THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. George 13a.noroft on Xansas---To the Peo ple of New York. FELLOW-CITIZENS : The proper solution of the question before the country, which, in some of its aspects, is the most momentous that has been presented since the adotion of the Federal Constitution, is self-evident; but that solution has been so thwarted that it is made necessary to revert to first princi ples, and to take counsel of the people, who are:the source of wisdom and of power. We_ are assembled to-night, not in hostility to the Administration. We venerate the President for his age and past services, and desire to remove out of his path the great obstacle to his present usefulness. Still less are we at - variance with the South.. We have never feared to sustain the South on any question in which the South was in the right, and we are justified in .asking ,its co-operation to pre vent a great national wrong, which, if con summated, will injure its friends. Far from opposing Democracy, we come here to-night to uphold it, by refreshening in our minds the love of justice and freedom, without which-Democracy is a delusion. We are assembled to protest against for cing the Lecompton Constitution upon the people of Kansas against their will. Bear with me, fellow-citizens, if, in the fewest pos sible words, I speak to the facts in the case, to the right, and to the means of redress. As to the facts in the case, the Lecompton Constitution wits authorized in advance by no one branch of the General Government.— The Senate of the United States passed a bill for a Convention in Kansas, having in view a very different mode of procedure. The House, by a decided vote, declared itself will accept the real and true opinion of the majority of Kansas, however it might be ex pressed. The President, through his agent, the Governor of the Territory, vetoed the bill for the Convention. The Senate, the House, the President of the United States, are all in nocent of the Lecompton Convention. The people of the Territory never elected that Convention, and never had an opportunity to do so. The lists of voters were made out by partisan officers, who acted under no penal ties for neglect of duty. Fifteen counties, by no fault of their own, had no possible oppor tunity to vote at all. The Convention, there fore, never had even a pretext for bindins , the people. Before the Convention did its work a new election of a Kansas Legislature took place, nnd, thanks to Walker and Stan ton; false, fraudulent, and forged returns were rejected, and a Legislature was formed of unquestioned legality. The Convention, knowing the true will of the people, in defi ance of that will, refused to refer the Consti tution to the people, sequestered their ina lienable rights, and made themselves masters. They acknowledged that such a reference should have been made at least on the slav ery clause, and then they framed a schedule which made no true reference even of that clause, but disfranchised all except those who would acknowledge their usurpation, and were willing to take test oaths to sup port it. The Convention further assumed most extraordinary powers, and sought in advance to nullify and render void the acts of the newly elected Legislature. They did what -they could to show the approbation of the fraudulent vote which Walker and Stan ton, with the approval, it is to be hoped, of the President, had rejected. Moreover, it ordered an election of State officers, under their unratified Constitution, without requir ing, an oath of the election officers, or affix ing a penalty on fraudulent voting or forged returns; and they, moreover, directed re turns to be made, not to the Governor or the legal Legislature, but to one man alone, the President of their Convention ; a man hold ing a most lucrative office and a large patron age under the General Government; clothed with power to judge at his discretion of all returns of a Legislature before which lie might become a candidate for office ; bound by no - oath to fidelity, and exposed to no le gal penalty for the abuse of his trust. We hold, then, that the Convention has .no claim to the sovereignty in Kansas but by usurpa tion ; that it had in nowise the sanction of Congress, nor of the President, nor of the people of Kansas, and was but a cunning, device to defraud that people of • its sover eignty: The cardinal point on which the great question turns is this : Is the Lecompton Constitution the choice and will of the peo ple of Kansas ? I say it is not, and I shall prove it. The first witness is the Convention itself. They were urged to refer the matter to the people. The President, in his high office, pledged himself over and over, and over again, to the approbation of that course, and by the authority and with the knowledge of the President, the Governor, and officers of the President's appointment, quieted the discontents of the people of Kansas by advo cating the necessity of such submission be fore the Constitution could claim any validi ty. And yet the Convention refused to sub mit its doings to the people; thus confessing its consciousness that its work -would be re jected. The second witness is the newspaper press of Kansas. That press is against the Con stitution by a majority of seven or eight to one. Ney.t: Kansas, by act of Congress, has a right to a• delegate in Congress, charged with the duty of speaking for its people.