The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 03, 1858, Image 2
THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. Important from Utah. Direct from Salt Lake--- Officers of the Utah Expedition in Salt Lake city—Conversation with Brigham Young-2ltormon rims. (prom the Saereanentotlnion.] The mail-carrier arrived Oct. 28., from Car son Valley, bringing the express, U. S. mail, and important dispatches direct from Salt Lake City, sent by a Mormon to his friends in Carson Valley. The express found no dif ficulty in coining through ; in fact, the trail is open sufficiently for the passage of pack animals, the greatest depth of snow on Ne vett's Summit being less than three feet. The following are the main particulars of the Salt Lake news, which is condensed from a copy of a despatch brought by express : The Mormon train, after leaving Carson Valley, got-along very well, and without any difficulty with Indians. Nine of us left the train at the head of Humboldt, and pushed on for our destination, Salt Lake City, arriv ing there eight days ahead of the tram, mak ing the trip in thirty days. We suffered con siderably from the cold, but there was no snow of any account. We are all in good spirits. I will give you the particulars in regard to the war here. The troops arrived at Fort Bridger seven weeks ago, with an enormous caravan of horses, mules, and cattle. They wanted to come into the Valley to establish the laws of the United States, and put down polygamy ; release all those who wanted to leave, agreeing to furnish them teams and means to reach either California or the States. Sonic: of the• head officers have been into the city to purchase grain and such things as they wanted to use. .They had a talk with Brigham, and told him they came to civilize the people, establish schools, &c. Brigham said to them that he didn't want them there, but told them if they would lay down their arms they might come and stay there this win ter, and he would find them provisions for the winter, and they could leave in the spring for the States or California. They replied that they knew no orders only from the President of the United States, and wore there to come into Salt Lake City in spite of Brigham or old Christ. Brigham told them if they wore bound to come, why not come ? what made them stay where they were ? We have taken from them 1,500 head of cattle and burnt their wagons. We have now got the soldiers I completely surrounded. Some of them have deserted and come into the Valley. They are well treated. The troops do not know what to do. If they give up their arms and come in peaceably they will be well treated ; but, if they undertake to come in by force, they will all be killed. The Mormons are all in high spirits, and say they will die rather than have the soldiers come into their midst. Hundreds of the boys are anxious to kill the soldiers, but Brigham won't let them, One of the soldiers, an Irishman, said he was com ing in, and would take one of -Brigham's wives and promenade through the streets with her. Ido not feel alarmed, as I think it will come out all right in the end. I wish you were here to see a war-dance." The foregoing particulars are certified to as as correct, by a gentleman from Carson Val ley, well known here, who is acquainted with the parties who received the communication, which is dated Salt Lake City, Nov. 5. • FURTHER INTELLIGENCE DIRECT FROM THE MOR MON CAMP. [Prom the Nevada Journal.] Mr. L. D. Grover, a friend from home land, dropped in upon us the other day, di rect from Salt Lake. Mr. Grover came with Mr. Bell, of Livingston, Kincaid & Co., to San Barnardino and substantiates the reports from the Mormon settlements published by that gentleman. He says the accounts of out rages committed at Salt Lake, cannot be ex aggerated. No tongue can tell the state of things there existing. One must see with his own eyes to comprehend all. A fellow clerk was taken out of the store in which Mr. Gro ver was, and beaten almost to death in the street. No cause was assigned for the com mission of the deed. Stealing, burglary, rob bery, and all the higher crimes, are of fre quent•occurrence, and if the blow falls upon a Gentile no notice is taken of it. The Saints are so infatuated as to believe that they are able not only to withstand the - United States, but to conquer eventually the whole country. They boast that they will one day go back to Jackson county, Missouri, and obtain the land from which they were driven by Governor Boggs. However, Brig ham, when the spirit of the Lord moves him, takes good care to predict, if the Saints are beaten by the United States troops, the Mor mons will re-enact the tragedy of Moscow, burn the city and flee to the mountains.— There seems to be a doubt entertained by the leaders of the fanatics that they are om nipotent. Among the Mormons, the only course pro posed in the hearing of Mr. Grover, in case of defeat, is to go northward. Some speak of taking up a position in a valley twenty seven miles beyond Salt Lake, which is strong by nature, and can be made still more so by art ; and with two or three years' pro visions, which they are said to have on hand, they hope to be able to stand out against any force that can be brought to oppose them. One serious want the Mormons labor under, they have no artillery; three six pounders constitute the entire heavy ord nance of the Saints. Efforts have been made tc cast larger pieces, but failed. Good small arms are being manufactured diligently. Notwithstanding the anticipated collision, building and all sorts of expensive improve ments are going on as usual, and by men high in authority. This seems a little strange, but the Mormons are a strange people. stay-Dr,.Anson Jones, ex-President of the late Republic of Texas, committed suicide on the Bth ult. He was a native of Philadelphia, and a graduate of the university of Pennsyl vania. He went to Texas whilst it was yet a province of Mexico, and took an active part in the revolution, which resulted in its inde pendence. He was engaged in the battle of San Jacinto, as captain of a company. He was subsequently Minister at Washington, from the young Republic, President of the Texan Senate, and by virtue of his office, be came vice President and finally President of Texas, which position he held at the period of annexation to this country. He was but recently a candidate for the office of IT. States Senator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Gen. Rusk, who, it will be remem bered, also committed suicide. 