises a richer return than our market affords. Let no one, fear, to come to Kansas, who wishes to better his condition or improve his fortune. EQ7- A shocking affair took place in the town of Le Roy, New York, a few days since. A farmer named Daniel Comstock, has been living with his four little daughters, Mary, Maria, Colona, and Cora, alone in his house, on what is known as the Philadelphia road. Iris wife has been absent some two months, in Auburn, under mediefil treatment. Last Sunday night week, about 9 o'clock, it was discovered that the residence of Mr. Comstock was in flames, and before assistance could be rendered it was burned to the ground, with its five inmates ! A correspondent of the New York Times, in writing from Water town, says that, as if this affair were not suf ficiently shocking in itself, we are compelled to turn to the poor wife, who, away in Au burn, is contemplating the happiness of her little ones, and the prospect of a speedy re union with them. Before I left that vicinity, to return to Watertown, to-night, a letter was placed in my hands, which had just been re.- ceived from the poor woman, addressed to her husband, and dated at Auburn, on Friday. I extract for you these portions : "Mr DEAR ONES AT HOME will all be surprised, and I trust like me, you will be joyfully surprised, when I tell you that I am coming home next week. ** • I should have started this morning, if I had had an answer to the letter I sent on Tuesday last. I feel as if I cannot possibly wait till it comes. * * * lam not strong enough to endure much, though lam gaining. lam very much excited . with the prospect of going home ; hope I shall get calm before I start. I think I see you all looking very happy, my dear children, when pa reads this to you. Be good children, and I hope before another Friday noon to be with you. " Your affectionate mother, A. M. C." WHAT LOVE WILL DARE.—We condense a funny " love affair" from the Cincinnati Ga zette :—A young lady of Louisville, with charms weighing $lOO,OOO, well invested, was sent by her guardian to a Cincinnati boarding school, to separate her from her lover. The lover soon followed, stole an in terview with his swpet-heart, then purchased a boy's outfit and sent the bundle to the boarding school. Soon a boy came out of the boarding school, joined the Kentuckian, found friends who procured facilities for tying the knot, and the two young gents took a double bedded room at the Walnut street House. Only one bed was found tum bled in the morning, the boy became an ob ject of suspicion, satisfactory explanations to the landlord followed, and after the bride had assumed feminine garments the happy pair took a boat and " put out." WHO WANTS A FARM FOR FIVE DOLLARS? BEAD THE 'FOLLOWING: $500,000. $500,000 , AMERICAN HOMESTEAD LAND COMPANY, Capital Stock One Hundred Thousand Acres, in the State of Wisconsin. The American Homestead Land Company, having dis-- posed of a sufficient number of shares to Warrant an ear ly distribution of their Land, now offer to the public the remaining unsold Shares, and take pleasure in announcing, that, Oxa litustnnr.n Tnous.uvn ACRES of choice farming land, situated in the Counties of Wineebago, Marquette, Wan sham, Outagamir, Shawano, Portage, Marathon, ChippoWs., St. Croix and Polk, State of Wisconsin. will be distributed to Shareholders of said Company; before the adjournment of the present session of Congress. - These lands are amongst the best farming lands in the State, ranging in value from five to twenty-five dollars per acre. This Company, hold ing as they do, a large quantity, are compelled to sell a portion of their Lands for Cash, and take this method of disposing of One Hundred Thousand Acres, at a reduced price. The distribution will take place in the city of Wash ington, under the direction of thirty-one Members of Con gress, one Member selected from each State in the Union. The land offered is free from any encumbrance, and War ranty Deals of arnveyance will be executed immediately after the distribution, to the parties entitled thereto, by Trustees appointed for that purpose. The distribution will be as follows : 500 TRACTS, OP 100 " " 100 " 100 " 25 " 3 40 ACRES EACH. SO " 160 CI 320 " 640 " 64 1000 " 64 1 ‘4 5000 " it Eight Hundred and Twenty-nine Tracts, comprising One Hundred Thousand Acres. The American Homestead Land Company respectfully solicit your early co-operation in the organization of Clubs, and will allow 10 per cent. oriall subscriptions amounting to ten Shares, payable in Stock of the Company. All orders must be addressed to the' "American Home stead Land Company, Washington, D. C." giving the full address of each Shareholder, naming the Town, County and State in which they reside, and to whom the• Shares are to be directed. The Company respectfully refer to the following gentle men for any information relative to the quality and value of the Lands. ALEXANDER W. RANDALL, Governor or State of Wis. Ex. Governor DODGE, Ex. Governor FARWELL, " DOTY, 46 " BARSTOW. " TALMADGE, " " BASHFORD, ‘c " DEWEY. TRUSTEES: Ex. Governor BARSTOW. Janesville, Wisconsin. ALEXANDER SPAULDiNG, Esq., Tauncoy Court, Wall St., New York. _ _ _ THOMAS J. WEARY, Secretary SHARES, FIVE DOLLARS EACH. March 31, 185S—lm. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. IMPORTANT TO TOBACCO CHEWERS! ! DR. GUSTAV LINNARD'S Taste Restorative Troches, the Great Substitute for Tobacco. It is a Nye]] known and hicontrovertable fact that the use of Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the most se vere 3IENTAL AN D PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the race of man is subject, as careful analysis and long and painful experience have clearly proven that it contains certain narcotic and poisonous properties most dangerous in their effects, which by entering into the blood derange the functions and operations of the Heart, causing many to suppose that organ to be seriously deceased. TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, mani festing itself—as all who have used the noxious weed will bear testimony—in Lassitude, Nervous Irritability, Water Brash, Dysiwpsia, and many other disorders of a similar character. TIIE TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES are designed to counteract these baneful influences, and have proved com pletely successful in a multitude of cases, and wherever used. Being harmless in themselves they exert a benefi cial effect upon the entire sys tem, restoring the taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, com pletely removing the irritation and accompanying tickling sensation of the Throat—which are always consequent upon abstaining from the use of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole system. Persons who are irretrievably undermining their con stitutions and shortening their lives, should use these Troches immediately and throw off the injurious and un pleasant habit of Tobacco Chewing. These Troches or Lozenges are put up in a convenient and portable form at the low price of 50 Cents per Box.— A liberal discount to the Trade. Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom all orders should be addressed. JAMES E. BROWN, Druggist, Cor. 2d and Race Sts., Phila March 24, IS3S—ly _ A I- HING TACKLE WAREHOUSE. F6ll Hooks and Tackle, best Kirby, Limerick, ir ginia, Trout, Sea, and every des,:ription of Fish Hooks, Trout Flies, Gut and other Snoods, Brass Reels, Fishing hods of all kinds; Canton Grass, Silk and Hair Lines, Nets, Dining Twine, Seine Twine, Wrapping Twine, Piano and Dulcimer Wire, Violin Strings. Genuine HAR LEM OIL, an efhctive remedy fur Pain in the Breast, Grav el, and similar diseases. ALso,—Fine English Twist Single and Double Guns. Pow (IT Fht , lis, Shot Belts and Pouches, Game-Bags, and Gun ning Apparatus generally. GEO. W. HEYBEIIGER, Importer, No. GS (old No. 50) North Third Street, Two doors below Arch St., and next door to the St. Charles' Hotel, March 24, 1858—Im. Philadelphia. g WE GOOD TIMES COMING! THE FIRST AERIVA.L! _ _ _ NEW GOODS! `E`I• GOODS!! NEW GOODS! I ! MOSES MOUS has opened at his Store-room, in Mar ket Square. the first arrival of NEW GOODS, to which lie invites the attention of old and new customers. His assortment consists of every variety of Ladies Dress Goods and Dry Goods generally, Groceries, Bats and Caps, Bouts and SLv,•s. Also, a heavy stock of READY' MADE CLOTHING, for Men and Bop,. Call and examine my Stock of New Goods. Prices low. 4Z-..t.11 kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. 'March :31,1858. 858 NEW - 10 - ), 0 SPRING Sl= GOODsiBuS. M. GUTMAN & CO., Informs the publicgeueralic, that they has just received a large Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, con sisting- of COATS, VESTS, PANTS, &c., &c. Also, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS. llis stuck . of Clothing is of the latest fashions, and man ufactured of the hest materials; and as they are deter mined to sell at least as cheap as the cheapest, the public will do well to give them a call and examine their stock. 43, - - Beret forgot the place—Long's brick building, on the corner, Market Square, Huntingdon. Batch 24, ISSS. NTOTloE.—Letters testamentary on the i;sl last will and testament of James Porter, late 01 iienderson townshib, Huntingdon county, deed, having been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate will make immediate payment, and - those hav ing claims against his estate will present them for settle ment to the undersigned. mviNosToN ROBB, Porter tp., B. F. BROWN, Waterstreet, • Executors. March 24, ISSB AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. A regular stated Meeting of the Iluntingdon coun ty Agricultural Society, will be held in the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday evening of the first week of the April Court, (14th April) at 7 o'clock. By order of the Executive Committee. R. McDIVITP, J. F. RAMEY, Secretaries. Huntingdon, March 31, 1858 NOTICE. - . --Letters of Adthinistration on the estate of Peter Stryker, late of Porter town ship, deed, having been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to the subscriber. JOHN T. STRIKER., Adm'tor, March 24, ISSB. Arch Springs, Blair co. CANAL BOAT FOR SALE.—The Ca nal Boat (James P. Pent,) Three Mules, Harness, &c., for sale low. Inquire of F. J. HOFFMAN, March 24, 1858. Lewistown, Pa. riIHE SUMMER SESSION of the N MOUNTAIN FEMALE SEMINARY, Birmingham, Pa., will open for the admission of Pupils, April 29, 1858. March 17, 1858-3 m. L. G. GRIER, Principal. CLOTHING.—CaII at M. GUTIVIAN & CO, Huntingdon. A Spring Stock of the best and most fashionable, just received. [March 24, UN. T4ADIES DRESS GOODS ! A Splendid rwsortmeut at STROUS I Cheap Store iu Market Square. [March 31, 18.58. CLOTHING ! A new arrival for Spring and Summer, at STROM, Cheap Store. Call and be fitted. [March 31, ISM. 00UNTRY PRODUCE N..._)• Received in exchange for Now Good% at M. STROUS, Store. [March 31, 1858. GUTMAN & CO., Are selling CLOTHING at exceedingly low prices.— Call and see. [March 31, 1858. GROCERIES Of all kinds at STROUS' Cheap Store tIOME ONE—COME ALL, To the Cheap Store of :!4. MOUS, and examine his New Goode and Priem [March3l.lBss.