— They have now a delegate who is undoubt edly the choice of the people, and is the first Kansas delegate ever chosen by the people. He is my third - witness: Next: ask the line of Governors appointed by Presidents themselves: Geary, Walker, formerly Senator from Mississippi, and re cently proposed for a place in the President's Cabinet, and highly commended by the Presi dent himself; Stanton, so lately member of Congress from Tennessee, all agree. And I would not fear to ask Denver, the present in cumbent; he will certify that even a fraction of the party against the Lecompton Constitu tion is more numerous than the whole of its friends. Fifth: The people of Kansas now, happi l.y, thanks to Walker and Stanton, have a Legislature indisputably representing that people ; and as soon as they could lift Up their voice, they - protested against the Le compton Constitution. - - Sixth: Those State officers who received the largest number of votes at the election on the - 4th of January last, have likewise sent their protest to Congress. Seventh : The voice of the people of Kan sas itself should be heard. On the 4th of January they repaired to the polls under no ordinary circumstances of solemnity. The President had sanctioned the proceedings by his special protection ; the Legislature and Denver took care that the votshould be an honest one, and by that vote it appears that an overwhelming majority of the people of Kansas reject the Constitution of Lecomp ton. So, then, we have seven sets of witnesses against Lecompton: the circumstantial evi dence of the Lecompton. Convention; the Kansas press ; the Kansas delegate in Con gress; the series of Kansas Governors—four in one year ; the Kansas Legislature; the Kansas people. All, all declare that the people of Kansas reject the Lecompton Con stitution. If I could hope that the words of one so humble as myself could reach the presence of one so high as the President of the United States, I would entreat him to lend his ear reverently, and hear and respect the voice . of the people of Kansas, however lowly they may seem in the log cabins and homes that they have made for themselves in the wilder ness. What they have accomplished there, under unexampled trials and difficulties, is the miracle of the age. A Commonwealth in all its fair proportions has grown up, as it were, in the night-time. If the President of the United States will have a peaceful Ad ministration; if he will, by and by, have dig nity in retirement ; if he will stand well with the world of mankind; if, like Washington and all our. great Presidents, he wishes to stand well with posterity, let him respect the will of the people of Kansas. It is said that the whcle affair is of little consequence; that the wrong, if it be a wrong, is a small one. But there is in politi cal justice no such thing as a small wrong. A small wrong contains within itself the seeds of all evil. It is further said that the people were fac tious, and as they meant, at any rate, to re ject the Lecompton Constitution, it was right not to , give them a chance to do so. But if the Constitution for any reason did not please them, they had a right to reject it; nothinc , ' is so factious as a minority attemptingto rule a majority. It is said they should be punished for not going to the polls at the bidding of men who were believed to be disposed to defraud them. They went to the polls the first mo ment that they were satisfied of any .chance of a fair return, even though suffering under great disadvantages in the apportionment of representatives. It is said that the people of Kansas, once admitted into the Union, may change their Constitution. If this is dishonestly said, I ' will not use the language which would prop erly deScribe the propositon. If, as it is to be presumed, it is honestly said, and I am sure it is honestly said by the President, then why give to the men of Kansas a rever sionary right where they have a right of pos session? Why do wrong, simply that wrong may be undone? If this is all that is inten ded; if there lies nothing behind this; if there are no indications of a wish to perplex the national councils, and so to pave the way for a change of the national policy or for dis union, then mischief has been done wantonly and gratuitously; the country is convulsed by its public authorities, for an issue as ludic rous as it is wrong. It is hardly worth the while to shatter the Democratic party for anything so paltry. But while it is admitted that the submission of a Constitution to the people is the correct principle, it is said that fourteen States would be displeased if this . correct principal were to be followed out.