'According to the official documents, the necessary expense incurred in the sup pression of Indian hostilities in Washington Territory is nearly . $1,500,000 ; and the to tal expense unpaid in Oregon for similar pur poses is $4,500,000;'f0r maintaining the -volunteer force in the former Territory, not including the pay of volunteers, $961,000; and in the latter Territory more than $ 3 , - 000,000. . Letter from Kansas. [Correspondence of the Press.] FORT SCOTT, KANSAS, Jan. 19,1858. It is a matter of every-day remark in the' East that the West cannot sustain itself be cause of the " ruinous prices" it pays for the use of money. The " panic" has put both East and West to a very severe trial, in which the West has proved itself equal to the worst emergencies. Except in such places as St. Paul, where speculation has run far ahead of the development of the country, and where the climate is -too cold to give back any great return for the industry of the pioneer, there is no serious embarrassment among Western men. Take, as an illustration, the State of Illinois. If her people have felt the pressure of the times, it is only from outside influen ces. She has grain enough in her granaries to pay all her honest debts at the opening of navigation. We have good reasons to justify us in pay ing high rates of interest. A good farmer here, can get one hundred and sixty acres of land, as good as any in Chester or Lancaster counties, for $1.25 per acre. It will cost him about $6 or $8 per acre to get it plowed and fenced. The planting and gathering of the crop will cost a few dollars more per acre, to gether with his improvements, but his first crop will pay all expenses, and leave him clear of all incumbrances, a farm worth $2,000. The first crop is what we call a " sod" crop. It is usually corn planted in the upturned sod, anytime between the Ist of April and the Ist of June. It needs no harrowing, or plough ing, or working of any kind. It usually yields from fifteen to forty bushels to the acre, and, owing. to the constant emigration, and the. demand created by the military posts west of us, readily averages, through the winter and spring, 75 cents to $1.50 per bushel. It is the practice of all our citizens to have, each for himself, his farm or " claim" of 160 acres. This he may improve at his leisure. Ile is sure to have a year, and, perhaps, lon ger, in which to pay for it. If he chooses to let it be unimproved, devoting all his time to his trade or profession, the constant emigra tion and the improvements around him will be making it more valuable every day. Thus, you see, a mechanic, besides getting good wages, can be getting a good home for his family. There are scores of good "claims" in this county still untaken. The emigration of the coming summer will absorb the best-of them. It is quite probable that in two or three years, no unimproved land in this coun ty can be had for less than $5 per acre.— Fort Scott will give value to every acre of land in the county. In addition to the richness of our soil, we have an abundance of the best lime and sand stone. Stone-coal of the best quality under lies the town site, and projects from every surrounding hill. It is in general use in the town. Almost every "claim" contains it.— A fine vein of Cannel coal may be seen on the claim of Judge Williams, near town. To give you an idea of the advance in the price of property, I may as well give you an instance that has fallen under my own obser vation. It is, of course, an extreme case, but you can hardly find a western town that can not match it. A claim of one hundred and sixty acres ad joining the town site of Fort Scott, was sold last Spring for $5O. The troubles in the Ter ritory had thus kept down the price of prop erty. When I was first here, towards the last of June, I could have bought it for $5OO. When I came back, in August, I advised my friend to buy it at $1,600, which he did. It is a great bargain at that price. Yours, &c. G. A. C. A PROFITABLE POSITION.—The office of Flour Inspector of the City of Philadelphia is one of the most lucrative in the gift of the Governor. There is now a bill before the Legislature to have two Inspectors instead of one, but this does not meet with much ap probation, and the bill will probably be de feated. The Inspector-in-Chief generally ap points three Inspectors, who do the labor at low salaries. The fees, as authorized by law, are one cent per barrel for flour and meal, two cents each for hhds., and a half cent each for half barrels. To a casual observer these figures seem but a small compensation, but by referring to the accompanying official state ment of the inspections it will be seen that the revenue is a handsome one : INSPECTIONS IN 1857 Flour, barrels - - 623,296 at 1 cent, $6,232 96 " half barrels, 6,956 at 'IA " 29 73 Rye Flour, " 16,683 at 1 " 166 S 3 Corn Meal,' " 54,991 at 1 " 549 91 " half barrels, 475 at 34 " 2 3734 " hogsheads, 392 at 2 cents, 7 84 Total, $5,989 1434 Less salaries of three deputies, - - 1,500 00 Net profit, $5,489 14y 1 The inspectors are each furnished with a scoop which they thrust into each -barrel, drawing therefrom about a half pound of. Flour or Meal, from which they draw their conclusions as to the quality of the article, and brand the barrel accordingly. This scoop holds about a half pound of Flour or Meal, which the Inspector keeps as his per quisite. This is no small matter. The total inspections last year were 682,770 barrels, equal to 341,330 pounds, which at 3 cents per pound, would net about $lO,OOO, to -which must be added the fees, amounting to $5,489, makig a total of $15,489. Who would not be a Flour Inspector? SUGGESTIVE.