— Now, the South, in the organic act for Kan sas, obtained all that it asked for, and the main result has been exactly what Southern men foresaw. The South has nothing what ever to gain by the adoption of the Lecomp ton Constitution. It presents no question of practical advantage to the South, and it can not be pretended that the admission of Kan sas under it will carry with it any advantage for the South. As a question on the score of expediency it does nothing but injury to the South; the issue, presented as a Southern one, is untimely and mistaken, unwise, and anything but national. And would it wound any at the South less to have the people of Kansas, as soon as the General Governmerit is out of the way, undo all that has been done? Is it not more re spectful to the South to state the case man fully and temperately, and rely on Southern magnanimity and sense of justice? Again : it is said the Union is in danger ; the Union is to be dissolved. There is no present danger to the Union. The sufferers of wrongS in Kansas have been almost all Northern men; and the North has no wish to desert, or dissolve, or weaken the Union. But it is urged the men of Kansas are in rebellion. The imposition of a loathsome and rejected Constitution is an odd remedy for pretended rebellion, which, as far as I know, has no precedent, except in King Geo . . and the British Parliament in 1774. If Gov ernor Walker found discontents theie, the promises of equity which be made in the name of the president wiled rebellions by means of the ballot-box. 4 , The waves never rise unless the wind blows. If 'the menace of the Lecompton Constitution seemed likely to excite disturbances, Governor Stanton, to his honor be it said, lulled the rising commo tion, not by calling in the army of the Uni ted States, but by peacefully convoking the legal Legislature of the Territory. There is now no insurrection in Kansas ; there is no rebellion there. Cease to dispute the unquestionable right of the majority, and the star of peace will rise serenely, the storm will be hushed, and the waves subside. The Government will not find a rebellion there; let it not provoke one. And what a contrast between a Governor of a Territory restoring peace through the representatives of the people and an officer of the General Government, calling himself a President of a Convention, taking an escort from the army of the United States to make his entry into the capital of Kansas amid the murmurs of its people! If, to the question between the Lecompton Constitution and the people of Kansas, we apply the test of principle, we find that the enforcement of that Constitution will be an act of power against right; of the army against the people; of force against reason ; of usurpation against the rightful will of the majority. It will be a violation of the fun damental principal of free government, which is government by consent. It is direct ly at war with Democracy, whose cardinal point is the power of the people. The sup porters of the Lecompton Constitution have not one square inch of Democratic ground to stand upon. A Constitution for its validity needs the concurrence of the majority of the people, either silently, by a general aquies cence, or by an appeal to the polls. Shall full and unboubted evidence be required for a deed of a foot of land or a gift by will of a shilling ? Shall a merchant or banker have power to stop payment of a check fraud ulently held, and shall the people have no power to stop their servants, from sequester ing their rights? Shall the most insignifi cant treaty of a Minister Plenipotentiary want validity till it is ratified? And shall the highest .treaty of the people with them selves be made in a corner by their! servants - without their assent? Is form everything, and substance nothing? Is appearance every thing, and.truth and right and reality nothing? There is not a precedent for enforeeinp a Constitution against the consent of the peo ple. - The principles of popular ratification is sanctioned-in the Minnesota act... The President in his annual message em phatically declares that the example of -Sub mitting a constitution to the people is foun ded on a correct.principle; so that his instruc tions to Gov. Walker on that subject were propperly expressed in unqualified terms. • Again: Congress has power to admit states, but no power whatever to make a Constitution for a State; still less to impose on a State a Constitution which the majority of its peOple loathe and reject. The tendency to centrali zation of power in the General Government is rapid and dangerous. We protest against its further increase and against its present excess. The true basis of political organiza tion between all parts of the Union was, from its beginning, the rights of the States, and that basis offers for the future, as it has for the past, the most perfect guarantee for secu rity and union. Redress must come from the people of the United States. They in their strength must remedy the existing evil, by a distinct ex pression of their will. The moment is fraught with dangers, which the adoption of the Le compton Constitution would only aggravate. A departure from the principles on which a Government rests is an evidence of its de cay. The violation of the principle of popu lar sovereignty wastes the life-blood of the Re public. Again : in a popular Government, where the rulers are but servants, anarchy steps in when principle is forgotten and expediency is made the guide. Again : the concentration of power in the hands of a Convention like that of Lecomp ton is not an American idea. It is borrowed from those Republics of Europe which were not capable of existing long, for the very reason that power was so concentrated. It is derived from the worst examples of the worst periods of revolutionary Fiance when minor ities usurped power over a nation by terror and reckless daring. If the rule of the mi nority Convention is now formally sanctioned by Congress, it will be a most dangerous pre cedent—an instrument of wrath, treasured up fur a day of wrath. We appeal against this system to the whole Democracy of 'the country • we appeal to all people who love or der, andjustice, and freedom. This cit', for, its numbers, is the wealthiest in the - world. I call on the men of wealth in this great city to take to heart the danger of establishing as a principle that a majority of a single body, elected to a Convention perhaps in times of high excitement, filled, as will sometimes happen, with men desperately daring and corrupt, animated, as men under such cir cumstances are apt to be, by personal and party passions, should assume the absolute right to change the fundamental law of the country without a reference to the people. If they are not alarmed on account of their own fortunes, I ask them to consider what disposition, under such an absolute Conven tion, might be made of corporate property— what changes in the management of trust funds set apart for purposes of charity, or education, or the support of religious wor ship. Especially, speaking sobr earnest ness to reflecting men, I remind the Catho lics of what might happen, calling to their recolletion the grievance to which they were exposed in an Eastern State, and from which they only escaped by the reference of the Constitution to the people. We call on our naturalized citizens to reflect on their danger from the principle involved in accepting the decision of a Convention as final, and with out appeal. Our country is subject to peri odical excitements on the franchise of natur alized citizens ; and it may happen that a Convention"possessed of this absolute power may seek to perpetuate themselves and their party in office by one sweeping disfranchise ment of the foreign born. We call on the poor and on the laboring men to come up to the rescue ; for, in the division that prevails on universal suffrage, sooner or latter, a Con vention would be fOund ready to limit the right to suffrage., and to maintain the limita tion by force. We claim the aid of every irigh:: man to a man, and every decenclent 'of ablr ishman; for Ireland, through three centuries, shows the bitter fruits of a Government im posed by the complicity betwen a shameless minority and the central power. We will not make an appeal to the south, as such; but if any part of the Union has cause for alarm at the increase of the power of a Convention, suddenly called together, we ' should say it is the South • and were Jeffer son alive, we should on lids occasion have a protest from his pen. The guiding principle of his statesmanship was to consult the peo ple and to revere the people. But what do I say ? A voice comes to us from one of Jef ferson's successors, in the Chair of State in the Old Dominion, and in clear and distinct terms he rejects the Lecompton Constitution, as not the act and deed of the people of Kan sas, and he rightly condemns the Lecompton schedule, as not republican. New York will respond to Virginia, and the great Northwest will swell the echo. The policy of enforcing the Lecompton Constitution on an unwilling people is neith er wise, nor expedient, nor possible. Princi ple is the true diviner's wand by which the President of a free people sways - the millions, and secures majorities for his measures in Congress. The neglect of principle for tem porising expediency always loses the respe3t of majorities in Congress and out of it. The ship of State is watter-logged ; throw the fraudulent Lecompton Constitution overboard ; let principle take the helm, and the bark will spring forward on its way as in the best years of our Republic. Ours is the cause, of peace, of order, of true Democracy, of Union, of freedom. All good omens are with us.— For our part, we are resolved to walk in the central path of humanity, shunning sec tionalism and fanaticism on the one side, and subserviency to dictation on the other. True Democracy inscribes on its banner, THE RIGHTS OF TIIE STATES AND ME SOVEREIGN TY OF THE PEOPLE ; it upholds freedom to the individual in the State, freedom to-the State in the Union, and the indefeasible right of the majority, whether in a State or in a Territory, calmly, deliberately, and un disturbed, to form and accept, or reject a Constitution fortheinselvcs. Ea3.-An editorial article in the New Or leans Delta of the 26th asserts that the South have already opened the slave trade, and that a regular depot has been established in Mis sissippi, on the Pearl river. Cargoes of slaves have been received, sold, and are now at work upon the plantations of the purchasers. The Delta says the slave vessels generally sail under the French flag, because the Eng lish cruisers do. not trouble vessels covered by it. prow the St. Louis Republican of Monday week.] The Pacific Hotel Catastrophe. How Mr. Barker escaped—his statement Mr. Thomas M. Barker, of Jefferson City, agent of the Jefferson Examiner, relates the following: "I occupied room No. 21, about the centre of the hotel, in the third story, and was a wakened about three o'clock by a bustling noise in the ball, and a faint cry of 'fire.'