-A New Orleans paper pre sents a very suggestive paragraph in the fol lowing, which he entitles. "The March to the grave of 1857 :"—"What a mighty pro cession have been moving toward the grave during the past year! At the usual estimate, since the first of January, 1857, there have been more than thirty-one millions five hun dred thousand of the world's population gone down to the grave. Place them in long array, and they will give a moving column of more than thirteen hundred to every mile of the e& curl of the Globe. What a specta cle, as they move tramp, tramp, tramp, the 'Dead March,' giving its funeral notes as they gn to their silent graves !" ImmeNereus, Jan. 29.—A mob at Ligon ier arrested three counterfeiters on Tuesday last and deliberately hanged one, and was about to execute the second one in the same manner, when it was agreed by a small ma jority to let the law take its course. The third one, who was guilty of making bogus ooin, was also delivered into the hands of the United States Deputy Marshal, and brought here to-day for trial. They wore committed to jail, in default of $2OOO bail. rtgi,—"l say, Sambo, can yer answer dis connondefrum ; Supposin' I gib you a bottle of whiskey corked shut with a cork ; how would you get de whiskey out widout pulling do cork or breaking de bottle. "I gives dat up." "Why, push de cork in, Yah ! Yah ! LETTER PROM ESCAPED COUNTERFEITERS.- The Norristown, I?egister of the 26th ult., says : "We have been presented with the following copy of a letter sent to Mr. David Cummings, of this county, by two individu als named Charles Thomas and. Lewis 1 Al len, who escaped recently from the jail it,t Doylestown. It will be remembered that these two distinguished. gentlemen weie ar rested in Doylestown some time since by Messrs. Cummings and. Clayton for passing counterfeit money. They were both confined in one room in the lower story of the left cor ridor of the jail at that place. With a com mon hand-saw they cut through their cell floor into the cellar underneath, from which they gained an entrance into the jail yard. Then cutting up their bed. quilt, they made a rope with which they succeeded in making an escape. The letter speaks for itself, and we publish it as a specimen of genuine im pudence: • D. CUMMINGS : " THE 2 GENTLEMEN OF VErtome present their compliments to Mr. Cummings, and are certainly obliged to him for the trou-, ble he put himself to in arresting, theni CHRISTMAS DAY. We are duly sensible of your kindness on that occasion, and it shall be gratefully reinemered as long as we live. We hope you may live a thousand years, also present our united compliments to your wife and children. But we are now free, thank heaven, though it took some head work and hard work ; my hand is so -blistered with using the wood saw, that I can hardly write a genteel letter ; however, preSent our united compliments to the Sheriff of Bucks, and all who in any manner con tributed to our comfort during the time we were boarding at that magnificent PUBLIC HOTEL. They will no doubt excuse us for not going through the usual compliments of shaking hands before we left—we can now sing The star spangled banner, lon g may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. WHEN SHALL WE 3 MEET AGAIN Another Chance for Santa Anna. About six weeks ago we announced that General Comonfort, aided by General-Zuloa ga, commander-in-chief, had effected a new revolution in Mexico, of which he was Presi dent, and had succeeded in obtaining himself recognized as Dictator, with a. power of re modelling the Constitution whenever it suited his own convenience. In a word, this was a coup didn't, in the fashion of those effected by the two Napoleons ; and there can scarce ly be a doubt that, having thuS unrestricted sovereign sway, the ambition of Comonfort only awaited a facile and favorable opportu nity of still further following the Napoleonic example, and-assuming the title and dignity of Emperor. There was precedent, in Mex ico, for such a step. It is within the memory of livinc , ° men, and those not far declined in the vale of years, that Augustin Iturbide, who mainly assisted in freeing Mexico from the yoke of Spain ; was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico, in May, 1822, with hereditary succession to his family —the power of creating nobles—the right to institute an Order of Knighthood, and all the other Imperial accessories. He held this rank for about ten months, and then abdicated, be ing allowed a large yearly pension, on condi tion that be would expatriate himself. But, after a year's retirement, Iturbide returned to Mexico, where he was executed as a public enemy. At any rate, therefore, there has I been an Emperor of Mexico in Modern times, so that Dictator Comonfort could have strictly followed precedent. The course of politics, like that of true love, never yet ran smooth. Scarcely had Comon fort been seated in the Dictator's chair, be fore he began to experience this. Mexico, he had hoped, would have unanimously submit ted to him, and, indeed, at first, whether in fluenced by fear or policy, the leading provin ces declared in his favor. Somehow or other, the Dictator offended the army. The troops, under General Zuloaga, who had originally shown much zeal in placing Comonfort in his new position, have turned against him, and his authority is generally disputed, not only in the city of Mexico, the seat of Government, but in almost every part of the country. The city itself is in a state of siege, and severe conflicts had taken place between Comon fort's adherents and the other parties. In these encounters, Comonfort's troops had sen erally been defeated. There seems little chance that he can retain his position. For the supreme power in Mexico, three parties are actively agitatin—Comonfort to retain his position, General Zuloaga, backed by a portion of the military, and, strange to say, Santa Anna. If the chapter of accidents should'• again raise Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to su preme power in Mexico, there will indeed be great cause for surprise.