—l raised up in my bed and put my hand against the wall and found it hot enough to blister. I jumped up, put on my pants, under-coat, over-coat and shoes ; then unlocked the door and found it difficult to get out into the hall on account of the crowd. I got out rather sideways with the crowd, just in front of Mr. Rochester, who had a trunk on his shoulder, - and tried to get to the front of the house on the Seventh-street side ; I felt a hand that pushed on my shoulder, which seemed to signi fy that I should go to the back of the house, as the crowd were moving that way. All the while there were cries of women, ' Oh God, oh Heavens,' which I heard until, oppressed by a feeling of suffocation, I lost the sense of sound. When I found myself in danger of suffocation, I let fall my baggage and dropped my head to the floor. This relieved me for the moment. Many of the crowd had their trunks on their shoulders and dropped them, one after another, from suffocation, and many fell with them. I could hear the noise of their falling, and the smoke being now so dense prevented me from seeing them. I also heard their gasps in efforts to breathe. I reached the window, and so nearly in a state of suffocation, that for the first time I deemed myself in danger of death. Here I again got breath, but do not know whether it wasby stooping to the floor or lay a rush of air in at the window. At my shoulders, just then, Mr. Rochester struck the window to break the glass to get air, but while doing so fell --back, and I saw him no more. As Rochester disappeared I heard a running noise in the hall, and, turning round, I recognized Mr. Strong. He jumped over the heads of per sons in front of him, (one of whom was six feet two inches tall,) and went through the window, feet foremost, carrying sash and all with him. Mr. Torrence came to my side and walked through the window, gasping and apparently so weak he could scarcely stand. I followed after him, and, like him self and Mr. Strong, found myself on the roof of a small building on the plat of the ,back buildings. Mr. Torrence and, myself jumped about twelve feet down on to the kitchen- roof, which we gained in safety. - I now looked about the roof for Strong. ot finding him, I looked down into the back yard, and by the light of the flames saw him lying -on his back, and motionless. I lis tened, but did not hear him groan, and conclu ded he was dead. Not a word passed be tween myself and T. until I discovered Strong, I then said, "there lies Strong, and our plan is to jump." He agreed with me. Before jumping we tried th windows on that side of the hotel, thinking we might get in and gain the piazza in front; but, on breaking the glass, we were repelled by the smoke, which was thicker there than in the story above, from which we had come. We went back to edge of the roof from which Strong had fal len. I again spoke- to Torrence, saying I would jump first. I looked down to see if I could jump without striking Strong, who lay between two openings or cellar-ways, part of an incomplete foundation there which had never been built upon. I found I could not possibly clear Strong with any security to myself. The fire was making rapid progress, and I felt the roof trembling under me. I then said to Torrence, "If I. am hurt I will halloo," so he could be guided by that how to jump. In another instant I was on the body of Mr. Strong. All this, from the time of leaving my bed, transpired in about five min utes. I rose to my feet, and Torrence then came down striking where I did. I did not feel at all hurt, but greatly excited. Seeing Torernce fall down into one of the cellar ways, I called out, "'Watch !" "Help !" to two watchmen who were coming down Pop lar street. They heard me, and came run ning up. By this time Torrence succeeded in getting out of the cellar. I then pointed out Strong to the policemen, telling them there lay a man either dead or dying. When they took hold of him he emitted the first groan I heard from him. He exclaimed, "0, kill me I kill me 1" "Shoot me !" and ap peared to want fresh air. I left them there and walked to Mrs. Green's, opposite the Eppiscopal Church, on , Sixth street, having, met her daughters on the way, and being in vited by them to go there when I told them of my escape. About fifteen minutes . after ward Strong was brought there by the police. He was in intense agony, cried for fresh air continuously, and repeated his exclamations, "kill me I" " don't let me suffer !" " kill me I" Mrs. Green spread Mattresses on the floor.— A - physician, boarding at the house, was pres ent. Everything was done to alleviate suffer ing. Mrs. Green sent out messengers to have the wounded brought to her house.. Every • one was willing to render all the assistance in their power. Strong died in about twenty minutes ; his, skull and shoulder bone were broken, his nose half torn off, and his shoul ders and side burned—the burns received, I suppose, by his tryino• t' to get out in front.— Torrence was taken elsewere, considerably injured; the blood spirted from his head as he struck the ground. By the time I struck the ground I think no one was alive in the house ; all was gone. Those who died inside of the hotel felt none of the pain of burns, as they died doubtless of suffocation before the flames reached them. I believe that the fire originated in the rear of the drug store, that being the first consumed. The roof over the rear of the grocery store fell second ; next the kitchen. Just as I lit on the ground, I heard the shelves and dishes falling, and breaking in the kitchen. Not less than forty persons, I think, were in the third story when I left my room, and I believe all arc dead. Only Strong,. Torrence, and myself, jumped out of the window. Mr. Johnson, one of those found dead on the ground back of the house, is not from Chicago; he is from Michigan.— Before going to bed that night, the boarders were gayer than usal, being more talkative and more sociable. Mr. 'McNutt, from Penn sylvania, clerk of a steamboat, who is report ed missing, roomed with Strono. and Roches ter, and must have been burned. My hurts are very slight, considering the distance I jumped, which seems to have been forty-five feet. They consist of a shock to the nervous system, and a bruise on the, right foot, which will prevent my walking for two weeks. On my back, shoulders, and finger, and elbow joints, are bruises and sprains. [)The Steamship Moses Taylor arrived at New York from California, on Saturday, with $1,500,000 in gold. There has been a multitude of suicides and bloody affrays. Huntingdon County Teachers' Institute. Pursuant to a call issued by the Board of Managers, the Association assembled on Monday, 22d inst., in the public school room occupied by Miss C. T. Benedict in this place, at 2 o'clock, P. M. • In the absence of the President, the Meet ing was called to order by Mr. Wm. Stewart, one of the Vice Presidents. The minutes of the last Session were read and adopted. A majority of the executive committee being absent, on motion, A. R. Miller, 3. M. Stonebreaker, 11. Wilson, and Miss N. Mc- Divitt were apppointed to fill said Commit tee, and the following subjects presented for discussion : Ist. The Teacher's first duty on opening School. 2nd. Best method of teaching Grammar and Composition. 3rd. Best method of teaching Geography. The first subject as opened by Mr. Barr, and continued by Messrs. Miller, Stone breaker, Brown, Owen, White, Harvey, Ba ker and others. ' The subject of teaching Grammar and Com position was opened by Mr. Stonebreaker, who was followed in the discussion by Messrs. Baker, Miller, Wilson, McCarthy, Eldredge and Brown. Subject closed. On motion of R. McDivitt, a committee of three was appointed in behalf, of the Associ ation, to draft resolutions expressive of re gret for the death of Miss 11. N. Benedict, Miss S. H. Schuyler, and Miss L. J. Hilde brand, members of the Association. Ch air appointed R. McDivitt, 11. T. White and F. H. Lane, said committee. Adjourned to meet in the Court House at 7 o'clock in the evening. Moic nar—Evening Session.—H. W. Miller, Esq., appointed Presidentpro tem. Minutes of afternoon session read and adopted. The Executive ComMittee presented the following order of exercises for this evening and to morrow. Ist. An address to the 'Association by A. W. Benedict, Esq., on the subject of the An niversary of the Institute. 2nd. Discussion of the subject, "What do we educate for," to be opened by G. P. El dredge. For Tuesday Morning Session-Ist. Con tinuance of the subject of Grammar and Composition. 2nd. Best method of securing good recitations. For the Afternoon Session —lst. Best method of teaching Orthography. 2nd. Discussion of the question—Should the County Superintendency be abolished? The Committee last appointed, presented iiirough their chairman, the following reso lutions, which were adopted: WHEREAS : It has pleased an All-wise Providence. during the past year, to remove from our midst, by death, three of our number—Miss HAantEr N. BENEDICT, DABS SAE:SHIT. Scnurazic, and Miss LUCRETIA J. HILDEBRAND, therefore Resolred, That whilst in this, to us mysterious dispen sation, we would recognize the hand of Him who " doeth all things well," and bow in low submission to His will, we are again most solemnly and impressively admonished of the uncertainty of life, and the importance of being "also ready" to obey that dread summons which all must sooner or later receive. Resolved, That while we mingle our sympathies and sor rows with those of friends and relatives, as the pure, the beautiful and the good are taken from us, we sorrow not "as those without hope; having the assurance that "the early called" have been taken in mercy from the evil to come, that a life of usefulness here has been exchanged fin• a blissful immortality beyond the grave, and that our loss is their infinite and eternal gain. The Association was then addressed at some length by A. W. Benedict, Esq. ; and at the close of his oration, the subject—" What do we educate for?" was opened by Mr. Eldridge, and continued until time for adjournment.— Messrs. Miller, Barr, Benedict, and others, participated. The chair then, on motion, appointed R. McDivitt, Miss C. T. Benedict, F. H. Lane, A. R. Miller, and R. B. Brown, a committee to draft resolutions. Adjourned till Tuesday morning, 9 o'clock. TUESDAY—Morning Session.—Meeting called to order by the President. The Constitution being called for, was read by the Secretary. Subject of the best method of teaching Gram mar and Composition resumed, and opened by Mr. Baker, who was followed by Mr. Lane and others. The subject of the best method of securing good recitations, was opened by Mr. Brown and continued by Messrs. Stone breaker and White. Adjourned till 2P. M. Afternoon Session.