—The Press. . A SINGULAR. STATENENT.—III Governor Denver's message to the Teritorial Legislature of Kansas, he calls attention to the existence of a "Danite" Mormon organization in Kan sas, whose members are bound by the most solemn oaths and obligations to resist the laws, take the lives of their fellow citizens, or com mit any other act of violence that may be di rected by their leaders; and to the existence of this band he attributes certain assassinations that have been recently perpetrated in the Teritory. The Washington Union suggests a complicity between the disturbers of the peace in Kansas and the Mormon traitors, which has been rumored before, and that possibly the necessity for retaining the Utah expedition in Kansas during the past summer may have been created by Brigham Young's agents: and, as a consequence, he was thus enabled to maintain his power at Great Salt Lake City a year longer. It is believed, also, that the "bogus" telegraphic despatches concerning the condition and progress of the military ex pedition against Utah, which generally reach here two or three days in advance of the wore reliable information, are, furnished by : phis Mormon agent in Kansas. The statement of the existence of the organization is certainly a singular one, and coming from official sour ces, seems entitled. to belief. The Govern ment will, no doubt, institute such inquiries as will establish its truth or falsity. New York, on Tuesday last, a. man named Francis McHugh, on trial for high way robbery, though he only stole a plug of tobacco, a lead pencil and a three cent piece, was sentenced by Judge. Russel to thirteen years and nine months in the State Prison. " PHILAVA., Jan. 12. lIyECEIPTS SI, EXPENDITURES OF THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON, from the 11th of Jammu 1857, to tho 3d day of April 1857, including both days.—Account of A. B, Crewet, esq., deed. RECEIPTS: 1854. Joseph Douglass, Walker, po 00 1855. Alexander Ewing, Franklin, 49 75 " Thomas Osborn, Jackson, 174 26 " Benjamin Baker, Tod, . • 70 13 1855. Joseph Forrest, Barree, 275 00 "4 George Rupert, Brady, 177 68 " Samuel Pheasant, Case, 87 91 " Frederick Harman, Cromwell, 327 00 " Jacob S. Hunt, Dublin, 153 00 " Samuel Wigton, Franklin, 427 00 " William Rothrock, Huntingdon, 529 40 - " Jacob Summers, Hopewell, 84 91 " Solomon Hamer, Jackson, 105 00 " Benjamin Wallace, Morris, 285 00 " George Garner, Penn, 100 00 " John N. Swoope, Porter, 413 00 " Joseph Miller, Shirley, 600 00 " Benjamin Long, Shirleysburg, 123 69 " Jacob Booher, Springfield, 100 00 " Samuel Hackedorn, Tell, 250 00 " Andrew J. Dunlap, Tod, 340 00 " David Pheasant, Union, 112 00 " Joseph Isenberg, Walker, 200 00 " 'Henry Grazier, Warriorsmark, 375 00 " William Moore, West, 451 00 " Nicholas Corbin, Cassrille, 28.5,890 91 Amount of County Tax on Unseated Lands, 296 " School " c c (.4 2 06 cc Road cc c c cc 90 5 92 Balance due County Treasurer, 2,862 70 EXPENDITURES: Balance duo A. B. Crewe; esci., County Treasurer, at last settlement, $1274 58 Attorney General, Prothonotary, Sheriff; and wit ness fees on criminal prosecutions, 478 22 Constables for making returns, &c., 34 97 Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Criers, &c., 826 88 Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections, 123 09 Assessors' Orders, 61 24 Inquisitions on dead bodies, 26 04 Road and Bridge view, $l3B 00 Road damages, John Fry, 275 00 ,4 " Abraham Shenefelt, 150 00 503 00 Eamon ORDIMIS: John Gaghagan for repairing bridge:be low Alexandria, 460 00 David Blair for bridge at -Blair's Mill in Tell township, 360 00 Andrew Wise & Co., for extra work done to bridge at Huntingdon, 225 00 1,045 00 County Auditors, 34 00 Benjamin H. Neff, 40 00 Jacob Baker, 37 00 11. L. lA'earthy, 45 00 146 00 Clerk to Commissioners in full for 1858, 75 00 cc ‘, on account for 1857, 45 00 Attorney to Commissioners, J. Bead, esq., 20 90 140 00 County Bonds paid as follows : William B. Leas, 517 50 Interest on County Bonds, Wm. IL Leas, 60 00 577 50 Repairs, Furniture and Merchandise for the Court House and Jail, 159 07 Huntingdon County Agricultural Society, 100 00 Premium on Wild Cat and Fox Scalps, 104 25 State Lunatic Asylum for D. Brotherline, 81 25 For county Printing, J. A. Nash and B. F. Miller, 12 75 Blank Books and Dockets for public offices, 84 22 Boarding Jurors-in case of Cotn'th. vs Pat. Smith, 28 00 A. Wise & Co. on account for Stable at Jail, 100 00 J. F. Barney on account for running and making county line between Huntingdon and Mifflin, 75 00 Sheriff Miller on account for boarding prisoners Eze. 75 00 _Refunding Order to Charles Mickley, 14 04 • Mad tax on unseated lands paid out, 4 50 School " CG GC 15 57 34 n Washing for'prisoners in jail in full for '56, 10 00 Scrubbing Court House and privy &c. " 625 16 25 Directors of the poor in full for 1856, 1,880 95 c: - ,c part i‘ 1857, 268 10 2,149 05 Amount of Lancaster Bank notes received from Collectors and deposited in Bank by direc tion of Commissioners, 240 00 Treasurer's commission on $12,937 72, 104 06 Receipts and Expenditurs of Huntingdon county from the 4th day of April 1857, to the 4th day of January 1858, including both days. RECEIPTS: 1854. Joseph Douglas, Walker, $ 21 94 1855. John Smith, Barree, 100 00 " David Etnier, Cromwell, 138 99 " Thomas Osborn, Jackson, 19 26 " Abraham Isenberg, Morris, 20 00 " John Thompson, Walker, 20 00 1856. Joseph Forrest, Barree, . 