---in the absence of the Recording Secretary, G. P. Eldredge was chosen Secretary pro tent. The subject of teaching Orthography was introduced and opened by Mr. Lytle, who was followed by Messrs. Barr, Baker, Miss McDivitt, Miss Benedict, Messrs. Stone breaker, Benedict and others. On motion, discussion closed. An inquiry was then instituted as to the probable cause of the absence of so many teachers from the Institute, when, on motion, Mr. Baker was requested to state the cause of so small an - attendance from the lower end of the county, which he did, giving as the principal reason, that the County Superin tendent bad used his irdluence against the meeting, and had endeavored, as far as pos sible, to prevent the teachers from attending. Mr. Baker was followed by . Mr. Eldredge and others, who sustained him in the asser tion, and corroborated his statement. The subject—Should the County Superintendency be abolished? was then taken up and dis cussed by Messrs. Baker, Benedict, Jno. Williamson, Esq., and others. Adjourned till 7 P. M. Evening Session.—The following persons were nominated officers for the ensuing year, and elected : President—H. Wilson. Vice Prcsidents—J J. N. Hall, J. M. Stone breaker. Recording Secretary—lt. 3.leDivitt. Correspondent Secretary—A. W. Benedict Librarian—Miss Eunice M. Africa. Treasurer—H. W. Miller. Executive Committee-11. B. Brown, Wm. Stewart, F. 11. Lane, Miss C. T. Benedict and Mrs. Susan L. Black. Financial Committee—Wm. Colon, 11. T. White, Miss N. McDivitt. Board of Managers—A. W. Benedict, B. F. Brown, John Baker, A, R. Miller, George P. Eldredge. The question--should the County Superin tendency be abolished, being called for, was resumed, and remarks on the subject made by Messrs. Barr, McDivitt and Whito, and, on motion, closed for the present. The following resolution was offered by A. W. Benedict, and adopted. Resolved, That the provision in the 41st Section of the School Law, giving the County Superintendent the right to annul the Professional Certificate of any teacher upon his own mere motion, whether induced by caprice, prejudice or power, without any assigned cause, affecting the capacity, integrity, or good morals of the teacher, is an arbitrary and oppressive enactment, not in harmony with the genius of our institutions, and demands repeal or amendment. On motion_qt R. McDivitt, the following persons were stitated honorary members of the Association, viz :—A. L. Grim, M. F. Campbell, Alex. Port, and Wm. Lewis. The committee on resolutions then present ed the following, for the consideration of the Institute, which were adopted : Wm:1Mo: We deem it our duty as well as our right, in this enlightened and intelligent community, to meet to gether for the purpose of discussing these subjects best cal culated for our mutual improvement, interest and ad vantage, as well as the cause of general education; and, whereas, we recognize in the County Institute, the most efficient means of bringing us together for that purpose,— Therefore, Resolved, That we regard the holding of the County In stitute as a necessity, and the teacher who wilfully neglects to attend the same, as remiss in his duty as he - would bo in neglecting his daily avocation intim school-room. Resolved, That we sincerely regret' the want'of interest manifested by Teachers, School Directors and citizens on the present occasion, and would most respectfully and earnestly call their attention to a matter of such vital im portance. Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the officers of the former year for the faithful and efficient Manner in which they have discharged their duties, and also to those who have addressed us during the services of this Institute. Resolved, That we regard the Pennsylvania School Jour nal as worthy of onr highest commendation, and deserving of our individual exertion, in order to increase its circula tion. Resolved, That we recommend to the Teachers of Hunt ingdon county, the more general introduction of the study of Composition into there Schools, as a branch of Common School Education. Resolved, That we deem the study of Words, as regards' Etymology, Orthography, Pronunciation and Definitions, as au important branch of education, and would direct the attention of Teachers, School Directors, and all -others in terested in the cause of education, to Worcester's Series of Dictionaries, as representing the best usages of the lan guage, and the most reliable in disputed points, either in orthography or orthoepy. Resolved; That the Secretary be directed to furnish the papers of our county and the Pennsylvania School Jour nal, with a copy of the above proceedings. On motion, adjourned, subject to the call of the Board of Managers. H. W. MILLER, Pres't, R. MCDIvITT, Seey. Kansas Frauds It would be well for those Democrats who support the Lecompton swindle to remember that they all seek a future ; and that the speeches which they now make, and the frauds which they now endorse, will stand before them the "haunting conscience of a great crime," and warn them from those hon ored and honorable paths of Democratic pro motion which are sacred to free opinion, and the sanctity of the ballot-box, and the manly investigation of frauds. If Democracy means political honesty, which we always fondly hoped it did, then the Lecompton Constitution cannot be a Democratic measure, for it was conceived in fraud, and brought into existence by a jug gle. Every day brings us more scandalous evidence of the necessity there is for the Democratic party to keep clear of the Le compton business. Frauds accumulate upon frauds. The more extensive the investigation the more extensive the iniquities brought to light. The facts regarding Kickapoo were incontrovertible. People who never existed, voted ; and of course this was a fair example to the ghosts of people who did exist once to come to life, for the sake of perpetrating frauds on the ballot-box. The rascally frauds relating to the Delaware Crossings are so patent and so enormous that even Calhoun is afraid to touch them. Here is an official ex pose of other frauds equally enormous, and in the name of which members of Congress are conjured to vote for Lecompton: LAWRENCE, February 8, 1858. The undersigned was appointed by the Territorial Legislature one of the commis sioners to take the census of all the white male inhabitants over 21 years of age in the townships of Oxford and Shawnee, in- the county of Johnson, and, having discharged that duty, has reported to the Governor as follows: Whole number of inhabitants over 21 years of age in Oxford, 42 ; of which only 14 dated their residence prior to April 5, 1857. Whole number of inhabitants over 21 years of age in Shawnee, 115; of which only-48 date their residence prior to April 5, 1857. The vote returned from Oxford township at the January election was about 750. The vote returned from Shawnee township, at the January election was 894. CIIARLES MAYO, Commissioner. How can the Democracy swallow Kicka poo, Delaware Crossing, Oxford, and Shaw nee? Before Heaven and the American peo ple, how are they to excuse these frauds, and upon them base a reason to force a Constitu tion upon an an American community which is opposed to it, in the eighty-second year of the Republic ? Washington, States. MORMON INTATUATION IN SAN FRANCISCO.- A gentleman residing in San Francisco, Cal. with his wife and family, bad occasion, some two months since, to go up the country, lea ving his wife in possession of nearly all, his worldly gear. Upon his return, he was sur prised to learnthat she had left for the Mor mon settlement in San Bernardino, carrying everything with her, He started in' pursuit, by the next steamer, and found his wife and family at Bernardino, with a team all packed up for Salt Like. He tried to persuade her to remain, but it was useles. She threw herself upon his neck and wept fervently, be cause he would not go with her; but she re fused to turn back. She appeared to feel very bad at the idea of leaving her husband among the Gentiles, whome she believed were destined to be destroyed by wars, famine, and pestilence, and told him lie would yet be glad to walk to Salt Lake and beg for bread, as the whole Gentile race were doomed.-- She told him he would be starving here; but in the land of Saints there would be an abun dance of this world's goods. The husband, rather than go on with her, turned back and left her in the company of those who , had succeeded in imbuing her with such a strange infatuation. He now hopes to go on to the Lake in the spring, with the troops, rescue her and his family, and send her back to her parents and friends. This is another instance of the powerful hold the teachers of the Mormon faith are capable of obtaining on the minds of females. MINISTRATOR'S NO TIC E.- - - Letters of Administration have been granted to the subscriber, upon the Estate of SAMUEL Issnarma, (of Enoch) late of Porter township, deceased. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them properly authenticated to me . SAMUEL ISENBERG, (of Henry) Adm'tor, Feb. 3, 1853-ot. - EN THE COURT of Common Pleas of „L Huntingdon county of August term, 1857, No. 613, Libel for Divorce, Martha Bennett vs. Harvey Bennett,— A subpoena to August Term, and an alias subpoena to No ',ember Term, 1857, having both been returned that re spondent could not be found in said county, and proof thereof having been mado according to the Act of Assem bly, in, snch ease made and provided, you, the tsaici Harvey Bennett; are hereby notified and required to be and appear before the said court, on the second Monday of April, A, D., 1858, to answer the complaint of the said Martha Ben. net. OBAFFUS MILLER, Sheriff. January 27, 1857. HE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. 31. McN. WALSH, Principal. This school for young Ladies and Gentlemen is probably the cheapest one of the kind in the country. The expen ses per year for board, room rent, furniture, fuel and tui tion in common English are only $BB. Piano Music is only $5 per quarter. All the Languages and the Ornamentals are proportionally cheap. For other information, address JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville, Huntingdor.Lcounty, Pa January 13, 1857. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST Stock of Fancy Silks, and Colored'Straw Bonnets in town, aro at FISHER & OOTS and SHOES,. the.largest and cheapest assortment is ttven, at D. I'. GIVIN'S.