575 83 " George Rupert, Brady, lB5 78 " David Heck, Clay, 228 67 " Frederick Harman, Cromwell, 341 81 " Jacob S. Hunt, Dublin,l6B 25 " Samuel Wigton, Frankin, 898 31 " William Rothrock, Huntingdon, 656 88 " Solomon Hamer, Jackson, 349 03 " B. F. Wallace, Morris, 510 00 " George Garner, Penn, 306 95 " John N. Swoope, Porter, 1,125 90 " Joseph .Miller, Shirley, 458 81 " Benjamin Long, Shirleysburgl, 32 42 " Jacob Booher, Springfield, 80 96 " Samuel Hackedorn, Tell, ' 36 27 " A. J. Dunlap, Tod, 269 29 " David Pheasant, Union, 96 09 " Joseph Isenberg, Walker, 504 42 " Henry Grazier, Warriorsmark, 175 14 " William Moore, West, 1,055 97 1857. Alexander Stitt, Alexandria, 100110 " John R. APCarthy, Brady, 305 00 " Peter Livingston, Barree, 310 00 " George M. Green, Cass, 155 00 " Joseph Park, Clay, '2 40 " William Johns, Cromwell, 125 22 " William Bice, Franklin, 513 09 " George Numor, Henderson, ' 177 00 " Samuel S. Smith, Huntingdon, 917 37 " George 11. Weaver, Hopewell, 200 00 • " John Jackson, Jackson, 227 60 " Henry Mark, Juniata, 62 00 " Samuel 'Tarnish, Morris, 95 00 " George Miller, Oneida. 67 83 " Andrew G. Neff, Penn, 553 00 " David P. Henderson, Porter, 172 00 " James G. Doyle, Shirley, 289 23 " Charles Bowersox, Shirleyeburg, 106 63 " Joshua Johns, Springfield, 41 50 " Thomas Cisney, Tell, 100 00 " Abraham Elias ' Tod, 90 00 " M. P. Campbell, Union, 11311 " Martin Fier' ner, Walker, 334 80 " Samuel Lehman, Warriorsmark, 585 04 " John Thompson, West, 361 6514462 34 County Tax on Unseated Lands, 3 36 School 44 4C 44 1 57 Road " ~ " 70 5 63 For rent for Court House, 7 00 For sale of Stray Steer, 1 64 For Fines collected by Justice Backous, 15 00 23 64 Balance due County Treasury, 1567 00 EXPENDITURES: Attorney General, Prothonotary, Sheriff, and witness fees on criminal prosecutions, $361 49 Constables for making returns, advertising Spring Elections, &c. 297 38 Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Crier, &c. 1690 84 Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections, 703 33 Assessors' Orders, 306 3S Inquisitions on dead bodies, 24 62 Road and Bridge views, - $195 50 Road damages, Rudy's estate, 55 00 253 50 BRIDGE ORDERS : A. Wise & Co. for building Bridge at Huntingdon, 1859 32 A. Wise & Co. for repairing Bridge above Huntingdon, 946 51 E. E. & A. Ramsey, for repa ' g Bridge across Black Log Creek. 50 00 2855 83 Building Privy at Jail, 78 63 " Stable " 151 00 p..ns 63 Commissioners—Benjamin K. Neff, 90 00 Jacob Baker,9s 00 ' 11. L. M'Carliy, 62 00 G. W. 3fattorn, 10 00 Clerk to Commissioners, 275 00 Auditors for 1856, 71 50 Attorney for Commissioners, on account, 20 00 623 50 Interest on County Bonds 3. R. Gosnell, 41 43 S. 'Wigton, 45 00 W. Orbison, 135 00 Thos. Fisher, 114 00 Ex'rs. of C. Bucher's est. 60 00 395 43 For Coal, Wood, Light, &c. for Court House and Jail, 225 00 Merchandise &c. for 4, " 77 92 Medicine and attendance to prisoners in Jail, 40 00 For repairs at Court House and Jail, 138 37 481 29 For introducing Gas Fixtures in Court House, 235 52 J. F. Ramey for running and marking line be tween Huntingdon and Mifflin counties, 120 00 Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital, 32 50 Western Penitentiary supporting prisoners, 365 53 Sheriff Miller for boarding Prisoners, summon ing Jurors and conveying Convicts to Pen itentiary, 700 00 For Gas in Court flows, 14 53 ..For scrubbing and cleaning Court House, 18 75 -For washing fOr prisoners in Jailp 10 00 43 28 For Blank Books, Stationary, &e. 38 00 Postago--W. Lewis and W. Colon, 40 85 Wild Cat and Fox Scalps, premiums for, 327 04 County Printing—John A. Nash, 115 50 William Lewis,Bs 00 - Brewster & Wittaker, 52 25 Africa & Whittaker ' 245 255 20 S. S. Smith cutting wood &c. at Court House 4 yrs. 48 00 Road Tax on Unseated Lands paid out, viz : George W. Cobol, 842 James Gillim, 18 00 Daniel Gray, 51 00 George 31. Green, 245 51 97 93 Treasurer of Huntingdon County Poor House, 5080.06 County Treasurer's commission l ,on $30,088 74, 45143 In testimony of the correctness of the above, we hereon. to subscribe our names and affix the seal of said county, this 4th day of January, 1858. JACOB BAKER, 11. L. MICARTHY, Commissioners. G. W. MATTERN, Attest: HENRY W. Mum, Clerk. We, the undersigned Auditors, of Huntingdon county, Pa., elected and sworn accorning to law, report that we met, did audit, settle, and adjust according to law, tho ac counts of A. B. Crewet, dec'd., and F. H. Lane, Treasurers of the county, and the orders of the Commissioners, and the receipts for the same, for, and during the past year, and find balance due A. B. Crewit, of two thousands eight hundred and sixty-five dollars and seventy cents, and F. 11. Lane of ono thousand five hundred and six-seven dollars. Given under our hands, at the Commissioners Office, in the borough of Huntingdon, the 4th day of January MS. WILLIAM MOORE, JAMES CREE, }Auditors. P. D. STEVENS, Fob. 3,1858.---4 t STEWARD'S STATEMENT. WIL LIAM GLASGOW, Steward, in account with Hun tingdon County Poor House. DR. To Balance at last settlement, - 132 53 To Treasury for orders drawn at sundry times,' 1499 30 To sundry - persens, hogs sold to them, 21. 96 To 19 yards carpeting bought in Philadelphia, 8 78 To sundry persons for produce oil farm and pauper.; labor, 12 92 To cash received for one cow and calf, 30 00 To Samuel Backus, esq., for fines on his docket, 6 68 To James llrElweo for his note, (2) 21 50 To John Jacobs g 4 ,4 92 00 To Jos. Cornelius, c‘ " 20 00 To County Docket for costs received in case J. Hicks, 12 39 $8,759 53 CR. By sundry expenditures for use of House: Ephrm. Doyle for cash paid him for coffins, $4l 68 Sundry persons for female labor, 31 87 Cash paid for freight on sundry goods, 33 01 Travelling expenses on business for House, - 69 31 , .. Har. Burns fur digging vault, 6 00 J. J. Wallace for stoves for use of House, 31 00 J. Nash for publishing Annual Report, n 50 Lntz &• Flantt for carpenter work, 12 00 Sundry persons for use of House, miscellaneous, 103 03 Abrm. Carothers for road taxes, 4 22 .. .. Sundry persons for fencing, ditching, harvesting, &c. 66 80 George Leas for one bee hive, 5 00 Sundry person for miscellaneous items, 32 76 Dr. Robb. Baird for med. and atten. pr Thos. Ruler, 31 50 Sundry cases for out door pauper relief afforded, 14 20 Removing 2 paupers from Lewistown, 8 12 Renioving Samuel A. Briggs to House, 5 20 Removing J. M'Geo to House, 4 25 Cash paid for delivering 7 paupers, 5 22 44 ~ " 1 pauper, 6 60 4C " sundry cases removal and delivery, 125 93 State Lunatic Hospital for keeping Jacob Wiser, 119 62 Brooker & Marsh for merchandise, 40 88 Jungerick & Smith cc 361 53 Sundry persons for miscellaneous articles, 5 11 Sundry persons for apple butter. 12 69 ac " • extra allowance on pork, 21 32 J, V. West fur 1 barrel fish, 7 50 Catharine Rickets for bacon, 3 92 Sundry persons for miscellaneous items, 11 62 . . . John Jacobs for his note paid, Compensation as Steward, Balance at settlement, Jan. 6, 1858, To balance at settlement as per Con. $224 67 343 bushels . wheat, 46 bushels rye, 1100 bushels corn in ear, 144 bushels oats, 250 bushels potatoes, 5 bushels clo ver seed, 1% bushels timothy seed, 15 bushels onions, 2 bushels soup beans, 7 bushels turnips, 15 bushels beets, 20 bushels tomatoes, 60 bushels green apples, 22 tons hay, 14 loads corn fodder, 600 heads cabbage, and 3066 pounds pork. ARTICLES MANUFACTURED BY TILE INMATES. 12 doz. bread baskets, 1 doz. coal baskets, 1 A doz. hand baskets, 3 doz. corn brooms, 30 womens' dresses, 36 chil dren's do., 38 shirts, 30 smocks, 14 caps, 12 sacks, 37 aprons, 00 pairs stockings and socks, 22 skirt* 9 summer bonnets, 10 pre. mittens, 12 prs. pantaloons, 5 roundabouts, 5 vests, 2 capes, 3 night-gowns, 12 night-slips, 1 doz. towels, 9 com forts, 19 shrouds, 18 bed-spreads, 10 sheets, 3 prs. men's drawers, ;480 lbs. candles, 400 lbs. butter, 300 gals. soft soap, lbs. hard do. STOCKON MANIA. $8759 53 3 horses, 6 lunch cows, 9 bead stock cattle, 27 hogs, 10 sheep, 137 bus. wheat, 15 bus. rye, 500 bus. corn (in car,) 5 bus. cloverseed, 1 1 / 2 bus. timothy do., 4 bus. soup beans, 12 bus. onions, 5 bus. turnips, 5 bus. beets, 15 bus. apples, 125 bus. potatoes, 16 tons hay, 10 loads corn fodder, 1 bbl. sour crout, GO heads cabbage, 500 lbs. flour, 4300 lbs. beef, and 4000 lbs. pork. .:. - 4 .„ ''' I Amer. g Chine g Worn. Men, ti 0 '1 , 4 • • Chil'n Bound . c - ..7.1 FCC z 0.. Fa Deaths, Elopements, Births, Discharged, Admissions, : • co 1;; • "", Ha- 4O CO 4.40 4-• 0 .4 7 w . "4 , 4,l;'•.Ccr‘c , P , During the year, relief was afforded to about 94 eases of out-door pauperism. These cases included all varieties of individuals and families; and all periods of time, from a few days assistance to support during the'entire year, ma king an average allowance to each individual of $l2 12 ; which includes also medical assistance. Admitted during the year 119. In testimony of the correctness of the above statement and exhibition, we have hereunto set our hands this 6th day of January, A. D. 1858- Attest: IlEsnY BitEwsTra, Clerk Feb. 3,1858.—1 t RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF TIM TIUNTINGDON COUNTY POOR HOUSE, from January 7th 1857, until .January 6th, 1858, inclusive. DR. RECEIPTS. To County Treasury for amount drawn to December let, 1857, inclusive, 5810 16 To County Treasury for amount drawn to Janua ry sth and 6th 1858, To William Glasgow, Steward, for sundry items exhibited in. his account, $16,058 61 By sundry expenses on the Farm and for farming, viz: William Piper for wages at sundry times, 228 76 Wm. L Steel, for saddlery ~ 20 00 Jacob Lutz for corn for horse feed, 15 37 .1 / z E. APFeters for rye o 9 69 A. M'Clure for 2 tons hay, 16 00 A. L. Funk for 0 bushel barley, seed, 4 50 John Lutz for corn ' 15 62 D. M'Garvey for 20 bush. seed wheat, Peter Burket for threshing grain, Sundry persons for sraithing, &c. " " miscellaneous items, K. L . Greene for cloverseed, sheep, William Glasgow, Steward, sundry items exhibi ted in his account, 108 78 EXPENDED FOR PROVISIONS. Adam Heiffner for 150 bushels wheat, 192 50 Fisher & M'Murtrie for flour &o. 81 42 John Jacobs for butchers meat, 294 86 K. L. Green for wheat bought of him, 135 63 Henry Brewster " " 42 55 Sundry persons for 8541 lbs. beef, 431 35 ti cc loB6 lbs. pork, 59 72 Estate-of Geo. Askiu for grain in ground bought, 24 53 Wm. Glasgow, Stew'd, surd's exhibited in his ac't. 57 05 Sundry persons, miscellrneous items, 98 68 SUNDRY PERSONS FOR lIIERCHANDISE. Wm. B. Leas for merchandise at sundry times, 360 93 Bare & M'Laughlin, " " 151 71 Doyle, Foust & Co. " " 99 20 Booher & Rickets, per Bei. 67 77 W. A. Fraker, 4, 57 30 Jungorick & Smith, Phila. " 39 96 Long & Decker, cc 21 37 James G. Lightner, " " 20 73 Samuel Mattern, a it 13 39 Wm. Glasgow, Stew'd, for sundry items in his ac't-407 52 EXPENSES FOR. GUT-DOOR PAUPERS.. _ _ D. Snare; esq., for furnishing for out-door relief, 26 25 Amos Smith for keeping Bumbgardner., 36 00 Perry .Moore for furnishing. C- Upsinger 1 yr. 25 00 Richard Ashman for furmahg for Banks .t . c. 84 04 J. Creswell, esq., for " P. Dougherty 0. D. P. 24 95 J. L. Hoffer ~ Jos. Goodman, 51 31 Bel* Keyler for keepingilletty Chilcoat, 91 00 T. T. Cromwell for furnishing for sundry 0. D. pau.44 89 Mary Walls for keeping Margaret BPLaughlin, 67 66 Dahill' Houck for keeping Eliz. Pieght, 52 00 Dan'l. Megahan for keeping Rebecca Chaney, 81 14 T. E. Orbison for furnishing 0. D. pauper, bal. 21 60 J. W. Mattern, esq., furnishing Mrs. Wharton, ke,„ 57 15 Jane Woods for keeping foundling 1 yr. 20 00 Sundry persons for out-door relief, 237 94 1 ,4 Dr. G. W. C. James:for med. and irtben.D. Hock- enberry, Dr. J. F. Wilson a 4, out-door pan, Dr. C. F. Sellers for professional services, Dr. 11. L. Brown for surgical and other services L. Bumbgardner, Dr. Robt. Baird for med. and atten. 2 cases, Dr. M. Orlady •' " R. Chaney, Dr. It. D. F. Baird " " 2 cases, $16,058 61 PROCEEDS OF FARM • CC C. CO C. CC CC CC .0 t- CO r•-1 1-1 t-I 1-4 v-I r-I For'n - itZ C . 2 C, Ct eq CO ua AQ 5.14 cr n••••• C 4 CO al Gg 0,1 1-.1 004,00 00 ,4 GO CO 11, 00 r.... GO CO GO CO CO CO CO L... Total, 00 GO GO C 0 it- 04 r- , t-, 47. ut 00 1.... A 1 - , ,I I, 1,1, 1 1 . 11 1 ~ 1,1, 1.11 C 7 at, aC, g,f, co co Lo o; CI CI CZ CI C . l CI C/ CI CI CI PI Cl e S ', 3 ' c.F.l . C ~ V CA Cl CI CI " Ci CO Ci : • • W I rl,-4 : en ••-• • v-4 • • :I-. CI • •rm • • •-• : : . : : : : C : C'D v-I : :kq *1 4 K. L. GREENE. JOS. GIBBONEY EXPENDITURES Dr. G. W. D. James " " E. Kelly, 10 00 Dr. J. W. Harvey, " a H, D. Russel, 750 Dr. J. B. Laden, " " out-door pan. 11 75 Dr. J. H. Dorsey , " it" 10 00 Dr. J. K. Neff, it • " MeLstertun, 14 00 Wm. Glasgow, Stew'd, sund's. exhibited in iris set. 45 70 REMOVALS AND DELIVERY. 737 7 57 797 6 77 7 37 11 67 6 37 13 00 a 1 u E. Kneely, 650 a 5 a -` 9 70 a 1 « Harrington, 650 D. Sharron 164 . 1 06 750 Sundry persons for removals and delivering,- 27 63 Wm. Glasgow, Stew'd, for sundry items set forth in his account, INCIDENTAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. State Lunatic Asylum for keeping J. Wilson as per Steward's account, 119 62 J. J. Wallace for stoves, 29 43 Isenberg & Piper for one mare bought of them; 130 00 A. B. Crewit, for commission on amount drawn., 74 74 W. I. Steel for saddlery, buggy harness, &c., 23 75 Win. Brewster for printing annual report, - 4250 W. P: Orbison for Harris, Halo & Co., 1 set Sur gical Instruments, 85 vr . Owen Boat for one buggy, 110 00 M. S. Harrison, for tin ware and repairing,. 60 54 John A. Nash for printing annual report, on 25 00 Win. Lewis 6, 66 35 60 Bonj. F. Miller rules and reg. for 'Rouse ' 8 00 A. L. Rickets for boards, lumber, &c. 31 99 J. S. Morris for building oven, 20 00 Ephm. Doyle for coffins in part, • 20 00 Sundry persons for items too small to enumerate, 201 98 Glasgow, Stew'd, sundries detailed in his riet.3l7 40 SALARIES. A. J. Dunlap for delivering J. 0. Breart S. G. Thompson, " Henry Harris, William Bice, " James Hamilton, A. Isenberg, " D. Watson, cc . , " -C. Fouck, Jacob Porter, " 2 paupers, IC Hamilton, •cc 1 6C CI . 46 2 " 46 Wm. Bic©, $1,858 06 Wm. Glasgow for salary as Steward, • - - " 400 00 Dr. Robt. Baird for " attending Physician, 200 00 Joseph Gibboily for services as Director 1. year, 151 72 K. L. Green, cc 66 it At 1 . 16 57 15 J. A. Shade, '‘ - -c “ - " , balance, 34 00 James Murphy " " " " to Jan. 6, 22 40 Henry Brewster" " •c Clerk 1 yr. ' 50 00 D. Blair, esq., " " " Counsel, I yr. 20 00 John Jacobs for his note paid per Ste Ward, 92 00 Wm. Glasgow Stew'd. for balance on account, 224 67 We, the undersigned auditors of the County of Hunting don, do hereby certify that we have examined the orders, &c., of the Directors of the Poor of safd county, and find the same, together with the vouchers, to be correct as above stated. Witness our hands this 14th day of January A. D. 1858. "UNRIVALLED ATTRACTIONS !- EMERSON'S MAGAZINE AND PUTNAM'S MONTHLY, TWO GREAT MAGAZINES IN ONE!! NINETY THOUSAND COPIES THE FIRST MONTH! ! f MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME FOR 18.58. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS LN SPLENDID WORKS ' OF ART. FIVE-DOLLAR ENGRAVING TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. 92 00 400 00 224 07 THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER—AGENTS GETTING RICH!!! The union of Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly has given to the consolidated work a circulation second to but one similar publication in the country, and has secur ed for it a combination of literary and artistic talent prob ably unrivaled by any other Magazine in the world. Du ring the first month, the sale in the trade and demand from subscribers exceeded 90,000 copies, and. the numbers al ready Issued of the consolidated work are universally con ceded tolmve surpassed, in the richness of their literary contents, and the beauty and proftisenes4 of their pictorial illustrations, any magazine ever before issued from the American press. Encouraged by these evidences of favor, the publishers have determined to commence the now vol ume in January with still additional attractions, and to offer such inducements to subscribers as cannot fail to place it, in circulation, at the head of American magazines. With this view they now announce the following splendid programme.- They have purchased that superb and costly steel-plate engraving, "THE LAST SUPPER," and will present it to every three-dollar subscriber for the year 1853. It was engraved at a cost of over $5,000, by the celebrated A. L. Dick, from the _original of Raphael Morghen, after Leonardo Da Vinci, and is the largest steel plate engraving ever executed in this country, being throe times the size of the ordinary three-dollar engravings. The first impressions of this engraving are held at ton dollars, and it was the intention of the artist that none of the engravings should ever be offered for a less sum than five dollars, being richly worth that amount. Thus every three-dollar subscriber will receive the Magazine one year —cheap at three dollars—and this splendid engraving,. richly worth $5; thus getting for $3 the value of $6. We shall commence striking off the _engravings immedi ately, yet it can hardly be expected that impressions of so large a plate can be taken as fast as they will be called for by subscribers. We shall, therefore, furnish them in the order in which subscriptions are received. Those who desire to obtain their engravings early, and from the first impressions, should send in their subscriptions without delay. The engraving can be sent on. rollers, by mail, or in any other manner, as subscribers shall order. TWENTY 'THOUSAND DOLLARS IN WORM. OF .1,858 06 "4- .0 In addition to the superb engraving of " The Last Sup per," which will be presented to every three-dollar sub scriber for 1858, the publishers have completed arrange ments for the distribution, on the 25th,of December, /858, of a series of splendid works of art, consisting of one hun dred rich and rare Oil Paintings, valued at from $lOO to $l,OOO each. Also 2,000 magnificent Steel-Plate Engra vings, worth from three to five dollars each, and 1,000 choice Holiday Books, worth from one to five dollars each, snaking, in ail, over three thousand gifts, worth twenty thousand dollars. El Inclose $3 to the publishers and you will commence re ceiving the return mail. You will also re ceive with the first copy ft numbered subscript ion receipt entitling you to the engraving of "THE LAST SUPPER," and a chance to draw ono of these "threirthousand prizes." REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD . SUBSCRIBE FOR EMERSON'S. MAGAZINE FOR 1858. EJ . Ist. Because its literary contents will,dunng the year, embrace contributions from over one' hundred different writers and thinkers, numbering anions them the most distinguished of American authors. 2d. Because its editorial departments, "Our Studio," "Our Window," and "Our Olio," will each be conducted by an' able editor—and it will surpass, in the variety and richness- of its editorial contents any other magazine. 3d. Because it will contain, during the year, nearly six hundred original pictorial illustrations from designs by the first Americarrartists, 4th. Because for the sum of 53 you • will' receive this splendid monthly, more richly 'worth that sum than any other magazine, and the superb engraving of "The Last Supper," worth• $5. sth. Because you will be very likely to draw one of the three thousand prizes to be distributed on the 25th day of December, 1858—perhaps one that is worth $l.OOO. Notwithstanding that these extraordinary inducements can hardly fail to accomplish the object of the publishers without further efforts, yet they have determined to con tinue through the year, THE GREAT LIBRARY °FAIL. 1161 06 358 76 _ - To any person who will get up a club , of twenty-four sub scribers, either at one or more post 'offices, we will present a splendid*library, consisting of over.Eorty Largo Bound Volumes, embracing the most popular Works in the mar ket. The club may he formed at the club price, V a year, without the engraving, or at the full price, V, with the Last Supper to each subscriber. List and description of the Library, and specimen copy of the Magazine, will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents. Over 200 Libraries, or 8,000 volumes, have already been distributed in•accordance with this offer, and we should be glad bf an opportunity to furnish a Library to every school teacher, or to some ono of every post office in the country. AGENTS GETTING RICH. $7329 98 30 00 = 14 68 30 10124 2.3', 60 22 50 _ - - - - Tho success which our agents are meeting with is almost astonishing. Among the many evidences of this fact, we aro permitted to publish the following; arti'rtvwvN: Tho following facts in- 'relation to what your Agents are doing in this section, may be of use to some enterprising young man in 'want of employment:— The Rev. John E. Jordon. of this place,- has made, since last Christmas, over $4,000 in his agency- Mr. David M. /loath, of Ilidgly, Mo., your general agent for .Platt county, is making $8 per day on each sub-agent employed by him, and Messrs. Weimer & Evans, of Oregon, Mo., your agents for liolt county, are making from $B-to 25 per day, and your humble servant has made, since the 7th day of last January, over $1,700, besides paying for 300 acres of land out of the business worth over $l,OOO. You are at liberty to publish this statement, if you like, and to refer to any of the parties named. DANIEL Game, Carrolton, Mo. With such inducements as we offer, anybody can obtain subscribers. We invite every gentleman out of employ ment, and every lady who desires a pleasant money-ma king occupation to apply at once for an agency. Appli cants should inclose 25 cents for a specimen copy of the Magazine, which will always be forwarded with answer to application by return SPECIMEN ENGRAVING: As we desire to place in the hands of every person who proposes to get up a club, and. also of every agent, a copy of the engraving of "The Last Supper," as a specimen, each applicant inclosing us $3, will receive tho engraving, post-paid, by return mail, also specimens of our publication and ono of the numbered subscription receipts, entitling the holder to the Magazine one ; year slid to achanee in the distribution. This offer is made only to those who desire to act as agents or to form clubs. Address Jan. 13, 1858 ATOURNING COLLARS handsome . 131 .. styles, just received by.. - 1111100 TS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, tho largest stock ever brought to town are selling_ very cheap at BIER B, & 17 00 312% 5 00 CLOTHING !—A large stock on hand, at the cheap store of BENJ. JACOBS. Call and ex amine goods and prices. (oct2B. D 0 00 31 00 500 1969 RY GOODS !—A . fire'assortment on W band for the accommodation of customers, at BENJ. A 0135 7 " Cheap Corner," Market Square. (ortt.'B.) WILLIAM MOORE, _ JAMES CREE, }Auditors PHILIP D. STEVENS, rM OAKSIELTH & CO., No. 371 Broadway, Now York. EISELER, & McIktIIRTRIE 131E1 $7329 98